



中文名称:波多黎各自由邦 英文名称: The Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico简称: 波多黎各所属洲:北美洲 首都: 圣胡安 主要城市:马亚圭斯,蓬塞 国庆日:7月4日 国歌: 《波多黎各之歌》国家代码:PUR 官方语言: 西班牙语、英语 货币: 美元政治体制: 共和制 国家领袖: 美国总统,总督路易斯·福尔图尼奥· 布尔塞特 人口数量: 399.4万(2007年) 人口密度: 438人/平方公里 主要民族: 白人,黑人 主要宗教: 天主教 国土面积: 9104平方千米 水域率: 1.6% 国际电话区号: +1-787,+1-939 国际域名缩写:.pr年西班牙人J.庞塞·德·莱昂在岛上建立殖民据点,次波多黎各的第一位总督为胡安·蓬塞·德莱昂,任期为1509-1512年,在美西战争中,西班牙失败,波多黎各将波多黎各割让给美国,1900年,美国总统麦金利任命查尔斯·赫伯特·艾伦为第一任驻波多黎各文职总督,波多黎各自由邦建立以后,1949年,路易斯·穆尼奥斯当选为自由邦第一任总督。

此后的总督列表如下:1949-1965 路易斯·穆尼奥斯(Luis Muñoz Marín,1898-1980,人民民主党人,波多黎各第一、二、三、四届总督,同时也是记者、诗人)1965-1969 罗贝托·桑切斯(Roberto Sánchez Vilella,1913-1997,人民民主党人,波多黎各第五届总督,工程师)1969-1973 路易斯·费雷(Luis Ferré Aguayo, 1904-2003,新进步党人,波多黎各第六届总督,工程师)1973-1977 拉斐尔·埃尔南德斯·科隆(Rafael Hernández Colón,1936-,人民民主党,波多黎各第七、十、十一届总督,律师)波多黎各1977-1985 卡洛斯·罗梅罗(Carlos Romero Barceló, 1932-,新进步党人,波多黎各第八、九届总督,律师)1985-1993 拉斐尔·埃尔南德斯·科隆(第二次任职)1993-2001 佩德罗·罗塞约·冈萨雷斯(Pedro Rosselló González, 1944-,新进步党人,波多黎各第12、13届总督,儿科医师)2001-2005 西拉·玛丽亚·卡尔德隆(Sila María Calderón Serra, 1942-, 人民民主党人,波多黎各第14届总督,商人)2005-2009 阿尼瓦尔·阿塞维多(Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, 1962-, 人民民主党人,波多黎各第15届总督,法官)美元。











二、加勒比海的蓝色天堂之美1. 清澈碧蓝的海水加勒比海的海水清澈而透明,呈现出了迷人的碧蓝色。



2. 美丽绝伦的海滩加勒比海的海岸线上遍布着一望无际的白色沙滩,琳琅满目的海滩景色美不胜收。



3. 丰富多样的海洋生物加勒比海是一个充满生命力的海洋生态系统。



三、加勒比海的旅游活动1. 水上运动在加勒比海蓝色天堂的海域,游客们可以尽情享受各种水上运动的乐趣。



2. 海岛度假加勒比海的众多海岛提供着豪华而独特的度假胜地。




– They passed many laws such as the Quartering Act(驻军法案) and the Stamp Act(印花税法 ).
Introduction to British and American Culture
Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件
Before the Colonial
1.在两万多年前, 有一批来自亚洲的流浪者,经由北美到中 南美洲,这些人就是印第安人Indians的祖先。 2.大约1万年前, 又有另一批亚洲人, 移居到北美北部, 这 是后来的爱斯基摩人Eskimo 3.最早到美洲的白种人大概是维京人 the Vikings, 他们 是一群喜好冒险的捕渔人。 4.1492年10月12日 哥伦布发现美洲大陆 (十五世纪)。
The Founding of the Thirteen Colonies
• During the first 150 years, the British colonies in North America became a “melting pot”.
• By the early 1760s, English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.
Amerigo Vespucci
A•mHereica)first confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discovered.
• The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.



亚洲Asia(48个国家)东亚:中国China、蒙古Mongolia、朝鲜Korea、韩国South Korea、日本Japan(5)东南亚:菲律宾Philippines、越南Vietnam、老挝Laos、柬埔寨Cambodia、缅甸Myanmar、泰国T hailand、马来西亚Malaysia、文莱Brunei Darussalam、新加坡Singapore、印度尼西亚In donesia、东帝汶east Timor(11)南亚:尼泊尔Nepal、不丹Bhutan、孟加拉国Bengal、印度India、巴基斯坦Pakistan、斯里兰卡Sri Lanka、马尔代夫Maldives(7)中亚:哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan、吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan、塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan、乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan(5)西亚:阿富汗Afghanistan、伊拉克Iraq、伊朗Iran、叙利亚Syria、约旦Jordan、黎巴嫩Lebano n、以色列Israel、巴勒斯坦Palestine、沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia、巴林Bahrain、卡塔尔Q atar、科威特Kuwait、阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)United Arab Emirates、阿曼Oman、也门Yemen、格鲁吉亚Georgia、亚美尼亚Armenia、阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan、土耳其Turke y、塞浦路斯Cyprus(20)注:锡金Sikkim现已并入印度成为其一个邦,所以这里不出现,详细请看:欧洲Europe(43个国家/1个地区)北欧:芬兰Finland、瑞典Sweden、挪威Norway、冰岛Iceland、丹麦Danmark 法罗群岛Faroe Islands(丹)(6)东欧:爱沙尼亚Estonia、拉脱维亚Latvia、立陶宛Lithuania、白俄罗斯Belarus、俄罗斯Russia、乌克兰Ukraine、摩尔多瓦Moldova(7)中欧:波兰Poland、捷克Czech、斯洛伐克Slovakia、匈牙利Hungary、德国Germany、奥地利A ustria、瑞士Switzerland、列支敦士登Liechtenstein(LIE)(8)西欧:英国Britain、爱尔兰Ireland、荷兰Holand、比利时Belgium、卢森堡Luxemburg、法国F rance、摩纳哥Monaco(7)南欧:罗马尼亚Romania、保加利亚Bulgaria、塞尔维亚Serbia、马其顿Macedonia、阿尔巴尼亚Albania、希腊Greece、斯洛文尼亚Slovenia、克罗地亚Croatia、波斯尼亚Bosnia和墨塞哥维那Herzegovina(波黑)。

(首都:马纳瓜) Location: Central America, bordering both the

(首都:马纳瓜) Location: Central America, bordering both the

巴拿馬共和國-Republic of Panama
Nation: Republic of Panama (國家:巴拿馬共和國) Capital:Panama City (首都:巴拿馬市) Location: Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Colombia and Costa Rica (地理位置:位於中美洲,西北臨加勒比海, 南瀕太平洋,西接哥斯大黎加,東與哥倫比亞 為界) Languages: Spanish (語言:西班牙語)
多明尼加共和國Dominican Republic
Nation: Dominican Republic (國家:多明尼加共和國) Capital: Santo Domingo (首都:聖多明哥) Location: between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean , small offshore islands and cays that are part of the Dominican territory (地理位置:東臨加勒比海,西濱洋,外海島嶼 及沙洲為其領土) Languages:Spanish (語言:西班牙語)
海地共和國-Republic of Haiti
Nation: Republic of Haiti (國家:海地共和國) Capital:Port-au-Prince (首都:太子港) Location: Caribbean, west of the island of Hispaniola (Spain), west of the Dominican Republic (地理位置:位於加勒比海,伊斯巴紐拉(西班 牙)島西部,東鄰多明尼加) Languages: French 、 Creole (語言:法語、克雷奧語)

