2015第5次课 第三章 异质结的能带图(3)
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例 界面态对激光器性能的影响老化实验
1. The active layer had a thickness of 0.3 mm. 2. The lasers had the mesa stripe geometry and a Fabry-Perot cavity of approximately 350x 20 mm2 3. The pulsed threshold currents before aging were between 2.4 and 4kA/cm2 4. Degradation experiments were performed in a nitrogen gas environment at 20° C with a dc current 10-20% above the pulsed threshold. 5. The aging test was interrupted periodically and the lasers'characteristics were measured.
1扩散和热电子发射模型的异同。 2界面态对能带的影响有那些 。
3.3节 界面态对突变异质结能带的影响
IC NTERFACE states can play an important role in determining the equilibrium band diagram and the electrical characteristics of abrupt heterojunctions. From lattice constant considerations, interface states up to 6x 10 l3 cm-2 are expected in Ge-Si junctions, while 9x1Ol1 cm-2 are expected in Ge-GaAs junctions.
qDn1n10 Ln1
qV k0T
) 1]
D 型区价带底到 n型区价带底的势垒高度为 p从p p exp( ) (4.6)
( qV Ev k0T
p2 ( x2 ) p10 exp( p20 exp(
[ q (VD V ) Ev k0T
4.1.1 低尖峰势垒用扩散模型.
电子由n型半导体的导带到p型半导体的导带遇到的势垒高 度为(qVD-DEc) 空穴由p型半导体的价带到n型半导体的价带遇到的势垒高 度为(qVD+DEV)
1空间电荷区之外半导体是电中性的; 2载流子浓度可以用玻尔兹曼统计来近似; 3注入的少子密度比多子少得多(小信号情况); 4耗尽层中没有产生复合效应,没有界面态。
D n p 0 nn 0 exp( qV k0T )
J Js[exp( eV kT ) 1] Js [
qDn n p 0 Ln
qD p pn0 Lp
当外加电压V施加在半导体 材料上时,其伏安特性即电 压同电流的关系为: I=A[exp(eV/kT)-1] 式中A为一常数,e为电子电 荷,k为玻尔兹曼常数,T为 温度。可以看出电流的大小 是随着外加电电压的增大而 呈指数形式上升的。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
界面态等缺陷--------界面能级 界面能级--------施主能级 受主能级 能级位臵,分立能级,连续能级 电离后带电, 界面电荷 对能带图产生影响: 弯曲方向,势垒高度
Q1 Q2 QIS 0
3.3.1 界面态密度较小
Formation of interface states and defects in GaAs-AlxGa1- xAs DH lasers under room-temperature cw operation *
qV k0T
x2 x p2 ( x) p20 p20 [exp( kqV ) 1]exp( Lp 2 ) 0T
qDp 2 p20 d[ p2 ( x) p20 ] qV J p qDp 2 | [exp( ) 1] x x2 dx Lp 2 k0T
[ EC q (VD1 V1 )] k0T
V1 )] J1 qvr n20 exp[ q (VkD02 ] T
EC n10 n20 exp[( qVDk )] 0T
J J 2 J1 qvr n20 exp(
qVD 2 k0T
一边扩散,一边复合,建立起稳定 的过剩载流子分布。
n ( x) n A exp( x ) B exp( x ) 1 10 L L n1 n1
x ,n1( ) n10
) 求A: n1 () n10 A exp( L ) B exp( L
n1 n1
qD p 2 p10
Ev ) ) exp( q (VkD0T )[exp( qV k0T ) 1]
C) Jn exp( kE 0T
Jp exp(
Ev ) k0T
J qAVr n / A
3.3.2 界面态密度很大
p-N n-P p-p
存在类受主界面态时的异质结能带 p-N n-P n-N
第四章 异质结的伏安特性
发射 隧穿 复合
多 种 模 型
扩散-发射 发射-复合 隧穿-复合 发射-复合-隧穿
qV2 k0T
) exp(
qV1 k0T
正反两个方向的电压都按指 数增加
(4.13)室不能应用于反向情况 ,因为反向时,电子流是从 p区注入到n区的,反向电流 由 p区少数载流子决定,在 较大的反向电压下应该是饱 和的。
qVD2 qV2 J qvr n20 exp( ) exp( ) k0T k0T V V 1 V (1 )V 2 (1 ) 1 (4.14) (4.15) (4.16)
qV k0T
) (4.2)
