外文文献翻译Protection,prevention,repair,renovation and upgrading(摘自《Management of Deteriorating Concrete Structures》Chapter 7作者George Somerville )7.1 IntroductionThe need to repair concrete structure is not new. Much of the early work involved making good via patch repairs and crack filling, for aesthetic and serviceability reasons[7.1]. As the concrete infrastructure of the mid-20th century matured, there was also a demand to strengthen or upgrade to meet changes in use or increase in loadings. The need to treat cases of corrosion emerged in the 1950s with post-war prefabricated reinforced concrete housing,and many of the references to Chapter 2 detail examples of corrosion in highway structures as the use of de-icing salts increased rapidly in the early 1960s.Reference[7.2] gives some details of this ,and reference [7.3] is a detailed review of the situation in the UK and France with regard to post-tesioned concrete bridges.As durability concerns became more widespread, and consequences of failure more critical, repair became a growth industry, and options available on the market increased significantly in term of principles and approaches, and the individual solutions within each basic approach. This taining over 200 short papers on all aspects of the problem.The literature is full of individual case studies, describing what has been physically done and giving some reasons for selecting a particular option; it is often diffcult to draw general conclusions from these. Such articles, which are also helpful since they provide website addressers,appear most frequently in concrete-related journals such as Concrete from the Concrete Society in the UK. In North America, the various journals of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) do a similar job, and focus on repair is provided by the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI),which publishs a bimonthly Bulletin, and whose website gives details of available publications in the USA; generally, these are either guidance documents, or complications of articles on particular topics.There are aslo guidance documents available on individual repair, protection and upgrading methods, which explain the principles involved and are strong on the “how to …” aspects of the problem. Some examples of these can be obtained from the ICRIwebsite for North America, and reference[7.4-7.9] are similar publications available from the Concrete Society in the UK. The Concrete Society portfolio is augmented by other reports on test methods and diagnosis,and on how to enhance durability in new constructions; Technical Report 61 [7.10] is an example of the latter, where much of the detailed information is transferable to the repair and renovation situation. The Concrete RepairAssocication in the UK also has a website.The above brief rewiew is intended to show that there is quite a lot of information available on repair and renovation methods and also to indicate the nature of that information. It can become dated quite quickly however, as the technology is improved and new techniques are introduced. Moreover,, the nature and format of the information make it difficult to compare the technical and economic merits of alternative approaches- essential information to the owner when making a choice. This situation is now changing, with serious attempts being made to develop a systematic scientific basis for classifying repair and renovation methods, supported by sound specification and test methods. The emergence of EN 1504 is a prime example of that, and will be referred to strongly in later sections of this chapter.The final major missing link from the data bases is the lack of indepth feedback on real performation in the field over relevant periods of time. How does this compare with claims and expectations? Again this is changing, as typified by Figures 2.13-2.16 ,taken from the paper by Tilly [7.11]. Tilly's paper comes from the activities of a European network CONREPNET, which has examined well over 100 case studies in some detail and, apart from providing field data, has forced on developing criteria to permit alterative options to be evaluated to a common base. This information will also be used extensively later in this chapter.Repair and renovation is a huge subject, deserving several books in its own right.This book is about assessment, management and maintenance, and repair is an integral part of that. The emphasis in this chapter is on how it fits into the overall scheme of things, in moving forward from the assessment phase to taking effective action in selecting optimum solutions. This approach leads to the following sequence of subsection.7.2 Performance requirements for repaired structures7.3 Classification of protection, repair,renovation and upgrading options7.4 Performance requirements for repair and remedial measures7.5 Engineering specifications7.6 Moving towards the selection process7.7 Performance of repairs in sevice7.8 Timing of an intervention7.9 Selection a repair option-general7.10 The role of EN 1504 in selection7.11 Selecting a repair option in practice7.12 Concluding remarks Appendix 7.1 and 7.2 Reference7.2 Performance requirements for repaired structuresIn simple terms, the performance requirements for repaired structures are no different from those for new construction. Structurally, the focus will be on the factors listed in Table 4.12. Progressive assessment will have led to a performance time graph, such as that in Figure 3.13, for all relevant Table 4.12 factors. This paints a picture of how the present condition relates both to the performance levels provided in the original design and to the owner's perception of what constitutes minimum acceptable performance, bearing in mind that much more is now known about the structure (the Table 6.2 issue).Complicating the situation is the fact different owners may wish to manage the rehabilitation process differently. Figure 3.3 shows two viable options emanating from the asset management procedures associated with bridge in the UK . The different strategies involved intervention on different timescales, and,most probably, different solutions. Some owners may also wish to take a conservative approach,involving early preventative measures. There are no definitive general rules here, but a need to be aware of what the options are , linked to confidence in their effectiveness.In moving forward, however, it is essential to be clear about the required performance levels. While the basic structural factors in Table 4.12 will remain, there are broader strategies issues involved, some non-technical,which will influence the course which individual owners may choose to follow. Different owners will have different strategic goals, depending, for example, on:•type of ownership – whether private or public sector;•changing statutory requirements;•the type of structure and its function;•future plans for the structure, independent of its current physicall state, due, say, to – a possible change in use;-- improved performance requirements arising from higher user expectations;-- increases in imposed loadings;• a greater emphasis on whole life costing, linked to budgetary plans;•s desire for improved sustainability.In a follow-up project to CONTECVET, a group of parters containing a high proportion of owners from Spain, Sweden and the UK, set out to establish a strategy for the maitenance and rehabilition of concrete structures. As part of this project, acronym REHABCON, a list of general performance requirements was developed. Table 7.1, taken from a REHABCON deliverable [7.12] ,givesdetails. While the majority of the requirements relate to the structure as a whole, some also relate to the selected rehabilitation option and to the renovation process itself.Table 7.1 General performance requirements for rehabilitated structures.Rehabcon [7.12]General performance requirements__________________________________________________________________ Structural safety Ultimate limit state design (same expectations as for newstructures)•Strength•Stability•Robustness•Fatigue•Fire resistance•Earthquake resistanceServiceability Serviceability limit state design (same expectations as fornew structures)•Deformation•Displacement•Vibrations•Watertightness•Slip resistance/roughness•Drainage•Visibility during inclement weather•Comfort/convenience to userOperation and function•Availability, functionability•Minimisation of downtime. While this is important for a rehabilitated structure, it is also important to minimise inconvenience to users during the rehabilitation action,i.e,low low impact on users during operation, maintenance and repair.Aesthetics•Inspectability•Colour•Texture of surface•Durability of aesthetics•Safe-lookingSustainabilityand environmentalfactors•Materials for rehabilitation works tobe sustainable, and environmentally friendlyduring•Manufacture•Construction works•Use•Damage•Demolition•Impact on recycling and reuse•Deposition•Acoustics, noise control•Energy consumption•Harmful effects, such as spillage, leakage, dust or the emission of toxic fumes, either spontaneously or due to situiations such as fire, both duringthe rehabilitation works and afterwardsHeath andSafety•Public safety•Health for humans and nature during all phases in the life-cycle•Evacuation, emergency escape routesDurability•Durability of the original structure and the rehabilitated parts of the structure. Dependability•Reliability of the repair methods•Maitainability•Maintenance supportabilityFlexibility•Ensure that it is possible to meet future requirementEconomy•Reduce or limit whole life costs•Operational costs•Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation costs•Improvement/strengthening costs•Demolition and deposition costs•User cost•Limit loss of income due to insufficient functionality etc Cultureheritage•Structure having cultural or historic value require special treatment保护,预防,修复,改造和升级(摘自《混凝土结构腐蚀恶化的管理》第7章作者乔治·萨默维尔)7.1简介混凝土结构需要修复对我们来说并不陌生。
Reinforced ConcreteConcrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including the United States and Canada, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction. The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction, and the economy of reinforced concrete compared to other forms of construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, buildings of all sorts’ underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships.Reinforced concrete structures may be cast-in-place concrete, constructed in their final location, or they may be precast concrete produced in a factory and erected at the construction site. Concrete structures may be severe and functional in design, or the shape and layout and be whimsical and artistic. Few other building materials off the architect and engineer such versatility and scope.Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. As a result, cracks develop whenever loads, or restrained shrinkage of temperature changes, give rise to tensile stresses in excess of the tensile strength of the concrete. In a plain concrete beam, the moments aboutthe neutral axis due to applied loads are resisted by an internal tension-compression couple involving tension in the concrete. Such a beam fails very suddenly and completely when the first crack forms. In a reinforced concrete beam, steel bars are embedded in the concrete in such a way that the tension forces needed for moment equilibrium after the concrete cracks can be developed in the bars.The construction of a reinforced concrete member involves building a form of mold in the shape of the member being built. The form must be strong enough to support both the weight and hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete, and any forces applied to it by workers, concrete buggies, wind, and so on. The reinforcement is placed in this form and held in place during the concreting operation. After the concrete has hardened, the forms are removed. As the forms are removed, props of shores are installed to support the weight of the concrete until it has reached sufficient strength to support the loads by it.The designer must proportion a concrete member for adequate strength to resist the loads and adequate stiffness to prevent excessive deflections. In beam must be proportioned so that it can be constructed. For example, the reinforcement must be detailed so that it can be assembled in the field, and since the concrete is placed in the form after the reinforcement is in place, the concrete must be able toflow around, between, and past the reinforcement to fill all parts of the form completely.The choice of whether a structure should be built of concrete, steel, masonry, or timber depends on the availability of materials and on a number of value decisions. The choice of structural system is made by the architect of engineer early in the design, based on the following considerations:Economy .Frequently, the foremost consideration is the overall const of the structure. This is, of course, a function of the costs of the materials and the labor necessary to erect them. Frequently, however, the overall cost is affected as much or more by the overall construction time since the contractor and owner must borrow or otherwise allocate money to carry out the construction and will not receive a return on this investment until the building is ready for occupancy. In a typical large apartment of commercial project, the cost of construction financing will be a significant fraction of the total cost. As a result, financial savings due to rapid construction may more than offset increased material costs. For this reason, any measures the designer can take to standardize the design and forming will generally pay off in reduced overall costs.1.In many cases the long-term economy of the structuremay be more important than the first cost. As a result,maintenance and durability are important consideration.2. Suitability of material for architectural and structural function.A reinforced concrete system frequently allows the designer tocombine the architectural and structural functions. Concrete has the advantage that it is placed in a plastic condition and is given the desired shape and texture by means of the forms and the finishing techniques. This allows such elements ad flat plates or other types of slabs to serve as load-bearing elements while providing the finished floor and / or ceiling surfaces. Similarly, reinforced concrete walls can provide architecturally attractive surfaces in addition to having the ability to resist gravity, wind, or seismic loads. Finally, the choice of size of shape is governed by the designer and not by the availability of standard manufactured members.3. Fire resistance. The structure in a building must withstand the effects of a fire and remain standing while the building is evacuated and the fire is extinguished. A concrete building inherently has a 1- to 3-hour fire rating without special fireproofing or other details. Structural steel or timber buildings must be fireproofed to attain similar fire ratings.4. Low maintenance. Concrete members inherently require lessmaintenance than does structural steel or timber members. This is particularly true if dense, air-entrained concrete has been used for surfaces exposed to the atmosphere, and if care has been taken in thedesign to provide adequate drainage off and away from the structure.Special precautions must be taken for concrete exposed to salts such as deicing chemicals.5. Availability of materials. Sand, gravel, cement, and concrete mixing facilities are very widely available, and reinforcing steel can be transported to most job sites more easily than can structural steel. As a result, reinforced concrete is frequently used in remote areas.On the other hand, there are a number of factors that may cause one to select a material other than reinforced concrete.These include:1. Low tensile strength. The tensile strength concrete is muchlower than its compressive strength (about 1/10), and hence concrete is subject to cracking. In structural uses this is overcome by using reinforcement to carry tensile forces and limit crack widths to within acceptable values. Unless care is taken in design and construction, however, these cracks may be unsightly or may allow penetration of water. When this occurs, water or chemicals such as road deicing salts may cause deterioration or staining of the concrete. Special design details are required in such cases. In the case of water-retaining structures, special details and /of prestressing are required to prevent leakage.2. Forms and shoring. The construction of a cast-in-placestructure involves three steps not encountered in the construction of steel or timber structures. These are (a) the construction of the forms, (b) the removal of these forms, and (c) propping or shoring the new concrete to support its weight until its strength is adequate. Each of these steps involves labor and / or materials, which are not necessary with other forms of construction.3. Relatively low strength per unit of weight for volume. The compressive strength of concrete is roughly 5 to 10% that of steel, while its unit density is roughly 30% that of steel. As a result, a concrete structure requires a larger volume and a greater weight of material than does a comparable steel structure. As a result, long-span structures are often built from steel.2. 