


每艘艇尾都载有一种尖端武器each one carrying a technological marvel on its back:
两人袖珍潜艇a two-man midget sub.
五艘A型袖珍潜艇The five Type A midget submarines
约有其母艇的四分之一长were about a quarter the length of the mother sub.
卡拉ok 夏威夷 珍珠港
一次水下勘探正在进行An expedition is underway,
我们正试图观察它的内部We will try and see inside there
搞清船首的状况and get the condition at bow cabin
这有可能会改写and it may rewrite the history
这很像犯罪现场调查的情形It's almost like a C.S.I. Situation,
犯罪现场就摆在我们面前we have a crime scene.
水下有明显的鱼雷穿过的痕迹we have numerous torpedo tracks in the water
鉴定科学能否解开神秘潜艇之谜Can forensic science unlock the secrets of the mystery sub
而且让整个国家醒悟but also an entire nation
意识到战争的来临that suddenly found itself at war.
余名美国人在战斗中丧生Over , Americans lost their lives in the battle.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor

• Pearl Harbor was originally an extensive shallow embayment(湾状之物) called Wai Momi (meaning, “pearl water”) or Puuloa (meaning, “long hill”) by the Hawaiians(夏威夷人). Puuloa was regarded as the home of the shark goddess, Kaahupahau, and her brother (or son), Kahiuka, in Hawaiian legends. According to tradition, Keaunui, the head of the powerful Ewa chiefs, is credited with cutting a navigable channel near the present Puuloa saltworks, by which made the estuary, known as “Pearl River,” accessible to navigation. Making due allowance for legendary amplification, the estuary already had an outlet for its waters where the present gap is; but Keaunui is typically given the credit for widening and deepening it.
同名电影ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• The attack on Pearl Harbor (called Hawaii Operation or Operation AI by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters (Operation Z in planning) and the Battle of Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). • The attack was intended as a preventive(预防) action in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States.

the second World War英文版讲解 简介

the second World War英文版讲解 简介

Soviet Union
随着帝国主义国家间经济、政治和军事发展不平衡的加剧,军事实 力发展较快的德、意、日三国要求重新划分世界势力范围,使帝国主义 之间的矛盾进一步尖锐起来。
1929年10月,美国华尔街纽约证券交易所的股市崩盘,经济危机席 卷了整个资本主义世界。 1922年10月,意大利国王任命墨索里尼担任意大利总理,法西斯专政 在意大利开始建立。到1933年11月,法西斯运动遍及23个国家半年后增 至30个国家。
在世界反法西斯战争的影响和鼓舞下,东欧和亚洲大陆出现了一系列人民 民主国家,在各国共产党的领导下走上了社会主义道路。社会主义力量不 断壮大,越出了一国范围,形成了以苏联为首的社会主义阵营。
形成以美国为首的资本主义阵营,对社会主义国家推行霸权主义政策,出现了北 约与华约两大军事集团的对峙。20世纪60年代西欧、日本要求摆脱美国的控制, 美国的资本主义世界霸主地位受到冲击,资本主义阵营内部矛盾重重,出现多极 化趋势
第二次世界大战客观上推动了科学技术的迅速发展。大战期间,为了战争的需要, 各国投入了大量的人力,物力和财力并且发展相应的科学技术,制造新式武器,航 空技术,重炮坦克,核武器,雷达导弹等,第二次世界大战后,这些用于制造作战 武器的科学技术为和平事业服务,推动了人类历史文明的进步。
战后美苏争霸。在经济上美国实行自由主义经济,苏联实行计 划主义经济。 1. 主要资本主义国家在美国“马歇尔计划”的扶持下以及第三次科 技革命的推动和国家垄断资本主义空前发展的情况下,进入了高速 发展和空前繁荣的“黄金时期”。 2. 美国成为资本主义世界头号强国,建立了以美元为中心的资本主 义世界货币体系——布雷顿森林体系。 3. 日本、联邦德国迅速崛起,成为仅次于美国的资本主义世界经济 强国,资本主义世界形成美、日、西欧三足鼎立的局面。 4. 这一阶段的社会主义国家,经济虽然有所恢复和发展,但是各国 照搬了苏联高度集中的政治经济体制,弊端日益显露,各国纷纷进 行改革。中国进行改革开放,找到了一条具有中国特色的社会主义 建设道路,经济得到了恢复和发展。

World War II二战中英文简介

World War II二战中英文简介
Pearl Harbor, U.S. Naval Base
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
U.S. National Historic Landmark District
Aerial view of Pearl Harbor, Ford Island in center. The Arizona memorial is the small white dot on the far right side close to Ford Island.
Contents [hide]
1 History
Pre-war events
Invasion of Ethiopia
Japanese invasion of China
Japanese invasion of the USSR and Mongolia
European occupations and agreements
Nearest city: Pearl City, Hawai?i
Coordinates: 21°20′38″N 157°58′30″W? / ?21.34389°N 157.975°W? / 21.34389; -157.975Coordinates: 21°20′38″N 157°58′30″W? / ?21.34389°N 157.975°W? / 21.34389; -157.975



Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in December of nineteen forty-one was one of the most successful surprise attacks in the history of modern warfare. Japanese warships, including several aircraft carriers, crossed the western Pacific to Hawaii without being seen.They launched their plannoes on a quiet Sunday morning and attacked the huge American naval and air base at Pearl Harbor.(SOUND: Pearl Harbor attack)ANNOUNCER: "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin: The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by air, President Roosevelt has just announced."ANNOUNCER: "The attack apparently was made on all naval and military activities on the principal island of Oahu. A Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor naturally would mean war."STEVE EMBER: Many of the American sailors were asleep or at church. They were unprepared for the attack. In fact, some people outside the base thought the Japanese planes must be new types of American aircraft on training flights. The sounds of guns and bombs soon showed how wrong they were.The Japanese planes sank or seriously damaged six powerful American battleships in just a few minutes. They killed more than three thousand sailors. They destroyed or damaged half the American airplanes in Hawaii.American forces, caught by surprise, were unable to offer much of a fight. Japanese losses were very low.There was so much destruction at Pearl Harbor that officials in Washington did not immediately reveal the full details to the public.They were afraid that Americans might panic if they learned the truth about the loss of so much military power.The following day, President Franklin Roosevelt went to Congress to ask for a declaration of war against Japan.FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT: "Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: "Yesterday, December seventh, nineteen forty-one -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor, looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific ..."No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory..."We will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us ..."I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, nineteen forty-one, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."STEVE EMBER: The Senate approved President Roosevelt's request without any opposition. In the House of Representatives, only one congressman objected to the declaration of war against Japan.(MUSIC)VOA慢速英语听⼒:珍珠港事件回顾Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. Congress reacted by declaring war on those two countries.The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ended the long American debate over whether to become involved in the Second World War.American politicians and citizens had argued for years about whether to remain neutral or to fight to help Britain and France and other friends.Japan's aggressive attack at Pearl Harbor united Americans in a common desire for military victory. It made Americans willing to do whatever was necessary to win the war. And it pushed America into a kind of world leadership that its people had never known before.President Franklin Roosevelt and his advisers had to make an important decision about how to fight the war. Would the United States fight Japan first, or Germany, or both at the same time?Japan's attack had brought America into the war. And it had severely damaged American military power. But Roosevelt decided not to strike back at Japan immediately. He would use most of his forces to fight Germany.There were several reasons for Roosevelt's decision. First, Germany already controlled much of Europe, as well as much of the Atlantic Ocean. Roosevelt considered this a direct threat. And he worried about possible German intervention in Latin America.Second, Germany was an advanced industrial nation. It had many scientists and engineers. Its factories were modern. Roosevelt was concerned that Germany might be able to develop deadly new weapons, such as an atomic bomb, if it was not stopped quickly.Third, Britain historically was one of America's closest allies. And the British people were united and fighting for their lives against Germany. This was not true in Asia. Japan's most important opponent was China. But China's fighting forces were weak and divided, and could not offer strong opposition to the Japanese.(MUSIC)Adolf Hitler's decision to break his treaty with Soviet leader Josef Stalin and attack the Soviet Union made Roosevelt's choice final.The American leader recognized that the Germans would have to fight on two fronts: in the west against Britain and in the east against Russia.He decided it was best to attack Germany while its forces were divided. So the United States sent most of its troops and supplies to Britain to join the fight against Germany.American military leaders hoped to attack Germany quickly by launching an attack across the English Channel. Stalin also supported this plan. Soviet forces were suffering terrible losses from the Nazi attack and wanted the British and Americans to fight the Germans on the west.However, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and other leaders opposed launching an invasion across the English Channel too quickly. They worried that such an invasion might fail, while the Germans were still so strong. And they knew this would mean disaster.For this reason, British and American forces decided instead to attack the Italian and German troops occupying North Africa.British forces had been fighting the Italians and Germans in North Africa since late nineteen forty. They fought the Italians first in Egypt and Libya. British forces had successfully pushed the Italians across Libya. They killed more than ten thousand Italian troops and captured more than one hundred thirty thousand prisoners.But the British success did not last long. Hitler sent one of his best commanders, General Erwin Rommel, to take command of the Italians. Rommel was brave and smart. He pushed the British back from Libya to the border with Egypt. And in a giant battle at Tobruk, he destroyed or captured more than eight hundred of Britain's nine hundred tanks.(SOUND: Rommel's tanks)Rommel's progress threatened Egypt and the Suez Canal. So Britain and the United States moved quickly to send more troops and supplies to stop him.Slowly, British forces led by General Bernard Montgomery pushed Rommel and the Germans back to Tripoli in Libya.In November nineteen forty-two, American and British forces commanded by General Dwight Eisenhower landed in northwest Africa. They planned to attack Rommel from the west, while Montgomery attacked him from the east.But Rommel knew Eisenhower's troops had done little fighting before. So he attacked them quickly before they could launch their own attack.A major battle took place at Kasserine Pass in western Tunisia. American forces suffered heavy losses. But in the end Rommel's attack failed. Three months later, American forces joined with Montgomery's British troops to force the Germans in North Africa to surrender.The battle of North Africa was over. The allied forces of Britain and the United States had regained control of the southern Mediterranean Sea. They could now attack Hitler's forces in Europe from the south.(SOUND)The Allies wasted no time. They landed on the Italian island of Sicily in July of nineteen forty-three. German tanks fought back. But the British and American forces moved ahead. Soon they captured Sicily's capital, Palermo. And within weeks, they forced the German forces to leave Sicily for the Italian mainland.In late July, Italy's dictator, Benito Mussolini, was overthrown and placed in prison. The Germans rescued him and helped him establish a new government, protected by German troops. But still the Allies attacked.They crossed to the Italian mainland. The Germans fought hard. And for some time, they prevented the allied troops from breaking out of the coastal areas.The fighting grew bloodier. A fierce battle took place at Monte Cassino. Thousands and thousands of soldiers lost their lives. But slowly the allies advanced north through Italy. They captured Rome in June of nineteen forty-four. And they forced the Germans back into the mountains of northern Italy.The allies would not gain complete control of Italy until the end of the war. But they had succeeded in increasing their control of the Mediterranean and pushing back the Germans.One reason Hitler's forces were not stronger in Africa and Italy was because German armies also were fighting in Russia. That will be our story next week.(MUSIC)Our program was written by David Jarmul. You can find our series online with transcripts, MP3s, podcasts and pictures at . You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter at VOA Learning English. I'm Steve Ember, inviting you to join us again next week for THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special English.点击试听:。



