
2015年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二) 试卷(课程代码 00015)本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。
答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸. 2.第一部分为选择题.必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡"的相应代码涂黑。
Black FridayEveryone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday;most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节).On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am. In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products。
With this in mind,it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday。

全国2021年10月高等教育白学考试诺言与文化试题课程代码:00838I . Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement and put the answer in the brackets. (20%)1. In educational settings "depend on others to do his/her work" is often preferred to "".A. fail to do one 's homeworkB. fail to do one 's schoolwork wellC. cheat in examsD. cheat in class2. A "file clerk " is often said euphemistically to be a(n) "".A. information directorB. research consultantC. office executiveD. assistant manager3. I wonder whether Nick isn 't better off, after all. ——they do look after him, don 't they?A. I meanB. In other wordsC. ActuallyD. Incidentally4. The next morning she was glad and proud that she had not yielded to a scare.he was most strangely and obviously better.A. ThoughB. At this pointC. ForD. So5. "2000 年7 月25 日上午10 点" can be translated into.A. At 10 o 'clock of the morning of 25 July of 2000B. At 10 o 'clock on the morning of 25 July, 2000C. At 10 o 'clock, the morning of 25 July, 2000D. At 10 o 'clock in the morning of 25 July, 20006. Which of the following names is associated with Christianity?A. EdgarB. JosephC. AlexanderD. Iris7. When you introduce Mary Smith to John Jones, you may say _____ .A. "John Jones, this is Mary Smith 〞B. " Mr. Jones, may I introduce Mrs. Smith?"C. " Mary Smith, this is John Jones "D. "Mary Smith, this is Mr. Jones"to mind one's p's and q's""to keep one's nose clearf" is inappropriate as a reply to an apology.A. It's O. K.B. It's all right.C. Not at all.D. Never mind. 9. It is suggested that Chinese people are good at holistic A. writing B. speaking C. thinking D. doing 10. The thematic model emphasizes three culture elements: A. traits, values and world views B. personal behaviours, thinking patterns and values C. norms, customs and circumstances D. time, space and dimension11. The Chinese equivalent for "high school" is A.中等学校 B.高等学校 C.技术学校 D.职业学校 12. In English culture, "old" is associated with all the following except A. useless B. traditional C. senile D. skilled 13. The phrasal verb "look into " corresponds in meaning to the single word A. expect B. investigate C. despise D. watch 14. "To be very careful and correct in one's behaviour" is synonymous to A. “Mr. Right"B. « I _____ _________ ___________ ________ ______keep one s own company15."To make a cat laugh" meansA. to be tragicB. to be comicC. to be proudD. to be serious 16. In English culture "white" connotes A. innocence B. death C. cruelty D. reaction 17. The English equivalent for "害了红眼病" is A. a white hope B. grey-headed C. pinkeye D. green-eyed18. Uranus is the Roman god of A. heavens and father of SaturnC. D.B. the sea, son of Saturn and brother of JupiterC. agriculture and father of JupiterD. the sky and the king of the gods19. American English and English are two varieties of the English language and they areof equal status.A. CanadianB. AustralianC. New Zealandic EnglishD. British20. Stamping one's foot signifies in English body language.A. angerB. strengthC. remorseD. impatiencen . Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement and put the answer(s) in the brackets. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. "" is more offensive than "damn" or "damn it〞.A. HellB. God damn youC. Damn youD. Jesus Christ22. He was the popular candidate. _______ he will be elected.A. So thatB. As suchC. ConsequentlyD. Accordingly23. In the following statements,is true.A. English has gone through the stage of explicit grammar, while Chinese has.B. Modern European languages are grammatical simpler and demonstrate less grammatical explicitly than classical European language.C. English and Chinese are at different developmental stages.D. English and Chinese are at same developmental stages.24. When John Smith picks up the phone, he may say.A. Hello. This is John speaking.B. Hello.C. Who's calling, please?D. Good morning. John Smith here.25. When English speakers respond to thanks, they normally say.A. "Don't mention it "B. Tt's my pleasure"C. "Not at all"D. "No. It's my duty"26. The idiomatic expression "to put one's foot in one's mouth" means.A. to just make itB. to say something embarrassingC. to have an angry attitudeD. to say something wrong or unsuitable27. "A blue fit " is close in meaning to.A. annoyanceB. happinessC. satisfactionD. irritation28. In English culture,are positive in meaning.A. ambitiousB. self-made manC. do-gooderD. aggressive29. In Chinese newspapers are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers.A. political achievementsB. cultural achievementsC. crimesD. disasters30. Touching or bodily contact is more common among in English speaking countries.A. malesB. the oldC. femalesD. the youngin . Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (12%)31. "To fresh up" can be used by a female as an euphemism for.32. In an English letter of request there are three parts: the purpose for which the letter is written, the supporting information and a _______ .33. It is hard for to understand why "走狗" is a pejorative term in Chinese.34. Each culture develops a particular way of favoured by a particular population.35. English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the relations between linguistic elements.36. " Good-bye" is the contracted form of and therefore carries a religious connotation.37. " Good night" is usually as an expression of.38. The English proverbial expression corresponds to "对牛弹琴" in Chinese.39. The English expression corresponds to "胆小如鼠" in Chinese.40. The branch of learning that studies how we perceive, structure, reacts to, and interpret messages of time is referred to as.41. American English differs from British English mainly in pronunciation and ______ .42. The phrase in British English for "私立学校" is.IV . Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)43. What are some examples in Australian English illustrating racist language?44. How do English speakers respond to compliments?45. What is large c culture?46. How would you explain the fact that "greenhouse" and its equivalent in Chinese "温室" are formed differently?47. Which idiomatic expression in English corresponds to "捧腹大笑" in Chinese?48. What is the word for " hard liquor" in British English?V . Translation. (16%)49. 您有何高见?50. Most surprise attacks against the enemy have now become pre-emptive strikes.51. I'm sorry, Mr. Jones is occupied right now. Would you like to leave a message, please?52. Hello. This is Mary speaking. Who is calling?53. He that increases knowledge increases sorrow.54. 巧妇难为了无米之炊.55. Cookie, fat-cakes and chowder are words referring to food.56. 竹在中国文化中是谦虚、刚直不阿、顽强不屈的象征.VI. Define the following terms. (10%)57. sexist language58. individualism59. Seven Facets model60. Sexism61. illustratorW . Discuss the following topics. (20%)62. What are allusions? And how do they reflect culture?63. Please explain the five categories of gestures.。

