膜技术和环境保护中的水处理 英文翻译
水处理专业术语中英文翻译 氧化塘 生物膜法 离子交换 广州清都环保精品文档15页
![水处理专业术语中英文翻译 氧化塘 生物膜法 离子交换 广州清都环保精品文档15页](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/982190a07375a417866f8fa1.png)
水处理术语中英文翻译表广州清都环保工业循环冷却水处理设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water treatment1、循环冷却水系统 Recirculating cooling water system2、敞开式系统 Open system3、密闭式系统 Closed system4、药剂 Chemicals5、异养菌数 Count of heterotrophic bacteria6、粘泥 Slime7、粘泥量 Slime content8、腐蚀率 Corrosion rate9、系统容积 System capacity volume10、预膜 Prefilming11、旁流水 Side stream12、补充水量 Amount of makeup water13、排污水量 Amount of blowdown14、热流密度 Heat load intensity建筑与市政降水工程技术规范Technical code for Groundwater Lowering Engineering in Building andMunicipal1、降水工程 Engineering dewatering2、降水地质条件 dewatering geological condition3、降水工程勘察 dewatering geological condition4、降水工程地质参数 dewatering geological parameters5、降水深度 ground water level after lowering6、滞水 detained ground water7、降水出水量 yield water during lowering.污水稳定搪设计规范1、稳定塘 stabilization ponds(氧化塘) oxidation pond2、厌氧塘 anaerobic pond3、兼性塘 facultative pond4、好氧塘 aerobic pond5、曝气塘 aeration pond6、生物塘 biological pond7、水生植物塘 macrohydrophyte pond8、养鱼塘 fish pond9、生态塘 ecological pond10、深度处理塘 maturationy pond工业用水软化除盐术语1、软化水 softened water2、除盐水 demineralized water3、高纯水 high-purity water , ultra-high purity water4、除硅 desilication , silica removal5、脱碱 dealkalization6、酸洗 acid cleaning7、石灰浆 lime slurry8、石灰乳 milk of lime9、树脂污染 resin fouling10、树脂降解 resin degradation11、离子交换剂 ion exchanger12、离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin13、弱碱性阴离子交换树脂 weak-base anion exchange resin14、弱酸性阳离子交换树脂 weak-acid cation exchange resin15、强碱性阴离子交换树脂 strong-base anion exchange resin16、强酸性阳离子交换树脂 strong-acid cation exchange resin17、凝胶型离子交换树脂 gel-type ion exchange resin18、大孔型离子交换树脂 macro-reticular type ion exchange resin20、后处理 post-treatment21、再生 regeneration22、再生液置换 rinse displacement23、二级钠离子交换 two stage sodium ion exchange24、顺流再生 co-current regeneration25、对流再生 counter-current regeneration26、逆流再生 up-flow regeneration27、浮动床 fluidized bed28、混合离子交换器 mixed bed29、空气顶压逆流再生 air hold down C.C.R , air blanketC.C.R30、水顶压逆流再生 water hold down C.C.R , water blanketC.C.R31、无顶压逆流再生 atmospheric press bed C.C.R32、离子交换剂床层膨胀率 ion exchange bed expansion33、移动床 moving bed34、再生剂耗量 chemical measurement35、再生剂量 regeneration level36、再生剂计量 chemical measurement37、超滤器 ultrafiler38、微孔过滤 microporous filter39、双层床 stratabed , multibed40、双室床 double bed41、分布再生 stepwise regeneration42、工作交换容量 operating capacity43、树脂捕捉器 resin trapper44、电渗析器 electrodialyzer45、反渗透器 reverse osmosis unit46、一级除盐系统 primary demineralization system47、单塔单周期移动床 monobed and single cycle moving bed48、双塔连续再生移动床 dual bed continuous contactor49、单床离子交换器 mono-bed ion exchanger工业循环水冷却术语1、冷却塔 cooling tower2、湿式冷却塔 wet cooling tower3、干式冷却塔 dry cooling tower4、干—湿式冷却塔 dry-wet cooling tower5、自然通风冷却塔 natural draft cooling tower6、机械通风冷却塔 mechanical draft cooling tower7、风筒式冷却塔 chimney cooling tower8、开放式冷却塔 atmospheric cooling tower9、抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower10、鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechanical cooling tower11、横流式冷却塔 crossflow cooling tower12、逆流式冷却塔 counterflow cooling tower13、淋水填料 packing14、点滴式淋水填料 splash packing15、薄膜式淋水填料 film packing16、点滴薄膜式淋水填料 splash-film packing17、冷却塔配水系统 cooling tower distribution system18、槽式配水系统 troughing distribution system19、管式配水系统 piping distribution system20、管—槽结合式配水系统 pipe-troughing distribution system21、池式配水系统 hot water distribution system22、旋转布水器 rotating distributor23、溅水喷嘴 spray nozzle24、冷却塔配水竖井 vertical well of water distribution25、淋水面积 area of water drenching26、淋水密度 water drenching density27、逼近度 approach28、冷却水温差 cooling range29、除水器 drift eliminator30、漂滴 drift31、湿空气回流 recirculation of wet air32、喷水池 apray pond33、冷却池 cooling pond34、深水型冷却池 deep cooling pond35、浅水型冷却塔 shallow cooling pond36、挡热墙 skimmer wall37、潜水堰 submerged weir38、蒸发损失 evaporation loss39、风吹损失 windage loss40、渗漏损失 seepage loss41、温差异重流 thermal density flow42、水面综合散热系数 heat transfer coefficient室外排水术语1、排水制度 sewer system2、合流制 combined system3、分流制 separate system4、检查井 manhole5、跌水井 drop manhole6、事故排水口 emergency outlet7、暴雨溢流井(截留井) storm overflow well, intercepting well8、潮门 tide gate9、生活污水 domestic sewage, domestic wastewater10、工业废水 industrial wastewater11、生产污水 polluted industrial wastewater12、生产废水 non-polluted industrial wastewater13、城市污水 municipal sewage, municipal wastewater14、旱流污水 dry weather flow15、水体自净 self-purification of water bodies16、一级处理 primary treatment17、二级处理 secondary treatment18、生物处理 biological treatment19、生活污泥法 activated sludge process20、生物膜法 biomem brane process21、双层沉淀池(隐化池) imhoff tank22、初次沉淀池 primary sedimentation tank23、二池沉淀池 secondary sedimetation tank24、生物滤池 biological filter , trickling filter25、塔式生物滤池 biotower26、生物转盘 votating biological clisk27、生物接触氧化 bio-contact oxidation28、曝气池 aeration tank29、推流曝气 plugflow aeration30、完全混合曝气 complete-mixing aeration31、普通曝气 conventional aeration32、阶段曝气 step aeration33、吸附再生曝气biosorption process, contact stabilization34、高负荷曝气 high-rate aeration35、延时曝气 extended aeration36、氧化沟 oxidation ditch37、稳定塘(氧化塘) stabilization pond, oxidation pond38、灌溉田 sewage farming39、隔油池 oil separator40、固定布水器 fixed distributor41、活动布水器 movable distributor42、空气扩散曝气 diffused air aeration43、浅层曝气 inka aeration44、机械表面曝气 mechanical surface aeration45、混合液 mixed liquor46、堰门 weir gate47、原污泥 raw sludge48、初沉污泥 primary sludge49、二沉污泥 secondary sludge50、活性污泥 activated sludge51、消化污泥 digested sludge52、回流污泥 returned sludge53、剩余污泥 excess activated sludge54、污泥气 sludge gas55、污泥消化 sludge digestion56、好氧消化 aerobic digestion57、厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion58、中温消化 mesophilic digestion59、高温消化 thermophilic digestion60、污泥浓缩 sludge thickening61、污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge62、污泥脱水 sludge dewatering63、需氧量 oxygen demand64、供氧量 oxygen supply65、氧转移率 oxygen transfer efficiency66、充氧能力 oxygenation capacity67、污泥回流比 return sludge ration68、生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)69、化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand(COD)70、耗氧量 oxygen consumption(OC或COD)Mn 71、悬浮固体 suspended solid(SS)通用术语1、给水工程 water supply engineering2、排水工程 sewerage, wastewater engineering3、给水系统 water supply system4、排水系统 sewerage system5、给水水源 water source6、原水 raw water7、地表水 surface8、地下水 ground water9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water, alkaline water10、淡水 fresh water11、冷却水 cooling water12、废水 wastewater13、污水 sewage, wastewater14、用水量 water consumption15、供水量 output16、污水量 wastewater flow, sewage flow17、用水定额 water consumption norm18、排水定额 wastewater flow norm19、水质 water quality20、渠道 channel, conduit21、干管 main22、泵房 pumping house23、给水处理 water treatment24、泵站 pumping station25、污水处理sewage treatment, wastewater treatment26、废水处理 wastewater disposal27、格栅 bar screen28、曝气 aeration29、沉淀 sedimentation30、澄清 clarification31、过滤 filtration32、离子交换法 ion exchange33、消毒 disinfection34、氯化 chlorination35、余氯 residual36、游离性余氯 free residual chlorine37、结合性余氯 combinative residual chlorine38、污泥 sludge39、污泥处理 sludge treatment40、污泥处置 sludge disposal41、水头损失 head loss42、贮水池 storage reservoir , storage tank43、过河管 river crossing44、倒虹管 inverted siphon45、稳定 stabilization46、异重流 density current室外给水术语1、直流水系统 once through system2、复用水系统 water reuse system3、循环水系统 recirculation system4、生活用水 domestic water5、生产用水 process water6、消防用水 fire demand7、浇洒道路用水 street flushing demand, road watering8、绿化用水 green belt sprinkling, green plot sprinkling9、未预见用水量 unforeseen demand10、自用水量 water consumption in waterworks11、管网漏失水量 leakage12、平均日供水量 average daily output13、最高日供水量 maximum daily output14、日变化系数 daily variation coefficient15、时变化系数 hourly variation coefficient16、最小服务水头 minimum service head给水工程中取水构筑物的术语及其涵义1、管井 deep well, drilled well2、管井滤水管 deep well screen3、管井沉淀管 grit compartment4、大口井 dug well, open well5、井群 battery of wells6、渗渠 infiltration gallery7、地下水取水构筑物反滤层 inverted layer8、泉室 spring chamber9、取水构筑物 intake strcture10、取水口(取水头部) intake11、进水间 intake chamber12、格网 screen13、吸水井 suction well给水工程中净水构筑物的术语1、净水构筑物 purification structure2、投药 chemical dosing3、混和 mixing4、凝聚 coagulation5、絮凝 flocculation6、自然沉淀 plain sedimentation7、凝聚沉淀 coagulation sedimentation8、凝聚剂 coagulant9、助凝剂 coagulant aid10、药剂周转储备量 current reserve11、药剂固定储备量 standby reserve12、沉砂池 desilting basin, grit chamber13、预沉池 pre-sedimentation tank14、平流沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank15、异向流斜管(或斜板)沉淀池 tube (plate) settler16、同向流斜板沉淀池 lamella17、机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator18、水力循环澄清池 circulator clarifier19、脉冲澄清池 pulsator20、悬浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier21、液面负荷 surface load22、气浮池 floatation tak23、气浮溶气罐 dissolved air vessel24、气浮接触池 contact chamber25、快滤池 rapid filter26、虹吸滤池 siphon filter27、无阀滤池 valveless filter28、压力滤池 pressure filter29、移动罩滤池 movable hood backwashing filter30、滤料 filtering media]31、承托层 graded gravel layer32、滤速 rate of filtration33、滤池配水系统 filter underdrain system34、表面冲洗 surface washing35、反冲洗 backwash36、气水冲洗 air-water washing37、滤池冲洗水量 filter wash water consumption38、冲洗强度 intensity of back washing39、膨胀率 percentage of bed-expansion40、除铁接触氧化法 contact-oxidation41、清水池 clear-water reservoir42、配水管网 distribution system, pipe system43、环状管网 pipe network44、枝状管网 branch system45、水管支墩 buttress, anchorage希望以上资料对你有所帮助,附励志名3条:1、积金遗于子孙,子孙未必能守;积书于子孙,子孙未必能读。
air conditioner noise 空气调节器噪 音;冷气机噪音 air control zone [ACZ] 空气质素管制 区
Air Control Zones (Consolidation)
Statement of Air Quality Objectives [Cap. 311] 《空气质素管制区(综合) 空气指针说明》〔第 311 章〕 air damper 空气挡板 air delivery 空气输出量 air diffuser 空气扩散器
-1– 本文收集自网络,版权归原作者所有.
