

史上最全最详细Excel 叶开《对抗语文》书单

史上最全最详细Excel 叶开《对抗语文》书单
书名 1 《苏斯博士双语经典十册》(英 汉对照) 《苏斯博士的ABC》 《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》 《一条鱼 两条鱼 红色的鱼 蓝色 的鱼》 《绿鸡蛋和火腿》 《穿袜子的狐狸》 《如果我来经营马戏团》 《霍顿听见了呼呼的声音》 《霍顿孵蛋》 《史尼奇及其他故事》 《乌龟耶尔特及其他故事》 2 《我和朵拉去探险·双语故事书 美国尼克少儿频道编 》十二册(英汉对照) [台湾] 朱德庸 童趣出版有限公 人民邮电出版社 司编译 上海锦绣文章出版 社 译林出版社(洪佩 琦着色版) 找原版的光盘给孩子对照着阅读 [美] 苏斯博士 李育超 中国对外翻译出版 “大人都是退化了的孩子,让他们见鬼去吧!” 社 作者 翻译 出版社 备注
【德】古斯塔夫·施瓦 曹乃云 布
——延伸阅读,法国马里奥·莫尼耶著、广东人民出版社1988年出版的《金色的 译林出版社2002年 传说》。要读懂西方文学作品,必须具备有两个重要的阅读基础:《圣经》故事 出版 和古希腊、罗马神话故事。 看过《希腊古典神话》之后再看这套书,效果最佳。我女儿因为看过很多遍《金 色的传说》,对希腊罗马神话的故事了如指掌,所以看《波希·杰克逊系列》 时,对这些希腊大神的人间后代的血缘非常了解,也才能看得更加深入更加有味 道。话说海神波塞冬的儿子波希·杰克逊胖上了信使之神赫尔墨斯的儿子„„接 着碰见了主神宙斯的女儿„„这故事,怎么看怎么让人爱不释手„„
《小鹿斑比》 《小熊温尼·普》 《安徒生童话全集》 《格林童话全集》
【英】艾伦·亚历山大 文培红 ·米尔恩 【丹麦】安徒生 【德】格林兄弟 叶君健 曹乃云
二十一世纪出版社 这本书基本上可以说是“定义”了童话的杰作,很多故事已经成为世界文化的一 个核心部分。不读这部童话,就不能真正懂得西方文化的奥妙。你想想,有多少 2009年出版 人改编过《白雪公主》这部不朽的童话啊? 卡尔维诺这位了不起的意大利现代文学大师,他的作品在中国大陆也有不计其数 的拥趸,包括很多专业专家,都极为痴迷他那些像宇宙一样广博、又像迷宫一样 复杂的作品。很多人却不知道,卡尔维诺还花很多年的时间来搜集和重新改写了 散落在意大利各地的童话故事。经过文学大师卡尔维诺天才的改编,这些故事具 有现代的寓意,在文学审美等价值上,一点都不亚于《格林童话》

20140108 《从图画书到大部头》里的小说等文字书作品列表

20140108 《从图画书到大部头》里的小说等文字书作品列表

《从图画书到大部头》附录4 纽伯瑞奖介绍和作品列表纽伯瑞奖是作品领域世界上最早也最有权威性的儿童文学奖项,和作家领域的国际安徒生奖齐名,为最有名的两大儿童文学奖项。








纽伯瑞(John Newbery,1713 – 1767),英国著名的自学成才的儿童文学作家和出版家,因其在开创儿童文学的发展道路上作出的巨大贡献被誉为“儿童文学之父”。





例如,在艾诺·洛贝尔(Arnold Lobel,1933-1997)的“青蛙和蟾蜍”系列桥梁书中,第一本《青蛙和蟾蜍——好朋友》获得了1971年的凯迪克奖,第二本《青蛙和蟾蜍——好伙伴》获得1973年的纽伯瑞奖,第三本《青蛙和蟾蜍——快乐年年》获得1976年的美国图书馆协会杰出童书奖,第四本是1979年出版的《青蛙和蟾蜍——快乐时光》。





1.飘雪的松饼屋 [J], 妙妙猫
2.波莉·霍维斯与《松饼屋的异想世界》 [J],
3.波莉·霍维斯与《松饼屋的异想世界》 [J],
4.莉娜的煮土豆——选自《松饼屋的奇思妙想》 [J], 林筑
5.我的毛衣不见了——选自《松饼屋的奇思妙想》 [J], 林筑;杨阳



叶开 《对抗语文·详细分级推荐书目》一类低幼读物这类书籍,适合幼儿园大班至小学一、二年纪的学生。







































用面筋哥的话来形容就是——可带劲啦~【影廊 /Shadow Corridor】这款画面黑暗恶意满满的第一人称恐怖逃生类独立游戏(妈呀好长一串,一口气念下来容易缺氧),想必爱好各路高能特别是日本鬼片的小伙伴们最近也都玩到了哈?第一次玩这个游戏,总会给人一种日版【逃生】的既视感,但是随着游戏的深入,你会发现其实它和你以前玩过的任何一款第一人称恐怖游戏都不一样,好玩是好玩,但是对操作和经验的要求很夸张:上手难度高,没汉化,环境黑暗,地图随机,主角肾亏,道具定位莫名其妙,最可气的是,这伸手不见五指的和风回廊里,居然还潜伏着几个站姿风骚颜值感人造型拉风个性迥异的日系鬼魂对你稚嫩的小菊花虎视眈眈欲爆之而后快,而且一旦被发现就会锲而不舍的追逐与你,可这个游戏逃跑的成本极高,首先画面会因为光效的视觉偏差变得非红即黑(难道主角是于连?),识别道路很难,一不小心就会拐入死角;而且主角严重肾虚,跑几步体力就见底儿了,走路的速度只能任人宰割。