2015年10月自考英语二真题试卷及答案一、阅读判断Black Friday Everyone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday, most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节). On this day most retail stores open their doors very early— some as early as 4 am. In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday. Black Friday is not as old as many people think. In fact, it is believed that the first Black Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA. It was a day when stores decided to mark the start of the holiday season. In order to draw more customers, they offered great discounts. All products sold very well. This large success resulted in the name Black Friday. It was so named because the stores were in the black". This financial term means the stores made a lot of money. However, it was not until around 2002 that Black Friday really started to gain in popularity. Today in the USA, countless advertisers proudly announce their Black Friday sales. They hope to attract shoppers into their stores. Black Friday is a day when many shoppers in the USA go out and buy gifts, even though Christmas Eve is still a more popular day to shop. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible to get some excellent Black Friday deals online. So if you don't want to get to the stores by 4 am, this is the perfect way to still get items at reduced prices.1.Many people know the history of Black Friday.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given2.Most stores open their doors for business very early on Black Friday.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given3.Customers get better service on Black Friday.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given4.Black Friday started in the USA(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given5.The holiday season ends on Black Friday.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given6."In the black" is a financial term.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given7.Black Friday is no longer popular.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given8.People like to shop online on Christmas Eve. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given9.It is possible to get Black Friday discount online. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given10.Things are sold at their lowest prices at 4 am. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given二、阅读选择Living in Brazil(巴西) and Switzerland Moving to a different city may seem difficult. You have to change schools and get used to your new home. But you can always go back to that city to visit. When you move to another country, things are different. However, difficult as it may be, the experience can be rewarding. My dad, a Brazilian, is really funny and can make friends quickly. My mom, a Swiss, is usually quiet and a bit shy. She likes to be organized, but my dad never makes plans. She enjoys staying home, but my dad always wants to go out. Swiss and Brazilian—what a mix! After my parents got married, they moved to Switzerland. There they had my brother and me. When I was two, we moved to Brazil. During my childhood we visited Switzerland every year. Many people ask me where I prefer to live: Brazil or Switzerland. It's really hard to answer because I love both countries. Brazil is a big country, with many states and people. There are multiple dialects and many types of foods. People here have beautiful smiles and are always happy, even if they are poor. In the south the climate is cool, but in the north it's hot and humid. Switzerland, on the other hand, is small but beautiful and clean. There are four languages in that tiny country. People there are very different from Brazilians: they are wealthy, independent, and organized. The food is delicious, and of course, the famous Swiss chocolate is great, and the climate is dry and cool. I love both countries. In Switzerland, it's pleasant, calm, and peaceful everywhere. I enjoyed my stay there very much. But now I am happy here in Brazil. I feel excited and at home.11.The author's parents______.(A)share similar interests(B)have different jobs(C)have different personalities(D)enjoy reading books12.When the author was a child, the family used to______.(A)have many good friends(B)move between the two countries(C)speak two dialects(D)visit Brazil from time to time13.The author thinks Brazilians are______.(A)organized(B)independent(C)indifferent(D)optimistic14.According to the text, Switzerland______.(A)is famous for its chocolate(B)has many big cities(C)has a lot in common with Brazil(D)is hot and humid15.According to the author, living in two different cultures is a(n)_______(A)appealing idea(B)difficult decision(C)expensive choice(D)pleasant experience概括段落大意和补全句子---为题目类型More Than One Kind of Intelligence 1 You may have heard people mention "IQ" when talking about how smart someone is. IQ stands for "intelligence quotient(智商)". It can help predict how well someone may do academically. 2 IQ is just one measure of our abilities. There are many other kinds of intelligence. For example, spatial(空间的)intelligence is the ability to think in 3D. Musical intelligence is the ability to recognize rhythm and tone. Abilities in sports and arts are other types of intelligence.3 Another important type of intelligence is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EQ for short) is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions. Just as a high IQ can predict top test scores, a high EQ can predict success in social and emotional situations. EQ helps us build strong relationships, make good decisions, and deal with difficult situations.4 One way to think about EQ is that it is part of being people-smart. Understanding and getting along with people help us become successful in our lives. In fact, some studies show that EQ is more important than IQ when it comes to doing well in school or being successful at work.5 Some people are born with good EQ skills; others need to work on them. Everyone can get better if they know what to do. Being able to notice and label everyday feelings is the mostbasic EQ skills. Being aware of emotions helps us manage our own emotions. It also helps us understand how others feel. A. Kinds of intelligence B. Definition of IQ C. Importance of EQ D. Definition of EQ E. Development of EQ studies F. Ways to improve EQ skills16.Paragraph 117.Paragraph 218.Paragraph 319.Paragraph 420.Paragraph 5A. in our workB. recognize everyday feelingsC. talk about how smart a person isD.a sign of high EQ E. a high EQ F. in a friendly way21.People often use IQ to______.22.Being able to face difficulties demands______.23.A high EQ helps us succeed______.24.Being able to get along with people is______.25.One of the most basic EQ skills is to______.填句补文---为题目类型The Princess Disease Have you ever heard of the princess disease? It is a terrible disease.【T1】______It wastes away at one's social life and people's tolerance. People with this disease think they are better than everyone else, without a real reason. Jin is a girl who suffers from this disease.【T2】______She thinks she is better looking than her friends and most people she has met. It is, as far as she is concerned, awell-known fact that she dresses better, sings better, and dances better than most people in her school, too. So is Jin justified in believing that she is better than everyone else?【T3】______Of course, she thinks this is because the singing coach hates her, since the coach has bad skin and is jealous of her. She is good at sports, but she isn't the strongest, fastest, or even the best at any of their school's events.【T4】______She, again, thinks it was because of the "haters". After losing, she pretended she'd just run for fun and it was no big deal, but in fact it was a huge deal to her. Jin definitely has the disease. The treatment is to stop being so mean and get a little modesty.【T5】______She might even get rid of this disease if she tries hard enough. A. She is too proud of herself. B. Jin is very popular. C. Then things might become betterfor her. D. She sings well, but not well enough to be a lead singer. E. It threatens to push one's friends away. F. She ran for class president, but came in third.26.【T1】27.【T2】28.【T3】29.【T4】30.【T5】填词补文---为题目类型People Use Technology More, Sleep Less People in Britain now spend more time watching TV, gaming, and using their mobile phones and computers than sleeping. A study【B1】______ that British people use technology for 20 minutes longer than they spend sleeping. The average UK adult uses technology for eight hours and 41 minutes a day. They【B2】______ for an average of eight hours and 21 minutes. One of the biggest【B3】______ for this is wi-fi. People can get online almost【B4】______ Many people make telephone calls or surf the web while watching TV. TV is still the most 【B5】______ activity. The study looked at technology and【B6】______ age groups. It found that six-year-olds understand how to use technology at the same【B7】______ as 45-year-olds. Another【B8】______ was that people understand digital technology most when they are 14 or 15. A doctor said technology is【B9】______ the way people communicate with each other. He said we are moving【B10】______ from face-to-face conversations because of technology. A. changing B. reasons C. popular D. found E. anywhere F. down G. finding H. level I. different J. away K. outdoor L. sleep31.【B1】32.【B2】33.【B3】34.【B4】35.【B5】36.【B6】37.【B7】38.【B8】39.【B9】40.【B10】完形补文---为题目类型Be Grateful Whether you are a waiter(wait) or a doctor, your job is about serving others and making their life better. We have all【C1】______(have) experiences where someone【C2】______(work) in their job has lifted us up and made a【C3】______(different) to our day or brought us down and made our day worse. We have all met【C4】______(real) wonderful people cleaning floors. We have also met people who are not so wonderful but have【C5】______(amaze) jobs. So whatever you do, be grateful. This doesn't mean you have to stay in a job you don't like, but it【C6】______(help) you develop a more positive attitude. You may not like your job, but you can enjoy being with your【C7】______(colleague). This is something to be【C8】______(thank) for. When you practise【C9】______(grateful), it allows you to developa more useful outlook and be【C10】______(happy) at your work.41.【C1】42.【C2】43.【C3】44.【C4】45.【C5】46.【C6】47.【C7】48.【C8】49.【C9】50.【C10】56.【C10】短文写作---为题目类型58.假设你的美国朋友Mike要去你的家乡旅游,请给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他:近期的天气状况;需要注意的事项;你期待与他见面。

