



长沙自平衡多级泵厂家宏力水泵整理 IS65-50-160水泵型单级单吸离心泵概述:

流量:Q =11.4m3/h
扬程:H =16.5m









∮d M12
∮D1 160
440∮K1 125Fra bibliotek180
∮Q1 50
N1 4
四、WLW 系列无油立式真空泵的工作原理:
WLW 系列无油立式真空泵主要由机械传动部分、机械抽气部分和隔油部分组成,机械传动部 分分为曲柄和连杆机构,由电动机带动皮带轮,然后通过曲轴、连杆、十字头传递给活塞, 由皮带轮的圆周运动变为活塞的直线运动。WLW 系列无油立式真空泵机械抽气部分主要依 靠 活塞在汽缸内的往复运动来完成。气缸内的活塞上有活塞环,保证被活塞间隔开的气缸 两端 气密封性。WLW 系列无油立式真空泵活塞在气缸内做往复运动时,不断的改变气缸两 端的容
WLW-70 WLW-100 WLW-150 WLW-200
数/项目 WLW-50B B
WLW-300B WLW-400B WLW-600B B
70(250 100(360 150(540 200(720 300(1080 400(1440 600(2160
L/S(m3/h 50(180) )

P-001 室内给排水设计说明.dwg

P-001 室内给排水设计说明.dwg
的水流指示器动作,向火灾控制中心发出信号,同时在水力压差作用6).系统均设有若干个水流指示器,当发生火灾时喷头喷水,喷头所在区喷头数一般不超过800个;5).在地下室设有湿式自动报警阀,每个报警阀压力不超过1.6MPa,控制的7.自动喷水系统:4).喷头安装:喷头向上安装,喷头接管直径均为DN15,与配水管相接的管1).系统依据《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》GB50084-2001(2005 球喷头);主要设备表XZF型, DN150, P=1.6MPa自带止回阀 安全阀水泵接合器SQD100-1.0型, DN100, P=1.6MPa套套单栓消火栓%%C19mm水枪1支,并配套消防按钮及指示灯各1个箱内配1条DN65,L=25m的麻质衬胶水龙带,电触点信号阀个个湿式报警阀ZSFZ型, DN150, P=1.6MPa套自动喷淋水泵室内消火栓泵台序号名 称规 格 及 型 号数单量位备 注包括试验消火栓水流指示器水表闭式喷头ZSTZ15直立型, 吊顶型喷头,动作温度: 68%%Dc个个DN251用1备XBD7.8/15-DLLQ=15L/s,H=60m,N=15KWSN65型, DN50个注:1.在实际定货时,应以图纸核实数量无误后方可定货.管径等于大于DN80时采用沟槽式卡箍连接,其它采用丝接。上的阀门采用铜截止阀;生活给水等其它系统,DN≤50mm采用铜室内给排水设计说明2.各种给水龙头及阀门均采用节水型产品。4.UPVC排水管伸缩节设置:排水立管每层设一个,横支管直线长度超过两米时设一个,所有伸缩节之间最大间距不得超过4m,伸缩节应尽沿建筑凹槽或外立面隐蔽处敷设,消防立管尽量隐蔽敷设。5.排水管的管件应尽量采用带检修口的三通和弯头,尤其起端弯头及长 应选用建设部指定节水产品,由建设单位根据建筑装修的要求来确定。水管埋墙或吊顶敷设,污水管、雨水管(除部分污水管设于室内外)径大50mm,做法详见施


HPW 泵 在 定 量 液 压 系 统 中
高 压 工 具
压 力 供 给: MIN. 1,5 BAR MAX 10 BAR
DYNASET OY, Menotie 3, FIN-33470 Ylöjärvi, FINLAND
入 口 管 路: 吸水头最长3米
Tel.: +358 3 3488200 3
HPW水口: 吸水口 S, 接吸 水线; 出水口 WP,接 出水 口管线。
PSI bar
注 意!
1.如果液压系统与HPW泵的油口接反,不会对泵造成伤害,仅仅是泵不工作。 2.HPW泵的输出功率取决于进油口与回油口的压力差。回油管路中的压力越高,则压力差
就越小,功率就越小。当系统中某个参数变化时,实际应用中应该综合考虑。 3.由于柱塞总成往复运动速度很快(参考工艺参数),由于压力脉动,回油管会有相应的震
动。为了减小压力脉动和回油管震动,推荐用带花纹的布质柔性管作回油管,以保护低压 单元不被破坏,像油散热器等。 4.在把HPW泵连接到液压系统之前,应确保所用各种设备的兼容性。液压系统的压力流量 应该满足HPW泵的要求值。参见工艺参数。

