the Definition of Translationቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textural material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language. (TL). (Catford, British translation theorist ) 将一种语言的话语材料替换成等值的另一种 语言的话语材料。
(4) After the May Fourth New Literary Movement to Now
There appeared a lot of famous translators in China today, such as: 傅雷:以翻译法国文学作品享誉译坛,代表作《高 傅雷 老头》 杨宪益:《红楼梦》英译本 (David Hawks) 杨宪益 朱生豪:译文以传神典雅见长,主要代表作是《莎 朱生豪 士比亚的戏剧》 许渊冲:诗歌翻译,《唐诗三百首》 许渊冲 王佐良:培根《论读书》 王佐良
Lecture 1
the Translation History in China
Translation in China has a long history of about two thousand years. During the centuries, quite a number of world-famous translators in China appeared one after another and they made great contributions to China as well as to the world in the development of translation. This can be seen from the following facts.
Style1. Definition of styleStyle: the way language is used by a given person, for a given purpose, in a given context. In a broad sense, style is the “specific or characteristic manner of expression, execution, construction, or design in any art, period, work, employment, etc. When applied to literature, style suggests the result of a successful blending of form with content. Here form refers to the language a writer uses, and content the theme or ideology of the writer or his/her work.Three grades/domains of style in translation concerning language:1)levels of speech: such as formal or informal, familiar or polite, spoken or written(语体)2)literary forms: such as poetry, drama and novel(文体)3)manner of expression, characteristic of a particular writer, or the way in which languageis used in a particular school or period(风格)Style in the last sense can be viewed as literary style., which is the essential characteristics of every piece of writing, the outcome of the writer‟s personality and his/her emotions at the moment.2. Stylistic Markers2.1 Formal markers1) Phonological markers2) Register markersRegister refers to the scope to which a word is applicable, such as spoken language and written language, dialect and standard speech, male speech and female speech, etc.Another way of classification is to classify register into five categories: (a) the frozen, (b) the formal, (c) the consultative, (d) the casual, (e) the intimate.3) Lexical markersLexical markers indicate the author‟s inclination to the choice of words, e.g. the personal preference of plain and simple words, particular adjectives, adverbs, etc..4) Syntactic markersSentences can be examined in terms of their length (short, economical / long, involved), form (simple / compound / complex), construction (loose / periodic / balanced). In a broad sense, any employment of a particular sentence structure which forms a linguistic feature(e.g. coordination, subordination, parallelism, antithesis对偶, omission, etc.) can beregarded as a syntactic marker.5) Textual markersTextual markers refer to the striking features revealed in the organization of a piece of writing, in which the writer‟s style is mainly revealed. They are revealed in the following aspects: (1) omission of some parts to cause staccato断音in context; (2) recurrence or alternation of long or short sentences; (3) flashback or cutback in temporal sequence in narration; (4) overuse of direct speech or indirect speech; (5) explicitness or implicitness.6) Markers of figures of speech(修辞格)e.g. Charles Dickens: irony and exaggeration2.2 Non-Formal Markers1) Ways of expressionEvery writer has his / her own way of expressing and processing what he / she writes about, even if they are of the same literary school.e.g. symbolic undertones象征性潜隐叙事法“Near the curb of the crowded sidewalk, pigeons were tossing around a bread crust that someone had dropped or thrown them. They couldn’t cope with it or let it be. These creatures filled me with both compassion for them and rage against their Creator. Where did they spend the nights in this severe weather? They must be cold and hungry. They might die this very night.”It seems that the writer is describing the phenomena in pigeons‟ world, but in fact he refers to the reality of human society. The symbolic