



小学四年级综合实践试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小明用10分钟完成了15道数学题,那么他平均每道题用时多少分钟?A. 0.5分钟B. 1分钟C. 2分钟D. 10分钟2. 下列哪种水果是热带水果?A. 苹果B. 香蕉C. 西瓜D. 桃子3. 我国传统节日中,哪个节日有吃粽子的习俗?A. 春节B. 清明节C. 端午节D. 中秋节4. 下列哪种动物属于爬行动物?A. 老虎B. 青蛙C. 蜗牛D. 蛇5. 下列哪个城市被称为“天府之国”?A. 北京B. 成都C. 上海D. 广州二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 鸟类会游泳。

()2. 人体最大的器官是心脏。

()3. 立春是二十四节气中的第一个节气。

()4. 地球是太阳系中最大的行星。

()5. 长江是我国最长的河流。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 我国首都是______。

2. 人体最小的单位是______。

3. 地球绕太阳转一圈需要______天。

4. 世界上最高的山峰是______。

5. “三人行,必有我师”出自______。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述水的三态变化。

2. 请简述光合作用的过程。

3. 请简述垃圾分类的意义。

4. 请简述我国四大发明。

5. 请简述世界四大文明古国。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明有10个苹果,他吃掉了3个,还剩下多少个苹果?2. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,求这个长方形的面积。

3. 小红有5元钱,她买了一支铅笔花去了1元,她还剩下多少元钱?4. 一辆汽车每小时行驶60千米,行驶了3小时,这辆汽车行驶了多少千米?5. 一个等边三角形的边长是10厘米,求这个三角形的周长。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析为什么会有四季变化。

2. 请分析植物为什么需要光合作用。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用纸和剪刀制作一个简单的风筝。

2. 请用泥土制作一个简单的陶罐。



四年级的综合试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 鸟类B. 鱼类C. 哺乳动物D. 爬行动物2. 下列哪个数字是素数?A. 4B. 6C. 7D. 83. 地球上面积最大的洲是?A. 亚洲B. 非洲C. 北美洲D. 南美洲4. 下列哪个元素在周期表中属于金属?A. 氧B. 碳C. 氢D. 铁5. 下列哪个国家是世界上面积最大的国家?A. 中国B. 美国C. 加拿大D. 俄罗斯二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 鸟类可以在水下游泳。

()2. 2+2=5是正确的。

()3. 地球是太阳系中的第三颗行星。

()4. 铅笔芯是由铅制成的。

()5. 大象是世界上最重的陆地动物。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球上最大的哺乳动物是______。

2. 1000的英文单词是______。

3. 我国的首都是______。

4. 下列哪个数字是最大的两位数?______5. 下列哪个元素在周期表中最轻?______四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述太阳系中有哪些行星。

2. 请简述光合作用的基本过程。

3. 请简述人类呼吸系统的基本构成。

4. 请简述水的三态变化。

5. 请简述电脑的基本构成。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明有10个苹果,他吃掉了3个,还剩下多少个苹果?2. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个长方形的面积。

3. 小红买了一本书,原价是30元,打8折后,小红需要支付多少钱?4. 一个班级有20个男生和30个女生,求这个班级的总人数。

5. 小华有5个橘子,他想要平均分给他的3个朋友,每个朋友能分到几个橘子?六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析一下为什么太阳系中的行星都是绕着太阳转的。

2. 请分析一下为什么电脑需要安装操作系统才能正常使用。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用纸和剪刀制作一个正方形。



四年级综合实践试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种行为属于合作学习?A. 学生独立完成作业B. 学生在小组内讨论问题C. 学生抄袭他人作业D. 学生在课堂上随意讲话2. 综合实践活动的主要目的是什么?A. 培养学生的兴趣爱好B. 提高学生的实践能力C. 丰富学生的课余生活D. 减轻学生的学习负担3. 以下哪种方法可以帮助学生提高自我管理能力?A. 制定学习计划B. 购买辅导资料C. 参加课外辅导班D. 依赖家长和老师的监督4. 在综合实践活动中,以下哪种行为是不正确的?A. 积极参与活动B. 尊重团队成员C. 拒绝与他人合作D. 遵守活动规则5. 以下哪种说法是正确的?A. 综合实践活动只需要动手操作,不需要动脑思考B. 综合实践活动可以完全替代学科课程C. 综合实践活动有助于培养学生的综合素质D. 综合实践活动只适合学习成绩好的学生参加二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 综合实践活动是培养学生实践能力的重要途径。

()2. 在综合实践活动中,学生可以完全自由发挥,不需要遵守任何规则。

()3. 合作学习是一种有效的学习方式,可以提高学生的学习效果。

()4. 综合实践活动只需要动手操作,不需要动脑思考。

()5. 学生在综合实践活动中应该尊重团队成员,积极参与活动。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 综合实践活动是一种以学生为主体的教育方式,旨在培养学生的实践能力和综合素质。

2. 在综合实践活动中,学生可以通过实践操作来加深对知识的理解和掌握。

3. 合作学习是一种有效的学习方式,可以提高学生的学习效果和团队合作能力。

4. 自我管理能力是学生在综合实践活动中需要培养的重要能力之一。

5. 综合实践活动可以培养学生的创新思维和实践能力,有助于学生的全面发展。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述综合实践活动的主要目的。

