
BEC口语常见题目及回答(主要针对口语第一部分)How important do you think English life in business in China?It’s very important. As China has entered WTO in 2001,the marketis more open to the outside world. In the last few years, may foreign enterprises flooded into China, enhancing the use of Englsh. Meanwhile, abundant of Chinese companies have broken into the European and American market which inquire a good command of English to do business with them. So an aknowledge of culture difference and customs of Enlish is very nececary.How important you think import and export to China?Very important. The substantial import and export in China undoubtedly contribute to the development of China’s economy. On one hand, China as a huge country with plentful resources and labour, has become an export gait which leads to its increasing foreign exchang pooling. On the other hand, China is also a country with a large population. Therefore, import can better satisfy our people’s needs and color people’s lives.How important you think the tourist industry is to China?I think it’s very impotant. As the heavy industry in China is not as sophisticated as in many other countries. We should develop tourist industry for many reasons.1. Making good use of natural resources.2. Creating more jobs to people.3. Increasing the foreign exchang4. Pulling the development of heavy industry and Agriculture.5. Enhancing the communication with other countries.What effect do you think technologe is having on business life in China?Internet as a new technologe is having a profound effect on business life in China, which leads to the transformation of workinglife style. Take the World Wide Web for example, it makes business easy to handle without going a far distance aboard to negotiate in person. Nowadays, almost every businessman gets his own computer to deal with various kind of documents, e-mails and profiles and contact custmers by MSN or QQ.We can say business can’t live without internet now. It’s really amazing.What do you think advertising has on people in China?There is a large population in China, which means there is a huge market in China. How to persude so many potential customers to buy a product? Advertising plays a very important role. It is a source of infomation. Advertising is also a broadcast of fashion, let people know the new brands and trend all over the world. What’s more, after so many year’s influence by advertising, many people begin to advertis e themselves, so there is a saying:”Advertising is everywhere.”How working life is changing in China?After the introduction of new technology, a revolution in working life style is undergoing in its way. All of the offices have been computerized. Almost every working staff is processing their work by computer. Some people just stay at home and run their business on line for convenience. In one word, working life today is changing into effiency, convenience and modernization.Which foreign language you think will be most import in future for business in China?I think English will be most important for business in China. English is a mother-tongue in many developed countries. And the rest are trying their best to learn English as their second language, especially in China. Undoubtedly, English is widely used all over the world, so it would not be difficult for English to be a world language in business in China.Can you tell me something about how important you think it is for people who work in business in China to be familiar with information technology?It is very important. Information technologe as a new industry has a profound effect on the people who work in business. Computer skills is an eccential for business people in their daily work, such as send e-mails, deal with profiles. So to be familiar with information technologe is a way to adapt to the changing world. A company with good acknowlege of IT will catch up with its rivals in order not to be bankrupt. Peoplewith good command of IT will be capable enough to make contributions in business.How people’s attitude to work are changing in China?First, the concept of “A profession is a life-long career”is no longer ture. Many people start to take more than one profession in their career life span. And quite a lot of young people just keep changing their tasts of jobs.Then, comes to the people who are creative enough try to run their own business and to be a boss of themselves.Last, it is very commom to see a person undertakes one job as full-time,two or more jobs as part-time in their spartime.So, people’s attitude to work are really changing.Which you think are the most important new commercial activities in China?I think video conference are the most important new commercial activities in China. Many years ago, business people began to have tele-conference to dealt with business, but the disadvantage is the lack of eye contact, especially when having a over-sea’s meeting, people can’t judge the turth of what has each other said. But now, video conference solved this problem, because the poeple can see each other very clearly from a video system. Then, video conference has been widely used inmulti-national companies to have an over-sea’s meeting, as it is comvient,and easy to handle。

1. What is you name? How do you spell you name?My name is Lisa Xu. It spells as L I S A “Lisa” X U “Xu”, you can call me Lisa.1. Can you say something about the area in which you live?我居住在商业中心,位于长途车站旁边,一天到晚总是会不时听到汽车的鸣笛声,虽然有一些嘈杂,但是我已经习惯了,而且由于位于商业中心,购物和出行都很方便。
2. What do you live now?I live in the dormitory in my school, 是四人居住的房间,有四张床和桌子,透过走廊尽头的窗户能够看到南湖的景色。
3. Have you lived in other types of accommodation before?I have lived in the apartment, 是三室两厅的格局,十分的宽敞,十分适合四口之家居住。
4. How do you feel about your current accommodation?It is small but good enough for our four student to live in, and I like the beautiful scenery of the south lake, 夏日从湖面上吹进来的风让人心情舒畅。
5. Do you rent your accommodation?No, I did not.6. What is your opinion on shared accommodation?我认为shared accommodation虽然让人没有了私人空间,但是也有助于更好的去学会如何与人相处和包容。
7. When you buy a house, what is the most important thing to consider?我主要考虑的是环境是否安全、舒适,交通是否快捷便利。

