
文章编号: 1008-9225( 2006) 04- 0010- 03
Vol118, No. 4 Aug. 2 0 0 6
LS-DYNA 在汽车碰撞模拟过程中的应用
陈海树, 赖征海, 邸建卫
18 0
10 000
10 000
20 0
A 立柱后移 量/ mm
35 50
B 立柱下端最 是汽车产品开发设计链中的常 规流程, 没有有限元分析的设计不能进入下一个 技术流程#使用 Dyna 软件在设计初 期对产品的 安全性能进行验证, 及时发现新产品的问题, 这为 设计工程师提供了更大的创造空间, 使设计质量 大幅度提高#
使用实际材 料的试验 结果值; 对于钢, 使用 24 号材料模式; 可恢复的泡沫材料 使用 57 号材 料模式, 若要考虑应变率的影响, 使用 83 号材料; 发动机等在碰撞过程中不变形物体采用 20 号刚 体材料#
收稿日期: 2006- 05- 12 作者简介: 陈海树( 1977- ) , 男, 辽 宁朝阳人, 沈阳华晨金杯汽车有限公司研发中心工程 师, 硕士#
陈海树等: LS- DYNA 在汽车碰撞模拟过程中的应用
2 乘员约束系统有限元模型
2. 1 假人有限元模型 仿真用的假人有限元模型是完全基于试验的
50 百分位的 Hybrid Ó型假人#模型细分为 98 个 部件#主要部件有: 头部、颈部、胸部、腹部、臀部和 四肢等共约 6 400 个节点, 3 900 个单元#假人各 部分质量和转动惯量都符合试验用假人#人体各 部分的关节用球形铰链( Spherical Joint ) 和旋转铰 链( Revolut e Joint ) 单元定义, 假人有限元模型铰 链总计 47 个#用非线 性的扭矩弹簧 Spring 和阻 尼 Damper 单元连接来模拟人体各部分之间的弹 性#胸部和颈部这些关键部位都设置成柔性, 能对 发生碰撞后假人的受伤进行评价#使 用 Oasys 软 件调整假人的 H 点及坐姿, 并保证假人与地板、 坐椅、防火墙等不发生穿透干涉# 2. 2 安全带模型
基于LS-DYNA 的移动式压力容器侧翻碰撞分析

52 2. 5 2. 5. 1 条件加载 仿真条件的设定
石家庄铁道大学学报( 自然科学版)
第 27 卷
本文仿真的移动式压力容器运输车侧翻试验特指其在正常运行状态下因过度转弯而导致的侧翻 , 运 输车从开始侧倾到触地有一个较长的运动过程 , 这不是研究的重点, 对仿真结果也没有影响, 故无需进行 仿真分析。从运输车侧翻触地的最后一刻开始模拟 , 直到运输车基本不再变形为止。只需算出运输车触 [9 ] 地一瞬间的角速度和直线速度, 作为仿真初始条件加载在模型即可 。 罐体内部已充满液氨, 在本仿真 液氨在模型中以点质量的形式均匀地分布在罐体内部 。整个模型的仿 中忽略其振荡对侧翻碰撞的影响 , , 。 真过程中 考虑重力的影响 2. 5. 2 侧翻角速度的计算 7] 本模型可通过能量守恒定律计算出触地时运输车的角速度 , 并将之加载。 文献[ 中提到, 运输车接 触地面时的动能为 E = 0 . 75 Mgh 也可表示为 E = 0 . 5 J ω2 ( 2) M 为运输车满载整车质量, 45 990 kg, 式中, 仿真假设液氨完全充满, 并忽略其对侧翻造成的影响; h 为运 890 mm; g 为重力加速度, 9 . 8 m / s2 ; J 为运输车 输开始侧倾时重心的高度和即将触地时的重心高度之差, 3 . 0 × 10 5 kg·m2 ; ω 为运输车绕转轴角速度。 绕转轴的转动惯量, ( 2 ) 式求解得 联立( 1 ) 、 ω = 计算得 2. 5. 3 ( 1)
1 . 5 Mgh J
( 3)
ω = 1 . 42 rad / s
( 4)
其他关键字的设置 DYNA EXPORTE 模块输出 K 文件, 对模型定义速度 36 km / h, 和整体施加重力速度 g 后, 由 LS打开 K 文件设置内存空间、 合理的时间步长控制、 沙漏控制、 能量控制和输出控制等相关参数 , 以及为提高计算
ls-dyna ale案例

ls-dyna ale案例
以下是一些使用LS-DYNA进行ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)分析的案例:
1. 安全气囊部署分析:使用ALE方法来模拟汽车碰撞过程中,安全气囊部署的动态行为。
2. 水下爆炸模拟:利用ALE方法来模拟水下爆炸过程中水和
3. 钣金成形分析:使用ALE方法来模拟钣金成形过程中的变
4. 水淹入船体模拟:使用ALE方法来模拟船体在水中沉没过
5. 冶金过程模拟:使用ALE方法来模拟冶金过程中的液态金