JLC 环境技术交流中心收集制作
Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries 渔农业咨询委员会
Advisory Council on the Environment
[ACE] [formerly known as
acceptable with mitigation measure [impact] 在采取缓解措施后可以接 受〔影响〕 accessible point 接触点 acclimatization of sludge 污泥中细菌 对环境的适应过程 accredited laboratory 认可实验所
acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene [ABS] 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯;超不碎塑 料
action level [environmental quality performance limit] 行动水平〔环境质 素表现规限〕 activated carbon 活性碳 activated carbon absorber 活性碳除 味器 activated carbon bed 活性碳 activated chlorine 活性氯 activated sludge 活性污泥 activated sludge system 活性污泥系 统 active livestock farm 活跃禽畜饲养 场 activation 活化 actual sound position 实际声源位置 acute toxicity effect 急性的有毒影响 additional waste 附加废物 additive 添加剂 adhesive recirculating reservoir 胶水 循环系统 adit 坑道 adjustable parameter 可 调整的 参数 指针 advance works 前期工程 advection 平流 adverse environmental impact 不良环 境影响
环境工程专业英语第一章 unit1 2
![环境工程专业英语第一章 unit1 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1bbb0e2a4b73f242336c5fcd.png)
waste disposal are often dealt with separately by governmental agencies. 并且从行政管理方面看也是合理的,空气污染、供水、废水处理和固体废物 处置,这些单个环境问题都被政府部门分开单独处理 Unfortunately, many important environmental problems are not ed to an air, water, or land system, but involve interactions between systems. 事实上,许多重大的环境问题并不局限于大气、水或土壤圈中的某个单一系 统,而是各系统之间相互作用。
水处理常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。
2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。
3、给水系统water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
4、排水系统sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
5、给水水源wat er so ur ce 给水工程所取用的原水水体。
6 、原水r a w w a t e r 由水源地取来的原料水。
7、地表水sur f ace wat er 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。
8、地下水gr ound wat er 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。
9、苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,P H 值大于7 。
1 0 、淡水 f r e s h wat e r 含盐量小于50 0 mg / L 的水。
11、冷却水cool i ng wat er 用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。
12、废水wastewater 居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。
13 、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。
14、用水量wat er consumpt i on 用水对象实际使用的水量。
- ??15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统的水量。
16、用水定额water flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。
17、排水定额wastewater flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。
11331002地面水体Surface water body指存在于河川、海洋、湖潭、水库、池塘、灌溉渠道、各种排水路(包括尚未完成废(污)水处理设施之公共及专用下水道)或其它体系内全部或部分之水。
11331004地下水体Ground water body指存在于地下水层之水。
也称地泉水(phreatic water)。
11331006水污染物Page 2Water pollutant指任何能导致水污染之物质、生物或能量。
11331007水污染Water pollution指水因物质、生物或能量之介入而变更品质,致影响其正常用途或危害国民健康及生活环境。
11331008水污染管制区Water pollution control area直辖市、县(市)主管机关视辖境内水污染状况所划定之管制区,区内不得有下列行为:一、使用农药或化学肥料,致有污染主管机关指定之水体之虞。
11331009生活环境Living environment指与人之生活有密切关系之财产、动物、植物及其生育环境。
11331011事业废水Page 3Industrial wastewater指工厂、矿场、废水代处理业、畜牧业或其它经台湾环境保护署指定之事业,于制造、操作、自然资源开发过程中或作业环境所产生含有污染物之水。
Application of membrane in water treatment The application of membrane in water treatment depends on it s effectiveness of separation and cost of process. As an advanced separation technology , it is endowed with many advantages : high selectivity , applicability under ambient temperature without phase change , low cost of energy , high level of automation ,low pollution and etc.1 Desalination of seawater and black waterRO is the most economical way for the desalination of seawater and black water. The energy consumption is less than 5 kW·h/ t for seawater or 0. 5~3 kW·h/ t for black water. The biggest plant of RO for seawater desalination can produce water 2. 1 ×105m3/ d , for black water is 1. 3 ×105 m3/ d. It seems that RO is the best method to solve the problem of drinking water and industrial water in the draught areas. It can be verified by the fact that most of the largest desalination plant s are located in Middle East as shown in tab. 2[3 ].2 Purification of drinking waterMembrane is the best tool for the purification of drinking water because it can remove the suspended substance , bacteria , toxic metallic components and organic components to improve the water quality. 90 % of the city water is productive water, only 9 % supplied water is the domestic water and only 1 % is drinking water. To supply water separately for the resident zones is an effective way to improve the quality of drinking water. Supplying water separately is to treat the 1 % supplied water with membrane for special purpose. Separate supply system has been built in some resident zones of Beijing and Shenyang , which mainly use RO membrane.The world total capacity of desalination in 1998 is 22 735 000 m3/ d.3 Reuse of municipal domestic sewageCity sewage is an important potential water resource. Recycled water for different purposes can be produced from the domestic sewage with membrane. It is an effective way to solve the shortage of water resource.There are 3 domestic sewage treatment factories in Beijing , and another 4 are under const ruction. In addition , 15 more are to be built . The sewage treat ratio will mount to 80 % in 2006. Two million tons of the treated water will flow out from these wastewater treatment factories. After treated with membrane , the water can be reused for industrial purpose , green area and other fields. In this way , the municipal supplied water can be reduced , and the water resource can be fully utilized. If the membrane technology is applied in the deep treatment of the city sewage ,more than one million tons of discharged wastewater will be reduced every day only in Beijing. At the same time , more than one million tons of the water resource can be saved. So it would retrench 0. 36 billion tons of water per year. This method can reduce the water pollution , as well preserve the water resource.4 Treatment of industrial wastewaterIndustrial wastewater has many types in large quantity and it is very harmful. If the wastewater can be treated , it would not only preserve the resource ,but also protect the environment because the wastewater contains some deleterious substances such as oil ,metallic ions , phenol and etc. The membrane technology bears splendid significance in the industrial wastewater treatment . In early 1970s , RO membrane began to make the electric plating wastewater recycled ; Charged UF membrane turned the electro coating system in automatic company into clean producing line. The wastewater treatment withmembrane recycled the wastewater in dyeing process ; UF membrane is a key technology for the reuse of oil wastewater.4 Future of membrane application in water treatmentThe essence of membrane technology is a highly effective material. The material should provide high flux , high selectivity and so on. In the wastewater treatment , we often encounter hazardous condition. Under such kind of circumstances , organic membrane sometimes cannot meet the requirement . Consequently , more attention is paid to the inorganic membrane now that has fulfilled a considerable progress in these years with a rate of 30 %. Currently China can produce tube ceramic membrane on industrial scale. With the decrease of water resource and the increase of water pollution , it is definitely that the membrane technology , the separation technology of the lowest energy cost , will realize a brilliant future. RO , NF ,UF , MF , ion - exchange , dialysis etc which are mainly used in water treatment will be the center of membrane technology. China is a country with a large population of nearly 1. 3 billion people , which covers one fifth of the world population , but the water resource is only 1/ 20 of world. Therefore the water resource per capita is only 1/ 4 of that of the world. Membrane is an effective means to solve water problem. The advantage of membrane in water treatment is more and more obvious while it s application is wider and wider. The membrane industry of China marches rapidly at a rate of 30 % annually. However , the difference from the developed count ry is still big. The membrane output per capita is merely 1/ 32 of that of USA and 1/ 12 of that of the world. The membrane market in China is huge with a bright outlook. To enhance the application of membrane in water treatment , we should : Ó Promote the application of membrane technology.Ó Develop new - fashion membrane.膜技术和环境保护中的水处理任建新1 张保成2(1 中国蓝星化学清洗总公司, 中国北京朝阳区北土城西路9号,1000292. 意大利都灵理工大学化工系, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , 意大利)膜技术在水处理中的应用膜技术在水处理中的应用决定于其分离效率和过程成本。
Membrane technology and water treatment inenvironmental protectionREN J ianxin1 , ZHANGBaocheng2(1. China National Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Co. , No. 9 West Road , Beitucheng Chaoyang District ,Beijing 100029 , China ;2. Department of Chemical Engineering , Polytechnic of Turin , Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , Italy)Abstract : The paper present s a general summary on the state of the water resource and membrane industry of China. Now the water pollution is becoming more grave , and the water resource is shorter and shorter in the earth. China has 660 cities ,360 cities of them are short of water. The situation in 110 cities is serious , and the situation in 40 cities is dangerous. It was predicted that the water could be a main cause of local conflict s and international wars. The water pollution in China is also very astonished. 77 % untreated wastewater is discharged ,and 46. 6 % river is polluted. Membrane is a clean production technology ,which could be used to improve the quality of drink water ,treat the waste to reduce the pollution and save the water resource. China has a lot of researchers and research institute on membrane. The paper present s some data of Chinese membrane research and manufacture.Key words : membrane ; water treatment ; environment protectionCLC number : TQ028. 