BEC商务英语高级口语考试话题汇总bec口语话题11.Different Communication Styles不同的交流风格The way people communicate varies widely between, and even within, cultures. One aspect of communication style is language usage. Across cultures, some words and phrases are used in different ways. For e某ample, even in countries that share the English language, the meaning of "yes" varies from "maybe, I'll consider it" to "definitely so," with many shades in between.Another major aspect of communication style is the degree of importance given to non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication includes not only facial e某pressions and gestures; it also involves seating arrangements, personal distance, and sense of time. In addition, different norms regarding the appropriate degree of assertiveness in communicating can add to cultural misunderstandings. For instance, some white Americans typically consider raised voices to be a sign that a fight has begun, while some Asian, African, Jewish and Italian Americans often feel that an increase in volume is a sign of an e某citing conversation among friends. Thus, some white Americans may react with greater alarm to a loud discussion than would members of some American ethnic or non-white racial groups.bec口语话题22.Different Attitudes Toward Conflict对待冲突的态度不同Some cultures view conflict as a positive thing, while others view it as something to be avoided. In the U.S., conflict is notusually desirable; but people often are encouraged to deal directly with conflicts that do arise. In fact, face-to-face meetings customarily are recommended as the way to work through whatever problems e某ist. In contrast, in many Eastern countries, open conflict is e某perienced as embarrassing or demeaning; as a rule, differences are best worked out quietly. A written e某change might be the favored means to address the conflict.bec口语话题33.Different Approaches to Completing Tasks采用不同方法去完成任务From culture to culture, there are different ways that people move toward completing tasks. Some reasons include different access to resources, different judgments of the rewards associated with task completion, different notions of time, and varied ideas about how relationship-building and task-oriented work should go together.When it comes to working together effectively on a task, cultures differ with respect to the importance placed on establishing relationships early on in the collaboration. A case in point, Asian and Hispanic cultures tend to attach more value to developing relationships at the beginning of a shared project and more emphasis on task completion toward the end as compared with Americans. Americans tend to focus immediately on the task at hand, and let relationships develop as they work on the task. This does not mean that people from any one of these cultural backgrounds are more or less committed to accomplishing the task, or value relationships more or less; it means they may pursue them differently.bec口语话题44.Different Decision-Making Styles不同的做决定的风格The roles individuals play in decision-making vary widely from culture to culture. For e某ample, in the U.S., decisions are frequently delegated -- that is, an official assigns responsibility for a particular matter to a subordinate. In many Southern European and Latin American countries, there is a strong value placed on holding decision-making responsibilities oneself. When decisions are made by groups of people, majority rule is a common approach in the U.S.; in Asia consensus is the preferred mode. Be aware that individuals' e某pectations about their own roles in shaping a decision may be influenced by their cultural frame of reference.bec口语话题55.Different Attitudes Toward Disclosure对待披露/曝光的态度不同In some cultures, it is not appropriate to be frank about emotions, about the reasons behind a conflict or a misunderstanding, or about personal information. Keep this in mind when you are in a dialogue or when you are working with others. When you are dealing with a conflict, be mindful that people may differ in what they feel comfortable revealing. Questions that may seem natural to you -- What was the conflict about? What was your role in the conflict? What was the sequence of events? -- may seem intrusive to others. Thevariation among cultures in attitudes toward disclosure is also something to consider before you conclude that you have an accurate reading of the views, e某periences, and goals of the people with whom you are working.。


A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。)
A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)
Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)
A:To secure employment hopefully with your company. (希望能在贵公司任职对我来说最重要。)
Q:What current issues concern you the most?(目前什么事是你最关心的?)
A:The general state of our economy and the impact of China'' entry to WTO on our industry. (目前中国经济的总体情況以及中国入世对我们行业的影响。)
A: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。)
A: (I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. (有"实际行动"的人。)