2 0 1 3 年 第3 期( 第2 6 卷, 总 第1 2 5 期)・ 机械 研究 与 应 用 ・
基于 L s — D y n a的铝 合 金 保 险杠碰 撞 仿 真 分 析
魏 显 坤 , 邓长勇 , 曹建 国 , 邢
( 1 . 重庆工商职 业学院, 重庆 4 0 1 5 2 0; 2 . 重庆广播 电视 大学, 重庆
Abs t r a c t:Th e p r o c e s s o f c r a s h s i mul a t i o n a n a l ys i s i s i n t r o du c e d. Th e f i n i t e e l e me nt mo d e l o f a a l umi n um b u mp e r i s e s t a b — l i s h e d o n Hy p e r me s h. T he c o l l i s i o n e n e r g y a bs o r p t i o n c ha r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a b u mp e r a r e a n a l y z e d ba s e d o n t h e in f i t e e l e me nt a—
The Cr a s h Si mul a t i o n Ana l y s i s o f a Al u mi num Bu mp e r Ba s e d on Ls — — Dy na
WEI Xi a n — k u n ,D EN G C h a n g — y o n g ,C AO J i a n — g u o ,XI N G F e n g ,Xi a Mi n g ( . C h o n g q i n g T e c h n o l o g y a n d B u s i n e s s I n s t i t u t e , C h o n g q i n g 4 0 1 5 2 0, C h i n a ;

在汽车被动安全性研究中,汽车碰撞是一个 十分复杂的力学问题,它是一个动态的大位移和 大变形的瞬态接触过程。接触和高速冲击载荷影 响碰撞的全过程,碰撞系统具有大位移、大转动 和大应变的非线性特征,以材料弹塑性变形为典 型特征的材料非线性和以接触摩擦为特征的接 触非线性的多重非线性特点。这些非线性物理陛 能的综合,使得利用传统的手段对汽车碰撞过程 的精确描述和求解变得非常复杂和困难。文中进 行的是汽车100%ODB正面碰撞的仿真分析。采 用动态显式非线性有限元技术,利用NX、ANSA、 LS.DYNA等有限元软件对某汽车进行几何建 模、网格建模和计算求解,依据计算结果分析了 汽车正面主要结构在碰撞中的耐撞性,并将计算 结果与试验结果进行对比,以验证仿真模型的准 确性。
1.1汽车几何模型 建立汽车整车几何模型是进行有限元分析
起着至关重要的作用,直接决定有限元模型网格 的质量和分析时间的长短以及分析进展是否顺 利,尤其在碰撞分析中尤为突出。另外,在保证模 型正确及几何元素相关联的基础上,可以进行简 化,以达到事半功倍的效果。文中利用NX软件建 立某汽车整车的几何模型,该汽车三维几何模型 如图1所示。
[2]陈海树,赖征海,邸建卫.Ls—DYNA在汽车碰撞模拟过程 中的应用[J].沈阳大学学报,2006.
[3]何涛,杨竞.ANSYS/LS—DYNA非线性有限元分析实例指 导教程[M].机械工业出版社.
[4]张金换,杜汇良,马春生.汽车碰撞安全性设计[M].清华 大学出版社.
[5]Oaryl L.Logan.有限元方法基础教程[M].北京电子工业 出版社.

2.数值模型建立2.1 车辆模型在本研究中,我们使用了标准的Sedan车辆模型,该模型可以表示常见的轿车类型,包括车身、底盘和车轮等主要组件。
在建立车辆模型时,考虑到实际道路行驶的情况,我们将车辆速度设置为50 km/h。
2.2 护栏模型在本研究中,我们使用了半刚性双波形梁护栏设计,并将其放置于道路的两侧。
4.实验结果分析4.1 碰撞参数分析根据本次实验结果,我们发现车辆碰撞时速度和角度对结果具有显著的影响。

Ansys workbench12.1 与ls-dyna 碰撞分析[原创]
关键词:Ansys workbench ls-dyna 碰撞分析非线性显式动力学
使用软件:Solidworks2010 Ansys workbench12.1 Ansys/ls-dyan LS-prepost
3.在Engineering Data 模块添加所需材料模型

173 科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald学 术 论 坛2008 NO.07Science and Technology Innovation Herald应用LS-DYNA进行汽车正面碰撞模拟分析包宇波1 胡斌2(1.同济大学汽车学院 上海 200092; 2.中国矿业大学(北京)机电学院材料系 北京 100083)摘 要:应用LS-DYNA实现不带约束系统的整车的正面碰撞模拟,佐证了计算机模拟技术在现代汽车产品开发中的应用及其发挥的巨大作用。
关键词:LS-DYNA 汽车碰撞 车身耐撞性分析 计算机模拟中图分类号:TP3文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2008)03(a)-0173-02LS-DYNA 是世界上最著名的通用显式动力分析程序,能够模拟真实世界的各种复杂问题,特别适合求解各种二维、三维非线性结构的高速碰撞、爆炸和金属成型等非线性动力冲击问题,同时可以求解传热、流体及流固耦合问题。
1988年 J.O.Hallquist创建LSTC公司,推出LS-DYNA程序系列,并于1997年将LS-DYNA2D、LS-DYNA3D、LS-TOPAZ2D、LS-TOPAZ3D等程序合成一个软件包,称为LS-DYNA。

y0ຫໍສະໝຸດ Epp eff
p eff
• 钢材的密度取为7850kg/m3, • 弹性模量为206GPa, • 泊松比取为0.3, • 初始屈服强度取为1650MPa, • 切线模量取1.18GPa, • 其中C和P都为Cowper-Symonds应变参数,分别取为40.4s-1和5,失
自动接触(Automatic nodes-to-surface contact) 静摩擦系数:0.74 动摩擦系数:0.57 冲击速度:10m/s
塑性随动强化模型(Plastic Kinematic Model)
• 本构模型采用塑性随动强化模型(Plastic Kinematic Model),可描 述各向同性硬化(isotropic hardening)和随动硬化(kinematic hardening)以及二者结合的塑性模型,还可以考虑应变率的影响。
4.计划分享的 内容
• 让分析速度起飞——APDL参数化分析 • 最有效和经济的计算加速方式——云计算 • 地铁隧道下穿高层建筑的变形分析(ABAQUS) • 火车开过桥梁的动态受力分析 • 地震作用下某收费站的响应 • 博士生生活以及研究生求职