The kingdom of the Netherlands(国家介绍)大纲英文

The kingdom of the Netherlands(国家介绍)大纲英文

The kingdom of the NetherlandsGeneral Information:The Netherlands / Dutch / Netherland (Low Country)Windmill(风车)kingdom / tulip(郁金香) kingdom. / country of the pasture(牧场)Location: mainly in north-west Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean(加勒比海) Capital city: AmsterdamThe seat of government: the Hague海牙(International Court of Justice)Polity: Constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制)Demographics人口统计资料Principal Government OfficialsHead of State--Queen BeatrixPrime Minister--Mark Rutte(马克吕特)Geography:Landform: low land →floods Delta Works[三角洲工程] coastal reclamation project[围海造陆]Climate: moderate maritime climate moist soil →sabot[木鞋]History:Dutch Republic 1581-1795French domination 1795-1814Kingdom of the Netherlands 1815-1940Second World War1940-1945Recent history 1945-presentPolitics:Home affairs -----------Constitutional monarchy (1815)The monarch is the titular(有名无实的) head of state.The Queen's function is largely ceremonial(礼仪的), but she does have some influence deriving(源自)from the traditional veneration(尊敬,崇拜)of the House of Orange(王室,王朝), from which Dutch monarchs for more than 3 centuries have descended. Her influence also derives from her personal qualities and her power to appoint the "formateur," who forms the Council of Ministers following elections States General (1848, legislative powers).House of Representatives (150, The Lower house )The Senate (75, the upper house)CabinetIn practice, the executive power is formed by the ministerraad, the deliberativecouncil of the Dutch cabinet.The cabinet consists usually of 13 to 16 ministers and a varying numbers of state secretaries. The head of government is Prime Minister of the NetherlandsPolitical Parties (multi-party system)Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) ------ Christian DemocratsLabour Party (PvdA) -----social DemocratsPeople’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) ---liberals Foreign affairs Foreign relations-------------Foreign policy------neutrality→promoting a wide variety of goalsInternational organizations -----EU, NA TO(北约), UN,WTO,OECD(经济发展与合作组织)With China—⑴the policy of reformation and opening →the development in economic and trade relations⑵Two government sign agreements about shipping ,aviation(航空),economy , technology ,and culture.Economy:capitalist market-based economyEconomic Status (leading European nations, developed economy, a special role in the European countries, largest port in Europe)(Traditional Industry, New Industry, Agriculture,Service sector) TravelWindmills (a symbol of the Dutch)The oldest mill -----watermill( 水磨,水利磨粉机) 8th century.Functions------to pump(抽水) dry hundreds of lakes and swamps (沼泽)to prevent land from flooding.Cheese (largest cheese exporter in the world)Output: 650 million kilos of cheese per year.On average the Dutch eat 14,3 kilos of cheese per person per year. No wonder Holland has a worldwide reputation for being a cheese country.History of Dutch Cheese------------The Dutch association with cheese dates back to pre-Christian times. Archaeologists have found remains of cheese-making equipment dating back to 200 B.C.By the Middle Ages, making and trading cheese had assumed a central position in Dutch life. Cheese markets flourished (繁荣,兴盛) and towns that were granted weighing rights were able to build Weigh Houses and enjoyed special status. De Waag in Gouda is one of the most beautiful weigh houses in Holland. From that time on, Holland further developed as a world leader in the dairy industry(乳制品业).Wooden Shoes (typically Dutch souvenir)Benefits: keep your feet dry / very safe / wearing them is considered to be healthy The European Union acknowledged this and gave the clog a CE mark.Currently, there are 25 traditional clog makers who like to demonstrate the profession of clog making.Tulips(national flowers)Holland and tulips are inseparable(不可分离的)The first bulbs arrived in Holland several centuries ago from Turkey and Iran.They immediately became very popular in Holland and their arrival was the beginning of a prosperous flower industry.Today Holland is the main producer of commercially sold flowers and plants. Canals of AmsterdamA visit to Amsterdam isn’t complete without enjoying the canals. They are a symbol of Amsterdam and of great cultural and historical value.Millions of bicyclesPeople sometimes say that the Dutch are born on their bikes! Fact is, Holland is a perfect country for cycling, and counts more bicycles than people. More than 20,000 kilometers of cycle paths are waiting for you throughout the country, and in the rare spots where there are no cycle paths, motorists are very aware of cyclists.Getting to NetherlandsTravel to Holland by AirAmsterdam Airport Schiphol(史基浦机场)is Holland’s largest airport and one of the most modern airports in Europe.Travel to Holland by TrainHolland is easily accessible by high speed train from various European cities. Utrecht Central Station and Amsterdam Central Station are the main arrival and transfer railway stations for the international routesTravel to Holland by Car/BusThe Netherlands is very well suited for car travel. The roads are well-maintained and the road markings and signpost make it easy to find your way around.Traveling to Holland by Ferry(渡船)The Netherlands is located on the North Sea and can easily be reached by sea.W elcome Criticism Correction。