Part I Type 1Could you tell me:1. what influence you think TV advertising has on consumers in China2. how important you think imports are to China3. what you think the advantages are for people in China of spending time working abroad4. whether you think the use of mobile phones for business is always positive in China5. how important you think language training will be in China in futurePart II 提问:投机取巧篇Q: Have you found out the typical feature of those tasks in Part II?A: Generally speaking ,we can categorize the oral tasks in part two into 3 kinds:1. the importance of…2. how to…3. the factors involved in…Strategies:1. the importance of…, 就可以问how如:Customer payments: the importance to a company of ensuring that customers pay on time.提问:How can a company ensure that customers pay on time?2. how to…, 就可以问why如:Human Resources: how to introduce new staff effectively to a company’s office practices提问:Do you think it important/necessary/essential to introduce new staff effectively to a company’s office practices? Why?或Why do you think it important for new staff to get familiar with the company’s office practices?3. the factors involved in…, 就可以问what如:Information technology: the factors involved in successfully delivering services via the internet 提问:What are the other factors you can think of to deliver services via the internet successfully?Part II 话题归类Staff1. Recruitment: how to assess the performance of a job applicant in their first interview2. Human Resources: how to introduce new staff effectively to a company’s office practices3. Staff Training: the factors involved in introducing an effective mentoring system to support new recruits4. Interviews: the factors involved in performing well in a job interview5. Staff Training: how to select suitable language training courses for staff6. Personnel Management: how to ensure that employees’ skills are used to maximum advantage7. Team Building: how to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of team-building activities and events8. Recruitment: the importance of setting realistic time schedules in the recruitment processManagement:1. Product Management: the importance to a company of monitoring the sales of its products or services2. Transport Management: the factors involved in ensuring that goods reach their destination ontime3. Time Management: the importance of keeping a diary in order to manage time effectively4. Business Planning: the importance of considering economic factors when producing the business strategy5. Project Management: how to ensure that staff in different departments work together well on new projects6. Personnel Management: how to ensure that employees’ skills are used to maximum advantage Technology:1. Information Technology: the factors involved in successfully delivering services via the Internet Finance:1. Cash flow: the importance of identifying potential cash flow problems in a business2. Finance: the factors in securing finance for a new product3. Finance: the importance of providing potential investors with detailed financial information Customer:1. Customer Care: the factors involved in maintaining customer loyalty to a company2. Customer Payment: the importance to a company of ensuring that customers pay on time3. Public Relations: how to evaluate the benefits to a company of sponsoring cultural events Environment:1. Security: the importance of ensuring that offices are left secure at the end of the working day2. Business Location: the factors involved in deciding where to locate a new businessProduct:1. Manufacturing: the importance of ensuring that production workers take regular breaks2. Purchasing: the factors involved in deciding whether a company should purchase supplier or services from abroad3. Product Packaging: the importance of packaging retail goods attractively4. Product Management: the importance to a company of monitoring the sales of its products or services5. Exhibitions: how to ensure that a company’s presence at an exhibition is positive6. Research and Development: the importance to a company of investing in research and development7. Manufacturing: the importance of providing suitable workwear for production staff。
BEC商务英语口语900句 提问并了解职位细节

BEC商务英语口语900 句提问并了解职位细节第一句:Do you have any questions you’d like toask?你有什么问题要问吗?A: Do you have any questions you’d like to ask?你有什么问题吗?B: Yes, I,d like to know more about your trainingsystem.是的,我想更多地了解你们的培训系统。
第二句:I’d tike to review some details of theposition.我想了解这一职位的一些细节。
A: Any questions about the job?有与工作相关的问题吗?B: Yes. I,d like to review some details of the position.是的,我想了解这一职位的一些细节。
知识扩展:1. —般情况在面试的尾声,面试官会给你发问的时间,这是一个难得的获取第一手资料的机会哦:Is there anything you want to ask me?你有什么问题要问我吗?You may ask questions about the job.你可以问和工作相关的问题。
2. 更细致地了解工作职责以利于入职后系统地展开工作,有的放矢,避免不必要的失误:I have questions about the job profile.我对职务说明有点疑问。
What exactly are the responsibilities for this position?这份工作的具体职责是什么?job profile职务说明,岗位描述。

