
destiny _____________. (Para.16) 8. What is the purpose of the story? (Para.18)
Questions previewing
1. When the author says “only now can I speak of it without tears filling my eyes at the memory”, his implication is that ___________. (Para. 1)
calm and peaceful
5. When hearing the grave news, how did the author respond? (Para. 8)
The author was initially terrified
but later calmed down.
light reading cruising altitude knowing grins act relaxed grave news the problems with the mechanisms immune to its terror grind their teeth stare full into Her first concern was for her daughter’s well-being.

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程第三册第二单元课后练习答案Unit 2 beat your fearSection APre-readi ng activities1 .仃2F 3T 4F SF2 . 1 Jack's problem is solved by acarpe nter. He told Jack to cut the legs offthe bed. And then Jack as certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.2 The an swer is ope n-en ded. For example,you might have the fear of dark ness, thefear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Somesuggestions on how to overcome fearsare listed below for referenee. First, you an alyzed your fear and had a clear pictureyour fear was. Then you took of your fear. Youdecided toun dersta nding of it. As a result, your fearbega n to disappear.Fin ally,said, "I've got trouble. Every time I lie inof what controlexposeyourself to that fear in small dosesun til you gained a better you successfullycha nged the way you thought about your fear.You started seeing fear as a source ofen ergy andembraced its role in your life. Scripts:Jack went to a doctor. "Doctor," hebed, I thi nk there's somebody un der it. I get under the bed; then I think there's somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. You've got to help me! It almost drives me mad!""Just put yourself in my hands for two years," said the doctor. "Come to me three times a week, and 「II cure your fears.""How much do you charge?""A hun dred dollars a visit.""I'll thi nk about it," said Jack.Six mon ths later the doctor met Jack by chanee "Why did n't you ever come to see me aga in?" asked the doctor."For a hun dred bucks a visit? A carpe ntercured me for 10 dollars.""Is that so? How?""He told me to cut the legs off the bed!"Readi ng comprehe nsionUn dersta nding the text11 Because when he once hopped from the highest div ing board at the pool, hehit the water with an in credible impact and blacked out.2 No, they could n't. Because with the water's tow, they'd n ever get to the drow ning boy.3 Because no body except Jas on saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drow ning boy.4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him.5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggli ng, terrified.6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jas on.7 No, it was n't. At first whe n Jas on swam against the rip current, it was forcibly dragging them out to the sea. Then he decided to swim sideways to the pull ofthe current and slowly made their way back to shore. Fin ally he made his way back to safety.8 Because Jas on had already conq uered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delighted when he saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother.Critical thi nking21 To overcome the inner fear of water, wen eed to:conq uer ourselves with courage byhelp ing others, step up and face ourfear;and practice con trolled breath ingalter nately tense and relax musclegroups to bring into physical awareness thedifferences between being tense and beingrelaxed;make the victim stop struggling. In this wayhe / she can be pulled to safety.2 The fears may come from:our own past experie nee;other people's fears we wit ness;some on e's descripti on about theirfears;in flue nee of specific cultural andhistorical con text.3 To get a guy to ask a girl out, try giv inghim some poin ters and ideas onhow to approach the situati on with con fidenee:Tell the guy to ask a girl on a casualdate and see where it goes from there.Explain to him that asking a girl out face-to-face can be most appropriate, as it will showher how serious be is. However, if he thinks that is too daring, then suggest sending her a text message or calli ng her on the pho ne.Encourage the guy to be assertive and not beat around the bush. Con fide nee is admirable, and a girl is more likely to be attracted to a man with con fide nee. If he is ask ingthe girl in person, he should speak as though he knew she would say yes. Tell him not to hesitate and to get straight to the point.Suggest that the guy give the girl some choices as to where to go on a date. If he isun sure of whatactivities or restaurants she enjoys most,this is a great opport unity for him to learnmore about her and show her that be caresabout her.4 Obsessive fear leads to anxiety, panic attacks and a variety of psychological problems. We all know what it's like tofeel overwhelmed by fear, but fear, as itturns out, is a fun dame ntal part of ourlives, and has some positive effects our lives: Fear in creasesand enhan cesharmful.there to warn us that we n eed to get readyfor the future. It isn't there to stop us; it'sthere to tell us that we are about to grow.onour sen sory aware ness of theen viro nment, so that we canbe prepared to protect ourselves fromanythingpote ntiallythreate ning or Fear is an in vitati on to act. Fear isFear pushes us beyond our limits.Fear motivates us. It drives us to find newresources and opti ons withi n ourselves. Fear compels us tomake extra efforts to succeed andachieve what we desire.Fear is necessary in develop ing ourcourage. We can't experie neecourage without the presenee offear. They go hand in hand. Theyn eed one ano ther in order toexist---like dark ness and light, orblack and white.Lan guage focusWords in useannoy annoyanceI intervene 2 underestimate 3 recede 4 deem 5 bleak6 appraise7 paralyzed8 symptoms9 dismay 10 brinkWord buildi ng4Wordy lear ned New words formed-ancecleara needom in ate domi nanceavoid avoida neerely relia neeacqua int acqua intanceclearadmit admitta neeresemble resembla neeassure assrsra nee-edbore boredprivilege privilegeddistraet distracted51 bored2 privileged3 assuranee4 dom inance5 avoida nee6 aequaintance7 relianee8 elearanee9 distracted 10 annoyance11 admitta nee 12 resembla neeBan ked eloze61 K2D3H4J5I6O7 G 8 A9 N 10 CExpressi ons in use7I pulled to a stop 2 black out 3 pop up 4 stopped short5 plowed through6 threw himself into 7let yourself go 8 grabbed forTran slati on9美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。