世界各国和地区英文简写世界各国和地区英文简写序号缩写中文英文1 AE 阿联酋 United Arab Emirates2 AF 阿富汗 Afghanistan3 AL 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania4 AO 安哥拉 Angola5 AR 阿根廷 Argentina6 AT 奥地利 Austria7 AU 澳大利亚 Australia8 AZ 亚塞拜然 Azerbaijan9 BD 孟加拉 Bangladesh10 BE 比利时 Belgium11 BG 保加利亚 Bulgaria12 BH 巴林 Bahrain13 BI 蒲隆地 Burundi14 BJ 贝南 Benin15 BM 百慕大 Bermuda16 BN 汶莱 Brunei17 BO 玻利维亚 Bolivia18 BR 巴西 Brazil19 BS 巴哈马 Bahamas20 BT 不丹 Bhutan21 BW 波札那 Botswana22 CA 加拿大 Canada23 CF 中非共和国 Central Africa24 CG 刚果 Congo25 CH 瑞士 Switzerland26 CK 库克群岛 Cook Is.27 CL 智利 Chile28 CM 喀麦隆 Cameroon29 CN 中国 China30 CO 哥伦比亚 Colombia31 CR 哥斯大黎加 Costa Rica32 CU 古巴 Cuba33 CV 维德角群岛 Cape Verde Is.34 CY 塞普勒斯 Cyprus35 CZ 捷克共和国 Czech36 DE 德国 Germany37 DK 丹麦 Denmark38 DZ 阿尔及利亚 Algeria39 EC 厄瓜多 Ecuador40 EE 爱沙尼亚 Estonia41 EG 埃及 Egypt42 ES 西班牙 Spain43 ET 衣索比亚 Ethiopia44 FI 芬兰 Finland45 FJ 斐济 Fiji46 FR 法国 France47 GA 加彭 Gabon48 GB 英国 Great Britain49 GD 格瑞那达 Grenada50 GH 迦纳 Ghana51 GM 甘比亚 Gambia52 GN 几内亚 Guinea-Bissau53 GQ 赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea54 GR 希腊 Greece55 GT 瓜地马拉 Guatemala56 GU 关岛 Guam57 GY 盖亚那 Guyana58 HK 香港 Hong kong59 HN 宏都拉斯 Honduras60 HR 克罗埃西亚 Croatia61 HT 海地 Haiti62 HU 匈牙利 Hungary63 ID 印度尼西亚 Indonesia64 IE 爱尔兰 Ireland65 IL 以色列 Israel66 IN 印度 India67 IQ 伊拉克 Iraq68 IR 伊朗 Iran69 IS 冰岛 Iceland70 IT 义大利 Italy71 JM 牙买加 Jamaica72 JO 约旦 Jordan73 JP 日本 Japan74 KE 肯亚 Kenya75 KH 柬埔寨 Cambodia76 KP 韩国 R.O.Korea77 KR 北朝鲜 D.P.R.Korea78 KW 科威特 Kuwait79 KZ 哈萨克 Kazakhstan80 LA 寮国 Laos81 LB 黎巴嫩 Lebanon82 LT 立陶宛 Lithuania83 LU 卢森堡 Luxembourg84 LV 拉托维亚 Latvia85 LY 利比亚 Libya86 MA 摩洛哥 Moroo87 MC 摩纳哥 Monaco88 MD 摩尔多瓦 Moldova89 MG 马达加斯加 Madagascar90 ML 马里 Mali91 MN 蒙古 Mongolia92 MO 澳门 Macao93 MR 茅利塔尼亚 Mauritania94 MT 马耳他 Malta95 MU 模里西斯 Mauritius96 MV 马尔地夫 Maldives97 MX 墨西哥 Mexico98 MY 马来西亚 Malaysia99 MZ 莫三比克 Mozambique100 NA 奈米比亚 Namibia101 NE 尼日 Niger102 NG 奈及利亚 Nigeria103 NI 尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua104 NL 荷兰 Netherlands105 NO 挪威 Norway106 NP 尼泊尔 Nepal107 NZ 纽西兰 New Zealand108 OM 阿曼 Oman109 PA 巴拿马 Panama110 PE 祕鲁 Peru111 PG 巴布亚纽几内亚 Papua New Guinea 112 PH 菲律宾 Philippines113 PK 巴基斯坦 Pakistan114 PL 波兰 Poland115 PT 葡萄牙 Portugal116 PY 巴拉圭 Paraguay117 QA 卡达 Qatar118 RO 罗马尼亚 Romania119 RU 俄罗斯 Russia120 RW 卢安达 Rwanda121 SA 沙乌地阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 122 SD 苏丹 Sudan123 SE 瑞典 Sweden124 SG 新加坡 Singapore125 SK 斯洛伐克 Slovakia126 SM 圣马利诺 San Marino 127 SN 塞内加尔 Senegal128 SO 索马利亚 Somalia129 SY 叙利亚 Syria130 TH 泰国 Thailand131 TJ 塔吉克 Tadzhikistan132 TM 土库曼 Turkmenistan 133 TN 突尼西亚 Tunisia134 TO 汤加 Tonga135 TW 台湾 Taiwan136 TZ 坦尚尼亚 Tanzania137 UA 乌克兰 Ukraine138 UG 乌干达 Uganda139 UK 英国 United Kingdom 140 US 美国 United States141 UY 乌拉圭 Uruguay142 UZ 乌兹别克 Uzbekistan143 VA 梵蒂冈 Vatican City144 VE 委内瑞拉 Venezuela145 VN 越南 Viet Nam146 YE 叶门 Yemen147 YU 南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia148 ZA 南非 South Africa149 ZM 尚比亚 Zambia150 ZR 扎伊尔 Zaire151 ZW 辛巴威 Zimbabwe世界各国英文简称阿尔巴尼亚Albania Lek ALL阿尔及利亚第纳尔 DZD安道尔法郎 FRF亚美尼亚 AMD安第列斯群岛盾 ANG安哥拉 AON阿根廷比索 ARP奥地利先令 ATS澳大利亚元 AUD安圭拉东加勒比海元 XCD阿鲁巴岛弗罗林 AWF安地卡及巴布达岛东加勒比海元 XCD亚塞拜然 AZM波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 BAK巴贝多元 BBD比利时法郎 BEF保加利亚列弗 BGL蒲隆地法郎 BIF巴哈马群岛元 BSD汶莱元 BND玻利维亚 BOB巴西 BRL不丹卢比 BTR波札那 BWP宏都拉斯元 BZD 加拿大元 CAD贝南法郎 XAF刚果法郎 CDF瑞士法郎 CHF智利比索 CLP中国人民币 CNY 哥伦比亚比索 COP 哥斯大黎加 CRC 捷克克郎 CZK古巴比索 CUP维德角 CVE塞普路斯镑 CYP 英镑 GBP德国马克 DEM丹麦克郎 DKK多美尼加比索 DOP 布吉纳法索 XAF 厄瓜多 ECS缅甸元 MMK爱沙尼亚 EEK埃及镑 EGP厄利垂亚 ERN西班牙彼萨塔 ESP 柬埔寨 KHR衣索比亚 ETB喀麦隆 XAF欧元 EUR芬兰 FIM斐济元 FJD法国法郎 FRF中非共和国 XAF 查德 XAF乔治亚 GEL迦纳塞第 GHC直布罗陀 GIP甘比亚 GMD几内亚法郎 GNF 希腊 GRD瓜地马拉 GTQ盖亚那 GYD港币 HKD纽西兰元 NZD克罗埃西亚 HRK 海地 HTG匈牙利福林 HUF 印尼卢比 IDR爱尔兰 IEP以色列 ILS印度卢比 INR伊拉克第纳尔 IQD 伊朗里亚尔 IRR 冰岛克郎 ISK荷兰盾 NLG义大利里拉 ITL牙买加元 JMD约旦第纳尔 JOD 日圆 JPY肯亚先令 KES萨尔瓦多El SVC朝鲜 KPW赤道几内亚 XAF韩国 KRW衣索比亚 ETB科威特第纳尔 KWD 哈萨克 KZT寮国 LAK黎巴嫩镑 LBP斯里兰卡卢比 LKR 赖比瑞亚元 LRD赖索托 LSL立陶宛 LTL卢森堡法郎 LUF拉托维亚 LVL利比亚第纳尔 LYD 摩洛哥迪拉姆 MAD 摩尔多瓦 MDL马达加斯加 MGF 马其顿第纳尔 MKD 加彭 XAF甘比亚 GMD蒙古 MNT澳门 MOP茅利塔尼亚 MRO 马耳他 MTL模里西斯卢比 MUR 马尔地夫 MVR希腊德拉玛 GRD 墨西哥比索 MXP 格陵兰 DKK马来西亚 MYR莫三比克 MZM奈米比亚 NAD奈及利亚奈拉 NGN 尼加拉瓜 NIO瓜地马拉 GTQ挪威克郎 NOK几内亚 GNF尼泊尔卢比 NPR 纽西兰 NZD阿曼 OMR巴拿马 PAB祕鲁 PEN菲律宾比索 PHP 巴基斯坦卢比 PKR 波兰 PLZ巴拉圭 PYG卡达 QAR罗马尼亚 ROL俄罗斯卢布 RUR 卢安达法郎 RWF 沙乌地阿拉伯 SAR 苏丹 SDD瑞典克郎 SEK新加坡 SGD斯洛维尼亚 SIT斯洛伐克 SKK塞拉里昂 SLL约旦 JOD索马利亚 SOS叙利亚 SYP史瓦济兰 SZL泰铢 THB塔吉克 TJR土库曼 TMM突尼西亚 TND拉托维亚 LVL汤加 TOP土耳其 TRL台湾 TWD坦尚尼亚 TZS乌克兰 UAH乌干达 UGX乌拉圭 UYU美圆 USD乌兹别克 UZS委内瑞拉 VEB越南 VND万那杜 VUV叶门 YER南斯拉夫 YUN世界各国家英文简称中国 china谁能给我世界各国和地区的英文名AF Afghanistan 阿富汗AL Albania 阿尔巴尼亚AD Andorra 安道尔AO Angola 安哥拉AI Angola 安圭拉AQ Antarctica 南极洲AG Ntigua and Barbuda 安地卡及巴布达AR Argentina 阿根廷AM Armenia 亚美尼亚AW Aruba 阿鲁巴AU Australia 澳大利亚AT Austria 奥地利AZ Azerbaijan 亚塞拜然AN Netherlands AntillesAE United Arab Emirates 阿联酋BS Bahamas 巴哈马BH Bahrain 巴林BD Bangladesh 孟加拉BB Barbados 巴贝多BY White Russia 白俄罗斯BZ Belize 贝里斯BE Belgium 比利时BJ Benin 贝南BM Bermuda 百慕大BT Bhutan 不丹BO Bolivia 玻利维亚BA Bosnia Hercegovina 波黑BW Botswana 波札那BV Bouvet Island 布维岛BR Brazil 巴西BN Brunei Darussalam 汶莱BG Bulgaria 保加利亚BF Burkina Faso 布其纳法索BI Burundi 蒲隆地BY Byelorussian SSR 白俄罗斯CM Cameroon 喀麦隆CA Canada 加拿大CV Cape Verde,Republic of 维德角CF The Central African Republic 中非共和国CL Chile 智利CN China 中国CX Christmas Island 圣诞岛CC COCOS Islands 可可岛CO Colombia 哥伦比亚CH Switzerland 瑞士CG Congo 刚果CK Cook Island 库克群岛CR Costa rica 哥斯大黎加CI Lvory Coast 象牙海岸CU Cuba 古巴CY Cyprus 塞普勒斯CZ Czech Republic 捷克共和国DK Denmark 丹麦DJ Djibouti 吉布提DM Gominica 多明哥DE Grmany 德国DO Dominica 多明尼加DZ Algeria 阿尔及利亚EC Ecuador 厄瓜多EC Ecuador 厄瓜多EG Egypt 埃及EH West Sahara 西撒哈拉ES Spain 西班牙EE Estonia 爱沙尼亚ET Ethiopia 衣索比亚FJ Fiji 斐济FK Falkland Islands 福克兰群岛FO Faroe IslandsFI Finland 芬兰FR France 法国FM Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚GA Gabon 加彭GQ Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚GF French Guiana 法属盖亚那GM Gambia 甘比亚GE Geia 乔治亚GH Ghana 迦纳GI Gibraltar 直布罗陀GR Greece 希腊GL Greenland 格陵兰GB United Kingdom 英国GD Grenada 格瑞那达GP Guadeloupe 瓜德罗普GU Guam 关岛GT Guatemala 瓜地马拉GN Guinea 几内亚GW Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比索GY Guyana 盖亚那HR Croatia 克罗埃西亚HT Haiti 海地HM Heard and McDonald Islands HN Honduras 宏都拉斯HK Hong Kong 中国香港HU Hungary 匈牙利IS Iceland 冰岛IN India 印度ID Indonesia 印度尼西亚IR Iran 伊朗IQ Iraq 伊拉克IO British Indian Ocean Territory 英联邦的印度洋领域IE Ireland 爱尔兰IL Israel 以色列IT Italy 义大利JM Jamaica 牙买加JP Japan 日本JO Jordan 约旦KZ Kazakstan 哈萨克KE Kenya 肯亚KI Kiribati 吉里巴斯KP North Korea 朝鲜KR Korea 韩国KH Cambodia 柬埔寨KM Comoros 葛摩KW kuwait 科威特KG Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦KY Cayman Islands 开曼群岛KN St. Kitts and NevisLA Laos 寮国LK Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡LV Latvia 拉托维亚LB Lebanon 黎巴嫩LS Lesotho 赖索托LR Liberia 赖比瑞亚LY Libya 利比亚LI Liechtenstein 列支敦斯登LT Lithuania 立陶宛LU Luxembourg 卢森堡LC St. Lucia 圣露西亚MO Macao 中国澳门MG Malagasy 马达加斯加MW Malawi 马拉维MY Malaysia 马来西亚MV Maldives 马尔地夫ML Mali 马里MT Malta 马尔他MH Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛MQ MauritaniaMR Mauritania 茅利塔尼亚MU Mauritius 模里西斯MX Mexico 墨西哥MD Moldova,Republic of 摩尔多瓦MC Monaco 摩纳哥MN Mongolia 蒙古MS MontserratMA Moroo 摩洛哥MZ Mozambique 莫三比克MM Burma 缅甸MP Northern Nariana Islands NA Namibia 奈米比亚NR Naura 诺鲁NP Nepal 尼泊尔NL Netherlands 荷兰NT Neutral ZoneNC New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚NZ New Zealand 纽西兰NI Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜NE Niger 尼日NG Nigeria 奈及利亚NU Niue 纽埃NF Norfolk IslandNO Norway 挪威OM Oman 阿曼PK Pakistan 巴基斯坦PF French Polynesia 法属玻里尼西亚PW Palau 帛琉PA Panama 巴拿马PG Papua,Territory of 巴布亚纽几内亚PY Paraguay 巴拉圭PE Peru 祕鲁PH Philippines 菲律宾PN Pitcairn Islands 皮特开恩群岛PL Poland 波兰PT Portugal 葡萄牙PR Puerto Rico 波多黎各(美)PM St.Pierre and MiquelonQA Qatar 卡达RE Reunion IslandRO Romania 罗马尼亚RU Russia 俄罗斯联邦RW Rwanda 卢安达SV El Salvador 萨尔瓦多SH St.Helena 圣赫勒那SM San Marino 圣马利诺ST Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美与普林西比SA Saudi Arabia 沙乌地阿拉伯SN Senegal 塞内加尔SC Seychelles 塞席尔SL Sierra leone 狮子山SG Singapore 新加坡SK Slovakia 斯洛伐克SI Slovene 斯洛维尼亚SB Solomon Islands 索罗门群岛SO Somali 索马利亚SD Sudan 苏丹SR Surinam 苏利南SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSZ Swaziland 史瓦济兰SE Sweden 瑞典SY Syria 叙利亚SU USSR(formerly) 苏联(前)TD Chad 查德TF French Southern Territoties 法属南方领土TW Taiwan 中国台湾TJ Tsjikistan 塔吉克TZ Tanzania 坦尚尼亚TH Thailand 泰国TG Togo 多哥TK Tokela 托克劳TO Tonga 汤加TT Trinidad and T obago 千里达及托巴哥TN Tunisia 突尼西亚TR Turkey 土尔其TP East Timor 东帝TM Turkomanstan 土库曼TC Turks and Caicos IslandsTV Tuvalu 吐瓦鲁UG Uganda 乌干达UA Ukiain 乌克兰UK England 英国(正式程式码为GB)US America 美国UM 美国边远小岛UY uruguay 乌拉圭UZ Uzbekstan 乌兹别克VA Vatican 梵蒂冈(罗马教庭)VE Venezuela 委内瑞拉VN Vietnam 越南VG Virgin Islands(British) 不列颠岛(英) VI Vigin Islands(U.S.) 不列颠岛(美)VC St. Vincent and the GrenadinesWS Western Samoa 西萨摩亚WF Wallis and Furtuna IslandsYE Yemen 叶门YU Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫ZA South Africa 南非ZR Zaire 扎伊尔ZM Zambia 尚比亚ZW Zimbabwe 辛巴威急求世界各国国名的英文(三个字母)简写?CHN, AUS, CAN, FRA,GB,RUS世界舞台的英文,和英文简写world arenaWA求世界各国(地区)国花亚洲中国--国花蕙芷、牡丹(未定)台湾--区花梅花香港--区花紫荆花澳门--区花莲花朝鲜--国花朝鲜杜鹃(金达莱)韩国--国花木槿日本--国花樱花、菊花寮国--国花鸡蛋花缅甸--国花龙船花泰国--国花素馨、睡莲马来西亚--国花扶桑印度尼西亚--国花毛茉莉新加坡--国花万带兰菲律宾--国花毛茉莉印度--国花荷花、菩提树尼泊尔--国花杜鹃花不丹--国花蓝花绿绒蒿孟加拉--国花睡莲斯里兰卡--国花睡莲阿富汗--国花郁金香巴基斯坦--国花素馨伊朗--国花大马士革月季伊拉克--国花月季(红)阿拉伯联合大公国--国花孔雀、百日草叶门--国花咖啡叙利亚--国花月季黎巴嫩--国花雪松以色列国--国花银莲花、油橄榄土耳其--国花郁金香欧洲挪威--国花欧石楠瑞典--国花欧洲白蜡芬兰--国花铃兰丹麦--国花冬青冰岛--国花三色堇俄罗斯--国花向日葵波兰--国花三色堇捷克--椴树斯洛伐克--国花石竹、玫瑰德国--国花矢车菊塞尔维亚--国花桃花克罗埃西亚--国花天竺葵马其顿--国花矢车菊匈牙利--国花郁金香罗马尼亚--国花狗蔷薇保加利亚--国花玫瑰、突厥蔷薇英国--国花玫瑰爱尔兰--国花白车轴草法国--国花鸢尾荷兰--国花郁金香比利时--国花虞美人、杜鹃花卢森堡--国花月季摩纳哥--国花石竹西班牙--国花香石竹葡萄牙--国花雁来红、薰衣草瑞士--国花火绒草奥地利--国花火绒草义大利--国花雏菊、月季圣马利诺--国花仙客来马耳他--国花矢车菊希腊--国花油橄榄、老鼠?北美洲加拿大--国花糖槭美国--国花玫瑰墨西哥--国花大丽花、仙人掌瓜地马拉--国花爪哇木棉萨尔瓦多--国花丝兰宏都拉斯--国花香石竹尼加拉瓜--国花百合(姜黄色)哥斯大黎加--国花卡特兰古巴--国花姜花、百合牙买加--国花愈疮木海地--国花刺葵多明尼加共和国--国花桃花心木南美洲哥伦比亚--国花卡特兰、咖啡厄瓜多--国花白兰花祕鲁--国花金鸡纳树、向日葵玻利维亚--国花向日葵巴西--国花卡特兰、毛蟹爪莲智利--国花野百合阿根延--国花刺桐乌拉圭--国花商陆、山楂大洋洲澳大利亚--国花金合欢、桉树纽西兰--国花桫椤、四翅槐斐济--国花扶桑非洲埃及--国花睡莲利比亚--国花石榴突尼西亚--国花素馨阿尔及利亚--国花夹竹桃、鸢尾摩洛哥--国花月季、香石竹塞内加尔--国花猴面包树赖比瑞亚--国花胡椒迦纳--国花海枣苏丹--国花扶桑坦尚尼亚--国花丁香、月季加彭--国花火焰树尚比亚--国花叶子花马达加斯加--国花凤凰木、旅人蕉塞席尔--国花凤尾兰辛巴威--国花嘉兰,梅花也是国花之一。