全国⾃考《现代语⾔学》历年真题及详解【圣才出品】2015年10⽉全国⾃考《现代语⾔学》真题及详解课程代码:00830选择题部分I.Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully.Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(2%×10=20%)1.A study of the features of the English language used in Charles Dickens’time can be regarded as a _____study.A.diachronicB.prescriptiveC.synchronicD.historical【答案】C【解析】研究某⼀时期的语⾔特征属于共时研究,故选C项。
2.Of the following consonants,_____is dental.A.[t]B.[p]C.[?]D.[θ]【答案】D【解析】[θ]是⾆齿⾳,故D项正确。
3.The inflectional morpheme in the word“deforestated”is_____.A.de-B.forestC.-ateD.-ed【答案】D【解析】曲折词素指的是不改变单词意思⽽改变单词词性的词素,-ed将单词由动词变为形容词,属于曲折词素,故D项正确。
4.The syntactic rules of any language are_____in number,and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.A.finiteB.non-finiteC.infiniteD.definite【答案】A【解析】任何语⾔的句法规则都是有限的,但是⼈们能够制造并理解⽆数句⼦,这是由语⾔的递归性和⼆重性决定的,故A项正确。

the mayorabigsum ofmoney.
浙00088# 基础英语试题 第1页 (共8页 )
distantfrom the world economy.In the United States,internationalbusinesstouches people’mongoodsandservices 44 Shellgasolinestations,etc.,often identifiedwiththeUnitedStates,are,infact,foreign 45 .
008381904全国高等教育自学考试 语言与文化试题

2019年4月高等教育自学考试《语言与文化》试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. Without as the medium for formal or informal instruction, no culture could ever belearned.A. thoughtB. languageC. cultureD. speech2. When we say that language is , we mean that there is no logical relationship between words and the objects that these words are used to refer to.A. systematicB. arbitraryC. symbolicD. vocal3. The central theme of traditional Chinese culture is or environmentalism.A. individualismB. humanismC. socialismD. collectivism4. The communicative value a word has in addition to its conceptual meaning is the meaning of the word.A. collocativeB. connotativeC. affectiveD. thematic5. The onomatopoeic words can be found in the following sentences EXCEPTA. A pig squeals when it is hurtB. The croaky sounds disturbed meC. l:squeezed carefully through the crowdD. He shook his head with an appreciative chuckle6. 1) Strike while the iron is hot.2)趁热打铁The above pair of sentences shows the grammatical contrast between English andChinese inA. grammatical morphemesB. subjects and objectsC. paratactic and hypotactic relationsD. recipients and modifiers7. If a Chinese boy is named as “钟剑”,which English personal name is most proper for him?A. Joseph.B. Heather.C. Arthur.D. Brenda.8. If an American professor has prepared a letter of recommendation for his student who is looking for a job, it is customary for the student to say," "A. You are my life-saverB. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your helpC. I'm sorry to have wasted your timeD. I apologize for bothering you so many times9. The following English proverbs are related to navigation EXCEPT" "A. It is a hard sailing when there is no windB. A great ship asks deep waterC. England is the ringing islandD. The good seaman is known in bad weather10. What feature of idioms does "each man for himself and the devil take the hindmost" epresent?A. Idioms' patterns may be unusual from the other regular expressions.B. Idioms' meaning is unpredictable even when their component words are known.C. An idiom has to be learned as a word even though it may consist of several words.D. The relationship between the idioms and their meaning is arbitrary.11. In the sentence "What a dull speech! He's merely parroting what many others have said", the vehicle isA. parrotB. a dull speechC. heD. many others12. In the following metaphorical expressions," "shows love is war.A. I'm crazy about herB. 1 was entranced by himC. I could feel the electricity between usD. He is known for his many rapid conquests13. Which of the following address form shows that in English culture familiarity is highly valued?A. Professor White.B. Mrs White.C. Miss White.D. John or Mary.14. The following expressions are euphemisms of"die" EXCEPTA. goB. releaseC. breathe one's lastD. be with God15. Which of the following is NOT a textual connective?A. butB. ifC. howeverD. of16. The basic meaning of relations is "contrary to expectation".A. additiveB. adversativeC. causalD. temporal17. The word that has British English spelling isA. colorB. cigaretC. defenceD. civilize18. Advertisement English differs from other varieties of English in many ways. Which of the following advertisements shows the feature of frequent use of adjectives?A. Soothing, Sensuous. Fragrantly Fragrant.B. I'm MORE satisfied.C. Only a large and active rent-a-car network like European is ready to meet everydemand of the important Middle East traveler.D. An unrivaled international collection of exceptional natural fiber bedding, clothing,intimate apparel and personal accessories, for discerning adults and some veryfortunate children.19. Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of nonverbal messages?A. Complementing.B. Repeating.C. Substituting.D. Implying.20. In communication very often we need to respond to the expectations from the people around us and to exaggerate our facial behaviours to meet these expectations. This kind offacial management is calledA. intensifying -B. deintensifyingC. neutralizingD. maskingII. Eachof the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question. 00%)21. In English kinship terms the distinction is ignored in "cousin".A. between blood relatives and spouse relativesB. between male and female relativesC. between paternal and maternal relativesD. made according to the seniority of relatives of the same generation22. The medium of nonverbal interaction includes , etc.A. verbal languageB. habitsC. gesturesD. facial expressions23. Which of the following statements are true about English grammatical morphemes?A. In English all suffixes are inflectional morphemes.B. In English not all prefixes are derivational morphemes.C. Inflectional morphemes are also called grammatical morphemes.D. When inflectional morphemes are attached to words, they do not change the wordclass of the words.24. It is quite common to find personal names in English related toA. religionB. historical eventsC. authorityD. date of birth25. The Chinese equivalents to the English idiom "to keep one's own company" areA.离群索居B.独来独往C白手起家D.独当一面26. Metaphors can be found in the sentence" "A. His words stabbed at her heartB. Look at your hands, boy, they're as black as coalC. There are too many facts here for me to digest them allD. Pop looked so unhappy, almost like a child who has lost his piece of candy27. Of the following expressions, are euphemisms.A. plain lookingB. physically handicappedC. uglyD. crippled28. Hypotactic relations can be found in" "A. I believe he is an honest manB. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etcC. The man ran away when he saw the dogD. Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast29. Words that are used in British English areA. engineB. tubeC. railroadD. pavement30. Of the following gestures, mean the same in both English and Chinese bodylanguage systems.A. shaking one's headB. waving good-bye when people partC. touching or pointing to one's own nose with raised forefingerD. rubbing one's thumb against one's forefinger and middle fingerIII. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Language is used for conveying , so its structure and function must reflect them.32. The Chinese equivalent for "busybody" is "rather than "大忙人".33. Morphemes are units of meaning in languages like Chinese and English.34. Names include names, surnames, full names, with or without a title, and nicknames or pet names.35. Implied or indirect references are called36. The creature, idea or object to be compared to something else is called a37. The euphemism "have a tendency to stretch the truth" refers to the behaviour of38. When rhetoric is talked about, argumentation means that the central idea is presented at the beginning of a text and that information supporting it is conveyed after it.39. Many technical terms in English are words from Greek or Latin, such as "botany", "mathematics" and "datum".40. Nonverbal communication is the process by which nonverbal behaviours are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviours, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation orIV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)41. How to define the term "artistic thinking" as used in the discussion of thought?42. What can people get from a drugstore?43. What do hypotactic relations refer to?44. The lead in a news report normally presents briefly five Ws. Analyze the following news lead and write out at least three Ws.An 83-year-oM great grand-mother received a bachelor’s degree from South-eastern University today, more than 50 years after she took her first college course.V. Translation. (18%)45.白菜46.您先请。