2. 请简述合作学习在综合实践活动中的作用。


21、 考考你.(选做题)相传唐朝皇帝考验使臣, 总共出了六道难题. 请你来当使臣, 回答下面两道题. (1)将 100 匹小马放在中间,100 匹母马栓在四周, 分辨出每匹小马的亲生母亲. (2)将两头刨 得粗细一般的一根大木头, 让 7 位使臣分清哪头是树梢, 哪头是树根. 同时说出其中道理.
22、 . 给下面的字加部首组成新字, 再组词. 方(_____)_____( )_____ 肖 ( )_____( )______ 其 ( )_______( )_______ 廷 ( )______( )________
7、 用关联词填空.(_____)主人下达 “同意入内” 的指令后, 大门(_____)会打开.
8、 选择合适的关联词语填空. 如果……就…… 只要……就…… 因为……所以…… (_____)进入秋天, 天气变凉,(_____)人们会找来一些平整方正的石头,在小溪里横着摆上一排,让人们从上 面踏过。
13、 辨一辨, 填一填. 光芒光亮光彩李明当上了校 “三好学生”,全班同学都感到很(_____)。
14、 词语理解及运用. (1)“闷闷不乐” 的意思是 ________________. 含有 “不” 的成语有 很多, 如迷惑不(_____)、犹豫不(_____)、一言不(_____)、一尘不(_____)、一丝 不(_____)、疲惫不(_____). (2)根据提示写出词语. 前些年, 我们生活很(_____) (缺少钱, 境况窘迫), 但是现在凭着父亲(_____)(精深, 指技术熟练、精通) 的修车技术, 家 境一年一年好了, 住上了我()睡梦中都想着寻找, 形容迫切地希望着) 的洋房. (3)关于诚实守 信的成语有很多, 比如诚心 _______、一诺 _______、一言 _______.



一、单项选择1.—What’s the matter? Are you ill? ( )—Yes, I have ______ cough and _______ headache.A.a; a B.a; / C./; /2.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. ( )A.spring B.summer C.winter3.I usually play football ________ four ________ the afternoon. ( )A.at; in B.at; on C.in; at4.—My jeans are too long. ( )—________, please.A.Try this B.Try these C.Try it5.I’m thirsty. I want ________. ( )A.to eat a pie B.drink some water C.to drink some water 6.—My jeans _______ too long. ( )—Try _______, please.A.are; this B.are; these C.is; these7.The girl _______ a red dress is my good friend. ( )A.in B.with C.on8.I feel _______. Maybe I have _______. ( )A.cold; a cold B.cold; cold C.a cold; cold 9.—Who’s the king of all the animal s? ( )—________.A.The apple B.The tiger C.Mr Wang 10.—_______ glasses are these? ( )—_______ my father's.A.Whose; They're B.Who's; They're C.Whose; It's 11.—_______ do you come home? ( )—I come home _______ five.A.When; on B.What time; at C.What time; in 12.—Look at the gloves. They're so big. _________ gloves are they? ( )—They're my uncle's.A.Whose B.What C.Who 13.—What ______ big fish it is! ( )—Yes. I like ______ fish.A./; / B.a; the C.a; /14.—What can you see over there? ( )—I can see a tree and ______ flowers.A.a B.some C.any 15.—These ______ my new gloves. ( )—______ nice!A.are; What a B.are; What C.are; How二、用单词的适当形式填空16.Oliver often _______ (have) dinner at home.17.Do you like ________ (mango), Li Lei?18.Can you go _______ (fish) in winter?19._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.20.That is _________ (we) new timetable.21.It’s time to have a ______ (draw) lesson.22.My shorts _______ (be) too long.23.Tim _____ (have) lunch at twelve.24.—Do you have a _______ (dance) lesson this morning?—Yes.25.—Whose ______ (毛衣) are these? —They’re Tim’s.2avid, can you see _______ (they)?27.Are there _______ (some) flowers in the park?28.What a lovely day it is! Let's go _____ (boat) in the lake.29.How many ________ (sheep) can you see on the farm?30.Can you _______ (come) to school tomorrow?三、完成句子31.She often runs _______ cold evenings.32.Let’s go to the _____ (公园) and draw some flowers.3obby can't _______ et _______ p at five thirty.34._______ (看) my gloves. They are _______ (如此) big.35.We have twelve _______ (课程) this term.36.—Would you like _________ _________ (一些水)?—No, thanks.37.I can see some birds over there. Can you see t_________?38.In _____ (春天), we fly kites in the park.39.We make ________ in _________.40.Look at the _________. They are cool.四、阅读理解4This Sunday, Betty plays with Richard and Helen. They play volleyball and climb trees in the park.“This is boring. Let's have fun,” says Helen. They go to her house. Helen opens a big red umbre lla and stands on a chair. Then she jumps off. “Look! I can fly!” she says. “That chair isn't very high,” said Richard. “Watch me!” He takes the umbrella and jumps off a table.Betty wants to fly too. She wants to jump off the balcony (阳台). “No! It's too high!” shouts Richard. “It isn't very high,” says Betty. Betty can see the soft grass on the ground. She is very afraid, but she opens the umbrella and jumps. She falls into (跌入) some flowers.Betty hurts her legs. She goes to see the doctor. The doctor s ays, “Your legs are OK, Betty. But don't try to fly again!” The next day, the children in her class give her a funny card. Inside it says, “Go by plane next time, Betty!”41、_______ children play with Betty this Sunday. ( )A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.42、The word “boring” means _______ in Chinese. ( )A.有趣的B.无聊的C.刺激的D.累人的43、Helen can't _______. ( )A.play volleyball B.climb trees C.fly D.play funny games44、Richard jumps off _______ to fly. ( )A.a tree B.a chair C.a table D.the balcony45、Betty is afraid because (因为) _______. ( )A.she sees the grass B.she falls into some flowersC.the balcony is too high D.she has no umbrella五、阅读理解4Lucy is a 12-year-old girl. Her teachers, classmates and parents all like her very much. She’s a ve ry good student at school. She listens to her teachers carefully (认真地). And answers their questions actively (积极地). So her English, Chinese, science and math are all very good. She’s also very good at art. She can draw beautiful pictures. She always helps her teachers and classmates at school.Lucy’s parents are very busy. Sometimes they have to work on the weekend. So she often cooks meals, cleans the house and washes the clothes at home. Her father is very strict, but Lucy still loves him. She buys him gi fts on Father’s Day and cooks delicious noodles for him on his birthday.46、Is Lucy hard-working? ( )A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t.47、Is Lucy helpful? ( )A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t.48、If (假如) Lucy doesn’t finish her homework, what will her f ather say? ( )A.No problem. B.Go to your study and finish it right now.49、Is Lucy’s bedroom dirty (脏的)? ( )A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t.50、Can Lucy cook delicious food? ( )A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can’t.六、阅读理解4Linda is a student. She lives in Shanghai. She is twelve. She studies at Guangming Primary School. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. In the morning, she usually gets up at six and goes to school at seven. She has lunch at school. After lunch, she likes going to the library. In the afternoon, she usually, has three lessons. She likes Art and English very much. In the evening, she likes chatting on the Internet. She usually goes to bed at nine. On Sundays, she usually helps her mother with the housework.51、Linda lives in ____________. ( )A.Tianjin B.Beijing C.Shanghai52、She ____________ from Monday to Friday. ( )A.goes to school B.goes to work C.goes to bed53、In the morning, she usually gets up at ____________. ( )A.seven B.six C.five54、She has lunch at ____________. ( )A.home B.restraunt C.school55、In the evening, she likes ____________ on the Internet. ( )A.speaking B.singing C.chatting七、阅读理解4阅读短文,选择正确答案。