Unit 1, Book 3 The way to success Section A1.Understanding the text 略2.Critical thinking 略3. Words in use1.whereby2.pursuit3.inhibit4.maintain5.patriotic6.transcended7.endeavors8.dedication9.prestige10.nominate5.1.resultant2.tolerant3.pollutants4.inhabited5.contestants6.descendants7.attendants8.respectful9.participants10.neglectful11.resourceful12.boastful6. Banked cloze1. F2.G3.H4.J5.E6.A7.N8.I9.K10.M7. Expressions in use1.removed from2.failed in3.in the pursuit of4.deviated from5.precludes; from6.triumph over7.work their way into8.written off8. Structured writing 略9. Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。

新视野大学英语第三册课后练习答案(New horizons College English third, after-school Exercises answer)单元1三1下2伪装3口哨4抑制5抓住6渴望7祈祷8忠9当头10漏四1告诉…在你的2轨道下降3,工作出4挑我5指望6打7接通自己8接通9伪装10绕转v一个n不及物动词1建议2级3题4必要5技能6经验7解决方案8值9工具10方式七1空调(装空调的;有冷气的)2手工(手工制作的)3雷击(非常吃惊的)4(衷心的衷心;诚挚的)5基础数据(基于数据的)6个体户(自主经营的)7定制(定制的;定做的)8(饱经风霜的饱经风霜)八1。

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood, but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place.8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire---a robust, fierce will and focus---that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail.2 Critical thinking1 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success. But it does not matter. What matters is whether you can summon up(鼓起)all your courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.2 Luck, talent, good relationships with your colleagues, etc.3 When I have realized that I am pursuing something that is hard to achieve, I would try to stick to the goal. But l will begin to think of what I can do to improve the situation. When it still doesn't work, I would try to analyze what the problem is and then make some changes and probably reset my goal. Yes, sometimes we are pursuing the wrong goal which can never be achieved, only to find ourselves in deep frustration and profound fatigue. In this situation, I may give up the wrong goal and set up another goal that is achievable.4 Following the guidance of senior people.●Getting sound advice from our parents.●Setting a correct goal.●Achieving success step by step.●Developing good interpersonal relationships.Language focus3 Words in usel whereby 2 pursuit 3 inhibit 4 maintain 5 patriotic 6 transcended 7 endeavors 8 dedication 9 prestige 10 nominate4 Word buildingWords learned New words formed-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest contestanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful5l resultant 2 tolerant 3 pollutants 4 inhabited 5 contestants 6 descendants 7 attendants 8 respectful 9 participants 10 neglectful11 resourceful 12 boastful6 Banked cloze1 F2 G3 H4 J5 E6 A7 N8 I9 K l0 M7 Expressions in usel removed from 2 failed in 3 in the pursuit of 4 deviated from 5 precludes; from 6 triumph over 7 work their way into 8 written off9 Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程 B3U2Section A 课后练习答案

• 6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jason. • 7 No, it wasn't. At first when Jason swam against the rip current, it was forcibly dragging them out to the sea. Then he decided to swim sideways to the pull of the current and slowly made their way back to shore. Finally he made his way back to safety. • 8 Because Jason had already conquered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delighted when he saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother.
Understanding the text
• 1 Because when he once hopped from the highest diving board at the pool, he hit the water with an incredible impact and blacked out. • 2 No, they couldn't. Because with the water's tow, they'd never get to the drowning boy. • 3 Because nobody except Jason saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy. • 4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him. • 5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggling, terrified.

