



第一章方案及总体设计1.1分析问题,提出概念(conception)电动代步车(Instead of walking electric bicycle)主要具备以下优点:(1)节能(energy efficiency),电动车的能量(energy)可以从化学电池(Chemical battery)中来,也可以从太阳能电池(Solar battery)、燃料电池(Fuel battery)中获得。

(2)能源利用率(energy utilization rate)高,利用率可达20%(3)有利于保护环境,污染小,基本上没有碳氢化合物、一氧化碳(Carbon monoxide)、二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)、氮氧化合物(hydrocarbons)的污染。

(4)无噪音,运行安静(5)有利于电力负荷(Power load)的合理分配在设计(project)工作开展的前期,应对电动代步车设计考虑了以下三个方面设计因素。

(1)安全(safety)因素(2)无障碍(accessible)设计(3)关爱性(caring)设计1.2明确概念,提出设计方案现有的电动车有二轮、三轮、四轮之分,一般主要依靠220V交流电源(Ac power)向蓄电池(storage battery)充电(charging)后行驶。

对于绿色能源(Green energy)的利用已成为各国在交通运输工具(transportation)方面研发的重点,如何才能让电动自行车贴近“节能、环保(environmental)”,是电动代步车创新设计面临的一个大难题。

就目前可用做电动代步车的绿色能源主要有:(1)车用乙醇汽油(Vehicle ethanol and gasoline)(2)风能(wind energy)(3)太阳能(solar energy)1.3各方案的优缺点分析及比较以上三种电动代步车的能源方案,分别分析其优缺点如下:(1)车用乙醇汽油车用乙醇汽油作为一种清洁的发动机燃料油具有以下优点:A、辛烷值(octane value)高,抗爆性(Anti-knock nature)好。



第一章方案及总体设计1.1分析问题,提出概念(conception)电动代步车(Instead of walking electric bicycle)主要具备以下优点:(1)节能(energy efficiency),电动车的能量(energy)可以从化学电池(Chemical battery)中来,也可以从太阳能电池(Solar battery)、燃料电池(Fuel battery)中获得。

(2)能源利用率(energy utilization rate)高,利用率可达20%(3)有利于保护环境,污染小,基本上没有碳氢化合物、一氧化碳(Carbon monoxide)、二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)、氮氧化合物(hydrocarbons)的污染。

(4)无噪音,运行安静(5)有利于电力负荷(Power load)的合理分配在设计(project)工作开展的前期,应对电动代步车设计考虑了以下三个方面设计因素。

(1)安全(safety)因素(2)无障碍(accessible)设计(3)关爱性(caring)设计1.2明确概念,提出设计方案现有的电动车有二轮、三轮、四轮之分,一般主要依靠220V交流电源(Ac power)向蓄电池(storage battery)充电(charging)后行驶。

对于绿色能源(Green energy)的利用已成为各国在交通运输工具(transportation)方面研发的重点,如何才能让电动自行车贴近“节能、环保(environmental)”,是电动代步车创新设计面临的一个大难题。

就目前可用做电动代步车的绿色能源主要有:(1)车用乙醇汽油(Vehicle ethanol and gasoline)(2)风能(wind energy)(3)太阳能(solar energy)1.3各方案的优缺点分析及比较以上三种电动代步车的能源方案,分别分析其优缺点如下:(1)车用乙醇汽油车用乙醇汽油作为一种清洁的发动机燃料油具有以下优点:A、辛烷值(octane value)高,抗爆性(Anti-knock nature)好。






四、主要技术参数:1、轮圈尺寸:12寸2、车厢尺寸:长*宽*高不小于1800*1100*300mm3、外形尺寸:长*宽*高不小于2900*1100*1000mm4、电机功率:≧1.2kw5、载重:500-1000kg6、电池:60V ≧58Ah锂电池7、充电时间:完全充满时间8-10(h)8、续航里程:60-100(km)9、最高时速:30km/h10、转弯半径:≤5m五、技术要求:1、电动车爬坡载重时,能达到载重不停车、不打滑效果,后轮刹车具备手脚共刹功能。