小心那些女人们,他们会迷惑住你的思想。(战友间的嫉妒 的话^^) 5.If I had one more night to live... I'd wanna spend it with you. 如果我的生命只剩下最后一天,我希望我能和你共同度过。 6.Every night I watch the sunset and soak up every last ray of its warmth, and send it from my heart to yours.
3个多小时的电影,看完之后久久不想关闭视频,电影大气 而且主题明确:有关一个民族的自信和信仰--对战争胜利的 信心!以前只是在课本中了解有关二战的一切,包括这部电 影也只是很粗略的了解,印象中一直存在着关于这部电影不 好的评说,但是真正的看下来之后,我想这是我看过的有关 战争,有关爱情,有关民族信心一部非常棒的电影!真实得 记录了日本偷袭珍珠港的经过以及美国人民对之的反抗与对 抗。结合前不久所看的《南京!南京!》让我对日本这个民 族更加的痛恨和不齿。卑鄙的偷袭以及惨无人道的杀戮印证 了日本这个民族近似变态的心理。日本鬼子和高丽棒子让所 有中国人都不齿的两个民族。 正如电影中所说:我们受到的挫折,使我们变得坚强,但这 不是必然的结果。危机考验了我们,通过考验我们克服了困 难(America stuffered--but America grew stronger,it was not inevitable.The times tried our souls and through the trial,we overcame.) 中国,亲爱的祖国,请更加强大起来!让我们在经历几千年 来各种考验之后,更加坚强成熟,这并不是必然的结果,需 要我们一代又一代的中国人为之奋斗!让我们也有这样的觉 悟,坚信自己的民族会战胜各种困难,成为一个伟大的民族

偷袭珍珠港 英文介绍(学习课资)

偷袭珍珠港 英文介绍(学习课资)
• The headquarters (总部) of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
• The U. S. Naval Historical Center.
• Nearby U.S. Army bases • Much of the harbor and
surrounding lands are United States Navy deepwater naval bases. • The bulk of the United States Pacific Fleet was at anchor, 96 vessels, eight 上课参考 battleships of the Fleet 3
• The following day, President Roosevel asked Congress for a declaration of war against Japan.
• Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Group Two
• Japan’s plan to west was failure
They were forced to go to the south.
• The plan of sea lion damaged British and American’s intereshiroku
Japanese surrendered delegation signed surrender documents.