nodal line position of the stepped plate and a complete stepped plate
was designed. Use ANSYS to calculate vibration mode and dis-
placement distribution of the stepped plate. The theoretical directiv-
图 1 摆锤轮廓
比为 0. 28。 若将纵梁加强板改为 7075 铝合金,由于铝合金材
料的可焊性比钢板差[6],则纵梁加强板与纵梁连接困 难。故文中只研究将保险杠前部加强板和齿状横梁的 钢板材料用 7075 铝合金替代,支架与纵梁连接板依然 采用合金结构钢与高速工具钢。
7075 铝 合 金 用 LS-DYNA 中 的 15 号 材 料 模 型 * MAT_JOHNSON_COOK( Johnson-Cook 本 构 模 型 ) 模拟。保险杠支架与纵梁连接板采用 24 号分段线性塑 性材料模型,其材料特性如表 2 所示。
ZHAO Ling-bo,HE Xi-ping,LIU Zhi-yong ( Institute of Applied Acoustics,Shanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062,China) Abstract: Using the theory of the thin plate 's flexural vibration,the frequency equation of the stepped circular plate with one step under fixed boundary conditions is derived. A feasible numerical method for solving the frequency equation is presented,and a computer program is developed,which can calculate the radius and

1 LS-DYNA的理论基础根据动力学问题的分析方法,离散化的结构动力方程为:()()()()()Mx t P t F t H t Cx t=−+−(1)式中,M为结构质量矩阵;C为阻尼矩阵;x(t)和x4(t)分别为节点的加速度向量和速度向量;P(t)、F(t)、H(t)分别为载荷向量、内力向量、沙漏阻力向量。
各单元类型的临界积分步长为:∆t e=α(l e/c) (2)式中,∆t e表示单元e的临界时间步长;α为时间步长因子,缺省值为0.9;l e为单元e的特征尺寸;c为纵波的波速。
型导入ANSYS Workbench中进行前处理。
LS-DYNA 碰撞问题分析

圆管的材料参数为:ρ=7.840e-6 kg/mm3,E=210GPa,ν=0.28,σ0=270 MPa,为弹塑性材料。
本例题采用 mm, ms, kg, kN单位制。
z求解过程1)运行Ansys 10.0 ——Ansys Product Launcher——License——Ansys Ls-Dyna——点击FileManagement ,点击Working directory最右边的… ,改变工作目录,d:\ example,在Initial Job name中输入Example33,点击Run。
1 创建几何模型2)创建刚性面。
Preprocessor——Modeling——Create——Areas——Rectangle——By Dimensions——X输入-50,50;Y输入-50,50。
Preprocessor——Modeling——Move/Modify——Areas——Area ——选择刚性面,在DZ中输入-2。
Preprocessor——Modeling——Create——volumes——cylinders——solid cylinders——半径输入30,depth输入150。
Preprocessor——Modeling——delete——volumes only——点击圆柱。
Preprocessor——Modeling——delete——Areas and below——点击圆柱两端的圆面。
Utility Menu——plot——areas.4)存盘,Utility 菜单中的File——Save as——Geometry.db。
2 创建有限元模型5)定义单元,Preprocessor——Element Type——Add/Edit/Delete——Add,选择——Thin shell 163。