设备在质保期内出现故障,供货方保证24小时内赶到现场进行免费处理;在质保期之外, 供货方保证赶到现场进行有偿维修、更换损坏的设备及配件。



1 500-2 000 KGJ1.5-2.0XNT THREE-WHEEL ELECTRICCOUNTERBALANCED LIFT TRUCKS1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designition1.3 Drive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, fuel gas 1.4 Operator type: hand, pedestrian, standing, seated, order-picker 1.5 Rated capacity/rated load Q (t)1.6 Load centre distancec (mm)1.8 Load distance, centre of drive axle to fork x (mm)1.9 Wheelbasey (mm)2.1 Service weight r kg 2.2 Axle loading, laden front/rear r kg 2.3 Axle loading, unladen front/rear r kg3.1 Tyres: P=pneumatic, C=cushion, SE=superelastic 3.2 Tyre size, front 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels) 3.6 Tread, front b 10 (mm)3.7 Tread, rearb 11 (mm)5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen r km/h 5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen ** N 5.6 Max. drawbar pull, laden/unladen ***N5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen † **** %5.8 Max. gradeability, laden/unladen † *** %5.9 Acceleration time, laden/unladen r s 5.10 Service brake6.1 Drive motor rating S2 60 min kW 6.2 Lift motor rating at S3 15%kW 6.3 Battery according to DIN 43531/35/36 A, B, C, no 6.4 Battery voltage/nominal capacity K5(V)/(Ah)6.5 Battery weight Ù kg6.6 Energy consumption according to VDI cycle r kWh/h @Nr of Cycles8.1 Type of drive unit10.1 Operating pressure for attachments bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments G l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat L PAZ J dB(A)10.8Towing coupling, type DIN4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a / b (°) 4.2 Height, mast loweredh 1 (mm)4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm)4.4 Lift ¶ h 3 (mm)4.5 Height, mast extended ª h 4 (mm)4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) n h 6 (mm)4.7.1 Cab height (open cab)4.8 Seat height relating to SIP/stand height £ h 7 (mm)4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm)4.19 Overall length l 1 (mm)4.20 Length to face of forks l 2 (mm)4.21 Overall width < b 1/b 2 (mm)4.22 Fork dimensions ISO 2331s/e/l (mm)4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B4.24 Fork carriage width ª b 3 (mm)4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm)4.32 Ground clearance at centre of wheelbase v m 2 (mm)4.33 Load dimension b 12 × l 6 crossways b 12 × l 6 (mm) 4.34Aisle width predetermined load dimensionsA st (mm)4.34.1 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways u A st (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 lengthways u A st (mm)4.35 Turning radius W a (mm)4.36 Internal turning radiusb 13 (mm)4.41 90° intersecting aisle (With pallet W = 1200mm, L = 1000mm) (mm)4.42 Step Height (from ground to running board) (mm)4.43 Step Height(mm)J1.5XNT (SWB) J1.6XNT (SWB) J1.6XNT (MWB) Electric (Battery) Electric (Battery) Electric (Battery)SeatedSeated Seated 1.5 1.6 1.6 500 500 500 HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER2971 3083 3083 3892 580 4096 587 4050 633 1430 1541 1470 1613 1495 1588 SE SE SE 18 x 7-8 18 x 7-8 18 x 7-815 x 4.5-815 x 4.5-815 x 4.5-82X 2 2X 2 2X 2 889 889 889 194 194 194 16 16 16 1616 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.59 0.50 0.47 0.50 0.47 0.50 0.47 3406 3680 3406 3680 3406 3680 11415 11690 11415 11690 11415 11690 11 16 11 16 11 16 25 34 25 34 25 35 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 Electric Electric Electric2x 5.02x 5.02x 5.01212 12DIN 43531-ADIN 43531-ADIN 43531-A 48 500 48 500 48 625 673 743 673 743 813 899 3.94.2 4.2 E lectric transmission E lectric transmission E lectric transmission 180 180 180 40 40 40 16.8 16.8 16.8 69 69 69 PinPinPin5 5 5 5 5 50 D I S T I N G U I S H I N G M A R K SW E I G H T ST Y R E S / C H A S S I SD I ME N S I O N SP E R F O R M A N C E D A T AE L E C T R I C E N G I N EA D D I T I O N A L D A T ASpecification data is based on VDI 2198. ** 60 minute rating *** 5 minute rating **** 30 minute ratingJ1.5XNT, J1.6XNT, J1.8XNT, J2.0XNTEQUIPMENT & WEIGHT: Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifications: Complete truck with 3 320 mm Vista Plus (J1.5-1.6XNT) or 3 390 mm Vista (J1.8-2.0XNT) 2- stage limited free lift mast, 910 mm hook type carriage with load backrest and 1 000 mm forks. Overhead guard and pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyres.J1.6XNT (LWB) J1.8XNT (MWB) J1.8XNT (LWB) J2.0XNT (MWB) J2.0XNT (LWB) 1.2 Electric (Battery) Electric (Battery) Electric (Battery) Electric (Battery) Electric (Battery) 1.3SeatedSeated Seated Seated Seated1.41.6 1.8 1.82.0 2.0 1.5 500 500 500 500 500 1.6 HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER3258 3335 3331 3602 34362.14056 802 4496 640 4435 695 4941 661 4788 648 2.2 1571 1687 1628 1707 1646 1685 1755 1847 1689 1747 2.3 PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS 3.118 x 7-8 200/50-10 200/50-10 