
安全出口:safety exit防火分区:fire compartment防火间距:fire separation distance防烟分区:smoke bay防烟楼梯间:smoke-proof staircase封闭楼梯间:enclosed staircase消防车道:Fire engine path:登高场地:rescue field\ fire engine platform 登高面:Rescue façade,前室:vestibule测绘局:mapping department规划局:planning bureau,审图公司:drawing check company地上总建筑面积:GFA容积率:plot ratioFloor area ratio\ FAR标准层:typical floor层高:storey height室内净高:ceiling heightInterior net storey height建筑密度:building densityBuilding coverage rate公共绿地:public green space绿地:green space绿地率:greening rate建筑高度:building altitude规范:code地下室:basement半地下室Semi-basement群房:skirt building /podium /annex非结构构件:non-structural element商住楼:business-living building台阶step栏杆railing阳台:balcony门斗foyer回廊cloister围护结构envelop enclosure雨蓬canopy飘窗bay windou永久性顶盖permanent cap骑楼overhang过街楼arcade建筑物通道passage 储藏室:cabinet储藏空间:store space走廊:gallery8*4 multiply 8 by 4套型:type of flat中庭:atrium轮椅坡道:ramp of wheelchair管道井:pipe shaft风管:air duct土建风管:air shaft烟道smoke uptake\smoke flue管道:conduit挡烟垂壁:hang wall \ smoke curtain自然通风:natural ventilation防、排烟系统:smoke control system办公建筑:office building公寓式办公楼:apartment-office building酒店式办公楼:hotel-office building综合楼:mutiple-ues building商务办公楼:business office building油烟:cooking fume中空玻璃:sealed insulating glass unit透明幕墙:Transparent curtain wall民用建筑:civil building居住建筑:residential building公共建筑:public building无障碍通路:barrier-free passage无障碍设施:accessibility facilities建筑基地:construction site道路红线:boundary line of roads用地红线::boundary line of land \ property line 建筑控制线:building line设备层mechanical floor避难层refuge storey架空层open floor变形缝deformation joint/吊顶suspended ceiling装修decoration \ finishing采光delighting通风ventilation噪音noise公共厕所WC\public toilets\lavetory盥洗室washroom厕位cubical第三卫生间third public toilets抽水马桶water closet\toilet bowl围护性幕墙enclosing curtain wall装饰性幕墙decorative faced curtain wall 高程、标高elevation防护工程protecting engineering护坡slope protection挡土墙retaining wall台地stage平坡式tiny slope style台阶式stage style无障碍barrier-free无障碍入口barrier-free entrance无障碍通道barrier-free path无障碍专用厕所toilets for disable people 无障碍厕位barrier-free toilet stall无障碍电梯barrier=free elevator无障碍客房barrier-free guestroom人行通道pedestrian path人行pedestrian上下客vehicular drop-off入口平台entrance platform中间平台mid landing智能建筑intelligent building种植屋面planted roof节能energy efficiency汽车库garage地下汽车库underground garage停车场parking area电梯elevator \ lift自动扶梯escalator宴会厅banqueting hall酒吧bar餐厅dining hall营业厅business hall问讯厅information hall石头stone大堂lobby迎客厅arrival lobby旋转餐厅revolving restaurant垂直的vertical水平的horizontal后勤车入口service access 可能对结构造成的影响possible structural implications主坐标轴primary axis引人入胜的景观spectacular views设计方案scheme室内游泳池indoor pool曲线的墙体curving wall厨房布局kitchen layout核心筒tower elevator cores景观电梯open lift膜结构film structure百叶shutter\window blind\window shade钢结构steel structure混凝土框架结构concrete structure剪力墙shear wall支撑bracing柱子column梁beam跨span索cable效果图representation to convey design intentions 概念总图conceptual site plan外立面exterior elevations(4 primary sides)平面level plan节能玻璃energy saving glass金属metal工程施工阶段construction stage工程精装修阶段fine fitment station工程竣工阶段completion stage工程量work amount文件和资料documents and information轮渡码头ferry行人foot passenger摩托车autobike女儿墙parapet地下室底板met slab / bottom plate侧壁sidewall外墙Exterior wall审核review深化图纸deepen drawing建设单位construction unit安装单位installation unit厚度thickness机房machine room锅炉房boiler room动力专业energy 泻爆口explosion relif烟道井chimney shaft防爆墙explosion wall日用油箱间day oiltank room锅炉房操作控制室boiler control room水处理间water treatment room消防喷淋设备间sprinkler system room水泵房pump room热交换机房heat exchanger room游泳池水处理机房swimming pool water treatmentroom隔油处理间kitchen wastewater treatment room污水处理机房sewage disposal room冷却塔cooling tower变配电间power distribution room配电间distribution room消防控制室fine protection control room柴油机房power generation room冷冻机房chiller room风机房fan room空调机房AC room弱电进线室cable intake room通信+网络机房communication & network room无线覆盖机房wireless facilities room卫星电视机房satellite TV room消防安保机房Fire & security facilities room弱电配电间distribution room平行parallel垂直perpendicular人行道footway建筑控制线(地上、地下)setback lines(below andabove)路边线street curb生物钟biology clock毗邻adjacent to与—合成一体Incorporated建筑专业architecture结构专业structure、civil给排水专业water supply & drainage\ plumbing &drainage暖通专业HVAC_ heating ventilation air condition弱电专业ELV _extra low voltage \weak current强电专业electricalHere is our proposed agenda for our meeting thiscoming Sunday which starts at 9:30 in our office (first floor meeting room):Morning: begin with Mix's presentation of two schemes, plus exterior elevation. Then, discuss and decide which scheme to go ahead.Afternoon: LTW's presentation of different room layouts. Discuss. Also try to finalize the layouts of each level, including restaurants, lobby lounge, spa, parking and etc.We reserve the following morning for further discussion if necessary.Please kindly advise if this tentative agenda is acceptable and should you have any suggestions, please feel free to put forward and we will be happy to review with all of you together.This Sunday I will be in Mexico. Pan Yuen can represent me.Please kindly be informed that our scheduled meeting on 1-2 March has been formally postponed by one day to 2-3 March. Get prepared and will see you all at9:30am 2nd March at Pengxin Office. Hope it will be a fruitful meeting together.Kindly propose the topics to be covered and we will try to work out the agenda accordingly in advance.As there is only a short time before the workshop, please forward any other comments as quickly as possible.Thanks for your mail. Below is the reply to your queries:1)It's up to you where to put the fire engine platform so long it meets the government requirements. Anyway, please forward us the designs before the March meeting. 2)Yes, any area under the ramp above 2.2m will be counted as GFA. However, it will be calculated as half if remained open and not enclosed.Hope that helps.Best regards.We would appreciate if you could speed up and forward us all the necessary plans asap. Thank you very much.Hope you are well. It’s been a while since our last meeting. We had a few clarifications we hope you can help us with on the Banyan Tree Hotel.Thank you and best regards,KC…appreciate your comments. Our further dialogue below in blue.My comments in red.All of this is subject to much further development so appreciate all input in the meanwhile.。

1】Professional English on Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering 给水排水工程专业英语drains for water-carried wastes 污水处理(排污水的排水管道)a settling reservoir 预沉池aqueduct 渠道,导水管filtration 过滤distillation 蒸馏clarification 澄清coagulation血凝stone-grated 格栅、格网turbidity 浊度cistern 蓄水池、槽gpcd 每日每人加仑数coagulant 混凝剂combined sewers 合流制排水管道prehistoric word 石器时代rapid-sand filter 快砂滤池water supply and wastewater disposal facilities给排水处理设施per capita 按人口平均计算ferment 发酵toxic 有毒的These cisterns provided a daily average supply of about 4.2 gallons per capita per day(gpcd).这些贮水池仅能提供每人每天4.2加仑的水量The connection was established between a contaminated water supply and spread of the disease, and it was determined that the absence of effective sewerage was a major hindrance in combating the problem. 人们发现疾病的传播和饮用水受到污染有关,并由此确定缺少有效的排水系统是解决这一问题的主要障碍。
2】The exterior network 室外管网distribution systems 配水系统communication pipe引入管 a meter box 水表节点/盒pressure booster增压装置storage tank 储水箱 a piping line管道water-dispensing fixtures配水器具water meter 水表flange 法兰;阀门gate valve 闸阀deaerator除氧器incorporate 合并fixture trap 存水弯plumbing fixture 卫生器具manhole 检查井fire-protection 消防The function of a drainage system in a building is to remove safely and quickly sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, and rainwater.室内排水系统的作用是为了安全快速地排出生活污水、工业废水和雨水。

23、 污水处理 sewage treatment ,wastewater treatment 为使污水达到排水某一水体或再次使用的水质要求,对其进行净化的过程。
24、 废水处理 wastewater disposal 对废水的最终安排。一般将废水排入地表水体、排放土地和再次使用等。
6、 自然沉淀 plain sedimentation 不加注任何凝聚剂的沉淀过程。
7、 凝聚沉淀 coagulation sedimentation 加注凝聚剂的沉淀过程。
8、 凝聚剂 coagulant 在凝聚过程中所投加的药剂的统称。
9、 助凝剂 coagulant aid 在水的沉淀、澄清过程中,为改善絮凝效果,另设加的辅助药剂。
28、 澄清 clarification 通过与高浓度沉渣层的接触而去除水中杂物的过程。
29、 过滤filtration 借助粒状材料或多孔介质截除水中质物的过程。
30、 离子交换法 ion exchange 采用离子交换剂去除水中某些盐类离子的过程。
31、 氯化 chlorination 在水中投氯或含氯氧化物方法消灭病原体的过程。
一、 通用术语
1、 给水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。
2、 排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。
19、 脉冲澄清池 pulsator 悬浮层不断产生固周期性的压缩和膨胀,促使原水中固体杂质与己形成的泥渣进行接触凝聚页分离沉淀的水池。
20、 悬浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier 加药后的原水由上通过处于悬浮状态的泥渣层,使水中杂质与泥渣悬浮层的颗粒碰撞凝聚而分离沉淀的水池。

Unit14 Activated sludge processThe activated sludge process is now the most widely used biological process for treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters. Activated sludge process was developed in England in 1914 and was so named because it involved the production of an activated mass of microorganisms capable of aerobic stabilization of the organic content of wastewater.The basic activated sludge process is illustrated by Figure 14.1. The mixture of influent wastewater commonly coming from primary clarifier and returning activated sludge is known as mixed liquor. In activated sludge process, the mixed liquor flows to aeration tank in which the microorganisms responsible for treatment are kept in suspension and aerated. In the aeration tank, contact time is provided for mixing and aerating influent wastewater. Aeration serves at least three important functions (1) mixing the mixed liquor, (2) keeping the activated sludge in suspension, and (3) supplying the oxygen to the biochemical reactions necessary for the stabilization of the wastewater. Once the mixed liquor has received sufficient treatment, excess mixed liquor is discharge into secondary clarifier. The function of the secondary clarifier is to separate the activated sludge solids from the mixed liquor. These solids represent the colloidal and dissolved solids that were originally present in the wastewater. In the aeration unit they were incorporated into the activated sludge floc, which are settleable solids. The separation of these solids, a critical step in the activated sludge process, is accomplished in the secondary or final settling tanks. The excess sludge must be removed before it loses its activity because of the death of the aerobic organisms resulting from lack of oxygen at the bottom of the tank. The most common practice is to waste from the sludge return line. Sometimes waste sludge return line. Sometimes waste sludge is removed by withdrawing mixed liquor directly from the aeration tank. The wasted mixed liquor can then be discharged to a thickening tank or to the primary tanks where the sludge settles and mixes with the raw primary sludge. The waste sludge is further thickened by final sedimentation, centrifuging, or flotation thickening and then treated by biological or chemical means.Since the activated sludge process came into common use , a number of modifications of the conventional activated sludge process have been developed to meet specific treatment objectives:(1) Complete-mix activated sludge process: A completely mixed system can allow a more uniform aeration of the wastewater in the aeration tank. This process has been applied to handle a variety of wastewater with great success, especially because the process can sustain shocks and toxic loads.