8 Document code : A1 IntroductionWater is a main resource for our human being ,but the problem of water is more serious than before.China is a developing country while it s economy goes forward rapidly. However , along with the development of economy , the eco - environmental problem is becoming worse and worse , such as shortage of resources , ecological damage , environmental pollution and etc. all these are bound to have fatal impact s on the improvement of ourliving standard and on the substantial development of economy. Now the central government is focusing on the development over the western part of China , in which the economic development and the environmental protection bear key importance.Membrane separation technology is an advanced technology that has been developing very quickly during the past several decades. In 1952 , Reid introduced the idea to desalinate the seawater with RO for the first time. In 1960 , Loeb and Sourirajin produced the first RO membrane with the potential practical application , which was a symbol of the birth of membrane science and technology. China has a 40 – year history of research and development of membrane. In this period , RO , NF , UF , MF , electric dialysis , pervaporation membrane , liquid membrane , membrane reactor were developed , and have been put into application in the fields of energy , electronics ,petroleum , petrochemical , pharmacy , heavy industry , light industry , food and brewery ind ustry , people’s daily life and the environmental protection. Especially in the water treatment , the application of membrane technology turns wider and wider , and plays an increasingly important role.2 The state of water resource and water pollution in ChinaIn range of environmental problems , water problem is extremely severe. There are one third of people on the earth facing with how to solve the shortage of water and how to treat the wastewater. This number will be doubled in the next 30 years. It is forecast by some experts that water , rather than oil , is going to be the main cause of conflicts regionally even globally.There are 660 cities in China. Among them , more than 360 are short of water and 110 are in urgent situation. Further more , 40 cities are in the list of the cities that are ext remely short of water. It is estimated that the water shortage will be 40 billion tons annually , and that China will lack 60 billion tons water in 2030. Due to the water shortage , the product output decreases by 240 billion RMB yuan annually.The water quality in China was deteriorated over the past few years. The polluted river length increased every year. According to the statistical data in 1999 , 46. 5 % ofrivers were polluted in 100 000 km monitored rivers , but the wastewater treated ratio was only 23 %. [1 ]Water pollution has become the obstacle of economic development and social progress. In Sanxia reservoir of Yangzi River , there are 21 counties discharging wastes into Yangzi River. The height of the float above water reaches 2~4 m , sometimes 6. 5 m. It has directly affected the work of Ge Zhou Ba water power station. It causes frequent breakdown of Erjiang power station. The worst case happened was that once a time the float caused severe power plants breakdown with an electricity loss of 14 000 kW , equal to the capacity of a small power station.Water pollution not only becomes an impediment of the economic development , but also endangers the existence of the people. The water quality in Yangteng Lake drops to grade 3 from grade 2 , which causes the water undrinkable.3 State of membrane industryChina has a lot of research unit s and researchers on membrane. The research on electric dialysis and ion exchange membrane began in 1958[2 ] . RO membrane began in 1965 and UF membrane in 1970s.The earliest prepared UF membrane , cellulose acetate UF membrane , was used in electric coat system in 1980s , after polysulfone hollow fiber UF membrane was manufactured. The researches and the development also went ahead rapidly on NF membrane , gas membrane , inorganic membrane , pervaporation membrane and liquid membrane.Although the membrane industry of China is not big , it grows up very quickly. According to the statistical data in 1997 , there were 13 big companies of membrane with the output over $1. 2 million in China ( Tab. 1) . The output of solo membrane was $45 million , within which the imported value was $27 million. The industrial output relevant to membrane was estimated $0. 17 billion and it will be $0. 3 billion this year. The imported membrane is about 70 % sales in China. The output of locally manufactured membrane increased by 30 % annually.In 1997 , the global output value of membrane and it s relevant equipment was about$10 billion. It is estimated that the output value will be increased to $14 billion in 2000. The output of membrane industry of USA was $1. 1 billion in 1997 and will reach $1. 6 billion in 2001 with the annual growth rate of 8. 0 %. In 1997 , the sales of membrane product s for water treatment was $0. 97 billion in Europe. It is reckoned to be $1. 65 billion in 2004 with the annual growth rate of 7. 9 %. According to these growth rates , China will catch up with USA and Europe in the coming years as shown in Fig. 1.Fig. 1 The output increases of membrane products in USA , Europe and ChinaThere are tens of research institutes in China , of which more than 20 are on UF and MF membrane. Meanwhile , there are two research bases on membrane. One is the aqueous membrane research institute —The Development Center of Water Treatment Technology , SOA Hangzhou China , and the other is the gas membrane research base —National Engineering Research Center of Membrane Technology ,Dalian , China.4 Application of membrane in water treatmentThe application of membrane in water treatment depends on it s effectiveness of separation and cost of process. As an advanced separation technology , it is endowed with many advantages : high selectivity , applicability under ambient temperature without phase change , low cost of energy , high level of automation ,low pollution and etc.4. 1 Desalination of seawater and black waterRO is the most economical way for the desalination of seawater and black water.The energy consumption is less than 5 kW·h/ t for seawater or 0. 5~3 kW·h/ t for black water. The biggest plant of RO for seawater desalination can produce water 2. 1 ×105m3/ d , for black water is 1. 3 ×105 m3/ d. It seems that RO is the best method to solve the problem of drinking water and industrial water in the draught areas. It can be verified by the fact that most of the largest desalination plant s are located in Middle East as shown in tab. 2[3 ].4. 2 Purification of drinking waterMembrane is the best tool for the purification of drinking water because it can remove the suspended substance , bacteria , toxic metallic components and organic components to improve the water quality. 90 % of the city water is productive water, only 9 % supplied water is the domestic water and only 1 % is drinking water. To supply water separately for the resident zones is an effective way to improve the quality of drinking water. Supplying water separately is to treat the 1 % supplied water with membrane for special purpose. Separate supply system has been built in some resident zones of Beijing and Shenyang , which mainly use RO membrane.The world total capacity of desalination in 1998 is 22 735 000 m3/ d.4. 3 Reuse of municipal domestic sewageCity sewage is an important potential water resource. Recycled water for different purposes can be produced from the domestic sewage with membrane. It is an effectiveway to solve the shortage of water resource.There are 3 domestic sewage treatment factories in Beijing , and another 4 are under const ruction. In addition , 15 more are to be built . The sewage treat ratio will mount to 80 % in 2006. Two million tons of the treated water will flow out from these wastewater treatment factories. After treated with membrane , the water can be reused for industrial purpose , green area and other fields. In this way , the municipal supplied water can be reduced , and the water resource can be fully utilized. If the membrane technology is applied in the deep treatment of the city sewage ,more than one million tons of discharged wastewater will be reduced every day only in Beijing. At the same time , more than one million tons of the water resource can be saved. So it would retrench 0. 36 billion tons of water per year. This method can reduce the water pollution , as well preserve the water resource.4. 4 Treatment of industrial wastewaterIndustrial wastewater has many types in large quantity and it is very harmful. If the wastewater can be treated , it would not only preserve the resource ,but also protect the environment because the wastewater contains some deleterious substances such as oil ,metallic ions , phenol and etc. The membrane technology bears splendid significance in the industrial wastewater treatment . In early 1970s , RO membrane began to make the electric plating wastewater recycled ; Charged UF membrane turned the electro coating system in automatic company into clean producing line. The wastewater treatment with membrane recycled the wastewater in dyeing process ; UF membrane is a key technology for the reuse of oil wastewater.5 Future of membrane application in water treatmentThe essence of membrane technology is a highly effective material. The material should provide high flux , high selectivity and so on. In the wastewater treatment , we often encounter hazardous condition. Under such kind of circumstances , organic membrane sometimes cannot meet the requirement . Consequently , more attention ispaid to the inorganic membrane now that has fulfilled a considerable progress in these years with a rate of 30 %. Currently China can produce tube ceramic membrane on industrial scale. With the decrease of water resource and the increase of water pollution , it is definitely that the membrane technology , the separation technology of the lowest energy cost , will realize a brilliant future. RO , NF ,UF , MF , ion - exchange , dialysis etc which are mainly used in water treatment will be the center of membrane technology. China is a country with a large population of nearly 1. 3 billion people , which covers one fifth of the world population , but the water resource is only 1/ 20 of world. Therefore the water resource per capita is only 1/ 4 of that of the world. Membrane is an effective means to solve water problem. The advantage of membrane in water treatment is more and more obvious while it s application is wider and wider. The membrane industry of China marches rapidly at a rate of 30 % annually. However , the difference from the developed count ry is still big. The membrane output per capita is merely 1/ 32 of that of USA and 1/ 12 of that of the world. The membrane market in China is huge with a bright outlook. To enhance the application of membrane in water treatment , we should : Ó Promote the application of membrane technology.Ó Develop new - fashion membrane.膜技术和环境保护中的水处理任建新1 张保成2(1 中国蓝星化学清洗总公司, 中国北京朝阳区北土城西路9号,1000292. 意大利都灵理工大学化工系, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , 意大利)摘要:这篇文章简单介绍了目前中国水资源和膜工业的现状。