the galapagos island英文介绍

the galapagos island英文介绍

the galapagos island英文介绍The Galapagos Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean, are a group of volcanic islands that belong to Ecuador. These islands are renowned for their unique biodiversity and played a significant role in Charles Darwin's development of the theory of evolution.The Galapagos Islands are home to a diverse range of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else in the world. This isolation from the mainland and the often harsh environmental conditions on the islands have led to the evolution of distinct species that are well-adapted to their specific habitats. For example, the famous Galapagos finches have different beak shapes depending on the type of food they eat.The islands are also known for their abundance of marine life. The surrounding waters are a haven for numerous species of fish, turtles, sea lions, sharks, and marine iguanas. This makes the Galapagos Islands a prime destination for snorkeling and scuba diving, allowing visitors to witness the incredible underwater ecosystem firsthand.Visitors to the Galapagos Islands have the opportunity to explore the unique landscapes and observe the fascinating wildlife up close. Whether hiking through volcanic terrain, exploring lava tunnels, or swimming with sea turtles, every step reveals a new and extraordinary discovery.The conservation of the Galapagos Islands is of utmost importance. Due to its fragile ecosystem, the islands face various conservation challenges such as invasive species and pollution. Efforts to protectthese islands have been in place for several decades, with strict regulations in place to preserve the wildlife and natural habitat.Tourism in the Galapagos Islands is carefully regulated to minimize the impact on the environment. Visitors are required to be accompanied by licensed guides to ensure respect for the delicate ecosystem and wildlife.In conclusion, the Galapagos Islands are a remarkable destination for nature enthusiasts and those interested in evolutionary biology. The islands' unique flora and fauna, coupled with their significant role in scientific history, make them a truly extraordinary place to explore and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.。



墨西哥菜以其强烈 的口味、多种类的 口味,五颜六色的 装饰,和各种香料 而著名。今天的大 多数墨西哥食品是 根据前哥伦布传统, 包括阿兹特克和玛 雅。
Mexican cuisine is known for its intense and varied flavors, colorful decoration, and variety of spices. Most of today's Mexican food is based on preColumbian traditions, including the Aztecs and Maya
Day of the Dead
•Date November 1st and 2nd •Celebrate both life and death
Mexico wedding
People unde
the age of 18 may not get married in Mexico without parental consent. With parental consent, boys have to at least 16 and girls need to be at least 14 years of age.
墨西哥的特产是 龙舌兰酒。玉米 饼也是著名的。 此外,墨西哥是 食虫性国家。最 著名的是“卓别 林”蝗虫昆虫。
Mexico’s specialty is tequila. Also the tortillas are famous. Besides, Mexico is the Insectivorous country. The most famous insects is “Chaplin” locusts.