LKS 160 气 damper 机械臂商品说明书

LKS 160 气 damper 机械臂商品说明书

1EN2C-0112SZ20 R0202PRODUCT HANDBOOKACTUATORLKS 160FOR AIR DAMPERS ON MULTI-STAGE ANDMODULATING BURNERSCONTENTSGENERALDescription .................................................................2Features. (2)TECHNICAL DATASpecification...............................................................3Dimensional drawings (5)INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONInstallation and final checkout....................................6Citrcuit diagrams .. (7)VARIOUSStandards and approvals ...........................................9Ordering information ..................................................9Accessories ................................................................9APPLICATIONThe LKS 160 air damper actuator is designed to be fitted to multi-stage or modulating oil and gas burners with fully closed position.EN2C-0112SZ20 R02024Technical DataHousing•impact-proof, heat-resistant synthetic materialColour: black Drive motor•reversible synchronous motorSwitch point setting•stepless cam setting, lever-operated or spindle-driven cams; if spindle-driven, with superimposed scalePosition indicator• scaleConnection system• terminal blocksGearing•spur gearing, maintenance-freeDrive shaft•steelFitting and fastening•Fastened from inside via tapped M 5 through-holesDiagram Shaft DriveLoad torqueHolding VoltageType Remarkstime torque Nr.Nr.s Nm Nm V S1552,50,8230LKS 160-02 B 5-5 S1standard version S2552,50,8230LKS 160-04 B 5-5 S2standard versionS1531,50,6230LKS 160-08 B 5-3 S2S1552,50,8230LKS 160-10 B 5-5 S1S2531,50,6230LKS 160-12 B 5-3 S2S653433230LKS 160-18 B 5-5 S2S2.1552,50,8230LKS 160-19 B 5-5 S2.1Shaft with adapterS3.2552,50,8110LKS 160-28 B 5-5 S3.2S4552,50,8230LKS 160-36 B 5-5 S4S1363433230LKS 160-43 B 6-34 S13Spindle-driven camS251231,5230LKS 160-50 B 5-12 S2S4552,50,8230LKS 160-51 B 5-5 S4S25831,5230LKS 160-52 B 5-8 S2Other cam coloursS8.P151231,5230LKS 160-57 B 5-12 S8.P1Potentiometer can be retrofittedS451231,5230LKS 160-60 B 5-12 S4S6552,50,8230LKS 160-61 B 5-5 S6S8.P1.153433230LKS 160-69 B 5-34 S8.P1.1S6.1552,50,8110LKS 160-71 B 5-5 S6.1S4.9552,50,8230LKS 160-74 B 5-5 S4.9Relays control 24 VDCS6.256533230LKS 160-76 B 5-65 S6.2S8.P1552,50,8230LKS 160-77 B 5-5 S8.P1Potentiometer can be retrofitted S1253033230LKS 160-78 B 5-30 S10Face downcounter-clockwise rotation3)4)6)5)2)1)7)Legend1) when viewing from direction A (see dimensional drawing)2) see “Circuit diagrams”3) see “Dimensional drawing”4) at 50 Hz for 90°at 60 Hz, Drive times are about 20 % shorter 5)under nominal conditionsunder extreme conditions (e.g. +60 °C, 230V -15%) the torques will be 25% lower 6)+10% -15%; 50...60Hzat -15%; torque reduced by approx. 20% at undervoltage 7)Standard: Lever-operated camPCBs•for all electrical functions, increased conductor thicknessMains voltage•230 V -15% +10% or110 V -15% +10%Mains frequency•50 Hz or 60 HzSafety class•II VDE 0631Power consumption•approx. 4 VADuty cicle•depending on motor, 50 to 70 % in 2 minutesInterference suppression•N (according to VDE 0785)Actuating angle•max. 90°Mounting position•anyS1S2S2.1S3S4S4.9S5EN2C-0112SZ20 R0202S8.PS8.P1 S9S10 S11S12 S13S15EN2C-0112SZ20 R0202。