200/50-10 200/50-10 3.215 x 4.5-815 x 4.5-815 x 4.5-815 x 4.5-815 x 4.5-83.32X 2 2X 2 2X 2 2X 2 2X 2 3.5 889 908 908 908 908 3.6 194 194 194 194 194 3.7 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 5.1 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 5.1.1 0.43 0.59 0.41 0.60 0.41 0.60 0.40 0.58 0.40 0.58 5.2 0.50 0.47 0.46 0.40 0.46 0.40 0.47 0.40 0.47 0.40 5.3 3406 3680 3337 3646 3337 3646 3260 3603 3294 3637 5.5 11415 11690 11355 11664 11346 11655 11269 11612 11304 11647 5.6 11 16 10 15 10 15 9 14 9 15 5.7 25 35 23 35 23 36 31 34 22 36 5.8 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 5.9 Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric 5.102x 5.02x 5.02x 5.02x 5.02x 5.06.11212 12 12 12 6.2DIN 43531-ADIN 43531-ADIN 43531-A DIN 43531-A DIN 43531-A6.348 750 48 625 48 750 48 625 48 750 6.4 962 1064 813 899 962 1064 813 899 962 1064 6.5 4.2 4.7 4.7 5.5 5.2 6.6E lectric transmission E lectric transmission E lectric transmission E lectric transmission E lectric transmission 8.1180 180 180 180 180 10.1 40 40 40 40 40 10.2 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 10.3 69 69 69 69 69 10.7 PinPinPinPinPin 10.85 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.1DISTINGUISHING MARKSWEIGHTSTYRES / CHASSISPERFORMANCE DATAELECTRIC ENGINE ADDITIONAL DATA4Load centreDistance from front forks to centre of gravity of load.Rated loadBased on vertical masts up to 3 430mm to top of forks.R a t e d l o a d (k g )Load centre (mm)NOTE :Specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as the nature and condition of the operating area. Inform your dealer of the nature and condition of the intended operating area when purchasing your Hyster T ruck.r Max. battery ¶ Bottom of forks£ F ull suspension seat specified. Standard Hoodspecified. 953mm with raised hood.”ª Without load backrest l add 32mm with load backrest n h6 subject to +/- 5 mm tolerance G maximum flow set through dash display.r HiP performance Ù min/max< O verall width 1116 mm with required 200/50-10 tyres fitted for masts 5000mm and over.v V alue shown for vertical battery removal;horizontal battery removal has 90 mm of clearance at center of wheelbase.u S tacking aisle width (lines 4.34.1 & 4.34.2)is based on the VDI standard calculation asshown on illustration. The British Industrial T ruck Association recommends the addition of 100 mm to the total clearance (dimension a) for extra operating margin at the rear of the truck.† G radeability figures (lines 5.7 & 5.8) are providedfor comparison of tractive performance, but are not intended to endorse the operation of the vehicle on the stated inclines. Follow instructions in the operating manual regarding operation on inclines.J L PAZ , measured according to the test cyclesand based on the weighting values contained in EN12053MAST TABLES KEY:« Add 721mm with load backrest extension æ Deduct 723mm with load backrest extension.S Add 723mm with load backrest extension.Þ Add 656mm with load backrest extension.D Add 655mm with load backrest extensionÀ Deduct 655mm with load backrest extension. S T ilt speed reduced to 1° per second bymechanical tilt speed restictors for mast heights 5000mm and above.NOTICECare must be exercised when handling elevated loads. When the carriage and/or load is elevated, truck stability is reduced. It is important that mast tilt in either direction be kept to a minimum when loads are elevatedOperators must be trained and must read,understand and follow the instructions contained in the Operating Manual.All values are nominal values and they are subject to tolerances. For further information, please contact the manufacturer.Hyster products might be subject to change without notice.Lift trucks illustrated may feature optional equipment. Values may vary with alternative configurations.Safety:This truck conforms to the current EU requirements.TRUCK DIMENSIONSRATED CAPACITIESJ2.0XNT J1.8XNT J1.6XNT J1.5XNT= Centre of gravity of unladen truck Ast = Wa + R + a (see lines 4.34.1 & 4.34.2)a = Minimum operating clearance (VDI standard = 200 mmBITA recommendation = 300 mm)l 6= Load lengthR = (l 6+ x)2+ b 12 - b 1322VISTA MASTS J1.5-2.0XNTMaximum Fork Height(mm) (h 3 + s)Back Tilt Overall Lowered Height Overall Extended Height Free lift (top of forks)(°) (mm) (mm) (mm) (h 2 + s)3432 5° 2180 4006 Þ 140 3932 5° 2530 4506 Þ 140 4432 5° 2780 5006 Þ 140 4932 5° 3130 5506 Þ 1404600 5° 2030 5175 D 1455 À 4900 5°2130 5375 D 1555 À 5200 S 5° 2280 5775 D 1705 À 5500 S5°2380 6075 D 1805 À3218 5° 2080 3728 D 1505 À 3718 5° 2330 4228 D 1755 À 43385°26804847 D 2105 ÀVista2-Stage full free liftVista2-Stage limited free liftVista3-Stage limited free liftJ1.5-1.6XNT - Vista Plus capacity chart in kg @ 500 mm load centresJ1.5-1.6XNT - Vista Plus capacity chart in kg @ 600 mm load centresPneumatic Shaped Solid TyresWITH integral sideshift WITHOUT sideshift