商务英语口试常见话题第一篇:商务英语口试常见话题In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute.Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes.The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end.Candidates may make notes while listening to their partner.Each candidate is given a different set of three tasks from which to choose.General procedureA choice of three different topics One minute preparation while making notes A/B starts with the other listening---one minute Question asked1.Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customersOffering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty.If you offer incentives such as vouchers, complementary tickets, miles, gifts in the promotion or sales, you will attractive more customers and get them buy your products or services.At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers.2.Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairsYou should send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair.They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair.Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients.You should use advanced technology to display your products at thefair.Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products.You should design your show room and stand carefully to attract more customers.Your stand should be put up at an obvious place so that every customer can get an easy access to your products.3.How to reduce labor turnover ratesIn order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company.Thus no one will complaint about unfair promotion which once forced some of your staff to leave their jobs.If permits enhance the staff benefits including their base pay annual bonus and other benefits.An incentive system should also be necessary to encourage the staff to work with the company longer.Improve the work environment of your company or factory.Try to foster a spirit of mutual help among your staff and let them understand that the company or factory is far more than just a workplace.It’s a family where all members are supported and valued.4.Career development: the importance of being willing to acquire new skills throughout your career With the unceasing development of science and technology the workplace is now undertaking profound changes.The way you do your work and the equipment you use in your work will definitely change or upgrade in the future, which means you have to learn new skills to deal with these changes.Remember: you are never too old to learn.New skills will make you keep up with the latest technology and help develop yourself throughout your work life.5.International sales: how to research foreign marketseffectivelyYou should notice the difference between foreign and domestic market and set your target according to specific situation of foreign market.For example: given the different state of living standard the purchasing power of your target market may be higher or lower than the domestic market.If you ignore the difference you are likely to make mistakes in products’ pricing in foreign market.You should ensure that your research team is excellent at carrying out research in a foreign country.That means every member of the team should mater the native language and be familiar with the specific culture of the target market.6.Production management: how to implement an effective just-in-time system What is a JIT production system? JIT is an approach to achieving excellence in a manufacturing company based on the continuing elimination of waste(waste being considered as those things that do not add value to the product).A repetitive production system in which both the movement of goods during production, and deliveries from suppliers, are carefully timed so that at each step of the process, the next(usually small)batch arrives for processing just as needed.The logic behind JIT: Nothing will be produced until it is needed.7.Travel: the importance of being able to speak foreign languages in international business8.Marketing: how to assess whether there is a market for a new productYou should carry out a research on the customer demands to see if there is a read need in the market for your new product.The feedback or result will help you to decide whether to launch the new product on the market.You should pay special attention to your competitors.Detect whether they are going to launch theirnew product onto the market.if the answer if yes that probably means there is a demand in the market for some new product.Then be quick and put on your rival product to coincide with them.9.Human resources: how to use staff appraisal schemesYou should see to it that the staff appraisal schemes be a chance for management and employees to come together and exchange ideas, set joint targets and improve the way decisions are reached.The scheme should have a clear appeal process and any negative feedback should be accompanied by evidence such as dates, times and outcomes.Most importantly ratings should reflect measurable element of the job requirements.10.Advertising: the importance of television and cinema advertisementIn fact television and cinema advertising both function as a kind of media which tells or even guides people to buy products or services.With the development of the telecommunication television has become the most important carrier of advertisement and as a result of that TV advertising has the largest amount of audience all over the world.They have penetrated into people’s daily life and persuaded them to buy whenever they turn on them.On the other hand the popularity of the movie make every audience be under the influence of cinema advertising at the beginning and end of the movie.11.Staff management: how to ensure effective lines of communication between the workforce and managementAs the leader of the company you should open up a channel for the workforce and management to communicate directly.For example you can hold a monthly meeting within the company, which is attended by both the reps from workforce andmanagement.They are allowed to talk with each other openly and freely to exchange views and opinions.They can also set common objectives.You should achieve this effectiveness by making use of up-to-date technologies.For example you can set up a forum on the intranet of your company so that every member can air and exchange their views on the forum.In this way a effective line of communication will be set up.You should set up an incentive system to make your staff talk with their line managers.12.Finance: how to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts you should establish a monitor system in the first place to detect any possible cashflow gap which will occur during your production and operation.This system can calculate the balance between your income and expenditure on a daily base.And should there be any sign of cashflow problems the system will warn your staff to do something about it before hand.In order to achieve the accuracy you must set up a report system which demands every manager report the current financial status of his or her departments.The information will be collected everyday for you to take consideration.13.International sales: how to decide which sales incentives to offer a new foreign customer(本题做为思考题,请大家自行考虑一下。