meanings exist between and behind the lines, leaving much room for readers‟ exploration.2) Subject mattere.g. Hemingway‟s subject matter is always about death, violence, danger and the like. His preoccupation with individual courage, will and power is unique and characteristic of Hemingway style.3) Ideological Contents3. The difficulty in reproducing the original styleStyle is usually part of the original literary works‟ textual meaning; therefore harm will be done, to a great extent, to the textual meaning of the original, if the translator fails to pay enough attention to the style of the SLT in translation.Owing to the different natures of language, however, which may differ in word formation, syntactic structure, figure of speech, etc., there do exist some linguistic difficulties in stylistic transference. Those who believe style cannot be reproduced insist that style belongs to the category of linguistic form, not content. Form cannot be independent of the concrete mode of expression in the literary text, which has to be changed in the translating process, thus the style is changed accordingly. For example:1)此木为柴山山出,因火成烟夕夕多。
奈达(Eugene Nida)“Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style.”(Nida & Taber: The Theory and Practice of Translation)我们的翻译课讲的就是狭义的翻译,并专指“书面表达内容”,以区别于有独特之处的口译(interpretation)。
二、翻译的分类1.从所涉及的代码性质看,可分为语内翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译(interlingual translation)和语符翻译(intersemiotic translation)。
2.《柳家大院》(节选)译文A prettykick-up has been the order of the day again in our compoun d lately, for a life has been lost.Butthisisn’tthewaytoopentheball. We shouldgo the whole animal.First , a few words about myself.I’mafortune-teller. Once I was a venderof sour dates , ground-nuts and what not. But that was ages ago. Now I keep a fortune-teller’sstallontheside-walk and can scrapeup three or five dimes a day at best. My old gal had long kickedup her heels. Myson’saricksha w-boy. That’swhathe’s. We two , fatherand son , hang our hats at a south-facingroom in the Liu’scompoun d.Besides the room we occupythere are twentymore rooms in the same compoun d. How many familie s live there , only God knows. Those who occupytwo rooms are quite few. Besides , they are alwaysonthego.Ihaven’tgotsuchagoodmemor yas to remembe r all that. When peoplemeet , theygreeteachotherwitha“Howdoyoudo?”, just to show their good neighbo urly feeling s. But if they shouldcut each other dead , nobodywould care. Whenone’sknocked about from pillarto post for his bread day in and day out , hewon’tfindgingerenoughfor gas and gaiters. Of course, there’sthosewhoarealljawlikeasheep’sheadamongus. But one can hardlybe in a mood for rag-chewingwhenone’sgutscrycupboar d .The Wang familyoccupie s two rooms. Old Wang and I are conside red the genteel fork in the compoun d. Gentili ty be hanged!注释:kick-up:有了问题,出了毛病open the ball:作为开头what not:诸如此类的东西old gal:(口)老伴kickedupone’sheels:(俚) 死ricksha w :人力车,黄包车hangone’shatson:指望,依靠on the go:(口)忙个不停cut sb. dead:不理睬某人knock about :(口)漂泊,游荡from pillarto post :四处奔走着,到处碰壁地,for his bread (俚) =for his moneyday in and day out :日复一日,每天不间断地ginger:(口)精力,活力,劲头gas :(俚)令人非常满意(或愉快的)的事(或人)bealljaw(likeasheep’shead):全是空话,废话连篇rag :(俚)姑娘,情人(指女性)guts:(用作单)贪食者be hanged:(用于诅咒语中)不得好死3.原文言语风格分析老舍先生是善于运用群众的言语大师。
第一章 文学翻译导论
![第一章 文学翻译导论](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/87d0e6c9e518964bcf847cb2.png)
Characteristics of Literary Translation
Ideological (思想性)
Stylistic (风格性)
National (民族性)
Historical (历史性)
Literary translation is an art,as well as a form to understand and reflect the reality through artistic image.
茅 盾 郭沫若 钱钟书 曹靖华 刘重德 许渊冲
Classification of Translation
广义 非文学翻译
散文小说戏剧翻译 诗歌翻译 文学评论翻译
狭义文学翻译 节译 编译
文学的翻译是用另一种语言,把原 作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文 时能够像读原作一样得到启发、感动和美 的感受。
翻译像绘画的艺术,只有知道要画什么之后,画家才 会ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้手去画。他不会随便的画一丛灌木,而后再画一 棵树,接着再画一块石头,而是头脑里首先有了整幅 画的轮廓,心领神会,然后才着手去画。(托尔曼)
翻译,说到底,就是语篇的翻译,如同创作一样,选 词,炼句,构段,谋篇,环环相扣。
Definition of Literary Translation
True art
the translation must truly reproduce the original image of the real life and situation of the author in an artistic way.