Maxforkheight(mm)J1.5XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.5XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT (SWB) (SWB) (MWB) (LWB) (SWB) (SWB) (MWB) (LWB)3360 1 500 1 600 1 600 1 600 1 500 1 600 1 600 1 600 3860 1 500 1 600 1 600 1 600 1 500 1 600 1 600 1 600 4360 1 480 1 580 1 580 1 580 1 480 1 580 1 580 1 580 48601 390 1 490 1 490 1 500 1 390 1 490 1 490 1 500 4600 1 450 1 540 1 540 1 550 1 450 1 540 1 540 1 550 4900 1 390 1 490 1 490 1 500 1 390 1 490 1 490 1 500 5200 S 1 340 1 430 1 320 1 330 1 340 1 360 1 250 1 260 5500 S1 2801 1301 0601 0801 2401 0701 0001 010Vista Plus 2-Stage limited free lift Vista Plus 3-Stage full free liftPRODUCT FEATURESJ1.5-2.0XNT - Vista capacity chart in kg @ 600 mm load centresNOTE : T he rated capacities shown are for masts in a vertical position on trucks equipped with standard or sideshift carriage and nominal length forks. Masts above the maximum fork heights shown in themast table are classified as high lift and, depending on the tyre/tread configuration may require reduced capacity, restricted back tilt or wide tread.Pneumatic Shaped Solid TyresWITH integral sideshift WITHOUT sideshift Maxforkheight(mm)J1.5XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.8XNT J1.8XNT J2.0XNT J2.0XNT J1.5XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.6XNT J1.8XNT J1.8XNT J2.0XNT J2.0XNT (SWB) (SWB) (MWB) (LWB) (MWB) (LWB) (MWB) (LWB) (SWB) (SWB) (MWB) (LWB) (MWB) (LWB) (MWB) (LWB)3432 -1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 800 1 800 - 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 780 1 780 3932 - 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 800 1 800 - 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 780 1 770 4432 - 1 430 1 430 1 430 1 580 1 580 1 780 1 780 - 1 430 1 430 1 430 1 580 1 580 1 760 1 760 4932- 1 350 1 350 1 360 1 500 1 500 1 570 1 560 - 1 340 1 340 1 350 1 500 1 500 1 520 1 520 3218 1 300 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 800 1 800 1 300 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 790 1 790 3718 1 300 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 800 1 800 1 300 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 790 1 780 4338 1 300 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 800 1 800 1 300 1 440 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 780 1 770 4600 - 1 450 1 450 1 450 1 600 1 600 1 800 1 800 - 1 420 1 420 1 420 1 570 1 570 1 750 1 740 4900- 1 420 1 420 1 420 1 570 1 570 1 770 1 770 - 1 420 1 420 1 420 1 570 1 570 1 750 1 740 5200 S - 1 370 1 370 1 380 1 520 1 520 1 720 1 710 - 1 370 1 370 1 370 1 520 1 520 1 700 1 690 5500 S-1 3201 2601 2801 4701 4701 4901 660-1 3101 2001 2101 4701 4701 4401 590Vista 2-Stage limited free liftVista 2-Stage full free lift Vista3-Stage full free liftDEPENDABILITYn R obust and proven masts give high visibility andreliable, high performance lifting. n S teel hoods and covers provide resistance to impactdamage and general wear and tear. n A C motor technology on traction and hoist allowsthe truck to work more reliably and for longer shifts, reducing downtime significantly.n H all-Effect sensors on transmission replace internalencoder bearing, making the truck more reliable and decreasing downtime. n I P54 enclosed traction motors and IP65 protection ofcontrols, prevent ingress of water and dust particles, reducing the probability of truck breakdown.n U se of O-Ring face seals in the hydraulic system,sealed electrical connectors and LED lights, replacing light bulbs, gives maximum uptime over the product life cycle.n E -steering system simplifies and shortens thehydraulic circuits in the truck, simplifying maintenance and reducing the opportunity for leaks.PRODUCTIVITYn F ront wheel AC drive motors provides smoothacceleration and excellent travel and torque performance. This is combined with powerfulacceleration and auto regenerative braking to deliver precise efficient load handling. n C ompact chassis length and robust steer axle allowtight turning circles for excellent maneuverability in working aisles or congested loading/ unloading bays. n E -steering increases productivity while maintainingexcellent battery life. n E -braking system provides service braking to beachieved using regenerative motor braking, offering increased energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption and increases uptime.PRODUCT FEATURESn B attery capacity and truck wheel base can be matched to the application, optimising performance,maneuverability and battery shift life.n E nergy Low (eLo) settings are designed to assure full shift of work on each charge.n H igh Performance (HiP) settings give impressive truck performance.n E asy side extraction battery removal with 180°-fold back door, allows more uninterrupted uptime with a fast,simple exchange process to keep trucks on the move. ERGONOMICSn G enerous foot space, intuitive pedal arrangement and low step and hood heights offer a comfortable working space for the driver. This means on/off access anddriving in reverse cause less fatigue over long shifts.n F ull suspension seat with 80mm of travel reduces truck vibrations, creating a smoother ride for theoperator. Swivel seat option for operations requiringfrequent reversing.n O ptional InteligentBelt TM interlock system prevents truck from traveling until operator is seated with seat belt securely fastened to ensure that seat belt isused correctly.n M ultiple choices of Hydraulic controls:- S eat side manual lever control with new designmanual levers for superb handling productivity.