叶开《对抗语文》推荐书目 完整版

叶开《对抗语文》推荐书目 完整版




































三、书目推荐中国部分、外国部分、古诗部分第一学段 - 一至二年级中国部分(15本)1.《小猪唏哩呼噜》(小布头丛书)孙幼军著2.《大个子老鼠小个子猫》周锐著3.《小老虎历险记》汤素兰著4.《亲爱的笨笨猪》杨红樱著5.《吃黑夜的大象》白冰著6.《小巴掌童话百篇》张秋生著7.《戴小桥和他的哥们儿》梅子涵著8.《泡泡儿去旅行》(小布老虎丛书)薛涛著9.《三毛流浪记》张乐平著10.《小脚丫图画书系列》张美妮编11.《八点猴和狐狸皮裤》张彦平著12.《365 夜儿歌》许海琼编13.《人参娃娃》高玮、陈婷婷著14.《弟子规》李毓秀著15.《三字经》王应麟著外国部分(15本)16.《爱心企鹅》(绘本) [德]克里斯蒂安·贝尔格著17.《逃家小兔》(绘本) [美]玛格丽特·怀兹·布朗著18.《爷爷一定有办法》(绘本) [加拿大]菲比·吉尔曼著19.《我会把你治好的》(绘本) [德]雅诺什著20.《猜猜我有多爱你》(绘本) [英]山姆·麦克布雷尼著21.《安徒生童话》 [丹麦]安徒生著22.《格林童话》 [德]雅科布·格林、威廉·格林著23.《伊索寓言》 [古希腊]伊索著24.《爱丽丝漫游奇境》 [英]刘易斯·卡罗尔著25.《列那狐传奇故事》 [法]季诺著26.《大战火星人》 [英]赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯著27.《小人国大人国》 [英]江奈生·斯威夫特著28.《洋葱头历险记》 [意大利]贾尼·罗大里著29.《鹅妈妈的故事》 [法]贝洛著30.《木偶奇遇记》 [意大利]科洛迪著低年级古诗背诵(12首)1.江南(江南可采莲) 汉乐府2.咏鹅(鹅鹅鹅) 骆宾王3.春晓(春眠不觉晓) 孟浩然4.春夜喜雨(好雨知时节)杜甫5.敕勒歌(敕勒川) 北朝民歌6.悯农(锄禾日当午) 李绅7.悯农(春种一粒粟) 李绅8.静夜思(床前明月光) 李白9.登鹳雀楼(白日依山尽) 王之涣10.赋得古原草送别(离离原上草) 白居易11.寻隐者不遇(松下问童子) 贾岛12.游子吟(慈母手中线)孟郊第二学段三至四年级中国部分(20本)1.《皮皮鲁传》《鲁西西传》郑渊洁著2.《乌丢丢的奇遇》金波著3.《怪老头儿》孙幼军著4.《大林和小林》张天冀著5.《高士其科普童话》高士其著6.《管家琪幽默童话系列》管家琪著7.《中国古今寓言》穆劼著8.《金波儿童诗选》金波著9.《草房子》曹文轩著10.《男生贾里》《女生贾梅》秦文君著11.《淘气包马小跳系列》杨红樱著12.《男生熊小雄和女生蒙小萌》孙卫卫著13.《我要做好孩子》黄蓓佳著14.《西游记》吴承恩著15.《科幻故事大世界-天外来客》金涛著16.《中国民间故事》浙江少年儿童出版社17.《中外名人故事》光明日报出版社18.《新版小灵通漫游未来》叶永烈著19.《十万个为什么》广西教育出版社20.《中华上下五千年》宁夏少年儿童出版社外国部分(20本)21.《克雷洛夫寓言》 [俄罗斯]克雷洛夫著22.《当世界年纪还小的时候》 [德]于尔克·舒比格著23.《时代广场的蟋蟀》 [美]乔治·塞尔登著24.《水孩子》 [英]查尔斯·金斯利著25.《小鹿班比》 [奥地利]费利克斯·萨尔登著26.《长袜子皮皮》 [瑞典]阿斯特里德·林格伦著27.《魔法师的帽子》 [芬兰]托芙·杨松著28.《吹牛大王历险记》 [德]埃·拉斯伯、戈·毕尔格著29.《丛林故事》 [英]吉卜林著30.《一千零一夜全集》(全6册)天津人民美术出版社31.《一百条裙子》 [美]埃莉诺·埃斯特斯著32.《两个小洛特》 [德]埃里希·凯斯特纳著33.《浪漫鼠德佩罗》 [美]凯特·迪卡米洛著34.《蓝熊船长的13条半命》 [德]瓦尔特·莫尔斯著35.《神秘的头盔》等(冒险小虎队系列) [奥地利]托马斯· 布热齐纳著36.《凡尔纳选集》(精选集) [法]儒尔·凡尔纳著37.《长腿叔叔》 [美]简·韦伯斯特著38.《北风的背后》(雅典娜童书小经典) [英]乔治·麦克唐纳著39.《椋鸠十动物小说全集》 [日]椋鸠十著40.《亲爱的汉修先生》 [美]贝芙莉·克莱瑞著中年级古诗背诵篇目(28首)1.咏柳(碧玉妆成一树高) 贺知章2.所见(牧童骑黄牛) 袁枚3.鹿柴(空山不见人) 王维4.风(解落三秋叶) 李峤5.古朗月行(小时不识月) 李白6.江上渔者(江上往来人) 范仲淹7.忆江南(江南好) 白居易8.小儿垂钓(蓬头稚子学垂纶) 胡令能9.池上(小娃撑小艇) 白居易10.九月九日忆山东兄弟(独在异乡为异客) 王维11.望庐山瀑布(日照香炉生紫烟) 李白12.江南春(千里莺啼绿映红) 杜牧13.赠汪伦(李白乘舟将欲行) 李白14.惠崇春江晓景(竹外桃花三两枝) 苏轼15.小池(泉眼无声惜细流) 杨万里16.山行(远上寒山石径斜) 杜牧17.绝句(两个黄鹂鸣翠柳) 杜甫18.早发白帝城(朝辞白帝彩云间) 李白19.游园不值(应怜屐齿印苍苔) 叶绍翁20.绝句(迟日江山丽) 杜甫21.塞下曲(月黑雁飞高) 卢纶22.江雪(千山鸟飞绝) 柳宗元23.元日(爆竹声中一岁除) 王安石24.望天门山(天门中断楚江开) 李白25.望洞庭(湖光秋月两相和) 刘禹锡26.四时田园杂兴(昼出耘田夜绩麻) 范成大27.四时田园杂兴(梅子金黄杏子肥) 范成大28.竹石(咬定青山不放松) 郑燮第三学段五至六年级中国部分(20本)1.《稻草人》叶圣陶著2.《蓝鲸的眼睛》赵冰波著3.《蓝调江南》金曾豪著4.《骑扁马的扁人》(诗歌)王立春著5.《寄小读者》冰心著6.《三国演义》罗贯中著7.《水浒传》施耐庵著8.《论语》孔子著9.《少女的红发卡》程玮著10.《青铜葵花》曹文轩著11.《女儿的故事》梅子涵著12.《第三军团》张之路著13.《今天我是升旗手》黄蓓佳著14.《芝麻开门》祁智著15.《漂亮老师和坏小子》杨红樱著16.《e班e女孩》张弘著17.《呼兰河传》萧红著18.《中国出了个邓小平》四川人民出版社19.《大科学家讲的小故事》《生命的密码》谈家桢著《七彩的分光》王大珩著《灵性的王国》张香桐著《悠长的岁月》贾兰坡著《神奇的符号》苏步青著《与鸟儿一起飞翔》郑作新著《无尽的追问》王淦昌著20.《少年全球通》江苏少年儿童出版社外国部分(20本)21.《骑鹅旅行记》[瑞典]拉格洛芙著22.《夏洛的网》[美]eb·怀特著23.《希腊神话》[德]施瓦布著24.《小王子》[法]圣埃克苏佩里著25.《王子与贫儿》[美]马克·吐温著26.《苦儿流浪记》[法]埃克多·马洛著27.《窗边的小豆豆》[日]黑柳彻子著28.《汤姆·索亚历险记》[美]马克·吐温著29.《鲁滨逊飘流记》[英]丹尼尔·笛福著30.《格列佛游记》[英]乔纳森·斯威夫特著31.《哈利·波特》系列[英]j·k·罗琳著32.《爱的教育》[意大利]亚米契斯著33.《蓝色的海豚岛》[美]斯·奥台尔著34.《福尔摩斯探案集》[英]柯南·道尔著35.《做个快乐少年人》[澳大利亚]安德鲁·马修斯著36.《昆虫记》[法]法布尔著37.《假如给我三天光明》[美]海伦·凯勒著38.《外国历史故事》中国少年儿童出版社39.《莎士比亚戏剧故事》[英]查尔斯· 兰姆、玛丽·兰姆著40.《世界上下五千年》宁夏少年儿童出版社高年级古诗背诵篇目(30首)1.村居(草长莺飞二月天) 高鼎2.题西林壁(横看成岭侧成峰) 苏轼3.出塞(秦时明月汉时关) 王昌龄4.芙蓉楼送辛渐(寒雨连江夜入吴) 王昌龄5.黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵(故人西辞黄鹤楼) 李白6.凉州词(黄河远上白云间) 王之涣7.别董大(千里黄云白日曛) 高适8.乐游原(向晚意不适) 李商隐9.蜂(不论平地与山尖) 罗隐10.凉州词(葡萄美酒夜光杯) 王翰11.清明(清明时节雨纷纷) 杜牧12.江畔独步寻花(黄师塔前江水东) 杜甫13.渔歌子(西塞山前白鹭飞) 张志和14.枫桥夜泊(月落乌啼霜满天) 张继15.泊船瓜洲(京口瓜洲一水间) 王安石16.书湖阴先生壁(茅檐长扫净无苔) 王安石17.六月二十七日望湖楼醉书(黑云翻墨未遮山) 苏轼18.饮湖上初晴后雨(水光潋滟晴方好) 苏轼19.浪淘沙(九曲黄河万里沙) 刘禹锡20.示儿(死去元知万事空) 陆游21.秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感(三万里河东入海) 陆游22.晓出净慈寺送林子方(毕竟西湖六月中) 杨万里23.春日(胜日寻芳泗水滨) 朱熹24.题临安邸(山外青山楼外楼) 林升25.乡村四月(绿遍山原白满川) 翁卷26.送元二使安西(渭城朝雨浥轻尘) 王维27.墨梅(我家洗砚池头树) 王冕28.石灰吟(千锤万凿出深山) 于谦29.夏日绝句(生当作人杰) 李清照30.己亥杂诗(九州生气恃风雷) 龚自珍附:叶开推荐书目3、《绝对小孩》***朱德庸著,上海锦绣文章出版社出版。
