❖ 1 中国古代文本结构论 ❖ 中国古代有过两种文本结构论:一种是“言象意”
论,另一种是“粗精”论。《周易•系辞上》中记载 有:“书不尽言,言不尽意。”和“圣人立象以尽意, 设卦以尽情伪,系辞焉以尽其言。”的观点,初步 涉及到文本的言、象、意三要素。庄子在《外物》 中提出了“得意忘言”的观点:“言者所以在意,得 意而忘言。”三国时的王弼在《周易略例》中将前 人的“言意”论做了进一步的扩展与阐发:“夫象者, 出意者也。言者,明象者也。尽意莫若象,尽象 莫若言。言出于象,故可寻言以观象;象先于意, 故可寻象已观意。意以象尽,象以言著。” 在王 弼看来,“言”、“象”、“意”构成了表情达意逐层深 入的层次结构。
❖ 在西方,“文学”(literature)一词是在十四 世纪从拉丁文litteratura和 litteralis引进的, 意思是“著作”或者“书本知识”,是与政治、历 史、哲学、伦理学、神学等一样的文化产品, 并无特殊的或专有的性质。直到十八世纪, 文学才从作为一般的文化产品中独立出来, 用以特指具有美的形式和能产生情感作用的 文学作品。
The Eagle (Alfred Tennyson ) ❖ He clasps the crag with crooked
hands; ❖ Close to the sun in lonely lands, ❖ Ringed with the azure world, he
stands. ❖ The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; ❖ He watches from his mountain walls, ❖ And like a thunderbolt he falls.
3 A Hermit Visited but not Encountered
--- tr. Wan Changsheng & Wang Jianzhong
4 Looking for a Recluse but Failing to Find Him
--- tr. Burton Watson
张驼提盒去探亲, 李驼遇见问原因, 赵驼拍手哈哈笑, 世上原来无直人。
寻隐者不遇 贾岛
松下问童子, 言师采药去。 只在此山中, 云深不知处。
1 A Note Left for an Absent Recluse
--- tr. Witter Bynner
2 A Call on the Recluse Who Is Just Out
③图式化方面:每一所写客体都是由诸多 方面构成,在文学作品中出现时只能写 出其某些方面。
④被再现客体:文学作品中所表达的人、 物、情、事等。
⑤形而上性质层:揭示生命和存在更深的 意义,如作品中所表现出的悲剧性、戏 剧等。
• 职业道德:“就是责任心,对自己负责,对他 人负责,对艺术负责。换言之,也就是要真实, 对自己真实,对他人真实,对艺术真实。”
• 扎实的双语语言功底:具有较强的驾驭译出语 和译入语的双语能力,具有较为出色的双语写 作技能,能正确理解原文,熟练运用双语。
• 广博的文化知识:相关国家的文化背景知识 (如历史、宗教、政治、地理、军事、外交 等),中西文化差异的知识以及翻译理论与翻 译研究相关学科的知识(如语言学、哲学、文 学、美学、心理学等)。
资料:1. 文学翻译英汉一
![资料:1. 文学翻译英汉一](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/63152739a58da0116d174918.png)
英汉文学翻译(一)On the Difference Between Wit and HumorBy Charles S. BrooksI am not sure that I can draw an exact line between wit and humor. Perhaps the distinction is so subtle that only those persons can decide who have long white beards. But even an ignorant man, so long as he is clear of Bedlam(混论), may have an opinion.I am quite positive that of the two(指机智与幽默), humor is the more comfortable and more livable quality. Humorous persons, if their gift is genuine and not a mere shine upon the surface, are always agreeable companions and they sit through the evening best. They have pleasant mouths turned up at the corners(比喻他们能把艰涩的话说明白). To these corners the great Master of marionettes has fixed the strings and he holds them in his nimblest fingers to twitch them at the slightest jest(把幽默者比喻成“the great Master of marionettes ”,“he holds them in his nimblest fingers to twitch them”比喻幽默者运用他精彩绝伦的语言表达艺术把话形象生动地说出来). But the mouth of a merely witty man is hard and sour(话语艰涩)until the moment of its discharge. Nor is the flash(比喻头脑中一闪而过的灵光)from a witty man always comforting, whereas a humorous man radiates a general pleasure(夸张比喻油然而生的满足感)and is like another candle in the room.I admire wit, but I have no real liking for it. It has been too often employed against me, whereas humor is always an ally. It never points an impertinent(粗鲁的;)finger into my defects. Humorous persons do not sit like explosives on a fuse(比喻像熔炉里的炸药). They are safe and easy comrades. But a wit's tongue is as sharp as a donkey driver's stick. I may gallop(疾驰)the faster for its prodding(刺激), yet the touch behind is too persuasive for any comfort.Wit is a lean creature with sharp inquiring nose(夸张比喻,带有灵敏嗅觉的精简结构), whereas humor has a kindly eye and comfortable girth(夸张比喻幽默有温柔的眼睛和舒适的周长). Wit, if it be necessary, uses malice(恶意)to score a point--like a cat it is quick to jump--but humor keeps the peace in an easy chair. Wit has a better voice in a solo, but humor comes into the chorus best. Wit is as sharp as a stroke of lightning, whereas humor is diffuse(弥漫)like sunlight. Wit keeps the season's fashions and is precise in the phrases and judgments of the day, but humor is concerned with homely eternal things. Wit wears silk, but humor in homespun endures the wind. Wit sets a snare(陷阱), whereas humor goes off (突发(声音))whistling without a victim in its mind. Wit is sharper company at table, but humor serves better in mischance and in the rain. When it tumbles, wit is sour, but humor goes uncomplaining without its dinner. Humor laughs at another's jest and holds its sides, while wit sits wrapped in study for a lively answer. But it(要弄明这个代词指的是什么,其实就是a workaday world)is a workaday world in which we live, where we get mud upon our boots and come weary to the twilight(比喻我们在生活里遇到不如意的时候)--it is a world that grieves and suffers from many wounds in these years of war: and therefore as I think of my acquaintance, it is those who are humorous in its best and truest meaning rather than those who are witty who give the more profitable companionship.And then, also, there is wit that is not wit. As someone has written:Nor ever noise for wit on me could pass,When thro' the braying I discern'd the ass.