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广州牛津版英语九年级上册Unit5试题及答案Reading comprehension 阅读训练营

“Mom!” Sarah yelled, running into the house.

“What is it?” her mother asked, looking up

from her book.

“There’s a baby deer in the backyard. Can

we feed it?” Sarah ran for the fruit on the counter

and took an apple.

Her mom said. “Sarah, that’s not a good

idea. If the deer gets used to people feeding it, it

won’t know how to survive on its own.”

Sarah sighed and put the apple back. “Can I

pet it?”

Her mother shook her head. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t do that either. It might hurt the deer.” Her mother brought Sarah to the back door and looked out at the fawn. “If you pet the fawn, she might like it. She might hang around here looking for you. But deer aren’t meant to be pets. And what happens if she wanders off into the woods where there’s a hunter. She won’t know not to fear people.”

Sarah looked out at the deer. “She might think all humans are nice. She wouldn’t know to stay away from hunters.”

“Exactly.” Her mother said.

“How will she learn to find food and how to stay out of danger?”

“Animals are born with natural instincts. That’s why we shouldn’t do things that go against those instincts, like feed them.”

“I wish she could stay here.”

“Why don’t you take pictures of the fawn.”

“Okay.” Sarah ran to her mom’s room and got the camera.

As Sarah took pictures, another deer stepped into view.

“It’s the mother deer!” Sarah whispered excitedly.

Sarah took pictures of both deer as they ate leaves. Finally they walked away.

“Think they’ll come back and visit again?”

“Maybe. But now you at least have pictures to remember them. Let’s go and print them.”


( )1. What was Sarah’s mother doing when Sarah ran into the school?

A. Reading a book.

B. Cooking.

C. Washing some clothes.

D. writing.

( )2. How did Sarah feel when she saw a fawn in her backyard?

A. Confused.

B. Indifferent.

C. Disappointed.

D. Excited.

( )3. Sarah's mother is afraid that___

A. Sarah will scare the deer.

B. the deer could hurt Sarah.

C. the deer will learn to like people.

D. the mother deer will come back.

( )4. What were the mother deer and her fawn doing when Sarah was taking pictures?

A. They were coming near Sarah.

B. They were eating leaves.

C. They were running.

D. They were drinking.

( )5. Which of the following can be the title of the passage?

A. Sarah and Her Mother.

B. Backyard Visitor

C. Photos of the Fawn.

D. A Forest Hunter.

Cloze test完形小测


Friday the 13th is seen as a bad day in the US. Some American people refuse 1 important things on this day. So, 2 do people regard the day as a bad day?

Some people think that 13 is 3 unlucky number and that Friday is an unlucky day, so Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day. So, why is 13 an unlucky number and why is Friday an unlucky day? For fun, I 4 some information about it.

◆There were 13 people at the last supper of Jesus.

◆The number twelve is seen as the number of completeness, 5 there are twelve months

in a year, twelve hours in a day, and so on. However, the number thirteen 6 as irregular, because it breaks this completeness.

◆Jesus died 7 a Friday.

◆Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit on a Friday, and died on a Friday.

As 8 as 21 million people in the US are terrified of Friday the 13th, according to a survey.

9 is there really a reason to be so terrified of a day that is just like any other? Of course not. You

10 pick out any date on the calendar or any day in history and find some strange things that happened. It is just a superstition that Friday the 13th brings bad luck.

( )1. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does

( )2. A. why B. how C. when D. who

( )3. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )4. A. collect B. collects C. have collected D. collected

( )5. A. while B. since C. because D. after

( )6. A. is seeing B. was seen C. is seen D. was seeing

( )7. A. in B. at C. with D. on

( )8. A. many B. much C. more D. most

( )9. A. And B. But C. So D. Or

( )10. A. must B. should C. would D. can