(2) Step-aeration activated sludge process: In this modified system, influent wastewater is introduced at several point along the aeration tank length. This leads to a relatively homogenous load distribution along the length of the aeration tank resulting in a more efficient use of dissolved oxygen.(3) Contact-stabilization activated sludge: The influent contacts with a high concentration of biomass in a small contact tank of short of time (20 to 40 min). In this contact tank, a rapid biosorption of organic compounds is expected followed by the oxidation of the organic. This system would need smaller tankage and produce smaller amounts of biosolids.(4) Tapered aeration process: In the basic activated sludge process, organic influent is one-point loaded to the head of aeration tank, thus the oxygen demand is extremely high at the head of the aeration tank but very low at the exit end.(5) Higher availability of oxygen for microorganisms leads to improved treatment efficiency and reduced production of biosolids and reactor volume.To ensure high levels of treatment performance with the activated sludge process, several control measure must be considered such as (1) ensuring that there is sufficient level of dissolved oxygen in the aeration tanks, (2) adjusting the amount of return activated sludge ,and (3) controlling the waste sludge. Basically there are several parameters one can refer to as a guideline to find out whether the whole process is operating at peak performance. The parameter used most commonly for controlling the process is solids retention time (SRT, the SRT represent the average period of time during which the sludge has remained in the system). Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration may also be used to determine whether the sludge is healthy or whether it is too old or too young. MLSS concentration can be controlled based on the amount of return activated sludge. The food to microorganism ratio is commonly used to characterize operating conditions. Oxygen uptake rates are also used to monitor and control the activated sludge process.Sludge volume index (SVI) is the measure of the settle ability and compatibility of sludge and is made from a laboratory column settling test (the sludge volume index is defined as `the volume occupied by lg of sludge after it has settled for a specified period of time' generally ranging from 20 min to 1 or 2 hin a 1 or 2 L cylinder. Half an hour is most common settling time)。

Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料Drafting 制图方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 服务用房service room 更衣室locker room 厕所lavatory 衣柜间ward robe 暖风间H.V.A.C room 多功能用房utility room 披屋(阁楼) penthousee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙parapet 雨蓬canopy 屋脊roof ridge 坡度slope 坡跨比pitch 檐口eave 挑檐overhanging eave 檐沟eave gutter 平屋面flat roof 坡屋面pitched roof 檩条purlin 屋面板roofing board 天花板ceiling board 防水层water-proof course 吊顶suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)砌块墙block wall 清水砖墙brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙rendered wall 石膏板墙gypsum board, plaster board 纵墙longitudinal wall 横墙transverse wall 填充墙filler wall 防火墙fire wall 窗间墙wall between window 空心墙cavity wall 圈梁gird, girt, girth 玻璃隔断glazed wall 遮阳板sunshade 伸缩缝expansion joint 复合夹心板sandwich board 压型单板corrugatedsingle steel plate 外墙板claddingpanel 复合板composite panelg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪grade 地面和楼面ground andfloor 垫层bedding course, blinding 面层covering, finish 结合层bonding(binding) course 水磨石地面terrazzo flooring 马赛克地面mosaicflooring 瓷砖地面ceramic tile flooring预制水磨石地面precast terrazzoflooring 排水沟drainage trench 沟盖板trench cover 活动盖板removablecover plate 镶板门panelled door 夹板门plywood door 铝合金门aluminumalloy door 卷帘门roller shutter door 弹簧门swing door 推拉门sliding door平开门side-hung door 折叠门foldingdoor玻璃门glazed door 密闭门air-Tightdoor 保温门thermal insulating door 镀锌铁丝网门galvanized steel wiremesh door 防火门fire door(大门上的)小门wicket门框door frame 门扇door leaf 门洞door opening 疏散门emergencydoor 纱门screen door 门槛door sill门边木stile 门樘侧料side jumb 槽口notch 铝合金窗aluminum alloywindow 百叶窗(通风为主) sun-bind, louver(louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗plastic steel window 空腹钢窗hollowsteel window 固定窗fixed window 平开窗side-hung window 推拉窗sliding window 气窗transom 上悬窗top-hung window 中悬窗center-pivoted window 下悬窗hopperwindow 活动百叶窗adjustable louver天窗skylight 老虎窗dormer window密封双层玻璃sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforced concretelintel 钢筋砖过梁reinforced bricklintel 窗扇casement sash旋转门revolving door窗台window sill窗台板window board窗中梃mullion 窗横木mutin 窗边木stile 压缝条cover mould 窗帘盒curtain box 合页( 铰链) hinge (butts) 转轴pivot 长脚铰链parliament hinge 闭门器door closer 地弹簧floor closer 插销bolt 门锁door lock 拉手pull 链条chain 门钩door hanger 碰球ball latch 窗钩window catch 暗插销insert bolt 电动开关器electric opener 平板玻璃plate glass 夹丝玻璃wire glass 透明玻璃clear glass 毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass) 防弹玻璃bullet-proof glass 石英玻璃quartz glass 磨光玻璃polished glass 着色玻璃pigmented glass 玻璃瓦glass tile 玻璃砖glass block 有机玻璃organic glass I. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯间staircase 疏散梯emergency stair 旋转梯spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯crane ladder直爬梯vertical ladder 踏步step 扇形踏步winder (wheel step) 踏步板tread 档步板riser 踏步宽度tread width 防滑条non-slip insert (strips) 栏杆railing (balustrade) 平台栏杆platform railing 吊装孔栏杆railing around mounting hole 扶手handrail 梯段高度height of flight 防护梯笼protecting cage (safety cage) 平台landing (platform) 楼梯平台stair landing 自动扶梯escalator 观光电梯observation elevator 电梯坑lift pit 电梯井道lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦粘土砖clay brick 瓷砖glazed brick (ceramic tile) 防火砖fire brick 空心砖hollow brick 面砖facing brick 地板砖flooring tile 马赛克mosaic 陶粒混凝土ceramsite concrete 琉璃瓦glazed tile 脊瓦ridge tile 石棉瓦asbestos tile (shingle) 波形石棉水泥瓦corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏gypsum 汉白玉white marble 碎石crushed stone 毛石rubble 蛭石vermiculite 珍珠岩pearlite 水磨石terrazzo 卵石cobble 砾石gravel 粗砂course sand 中砂medium sand 细砂fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土硅酸盐水泥silicate cement 火山灰水泥pozzolana cement 白水泥white cement水泥砂浆cement mortar 石灰砂浆lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆( 混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar 保温砂浆thermal mortar 防水砂浆water-proof mortar 耐酸砂浆acid-resistant mortar 耐碱砂浆alkaline-resistant mortar 沥青砂浆bituminous mortar 灰缝mortar joint 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 轻质混凝土lightweight concrete 细石混凝土fine aggregate concrete 沥青混凝土asphalt concrete 泡沫混凝土foamed concrete 炉渣混凝土cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石granitic plaster斩假石artificial stone刷浆lime wash可赛银casein大白浆white wash麻刀灰打底hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材asphalt felt沥青填料asphalt filler沥青胶泥asphalt grout冷底子油adhesive bitumen primer 沥青玛啼脂asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝bitumastic oakum石棉板asbestos sheet石棉纤维asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝crack透裂split环裂shake干缩shrinkage翘曲warping原木log圆木round timber方木square timber板材plank木条batten板条lath木板board红松red pine 白松white pine落叶松deciduous pine云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨white poplar桦木birch 冷杉fir 栎木oak 榴木willow 榆木elm 杉木cedar 柚木teak樟木wood 防腐处理的木材preservative-treated lumber 胶合板plywood 三(五)合板3(5)-plywood 企口板tongued and grooved board 层夹板laminated plank 胶合层夹木材glue-laminated lumber 纤维板fiber-board 竹子bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属ferrous metal 圆钢steelbBar 方钢square steel 扁钢steel strap,flat steel 型钢steel section (shape) 槽钢channel 角钢angle steel 等边角钢equal-leg angle不等边角钢unequal-leg angle 工字钢I-beam 宽翼缘工字钢wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢T-bar (Z-bar) 冷弯薄壁型钢light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧hot-rolled 冷轧cold-rolled合金钢alloy steel 钛合金titanium alloy不锈钢stainless steel 竹节钢筋corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋deformedbar 光圆钢筋plain round bar 钢板steelplate 薄钢板thin steel plate 低碳钢lowcarbon steel 冷弯cold bending 钢管steel pipe (tube) 无缝钢管seamlesssteel pipe 焊接钢管welded steel pipe 黑铁管iron pipe 镀锌钢管galvanized steelpipe 铸铁cast iron 生铁pig iron 熟铁wrought iron 镀锌铁皮galvanized steelsheet 镀锌铁丝galvanized steel wire 钢丝网steel wire mesh 多孔金属网expanded metal 锰钢managanese steel高强度合金钢high strength alloy steelNon-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金gold 白金platinum 铜copper 黄铜brass 青铜bronze 银silver 铝aluminum 铅leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯polythene, polyethylene冷拉cold-drawn尼龙nylon冷压cold-pressed聚氯乙烯PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 磁漆enamel paint 轻工业的light industrial聚碳酸酯polycarbonate 干性油drying oil 古代建筑ancient architecture聚苯乙烯polystyrene 稀释剂thinner 