Max Tool 气油水泵产品说明书

Max Tool 气油水泵产品说明书

1Gasoline Water PumpOwner’s ManualThis manual provides information regarding the operation and maintenance of these products. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this manual. We reserve the right to change this product at any time without prior notice.Please keep this manual available to all users during the entire life of the gasoline water pump.CONTENTSⅠ. General Safeguards (1)Ⅱ. Location of Component Parts (3)Ⅲ. Operation before Starting Up (4)Ⅳ. Starting of Engine (9)Ⅴ. Use in Highland Areas (11)Ⅵ. Operation of Water Pump (12)Ⅶ. Shutting Down the Engine (13)Ⅷ. Maintenance (14)Ⅸ. Transportation and Storage (19)Ⅹ. Troubleshooting (21)Ⅺ. Specifications (23)23Ⅰ. General SafeguardsSafety PrecautionsBefore starting the engine, perform inspections according to the procedures described on pre-operation inspections to avoid accidents and damage to your machine.For safety, never attempt using this GEP (gasoline engine powered) water pump to deliver inflammable or corrosive liquids (such as gasoline and acids). Likewise, corrosive mediums, seawater, chemical solvents, alkaline liquids (such as used gasoline, liquor and honey) should be avoided.Place the water pump on a solid, level position surface to avoid tilting or turnover that may give rise to spilling of fuel.To prevent fire hazards, keep the pump well ventilated during operation and maintain a distance of at least l meter between the machine and the wall or other machines. Keep away from inflammable substances.Do not allow children and pets to enter the working area as this may increase the chance of their getting burned by hot surfaces of the operating parts.Know how to stop the water pump quickly how to operate the controls. Do not use the pump against the prescribed operating rules.WARNING :Safety PrecautionsThe gasoline fuel is highly inflammable and may explode under certain conditions.Do the fueling with the engine shut down and in a well-ventilatedenvironment. No smoking is allowed and no open fire or sparks allowed to exist in areas where fueling is carried out or the fuel is stored.Do not allow the fuel to overflow the fuel tank. Be sure to recap the tank and tighten it after refueling.When fueling, take care not to spill the gasoline about as the gasoline vapor may easily get ignited to cause a fire hazard. Be sure to remove the spilled gasoline as by wiping before starting the engine.Do not run the engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated space as the exhaust gas produced by the running engine contains toxic carbon monoxide that may cause the loss of personal consciousness or even death.45Ⅱ. Location of Component Parts6Ⅲ. Operation before Starting Up1. Connecting the water inletConnect the water inlet with a commercially available hose, connector and fastener clip. The inlet hose must be a continuous non-foldable structure with a length not more than required and should be placed near to the source of water so as to achieve the pump should be fitted to the end of the hose with the hose connector as shown in the figure below.CAUTION: Before pumping water, attach the filter to the end of the hose to filter out foreign matters in the water, the presence of which may cause clogging and damage to the wane wheel.NOTE: The hose connector and fastener clip should be securely fastened to prevent air leaks and reduction in suction power. A loosehose will reduce the pump performance and self-suction capacity.2. Connecting the water outletConnect the water outlet with a commercially available hose, hose connector and fastener clip. Large diameter hoses are the most effective while small ones will increase the flow resistance and reduce the output power of the pump.7NOTE:Be sure to the fastener clip is securely fastened to prevent the outlet hose from coming off under high water pressure.3.Checking the oil levelCAUTION:·The oil is one of the major factors affecting engine performance and life. Do not use dirty oil or vegetable oil.·Be sure to check the oil level with the engine shut down and placed on a level surface.Please use the SE15-40, 4-stroke engine oil as recommended.Please use the type of oil with a proper viscosity according to the local average temperature.Oil shortage alarm system (OSAS) (installation position)The OSAS is designed to avoid damage of the engine due to the shortage of oil in the crankcase. The system will automatically shut down the engine just before the crankcase oil level drops down to the minimum line of safety (with the engine switch staying in the ON position).If the engine is shut down and cannot be started again, check the oil level before initiating further troubleshooting procedures.Remove the oil dipstick and wipe it dry.Insert the dipstick into the oil filler but not screw it in.Replenish the crankcase with the recommended type of oil until8the oil level comes up to the upper most position of the refilled if the existing oil level is found too low.CAUTON:·Running the engine at a low oil level will cause damage to it.4. Checking the fuel levelUncap the fuel tank and check the fuel level. Pouring gasoline if the fuel level is found too low.Please use the type of gasoline recommended by the Dealer (Using the low lead content or lead-free gasoline type is good for minimizing carbon deposits inside the combustion chamber).Do not use a mixture of gasoline and oil or dirty gasoline to prevent dirt, dust or water from entering the fuel tank.CAUTION:·The gasoline fuel is highly inflammable and may explode under certain conditions.·Do the fueling with the engine shut down and in a well-ventilated environment. No smoking is allowed and no open fire or sparks allowed to exist in areas where fueling is carried out or the fuel is stored.·Do not allow the fuel to overflow the fuel tank. Be sure to recap the tank and tighten it after refueling.9·When fueling, take care not to spill the gasoline about as the gasoline vapor may easily get ignited to cause a fire hazard. Be sure to remove the spilled gasoline as by wiping before starting the engine.·Avoid frequent or extensive exposure of the skin to gasoline or breathing in the gasoline vapor. Keep the gasoline out of the reach of children.·Fuel tank capacity: 1.0 gallons (US. 3.6 liters)Screw the wing nut and remove the washer and cleaner cover.Check the filter element to see if it is too dirty and clean it if necessary.CAUTION:Do not run the engine without the air cleaner as this may quicken engine wear if dirt or dust is sucked into the engine through the carburetor.106. Checking and filling the pump with cooling waterThe pump must be filled with water before it is put to operation. CAUTION:·Do not attempt running the pump without cooling water or the pump will get overheated. Extensive running without cooling water may also damage the air tightness of the pump. If the pump is found running dry, stop the engine and pouring in water when it coolsdown.11Ⅳ. Starting engine1. Turn on the fuel tap (by setting it to the ON position).2. Close the choke.NOTE:·The choke is not required when starting the engine warm or the ambient temperature is rather high, (i.e. keep the choke open when starting the engine).3. Set the engine switch to the ON position.4. Turn the throttle control lever slowly to the left.5. Gently pull up the starter lever until a resistance is felt and then quickly pull it up.CAUTION:·Do not allow the starter lever to retract quickly into the engine. Let it go back gently to avoid damaging the starter.Ⅴ.Use in Highland AreasOperation in Highland ConditionsIn highland areas (with a high ASL elevation), the air-fuel mixture produced by a standard carburetor will be too thick and result in a reduced engine performance and soared fuel consumption. For operation in highland areas, the engine performance may be increased by using a smaller diameter carburetor nozzle and readjusting the carburetor idle speed. If the water pump is frequently used in areas with a ASL elevation of more than 1800 meters (6000 feet), ask the local dealer to replace or readjust the carburetor beforehand. Even if the engine is fitted with a carburetor nozzle of an appropriate size, the engine power will still go down by about 3.5% each time when the ASL elevation goes up by 305 meters (1000 feet). If no replacement or readjustment is ever made of the carburetor, the highland effect of the engine output power will be even more obvious.CAUTION:1213·Using the water pump in areas where the ASL elevation is lower than suitable for the carburetor nozzle will lead to a decreased engine performance and overheating of the engine and even cause serious damage to the engine due to an extremely thin air-fuel mixture.