专业英语环境:environment 环境工程:environmental engineering环境保护:environmental protection 环境意识:environmental consciousness/awareness 环境问题:environmental issue/problem 环境效应:environmental effect环境污染:environmental pollution 环境要素:environmental elements环境因子:environmental factors 环境化学:environmental chemistry环境生态学:environmental ecology 环境质量:environmental quality环境自净作用:environmental self-purification/self-cleansing水环境:watershed 水体:water body流域:watershed 水质:water quality水资源:water resources 供水:water supply废水:waste water 水处理:water treatment物理性水质指标:physical indicate of water quality 水污染物:water pollutant生物性水质指标:biological water-quality index 水质标准:water quality standard化学性水质指标:chemical water-quality indexDS:dissolved solids BOD:biochemical oxygen demand TDS:total dissolved solids COD:chemical oxygen demand TSS:total suspended solids DO:dissolved oxygenTOC:total organic carbon PH值:TN:总氮total nitrogen TP:总磷phosphorusZn:zinc Cu:CopperAs:arsenic Cd:CadmiumCr:chromium Ni:NickelHg:mercury Pb:plumbum物理处理:physical treatment 过滤:screening生物处理:biological treatment 沉淀:sedimentation化学处理:chemical treatment 气浮:flotation物理化学处理:physical-chemical treatment蒸发:evaporation 稀释:dilution扩散:dispersion 吹脱:stripping好氧处理:aerobic treatment 生物膜法:bio-membrane process 厌氧处理:anaerobic treatment 生物滤池:trickling filters活性污泥法:activated sludge process 生物接触氧化:biological contact SBR:苯乙烯-丁二烯Styrene Butadiene RubberUASB(流式厌氧污泥床):Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket 活性污泥:activated sludge 改进型:modification 一级处理:primary treatment二级处理:secondary treatment 三级处理:tertiary treatment高级氧化处理:advanced treatment 生活污水:domestic wastewater生产废水:industrial wastewater 城市生活污水:municipal wastewater电镀废水:metalplating plants印染废水:pulp and paper industries wastewater 浊度:turbidity硬度:hardness 水质净化:water quality purifies混凝沉淀:coagulate flocculating agent 活性炭吸附:activated carbon adsorption隔油池:oil separation tank 中和池:neutralization tank调节池:adjusting tank 生物反应池:biological reactor加药设备:physical equipment 沉淀池:sedimentation tank初沉池:primary sedimentation tank 二沉池:secondary sedimentation tank絮凝剂:flocculant 混凝剂:coagulate flocculant生物降解:biodegradation 生物累积:bioaccumulation飘尘:floating dust 可吸入颗粒物:inhalable particles能见度:visibility 酸雨:acid rain一次污染物:primary pollutant二次污染物:secondary pollutant 氮氧化物:nitrogen oxides硫氧化物:sulfur oxides硫化氢:hydrogen sulfide 碳氧化物:carbon oxides硝酸:nitric acid 盐酸:hydrochloric acid硫酸:sulfuric acid 二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide除尘工艺:Dust removal吸收:absorption 吸附:adsorption静电除尘:electric dust precipitation 重力除尘:gravitational settling臭氧:ozone光化学烟雾:photochemical smoke 喷淋(洗涤):scavenging土壤:soil 热污染:temperature change/thermal pollution 噪声:noise 放射性:radioactivityEIA:environmental impact assessment CAD(计算机辅助设计):computer aided design大气污染控制工程:air pollution control水污染控制工程:water pollution control固体废物污染控制工程:solid waste management污染源:pollution source同化作用:assimilation 固体废物:solid wastes危险废物:hazardous wastes化学污泥chemical sludge:生物污泥:biological sludge工业固废:industrialwastes 分选处理:separation treatment 矿业固废:mine solid wastes 破碎处理:processing农业固废:agriculture solid wastes 压实处理:reduction in volume污泥脱水:disposal of the sludge ?污泥浓缩:sludge thickening带式压滤:Belt filter press离心脱水:centrifugal dewatering筛分:screening堆肥和堆肥化:compost and composting沼气和沼气化:biogas热解与焚烧:pyrolysis and incineration生物转化作用:biotransformation热化学转化作用:thermo-chemical固化和稳定化作用:solidification and stabilization资源化:resource减量化:pollution control无害化:harmlessness固体废物全过程控制:solid waste integrated control固体废物污染控制:solid waster pollution control固体废物处理:processing and recovery处置:disposal物质回收:materials recovery 物质转化:material conversion能量回收:energy recovery 能量转化:energy conversion1.Environmental engineering has been defined as the branch of engineering that is concernedwith protecting the environment from the potential, deleterious effects of human activity, protecting human populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors, and improving environmental quality for human health and well-being.(2页)环境工程学是环境工程的分支学科,其研究内容包括①保护环境免受人类活动改造形成的潜在和不利影响②保护人类免受不利环境因素的影响③持续改善环境质量,以造福于人类健康与福祉。
废水零排放英文术语一、Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)零液体排放是指将生产过程中产生的所有废水、废液全部或按需求进行回收再利用,或者通过适当的处理措施,使其最终以固体形式排出,而不会产生任何外排的废水处理方式。
二、Wastewater treatment废水处理是指利用物理、化学和生物方法去除废水中的各种有害物质,以达到排放标准或回收利用的目的。
三、Membrane technology膜技术是一种分离技术,通过膜过滤实现固液分离、气体分离、有机物和无机物的分离等。
四、Evaporation and crystallization蒸发结晶是指通过加热或真空蒸发的方式使废水中的水分以蒸汽形式逸出,而盐类和其他溶解物质则以结晶形式析出。
五、Recycling and reuse回收再利用是指将废水经过适当处理后再次用于生产过程中,以达到节约水资源的目的。
六、Solids handling and disposal固体废弃物的处理是指对废水处理过程中产生的污泥和其他固体废物进行处置的过程。
七、Environmental regulations and standards环境法规和标准是指为保护环境而制定的法律、行政法规、部门规章、地方法规和地方政府规章等规范性文件,以及环境质量标准和污染物排放标准等。
水处理方案英文常用词汇一、水箱系列1.原水箱:Raw water tank2.产水箱:Purified water tank3.中间水箱:Intermediate tank4.化学清洗药箱:UF Chemical cleaning Tank5.反洗加药箱:Backwash dosing tank二、泵系列1.原水泵:Raw water pump2.反洗泵:Back-wash pump3.化学清洗泵:Chemical cleaning pump4.反洗加药计量泵:Backwash Dosing metering pumps三、过滤器系列1.石英砂机械过滤器quartz sand filter2. 活性炭机械过滤器activated carbon filter3. 精密过滤器precision filter4. 多介质机械过滤器multimedia filter5. 盘式过滤器disc filter6. 核桃壳机械过滤器walnut shell filter7.管道过滤器Pipeline Filter8.管道混合器Channel mixer9.袋式过滤器Bag filter10.自清洗过滤器Self-clean filter四、流量计系列1.进水流量计:Inlet flow meter2.产水流量计:Produced water flow meter3.反洗流量计:Backwash flow meter五、阀系列1.电动蝶阀:Electric butterfly valve2.手动蝶阀:Manual butterfly valve3.气动蝶阀:Pneumatic butterfly valve4.电磁阀:Solenoid valve5.球阀:Ball Valve6.取样阀Sampling valve7.错流出水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of Cross-flow outlet8.进水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet9.下排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of bottom effluent discharge10.上排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of up effluent discharge11. 滤过水出口气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet12.止回阀:Non-return valve六、管道系列1. 进水管Feed water pipe2. 产水管Produced water pipe3. 错流管Cross-flow pipe4. 变径管Tapered Pipe七、图例说明Illustration1. 蓝色实线Blue line2. 黄色实线Yellow line3. 青色实线Green line4. 紫色实线Purple line八、水流1.进水:Inlet water2.原液:Raw water2.产水:Produced water3.透过液:Permeated water4.浓水:Concentrated water九、接口1、进水口:Feed water port2、产水排放口:Produced water discharge port3、浓水排放口Concentrated water discharge port4、反洗进水口:Backwash Inlet Port5、反洗上排放口:Up Backwash discharge Port6、反洗下排放口:Bottom Backwash discharge Port7、化学清洗接口Chemical cleaning port十、工艺名称1、正冲排放Flushing discharge2、化学清洗Chemical Cleaning3、排放discharge4、制水Producing water5、正冲Straight washing6、工作状态Condition十一、图纸名称1.工艺流程图:Process Flow Diagram2.管道连接Pipe connection diagram3.机架图:Rack diagram4. 配置清单:Equipment List5. 占地图:Area Occupation Diagram6. 项目设计书:Project Proposal Design十二、其他词汇1. 液位开关Level Switch2. 压力表Pressure Gauge3.错流压力表Cross-flow Pressure Gauge4. 滤过水压力表Permeated water Pressure Gauge5. UF系统UF systems6. UF设备UF Equipement / UF Plant7. 环保Environmental protection8. 环境管理Environment Management9. 水处理water treatment10. 过滤器Filters11. 超滤Ultra Filtration12. 净化水Purified water13. 过滤预处理Pretreatment14. 过滤滤芯Filter housings (过滤器外壳),Filter cartridge (滤芯)15. UF 组件UF Module16. 膜过滤系统The membrane filtration system17. 净水&污水处理Water & Waste Water Treatment18. 饮用水Drinking Water19. UF 膜UF Membrane20. 水处理工程Water Treatment Project21. 水处理装置Water Treatment Plant22. 净水设备Water Purification Equipments23. 膜技术UF Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltration24. 废水处理装置Waste Water Treatment Plant25. 家用滤芯Cartridge Filters26. RO 5级过滤 5 stage ro system27. 膜元件Membrane Module28. 水处理设备water treatment system29. 工业过滤设备Industrial Filtration Systems30. 工业污水Industrial Wastewater31. 水处理water treatment32. 流量flux33. 过滤分子量MWCO34. 纯水pure water35. 超纯水ultra-pure water36. 污水回用waste water recycling37. 预处理Pretreatment38. 净化Purification39. 浓缩Concentration40. 分离separation41. 浊度turbidity42. 水处理配件water treatment component43. 水质处理water conditioning44. 净水器water purifier45. 家用净水器domestic water purifier46. 滤膜filtration membrane47. 悬浮物suspended substance48. 微生物microorganism49. 细菌bacteria50. 大分子有机物macromolecular organics51. 含盐量salt content52. 五日生化需氧量five-day BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)53. 化学需氧量COD(chemical oxygen demand)54. 总有机碳TOC(total organic carbon)55. 总固体物total solids56. 悬浮总固体TSS57. 溶解总固体TDS58. 总碱度total alkalinity59. 总矿化度total salinity60. 污染密度指数SDI61. 总细菌量total bacteria content62. 大肠菌群coliform group63. 色度chroma / Colour 64. 气味odor65. 总硬度Total hardness66. 油脂含量oil & gease67. 隔油池oilseparating tank68. 混凝沉淀池coagulation sedimentation tank69. 格栅grid70. 澄清池Clarifier71. 软化树脂softening resin72. 中和neutralization73. 气浮air flotation74. 消毒disinfection75. 化学氧化还原chemical oxidation-reduction76. 化学沉淀法chemical precipitation77. 吸附adsorption78. 离子交换法ion exchange method79. 吹脱、汽提法air stripping80、萃取法extraction81. 活性污泥法activated sludge process82. 厌氧生化法anaerobic biochemical process83. 进水压力inlet water pressure84. 产水压力production water pressure85. 反洗压力backwash pressure86. 浓水压力concentrated water pressure87. 最大进水压力max. inlet pressure88. 操作压力范围operation pressure range89. 死端(全流)过滤dead-end filtration90. 错流过滤cross- flow filtration91. 上反洗upper backwash92. 下反洗Bottom backwash93. 加气反洗air entrainment backwash94. 管式膜tubular membrane95. 卷式膜spiral-wound membrane96. 陶瓷膜ceramic membrane97. 聚氯乙烯PVC98. 截留分子量MWCO(molecular weight cut off)99. 高抗污染膜high antipollution membrane100. 膜丝membrane fiber (Fiber lumen)101. 端封材料Sealing material102. 膜面积membrane area103. 纯水通量pure water flux104. 设计通量design flux105. 反洗频率backwash frequency106. 回收率recovery rate107. 加药反洗chemical dosing backwash108. 条箍strip hoop109. 反渗透前处理RO pretreatment110. 中水回用greywater reuse111. 电镀废水回用electroplating wastewater reuse112. 印染废水回用printing and dyeing wastewater113. 造纸废水回用papermaking wastewater reuse114. 生活污水回用domestic sewage reuse115. 工业循环水industrial circulating water116. 电泳漆浓缩electronic painting concentration117. 溶解性矿物质solubility of minerals118. 絮凝FlocculationSedimentation沉淀with flocculation by weir溢流堰119. 机架Frame120. 碳钢Carbon steel十三、常用语句1.此流程图中泵的流量均为正常出力流量,其量程参看配置清单。