现代建筑modern architecture丙烯酸树酯acrylic resin 焦油tar 标准化建筑standardized buildings 乙烯基酯vinyl ester 沥青漆asphalt paint 附属建筑auxiliary buildings橡胶内衬rubber lining 桐油tung oil, Chinese wood oil 城市规划city planning氯丁橡胶neoprene 红丹red lead 厂区内within site沥青漆bitumen paint 铅油lead oil 厂区外offsite环氧树脂漆epoxy resin paint 腻子putty 封闭式closed type氧化锌底漆zinc oxide primerk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它开敞式open type防锈漆anti-rust paint建筑术语半开敞式semi-open type耐酸漆acid-resistant paint 模数制modular system耐碱漆alkali-resistant paintDiscipline 专业单位造价unit cost水玻璃sodium silicate建筑architecture概算preliminary estimate树脂砂浆resin-bonded mortar土木civil承包商constructor, contractor环氧树脂epoxy resin给排水water supply and drainage现场siteBuilding Hardware 建筑五金总图plot plan扩建extension钉子nails采暖通风H.V.A.C (heating 、ventilation改建reconstruction螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail and air conditioning)防火fire-prevention环纹石膏板钉annular-ring gypsum 电力供应electric power supply防震aseismatic, quake-proofboard nail电气照明electric lighting防腐anti-corrosion螺丝screws电讯telecommunication 防潮dump-proof平头螺丝flat-head screw仪表instrument 防水water-proof螺栓bolt热力供应heat power supply 防尘dust-proof普通螺栓commercial bolt动力mechanical power防锈rust-proof高强螺栓high strength bolt工艺process technology 车流量traffic volume预埋螺栓insert bolt管道piping 货流量freight traffic volume 胀锚螺栓cinch boltConventional Terms 一般通用名词人流量pedestrian volume垫片washer建筑原理architectonics透视图perspective drawing Paint 油漆建筑形式architectural style 建筑模型building model底漆primer民用建筑civil architectureArchitectural Physics 建筑物理防锈底漆rust-inhibitive primer城市建筑urban architecture 照明illumination防腐漆anti-corrosion paint农村建筑rural architecture 照度degree of illumination调和漆mixed paint农业建筑farm building亮度brightness无光漆flat paint 工业建筑industrial building 日照sunshine透明漆varnish重工业的heavy industrial 天然采光natural lighting 银粉漆aluminum paint光强light intensity 侧光side light 顶光top light 眩光glaze 遮阳sun-shade Name Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理project manager (PM) 设计经理design manager 首席建筑师principal architect 总工程师chief engineer 土木工程师civil engineer 工艺工程师process engineer 电气工程师electrical engineer 机械工程师mechanical engineer 计划工程师planning engineer 助理工程师assistant engineer 实习生probationer 专家specialist, expert 制图员draftsman 技术员technician Drafting 制图总说明general specification 工程说明project specification 采用标准规范目录list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录list of drawings 平面图plan 局部放大图detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图schematic plan of... ...平剖面图sectional plan of... 留孔平面图plan of provision of holes 剖面section 纵剖面longitudinal section 横剖面cross (transverse) section 立面elevation 正立面front elevation侧立面side elevation 背立面back elevation 详图detail drawings 典型节点typical detail 节点号detail No. 首页front page 图纸目录及说明list of contents and description 图例legend 示意图diagram 草图sketch 荷载简图load diagram 流程示意图flow diagram 标准图standard drawing ...布置图layout of ... 地形图topographical map 土方工程图earth-work drawing 展开图developed drawing 模板图formworkdrawing 行和栏rows and columns备注remarks 曲线curves -曲折线zigzag line 虚线dotted line实线solid line 影线hatching line 等高线contour Line 环形annular 方形square 矩形rectangle 平行四边形parallelogram 五角形pentagon六角形hexagon 八角形octagon 梯形trapezoid扇形sector 圆锥形cone 椭圆形ellipse, oblong 净高headroom 截面尺寸sectionaldimension 进深depth 单跨single span 双跨double span多跨multi-span 标高elevation,level 室外地面标高groundelevation 室内地面标高floorelevation 柱网column grid 辅助面积service area 通道面积passage area 排水沟drain ditch地漏floor drain 消火栓firehydrant。

2.翻译句子:Lesson 1.土木工程Civil engineers in this field oversee the construction of a project from beginning to end.这一领域的工程师要监督一个项目从开始到结束的整个施工过程。
Those engaged in this area of civil engineering may plan and develop communities within a city, or entire cities.该领域的工程师从事规划小区或者一个完整的城市。
These civil engineers coordinate planning of public works along with private development. They evaluate the kinds of facilities needed, including streets and highways, public transportation systems, airports, port facilities, water-supply and wastewater-disposal systems, public buildings, parks, and recreational and other facilities to ensure social and economic as well as environmental well-being.规划工程师协调公共工程和私有设施的发展。
The civil engineer-manager combines technical knowledge with an ability to organize and coordinate worker power, materials, machinery, and money.管理工程师将技术和组织协调劳动力、材料、机械设备、资金的能力结合起来。

Trench n.沟,渠Cistern n.蓄水池,储水器Drainage n.排水,排水设备,排水的水Foul n.污浊的Siphon n.虹吸(管);用虹吸管输送Settle n.澄清,(使)沉淀Hydraulic a.水力学的Distillation n.蒸馏(法)Still n.蒸馏器Filtration n.过滤Clarification n.澄清,净化Coagulation n.絮凝,混凝Sanitation n.(环境)卫生Sedimentation n.沉淀,沉积Grate v.装格栅于Basin n.水池,水槽Catch basin 集水池,沉水池Lagoon n.污水池Patent vt,n.为……取得专利,专利,专利品Anticipate vt.促进Turbidity n.浑浊性,浑浊度Coagulant n.混凝剂,凝结剂Modification n.改变,改进,改良Toxic a.有毒的,中毒的Pathogenic a.致病的,病原的Microorganism n.微生物Congregate v.聚集Contaminate v.污染,弄脏Precipitate v.降水,沉降Precipitation n.沉降物(如雨,雪等)Contaminant n.污染物质Hydrological a.水文学的Nutrient n.养分,养料Medium n.介质,培养基Microbial a.微生物的,细菌的Algae n.藻类,海藻Protozoa n.原生动物Inorganics n.无机物Seep vi.渗入Effluent n.污水,废水Epidemic n.流行病,时疫Trace n.痕量,微量,微量金属Monitor v.检验(放射性污染物)Bacteriology n.细菌学Discharge n.排泄(水汽),排泄物Annual a.一年一度的,每年的Typhoid n.伤寒Cholera n.霍乱Round n.循环,周期Eradicate vt.根除,杜绝Lay down 制定,提出Superimpose vt.添加,附加Distil v.蒸馏Distillation n.蒸馏法Electrodialysis n.电渗析Brackish a.稍咸的Estuary n.河口,海湾Osmosis n.渗透性Estuarine a,河口的,港湾的Barrage n.拦河坝Sterilize vt.消毒,杀菌Wholesome a.卫生的,有益于健康的Injurious a.有害的Conductive a.有助于……的,促进的Be conductive to 对……有益的Constituent n.组成物,构成物Turbid a.浑浊的,混乱的Pathogen n.病原体,病菌Sedimentation n.沉积法,沉积作用Flocculate v.絮凝,绒聚Flocculating agent 絮凝剂Settlting n.沉淀Settling out 沉淀出来Coarse a.粗粒的,大的Floc n.絮体,絮凝物体Filtration n.过滤,澄清Chlorinate vt.用氯消毒Sanitary properties 卫生系数(性能,特点等)Colloidal a.胶体(状,质)的Suspension n.悬浮(液),悬浮(体)Portability a.可饮用Detract v.降低,减损Rayon n.人造丝Cellulose n.纤维素Starch n.淀粉Odour n.气味,臭气Secretion n.分泌液Fungi n.真菌Phenol n.(苯)酚Chlorine n.氯气Malodorous a.恶臭的Chlorophenols n.氯酚Break-point chlorination 折点加氯Activated carbon 活性炭Chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯Ozone n.臭氧Silica n.二氧化硅Transparency n.透明(性,度)Mastic n.胶粘剂p.p.m=parts per million 百万分之(几)Coalesce vi.凝聚Decolorize vt.漂白Conductivity n.传导性Resistivity n.电阻性Bacteriological a.细菌学的Alkaline n./a.碱性,碱性的Acidity n.酸性(度)Alkalinity n.酸性(度)Alkalinity n.(强)碱性Corrosive a.腐蚀的Water-supply 给水的Storage reservoir 蓄水库(池)Pipeline n.管道(线)Distribution reservoir 配水库(池)Distribution pipe 配水管网High demands 高峰用水量Supply source 水源Air conditioning equipment 空调设备Water (supply)engineer 给水工程师The fire department 消防部门Catchment n.集水(量),汇水Catchment area 集水区Rainfall n.降雨量Refill v.再装满Runoff n.径流(量)Infiltration n.渗透(入)Infiltration water 渗透水Evaporation n.蒸发Evaporation water 蒸发水Impounding v.贮(水)备灌溉用Impounding reservoir 蓄水池Recharge v.再装,再补充Purify v.使纯净,使洁净Compressor n.压缩机Limestone n.石灰石Porous a.多孔的Formation n.地(岩)层Limestone formation 石灰岩层Porous formation 多空岩层Plumbing n.(自来水,卫生)管道(装置)室内给排水系统(管道,工程)System of plumbing 卫生工程系统(体系)Circulatory a.循环的,流通的Outbreak n.爆发,破裂Epidemic n.流行病,时疫Cross-connection 交叉传染Submerged a.水面下的Inlet n.进(气,水)口Submerged inlet 淹没式入口,进水口淹没Vent n.通风(排气)管(口);排除,放气Deteriorate v.变质,损坏Appurtenance n.附属物,设备,附件,附属建筑(装置)Sanitary or storm drainage 生活用水或雨水的排放Distribution n.分布,配给Multitude n.许多,大批(量)A multitude of 许多的,众多的Uphill n.a.ad. 上坡,向上Valve n.阀门,开关Microbe n.微生物Lactic a.乳的Lactic acid 乳酸Breakdown n.分解,离解Fermentation n.发酵Equation n.反应式,公式Oxidize v.使氧化Acetic a.醋酸的,醋酸Oxidation n.氧化作用Atmospheric a.大气中的,空气的Butyric a.丁酸的,奶油的,丁酸Bacteria n.细菌Proliferate v.繁殖,繁衍Anaerobic a.厌氧的,厌气的Derivative a.转生的,派生的,衍生物Specialize v.使专门化,特殊化Attack vt.(化学)腐蚀,锈蚀Nutrition n.营养(学)Culture n.培养,养殖Media n.培养基Synthesize v.(人工)合成Preform vt.预先形成Biochemical a.生物化学的Municipal a.城市的Unsaturated a.未饱和的Suspended water 悬着水Intermolecular a.分子间的Aeration n.曝气,通气The zone of aeration 通气层Remainder n.剩余物Capillary a.n.毛细管的Fringe n.边缘,端Transpire v.蒸发,气化Compaction n.压实,压缩Pore n.小孔Intergranular a.颗粒间的Permeability n.渗透性,透气性Recharge well 回灌井Hydraulic a.水力学的Coefficient n.系数Substrate n.基质,底质Sediment n.沉积物Adjacent a.邻近的,相邻的Sodium n.钠Sodium chloride 氯化钠Ion n.离子Conduit n.导管,水管Sewerage n.下水道,污水(排水)工程(系统)Elevation n.高度,海拔Confines n.界限,范围,边界Rectangular a.矩(长方)形的Laminar a.层(式、状、流)的Turbulent a.湍流的Irrigation n.灌溉Nonuniform a.不均匀的,变化的Retard vt.延迟,减速流Retarded flow 滞流,减速流Component n.分(力,量,支)The component of the gravity 重力的分量Shear n.剪(切,力)切(变,力)Shear force 切力,剪力Spillway n.溢洪道Profile n.轮廓,断面(图)Resulting a.所引起(产生)的Resulting profile 所形成的剖面图Sanitary a.关于环境卫生的,卫生的Hydraulic a.水力的,水力学的,水压的Aqueduct n.沟渠,导水管,高架渠Reveal v.泄露,显示Archeological a.考古学的Pipeline n.管道线,输送管Cloaca n.暗渠,下水道,厕所Sewer n.污水池Cesspool n.阴沟,污水管,排水管,下水道Metropolis 首都,大城市,文化商业中心Tributary a.附属的,支流的Lawsuit n.诉讼Downstream a.ad.顺流的,在下游的Sewage n.污水,污物Range v.延伸,探寻,涉及Watershed n.流域,集水区Bedrock n.基岩Rainfall n.降雨,降水,降雨量Divert vt.转移,使转向Ecosystem n.生态系统Biosphere n.生物圈Biotope n.群落生境Inanimate a.非动物的Spatial a.空间的Biocoenosis n.生物群落Moor n.荒野,沼Savannah n.热带大草原Deciduous a.(在成熟期或一定季节)脱落的Flora n.植物群Fauna n.动物群Habitat n.栖息地Climatic a.气候的Terrestrial a.陆地的Aquatic a.水生的Abiotic a.非生物的Ecological a.生态的Autotrophic a.自养的Chloroplast a.叶绿体Herbaceous a.草本的Carbohydrate n.碳水化合物Assimilation n.吸收Heterotrophic a.异养的Herbivore a.食草的Decompose vt.分解Detritus n.腐质Invertebrate a.无脊椎的Carnivore n.食肉动物Arable a.适于耕作的Fluctuate v.波动,涨落Quantitative a.定量的Amplitude n.广大,充足Genetic a.遗传的Botanic a.植物的Compensate vt.补偿Integrated plant protection 综合植物保护Terminal community 最终群落Burgeon vt.发展,展开Deterioration n.恶化,变质Airborne a.空中的Adverse effect 反作用,不利影响Manifest a.明显的vt.表明,证明Catalytic a.催化的Copolymer n.共聚物Toxicity n.毒性,毒力Abatement n.减少,除去Emission n.散发,发射(物)Unrelenting a.不退让的,不松懈的Fusion n.合并,联合Megalopolis n.大城市(由几个城市及郊区连成者)Sparsely ad.稀疏地,稀少地Pollutant n.污染物Reside v.住(留),属于,与……靠得很近Juxtaposition n.并列,并置Severity n.严重性Intensification n.加强,强化Segment n.部分,分布Contaminant n.污染物质,杂质Internal combustion engine 内燃机Per capita 每人口Solid refuse 固体废物,固体垃圾Incinerator n.焚化炉,化灰炉Degradation n.退化,降低Originate vi.发起,发生Affluent a.富足的,丰富Dilution n.冲淡,稀释Dispersion n.分散(作用)弥散Irritation n.刺激,兴奋Hazardous a.