Exercise 5: Window Impact.In this exercise, we simulate the impact of a 2”x4” beam upon an impact resistant window. In coastal areas that are prone to hurricane damage, windows such as these are used to minimize possible damage from air-borne debris. The image below illustrates the analysis setup.A 2”x4” beam is given an initial velocity of 60mph and directed towards the window. Ideally, the beam will bounce off the window with little or no damage. However, as will be seen in this analysis, this is a difficult proposition that requires a great deal of engineering effort. There are many possible variations on the impact. The beam may be tumbling or rolling. It may also impact the window at a wide range of angles. A tool such as Ansys/LS-Dyna allows the analysis of a large combination of variables without resorting to expensive and time-consuming testing.It is important to remember that the proper design of these windows can greatly help prevent the loss of life or property during a hurricane.The mesh used in this example is illustrated below.Summary of Steps:1. Launch Ansys/LS-Dyna1.1. Launch ANSYS using your Start menu2. Setup2.1. Resume Database2.2. Set LS-Dyna Preferences2.3. Plotting Controls2.4. Define Element Types2.5. Define Real Constants3. Material Properties3.1. Linear Elastic Properties for Wall3.2. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Window Frame3.3. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Plexiglass3.4. Linear Elastic Properties for 2”x4” Wooden Beam3.5. Rigid Material Properties for Floor3.6. Rigid Material Properties for Crash Dummy4. Loads4.1. Define 2”x4” Wooden Beam Nodal Component4.2. Apply Initial Velocity to 2”x4” Wooden Beam5. Constraints5.1. Apply Constraints to Edges of Wall and Floor6. Contact Definition6.1. Define Automatic General Contact6.2. Define Wall Tie Surface Component6.3. Define Window Tie Surface Component6.4. Define Tied Surface-to-Surface Contact7. Solution Controls7.1. Time Controls7.2. Output Controls7.3. Analysis Controls7.4. Save Model7.5. Solution Monitoring7.6. Solve Model8. General Post-Processing8.1. Plot Setup8.2. Stress Plot9. Generate HTML Report9.1. Image Capture and Animation Generation9.2. Report Assembly10. Conclusions10.1. Exit AnsysStep-by-Step Instructions:Before we begin this problem, create a separate folder on your computer for this analysis and copy the ANSYS database window.db from the CD into this folder.1. Launch ANSYS/LS-Dyna1.1. Launch ANSYS using your Start MenuA. Browse to select the working directory were you placed thewindow.db file for this job.B. Enter window for the job name. All subsequent ANSYS files createdfor this problem will have a filename of window followed by a uniqueextension.C. Change the workspace and database sizes for this job to 384 and 128respectively.D. Click RUN to start ANSYS1.1.B1.1.C1.1.D2. Setup2.1. Resume DatabaseA. We are going to start with an ANSYS database that has already beenmeshed for you. This database contains the geometry of the window, wall, and beam as well as their constitutive elements and nodes. B. Resume Jobname.db ANSYS will read in the predefined databasewindow.db and plot the model in the graphics window.2.2. Set LS-Dyna PreferencesA. In the ANSYS main menu, pick Preferences…B. LS-Dyna ExplicitC. OK2.3. Plotting ControlsA. Use the Pan/Zoom/Rotate function to examine all parts of the modelas done in previous exercises. In the Utility menu, select PlotCtrlsB. Pan, Zoom, Rotate… This will activate the view control window.C. It is useful to keep this window active at all times.2.2.B2.2.CPan Zoom Rotate Functions:2.4. Define Element TypesThe wall and beam have been modeled using 8 noded bricks and the window, crash dummy, and floor have been modeled using shell elements. Thus, the SOLID164 (brick) and SHELL163 (shell) explicit element types are appropriate for this problem. As this example was pre-meshed, these element types are already defined. To review the element types in the modelA. In the Preprocessor menu, select Element TypeB. From this dialog box, it is possible to Add additional element types,Edit the existing types, or Delete defined types.C. For this case no modification is required. Click Close2.4.C2.5. Define Real ConstantsThe SOLID164 elements require no real constants. However, the SHELL163 elements require real constant input.A. In the Preprocessor menu, select Real Constants…B. In the Real Constants dialog box, click on Add…C. In the Element Type for Real Constants , highlight Type 2 or 100.Note that it does not make a difference as both element type 2 and 100 reference Real constant set 1. Therefore, as this is set 1, the values input will be used by both element types. Click OK D. Input 5/6 for the Shear FactorE. Input 4 for the No. of integration pts.F. Input 0.125 for the Thickness at node 1G. Click OK. Note that ANSYS will default to using 0.125 for all fournodes if only the first value is input.H. Close the Real Constants dialog box by clicking Close2.5.G3. Material Properties3.1. Linear Elastic Properties for WallA. In the Preprocessor menu, select Material PropsB. Define MAT Model…C. In the Material Models dialog, click Add…D. Enter 1 for the Material NumberE. Highlight Linear Elastic and IsotropicF. Click OK3.1.D3.1.FG. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00031055 for DensityH. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusI. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioJ. Click OK3.1.J3.2. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Window Frame A. Click Add…B. Enter 2 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Plasticity and Plastic KinematD. OKE. Enter 0.00022345 for DensityF. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for Poisson’s RatioH. Enter 50000 for Yield StressI. Enter 200000 for Tangent ModulusJ. Enter 0.3 for Failure strainK. OK3.2.B3.2.C3.2.D3.2.K3.3. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Plexiglass A. Click Add…B. Enter 3 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Plasticity and Plastic KinematD. OKE. Enter 0.00024120 for DensityF. Enter 20e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for Poisson’s RatioH. Enter 120000 for Yield StressI. Enter 280000 for Tangent ModulusJ. Enter 0.115 for Failure strainK. OK3.3.B3.3.C3.3.D3.3.K3.4. Linear Elastic Properties for 2”x4” Wooden Beam A. Click Add…B. Enter 4 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Linear Elastic and IsotropicD. Click OKE. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00032349 for DensityF. Enter 7e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioH. Click OK3.4.B3.4.D3.4.H3.5. Rigid Material Properties for Floor A. Click Add…B. Enter 5 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Other and RigidD. Click OKE. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00038819 for DensityF. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioH. Click OKI. Click Close to exit the Defing MAT Model dialog.3.5.B3.5.C 3.5.D3.5.H3.6. Rigid Material Properties for Crash Dummy A. Click Add…B. Enter 6 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Other and RigidD. Click OKE. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00038819 for DensityF. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioH. Click OKI. Click Close to exit the Defing MAT Model dialog.3.6.B3.6.C 3.6.D3.6.H4. Loads4.1. Define 2”x4” Wooden Beam Nodal Component A. In the ANSYS Utility menu, pick Select B. Entities…C. In theSelect Entities dialog box, select Nodesand By Num/Pick D. Click OK4.1.DE. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog (discussed in section 2.3), select aRight view and Fit the view to the model.F. In the Select nodes dialog box, highlight the Box option.G. Draw a box around the wooden beam by clicking and dragging.H. Once all of the nodes in beam are selected, click OKI. Return to the ANSYS Utility menu and pick Select J. Comp/Assembly K. Create Component4.1.HL. Enter beam for the component name.M. Select Nodes as Entity component is made ofN. Click OKO. Return again to the ANSYS Utility menu and pick Select P. Everything4.2. Apply Initial Velocity to 2”x4” Wooden Beam Nodal ComponentA. In the Preprocessor menu, select LS-DYNA OptionsB. Initial VelocityC. w/Axial Rotate…D. In the Generate Velocity dialog, select the BEAM component to applythe initial velocity.E. Enter -10 for the VX Global X-componentF. Enter -10 for the VY Global Y-componentG. Enter –1056 for the VZ Global Z-componentH. Leave all other options set to 0I. Click OK4.2.D4.2.E-G 4.2.I5. Constraints5.1. Apply Constraints to Edges of Wall and FloorA. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog (discussed in section 2.3), select aFront view and Fit the view to the model B. In the Preprocessor menu, select LS-DYNA Options C. Constraints D. Apply E. On NodesF. In the Apply U,Rot on Nodes dialog, highlight the Box optionG. Draw boxes on each side of the wall and floor to select the edge nodes. See the following elment plot figure. H. Click OKI. In the Apply U,ROT on Nodes dialog, highlight the UX, UY, and UZDOFs to be constrainedJ. Select Constant Value for the Apply as option and enter 0 as a Value K. OK5.1 G5.1.I5.1.J5.1.K6. Contact Definition6.1. Define Automatic General ContactA. In the LS-Dyna Options menu, select ContactB. Define ContactC. Highlight Single Surface and Auto Gen’l (AG)D. Click OK6.1.DE. Click OK again.6.2. Define Wall Tie Surface Component A. In the ANSYS Utility Menu, click Select B. Entities…C. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Elements , By Attributes , andMaterial num6.1.ED. Enter 1,1,1 for Min, Max, IncE. Click ApplyF. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes , Attached to , andElements G. Click Plot H. Click OKI. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog, select a Front view and FitJ. Return to the Select menu in the ANSYS utility menu and click Entities… K. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes , By Num/Pick , andReselect and click OK L. In the Select Node dialog, enable Polygon picking and select the nodes in the window frame. M. Click OK6.2.GN. In the ANSYS Utility menu, click Select O. Comp/Assembly P. Create Component…Q. Enter Wallfrm for the Component Name R. Click OK6.3. Create the Window Frame Tie Surface Component A. In the ANSYS Utility Menu, click Select B. Entities…C. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Elements , By Attributes , andMaterial num D. Enter 2,2,1 for Min, Max, Inc E. Click ApplyF. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes , Attached to , andElementsG. Click Plot H. Click OKI. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog, select a Front view and Fit6.3.GJ. Return to the Select menu in the ANSYS utility menu and click Entities…K. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes, By Num/Pick, and Reselect and click OKL. In the Select Node dialog, enable Polygon picking and select the nodes in the window frame. M. Click OKN. In the ANSYS Utility menu, click Select O. Comp/AssemblyP. Create Component…Q. Enter Winfrm for the Component Name R. Click OK6.3.R6.4. Create Tied Surface-to-Surface ContactA. In the Preprocessor menu, click on LS-DYNA OptionsB. Define ContactC. In the Contact Parameter Definitions dialog, highlight Surface to Surf and TiedD. Click OK6.4.DE. In the Contact Options dialog, select Winfram for ContactComponent and Wallfram for the Target ComponentF. Click OKG. In the ANSYS Utility menu, click Select and Everything6.4.F7. Solution Controls7.1. Time ControlsA. Under the Ansys Main Menu, select SolutionB. Time ControlsC. Solution Time…D. For the termination time, enter 0.5E. OK7.2. Output ControlsA. In the Solution menu, click Output ControlsB. File Output FreqC. Time Step Size…7.1.D7.1.ED. Enter 1e-02 for Result File Output Interval and Time-History OutputInterval E. Enter 1.0 for Restart Dump Output Interval F. OK7.3. Analysis OptionsNo modifications to default ANSYS analysis options are required for this analysis. 7.4. Save ModelA. In the Ansys Utility menu, select FileB. Save as Jobname.db 7.5. Solution InstructionsA. In the Solution menu, select SolveB. OKC. Click Yesin the verification dialog7.2.D7.2.E 7.2.F7.6. Solution MonitoringA. LS-Dyna will open a window to run the analysis. In this window bypressing Ctrl+C, it is possible to monitor the solution process. After hitting Ctrl+C and entering sw1, sw2, sw3, or sw4, LS-Dyna will respond according to the table below. B. Sw2 is particularly useful. Hitting Ctrl+C and entering sw2 will causeLS-Dyna to respond with time, energy, and remaining solution time. C. Sw1 allows an analysis to be terminated. LS-Dyna will write results atthe time point at which it stops.7.5.B7.5.C8. General Post-Processing8.1. Plot SetupA. Now that we have completed the analysis, it is necessary topostprocess the results. This is accomplished by going into the Ansys General Postprocessing module. Pick General Postproc from the Ansys Main menu. B. Once in the Postprocessor module, we need to tell Ansys what file topostprocess. Click Data and File Opts… C. All Items D. window.rst E. Click OK8.1.C 8.1.D 8.1.EF. Now we need to specify a results set to read into Ansys. SelectResults Summary from the General Postproc menu. G. Highlight step 12 H. Read I. Close8.1.H8.1.I。