A.根A.花蓓A.雌蕊中的子房B.茎B.果实B.雌蕊中的柱头C.叶C.芽C.雌蕊中的花粉12.当凤仙花的花瓣凋谢之后,留下雌蕊,它逐渐变大,后来形成了( )。








一、选择填空o you like _________? ( )A.cat B.this cats C.it2.—Can I _________? ( )—OK!A.have look B.have a try C.have a like 3.We have two sofas in the _____. ( )A.kitchen B.bathroom C.living room 4.Go and get my big kite with _______ elephant sticker. ( )A.a B./ C.an5.—_______ Tom play basketball? ( )—No, he _______.A.Do; don’t B.Can; can’t C.Is; isn’t6.—Do you like _______? ( )—Yes. I have a new _______.A.toy; toy car B.toys; toy cars C.toys; toy car 7.—________ are you? ( )—I’m ten years old.A.How many B.How old C.How much 8.—Do you like ____________? ( )—Yes, I do.A.dogs B.dog C.a dog9.—________ is it? ( )—Five yuan.A.How many B.How much C.What10.—____________? ( )—I’d like a white skirt for my doll.A.What are you B.Where are you C.Can I help you 11.I can run. I can jump _____. ( )A.and B.too C.either1: What animals do you have? ( )B: _____________A.I like ducks. B.I have two chickens. C.I have some pears. 1: Can I help you? ( )B: _____________A.Some cakes, please. B.Thank you. C.Yes, you can. 14.______ are black and white. ( )A.Pandas B.Lions C.Elephants 15.—I can’t fly. ( )—Don’t be sad, Bobby. I can’t fly ______.A.either B.too C.to二、用单词的适当形式填空16.—What _____ (would) you like?—I’d like two _____ (sandwich) and two cups of coffee, please.17.—Look at me! I can jump very high.—Well _____ (do)!18.In winter (冬天), Helen and Wang Bing can go to make ______ (snowman). 19.This is _________ (we) fruit salad.20.—How ______ (many) is the cap?—It’s twelve yuan.21.I’d like two ________ (glass) of milk.2o you like _________ (mango)?23.How many _________ (box) do you have?24.I'd like some _____ (fish). I'd like some _____ (tea), please.25.—How many _____ (box) do you have?—I have fifteen _____ (box).26.He is a _____ boy. He can swim very _____ (good).27.I don't like ice cream _____ (too).28.Yang Ling can dance _____ (good).29._____ (she) is short. _____ (she) hair is long.30.We have two __________ (box).三、完成句子31.I'd like some ______ (fish) for lunch.32.—How much are those ____ (袜子)?—Five yuan, please.33.—Look at ____ (我们的) fruit salad.—How nice!34.We have e_____ stickers.3o you like this ______?36.Yang Ling has a nice _____ in her _____.37.These ________ are for the funny boy.38.Liu Tao's tennis __________ are white.39.I like this toy t_____. It can run.40.Your bear is in the ______ ______.四、阅读理解4John is seven. He likes sweets very much, but his mother doesn't give him any sweets. They are bad for his teeth (牙齿), she thinks. John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves John very much and sometimes he buys some sweets for John.One Sunday evening, John shouts, “Please, God (上帝), I want a big box of sweets.” His mother say s, “Don't shout! God can't hear you.” “I know,” says the clever boy with a smile. “But my grandfather is in the next room. And he can hear me.”41、John's mother doesn't give him sweets because ______. ( )A.John doesn't like them B.they are bad for his teeth C.his mother has no money 42、______ sometimes buys some sweets for him. ( )A.God B.John's mother C.John's grandfather43、John is ______. ( )A.6 B.7 C.844、John shouts because ______. ( )A.he wants God to buy sweets for him B.he wants God to hear him C.he wants his grandpa to buy sweets for him45、I think John is a ______ boy. ( )A.naughty(淘气的) B.bad C.clever五、阅读理解4Hi, I’m Lily. I am a quiet girl. I have a big family, my parents, my sister, my baby brother, my littlepuppy and me. My father is tall and strong. He likes basketball. He is a doctor. My mother has long hair and big eyes. She is very beautiful. She is a nurse. My sister is short and thin. She has glasses. She is a student. And I am a student, too. My baby brother is so lovely. He is only 1 year old. Oh, where is my little puppy? Look, he’s in the bedroom.46、How many people are there in Lily’s family? ( )A.Six. B.Five. C.Four.47、Lily is _____. ( )A.lovely B.beautiful C.quiet48、What’s Lily’s father’s job? ( )A.A nurse. B.A doctor. C.A basketball player.49、Where is the little puppy? ( )A.In the kitchen. B.In the bedroom. C.In the bathroom.50、The passage(短文) is about(关于) _____. ( )A.Lily’ parents B.Lily’s home C.Lily’s family六、阅读理解4Jack and Tom are twin(双胞胎)brothers. This is their bedroom. It's a nice room. The two beds are in the same(相同的)colour. They are orange. This is Jack's bed. His blue socks are on it. That bed is Tom's. His yellow T-shirts are on it. Their desks are blue. And their chairs are beside the beds.51、Tom is Jack's _________. ( )A.sister B.brother C.friend52、Jack's bed is _________. Tom's bed is _________.( )A.blue; blue B.orange; blue C.orange; orange53、—What's on Tom's bed? ( )—_________ are on his bed.A.His T-shirts B.His pens C.His socks54、—What colour are their desks? ( )—They are _________.A.blue B.orange C.yellow55、—Where are their chairs? ( )—_________.A.on the beds B.under the beds C.beside the beds七、阅读理解4John is seven. He likes sweets very much, but his mother doesn't give him any sweets. They are bad for his teeth (牙齿), she thinks. John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves John very much and sometimes he buys some sweets for John.One Sunday evening, John shouts, “Please, God (上帝), I want a big box of sweets.” His mother says, “Don't shout! God can't hear you.” “I know,” says the clever boy with a smile. “But mygrandfather is in the next room. And he can hear me.”56、John's mother doesn't give him sweets because ______. ( )A.John doesn't like them B.they are bad for his teeth C.his mother has no money 57、______ sometimes buys some sweets for him. ( )A.God B.John's mother C.John's grandfather58、John is ______. ( )A.6 B.7 C.859、John shouts because ______. ( )A.he wants God to buy sweets for him B.he wants God to hear him C.he wants his grandpa to buy sweets for him60、I think John is a ______ boy. ( )A.naughty(淘气的) B.bad C.clever【参考答案】一、选择填空解析:C【详解】句意:你喜欢_____?本题考查人称代词,A猫;B表达错误,this与cats不符;C 它;根据句意可知A选项前应加定冠词the,it人称代词做like的宾语。