有害的Handling characteristics 处理特性Garbage n.垃圾,废料Serve to 用于……Inoffensive a.无害的Inherent a.固有的,内在的Compost vt.把……做成堆肥Raw material 原材料Incineration n.焚化Supervision n.监督,管理Overweight vt.在重量上超过Densely ad.密集地,稠密地Landfill vi.土地掩埋Haul vt.用力拖(或拉)Option n.选择,选择权Municipal solid waste(MSW) 城市固体废物Ecological perspective 生态学观点Recoverable a.可重获的,可找到的Burial n.埋葬Pyrolysis n.热解作用Pyrolysis furnace 干馏炉,热解炉Destructive a.破坏性的Endothermic a.吸热的Exothermic a.放热的Oxygen-free environment 无氧环境Self-sustaining a.自给的Methane n.甲烷Methanol n.甲醇Tar n.焦油Combustible a.可燃的,易燃的Pose vt.造成,形成Aesthetic a.美学的Restrain…from(doing) 制止……(干)……Waste disposal 废物处理Feasibility n.可行性Enactment n.颁布Enforcement n.实施Combined sewer (system)合流制下水管(系统)Separated sewer (system) 分流制下水管(系统)Drain off 把……排除Bypass vt.越过,绕……走Minimize vt.使减少到最少Dilute vt.冲淡Settle out 沉淀出来Municipality n.市,市政府Undesirable a.讨厌的,令人不快的Inadequate a.不足的,不适当的Be acted on 受……作用Notably ad.显著地,著名地Tertiary a.第三极的Leach vt.滤去(物质)Leaching field 滤液场Septic a.引起腐烂的Septic tank 化粪池Detention n.滞留Interact vi.互相作用,互相影响Quest vi.追求,探索Biophysical a.生物物理学的Arithmetical a.算术的Coverage n.覆盖率Priority n.重点,优先Quantitative a.数量的,定量的Hygienic a.卫生的,卫生学的Indisputable a.无可争辩的,无可置疑的Programmer n.规划,订计划者Nationwide a.全国性的Criterion n.(批评,判断的)标准,准则Continuity n.连续性,持续性Forthcoming a.即将到来的,即将出现的Coherent a.一致的,粘附的Sustainable a.持续的,能忍受的Initiative n.倡议,首创精神Legislation n.立法,法规Implementation n.履行,实施Assessment n.评估,估价Underlying a.根本的,基础的Institutional a.制度上的,惯例的Undertaker n.承担者,承办人Water undertaker 自来水厂Privatization n.私有化Inspection n.检查,视察Entity n.实体,统一体。

给排水专业英语翻译为"Plumbing and Drainage Engineering"。
1. Plumbing - 管道安装
2. Drainage - 排水系统
3. Piping - 管道
4. Sewer - 下水道
5. Water supply - 供水系统
6. Water distribution - 配水系统
7. Plumbing fixtures - 卫浴设备
8. Sanitary fittings - 卫生设备
9. Ventilation - 通风系统
10. Pumping station - 泵站
11. Sewage treatment - 污水处理
12. Stormwater management - 雨水管理
13. Plumbing code - 管道安装规范
14. Plumbing design - 管道设计
15. Plumbing installation - 管道安装
16. Plumbing maintenance - 管道维护
17. Plumbing repair - 管道维修
18. Plumbing inspection - 管道检查
19. Water conservation - 节水
20. Backflow prevention - 防止倒流

Coagulation and flocculationThere are three types of substances which can be found in water. These substances are chemicals in solution, colloidal solids, and suspended solids. Coagulation/flocculation will remove colloidal and suspended solids.In the water treatment industry, the terms coagulation and flocculation imply different mechanisms. Although the words “coagulation”and “flocculation”are often sued interchangeably they refer to two distinct processes. Coagulation indicates the process through which colloidal particles and very fine solid suspensions are destabilized so that they can begin to agglomerate if the conditions are appropriate. Flocculation refers to the process by which destabilized particles actually conglomerate into larger aggregates so that they can be separated from the wastewater.CoagulationCoagulation is the destabilization of colliodal paryicles brought about by the addition of chemical reagent (coagulant).The purpose of destabilization is to lessen the repelling character the particles and allow them to be attached to other particles so that they may be removed in subsequent sedimentation process.The particulates in raw water, which contribute to color and turbidity, are mainly clays, silts, viruses, bacteria , humic acids ,mineral (including asbestos, silicates, silica, and radioactive particles), and organic particulates. At pH levels above 4.0, such particles or molecules are generally negatively charged. Coagulation is employed for the removal of waste materials in suspended or colloidal form. Colloids are presented by particles over a range of 0.1-1.0nm. these particles do not settle out on standing and cannot be removed by conventional physical treatment processes. Colloids present in wastewater can be either hydrophobic or hydrophilic. The hydrophobic colloids possess no affinity for the liquid medium and lack stability in the presence of electrolytes. They are readily susceptible to coagulation. Hydrophilic colloids, such as proteins, exhibit a marked affinity for water. The absorbed water retards flocculation and frequently requires special treatment to achieve effective coagulation.Electrical properties of the colloids create a repelling force and prevent agglomeration and settling. Stabilizing ions are strongly adsorbed to an inner fixed layer which provides a particle charge that varies with the valence and number of adsorbed ions. Ions of an opposite charge form a diffuse outer layer which is held near the surface by electrostatic forces. The stability of a colliod is due to the repulsive electrostatic forces and in the case of hydrophilic to solvation in which an envelope of water retards coagulation.The advantages of coagulation are that it reduces the time required to settle out suspended solids and is very effective in removing fine that are otherwise very difficult to remove. Coagulation can also be effective in removing many protozoa, bacteria and viruses.FlocculationFlocculation is stimulation by mechanical means to agglomerate destabilized particles into compact, fast settleable particles(or flocs). It is a common practice to provide an initial rapid(or) flash mix for the dispersal of the coagulant or other chemicals into the water. Slow mixing is then done, during which the growth of the floc takes place. Design contact times for flocculation range from15 or 20 minutes to an hour or more.Coagulation and flocculation occur in successive steps intended to overcome the forces stabilizing the suspended particles, allowing particle collision and growth of floc. If step one is incomplete, the following step will be unsuccessful.Coagulation mechanismsCoagulation can be accomplished through any of four different mechanisms. The following section details these various mechanisms.(1)Double-layer compressionThe mechanism of double-layer compression relies on compressing the diffuse layer surrounding a colloid. This is accomplished by increasing the ionic strength of the solution through the addition of an indifferent electrolyte . The added electrolyte increases the charge density in the diffuse layer. The diffuse layer is ‘compressed’toward the particle surface, reducing the thickness of the layer. Therefore, the zeta potential, ZP, is significantly decreased.(2) Adsorption and charge neutralizationAdding coagulants with a charge opposite to that on the colloidal particles can cause adsorption of the ions on to the colloidal particles and neutralize surface charge. This leads to easier aggregation. However, the coagulant dosage should be proportional to the quantity of colloids present. If overdose is applied, charge reversal on the colloids occurs and the colloids are not destabilized.(3) Enmeshment by a precipitate ( sweep-floc coagulation)Chemical compounds such as aluminum sulfate , ferric chloride, and lime are frequently used as coagulants to form the precipitates of AL(OH)3, FE(OH)3 and CACO3. These precipitates physically entrap the suspended colloidal particles as they settle, especially during subsequent flocculation. Thus , the rate of precipitation increases with increasing concentration of colloidal particles (turbidity) in the solution.(4) Interparticle bridgingSince synthetic polymeric compounds have large molecular sizes and multiple electrical charges along a molecular chain of carbon atoms, they are effective for the destabilization of colloids in water.Perikinetic and orthokinetic flocculationThe flocculation process can be broadly classified into two types, perikinetic (also known as microflocculation ) and orthokinetic (also known as macroflocculation ).Perikinetic flocculation refers to flocculation (contact or collisions of colloidal particles) due to Brownian motion of colloidal particles. The random motion ofcolloidal particles results from their rapid and random bombardment by the molecules of the fluid. The random thermal motion of fluid molecules is also known as Brownian motion or movement. Perikinetic flocculation is significant for particles that are in the size range from 0.001 to about 1um. It is normally not a major factor in the transport associated with flocculation in water treatment.Orthokinetic flocculation refers to contacts or collisions of colloidal particles resulting from bulk fluid motion, such as stirring. In system of stirring, the velocity of the fluid varies both spatially (from point to point ) and temporally (from time to time). Orthokinetic flocculation can be brought about by (1) induced velocity gradients and (2) differential settling. Particles can be brought together (i.e, flocculated ) by inducing velocity gradients in a fluid containing the particles to by flocculated that collide stick together, a large particle will be formed that will be easier to remove by gravity separation.Factors affecting coagulationFor all raw water types, there are several water quality parameters that affect coagulation performance , including the amount of particulate material, the amount and nature of the NOM present , and the bulk chemical and physical properties of the water.。

给排水专业专业英语词汇1、hydrology 水文学、水文地理学2、hydrologic=hydrological3、hydrologic cycle 水文循环4、freshwater 淡水的、河水的5、fresh water 淡水、湖水6、precipitate 沉降、下沉7、evaporate 使蒸发、消失8、dewpoint 结露点9、droplet 小滴10、Ideal Gas Law 理想气体定律11、orographic 山岳的、山形的12、terrane 岩层13、convective 传送的、对流的14、schematic 示意的15、diagram 图表、图解16、hydraulic 水力的、水力学的17、precipitation 降水、降雨量、沉淀18、transpiration 蒸发(物)、植物蒸腾作用19、depict 描述、描写20、diagrammatically 用图解法地21、physical works 实际构筑物22、meterologist 气象学者23、hydrologist 水文学者24、hail (下)冰雹25、sleet 冰雪、雨加雪26、snowpack 积雪场27、thaw 解冻28、discard 丢弃、放弃29、environmental 环境的、周围的30、marketable 时宜销售的31、isolated 隔离的、孤立的32、Madison avenue 纽约麦迪逊大街33、integral 整体的、构成整体所需要的34、ecological 生态学的35、harbor 隐匿、庇护36、aquatic 水的、水生的、水憩的37、ecosystem 生态系统38、species 物种、式样39、aqueduct 沟渠、导水管40、desalinate 去处盐分、海水淡化41、arid 干旱的、贫瘠的42、iceberg 冰山、冷冰冰的人43、reverse 相反、颠倒、相反的、颠倒的44、aquifer (土壤)含水层、蓄水层45、rudimentary 根本的、未发展的46、malaria 疟疾、瘴气47、typhoid 伤寒症、伤寒的48、cholera 霍乱49、wetland 湿地、沼泽地50、habitat (动植物)的生活环境。