- T he latest design adjustable TouchPoint TM armrestmodule with built in hydraulic controls, integrateddirectional control, emergency off switch and hornoffers the ultimate in comfort and control.- N ew design ergonomic joystick with integratedhydraulic controls including direction change, returnto set tilt and clamping, designed and positioned toprovide maximum comfort for operator.n S ynchronous steering maintains the steering knob at the preferred position for the driver when driving straight increasing operator comfort and reduces fatigue.n S teer Column is infinitely adjustable via adjustable gas spring support, optional height adjustment available.n T he memory tilt option allows the steering column to be released to the most vertical position to allowthe operator to get off the truck easily. When gettingback on the truck, the operator simply pulls the steercolumn back to the preset position.n A choice of weather protection options promotes a comfortable working environment, whateverthe conditions. LOW COST OF OWNERSHIPn T he right balance of performance, manoeuvrability and battery provision, matched to the application needsgives productivity and throughput at less cost.n T he Vehicle System Manager (VSM) allows adjustment of truck performance parameters as well as monitoring key functions, leading to application matchedperformance and low maintenance.n D urable, quality components mean long term reliability and lower maintenance costs. Virtually maintenancefree components such as brushless AC motors mean that Hyster Electrics require a full service check onlyafter 1 000 hours.n I n-built thermal protection on traction motors and advanced cooling system protect truck components,leading to reduced maintenance costs.n F ast delivery of diagnostic information allows precise troubleshooting, easy maintenance planning andlower costs.n E-braking and Steering systems reduce ‘wear parts’ and and are less vulnerable to ingress of dirt and floor debris, reducing maintenance costs. SERVICEABILILTYn A ccess to diagnostic information via the display or plug-in point on the steering column allows engineersto monitor truck conditions and plan maintenancerequirements.n E asily removable 2-piece floor plate provides easy access to power contactor, fuses and relays.n A utomatic park brake system can be released manually by activating lever arrangement underneath floor plates, reducing downtime.n M otor, pump, controller and oil tank are located in the counterweight and are easily accessible, requiring only2 thumb screws to be removed.@fwww.hyster.eu*********************/HysterEurope @HysterEurope/HysterEuropeSTRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS.TMFOR DEMANDING OPERATIONS, EVERYWHERE.Hyster supplies a complete range of warehouse equipment, IC and electric counterbalanced trucks, container handlers and reach stackers. Hyster is committed to being much more than a lift truck supplier.Our aim is to offer a complete partnership capable ofresponding to the full spectrum of material handling issues: Whether you need professional consultancy on your fleet management, fully qualified service support, or reliable parts supply, you can depend on Hyster.Our network of highly trained dealers provides expert,responsive local support. They can offer cost-effective finance packages and introduce effectively managed maintenance programmes to ensure that you get the best possible value. Our business is dealing with your material handling needs so you can focus on the success of your business today and in the future.HYSTER EUROPECentennial House, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, England.Tel: +44 (0) 1276 538500HYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED trading as Hyster Europe. Registered Address: Centennial House, Building 4.5, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, United Kingdom.Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 02636775.HYSTER,and FORTENS are registered trademarks in the European Union and certain other jurisdictions.MONOTROL ® is a registered trademark, and DURAMATCH andare trademarks in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions.Printed in Netherlands. Part number: 3990025 Rev08-01/16-TLC。