一、选择填空1.The horse _______ swim. ( )A.likes B.is C.can’t 2.—Can Wang Bing play table tennis? ( )—Yes, ________ can.A.he B.she C.I3._________a cool cap! ( )A.How B.What C.Where 4.Would you like ________ rice? ( )A.some B.a C.any 5.You can see a big bird __________ the tree. ( )A.on B.in C.at6.—____________ books? ( )—Thirteen.A.How many B.How nice C.How old 7.—________ is it? ( )—Five yuan.A.How many B.How much C.What 8.—______Tina and Helen? ( )—They’re in the living room.A.Who are B.What are C.Where are 9.—_____ you like _____ cakes? ( )—Yes, please.A.Would; any B.Do; any C.Would; some 10.—Look! I can do it now! ( )—_____A.Thank you. B.Don’t be sad.C.Well done. 11.—_____ my toy animals? ( )—_____ in the bedroom.A.Where; They’re B.Where are; They’re C.Where is; It’s 12.—I can’t play table tennis. ( )—I can’t play table tennis, ________.A.too B.to C.either 13.I like these ________. Do you like ________? ( )A.dogs; dogs B.dog; dogs C.dog; dog 14.—How much ______ the juice? ( )—12 yuan.A.is B.are C.do 15.—________? ( )—I can play basketball.A.What do you have? B.What can you do? C.What do you like?二、用单词的适当形式填空16.I don’t have ________ (some) oranges.17.—How many toy ________ (lion) do you have?—Three.18.Look at that doll. Her ________ (ear) are big.19.I’d like two ________ (glass) of milk.20.—Where _____ (be) my toys?—They’re in _____ (you) bag.21.—Do you like _____ (monkey)?—No, I _____. (do)22.I'd like some _________ (rice) for dinner.23.He is a _____ boy. He can swim very _____ (good).24.Su Hai can play basketball very ________ (good).25.Here ________ (be) some coffee for you.26._____ (she) is short. _____ (she) hair is long.27._____ (we) dolls are on the sofa. Let’s play!28.I don’t like this _____ (dog).29.We have two __________ (box).30.Tom ________ (can) skate, but he can dance very ________ (good).三、完成句子31.—Here are your ______ (面条) and two ______ (鸡蛋).—Thanks.32.Tim has ________ (二十) toy robots.33.Helen can _____ (游泳) very well.34.—I’m thirsty, Mum.—You can drink some milk. It’s in the ________ (冰箱).35.These _____ are very beautiful. I like them very much.36.I’d like a cup of t_____, please.37.—Can your brother ______?—Yes, he can.38.A: Welcome to my snack bar. _______ I help you?B: Two hamburgers and a _______ of coffee, please. How much are they?A: _______ yuan, please.B: Here you are.A: Thank you.39.I have three ______.40.—还要其他东西吗?—两个苹果派和一份水果色拉。



一、选择填空1.—How many _______ do you have? ( )—I have one.A.toy cars B.toys cars C.toy car2.—Here _____ some orange juice for you. ( )—Thank you.A.are B.is C.am3.—________ umbrellas do you have? ( )—I have one.A.How many B.How much C.What colour4.I’d like a hot dog. _________ you? ( )A.What are B.What about C.How are5.—Let _________ make a fruit salad. ( )—Great!A.we B.is C.us6.—What ________ you like? ( )—I'd like a cup _______ coffee.A.do; of B.would; for C.would; of7.--- I have ________ balls. ( )--- Can I have______ look?A.any, a B.some, an C.many, a8.—What’s that in the ______? ( )—It’s a new fridge.A.kitchen B.bathroom C.bedroom9.—This doll is for you. ( )—_____ nice doll!A.How B.What C.What a10.A: Dad, I’m h ungry. ( )B: Let’s go to _______.A.the farm B.the snack bar C.the park11.Five men live near the river. 下面划线部分字母的发音哪一个与所给例词划线字母发音不同,请找出来:( )A.very B.fly C.have12.______ are black and white. ( )A.Pandas B.Lions C.Elephants13.—________ are my pencils? ( )—They’re in your pencil case.A.Who B.What C.Where14.I like these ________. Do you like ________? ( )A.dogs; dogs B.dog; dogs C.dog; dog15.—What would you like? ( )—______ like fruit salad.A.I B.I’d C.I am二、用单词的适当形式填空16.This is _____ (we) dog. _____ (she) is cute. _____ (she) mouth is big, but _____ (she) ears are small.17.Tina just would like two ______ (glass) of juice and some cakes.18.How many _________ (robot) do you have?19.I like __________ (tiger).20.Look at that doll. Her ________ (ear) are big.21.What about an egg and two ________ (sandwich)?22.I like ________ (monkey). They’re cute.23.My sister can swim very ________ (good).24.I can't jump. My brother can't jump _________ (too).25.I'd like three cups of _____ (coffee).26.