做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答!20XX年10月自考语言学概论试题答案及评分参考一、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每小题1分,共26分)1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6。
D7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.D 12。
A13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18。
B19.C 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.C 24。
B25.C 26.D二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)27.A D E 28.A B C E 29.A D E 30.A C E 31。
A B三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分)32.音素是从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位。
例如,汉语普通话的出hn sh)(电视)可以切分为d—i—a—n—sh—i五个单位,它们已不能从音质角度继续进行切分,所以它们都是音素。

2.英语(二)试卷英语(二)试卷非选择题区英语(二)试卷英语(二)试卷英语(二)试卷第二篇:2007自考英语二试题与答案2007年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)试卷及答案(课程代码:00015)Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。
1.It is difficult to __ the implication between the lines.A.get to B.get with C.get at D.get down 2.The volleyball match was televised __ on CCTV.A.alive B.life C.live D.lively 3.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its __ considerabi A.distributionB.contributionC.prescriptionD.circulatiol 4.Thecentral theatre has a seating __ of more than 3,000 people.A.capabilityB.capacityC.abilityD.facility 5.The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from __ in the living room.A.that B.it C.One D.which 6.Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A.shutdownB.done awayC.taken offD.called off 7.Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment.A.expendedB.paidC.costD.charged 8.Having decided to rent a flat, we __ contacting housing agencies in the city.A.set aboutB.set downC.set outD.setup 9.The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.A.resultB.responseC.settlementD.solution 10.If the operation __ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.A.was notB.has not beenC.had not beenD.were not Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 poi nt each)The basic principle of radar is illustrated by what happens when one shouts in a e.The echoof the shouting 11 the walls helps a person determine the size of i cave.With radar, however , the waves are radio waves instead of 12 waves.dio waves travel 13 the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in a second.A lar set 14 a short burst of radio waves.Then it receives the echoes 15 when waves bounce(Silt)off objects.By determining the time it 16 for the echoes to imi to the radar set, a trained technician 17 determine the distance between the [ar set and other objects.The word “radar”, 18 , gets its name from the term dio detection and ranging.“ ”Ranging“ is the term for detection of the 19 between object and the radar set.Besides being of critical importance to pilot, radar is 20 for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms.11.A.throughB.forC.onD.against 12.A.soundB.lightC.heatD.tide 13.A.inB.atC.overD.on 14.A.sendsoutB.works outC.figures outD.puts out15.A.producingB.producedC.produceD.produces16.A.spendsB.takesC.killsD.makes 17.A.canB.mustC.ought toD.has to 18.A.incaseB.in turnC.in shortD.in fact19.A.lengthB.widthC.distanceD.space20.A.EventualB.internalC.externalD.essential Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.婴儿表示情绪状态的基本手段是使用[ C ]1-4A.语音B.语义C.语调D.语句2.前语言交际能力在前语言时期可划分为三个阶段,依次是[ B ]1-8A.产生交际倾向、扩展交际功能和学习交际“规则”B.产生交际倾向、学习交际“规则”和扩展交际功能C.学习交际“规则”、产生交际倾向和扩展交际功能D.扩展交际功能、产生交际倾向和学习交际“规则”3.某种句子的表现形式是断续的、简略的,结构是不完整的,被称为是[ D ]1-14A.单词句B.复合句C.完整句D.电报句4.幼儿最初使用的一种理解句子的策略是[ A ]1-17A.语义策略B.非语言策略C.词序策略D.模仿策略5.幼儿语用技能考察的主要内容有语言操作能力、对外在环境的感知能力和[ C ]1-18A.语言理解能力B.语言表达能力C.心理预备能力D.对交际对象本身特征的敏感性6.儿童对语言形式的获得包括[ A ]1-11A.语音和语法的获得B.语音和语调的获得C.语法和语义的获得D.语法和语调的获得7.一个儿童把他的玩具鱼称为“fis”(正确的应为fish),而当成人模仿他的发音“fis”时,他立刻纠正道:“不,我的fis”;当成人说“fish”时,他才点头说:“是,我的fis。
”这一语言现象说明儿童已具备[ D ]1-12A.句法能力B.语法意识C.发音能力D.语音意识8.“儿童的语言是主体与环境中的客体相互作用的结果”的观点出自[ C ]1-31A.行为主义的语言学习模式B.先天论的语言学习模式C.认知相互作用论的语言学习模式D.社会相互作用论的语言学习模式9.社会相互作用论认为,在儿童语言结构获得的过程中起决定作用的是[ A ]1-33A.语言交往环境B.认知能力C.语言训练D.先天遗传因素10.儿童语言获得的关键时期是[ B ]9-219A.婴儿期B.学前期C.学龄期D.青年期11.在儿童语言学习系统理论的“四范畴说”中,语言操作范畴包括言语感知、理解、说话和[ C ]2-57A.概念化B.记忆C.语言制作D.符号化12.完整语言教育观倡导学前儿童语言教育活动过程的真实性,即着眼于创设[ B ]2-41A.机械模仿的训练情景B.真实的双向交流情境C.被动接受的倾听情境D.自言自语的个人语言情境13.语言学习四范畴说的提出者是美国的[ D ]2-56A.布伦姆和莱希B.乌尔福克和莱希C.布伦姆和伦奇D.乌尔福克和伦奇14.社会的要求作为我国幼儿语言教育目标的制定依据,其主要内涵包括[ A ]3-67A.教育目标应当反映中国社会主义社会在现阶段的价值观念和取向B.教育目标应当考虑到幼儿的身心发展规律C.教育目标需要考虑语言的学科性质D.教育目标考虑学前儿童的学习语言的特点15.学前儿童语言教育的具体活动目标一般由[ B ]3-71A.国家教育部门制定B.教师制定C.院长制定D.家长制定16.学前儿童语言教育目标分为总目标、年龄阶段目标和活动目标,这一分类的角度是[ B ]3-69A.分类结构B.层次结构C.深层结构D.部分结构17.在幼儿园语言教育活动中,属于渗透的语言学习活动的是[ C ]4-86A.利用听说游戏纠正幼儿错误发音B.利用讲述活动使幼儿敢于发言C.利用其它领域活动促进幼儿的语言表达能力D.利用谈话活动提供幼儿表达的机会,鼓励幼儿交谈18.符合“按照学前儿童语言发展的规律设计活动”这一语言教育组织原则的做法是[ D ]4-99A.超前提供语言学习内容B.教育内容滞后于学前儿童语言发展水平C.在学前儿童没有掌握完整句的情况下教授完整句D.参考学前儿童语句发展顺序确定语句方面的教育目标和内容19.幼儿园基本的语言教育活动形式有谈话活动、讲述活动、听说游戏、文学活动和[ B ]9-211A.晨间谈话B.早期阅读C.睡前故事D.日常活动20.谈话活动中,体现教师间接引导的两种方式是[ A ]5-118A.提问和平行谈话B.提问和垂直谈话C.暗示和垂直谈话D.单词和平行谈话21.通过有目的、有计划、有组织的谈话活动,教师可以逐步帮助幼儿建立有意识倾听能力、理解性倾听能力和[ B ]5-119A.无意识倾听能力B.辨析性倾听能力C.评价性倾听能力D.欣赏性倾听能力22.属于讲述活动特点的是[ C ]6-132A.讲述活动不需要凭借物B.讲述活动锻炼交流语言C.讲述活动有一定的凭借物D.讲述活动不需正式的语境23.听说游戏存在着由活动逐步向游戏过渡的三种转换,即由外部控制向内部控制转换、由真实情景向假想情景转换和[ D ]7-160A.由教师主导向幼儿主体转换B.由陌生到熟悉转换C.由教师示范向幼儿参与转换D.由外部动机向内部动机转换24.文学活动的特征包括围绕文学作品教学开展活动、提供多种与文学作品相互作用的途径以及[ A ]8-175A.整合相关的学习内容B.有表情地复述文学作品C.在动手、动嘴、动眼、动脑中获得亲身体验D.从活动主体的特点考虑文学活动的组织25.在编构故事活动中,中班编构故事的重点是编构[ B ]8-190A.故事结局B.有趣情节C.完整故事D.故事人物26.幼儿园早期阅读活动的目的是有计划、有目的地培养幼儿学习[ B ]9-211A.口头语言B.书面语言C.文字D.写字27.在幼儿的阅读经验中,属于前图书阅读经验的是[ C ]9-222A.知道文字有具体的意义B.知道文字与语言的多样性C.翻阅图书的经验D.了解书写的最初步规则28.情感性交往障碍的矫治方法之一是[ C ]11-290A.日常交往法B.强化技术C.“拥抱”治疗D.语言能力培养29.计算机辅助幼儿园语言教育活动的特点是教学媒体组合、教学方法整合和[ A ]12-317A.课件可以自制B.教学手段多样C.教学内容整合D.教学方式更新30.早期阅读技能是指[ D ]9-220A.识得具体字词B.汉语拼音的学习C.认识尽可能多的汉字D.学习掌握未来书面语言学习的方式和途径二、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)31.前语言发展1-2答:从出生到一岁半左右的语言学习,为正式的语言运用作好了准备,这段时间内儿童的各种语言学习现象通常被称为前语言现象或前语言发展。