Ⅵ. Operation of the Water Pump1. Gradually open the choke after the engine warms up.2. Set the throttle to the predetermined RPM.Ⅶ. Shutting Down the Engine1. Set the throttle control lever to the right end.2. Set the engine switch to the OFF position.3. Turn off the fuel tap (by setting to the OFF position).NOTE:·To shut down the engine in an emergency, simply set the engine switch to the OFF position.Ⅷ. MaintenancePeriodic inspections and fine-tuning are simply indispensable to keep the water pump working with high performance and regular maintenance may also lengthen the pump life. Supplied in the table on the next page are intervals at which the schedules maintenance jobs are to be done.WARNING:·Before any maintenance attempt, be sure to shut down the engine. If the maintenance job has to be done with the engine at work, it should take place in a well-ventilated space as the exhaust gas contains toxic carbon monoxide that causes the loss of personal consciousness or even death.14CAUTION:·In cases when the pump is used to suck up seawater, be sure to flush it with fresh water immediately after use to minimize corrosion and remove deposits.·Always use the original parts and relevant tools supplied with the machine to carry out maintenance. Failure to do this may cause damage to the pump.NOTE:⑴Inspection and maintenance should take place more frequently if the pump is used in a dirty environment.⑵Leave the following inspection and maintenance jobs to the authorized dealers unless you, the user, have the relevant tools and necessary DIY skills. In the latter case, refer to service manual.16general power machinery Co., Ltd.1. Replacing the engine oilOil drains easily and quickly while the engine is warm.1. Remove the oil dipstick and drain bolt to let out the oil.2. Screw the drain bolt back in place and tighten it.3. Pour in clean oil until the desired level is reached.Oil sump capacity: 0.6 litersClean the hands with soap if stained with the engine oil.NOTE: Be sure to keep the environment clean when disposing used engine oil. We suggest you collect the waste oil in a container to be sent to a waste disposal site or a recycling service center of spill it in the garbage or on the ground.2. Maintaining the air cleanerA dirty air cleaner will let less air into the carburetor. To prevent carburetor malfunctions, be sure to maintain the air cleaner periodically. More frequent maintenance of the air cleaner will be necessary if the pump is working in an extremely dirty environment. DO not clean the air cleaner with a low ignition point solvent because it may get enflamed or even explode under certain17circumstances.CAUTION: Do not use the water pump without an air cleaner. Thedirt or dust if sucked into the engine may quicken engine wear.1) Unscrew the wing nut and remove the air cleaner cover and filter element.2) Clean the filter element with a detergent solution inflammable or with a high ignition point and let it dry thoroughly after cleaning.3) Immerse the filter element into clean oil and then squeeze out the excessive amount of oil.4) Put the filter element as well as the air cleaner back in place.3. Maintaining the spark plugThe recommended type of spark plug is NHSP LD P6RTCU.To ensure normal operation of the engine, the spark plug should have a correct gap and should remain free of carbon deposits.1) Remove the plug cap.The muffler may be very hot if the engine is still running. Take care not to touch the muffler.2) Check the spark plug visually. Discard the spark plug if it is18obviously worn out or the insulation ring on it is broken or cracked. Clean the spark plug with a brush when put it back in place.3) Check the plug gap with a feeler gauge.Vary the gap by moving the side electrode.Normal plug gap: 0.70~0.80mm4) Check the plug O-ring for normal condition. Screw it in with theplug wrench to protect the plug thread.NOTE:·In the case of screwing in a new spark plug, tighten it by an additional 1/2 screw turn after the plug reaches and pushes on the O-ring, while in the case of a used spark plug, an additional 1/2~1/4 screw turn is necessary.CAUTION:·Make sure the spark plug is properly tightened. Impropertightening may cause the engine to be overheated or damaged. Never use spark plugs with an incorrect thermal value range.Ⅸ. Transportation and Storage CAUTION:·To avoid causing a fire hazard, let the engine cool down before transportation or indoor storage of the pump.·Before transporting the pump, set the fuel tap to the OFF position and place the pump body in a level position to prevent the fuel from spilling out. The spilled gasoline or the gasoline vapor may get ignited.Note and do the following before storing pump for an extended period of time:1) Make sure the storage area is free of moisture or dust.2) Ch\lean the inside of the pump.The pump may get clogged if it is used to suck up water containing such matters as earth, sand or heavy fragments.Before storing, clean the pump by sucking up clean water or otherwise the wane wheel may be damaged when the pump is put to use again. After cleaning, unscrew the water drain plug to drain off the water from inside the pump casing as much as possible. Then screw the drain plug back into place.3) Drain off the fuel.a. Turn off the fuel tap (OFF position), unscrew the drain screw from the carburetor float chamber to drain off the fuel from inside the carburetor and collect the gasoline in a suitable container.b. Turn on the fuel tap (ON position) and collect the gasoline in a suitable container.c. Screw the carburetor fuel drain screw back into place.19204) Replace the engine oil.5) Screw off the spark plug, pour a spoonful of clean oil into the cylinder, turn the engine alternatively for several times to allow uniform distribution of oil, and then screw in the spark plug again.6) Pull up the starter lever until a resistance is felt. Stop pull for a while and pull it up again until the triangle mark on the starter wheel gets into collimation with the screw hole in the starter (as shown the sketch below). In this position, both the inlet valve and outlet valve is closed to prevent corrosion inside the engine.7) Cover up the pump to keep out dust.Ⅹ. TroubleshootingEngine unable to get started:1) Is there enough fuel?2) Is the fuel tap turned on?213) Has the fuel reached the carburetor? Make the check by unscrewing the oil drain screw from under the carburetor with thefuel tap turned on.WARNING:·Should there be a spill of fuel, be sure to clean it before checking the spark plug and start the engine or otherwise the spilled fuel or fuel vapor may get ignited4) Is the engine switch set to the ON position? 5) Is there enough oil in the crankcase? 6) Is the spark plug generating sparks?a. Uncap the spark plug, clear off the dirt from around the plug and remove the spark plug.b. Fit the spark plug into the plug cap.c. Turn on the engine with the side electrode and pull up the starter lever to see if there is sparks generated.d. Ground the engine with the side electrode and pull up the starter lever to see if there is sparks generated.e. Replace the spark plug if no spark is found.Start the engine as directed in the operation manual if sparks are generated.7) If the engine still refuses to get started, send the pump to any of the authorized dealers.22The pump unable to such up water: 1) Is it filled with enough amount of water?2) Is the filter clogged?3) Is the hose fastener clip tightened? 4) Is the hose damaged?5) Is the suction head too high?6) If the pump still fails to work, send it to any of the authorized dealers.Ⅺ. Specifications2324PARTS LIST AND ASSEMBLY (XP652WP/XP650WP)2526272829XP652WP3031XP650WP3233PARTS LIST AND ASSEMBLY(XP904WP)353637。