纽伯瑞儿童文学奖纽伯瑞儿童文学奖(Newbery Medal),又称纽伯瑞奖。




为了表彰和纪念纽伯瑞在艰苦卓绝中对欧美儿童文学的开创之功,1922年,由美国图书馆学会(American Library Association - ALA)的分支机构——美国图书馆儿童服务学会(Association for Library Service to Children - ALSC)创设了纽伯瑞儿童文学奖(The Newbery Medal for Best Children's Book)。


每年颁发金奖(Newbery Medal Aword)一部、银奖(Newbery Honor Books)一部或数部。



纽伯瑞获奖名单1922年:人类的故事(The Story of Mankind)银奖:弗雷迪历险记1923年:杜立德医生航海记(The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle)1924年:黑暗护卫舰(The Dark Frigate)1925年:银色大地的传说(Tales from Silver Lands)1926年:海神的故事(Shen of the Sea)1927年:牧牛小马斯摩奇(Smoky the Cow horse)1928年:花颈鸽(Gay-Neck,the Story of a Pigeon)1929年:波兰吹号手(The Trumpeter of Krakow)1930年:海蒂——木偶百年历险记(Hitty, Her First Hundred Years)1931年:The Cat Who Went to Heaven1932年:荒泉山(waterless mountain)1933年:扬子江上游的小傅(Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze)1934年: Invincible Louisa: The Story of the Author of Little Women 1935年:Dobry1936年:伍德龙一家(Caddie Woodlawn)/红发少女1937年:滑轮女孩露欣达(Roller Skates)1938年:白牡鹿 (The White Stag)银奖:在梅溪边(On the Banks of Plum Creek);1939年:银顶针的夏天(Thimble Summer)银奖:波普先生的企鹅(Mr. Popper's Penguine)1940年:Daniel Boone银奖:银湖岸边(By the Shores of Silver Lake)1941年:海上小勇士 (Call It Courage)银奖:好长的冬天(A Long Winter)1942年:The Matchlock Gun银奖:草原小镇(Little Town on the Prairie)银奖:摩法特一家(The Moffats)1943年:Adam of the Road1944年:Johnny Tremain (Yearling Newbery)1945年:兔子坡(Rabbit Hill)银奖:一百条裙子(The Hundred Dresses)1946年:草莓女孩(Strawberry Girl)银奖:我爸爸的小飞龙1947年:Miss Hickory (Newbery Library, Puffin)1948年:二十一个气球(The twenty-one Balloons)1949年:风之王(King of the Wind)1950年:The Door in the Wall1951年:自由人(Amos Fortune, Free Man)1952年:Ginger Pye1953年:Secret of the Andes (Puffin Book)银奖:夏洛的网(Charlotte's Web)1954年:...And Now Miguel1955年:学校屋顶上的轮子(The Wheel on the School)1956年:Carry On, Mr. Bowditch1957年:枫木丘的奇迹(Miracles on Maple Hill)1958年:Rifles for Watie银奖:本和我(Ben and Me)银奖:消失的湖1959年:黑鸟水塘的女巫(The Witch of Blackbird Pond)银奖:桥下一家人(The Family Under the Bridge)1960年:Onion John银奖:山居岁月(My Side of the Mountain)1961年:蓝色的海豚岛(Island of the Blue Dolphins)银奖:时代广场的蟋蟀(The Cricket in Times Square)1962年:青铜弓(The Bronze Bow)1963年:时间的皱纹(A Wrinkle in Time)/即时的呼唤1964年:It's Like This, Cat1965年:Shadow Of A Bull1966年:I, Juan de Pareja (Sunburst Book)1967年:Up a Road Slowly1968年:天使雕像(From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler)银奖:黑珍珠(The Black Pearl)1969年:高大的国王(The High King )1970年:大嗓门传奇(Sounder)1971年:夏日天鹅(Summer of the Swans)银奖:尼瑙克山探险(Knee Knock Rise)1972年:尼姆的老鼠(Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH)/实验鼠的秘密基地1973年:狼女茱莉(Julie of the Wolves)/狼王的女儿1974年:月光之号(The Slave Dancer)/ “月光号”的沉没/舞奴银奖:黑暗在蔓延1975年:了不起的M.C.希金斯(M. C. Higgins, the Great)银奖:贝丝丫头(Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe)1976年:灰国王(The Grey King)1977年:黑色棉花田(Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry)银奖:真正的贼;老鼠阿贝漂流记(The Real Thief; Abel's Island)1978年:通向特拉比西亚的桥(Bridge to Terabithia)银奖:雷梦拉与爸爸(Ramona and Her Father)1979年:威斯汀游戏(The Westing Game)1980年:A Gathering of Days1982年:A Visit to William Blake's Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers 银奖:雷梦拉八岁(Ramona Quimby, Age 8)1983年:黛西之歌(Dicey's Song)/孤女悲歌银奖:老鼠牙医——地搜头(Doctor DeSoto)1984年:亲爱的汉修先生(Dear Mr. Henshaw)银奖:海狸的记号(The Sign of the Beaver)银奖:五毛钱的愿望(The Wish Giver: Three Tales of Coven Tree)1985年:The Hero and the Crown银奖:一只眼睛的猫1986年:又丑又高的莎拉(Sarah,Plain and Tall)/海边来的新妈妈银奖:雪橇犬之歌(Dogsong)1987年:挨鞭童(The Whipping Boy)1988年:Lincoln银奖:手斧男孩(Hatchet)1989年Joyful Noise1990年:数星星(Number the star)银奖:冬天的小木屋(The Winter Room)1991年:喜乐与我(Shiloh)银奖:女水手日记(The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle)1992年:马尼西亚传奇(Maniac Magee)银奖:囧男孩日记(Nothing but the Truth)1993年:想念梅姨/想念五月(Missing May)银奖:阿萨的心事(What Hearts)1994年:记忆传授人(The Giver)/授者银奖:谁知我心(Crazy Lady)1995年:印第安人的麂皮靴(Walk Two Moon)银奖:耳朵、眼睛和胳膊1996年:孤女流浪记(The Midwife's Apprentice)1997年:相约星期六(The View from Saturday)银奖:爱的故事(Belle Prater's Boy)1998年:风儿不要来(Out of the Dust)银奖:魔法灰姑娘(Ella Enchanted)1999年:洞/寻宝小子(Holes)银奖:远离芝加哥的地方(A Long Way from Chicago)2000年:巴德,不是巴迪/我叫巴德,不叫巴弟(Bud, not Buddy)银奖:繁梦大街26号(26 Fairmount Avenue)2001年:背井离乡的365天(A Year Down Yonder)/那一年在奶奶家银奖:傻狗温迪克(Because of Winn-Dixie)银奖:少女苏菲的航海故事(The Wanderer)2002年:碎瓷片(A single shard)银奖:松饼屋的异想世界(Everything on a Waffle)2003年:铅十字架的秘密(Crispin:The Cross of Lead)银奖:蝎子之屋(The House of the Scorpion)2004年:浪漫鼠德佩罗(The Tale of Despereaux)/双鼠记2005年:亮晶晶(Kira-Kira)/闪亮闪亮银奖:卡彭老大帮我洗衬衫(Al Capone Does My Shirts)2006年:生命交叉点(Criss Cross)银奖:惠灵顿传奇(Whittington)2007年:乐琦的神奇力量(The Higher Power of Lucky)银奖:大卫的规则(Rules)银奖:海蒂的天空2008年:好心的大爷! 帮帮忙!2009年:坟场之书(The Graveyard Book)2010年:当我到达你( When You Reach Me)2011年:月光照曼镇(Moon Over Manifest)2012年: 诺福镇的奇幻夏天2013: 独一无二一凡。






