4. Time-dependent volume the same changes. Both of concrete and steel and undergo-approximately thermal expansion and contraction. Because there is less mass of steel to be heated or cooled, and because steel is a better concrete, a steel structure is generally affected by temperature changes to a greater extent than is a concrete structure. On the other hand, concrete undergoes frying shrinkage, which, if restrained, may cause deflections or cracking. Furthermore, deflections will tend to increase with time, possibly doubling, due to creep of the concrete under sustained loads.3.In almost every branch of civil engineering and architecture extensive use is made of reinforced concrete for structures and foundations. Engineers and architects require basic knowledge of reinforced concrete design throughout their professional careers. Much of this text is directly concerned with the behavior and proportioning of components that make up typical reinforced concrete structures-beams, columns, and slabs. Once the behavior of these individual elements is understood, the designer will have the background to analyze and design a wide range of complex structures, such as foundations, buildings, and bridges, composed of these elements.4.Since reinforced concrete is a no homogeneous material that creeps, shrinks, and cracks, its stresses cannot be accurately predicted by the traditional equations derived in a course in strength of materials for homogeneous elastic materials. Much of reinforced concrete design in therefore empirical, i.e. design equations and design methods are based on experimental and time-proved results instead of being derived exclusively from theoretical formulations.5. A thorough understanding of the behavior of reinforced concrete will allow the designer to convert an otherwise brittle material into tough ductile structural elements and thereby takeadvantage of concrete’s desirable characteristics, its high compressive strength, its fire resistance, and its durability.6.Concrete, a stone like material, is made by mixing cement, water, fine aggregate (often sand), coarse aggregate, and frequently other additives (that modify properties) into a workable mixture. In its unhardened or plastic state, concrete can be placed in forms to produce a large variety of structural elements. Although the hardened concrete by itself, i.e., without any reinforcement, is strong in compression, it lacks tensile strength and therefore cracks easily. Because unreinforced concrete is brittle, it cannot undergo large deformations under load and fails suddenly-without warning. The addition for steel reinforcement to the concrete reduces the negative effects of its two principal inherent weaknesses, its susceptibility to cracking and its brittleness. When the reinforcement is strongly bonded to the concrete, a strong, stiff, and ductile construction material is produced. This material, called reinforced concrete, is used extensively to construct foundations, structural frames, storage takes, shell roofs, highways, walls, dams, canals, and innumerable other structures and building products. Two other characteristics of concrete that are present even when concrete is reinforced are shrinkage and creep, but the negative effects of these propertiescan be mitigated by careful design.7. A code is a set technical specifications and standards that control important details of design and construction. The purpose of codes it produce structures so that the public will be protected from poor of inadequate and construction.8.Two type’s coeds exist. One type, called a structural code, is originated and controlled by specialists who are concerned with the proper use of a specific material or who are involved with the safe design of a particular class of structures.9.The second type of code, called a building code, is established to cover construction in a given region, often a city or a state. The objective of a building code is also to protect the public by accounting for the influence of the local environmental conditions on construction. For example, local authorities may specify additional provisions to account for such regional conditions as earthquake, heavy snow, or tornados. National structural codes generally are incorporated into local building codes.10.The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Building Code covering the design of reinforced concrete buildings. It contains provisions covering all aspects of reinforced concrete manufacture, design, and construction. It includes specifications on quality ofmaterials, details on mixing and placing concrete, design assumptions for the analysis of continuous structures, and equations for proportioning members for design forces.11.A ll structures must be proportioned so they will not fail or deform excessively under any possible condition of service. Therefore it is important that an engineer use great care in anticipating all the probable loads to which a structure will be subjected during its lifetime.12.A lthough the design of most members is controlled typically by dead and live load acting simultaneously, consideration must also be given to the forces produced by wind, impact, shrinkage, temperature change, creep and support settlements, earthquake, and so forth.13.T he load associated with the weight of the structure itself and its permanent components is called the dead load. The dead load of concrete members, which is substantial, should never be neglected in design computations. The exact magnitude of the dead load is not known accurately until members have been sized. Since some figure for the dead load must be used in computations to size the members, its magnitude must be estimated at first. After a structure has been analyzed, the members sized, and architectural details completed, the dead load can be computedmore accurately. If the computed dead load is approximately equal to the initial estimate of its value (or slightly less), the design is complete, but if a significant difference exists between the computed and estimated values of dead weight, the computations should be revised using an improved value of dead load. An accurate estimate of dead load is particularly important when spans are long; say over 75 ft (22.9 m), because dead load constitutes a major portion of the design load.14.L ive loads associated with building use are specific items of equipment and occupants in a certain area of a building, building codes specify values of uniform live for which members are to be designed.15.A fter the structure has been sized for vertical load, it is checked for wind in combination with dead and live load as specified in the code. Wind loads do not usually control the size of members in building less than 16 to 18 stories, but for tall buildings wind loads become significant and cause large forces to develop in the structures. Under these conditions economy can be achieved only by selecting a structural system that is able to transfer horizontal loads into the ground efficiently.钢筋混凝土在每一个国家,混凝土及钢筋混凝土都被用来作为建筑材料。
混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Concrete technology and developmentPortland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction of a large number and variety of structures in the world today. This is attributed mainly to low cost of materials and construction for concrete structures as well as low cost of maintenance.Therefore, it is not surprising that many advancements in concrete technology have occurred as a result of two driving forces, namely the speed of construction and the durability of concrete.During the period 1940-1970, the availability of high early strength portland cements enabled the use of high water content in concrete mixtures that were easy to handle. This approach, however, led to serious problems with durability of structures, especially those subjected to severe environmental exposures.With us lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years.Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply. It includes the correct choice of the cement and the water, and the right treatment of the aggregates. Those which are dug near by and therefore cheap, must be sized, washed free of clay or silt, and recombined in the correct proportions so as to make a cheap concrete which is workable at a low water/cement ratio, thus easily comoacted to a high density and therefore strong.It hardens with age and the process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.Abrams’law, perhaps the oldest law of concrete technology, states that the strength of a concrete varies inversely with its water cement ratio. This means that the sand content (particularly the fine sand which needs much water) must be reduced so far as possible. The fact that the sand “drinks” large quantities of water can easily be established by mixing several batches of x kg of cement with y kg of stone and the same amount of water but increasing amounts of sand. However if there is no sand the concrete will be so stiff that it will be unworkable thereforw porous and weak. The same will be true if the sand is too coarse. Therefore for each set of aggregates, the correct mix must not be changed without good reason. This applied particularly to the water content.Any drinkable and many undrinkable waters can be used for making concrete, including most clear waters from the sea or rivers. It is important that clay should be kept out of the concrete. The cement if fresh can usually be chosen on the basis of the maker’s certificates of tensile or crushing tests, but these are always made with fresh cement. Where strength is important , and the cement at the site is old, it should be tested.This stress , causing breakage,will be a tension since concretes are from 9 to 11times as strong in compression as in tension, This stress, the modulus of rupture, will be roughly double the direct tensile breaking stress obtained in a tensile testing machine,so a very rough guess at the conpressive strength can be made by multiplying the modulus of rupture by 4.5. The method can be used in combination with the strength results of machine-crushed cubes or cylinders or tensile test pieces but cannot otherwise be regarded as reliable. With these comparisons,however, it is suitable for comparing concretes on the same site made from the same aggregates and cement, with beams cast and tested in the same way.Extreme care is necessary for preparation,transport,plating and finish of concrete in construction works.It is important to note that only a bit of care and supervision make a great difference between good and bad concrete.The following factors may be kept in mind in concreting works.MixingThe mixing of ingredients shall be done in a mixer as specified in the contract.Handling and ConveyingThe handling&conveying of concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit shall be done as rapidly as practicable and without any objectionable separation or loss of ingredients.Whenever the length of haul from the mixing plant to the place of deposit is such that the concrete unduly compacts or segregates,suitable agitators shall be installed in the conveying system.Where concrete is being conveyed on chutes or on belts,the free fall or drop shall be limited to 5ft.(or 150cm.) unless otherwise permitted.The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer.Placing ConcreteNo concrete shall be placed until the place of deposit has been thoroughly inspected and approved,all reinforcement,inserts and embedded metal properly security in position and checked,and forms thoroughly wetted(expect in freezing weather)or oiled.Placing shall be continued without avoidable interruption while the section is completed or satisfactory construction joint made.Within FormsConcrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain,until the completion of the unit,a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout.Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before placing the succeeding layer.CompactingMethod. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools during and immediately after depositing.The concrete shall be worked around all reinforcement,embedded fixtures,and into the comers of the forms.Every precaution shall be taken to keep the reinforcement and embedded metal in proper position and to prevent distortion.Vibrating. Wherever practicable,concrete shall be internally vibrated within the forms,or in the mass,in order to increase the plasticity as to compact effectively to improve the surface texture and appearance,and to facilitate placing of the concrete.Vibration shall be continued the entire batch melts to a uniform appearance and the surface just starts to glisten.A minute film of cement paste shall be discernible between the concrete and the form and around the reinforcement.Over vibration causing segregation,unnecessary bleeding or formation of laitance shall be avoided.The effect spent on careful grading, mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured. Curing means keeping the concretethoroughly damp for some time, usually a week, until it has reached the desired strength. So long as concrete is kept wet it will continue to gain strength, though more slowly as it grows older.Admixtures or additives to concrete are materials arematerials which are added to it or to the cement so as to improve one or more of the properties of the concrete. The main types are:1. Accelerators of set or hardening,2. Retarders of set or hardening,3. Air-entraining agents, including frothing or foaming agents,4. Gassing agents,5. Pozzolanas, blast-furnace slag cement, pulverized coal ash,6. Inhibitors of the chemical reaction between cement and aggregate, which might cause the aggregate to expand7. Agents for damp-proofing a concrete or reducing its permeability to water,8. Workability agents, often called plasticizers,9. Grouting agents and expanding cements.Wherever possible, admixtures should be avouded, particularly those that are added on site. Small variations in the quantity added may greatly affect the concrete properties in an undesiraale way. An accelerator can often be avoided by using a rapid-hardening cement or a richer mix with ordinary cement, or for very rapid gain of strength, high-alumina cement, though this is very much more expensive, in Britain about three times as costly as ordinary Portland cement. But in twenty-four hours its strength is equal to that reached with ordinary Portland cement in thirty days.A retarder may have to be used in warm weather when a large quantity of concrete has to be cast in one piece of formwork, and it is important that the concrete cast early in the day does not set before the last concrete. This occurs with bridges when they are cast in place, and the formwork necessarily bends underthe heavy load of the wet concrete. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete and should not be used without good technical advice.A somewhat similar effect,milder than that of retarders, is obtained with low-heat cement. These may be sold by the cement maker or mixed by the civil engineering contractor. They give out less heat on setting and hardening, partly because they harden more slowly, and they are used in large casts such as gravity dams, where the concrete may take years to cool down to the temperature of the surrounding air. In countries like Britain or France, where pulverized coal is burnt in the power stations, the ash, which is very fine, has been mixed with cement to reduce its production of heat and its cost without reducing its long-term strength. Up to about 20 per cent ash by weight of the cement has been successfully used, with considerable savings in cement costs.In countries where air-entraining cement cement can be bought from the cement maker, no air-entraining agent needs to be mixed in .When air-entraining agents draw into the wet cement and concrete some 3-8 percent of air in the form of very small bubbles, they plasticize the concrete, making it more easily workable and therefore enable the water |cement ratio to be reduced. They reduce the strength of the concrete slightly but so little that in the United States their use is now standard practice in road-building where heavy frost occur. They greatly improve the frost resistance of the concrete.Pozzolane is a volcanic ash found near the Italian town of Puzzuoli, which is a natural cement. The name has been given to all natural mineral cements, as well as to the ash from coal or the slag from blast furnaces, both of which may become cementswhen ground and mixed with water. Pozzolanas of either the industrial or the mineral type are important to civil engineers because they have been added to oridinary Portland cement in proportions up to about 20 percent without loss of strength in the cement and with great savings in cement cost. Their main interest is in large dams, where they may reduce the heat given out by the cement during hardening. Some pozzolanas have been known to prevent the action between cement and certain aggregates which causes the aggregate to expand, and weaken or burst the concrete.The best way of waterproof a concrete is to reduce its permeability by careful mix design and manufacture of the concrete, with correct placing and tighr compaction in strong formwork ar a low water|cement ratio. Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous. Slow, careful curing of the concrete improves the hydration of the cement, which helps to block the capillary passages through the concrete mass. An asphalt or other waterproofing means the waterproofing of concrete by any method concerned with the quality of the concrete but not by a waterproof skin.Workability agents, water-reducing agents and plasticizers are three names for the same thing, mentioned under air-entraining agents. Their use can sometimes be avoided by adding more cement or fine sand, or even water, but of course only with great care.The rapid growth from 1945 onwards in the prestressing of concrete shows that there was a real need for this high-quality structural material. The quality must be high because the worst conditions of loading normally occur at the beginning of the life of the member, at the transfer of stress from the steel to theconcrete. Failure is therefore more likely then than later, when the concrete has become stronger and the stress in the steel has decreased because of creep in the steel and concrete, and shrinkage of the concrete. Faulty members are therefore observed and thrown out early, before they enter the structure, or at least before it The main advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete are :①The whole concrete cross-section resists load. In reinforced concrete about half the section, the cracked area below the neutral axis, does no useful work. Working deflections are smaller.