可分 , 在汽 车行业 中 , A C E仿 真分析快速 增长 部 信 息 , 节 点 、单 元信 息 、材料 与 状态 方 重 要的意 义 。根据 材料 的拉 伸 曲线定 义各 种 如
的需 求和机遇 主要是受碰 懂法规 的驱动 , 在 程信 息 以及接 触 、初 、边 值 条件 和载 荷信 息 材 料 的 弹性 模 量 、 泊 松 比 、切 向 模 量 、 破 如
它是 L —D S YNA 计算 DYNA。L -D S YNA 的 最新版 本 2 0 0 4年 8 件被 称为 关键 字文件 , 程序 的输 入数据 文 件 。该 文件 是一 个 AS I C I 4材料模拟 格式 的文本 文件 , 其中包 含所要 分析问题 的全 材 料参 数对 干碰 撞 模拟 的精 度具 有极 其 L - NA 的发 展与汽车碰 撞仿 真密不 S DY
因王 黟单元罐犬角 ( ud I IIzg ) 妻 QaI J 且l n t 糕h J I e 四边形单元 赣 角 ( ualllm ̄ l) O a I ll lh l r e i l g
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动 力 冲击 问题 , 同时可 以 求解 传 热 、流 体及 间 。 流 固耦 合问题 。在工 程应 用领 域被 广泛 认可 1车身模型的建立
为 最佳 的分析 软 件包 。 与实验 的无 数次 对 比
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TBDAT,2,763e6 !切线模量
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lsdyna 等几何iga算例