Q 江苏金彭集团有限公司企业标准Q/320305YBF01-2021快递专用电动三轮车2021-10-25发布2021-11-01实施江苏金彭集团有限公司发布前 言本标准的编写格式贯彻了GB/T1.1-2009《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写》之规定。

















关键词:电动三轮车,前叉结构,驱动系统,制动系统The structural design of electric tricycleAuthor:weihuaruiTutor:quweishiAbstractThis paper introduces the classification of electric tricycle,uses various types of electrical as well as the advantages and disadvantages of tricycles.And according to my electric tricycle for market research analysis of the situation,and some of the structure of electric tricycle a brief introduction,improvement and integration.First of all,on the development of electric vehicles and electric vehicle development prospects in the development of problems in the course of a brief description and analysis, and other countries in the world,the development of electric cars a brief description.Secondly,this article on the current market has the type of electric tricycle has made a detailed introduction to the various types of electric tricycle configuration,usage,the application of people,the advantages and disadvantages of doing a brief introduction.Finally,after a careful summary and analysis of the market and take advantage of four years of knowledge,in the guidance of teachers and classroom teachers and other students with the help of the whole of the electric tricycle parameters,dimensions,front fork structure, drive system and the braking system to do a simple design and improvement.Keywords:electric tricycle,fork,drive system,brake system目录1绪论 (1)1.1课题背景及目的 (1)1.2国内外研究状况 (1)1.3课题研究方法 (2)1.4论文构成及研究内容 (2)2电动三轮车结构设计方案对比分析 (3)2.1目前国内外常见的电动三轮车后桥的结构样式 (3)2.1.1单侧电机、外置车架型 (3)2.1.2中置电机带大轴型 (4)2.2电动三轮车根据用途不同的分类 (4)2.2.1休闲型电动三轮车 (4)2.2.2客运型电动三轮车 (5)2.2.3客货两用型电动三轮车 (6)2.2.4货运型电动三轮车 (6)2.3电动三轮车设计方案的确定 (7)3电动三轮车整车设计简介 (9)3.1电动三轮车的参数选择 (9)3.2电动三轮车外形简介 (9)4电动三轮车前叉设计 (11)4.1前叉转向轴设计 (12)4.2前叉连扳设计 (12)4.3前叉筒管设计 (12)5电动三轮车驱动系统的设计 (14)5.1电动三轮车后桥设计 (14)5.2电动三轮车后桥半轴的设计 (22)5.2.1后桥半轴的材料和最小直径的选择 (23)5.2.2后桥半轴各段长度的确定 (24)6电动三轮车制动系统的设计 (25)6.1电动三轮车前轮制动系统的设计 (25)6.2电动三轮车后轮制动系统的设计 (26)6.3电动三轮车驻车系统的设计 (27)结论 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)附录 (31)附录A有刷和无刷电机的区别 (31)附录B我国电动自行车的发展史 (32)1绪论1.1课题背景及目的目前电动车已经成为城乡主要的交通工具之一,为了顺应时代的潮流和人民生活的需要,我早已想对电动车做进一步的开发,通过和指导老师讨论决定对电动三轮车进行进一步的研究和改进,设计出一款更为实用经济的电动三轮车产品。