2015年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二) 试卷(课程代码 00015)本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。
必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答. 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。
Black FridayEveryone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season,but few people know the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday; most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节)。
On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am. In addition,they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday.Black Friday is not as ok!as many people think. In fact, it is believed that the first Black. Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA。
全国2001年10月高等教育自学考试 语言与文化试习题 课程代码00838

欢迎共阅全国2001年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ.Eachofthefollowingincompletestatementsisfollowedbyfouralternatives.Rea deachstatementandthefouralternativescarefullyanddecidewhichofthefouralte A.“B.“C.“D.“ofauthority9.TheChinesepersonallettersgenerallysoundmore________intonethantheircorrespondingEnglishones.A.formalrmalC.ornateD.plain10.“Tohavethetendencytostretchthetruth ”canbeusedastheeuphemismfor “________”.()A.toprovidetrueinformationB.totellothers ’fortuneC.tolieD.tosteal11.Theexpressionthatcanbeusedastheeuphemismfor “garbagecollector ”is “________”.A.collectingengineerB.garbageengineerC.sanitaryengineerD.sanitationengineer.12.寒舍isequivalentto________inEnglish.A.myhomeB.myhumblehomeC.mycoldhouseD.myshabbyhut13.TheChineseexpression“给我一座金山,我也不干”correspondstotheEnglishidiom________.()A.tokeepone'snosecleanB.notforalltheteainChinaC.nottobataneyelidD.tomakeone'sfleshcreep14.“Nottominceone'swords”means________.A.speakfrankly,bluntlyorcoarselyB.speakindirectlyC.speakthoughtfullyD.speakmindlessly15.Theexpression“thatyoungmanisabearatmathematics”hasasimilarmeaningto________.()A.thatyoungmanisbadatmathematicsB.thatyoungmanisgoodatmathematicsC.thatyoungmanisclumsyatmathematicsD.thatyoungmanisamathematician16.InEnglishculture“white”connotes________.()on.()ⅡC.UnexpectedlyD.Subsequently25.InBritishEnglish,togaintheattentionofastranger,speakersoftenrelyon“______”.()A.ExcusemeB.HelloC.Miss/Ma'am/Mister/sirD.Ibegyourpardon26.________arenamedaftertheirdesignersormanufacturers.A.FordB.ChanelC.SalemD.Rolex27.Westernersoftendrawacrossbytouchingtheforehead,breastandshoulderstoinvoketheblessingofChrist,whentheyare________.()A.angryB.shockedC.sadD.amusednguageis________.()A.aninstrumentusedinthecommunicationofthought.B.thefunctionofthehumanbrain.C.nonverbalfromtheverybeginningD.closelyrelatedtothinking.29.InthefollowingculturalinterpretationsforthedifferencesinwordorderbetweenEnglishandChinese,________isreasonable.A.Englishpeopleareinclinedtothinkinductively,whileChinesepeopletendtothinkdeductively.B.Englishpeopleareinclinedtothinkdeductively,whileChinesepeopletendtothinkinductively.C.EnglishpeoplearedirectandChinesepeopleareindirect.D.EnglishisahypotacticlanguageandChineseisaparatacticlanguage.30.Onecanget________inadrugstoreorchemist'sshop.A.medicinesB.chemicalsC.toiletriesD.magazines.Ⅲ36.“Ⅳ?Ⅴ.Translation:(16%)49.Doyouseeanythinggreeninmyeye?50.Ican'tthankyouenough.——Don'tmentionit.51.TheyoungmansittingbetweenMaryandJohnistheeditor-in-chiefofourcampusnewspaper.52.Thecalmesthusbandsmakethestormiestwives.53.Thoseborntothepurplearedestinedtoliveinthepubliceye.54.敬请光临55.作了婆婆忘了作媳妇时的苦。

26.元辅音分析法27.语法形式28.义项29.外语教学的听说法(2010.1)三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分)26.语言迁移27.音位28.书面语29.国际音标(2009,10)三、名词解释题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分) 每一名词解释都须举例。

