


始终坚信中国男篮 能够闯进8强,并最 终实现了历史性突 破的姚明
“总是跑在最前面.” 雅典奥运成功登顶的亚 洲第一飞人刘翔,自信 地发出豪言“北京奥运 再夺金牌!”
uccess 临淄实验中学
他们是2004雅典最闪耀的明星. 他们取得成功的关键是什么?
布鲁金斯学会创建于1927年,以培养世界上 最杰出的推销员著称于世。它有一个传统,在每 期学员毕业时,都设计一道最能体现推销员能力 的实习题,让学生去完成。克林顿当政期间,他 们出了这么一个题目:把一条三角裤推销给现任 总统克林顿。
uccess 临淄实验中学
八年间,有无数个学员为此绞尽脑汁,最后都 无功而返。克林顿卸任后,布鲁金斯学会把题 目换成:请将一把斧子推销给小布什总统。
因此,别人能做到的事,我们自已也一定 能做到,相信自已,只要坚持不懈地积极进取, 就一定会获得成功。
uccess 临淄实验中学
uccess 临淄自已的长处(学生发言,说说自已 最捧的 项目) “天生我才必有用”。每个人都有自己的长处 和短处,只看到自己的不足,看不到自己的长处,容易 使人产生自卑心理。
自信, Confidence!
了解自己 心理小测验
在一间房子里,你会在墙上挂什么? A、挂画 B、挂照片 C 、挂年历,月历 D 、挂钟
这是一个心理投射测验,可以测出你 最大自信的来源,其实就是你生活中 最看重的东西。
2001年5月20日,美国一位名叫乔治·赫伯特 的推销员,成功地把一把斧子推销给了小布什总 统。布鲁金斯学会得知这一消息,把一只刻有 “最伟大推销员”的金靴子赠与了他。这是自 1975年以来,该学会的一名学员成功地把一台 微型录音机卖给了尼克松后,又一学员跨过如此 高的门槛。


Set clear goals: Set clear, specific, and measurable goals and ensure that you have sufficient resources and time to achieve them.
The relationship between ideas and success
How to balance ideas and success
Challenges and Strategies for Pursuing Ideas and Success
Facing diversity challenges
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to face it
Ideal is a longing and pursuit for the future, and it is the driving force and goal of people's actions.
Ideals have hierarchy and can be divided into different levels based on individual and social needs, such as personal ideals, social ideals, national ideals, etc.
Recognizing self double
It's important to be aware of self double and its effects on motivation and performance


他的一位须发皆白的老邻居见状,便问: “年青人,为什么不快乐?”
The young man answered, “I can’t understand why I am always so poor.” “Are you poor? You are rich, indeed.” The young man was rather confused,“What do you mean? ”
Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal
There was a young man who was unhappy everyday. He always complained about his poverty and unluckiness.
有一位青年,老是埋怨自己时运不 济,发不了财,终日愁眉不展。
An old neighbour with white hair and white beard saw this and asked him, “Young man, why are you so upset everyday?”
年青人:“我不明白,为什么我总是这 么穷?” 老人由衷地:“你穷吗?你很富有嘛。” 年青人不解地问:“这从何说起?”
The old man asked,“If one of your fingers is cut down, and you will get one thousand yuan from it, are you willing?” “No!”



When you can move in an environment that pleases you, and when you feel at ease with the ones you deal with on a daily basis。 当你能在一个愉快的环境中生活,并能每天与人轻 松相处的时候。
What is Success?
What is your definition about success? In this society, someone define success in terms of the dollar amount on a paycheck. For others, it's the title on their business card. Others may define success in terms of the accolades and awards they have won. 你对成功是怎样定义的? 有些人用薪水定义成功。对另一些人 来说,成功是名片上的头衔。其它人也许根据赞誉和奖励来定义。
Success = Power?
Unit 14: Warm-up Activities
Success = Money + Power?
Unit 14: Warm-up Activities
Success = Publicity?
Unit 14: Warm-up Activities
Success = Achievement?
And they forget to just do the simplest thing in the world: turn inside and analyze what it is that they really like. 但是他们却忘记了去做世间最简单的一件事情,那 就是反省并发现自己真正的喜好。