主题1:出差前期准备Accommodation:book a hotel with adequate working facilities(such as fax machine, internet access, computers)Transportation:choose a convenient/suitable means of transportation费用hotel bills, traveling expenses, public transportation fares, fax or telephone charges, client entertainment expenses考虑因素cultural differences:different thought patterns;working style;ways of decision-making;shopping habits;ways of seeing the world如何应对出差中的问题:become sensitive to the cultural differencebe open-mindedrespect native cultureconsider cultural taboosthe staff should acquaint with differences in language, laws, and social customsrelocate the employee to work abroad to experience different working style•主题2:员工培训培训内容+ 培训带来的好处communication skills +avoid misunderstanding;get the work well donecustomer service +it is critical to meet customers' needs;increase customers' satisfactioninterpersonal relationship + enhance mutual understanding and trustcomputer skills + it is important for conducting administrative and offer taskssafety training + give practical advice for avoiding getting hurtbusiness ethics +customers’loyalty and trust to the company重要性从公司发展的角度看:enhance company imageincrease productivity从雇员的角度:increase job satisfactionboost morale(among employees)enhance efficiencies in process which result in financial gainreduce employee turnover/retain employeeacquire more practical skills that is beneficial for the personal developmentensure employees have greater commitment in their work/continue effortensure employees keep up with the latest information for market trendhelp them have a clear idea of future job如何使培训有成效Good preparation ensures effective trainingmaintain a positive energy and attitudefully equipped facilitiesmeet the training needs/requirementscompany budgetwell-organized materials如何鉴定培训是否具有成效organize a relevant test to conduct a survey to participants to see whether they have any improvement in the work performancewhether the training address the issues/solve problems主题3:激励员工留住员工措施:(具体措施+好处)offer financial benefits/bonuseffective trainingprovide cozy/comfortable working environment + feel at ease/increase efficiency paid holidayprofit-sharing planstock optionconstant communication between the employer and the employerflexible working hour+ balance work and life/reserve time for family, hobby or personal developmentoffer some special gift that meet employees' expectationopportunities for promotionoffer physical health check-up for the staff/membership or discount at health and fitness club主题4:招聘Recruiting内部招聘internal promotion优点:have more motivational valueencourage employees to continue effortgive other employees anticipation of promotionreduce the orientation and training costmake good use of abundant human resources缺点:if not fair,it will lead to internal conflict内部招聘的具体做法:a selection test/well-designed interview/check record of past performance/appraisal外部招聘external recruitment优点:receive a source of new ideas/latest knowledgeavoid unfair selectingbe contributable to company's overall growth and success缺点:discourage moraleincrease training cost主题5:广告宣传方式各种方式的优缺点:优+缺(同广告不同宣传方式的优缺点)Internet(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vast audience/attract wide attention;attract potential customers + may be annoyingTelevision:reach vast audience + high cost;people often change channels Newspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader + life span is short, readers often discard them quicklyask a recruitment company :professional + high cost;cannot find the right person radio:low costgive out free sample:give a personal experiencesend direct email to target customers:get a mailing list of target customers;attract potential customers + people often ignore or just delete it immediately without open (should use attractive headline)give out leaflets主题6:商务会议agenda (key point):set out in advance to state date, time and location;inform them of all the items to be discussed together;ask them for suggestions for items venue:choose a suitable venue;with convenient transportation;big enough to accommodate all the participants;facilities:fully equipped with necessary facilities such as overhead projector, fax, telephone, computer with access to the internetthe size/length of the meeting集会的目的:keep on track of market trendgather ideas to reach more workable final decisionoffer platform to share valuable experienceexchange views to solve problem.其他形式的集会活动buffet dinnersafternoon teatimesightseeing toura reward ceremony参会需要带的文件work plansanalysis for market trend and developmentsales reportrelated figures/data give a overall pictureuseful for setting goals/targets参加会议需要注意什么(会中):listen carefully :show respect to others;benefit from their viewstake notes:ensure not miss the important items;useful for later reference主题7:缓解工作压力/应对繁重工作表现consistently working lateworking through lunchcome to work even when ill/often ask for sick leaverush to meet tight deadlinebring work home后果high turnoverpoor performancein low spiritlower productivity应对措施time management training: prioritize all tasks in order of importance and urgency +feel at ease with their routine workflexible working time + balance work and lifeprovide some sports facilities/organize sports activities + enhance employees’health encourage to take up a hobby + get off the fatigueprovide coffee rooms and nutritious refreshment + help to relaxprovide childcare/elder care/transportation facilities + help to cope with these responsibilities主题8:解决公司危机的措施issue a news release make arrangement for the victimsoffer all kinds of assistanceoffer some compensationassign some staff to their family to help to cope with tragedyorganize some related training programrecall all the product from the market to prevent possible danger主题9:公司选址/迁址考虑因素:get closer to the target marketcheaper labor cost;low rates of corporate taxconvenient public transportationavoid competitionconsider expansion potentialbetter working environment :boost business;lead to higher-quality performance;increase company's profits主题10:市场营销(产品相关的话题)产品属性:brand;price;quality;after-sales service;reputation;reliability价格的制定影响因素:competition; supply and demand; customers ‘perception of price措施:offer seasonal /trade/cash discount to stimulate demand, boost sale ;carry out survey to find out customers' needs and tastes产品推销/推广目的aim at target market;promote product efficiency;meet and beat fierce competition capture a large market share方式launch an advertising campaignpersonal selling:employ some experienced salespeoplesales promotion:offer promotional gifts;coupons 优惠券;rebate 回扣;loyalty scheme;sweepstake 抽奖;free samples;trading stamp;contest publicity:mass media好处attract potential customersboost the sale of productencourage customers to try new products客户服务目的increase the level of customer satisfaction;meet customers' expectation;improve the standard of customer service提高服务质量的措施:have an after-sale services supervision systemstaff training program (improve staff friendliness;the speed of service;learn to deal with customer complaints)check sales figures regularlyobtain feedback from customer (set up a hotline;conduct a survey)留住顾客understand what the customer needsprovide high quality product and good serviceoffer some discount to regular customerupgrade interior decoration主题11:招待客户招待方式+具体目的arrange a big welcoming dinner+ show warm welcome/hospitality;make them feel at ease;set a stage for conversation and potential businessshow them around our company, especially the best part + give them an overview of our facilities and production methodstake them to see places of cultural and historical interest/experience cultural events + offer us good opportunities to get to know each other better;give them more insight into our way of doing business;help encourage their business interest inchina;have a chance to take in the local flavor以上就是英语趣配音为各位BEC考试分享的常考口语话题。