D型原D A型卧式多级离心泵性能参数Hessen was revised in January 2021D型(原DA1型)卧式多级离心泵(性能参数)?如D(DF、DY、MD)600-60×6D---- 表示多级清水离心泵DF ---- 表示耐腐多级离心泵DY ---- 表示多级离心油泵MD ---- 表示耐磨多级离心泵600 ---- 表示设计点流量为600m3/h 60 ---- 表示设计点单级扬程为60m 6 ---- 表示级数为6级如150D30×7150---- 表示泵吸入口直径为150mm D---- 表示多级离心清水泵30 ---- 表示泵设计点单级扬程为30m 7 ----表示级数为7级(1) D(DF、DY、MD)6-25(2) D(DF、DY、MD)6-50(3) D(DF、DY、MD)12-25(4) D(DF、DY、MD)12-50(5) D(DF、DY、MD)25-30(6) D(DF、DY、MD)25-50(7) 80D(DF、DY、MD)12(8) D(DF、DY、MD)80-30(9) D(DF、DY、MD)46-30(10) D(DF、DY、MD)46-50(11) 100D(DF、DY、MD)16(12) D(DF、DY、MD)85-45 [100 D(DF、DY、MD)45]13) D(DF、DY、MD)85-67(14) D(DF、DY、MD)120-50(15) 125D(DF、DY、MD)25(16) D(DF、DY、MD)155-30 [150D(DF、DY、MD)30](17) D(DF、DY、MD)155-67(18) D(DF、DY、MD)280-43 [200D(DF、DY、MD)43](19) D(DF、DY、MD)280-65 [200D(DF、DY、MD)65](20) D(DF、DY、MD)360-40(21) D(DF、DY、MD)450-60(22) D(DF、DY、MD)500-57(23) D(DF、DY、MD)580-60(24) D(DF、DY、MD)600-60(25) D(DF、DY、MD)720-60。