全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838第一部分选择题(共30分)I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1.A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called _____.A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. saladD. pudding2.All languages have _____ terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives.A. generationB. subtleC. complicatedD. kinship3.English speakers are direct people who tend to _____.A. locate peripheral meaning before central meaningB. locate central meaning before central meaningC. locate the modified after the modifierD. think holistically4.In English all the prefixes are _____ morphemes.A. inflectionalB. grammaticalC. derivationalD. implicit5.Which of the following statements is not true?A. English speakers have a relatively small range of possibilities to select from when naming theirnewly born babies.B. English surnames are more distinctive than given names.C. English given names are more distinctive than surnames.D. Names include given names, surnames, full names and nicknames or pet names.6.If an English speaker refuses the compliment which merely comes out of politeness, he may say _____.A.“Do you really think so?”B.“Oh, I wish it could be true.”C.“Oh, you are too polite.”D.“No, I don’t think so.”7.“To make a cat laugh”means _____.A. to be comicB. to be tragicC. to be proudD. to be serious8.The English equivalent for “前车之覆,后车之鉴”can be “_____”.A. Rats desert a sinking shipB.A small leak will sink a great shipC. He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea1D. Let another’s shipwreck be your seamark9.“Green”connotes _____ in English culture.A. ProsperityB. immaturityC. longevityD. sincerity10.“Brown paper”corresponds to _____.A.棕色纸B.秘密文件C.揭露社会黑暗的报纸D.牛皮纸11.The English equivalent for “空袭紧急警报”is _____.A. blue alertB. white alertC. red alertD. black alert12.“Sanitary engineer”is the euphemistic expression for “_____”.A. garbage collectorB. cleanerC. plumberD. gardener13.“敬请指正”can be treated as the Chinese equivalent of “_____”in English.A. I’d like to have your comments.B. Will you please point out my errors?C. I’d like to have errors correctedD. I’ll gratefully expect your comments.14.When the speaker or writer discusses many things indirectly related to the central idea of thetext and /or to each other he or she develops the text in a(n) _____ fashion.A .linear B. spiralC. inductiveD. deductive15.The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is thepronunciation of _____ in words.A. rB. aC. whD. er16.The first _____ made in 449 B.C. had strong impact on the laws made later in most Europeancountries.A. Roman lawB. Napoleonic CodeC. French lawD. British law17.The distance zone ranging from 4 inches to about 8 feet is referred so as the _____ zone.A. publicB. intimateC. socio-consultativeD. casual-personal18.Raising one’s open hand with palm down to one’s throat means “_____”in English culture.A. Shame on youB. I’m fullC. Kill yourselfD. You’re shorter than I19.In proxemics scholars are particularly interested in the _____ between interlocutors ininterpersonal communication.A. relative rightsB. relationshipC. distanceD. relative obligation20.The brand name _____ is neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but pejorative inEnglish culture?2A.青岛啤酒B.白象牌电池C.泸洲老窖D.菊花电扇II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)21._____ are some important properties of language.A. UnsystematicB. Human specificC. VocalD. A set of symbols22.In the expression “to meet one’s Waterloo”,the word “Waterloo”alludes to _____.A. a great victoryB. an achievementC. a final defeatD. a difficult or obstacle23.The English brand names _____ are coinages.A. TraneB. PlaytexC. PierreD. Cartan24.The word “woman”can be defined conceptually as _____.A. an adult femaleB. prone to tearsC. long hair wearingD. biped25.“Purple”in English culture is often associated with _____.A. high rank or stationB. low rank or stationC. imperial or royal rankD. something best26._____ are usually taboo topics in conversations between strangers in English culutre.A. Age and incomeB. Love and marriageC. Political and religious beliefsD. Personal opinions about daily affairs27._____ is onomatopoeic words.A. SquealB. MurmurC. RushD. Click28.When you respond to the compliment “You look very nice in this dress”,you should say“_____”.A. Thank you.B. No, I don’t think so at all.C. Do you really think so? I was not sure whether it suits me.D. It’s very kind of you to say so.29._____ serve the function of substitution.A. Saying louder than usual to emphasize a verbal messageB. Pausing before saying something importantC. Waving goodbyeD. Beckoning another person to come30.A “slow”student may be euphemistically referred to as “_____”.A. a mentally retarded student3B. one who is working at his/her own levelC. one who can do better work with helpD. a problem student第二部分非选择题(共70分)III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)31.The invisible, portable space that surrounds us is referred to as _____ space.32._____ thinking interacts with English, while holistic thinking interacts with Chinese.33.“Pay one’s debt to nature”is the euphemism for _____.34.The English equivalent of “寒舍”is _____.35.In an English paragraph the sentence representing the central idea is referred to as _____ andoften located at the initial part of the paragraph.36.It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more _____ than Englishadvertising.37.Since language represents thought, it is _____ by thought.38.It is generally true that an English word may represent a _____ or associative meaning differentfrom that of its translation equivalent in Chinese.39.The English functional equivalent for “敬请光临”is _____.40.The English proverbial equivalent for “金无足赤,人无完人”is _____.41.The English expression _____ is equivalent to “秃子头上的虱子——明摆着”in China.42._____ refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals, or resenting ordinarynews in a sensational manner.IV. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)43.What is the English equivalent for “黑信”?44.What is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”?45.What is the major difference between English and Chinese descriptive texts in style?46.Why is it said that English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language?47.How hitchhiking is symbolized in English culture?48.What cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese titles in vocatives?V. Translation:(16%)49.He breathed his last during the night.50.Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.51.The greatest artist of the first half of this century has long last gone the way of all flesh.52.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.53.为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为更多的报酬服侍魔鬼。