按世界各大洲分区排序和按字母排序的世界各国家英语名称大全亚洲;48个国家,亚亚(5家个国)1 中国China2 日本 Japan3 北朝亚 Korea-North /k?'ri?/4 南朝亚 Korea-South5 蒙古Mongolia / m?’ oli? /ɑɡ亚南亚(11家个国)1 菲律亚 Philippines / 'f?l?,pi:nz /2 柬寨埔Cambodia /kæm’bodi?]3 老亚人民共和国Lao People's Republic4 亚西亚来Malaysia [m?’le??]5 亚甸 Myanmar6 泰国Thailand7 文亚亚亚亚莱达国Brunei Darussalam8 越南Vietnam9 亚帝汶 East Timor 10 新加坡 Singapore 11 印度 India 南亚(7家个国)1 巴基斯坦 Pakistan2 不丹 Bhutan3 亚亚代夫 Maldives4 孟加拉国Bangladesh5 尼泊亚 Nepal6 斯里亚卡Sri Lanka7 印度 India中亚(5家个国)1 哈亚克斯坦 Kazakhstan2 吉亚吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan3 塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan 4亚亚亚克斯坦Republic of Uzbekistan5 土亚曼斯坦 Turkmenistan 西亚;20家,个国1 阿富汗Afghanistan [æf’ænɡ?’stæn]2 黎巴嫩 Lebanon3 利亚叙Syrian Arab Republic4 伊拉克 Iraq5 伊朗 Iran6 亚旦 Jordan7 阿亚酋 United Arab Emirates8 巴林 Bahrain 9 塔亚卡Qatar10 科威特 Kuwait11 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 12 以色列 Israel13巴勒斯坦Palestine 14 阿曼 Oman15 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan 16 格亚吉亚 Georgia 17 塞浦路斯 Cyprus18 土耳其 Turkey19 亚美尼亚 Armenia 20 也亚 Yemen欧洲;44家个国/1地, 个区北;欧6家,个国1 亚冰Iceland2 丹麦Denmark3 法亚群亚 Faroe Islands按洲分排序区按字母亚序排列亚号英文中文所亚洲及地区1 阿富汗西亚Afghanistan2 阿亚巴尼亚南欧Albania3 阿亚及利亚北非Algeria安道亚 4Andorra 南欧5 安哥拉南非Angola6安圭拉;英,加勒比海Anguilla地区7 安提瓜和巴布达加勒比海Antigua and Barbuda地区8 阿根廷南美南部Argentina9 亚美尼亚西亚Armenia10阿亚巴;荷,加勒比海Aruba地区11 澳大利亚大洋洲Australia12 地利奥中欧Austria13 阿塞拜疆西亚Azerbaijan14亚速亚群亚北非Azores15 巴哈亚加勒比海Bahamas地区16 巴林西亚Bahrain17 孟加拉国南亚Bangladesh18巴巴多斯加勒比海Barbados地区19 白俄亚斯亚欧Belarus20 比利亚西欧Belgium21 伯利亚北美中部Belize22 亚宁西非Benin23百慕大;英,加勒比海Bermuda地区24 不丹南亚Bhutan25 利亚亚玻南美中西Bolivia部26 波黑南欧Bosnia Hercegovina 27 伯亚瓦亚南非Botswana 28 巴西南美亚部Brazil29英亚亚京群亚属加勒比海British Virgin Islands地区30 文亚亚亚亚莱达国亚南亚Brunei Darussalam31 保加利亚南欧Bulgaria32 布基亚法索西非Burkina Faso33 布隆迪亚非Burundi34 柬塞埔亚南亚Cambodia35 喀隆麦中非Cameroon36 加拿大北美北部Canada37加那利群亚;西班牙,西非canary islands38佛得角西非Cape Verde39亚曼群亚;英,加勒比海Cayman Islands地区40 中非共和国中非Central African Republic 41 乍得中非Chad42 智利南美南部Chile43 中国亚亚China44 亚亚;澳大利亚亚地, 圣大洋洲Christmas Island45 科科斯群亚;澳大利亚亚地~位于印大洋洲Cocos Islands度洋,46 哥亚比亚南美北部Colombia47 科摩亚南非Comoros48亚果金中非Congo Brazzaville49 亚克群亚大洋洲Cook Islands50 哥斯黎加达北美中部Costa Rica51克亚地亚南欧Croatia52 古巴加勒比海Cuba地区53 塞浦路斯西亚Cyprus54 捷克共和国中欧Czech Republic55亚果布中非Democratic Republic of theCongo56 丹麦北欧Denmark57 吉布提亚非Djibouti58 多米尼加共和国加勒比海Dominican Republic地区59 亚帝汶亚南亚East Timor60美亚摩亚;又亚亚摩亚,属称大洋洲Eastern Samoa61 厄瓜多亚南美中西Ecuador部62 埃及北非Egypt63 亚亚瓦多北美中部El Salvador64 赤道亚几内中非Equatorial Guinea65厄立特里亚亚非Eritrea66 亚沙尼亚亚欧Estonia67 埃塞俄比亚亚非Ethiopia68福克亚群亚;英,国称南美南部Falkland Islands69 法亚群亚北欧Faroe Islands 70 斐亚大洋洲Fiji71 芬亚北欧Finland72 法国西欧France73 法圭亚那属南美北部French Guiana 74 法利尼西亚属玻大洋洲French Polynesia 75 亚比亚西非Gambia76 格亚吉亚西亚Georgia77 德国中欧Germany78 加亚西非Ghana79 直布亚陀 ;英,南欧Gibraltar80 加蓬中非Gobon81希腊南欧Greece82 格陵亚群亚 ;丹,北美北部Greenland83格林亚达加勒比海Grenada地区84瓜德亚普;法,加勒比海Guadeloupe地区85 亚亚大洋洲Guam86 危地亚拉北美中部Guatemala87 亚比亚几内西非Guinea-Bissau 88 圭亚那南美北部Guyana89 亚几内西非Guynea90 海地加勒比海Haiti地区91 洪都拉斯北美中部Honduras92 匈牙利中欧Hungary93 亚冰北欧Iceland94 印度亚南亚India95 印度南亚India96 伊朗西亚Iran97 伊拉克西亚Iraq98 亚亚亚共和国西欧Ireland99亚亚亚亚斯群亚;阿根廷,称南美南部Islas Malvinas10 以色列西亚Israel101 意大利南欧Italy10 牙亚加加勒比海Jamaica2地区103 日本亚亚Japan10 亚旦西亚Jordan4105 哈亚克斯坦中亚Kazakhstan 10 肯尼亚亚非Kenya6107 基里巴斯大洋洲Kiribati10 北朝亚亚亚Korea-North 8109 南朝亚亚亚Korea-South 11 科威特西亚Kuwait111 吉亚吉斯斯坦中亚Kyrgyzstan 11 老亚人民共和国亚南亚Lao People's Republic2113 拉亚亚脱亚欧Latvia11 黎巴嫩西亚Lebanon4115 索托莱南非Lesotho11 利比里亚西非Liberia6117 利比亚北非Libya11 列支敦士登中欧Liechtenstein 8119 立陶宛亚欧Lithuania 12 亚森堡西欧Luxembourg 0 121亚其亚南欧Macedonia12 亚加斯加达南非Madagascar 2123亚德拉群亚北非Madeira Islands12 亚拉亚南非Malawi4125 亚西亚来亚南亚Malaysia12 亚亚代夫南亚Maldives6127 亚里西非Mali12 亚亚他南欧Malta8129 亚亚亚群亚大洋洲Marshall Islands13亚提尼克;法,加勒比海Martinique0地区131 毛里塔尼亚西非MauritaniaMauritius毛里求斯13南非2133 墨西哥北美北部Mexico13 密克亚尼西亚大洋洲Micronesia 4135 摩亚多瓦亚欧Moldova13 摩亚哥西欧Monaco6137 蒙古亚亚Mongolia13蒙特塞拉特;英,加勒比海Montserrat8地区139 摩洛哥北非Morocco14 莫桑比克南非Mozambique 0141 亚甸亚南亚Myanmar14 亚米比亚南非Namibia2143 瑙亚大洋洲Nauru14 尼泊亚南亚Nepal4145 荷亚西欧Netherlands 14荷安的列斯属加勒比海Netherlands Antilles 6地区147 新喀里多尼亚大洋洲New Caledonia14 新西亚大洋洲New Zealand 8 149 尼加拉瓜北美中部Nicaragua 15 尼日亚西非Niger151 尼日利亚西非Nigeria15亚埃;新,大洋洲Niuē2153 亚福克亚 ;澳大利亚亚地~位于太平大洋洲Norfolk Island洋西南部, 15 威挪北欧Norway4155 阿曼西亚Oman15 巴基斯坦南亚Pakistan6157 亚帕大洋洲Palau15巴勒斯坦西亚Palestine8159 巴拿亚北美中部Panama16 巴布亚新亚几内大洋洲Papua New Guinea 0161 巴拉圭南美南部Paraguay16 秘亚南美中西Peru2部163 菲律亚亚南亚Philippines16 皮特克恩亚大洋洲Pitcairn Island4165 波亚中欧Poland16 葡萄牙南欧Portugal6167 塔亚卡西亚Qatar16特立尼和多巴哥达加勒比海Republic of Trinidad and 8地区Tobago169亚亚亚克斯坦中亚Republic of Uzbekistan17 留尼汪亚;法, 属南非Reunion Island0171 亚亚尼亚南欧Romania17 俄亚斯亚邦亚欧Russian Federation 2173 亚旺达亚非Rwanda17圣亚西亚加勒比海Saint Lucia4地区175圣文森特和格林亚丁斯加勒比海Saint Vincent and the地区Grenadines17亚摩亚大洋洲Samoa6177 亚力亚圣南欧San Marino17圣多美及普林西比中非sao tome and principe8179 沙特阿拉伯西亚Saudi Arabia 18 塞加亚内西非Senegal181塞亚亚亚南欧serbia18 塞舌亚亚非Seychelles2183 塞拉利昂西非Sierra Leone 18 新加坡亚南亚Singapore4185 斯洛伐克中欧Slovakia斯洛文尼亚18南欧Slovenia6187 所亚亚群亚大洋洲Solomon Islands 18 索亚里亚非Somalia 8189 南非南非South Africa19 西班牙南欧Spain191 斯里亚卡南亚Sri Lanka圣属赫勒拿;英,19南非St Helena2193 亚旦北非Sudan19 亚里南南美北部Suriname4195 斯威士亚南非Swaziland19 瑞典北欧Sweden6197 瑞士中欧Switzerland19 利亚叙西亚Syrian Arab Republic 8199 塔吉克斯坦中亚Tajikistan20 坦桑尼亚亚非Tanzania201 泰国亚南亚Thailand20多米尼克加勒比海The Commonwealth of 2地区Dominica203波多黎各加勒比海The Commonwealth of地区Puerto Rico20圣基茨和尼亚斯加勒比海The Federation of Saint4地区Kitts and Nevis205北亚里亚亚大洋洲The Northern Mariana Islands20科特迪瓦;名象牙海岸旧,Ivory 西非The Republic of Cote6Coast)d\'ivoire207特克斯和亚科斯群亚;英,加勒比海The Turks and Caicos地区Islands20美亚亚京群亚属加勒比海The United States Virgin8地区Islands209 多哥西非Togo21托克亚;新,大洋洲Tokelau211 亚加大洋洲Tonga21 突尼斯北非Tunisia2213 土耳其西亚Turkey21 土亚曼斯坦中亚Turkmenistan4215 亚瓦亚大洋洲Tuvalu21 亚干达亚非Uganda6217 亚克亚亚欧Ukrainian SSR21 阿亚酋西亚United Arab Emirates 8219 英国西欧United Kingdom 22 美国北美北部United States221 亚拉圭南美南部Uruguay22 瓦努阿亚大洋洲Vanuatu2223 梵地亚南欧Vatican City State 22 委瑞拉内南美北部Venezuela 4225 越南亚南亚Vietnam22瓦利斯富亚亚;法,与属大洋洲Wallis and Futuna Islands6227西撒哈拉西非western sahara22 也亚西亚Yemen 8229 亚比亚南非Zambia23 津巴布亚南非Zimbabwe。



亚洲Asia(48个国家)东亚:中国China、蒙古Mongolia、朝鲜Korea、韩国South Korea、日本Japan(5)东南亚:菲律宾Philippines、越南Vietnam、老挝Laos、柬埔寨Cambodia、缅甸Myanmar、泰国Thailand、马来西亚Malaysia、文莱Brunei Darussalam、新加坡Singapore、印度尼西亚Indonesia、东帝汶east Timor(11)南亚:尼泊尔Nepal、不丹Bhutan、孟加拉国Bengal、印度India、巴基斯坦Pakistan、斯里兰卡Sri Lanka、马尔代夫Maldives(7)中亚:哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan、吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan、塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan、乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan(5)西亚:阿富汗Afghanistan、伊拉克Iraq、伊朗Iran、叙利亚Syria、约旦Jordan、黎巴嫩Lebanon、以色列Israel、巴勒斯坦Palestine、沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia、巴林Bahrain、卡塔尔Qatar、科威特Kuwait、阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)United Arab Emirates、阿曼Oman、也门Yemen、格鲁吉亚Georgia、亚美尼亚Armenia、阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan、土耳其Turkey、塞浦路斯Cyprus(20)注:锡金Sikkim现已并入印度成为其一个邦,所以这里不出现,详细请看:欧洲Europe(43个国家/1个地区)北欧:芬兰Finland、瑞典Sweden、挪威Norway、冰岛Iceland、丹麦Danmark 法罗群岛Faroe Islands(丹)(6)东欧:爱沙尼亚Estonia、拉脱维亚Latvia、立陶宛Lithuania、白俄罗斯Belarus、俄罗斯Russia、乌克兰Ukraine、摩尔多瓦Moldova (7)中欧:波兰Poland、捷克Czech、斯洛伐克Slovakia、匈牙利Hungary、德国Germany、奥地利Austria、瑞士Switzerland、列支敦士登Liechtenstein(LIE)(8)西欧:英国Britain、爱尔兰Ireland、荷兰Holand、比利时Belgium、卢森堡Luxemburg、法国France、摩纳哥Monaco(7)南欧:罗马尼亚Romania、保加利亚Bulgaria、塞尔维亚Serbia、马其顿Macedonia、阿尔巴尼亚Albania、希腊Greece、斯洛文尼亚Slovenia、克罗地亚Croatia、波斯尼亚Bosnia和墨塞哥维那Herzegovina(波黑)。