现场条件包括泵的安装位置(室内、室外)、环境温度、相对湿度、海拔高 度、大气压力、大气腐蚀状况及危险区域的划分等级等条件。
①对安装在有腐蚀性气体存在场合的泵,要求采取防大气腐蚀的措施; ②对安装在室外环境温度低于-29℃以下的泵,要求考虑泵的冷脆现象,采用 耐低温材料; ③对安装在爆炸区域的泵,应根据爆炸区域等级,采用防爆电动机;使用无火 花联轴器;轴承座及轴封处使用无火花设计。 ④对安装在西北(风沙较大地区)的泵,轴承部件等处应有防沙设计;在缺水 地区,泵必须冷却时,应尽量考虑风冷而不是水冷。 ⑤对现场空间有限制的泵要考虑立式安装方式。
8.醇类、酮类、酯类、醚类 常见的醇类介质有甲醇、乙醇、乙二醇、丙醇 等,酮类介质有丙酮、丁酮等,酯类介质有各种甲酯、乙酯等,醚类介质有 甲醚、乙醚、丁醚等,它们基本没有腐蚀性,常用材料均可适用,具体选用 时还应根据介质的属性和相关要求做出合理选择。另外值得注意的是酮、酯 、醚对多种橡胶有溶解性,在选择密封材料时避免出错。
第四讲 泵的选型
讲解人:操松林 2014.5.30
内容提要:本章节主要介绍泵如何选型,文中给出了选 型的基本步骤。
泵选型前需要了解哪些使用条件,选型时需要考虑哪些因素是 本章节的要点。
1. 认识泵型号与性能曲线 2. 主流泵型 3. 了解泵的使用环境 4. 泵系列的选择方法 5. 选型的经济性与合理性 6. 按流速确定泵的进出口管径 7. 泵的发展趋势
工艺参数是泵选型的最重要依据,应根据工艺流程和操作 变化范围慎重确定。
流量Q : 流量是指装置生产中,要求泵输送的工艺物料量,工艺人员一般

泥浆泵教材(6.7 12P160泥浆泵介绍)

泥浆泵教材(6.7 12P160泥浆泵介绍)

12-P-160泥浆泵的介绍从工作原理和结构方面来讲,12-P-160泥浆泵和F-1600泥浆泵基本相同,下面对12-P-160泥浆泵做简要的介绍:一、缸套尺寸与压力、排量关系表:注:●以上数据基于泥浆泵发挥90%的机械效率和100%的容积效率●泵速和输入功率为额定值,输出功率为额定功率的90%●表中蓝色数据为我平台现用缸套尺寸、压力及排量关系值二、常用螺栓尺寸与扭矩表:补充说明:1.凡尔压盖上紧后,再用16磅的大锤猛击3-4下即可2.楔块调整螺栓采用5-1/2″长的专用扳手,1个人上紧即可3.1英尺•磅 = 1.356牛•米三、常用密封件一览表:补充说明:以上密封件为单泵所需数量四、常用润滑油、润滑脂一览表五、常用易损件使用更换标准六、保养规程1、日保养●在泵静止时检查动力端的齿轮油位和油质情况。




