(完整版)环境专业英语环境:environment 环境工程: environmental engineering环境保护:environmental protection 环境意识:environmental consciousness/awareness环境问题:environmental issue/problem 环境效应:environmental effect环境污染:environmental pollution 环境要素:environmental elements环境因子:environmental factors 环境化学:environmental chemistry环境生态学:environmental ecology 环境质量:environmental quality环境自净作用:environmental self-purification/self-cleansing 水环境:watershed 水体:water body 流域:watershed水质:water quality 水资源:water resources 供水:water supply废水:waste water 水处理:water treatment物理性水质指标:physical indicate of water quality 水污染物:water pollutant生物性水质指标:biological water-quality index 水质标准:water quality standard化学性水质指标:chemical water-quality index物理处理:physical treatment 过滤:screening 生物处理:biological treatment沉淀:sedimentation 化学处理:chemical treatment 气浮:flotation物理化学处理:physical-chemical treatment 蒸发:evaporation 稀释:dilution 扩散:dispersion 吹脱:stripping 好氧处理:aerobic treatment 生物膜法:bio-membraneprocess厌氧处理:anaerobic treatment 生物滤池:trickling filters活性污泥法:activated sludge process 生物接触氧化:biological contactSBR:苯乙烯-丁二烯 Styrene Butadiene RubberUASB(流式厌氧污泥床):Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket 活性污泥:activated sludge 改进型:modification一级处理:primary treatment 二级处理:secondary treatment三级处理:tertiary treatment 高级氧化处理:advanced treatment生活污水:domestic wastewater 生产废水:industrial wastewater城市生活污水:municipal wastewater 电镀废水:metalplating plants印染废水:pulp and paper industries wastewater 浊度:turbidity硬度:hardness 水质净化:water quality purifies混凝沉淀:coagulate flocculating agent 活性炭吸附:activated carbon adsorption隔油池:oil separation tank 中和池:neutralization tank 调节池:adjusting tank 生物反应池:biological reactor 加药设备:physical equipment沉淀池:sedimentation tank 初沉池:primary sedimentation tank二沉池:secondary sedimentation tank 絮凝剂:flocculant混凝剂:coagulate flocculant 生物降解:biodegradation生物累积:bioaccumulation 飘尘:floating dust可吸入颗粒物:inhalable particles 能见度:visibility 酸雨:acid rain一次污染物:primary pollutant 二次污染物:secondary pollutant氮氧化物:nitrogen oxides 硫氧化物:sulfur oxides硫化氢:hydrogen sulfide 碳氧化物:carbon oxides 硝酸:nitric acid盐酸:hydrochloric acid 硫酸:sulfuric acid 二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide除尘工艺:Dust removal 吸收:absorption 吸附:adsorption 静电除尘:electric dust precipitation 重力除尘:gravitational settling 臭氧:ozone光化学烟雾:photochemical smoke 喷淋(洗涤):scavenging土壤:soil 热污染:temperature change/thermal pollution 噪声:noise 放射性:radioactivity EIA:environmental impact assessmentCAD(计算机辅助设计):computer aided design 大气污染控制工程:air pollution control 水污染控制工程:water pollution control 固体废物污染控制工程:solid waste management 污染源:pollution source 同化作用:assimilation 固体废物:solid wastes 危险废物:hazardous wastes 化学污泥chemical sludge生物污泥:biological sludge 工业固废:industrialwastes 分选处理:separation treatment 矿业固废:mine solid wastes 破碎处理:processing 农业固废:agriculture solid wastes 压实处理:reduction in volume 污泥脱水:disposal of the sludge 污泥浓缩:sludge thickening 带式压滤:Belt filter press离心脱水:centrifugal dewatering 筛分:screening 沼气和沼气化:biogas堆肥和堆肥化:compost and composting 生物转化作用:biotransformation热解与焚烧:pyrolysis and incineration 热化学转化作用:thermo-chemical固化和稳定化作用:solidification and stabilization 资源化:resource减量化:pollution control 无害化:harmlessness 物质转化:material conversion固体废物全过程控制:solid waste integrated control固体废物污染控制:solid waster pollution 处置:disposal 物质回收:materials recovery control 固体废物处理:processing and recovery 能量回收:energy recovery能量转化:energy conversionenvironmental science 环境科学environmental engineering 环境工程 waste reduction 废物减量化 air pollution control 大气污染控制 wastewater treatment 污水处理solid waste treatment and disposal 固体废物处理与处置soil erosion 水土流失 thermal pollution 热污染 biological communities 生物群落ecosystem 生态系统green science and technology 绿色科技和技术primary pollutant: 一次污染物 secondary pollutant: 二次污染物 carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳methane: 甲烷fossil fuel: 化石(矿物)燃料 power plant: 电厂hydroelectric power: 水力发电clean energy: 清洁能源renewable energy:可再生能源automobile exhaust (emission): 汽车尾气greenhouse effect (gas): 温室效应(气体)air pollution control engineering: 大气污染控制工程cyclone: 旋风除尘器pressure drop: 压力损失,压力降baghouse: 袋式除尘器operating temperature: 操作温度spray tower:喷淋塔 sanitarylandfill:卫生填埋municipal wastewater=sewage=domestic sewage= sanitary sewage: 市政污水,生活污水point source: 点源non-point source: 非点源(面源)pretreatment: 预处理primary treatment: 初(一)级处理secondary treatment: 二级处理tertiary or advanced treatment: 三级处理,深度处理 trickling filter: 滴滤池 activated sludge: 活性污泥 bar rack or screen: 格栅grit chamber: 沉砂池 equalization tank: 调节池 primary settling tank: 初沉池secondary settling tank: 二沉池sustainable development: 可持续发展 recycling economy: 循环经济the sources and sinks of pollutants: 污染物的源与汇 aeration tank: 曝气池aerator: 曝气池,曝气器sedimentation tank: 沉淀池disinfection: 消毒 eutrophication: 富营养化 oxidation ditch: 氧化沟aerobic decomposition 好氧分解 anoxic decomposition缺氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解hydraulic retention time: (水力)停留时间flue gas: 烟气 biodegradable: 可生物降解的 refractory: 难降解的(常用)nondegradable: 不可降解的 acoustical material: 声学材料 soil conditioner: 土壤改良剂 extreme temperature: 极端温度 environmental quality: 环境质量Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water 地表水环境质量标准Ambient Air Quality Standards 环境空气质量标准Environmental Quality Standards for Noise 声环境质量标准缩略词:EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment, 环境影响评价SS:Suspended Solid 悬浮物BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand 生化需氧量COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 TOC: Total Organic Carbon 总有机碳WWTP : Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水处理厂SBR: Sequencing Batch Reactor 序批式反应池 RBC: Rotating Biological Contactor 生物转盘 SRT: Sludge Retention Time 污泥龄(污泥停留时间) EPA: Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护署ISO: International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织 EMS: Environmental Management System 环境管理系统 RS: Remote Sensing 遥感GPS: Global Positioning System 全球定位系统GIS: Geographic Information System 地理信息系统TSP: Total Suspended Particulates 总悬浮颗粒物。
水处理常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程water supply engineering原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。
2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程.3、给水系统water supply system给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
4、排水系统sewerage system排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
5、给水水源water source给水工程所取用的原水水体。
6、原水raw water由水源地取来的原料水。
7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。
8、地下水ground water存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。
9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。
10、淡水fresh water含盐量小于500mg/L的水。
11、冷却水cooling water用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。
13、污水sewage ,wastewater受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水.14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。
-15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow排水对象排入污水系统的水量。
16、用水定额water flow norm对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。
17、排水定额wastewater flow norm对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值.18、水质water quality在给水排水工程中,水的物理、化学、生物学等方面的性质.19、渠道channel ,conduit天然、人工开凿、整治或砌筑的输水通道.20、泵站pumping house设置水泵机组、电气设备和管道、闸阀等的房屋。
水处理专业术语中英文翻译 氧化塘 生物膜法 离子交换 广州清都环保
![水处理专业术语中英文翻译 氧化塘 生物膜法 离子交换 广州清都环保](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0227ae6c1ed9ad51f01df219.png)
水处理术语中英文翻译表广州清都环保工业循环冷却水处理设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water treatment1、循环冷却水系统Recirculating cooling water system2、敞开式系统Open system3、密闭式系统Closed system4、药剂Chemicals5、异养菌数Count of heterotrophic bacteria6、粘泥Slime7、粘泥量Slime content8、腐蚀率Corrosion rate9、系统容积System capacity volume10、预膜Prefilming11、旁流水Side stream12、补充水量Amount of makeup water13、排污水量Amount of blowdown14、热流密度Heat load intensity建筑与市政降水工程技术规范Technical code for Groundwater Lowering Engineering in Building and Municipal1、降水工程Engineering dewatering2、降水地质条件dewatering geological condition3、降水工程勘察dewatering geological condition4、降水工程地质参数dewatering geological parameters5、降水深度ground water level after lowering6、滞水detained ground water7、降水出水量yield water during lowering.污水稳定搪设计规范1、稳定塘stabilization ponds(氧化塘)oxidation pond2、厌氧塘anaerobic pond3、兼性塘facultative pond4、好氧塘aerobic pond5、曝气塘aeration pond6、生物塘biological pond7、水生植物塘macrohydrophyte pond8、养鱼塘fish pond9、生态塘ecological pond10、深度处理塘maturationy pond工业用水软化除盐术语1、软化水softened water2、除盐水demineralized water3、高纯水high-purity water , ultra-high purity water4、除硅desilication , silica removal5、脱碱dealkalization6、酸洗acid cleaning7、石灰浆lime slurry8、石灰乳milk of lime9、树脂污染resin fouling10、树脂降解resin degradation11、离子交换剂ion exchanger12、离子交换树脂ion exchange resin13、弱碱性阴离子交换树脂weak-base anion exchange resin14、弱酸性阳离子交换树脂weak-acid cation exchange resin15、强碱性阴离子交换树脂strong-base anion exchange resin16、强酸性阳离子交换树脂strong-acid cation exchange resin17、凝胶型离子交换树脂gel-type ion exchange resin18、大孔型离子交换树脂macro-reticular type ion exchange resin 20、后处理post-treatment22、再生液置换rinse displacement23、二级钠离子交换two stage sodium ion exchange24、顺流再生co-current regeneration25、对流再生counter-current regeneration26、逆流再生up-flow regeneration27、浮动床fluidized bed28、混合离子交换器mixed bed29、空气顶压逆流再生air hold down C.C.R , air blanket C.C.R30、水顶压逆流再生water hold down C.C.R , water blanket C.C.R31、无顶压逆流再生atmospheric press bed C.C.R32、离子交换剂床层膨胀率ion exchange bed expansion33、移动床moving bed34、再生剂耗量chemical measurement35、再生剂量regeneration level36、再生剂计量chemical measurement37、超滤器ultrafiler38、微孔过滤microporous filter39、双层床stratabed , multibed40、双室床double bed41、分布再生stepwise regeneration42、工作交换容量operating capacity43、树脂捕捉器resin trapper44、电渗析器electrodialyzer45、反渗透器reverse osmosis unit46、一级除盐系统primary demineralization system47、单塔单周期移动床monobed and single cycle moving bed48、双塔连续再生移动床dual bed continuous contactor49、单床离子交换器mono-bed ion exchanger工业循环水冷却术语2、湿式冷却塔wet cooling tower3、干式冷却塔dry cooling tower4、干—湿式冷却塔dry-wet cooling tower5、自然通风冷却塔natural draft cooling tower6、机械通风冷却塔mechanical draft cooling tower7、风筒式冷却塔chimney cooling tower8、开放式冷却塔atmospheric cooling tower9、抽风式机械通风冷却塔induced draft mechanical cooling tower10、鼓风式机械通风冷却塔forced draft mechanical cooling tower11、横流式冷却塔crossflow cooling tower12、逆流式冷却塔counterflow cooling tower13、淋水填料packing14、点滴式淋水填料splash packing15、薄膜式淋水填料film packing16、点滴薄膜式淋水填料splash-film packing17、冷却塔配水系统cooling tower distribution system18、槽式配水系统troughing distribution system19、管式配水系统piping distribution system20、管—槽结合式配水系统pipe-troughing distribution system21、池式配水系统hot water distribution system22、旋转布水器rotating distributor23、溅水喷嘴spray nozzle24、冷却塔配水竖井vertical well of water distribution25、淋水面积area of water drenching26、淋水密度water drenching density27、逼近度approach28、冷却水温差cooling range29、除水器drift eliminator30、漂滴drift31、湿空气回流recirculation of wet air33、冷却池cooling pond34、深水型冷却池deep cooling pond35、浅水型冷却塔shallow cooling pond36、挡热墙skimmer wall37、潜水堰submerged weir38、蒸发损失evaporation loss39、风吹损失windage loss40、渗漏损失seepage loss41、温差异重流thermal density flow42、水面综合散热系数heat transfer coefficient室外排水术语1、排水制度sewer system2、合流制combined system3、分流制separate system4、检查井manhole5、跌水井drop manhole6、事故排水口emergency outlet7、暴雨溢流井(截留井)storm overflow well, intercepting well8、潮门tide gate9、生活污水domestic sewage, domestic wastewater10、工业废水industrial wastewater11、生产污水polluted industrial wastewater12、生产废水non-polluted industrial wastewater13、城市污水municipal sewage, municipal wastewater14、旱流污水dry weather flow15、水体自净self-purification of water bodies16、一级处理primary treatment17、二级处理secondary treatment18、生物处理biological treatment19、生活污泥法activated sludge process20、生物膜法biomem brane process21、双层沉淀池(隐化池)imhoff tank22、初次沉淀池primary sedimentation tank23、二池沉淀池secondary sedimetation tank24、生物滤池biological filter , trickling filter25、塔式生物滤池biotower26、生物转盘votating biological clisk27、生物接触氧化bio-contact oxidation28、曝气池aeration tank29、推流曝气plugflow aeration30、完全混合曝气complete-mixing aeration31、普通曝气conventional aeration32、阶段曝气step aeration33、吸附再生曝气biosorption process, contact stabilization34、高负荷曝气high-rate aeration35、延时曝气extended aeration36、氧化沟oxidation