lsdyna 等几何iga算例LS-DYNA是一款用于求解非线性动力学问题的显式有限元软件,它在汽车碰撞、爆炸、冲击等领域具有广泛的应用。

LS-DYNA实例分析报告LS-DYNA实例分析报告合普科技2010年07⽉⽬录(⼀)LS-DYNA基本介绍03 (⼆)某电动玩具的跌落分析06 (三)汽车保险杠的碰撞分析17 (四)总结22(⼀)LS-DYNA的基本介绍LS-DYNA是⼀个以显式求解为主、兼有隐式求解功能,以Lagrange算法为主、兼有ALE和Euler算法,以结构分析为主、兼有热分析和流体-结构耦合功能,以⾮线性动⼒分析为主、兼有静⼒分析功能,军⽤和民⽤相结合的通⽤⾮线性结构动⼒分析有限元程序,主要⽤于求解各种⾮线性结构的⾼速碰撞、爆炸和⾦属成型等结构⾮线性问题。
DYNA程序系列最初是1976年在美国Lawrence Livermore National Lab.由J.O.Hallquist主持开发完成的,主要⽬的是为武器设计提供分析⼯具,后经1979、1981、1982、1986、1987、1988年版的功能扩充和改进,成为国际著名的⾮线性动⼒分析软件,在武器结构设计、内弹道和终点弹道、军⽤材料研制等⽅⾯得到了⼴泛的应⽤。
LS-DYNA程序开发的最初⽬的是为北约组织的武器结构设计、防护结构设计服务,是该组织的Public Domain程序,后来商业化后⼴泛传播到世界各地的研究机构。
lsdyna 等几何iga算例