Tora! Tora! Tora!《偷袭珍珠港[虎!虎!虎!](1970)》完整中英文对照剧本

Tora! Tora! Tora!《偷袭珍珠港[虎!虎!虎!](1970)》完整中英文对照剧本

I hope our new Commander-in-Chief...我希望新的司令isn't the coward they say he is.不像他们所说那样懦弱Whatever they say,不论别人怎么说Yamamoto is the kind of leader we need.山本先生正是我们所需要的领导者He believes in the value of the airplane.他了解空战的重要性But why a Vice-Navy Minister...为什么海军副部长会突然被调来for such an important position?担任指挥军舰这么重要的工作Maybe the climate in Tokyo was detrimental to Yamamoto's health. 可能留在东京对他不好吧The Army is against him...陆军军方因为他的反对言论for opposing their policies.而对他感冒So he runs away to sea.难怪他要逃到海上Now he has the entire fleet to guard him.现在有整个四万人的舰队来保护他了This order makes you Commander-in-Chief.我将联合舰队指挥权移交予阁下The Imperial fleet consists of--现在联合舰队的主力舰包括...Save your breath, Yoshida.省省吧, 吉田Those details are in the documents.我想这些文件都记录得够清楚了You haven't changed!你还是老样子With the Army controlling politics...现在是陆军在主导一切...your job as Navy Minister will be difficult.你这个海军指挥官就更难当了Don't mess it up别搞砸了Thank God you're here.你也辛苦了We know your life has been threatened.我真高兴你还活着I'm not that easy to kill.我不会这么容易被杀的Army hotheads are demanding目前陆军的激进派an alliance with Germany.主张与德国结盟That would be tragic for Japan.这样会贻害日本的As Navy Minister l will continue to fight with the Army.我会继续与陆军对抗的You are our last hope, Yoshida.你是我们的最后希望了, 吉田The Navy must stand firm against the alliance.现在的日本正面临重大决策时期America is against the war we are waging in China...美国反对我们进军中国...and angry that we are negotiating with the Germans.以及对我们和德国结盟感到很生气Now we are threatened with an embargo of the raw materials we need. 现在他们围堵我国的原料进口贸易Either we improve relations with the U.S. ...除非我们改善与美国的关系and withdraw from China并从中国撤军...or find another source of raw materials here in Indo-China.不然我们就得改从南方的印度支那进口原料了Why worry about threats from America?为什么要怕美国人?President Roosevelt's attention is on Europe...罗斯福总统的目标放在欧洲...where Germany is winning a quick victory over the Allied Armies.因为德国人已打了许多胜仗了So I think we don't have to withdraw our force...所以我认为为了我们的南进from China不必撤军Now is the time to strike.现在是进攻的时候了The British, the Dutch and the French are withdrawing their forces... 这时英国,荷兰以及法国...from Southeast Asia ...正从东南亚撤军to strengthen their armies in Europe.以增加欧洲的兵力We must be careful.我们还是得小心The Americans have an Army in the Philippines...美国在菲律宾还有驻远东军队...and they have moved ...而他们从...their Pacific Fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor圣迭戈派来太平洋舰队进驻夏威夷Yes, and that fleet is a knife leveled at Japan's throat.那支部队对日本来说是很大威胁The Japanese ambassador just arrived. He should be up shortly.长官, 日本大使刚刚抵达Thank you.谢谢The Japanese are stalling, Henry.You know that.日本人在用拖延战术When Nomura took over as ambassador...当野村被任命为大使时... l had some hopes of settling our differences.我以为我们两国之间会有些改变But our meetings so far have been unproductive.但是会谈到现在还没有什么建设性He brings me proposals,I offer compromises.他提供计划给我我也让步了He brings me counterproposals, and so on.他又带来得寸进尺的计划I tell you, Henry, Nomura was sent here to buy time.他只是来拖延时间的That's what he's doing, at our expense.他是在耍我们The president believes him to be...战争部长亨利·史汀生总统相信野村大使是个君子...a man we can trust and deal with.认为我们可以信任他可以跟他打交道Mr. Ambassador, we meet again.大使先生, 我们又见面了It is always a pleasure.我总是很高兴能见到你I assume you know Mr. Stimson, the head of our War Department.您应该认识我们的作战领导人史汀森先生Oh, yes, of course.当然好Mr. Ambassador.大使先生I do hope, Mr. Stimson your presence here does not indicate anything ominous. 我希望您不是来告诉我坏消息的Of course not, Mr. Nomura.当然不是, 野村先生Mr. Nomura, won't you please sit down?野村先生, 您请坐Thank you.谢谢Well, since our last talk a week ago...自从上星期我们会谈以来... l have received certain shall we say questions from my government...我一直受到我国政♥府♥的"质问"...to put to you to clarify certain matters.想澄清一些疑虑Good morning, colonel.早安, 上校There it is.就是这儿This machine lets us intercept every word between Tokyo...海军情报科OP-20-G 艾尔文·克莱默少校这部机器可拦截所有...and all Japanese embassies.从东京传到各地大使♥馆♥的电报The coded material is fed into that machine.它可以接收密♥码♥It goes round and round in there...将之转译成电码...and comes out here, decoded in Japanese.再印出日文电报来All we have to do is translate it.我们只要翻译就好了We decode this quicker than the Japanese embassy...我们解码的速度...right here in Washington.比驻华盛顿日本大使♥馆♥还快No wonder you decided to call it "Operation Magic."难怪你要称之为"魔法行动"了The latest intercept, sir. Thank you.这是最新拦截到的电报谢谢Things are getting a little hotter in the Pacific.太平洋战事可越来越热闹了As long as we're sharing this assignment...既然这是我们的共同任务...take a look at this.我给你看样东西Behold the 12 apostles.看看这十二个人名The chosen few are authorized to see the magic intercepts. 他们是有权阅读电报的人选Hap Arnold, Chief of the Air Corps, isn't on the list.但是空军总司令哈普亚诺却不在名单上No,没有and not one of our overseas commanders.也没有任何海外指挥官的名字fire发射Excellent!太出色了!Who is in command of those torpedo planes?谁是轰炸部队的司令官?Lt. Commander Fuchida, sir, from the carrier Akagi.是赤城号♥舰的富田指挥官Send him this message from me.帮我发一封电报给他"Congratulations on brilliant torpedo attack."祝贺这次出色的攻击lf we are forced into a war with America...如果我们被强迫迎战美国...Japan's only hope...我们唯一的希望就是...is to annihilate the American Pacific fleet at the outset.将太平洋舰队一举歼灭I wonder if we could use torpedo planes at Pearl Harbor?也许我们可以用轰炸部队攻击珍珠港Pearl Harbor珍珠港Stand by.预备Execute.奏乐Look at that entrance to the harbor.看看珍珠港的进出口Sink one good-sized ship in the channel and you've bottled up our whole fleet. 只要有一艘大一点的船在那里沉没整个舰队都进退不得You know as well as l do,你像我一样清楚this harbor is a mousetrap.这个港口就像个捕鼠器Fleet should have stayed in San Diego where it belongs.