②High working stresses are possible. In reinforced concrete they are not usually possible because they result in severe cracking which is always ugly and may be dangerous if it causes rusting of the steel.③Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete.The main disadvantage of prestressed concrete is that much more care is needed to make it than reinforced concrete and it is therefore more expensive, but because it is of higher quality less of it needs to be needs to be used. It can therefore happen that a solution of a structural problem may be cheaper in prestressed concrete than in reinforced concrete, and it does often happen that a solution is possible with prestressing but impossible without it.Prestressing of the concrete means that it is placed under compression before it carries any working load. This means that the section can be designed so that it takes no tension or very little under the full design load. It therefore has theoretically no cracks and in practice very few. The prestress is usually applied by tensioning the steel before the concrete in which it isembedded has hardened. After the concrete has hardened enough to take the stress from the steel to the concrete. In a bridge with abutments able to resist thrust, the prestress can be applied without steel in the concrete. It is applied by jacks forcing the bridge inwards from the abutments. This methods has the advantage that the jacking force, or prestress, can be varied during the life of the structure as required.In the ten years from 1950 to 1960 prestressed concrete ceased to be an experinmental material and engineers won confidence in its use. With this confidence came an increase in the use of precast prestressed concrete particularly for long-span floors or the decks of motorways. Whereever the quantity to be made was large enough, for example in a motorway bridge 500 m kong , provided that most of the spans could be made the same and not much longer than 18m, it became economical to usefactory-precast prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory. Most of these beams are heat-cured so as to free the forms quickly for re-use.In this period also, in the United States, precast prestressed roof beams and floor beams were used in many school buildings, occasionally 32 m long or more. Such long beams over a single span could not possibly be successful in reinforced concrete unless they were cast on site because they would have to be much deeper and much heavier than prestressed concrete beams. They would certainlly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beams. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.The most important parts of a precast prestressed concrete beam are the tendons and the concrete. The tendons, as the name implies, are the cables, rods or wires of steel which are under tension in the concrete.Before the concrete has hardened (before transfer of stress), the tendons are either unstressed (post-tensioned prestressing) or are stressed and held by abutments outside the concrete ( pre-tensioned prestressing). While the concrete is hardening it grips each tendon more and more tightly by bond along its full length. End anchorages consisting of plates or blocks are placed on the ends of the tendons of post-tensioned prestressed units, and such tendons are stressed up at the time of transfer, when the concrete has hardened sufficiently. In the other type of pretressing, with pre-tensioned tendons, the tendons are released from external abutments at the moment of transfer, and act on the concrete through bond or archorage or both, shortening it by compression, and themselves also shortening and losing some tension.Further shortening of the concrete (and therefore of the steel) takes place with time. The concrete is said to creep. This means that it shortens permanently under load and spreads the stresses more uniformly and thus more safely across its section. Steel also creeps, but rather less. The result of these two effects ( and of the concrete shrinking when it dries ) is that prestressed concrete beams are never more highly stressed than at the moment of transfer.The factory precasting of long prestressed concrete beams is likely to become more and more popular in the future, but one difficulty will be road transport. As the length of the beam increases, the lorry becomes less and less manoeuvrable untileventually the only suitable time for it to travel is in the middle of the night when traffic in the district and the route, whether the roads are straight or curved. Precasting at the site avoids these difficulties; it may be expensive, but it has often been used for large bridge beams.混凝土工艺及发展波特兰水泥混凝土在当今世界已成为建造数量繁多、种类复杂结构的首选材料。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:预应力混凝土文献、资料英文题目:Prestressed Concrete文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译外文出处:The Concrete structure附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。
1、外文资料原文Prestressed ConcreteConcrete is strong in compression, but weak in tension: Its tensile strength varies from 8 to 14 percent of its compressive strength. Due tosuch a Iow tensile capacity, fiexural cracks develop at early stages ofloading. In order to reduce or prevent such cracks from developing, aconcentric or eccentric force is imposed in the longitudinal direction of the structural element. This force prevents the cracks from developing by eliminating or considerably reducing the tensile stresses at thecritical midspan and support sections at service load, thereby raising the bending, shear, and torsional capacities of the sections. The sections are then able to behave elastically, and almost the full capacity of the concrete in compression can be efficiently utilized across the entire depth of the concrete sections when all loads act on the structure.Such an imposed longitudinal force is called a prestressing force,i.e., a compressive force that prestresses the sections along the span ofthe structural elementprior to the application of the transverse gravitydead and live loads or transient horizontal live loads. The type ofprestressing force involved, together with its magnitude, are determined mainly on the basis of the type of system to be constructed and the span length and slenderness desired.~ Since the prestressing force is applied longitudinally along or parallel to the axis of the member, the prestressing principle involved is commonly known as linear prestressing.Circular prestressing, used in liquid containment tanks, pipes,and pressure reactor vessels, essentially follows the same basic principles as does linear prestressing. The circumferential hoop, or "hugging" stress on the cylindrical or spherical structure, neutralizes the tensile stresses at the outer fibers of the curvilinear surface caused by the internal contained pressure.Figure 1.2.1 illustrates, in a basic fashion, the prestressing action in both types of structural systems and the resulting stress response. In(a), the individual concrete blocks act together as a beam due to the large compressive prestressing force P. Although it might appear that the blocks will slip and vertically simulate shear slip failure, in fact they will not because of the longitudinal force P. Similarly, the wooden staves in (c) might appear to be capable of separating as a result of the high internal radial pressure exerted on them. But again, because of the compressive prestress imposed by the metal bands as a form of circular prestressing, they will remain in place.From the preceding discussion, it is plain that permanent stresses in the prestressed structural member are created before the full dead and live loads are applied in order to eliminate or considerably reduce the net tensile stresses caused by these loads. With reinforced concrete,it is assumed that the tensile strength of the concrete is negligible and disregarded. This is because the tensile forces resulting from the bending moments are resisted bythe bond created in the reinforcement process. Cracking and deflection are therefore essentially irrecoverable in reinforced concrete once the member has reached its limit state at service load.The reinforcement in the reinforced concrete member does not exert any force of its own on the member, contrary to the action of prestressing steel. The steel required to produce the prestressing force in the prestressed member actively preloads the member, permitting a relatively high controlled recovery of cracking and deflection. Once the flexural tensile strength of the concrete is exceeded, the prestressed member starts to act like a reinforced concrete element.Prestressed members are shallower in depth than their reinforced concrete counterparts for the same span and loading conditions. In general, the depth of a prestressed concrete member is usually about 65 to 80 percent of the depth of the equivalent reinforced concrete member. Hence, the prestressed member requires less concrete, and,about 20 to 35 percent of the amount of reinforcement. Unfortunately, this saving in material weight is balanced by the higher cost of the higher quality materials needed in prestressing. Also, regardless of the system used, prestressing operations themselves result in an added cost: Formwork is more complex, since the geometry of prestressed sections is usually composed of. flanged sections with thin-webs.In spite of these additional costs, if a large enough number of precast units are manufactured, the difference between at least the initial costs of prestressed and reinforced concrete systems is usually not very large.~ And the indirect long-term savings are quite substantial, because less maintenance is needed; a longer working life is possible due to better quality control of the concrete, and lighter foundations are achieved due to the smaller cumulative weight of the superstructure.Once the beam span of reinforced concrete exceeds 70 to 90 feet (21.3 to 27.4m), the dead weight of the beam becomes excessive, resulting in heavier members and, consequently, greater long-term deflection and cracking. Thus, for larger spans, prestressed concrete becomes mandatory since arches are expensive to construct and do not perform as well due to the severe long-term shrinkage and creep they undergo.~ Very large spans such as segmental bridges or cable-stayed bridges can only be constructed through the use of prestressing.Prestressd concrete is not a new concept, dating back to 1872, when P. H. Jackson, an engineer from California, patented a prestressing system that used a tie rod to construct beams or arches from individual blocks [see Figure 1.2.1 (a)]. After a long lapse of time during which little progress was made because of the unavailability of high-strength steel to overcome prestress losses, R. E. Dill of Alexandria, Nebraska, recognized the effect of the shrinkage and creep (transverse material flow) of concrete on the loss of prestress. He subsequently developed the idea that successive post-tensioning of unbonded rods would compensate for the time-dependent loss of stress in the rods due to the decrease in the length of the member because of creep and shrinkage. In the early 1920s,W. H. Hewett of Minneapolis developed the principles of circular prestressing. He hoop-stressed horizontal reinforcement around walls of concrete tanks through the use of turnbuckles to prevent cracking due to internalliquid pressure, thereby achieving watertightness. Thereafter, prestressing of tanks and pipes developed at an accelerated pace in the United States, with thousands of tanks for water, liquid, and gas storage built and much mileage of prestressed pressure pipe laid in the two to three decades that followed.Linear prestressing continued to develop in Europe and in France, in particular through the ingenuity of Eugene Freyssinet, who proposed in 1926--1928 methods to overcome prestress losses through the use of high-strength and high-ductility steels. In 1940, he introduced thenow well-known and well-accepted Freyssinet system.P. W. Abeles of England introduced and developed the concept of partial prestressing between the 1930s and 1960s. F. Leonhardt of Germany, V. Mikhailov of Russia, and T. Y. Lin of the United States also contributed a great deal to the art and science of the design of prestressed concrete. Lin's load-balancing method deserves particular mention in this regard, as it considerably simplified the design process, particularly in continuous structures. These twentieth-century developments have led to the extensive use of prestressing throughoutthe world, and in the United States in particular.Today, prestressed concrete is used in buildings, underground structures, TV towers, floating storage and offshore structures, power stations, nuclear reactor vessels, and numerous types of bridge systems including segn~ental and cable-stayed bridges, they demonstrate the versatility of the prestressing concept and its all-encompassing application. The success in the development and construction of all these structures has been due in no small measures to the advances in the technology of materials, particularly prestressing steel, and the accumulated knowledge in estimating the short-and long-term losses in the prestressing forces.~2、外文资料翻译译文预应力混凝土混凝土的力学特性是抗压不抗拉:它的抗拉强度是抗压强度的8%一14%。
Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, andPrestressedConcreteConcrete is a stone like material obtained by permitting a carefully proportioned mixture of cement, sand and gravel or other aggregate, and water to harden in forms of the shape and dimensions of the desired structure. The bulk of the material consists of fine and coarse aggregate.Cement and water interact chemically to bind the aggregate particles into a solid mass. Additional water, over and above that needed for this chemical reaction, is necessary to give the mixture workability that enables it to fill the forms and surround the embedded reinforcing steel prior to hardening. Concretes with a wide range of properties can be obtained by appropriates adjustment of the proportions of the constituent materials.Special cements,special aggregates, and special curing methods permit an even wider variety of properties to be obtained.These properties depend to a very substantial degree on the proportions of the mix, on the thoroughness with which the various constituents are intermixed, and on the conditions of humidity and temperature in which the mix is maintained from the moment it is placed in the forms of humidity and hardened. The process of controlling conditions after placement is known as curing.To protect against the unintentional production of substandard concrete, a high degree of skillful control and supervision is necessary throughout the process,from the proportioning by weight of the individual components, trough mixing and placing, until the completion of curing.The factors that make concrete a universal building material are so pronounced that it has been used, in more primitive kinds and ways than at present, for thousands of years, starting with lime mortars from 12,000 to 600 B.C. in Crete, Cyprus, Greece, and the Middle East. The facility with which , while plastic, it can be deposited and made to fill forms or molds of almost any practical shape is one of these factors. Its high fire and weather resistance are evident advantages.Most of the constituent materials,with the exception of cement and additives,are usually available at low cost locally or at small distances from the construction site. Its compressive strength, like that of natural stones,is high,which makes it suitable for members primarily subject to compression, such as columns and arches. On the other hand, again as in natural stones,it is a relatively brittle material whose tensile strength is small compared with its compressive strength. This prevents its economical use in structural members that ate subject to tension either entirely or over part of their cross sections.To offset this limitation,it was found possible,in the second half of thenineteenth century,to use steel with its high tensile strength to reinforce concrete, chiefly in those places where its low tensile strength would limit the carrying capacity of the member. The reinforcement, usually round steel rods with appropriate surface deformations to provide interlocking, is places in the forms in advance of the concrete. When completely surrounded by the hardened concrete mass, it forms an integral part of the member.The resulting combination of two materials,known as reinforced concrete,combines many of the advantages of each:the relatively low cost,good weather and fire resistance, good compressive strength, and excellent formability of concrete and the high tensile strength and much greater ductility and toughness of steel.It is this combination that allows the almost unlimited range of uses and possibilities of reinforced concrete in the construction of buildings,bridges,dams, tanks, reservoirs, and a host of other structures.In more recent times, it has been found possible to produce steels, at relatively low cost, whose yield strength is 3 to 4 times and more that of ordinary reinforcing steels.Likewise,it is possible to produce concrete4to5times as strong in compression as the more ordinary concrete. These high-strength materials offer many advantages, including smaller member cross sections, reduced dead load, and longer spans. However, there are limits to the strengths of the constituent materials beyond which certain problems arise.To be sure,the strength of such a member would increase roughly in proportion to those of the materials. However, the high strains that result from the high stresses that would otherwise be permissible would lead to large deformations and consequently large deflections of such member under ordinary loading conditions.Equally important,the large strains in such high-strength reinforcing steel would induce large cracks in the surrounding low tensile strength concrete, cracks that would not only be unsightly but that could significantly reduce the durability of the structure.This limits the useful yield strength of high-strength reinforcing steel to 80 ksi according to many codes and specifications; 60 ksi steel is most commonly used.A special way has been found, however, to use steels and concrete of very high strength in combination. This type of construction is known as prestressed concrete. The steel,in the form of wires,strands,or bars, is embedded in the concrete under high tension that is held in equilibrium by compressive stresses in the concrete after hardening,Because of this precompression,the concrete in a flexural member will crack on the tension side at a much larger load than when not so precompressed. Prestressing greatly reduces both the deflections and the tensile cracks at ordinaryloads in such structures, and thereby enables these high-strength materials to be used effectively. Prestressed concrete has extended, to a very significant extent, the range of spans of structural concrete and the types of structures for which it is suited.混凝土,钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土混凝土是一种经过水泥,沙子和砂砾或其他材料聚合得到经过细致配比的混合物,在液体变硬使材料石化后可以得到理想的形状和结构尺寸。