The human search for pure water supplies must have begun in prehistoric times. Much of that earliest activity is subject to speculation. Some individuals may have led water where they wanted it through trenches dug in the earth. Later a hollow log was perhaps used as the first water pipe.
Only by continual and costly attention to water quality control has it been possible to virtually eradicate waterborne diseases from developed countries. Such achievements must not, however, be allowed to mask the appalling situation regarding water supply and sanitation in much of the developing world. The growth of population in developing countries, due to the high birth rate, is such that unless strenuous efforts to increase water supply and sanitation facilities are made, the percentage of the world’s population with satisfactory facilities would actually decrease in the future. In developed countries, demands for water are now fairly static and basic waste quality-control measures are well established. However, many of the existing water-supply and sewage schemes are now relatively old so that their reconstruction will pose problems in the future. As knowledge of the effects of all forms of environmental pollution increases so new potential hazards appear, for example there is current concern about the possible carcinogenic hazards arising from the presence of minute concentrations of some organic compounds in water. Anthropogenic, or human-induced, pollutants have overloaded our envir commissioning of the first major public health engineering works of modern times. Thus by 1870 waterborne outbreaks had been largely brought under control in the UK and similar developments were taking place in Western Europe and the cities of the USA. The Industrial Revolution greatly increased the urban water demand and the late nineteenth century saw the construction of major water-supply schemes.

UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering 排水工程sewetage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering 水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment 流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water新鲜水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水wastewater废水abwasser废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollntant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water pollution prevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainage system卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid system支状管网branching system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system污水节流井sewage intercepting cell支管collection sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天开挖excavation深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity 层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物Volatile organic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbial contaminants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮Total nitrogen (TN)建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative 保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling沉淀池Settling tank澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant 污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading 第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent 滤前水,滤池进水filter influent 浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough 过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading 4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfection by-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂chemical disinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorine residual化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化工艺(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalting process复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitation沉淀软化precipitation softening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage内源生长期endogenous growth phase建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatment system生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes 生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes 附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(WAS)waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile suspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process 传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process 标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor(SBR) processSBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier泵送系统pumping system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法) anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or honeycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobicbiotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor 4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system 稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobic biochemical reaction 厌氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解decompose anaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatment pond三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation landtreatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioningv. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank 刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestion process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewater reuse 出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用municipal wastewater reuse 灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment 分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system 取水口n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity 人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system 间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system建议收藏下载本文,以便随时学习!我去人也就有人!为UR扼腕入站内信不存在向你偶同意调剖沙龙课反倒是龙卷风前一天。

废水abwasser废水收集wastewater collecti on废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receivi ng waters污染polluti on pollute 污染物poll ntant玷污、污染con tam in ati on致污物con tam inant未污染uncon tam in ated 水污染water polluti on 水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water polluti on preve ntio n 污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity 地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统muni cipal distributi on system 建筑给水系统house water supply system 分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district 小社区small commu nity 冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protectio n system喷淋系统fire protecti on spri nkler system 自动水幕系统automatic dren cher system 半自动水幕系统semi automatic dren cher system 消火栓hydra nt排水系统drain age system生活排水系统san itary system工业排水系in dustrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制comb ined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统buildi ng drain age system 卫生洁具plumbi ng fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water tran smissi on system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distributi on system环状管网grid system支状管网branching system下水管道san itary sewer污水节流管in tercepti ng sewer污水节流系统in tercept ing sewersystem污水节流井sewage in tercept ing cell 支管collect ion sewer collector sewer生活污水san itary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水in dustrial wastewater工业污水/ 液/物in dustrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes 雨水rai nwater stormwater水位waterlevel 海拔、标高elevati on坡度grade 倾斜度slope 明渠Open cha nnelUNIT 1给水工程water supply engin eeri ng 排水工程sewetage engin eeri ng市政工程civil engin eeri ng市政工程师civil engin eer环境工程environmen tal engin eeri ng水文学hydrology水力学hydra nlies水环境n atural aquatic environment流域watershed 水体waterbody地表水surface water新鲜水freshwater地下水gro un dwater含水层aquifer天然含水层n atural aquifer地下含水层un dergr ound aquifer水文循环n atural hydrologic cycle渗滤in filtrati on降水precipitati on渗入precolatio n蒸发evaporati on蒸腾tran spiratio n城市水文循环urba n hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatme nt配水water distributi on 用水water use污水wastewater层流Lam inar flow 滞流粘性流viscous flow 过渡流Tran siti onal flow湍流Turbule nt flow紊流Turbule nee flow涡流Eddyi ng flow雷诺数Teyno Ids nu mber水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water 未处理水Un treated water出水Fini shed water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality sta ndards水质要求Water quality requireme nts饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water 饮用水标准Drinking water sta ndards 饮用水一级标Primary drinking water sta ndards 最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels 最大污染物浓度Maxmum con tami nant levels主要污染物Primary con tam inants有机化合物Orga nic chemicals合成有机化合物Syn thetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物Volatile orga nic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro orga ni sms\microbes微生物污染Microbial co ntami nants病原微生物Pathoge nic micro organi sms病原体Pathoge nic 病毒Pathoge nic bacteri n细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria 病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radio nuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolourati on变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality 水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity un it浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor nu mber化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality 溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do bala nee氧损Oxyge n depleti on有机污染物Orga nic polluta nt生化需氧量Biochemicaloxygen dema nd (BOD) 总氮Total nitroge n (TN)开挖excavati on深度excavati on depth水力分析hydraulic an alysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit3水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head 静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydra nlicgrade li重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump stati on给水泵站Water pump statio n 污水泵站Sewage stati on 提升泵站Lift pump ing pla nt 增压泵Booster pump离心泵Cen trifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump 潜水艇Submeri ne深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Ma nhole法兰Fla nge阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pump ing system 流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity保证 Preserve 清洗剂 Clea ning age nt 洗涤剂 Deterge nt 发泡剂 Foam ing age nt泡沫 Foam 化肥 Fertilizer 肥沃的Fertile富营养化 Eutrophicati on 营养的 Trophic 营养水平 Trophic level 生态位 NicheUnit 5原污水 Raw sewage 原废水Raw wastes处理水 Treated wastes 回用水 Redaimed water 水处理过程 Water process ing收集 Collect 处置 Dispose 处理方法 Treatment method处理费用 Treatme nt costs 处理单元 Treatme nt process 运行模式 Operati onal mode 间歇处理方式 Batch treatme nt approach均匀均化 Equalization 均匀 Equalize 调蓄水池Equalizati on storage调节池 Equalizati on tank 蓄水池 Storage tank 降解 Degrade 分解 Decompose分离 Separate 隔离 Separati on 物理法 Physical process 物理处理 Physical treatme nt 物理处理过程Physical treatme nt process一级处理 Primary treatme nt 初步处理 Prelimi nary treatme nt 格栅筛滤Screening格栅 Screen 格栅Bar scree n栅条 Bars 钢栅条 Steel bars 渣耙 Clea ningrakes 圆形破碎机Circular grin der破碎 Grind 除砂Degritt ing砂 Grit 沙 Sa nd 除砂 Grit removal 沉砂池 Grit chamber 沉淀 Settli ng 沉淀池 Settli ng tank 澄清池 Clarifier 初澄清池 Primary clarifier 初沉池Primary settli ng tank一级出水 Primary efflue nt 二级处理 Secondary treatme nt 二级处理工艺Secondary treatme nt process生物处理 Biological treatme nt 二澄清池 Secon dary clarifier 二沉池Secon dary settli ng tank总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitroge n (TKN) 悬浮固体 Suspe nded solids (SS) 总悬浮固体 Total suspe nded solids (TSS) 溶解 Dissolved (DS)总溶解 Total dissolved (TDS) Unit 4溶解的铁和锰 Dissolved iron and mangan ese 硬度 Hard ness 碱度 Alkali nity 盐度 Sali nity 有害物质 Toxic and hazardous materials 氰化物 Cya ni des 急性毒性 Acute toxity 慢性毒性 Chro nic toxity 基因毒性 Ge netic toxicity基因 Ge ne 难降解有机化合物 Refractory orga nic chemicals 永久性有机污染物 Persiste nt orga nic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals卤素 Haloge n 甲基 Methyl氯仿 Trichlorometha ne 三氯甲烷 Chloroform 杀虫剂 农药 Pesticide 害虫Pest 杀虫剂 In secticide 除草剂 Herbicide 杀菌剂 Germicide 细菌Germ 防腐剂Preservative最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settli ng tank二级出水Secon dary efflue nt三级处理Tertiary treatme nt深度处理Adva need treatme nt废水消毒Waste disi nfectio n出流出水Efflue nt flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished efflue nt废水处理厂Wastewater treatme nt pla nt污水处理厂Sewage treatme nt pla nt二级处理厂Secon dary treatme nt pla nt城市污水处理Muni cipal wastewater treatme nt 市政工程Muni cipal engin eeri ng土木工程Civil engin eeri ng城市污水处理厂Mun icipal wastewater treatme nt pla nt 污水处理能力Sewage treatme nt capacity电容Capacita nee污水处理设施Mun icipal treatme nt facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatme nt tank负荷Load负荷Load ings水力负荷Hydrautic load ing污染负荷Polluta nt load有机负荷Orga nic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Un orga nic周期性负荷Periodic(i ntermitle nt) loadi ng第五部分:物化处理1 .混凝n. coagulati on混凝过程coagulati on process化学混凝chemical coagulati on凝聚n. aggregati on絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perik in etic flocculati on同向絮凝orthok in etic flocculati on 混凝剂n.coagula nt 混凝剂投量coagula nt dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagula nt dosage助凝剂coagula nt aid助凝剂flocculation aid 聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix 快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer 混合池mixer tank 快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator 絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-co ntact tank澄清n. clarificati onv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarify ing water:.沉淀n. sedime ntati on沉降n. sedime ntati on自由沉降plain settli ng拥挤沉降hin dered settli ng重力沉降gravity settli ng沉淀池settli ng tank沉淀池,沉降池sedime ntati on tank矩形沉淀池recta ngular settli ng tank圆形沉淀池circular settli ng tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply in cli ned tubesettler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatati on泡沫分离foam separati on溶气气浮dissolved-air floatati on气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skim ming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedime ntati on预沉淀池presedime ntati on bas in3. 过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter4. 消毒n. dis in fecti onv. disi nfect 消毒剂n. dis infectantdis infection age nt杀菌齐U n. germicide消毒过程dis in fecti on process消毒副产物dis infection by-products氯化n. chlori nati onv. chlori nate氯化水chlori nated water预氯化n. prechlori nati on氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlori nation化学消毒剂chemical dis infectants液氯liquid chlori ne ,liquefied chlori ne力口氯量,投氯量chlori ne dosage , applied chlori ne自由氯,游离氯free chlori ne ,free available chlori ne化合氯comb ined chlori ne剩余保护residual protect ion余氯residual chlori ne 余氯量chlori ne residual 自由余氯free residual chlori ne 自由氯余量free chlori ne residual 化合余氯comb ined residual chlori ne化合氯余量comb ined chlori ne residuals折点氯化(法)breakpo int chlori nati on折点氯化曲线breakpo int chlori nati on curve 折点加氯量breakpo int dosage氯折点chlori ne breakpo int 压力钢瓶pressured steel cyli nder 臭氧发生器ozone gen erator 需臭氧量ozone dema nd 剩余臭氧量ozone residual 剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathoge nic microorga ni sms病原体n. pathoge ns致病细菌或病毒pathoge nic bacteria or viruses 纟田菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts 孢子,芽孢n. spores 病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sa nd filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. an thracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤一砂滤床coal-sa nd beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water 滤后水,滤池出水filter efflue nt 滤前水,滤池进水filter in flue nt 浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期clea ning cycle刮砂法scrap ing method 表面刮砂surface scrap ing 反冲洗backwash ing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash ing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grad ing 氯胺n. chloram ines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlori ne dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozon ati on臭氧化v. ozon ate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiati on灭活n. in activati onv. in activate接触时间con tact time需氯量chlori ne dema nd5. 氧化 n. oxidati on还原 n. reductio n 氧化齐 U n. oxida nt 强氧化剂strong oxidiz ing age nt高级氧化法 (AOP) adva need oxidati on process 高级氧化工艺 (AOP) adva need oxidati on process 高级氧化过程 (AOP) adva need oxidati on process 高级氧化技术(AOT)adva need oxidati on tech no logy再生 n. regen erati onv. rege nerate 吸附剂 n. adsorbe nt 吸附质 n. adsorbate 吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorption colu mn 吸附床 adsorpti on bed 空床接触时间empty bed con tact time吸附带 mass tran sfer zone快速小柱试验 rapid small scale colu mn test生物活性炭 (BAC) biological activated carbon 7.离子交换 n. ion excha nge 离子交换树脂 ion excha nge resin 离子交换器 ion excha nger 沉淀软化 precipitati on softe ning电解 n. electrolysis 电除盐(EDI) n.electrodeionization 吹脱、汽提法n.strippi ng冷去卩 n. cooli ng 冷去卩水 cooli ng water 冷去卩塔 cooli ng tower 第六部分生物处理 生物反应器n. bioreactor 微生物 n.microorga ni smsn. microbes微生物种群microbial population微生物生长动力学 microbial growth kinetics1. 迟滞期 lag phase2. 对数生长期 exp onen tial-growth phase3. 减速生长期decli ng growth phase稳定期 stati onary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段 en doge nous stage 内源生长期en doge nous growth phase6.吸附n. adsorpti on 活性炭 (AC) activated carb on 粉末炭 (PAC ) powdered activated carb on 粒状炭(GAC ) granu lar activated carb on 离子交换柱 ion excha nge colu mn 硬度 n. hard ness 除硬hard ness removal软化 n. softe ning v. softe n化学软化 chemical softe ning 沉淀软化 precipitati on softe ning除盐,脱盐 n. desalt in ati onv. desalt去矿化dem ineralizationv. demi neralize离子父换软化法ion excha nge softe ning process离子父换除盐法 ion excha nge desalt ing process 复床 comb ined bed 混合床mixed bed&膜分离membrane separati on 微滤 microfiltrati on 超滤 hyperfiltratio n 纳滤 nano filtrati on 反渗透 reverse osmosis渗透osmosis半透膜 semipermeable membra ne 电渗析 n. electrodialysis 渗析dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n eutralizatio n v. n eutralize 酸性废水 acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitati on混合群落 mixed com mun ities细菌 n. bacteria 原生动物 n. protozoa真菌 n. fun gi 轮虫 n rotifers 生长 n.growth繁殖 n. reproduct ion 世代时间 gen erati on time 生长速率 growth rates 环境因子 environmen tal factors生态因子ecological factors 颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon 活性炭纤维 (ACF) activated carbon fiber内源呼吸en doge nous respirati on底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidatio n生物降解n. biodegradati on生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. non biodegradable生物处理biological treatme nt废水生物处理biological wastewater treatme nt废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatment system 生物处理法biological treatme nt process生物处理装置biological treatme nt unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspe nded-growth treatme nt processes 生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatme nt processes 附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizati on生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorga ni sms好氧氧化aerobic oxidati on厌氧的 a. an aerobic厌氧菌an aerobic bacteria厌氧氧化an aerobic oxidati on兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境an aerobic environment营养物n. nu trie nts无机营养物inorganic nu trie nts营养物去除nu trie nt removal营养物生物去除biological n utrie nt removal脱氮除磷n itroge n and phosphorusremoval生物硝化biological n itrificati on硝化菌n itrify ing bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological den itrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1 .