ditch37、稳定塘(氧化塘)stabilization pond, oxidation pond38、灌溉田sewage farming39、隔油池oil separator40、固定布水器fixed distributor41、活动布水器movable distributor42、空气扩散曝气diffused air aeration43、浅层曝气inka aeration44、机械表面曝气mechanical surface aeration45、混合液mixed liquor46、堰门weir gate47、原污泥raw sludge48、初沉污泥primary sludge49、二沉污泥secondary sludge50、活性污泥activated sludge51、消化污泥digested sludge52、回流污泥returned sludge53、剩余污泥excess activated sludge54、污泥气sludge gas55、污泥消化sludge digestion56、好氧消化aerobic digestion57、厌氧消化anaerobic digestion58、中温消化mesophilic digestion59、高温消化thermophilic digestion60、污泥浓缩sludge thickening61、污泥淘洗elutriation of sludge62、污泥脱水sludge dewatering63、需氧量oxygen demand64、供氧量oxygen supply65、氧转移率oxygen transfer efficiency66、充氧能力oxygenation capacity67、污泥回流比return sludge ration68、生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)69、化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand(COD)70、耗氧量oxygen consumption(OC或COD Mn)71、悬浮固体suspended solid(SS)通用术语1、给水工程water supply engineering2、排水工程sewerage, wastewater engineering3、给水系统water supply system4、排水系统sewerage system5、给水水源water source6、原水raw water7、地表水surface8、地下水ground water9、苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water, alkaline water10、淡水fresh water11、冷却水cooling water12、废水wastewater13、污水sewage, wastewater14、用水量water consumption15、供水量output16、污水量wastewater flow, sewage flow17、用水定额water consumption norm18、排水定额wastewater flow norm19、水质water quality20、渠道channel, conduit21、干管main22、泵房pumping house23、给水处理water treatment24、泵站pumping station25、污水处理sewage treatment, wastewater treatment26、废水处理wastewater disposal27、格栅bar screen28、曝气aeration29、沉淀sedimentation30、澄清clarification31、过滤filtration32、离子交换法ion exchange33、消毒disinfection34、氯化chlorination35、余氯residual36、游离性余氯free residual chlorine37、结合性余氯combinative residual chlorine38、污泥sludge39、污泥处理sludge treatment40、污泥处置sludge disposal41、水头损失head loss42、贮水池storage reservoir , storage tank43、过河管river crossing44、倒虹管inverted siphon45、稳定stabilization46、异重流density current室外给水术语1、直流水系统once through system2、复用水系统water reuse system3、循环水系统recirculation system4、生活用水domestic water5、生产用水process water6、消防用水fire demand7、浇洒道路用水street flushing demand, road watering8、绿化用水green belt sprinkling, green plot sprinkling9、未预见用水量unforeseen demand10、自用水量water consumption in waterworks11、管网漏失水量leakage12、平均日供水量average daily output13、最高日供水量maximum daily output14、日变化系数daily variation coefficient15、时变化系数hourly variation coefficient16、最小服务水头minimum service head给水工程中取水构筑物的术语及其涵义1、管井deep well, drilled well2、管井滤水管deep well screen3、管井沉淀管grit compartment4、大口井dug well, open well5、井群battery of wells6、渗渠infiltration gallery7、地下水取水构筑物反滤层inverted layer8、泉室spring chamber9、取水构筑物intake strcture10、取水口(取水头部)intake11、进水间intake chamber12、格网screen13、吸水井suction well给水工程中净水构筑物的术语1、净水构筑物purification structure2、投药chemical dosing3、混和mixing4、凝聚coagulation5、絮凝flocculation6、自然沉淀plain sedimentation7、凝聚沉淀coagulation sedimentation8、凝聚剂coagulant9、助凝剂coagulant aid10、药剂周转储备量current reserve11、药剂固定储备量standby reserve12、沉砂池desilting basin, grit chamber13、预沉池pre-sedimentation tank14、平流沉淀池horizontal flow sedimentation tank15、异向流斜管(或斜板)沉淀池tube (plate) settler16、同向流斜板沉淀池lamella17、机械搅拌澄清池accelerator18、水力循环澄清池circulator clarifier19、脉冲澄清池pulsator20、悬浮澄清池sludge blanket clarifier21、液面负荷surface load22、气浮池floatation tak23、气浮溶气罐dissolved air vessel24、气浮接触池contact chamber25、快滤池rapid filter26、虹吸滤池siphon filter27、无阀滤池valveless filter28、压力滤池pressure filter29、移动罩滤池movable hood backwashing filter30、滤料filtering media]31、承托层graded gravel layer32、滤速rate of filtration33、滤池配水系统filter underdrain system34、表面冲洗surface washing35、反冲洗backwash36、气水冲洗air-water washing37、滤池冲洗水量filter wash water consumption38、冲洗强度intensity of back washing39、膨胀率percentage of bed-expansion40、除铁接触氧化法contact-oxidation41、清水池clear-water reservoir42、配水管网distribution system, pipe system43、环状管网pipe network44、枝状管网branch system45、水管支墩buttress, anchorage11。
膜技术和环境保护中的水处理英文翻译Membrane technology and water treatment in environmental protectionWith the development of society and economy, the problem of water pollution has become increasingly serious. Water treatment has become an important means to protect the environment and ensure water safety. Membrane technology is one of the most important technologies in water treatment. This article introduces the application of membrane technology in water treatment in environmental protection.1. IntroductionMembrane technology is a separation technology that uses a semi-permeable membrane as a barrier to separating different substances in a liquid or gas. Membrane technology has been widely used in water treatment, including water purification, wastewater treatment, seawater desalination, and industrial wastewater treatment. The core advantage of membrane technology is its high efficiency, low energy consumption, and low chemical consumption, which can effectively solve the problem of environmental pollution.2. Membrane filtration technologyMembrane filtration technology is a widely used membrane technology in watertreatment. It uses the pressure difference between two sides of the membrane to separate the impurities in the water. The filtration accuracy of the membrane can be adjusted according to different needs, and the treated water quality can reach the national water quality standard. Membrane filtration technology has been widely used in the treatment of surface water, groundwater, industrial wastewater, and municipal wastewater.3. Membrane bioreactor technologyMembrane bioreactor technology is a new water treatment technology that combines the characteristics of membrane filtration technology and biotechnology. Membrane bioreactor technology integrates biological processes and membrane separation processes, which can efficiently remove organic pollutants and nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from wastewater. The technology can achieve a high removal rate of COD and BOD, and the treated water quality can meet the reuse standards.4. Reverse osmosis technologyReverse osmosis technology isa mature membrane technology commonly used in seawater desalination and water reuse. Reverse osmosis uses ahigh-pressure pump to generate a pressure difference on the two sides of the membrane to separate impurities in the water. The technology can effectively remove ions and other impurities from water, and the treated water quality can reach the national drinking water standard.5. Nanofiltration technologyNanofiltration technology is a membrane technology used to separate and concentrate small molecular substances in water. Nanofiltration can remove divalent ions, organic matter, and nanoparticles in water. The technology is widely used in the treatment of industrial wastewater, groundwater, and surface water. The treated water quality can reach the reuse standard, reducing the pollution of the water environment.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, membrane technology is an important means to solve the problem of water pollution and ensure water safety. The application of membrane technology in water treatment has achieved remarkable results. Membrane filtration technology, membrane bioreactor technology, reverse osmosis technology, and nanofiltration technology are widely used in the treatment of different types of water. However, there are still challenges and limitations in the application of membrane technology, such as fouling and membrane damage, high equipment investment, and operation and maintenance cost. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously improve and develop membrane technology to better serve the water treatment in environmental protection.。
污水处理名词常用40个英语翻译汇总下面是40个水处理领域内常用的名词对应的英文翻译写法,很是便利大家日后查阅英文文献时的便捷性和专业性,或许你现在用不到,但是谁知道啥时候就能用到了呢?所以水处理专业的小伙伴们赶快保藏吧!财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌 methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes放开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system超高纯水 ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续进展 sustainable development布满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activated sludge process生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process船型一体化氧化沟Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process磁分散 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic disk process磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractant下面是40个水处理领域内常用的名词对应的英文翻译写法,很是便利大家日后查阅英文文献时的便捷性和专业性,或许你现在用不到,但是谁知道啥时候就能用到了呢?所以水处理专业的小伙伴们赶快保藏吧!财务评价 financial evaluation配水系统 distribution system侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes产甲烷细菌 methanogenes产率系数 yield coefficient常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes放开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system超高纯水 ultra-high-purify water超过滤 ultrafiltration超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation沉淀池 sedimentation tank沉砂池 grit chamber城市废水 municipal wastewater城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment澄清 clalification可持续进展 sustainable development布满度 degree of fullness重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 臭氧发生器 ozone generator臭氧法 ozonation process臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank除水器 drift eliminator除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water除渣 desilication, silica removal除藻 algal removal除氟 algal fluorine穿透曲线 penetration curve活性污泥法 activated sludge process生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process船型一体化氧化沟Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process磁分散 magnetic coagulation磁盘法 magnetic disk process磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process萃取 extraction萃取剂 extractant。