PEC土木工程英语证书考试-钢筋混凝土结构常用词汇aggregate 骨料allowable stress design 容许应力设计axial compression 轴压axial compressive load 轴心压力axial tension 轴拉be bent cold 冷弯beam depth 梁高beam-to-column connections 梁柱节点bent-up bar 弯起钢筋bottom reinforcement 底筋cantilever beam 悬臂梁cast-in-place concrete 现浇混凝土centroidal axis[sen'trɔɪdəl]中心轴['æksɪs]clear cover 保护层clear spacing 净距clear span 净跨coarse aggregate 粗骨料collar tie beam/ring-beam 圈梁column 柱column-to-footing connection 柱脚节点compression reinforcement 受压钢筋compression-controlled section 受压控制截面compressive strength 抗压强度concrete structures 混凝土结构construction joints 施工缝continuing bar 连续钢筋continuous 连续continuous beams 连续梁continuous slabs 连续板corrosion protection 防腐crack 开裂,裂缝cracking moment 开裂弯矩creep 徐变cross section 横截面section 截面cure 养护deep beam 深梁deformed/spiral reinforcement 螺纹钢筋depth of slab 板厚depth-span ratio 高跨比design load combinations 设计荷载组合development length/lap length 搭接长度durability 耐久性dynamic amplification factor 动力放大系数effective compressive flange 有效受压翼缘effective cross-sectional area 有效截面effective depth of section 截面有效高度effective prestress 有效预应力elastic deflection 弹性变形embedment length 锚固长度equivalent rectangular column 正方形截面柱factored load 乘以分项系数的荷载fine aggregate 细骨料fire protection 防火fixed 固定flange 翼板压弯构件Flexural and compressionmembers['flekʃʊrəl]footings of buildings 建筑物底部grade 等级grade 60 concrete C60混凝土grade beam 地基梁gross section 全截面grout 水泥浆grouting 灌浆high-early-strength cement 高强水泥high-strength steel bar 高强钢筋hydraulic cement[haɪ'drɔ:lɪk]水泥inclined beam 斜梁inclined stirrup斜向箍筋in-plane force 面内荷载isolation joint 分隔缝joint 节点lap splices 搭接large volumes of concrete 大体积混凝土length over 梁、柱全长lift-slab construction 升板施工lightweight aggregate 轻骨料lightweight concrete 轻质混凝土loaded area 荷载面积longitudinal reinforcement 纵筋long-time deflection 永久变形loss of prestress 预应力损失机械锚固mechanical anchorage[məˈkænɪkl]['æŋkərɪdʒ]mechanical connections 机械连接midspan 跨中minimum slab thickness 最小板厚mix 搅拌mix proportions 配比moment magnification factor 弯矩放大系数moment of inertia[ɪˈnɜ:ʃə] 惯性矩moment-resisting frames 刚架negative moment 负弯矩negative moment reinforcement 梁上部纵筋neutral axis[ˈnju:trəl ˈæksis]中和轴nominal diameter of bar 钢筋直径nominal strength 强度标准值non pre-stressed reinforcement 非预应力钢筋nonbearing wall 非承重墙non-potable water 非饮用水nonstructural members 非结构构件nonsway column 非摇摆柱nonsway frame 无侧移框架one-way slabs 单向板opening 开洞overall thickness 总厚overstressed 超应力pedestal 基座pilaster 壁柱plain concrete 素混凝土plain reinforcement 光面钢筋plastic hinge region 塑性铰区cement 水泥positive moment 正弯矩positive moment reinforcement 梁下部纵筋post-tension 后张拉pre-cast concrete 预制混凝土prestress losses 预应力损失pre-stressed concrete 预应力混凝土pre-stressing tendons 预应力钢筋pretension 先张法rectangular beam 矩形梁reduction factors 折减系数reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土reinforced gypsum concrete 钢筋石膏混凝土reinforcement around structural钢骨外包混凝土steel corereinforcement ratio 配筋率relaxation of tendon stress 钢筋预应力松弛residual deflection/deformation 残余变形rib 肋seismic hook 箍筋抗震钩seismic zones 地震区settlement of supports 支座沉降seven-day strength 7天强度shear bar 抗剪钢筋shear reinforcement 梁箍筋shear walls 剪力墙shore 支撑架short-limb shear wall 短肢剪力墙shrinkage/contraction 收缩无收缩混凝土shrinkage-compensatingconcreteside face reinforcement 梁腰筋simply supported beams 简支梁simply supported solid slabs 简支板six-bar-diameter 六倍钢筋直径slab 楼板slab without beams. 无梁楼盖slag 矿渣slag cement 火山灰水泥span length 跨度special-shaped column 异形柱spiral reinforcement 柱箍筋splitting tensile strength 拉裂强度standard deviation 标准差steam curing 蒸汽养护steel-encased concrete core 钢包核心混凝土stiffness reduction factor 刚度折减系数stirrup 箍筋strength 强度strength design 强度设计strength-reduction factor 强度折减系数strong column/weak beam 强柱弱梁strong connection 强节点structural diaphragm 结构隔板structural members 结构构件structural trusses 结构桁架strut 支柱support 支座support reaction 支座反力tensile strain 拉应变tensile strength 抗拉强度拉力与剪力同时作用tension and shear actsimultaneouslytension reinforcement 受拉钢筋tension-controlled section受拉控制截面top reinforcement 顶筋torsion reinforcement 抗扭钢筋transverse reinforcement 横向钢筋two-way slab 双向板volumetric ratio 体积比wall pier 短肢墙water-cement ratio 水灰比web 腹板welded splices 焊接white Portland cement 白水泥。
混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Concrete technology and developmentPortland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction of a large number and variety of structures in the world today. This is attributed mainly to low cost of materials and construction for concrete structures as well as low cost of maintenance.Therefore, it is not surprising that many advancements in concrete technology have occurred as a result of two driving forces, namely the speed of construction and the durability of concrete.During the period 1940-1970, the availability of high early strength portland cements enabled the use of high water content in concrete mixtures that were easy to handle. This approach, however, led to serious problems with durability of structures, especially those subjected to severe environmental exposures.With us lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years.Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply. It includes the correct choice of the cement and the water, and the right treatment of the aggregates. Those which are dug near by and therefore cheap, must be sized, washed free of clay or silt, and recombined in the correct proportions so as to make a cheap concrete which is workable at a low water/cement ratio, thus easily comoacted to a high density and therefore strong.It hardens with age and the process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.Abrams’law, perhaps the oldest law of concrete technology, states that the strength of a concrete varies inversely with its water cement ratio. This means that the sand content (particularly the fine sand which needs much water) must be reduced so far as possible. The fact that the sand “drinks” large quantities of water can easily be established by mixing several batches of x kg of cement with y kg of stone and the same amount of water but increasing amounts of sand. However if there is no sand the concrete will be so stiff that it will be unworkable thereforw porous and weak. The same will be true if the sand is too coarse. Therefore for each set of aggregates, the correct mix must not be changed without good reason. This applied particularly to the water content.Any drinkable and many undrinkable waters can be used for making concrete, including most clear waters from the sea or rivers. It is important that clay should be kept out of the concrete. The cement if fresh can usually be chosen on the basis of the maker’s certificates of tensile or crushing tests, but these are always made with fresh cement. Where strength is important , and the cement at the site is old, it should be tested.This stress , causing breakage,will be a tension since concretes are from 9 to 11times as strong in compression as in tension, This stress, the modulus of rupture, will be roughly double the direct tensile breaking stress obtained in a tensile testing machine,so a very rough guess at the conpressive strength can be made by multiplying the modulus of rupture by 4.5. The method can be used in combination with the strength results of machine-crushed cubes or cylinders or tensile test pieces but cannot otherwise be regarded as reliable. With these comparisons, however, it is suitable for comparing concretes on the same site made from the same aggregates and cement, with beams cast and tested in the same way.Extreme care is necessary for preparation,transport,plating and finish of concrete in construction works.It is important to note that only a bit of care and supervision make a great difference between good and bad concrete.The following factors may be kept in mind in concreting works.MixingThe mixing of ingredients shall be done in a mixer as specified in the contract.Handling and ConveyingThe handling&conveying of concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit shall be done as rapidly as practicable and without any objectionable separation or loss of ingredients.Whenever the length of haul from the mixing plant to the place of deposit is such that the concrete unduly compacts or segregates,suitable agitators shall be installed in the conveying system.Where concrete is being conveyed on chutes or on belts,the free fall or drop shall be limited to 5ft.(or 150cm.) unless otherwise permitted.The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer.Placing ConcreteNo concrete shall be placed until the place of deposit has been thoroughly inspected and approved,all reinforcement,inserts and embedded metal properly security in position and checked,and forms thoroughly wetted(expect in freezing weather)or oiled.Placing shall be continued without avoidable interruption while the section is completed or satisfactory construction joint made.Within FormsConcrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain,until the completion of the unit,a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout.Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before placing the succeeding layer.CompactingMethod. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools during and immediately after depositing.The concrete shall be worked around all reinforcement,embedded fixtures,and into the comers of the forms.Every precaution shall be taken to keep the reinforcement and embedded metal in proper position and to prevent distortion.Vibrating. Wherever practicable,concrete shall be internally vibrated within the forms,or in the mass,in order to increase the plasticity as to compact effectively to improve the surface texture and appearance,and to facilitate placing of the concrete.Vibration shall be continued the entire batch melts to a uniform appearance and the surface just starts to glisten.A minute film of cement paste shall be discernible between the concrete and the form and around the reinforcement.Over vibration causing segregation,unnecessary bleeding or formation of laitance shall be avoided.The effect spent on careful grading, mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured. Curing means keeping the concretethoroughly damp for some time, usually a week, until it has reached the desired strength. So long as concrete is kept wet it will continue to gain strength, though more slowly as it grows older.Admixtures or additives to concrete are materials are materials which are added to it or to the cement so as to improve one or more of the properties of the concrete. The main types are:1. Accelerators of set or hardening,2. Retarders of set or hardening,3. Air-entraining agents, including frothing or foaming agents,4. Gassing agents,5. Pozzolanas, blast-furnace slag cement, pulverized coal ash,6. Inhibitors of the chemical reaction between cement and aggregate, which might cause the aggregate to expand7. Agents for damp-proofing a concrete or reducing its permeability to water,8. Workability agents, often called plasticizers,9. Grouting agents and expanding cements.Wherever possible, admixtures should be avouded, particularly those that are added on site. Small variations in the quantity added may greatly affect the concrete properties in an undesiraale way. An accelerator can often be avoided by using a rapid-hardening cement or a richer mix with ordinary cement, or for very rapid gain of strength, high-alumina cement, though this is very much more expensive, in Britain about three times as costly as ordinary Portland cement. But in twenty-four hours its strength is equal to that reached with ordinary Portland cement in thirty days.A retarder may have to be used in warm weather when a large quantity of concrete has to be cast in one piece of formwork, and it is important that the concrete cast early in the day does not set before the last concrete. This occurs with bridges when they are cast in place, and the formwork necessarily bends under the heavy load of the wet concrete. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete and should not be used without good technical advice.A somewhat similar effect,milder than that of retarders, is obtained with low-heat cement. These may be sold by the cement maker or mixed by the civil engineering contractor. They give out less heat on setting and hardening, partly because they harden more slowly, and they are used in large casts such as gravity dams, where the concrete may take years to cool down to the temperature of the surrounding air. In countries like Britain or France, where pulverized coal is burnt in the power stations, the ash, which is very fine, has been mixed with cement to reduce its production of heat and its cost without reducing its long-term strength. Up to about 20 per cent ash by weight of the cement has been successfully used, with considerable savings in cement costs.In countries where air-entraining cement cement can be bought from the cement maker, no air-entraining agent needs to be mixed in .When air-entraining agents draw into the wet cement and concrete some 3-8 percent of air in the form of very small bubbles, they plasticize the concrete, making it more easily workable and therefore enable the water |cement ratio to be reduced. They reduce the strength of the concrete slightly but so little that in the United States their use is now standard practice in road-building where heavy frost occur. They greatly improve the frost resistance of the concrete.Pozzolane is a volcanic ash found near the Italian town of Puzzuoli, which is a natural cement. The name has been given to all natural mineral cements, as well as to the ash from coal or the slag from blast furnaces, both of which may become cements when ground and mixed with water. Pozzolanas of either the industrial or the mineral type are important to civil engineers because they have been added to oridinary Portland cement in proportions up to about 20 percent without loss of strength in the cement and with great savings in cement cost. Their main interest is in large dams, where they may reduce the heat given out by the cement during hardening. Some pozzolanas have been known to prevent the action between cement and certain aggregates which causes the aggregate to expand, and weaken or burst the concrete.The best way of waterproof a concrete is to reduce its permeability by careful mix design and manufacture of the concrete, with correct placing and tighr compaction in strong formwork ar a low water|cement ratio. Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous. Slow, careful curing of the concrete improves the hydration of the cement, which helps to block the capillary passages through the concrete mass. An asphalt or other waterproofing means the waterproofing of concrete by any method concerned with the quality of the concrete but not by a waterproof skin.Workability agents, water-reducing agents and plasticizers are three names for the same thing, mentioned under air-entraining agents. Their use can sometimes be avoided by adding more cement or fine sand, or even water, but of course only with great care.The rapid growth from 1945 onwards in the prestressing of concrete shows that there was a real need for this high-quality structural material. The quality must be high because the worst conditions of loading normally occur at the beginning of the life of the member, at the transfer of stress from the steel to the concrete. Failure is therefore more likely then than later, when the concrete has become stronger and the stress in the steel has decreased because of creep in the steel and concrete, and shrinkage of the concrete. Faulty members are therefore observed and thrown out early, before they enter the structure, or at least before it The main advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete are :①The whole concrete cross-section resists load. In reinforced concrete about half the section, the cracked area below the neutral axis, does no useful work. Working deflections are smaller.②High working stresses are possible. In reinforced concrete they are not usually possible because they result in severe cracking which is always ugly and may be dangerous if it causes rusting of the steel.③Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete.The main disadvantage of prestressed concrete is that much more care is needed to make it than reinforced concrete and it is therefore more expensive, but because it is of higher quality less of it needs to be needs to be used. It can therefore happen that a solution of a structural problem may be cheaper in prestressed concrete than in reinforced concrete, and it does often happen that a solution is possible with prestressing but impossible without it.Prestressing of the concrete means that it is placed under compression before it carries any working load. This means that the section can be designed so that it takes no tension or very little under the full design load. It therefore has theoretically no cracks and in practice very few. The prestress is usually applied by tensioning the steel before the concrete in which it is embedded has hardened. After the concrete has hardened enough to take the stress from the steel to the concrete. In a bridge with abutments able to resist thrust, the prestress can be applied without steel in the concrete. It is applied by jacks forcing the bridge inwards from the abutments. This methods has the advantage that the jacking force, or prestress, can be varied during the life of the structure as required.In the ten years from 1950 to 1960 prestressed concrete ceased to be an experinmental material and engineers won confidence in its use. With this confidence came an increase in the use of precast prestressed concrete particularly for long-span floors or the decks of motorways. Whereever the quantity to be made was large enough, for example in a motorway bridge 500 m kong , provided that most of the spans could be made the same and not much longer than 18m, it became economical to usefactory-precast prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory. Most of these beams are heat-cured so as to free the forms quickly for re-use.In this period also, in the United States, precast prestressed roof beams and floor beams were used in many school buildings, occasionally 32 m long or more. Such long beams over a single span could not possibly be successful in reinforced concrete unless they were cast on site because they would have to be much deeper and much heavier than prestressed concrete beams. They would certainlly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beams. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.The most important parts of a precast prestressed concrete beam are the tendons and the concrete. The tendons, as the name implies, are the cables, rods or wires of steel which are under tension in the concrete.Before the concrete has hardened (before transfer of stress), the tendons are either unstressed (post-tensioned prestressing) or are stressed and held by abutments outside the concrete ( pre-tensioned prestressing). While the concrete is hardening it grips each tendon more and more tightly by bond along its full length. End anchorages consisting of plates or blocks are placed on the ends of the tendons of post-tensioned prestressed units, and such tendons are stressed up at the time of transfer, when the concrete has hardened sufficiently. In the other type of pretressing, with pre-tensioned tendons, the tendons are released from external abutments at the moment of transfer, and act on the concrete through bond or archorage or both, shortening it by compression, and themselves also shortening and losing some tension.Further shortening of the concrete (and therefore of the steel) takes place with time. The concrete is said to creep. This means that it shortens permanently under load and spreads the stresses more uniformly and thus more safely across its section. Steel also creeps, but rather less. The result of these two effects ( and of the concrete shrinking when it dries ) is that prestressed concrete beams are never more highly stressed than at the moment of transfer.The factory precasting of long prestressed concrete beams is likely to become more and more popular in the future, but one difficulty will be road transport. As the length of the beam increases, the lorry becomes less and less manoeuvrable until eventually the only suitable time for it to travel is in the middle of the night when traffic in the district and the route, whether the roads are straight or curved. Precasting at the site avoids these difficulties; it may be expensive, but it has often been used for large bridge beams.混凝土工艺及发展波特兰水泥混凝土在当今世界已成为建造数量繁多、种类复杂结构的首选材料。
混凝土相关词语中英文对照Al AbramsAbrams cone—Abrams圆筒(坍落度筒)Abrams law—Abrams定则l Admixture—外加剂→化学外加剂l Aggregate—骨料Absorption of water—吸水率Alkali-carbonate reaction—碱-碳酸盐反应Chloride—氯化物Clay—黏土combination of—结合criteria of acceptance—接受准则frost resistance—抗冻性grading—级配Los Angeles test—洛杉矶实验Maximum size and water requirement—最大粒径和需水量Mechanical properties—力学性能Moisture—含水率organic substance—有机杂质porosity—孔隙率sieve analysis—筛分分析S.S.D.—饱和面干sulphate—硫酸盐water requirement—需水量l Aggressive CO2—侵蚀介质CO2l Alite—阿利特l Ammonium salts—铵盐l Amorphous silica—无定形二氧化硅l ASR Alkali-silica-reaction in aggregate—骨料中的碱-硅反应: Bl Belite—贝利特l Blast furnace cement—矿渣水泥l Bleeding—泌水concrete in floor—地板混凝土grout—水泥浆influence of steel bond—钢筋粘结的影响influence of transition zone—过渡区的影响mortar—砂浆l BolomeyCl Capillary porosity—毛细管孔隙率l Capillary pressure—毛细管压力l Carbonation—碳化l Characteristic strength—特征强度l Chemical admixtures一化学外加剂Air entraining agents(AEA)—引气剂use in shotcrete—在喷射混凝土中的应用ASR inhibitor—碱-硅反应抑制剂Corrosion inhibitors—防腐剂Classification—分类Hardening accelerators—促硬剂Hydrophobic admixtures—防水剂High-range water reducers superplasticizers—高效减水剂(超塑化剂)Retarders—缓凝剂Setting accelerators—促凝剂Use in shotcrete—用于喷射混凝土中Silanes—硅烷Shrinkage-reducing admixtures—减缩剂SRA→Shrinkage-reducing admixturesSuperplasticizers—高效减水剂(超塑化剂)Mechanism of action of—作用机理Slump loss/retention—坍落度损失/保持Multifunctional—多功能的Use in shotcrete—用于喷射混凝土中Use to increase strength/durability—用于提高强度/耐久性Use to reduce cement—用于减少水泥Use to increase workability—用于提高工作性Viscosity modifying agents—黏度调节剂VMA→Viscosity modifying agentsWater-reducers—减水剂l Cement—水泥Norms—标准Set regulator—调凝剂Setting—凝结Strength—强度l Chloride—氯化物Diffusion—扩散l Compactability—密实性l Compacting factor—密实系数l Composite cement—复合水泥l Composite Portland cement—复合硅酸盐水泥l Concrete—混凝土Deterioration—劣化Manufacture—生产Placing—浇筑Prestressed—预应力Reinforced—增强l Corrosion of reinforcement—钢筋的腐蚀Promoted by carbonation—碳化引起Promoted by chloride—氯化物引起l Cracking—开裂l Creep—徐变Basic—基本Drying—干燥Influence of creep on drying shrinkage—徐变对干缩的影响Prediction of creep in concrete structures—混凝土结构的徐变预测l Cored concrete—混凝土芯样l Curing—养护Influence of curing on durability—养护对耐久性的影响Influence of curing on concrete strength—养护对混凝土强度的影响Membrane—薄膜Wet curing—湿养l C3A—铝酸三钙l C4AF—铁铝酸四钙l C3S—硅酸三钙l C2S—硅酸二钙l C-S-H—水化硅酸钙Dl Damage→deterioration—损伤→劣化l DEF—延迟钙矾石形成l Degree of compaction—密实度In shotcrete—喷射混凝土l Degree of consolidation—密实度l Degree of hydration—水化程度l Depassivation—去钝化l Deterioration—劣化l Drying shrinkage→shrinkage—干缩→收缩l DSP一致密小颗粒混凝土l Durability—耐久性Capillary porosity—毛细管孔隙率Concrete cover—混凝土保护层Exposure classes—暴露等级Long term durability—长期耐久性El Entrained air一引气Influence on freezing—对抗冻性的影响Influence on strength—对强度的影响l Entrapped air—夹杂气体l Ettringite—钙矾石Primary—一次Secondary—二次l Expansive agents→Shrinkage compensating concrete—膨胀剂→收缩补偿混凝土Fl Fibre-inforced concrete ( FRC )—纤维增强混凝土Application of FRC一纤维增强混凝土的应用Crack-free concrete一无裂缝混凝土Toughness of concrete—混凝土的韧性Impact strength—冲击强度In shotcrete—喷射混凝土Metallic fibre—金属纤维Polymer mini-fibre—聚合物微纤维Polymer macro-fibre—聚合物大纤维Polymer structure PVA fibres—聚合物结构聚乙烯醇纤维l Fictitious thickness一虚拟厚度l Fire endurance of concrete一混凝土的耐火性Behavior of concrete during fire一混凝土在火中的行为Behavior of high-strength concrete during fire—高强混凝土在火中的行为Influence of the aggregate—骨料的影响Influence of the concrete cover—混凝土保护层的影响Influence of the metallic fibres一金属纤维的影响Influence of the loading in service一服役荷载的影响Influence of the polymeric fibres—聚合物纤维的影响l Fly ash—粉煤灰Beneficiation—选矿l Freezing and thawing一冻融l Füllerl Füller&Thompson→FüllerGl GGBFS→slag—磨细粒化高炉矿渣→矿渣l Gluconate—葡萄糖酸盐l Glucose—葡萄糖l Grout—浆体l Gypsum—石膏Hl Heat—热Cracking due to thermal gradients—温度梯度诱发开裂Of hydration—水化热l Hydration—水化Of aluminates—铝酸盐的水化Of silicates—硅酸盐的水化l High-Performance Concrete—高性能混凝土l High Strength Concrete—高强混凝土l Hooke law—Hooke定律Kl Kiln一烧窑Ll Leaching—析浆l Lightweight concrete—轻混凝土Glassification—分类Expanded clay—陶粒Lightweight aggregate—轻骨料In the Rome Pantheon—罗马万神殿Natural lightweight aggregate(pumice)—天然轻骨料(浮石) Shrinkage—收缩Structural—结构的Precast L. C—预制轻混凝土SCC L. C—自密实轻混凝土Structural L. C for ready-mixed concrete—预拌结构轻混凝土l Lignosulphonate—木素磺酸盐l Lime—石灰l Limestone—石灰石Blended cement一混合水泥l Lyse rule—Lyse准则Ml Magnesium salts—镁盐l Mass concrete—大体积混凝土l Mix design—配合比设计l Modulus—模数Of elasticity—弹性模量Of fineness一细度模数l Mill一磨机l Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator一市政固体废物焚烧炉Pl Passivation—钝化l Permeability—渗透性l Pop-out一凸起l Porosity—孔隙率Capillary—毛细管孔隙Capillary porosity and strength—毛细管孔隙率与强度Capillary porosity and elastic modulus—毛细管孔隙率与弹性模量Capillary porosity and permeability—毛细管孔隙率与渗透性Capillary porosity and durability—毛细管孔隙率与耐久性Gel—凝胶Macroporosity—大孔孔隙率l Portland cement—硅酸盐水泥Blended cements一混合水泥European norm—欧洲标准Ferric一铁相Manufacture—生产White—白色l Powers—能源l Pozzolan一火山灰Activity—活性Industrial—工业的l Pozzolanic cement一火山灰水泥l Precast concrete—预制混凝土Steam curing—蒸养l Prescriptions on concrete structures—混凝土结构的质量要求Concrete composition prescriptions—混凝土组成的质量要求Concrete performance prescriptions—混凝土性能的质量要求Contractor prescriptions一对承包商的要求Rl Reactive Powder Concrete一活性粉末混凝土l Recycled concrete一再生混凝土Process of manufacturing recycled aggregate (RA)一再生骨料的加工工艺Properties of RA一再生骨料的性能Contaminant products—污染物Density of RA一再生骨料的密度Water absorption—吸水率Properties of concrete with RA—含有再生骨料混凝土的性能l Relaxation—松弛l Retempering—重拌合Sl Segregation—离析l SCC→Self-Compacting Concrete—自密实混凝土l Self-Compacting Concrete—自密实混凝土Architectural一装饰High strength—高强Mass concrete—大体积混凝土Lightweight concrete—轻混凝土Shrinkage-compensating—收缩补偿l Setting—凝结l Shrinkage—收缩Drying shrinkage—干缩Influence of aggregate on drying shrinkage一骨料对干缩的影响Influence of high range water reducers on drying shrinkage—高效减水剂对干缩的影响Influence of workability on drying shrinkage一工作性对干缩的影响Prediction of drying shrinkage in concrete structures—混凝土结构干缩的预测Plastic shrinkage—塑性收缩Standard shrinkage—标准收缩l Shrinkage-compensating concrete—收缩补偿混凝土Expansive agents—膨胀剂Combined use of SRA and expansive agents—减缩剂和膨胀剂的结合应用Lime-based expansive agents—石灰基膨胀剂Sulphoaluminate-based expansive agents—硫铝酸盐基膨胀剂Application of shrinkage compensating concrete—补偿收缩混凝土的应用Joint-free architectural buildings—无缝装饰建筑Joint-free industrial floor一无缝工业地板Repair of damaged concrete structures—损坏混凝土结构的修补Expansion of specimen vs. that of structure—试件的膨胀与结构的膨胀Restrained expansion—约束膨胀SCC shrinkage-compensating concrete—自密实收缩补偿混凝土l Shotcrete—喷射混凝土ACI recommendations—ACI建议Bond of shotcrete. to substrate—喷射混凝土与基层的粘结Chemical admixtures in—喷射混凝土的化学外加剂Alkali-free accelerators—无碱促进剂Sodium silicate accelerators—硅酸钠促进剂Composition of一喷射混凝土组成Fibres in—喷射混凝土的纤维High performance—高性能喷射混凝土Influence of steel bars on—配筋的影响Mineral additions in—矿物掺合料Nozzelman喷枪操作工Rebound—回弹l Sieve analysis—筛分l Silica fume—硅灰Silica fume in high strength concrete—高强混凝土中的硅灰l Slag—矿渣Cement—矿渣水泥l Slump—坍落度Slump loss—坍落度损失l SRA→Shrinkage Reducing Admixture in Chemical Admixtures-一化学外加剂中的减缩剂l Standard deviation一标准差l Steam curing—蒸养l Steel-concrete bond—钢筋-混凝土的粘结l Strength—强度Characteristic一特征强度Class of cement—水泥的强度等级Class of concrete一混凝土的强度等级Compressive—抗压强度DSP concrete—细颗粒密实混凝土Flexural—抗折强度High-strength concrete—高强混凝土Influence of compaction on一密实性对强度的影响Influence of cement on concrete一水泥对混凝土强度的影响Influence of temperature on concrete—温度对混凝土强度的影响Influence of transition zone on—过渡区对强度的影响Of cement paste—水泥浆的强度Of cored samples一芯样的强度Of specimens—试件的强度Standard deviation—标准差Tensile—抗拉强度l Stress—应力Compressive—压应力Flexural—弯曲应力Tensile一拉应力l Sulphate attack—硫酸盐侵蚀l Superplsticizer→Chemical. admixtures—超塑化剂(高效减水剂)→化学外加剂Tl Temperature—温度Influence of temperature on concrete strength—温度对强度的影响Influence of temperature on site organization—温度对现场浇筑的影响Placing in summer time一夏季浇筑Placing in winter time一冬季浇筑l Thaumasite—硅灰石膏l Thermal gradients—温度梯度l Transition zone—过渡区Vl Vebe—维勃l Vibration—振动Wl Water—水And workability—水与工作性And strength.一水与强度Addition on job site一水的现场添加l Water-cement ratio—水灰比l Workability—工作性And consolidation—工作性与密实性。
Durability of concreteBesides its ability to sustain loads, concrete is also required to be durable .The durability of concrete can be defined as its resistance to deterioration resulting from external and internal causes. The external causes include the effects of environmental and service conditions to which concrete is subjected, such as weathering, particularly chlorides and sulphates, in the constituent materials, interaction between the constituent materials, such as alkali-aggregate reaction, volume changes, absorption and permeability.In order to produce a durable concrete, care should be taken to select suitable constituent materials. It is also important that mix contains adequate quantities of materials in proportions suitable for producing a homogeneous and fully compacted concrete mass.WeatheringDeterioration of concrete by weathering is usually brought about by the disruptive action of alternate freezing and thawing of free water within the concrete and expansion and contraction of the concrete, under restraint, resulting from variations in temperature and alternate wetting and drying.Damage to concrete from freezing and thawing arises from the expansion of pore water during freezing; in a condition of restraint, if repeated a sufficient number of times, this results in the development of hydraulic pressure capable of disrupting concrete. Road Krebs and slabs, dams and reservoirs are very susceptible are very susceptible to frost action.The resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing can be improved by increasing its impermeability. This can be achieved by using a mix with the lowest possible water-cement ratio compatible with sufficient workability for placing and compacting into a homogeneous mass. Durability can be further improved by using air entrainment, an air content of 3 to 6 per cent of the volume of concrete normally being adequate for most applications. The use of air entrained concrete is particularly useful for roads where salts are used for deicing.Chemical Attackin general, concrete has a low resistance to chemical attack.There are several chemical agents which react with concrete but the most common forms of attack are those associated with leaching, carbonation, chlorides and sulphates. Chemical agents essentially react with certain compounds of the hardened cement paste and the resistance of concrete to chemical attack therefore can be affected by the type of cement used. The resistance to chemical attack improves with increased impermeability.WearThe main causes of wear of concrete are the cavitation effects of fast-moving water, abrasive material in water, wind blasting and attrition and impact of traffic. Certain conditions of hydraulic flow result in the formation of cavities between the flowing water and the concrete surface .These cavities are usually filled with water vapor charged with extraordinarily high energy and repeated contact with the concrete surface results in the formation of pits and holes, Known an cavitation erosion. Since even a good-quality concrete will not be able to resist this kind of deterioration, the best remedy is therefore the elimination of cavitation by producing smooth hydraulic flow. Wherenecessary, the critical areas may be lined with materials having greater resistance to cavitation erosion.In general, the resistance of concrete to erosion and abrasion increases with increase in strength. The use of a hard and tough aggregate tends to improve concrete resistance to wear.Alkali-Aggregate ReactionsCertain natural aggregates react chemically with the alkalis present in Portland cement. When this happens these aggregates expand or swell resulting in cracking and disintegration of concrete.Volume ChangesPrincipal factors responsible for volume changes are the chemical combination of water and cement and the subsequent drying of concrete, variations in temperature and alternate wetting and drying. When a change in volume is resisted by internal or external forces this can produce cracking, The greater the imposed restraint, the more severe the cracking. The presence of cracks in concrete reduces its resistance to the action of leaching, corrosion of reinforcement, attack by sulphates and other chemicals, alkali-aggregate reaction and freezing and thawing, all of which may lead to disruption of concrete. Severe cracking can lead to complete disintegration of the concrete surface particularly when this is accompanied by alternate expansion and contraction.V olume changes can be minimized by using suitable constituent materials and mix proportions having due regard to the size of structure. Adequate moist curing is also essential to minimize the effects of any volume changes.Permeability and AbsorptionPermeability refers to the ease with which water can pass through the concrete. This should not be confused with the absorption property of concrete and the two are not necessarily related. Absorption may be defined as the ability of concrete to draw water into its voids. Low permeability is an important requirement for hydraulic structures and in some cases water tightness of concrete may be considered to be more significant than strength although, other conditions being equal, concrete of low permeability will also be strong and durable. A concrete which readily absorbs water is susceptible to deterioration. Concrete is inherently a porous material. This arises from the use of water in excess of that required for the purpose of hydration in order to make the mix sufficiently workable and the difficulty of completely removing all the air from the concrete during compaction. If the voids are interconnected concrete becomes pervious although with normal care concrete is sufficiently impermeable for most purposes. Concrete of low permeability can be obtained by suitable selection of its constituent materials and their proportions followed by careful placing, compaction and curing. In general for a fully compacted concrete, the permeability decreases with decreasing water-cement ratio. Permeability is affected by both the fineness and the chemical composition of cement. Aggregates of low porosity are preferable when concrete with a low permeability is required. Segregation of the constituent materials during placing can adversely affect the impermeability of concrete.混凝土的耐久性混凝土除了承受荷载之外,还需要有一定的耐久性。
4 Where fresh concrete is placed on hardened concrete, a good bond must be developed.5 The temperature of fresh concrete must be controlled from the time of mixing through final placement, and protected after placement.。