Unit 1, Book 3 The way to success Section A1.Understanding the text 略2.Critical thinking 略3. Words in use1.whereby2.pursuit3.inhibit4.maintain5.patriotic6.transcended7.endeavors8.dedication9.prestige10.nominate5.1.resultant2.tolerant3.pollutants4.inhabited5.contestants6.descendants7.attendants8.respectful9.participants10.neglectful11.resourceful12.boastful6. Banked cloze1. F2.G3.H4.J5.E6.A7.N8.I9.K10.M7. Expressions in use1.removed from2.failed in3.in the pursuit of4.deviated from5.precludes; from6.triumph over7.work their way into8.written off8. Structured writing 略9. Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom,civic duty,and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood,but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will。
4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results。
5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals,and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer,which was unprecedented。
7 We should never give up on our dream,and one day we can change the world and make ita better place。

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程第三册第二单元课后练习答案2单元2战胜你的恐惧9 A部分9预读活动1.1T 2F 3T 4F SF2.1杰克的问题被一个木匠解决了。

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood, but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place.8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire---a robust, fierce will and focus---that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail.2 Critical thinking1 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success. But it does not matter. What matters is whether you can summon up(鼓起)all your courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.2 Luck, talent, good relationships with your colleagues, etc.3 When I have realized that I am pursuing something that is hard to achieve, I would try to stick to the goal. But l will begin to think of what I can do to improve the situation. When itstill doesn't work, I would try to analyze what the problem is and then make some changes and probably reset my goal. Yes, sometimes we are pursuing the wrong goal which can never。

下面为同学们整理了新视野大学英语第三版第3册第2单元课后答案和翻译答案,第2版同样适用,供大家参考!III1 moderate2 consume3 advisable4 modified5 evidence6 restricted7 calculate8 remedy 9 impact 10 sufficientIV1 bounce back2 summed up3 Up to4 at risk5 went to zero6 goes up7 interfere with8 derived from9 In general 10 take inVG K O N J A C D F IVI1 cost2 pollution3 potential4 quality5 chance6 crime7 interest 8 efficiency 9 strength 10 creativityVII1 appearance2 utterance3 attendance4 hindrance5 maintenance6 resistance7 performance8 existence 9. occurrence 10. acceptanceVIII1. world-famous 2 ice-cold 3 snow-white 4 waterproof 5 waist-deep 6 carefreeIX1 Mr. Howe, my favorite professor, has received aDistinguished Teacher Award.2 Yesterday I went fishing, something I hadn’t done in years.3 Some women are normally inactive but then all of a sudden start a program of intense exercise, an action that breaks the laws of sports science.4 Even a brief visit to Greece, a modern country with ancient civilization, gives you a deep sense of its culture.5 The ancient Chinese, a people of inventors, discoverers, philosophers, soldiers, poets, craftsmen, gave the world many of its most useful things.X1 His homework done, his composition written, Larry decided to go and see the film.2 The manager sat quietly in the office, (his) eyes closed, waiting for the telephone to ring.3 The room was a mess, empty bottles and beer cans (being) everywhere.4 When I walked in, Grandpa was sitting at the kitchen table, the newspaper spread before him.5 Diana stood motionless at the end of the diving board, tears streaming down her cheeks.XI1. The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.2. All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron.3. No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.4. Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance.5. If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.6. Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem.XII1. 作为补救缺铁的一种方法,专家推荐食用肉、鸡和鱼,它们是最好的铁质来源,也是唯一最容易被身体吸收的铁质来源。