—How many _____ (robot) do you have?—I have one _____ (robot).27.—How many _____ (box) do you have?—I have fifteen _____ (box).28.I’d like some _____ (noodle) and a fruit salad.29.I don’t like this _____ (do g).30.We have two __________ (box).三、完成句子31.—Here are your ______ (面条) and two ______ (鸡蛋).—Thanks.32.Look! A big ______ (鱼) is in the water.33.The snowman’s eyes are ______ and ______. (又大又红)34.I ___________ (喜欢香蕉) very much.35.There’s some _____ and a glass of _____ on the _____.36.Look at the _______. His tail is _______.37.We have ______ desks in our classroom. ()38.My ________ are on the ________.39.Your f_____ is on the chair.40.Don’t be__________, Bobby. I can’t fly e__________ (也).四、阅读理解4I have a new friend. His name is John. He is an English boy. He has short hair and big eyes. He's tall and strong. He likes music. He has a happy family. There are four people in his family. His father is a doctor. His mother is a doctor, too. He has a baby brother. His brother is little and cute. They all like China.41、John is an ______ boy. ( )A.Chinese B.English C.China42、John likes ______. ( )A.music B.maths C.P.E43、John's mother is a ______. ( )A.doctor B.teacher C.nurse44、There are ______ people in John's family. ( )A.seven B.three C.four45、John's brother is ______. ( )A.little and cute B.little and quiet C.cute and strong五、阅读理解4Welcome to our toy shop. We have many lovely toys here. Look! This robot is very cool. It is only twelve yuan. He’s short. His mouth is big, but his nose is small. That brown toy tiger is very cheap. It is only nine yuan. It has big eyes and a small nose. It has a long tail. The toy tiger is cute and funny. I like it very much. The toys are all very cute. You can buy them all.46、This is a _________ shop. ( )A.clothes B.fruit C.toy47、The robot’s mouth is _________ and his nose is _________. ( )A.big; small B.small; big C.long; short48、The toy tiger is _________. ( )A.yellow B.brown C.white49、The toy tiger is _________ yuan. ( )A.twelve B.eight C.nine50、The toy tiger is _________. ( )A.funny B.cute C.A and B六、阅读理解4Hello! I'm Helen. I'm a tall girl. I'm thirteen. Look at my family photo. You can see my father, my mother, my brother Nick and I. Look! The man in the middle is my father. He is tall and strong. He has short hair and a big nose. The woman beside him is tall too. She is my mother. She is thin. She has long hair and big eyes. She looks very beautiful. The short little boy is my little brother. He is a cute fat boy. He likes hamburgers and candies. Sometimes he can eat two hamburgers at a time. He likes snacks very much. I don't like eating snacks. I like fruit, because it is good for me.51、How many people are there in Helen's family? ( )A.There are five. B.There are four. C.There are three.52、Nick is a ______ boy. ( )A.tall B.thin C.short53、Who is tall in Helen's family? ( )A.Helen. B.Helen's father and mother. C.Both A and B.54、Does Helen's brother like snacks? ( )A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesn't. C.We don't know.55、What is good for our health? ( )A.Hamburgers. B.Snacks. C.Fruit.七、阅读理解4Welcome to our toy shop. We have many lovely toys here. Look! This robot is very cool. It is only twelve yuan. He’s short. His mouth is big, but his nose is small. That brown toy tiger is very cheap. It is only nine yuan. It has big eyes and a small nose. It has a long tail. The toy tiger is cute and funny. I like it very much. The toys are all very cute. You can buy them all.56、This is a _________ shop. ( )A.clothes B.fruit C.toy57、The robot’s mouth is _________ and his nose is _________. ( )A.big; small B.small; big C.long; short58、The toy tiger is _________. ( )A.yellow B.brown C.white59、The toy tiger is _________ yuan. ( )A.twelve B.eight C.nine60、The toy tiger is _________. ( )A.funny B.cute C.A and B【参考答案】一、选择填空解析:A【详解】句意:—你有多少_____?—我有一个。