以下是一封询问信的参考答案:Dear Mr. Smith,I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of establishing a business partnership between our companies.Having conducted thorough research on your company, I am impressed with your commitment to quality and innovation. We believe that our companies share similar values and could benefit from a collaborative relationship.We are particularly interested in your latest product line and would like to discuss the potential for distribution in our market. We have a strong network of retailers and believe that your products would be well received by our customers. Furthermore, we would be interested in exploring opportunities for joint marketing campaigns and promotional activities. We believe that by combining our resources, we can create a strong brand presence in the market.I would be grateful if you could provide us with more information about your products, pricing, and any potential requirements for becoming a distributor.Additionally, it would be helpful to know if you have any existing partnerships in our region.Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing the potential for collaboration.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]二、商务会议讨论商务会议讨论是BEC口试中另一个重要的部分。

BEC 商务英语口语常见问题解答英国剑桥委员会组织的BEC(Business English Certificate)是一门综合性极强的考试,不仅全面考察了考生的英语运用能力,而且也加入了实用性的商务内容,因此这个标准化程度很高的考试,体现了学习语言的真正价值,当然,客观地反映出了考生真实的语言功底,和在工作场合的实际运用能力,因而受到了很多国际性大企业的认可,成为选聘人才的要求之一。
下面是小编为大家带来的BEC 商务英语口语常见问题解答,欢迎阅读。
1.如何随声附和?可以说You're right. Right. Of course. Certainly. Quite right. Exactly.2. 如何表达得更连贯顺畅?注意句子衔接,得体使用过渡词,使逻辑更清楚易懂。
表递增可以用also, in addition, not only ---- but also, what's more.表举例可以用for example, for instance表同位可以用that is , in other words表列举可以用first, finally表总结可以用in conclusion, in summary表因果可以用so, therefore, as a result, because of表让步可以用despite, although, though,表对照可以用on the contrary, while, on the other hand表选择可以用rather than, instead of , either---or3. 如何要求考官或搭档重复提问?I am sorry I didn't catch you. Could you please say that again?。

BEC商务英语常用口语练习题总分:100分题量:50题一、问答题(共50题,共100分)1.Rubberprotector答:橡胶防护罩,橡胶保护装置2.Safetyinspection答:安全检查3.Aworkingfireextinguisher答:功能良好的灭火器4.Rulesandregulations答:规章制度5.Whileonlyabout300workersreceivedisablementbenefitforindustrialderm atitiseveryyear,theremaybebetween15,000and60,000newcasesofthiscondit ioneveryyear.答:然而,每年只有300名工人因职业引发的皮肤炎症得到伤残救济金,而实际上每年都有1.5万~6万人得皮肤疾病。
6.Thesefiguresaregrossunderestimatesofthetrueincidenceofoccupational ill-health.答:这些数据只是对实际发生的职业病伤害的不完全统计。
7.AccordingtoUKofficialstatistics,everyyearabout2000livesarelostthro ughoccupationaldiseaseorinjury,about20,000majorindustrialinjuriesocc ur(e.g.skullfracture,lossofsight)andthereareabout200,000injuriesresu ltinginaworkdisabilityof3daysormore.答:根据英国官方的统计数据,每年大约有2000人因为职业疾病或伤害而丧命,每年大约发生2万起重大工伤事故(如脑部骨折、失明等),有20万工伤事故导致工人在3天或者更长时间内丧失劳动能力。
8.Everyyear,about10millionofthe150millionworkersintheEuropeanCommuni tyareaffectedbyincidents,”accidents”ordiseasesatwork.答:每年,欧共体的1.5亿工人中大约有1000万工人由于工作中出现的时间、意外事故或工作引发的疾病而使健康受到影响。

BEC中级口语Part1常见问题与答案1.Q:Give me a summary of your current job description. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。
)A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我干了五年的电脑程序员。
)2.Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?)A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。
)A:I feel I have reached the glass ceiling in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即没有升迁机会。
)3.Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.(凭借我良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。
)A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I canrelate to students very well. (依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。

Q:How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理别人的批评?)A:Silence is golden. Just don’t say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. (沉默是金。
)A:When we cool off, we will discuss it later. (我会等大家冷静下来再讨论。
)Q: What do you find frustrating in a work situation?(在工作中,什么事令你不高兴?)A:Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. (胸襟狭窄的人,有时使我泄气。
)A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. (不能接受新思想的那些取。
)Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? (你如何处理与同事在工作中的意见不和?)A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across. (我要以更清楚文明的方式,提出我的看法,使对方了解我的观点。
)Q:How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失败?) A: None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. (我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。