Unit 2 beat your fearSection APre-reading activities1.1T 2F 3T 4F SF2.1 Jack's problem is solved by a carpenter. He told Jack to cut the legs off the bed. And then Jack as certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.2 The answer is open-ended. For example, you might have the fear of darkness, the fear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Some suggestions on how to overcome fears are listed below for reference. First, you analyzed your fear and had a clear picture of what your fear was. Then you took control of your fear. You decided to expose yourself to that fear in small doses until you gained a better understanding of it. As a result, your fear began to disappear. Finally, you successfully changed the way you thought about your fear. You started seeing fear as a source of energy and embraced its role in your life.Scripts:Jack went to a doctor. "Doctor," he said, "I've got trouble. Every time I lie in bed, I think there's somebody under it. I get under the bed; then I think there's somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. You've got to help me! It almost drives me mad!""Just put yourself in my hands for two years," said the doctor. "Come to me three times a week, and I'll cure your fears.""How much do you charge?""A hundred dollars a visit.""I'll think about it," said Jack.Six months later the doctor met Jack by chance"Why didn't you ever come to see me again?" asked the doctor."For a hundred bucks a visit? A carpenter cured me for 10 dollars.""Is that so? How?""He told me to cut the legs off the bed!"Reading comprehensionUnderstanding the text11 Because when he once hopped from the highest diving board at the pool, he hit the water with an incredible impact and blacked out.2 No, they couldn't. Because with the water's tow, they'd never get to the drowning boy.3 Because nobody except Jason saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy.4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him.5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggling, terrified.6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jason.7 No, it wasn't. At first when Jason swam against the rip current, it was forciblydragging them out to the sea. Then he decided to swim sideways to the pull of the current and slowly made their way back to shore. Finally he made his way back to safety.8 Because Jason had already conquered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delighted when he saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother. Critical thinking21 To overcome the inner fear of water, we need to:∙conquer ourselves with courage by helping others, step up and face our fear;∙practice controlled breathing and alternately tense and relax muscle groups to bring into physical awareness the differences between beingtense and being relaxed;∙make the victim stop struggling. In this way he / she can be pulled to safety.2 The fears may come from:∙our own past experience;∙other people's fears we witness;∙someone's description about their fears;∙influence of specific cultural and historical context.3 To get a guy to ask a girl out, try giving him some pointers and ideas on how to approach the situation with confidence:∙Tell the guy to ask a girl on a casual date and see where it goes from there.Explain to him that asking a girl out face-to-face can be most appropriate,as it will show her how serious be is. However, if he thinks that is toodaring, then suggest sending her a text message or calling her on thephone.∙Encourage the guy to be assertive and not beat around the bush.Confidence is admirable, and a girl is more likely to be attracted to a manwith confidence. If he is asking the girl in person, he should speak asthough he knew she would say yes. Tell him not to hesitate and to getstraight to the point.∙Suggest that the guy give the girl some choices as to where to go on a date. If he is unsure of what activities or restaurants she enjoys most, thisis a great opportunity for him to learn more about her and show her thatbe cares about her.4 Obsessive fear leads to anxiety, panic attacks and a variety of psychological problems. We all know what it's like to feel overwhelmed by fear, but fear, as it turns out, is a fundamental part of our lives, and has some positive effects on our lives: ∙Fear increases and enhances our sensory awareness of the environment, so that we can be prepared to protect ourselves from anything potentiallythreatening or harmful.∙Fear is an invitation to act. Fear is there to warn us that we need to get ready for the future. It isn't there to stop us; it's there to tell us that we areabout to grow.∙Fear pushes us beyond our limits. Fear motivates us. It drives us to find new resources and options within ourselves. Fear compels us to make extraefforts to succeed and achieve what we desire.∙Fear is necessary in developing our courage. We can't experience courage without the presence of fear. They go hand in hand. They need oneanother in order to exist---like darkness and light, or black and white. Language focusWords in use3I intervene 2 underestimate 3 recede 4 deem 5 bleak6 appraise7 paralyzed8 symptoms9 dismay 10 brinkWord building4Wordy learned New words formed-ancedominate dominanceavoid avoidancerely relianceacquaint acquaintanceclear clearanceannoy annoyanceadmit admittanceresemble resemblanceassure assrsrance-edbore boredprivilege privilegeddistract distracted51 bored2 privileged3 assurance4 dominance5 avoidance6 acquaintance7 reliance8 clearance9 distracted 10 annoyance11 admittance 12 resemblanceBanked cloze61 K2 D3 H4 J5 I6 O7 G8 A9 N 10 CExpressions in use7I pulled to a stop 2 black out 3 pop up 4 stopped short5 plowed through6 threw himself into7 let yourself go8 grabbed for Translation9美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。