水处理方案英文常用词汇一、水箱系列1.原水箱:Raw water tank2.产水箱:Purified water tank3.中间水箱:Intermediate tank4.化学清洗药箱:UF Chemical cleaning Tank5.反洗加药箱:Backwash dosing tank二、泵系列1.原水泵:Raw water pump2.反洗泵:Back-wash pump3.化学清洗泵:Chemical cleaning pump4.反洗加药计量泵:Backwash Dosing metering pumps三、过滤器系列1.石英砂机械过滤器quartz sand filter2. 活性炭机械过滤器activated carbon filter3. 精密过滤器precision filter4. 多介质机械过滤器multimedia filter5. 盘式过滤器disc filter6. 核桃壳机械过滤器walnut shell filter7.管道过滤器Pipeline Filter8.管道混合器Channel mixer9.袋式过滤器Bag filter10.自清洗过滤器Self-clean filter四、流量计系列1.进水流量计:Inlet flow meter2.产水流量计:Produced water flow meter3.反洗流量计:Backwash flow meter五、阀系列1.电动蝶阀:Electric butterfly valve2.手动蝶阀:Manual butterfly valve3.气动蝶阀:Pneumatic butterfly valve4.电磁阀:Solenoid valve5.球阀:Ball Valve6.取样阀Sampling valve7.错流出水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of Cross-flow outlet8.进水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet9.下排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of bottom effluent discharge10.上排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of up effluent discharge11.滤过水出口气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet12.止回阀: Non-return valve六、管道系列1. 进水管Feed water pipe2. 产水管Produced water pipe3. 错流管Cross-flow pipe4. 变径管Tapered Pipe七、图例说明1. 蓝色实线2. 黄色实线3. 青色实线4. 紫色实线八、水流Illustration Blue line Yellow line Green line Purple line1.进水:2.原液:2.产水:3.透过液:4.浓水:Inlet waterRaw waterProduced waterPermeated waterConcentrated water 九、接口1、进水口:2、产水排放口:3、浓水排放口4、反洗进水口:5、反洗上排放口:6、反洗下排放口:7、化学清洗接口Feed water port Produced water discharge port Concentrated water discharge port Backwash Inlet PortUp Backwash discharge Port Bottom Backwash discharge Port Chemical cleaning port十、工艺名称1、正冲排放Flushing discharge2、化学清洗Chemical Cleaning3、排放discharge4、制水Producing water5、正冲Straight washing6、工作状态Condition十一、图纸名称1.工艺流程图:2.管道连接3.机架图:4. 配置清单:5. 占地图:6. 项目设计书:Process Flow DiagramPipe connection diagramRack diagramEquipment ListArea Occupation DiagramProject Proposal Design 十二、其他词汇1. 液位开关2. 压力表3. 错流压力表4. 滤过水压力表5. UF 系统6. UF 设备7. 环保8. 环境管理9. 水处理10. 过滤器11. 超滤12. 净化水13. 过滤预处理Level SwitchPressure GaugeCross-flow Pressure Gauge Permeated water Pressure GaugeUF systemsUF Equipement / UF PlantEnvironmental protectionEnvironment Managementwater treatmentFiltersUltra FiltrationPurified waterPretreatment14. 过滤滤芯Filter housings (过滤器外壳),Filter cartridge(滤芯)15. UF组件UF Module16. 膜过滤系统The membrane filtration system17. 净水 & 污水处理Water & Waste Water Treatment18. 饮用水Drinking Water19. UF 膜UF Membrane20. 水处理工程Water Treatment Project21. 水处理装置Water Treatment Plant22. 净水设备Water Purification Equipments23. 膜技术 UF Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltration24. 废水处理装置Waste Water Treatment Plant25. 家用滤芯Cartridge Filters26. RO 5 级过滤 5 stage ro system27. 膜元件Membrane Module28. 水处理设备water treatment system29. 工业过滤设备Industrial Filtration Systems30. 工业污水Industrial Wastewater31. 水处理water treatment32.流量flux33. 过滤分子量MWCO34. 纯水pure water35. 超纯水ultra-pure water36. 污水回用waste water recycling37. 预处理Pretreatment38. 净化Purification39. 浓缩Concentration40. 分离separation41. 浊度turbidity42. 水处理配件water treatment component43. 水质处理water conditioning44. 净水器water purifier45. 家用净水器domestic water purifier46. 滤膜filtration membrane47. 悬浮物suspended substance48. 微生物microorganism49. 细菌bacteria50. 大分子有机物macromolecular organics51. 含盐量salt content52. 五日生化需氧量five-day BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)53. 化学需氧量COD(chemical oxygen demand)54. 总有机碳TOC(total organic carbon)55. 总固体物total solids56. 悬浮总固体TSS57. 溶解总固体TDS58. 总碱度total alkalinity59. 总矿化度total salinity60. 污染密度指数SDI61. 总细菌量total bacteria content62. 大肠菌群coliform group63. 色度 chroma / Colour64. 气味odor65. 总硬度Total hardness66. 油脂含量oil & gease67. 隔油池oilseparating tank68. 混凝沉淀池coagulation sedimentation tank69. 格栅grid70. 澄清池Clarifier71. 软化树脂softening resin72. 中和neutralization73. 气浮air flotation74. 消毒disinfection75. 化学氧化还原chemical oxidation-reduction76. 化学沉淀法chemical precipitation77. 吸附adsorption78. 离子交换法ion exchange method79. 吹脱、汽提法air stripping80、萃取法extraction81.活性污泥法activated sludge process82.厌氧生化法anaerobic biochemical process83. 进水压力inlet water pressure84. 产水压力production water pressure85. 反洗压力backwash pressure86. 浓水压力concentrated water pressure87. 最大进水压力max. inlet pressure88. 操作压力范围operation pressure range89.死端(全流)过滤dead-end filtration90.错流过滤cross- flow filtration91. 上反洗upper backwash92. 下反洗Bottom backwash93. 加气反洗air entrainment backwash94. 管式膜tubular membrane95. 卷式膜spiral-wound membrane96. 陶瓷膜ceramic membrane97. 聚氯乙烯PVC98. 截留分子量MWCO(molecular weight cut off)99. 高抗污染膜high antipollution membrane100. 膜丝membrane fiber (Fiber lumen) 101. 端封材料Sealing material102. 膜面积membrane area103. 纯水通量pure water flux104. 设计通量design flux105. 反洗频率backwash frequency106. 回收率recovery rate 107. 加药反洗chemical dosing backwash108.条箍strip hoop109. 反渗透前处理RO pretreatment110. 中水回用greywater reuse 111.电镀废水回用electroplating wastewater reuse 112.印染废水回用printing and dyeing wastewater 113.造纸废水回用papermaking wastewater reuse114. 生活污水回用domestic sewage reuse115. 工业循环水industrial circulating water116. 电泳漆浓缩electronic painting concentration117.溶解性矿物质solubility of minerals118.絮凝FlocculationSedimentation 沉淀 with flocculation by weir溢流堰119. 机架Frame120. 碳钢Carbon steel十三、常用语句1.此流程图中泵的流量均为正常出力流量,其量程参看配置清单。
什么是MBRMBR的英文全称是Membrane Bio-Reactor,翻译过来就是膜生物反应器。
水处理方案常用英文词汇水处理方案英文常用词汇一、水箱系列1.原水箱:Raw water tank2.产水箱:Purified water tank3.中间水箱:Intermediate tank4.化学清洗药箱:UF Chemical cleaning T ank5.反洗加药箱:Backwash dosing tank二、泵系列1.原水泵:Raw water pump2.反洗泵:Back-wash pump3.化学清洗泵:Chemical cleaning pump4.反洗加药计量泵:Backwash Dosing metering pumps三、过滤器系列1.石英砂机械过滤器quartz sand filter2. 活性炭机械过滤器activated carbon filter3. 精密过滤器precision filter4. 多介质机械过滤器multimedia filter5. 盘式过滤器disc filter6. 核桃壳机械过滤器walnut shell filter7.管道过滤器Pipeline Filter8.管道混合器Channel mixer9.袋式过滤器Bag filter10.自清洗过滤器Self-clean filter四、流量计系列1.进水流量计:Inlet flow meter2.产水流量计:Produced water flow meter3.反洗流量计:Backwash flow meter五、阀系列1.电动蝶阀:Electric butterfly valve2.手动蝶阀:Manual butterfly valve3.气动蝶阀:Pneumatic butterfly valve4.电磁阀:Solenoid valve5.球阀:Ball Valve6.取样阀Sampling valve7.错流出水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of Cross-flow outlet8.进水气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet9.下排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of bottom effluent discharge10.上排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of up effluent discharge11. 滤过水出口气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet12.止回阀:Non-return valve六、管道系列1. 进水管Feed water pipe2. 产水管Produced water pipe3. 错流管Cross-flow pipe4. 变径管Tapered Pipe七、图例说明Illustration1. 蓝色实线Blue line2. 黄色实线Yellow line3. 青色实线Green line4. 紫色实线Purple line八、水流1.进水:Inlet water2.原液:Raw water2.产水:Produced water3.透过液:Permeated water4.浓水:Concentrated water九、接口1、进水口:Feed water port2、产水排放口:Produced water discharge port3、浓水排放口Concentrated water discharge port4、反洗进水口:Backwash Inlet Port5、反洗上排放口:Up Backwash discharge Port6、反洗下排放口:Bottom Backwash discharge Port7、化学清洗接口Chemical cleaning port十、工艺名称1、正冲排放Flushing discharge2、化学清洗Chemical Cleaning3、排放discharge4、制水Producing water5、正冲Straight washing6、工作状态Condition十一、图纸名称1.工艺流程图:Process Flow Diagram2.管道连接Pipe connection diagram3.机架图:Rack diagram4. 配置清单:Equipment List5. 占地图:Area Occupation Diagram6. 项目设计书:Project Proposal Design十二、其他词汇1. 液位开关Level Switch2. 压力表Pressure Gauge3.错流压力表Cross-flow Pressure Gauge4. 滤过水压力表Permeated water Pressure Gauge5. UF系统UF systems6. UF设备UF Equipement / UF Plant7. 环保Environmental protection8. 环境管理Environment Management9. 水处理water treatment10. 过滤器Filters11. 超滤Ultra Filtration12. 净化水Purified water13. 过滤预处理Pretreatment14. 过滤滤芯Filter housings (过滤器外壳),Filter cartridge (滤芯)15. UF 组件UF Module16. 膜过滤系统The membrane filtration system17. 净水&污水处理Water & Waste Water Treatment18. 饮用水Drinking Water19. UF 膜UF Membrane20. 水处理工程Water Treatment Project21. 水处理装置Water Treatment Plant22. 净水设备Water Purification Equipments23. 膜技术UF Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltration24. 废水处理装置Waste Water Treatment Plant25. 家用滤芯Cartridge Filters26. RO 5级过滤 5 stage ro system27. 膜元件Membrane Module28. 水处理设备water treatment system29. 工业过滤设备Industrial Filtration Systems30. 工业污水Industrial Wastewater31. 水处理water treatment32. 流量flux33. 过滤分子量MWCO34. 纯水pure water35. 超纯水ultra-pure water36. 污水回用waste water recycling37. 预处理Pretreatment38. 净化Purification39. 浓缩Concentration40. 分离separation41. 浊度turbidity42. 水处理配件water treatment component43. 水质处理water conditioning44. 净水器water purifier45. 家用净水器domestic water purifier46. 滤膜filtration membrane47. 悬浮物suspended substance48. 微生物microorganism49. 细菌bacteria50. 大分子有机物macromolecular organics51. 含盐量salt content52. 五日生化需氧量five-day BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)53. 化学需氧量COD(chemical oxygen demand)54. 总有机碳TOC(total organic carbon)55. 总固体物total solids56. 悬浮总固体TSS57. 溶解总固体TDS58. 总碱度total alkalinity59. 总矿化度total salinity60. 污染密度指数SDI61. 总细菌量total bacteria content62. 大肠菌群coliform group63. 色度chroma / Colour 64. 气味odor65. 总硬度T otal hardness66. 油脂含量oil & gease67. 隔油池oilseparating tank68. 混凝沉淀池coagulation sedimentation tank69. 格栅grid70. 澄清池Clarifier71. 软化树脂softening resin72. 中和neutralization73. 气浮air flotation74. 消毒disinfection75. 化学氧化还原chemical oxidation-reduction76. 化学沉淀法chemical precipitation77. 吸附adsorption78. 离子交换法ion exchange method79. 吹脱、汽提法air stripping80、萃取法extraction81. 活性污泥法activated sludge process82. 厌氧生化法anaerobic biochemical process83. 进水压力inlet water pressure84. 产水压力production water pressure85. 反洗压力backwash pressure86. 浓水压力concentrated water pressure87. 最大进水压力max. inlet pressure88. 操作压力范围operation pressure range89. 死端(全流)过滤dead-end filtration90. 错流过滤cross- flow filtration91. 上反洗upper backwash92. 下反洗Bottom backwash93. 加气反洗air entrainment backwash94. 管式膜tubular membrane95. 卷式膜spiral-wound membrane96. 陶瓷膜ceramic membrane。
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Membrane technology and water treatment inenvironmental protectionREN J ianxin1 , ZHANGBaocheng2(1. China National Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Co. , No. 9 West Road , Beitucheng Chaoyang District ,Beijing 100029 , China ;2. Department of Chemical Engineering , Polytechnic of Turin , Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , Italy)Abstract : The paper present s a general summary on the state of the water resource and membrane industry of China. Now the water pollution is becoming more grave , and the water resource is shorter and shorter in the earth. China has 660 cities ,360 cities of them are short of water. The situation in 110 cities is serious , and the situation in 40 cities is dangerous. It was predicted that the water could be a main cause of local conflict s and international wars. The water pollution in China is also very astonished.77 % untreated wastewater is discharged ,and 46. 6 % river is polluted. Membrane is a clean production technology ,which could be used to improve the quality of drink water ,treat the waste to reduce the pollution and save the water resource. China has a lot of researchers and research institute on membrane. The paper present s some data of Chinese membrane research and manufacture.Key words : membrane ; water treatment ; environment protectionCLC number : TQ028. 