我们根本不应该离开我们所属的圣迭戈I made the mistake to point that out to Roosevelt.我竟然错把这一点告诉罗斯福We're expected to obey orders.美国太平洋舰队总司令哈斯本·金默尔海军上将吉姆, 我们必须遵从命令We're also expected to exercise our own good judgment.我们也必须有好的判断力I didn't ask for the job.这不是我们自找的Sorry, Kim, but this was my command, and it's become habit...很抱歉, 金默尔但这是我发出的命令...to worry about the security of the fleet.我仍然担心舰队的安危The British, flying some old biplanes...还记得英国用旧式轰炸机...torpedoed and sank three ltalian battleships at Taranto.在意大利塔伦多港将三艘战舰炸沉Harbor very much like this one.那个港口就跟这里一样yeah是啊I share your concern, but CNO doesn't think it can happen here.但是上头可不相信历史会重演Why not?为什么不会?A torpedo dropped from a plane plunges...to a depth of 75 feet or more before it levels off. 鱼雷弹会在爆♥炸♥前潜入75英尺深I know, and Pearl is only 40 feet deep.我知道而珍珠港只有40英尺深I'm still worried, Kim.我还是很担心Frankly, sir, l was stunned when l heard of your proposal.老实说, 长官你的计划真令我震惊You think the plan is reckless?你觉得太鲁莽了吗?You suggest using torpedo planes against the American Fleet...你想用鱼雷轰炸机攻击...but Pearl Harbor is too shallow for that.但是珍珠港太浅了Taranto is also a shallow harbor...意大利的塔伦多港也不深...but the British torpedoed ...但是英军在那里and sank three ltalian battleships there.击沉了三艘战舰I know as well as you do that my plan is a gamble.我知道这就像一场赌局And it's risky,而且非常冒险but we have no choice.但我们别无选择What l need immediately is a plan for such an attack.我要你们立刻研究具体之攻击计划I understand我知道了Then we should consult with Genda...对了, 源田他已经上任了Genda?源田?...the new Air Staff Officer on the Akagi,他是赤城号♥舰上的新任轰炸机队长a superb strategist.也是很棒的策略专家Yes, l remember Genda. We'll talk to him.我记起来了我们会需要他的Glad to see you, Genda.真高兴见到你, 源田So this is the new Zero?这就是新型战机?Type 21, with folding wings.第21代, 可折式机翼This means we can carry more fighters now.这样一来战舰的可载空间就更多了This Zero is fast, maneuverable and has a long cruising range.这种战机的速度及操纵性能都增加了还可以长距离航行Better than the Messerschmitt or Spitfire?比希密特或喷火式战机都好?Definitely. I've seen both in combat over London.当然, 我在伦敦战役时已测验过这两种战机的性能You outrank me, so it must be true.想不到你这么清楚啊Now that you're Staff Officer here,听说你是新任的指挥官things will be tough.这差事可不好做You don't have to worry, you won't be here.别担心, 反正你要升官了You're going to the Third Fleet with a promotion.你要调去第三舰队了The Commander-in-Chief must think you're good!总司令一定觉得你很棒Of course he does! And I've got proof!没错, 我有证明Here is his telegram. Want to read it?要不要看看他的电报?Ten-hut!立正Do the planes have to be parked like that? Way at the edge of the field. 这些飞机一定要这样放吗?Standard dispersal procedure, general.这是标准程序ln case of enemy air attack.为了预防空袭There are 130,000 Japanese on this island.这岛上有十三万日本人Our main problem is sabotage.我们要小心敌人的破坏行动lt'd be too easy for enemy agents to sneak in at night...他们可能在夜间偷袭...and blow up every one of them if they're left out there.以防炸毁放在外面的那些飞机Make a note, Fielder, we'll have to make changes.记录员, 把这件事记下来Yes Sir是Ten-hut.长官再见Yes? Admiral Halsey's here to see you.喂? 何尔西准将来访Send him in, please.请他进来Blast me, break me, court-martial me, draw and quarter me...把我降级吧...if you think they're gonna send my ships...我不会再让我的任何舰队...on convoy duty in the Atlantic.执行大西洋的护航行动Kim, l think they've gone nuts in Washington.我想华盛顿那些人都疯了How will l fight a task force if they send...我的舰队都被派去大西洋...my ships to the Atlantic?这样叫我怎么打仗?That damn ocean is a swimming hole compared to the Pacific.大西洋和太平洋比起来根本只是游泳池What are we, a fighting fleet, or are these toy boats out here...我们到底是战舰...so the Japs can buy them at Christmas?还是给日本鬼子玩的玩具船?All right, Bill, now ease it off.好了, 比尔, 冷静点It's not just you.不是只有你的部队They asked for some of our tankers too.他们还要我们把油船调过去How do they expect to feed these wagons...parked out here on this land-locked duck pond? 那我们这边这些船要加油怎么办?You're still planning on rotating half of them at sea?你还是要把半数以上调到海上I was.现在不是Look, Kim, you've got to make them understand what's going on out here.金默尔, 你一定要让他们知道这里的情况I'm gonna do everything l can, Bill.我会尽力的, 比尔Even go to the president.就算要去找总统By God, l knew there was at least one man...in this man's Navy who hadn't gone nuts. 我就知道海军还有人没疯"Gandhi" is still in hiding, sir."甘地"在哪里?A strange man, he works in his cabin like a hermit.我猜他又躲起来了, 长官But he should be here.今天的餐会除了欢送福留参谋长之外Watanabe, go and ask him to join us.同时也是新参谋长的欢迎餐会When "Gandhi" concentrates on a plan, he is lost to this world.当"甘地"专心计划一件事时他是六亲不认的Please don't bother me! This is important...别吵我, 这是很重要的...so I'm not going.我不会去的Genda's plan for attacking Pearl Harbor...我的脑子里想的...is foolproof. It's brilliant!全是源田的攻击珍珠港计划He stresses the importance of combat aircraft.他强调利用战斗机空袭Just think of it. We use six aircraft carriers...想想我们派出六艘航♥空♥母舰...torpedo planes...载满鱼雷机......high-level bombers, dive bombers.俯冲轰炸机... 水平轰炸机Zero fighters for cover...由零式机掩护......go by the northern route, use the new torpedoes...向北方出发, 用新式鱼雷......we attack on a weekend.在周末发动攻击Genda has thought of everything...在海上为短程航舰加油...refueling...天气......the weather....不知气候会如何?And we go on to say, "lt should be noted that Japan...我们接着说:"应该注意的是...has never preceded hostile action by a declaration of war."日本从来都是不宣而战的...We have concluded it possible that a fast-rated..."我们总结出的可能情况是一支快速的......Japanese carrier force may arrive in Hawaii with no prior warning..."...日本航母部队可能避过我们情报组织的耳目......from our intelligence service."...不声不响地开到夏威夷The most favorable time to the enemy would be dawn."最有利的攻击时间在黎明He probably would employ a maximum of six carriers..."他们最多可能会派出六艘航♥空♥母舰......strike on a weekend."...