关于想象奇妙房子的英语作文Within the fathomless realm of my imagination, nestled amidst ethereal landscapes, resides an extraordinary abode that defies the boundaries of architectural convention. Its walls, adorned with intricate tracery akin to ancient tapestries, whisper tales of bygone eras. A symphony of colors dances across its façade, each hue a harmonious note in a celestial melody.Upon entering this haven, one is greeted by a grand foyer that soars towards the vaulted ceiling. Sunlight cascades through a stained-glass window, casting kaleidoscopic patterns upon the polished marble floors. A sweeping staircase, its banisters adorned with gilded cherubs, invites exploration to the upper levels.The living room beckons with an air of opulent comfort. Plush velvet sofas in vibrant hues embrace visitors intheir cozy depths. An ornate fireplace, its mantle carved with intricate scenes of woodland revelry, provides warmthand a mesmerizing focal point. Oversized windows frame panoramic views of rolling hills and shimmering lakes, inviting nature's beauty into the very heart of the home.Adjacent to the living room lies the library, a sanctuary of knowledge and tranquility. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves line the walls, their spines a vibrant tapestry of literary treasures. A cozy reading nook nestled in an alcove beckons with the promise of countless hours lost in the pages of captivating tales. The air is alive with the faint scent of parchment and the gentle rustle of turning pages.Ascending the grand staircase, one discovers a master suite fit for royalty. A four-poster bed draped in silken canopies dominates the room, its headboard intricately carved with scenes of mythical creatures. A private balcony overlooks the sprawling gardens, offering a breathtaking panorama of verdant lawns, blooming flowerbeds, and a shimmering fountain.The en-suite bathroom is a symphony of marble andchrome. A deep soaking tub, set against a backdrop of a floor-to-ceiling window, provides a tranquil oasis for relaxation. His and hers vanities are adorned with exquisite fixtures and amenities, creating a luxurious spa-like experience.Venturing beyond the master suite, one encounters an array of guest rooms, each with its own unique character and charm. Some are decorated in a whimsical style, with playful patterns and bright colors, while others exude an air of timeless elegance with muted tones and classical furnishings.The lower level of the house is dedicated to leisure and entertainment. A state-of-the-art home theater, complete with plush reclining seats and a massive screen, offers cinematic experiences that rival those of the grandest multiplexes. A games room provides hours of fun with a pool table, foosball table, and a selection of classic board games.Adjacent to the games room is a fully equipped gym,where one can maintain their fitness goals amidst the privacy of their own home. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors reflect the determined movements of those pursuing a healthy lifestyle. A sauna and steam room provide post-workout relaxation and rejuvenation.Stepping outside, one is greeted by a verdant paradise that seamlessly blends with the surrounding natural landscape. Sprawling lawns dotted with mature trees create a serene ambiance, while secluded nooks and intimate seating areas invite quiet contemplation or lively gatherings.A vibrant flower garden, designed with meticulous attention to detail, bursts forth in a symphony of colors and fragrances throughout the seasons. Roses, peonies, lilies, and countless other blooms create a breathtaking canvas that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.At the heart of the garden lies an elegant gazebo, its intricate wrought-ironwork entwined with fragrant climbing roses. This idyllic spot offers respite from the sun'sembrace and provides a magical setting for intimate gatherings or romantic rendezvous.A shimmering pool, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the azure sky, beckons for refreshing dips on warm summer days. A poolside cabana provides shade and comfort, equipped with plush lounge chairs and a cooling misting system.Beyond the pool area, a winding path leads to a secluded woodland, where towering trees form a verdant canopy overhead. The gentle rustling of leaves creates a calming symphony, while the air is filled with the sweet songs of birds. This tranquil oasis invites leisurely strolls, picnics amidst nature's embrace, and the contemplation of life's greatest mysteries.As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden glow upon the house and gardens, the atmosphere takes on a magical quality. The façade of the house seems to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, its windows glowing like lanterns against the twilight sky.One cannot help but feel a profound sense of awe and wonder in the presence of this extraordinary dwelling. It is a testament to the boundless power of imagination, a realm where dreams take tangible form and the impossible becomes reality. Within its walls, one can escape the mundane and immerse themselves in a world of endless enchantment.。



关于奇思妙想会飞的屋子英语作文Embarking on a Literary Journey into the Realm of Fantastical Flying Abodes.Within the boundless tapestry of human imagination, where dreams take flight and the impossible becomes tangible, the concept of a house that soars effortlessly through the celestial expanse has captivated our minds for centuries. From the whimsical tales of children'sfairytales to the profound contemplations of architectural visionaries, the idea of a flying house has tantalized our curiosity and ignited our aspirations.In this literary exploration, we shall delve into the ethereal realm of flying houses, examining their origins in mythology, exploring their architectural possibilities, and unraveling the profound implications they hold for our perception of home and the very nature of human existence.From Ancient Legends to Modern Dreams: The EnduringAllure of Flying Houses.The concept of flying houses has permeated human consciousness since time immemorial. In ancient Greek mythology, the god Hermes possessed winged sandals that allowed him to traverse the heavens with ease. The legendary flying carpets of Arabian Nights carried their riders through the starry expanse, embarking on extraordinary adventures.Centuries later, the idea of flying houses resurfaced in the Renaissance era, where Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential uomo universale, sketched designs for ornithopters—man-made flying machines inspired by the anatomy of birds. While da Vinci's ornithopters never took flight, his visionary ideas laid the groundwork for future advancements in aviation.In the realm of literature, flying houses have served as enchanting settings for fantastical tales. J.M. Barrie's beloved Peter Pan soared through the skies of Neverland in his treehouse, embarking on countless adventures with hiscompanions, the Lost Boys. In Diana Wynne Jones's novel Howl's Moving Castle, a young girl named Sophie finds herself entangled in the whimsical world of a wizard who resides in a castle that ambulates across the countryside.Architectural Visions: Exploring the Feasibility of Airborne Abodes.While the concept of flying houses remains largely confined to the realm of fantasy, advancements in modern architecture and aerospace engineering have brought the possibility of airborne abodes closer to reality.One notable project is the Sky Cruise, a futuristic concept for a massive airship that would function as a luxury hotel, complete with restaurants, bars, and even a swimming pool. Designed to hover above major cities, the Sky Cruise would offer guests an unparalleled aerial experience.Another innovative design is the Airborne House by Spanish architect Alberto Villalobos. This conceptenvisions a modular house suspended from a large helium-filled balloon. The house would be equipped with solar panels to generate its own power and would be capable of controlled flight.While these architectural visions are still in their early stages of development, they demonstrate the growing feasibility of flying houses. As technology continues to advance, it is not inconceivable that airborne abodes may one day become a reality, transforming our very concept of home.Implications for Home and Human Existence: Beyond the Physical Dwelling.The prospect of flying houses not only holds architectural implications but also raises profound questions about the nature of home and human existence.Traditionally, we have viewed home as a fixed, immovable structure tied to a specific location. However, a flying house would liberate us from this terrestrialconstraint, allowing us to redefine the concept of home as something fluid and adaptable.Furthermore, the ability to soar through the skies would grant us a new perspective on our surroundings. From the vantage point of a flying house, we would witness the world from a different angle, fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty and fragility of our planet.In a broader sense, flying houses symbolize our innate human desire for freedom and exploration. They represent our aspirations to transcend limitations and to soar towards new heights, both literally and figuratively.Conclusion: Embracing the Boundless Imagination.The concept of a flying house is more than just a whimsical fantasy; it is a testament to the boundless power of human imagination. It serves as a reminder that the limits of possibility exist only within the confines of our own minds.As we continue to push the boundaries of architectural innovation and explore the vastness of space, the dream of flying houses may someday become a tangible reality. In the meantime, let us continue to revel in the magic of these fantastical abodes, for they inspire us to dream beyond the ordinary and to envision a future where the impossible becomes possible.。



