(这个举例只能按字面翻译,大概作者就是想说有种机智不是机智的现象)I sat lately at dinner with a notoriously witty person (a really witty man) whom our hostess had introduced to provide the entertainment. I had read many of his reviews of books and plays, and while I confess their wit and brilliancy, I had thought them to be hard and intellectual and lacking in all that broader base of humor which aims at truth. His writing--catching the bad habit of the time--is too ready to proclaim a paradox and to assert the unusual, to throw aside in contempt the valuable haystack(干草堆)in a fine search for a paltry(无价值的)needle. His reviews are seldom right--as most of us see the right--but they sparkle and hold one's interest for their perversity(邪恶)and unexpected turns.In conversation I found him much as I had found him in his writing--although, strictly speaking, it was not a conversation, which requires an interchange of word and idea and is turn about. A conversation should not be a market where one sells and another buys. Rather, it should be a bargaining back and forth, and each person should be both merchant and buyer. My rubber plant for your victrola(手摇留声机), each offering what he has and seeking his deficiency. It was my friend B--- who fairly(简直)put the case(假设)when he said that he liked so much to talk that he was willing to pay for his audience by listening in his turn.But this was a speech and a lecture. He loosed on us(loose something on/upon someone/something)from the cold spigot(水龙头)of his intellect a steady flow of literary(文学的) allusion(比喻)--a practice which he professes(公开)to hold in scorn--and wit and epigram(警句). He seemed torn from the page of Meredith(像从梅雷迪斯这本书里面走出来的人物一样). He talked like ink. I had believed before that only people in books could talk as he did, and then only when their author had blotted and scratched their performance for a seventh time before he sent it to the printer. To me it was an entirely new experience, for my usual acquaintances are good common honest daytime woollen folk(毛原民风斗篷)[132] and they seldom average better than one bright thing in an evening.At first I feared that there might be a break in his flow of speech which I should be obliged to fill. Once, when there was a slight pause--a truffle(松露)was engaging him--I launched a frail remark; but it was swept off at once in the renewed torrent. And seriously it does not seem fair. If one speaker insists--to change the figure--on laying all the cobbles of a conversation, he should at least allow another to carry the tar pot and fill in the chinks(裂缝). When the evening was over, although I recalled two or three clever stories, which I shall botch in the telling, I came away tired and dissatisfied, my tongue dry with disuse.Now I would not seek that kind of man as a companion with whom to be becalmed in a sailboat, and I would not wish to go to the country with him, least of all to the North Woods or any place outside of civilization. I am sure that he would sulk(生气愠怒)if he were deprived of an audience. He would be crotchety(想入非非的)at breakfast across his bacon. Certainly for the woods a humorous man is better company, for his humor in mischance comforts both him and you.A humorous man--and here lies the heart of the matter--a humorous man has the high gift of regarding an annoyance in the very stroke of it as another man shall regard it when the annoyance is long past. If a humorous person falls out of a canoe he knows the exquisite jest while his head is still bobbing in the cold water. A witty man, on the contrary, is sour until he is changed and dry: but in a week's time when company is about, he will make a comic story of it.My friend A--- with whom I went once into the Canadian woods has genuine humor, and