在某个周末进攻We recommend that the Air Corps" l read it."我们建议陆军航♥空♥兵..." 我看过了Yes, sir.是, 长官I appreciate the work that you and General Martin have put in.我十分感谢你和马丁将军做出这份报告These reports are very useful to General Short and myself.这份报告对我和肖特将军非常有用General Martin, you don't pull any punches, do you?马丁将军你有什么计划吗?"We recommend that the Air Corps...maintain a thorough 360-degree search... ...of the Hawaiian area during daylight.我们建议陆军航♥空♥日间在威夷地区保持360度搜索This will require a force of 180 B-1 7 airplanes."这将需要一支包括180架 B-17飞机的侦察队We can't search the sea approaches unless we have the planes, sir.除非我们有飞机否则无法在海上进行搜寻One hundred and eighty B-1 7s?180架B-17For God's sakes, that's more than the number existing in the States. 这比全国的数目还多It looks fine on paper, but that's not a paper fleet out there.纸上谈兵看似容易但是那些舰队可不是纸糊的Squadron from the Enterprise.一支从企业舰来的飞行部队Bill Halsey's working the tails off his men.郝西底下的人可忙坏了Wish we had more like him.我希望我们有更多像他的人Makes the most of what he's got.他充分利用了他手上的资源Doesn't keep asking for the moon.不会老是要求补给Well, not one bomb anywhere near the target for the past hour.过去一小时没有一颗炸♥弹♥扔得准Your pilots can see it, l suppose.你的机员应该可以看到吧Who's next? It's Anderson, sir.下一个是谁?是安德森, 长官Now, that's more like it.好多了Maybe your boys finally get it. l hope so, sir.也许他们终于找到目标范围了希望如此Who's next?下一个是谁?Lieutenant Dickenson.下一个是狄金森上尉Tell Lieutenant Dickenson for me...帮我告诉他...he couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle.就算子弹再大他也打不中的Yes, sir.是Ten-hut.停车Carry on. Carry on.继续工作继续工作This it?就是这个吗?Yes, sir.是, 长官Our new radar.这是我们的新雷达It's a remarkable scientific achievement...它是了不起的科学发明...capable of spotting an intruder on the sea or in the air...它可以侦察到远距离外...and at quite a range.海面或空中的侵入者Now, listen, colonel, as you know,听着, 上校, 如你所知we're short on patrol planes.我们的侦察机不够We're gonna have to rely on this...thing to detect the enemy.只好依赖这个"东西" 来侦测敌人General, radar should do the job.将军, 雷达不会有问题的What's it doing here, not set up?那为什么还不去装?We're about to truck it up that mountain.我们必须将它载到山上That peak up there is the ideal spot to put our main radar post. 那座山峰是最佳的雷达设置点At that height, we'd be clear of all interference.我们可以侦测到所有外来物Obviously.确实But, sir,但是, 长官we can't get permission to put her up there.我们没有办法得到装设的批准Permission?批准?From the National Park Service Department of lnterior.内政部国家公园管理处的批准See, all of this belongs to the Hawaiian National Park.这里全属于夏威夷国家公园The Hawaiian National Park?夏威夷国家公园?Yes, sir. The Wildlife Preservation Society is raising hell too. 而且野生动物保育组织也反对And we can't get permission?所以我们无法得到批准?No, sir. Not unless we want to fight them.除非我们要与他们争执Fight them? You're damn right we're gonna fight them.没错, 我们要抗争Now you make a note of that, Fielder. Yes, sir.把这事记下来是, 长官Wildlife Preservation Society?野生动物保护组织?I feel like a damn fool.我觉得我像个笨蛋Without even consulting me...陆军竟然没找我商量...our Army has decided to occupy lndo-China.就决定进攻印度支那There is no hope for peace now.现在将永无和平之日了I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it...我一直告诉他们...if we fight the Americans, we can't stop at Hawaii or Guam. 如果与美国打起来可不是攻打关岛,菲律宾We'll have to march into Washington...夏威夷或圣迭戈而已...and dictate peace terms in the White House!我们还得进攻华盛顿和白宫进行谈判!Army hotheads陆军那些笨蛋who speak so lightly of war以为我们真有那么大的能耐should think about that!他们一定没有仔细考虑后果As I'm no longer Minister of the Navy,在我不再是海军总司令了I can do nothing.我无能为力I'm sorry.真抱歉Don't blame yourself.别怪自己了The Army leaders are at fault,是陆军那些混♥蛋♥的错not you.错不在你I must get back to the fleet.我得回舰上去了There is a lot to be done.还有好多事要做It's no use, Hal. I spoke to General Miles.没用的, 艾尔我跟麦尔斯将军说过了He took it up with General Marshall.他跟马歇尔将军报告The order stands.但是命令就是下不来The president is off the ultra list.连总统都被蒙在鼓里lncredible.真不敢相信Withholding information from the president.竟然连总统都瞒Security found a copy of an intercept in a waste basket at the White House. 我们的电报竟然在白宫的废纸篓里被找到Truth is, the brass don't trust而军方的高级首长some men close to the president.也不信任总统身边的亲信Does anyone trust anyone anymore?还有人敢相信别人吗?Do you even trust your own wife? Do you?你相信你老婆吗? 你呢?Come to think of it, l believe l do.仔细想想, 我想是的Part two of No. 1390, colonel.1390第二部份:Tokyo to embassies in Washington and Berlin.东京发往华盛顿及柏林大使♥馆♥的电报Thank you, Miss Cave.谢谢你, 凯特小姐The Japanese are moving south to occupy French lndo-China.日本人往法属印度支那前进了This is big trouble. Yeah.这真是个大♥麻♥烦对Well, ultra list or not...不管总统在不在名单上...someone has to tell the president about this one.一定得让他知道这件事"Therefore, we will impose a full embargo...on all trade with Japan. 所以, 我们必须加重对日本贸易的封锁We do not anticipate immediate hostile action by Japan...我们预估日本不会有所行动...but you get this information...但我们要求各位...so you may take appropriate precautionary measures."做好适当的防备措施"Appropriate precautionary measures.""适当的防备措施"What the hell does that mean?这是什么意思?Now, this is signed jointly by General Marshall and Admiral Stark. 上面有马歇尔将军与斯塔克上将的联署Until we know how the Japanese will react,除非我们知道日本方面的反应we're not gonna take chances.我们不会有任何动作We go on full alert. Yes, sir.只需继续全面戒备是, 长官Stark says they don't anticipate hostile action.斯塔克说他们认为日本不会宣战Why send a warning at all?那又为什么要发出警告通知?Damn it.真♥他♥妈♥的Damn it, why can't Washington give us the full inside story?为什么华盛顿不透露内♥幕♥消息I'd sooner form my own opinion.我宁愿自己猜测"Don't anticipate hostile action."他们不认为日本会采取敌意行动Well, all right, we'll go ahead.好吧, 等着瞧吧lncrease air and sub patrols,增加空中与潜艇侦测任务alert senior commanders.通知所有的司令官Maybe out of this we can find out也许在这样的情况下how well we can function.