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1. ( ).

A. Yes, they do

B. Yes, they are

C. No, there aren't

D. No, they don't


2. He asked me where( )from.

A. did I came

B. I came

C. do I come

D. I come


3. The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs( ).

A. as twice much

B. much as twice

C. as much as

D. twice as much


4. ( ).

A. Thank you for your offer

B. Sorry, it's beyond my order

C. By no means

D. Just a moment. Two friends are coming

满分:2 分

5. – I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. – ( ).

A. So do I

B. Neither do I

C. So am I

D. Neither am I

满分:2 分

6. – Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. – ( ).

A. Sorry, I've had enough

B. Thank you, Helen

C. Yes. But it isn't cooked well

D. Help yourself to it, too

满分:2 分

7. A new hotel( )in the centre of town at the moment.

A. has been built

B. is built

C. is being built

D. was built

满分:2 分

8. ( )majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.

A. 不填

B. A

C. The

D. Many

满分:2 分

9. ( )every day for 20 minutes.

A. Exercise

B. To exercise

C. Should exercise

D. Exercising

满分:2 分

10. When a fire( )at the National Exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings were

completely destroyed.

A. broke off

B. broke out

C. broke down

D. broke up

满分:2 分

11. – I'm sorry. Bob's not in his office. – ( ).

A. Can you take a message for me

B. Are you sure for that

C. Would you like to leave a message

D. Can you phone me

满分:2 分

12. History is the story of( )happened to the people before today.

A. whichever

B. whomever

C. whatever

D. wherever

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13. By next year he( )in New York for five years.

A. has worked

B. has been working

C. works

D. will have worked

满分:2 分

14. – Which language do you speak at home? – ( ).

A. I speak English very well

B. I can speak English and French

C. English is my mother tongue

D. English, most of the time

满分:2 分

15. Before she began to study at Beijing University, she( )in a factory for five years.

A. had worked

B. worked

C. has worked

D. would work

满分:2 分

16. I'm tired. I( )working very hard.

A. have

B. am

C. had

D. have been

满分:2 分

17. – Nice weather, isn't it? – ( ).

A. I'm not sure

B. You know it well