REVISION HISTORY02 01.03.2005 Updated to new template PG KKRev Date(dd.mm.yyyy)Reason for issue Prepared Checked Approved CHANGE DESCRIPTION DescriptionRevision Change02 Updated to new template; content review and updateTABLE OF CONTENTS1PERFORMANCE DATA (4)2TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (5)2.1General Dimensions (5)2.2Specifications for the 12-P-160 (6)1 PERFORMANCEDATALiner size, inches (mm)7 ¼”(184.2)7”(177.8)6 ¾”(171.5)6 ½”(165.1)6 ¼”(158.8)6”(152.4)5 ¾”(146.1)5 ½”(139.7)5”(127)4 ½”(114.3)Max. Discharge Pressure, psi (kg/cm2) with high pressure Fluid End† 3200(225)3430(241.1)3690(259.4)3980(279.8)4305(302.7)4670(328.3)5085(357.5)5555(390.5)6720(472.4)7500(527.2)Pump Speed spm Input HP,HP (kW)Hyd.** HP,HP (kW)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)120*1600*(1193*)1440(1074)*** ***669(2533)621(2349)574(2172)529(2002)486(1840)444(1682)367(1389)297(1124)100 1333(994)1200(895)643(2435)600(2270)558(2111)517(1958)478(1810)441(1668)405(1533)370(1401)306(1158)248(938)80 1067(796)960(716)515(1948)480(1816)446(1689)414(1566)383(1448)353(1334)324(1226)296(1121)245(927)198(750)60800(597)720(537)388(1461)360(1362)335(1267)310(1175)287(1086)264(1001)243(920)222(841)184(697)149(564)40533(397)480(358)257(974)240(908)223(844)207(783)191(724)176(667)162(613.1)148(561)122(462)99(375)Volume/Stroke, gal. (Liters)6.433(24.35)5.997(22.70)5.576(21.11)5.171(19.58)4.781(18.10)4.406(16.68)4.046(15.32)3.702(14.02)3.060(11.58)2.478(9.38)*Rated maximum input horsepower and speed**Based on 90% mechanical efficiency and 100% volumetric efficiency ***Operation over 675 gpm could result in reduced valve life†5,000 PSI Fluid End configuration available2 TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONDimensions2.1 General ArrayNOTE: Center of Gravity is for complete pump less sprocket2.2 Specifications for the 12-P-160DimensionsHeight, floor to center of front inlet suction, inches (mm) 16 ½ (419)Height, floor to center of discharge, inches (mm) 45 ¼ (1149)Overall length over skids, inches (mm) 209 (5309)Width over frame, inches (mm) 78 5⁄8 (1997)Width over pinion shaft, inches (mm) 113 ¾ (2889)Height, floor to top of gear case, inches (mm) 75 (1905)Height over fluid cylinders, inches (mm) 62 15⁄16 (1599)Weight-complete, less sheave, lbs. (kg) 54,700 (24,810)Fluid ConnectionsSuction connection 10” ASA-150 lb. R.J. flangeDischarge connection, cross 6” API-5000 lb. R.J. flangeCapacity DataMaximum liner bore, inches (mm) 7 ¼ (184.2)Stroke, inches (mm) 12 (304.9)Maximum input horsepower (kW) 1600 (1193)Rated pump speed, spm 120Pinion speed, rpm 413(791)Hydrostatic test pressure of fluid cylinders, psi (kg/cm2) 11,250Mechanical DataFluid cylinder Steel, 2 piece interchangeable modular designValves, API number MOD. 7Valve seats Bottom shouldering, modified for high pressurePiston rod-piston connection Piloted and shouldered, National CB-4Piston rod-intermediate rod connection Piloted and shouldered, metal-to-metal lockType of gears Relieved herringboneGear ratio 3.439:1Gear and pinion Through hardened alloyType of crosshead pin TaperedNumber and type of pinion shaft bearing 2 self aligning rollerNumber and type of main bearing 2 double row tapered rollerNumber and type of crosshead bearing 3 double row needleNumber and type of crankshaft-connecting rod bearing 3 cylindrical rollerDouble extension on pinion shaft, inches (mm) 9 ¼ Dia. x 18 ½ Long (234.95 x 469.9)Sprocket with QD Hub Type S-Dual Electric Motor DriveTwo- 75T 1½” pitch quint.(Drive sprocket 1200 RPM max.)Ind. or rig drive-drive sprocket 1000 rpm max. 75T 1½” pitch octupleInd. or rig drive-drive sprocket 1100 rpm max. 75T 1½” pitch tenwideSheave, QD Hub Type S 53” OD 24-8V Section belts。