8 Document code : A1 IntroductionWater is a main resource for our human being ,but the problem of water is more serious than before.China is a developing country while it s economy goes forward rapidly. However , along with the development of economy , the eco - environmentalproblem is becoming worse and worse , such as shortage of resources , ecological damage , environmental pollution and etc. all these are bound to have fatal impact s on the improvement of our living standard and on the substantial development of economy. Now the central government is focusing on the development over the western part of China , in which the economic development and the environmental protection bear key importance.Membrane separation technology is an advanced technology that has been developing very quickly during the past several decades. In 1952 , Reid introduced the idea to desalinate the seawater with RO for the first time. In 1960 , Loeb and Sourirajin produced the first RO membrane with the potential practical application , which was a symbol of the birth of membrane science and technology. China has a 40 – year history of research and development of membrane. In this period , RO , NF , UF , MF , electric dialysis , pervaporation membrane , liquid membrane , membrane reactor were developed , and have been put into application in the fields of energy , electronics ,petroleum , petrochemical , pharmacy , heavy industry , light industry , food and brewery industry , people’s daily life and the environmental protection. Especially in the water treatment , the application of membrane technology turns wider and wider , and plays an increasingly important role.2 The state of water resource and water pollution in ChinaIn range of environmental problems , water problem is extremely severe. There are one third of people on the earth facing with how to solve the shortage of water and how to treat the wastewater. This number will be doubled in the next 30 years. It is forecast by some experts that water , rather than oil , is going to be the main cause of conflicts regionally even globally.There are 660 cities in China. Among them , more than 360 are short of water and 110 are in urgent situation. Further more , 40 cities are in thelist of the cities that are ext remely short of water. It is estimated that the water shortage will be 40 billion tons annually , and that China will lack 60 billion tons water in 2030. Due to the water shortage , the product output decreases by 240 billion RMB yuan annually.The water quality in China was deteriorated over the past few years. The polluted river length increased every year. According to the statistical data in 1999 , 46. 5 % of rivers were polluted in 100 000 km monitored rivers , but the wastewater treated ratio was only 23 %. [1 ]Water pollution has become the obstacle of economic development and social progress. In Sanxia reservoir of Yangzi River , there are 21 counties discharging wastes into Yangzi River. The height of the float above water reaches 2~4 m , sometimes 6. 5 m. It has directly affected the work of Ge Zhou Ba water power station. It causes frequent breakdown of Erjiang power station. The worst case happened was that once a time the float caused severe power plants breakdown with an electricity loss of 14 000 kW , equal to the capacity of a small power station.Water pollution not only becomes an impediment of the economic development , but also endangers the existence of the people. The water quality in Yangteng Lake drops to grade 3 from grade 2 , which causes the water undrinkable.3 State of membrane industryChina has a lot of research unit s and researchers on membrane. The research on electric dialysis and ion exchange membrane began in 1958[2 ] . RO membrane began in 1965 and UF membrane in 1970s.The earliest prepared UF membrane , cellulose acetate UF membrane , was used in electric coat system in 1980s , after polysulfone hollow fiber UF membrane was manufactured. The researches and the development also went ahead rapidly on NF membrane , gas membrane , inorganic membrane , pervaporation membrane and liquid membrane.Although the membrane industry of China is not big , it grows up very quickly. According to the statistical data in 1997 , there were 13 big companies of membrane with the output over $1. 2 million in China ( Tab.1) . The output of solo membrane was $45 million , within which the imported value was $27 million. The industrial output relevant to membrane was estimated $0. 17 billion and it will be $0. 3 billion this year. The imported membrane is about 70 % sales in China. The output of locally manufactured membrane increased by 30 % annually.In 1997 , the global output value of membrane and it s relevant equipment was about $10 billion. It is estimated that the output value will be increased to $14 billion in 2000. The output of membrane industry of USA was $1. 1 billion in 1997 and will reach $1. 6 billion in 2001 with the annual growth rate of 8. 0 %. In 1997 , the sales of membrane product s for water treatment was $0. 97 billion in Europe. It is reckoned to be $1. 65 billion in 2004 with the annual growth rate of 7. 9 %. According to these growth rates , China will catch up with USA and Europe in the coming years as shown in Fig. 1.Tab. 1 Chinese membrane companies with the output of over $1. 2millionFig. 1 The output increases of membrane products in USA , Europe and ChinaThere are tens of research institutes in China , of which more than 20 are on UF and MF membrane. Meanwhile , there are two research bases on membrane. One is the aqueous membrane research institute —The Development Center of Water Treatment Technology , SOA Hangzhou China , and the other is the gas membrane research base —National Engineering Research Center of Membrane Technology ,Dalian , China.4 Application of membrane in water treatmentThe application of membrane in water treatment depends on it s effectiveness of separation and cost of process. As an advanced separation technology , it is endowed with many advantages : high selectivity , applicability under ambient temperature without phase change , low cost of energy , high level of automation ,low pollution and etc.4. 1 Desalination of seawater and black waterRO is the most economical way for the desalination of seawater and black water. The energy consumption is less than 5 kW·h/ t for seawater or 0. 5~3 kW·h/ t for black water. The biggest plant of RO for seawater desalination can produce water 2. 1 ×105m3/ d , for black water is 1. 3 ×105 m3/ d. It seems that RO is the best method to solve the problem of drinking water and industrial water in the draught areas. It can be verified by the fact that most of the largest desalination plant s are located in Middle East as shown in tab. 2[3 ].4. 2 Purification of drinking waterMembrane is the best tool for the purification of drinking water because it can remove the suspended substance , bacteria , toxic metallic components and organic components to improve the water quality. 90 % of the city water is productive water, only 9 % supplied water is the domestic water and only 1 % is drinking water. To supply water separately for the resident zones is an effective way to improve the quality of drinking water. Supplying water separately is to treat the 1 % supplied water with membrane for special purpose. Separate supply system has been built in some resident zones of Beijing and Shenyang , which mainly use RO membrane.The world total capacity of desalination in 1998 is 22 735 000 m3/ d.4. 3 Reuse of municipal domestic sewageCity sewage is an important potential water resource. Recycled water for different purposes can be produced from the domestic sewage with membrane. It is an effective way to solve the shortage of water resource.There are 3 domestic sewage treatment factories in Beijing , and another 4 are under const ruction. In addition , 15 more are to be built . The sewage treat ratio will mount to 80 % in 2006. Two million tons of the treated water will flow out from these wastewater treatment factories. After treated with membrane , the water can be reused for industrial purpose , green area and other fields. In this way , the municipal supplied water can be reduced , and the water resource can be fully utilized. If the membrane technology is applied in the deep treatment of the city sewage ,more than one million tons of discharged wastewater will be reduced every day only in Beijing. At the same time , more than one million tons of the water resource can be saved. So it would retrench 0. 36 billion tons of water per year. This method canreduce the water pollution , as well preserve the water resource.4. 4 Treatment of industrial wastewaterIndustrial wastewater has many types in large quantity and it is very harmful. If the wastewater can be treated , it would not only preserve the resource ,but also protect the environment because the wastewater contains some deleterious substances such as oil ,metallic ions , phenol and etc. The membrane technology bears splendid significance in the industrial wastewater treatment . In early 1970s , RO membrane began to make the electric plating wastewater recycled ; Charged UF membrane turned the electro coating system in automatic company into clean producing line. The wastewater treatment with membrane recycled the wastewater in dyeing process ; UF membrane is a key technology for the reuse of oil wastewater.5 Future of membrane application in water treatmentThe essence of membrane technology is a highly effective material. The material should provide high flux , high selectivity and so on. In the wastewater treatment , we often encounter hazardous condition. Under such kind of circumstances , organic membrane sometimes cannot meet the requirement . Consequently , more attention is paid to the inorganic membrane now that has fulfilled a considerable progress in these years with a rate of 30 %. Currently China can produce tube ceramic membrane on industrial scale. With the decrease of water resource and the increase of water pollution , it is definitely that the membrane technology , the separation technology of the lowest energy cost , will realize a brilliant future. RO , NF ,UF , MF , ion - exchange , dialysis etc which are mainly used in water treatment will be the center of membrane technology. China is a country with a large population of nearly 1. 3 billion people , which covers one fifth of the world population , but the water resource is only 1/ 20 of world. Therefore thewater resource per capita is only 1/ 4 of that of the world. Membrane is an effective means to solve water problem. The advantage of membrane in water treatment is more and more obvious while it s application is wider and wider. The membrane industry of China marches rapidly at a rate of 30 % annually. However , the difference from the developed count ry is still big. The membrane output per capita is merely 1/ 32 of that of USA and 1/ 12 of that of the world. The membrane market in China is huge with a bright outlook. To enhance the application of membrane in water treatment , we should :Ó Promote the application of membrane technology.Ó Develop new - fashion membrane.膜技术和环境保护中的水处理任建新1 张保成2(1 中国蓝星化学清洗总公司, 中国北京朝阳区北土城西路9号,1000292. 意大利都灵理工大学化工系, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , 意大利)摘要:这篇文章简单介绍了目前中国水资源和膜工业的现状。