可以考验我们的应变能力yes sir是, 长官Kaminsky.卡米司基This is Captain Earle.这是亚诺舰长Going on full alert.进入全面警戒Yes, captain.是, 舰长We're going on full alert.我们进入全面戒备Notify all ship, sub and air patrols.通知所有的海上及空中侦测队What the hell is going on here?发生什么事?What are you doing?你到底在干什么?Carrying out orders. General Short's concern is sabotage. 肖特将军担心的是破坏All aircraft not ready for flight from now on...所有没有出任务的飞机...will be parked in the center...都必须集中在基地中心...so they can be kept under guard.接受全天的保护Suppose there's an air raid.万一空袭来临They hit one plane, and it all goes up in flames.只要一次攻击它们全都会毁于一旦I'm sorry. General's orders.抱歉, 这是将军的命令Today's war games...前几天在海军大学进行的...of a theoretical attack on Pearl Harbor...前几天在海军大学进行的包括以六艘航♥空♥母舰为...clearly show the need for six carriers in the attack force.纸上作战演习虽然成功但是今天的纸上作战The General Staff...要根据军令部的妥协案...wants to limit us to only three carriers.其结果... 正如裁判部门之判决We must have six!我们一定要出动六艘才行lf we reduce our striking force...如果减少到只有三艘...from six carriers to only three...只以加贺,八少阁,随阁号♥ 攻击珍珠港...our mission will fail.任务一定会失败Before attacking anything else,我们攻击什么之前we should attack our General Staff.应该先攻击我们的参谋部而非珍珠港We believe in aircraft,我们相信空军的重要性but they cling to the ancient theory...但是他们却固守过时的旧理论...that decisive naval engagements must be fought between battleships.认为海军战舰才是主要力量Unless we dispel this myth...除非我们消除这样的迷思...we'll never get their approval.他们绝不会改变主意的They are not the only believers in the "battleship theory."不是只有少数人相信"战舰理论"Many officers here today also support the idea.现在有很多舰队军官也同意这种主张I'm one of them.我也是其中之一We'll soon have two new unsinkable battlewagons...我们很快就会拥有两艘"永不沉没"的全新主舰...each with a displacement of 6♥4♥,000 tons and huge guns. 它们各自有六万四千吨♥的排水量以及巨大的18英吋口径枪炮Anything that floats can be sunk!所有浮在水面的东西都会沉没The "unsinkable" ship is a myth.没有"永不沉没"这种事The war in Europe is being decided by the airplane.在欧洲都是空军打赢战争There can be no victory on land or sea,只靠陆军或海军without control of the air!是不可能打赢胜仗的I have been chosen to command this task force.我知道这次任务相当冒险And l consider this operation risky.现在日,美双方关系紧绷How can we travel 3500 miles to Hawaii without being detected? 还要躲避夏威夷的严密侦测This mission will fail unless we achieve complete surprise.如果被侦测出来我们的任务必定失败My ships can't carry fuel for a trip there and back.我的战舰无法装载足够的用油Stopping to refuel increases the possibility of detection.根本没办法偷袭珍珠港That's enough够了I am confident that our ships will reach Hawaii safely.我相信我们的舰队会安全抵达夏威夷You are too cautious.你们太小心了The case for using six carriers is sound.6艘航♥空♥母舰不是开玩笑的To criticize the plan is defeatist!批评这个计划的都是失败主义者!No more bickering! As long as l am Commander-in-Chief...只要我当指挥官一天...Pearl Harbor will be attacked!攻击珍珠港的计划就不会改变I am aware that this is a dangerous gamble.我知道这是一场危险的赌局But we can't afford the luxury of playing it safe now!但是, 我们必须更战战兢兢Gentlemen, whether we adopt this plan or not...各位不论我们接受这个计划与否is no longer an issue.都不必再为此争执Let us now decide how best to carry it out.让我们决定最完美的作战计划吧Fuchida's back! Fuchida's back!富田回来了!喂!老爹回来了Fuchida! What a surprise!老爹...你还好吧I'm your new Air Commander,我是你们新任的空军指挥官so treat me well.对我好一点You're joking.别开玩笑了How did you rate another promotion?我们都不相信你会升官Well, exceptional people get exceptional treatment!因为我是特殊份子啊This ship is crawling with Admirals.这艘船载满了大人物Something important must be happening.总有举♥行♥不完的欢迎仪式We have called you here...我们邀请大家来此...to explain the purpose of a new training program.是要解释一个新训练任务的目的This, of course, is a matter of strictest secrecy.当然请大家将此事保持绝对机密It looks just like Pearl Harbor, doesn't it?它看起来真像珍珠港And that area down there looks like Ford lsland, eh?这部份就像福德岛yes没错Beautiful!漂亮...Navy pilots attract geisha girls but they frighten the fish. 现在的军人真不像话It's not an ideal radar sight,这不是适合的雷达设置点but at least we got a permit.但我们至少得到批准了Let's get the other units working.我们来组装剩下的零件吧Easier said than done.说得容易What do you mean?什么意思?We have to get all six units adjusted and我们要先调整六个部份link them by phone to headquarters.还要用电♥话♥线连到总部That means training men to operate ...然后要成立信息中心an information center还得训练一批操纵员...so they know what to do with the information. 当他们收到训息时才知道该如何处理Take it easy, Murph.别担心, 墨菲You'll figure it out. Yeah, I'll figure it out.你能做到的是啊, 我能完成的Don't just stand there.别光站在那儿You know how to operate this thing.你知道怎么操作We know the theory.我们只在书上看过Let's put that theory into practice.那么就把理论应用在实际情况上Switch on. Yes, sir.打开雷达! 是!长官Stay put and keep watching the screen.你们两个仔细盯着荧幕ln two hours, close down.再两小时, 就停工I'll send a truck to pick you up.我会派卡车来接你们Excuse me, sir,对不起, 长官but what are we watching for?我们要找的是什么?Anything unusual. Any large blip coming from the sea.任何出现在海上的可疑物Colonel, if we do spot something,上校, 如果我们真发现什么what do we do?要怎么办?Report it to headquarters, damn it.跟总部报告, 妈的How, sir? What?-怎么报告, 长官? -什么?We haven't got a telephone, sir.怎么报告我们连个电♥话♥也没有?There's a gas station a mile down the road.一英里外有个加油站They must have a phone.那里一定有电♥话♥We got 183 combat planes on this base, general.将军这里有183架飞机停在一起The way they're parked now, a one-eyed monkey hanging from a balloon... ..could scatter them to hell with one hand grenade.只要一颗手榴弹就可以炸毁它们Don't blame me.要怪就怪肖特将军General Short gave the order.是他下的命令Come in.进来Sir, Lieutenants Taylor and Welch. Okay, send them in.是泰勒上尉和威尔契上尉好, 请他们进来You two men get in your planes and fly over to Haleiwa.你们立刻飞往欧胡岛西北角的哈雷瓦基地Yes, sir.是, 长官What are our orders when we get there?我们可以知道到达后的指令吗?Just sit tight.只要留在那里Listen for the phone. That's all.等电♥话♥即可Yes, sir. Yes, sir.是, 长官。