lsdyna 等几何iga算例几何IGA(Isogeometric Analysis)是一种结合了计算机辅助设计(CAD)和有限元分析(FEA)的数值计算方法。
1. 汽车碰撞:几何IGA可以用于模拟汽车碰撞过程中的结构变形和碰撞效应。
2. 航空航天结构分析:几何IGA可以应用于航空航天结构的强度和刚度分析。
3. 材料成形:几何IGA可以用于模拟材料成形过程中的变形和应力分布。
与传统的有限元方法相比,几何IGA具有以下优点:1. 高精度:几何IGA可以更准确地描述复杂曲线和曲面的几何形状,从而提高数值模拟的准确性。
2. 高效性:几何IGA可以利用CAD软件中已有的几何信息,无需重复建模,从而提高建模和分析的效率。
3. 全程一体化:几何IGA能够将CAD软件和有限元分析软件无缝集成,实现全程一体化的建模和分析过程。
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Exercise 5: Window Impact.In this exercise, we simulate the impact of a 2”x4” beam upon an impact resistant window. In coastal areas that are prone to hurricane damage, windows such as these are used to minimize possible damage from air-borne debris. The image below illustrates the analysis setup.A 2”x4” beam is given an initial velocity of 60mph and directed towards the window. Ideally, the beam will bounce off the window with little or no damage. However, as will be seen in this analysis, this is a difficult proposition that requires a great deal of engineering effort. There are many possible variations on the impact. The beam may be tumbling or rolling. It may also impact the window at a wide range of angles. A tool such as Ansys/LS-Dyna allows the analysis of a large combination of variables without resorting to expensive and time-consuming testing.It is important to remember that the proper design of these windows can greatly help prevent the loss of life or property during a hurricane.The mesh used in this example is illustrated below.Summary of Steps:1. Launch Ansys/LS-Dyna1.1. Launch ANSYS using your Start menu2. Setup2.1. Resume Database2.2. Set LS-Dyna Preferences2.3. Plotting Controls2.4. Define Element Types2.5. Define Real Constants3. Material Properties3.1. Linear Elastic Properties for Wall3.2. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Window Frame3.3. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Plexiglass3.4. Linear Elastic Properties for 2”x4” Wooden Beam3.5. Rigid Material Properties for Floor3.6. Rigid Material Properties for Crash Dummy4. Loads4.1. Define 2”x4” Wooden Beam Nodal Component4.2. Apply Initial Velocity to 2”x4” Wooden Beam5. Constraints5.1. Apply Constraints to Edges of Wall and Floor6. Contact Definition6.1. Define Automatic General Contact6.2. Define Wall Tie Surface Component6.3. Define Window Tie Surface Component6.4. Define Tied Surface-to-Surface Contact7. Solution Controls7.1. Time Controls7.2. Output Controls7.3. Analysis Controls7.4. Save Model7.5. Solution Monitoring7.6. Solve Model8. General Post-Processing8.1. Plot Setup8.2. Stress Plot9. Generate HTML Report9.1. Image Capture and Animation Generation9.2. Report Assembly10. Conclusions10.1. Exit AnsysStep-by-Step Instructions:Before we begin this problem, create a separate folder on your computer for this analysis and copy the ANSYS database window.db from the CD into this folder.1. Launch ANSYS/LS-Dyna1.1. Launch ANSYS using your Start MenuA. Browse to select the working directory were you placed thewindow.db file for this job.B. Enter window for the job name. All subsequent ANSYS files createdfor this problem will have a filename of window followed by a uniqueextension.C. Change the workspace and database sizes for this job to 384 and 128respectively.D. Click RUN to start ANSYS1.1.B1.1.C1.1.D2. Setup2.1. Resume DatabaseA. We are going to start with an ANSYS database that has already beenmeshed for you. This database contains the geometry of the window, wall, and beam as well as their constitutive elements and nodes. B. Resume Jobname.db ANSYS will read in the predefined databasewindow.db and plot the model in the graphics window.2.2. Set LS-Dyna PreferencesA. In the ANSYS main menu, pick Preferences…B. LS-Dyna ExplicitC. OK2.3. Plotting ControlsA. Use the Pan/Zoom/Rotate function to examine all parts of the modelas done in previous exercises. In the Utility menu, select PlotCtrlsB. Pan, Zoom, Rotate… This will activate the view control window.C. It is useful to keep this window active at all times.2.2.B2.2.CPan Zoom Rotate Functions:2.4. Define Element TypesThe wall and beam have been modeled using 8 noded bricks and the window, crash dummy, and floor have been modeled using shell elements. Thus, the SOLID164 (brick) and SHELL163 (shell) explicit element types are appropriate for this problem. As this example was pre-meshed, these element types are already defined. To review the element types in the modelA. In the Preprocessor menu, select Element TypeB. From this dialog box, it is possible to Add additional element types,Edit the existing types, or Delete defined types.C. For this case no modification is required. Click Close2.4.C2.5. Define Real ConstantsThe SOLID164 elements require no real constants. However, the SHELL163 elements require real constant input.A. In the Preprocessor menu, select Real Constants…B. In the Real Constants dialog box, click on Add…C. In the Element Type for Real Constants , highlight Type 2 or 100.Note that it does not make a difference as both element type 2 and 100 reference Real constant set 1. Therefore, as this is set 1, the values input will be used by both element types. Click OK D. Input 5/6 for the Shear FactorE. Input 4 for the No. of integration pts.F. Input 0.125 for the Thickness at node 1G. Click OK. Note that ANSYS will default to using 0.125 for all fournodes if only the first value is input.H. Close the Real Constants dialog box by clicking Close2.5.G3. Material Properties3.1. Linear Elastic Properties for WallA. In the Preprocessor menu, select Material PropsB. Define MAT Model…C. In the Material Models dialog, click Add…D. Enter 1 for the Material NumberE. Highlight Linear Elastic and IsotropicF. Click OK3.1.D3.1.FG. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00031055 for DensityH. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusI. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioJ. Click OK3.1.J3.2. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Window Frame A. Click Add…B. Enter 2 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Plasticity and Plastic KinematD. OKE. Enter 0.00022345 for DensityF. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for Poisson’s RatioH. Enter 50000 for Yield StressI. Enter 200000 for Tangent ModulusJ. Enter 0.3 for Failure strainK. OK3.2.B3.2.C3.2.D3.2.K3.3. Plastic Kinematic Plasticity Model for Plexiglass A. Click Add…B. Enter 3 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Plasticity and Plastic KinematD. OKE. Enter 0.00024120 for DensityF. Enter 20e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for Poisson’s RatioH. Enter 120000 for Yield StressI. Enter 280000 for Tangent ModulusJ. Enter 0.115 for Failure strainK. OK3.3.B3.3.C3.3.D3.3.K3.4. Linear Elastic Properties for 2”x4” Wooden Beam A. Click Add…B. Enter 4 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Linear Elastic and IsotropicD. Click OKE. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00032349 for DensityF. Enter 7e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioH. Click OK3.4.B3.4.D3.4.H3.5. Rigid Material Properties for Floor A. Click Add…B. Enter 5 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Other and RigidD. Click OKE. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00038819 for DensityF. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioH. Click OKI. Click Close to exit the Defing MAT Model dialog.3.5.B3.5.C 3.5.D3.5.H3.6. Rigid Material Properties for Crash Dummy A. Click Add…B. Enter 6 for the Material NumberC. Highlight Other and RigidD. Click OKE. In the Define Material Model dialog, enter 0.00038819 for DensityF. Enter 10e6 for Young’s modulusG. Enter 0.3 for the Poisson’s RatioH. Click OKI. Click Close to exit the Defing MAT Model dialog.3.6.B3.6.C 3.6.D3.6.H4. Loads4.1. Define 2”x4” Wooden Beam Nodal Component A. In the ANSYS Utility menu, pick Select B. Entities…C. In theSelect Entities dialog box, select Nodesand By Num/Pick D. Click OK4.1.DE. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog (discussed in section 2.3), select aRight view and Fit the view to the model.F. In the Select nodes dialog box, highlight the Box option.G. Draw a box around the wooden beam by clicking and dragging.H. Once all of the nodes in beam are selected, click OKI. Return to the ANSYS Utility menu and pick Select J. Comp/Assembly K. Create Component4.1.HL. Enter beam for the component name.M. Select Nodes as Entity component is made ofN. Click OKO. Return again to the ANSYS Utility menu and pick Select P. Everything4.2. Apply Initial Velocity to 2”x4” Wooden Beam Nodal ComponentA. In the Preprocessor menu, select LS-DYNA OptionsB. Initial VelocityC. w/Axial Rotate…D. In the Generate Velocity dialog, select the BEAM component to applythe initial velocity.E. Enter -10 for the VX Global X-componentF. Enter -10 for the VY Global Y-componentG. Enter –1056 for the VZ Global Z-componentH. Leave all other options set to 0I. Click OK4.2.D4.2.E-G 4.2.I5. Constraints5.1. Apply Constraints to Edges of Wall and FloorA. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog (discussed in section 2.3), select aFront view and Fit the view to the model B. In the Preprocessor menu, select LS-DYNA Options C. Constraints D. Apply E. On NodesF. In the Apply U,Rot on Nodes dialog, highlight the Box optionG. Draw boxes on each side of the wall and floor to select the edge nodes. See the following elment plot figure. H. Click OKI. In the Apply U,ROT on Nodes dialog, highlight the UX, UY, and UZDOFs to be constrainedJ. Select Constant Value for the Apply as option and enter 0 as a Value K. OK5.1 G5.1.I5.1.J5.1.K6. Contact Definition6.1. Define Automatic General ContactA. In the LS-Dyna Options menu, select ContactB. Define ContactC. Highlight Single Surface and Auto Gen’l (AG)D. Click OK6.1.DE. Click OK again.6.2. Define Wall Tie Surface Component A. In the ANSYS Utility Menu, click Select B. Entities…C. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Elements , By Attributes , andMaterial num6.1.ED. Enter 1,1,1 for Min, Max, IncE. Click ApplyF. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes , Attached to , andElements G. Click Plot H. Click OKI. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog, select a Front view and FitJ. Return to the Select menu in the ANSYS utility menu and click Entities… K. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes , By Num/Pick , andReselect and click OK L. In the Select Node dialog, enable Polygon picking and select the nodes in the window frame. M. Click OK6.2.GN. In the ANSYS Utility menu, click Select O. Comp/Assembly P. Create Component…Q. Enter Wallfrm for the Component Name R. Click OK6.3. Create the Window Frame Tie Surface Component A. In the ANSYS Utility Menu, click Select B. Entities…C. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Elements , By Attributes , andMaterial num D. Enter 2,2,1 for Min, Max, Inc E. Click ApplyF. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes , Attached to , andElementsG. Click Plot H. Click OKI. In the Pan-Zoom-Rotate dialog, select a Front view and Fit6.3.GJ. Return to the Select menu in the ANSYS utility menu and click Entities…K. In the Select Entities dialog, highlight Nodes, By Num/Pick, and Reselect and click OKL. In the Select Node dialog, enable Polygon picking and select the nodes in the window frame. M. Click OKN. In the ANSYS Utility menu, click Select O. Comp/AssemblyP. Create Component…Q. Enter Winfrm for the Component Name R. Click OK6.3.R6.4. Create Tied Surface-to-Surface ContactA. In the Preprocessor menu, click on LS-DYNA OptionsB. Define ContactC. In the Contact Parameter Definitions dialog, highlight Surface to Surf and TiedD. Click OK6.4.DE. In the Contact Options dialog, select Winfram for ContactComponent and Wallfram for the Target ComponentF. Click OKG. In the ANSYS Utility menu, click Select and Everything6.4.F7. Solution Controls7.1. Time ControlsA. Under the Ansys Main Menu, select SolutionB. Time ControlsC. Solution Time…D. For the termination time, enter 0.5E. OK7.2. Output ControlsA. In the Solution menu, click Output ControlsB. File Output FreqC. Time Step Size…7.1.D7.1.ED. Enter 1e-02 for Result File Output Interval and Time-History OutputInterval E. Enter 1.0 for Restart Dump Output Interval F. OK7.3. Analysis OptionsNo modifications to default ANSYS analysis options are required for this analysis. 7.4. Save ModelA. In the Ansys Utility menu, select FileB. Save as Jobname.db 7.5. Solution InstructionsA. In the Solution menu, select SolveB. OKC. Click Yesin the verification dialog7.2.D7.2.E 7.2.F7.6. Solution MonitoringA. LS-Dyna will open a window to run the analysis. In this window bypressing Ctrl+C, it is possible to monitor the solution process. After hitting Ctrl+C and entering sw1, sw2, sw3, or sw4, LS-Dyna will respond according to the table below. B. Sw2 is particularly useful. Hitting Ctrl+C and entering sw2 will causeLS-Dyna to respond with time, energy, and remaining solution time. C. Sw1 allows an analysis to be terminated. LS-Dyna will write results atthe time point at which it stops.7.5.B7.5.C8. General Post-Processing8.1. Plot SetupA. Now that we have completed the analysis, it is necessary topostprocess the results. This is accomplished by going into the Ansys General Postprocessing module. Pick General Postproc from the Ansys Main menu. B. Once in the Postprocessor module, we need to tell Ansys what file topostprocess. Click Data and File Opts… C. All Items D. window.rst E. Click OK8.1.C 8.1.D 8.1.EF. Now we need to specify a results set to read into Ansys. SelectResults Summary from the General Postproc menu. G. Highlight step 12 H. Read I. Close8.1.H8.1.I。