四下二单元英语作文我的奇思妙想会飞的小木屋全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Whimsical Flying Wooden HouseHave you ever dreamed of living in a house that can soar through the clouds? A house that lets you wake up to a different view every morning, hovering above mountaintops one day and glistening oceans the next? Well, let me tell you about my wild idea for a flying wooden house that would make that dream a reality!It all started when I was doodling in my notebook during English class instead of paying attention. I found myself sketching a quaint little cabin made of logs and boards, with a sloped roof and a stone chimney puffing out smoke. Suddenly, I had the craziest thought – what if this house could fly? My imagination took off from there.In my mind's eye, I pictured the humble wooden abode sprouting a set of giant feathered wings, flapping powerfully to achieve lift-off. As it rose into the sky, the stone chimney would telescope upwards to avoid the wings, and the whole structurewould be kept aloft by an array of propellers mounted along the roof's ridge. Can you imagine the incredible views you'd have from the windows?Of course, a flying house needs to be steered somehow. In my design, there would be a control room at the front with a wheelhouse-style window looking out over the landscape rushing by below. Inside would be a panel of levers, buttons, and screens to control the direction, altitude, and speed. Piloting your own airborne home – how awesome would that be?Now, you might be wondering – wouldn't it be cold way up there in the clouds? Not to worry, I've got it covered (literally!). The exterior walls would be heavily insulated to maintain a cozy temperature inside, no matter the weather. The living room would have a potbelly stove to provide toasty warmth in the winter, stoked with logs from the woodpile lashed to the side of the house.On sweltering summer days, vents in the roof could open to allow a refreshing breeze to waft through. Or if you desired air conditioning, a set of solar panels on the rear roof could power an HVAC system. Aaaahh, pure climate-controlled comfort as you cruise among the clouds!Of course, my flying house wouldn't be complete without a few luxury amenities. One feature I've envisioned is a rooftop observation deck where you could sip lemonade and gaze out over jaw-dropping panoramic vistas. Maybe I'd include a hot tub up there too – can you imagine soaking in steamy bubbly water while drifting over a mountain range at sunset? Heaven!For thrill-seekers, I'm picturing a zip-line anchor that you could use to descend from the house and soar over forests, canyons, or wherever your airborne home happens to be passing. Just secure your pulley to the anchor and rappel off the side for an incredible bird's-eye view! How's that for an adrenaline rush?When you get hungry, just mosey on over to the kitchen and whip up a meal on the wooden stove. I'm picturing an old metal basin to serve as a sink, with water drawn from a rain barrel on the roof. For more substantial food storage, there could be a cold cellar carved into the underside of the house to keep perishables fresh.At night, you could cozy up in the living room and watch the moon and stars through the big bay window. Or maybe set up your easel on the rooftop deck and paint the dazzling sunset hues across the evening clouds. Ah, I can envision it now – the perfect whimsical flying artist's retreat!With amenities like that, you might wonder: how would you ever return to living on the ground? Well, my flying wooden house would have a deployable landing gear so you could periodically descend and resupply. Rugged balloon-tire wheels would allow you to gently touch down in fields, meadows, or cleared areas of forest. You could stock up on firewood, food, art supplies and other provisions before lifting off again for your next aerial adventure!I can't even begin to imagine all the incredible sights you could witness living in a flying house. Soaring over the river valleys and peaks of the Rocky Mountains...drifting among sparkling icebergs in the Arctic...watching the orcas breach the Pacific from your viewpoint high overhead. Every day would be an opportunity for new experiences and epic memories.Of course, a flying wooden house is currently just a fantasy from the mind of a daydreaming student. Bringing it to life would require incredible feats of engineering, design, and construction. I'm sure there are a million practical obstacles I haven't even considered – but why let that stop us from dreaming big?Who knows, maybe someday soon the visionaries at places like MIT, Caltech, or NASA will develop lightweight materials andpropulsion systems that could actually make aviation homes possible. Maybe my silly little sketch will help inspire the imaginations of future aeronautical engineers and architects. A flying wooden house might sound whimsical and impossible now, but so did human flight at one point in history!Until then, I'll keep on daydreaming about my perfect flying home away from home. I can picture myself now, unshackling the mooring ropes and firing up the propellers as my winged wooden abode catches the wind and effortlessly defies gravity. The whole sky is my playground as I soar off towards untold adventures on the horizon. Maybe I'll see you up there someday! Keep dreaming, my friends.篇2My Imaginative Flying Wooden HouseHi there! I'm so excited to share with you my super cool and totally imaginative idea for a flying wooden house. I mean, who hasn't dreamed of having a house that can soar through the clouds and travel anywhere in the world? Just think about how awesome that would be!Okay, let me give you all the details of my genius idea. First off, the whole house would be built out of wood, but like, reallysturdy and high-quality wood that's lightweight yet strong enough to withstand any weather conditions. We're talking premium timber here, folks!Now, the best part - this wooden house would have a massive set of wings attached to the roof! I'm picturing something like a giant bird or a mechanical dragon with enormous feathery wings that can flap up and down. Maybe the wings could be made out of metal with individual feathers that can adjust and move? I haven't quite worked out all the specifics yet, but just go with me on this.To make the house fly, there would be a control room inside with tons of buttons, levers, and high-tech displays. Kind of like an airplane cockpit, but way cooler because you'd be piloting your own house! Can you imagine taxiing down your street, pulling back on the controls, and then soaring up into the sky? Your neighbors would be so jealous.Speaking of neighbors, another awesome part of my idea is that the flying wooden house would be completely eco-friendly and run on renewable energy sources. We could have solar panels on the roof to harness energy from the sun, and maybe some mini windmills on the wings to capture wind power too. I'm all about being green and protecting the environment.Now for some fun features - the house would obviously need an outdoor patio and balcony area so you could sit outside and enjoy the view as you're cruising at 30,000 feet. Oh, and it absolutely has to have a pool and hot tub! Can you picture yourself swimming and soaking while looking down at the clouds? Pure bliss.For overnight trips, we'd need comfy bedrooms and bathrooms inside. Maybe each bedroom could have a