全国2001年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)nguage is ________.( )A.the product of the human brainB.rule governedC.independent of cultureD.the result of social institutions2.Culture is a loan word from ________.A.FrenchtinC.RomanD.Norwegian3.In South Africa, Australia and New Zealand the first week day after Christmas is ________.( )A.Boxing DayB.Thanksgiving DayC.EasterD.St.Valentine's Day4.A bun or bread roll containing fried or grilled steak is called .( )A.hamburgerB.sandwichC.hot dogD.pudding5.In the following words,________ contains a derivational morpheme.A.nicerB.mapsC.precedeD.worked6.In the following statements,________ is not true.( )A.“English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese is a language with implicit grammar.”B.“Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently ineither speech or writing.”C.“Chinese has no grammatical morphemes.”D.“Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English.”7.We can often find personal names in English that are related to .( )A.historical eventsB.natural phenomenaC.influential figuresD.the place of birth8.Abraham is a ________.( )A.religious nameB.flower nameC.weapon name of authority9.The Chinese personal letters generally sound more ________ in tone than their corresponding English ones.A.formalrmalC.ornateD.plain10.“To have the tendency to stretch the truth”can be used as the euphemism for “________”.( )A.to provide true informationB.to tell others’ fortuneC.to lieD.to steal11.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “garbage collector”is “________”.A.collecting engineerB.garbage engineerC.sanitary engineerD.sanitation engineer.12.寒舍is equivalent to ________ in English.A.my homeB.my humble homeC.my cold houseD.my shabby hut13.The Chinese expression“给我一座金山,我也不干”corresponds to the English idiom ________.( )A.to keep one's nose cleanB.not for all the tea in ChinaC.not to bat an eyelidD.to make one's flesh creep14.“Not to mince one's words”means ________.A.speak frankly,bluntly or coarselyB.speak indirectlyC.speak thoughtfullyD.speak mindlessly15.The expression “that young man is a bear at mathematics”has a similar meaning to ________.( )A.that young man is bad at mathematicsB.that young man is good at mathematicsC.that young man is clumsy at mathematicsD.that young man is a mathematician16.In English culture “white”connotes ________.( )A.deathB.crueltyC.reactionD.innocence17.British English is spoken in ________.( )A.Great BritainB.AustraliaC.New ZealandD.A,B,and C.18.Rubbing one's thumb against one's forefinger and middle finger means in English body languagesystem.A.moneyB.dirtC.OKD.victory19.Gestures that can fully take the place of spoken words are .( )A.illustratorsB.emblemsC.regulatorsD.adapters20.Generally ________ is the most difficult among the following in the learning of foreign nonverbalcommunication.( )A.transferB.reassociationC.conflictD.reinterpretationⅡ.EAch of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives.Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement.There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)21.In English culture “blue”is often associated with ________.( )A.unhappy feelingsB.high social positionC.jealousy and envycking experience22.The idiomatic expression“to put one's foot in one's mouth”means .( )A.to say something embarrassingB.to just make itC.to have an angry attitudeD.to say something wrong or unsuitable23.________is an outright offensive racist world.A.GirlB.BoyC.NiggerD.Negro24.At first we thought we would go for a holiday.________we learned we were needed at home.A.UnfortunatelyB.And thenC.UnexpectedlyD.Subsequently25.In British English,to gain the attention of a stranger, speakers often rely on “______”.( )A.Excuse meB.HelloC.Miss/Ma'am/Mister/sirD.I beg your pardon26.________are named after their designers or manufacturers.A.FordB.ChanelC.SalemD.Rolex27.Westerners often draw a cross by touching the forehead,breast and shoulders to invoke the blessing ofChrist,when they are ________.( )A.angryB.shockedC.sadD.amusednguage is ________.( )A.an instrument used in the communication of thought.B.the function of the human brain.C.nonverbal from the very beginningD.closely related to thinking.29.In the following cultural interpretations for the differences in word order between English andChinese,________ is reasonable.A.English people are inclined to think inductively, while Chinese people tend to think deductively.B.English people are inclined to think deductively, while Chinese people tend to think inductively.C.English people are direct and Chinese people are indirect.D.English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language.30.One can get ________ in a drugstore or chemist's shop.A.medicinesB.chemicalsC.toiletriesD.magazines.Ⅲ.Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)nguage is the carrier and ___________ of culture.32.Many English words are distinguished by their ___________ meanings,which are normally attached toconceptual meanings.33.In English all the prefixes are ___________ morphemes.34.Given names used as vocatives suggest ___________ between the addresser and the addressee.35.In ___________ argumentation the supporting facts or details are located before the conclusion.36.“Son of a bitch”, as a swear word, is more ___________ than “damn it”.37.When describing a place English speakers prefer ___________ language representing fresh ideas.38.The English proverbial expression ___________ corresponds to “明珠暗投”in Chinese.39.When I finally secured a small part in a television play my mother was as proud as a ___ and told all theneighbours about it.40.Similes and metaphors must have two components:___________ and ___________.41.___________in English is often used metaphorically to refer to a formidably fierce, cruel person,especially a woman.42.Nonverbal communication is often used with ___________ behaviours to convey meaning.Ⅳ.Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)43.What is the American equivalent for the British word “maize”?44.What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one's own nose by raised thumb ”signify in westernculture?45.What does “a shylock" allude to ?46.How would you explain in relation to culture the metaphorical statement “his skin was white asleprosy”?47.Why has it been claimed that English texts develop in a linear fashion?48.How will you explain the contrast of explicit grammar in English and implicit grammar in Chinese?Ⅴ.Translation:(16%)49.Do you see anything green in my eye?50.I can't thank you enough.——Don't mention it.51.The young man sitting between Mary and John is the editor-in-chief of our campus newspaper.52.The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives.53.Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.54.敬请光临55.作了婆婆忘了作媳妇时的苦。

全国自学考试试题语言与文化试卷全国高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. Language is_________. ()A. the product of the human brainB. rule governedC. independent of cultureD. the result of social institutions2.Culture is a social phenomenon because it is a _________ product of human societies.()A. technical B. cooperativeC. newD. language3.A_________is a small open space symbolically enclosed with very low walls and adjoining a building.()A. semi houseB. balconyC. plotD. yard4.English is often referred to as a _________ language because it uses frequently connectives to indicate the relation between linguistic elements. ()A. paratacticB. hypotacticC. branchingD. linear5.Decide which of the following words is the word with an inflectional morpheme.()A. completeB. behaviorC. playedD. membership6.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_________.()A. “Thank you very much. How much is it?”B. “Where did you get it? This is really what I want.”C. “It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much.”D. “It’s very nice.”7.Which expression is NOT appropriate for you to use after you receive an apology? ()1A. It’s O.K.B. It’s all right.C. Not at all.D. Never mind.8. A: Is Jenny co .ruing to the party?B: Yes, she is.The sentences in the above dialogue are connected by both grammatical and lexical means, so we say that they exhibit_________. ()A. cohesionB. coherenceC. coexistenceD. cooperation9.Most of the cultural interpretations of the difference between English and Chinese at the textual level are_________.()A. conclusions rather than tentative assumptionsB,. tentative assumptions rather than conclusionsC. either tentative assumptions or conclusionsD. neither tentative assumptions nor conclusions10. In American English, the equivalent word for“公寓”is_________.()A. departmentB. flatC. apartmentD. basement11.7 days without 7-up make one weak.In this advertisement, one can find the tactful use of _________.()A. homophonesB. figure of speechC. repetitionD. several adjectives12. Nodding means “agreement”to Chinese and most Europeans. But in the Eskimo gesturalsystem, head nodding means“_________”. ()A. yesB. angerC. pleasureD. no13. _________is a construction, expression, etc., having a meaning different from the literal oneor not according to the usual patterns of the language.()A. “T o pull one’s leg”B. “To keep a straight face”C. “To make a cat laugh”D. “To ride one’s high horse”14. The proverb “Homer sometimes nods”is related to_________.2()A. Christianity B. Greco-Roman civilizationC. individualismD. insular culture15. In English culture _________ connote wisdom.A. miceB. chickensC. owlsD. mules16. _________is the symbol of fear, cowardice or timidity.()A. A white slaveB. A white elephantC. A white hopeD. A white feather17. _________shows a biased attitude towards certain ethnic groups.A. Racist languageB. Religious languageC. Sexist languageD. Metaphorical language18. The thematic model emphasizes three culture elements: _________.()A. traits, values and world viewsB. personal behaviours, thinking patterns and valuesC. norms, customs and circumstancesD. time, space and dimension19. _________are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.A. HonourificsB. Terms of humilityC. EuphemismsD. Taboos20. For example, a boy told his mother in a whispering voice that it was not he who broke thevase but did not dare to look at his mother in her eyes. How could one interpret his verbal and nonverbal messages? ()A. Complementing.B. Contradicting.C. RepeatingD. Regulating.Ⅱ. Each of the following incomplete statements is foll owed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide what alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. Some of the important properties in a language are_________. ()3A. a set of symbolsB. human specificC. vocalD. unsystematic22. “Handsome”means nice looking and can be used together with the followingwords_________.()A. villageB. vesselC. typewriterD. overcoat23. Inductive argumentation has been related to_________.()A. the linear thinking patternB. the branching thinking patternC. inductive reasoningD. indirect personality24. When people are introduced, _________.()A. they always shake handsB. they normally shake hands in formal or business situationsC. they do not always shake handsD. men shake hands more often than women25. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be classified into_________.()A. additive B. adversativeC. causalD. temporal26. The word “hero”can be pr onounced as_________.()A. ['her?v]B. ['hi:r?v]C. ['hir?v]D. ['hi?r?v]27. Silence may send the nonverbal messages of_________.()A. displeasureB. pleasureC. indifferenceD. irritation28. _________means to be clumsy.()A. “T o put one’s foot in one’s mouth”B. “To be all thumbs”C. “To have a chip on one’s shoulder”D. “To have two left feet”29. _________have the metaphorical meaning of timidity.()4。