n10 n10 exp(
qV k0T
d 2 n ( x) n ( x) n 10 0 1 1 D n1 dx 2 n1 D : 扩散常数,:非平衡载流子的寿命 上式的解为: n ( x) n A exp( x ) B exp( x ) 1 10 L L n1 n1 (4.4) (4.3)
V V 2 qVD2 qV2 J qvr n20 exp( ) exp( ) k0T k0T
4.1.3 隧穿机制
J J s (T )exp( AV )
隧道电流表现出来的特点是lnJ-V 的曲线斜率和温度无关。
T1 T2 T3
n10 n10 0 A exp( L ) A0 n1
x1 x x1,n1 ( x1 ) n10 B exp( Ln1 )
B (n1 ( x1 ) n10 ) exp( Lxn11 )
x1 求B: [n10 exp( kqV ) n ]exp( 10 Ln1 ) 0T x1 n10 [exp( kqV ) 1]exp( Ln1 ) 0T
4.2 异质结的注入比
电子面临的势垒下降:VD-EC 空穴面临的势垒上升 : VD +Ev 4.2 异质结的注入比
Jn Jp
Dn1n20 L p 2 Dp 2 P 10 Ln 1
(a) 低尖峰势垒 由n区扩散向结处的电子流可以 通过发射机制越过尖峰势垒进入 p区.因此异质pn 结的电流主要有 扩散机制决定-扩散模型. ( b) 高尖峰势垒 由n区扩散向结处的电子, 只有能量 高于势垒尖峰的才能通过发射机 制进入p区,异质pn 结的电流主要 有电子发射机制决定-发射模型.
where QIS is the interface charge per unit area
来自百度文库 the doping level in
the active layer is 2x1017cm-3 16 h degradation, the slope of line 2 remains essentially the same as line 1. VD 1. 58 V. QIS= 3x1012 cm-2 . 62 h degradation(line 3), the slope is reduced but the diffusion voltage remains unchanged. This indicates an increase of the ionized charge density greater than 1017 cm3 in the active layer. The changes of the C-V characteristics show that the charge centers are formed first at the interface and then spread into the active layer.
P 区少子和n区多子关系
n10 n20 exp[(
qVD EC k0T
n1 ( x1 ) n20 exp
[ q (VD V ) EC ] k0T
EC qV n20 exp[( qVDk )]exp ( k0T ) 0T
n1 ( x1 ) n10 exp(
J J n J p q(
qDn1n20 Ln1
qDn1n10 Ln1
Dp 2 p20 Lp 2
qV k0T
) 1]
将少子n10和p 20用多子n20来表示 exp[
Lp 2
q (VD EC ) k0T
[exp( kqV ) 1] 0T
有源区 尺寸 阈值电流
The capacitance of a p -n heterojunction, excluding interface states and deep-level traps, has been given by Anderson
The effect of interface states on the single-heterojunction capacitance was investigated by Donnelly and Milnes who obtained the following expression:
x n1 ( x) n10 A exp( L ) B exp( Lx ) n1 n1 x1 qV x B exp( Lx ) n [exp( ) 1]exp( ) exp( ) 10 k T L L n1 0 n1 n1
电子扩散电流密度 Jn qD
d [ n1 ( x ) n10 ] n1 x x1 dx
J 2 qvr n20 exp[
q (VD 2 V2 ) k0T
EC q(VD1 V1 )
J1 qvr n10 exp[ qvr n20 exp[(
[ EC q (VD1 V1 )] k0T qVD EC k0T
1. The active layer had a thickness of 0.3 mm. 2. The lasers had the mesa stripe geometry and a Fabry-Perot cavity of approximately 350x 20 mm2 3. The pulsed threshold currents before aging were between 2.4 and 4kA/cm2 4. Degradation experiments were performed in a nitrogen gas environment at 20° C with a dc current 10-20% above the pulsed threshold. 5. The aging test was interrupted periodically and the lasers'characteristics were measured.