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关键词:电动三轮车,前叉结构,驱动系统,制动系统The structural design of electric tricycleAuthor:weihuaruiTutor:quweishiAbstractThis paper introduces the classification of electric tricycle, uses various types of electrical as well as the advantages and disadvantages of tricycles. And according to my electric tricycle for market research analysis of the situation, and some of the structure of electric tricycle a brief introduction, improvement and integration.First of all, on the development of electric vehicles and electric vehicle development prospects in the development of problems in the course of a brief description and analysis, and other countries in the world, the development of electric cars a brief description.Secondly, this article on the current market has the type of electric tricycle has made a detailed introduction to the various types of electric tricycle configuration, usage, the application of people, the advantages and disadvantages of doing a brief introduction.Finally, after a careful summary and analysis of the market and take advantage of four years of knowledge, in the guidance of teachers and classroom teachers and other students with the help of the whole of the electric tricycle parameters, dimensions, front fork structure, drive system and the braking system to do a simple design and improvement.Keywords: electric tricycle, fork, drive system, brake system目录1绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景及目的 (1)1.2 国内外研究状况 (1)1.3 课题研究方法 (2)1.4 论文构成及研究内容 (2)2 电动三轮车结构设计方案对比分析 (3)2.1 目前国内外常见的电动三轮车后桥的结构样式 (3)2.1.1 单侧电机、外置车架型 (3)2.1.2 中置电机带大轴型 (4)2.2 电动三轮车根据用途不同的分类 (4)2.2.1 休闲型电动三轮车 (4)2.2.2 客运型电动三轮车 (5)2.2.3 客货两用型电动三轮车 (6)2.2.4 货运型电动三轮车 (6)2.3 电动三轮车设计方案的确定 (7)3 电动三轮车整车设计简介 (9)3.1 电动三轮车的参数选择 (9)3.2 电动三轮车外形简介 (9)4电动三轮车前叉设计 (11)4.1 前叉转向轴设计 (12)4.2 前叉连扳设计 (12)4.3 前叉筒管设计 (12)5电动三轮车驱动系统的设计 (14)5.1 电动三轮车后桥设计.................................. .. (14)5.2 电动三轮车后桥半轴的设计 (22)5.2.1 后桥半轴的材料和最小直径的选择 (23)5.2.2 后桥半轴各段长度的确定................... (24)6 电动三轮车制动系统的设计 (25)6.1 电动三轮车前轮制动系统的设计 (25)6.2 电动三轮车后轮制动系统的设计 (26)6.3 电动三轮车驻车系统的设计 (27)结论 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)附录 (31)附录A 有刷和无刷电机的区别 (31)附录B 我国电动自行车的发展史 (32)1 绪论1.1课题背景及目的目前电动车已经成为城乡主要的交通工具之一,为了顺应时代的潮流和人民生活的需要,我早已想对电动车做进一步的开发,通过和指导老师讨论决定对电动三轮车进行进一步的研究和改进,设计出一款更为实用经济的电动三轮车产品。






























2电动三轮车结构设计方案对比分析2.1目前国内外常见的电动三轮车后桥的结构样式2.1.1 单侧电机、外置车架型单侧轮电机,外置车架(车架在车轮外边),这种结构的车没有大轴,稳定性不好,后两轮不同步,载重量轻,车架易变形。




如图表一所示图表12.1.2 中置电机带大轴型要选择中置电机带大轴的车,(大轴又称后桥、后梁,是连接三轮车后两轮之间的车轴,三轮车的重要部件)这种车稳定性好,中置电机同时驱动后两轮,启动平稳。