四年级综合科试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 青蛙B. 鸟C. 猫D. 鱼2. 我国传统节日“中秋节”是在哪个月份?A. 一月B. 五月C. 八月D. 十二月3. 下列哪个数字是素数?A. 22B. 33C. 37D. 494. 地球上最大的洲是?A. 亚洲B. 非洲C. 北美洲D. 南美洲5. 下列哪个是我国的国旗?A. B. C. D.二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 鸟类会游泳。

()2. “春节”是我国的传统节日。

()3. 2是一个素数。

()4. 地球是太阳系中最大的行星。

()5. 法国位于南美洲。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 我国首都是______。

2. 地球上有七大洲,它们分别是______、______、______、______、______、______和______。

3. 下列数字中,______、______、______是素数。

4. “端午节”是为了纪念我国古代伟大的诗人______。

5. 下列动物中,______、______、______属于哺乳动物。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述我国传统节日“清明节”的习俗。

2. 请列举三个我国的直辖市。

3. 请简述地球公转的方向。

4. 请简述哺乳动物的主要特征。

5. 请简述法国的首都是哪个城市。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请计算下列数字的平均数:2、4、6、8、10。

2. 请计算下列数字的乘积:3、4、5。

3. 请计算下列数字的差:15-8。

4. 请计算下列数字的和:7+9+11。

5. 请计算下列数字的商:36÷6。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析下列词语的意义:勤奋、刻苦、认真。

2. 请分析下列数字的特点:2、3、5、7、11。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用彩泥捏制一个你喜欢的动物。

2. 请用彩笔画出你心中的美丽家园。



四年级英语综合试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个单词的发音与其他不同?A. catB. dogC. fishD. bird2. 选择正确的时态填空:I _______ to the park yesterday.A. goB. wentC. will goD. goes3. 下列哪个词是名词?A. runB. happyC. bookD. jump4. “He is _______ than his brother.” 选择合适的词填空。