to avoid segregation.Selection of the most appropriate technique for economy depends on jobsite conditions, especially project size, equipment, and the contractor’s experience.In building construction,power-operated buggies; drop bottom buckets with a inclined chutes; flexible and rigid pipe by pumping;which either dry materials and water are sprayed separately or mixed concrete is shot against the forms; and for underwater placing, tremie chutes (closed flexible tubes).side-dump cars on narrow-gageFor pavement, concrete may be placed by bucket from the swinging boom of a paving mixer, directly by dump truck or mixer truck, or7 Even within the specified limits on slump and water-cementitious materials ratio, excess water must be avoided.In this context, excess water is presented for the conditions of placing if evidence of water rise (vertical segregation) or water flow (horizontal segregation) occurs.Excess water also tends to aggravate surface defects by increasedleakage through form openings. The result may be honeycomb, variations in color, or soft spots at the surface.8 In vertical formwork, water rise causes weak planes between each layer deposited. In addition to the deleterious structural effect, such planes, when hardened, contain voids which water may pass through.9 In horizontal elements, such as floor slabs, excess water rises and strength, low high and generallypoor quality.10 The purpose of consolidation is to eliminate voids of air and to ensure intimate complete contact of the concrete with the surfaces of the forms and the reinforcement.Intense vibration, however, may also reduce the volume of desirable entrained air; but this reduction can be compensated by adjustment of the mix proportions11 Powered internal vibrators are usually used to achieve consolidation. For thin slabs, however, high-quality, low-slump concrete can be effectively consolidated, without excess water, by mechanical surface vibrators.For precast elements in rigid external vibration is highly effective. External vibration is also effective with in-place forms, but should not be used unless the formwork is for theimpact of the vibrator.12 Except in certain paving operations, vibration of the reinforcement should be it is effective, thevertical rebars passing into partly set concrete below may be harmful.Note, however, that re-vibration of concrete before the final set, under controlled conditions, can improve concrete strength markedly and reduce surface voids.This technique is too difficult to control for general use on field-cast vertical elements, but it is very effective in finishing slabs with powered vibrating equipment.13 The interior of columns is usually congested; it contains a large volume of reinforcing steel compared with the volume of concrete, and has a large height compared with its cross-sectional dimensions.Therefore, though columns should be continuously cast, the concrete should be placed in 2-to 4-ft-deep increments and consolidated with internal vibrators. These should be lifted after each increment has been vibrated.If delay occurs in concrete supply before a beenWhen the remainder of the column isportion slightly.14 In all columns and reinforced narrow walls, concrete placing should begin with 2 to 4 inches of grout. Otherwise, loose stone will collect at the bottom, resulting in the formation of honeycomb. This grout should be proportioned for about the same slump as the concrete or slightly more, but at the same or lower water-cementitious material ratio.the same proportions of butWhen concrete is placed for walls,the only practicable means to avoid segregation is to place no more than a 24-in layer in one pass. Each layer should be vibrated separately and kept nearly level.15 For walls deeper than 4 ft, concrete should be placed through vertical. The concrete should not fall free more than 4 ft or segregation will occur, with the coarse aggregate ricocheting off thelayers after the initial layer should be penetrated by.can be beneficial (re-vibration), but control under variable jobsite conditions is too uncertain for recommendation of this practice for general use.16 The results of poor placement in walls are frequently observed:slope layer lines; honeycombs, leaking, if water is present; and, if cores are taken at successive heights, up to a 50% reduction in strength from bottom to top. Some precautions necessary to avoid these ill effects are:17 Do not move concrete laterally with vibrators18 For deep, long walls, reduce the slump for upper layers 2 to 3 in below the slump for the starting layer.19 On any placing of layers, vibrate the concrete20 Concrete should be inspected for the owner before, during, and after casting. Before concrete is placed, the formwork must be free of ice and debris and properly coated with bond-breaker oil.The rebars must be in place, properly supported to bear any traffic they will receive during concrete placing.inserts, and other items to be embedded must be inConstruction personnel should be available, usually carpenters, bar placers and other trades, if piping or electrical conduit is to be embedded, to act as form watchers and to reset any rebars, conduit, or piping displaced.21 As concrete is cast, the slump of the concrete must be observed and regulated within prescribed limits, or the specified strengths based on the expected slump may be reduced.An inspector of placing who is also responsible for sampling and making cylinders, should test slump, temperatures, and unit weights, during concreting and should control any field adjustmentThe inspector should also that handling, placing, and finishing procedures that agreed on in advance are properly followed, to avoid segregated concrete.should ensure that any construction joints made necessary by stoppage of concrete supply, rain, or other delays are properly located and made in accordancewith procedures specified or approved by the engineer.22 Inspection is complete only when concrete is cast, finished, protected for curing, and attains full strength.1混凝土适当放置的原则是:2在混合器和放置点之间的所有操作(包括最终固结和精整)期间必须避免分离。
土木工程混凝土论文中英文资料外文翻译文献外文资料STUDIES ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF CONCRETESUBJECTED TO SUSTAINEDELEVATED TEMPERATUREConcrete has a remarkable fire resisting properties. Damage in concrete due to fire depends on a great extent on the intensity and duration of fire. Spalling cracking during heating are common concrete behaviour observed in the investigation of the fire affected structures. Plenty of literature is available on the studies of concrete based on time temperature cures. In power, oil sectorsand nuclear reactors concrete is exposed to high temperature for considerable period of time. These effects can be reckoned as exposure to sustained elevated temperature. The sustained elevated temperature may be varying from a few hours to a number of years depending upon practical condition of exposures. The knowledge on properties under such conditions is also of prime importance apart from the structures subjected to high intensity fire. Impact studies of structure subjected to sustained elevated temperature becomes more important as it involves sensitive structures which is more prone to attacks and accidents. In this paper impact studies on concrete subjected to sustained elevated temperature has been discussed. Experiments have been conducted on 180 specimens along with 180 companion cube specimens. The temperatures of 100°C, 200°C and 300°C for a duration of exposure of 2 hours 4 hours and 6 hours has been considered in the experiments. The results are logically analyzed and concluded.1. INTRODUCTIONThe remarkable property of concrete to resist the fire reduces the damage in a concrete structure whenever there is an accidental fire. In most of the cases the concrete remains intact with minor damages only. The reason being low thermal conductivity of concrete at higher temperatures and hence limiting the depth of penetration of firedamage. But when the concrete is subjected to high temperature for long duration the deterioration of concrete takes place. Hence it is essential to understand the strength and deformation characteristics of concrete subjected to temperature for long duration. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the variation in Impact Strength of concrete when subjected to a temperature range 100oC, 200oC and 300oC sustained for a period of 2 hrs, 4 hrs and 6 hrs.The review of the literature shows that a lot of research work [1 – 3] has taken place on the effect of elevated temperature on concrete. All these studies are based on time –temperature curves. Hence an attempt has been made to study the effect of sustained elevated temperature on impact strength of concrete and the results are compared with the compressive strength. The experimental programme has been planned for unstressed residual strength test based on the available facilities. Residual strength is the strength of heated and subsequently cooled concrete specimens expressed as percentage of the strength of unheated specimens.2. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION2.1. TEST SPECIMEN AND MATERIALSA total of 180 specimens were tested in the present study along with 180 companion cubes. An electric oven capable of reaching a maximum temperature of 300oC has been used for investigation. Fine and coarse aggregates conforming to IS383 has been used to prepare the specimen with mix proportions M1 = 1:2.1:3.95 w/c = 0.58, M2 = 1:1.15:3.56 w/c = 0.53, M3 = 1:0.8:2.4 w/c = TEST VARIABLESThe effects of the following variables were studied.2.2.1 Size sSize of Impact Strength Test Specimen was 150 mm dial and 64 mm thickness and size of companion cube 150 x 150 x 150 mm.2.2.2 Maximum TemperatureIn addition to room temperature, the effect of three different temperatures (100oC, 200oC and 300oC) on the compressive strength was investigated.2.2.3 Exposure Time at Maximum TemperatureThree different exposure times were used to investigate the influence of heat on compressive strength; they are 2 hrs, 4 hrs and 6 hrs.2.2.4 Cooling MethodSpecimens were cooled in air to room temperature.3. TEST PROCEDUREAll the specimens were cast in steel moulds as per IS516 and each layer was compacted. Specimens were then kept in their moulds for 24 hours after which they were decoupled and placed into a curing tank until 28 days. After which the specimens were removed and were allowed to dry in room temperature. These specimens were kept in the oven and the required target temperature was set. Depending on the number of specimen kept inside the oven the time taken to reach the steady state was found to vary. After the steady state was reached the specimens were subjected to predetermined steady duration at the end of which the specimens are cooled to room temperature and tested.ACI drop weight impact strength test was adopted. This is the simplest method for evaluating impact resistance of concrete. The size of the specimen is 150 mm dial and 64 mm thickness. The disc specimens were prepared using steel moulds cured and heated and cooled as. This consists of a standard manually operated 4.54 kg hammer with 457 mm drop. A 64 mm hardened steel ball and a flat base plate with positioning bracket and lugs. The specimen is placed between the four guides pieces (lugs) located 4.8 mm away from the sample. A frame (positioning bracket) is then built in order to target the steel ball at the centre of concrete disc. The disc is coated at the bottom with a thin layer of petroleum jelly or heavy grease to reduce the friction between the specimen and base plate. The bottom part of the hammer unit was placed with its base upon the steel ball and the load was applied by dropping weight repeatedly. The loading was continued until the disc failed and opened up such that it touched three of the four positioning lugs. The number of blows that caused this condition is recorded as the failure strength. The companion cubes were tested for cube compression strength (fake).4. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS4.1 RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH VS. TEMPERATUREFrom Table 1, at 100°C sustained elevated temperature it is seen that the residual strength of air cooled specimens of mixes M1, M2 and M3 has increased in strength 114% for M1 mix, 109% for M2 mix and 111% for M3 mix for 6 hours duration of exposure. When the sustained elevated temperature is to 200°C for air cooled specimens there is a decrease in strength up to 910% approximately for M1 mix for a duration of 6 hours, but in case of M2 mix it is 82% and for M3 mix it is 63% maximum for 6 hours duration of exposure. When the concrete mixes M1, M2 and M3 are exposed to 300°C sustained temperature there is a reduction in strength up to 78% for M1 mix for 6 hour duration of exposure.4.2 RESIDUAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH VS DURATION OF EXPOSUREFrom Table 1, result shows that heating up to 100°C for 2 hours and 4 hours, the residual strength of mix M1 has decreased where as the residual strength of mix M2 and M3 has increased. The residual strength is further increased for 6 hours duration of exposure in all the three mixes M1, M2 and M3 even beyond the strength at room temperature. When the specimens of mixes M1, M2 and M3 are exposed to 200°C for 2,4 and 6 hours of duration, it is observed that the residual strength has decreased below the room temperature and has reached 92% for M1 mix, 82 and 73% for M2 and M3 mix respectively. Concrete cubes of mixes M1, M2 and M3 when subjected to 300°C temperature for 2,4 and 6 hours the residual strength for mix M1 reduces to 92% for 2 hours up to 78% for six hours duration of exposure, for M2 mix 90% for 2 hours duration of exposure up to 76% for six hour duration of exposure, for M3 mix 88% up to 68% between 2 and 6 hours of duration of exposure.5. IMPACT STRENGTH OF CONCRETE5.1 RESIDUAL IMPACT STRENGTH VS TEMPERATUREFrom the table 1, it can be observed that for the sustained elevated temperature of 100°C the residual impact strength of all the specimens reduces and vary between 20 and 50% for mix M1, 15 to 40% for mix M2 and M3. When the sustained elevated temperature is 200°C the residual impact strength of all the mixes further decreases. The reduction is around 60-70% for mix M1, 55 to 65% for M2 and M3 mix. When the sustained elevated temperature is 300°C it is observed that the residual impact strength reduces further and vary between 85 and 70% for mix M1 and 85 to 90% for mix M2 and mix M3.5.2 RESIDUAL IMPACT STRENGTH VS DURATION OF EXPOSUREFrom the Table 1 and Figures 1 to 3, it can be observed that there is a reduction in impact strength when the sustained elevated temperature is 100°C for 2 hrs, 4 hrs and 6 hrs, and its range is 15 to 50% for all the mixes M1, M2 and M3. The influence of duration of exposure is higher for mix M1 which decreases more rapidly as compared to mix M2 and mix M3 for the same duration of exposure. When the specimens are subjected to sustained elevated temperature of 200°C for 2,4 and 6 hour of duration, further reduction in residual impact strength is observed as compared to at 100°C. The reduction is in the range of 55-70% for all the mixes. The six hour duration of exposure has a greater influence on the residual impact strength of concrete. When the sustained elevated temperature is 300°C for 2,4 and 6 hours duration of exposure the residualimpact strength reduces. It can be seen that both temperature and duration of exposure have a very high influence on the residual impact strength of concrete which shows a reduction up to 90% approximately for all the mixes.6. CONCLUSIONThe compressive strength of concrete increases at 100oC when exposed to sustained elevated temperature. The compressive strength of concrete decreases when exposed to 200°C and 300°C from 10 to 30% for 6 hours of exposure. Residual impact strength reduces irrespective of temperature and duration. Residual impact strength decreases at a higher rate of 20% to 85% as compared to compressive strength between 15% and 30 % when subjected to sustained elevated temperature. The impact strength reduces at a higher rate as compared to compressive strength when subjected to sustained elevated temperature.混凝土受持续高温影响的强度的研究混凝土具有显着的耐火性能。