活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorga ni sms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludgev. stabilize絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS) returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(WAS) waste activated sludge 废污泥waste sludge曝气池aerati on tank曝气池aerati onbas in曝气池aerati on chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aerati on bas in活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aerati on混合n. mixi ng曝气系统aerati on system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor 鼓风机,风机n. blower 循环/ 切换n. cycling/switchover 扩散装置,扩散器n.diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)扩散板plate diffuser 扩散管tube diffuser 扩散罩domediffuserair diffuserbubble air diffuserfin e-bubble diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fin e-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fin e-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble 静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mecha ni cal aeratio nsystems机械曝气mecha nical aeratio n表面曝气surface aerati on表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxyge n dema nd供气量air supply 氧转移效率oxyge n tansfer efficie ncy可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体non volatile solids 挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspe nded solids 混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspended solids 混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile suspe nded solids污泥沉降比(SV)settli ng velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume in dex比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aerati on tank volume曝气时间aerati on period曝气时间aerati on time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic reside nee time 水力负荷hydraulic loadi ngBOD 负荷BOD loadingconven ti onal activated sludge processconven ti onal activated sludge process standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conven ti onal activated sludge pla nt阶段曝气活性污泥step aeratio n activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷in flue nt load分段进水step loadi ng渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aerati on接触稳定活性污泥法con tact stabilizati on activated sludge process再曝气n. reaerati on曝气一沉淀一再曝气aeratio n-sedime ntati on-reaerati on完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatme nt process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process 延时曝气活性污泥法exte nded aerati on activated sludge process 延时曝气法exte nded aeratio n process延时曝气exte nded aerati on 氧化沟oxidati on ditch 水平转刷horiz on tal rotor转刷曝气rotor aerati on笼型转刷caged rotor 吸附一生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorpti on-biodegradati on process序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法)sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法)sequential batch reactor(SBR) processSBR 法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR)seque ncing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR)seque ntial batch reactor初沉primary clarificati on曝气n. aerati on二沉sec on dary clarificati on初沉池primary clarifier二沉池sec on dary clarifier泵送系统pump ing system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. varia ntSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀in flue nt valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water 上清液n. super nata nt排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段deca nt phase滗水装置deca nt mecha nism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nu trie nt removal营养物生物去除biological n utrie nt removal碳源carb on source硝化n. n itrificati onv. n itrify硝化菌n itrify ing bacteria反硝化n. den itrificati onv. den itrify普通活性污泥法传统活性污泥法标准活性污泥法脱氮n. den itrificati on生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological den itrificati on缺氧一好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)ano xic-oxic process厌氧一缺氧一好氧法(A2/Oan aerobic-a no xic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺an aerobic-a no xic-aerobic process脱氮除磷n itroge n and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)an aerobic ammonium oxidati on生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membra ne biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltratio n旋转布水器rotary spri nkler填料n. pack ings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or hon eycomb-shaped pack ings滴滤池trickli ng filter普通生物滤池trickli ng filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filtermetha ne-form ing bacteria有机酸orga nic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reduc ing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow an aerobic sludge bla nket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)an aerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage an aerobic biotreatme nt两相厌氧生物处理two-phase an aerobic biotreatme nt产酸相acidoge nic phase产甲烷相metha nogenic phase消化n. digesti onv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化an aerobic digesti on污泥消化sludge digestio n厌氧消化池an aerobic digestor厌氧接触法an aerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器an aerobic expa nded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器an aerobic fluidized-bed reactor生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotati ng biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horiz on tal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)movi ng-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. ferme ntatio nv. ferme ntate产酸细菌n. acidoge ns产甲烷细菌n. metha nogens产酸阶段acidoge nic phase产甲烷阶段metha nogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidoge nic ferme ntati on产氢产乙酸H2-produc ing acetoge nesis产甲烷metha nogen esis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌metha ne formers ,厌氧生物转盘an aerobic rotati ng biological con tactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统n atural purificati on system 稳定塘stabilizati on pondsstabilizati on Iago ons氧化塘oxidati on ponds土地处理系统land treatme nt systems废水土地处理land treatme nt of wastewater 净化过程purificatio n process自然净化n atural purificati on污水塘sewage lago on稳定塘stabilizati on pondsstabilizati on Iago ons氧化塘oxidati on ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reacti on厌氧生化反应an aerobic biochemical reaction 厌氧分解an aerobic decompositi on厌氧分解decompose an aerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilizati on纟田菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic pla nts出流,出水efflue nt flow光合作用n. photos yn thesis厌氧塘an aerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polish ing pond熟化塘maturati on Iago on深度处理塘adva need treatme nt pond三级处理塘tertiary treatme nt pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatme nt processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatme nt systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatme nt system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatme nt system三级处理水平tertiary treatme nt level灌溉n. irrigati onv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质n atural filtrati on and adsorpti on properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄一沟表面布水ridge-a nd-furrow surface spreadi ng喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprin kler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatme nt system渗滤一渗透土地处理in filtratio n-percolatio n landtreatme nt快速渗滤rapid in filtration快速渗滤法rapid in filtrati on method过滤作用filteri ng action吸附作用adsorpti on action地表漫流土地处理系统overla nd flow land treatme nt system地表漫流overla nd flow径流集水沟runoff collectio n ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地n. wetla nd 天然湿地n atural wetla nd人工湿地con structed wetla ndman-made wetla nd第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量原污泥,生污泥新sludge volumeraw sludgefresh sludgedigested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatme nt污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. Ian dfill污泥减量sludge volume reducti on污泥稳定化sludge stabilizati on(污泥)浓缩n. thicke ning 污泥浓缩sludge thicke ning稳定,稳定化n. stabilizati onv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. con diti oningv. con diti on脱水n. dewateri ngv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer 污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incin eratio n焚烧炉,焚化炉n. in ci nerator污泥浓缩sludge thicke ning物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatme nt un it浓缩池n. thicke ner重力浓缩gravity thicke ning重力浓缩池gravity thicke ner圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedime ntatio n tank 刮泥机sludge scraper 搅拌作用stirri ng acti on 底流n. un derflow浓缩的底流thicke ned un derflow 浓缩污泥thicke ned sludge出水n. efflue nt上清液n. super nata nt溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatatio n thicke ning溶气气浮dissolved-air floatati on气浮池floatation tank入流污泥in flue nt sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floati ng sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestio n消化池n. digester消化池装置digester un it消化n. digesti onv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decompositi on好氧消化aerobic digesti on好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digesti on好氧消化过程aerobic digesti on process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatme ntsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated con tact stabilizati on or延时曝气处理系统exte nded aeratio n treatme nt systemsBOD 负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡en doge nous decay厌氧消化an aerobic digesti on厌氧污泥消化an aerobic sludge digesti on有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestio n process厌氧消化过程an aerobic digesti on process 生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸orga nic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids 甲烷气metha ne gas末端产物end product 指示剂n. in dicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settli ng污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester super nata nt 中温消化mesophilic digesti on高温消化thermophilic degesti on污泥脱水sludge dewateri ng混合堆肥co-compost ing污泥处理总成本overall sludge-ha ndli ng costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groun dwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse11废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用in direct reuse间接废水回用in direct wastewater reuse出水处理efflue nt treatme nt 回用水reclaimed water 排放n. , v. discharge 保留n.reten ti on循环n. recycli ngv. recycle咅B分处理n. partial treatme nt最终用途end use城市污水回用mun icipal wastewater reuse 灌溉n. irrigati on景观灌溉Ian dscape irrigati on地下水回灌groun dwater recharge市政回用mun icipal reuse直接市政回用direct muni cipal reuse深度处理,高级处理adva need treatme nt 分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用in direct muni cipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system 取水口n. in take天然同化能力n atural assimilative capacity 人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreadi ng渗透n. percolati on工业回用in dustrial reuse废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm waterreuse可回用水reusable waterPart IX : 第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)con struct ioncosts运行成本,运行费(用)operati ng costs能耗成本en ergy costs运行维护operati on and maintenance运行控制operati onal con trol控制系统con trol system仪表/控制系统in strume ntatio n/c on trol system 自动控制系统,自控系统automatic con trol system工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水pla nt process makeup water冷去卩塔水cooli ng tower water选择性处理optio nal treatme nt水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed muni cipal wastewater工业过程in dustrial processes冷去卩水cooli ng water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigati on reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatme nt system间接灌溉回用in direct reuse for irrigati on12。