Unit 1, Book 3 The way to success Section A1.Understanding the text 略2.Critical thinking 略3. Words in use1.whereby2.pursuit3.inhibit4.maintain5.patriotic6.transcended7.endeavors8.dedication9.prestige10.nominate5.1.resultant2.tolerant3.pollutants4.inhabited5.contestants6.descendants7.attendants8.respectful9.participants10.neglectful11.resourceful12.boastful6. Banked cloze1. F2.G3.H4.J5. E6. A7.N8.I9.K10.M7. Expressions in use1.removed from2.failed in3.in the pursuit of4.deviated from5.precludes; from6.triumph over7.work their way into8.written off8. Structured writing 略9. Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty,and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood, but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today。
3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result,instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals,and have the passion for success。
6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented。
7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place.8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire—--a robust, fierce will and focus-——that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing,to keep going even when we are tired and fail。

Unit 2 beat your fearSection APre-reading activities1.1T 2F 3T 4F SF2.1 Jack's problem is solved by a carpenter. He told Jack to cut the legs off the bed. And then Jack as certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.2 The answer is open-ended. For example, you might have the fear of darkness, the fear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Some suggestions on how to overcome fears are listed below for reference. First, you analyzed your fear and had a clear picture of what your fear was. Then you took control of your fear. You decided to expose yourself to that fear in small doses until you gained a better understanding of it. As a result, your fear began to disappear. Finally, you successfully changed the way you thought about your fear. You started seeing fear as a source of energy and embraced its role in your life.Scripts:Jack went to a doctor. "Doctor," he said, "I've got trouble. Every time I lie in bed, I think there's somebody under it. I get under the bed; then I think there's somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. You've got to help me! It almost drives me mad!""Just put yourself in my hands for two years," said the doctor. "Come to me three times a week, and I'll cure your fears.""How much do you charge?""A hundred dollars a visit.""I'll think about it," said Jack.Six months later the doctor met Jack by chance"Why didn't you ever come to see me again?" asked the doctor."For a hundred bucks a visit? A carpenter cured me for 10 dollars.""Is that so? How?""He told me to cut the legs off the bed!"Reading comprehensionUnderstanding the text11 Because when he once hopped from the highest diving board at the pool, he hit the water with an incredible impact and blacked out.2 No, they couldn't. Because with the water's tow, they'd never get to the drowning boy.3 Because nobody except Jason saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy.4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him.5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggling, terrified.6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jason.7 No, it wasn't. At first when Jason swam against the rip current, it was forciblydragging them out to the sea. Then he decided to swim sideways to the pull of the current and slowly made their way back to shore. Finally he made his way back to safety.8 Because Jason had already conquered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delighted when he saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother. Critical thinking21 To overcome the inner fear of water, we need to:∙conquer ourselves with courage by helping others, step up and face our fear;∙practice controlled breathing and alternately tense and relax muscle groups to bring into physical awareness the differences between beingtense and being relaxed;∙make the victim stop struggling. In this way he / she can be pulled to safety.2 The fears may come from:∙our own past experience;∙other people's fears we witness;∙someone's description about their fears;∙influence of specific cultural and historical context.3 To get a guy to ask a girl out, try giving him some pointers and ideas on how to approach the situation with confidence:∙Tell the guy to ask a girl on a casual date and see where it goes from there.Explain to him that asking a girl out face-to-face can be most appropriate,as it will show her how serious be is. However, if he thinks that is toodaring, then suggest sending her a text message or calling her on thephone.∙Encourage the guy to be assertive and not beat around the bush.Confidence is admirable, and a girl is more likely to be attracted to a manwith confidence. If he is asking the girl in person, he should speak asthough he knew she would say yes. Tell him not to hesitate and to getstraight to the point.∙Suggest that the guy give the girl some choices as to where to go on a date.If he is unsure of what activities or restaurants she enjoys most, this is agreat opportunity for him to learn more about her and show her that becares about her.4 Obsessive fear leads to anxiety, panic attacks and a variety of psychological problems. We all know what it's like to feel overwhelmed by fear, but fear, as it turns out, is a fundamental part of our lives, and has some positive effects on our lives: ∙Fear increases and enhances our sensory awareness of the environment, so that we can be prepared to protect ourselves from anything potentiallythreatening or harmful.∙Fear is an invitation to act. Fear is there to warn us that we need to get ready for the future. It isn't there to stop us; it's there to tell us that we areabout to grow.∙Fear pushes us beyond our limits. Fear motivates us. It drives us to find new resources and options within ourselves. Fear compels us to make extraefforts to succeed and achieve what we desire.∙Fear is necessary in developing our courage. We can't experience courage without the presence of fear. They go hand in hand. They need oneanother in order to exist---like darkness and light, or black and white. Language focusWords in use3I intervene 2 underestimate 3 recede 4 deem 5 bleak6 appraise7 paralyzed8 symptoms9 dismay 10 brinkWord building4Wordy learned New words formed-ancedominate dominanceavoid avoidancerely relianceacquaint acquaintanceclear clearanceannoy annoyanceadmit admittanceresemble resemblanceassure assrsrance-edbore boredprivilege privilegeddistract distracted51 bored2 privileged3 assurance4 dominance5 avoidance6 acquaintance7 reliance8 clearance9 distracted 10 annoyance11 admittance 12 resemblanceBanked cloze61 K2 D3 H4 J5 I6 O7 G8 A9 N 10 CExpressions in use7I pulled to a stop 2 black out 3 pop up 4 stopped short5 plowed through6 threw himself into7 let yourself go8 grabbed for Translation9美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom,civic duty, and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood,but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place。