picture window so you can wake up to incredible aerial views every morning. And a gourmet kitchen would be essential for whipping up snacks and meals during your flight.I haven't decided yet if we should make it a single house or attach multiple houses together to create a whole flying neighborhood. How crazy would that be?! We could have our own little air community soaring around. Everyone could easily visit each other just by floating on over.Just think of all the amazing travel opportunities! One day you could be flying over the pyramids in Egypt, the next day hovering above the Caribbean and its crystal blue waters. Maybe we take a trip up into the clouds and have a picnic on a fluffy patch? The possibilities are endless when you have your own flying wooden abode.Now, I know what you're thinking - "But how would it land?" Well, my current idea is that the house could have retractable metal landing gear that extends out from the bottom. That way, we could safely touch down at any airport or flat surface area. Orrrrr maybe the whole house could convert into a hovercraft mode and gently glide down from the air? I'm still workshopping that part.Okay, I really could go on and on because I've put so much creative thought into this thing. But I'll wrap it up for now. Just imagine how insanely fun it would be to own a flying wooden house! You could literally go on an adventure every single day. Maybe one day the technology will exist to actually build something like this. A kid can dream, right?Let me know if you have any other brilliant ideas to make my flying wooden house concept even more epic. I'm always looking to take my imagination to new heights! Haha, get it? Anyways, thanks for reading about my wildly creative vision. I better get going so I can start sketching up some new house plans. Who knows, maybe I'll be the next great inventor! See ya!篇3My Imaginative Flying Wooden CabinEver since I was a little kid, I've had the wildest imagination. I would dream up the most fantastical stories and adventures in my head. One idea that always stuck with me was the concept of a flying cabin made entirely of wood. This cabin could soar through the clouds and travel anywhere my heart desired. Let me tell you all about my imaginative flying wooden cabin!The cabin itself would be constructed from the finest oak and cedar woods. Every plank, beam, and shingle meticulously carved and fitted together. The outside would have a rustic, log cabin aesthetic, but the interior would be modern and luxurious. As you step inside, you'd be greeted by a large open concept living space with vaulted ceilings and a towering stone fireplace.Plush leather sofas would invite you to lounge while large windows offer stunning panoramic views of whatever landscape you're soaring over. The kitchen would be fully equipped with top-of-the-line appliances seamlessly integrated into the wood cabinetry. A dining table for six made from a single thick slice of a giant oak tree would be the perfect setting for memorable meals.Up a spiral wooden staircase, you'd find the three cozy bedrooms, each with their own incredible views through huge windows. The master suite would be extra special with a privatebalcony and a sunken cedar hot tub built right into the hardwood floors. The spa-like bathroom would have a glass shower stall with rainfall showerheads and a deep soaking tub surrounded by intricate wood carvings.But the real magic of this flying cabin would be the control room located behind the living room fireplace. Pulling on one of the wooden beaver carvings would cause the entire fireplace to swing open, revealing a secret room filled with levers, buttons, and a giant wooden steering wheel. This is where the flight capabilities could be operated from.With a few pulls of the levers, the roar of propellers spinning to life could be heard outside. Slowly but surely, the entire cabin would begin to lift off the ground, defying gravity. The steering wheel would control the direction as the powerful wooden propellers pushed the cabin higher and higher into the sky. Looking out the windows, one could see the trees, houses, and cars slowly shrinking until eventually the curvature of the earth would be visible below.Up in the clouds, the real fun would begin. Swinging the wheel hard to the left or right would cause the flying cabin to barrel roll or spin. Pulling back would send it soaring upwards through the clouds at incredible speeds until it broke throughinto the inky blackness of space. The pointer on the altimeter would be spinning around like crazy as the stars appeared outside the windows.After catching a glimpse of the infinite cosmos, a push forward on the wheel would angle the nose down and send the cabin screaming back towards earth. As it pierced the cloud layer, incredible panoramic views would greet those aboard as it glided over mountain ranges, valleys, lakes, rivers, and forests.The map room located off the main cabin would allow for charting courses to any destination on the planet. With the simple spin of a globe and punching in coordinates, the autopilot system could navigate there with ease. One day the flying cabin could soar over the pyramids of Giza, the next it may drift across the Sydney Opera House before setting down on the beaches of Bali.Kids on weekend getaways could activate "Warp Speed" which would kick the propellers into overdrive and have the cabin racing across entire continents in the blink of an eye. Adults may prefer "Leisure Mode" for low, slow cruises while sipping a beverage on the balcony and watching the landscapes lazily drift by underneath.In my imagination, this flying wooden cabin would be the ultimate blend of old-world craftsmanship and modern technological marvels. It could whisk you away from the stresses of everyday life for high-altitude adventures and relaxing airborne retreats. No vacation destination would be off limits when you have a cozy cabin that can achieve flight in any direction.From serene mornings with a hot cup of coffee watching the sunrise over the mountains to action-packed afternoons of aerobatics and aerodynamic feats, the flying wooden cabin would be a dream come true for explorers and aviation enthusiasts alike. With warm walnut accents, the sun beaming through stained glass skylights, and the powerful thrum of the propellers, this cabin could make any journey far more memorable and magical.As I've grown older, I've always kept the idea of this flying wood cabin alive in my imagination. I've filled notebook after notebook with sketches and diagrams for how it could all work and function. Any time I need an escape, I simply shut my eyes and picture myself grasping the giant wooden steering wheel as the entire cabin lifts off into the clouds. My mind soars as I mentally chart courses over jungles, oceans, and frozen arcticexpanses that I could explore from the comfort of my cozy, airborne home.While a flying wooden cabin may seem implausible, the ability to dream up such an extraordinary idea helps spark my creativity and push the boundaries of what I think is possible. With curiosity, imagination, and a desire to travel, kids and adults alike can unlock their own limitless capacity for whimsical and awe-inspiring thoughts. Who knows, with enough hard work and ingenuity, maybe one day flying cabins will be a reality! Until then, my imagination will just have to keep soaring to new heights.。