BEC初级常见口语话题2022年BEC初级常见口语话题(1)商务会议· Internet(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vast audience/attract wide attention; attract potential customes + may be annoying · Television:reach vast audience + high cost;people often change channels· Newspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader + life span is short,readers often discard them quickly ask a recruitment company :professional + high cos;cannot find the right person· radio:low cost· give out free sample:give a personal experience· send direct email to target customers:get a mailing list of target customers; attract potential customers + people often ignore or just delete it immediately without open (should use attractive headline)· give out leafletsagenda(key point):set out in advance to state date, time and location;inform them of all the items to be discussed together;ask them for suggestions for itemsvenue:choose a suitable venue;with convenient transportation;bigenough to accommodate all the participants;facilities:fully equipped with necessary facilities such as overhead projecter, fax, telephone, computer with access to the internet the size/length of the meeting集会的目的:· keep on track of market trend· gather ideas to reach more workable final decision· offer platform to share valuable experience· exchange views to solve problem .其他形式的集会活动· buffet dinners· after noon teatime· sightseeing tour· an reward ceremony参会需要带的文件· work plans· analysis for market trend and development· sales report· related figures/data give a overall picture· useful for setting goals/targets参加会议需要注意什么(会中):· listen carefully :show respect to others;benefit from their views· take notes:ensure not miss the important items;useful for later reference2022年BEC初级常见口语话题(2)表现· consistently working late· working through lunch· come to work even when ill/often ask for sick leave· rush to meet tight deadline· bring work home后果· high turnover· poor performance· in low spirit· lower productivity应对措施· time management training: priorit ize all tasks in order of importance and urgency + feel at ease with their routine work· flexible working time + balance work and life· provide some sports facilities/organize sports activities + enhance employees’ health· encourage to take up a hobby + get off the fatigue· provide coffee rooms and nutritious refreshment + help to relax· provide childcare/eldercare/transportation facilities + help to cope with these responsibilities解决公司危机的措施:· issue a news release make arr angement for the victims· offer all kinds of assistance· offer some compensation· assign some staff to their family to help to cope with tragedy· organize some related training program· recall all the product from the market to pre vent possible danger公司选址/迁址考虑因素:· get closer to the target market· cheaper labor cost;low rates of corporate tax· convenient public transportation· avoid competition· consider expansion potential· better working envi ronment :boost business;lead to higher-quality performance;increase company's profits2022年BEC初级常见口语话题(3)产品属性:brand;price;quality;after-sales service;reputation;reliability 价格的制定影响因素:competition; supply and demand; customers'perception ofprice 措施:offer seasonal /trade/cash discount to stimulate demand, boost sale Carry out survey to find out customers' needs and tastes 产品推销/推广目的· aim at target market;· promote product efficiency;· meet and beat fierce competition capt ure a large market share方式· launch an advertising campaign· personal selling:employ some experienced salespeople· sales promotion:offer promotional gifts;coupons 优惠券;rebate 回扣;loyalty scheme;sweepstake 抽奖;free samples;trading stamp;contest publicity:mass media好处· attract potential customers· boost the sale of product· encourage customers to try new products客户服务目的· increase the level of customer satisfaction;· meet customers' expectation;· improve the standard of customer service提高服务质量的措施:· Have an after-sale services supervision system· staff training program (improve staff friendliness;the speed of service;learn to deal with customer complaints)· check sales figures regularly· obtain feedback from customer (set up a hotline;conduct a survey)留住顾客· understand what the customer needs· provide high quality product and good service· offer some discount to regular customer· upgrade interior decoration招待客户招待方式+具体目的· arrange a big welcoming dinner+ show warmwelcome/hospitality;make them feel at ease; set a stage for conversation and potential business· show them around our company, especially the best part + give them an overview of our facilities and production methods· take them to see places of cultural and historical interest/experience cultural events + offer us good opportunities to get to know each other better;give them more insight into our way of doing business;help encourage their busiess interest in china;have a chance to take in the local flavor。
BEC 口语题

1.What kind of business is very important in your hometown?Equipment manufacturing industry ,motorcycle industry and catering is the most important business in my hometown .As is known to all,Chongqing is the largest base for motorcycle’s production and export in China .There are some brands famous nationwide such as LIFAN,LONCIN and ZONGSEN.Besides,there are many caterer about hot-pot in Chongqing such as2.Do you think English will continue to be important for business in the future?Of course,English as a universal language is necessary for business.We use English to communicate with different people in the world .We work together with them for international trade.3.Which technology has had the biggest effect on business in recent years?I choose IT,IT is now widely used in business.We advertise for our product through Internet and sell our product by online shopping.We have Internet meeting with colleagues in different countries in case of a commercial crisis.4.In what ways do you think working life will change in the next 10 years?More and more people work from home by telecommuting in the next 10 years. Working life will become more and more flexible.People have more time to balance their work and life .And the welfare will be better .For example,people have more vacation to relax themselves.5.If you had a choice of work training.What would it be ? Why?I choose a work training of office software.As is known to all,office software is widely used in our career.We use Excel to make chart ,use Powerpoint to express our strategy and Word to do our work report every day.If skillful at them,I can improve my work efficiency.6.How effective is selling over the phone?Some talking skills are required when selling over the phone.First, you should build rapport secondly,identify and adapt to personality types,then,generate excitement about a business or product and listen for information that will lead to a sale .Last but not the least,control voice inflection and tone,consistently close more deals over the phone.。