2. potential -1
n. possibiliteloped 潜力;潜能
e.g. 这种产品在出口市场上拥有更大的销 售潜力。
The product has even more potential in export markets.
Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:
The meanings of “winner” and “loser” (Para. 2)
Few people are winners and losers all the time. (Para. 3)
Winners (Para. 4~7)
Part 5: Losers (Para. 8~10)
Unit 3 Born to Win
If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.
Other similar phrases ?
look on…as … take… as… consider… as… see…as… view…as…
have…as… regard…as… consider…as… imagine … as… label…as…
2. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who defeats the other person by dominating and making him lose.
Sentence pattern



I think success should be more synonymous with happiness than with affluence. For it’s only when you find satisfaction with what you’re doing and don’t dread facing every new day when your task has to be embarked upon, that you are really successful.
Wrongfully, many people confuse success with wealth: they assume that a person’s triumph can be concluded from the expensiveness of his or her watch, car, or house. 很多人错误地将成功与富有混淆在一起:他们认 为一个人的成功从其拥有的名表、名车或者豪宅 上便可窥见。
Success = Happiness?
Our conclusion is, that success has just as many faces as any other possible theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the values of the person who measures it. 我们的结论是:同其他任何话题一样,成功也存在着方方 面面,取决于衡量它的社会及其评价人的价值观。
What is successful? Here, we have a discussion.


In modern society, wealth is also a symbol of success.
The world wont care about your selfesteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
So the young man got there at 4am,, got on a suit .should a wore shorts. The old man grabs his hand he says
“how bad do you wanna be successful? ” He said “ real bad ” He said “walk on out into the water ”. So he
walks out into the water. Watch this.When he walks out into the water it goes waist deep, So he
’ s like “this guy
crazy ” .
He ’s thinkin ’, “I wanna make money, he ’s got me out here swimming. I don ’t want to be a life guard, I want to make money. ”
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
He got the meaning,so he said “ come out a little further ” he walked out a little further till it was right around this area.the shoulder area.So this old man crazy, he makin money but he crazy.


There are four elements of sucession. The first one is fire, to conquer the feeling in your mind that makes you relax, and keep holding on and burst out like fire, you can also view this as gripping on the chances that went by as soon as they appear. The second one is earth, this might be the most important one because it will make you suceed, or fail, ifyou don't do this, it needs endurance. To study everyday and review your notes meant that you are doing this second element.
The third element is water, to gather information drop by drop, knowledge bit by bit, which also meant that you need to have a source of information. And talking about the last element, wood, you have to put the knowledge into use, to grow and develop as fast and as steady as possible. All of the elements mentioned above are elements of sucession, this will guide you through all the pains and sorrows in life, and make you suceed.



尚菁 朱亚男 闫超
Having a lot of money is also a symbol of success for most of the young .
A nurse. She has helped many people. Saved many people. Was praised for the people. She is Florence Nightingale. At this time. If nurses can do to serve the people. And there is a great contributor to the nurse. Would arrive at this name for itself. Is very honorable.As nurses, the highest honor.
In modern society, wealth is also a symbol of success.
The world wont care about your selfesteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
1 Positive attitude
2 Knowledge
2 3 2 Natural talent
4 Clear goals and planning 5 Focus/consistent effort
பைடு நூலகம்
Sometimes , that you adhere to your own dreams until the realization of your dreams is a success for you !

大学英语PPT汇报自我发展有关Self development关于爱和成功主题的PPT

大学英语PPT汇报自我发展有关Self development关于爱和成功主题的PPT

Thanks for your attention
Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
You began to learn saying words.
Step2:It is never too old to learn.
You are learning academic achievements.
Step4:To be a creative man.
You can find brilliant scenery by your bright eyes. And making use of your brain think about more s fantastic ideas. Don’t hesitate to take effective meassures to make them come true.
பைடு நூலகம்
Some inspirational movies,
Forrest Gump
Legally Blonde
We all want to be a better man. Above all ,there are 4 factors to get this aim. We had better work hard, s love others , have more new thoughts ,and appreciate those who ever helped you.