【加勒比海】大安地列斯群岛波多黎各位置图波多黎各地图波多黎各(Puerto Rico)是美国在加勒比海地区的一个自治领地,正式名称是波多黎各自由邦(The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico)。

首府圣胡安(San Juan)是波多黎各经济、文化中心和最大的港口,为大西洋和加勒比海间重要的海上交通枢纽。






















非洲主要国家及地区英文名称 (1)

非洲主要国家及地区英文名称 (1)

欧洲Iceland 冰岛Ireland爱尔兰Denmark丹麦France法国Norway挪威Spain西班牙Sweden瑞典Portugal葡萄牙Finland芬兰Italy意大利Estonia爱沙尼亚Vatican梵蒂冈Latvia拉托维亚San Marino圣马力诺Russia俄罗斯Malta马耳他Belarus/Byelorusia白俄罗斯Yugoslavian南斯拉夫Ukrain乌克兰Slovenia斯洛文尼亚Poland波兰Croatia克罗地亚Czech Rep.捷克Bosnia and HerzegovinaSlovakia斯洛伐克波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Hungary 匈牙利Romania罗马尼亚Germany德国Bulgaria保加利亚Austria奥地利Albania阿尔巴尼亚Switzerland瑞士Greece希腊Netherlands荷兰Lithuania立陶宛Luxembourg卢森堡Belgium比利时United Kingdom英国Macedonia马其顿北美洲(23个国家13个地区)1 United States 美国2 Canada 加拿大3 Mexico 墨西哥4 Greenland 格陵兰群岛中美(7个)1 Guatemala 危地马拉2 Belize 伯利兹3 El Salvador 萨尔瓦多4 Honduras 洪都拉斯5 Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜6 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加7 Panama 巴拿马加勒比海地区(25)1 Bahamas 巴哈马2 Cuba 古巴3 Jamaica 牙买加4 Haiti 海地5 DominicanRepublic多米尼加共和国6 Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达7 The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯8 The Commonwealth of Dominica 多米尼克9 Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚10 Saint Vincent and theGrenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁11 Grenada 格林纳达12 Barbados 巴巴多斯13 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥14 The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 波多黎各15 British Virgin Islands 英属维尔京群岛16 The United States Virgin Islands 美属维尔京群岛17 Anguilla 安圭拉(英)18 Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特(英)19 Guadeloupe 瓜德罗普(法)20 Martinique 马提尼克(法)21 Netherlands Antilles 荷属安的列斯22 Aruba 阿鲁巴(荷)23 The Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英)24 Cayman Islands 开曼群岛(英)25 Bermuda 百慕大(英)南美洲主要国家及地区1.圭亚那The Cooperative Republic of Guyana2.苏里南The Republic of Suriname3.法属圭亚那(地区)Guyane Francaise4.委内瑞拉Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela5.哥伦比亚Colombia6.厄瓜多尔Republic of Ecuador7.秘鲁The Republic of Peru8.玻利维亚The Republic of Bolivia9.智利Republic of Chile10.阿根廷Republic of Argentina11.乌拉圭The Oriental Republic of Uruguay12.巴拉圭The Republic of Paraguay13.巴西Brazil非洲主要国家及地区英文名称1. Algeria 阿尔及利亚[ æl'dʒiəriə ]2. Angola 安哥拉[ æŋ'gəulə ] .3. Benin 贝宁4. Botswana 博茨瓦纳[ bɔts'wɑ:nə ]5. Burkina-faso 布基纳法索6. Burundi 布隆迪[ bə'rʌndi ]7. Cameroon 喀麦隆[ 'kæməru:n ] . .8. Cape Verde佛得角9. Central African Republic 中非共和国10. Chad 乍得[ tʃæd ] .11. Comorin科摩罗[ 'kɔmərin ]12. Congo 刚果[ 'kɔŋgəu ] .13. Democratic Republic of Congo刚果民主共和国14. Djibouti 吉布提[ dʒi'bu:ti ]15. Egypt 埃及[ 'i:dʒipt ]16. Equatorial Guinea赤道几内亚[ ,ekwə'tɔ:riəl'gini ] .17. Eritrea厄立特里亚[ ,eri'tri(ə ]18. Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚[ ,i:θi'əupjə ]19. Gabon 加蓬[ ga'b ]20. Gambia 冈比亚[ 'gæmbiən ]21. Ghana 加纳[ 'gɑ:nə ] .22. Guinea 几内亚[ 'gini ]23. Guinea-Bissau几内亚比绍[ 'gini bi'səu ]25. Kenya 肯尼亚[ 'ki:njə, 'kenjə ]26. Lesotho 莱索托[ li'su:tu: ]27. Liberia 利比里亚[ lai'biəriə ]28. Libya 利比亚[ 'libiə ]29. Madagascar 马达加斯加[ mædə'gæskə ]30. Malawi 马拉维[ mɑ:'lɑ:wi ]31. Mali 马里[ 'mɑ:li: ]32. Mauritania.毛里塔尼亚[ ,mɔ(ri'teinjə ]33. Mauritius 毛里求斯[ mə'riʃəs ] . .34. Morocco 摩洛哥[ mə'rɔkəu ] .35. Mozambique 莫桑比克[ 'məuzəm'bi:k ]36. Namibia 纳米比亚[ nə'mi:biə ]37. Niger 尼日尔[ 'naidʒə ]38. Nigeria 尼日利亚[ nai'dʒiəriə ] .39. Rwanda卢旺达[ rʊ'ændə ]40. Reunion 留尼旺[ ri:'ju:njən ] .41. Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比[ 'prinsipi: ] .42. Senegal 塞内加尔[ ,seni'gɔ:l ] .43. Seychelles 塞舌尔[ sei'ʃelz ] . .44. Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂[ 'siərə li'əun ]45. Somali 索马里[ səu'mɑ:liə ]46. South Africa 南非47. Sudan 苏丹[ su:'dæn ]48. Swaziland 斯威士兰[ 'swɑ:zilænd ] .49. Tanzania 坦桑尼亚[ ,tænzə'ni:ə ] . .50. Togo 多哥[ 'təugəu ]51. Tunisia 突尼斯[ tju('niziə52. Uganda 乌干达[ ju(:)'gændə, u:'gændə ]53. Zambia 赞比亚[ 'zæmbiə ] .54. Zimbabwe 津巴布韦[ zim'bɑ:bwei ]55. Zaire 扎伊尔[ 'zairei ]大洋洲主要国家及地区1.Australia澳大利亚2.New Zealand新西兰3.Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚4.Solomon Islands所罗门群岛5.Vanuatu瓦努阿图6.Micronesia密克罗尼西亚7.Marshall Islands马绍尔群岛8.Palau帕劳9.Nauru瑙鲁10.Kiribati基里巴斯11.Tuvalu图瓦鲁12.Samoa 萨摩亚13.Fiji斐济14.Tonga汤加15.Cook Islands库克群岛16 Guam关岛17.New Caledonia新喀里多尼亚18.French Polynesia法属玻利尼西亚大洲大洋亚洲:Asia欧洲:Europe非洲:Africa南美洲:South America北美洲:North America大洋洲:Oceania南极洲:Antarctica大西洋:Atlantic Ocean太平洋:Pacific Ocean印度洋:Indian Ocean北冰洋:Arctic Ocean30个熟悉的大海白令海Bering Sea阿拉斯加湾Gulf of Alaska日本海Sea of Japan濑户内海Seto Inland Sea东海East China Sea南海(南中国海) South China Sea 台湾海峡Taiwan Strait泰国湾Gulf of Thailand菲律宾海Philippine Sea塔斯曼海Tasman Sea黄海Yellow Sea珊瑚海Coral Sea渤海Bo Hai加勒比海Caribbean Sea墨西哥湾Gulf of Mexico北海North Sea波罗的海Baltic Sea波的尼亚湾Gulf of Bothnia 爱尔兰海Irish Sea地中海Mediterranean Sea 爱琴海Aegean Sea黑海Black Sea几内亚湾Gulf of Guinea 红海Red Sea亚丁海Gulf of Aden波斯湾Persian Gulf阿拉伯海Arabian Sea孟加拉湾Bay of Bengal罗斯海Ross Sea。