2015年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二) 试卷(课程代码 00015)本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。
答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸. 2.第一部分为选择题。
必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑. 3.第二部分为非选择题。
必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答. 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。
Black FridayEveryone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know the history of holiday shopping。
While people have heard of Black Friday;most do not know its origins。
Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节)。
On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am。
In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday。

全国年高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码 The pony was revised in January 2021全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838第一部分选择题(共30分)I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called _____.A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. saladD. puddinglanguages have _____ terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives.A. generationB. subtleC. complicatedD. kinshipspeakers are direct people who tend to _____.A. locate peripheral meaning before central meaningB. locate central meaning before central meaningC. locate the modified after the modifierD. think holisticallyEnglish all the prefixes are _____ morphemes.A. inflectionalB. grammaticalC. derivationalD. implicitof the following statements is not true?A. English speakers have a relatively small range of possibilities to select from when namingtheir newly born babies.B. English surnames are more distinctive than given names.C. English given names are more distinctive than surnames.D. Names include given names, surnames, full names and nicknames or pet names.an English speaker refuses the compliment which merely comes out of politeness, he may say _____.A.“Do you really think so?”B.“Oh, I wish it could be true.”C.“Oh, you are too polite.”D.“No, I don’t think so.”7.“To make a cat laugh” means _____.A. to be comicB. to be tragicC. to be proudD. to be seriousEnglish equivalent for “前车之覆,后车之鉴” can be “_____”.A. Rats desert a sinking shipsmall leak will sink a great shipC. He that would sail without danger must never come on the main seaD. Let another’s shipwreck be your seamark9.“Green” connotes _____ in English culture.A. ProsperityB. immaturityC. longevityD. sincerity10.“Brown paper”corresponds to _____.A.棕色纸B.秘密文件C.揭露社会黑暗的报纸D.牛皮纸English equivalent for “空袭紧急警报” is _____.A. blue alertB. white alertC. red alertD. black alert12.“Sanitary engineer” is the euphemistic expression for “_____”.A. garbage collectorB. cleanerC. plumberD. gardener13.“敬请指正” can be treated as the Chinese equivalent of “_____” in English.A. I’d like to have your comments.B. Will you please point out my errors?C. I’d like to have errors correctedD. I’ll gratefully expect your comments.the speaker or writer discusses many things indirectly related to the central idea of the text and /or to each other he or she develops the text in a(n) _____ fashion.A .linear B. spiralC. inductiveD. deductivemost striking phonetic difference between American and British English is the pronunciation of _____ in words.A. rB. aC. whD. erfirst _____ made in 449 . had strong impact on the laws made later in most European countries.A. Roman lawB. Napoleonic CodeC. French lawD. British lawdistance zone ranging from 4 inches to about 8 feet is referred so as the _____ zone.A. publicB. intimateC. socio-consultativeD. casual-personalone’s open hand with palm down to one’s throat means “_____” in English culture.A. Shame on youB. I’m fullC. Kill yourselfD. You’re shorter than Iproxemics scholars are particularly interested in the _____ between interlocutors in interpersonal communication.A. relative rightsB. relationshipC. distanceD. relative obligationbrand name _____ is neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but pejorative inEnglish culture?A.青岛啤酒B.白象牌电池C.泸洲老窖D.菊花电扇II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)are some important properties of language.A. UnsystematicB. Human specificC. VocalD. A set of symbolsthe expression “to meet one’s Waterloo”,the word “Waterloo” alludes to _____.A. a great victoryB. an achievementC. a final defeatD. a difficult or obstacleEnglish brand names _____ are coinages.A. TraneB. PlaytexC. PierreD. Cartanword “woman” can be defined conceptually as _____.A. an adult femaleB. prone to tearsC. long hair wearingD. biped25.“Purple” in English culture is often associated with _____.A. high rank or stationB. low rank or stationC. imperial or royal rankD. something bestare usually taboo topics in conversations between strangers in English culutre.A. Age and incomeB. Love and marriageC. Political and religious beliefsD. Personal opinions about daily affairsis onomatopoeic words.A. SquealB. MurmurC. RushD. Clickyou respond to the compliment “You look very nice in this dress”,you should say “_____”.A. Thank you.B. No, I don’t think so at all.C. Do you really think soI was not sure whether it suits me.D. It’s very kind of you to say so.serve the function of substitution.A. Saying louder than usual to emphasize a verbal messageB. Pausing before saying something importantC. Waving goodbyeD. Beckoning another person to come“slow” student may be euphemistically referred to as “_____”.A. a mentally retarded studentB. one who is working at his/her own levelC. one who can do better work with helpD. a problem student第二部分非选择题(共70分)III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)invisible, portable space that surrounds us is referred to as _____ space.thinking interacts with English, while holistic thinking interacts with Chinese.33.“Pay one’s debt to nature” is the euphemism for _____.English equivalent of “寒舍” is _____.an English paragraph the sentence representing the central idea is referred to as _____ and often located at the initial part of the paragraph.is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more _____ than English advertising.language represents thought, it is _____ by thought.is generally true that an English word may represent a _____ or associative meaning different from that of its translation equivalent in Chinese.English functional equivalent for “敬请光临” is _____.English proverbial equivalent for “金无足赤,人无完人”is _____.English expression _____ is equivalent to “秃子头上的虱子——明摆着” in China.refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals, or resenting ordinary news in a sensational manner.IV. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)is the English equivalent for “黑信”is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”is the major difference between English and Chinese descriptive texts in style?is it said that English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language?hitchhiking is symbolized in English culture?cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese titles in vocatives?V. Translation:(16%)breathed his last during the night.born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.greatest artist of the first half of this century has long last gone the way of all flesh.rose by any other name would smell as sweet.53.为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为更多的报酬服侍魔鬼。
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