1扩散和热电子发射模型的异同。 2界面态对能带的影响有那些 。
3.3节 界面态对突变异质结能带的影响
IC NTERFACE states can play an important role in determining the equilibrium band diagram and the electrical characteristics of abrupt heterojunctions. From lattice constant considerations, interface states up to 6x 10 l3 cm-2 are expected in Ge-Si junctions, while 9x1Ol1 cm-2 are expected in Ge-GaAs junctions.
qDn1n10 Ln1
qV k0T
) 1]
D 型区价带底到 n型区价带底的势垒高度为 p从p p exp( ) (4.6)
( qV Ev k0T
p2 ( x2 ) p10 exp( p20 exp(
[ q (VD V ) Ev k0T
4.1.1 低尖峰势垒用扩散模型.
电子由n型半导体的导带到p型半导体的导带遇到的势垒高 度为(qVD-DEc) 空穴由p型半导体的价带到n型半导体的价带遇到的势垒高 度为(qVD+DEV)
1空间电荷区之外半导体是电中性的; 2载流子浓度可以用玻尔兹曼统计来近似; 3注入的少子密度比多子少得多(小信号情况); 4耗尽层中没有产生复合效应,没有界面态。
D n p 0 nn 0 exp( qV k0T )
J Js[exp( eV kT ) 1] Js [
qDn n p 0 Ln
qD p pn0 Lp
当外加电压V施加在半导体 材料上时,其伏安特性即电 压同电流的关系为: I=A[exp(eV/kT)-1] 式中A为一常数,e为电子电 荷,k为玻尔兹曼常数,T为 温度。可以看出电流的大小 是随着外加电电压的增大而 呈指数形式上升的。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
界面态等缺陷--------界面能级 界面能级--------施主能级 受主能级 能级位臵,分立能级,连续能级 电离后带电, 界面电荷 对能带图产生影响: 弯曲方向,势垒高度
Q1 Q2 QIS 0
3.3.1 界面态密度较小
Formation of interface states and defects in GaAs-AlxGa1- xAs DH lasers under room-temperature cw operation *
qV k0T
x2 x p2 ( x) p20 p20 [exp( kqV ) 1]exp( Lp 2 ) 0T
qDp 2 p20 d[ p2 ( x) p20 ] qV J p qDp 2 | [exp( ) 1] x x2 dx Lp 2 k0T
[ EC q (VD1 V1 )] k0T
V1 )] J1 qvr n20 exp[ q (VkD02 ] T
EC n10 n20 exp[( qVDk )] 0T
J J 2 J1 qvr n20 exp(
qVD 2 k0T
一边扩散,一边复合,建立起稳定 的过剩载流子分布。
n ( x) n A exp( x ) B exp( x ) 1 10 L L n1 n1
x ,n1( ) n10
) 求A: n1 () n10 A exp( L ) B exp( L
n1 n1
qD p 2 p10
Ev ) ) exp( q (VkD0T )[exp( qV k0T ) 1]
C) Jn exp( kE 0T
Jp exp(
Ev ) k0T
J qAVr n / A
3.3.2 界面态密度很大
p-N n-P p-p
存在类受主界面态时的异质结能带 p-N n-P n-N
第四章 异质结的伏安特性
发射 隧穿 复合
多 种 模 型
扩散-发射 发射-复合 隧穿-复合 发射-复合-隧穿
qV2 k0T
) exp(
qV1 k0T
正反两个方向的电压都按指 数增加
(4.13)室不能应用于反向情况 ,因为反向时,电子流是从 p区注入到n区的,反向电流 由 p区少数载流子决定,在 较大的反向电压下应该是饱 和的。
qVD2 qV2 J qvr n20 exp( ) exp( ) k0T k0T V V 1 V (1 )V 2 (1 ) 1 (4.14) (4.15) (4.16)
qV k0T
) (4.2)
n10 n10 exp(
qV k0T