亚洲Asia(48个国家)东亚(5)中国China、蒙古Mongolia、朝鲜North Korea、韩国South Korea、日本Japan东南亚(11)菲律宾Philippines、越南Vietnam、老挝Laos、柬埔寨Cambodia、缅甸Myanmar、泰国Thailand、马拉西亚Malaysia、文莱Brunei Darussalam、新加坡Singapore、印度尼西亚Indonesia、东帝汶East Timor南亚(7)尼泊尔Nepal、不丹the Kingdom of Bhutan、孟加拉国Bangladesh、印度India、巴基斯坦Pakistan、斯里兰卡Sri Lanka、马尔代夫Maldives中亚(5)哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan、吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrghyzstan、塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan、乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan、土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan西亚(20)阿富汗Afghanistan、伊拉克Iraq、伊朗Iran、叙利亚Syria、约旦Jordan、黎巴嫩Lebanon、以色列Israel、巴勒斯坦Palestine、沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia、巴林Bahrain、卡塔尔Qatar、科威特Kuwait、阿拉伯联合酋长国The United Arab Emirates、阿曼Oman、也门Yemen、格鲁吉亚Georgia、亚美尼亚Armenia、阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan、土耳其Turkey、塞浦路斯Cyprus欧洲Europe(43个国家/1个地区)北欧(6)芬兰Finland、瑞典Sweden、挪威Norway、冰岛Iceland、丹麦Denmark、法罗群岛the Faroe Islands东欧(7)爱沙尼亚Estonia、拉脱维亚Latvia、立陶宛Republic of Lithuania、白俄罗斯Republic of Belarus、俄罗斯Russia、乌克兰Ukraine、摩尔多瓦Moldova中欧(8)波兰Poland、捷克Czech Republic、斯洛伐克Slovakia、匈牙利Hungary、德国Germany、奥地利Austria、瑞士Switzerland、列支敦士登Liechtenstein西欧(7)英国England、爱尔兰Ireland、荷兰Netherlands(Holland)、比利时Belgium、卢森堡Luxembourg、法国France、摩纳哥Monaco南欧(16)罗马尼亚Romania、保加利亚Bulgaria、塞尔维亚Serbia、马其顿Macedonia、阿尔巴尼亚Albania、希腊Greece、斯洛文尼亚Slovenia、克罗地亚Croatia、波斯尼亚Bosnia、墨塞哥维那Bosnia and Herzegovina(波黑)意大利Italy、梵蒂冈Vatican、圣马力诺San Marino、马耳他Malta、西班牙Spain、葡萄牙Portugal、安道尔Andorra非洲(53个国家/6个地区)北非(8)埃及Egypt、利比亚Libya、苏丹Sudan、突尼斯Tunisia、阿尔及利亚Algeria、摩洛哥Morocco、亚速尔群岛Azores、马德拉群岛Madeira Islands东非(10)埃塞尔比亚Ethiopia、厄立特里亚Eritrea、索马里Somalia、吉布提Djibouti、肯尼亚Kenya、坦桑尼亚Tanzania、乌干达Uganda、卢旺达Rwanda、布隆迪Burundi、塞舌尔Seychelles中非(8)乍得Chad、中非Central Africa、喀麦隆Cameroon、赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea、加蓬Gabon、刚果共和国(即:刚果(布))The Republic of Congo、刚果明主共和国(即:刚果(金)Democratic republic of Congo、圣多美及普林西比Sao Tome and Principe西非(18)毛里塔尼亚Mauritania、西撒哈拉Western Sahara、塞内加尔Senegal、冈比亚Gambia、马里Mali、布基纳法索Burkina Faso、几内亚Guinea、几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau、佛得角Cape Verde、塞拉利昂Sierra Leone、利比里亚Liberia、科特迪瓦Cote d'Ivoire、加纳Ghana、多哥Togo、贝宁Benin、尼日尔Niger、加那利群岛Canary Islands南非(15)赞比亚Zambia、安哥拉Angola、津巴布韦Zimbabwe、马拉维Malawi、莫桑比克Mozambique、博茨瓦纳Botswana、纳米比亚Namibia、南非South Africa、斯威士兰Swaziland、莱索托Lesotho、马达加斯加Madagascar、科摩罗Comorin、毛里求斯Mauritius、留尼旺Reunion(法)、圣赫勒拿(英)Saint Helena大洋洲Oceania (14个国家/10个地区)澳大利亚Australia、新西兰New Zealand、巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea、所罗门群岛Solomon Islands、瓦努阿图Vanuatu、密克罗尼西亚Micronesia、马绍尔群岛MH(Marshall Islands)、帕劳Palau、瑙鲁Nauru、基里巴斯Kiribati、图瓦卢Tuvalu、萨摩亚Samoa、斐济群岛Fiji islands、汤加Tonga、库克群岛Cook islands、关岛Guam、新喀里多尼亚New Caledonia、法属波利尼西亚PF(French Polynesia)、皮特凯恩岛(英)Pitcairn Island、瓦利斯与富图纳(法)Wallis and futuna、纽埃(新)niue、托克劳(新)Tokelau、美属摩萨亚American mosayah、北马里亚纳(美)Northern mariana北美洲North American (23个国家/13个地区)北美(4)加拿大Canada、美国America 、墨西哥Mexico、格陵兰(丹)Greenland中美洲(7)危地马拉Guatemala、伯利兹Belize、萨尔瓦多Salvador、洪都拉斯Honduras、尼加拉瓜Nicaragua、哥斯达黎加Costa Rica、巴拿马Panama加勒比地区(25)巴哈马Bahamas、古巴Cuba、牙买加Jamaica、海地Haiti、多米尼加共和国Dominican、安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda、圣基茨和尼维Saint Kitts and Nevis、多米尼克Dominica、圣卢西亚Saint Lucia、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯saint vincent and the grenadines、格林纳达Grenada、巴巴多斯Barbados、特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago、波多黎各(美)Puerto Rico、英属维尔京群岛British Virgin Islands、美属维尔京群岛United States Virgin Islands、安圭拉(英)Anguilla、蒙特塞拉特(英)Montserrat、瓜德罗普(法)Guadeloupe、马提尼克(法)Martinique、荷属安的列斯Netherlands Antilles、阿鲁巴(荷)Aruba、特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英)Turks and Caicos Islands、开曼群岛Cayman Islands、百慕大(英)Bermuda南美洲Latin America(12个国家/1个地区)北部(5)哥伦比亚Colombia、委瑞内拉Venezuela、圭亚那Guyana、法属圭亚那French Guiana、苏里南Surinam中西部(3)厄瓜多尔Ecuador、秘鲁Peru、玻利维亚Bolivia东部(1)巴西Brazil南部(4)智利Chile、阿根廷Argentina、乌拉圭Uruguay、巴拉圭Paraguay。



加勒⽐狂欢节英⽂Caribbean FestivalCaribbean Festival The 15th Annual D.C. Caribbean Carnival features live performances by entertainers such as marching steel bands and dance groups in a parade along the Georgia Avenue corridor. 美国第15届华盛顿特区加勒⽐狂欢节近⽇举⾏了盛⼤表演,沿着乔治亚⼤道⾏进的*队伍中有钢⿎乐队以及舞蹈团的表演。


1、Selana Archibald makes last-minute costume adjustments before parading down Georgia Avenue with other parade participants. ⾊拉那·阿奇博尔德在做最后的⾐服整理,以便同其他*者⼀道沿着乔治亚⼤街⾏进。

2、Katina Smikle leads a group of performers down Georgia Avenue. 卡提拉·史⽶克率领着⼀队表演者沿着乔治亚⼤道⾏进。

3、The 15th Annual D.C. Caribbean Carnival Parade down Georgia Avenue attracts performers and spectators from local neighborhoods and around the world. 第15届华盛顿特区加勒⽐狂欢节的*队伍吸引了当地及世界各地的表演者和游客。

4、Clyde Thompson wears a carnival costume during the parade. 克莱德·汤普森穿着狂欢节特制服装⾏进在*队伍中。



加勒比海英文作文英文:Caribbean Sea is one of the most beautiful and popular tourist destinations in the world. It is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded by several countries including Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic. The Caribbean Sea is known for its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and diverse marine life. It is a perfect place for snorkeling, scuba diving, and other water sports.One of the reasons why the Caribbean Sea is so popular is because of its warm climate. The temperature is usually around 25-30 degrees Celsius all year round, making it an ideal place for people who want to escape the cold winter months. Moreover, the Caribbean Sea is home to many exotic species of animals and plants, such as sea turtles, dolphins, and coral reefs.Another reason why people love the Caribbean Sea is because of its rich culture and history. The Caribbean has a long and complex history, with influences from various cultures including African, European, and Native American. This has resulted in a unique blend of music, cuisine, and art that is truly one-of-a-kind.中文:加勒比海是世界上最美丽和受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。



著名沙滩英文介绍作文英文回答:Famous Beaches。

The world is full of beautiful beaches, each with its own unique charm. Some beaches are known for their white sand and turquoise waters, while others are famous fortheir dramatic cliffs and crashing waves. No matter what your preference, there is sure to be a beach that isperfect for you.Here are a few of the most famous beaches in the world: Copacabana Beach, Brazil。

Copacabana Beach is one of the most iconic beaches in the world. It is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is known for its beautiful white sand, clear waters, andlively atmosphere. Copacabana Beach is a populardestination for tourists from all over the world, and it is also home to a number of famous hotels, restaurants, and nightclubs.Bondi Beach, Australia。

Bondi Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Australia. It is located in Sydney, and is known for its beautiful golden sand, clear waters, and laid-back atmosphere. Bondi Beach is a popular spot for surfing, swimming, and sunbathing. It is also home to a number of cafes, restaurants, and shops.Waikiki Beach, Hawaii。

加勒比之旅的十大目的地 中英双语

加勒比之旅的十大目的地 中英双语

加勒比之旅的十大目的地中英双语1. AnguillaA sister of the Leeward island chain, Anguilla is truly one of the mos t romantic places on earth. Tucked away in the middle of the tran quil Caribbean Sea, a magical island lives and breathesa dynamic culture amidst a Garden of Eden of white sandy beaches and scinti llating azurewaters. As one sways with the ebb and flow of the gen tle currents, you become a witness tonature’s perfect functions w hen left untouched.1.安圭拉岛安圭拉岛(Anguilla)位于东加勒比海背风群岛的北端,可算是地球上最浪漫的几个地方之一了。



The Caribbean is unlike any other place in the world. It is home to s ome of the most beautifulislands and waters you will find anywhere. You will see white sandy beaches and crystal bluewaters filled with some amazing marine life. The cultures that you will encounter a re amongthe most carefree and relaxing in the world.加勒比与这个世界上的任何地方都不一样,这里是岛屿和波浪的天堂。