no one can be a more satisfactory comrade. I do not recall that he said many comic things, and at bottom he was serious as the best humorists are. But in him there was a kind of joy and exaltation thatlasted throughout the day. If the duffle(露营装备)were piled too high and fell about his ears, if the dinner was burned or the tent blew down in a driving storm at night, he met these mishaps as though they were the very things(想要的)he had come north to get, as though without them the trip would have lacked its spice. This is an easy philosophy in retrospect but hard when the wet canvas falls across you and the rain beats in. A--- laughed at the very moment of disaster as another man will laugh later in an easy chair. I see him now swinging his axe for firewood to dry ourselves when we were spilled in a rapids; and again, while pitching our tent on a sandy beach when another storm had drowned us. And there is a certain cry of his (dully, Wow! on paper) expressive to the initiated of all things gay, which could never issue from the mouth of a merely witty man.Real humor is primarily human--or divine, to be exact--and after that the fun may follow naturally in its order. Not long ago I saw Louis Jouvet(查不到权威翻译,只能自己音译) of the French Company play Sir Andrew Ague-Cheek. It was a most humorous performance of the part, and the reason is that the actor made no primary effort to be funny. It was the humanity of his playing, making his audience love him first of all, that provoked the comedy. His long thin legs were comical and so was his drawling talk, but the very heart and essence was this love he started in his audience. Poor fellow! How delightfully he smoothed the feathers in his hat! How he feared to fight the duel! It was easy to love such a dear silly human fellow. A merely witty player might have drawn as many laughs, but there would not have been the catching at the heart.As for books and the wit or humor of their pages, it appears that wit fades, whereas humor lasts. Humor uses permanent nutgalls. But is there anything more melancholy than the wit of another generation? In the first place, this wit is intertwined with forgotten circumstance. It hangs on a fashion(风尚犹存)--on the style of a coat. It arose from a forgotten bit of gossip. In the play of words the sources of the pun are lost. It is like a local jest in a narrow coterie(小圈子), barren to an outsider. Sydney Smith was the most celebrated wit of his day, but he is dull reading now. Blackwood's at its first issue was a witty daring sheet, but for us the pages are stagnant. I suppose that no one now laughs at the witticisms of Thomas Hood. Where are the wits of yesteryear? Yet the humor of Falstaff and Lamb and Fielding remains and is a reminder to us that humor, to be real, must be founded on humanity and on truth."On the Difference Between Wit and Humor" by Charles S. Brooks first appeared in the collection Chimney-Pot Papers published in 1919 by Yale University Press.词汇表:(一)人名地名FalstaffLambFieldingthe North WoodsLouis JouvetCharles S. Brooks(二)生僻词Bedlam(混论)impertinent(粗鲁的)coterie(小圈子)paltry(无价值的)spigot(水龙头)woollen folk(毛原民风斗篷)perversity(邪恶)(三)心理情感类crotchety(想入非非的)sulk(生气愠怒)(四)名词Marionette(牵线木偶)Nimble (敏捷的)Engaging(迷人的)翻译技巧:整篇文章主要翻译难题是句子的比喻意义很难说明白,只能联系上下文自己琢磨。
《翻译》课程理论汇编(基本概念)1.1 翻译的概念一般地,我们将翻译定义为:将一种语言(口语或笔语形式)(译出语)转换或创造为另一种语言(译入语)。
1.1.1 语言学家对翻译的定义语言学家将翻译视为一种语言活动,同时认为,翻译理论属于语言学的一个部分,即研究译出语和译入语的转换关系。
(2)Nida 和Taber(1969:12)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间意义和形式上的最紧密联系转换。
1.1.2 文化角度对翻译的定义从文化角度来看,翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,同时是文化的交流,尤其是“文化间交流”。
Shuttleworth 和Cowie(1997:35)认为,与其说翻译是两种语言之间的符号转换,不如说是两种语言所代表的两种文化间的转换。
Nida 认为,对于一个成功的翻译工作者而言,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为语言中的词汇只有在特定的语言文化环境中才能具有正确的、合乎文化背景的义项。
▪ Long before the year was up, Janie noticed that her husband has stopped talking in rhymes to her. Her has ceased to wonder at her long black hair and finger it. Six months back he had told her, “If Ah kin haul de wood heah and chop it fuh yuh, look lak you oughta be able tuh tote it inside./Mah fust wife never bothered me ‘bout choppin’ no wood nohow. She’d grab dat ax and sling chips lak uh man. You done been spoilt rotten.”