Subtotal: 20
prom otes
such as an increased sense of cont rol .
improve balance and strength and
reduce their chance of taking a fall .
due to
Subtotal: 6
Part 7 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) (每小题: 2 分; 满分:20 分)
N and C for NG.)
小得对 题分错
(未选 )
Subtotal: 6
Part 5 Compound Dictation (每小题: 1.5 分; 满分:15 分)
小得对 题分错

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text。
1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty,and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood,but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will。
4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results。
5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success。
6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place。

8.My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career(生涯;职业)in medicine, as this is a field(领域)which requires(需要)a lot of dedication(奉献)and long working hours.我给Stewart先生的建议是在进入医学领域之前仔细考虑一下,因为这是一个需要大量奉献和长时间工作的领域。
9.Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions(职业)that are stable(稳定)and could bring prestige(声望)and economic benefits.大多数中国父母更愿意选择一些稳定、能带来声望和经济效益的职业。
10.It is legally(adv. 合法地;法律上)possible for an elderly (adj. 上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的)person to nominate(vt. 推荐;提名;任命;指定)someone to act for them, should they become incapable(没有能力的)of looking after themselves。
1.removed from;2. Failed in;3. in the pursuit of;4. deviated from;5. precludes,from; 6. triumph over; 7. work their way into; 8. 8.written off !-1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind(被抛在后面)his classmates and he was removed from(被移除)the second into the third class at this own desire(要求).当弗朗西斯在复活节后回来的时候,他远远落后于他的同学,他被按照自己的意愿从二等升到了三等。