A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. tallness5. 选择正确的疑问词填空:_________ is your favorite color?A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. Why二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. English has only 26 letters. ( )2. “She don't like apples” is a correct sentence. ( )3. “I am watching TV” is in the present continuous tense. ( )4. “He can to swim” is a correct sentence. ( )5. “They are playing football” means they are playing basketball. ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. I _______ (to be) a teacher when I grow up.2. She _______ (to watch) a movie last night.3. _______ (They/to go) to the library tomorrow.4. We _______ (to have) a math test next week.5. He _______ (to eat) an apple right now.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the past tense of “go”?2. Write a sentence using the word “because”.3. What is the opposite of “big”?4. Make a question using “where”.5. Write a sentence in the future tense.五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. Translate the sentence “她昨天去了公园” into English.2. Write a short paragraph about your favorite animal.3. Create a dialogue between two people discussing their hobbies.4. Fill in the correct form of the verb in parentheses: I (to see) a bird in the sky.5. Correct the following sentence: “He can plays the guitar.”六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. Expln the difference between “I do” and “I am doing”.2. Describe how to form questions in English.七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. Write a short story using at least 5 different adjectives.2. Describe a picture of a classroom, using full sentences.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个以“环保”为主题的英语海报,包括至少5个环保相关的词汇和1个句子。



小学四年级下学期综合实践试卷及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 下列哪项短信是正确的格式?- A. 电话号码:,短信内容:你在哪里?- B. 电话号码:133-****5678,短信内容:你在哪里?- C. 电话号码:133.1234.5678,短信内容:你在哪里?- D. 电话号码:1331-2345-678,短信内容:你在哪里?2. 关于自然界循环的说法哪个正确?- A. 太阳每天从东方升起,到西方落下。

- B. 水的蒸发是在寒冷的环境下发生的。

- C. 植物只吸收从土壤中摄取的营养。

- D. 岩石经过长时间的变化会形成火山。

3. 以下哪种图标表示的是垃圾桶?- A.- B.- C.- D.4. 以下哪种运动属于团队合作的运动?- A. 游泳- B. 跆拳道- C. 网球- D. 足球5. 以下哪个职业的工作是为人们提供医疗服务?- A. 导游- B. 教师- C. 律师- D. 医生......(省略部分选择题)二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 圆的直径是________,半径是________。

2. 中国的首都是________。

3. 春天的主要特点是________。

4. 校园周围的环境应该保持________。

5. 走在斑马线上时,应该________。

三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 什么是环保?为什么环保很重要?2. 请简单介绍一下你所熟悉的昆虫。

3. 描述一下你的家庭成员及他们的职业。

四、作文题(30分)请根据以下提示,写一篇题为《我的梦想》的作文,不少于100字:提示:你对未来的梦想是什么?你为实现这个梦想做了哪些努力?你对梦想的追求会给你带来什么样的快乐和成就感?五、答案一、选择题答案1. C2. D3. C4. D5. D二、填空题答案1. 直径:圆的一条直线穿过圆心的线段;半径:圆心到圆上任意一点的距离。

2. 北京。

3. 春天的主要特点是气温逐渐升高、植物开始发芽、昆虫复活。












6.下面对文章的理解不正确的一项是()A. 《巨人的花园》中,由于孩子们的到来,春天的美景重现花园,触动了巨人,也让巨人不再自私。

B. 《海的女儿》里的小人鱼,为了保护心爱的王子,自己的身体竟然化作了海水。

C. 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》是一首送别诗,表明了诗人对洛阳亲友的深情和玉洁冰清的节操。

D. 《芦花鞋》选自儿童文学作家曹文轩的《青铜葵花》。





四年级综合能力试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 青蛙B. 猫C. 鲨鱼D. 蜻蜓2. 地球绕太阳转一圈需要多长时间?A. 一天B. 一年C. 一个月D. 一周3. 下列哪种植物可以进行光合作用?A. 蘑菇B. 草莓C. 蘑菇D. 铁线蕨4. 下列哪种物质是液体?A. 冰B. 水蒸气C. 盐D. 醋5. 下列哪种现象是物理变化?A. 燃烧B. 腐烂C. 熔化D. 酸碱中和二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 恐龙曾经生活在地球上。

()2. 铅笔芯的主要成分是铅。

()3. 植物通过根部吸收水分和养分。

()4. 地球是太阳系中最大的行星。

()5. 食盐的化学式是NaCl。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球上的生物分为植物界、动物界和______界。

2. 水的化学式是______。

3. 人体中最大的器官是______。

4. 电流的单位是______。

5. 我国国旗上的大星星代表______。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述光合作用的基本过程。

2. 请列举三种可再生能源。

3. 简述食物链的基本概念。

4. 请解释简单机械中的杠杆原理。

5. 简述地球自转和公转的区别。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个长方形的面积。

2. 如果一辆汽车以60公里/小时的速度行驶,需要多长时间才能行驶120公里?3. 一个班级有20名学生,其中有10名男生,求这个班级女生的数量。

4. 如果一个数加上10后等于20,求这个数。

5. 请计算0.5升牛奶中含有的蛋白质质量,假设每100毫升牛奶中含有3克蛋白质。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析人类活动对环境的影响,并列举三种保护环境的措施。