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Caribbean Overview⏹25 countries and dependent territories⏹Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, PuertoRico)⏹Large mountains (DR: 10,000‘; Jamaica Blue Mtns. 7000‘,Cuba 6000‘ (refuges for runaway slaves)⏹Fertile farmlands, but fragile⏹Lesser Antilles⏹Double arc⏹Netherlands Antilles (ABC islands)⏹Setting boundaries not easy:⏹Sometimes Belize/ Guyana's (Guyana, Suriname and FrenchGuiana)⏹Sometimes the ―rimlands‖ of Central American countriesBahamas included even though they are technically in the AtlanticGreater AntillesLesser AntillesLesser AntillesWhy a region?⏹Commonalities: Cultural and economic history different than Latin America⏹Diverse European influence⏹Strong African imprint and slavery⏹Virtually no indigenous legacy⏹Export plantation economy⏹Grossly uneven distribution of land and resources⏹Environmental impacts⏹Environmental/physical geographies⏹Names:⏹The Indies, the Spanish Main, Mar del Norte18th C: first use of the name CaribbeanCaribbean Diversity ⏹Territorial Size:⏹Cuba:: 101,000 Km. Sq.⏹Montserrat: 100 km. Sq.⏹Population⏹Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic): 16 million⏹Turks and Caicos: 12,000 pop⏹Cultural Heritage⏹Spanish: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic⏹French: Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Martin⏹Dutch: ABC, St. Maartin⏹English:⏹Patois: many islands⏹Economic and social indicatorsCaribbean Overview⏹Historically: ―proxy‖ battleground for European rivalries⏹Plantation economies⏹Sugar, sugar, sugar⏹Bananas, citrus, coffee, spices⏹By 1900‘s: US dominates the region politically and economically⏹Other and more recent economic development⏹timber⏹nickel and bauxite, gold⏹tourism⏹Non traditional exports⏹Off shore bankingCaribbean Overview⏹Contradictions:⏹―Island Paradise‖ v. impoverishment anddependency⏹―Isolated proximity‖⏹Fertility washed away⏹Cyclical migration: migrants returningEnvironmental Geographies⏹Geologies, climate and vegetation⏹Tectonic Plates⏹Tropical, wet climate that supports forests⏹Palm savannas—best soils⏹Mangrove swamps⏹Arid zones (rain shadows)⏹Hurricanes⏹Reworked landscapes⏹Environmental degradation⏹Deforestation⏹→Sugarcane fields⏹Jamaica and DR still have 30%⏹Cuba has 20% (charcoal production for energy needs)⏹Rimlands are much more intact⏹Belize and Guyana had successful environmental initiativesPlantation economies⏹Spanish discoveries⏹Jumping off point for exploration and ports for trading from Mexico,CA and SA⏹Colonists→demographic collapse of indigenous Arawaks and Caribs⏹Fragments survive only on the rimland⏹Competition from France, England, Holland; Pirates ⏹―Plantation America‖ from Brazil up through SE US.⏹Mono crop system: sugar⏹Insatiable demand for sugar and rum⏹Asian migrants→indentured labor⏹Suriname: 1/3 pop is of S. Asian descent, 16% Javanese⏹Guyana and Trinidad: India⏹English colonies: Chinese‗Plantation America‖Caribbean Cultures⏹Much diversity, but also many similarities which provide glue⏹European plantation economies→similarsocial structures (like CA)⏹African influence⏹Creolization⏹Culture, language, musicAfrican heritages⏹African diaspora⏹West Africa: Senegal to Angola⏹Est. 10 million crossed the Atlantic (2 million died onthe way) between 16th and 19th c.⏹Intentional mixing so no one source would dominate⏹→hybridity of cultures, religions, and languages⏹Maroon societies (palenques)⏹Maintenance of historical religions⏹Obi, Obeah⏹Bush Negroes⏹African religions⏹Voodoo, Santeria, Obeah⏹Extensive useAfrican heritage and hybridity⏹Creolization⏹Rich forms (VS Naipal, Bob Marley)⏹Garifuna or Black Carib⏹African/Carib on St. Vincent forcibly resettled by British to Bay Islands ofHonduras⏹Maintain Indian religion, eat manioc⏹Languages⏹Spanish: 24 million⏹French: 8 million⏹English: 6 million⏹Dutch: .5 million⏹Alternatives: papiamento, patois,⏹Music⏹Reggae, calypso, merengue, rumba, zouk, steel drums of Trinidad,etc.⏹Haitian ra-ra musicians have been exiled when too politicalPolitical Histories⏹Independence:⏹Haiti is the first in 1804 (v. US in 1776)⏹But it was seen as a threat by other islands andshunned by the mainland CA countries⏹Dominican Republic in 1844⏹Cuba and PR in 1898 from Spain→USinvolvement⏹British colonies: revolts starting in 1930‘s butindependence in 1960‘s, 70‘s and 80‘sCountry Independence Jamaica, Trinidad andTobago1962Barbados1966Bahamas1973Grenada 1974Dominica1978St. Vincent and theGrenadinesSt. Lucia1979Antigua and Barbuda Belize 1981Selected British colonies: dates of independencePresent day political status⏹British colonies:⏹Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, Anguilla, Montserrat—21,000pop.⏹High standard of living: offshore banking⏹French islands:⏹some remain connected to colonial rulers and use thisas an asset.⏹Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guyana are ―departments‖of France (900,000 pop)⏹Dutch former colonies⏹Curacao, Bonaire, St. Martin, Saba, St. Eustatius⏹―Federation of the Netherlands Antilles‖⏹Autonomous, yet part of the Kingdom of theNetherlandsUS influence after 1898:⏹Monroe Doctrine No tolerance for European powers in the Western hemisphere⏹Spanish-American war 1898⏹―America‘s Backyard‖US asserts neocolonial control over persistent colonies of the English, French and Dutch⏹―Free it from European tyranny an foster democraticgovernance‖ BUT:⏹Roosevelt: Panama canal and open sea-lanes⏹Good Neighbor Policy (1930‘s)⏹Alliance for Progress (1960‘s)⏹Caribbean Basin Initiative (1980‘s)⏹FTAA possibilitiesEconomic Development⏹Decline of agriculture:⏹Turbulent and declining commodity prices⏹Decline in preferential trade agreements withformer colonial countries⏹Soils are overworked/No frontier⏹Mechanization of sugar→less labor needed⏹Examples:⏹Haiti⏹1955: 70% of foreign exchange through coffee⏹1990: 11%⏹DR:⏹1955: 60% of foreign exchange through sugar⏹1990: 20%Economic DevelopmentAgriculture today⏹Exception to complete decline: Cuba⏹sugar 80% of foreign exchange 1950‘s-1990‘s.⏹Diversification after 1989.⏹Now Cuba grows about 30% of the world‘s coffee ⏹Coffee is grown by small producers⏹Interspersed with subsistence crops⏹Bananas⏹NTEX cropsEconomic DevelopmentBananas and Banana wars⏹Banana production⏹Most in CA⏹Vulnerable to hurricanes,⏹Still, several states are dependent on bananas (Dominica, St.Vincent, St. Lucia)⏹Landowners are the laborers→2-4x income⏹1996: WTO case⏹US, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala and Honduras sue EUover preferential trade agreements with Caribbean countries⏹Exacerbated by consumer preferences⏹Result: Non traditional exports:⏹Okra, tomatoes, avocados, marijuanaEconomic DevelopmentExport Processing Production⏹1950‘s in Puerto Rico ―Operation Bootstrap‖⏹By 1970, 40% of GDP comes from manufacturing⏹Today, 50%, but competition from other islands andlocations is threatening PR‘s lead⏹Other EPZ‘s or Free Trade Zones⏹Jamaica—15% of GDP⏹DR: ―Hong Kong of the Caribbean‖⏹MapDR EPZ/ free trade zonesEconomic DevelopmentOffshore Banking⏹Specialized services that are confidential and tax-exempt⏹Localities make money through registration fees⏹Began in Bahamas in 1920s⏹Competition from other islands, Hong Kong and Singapore--Cayman Islands is current leader⏹50,000 registered companies⏹Est. Cayman banks $800 billion on deposit.⏹Highest per capita PPP in region⏹Concerns about corruption and money laundering of drug funds→reforms⏹But still, drug influences=drug consumption, corruptionand violenceOff shore bankingEconomic DevelopmentTourism⏹Began in 19th C.⏹1930‘s: Cuba is a leader⏹Bahamas distant second⏹5 leaders:⏹Puerto Rico:⏹after commonwealth status 1952⏹Largest home port for cruise lines⏹Bahamas:⏹30% of pop employed in tourism, mainly American⏹Dominican Republic:⏹many visitors are nationals who live overseas⏹$2.5 billion, leading foreign exchange earner⏹Jamaica⏹$1.2 billionEconomic DevelopmentRegional Initiatives⏹Caribbean Basin Initiative⏹CARICOM⏹1973⏹13 member states:⏹Former English colonies⏹Haiti⏹Other associate members⏹Caribbean Development Bank⏹University of the West Indies⏹Limited successModern Demographics ⏹Varied population densities⏹Demographic trends⏹Fertility decline⏹Rise of HIV/AIDS⏹Emigration ―Caribbean diaspora‖⏹Barbadians--England⏹Surinamese--Netherlands⏹PR—NY⏹Cubans—Miami⏹Intraregional migration⏹Haitians–DR⏹Circular migration⏹Chain migration⏹Rural-Urban migrationCaribbean cities⏹Initially, just administrative centers for business of the plantations⏹Most people lived in rural areas⏹Only Havana has extensive colonial architecture and urban design(the key colonial city in the region)⏹Paramailbo (Suriname) looks like a tiny Holland⏹Recent migrations caused by⏹Mechanization of agriculture⏹Offshore industrialization⏹Rapid population growth⏹Only 4 are >1 million (Santo Domingo 2.6 m; Havana 2.2 m; Port-au-Prince 1.5m; San Juan 1m)⏹Modern cities reflect historical rural social and economic patterns:。