▪ A kidney oozed bloodgouts on the willowpatterned ▪ dish : the last . He stood by the nextdoor girl at the ▪ counter. Would she buy it too , calling the items ▪ from a slip in her hand. Chapped : washing soda. ▪ And a pound and a half of Dennyps sausages. His ▪ eyes rested on her vigorous hips. Woods his name ▪ is. Wonder what he does. Wife is oldish. New ▪ blood. No followers allowed. (Joyce 1996 : 70)
文学翻译unit 1《概论》
![文学翻译unit 1《概论》](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cfd8c636f111f18583d05a66.png)
Literary Translation陈水平helen.csp@Lecture One1.Definition of TranslationBy translation here I specrifically mean translating, the process of translation, in which something is translated, instead of the work translated.翻译是将一种文字之真义全部移至另一种文字而绝不失其风格的神韵。
(萧立明,2001)A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is socompletely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work. 好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地移注到另一种语言,以使译人语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受的一样。
川外:《文学翻译批评与鉴赏》概论1(翻硕班 课件)
![川外:《文学翻译批评与鉴赏》概论1(翻硕班 课件)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3e39651bbed5b9f3f90f1c3b.png)
This course intends to be an introductory course of translation criticism which helps students to develop practical skills in judging and criticizing a translated work. The course aims at introducing the objectives, basic techniques and general ideas of translation criticism. A broad spectrum of perspectives in the study of translation criticism will also be introduced to help students to understand the complicate process of translation and the various factors to be considered in criticizing a work.
1.1.2 课程进度计划(Teaching Schedule) 第1-10周 英译汉译文批评与鉴赏 第1周 概论 第2-3周 英国小说《傲慢与偏见》片段译文批评与鉴赏 第4周 美国小说《飘》片段译文批评与鉴赏 第5周 英国小说《简爱》片段译文批评与鉴赏 第6周 因周日清明节,周一补假 第7周散文《作者自叙》译文批评与鉴赏 或 散文《谈读书》译文批评与鉴赏 第8周 诗歌《生命的礼赞》译文批评与鉴赏 第1-8周要求同学们完成第一个project, 任选一篇英文不同汉译本,进行对比分析。 第9-10周 Presentation of the first project(每人3.5分钟) 第11-18周 汉译英译文批评与鉴赏 第11周 小说《红楼梦》片段译文批评与鉴赏 第12周 小说《骆驼祥子》片段译文批评与鉴赏 第13周 散文《桃花源记》译文批评与鉴赏 第14周 诗歌《清明》译文批评与鉴赏 第15周 文学翻译批评与鉴赏课堂综合练习 第16周 因周六端午节,周一补假 第11-16周要求同学们完成二个project, 任选一篇中文不同英译本,进行对比分析。 第17-18周 Presentation of the second project(每人3.5分钟)
第一章 文学翻译导论
![第一章 文学翻译导论](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2801ed149649b6648d74703.png)
改梵为秦,失其藻蔚,虽得大意,殊隔文体。有似嚼 饭与人,非徒失味,乃令呕啐也。(鸠摩罗什)---我这叫中西结合—英语看起来想个窈窕淑女,汉语看 起来是个端正秀才---男女搭配,看起来不累。
翻译作品好像媒人,他们给你带来某个轻纱半掩的美 人的称赞,从而引起你很想一见其人的本来面目的欲 望。(歌德)
Definition of Literature Definition of Art Definition of Translation Definition of Literary Translation
Definition of Literature
Literary Translation
Michael Zhao Foreign Studies School
Chap 1 Lead-in
Definitions Major Controversies Prosperities Criteria Process
林语堂 刘重德 沈苏儒 辜正坤
直译 V.S 意译
鲁迅 V.S 瞿秋白
归化 V.S 异化
鲁迅 V.S 瞿秋白、傅雷、钱钟书
欲别牵郎衣, 郎今到何处? 不恨归来迟, 莫向临邛去。
You wish to go, and yet your robe I hold, Where are you going—tell me, dear—today? Your late returning does not anger me, But that another steals your heart away. W.J.B. Fletcher