不过日本决定先发制人,在1941年12月7日,派出海空军部队,突袭美国位于夏威夷的海军基地--珍珠港(Pearl Harbor),结果成功击沉、击毁美国19艘大型舰只,炸毁美国150架飞机,造成 2400多名美国人死亡,伤1178 人。


当时的美国总统罗斯福 (Franklin Delano Roosevelt),在发生突袭后第二日,在国会发表对日宣战的著名演说--珍珠港演说 (Pearl Harbor Speech)。




他在1921年(39岁时)曾染上小儿麻痹症,双脚瘫痪,但他并未放弃从政的道路,继出任纽约州长后,在1933年成功入主白宫,并三次成功竞选连任,1945年4月12 日,罗斯福第4次宣誓成为美国总统后不久,因脑溢血而离开人世。

演说原文PEARL HARBOR SPEECH Franklin Delano Roosevelt December 8, 1941 To the Congress of the United States: Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy 1 - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately 2 attacked by naval 3 and air forces of the Empire of Japan.The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation 4 of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations 5 , it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japanmakes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed 6 on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. This morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense 7 .Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.Hostilities 8 exist. There is no blinking at the fact that thatour people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable 9 triumph - so help us God.I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovokedand dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, Dec. 7, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.评价讲解很多人将2001年9月11日恐怖分子袭击纽约和华盛顿,比作60年前的日本偷袭珍珠港事件,当时的美国总统罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt),于日本发动突袭后的第二日,在国会发表美国对日宣战的著名演说。



珍珠港英文观后感100词珍珠港英文观后感珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)是美国夏威夷群岛上的一个海军基地,也是二战时期美国与日本之间爆发的一场重大战役的发生地。




























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13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网
15、机会是不守纪律的。——雨果பைடு நூலகம்
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
11、战争满足了,或曾经满足过人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚


10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思
46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基 47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。——陆游 48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。——史美尔斯 49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。——孙洙 50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。——莫扎特

偷袭珍珠港英文介绍 (学习课资)
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯
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