钢筋混凝土中英文资料翻译1 外文翻译1.1 Reinforced ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement ,water ,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel),air, and often other admixtures. The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork, then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cement/water mix, resulting in hardened concrete. The finished product has high compressive strength, and low resistance to tension, such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength. Consequently, tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete element.It is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design. The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved. This is possible because concrete can easily be given any desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixture of the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned, the finished product becomes strong, durable, and, in combination with the reinforcing bars, adaptable for use as main members of anystructural system.The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast: that is, whether it is a column, a bean, a wall, a slab, a foundation. a mass columns, or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete. For beams, columns, and walls, the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them, and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials. In foundations, the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in. in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete. Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type, as the case requires, unless it is placed by pumping. It must be kept in mind, however, that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concrete.Hydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F. It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place. If drying is too rapid, surface cracking takes place. This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydration.It is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element, such as geometrical width, depth, area of reinforcement, steel strain, concrete strain, steel stress, and so on. Consequently, trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice of concrete sections, with assumptions based on conditions at site, availability of the constituent materials, particular demands of the owners, architectural and headroom requirements, the applicable codes, and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite, in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structures.A trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system. The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load. Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section, the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analyses.The trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design. Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen. The availability of handbooks, charts, and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient, compact, and speedy instructionalmethod compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design.1.2 EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branch of civil engineering, this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast. In 1935 most of the methods now in use for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist. Most earth was moved by narrow rail track, now relatively rare, and the main methods of excavation, with face shovel, backacter, or dragline or grab, though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods. To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines. Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators, loaders and transport is obtainable from the makers.Earthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high ( cuts ), and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low ( fills). Toreduce earthwork costs, the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill. This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness. From the available maps ahd levels, the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork. On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layout,but the drawing lffice work will not have been lost. It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest time.The cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine. This is not always possible, but when it canbe done it is ideal, being both quick and cheap. Draglines, bulldozers and face shovels an do this. The largest radius is obtained with the dragline,and the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer, though only over short distances.The disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself, it cannot dig with force into compacted material, it cannot dig on steep slopws, and its dumping and digging are not accurate.Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines, having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines. They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline.Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful, but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovel.Rubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel. They can dig the material deeply ( but only below themselves ) to a fairly flat surface, carry it hundreds of meters if need be, then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping. For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor ( wheeled or tracked ) on the digging site, to push each scraper as it returns to dig. As soon as the scraper is full,the pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraper.Bowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machines;many makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity, which carry 10 m ³ heaped. The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m ³ struck capacity ( 25 m ³ heaped )and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powers.Dumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials. Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels, and the container tips forwards on most types, though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied. The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about 0.5 m ³, and the largest standard types are of about 4.5 m ³. Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m ³and the articulated type of about 0.5 m ³. The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered .dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load. Dump trucks are heavy, strengthened tipping lorries, the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him, so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks.1.3 Safety of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures. The “ safety factor ”, which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used, can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions. This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability ( risk ) of failure of the structure.Failure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also as unserviceability or, according to a more precise. Common definition. As the reaching of a “limit state ” which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designedfor. There are two categories of limit state :(1)Ultimate limit sate, which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity. Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure; failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism; failure by fatigue; elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure; and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads, to fire and to explosions.(2)Service limit states, which are functions of the use and durability of the structure. Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability; early or excessive cracks; large vibrations; and corrosion.Computational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into:(1)Deterministic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters.(2)Probabilistic methods, in which the main parameters are considered as random parameters.Alternatively, with respect to the different use of factors of safety, computational methods can be separated into:(1)Allowable stress method, in which the stresses computed under maximum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors.(2)Limit states method, in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its maximum strength. This strength, as determined by rational analysis, shall not be less than that required to support a factored load equal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ( ultimate state ).The stresses corresponding to working ( service ) conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values ( service limit state ) . From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods, we can obtain some useful computational methods. Generally, two combinations prevail:(1)deterministic methods, which make use of allowable stresses.(2)Probabilistic methods, which make use of limit states.The main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that, at least in theory, it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety, which are then combined to define the safety factor. probabilistic approaches depend upon :(1) Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions offabrication and erection ( scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure );(2) Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure ( faults and imperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure );(3) Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure;(4)Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used ( deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses ).Furthermore, probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors, such as :(1) Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage by its failure;(2)Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure;(3)Possibility and/or likelihood of repairing the structure;(4) Predicted life of the structure.All these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as:(1) Initial cost of the construction;(2) Amortization funds for the duration of the construction;(3) Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction;(4) Adverse impact on society;(5) Moral and psychological views.The definition of all these parameters, for a given safety factor, allows construction at the optimum cost. However, the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account. For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses, of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials, and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known. Furthermore, it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material, on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure. These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways. The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads, without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion. The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifying assumptions ( semi-probabilistic methods ) 。
<文献翻译一:原文>Strength of Concrete in Slabs, Investigates along Direction of Concreting ABSTRACTIn theory of concrete it is assumed that concrete composites are isotropic on a macro scale. For example, it is assumed that a floor slab’s or a beam’s streng th is identical in all directions and its nonhomogeneity is random. Hence neither calculations of the load-bearing capacity of structural components nor the techniques of investigating concrete in structure in situ take into account to a sufficient degree the fact that the assumption about concrete isotropy is overly optimistic. The present research shows that variation in concrete strength along the direction of concreting has not only a qualitative effect (as is commonly believed), but also a significant quantitative effect. This indicates that concrete is a composite which has not been fully understood yet. The paper presents evaluations of ordinary concrete (OC) homogeneity along component thickness along the direction of concreting. The ultrasonic method and modified exponential heads with a point contact with concrete were used in the investigations [1-3].Keywords: Concrete; Compressive Strength of Concrete; Non-Destructive1. IntroductionIn a building structure there are components which are expected to have special properties but not necessarily in the whole cross section. Components under bending, such as beams and floor slabs are generally compressed in their upper zone and the concrete’s compressive strength is vital mainly in this zone. The components are usually moulded in the same position in which they later remain in service, i.e. with their upper zone under compression. Concrete in the upper zone is expected to be slightly weaker than in the lower zone, but it is unclear how much weaker [4,5]. Also flooring slabs in production halls are most exposed to abrasion and impact loads in their upper zone which is not their strongest part. It is known from practice that industrial floors belong to the most often damaged building components.When reinforced concrete beams or floor slabs are to be tested they can be accessed only from their undersides and so only the bottom parts are tested and on this basis conclusions are drawn about the strength of the concrete in the whole cross section, including in the compressed upper zone. Thus a question arises: how large are the errors committed in this kind of investigations?In order to answer the above and other questions, tests of the strength of concrete in various structural components, especially in horizontally concreted slabs, were carried out. The variation of strength along the thickness of the components was analyzed.2. Research SignificanceThe research results presented in the paper show that the compressive strength of concrete in horizontally formed structural elements varies along their thickness. In the top zone the strength is by 25% - 30% lower than the strength in the middle zone, and it can be by as much as 100% lower than the strength in the bottom zone. The observations are based on the results of nondestructive tests carried out on drill cores taken from the structure, and verified by a destructive method. It is interesting to note that despite the great advances in concrete technology, the variation in compressive strength along the thickness of structural elements is characteristic of both old (over 60 years old) concretes and contemporary ordinary concretes.3. Test MethodologyBefore Concrete strength was tested by the ultrasonic method using exponential heads with a point contact with concrete. The detailed specifications of the heads can be found in [2,3]. The heads’ frequency was 40 and 100 kHz and the diameter of their concentrators amounted to 1 mm.In order to determine the real strength distributions in the existing structures, cylindrical cores 80 mm or 114 mm diameter (Figure 2) were drilled from them in the direction of concreting. Then specimens with their height equal to their diameter were cut out of the cores.Ultrasonic measurements were performed on the cores according to the scheme shown in Figure3. Ultrasonic pulses (pings) were passed through in two perpendicular directions I and II in planes spaced every 10 mm. In this way one could determine how ping velocity varied along the core’s height, i.e. along the thickness of the tested component.In both test directions ping pass times were determined and velocities CL were calculated. The velocities from the two directions in a tested measurement plane were averaged.Subsequently, specimens with their height equal to their diameter of 80 mm were cut out of the cores. Aver-age ultrasonic pulse velocity CL for the specimen’s central zone was correlated with fatigue strength fc determined by destructive tests carried out in a strength tester.For the different concretes different correlation curves with a linear, exponential or power equation were obtained. Exemplary correlation curve equations are given below:Lc c L c C f L f C f 38.1exp 0951.01.003.56705.232621.4=⋅=-⨯=where:fc —the compressive strength of concrete MPa,CL —ping velocity km/s.The determined correlation curve was used to calculate the strength of concrete in each tested core cross section and the results are presented in the form of graphs illustrating concrete strength distribution along the thickness of the tested component. 4. Investigation of Concrete in Industrial FloorsAfter Floor in sugar factory’s raw materials storage hall Concrete in an industrial floor must have particularly good characteristics in the top layer. Since it was to be loaded with warehouse trucks and stored sugar beets and frequently washed the investigated concrete floor (built in 1944) was designed as consisting of a 150 mm thick underlay and a 50 mm thick surface layer and made of concrete with a strength of 20 MPa (concrete A).As part of the investigations eight cores, each 80 mm in diameter, were drilled from the floor. The investigations showed significant departures from the design. The concrete subfloor’s thickness varied from 40 to 150 mm. The surface layer was not made of concrete, but of cement mortar with sand used as the aggregate. Also the thickness of this layer was uneven, varying from 40 to 122mm. After the ultrasonic tests specimens with their height equal to their diameter of 80 mm were cut out of the cores. Two scaling curves: one for the surface layer and the other for the bottom concrete layer were determined.A characteristic concrete compressive strength distribution along the floor’s thickness is shown in Figure 4.Strength in the upper zone is much lower than in thelower zone: ranging from 4.7 to 9.8 MPa for the mortar and from 13.9 to 29.0 MPa for the concrete layer. The very low strength of the upper layer of mortar is the result of strong porosity caused by air bubbles escaping upwards during the vibration of concrete. Figure 5 shows t he specimen’s porous top surface.Floor in warehouse hall with forklift truck transport The floor was built in 1998. Cellular concrete was used as for the underlay and the 150 mm thick surface layer was made of ordinary concrete with fibre (steel wires) reinforcement (concrete B). Cores 80 mm high and 80 mm in diameter were drilled from the surface layer. Ultrasonic measurements and destructive tests were performed as described above. Also the test results were handled in a similar way. An exemplary strength distribution along the floor’s thickness is shown in Figure 6.5. ConclusionsTests of ordinary concretes show unexpectedly greatly reduced strength in the upper zone of horizontally moulded structural components. This is to a large degree due to the vibration of concrete as a result of which coarse aggregate displaces downwards making the lower layers more compact while air moves upwards aerating the upper layers and thereby increasing their porosity. The increase in the concrete’s porosity results in a large drop in its compressive strength. Thanks to the use of the ultrasonic method and probes with exponential concentrators it could be demonstrated how the compressive strength of ordinary concrete is distributed along the thickness of structural components in building structures. It became apparent that the reduction in compressive strength in the compressed zone of structural components under bending and in industrial concrete floors can be very large (amounting to as much as 50% of the strength of t he slab’s lower zone). Therefore this phenomenon should be taken into account at the stage of calculating slabs, reinforced concrete beams and industrial floors [6].The results of the presented investigations apply to ordinary concretes (OC) which are increasingly supplanted by self-compacting concretes (SCC) and high-performance concretes (HPC). Since no intensive vibration is required to mould structures from such concretes one can expect that they are much more homogenous along their thickness [7]. This will be known once the ongoing experimental research is completed.Bohdan StawiskiStrength of Concrete in Slabs, Investigates along Direction of Concreting[D]Institute of Building Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego, Wroclaw, Poland Received October 15, 2011; revised November 21, 2011; accepted November 30, 2011<文献翻译一:译文>混凝土强度与混凝土浇筑方向关系的研究摘要从理论上看,假设混凝土复合材料是各项同性的从宏观尺度上讲。