2. 请分析水的三态变化,并解释其中一种变化的原因。

七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请设计一个实验来验证植物的生长需要阳光。


31、 它是一位伟大的母亲.(改为反问句)_____________________________
32、 . 给下面的字加部首组成新字, 再组词. 方(_____)_____( )_____ 肖 ( )_____( )______ 其 ( )_______( )_______ 廷 ( )______( )________
2.. 2
2.. 3
排比; 天空飘着朵朵白云,这么多、这么美、这么迷人!
2.. 4
2.. 5
描; 苗; 苗; 描
2.. 6
2.. 7
2.. 8

2.. 9
3.. 0
13、 给多音字注音. 吁呼吁(____)吁求(____)气喘吁(____)吁(____)
14、 比一比, 再组词. 济 ____ 挤 ____
15、 现在, 太空蔬菜已经走进千家万户, 成为我们餐桌上的美味佳肴(. 缩句)___________________________
16、 照样子写句子. 他们感到自己只做了一件这么小的事, 却给别人带来这么大的好处!__________________, 却 __________________.
3.. 1
3.. 3
3.. 4
伟; 违; 围
3.. 5 (1)山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明又一村.(2)横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同.
3.. 6
比喻; 粗壮的树枝上,挂着一个个又大又圆的柿子,每一个柿子都像红彤彤的灯笼。



一、单项选择rawing is _______, but I can try. ( )A.right B.easy C.difficult2.John _______ a football match _______ Sunday afternoon. ( )A.have; on B.has; in C.has; on3.—_______ do you do your homework every day? ( )—_______ five o'clock.A.Where; At B.When; At C.When; It’s 4.—Look at my shirt. ( )—________A.It’s nice.B.Thank you. C.They’re beautiful. 5.—Who’s the king of all the animals? ( )—________.A.The apple B.The tiger C.Mr Wang6.—_______ you like a pie? ( )—Yes, please.A.Do B.Would C.do7.—_______ is the kite? ( )—It's _______ the tree.A.Where; in B.Who; in C.What; on8.—Are you ill? ( )—No, _______.A.it isn’t B.I amn’t C.I’m not9.—Look at the gloves. They're so big. _________ gloves are they? ( )—They're my uncle's.A.Whose B.What C.Who10.It's nine o'clock in the evening. It's time _________ bed. ( )A.to B.in C.for11.—I have a fever. ( )—________A.Thank you. B.Great! C.I’m sorry to hear that. 1obby _______ some pies for lunch. ( )A.have B.has C.having13.I have an ______________ lesson every week. ( )A.swimming B.dancing C.English14.We don’t have ______ English lesson this afternoon. ( )A.an B.some C.any15.In summer I want ______ ice creams. ( )A.to eat B.eating C.eats二、用单词的适当形式填空16.Ouch! My hands ________ (hurt).17.Do you like ________ (mango), Li Lei?18._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.19.Look at the jeans. They're _________ (David).20.I'm hot. I want _________ (eat) an ice cream.21.This is Su Hai _____ (speak). May I _____ (speak) to Nancy? 22.—Whose _______ (dress) are they?—They’re ______. (Nancy)2an I have ________ (any) cakes?24.This is ________ (I) timetable.25.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday. 26.It's 4 o'clock. It's time ________ (go) home.27.I see five ________ (horse).28.The teacher's office is on the ________ (two) floor.29.It's cold outside. Look, it is ________ (snow).30.It’s too _________ (cold). Open the door, please.三、完成句子31.—Look at the ________ (毛衣).—They’re nice.32._______ is my storybook? It's on the desk.33.I ______ (通常) draw some ______ (花) in the park.34.-How old is she? -She is ____.35.—What’s the matter with _________ (他们)?—They’re too _________ and _________ (又累又渴).36.—______ do you like, Alice?—I like Maths and Music.37.We don't ____________ (看电视) at night.38.Miss Li: ______ do you go to ______?Helen: ______ nine.Miss Li: It’s good to sleep early.39.We have three lessons on _____ morning.40.It’s ten o'clock in the morning. It’s time for _________.四、阅读理解4Helen is seven years old. She’s in Grade Two. She’s very lovely.Today, she asks me, “Brother, what subjects do you like?”“I love singing. I like Music. And I also like English. I’m good at it. I don’t like Science. But some lessons of Science are fun. What subjects do you like, Helen?”“I like Chinese. It’s fun. I like English. And my English teacher likes me. But I don’t like Maths. It’s naughty (调皮的).”“Is your Maths teacher naughty every day?” I ask.“No. It’s Maths. Not the Maths teacher.”“Why (为什么) do you say that?”“Because (因为) every time (每一次) my teacher sees my Maths homework (家庭作业), he is angry.”41、What subjects do “I” like? ( )A.Music and Science. B.Art and English. C.English and Music.42、Helen is my ________. ( )A.teacher B.mum C.sister43、Helen likes ________. ( )A.Maths B.English C.Music44、Helen thinks (认为) ________ is naughty. ( )A.her brother B.her Maths teacher C.Maths45、Helen’s teacher is angry because ________. ( )A.Maths is naughtyB.Helen’s Maths homework is not goodC.Helen is naughty五、阅读理解4阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

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一: 1-5 A D A B A 6-7 A A


二、A B C A B A B
三、1、晴南风北 33℃小雨
2、A 不能可以