我的奇妙妙妙屋作文英文回答:In the realm of vibrant imagination, where dreams take flight and the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, there exists a place known as the Wonderful Wonderful House. It is a sanctuary of wonders, a haven where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and the impossible becomes attainable.Upon approaching this whimsical abode, one is greetedby an enchanting facade adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant hues. The windows twinkle with an otherworldly glow, promising an adventure that lies within. As you step across the threshold, you are enveloped in a symphony of sights, sounds, and aromas that ignite the senses and captivate the soul.The walls of the Wonderful Wonderful House are adorned with vibrant tapestries that depict scenes of enchantmentand wonder. The floors are carpeted in plush velvet, each step a soft whisper against the ethereal ambiance. The airis perfumed with the delicate scent of blooming roses and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked treats.At the heart of the house lies the grand staircase, a mesmerizing spectacle that spirals upwards like a graceful dance. Each step is intricately crafted, inviting you to ascend to a world of untold adventures. As you climb higher, the walls come alive with vibrant murals, telling tales of brave knights, mischievous fairies, and talking animals.The rooms of the Wonderful Wonderful House are each a treasure trove of wonders, designed to spark imaginationand ignite the spirit of play. There is a library filledwith books that whisper secrets and transport you todistant lands. A music room where melodies dance and instruments play themselves. A toy room where laughter echoes and dreams take shape.In the garden, a riot of colors and scents greets you. Exotic flowers bloom in vibrant hues, their petalsshimmering like tiny jewels. The air is alive with the chirping of birds and the gentle buzz of bees. A hidden path leads to a secret pond, where you can whisper your wishes to the shimmering waters.Throughout the Wonderful Wonderful House, there is a sense of magic and wonder that permeates every corner. It is a place where the impossible becomes possible and where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. It is a sanctuary for the heart and a playground for the imagination. It is the Wonderful Wonderful House, a realm of endless enchantment and boundless possibility.中文回答:在这想象力迸发的国度里,梦想腾空而起,平凡化身为非凡,就存在着这样一个地方——奇妙妙妙屋。