常见问题个人信息和学习经历1.Can you introduce yourself briefly?(请简要介绍一下你自己。
)2.Where are you from?(你是哪里人?)3.What’s your educational background?(你的教育背景是什么?)4.Have you learned any other languages?(你学习了其他语言吗?)5.Have you ever studied or worked abroad?(你曾经在国外学习或工作过吗?)工作经验1.Can you tell us about your work experience?(请介绍一下你的工作经验。
)2.What was your previous job?(你之前的工作是什么?)3.How long have you been working in your current position?(你目前所在职位的工作年限有多长?)4.What are some of the challenges you faced in your previous job?(你在之前的工作中遇到了一些什么挑战?)5.How did you handle conflicts with your colleagues or clients?(你如何处理与同事或客户之间的冲突?)职业规划1.What is your career goal?(你的职业目标是什么?)2.How do you plan to achieve your career goal?(你如何计划实现你的职业目标?)3.What skills do you think are important for your job?(你认为你的职位需要哪些重要技能?)4.What are your strengths and weaknesses?(你的优点和缺点是什么?)5.How do you handle stress in your work?(你如何应对工作压力?)常用表达自我介绍1.Hi, my name is [your name].(你好,我的名字是[your name].)2.I’m from [your city/country].(我来自[your city/country].)3.I’m [your age] years old.(我今年[your age]岁。

关键词: bec初级口试英语口语常见问题一、bec初级口试介绍1.口试形式口语测试由三个部分组成,采取面试形式,口语测试由两位口语考官(一位提问官,一位评分官)对两位考生同时进行。
一句话除了词汇意义(lexical meaning),还有语调意义(intonation meaning)。
BEC口语part 1 极其常用问答

Historical cites, newly developed area, skiing resorts
Relaxed, stressful
selling points
大城市版:I was born/brought up here in … and have been living here ever since.
3)Where areቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱyou from?
Would you say it’s a good place to live in?
Do you like living in…?
Where would you like rather live…or…?
Do you think it would be better to live in…or…? (Why?)
小城市版:I come from … province, a small city called … to be exact, very famous for …
I come fromHebeiprovince, a small village to be exact. It only takes three hours coming by bus from my hometown toBeijing. That’s why I come toBeijingfor further study.
Ever since I was a child, I was interested in…
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. 如何随声附和?
可以说You're right. Right. Of course. Certainly. Quite right. Exactly.
2. 如何表达得更连贯顺畅?
表递增可以用also, in addition, not only ---- but also, what's more.
表举例可以用for example, for instance
表同位可以用that is , in other words
表列举可以用first, finally
表总结可以用in conclusion, in summary
表因果可以用so, therefore, as a result, because of
表让步可以用despite, although, though,
表对照可以用on the contrary, while, on the other hand
表选择可以用rather than, instead of , either---or
3. 如何要求考官或搭档重复提问?
I am sorry I didn't catch you. Could you please say that again?
Pardon, please.
Sorry, I don't quite see what you mean. Could you explain it, please?
4. 如何表达同意,部分同意,完全不同意?
同意:I totally agree with you.
部分同意:You may be right, but-----?/That may be so, but-----?
完全不同意:I'm afraid I don't agree.
5. 如何询问信息?Could you tell me-----?/'d like to know-----.
6. 如何拖延?Well, let me see---./That's a very interesting question.
可以说:Excuse me, may I interrupt?
Sorry to interrupt. I think---
May I interrupt for a second? I think in this point we should consider...?
可以说:What's your opinion? What do you think?
3)搭档随意或恶意打断你的话时,你可以说:Just let finish.
8. 你们的谈话偏离了主题,你想回来,而你的搭档却在错误的道路上越走越远。
这时你可以说:Can we just deal with---?/Let's just deal with---./Let's get back to the main point.
9. 如何给出自己的意见?I think---/In my opinion
10. 如何要求对方明确观点?
I am not sure /clear what you mean. Could you explain it?
I don't understand what you mean. Could you explain it?
久仰!I ve heard so much about you.
好久不见了!Long time no see.
辛苦了!You've had a long day. You've had a long flight.
Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends阁下(多用于称呼大使)Your Excellency 我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。
On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.
On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.
在北京过得怎么样?How are you making out in Beijing?
I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him.
American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.
Your valuable advice is most welcome.
不虚此行!It's a rewarding trip!
As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.
Please remember me to Mr.Wang.
感谢光临!Thank you so much for coming.
欢迎再来!Hope you'll come again.
欢迎以后多来北京!Hope you'll visit Beijing more often.
请留步,不用送了!I will see myself out, please.
多保重!Take care!
祝您一路平安!Have a nice trip!。