Unit 1, Book 3 The way to success Section A1.Understanding the text 略2.Critical thinking 略3.Words in use1.whereby2.pursuit3.inhibit4.maintain5.patriotic6.transcended7.endeavors8.dedication9.prestige10.nominate4. Work buildingWords learned New words formed -antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest contestanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful5.1.resultant2.tolerant3.pollutants4.inhabited5.contestants6.descendants7.attendants8.respectful9.participants10.neglectful11.resourceful12.boastful6. Banked cloze1. F2.G3.H4.J5. E6. A7.N8.I9.K10.M7. Expressions in use1.removed from2.failed in3.in the pursuit of4.deviated from5.precludes; from6.triumph over7.work their way into8.written off8. Structured writing 略9. Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。
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新视野大学英语(第三版)课后练习答案-第三册第二单元Unit 2 beat your fearSection APre-readi ng activities1 .仃2F 3T 4F SF2 . 1 Jack's problem is solved by acarpe nter. He told Jack to cut the legs offthe bed. And then Jack as certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.2 The an swer is ope n-en ded. For example,you might have the fear of dark ness, thefear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Somesuggestions on how to overcome fearsare listed below for referenee. First, you an alyzed your fear and had a clear pictureyour fear was. Then you took of your fear. Youdecided toun dersta nding of it. As a result, your fearbega n to disappear.Fin ally,said, "I've got trouble. Every time I lie inof what controlexposeyourself to that fear in small dosesun til you gained a better you successfullycha nged the way you thought about your fear.You started seeing fear as a source ofen ergy andembraced its role in your life. Scripts:Jack went to a doctor. "Doctor," hebed, I thi nk there's somebody un der it. I get under the bed; then I think there's somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. You've got to help me! It almost drives me mad!""Just put yourself in my hands for two years," said the doctor. "Come to me three times a week, and 「II cure your fears.""How much do you charge?""A hun dred dollars a visit.""I'll thi nk about it," said Jack.Six mon ths later the doctor met Jack by chanee "Why did n't you ever come to see me aga in?" asked the doctor."For a hun dred bucks a visit? A carpe ntercured me for 10 dollars.""Is that so? How?""He told me to cut the legs off the bed!"Readi ng comprehe nsionUn dersta nding the text11 Because when he once hopped from the highest div ing board at the pool, hehit the water with an in credible impact and blacked out.2 No, they could n't. Because with the water's tow, they'd n ever get to the drow ning boy.3 Because no body except Jas on saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drow ning boy.4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him.5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggli ng, terrified.6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jas on.7 No, it was n't. At first whe n Jas on swam against the rip current, it was forcibly dragging them out to the sea. Then he decided to swim sideways to the pull ofthe current and slowly made their way back to shore. Fin ally he made his way back to safety.8 Because Jas on had already conq uered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delighted when he saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother.Critical thi nking21 To overcome the inner fear of water, wen eed to:conq uer ourselves with courage byhelp ing others, step up and face ourfear;and practice con trolled breath ingalter nately tense and relax musclegroups to bring into physical awareness thedifferences between being tense and beingrelaxed;make the victim stop struggling. In this wayhe / she can be pulled to safety.2 The fears may come from:our own past experie nee;other people's fears we wit ness;some on e's descripti on about theirfears;in flue nee of specific cultural andhistorical con text.3 To get a guy to ask a girl out, try giv inghim some poin ters and ideas onhow to approach the situati on with con fidenee:Tell the guy to ask a girl on a casualdate and see where it goes from there.Explain to him that asking a girl out face-to-face can be most appropriate, as it will showher how serious be is. However, if he thinks that is too daring, then suggest sending her a text message or calli ng her on the pho ne.Encourage the guy to be assertive and not beat around the bush. Con fide nee is admirable, and a girl is more likely to be attracted to a man with con fide nee. If he is ask ingthe girl in person, he should speak as though he knew she would say yes. Tell him not to hesitate and to get straight to the point.Suggest that the guy give the girl some choices as to where to go on a date. If he isun sure of whatactivities or restaurants she enjoys most,this is a great opport unity for him to learnmore about her and show her that be caresabout her.4 Obsessive fear leads to anxiety, panic attacks and a variety of psychological problems. We all know what it's like tofeel overwhelmed by fear, but fear, as itturns out, is a fun dame ntal part of ourlives, and has some positive effects our lives: Fear in creasesand enhan cesharmful.there to warn us that we n eed to get readyfor the future. It isn't there to stop us; it'sthere to tell us that we are about to grow.onour sen sory aware ness of theen viro nment, so that we canbe prepared to protect ourselves fromanythingpote ntiallythreate ning or Fear is an in vitati on to act. Fear isFear pushes us beyond our limits.Fear motivates us. It drives us to find newresources and opti ons withi n ourselves. Fear compels us tomake extra efforts to succeed andachieve what we desire.Fear is necessary in develop ing ourcourage. We can't experie neecourage without the presenee offear. They go hand in hand. Theyn eed one ano ther in order toexist---like dark ness and light, orblack and white.Lan guage focusWords in useannoy annoyanceI intervene 2 underestimate 3 recede 4 deem 5 bleak6 appraise7 paralyzed8 symptoms9 dismay 10 brinkWord buildi ng4Wordy lear ned New words formed-ancecleara needom in ate domi nanceavoid avoida neerely relia neeacqua int acqua intanceclearadmit admitta neeresemble resembla neeassure assrsra nee-edbore boredprivilege privilegeddistraet distracted51 bored2 privileged3 assuranee4 dom inance5 avoida nee6 aequaintance7 relianee8 elearanee9 distracted 10 annoyance11 admitta nee 12 resembla neeBan ked eloze61 K2D3H4J5I6O7 G 8 A9 N 10 CExpressi ons in use7I pulled to a stop 2 black out 3 pop up 4 stopped short5 plowed through6 threw himself into 7let yourself go 8 grabbed forTran slati on9美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。