文学翻译课程预习2Ⅰ. 认真阅读下列句子,试图将它们译成顺畅的汉语,特别注意句中作评注性状语的-ly副词的处理。
1.Both Cherie and Blair unsuccessfully sought a Labour Party nomination for Parliament in 1981; 1981年,查理和布莱尔都试图获得工党的国会提名,不过最终却未能成功。
2. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society.很明显数以百万的美国人越来越随意对待那些旨在保护和繁荣社会的法律法规,而且从来不会认为自己这样做违反了法律,更不用说犯罪,这种现象真让人痛心。
3. Although largely successful while used to study the properties of inanimate objects and plants, the traditional approach to doing science is arguably less appropriate for use with human beings.传统科学实验方法尽管在研究各种无生命的物体和植物上大部分都成功了,不过要研究人类的话,这些方法却不是那么适用了,这已经得到了证明。
4. This is a thought-provokingly different explanation.这个解释与众不同,发人深思。
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1. What is is right.
2. Many of the ideas which scientists tell us have no foundation have to do with mixture of
3.—What do you do with the mountains of potatoes?
—We eat what we can and what we can’t we can.
4. The child is father to the man.
5. The steganography in ancient China is quite different from that of today in use.
6. Read aloud your goal to yourself every day until you have it memorized.
1. 青山有幸埋忠骨,白铁无辜铸佞臣。
The green hill is fortunate to be the burial ground of a loyal general,
The white iron is innocent to be cast into the statues of traitors.
2. 博学笃行盛德日新(湘潭大学校训)
Knowledge, Action and Virtue (见湘潭大学网页英文版学校概况)学为人师,行为世范(北京师范大学校训)
Learn, so as to instruct others; Act, to serve as example to all(见北京师范大学网首页页楣)
3. The future is dark, yet Lauren stays cheerful and Patrick has a quiet confidence that he’ll
beat the disease. “Apart we’d probably be two of the weakest people,” says Lauren. “But together we’re strong.”
4.…The suggestions and productivity improvements rained down on the plant.
5. And we never can be sure, once we started to juggle lies, just where they’ll land, exactly
where they’ll roll.(From The Truth about Lying)
1. The wheel-track leading to the door, as well as the whole breadth of avenue, was almost
over-grown with grass, affording dainty mouthfuls to two or three vagrant cows and an old white horse who had his own living to pick up along the roadsid e…(Nathaniel Hawthorne, Preface to Mosses from an Old Manse: The Old Manse)
2. Howe gazed at the mushroom fortress with astonishment as it loomed instinctly but grandly
through a morning fog.
3. As the Pegasus righted herself I got up, half strangled with the brine I had swallowed and wet
to the skin. (the Pegasus: a ship)
4. (I am alone on earth, no one deigns to think of me. All those I see making their fortunes have
an effrontery and a hardness of heart that I do not detect in myself. They hate me for my easy good-fortune.) Ah! I shall soon die, wither of hunger or from unhappiness at finding men so hard-hearted.
5.Distant but distinct in the warm darkness the voice of the watchman in the steeple called to the sleeping old city.
“Thre e…o’clock…and all’s well.”