各种各样的想象零食房间作文英文回答:The world of imagination is a vast and wondrous place, where anything is possible and the limits are only set by our minds. Within this realm of boundless creativity, one can envision extraordinary places filled with delectable treats and whimsical surprises.Imagine stepping into a room dedicated to the ultimate indulgence of chocolate. The air thickens with the rich aroma of cocoa, tantalizing our senses. Walls adorned with intricate chocolate sculptures beckon us closer, while shelves overflow with an assortment of gourmet chocolates from around the world. Dark, milk, and white varieties tempt our taste buds, promising a symphony of flavors that dance upon our tongues.Next, let us venture into a room where candy reigns supreme. Vibrant hues of every shade imaginable paint theroom, casting a playful ambiance. Giant lollipops, their swirling colors mesmerizing, hang from the ceiling like vibrant ornaments. Walls lined with shelves showcase an endless array of candy jars, each filled with a different sweet surprise. Gummy bears, sour worms, and an assortmentof hard candies beckon us to indulge in a sugary paradise.But the realm of imagination extends beyond mere chocolate and candy. Picture a room devoted to the delectable delights of pastries. The sweet scent of freshly baked goods permeates the air, inviting us to savor every exquisite morsel. Delicate croissants, flaky and golden brown, tempt us with their buttery aroma. Colorful macarons, adorned with intricate designs, offer a symphony of flavors that burst upon our palates. And towering éclairs, filled with rich cream and topped with a glossy chocolate glaze, promise an unforgettable culinary experience.Continuing our journey, we encounter a room wherefruity fantasies come to life. The walls are adorned with vibrant murals depicting lush orchards and cascading waterfalls. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance ofripe fruit, enticing us to taste the essence of nature's bounty. Baskets overflow with an assortment of fresh berries, their colors ranging from vibrant reds to deep blues. Crisp apples, their skin glistening with morning dew, tempt us with their juicy sweetness. And exotic fruits,such as dragon fruit and star fruit, offer a taste of the world's diverse flavors.No realm of imagination would be complete without aroom dedicated to the indulgence of ice cream. The temperature drops as we step inside, and the air swirlswith the sweet scent of frozen delights. Walls lined with freezers showcase an array of ice cream flavors, fromclassic vanilla to exotic mango sorbet. Waffle cones and colorful sprinkles beckon us to create our own frozen masterpieces. And milkshakes of every flavor, topped with whipped cream and garnished with cherries, promise a refreshing and indulgent treat.As we continue our exploration of this extraordinary realm, we stumble upon a room that defies logic and transcends the boundaries of reality. Here, ediblesculptures take form, transforming into masterpieces that delight both the eyes and the taste buds. Chocolate fountains cascade into shimmering pools, inviting us to dip strawberries and marshmallows into their decadent flow. Jelly sculptures, vibrant and translucent, resemble works of art that seem too exquisite to consume. And cotton candy clouds, light and fluffy, float overhead, promising a whimsical and sugary experience.中文回答:想象的零食房间多种多样,每个房间都充满了美味佳肴和奇思妙想。



今天真是 愉快ㄉ一

• 姓名:♥鬼娃♥小庭 • 性別:女生 • 星座:水瓶座 • 興趣:畫畫 • 偶像:棒棒堂 • 最♥ㄉ節目:終極三國 • 最♥ㄉ科目:電腦.體育 • 最♥滴老師:賴玥玲老師
奶奶 個性:溫和.善良
爸比 個性:對人很好 興趣:看棒球
日頭晒屁 股了.
正在 睡覺
G我Loe們!t好你剛真s 去ㄇ現起ㄉ頭逛?在床是豬才,一街
好ㄚ。 抱歉偶遲到
歐買尬, 東西好多
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这个故事我非常感动,让我知道小樱不怕困难,不放弃,不气馁, 在爸爸妈妈不在的时候,自己也能坚强的生活着。

