I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spokenr country like us. 我也希望用我流利的英语将我们的名胜介绍给说英语的朋友,我希望他们可以像 我们一样爱我们的国家。
为了便于学习和使用,本文 档下载后内容可随意修改调 整及打印,欢迎下载。
English is really
It's bridge……To lead you to the future.
If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.
当我学英语时,我可以体会到一种不同的思维方式, 它可以给我更多接触世界的空间。
I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place
of English. 我梦想我能去伦敦,因为它是英语的故乡。
Tower bridge
PPaalalaceceooff Westminster
When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.
When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.



我们每个人都期望在我们的日常生活和工作中取 得 成功,然而,我们无法避免各种各样的失败。 有些人一旦无法达到自己的既定目标,就很容易 变得心灰意冷。 我想,对于失败,我们应该树立一个正确的态度, 并试图以一个平和冷静的心态去处理它。正如一 句名言所说“失败乃成功之母”,我们不应该被 暂时的师奶所击垮。相反,我们应该从我们的失 败中总结有价值的经验教训,然后,再竭尽全力 地去争取美好的将来。只有这样,我们才能获得 最终目标并且笑到最后。
Failure iห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ the mother of success.
Every one of us expect success in our daily life and work. However, we can’t avoid various kinds of failures. Some people will lose their hearts easily for not having achieved what they had aimed at. I think we should set up a good attitude towards failure and try to deal with them with a calm and cool mind. Just as the famous saying goes, failure is the mother of success. We should not be defeated by temporary failures we have experienced, then go out of our way to fight for the bright future beyond failure. Only by this, can we obtain our final goals and be the last to smile.



Para.5: Question: What kind of things should we try to do? We should try to do whatever might change our life and make our life successful. Main idea: We should do make conscious decisions to do whatever will make our life change.
1. Fast-reading
Listen to the text (J:\unit 14.mp3) and tick whether they are true (T) or false (F). (On P196)
2. Scanning (ask the Ss to read each paragraph and help them to understand it)
Para.4: Questions: 1. Can we choose to be successful? Yes, success can be a choice. 2. What are opportunities usually disguised as? They are usually disguised as hard work. Main idea: We can choose to be successful. Luck will knock on our door if we are prepared.
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bring home the baconing
Success covers a multitude of blunders . I成Ffoy功uor由usw大hois量rht的wto失osr望dusc铸cseuemd u, pyowuhsaht ohualsdluifsteed pmeorsstissutecncceessafsuyl oinudrivgiodoudalfsriaebnodv,eetxhpeecrireonwcde: aTashlieyttopleuebroirptelmefeworerheno.cege, tporundinentcheisawsoyroldurabreroththeer a如以ptm在成Yhnoeae果谨这功doukype你慎个的hhwloeat希为世秘ahvpwneee望兄界诀htmta,oo成弟上就.sagbn功、,是yeedot,以 取 四luiiuefr当希 得 个vptseh以望 成 简aeeinnny恒为 功 单dtrycy心哨 的的loao.nuo为兵 人字nrks良。 是:oeftol友那多ffri.n、些一cTdir以h努点ctahu经力点-te-m'-sm验寻。-s-t-th为找.爱atehn参他迪ecye谋们生s、 I想sse要ucrc机ecte会oefd的seu人dcb,cee如csas果u.s找e不I w到il机led会i,t ;他I n们e就ve去r 创造机 h会人e。必sit须at相ed信. 自己,这是成功的秘诀。 我成功是因为我有决心,.从-不---踌--英躇国。剧作---家---肖拿伯破3 纳仑
people. She is Florence
Nightingale. At this time. If
nurses can do to serve the
people. And there is a great
contributor to the nurse.
Would arrive at this name for
Having a lot of money is also a symbol of success for most of the young .
A nurse. She has helped
many people. Saved many
people. Was praised for the
itself. Is very honorable.As
nurses, the highest honor.
尚菁 朱亚男 闫超
In modern society, wealth is also a symbol of success.
The world wont care about your selfesteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
1 Positive attitude
2 Knowledge 32 2 Natural talent 4 Clear goals and planning
5 Focus/consistent effort
Sometimes , that you adhere to your own dreams until the realization of your dreams is a success for you !