unit oneDistribution system分配系统Grid system 环状管网ring system环状管网loop feeder 环状管网branching system 枝状管网combination system 联合管网(combined system)Topography地形学,地形,地貌,地势dead end死水点feeder 给水管,进料器Elevation地面标高valve 阀门,真空管water supply 给水,自来水,供水系统service reservoir 配水池(调节水池)pump 泵storage element (储水)构筑物70m head 70米水柱leakage rate 泄漏量(泄漏率)hydraulic 水力的,水压的hydraulic analysis 水力分析field measurement 现场测量(实测)field date 实测数据key point管网节点pipe junctions 管网节点node (key point, junction)节点sign convention符号规约positive clockwise 取顺时针方向为正head loss 水头损失iterative solution 迭代解loop method 环路法flow, runoff, discharge 流量Sanitary 环境卫生的(尤指清除废物)Sewer 下水道,污水管Sanitary sewer 生活污水管道Connection连接管,排出管Cast-iron pipe 铸铁管(补充内容)PVC 聚氯乙烯Grade line 坡度线slope 倾斜度,坡度collecting sewer 污水支管Interceptor 截流污水管(intercepting sewer)Domestic民用的,生活的Manhole 人孔,检查井drainage 排污系统,排水装置,下水道sewerage system 污水工程系统invert 管道内底Pump station 泵站unit twoContaminant 污染物ground water 地下水surface water 地表水wastewater 污废水Floating materials漂浮物suspended materials悬浮物Colloidal materials 胶体物质colloidal particles 胶体微粒Dissolved materials 溶解物质Dissolved gases 溶解气体Microorganisms微生物(microbe)organic and inorganic constituents 有机和无机成分hardness-ion 硬度离子hardness 硬度carbon dioxide二氧化碳hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢Alga(algae) 水藻,藻类Clay 粘土silt泥沙,淤泥pathogenic病原体,致病菌,病原菌Bacteria 细菌Ammonia 氨,氨水Methane gas甲烷,沼气turbidity 浊度taste 味odor 臭drinking water 饮用水water sample 水样suspension 悬浮液turbidity unit (TU) 浊度单位turbidimeter 浊度表,浊度仪Solubility 溶度,溶解性Metabolism 新陈代谢standard color solution 标准比色液threshold odor number 臭阈值boiler feed water 锅炉给水boiler water supply锅炉给水demineralize 去除矿物质scale deposit 水垢,积垢Outfall 出水口,排水口chemical clarification 化学(法)澄清coagulation 混凝coagulant 混凝剂sedimentation 沉淀filtration 过滤disinfection 消毒synthetic polymer 合成聚合物Activated carbon 活性炭Chlorine 氯sedimentation basin 沉淀池oxidize 使氧化,使生锈soften 软化settle-able 会沉淀的Aeration曝气通风unit threeplain settling 自由沉淀detention time 滞留时间Flocculation 絮凝Flocs 絮凝体coagulant aid 助凝剂(flocculation aid) natural alkalinity 自然碱度high-molecular compound 高分子化合物jar test 烧杯实验Centrifugal 离心的low-lift pump 低扬程水泵suction line 吸入管线索impeller 叶轮pump casing 泵壳Paddle-type flocculator 桨板式絮凝器(池)Clarifier 澄清池up flow clarifier 升流式澄清池contact tank 接触反应池Sedimentation basins 沉淀池inlet baffle 进水挡板effluent weir 出水堰tube settler 管式沉淀池influent flow 入流reaction jet structure 喷流结构finger launder 指形槽结构effluent launder 出流槽cross baffle 横向挡板settling tank 沉淀池(settler)aqueous suspension 水悬浮液shallower basin 浅池parallel-plate settler 斜板沉淀池tube settler 斜管沉淀池feed rate 这里指水流速度laminar flow 层流filter medium 过滤介质(滤料)anthracite 无烟煤mixed-media 复合滤料back-wash 反冲洗hydraulic grading水力分级High-Rate Sedimentation Basins 高效澄清池Slow and Rapid Sand Filter慢砂滤池和快砂滤池Mixed-media Filter 复合滤料滤池specific gravity 比重filter cycle 过滤周期oxidation potential 氧化电势,氧化性reduction potential 还原电势,还原性ozone 臭氧Oxidant 氧化剂Reducer 还原剂germicidal property杀菌能力(germicide杀菌剂)molecular weight 分子量Halogen 卤素pilot 试验性的Chlorination 氯化,用氯处理water-borne disease 水传播病THM S三卤甲烷breakpoint chlorination 折点加氯breakpoint dosage折点剂量free (available) chlorine 自由性氯chlorine demand 需氯量combined chlorine 化合性氯unit fourWater Pollution水污染Organic wastes有机废物municipal waste 市政污水Dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO)slightly soluble 微溶于水的Saturation 饱和状态saturation concentration 饱和浓度biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)生化需氧量pollutant 污染物Biodegradable 可生物降解的chemical oxygen demand (COD) 化学需氧量oxidizing agent 氧化剂wastewater treatment plant 污水处理厂total suspended solids (TSS)总悬浮固体mixed liquor suspended-solids(MLSS) 混合液悬浮固体浓度volatile suspended solids (VSS) 挥发性固体wastewater analysis 污水水质分析water pollution control水污染控制Anaerobic 厌氧菌的,厌氧引起的Aerobic 需氧的,好氧的unit fivePrimary treatment 一级处理screen 格栅grit chamber 沉砂池settler 沉淀池V-notch weir三角堰primary clarifier 初沉池turbulence 紊流primary effluent 一级出水secondary treatment 二级处理biological treatment system 生物处理系统activated-sludge system 活性污泥系统aeration basin 曝气池return activated sludge (RAS)回流污泥air diffuser 空气扩散器step aeration activated-sludge process 阶段曝气活性污泥法BOD-SS loading BOD污泥负荷mixed liquor suspended-solids(MLSS) 混合液悬浮固体浓度sequential batch reactor (SBR) 序批式(间歇式)活性污泥法primary clarifier 初沉池secondary clarifier 二沉池Sludge treatment 污泥处理volume reduction 减量化Sludge thickening 污泥浓缩gravity thickener重力浓缩池sludge scraper 刮泥器Sludge digestion 污泥消化methane-forming bacteria产甲烷菌。
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1.给水工程water supply engineering FK8G BkQ!原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。
e>:bV7h j~2.排水工程sewerage,wastewater engineering 6"d^4L?收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。
1b 6o x63.给水系统water supply system :OF:(,J给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
NbD 4.排水系统sewerage system ,@_$acm排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。
kH!I&4d& 5.给水水源water source blwdcdh给水工程所取用的原水水体。
Su<Ggv"6.原水raw water iY =M67V由水源地取来的原料水。
TzXivE@mm7.地表水surface water G`9\v=0存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。
Bi"7FF(z8.地下水ground water G?LPj*=$?存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中的水。
DnA}!s9.苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water,alkaline water c9\jELO碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,pH值大于7。
OO@ (lt10.淡水fresh water 6(4FC?Y7含盐量小于500mg/L的水。
11.冷却水cooling water dzMlfJp用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。
EnXNTat})12.废水wastewater bX%9'O[-居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。
T+7O+X#13.污水sewage,wastewater [(U:1&x &受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。
/k3v\Jq{14.用水量water consumption eO#Kn'5用水对象实际使用的水量。
&U%AVD[15.供水量output _oK*1#Rm8向用水对象提供的水量。
Coz\fL16.污水量wastewater flow,sewage flow K[JbQ30排水对象排入污水系统的水量。
H1iewsfzH17.用水定额water consumption norm C&Rv$<qc对不同的用水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位用水量的数值。
!5lb+%7 18.排水定额wastewater flow norm LUSBRr8对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。
]E/^(T-O 19.水质water quality pRyePxCDj)在给水排水工程中,水的物理、化学、生物学等方面的性质。
6v(?Lr`D20.渠道channel,conduit 4e OS+&天然、人工开凿、整治或砌筑的输水通道。
21.干管main R^u 1(SF输送水的主要管道。
$W}YXLFj?22.泵站pumping house K"fr4xHq设置水泵机组、电气设备和管道、闸阀等的房屋。
p;nRxi7'23.泵站pumping station b { M'aV泵房及其配套设施的总称。
( AI gW24.给水处理water treatment 1s\对不符合用水对象水质要求的水,进行水质改善的过程。
|f+`FOliP25.污水处理sewage treatment,wastewatertreatment OV>JmYe1{/为使污水达到排入某一水体或再次使用的水质要求,对其进d U}kimz行净化的过程。
ja2BK\"1:26.废水处置wastewater disposal ^}Wk对废水的最终安排。
z$A15# 27.格栅bar screen z%lLbKSe一种栅条形的隔污设备,用以拦截水中较大尺寸的漂浮物或其他杂物。
T8t_+| 28.曝气aeration A6S|pO1)3水与气体接触,进行溶氧或散除水中溶解性气体和挥发性物质的过程。
qGkD] L 29.沉淀sedimentation x\K9|_!利用重力沉降作用去除水中杂物的过程。
lHI?GiB@30.澄清clarification +@mgb4_通过与高浓度沉渣层的接触而去除水中杂物的过程31.过滤filtration AYHefAF<w借助粒状材料或多孔介质截除水中杂物的过程。
hOM#j32.离子交换法ion exchange \F8 :6-采用离子交换剂去除水中某些盐类离子的过程。
2*pNIc33.消毒disinfection qk_YFR?R采用物理、化学或生物方法消灭病原体的过程。
/L; c -^34.氯化chlorination d 6=Z =4w在水中投氯或含氯氧化物以达到氧化和消毒等目的的过程。
Q60'5Wt35.余氯residual chlorine K-Fro~U水中投氯,经一定时间接触后,在水中余留的游离性氯和结合性氯的总和。
Nx 36.游离性余氯free residual chlorine "W@>lf?"水中以次氯酸和次氯酸盐形态存在的余氯。
{O5(O oDa37.结合性余氯combinative residual chlorine @2/ xu水中以二氯胺和一氯胺形态存在的余氯。
>slGicZ038.污泥sludge C7_nA:Rc在水处理过程中产生的,以及排水管渠中沉积的固体与水的混合物或胶体物。
39.污泥处理sludge treatment *ulkqpO对污泥进行浓缩、调治、脱水、稳定、干化或焚烧的加工过程。
JqP~2,T 40.污泥处置sludge disposal ^$~&e :{对污泥的最终安排。
41.水头损失head loss Ae^ Idz水流通过管渠设备和构筑物等所引起的能量消耗。
] udH`{]42.贮水池storage reservoir, storage tank /YD2F为一定目的而设置的蓄水构筑物。
-(l/.yE{X43.过河管river crossing vl:V?- sY穿越江河的管道。
A)641"[44.倒虹管inverted siphon :qrCqFl管道遇到河道、铁路等障碍物,不能按原有高程埋设,而从障碍物下面绕过时采用的一种倒虹形管段。
\@F!h8e445.稳定stabilization Ztj~Q9mu•(1)在水处理系统中,指将可降解有机物(溶解或悬浮的)氧化为无机物或不易降解的物质的生物或化学过程。
.;jp 2^•(2)在冷却水系统中,指水中碳酸钙和二氧化碳的浓度达到平衡状态,既不由于碳酸钙沉淀而产生结垢,也不由于其溶解而产生腐蚀的过程。
GCv*a[8?n46.异重流density current kC=h[<'两种或两种以上不同密度的流体层发生的相对运动。
1.直流水系统once through system |!\5nix3A>水经一次使用后即行排放或处理后排放的给水系统。
bYB:Fe=22.复用水系统water reuse system &N\4/'wV水经重复利用后再行排放或处理后排放的给水系统。
{aVL3QU3.循环水系统recirculation system 2kV{|`1水经使用后不予排放而循环利用或处理后循环利用的给水系统。
cH{[\F"Eb4.生活用水domestic water 6Cz%i 6)人类日常生活所需用的水。
'?j,oRz^T5.生产用水process water E !}~j生产过程所需用的水。
Mr u6.消防用水fire demand ~N=$%C扑灭火灾所需用的水。
XWNDpL`j57.浇洒道路用水street flushing demand,roadwatering fqQ(EVpQ对城镇道路进行保养、清洗、降温和消尘等所需用的水。
CHo(:A.U>8.绿化用水green belt sprinkling, greenplot sprinkling mb_~ "} A对市政绿地等所需用的水。
cBz_L"5vr[9.未预见用水量unforeseen demand 'awZ-$#给水系统设计中,对难于预测的各项因素而准备的水量。
R7 j'XU10.自用水量water consumption in water-works oNK-^N?-T水厂内部生产工艺过程和为其它用途所需用的水量。
11.管网漏失水量leakage q;0QI{:5v水在输配过程中漏失的水量。
01;12.平均日供水量average daily output !1<?ddH6一年的总供水量除以全年供水天数所得的数值。
13.最高日供水量maximum daily output &Y一年中最大一日的供水量。
|wYOO(!14.日变化系数daily variation coefficient r s?"pGz;最高日供水量与平均日供水量的比值。
? pkg1F715.时变化系数hourly variation coefficient 6;8Jy最高日最高时供水量与该日平均时供水量的比值。
j4hiMI;16.最小服务水头minimum service head AO "pm配水管网在用户接管点处应维持的最小水头。
管井deep well,drilled well -(Y(K!n1.井管从地面打到含水层,抽取地下水的井。
|9X$@R2.管井滤水管deep well screen A_mVe\(*M设置在管井动水位以下,用以从含水层中集水的有缝隙或孔隙的管段。
WTO\#ha 3.管井沉淀管grit compartment +oT/ v3,位于管井最下部,用以容纳进入井内的沙粒和从水中析出的scsN2#D7U/沉淀物的管段。
gq^j-!Q)Q<4.大口井dug well,open well >4.K>U?0FC5.井群battery of wells #9a\Ab数个井组成的群体。
@Weim7r6.渗渠infiltration gallery _=wu>h&7壁上开孔,以集取浅层地下水的水平管渠。