d 2 n ( x) n ( x) n 10 0 1 1 D n1 dx 2 n1 D : 扩散常数,:非平衡载流子的寿命 上式的解为: n ( x) n A exp( x ) B exp( x ) 1 10 L L n1 n1 (4.4) (4.3)
V V 2 qVD2 qV2 J qvr n20 exp( ) exp( ) k0T k0T
4.1.3 隧穿机制
J J s (T )exp( AV )
隧道电流表现出来的特点是lnJ-V 的曲线斜率和温度无关。
T1 T2 T3
n10 n10 0 A exp( L ) A0 n1
x1 x x1,n1 ( x1 ) n10 B exp( Ln1 )
B (n1 ( x1 ) n10 ) exp( Lxn11 )
x1 求B: [n10 exp( kqV ) n ]exp( 10 Ln1 ) 0T x1 n10 [exp( kqV ) 1]exp( Ln1 ) 0T
4.2 异质结的注入比
电子面临的势垒下降:VD-EC 空穴面临的势垒上升 : VD +Ev 4.2 异质结的注入比
Jn Jp
Dn1n20 L p 2 Dp 2 P 10 Ln 1
(a) 低尖峰势垒 由n区扩散向结处的电子流可以 通过发射机制越过尖峰势垒进入 p区.因此异质pn 结的电流主要有 扩散机制决定-扩散模型. ( b) 高尖峰势垒 由n区扩散向结处的电子, 只有能量 高于势垒尖峰的才能通过发射机 制进入p区,异质pn 结的电流主要 有电子发射机制决定-发射模型.
where QIS is the interface charge per unit area
来自百度文库 the doping level in
the active layer is 2x1017cm-3 16 h degradation, the slope of line 2 remains essentially the same as line 1. VD 1. 58 V. QIS= 3x1012 cm-2 . 62 h degradation(line 3), the slope is reduced but the diffusion voltage remains unchanged. This indicates an increase of the ionized charge density greater than 1017 cm3 in the active layer. The changes of the C-V characteristics show that the charge centers are formed first at the interface and then spread into the active layer.
P 区少子和n区多子关系
n10 n20 exp[(
qVD EC k0T
n1 ( x1 ) n20 exp
[ q (VD V ) EC ] k0T
EC qV n20 exp[( qVDk )]exp ( k0T ) 0T
n1 ( x1 ) n10 exp(
J J n J p q(
qDn1n20 Ln1
qDn1n10 Ln1
Dp 2 p20 Lp 2
qV k0T
) 1]
将少子n10和p 20用多子n20来表示 exp[
Lp 2
q (VD EC ) k0T
[exp( kqV ) 1] 0T
有源区 尺寸 阈值电流
The capacitance of a p -n heterojunction, excluding interface states and deep-level traps, has been given by Anderson
The effect of interface states on the single-heterojunction capacitance was investigated by Donnelly and Milnes who obtained the following expression:
x n1 ( x) n10 A exp( L ) B exp( Lx ) n1 n1 x1 qV x B exp( Lx ) n [exp( ) 1]exp( ) exp( ) 10 k T L L n1 0 n1 n1
电子扩散电流密度 Jn qD
d [ n1 ( x ) n10 ] n1 x x1 dx
J 2 qvr n20 exp[
q (VD 2 V2 ) k0T
EC q(VD1 V1 )
J1 qvr n10 exp[ qvr n20 exp[(
[ EC q (VD1 V1 )] k0T qVD EC k0T