土木工程类外文文献翻译---钢筋混凝土外文文献翻译院系_________________________班级_________________________姓名_________________________指导教师_________________________2012年2月20 日2 外文翻译21 Reinforced ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement water fine aggregate coarse aggregate crushed stone or gravel air and often other admixtures The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cementwater mix resulting in hardened concrete The finished product has high compressive strength and low resistance to tension such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength Consequently tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete elementIt is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved This is possible because concrete can easily be givenany desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixture of the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned the finished product becomes strong durable and in combination with the reinforcing bars adaptable for use as main members of any structural system The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast that is whether it is a column a bean a wall a slab a foundation a mass columns or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete For beams columns and walls the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials In foundations the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type as the case requires unless it is placed by pumping It must be kept in mind however that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concreteHydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place If drying is too rapid surface cracking takes place This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydrationIt is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element such as geometrical widthdepth area of reinforcement steel strain concrete strain steel stress and so on Consequently trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice of concrete sections with assumptions based on conditions at site availability of the constituent materials particular demands of the owners architectural and headroom requirements the applicable codes and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structuresA trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analysesThe trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen The availability of handbooks charts and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient compact and speedy instructional method compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design22 EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branch of civil engineering this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast In 1935 most of the methods now inuse for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist Most earth was moved by narrow rail track now relatively rare and the main methods of excavation with face shovel backacter or dragline or grab though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators loaders and transport is obtainable from the makersEarthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high cuts and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low fills Toreduce earthwork costs the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness From the available maps ahd levels the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layoutbut the drawing lffice work will not have been lost It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest timeThe cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine This is not always possible but when it canbe done it is ideal being both quick and cheap Draglinesbulldozers and face shovels an do this The largest radius is obtained with the draglineand the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer though only over short distancesThe disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself it cannot dig with force into compacted material it cannot dig on steep slopws and its dumping and digging are not accurate Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovelRubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel They can dig the material deeply but only below themselves to a fairly flat surface carry it hundreds of meters if need be then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor wheeled or tracked on the digging site to push each scraper as it returns to dig As soon as the scraper is fullthe pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraperBowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machinesmany makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity which carry 10 m 3 heaped The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m 3 struck capacity 25 m 3 heaped and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powersDumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels and the container tips forwards on most types though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about 05 m 3 and the largest standard types are of about 45 m 3 Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m 3 and the articulated type of about 05 m 3 The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load Dump trucks are heavy strengthened tipping lorries the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks23 Safety of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures The safety factor which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability risk of failure of the structureFailure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also as unserviceability or according to a more precise Common definition As the reaching of a limit state which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designed for There are two categories of limit state1 Ultimate limit sate which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism failure by fatigue elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads to fire and to explosions2 Service limit states which are functions of the use and durability of the structure Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability early or excessive cracks large vibrations and corrosionComputational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into1 Deterministic methods in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters2 Probabilistic methods in which the main parameters are considered as random parametersAlternatively with respect to the different use of factors of safety computational methods can be separated into1 Allowable stress method in which the stresses computed under imum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors2 Limit states method in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its imum strength This strength as determined by rational analysis shall not be less than that required to support a factored loadequal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ultimate state The stresses corresponding to working service conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values service limit state From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods we can obtain some useful computational methods Generally two combinations prevail1 deterministic methods which make use of allowable stresses2 Probabilistic methods which make use of limit statesThe main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that at least in theory it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety which are then combined to define the safety factor probabilistic approaches depend upon1 Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions of fabrication and erection scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure2 Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure faults and imperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure3 Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure4 Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses Furthermore probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors such as1 Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage byits failure2 Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure3 Possibility andor likelihood of repairing the structure4 Predicted life of the structureAll these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as1 Initial cost of the construction2 Aortization funds for the duration of the construction3 Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction4 Adverse impact on society5 Moral and psychological viewsThe definition of all these parameters for a given safety factor allows construction at the optimum cost However the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known Furthermore it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifyingassumptions semi-probabilistic methods1 中文翻译11钢筋混凝土素混凝土是由水泥水细骨料粗骨料碎石或卵石空气通常还有其他外加剂等经过凝固硬化而成将可塑的混凝土拌合物注入到模板内并将其捣实然后进行养护以加速水泥与水的水化反应最后获得硬化的混凝土其最终制成品具有较高的抗压强度和较低的抗拉强度其抗拉强度约为抗压强度的十分之一因此截面的受拉区必须配置抗拉钢筋和抗剪钢筋以增加钢筋混凝土构件中较弱的受拉区的强度由于钢筋混凝土截面在均质性上与标准的木材或钢的截面存在着差异因此需要对结构设计的基本原理进行修改将钢筋混凝土这种非均质截面的两种组成部分按一定比例适当布置可以最好的利用这两种材料这一要求是可以达到的因混凝土由配料搅拌成湿拌合物经过振捣并凝固硬化可以做成任何一种需要的形状如果拌制混凝土的各种材料配合比恰当则混凝土制成品的强度较高经久耐用配置钢筋后可以作为任何结构体系的主要构件浇筑混凝土所需要的技术取决于即将浇筑的构件类型诸如柱梁墙板基础大体积混凝土水坝或者继续延长已浇筑完毕并且已经凝固的混凝土等对于梁柱墙等构件当模板清理干净后应该在其上涂油钢筋表面的锈及其他有害物质也应该被清除干净浇筑基础前应将坑底土夯实并用水浸湿6英寸以免土壤从新浇的混凝土中吸收水分一般情况下除使用混凝土泵浇筑外混凝土都应在水平方向分层浇筑并使用插入式或表面式高频电动振捣器捣实必须记住过分的振捣将导致骨料离析和混凝土泌浆等现象因而是有害的水泥的水化作用发生在有水分存在而且气温在50°F以上的条件下为了保证水泥的水化作用得以进行必须具备上述条件如果干燥过快则会出现表面裂缝这将有损与混凝土的强度同时也会影响到水泥水化作用的充分进行设计钢筋混凝土构件时显然需要处理大量的参数诸如宽度高度等几何尺寸配筋的面积钢筋的应变和混凝土的应变钢筋的应力等等因此在选择混凝土截面时需要进行试算并作调整根据施工现场条件混凝土原材料的供应情况业主提出的特殊要求对建筑和净空高度的要求所用的设计规范以及建筑物周围环境条件等最后确定截面钢筋混凝土通常是现场浇注的合成材料它与在工厂中制造的标准的钢结构梁柱等不同因此对于上面所提到的一系列因素必须予以考虑对结构体系的各个部位均需选定试算截面并进行验算以确定该截面的名义强度是否足以承受所作用的计算荷载由于经常需要进行多次试算才能求出所需的截面因此设计时第一次采用的数值将导致一系列的试算与调整工作选择混凝土截面时采用试算与调整过程可以使复核与设计结合在一起因此当试算截面选定后每次设计都是对截面进行复核手册图表和微型计算机以及专用程序的使用使这种设计方法更为简捷有效而传统的方法则是把钢筋混凝土的复核与单纯的设计分别进行处理12土方工程由于和土木工程中任何其他工种的施工方法与费用相比较土方挖运的施工方法与费用的变化都要快得多因此对于有事业心的人来说土方工程是一个可以大有作为的领域在1935年目前采用的利用轮胎式机械设备进行土方挖运的方法大多数还没有出现那是大部分土方是采用窄轨铁路运输在这目前来说是很少采用的当时主要的开挖方式是使用正铲反铲拉铲或抓斗等挖土机尽管这些机械目前仍然在广泛应用但是它们只不过是目前所采用的许多方法中的一小部分因此一个工程师为了使自己在土方挖运设备方面的知识跟得上时代的发展他应当花费一些时间去研究现代的机械一般说来有关挖土机装载机和运输机械的唯一可靠而又最新的资料可以从制造厂商处获得土方工程或土方挖运工程指的是把地表面过高处的土壤挖去挖方并把它倾卸到地表面过低的其他地方填方为了降低土方工程费用填方量应该等于挖方量而且挖方地点应该尽可能靠近土方量相等的填方地点以减少运输量和填方的二次搬运土方设计这项工作落到了从事道路设计的工程师的身上因为土方工程的设计比其他任何工作更能决定工程造价是否低廉根据现有的地图和标高道路工程师应在设计绘图室中的工作也并不是徒劳的它将帮助他在最短的时间内获得最好的方案费用最低的运土方法是用同一台机械直接挖方取土并且卸土作为填方这并不是经常可以做到的但是如果能够做到则是很理想的因为这样做既快捷又省钱拉铲挖土机推土机和正铲挖土机都能做到这点拉铲挖土机的工作半径最大推土机所推运的图的数量最多只是运输距离很短拉铲挖土机的缺点是只能挖比它本身低的土不能施加压力挖入压实的土壤内不能在陡坡上挖土而且挖卸都不准确正铲挖土机介于推土机和拉铲挖土机的之间其作用半径大于推土机但小于拉铲挖土机正铲挖土机能挖取竖直陡峭的工作面这种方式对推土机司机来说是危险的而对拉铲挖土机则是不可能的每种机械设备应该进行最适合它的性能的作业正铲挖土机不能挖比其停机平面低很多的土而深挖坚实的土壤时反铲挖土机最适用但其卸料半径比起装有正铲的同一挖土机的卸料半径则要小很多在比较平坦的场地开挖如果用拉铲或正铲挖土机运输距离太远时则装有轮胎式的斗式铲运机就是比不可少的它能在比较平的地面上挖较深的土但只能挖机械本身下面的土需要时可以将土运至几百米远然后卸土并在卸土的过程中把土大致铲平在挖掘硬土时人们发现在开挖场地经常用一辆助推拖拉机轮式或履带式对返回挖土的铲运机进行助推这种施工方法是经济的一旦铲运机装满助推拖拉机就回到开挖的地点去帮助下一台铲运机斗式铲运机通常是功率非常大的机械许多厂家制造的铲运机铲斗容量为8 m3满载时可达10 m3最大的自行式铲运机铲斗容量为19立方米满载时为25 m3由430马力的牵引发动机驱动翻斗机可能是使用最为普遍的轮胎式运输设备因为它们还可以被用来送混凝土或者其他建筑材料翻斗车的车斗位于大橡胶轮胎车轮前轴的上方尽管铰接式翻斗车的卸料方向有很多种但大多数车斗是向前翻转的最小的翻斗车的容量大约为05立方米而最大的标准型翻斗车的容量大约为45m3特殊型式的翻斗车包括容量为4 m3的自装式翻斗车和容量约为05 m3的铰接式翻斗车必须记住翻斗车与自卸卡车之间的区别翻斗车车斗向前倾翻而司机坐在后方卸载因此有时被称为后卸卡车13结构的安全度规范的主要目的是提供一般性的设计原理和计算方法以便验算结构的安全度就目前的趋势而言安全系数与所使用的材料性质及其组织情况无关通常把它定义为发生破坏的条件与结构可预料的最不利的工作条件之比值这个比值还与结构的破坏概率危险率成反比破坏不仅仅指结构的整体破坏而且还指结构不能正常的使用或者用更为确切的话来说把破坏看成是结构已经达到不能继续承担其设计荷载的极限状态通常有两种类型的极限状态即1强度极限状态它相当于结构能够达到的最大承载能力其例子包括结构的局部屈曲和整体不稳定性某此界面失效随后结构转变为机构疲劳破坏引起结构几何形状显著变化的弹性变形或塑性变形或徐变结构对交变荷载火灾和爆炸的敏感性2使用极限状态它对应着结构的使用功能和耐久性器例子包括结构失稳之前的过大变形和位移早期开裂或过大的裂缝较大的振动和腐蚀根据不同的安全度条件可以把结构验算所采用的计算方法分成1确定性的方法在这种方法中把主要参数看作非随机参数2概率方法在这种方法中主要参数被认为是随机参数此外根据安全系数的不同用途可以把结构的计算方法分为1容许应力法在这种方法中把结构承受最大荷载时计算得到的应力与经过按规定的安全系数进行折减后的材料强度作比较2极限状态法在这种方法中结构的工作状态是以其最大强度为依据来衡量的由理论分析确定的这一最大强度应不小于结构承受计算荷载所算得的强度极限状态计算荷载等于分别乘以荷载系数的活载与恒载之和把对应于不乘以荷载系数的活载和恒载的工作使用条件的应力与规定值使用极限状态相比较根据前两种方法和后两种方法的四种可能组合我们可以得到一些实用的计算方法通常采用下面两种计算方法确定性的方法这种方法采用容许应力概率方法这种方法采用极限状态至少在理论上概率法的主要优点是可以科学的考虑所有随机安全系数然后将这些随机安全系数组合成确定的安全系数概率法取决于1制作和安装过程中材料强度的随机分布整个结构的力学性能数值的分散性2截面和结构几何尺寸的不确定性由结构制作和安装造成的误差和缺陷而引起的对作用在结构上的活载和恒载的预测的不确定性所采用的近似计算方法有关的不精确性实际应力与计算应力的偏差此外概率理论意味着可以基于下面几个因素来确定允许的危险率例如建筑物的重要性和建筑物破坏造成的危害性2由于建筑物破坏使生活受到威胁的人数3修复建筑的可能性4建筑物的预期寿命所有这些因素均与经济和社会条件有关例如1建筑物的初始建设费2建筑物使用期限内的折旧费3由于建筑物破坏而造成的物质和材料损失费4在社会上造成的不良影响5精神和心理上的考虑就给定的安全系数而论所有这些参数的确定都是以建筑物的最佳成本为依据的但是应该考虑到进行全概率分析的困难对于这种分析来说应该了解活载及其所引起的盈利的分布规律材料的力学性能的分散性和截面的结构几何尺寸的分散性此外由于强度的分布规律和应力的分布规律之间的相互关系是困难的这些实际困难可以采用两种方法来克服第一种方法对材料和荷载采用不同的安全系数而不需要采用概率准则第二种方法是引入一些而简化假设的近似概率方法半概率方法1建筑工程学院土木工程系土木084班。
混凝土行业中英文单词对照表1. 混凝土 Concrete2. 水泥 Cement3. 砂子 Sand4. 石子 Aggregate5. 混凝土搅拌车 Concrete Mixer Truck6. 混凝土泵车 Concrete Pump Truck7. 模板 Formwork8. 钢筋 Reinforcement9. 混凝土浇筑 Concrete Pouring10. 混凝土养护 Concrete Curing11. 混凝土强度 Concrete Strength12. 混凝土抗渗性 Concrete Impermeability13. 混凝土抗冻性 Concrete Frost Resistance14. 混凝土耐久性 Concrete Durability15. 混凝土裂缝 Concrete Crack17. 混凝土施工工艺 Concrete Construction Technology18. 预制混凝土构件 Precast Concrete Component19. 现浇混凝土 Castinsitu Concrete20. 混凝土外加剂 Concrete Admixture21. 混凝土试验 Concrete Test22. 混凝土检测 Concrete Inspection23. 混凝土修复 Concrete Repair24. 混凝土结构设计 Concrete Structure Design25. 混凝土建筑 Concrete Construction26. 混凝土框架 Concrete Frame27. 混凝土梁 Concrete Beam28. 混凝土柱 Concrete Column29. 混凝土板 Concrete Slab30. 混凝土基础 Concrete Foundation31. 混凝土路面 Concrete Pavement32. 混凝土桥梁 Concrete Bridge33. 混凝土隧道 Concrete Tunnel34. 混凝土预制件 Concrete Precast35. 混凝土配合比 Concrete Mix Design36. 混凝土坍落度 Concrete Slump37. 混凝土搅拌站 Concrete Batching Plant38. 混凝土输送带 Concrete Conveyor Belt39. 混凝土喷射 Concrete Spraying40. 混凝土装饰 Concrete Decoration41. 混凝土着色 Concrete Staining42. 混凝土雕刻 Concrete Sculpting43. 混凝土保护剂 Concrete Sealant44. 混凝土修补材料 Concrete Repair Mortar45. 混凝土表面处理 Concrete Surface Treatment46. 混凝土防滑 Concrete Antislip47. 混凝土隔声 Concrete Soundproofing48. 混凝土防火 Concrete Fireproofing49. 混凝土轻质 Lightweight Concrete50. 混凝土透水 Permeable Concrete这份对照表旨在帮助行业内的人员更好地理解和沟通混凝土相关的术语。
中文2915字毕业设计外文资料翻译(一)外文出处:Jules Houde 《Sustainable development slowed downby bad construction practices and natural and technological disasters》1、外文原文(复印件)毕业设计外文资料翻译(二)外文出处:Jules Houde 《Sustainable development slowed down by bad construction practices and natural and technological disasters》2、外文资料翻译译文混凝土结构的耐久性即使是工程师认为的最耐久和最合理的混凝土材料,在一定的条件下,混凝土也会由于开裂、钢筋锈蚀、化学侵蚀等一系列不利因素的影响而易受伤害。
它的性能很大程度上取决于多种因素,以下是混凝土因素的英文简写:1. W/C ratio (water-cement ratio):水灰比The water-cement ratio is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement in a concrete mix. It plays a critical role in determining the strength and durability of the concrete. A lower water-cement ratio generally results in higher strength and durability of the concrete.第二篇示例:混凝土是一种常用的建筑材料,广泛应用于建筑、桥梁、道路等工程中。
1. Cementitious Materials (水泥材料)水泥是制作混凝土的关键原材料之一,主要起着粘合作用。
2. Aggregates (骨料)骨料是混凝土中的颗粒状材料,主要包括粗骨料和细骨料。
3. Water (水)水是混凝土的另一种重要原材料,起着调节混合物流动性和固化过程的作用。
4. Admixtures (外加剂)外加剂是混凝土中的添加剂,用于改善混凝土的性能或施工性质。
英文译文在桥梁覆盖中的聚丙烯酰胺改性混凝土在实验室材料性能测试和有限元建模结构中的反应Qinwu Xu1; Zengzhi Sun2; Hu Wang3; and Aiqin Shen4摘自:Qinwu boratory Testing Material Property and FE Modeling Structural Response of PAM-Modified Concrete Overlay on Bridges[J]. ASCE:Journal of bridge engineering,2009,14(1):26-35摘要:在开裂困扰和界面脱粘的影响下,波特兰水泥混凝土通过反复装载车辆和温度循环进行覆盖桥面。
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英文译文在桥梁覆盖中的聚丙烯酰胺改性混凝土在实验室材料性能测试和有限元建模结构中的反应Qinwu Xu1; Zengzhi Sun2; Hu Wang3; and Aiqin Shen4摘自:Qinwu boratory Testing Material Property and FE Modeling Structural Response of PAM-Modified Concrete Overlay on Bridges[J]. ASCE:Journal of bridge engineering,2009,14(1):26-35摘要:在开裂困扰和界面脱粘的影响下,波特兰水泥混凝土通过反复装载车辆和温度循环进行覆盖桥面。
在这些聚合物中,许多研究人员对聚丙烯进行了广泛的研究,例如,2000年布鲁克斯使用它,以防止收缩开裂; 1998年斯南和Santhosh研究其对混凝土提高抗渗性和粘结强度; 2004年Granju和Silfwerbrand在收缩和冻融循环的影响下测试其对混凝土的力学性能;2007年已用于预防混凝土地图开裂和横向裂缝;1999年硅微粉及硅灰混凝土也被广泛应用覆盖;1988年用硅微粉改善抗折强度,抗渗,和氯化物侵入。
结果表明,7-10 %硅粉可以有效地提高混凝土材料的性能,同时减少氯离子渗透。
2006年发现,聚丙烯酰胺是最适合诱导水泥絮凝形成絮凝物由于其阴离子鈥互动与Ca2 +离子生产的水泥水化.2004年发现,聚丙烯酰胺可以提高抗渗,抗穿透性,加工的水泥砂浆。
8水泥浆体的0-14 %聚丙烯酰胺/水灰比在增量的2 %的人准备,命名为细胞壁0 ,】优派PJ - 2 】优派PJ - 4 】优派PJ - 6 】优派PJ - 8 】优派PJ - 10 】优派PJ - 12 ,和PJ - 14 ,分别。
检测结果载列于表1 ,这表明,利用水的增加,然后下降,并增加了。
这一结果的解释如下:当聚丙烯酰胺/水泥比例低于4 %,水吸收的PAM 占主导地位和水泥石表明要干;当聚丙烯酰胺水灰比大于4 %,润滑效果,形成乳胶颗粒周围水泥占主导地位和流动性增加;当聚丙烯酰胺/水泥比例大于10 %,浓度的聚丙烯酰胺高分子是伟大的和一些凝胶类氢债券形式从化学反应,从而增加粘度,降低流动性的水泥浆体;当聚丙烯酰胺/水泥比例大于12 %,它已变得十分困难的混合水泥浆体。
因此,对于材料加工只有普通混凝土和改性混凝土混合物的聚丙烯酰胺/水泥的比例为6 %, 8 %, 10 %设计了用于机械测试,列于表2 。
通信部2005年具体样本治愈在20 2 ℃,以水分95 %以下为期28天的规格。
对于每个力学测试讨论后,每个混合物有 3个重复样品,总计4个混合物准备12个样本。
抗压和抗折强度试验抗压强度和抗折强度试验方法概述以下的标准进行了使用万能试验机,详见表3 。
直接剪切试验和直接拉了测试,如一个概述脑梗死- 503R章已被广泛用于measurethe界面结合强度的领域。
结合强度的影响下反复车辆装载或温度循环还审查,这项研究的直接剪切试验在实验室的目的是要衡量界面结合强度,所描述的following.A硬化混凝土试样测量100毫米(长度) ×100毫米(宽度) ×300毫米(高度)放在中间的模具具有相同的宽度,但更大的篇幅。
因此,新拌混凝土混合物倒入了旁边的空格硬化混凝土试样,以填补模具,形成两个新的混凝土试样的尺寸100毫米(长度)×100毫米(宽度)×100毫米(高度),所示图1 .水压机的承载能力一〇吨被用来申请垂直压荷载对硬化混凝土试样mm),这是永远不变时,新拌混凝土试样沿幻灯其中F=极限荷载(N)和A=接触面积(2片硬化混凝土试样。
落锤冲击试验为了评估动态性能的混凝土,一个简单的落锤冲击试验的目的是在实验室模拟弯曲行为叠加的影响下,加载表3,图中显示2 ,梁试样测量五百五十○毫米宽度150毫米长度150毫米高度准备,并在钢锤,重量为4.5公斤,直径为50毫米是从高度450毫米达到中点的梁试样。
疲劳试验下列方法概述的规范建设部1985年GBJ 82-85, 三点弯曲疲劳试验在20摄氏度以下进行。
图中显示3 ,准备梁试样的尺寸400毫米(长度)×100毫米(宽度)×100毫米(高度)。
材料测试系统是用来申请连续正弦波加载在中点梁频率10赫兹的问候,交通速度80鈥公里/米GBJ 82-85 。
5应力比率介于0.65至0.85 ,用和疲劳寿命载入中循环衰竭应力比为每个记录。
因为个P - 8具有良好的加工性和对高抗弯强度和耐冲击性比其他具体的混合物,它被选中的疲劳试验相对于普通混凝土。
有限元模型结构模型2003年使用ANSYS的8.0建成计划两个全规模三维有限元模型的四个跨度 4 × 20米箱梁桥和四个跨度 4×30米T型梁桥,显示见图4 。
覆盖不同厚度为2至20厘米,这三项基本的模式和8 %聚丙烯酰胺/水泥用于混凝土覆盖所有的有限元模型。
八个节点SOLID45因素ANSYS的8.0采用梁模型的桥梁, 6803覆盖,钢座椅,和橡胶支座。
这四个节点surfaceelement SURF154是用来模拟轮胎接触面积的装载适用其表面积或节点。
桥梁梁放在钢座椅和橡胶支座,这是固定在其底部(没有运动在X , Y和Z方向,图 4)。
材料模型混凝土弹性模量E强度估计使用脑梗死方法显示:其中C =材料密度kg/m3和FC =全面实力。
泊松鈥檚具体比例定为0.17根据规范通信部2004年JTJ D60 - 2004 。
完美的德鲁克鈥扬rager模型应用于describethe弹性鈥损lastic行为的具体材料中所表达在a=摩擦角和K =凝聚力的力量。
1982年陈在莫尔鈥库仑屈服面可以建立从压缩和拉伸强度所显示的那么德鲁克一普拉格屈服面可匹配的莫尔一库仑屈服面使用应力应变曲线这一模式提出了图5,Thematerial参数列于表4 。
非线性地对地接触模型,采用模拟之间的接口重叠和桥梁,利用2003年三维接触单元CONTA174桥面,并在三维目标内容TARGE170的覆盖ANSYS 的。
2003年经典的库仑摩擦模型是受雇于ANSYS程序所表示的.在=界面摩擦应力; ç =凝聚力是拖欠为零; =接口正常压力; ü =摩擦系数;和最高=界面结合强度取决于thelaboratory测试先前描述。
对拖欠的正常价值和切接触刚度ANSYS 程序建议使用。
载入中模型根据桥梁设计规范通信教育部2004年JTJ D60 - 2004年,平行卡车车队是HS - 20 atruck舰队分配,模拟桥梁的交通条件的基础上采用有限元模型。