《The Libido for the Ugly》浅析

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They two combines, “the libido for the ugly”, violating linguistic norms. The contrast is so intense that catches the readers' attention.
the image of a dead man(病人意象)
the image of a decaying body(病人意象)
leprous (para.2)
cemetery (para.3)
decaying (para.3)
eczematous (para.3)
bury (para.3)
decomposing (para.5)
In conclusion, the existence of the eccentricity has its deep social roots.
Through the intense contrast between "industrial America" and "Westmoreland", "American Industrialists" and "Westmorelanders", we can see that the prosperous industrial America is based on depriving the surplus value of the labourers.
On this ground, "the libido for the ugly" is not the foible of labourers, but the eccentricity of industrialists and industrial America. It is a pathological eccentricity.
malarious (para.5)
dead (para.3)
putrid (para.6)
etiology (para.9)
Hell (para.5)
“the libido for the ugly” is not the foible of average persons, but the eccentricity of the sick, the dead and the decaying body.
赋义予诗歌或其他文学作品中提及的感官感受到的 一切物体和性质,其提及方式可以是文字描述、暗示 或比照物(如用于明喻和暗喻中的喻体)
the title "The Libido for the Ugly" is very arresting. People may ask:
➢Why to use "the libido", but not "the love"? ➢Why to use "the the ugly", but not "for the beautiful"?
By using "the libido" that usually used in psychoanalysis is a deviation. "for the ugly" is used out of the same purpose.
The Libido for the Ugly
——Foregrounding, Contrast, Imagery
apply impression technique(印象手法) use many derogatory words & derogatory imagery. a blend of foregrounding, contrast and imagery
derogatory(贬义) commendatory(褒义)
appalling dreadfully desolation disgrace hideous intolerably alley cat reduce bleak
forlorn macabre depressing
可译为对照。用比较不同或相反性质的办法来加以区分 (distinguish or be distinguished by comparison of unlike or opposite qualities)
对照是将两种事物(或情形)放在一起就某一性质进行 比较,以显现其反差。
a peculiar writing skill; outline an image of pathological eccentricity(病 态怪癖), very thought-provoking.
可译为前景突出或突出,一种修辞手法。突出本身是一个暗 喻,将文学语言比成了绘画或摄影。 在绘画或摄影中,人物往往摆在比较突出的地位,而花鸟山 水等自然景观被用作图画背景。这样,不但画面和谐,而且主 从有致。置于突出地位的部分引人注目,背景部分则起着烘云 托月的作用。 语言也是这样。一般来说,语言以其常规的方式为说话者所 使用,为听话者所接受。但语言的使用往往超出常规(norm), 或故意偏离(deviation),或刻意求工(regularity)。但不 论用哪种形式,都会起到引人注目的作用。这种超出常规的语 言称为被突出的语言(foregrounded language),而人们惯常 使用的常规语言则被看成背景语言(backgrounded language)。
industrial heart lucrative center rich boast grand pride aspiration
industrial America American indust百度文库ialists
the image of a sick person(病人意象)