如D(DF、DY MD)600-60X 6D ---- 表示多级清水离心泵DF —表示耐腐多级离心泵DY ---- 表示多级离心油泵MD ---- 表示耐磨多级离心泵600 ---- 表示设计点流量为600m3/h60 ---- 表示设计点单级扬程为60m 6 ---- 表示级数为6级如150D30X7150 ---- 表示泵吸入口直径为150mmD ---- 表示多级离心清水泵30 —表示泵设计点单级扬程为30m 7 ----表示级数为7级(1) D(DF、DY MD)6-25(2) D(DF、DY MD)6-50(6) D(DF 、DY MD)25-50转速(r/min)扬程 级数H(m) (%)效率n(7) 80D(DF、DY MD)12(10) D(DF、DY MD)46-50(12) D(DF、DY MD)85-45? [100 D(DF、DY MD)45]13) D(DF、DY MD)85-67(14) D(DF、DY MD)120-50(16) D(DF、DY MD)155-30? [150D(DF、DY MD)30](17) D(DF、DY MD)155-67(18) D(DF 、DY MD)280-43级数流量Q扬程H(m)转速n(r/min)效率n(%)轴功率N(kw)配用电机必需汽蚀 余量NPSHr(m)叶轮 直径D(mm)泵重量 (kg)电机重量(kg)m3/hL/s功率(kw)型号9468.618551.4693.028685.2110Y315S-4667875良良良良7692.5益 益141益102.9益3280 77.8 1291480 77 127.7160Y315L1-4 4.73607871135泵泵114泵138.8泵188137.7业业业业4172170.3200Y315L2-4908125533593.1756.0152185.0532469413 608536 472 684603 531226.4267.7315Y355L2-27821650288.9258.8Y355L1-2305.9 355(IP23)8521545330.2291.1Y4001-2344.2 450(IP23/6KV)9222750371.5(19) D(DF、DY MD)280-65 [200D(DF、DY MD)65](20) D(DF、DY MD)360-40(21) D(DF、DY MD)450-60(23) D(DF、DY MD)580-60520 (24) D(DF、DY MD)600-60流量Q 配用电机必需汽蚀余量叶轮r扬程转速效率n 轴功率直径泵电机级数m3/h L/sH n(%) N 功率(kw)型号NPSHrD重量重量(m) (r/min) (kw)(m)(mm)(kg) (kg)130202Y3555-42 450 125 120 78 238.8280(IP23/6KV)4.01750 1890110 241.8良良195 良302.6 良3 益益180益358.9 450Y4003-4益1950 2640 600 166.61651480 82363.1(IP23/6KV)4.8 455泵泵260 泵403.6Y4005-4泵4业业240业478.5 560(IP23/6KV)业2260 2880638 177.2 220 79 483.25.25 325 504.5710Y4502-42570 3670(IP23/6KV)48044058554049565010 600550806Y5002-4924 1120(IP23/6KV)3500 4830 958907Y5003-41040 1250(IP23/6KV)3810 4930 10771008Y5003-41155 1250(IP23/6KV)4120 4930 1197。

D型 原DA 型 卧式多级离心泵 性能参数

D型 原DA 型 卧式多级离心泵 性能参数

D型(原DA1型)卧式多级离心泵(性能参数)如D(DF、DY、MD)600-60×6D---- 表示多级清水离心泵DF ---- 表示耐腐多级离心泵DY ---- 表示多级离心油泵MD ---- 表示耐磨多级离心泵600 ---- 表示设计点流量为600m3/h 60 ---- 表示设计点单级扬程为60m 6 ---- 表示级数为6级如150D30×7150---- 表示泵吸入口直径为150mm D---- 表示多级离心清水泵30 ---- 表示泵设计点单级扬程为30m 7 ----表示级数为7级(1) D(DF、DY、MD)6-25(2) D(DF、DY、MD)6-50(3) D(DF、DY、MD)12-25(4) D(DF、DY、MD)12-50(5) D(DF、DY、MD)25-30(6) D(DF、DY、MD)25-50(7) 80D(DF、DY、MD)12(8) D(DF、DY、MD)80-30(9) D(DF、DY、MD)46-30(10) D(DF、DY、MD)46-50(11) 100D(DF、DY、MD)16(12) D(DF、DY、MD)85-45 [100 D(DF、DY、MD)45]13) D(DF、DY、MD)85-67(14) D(DF、DY、MD)120-50(15) 125D(DF、DY、MD)25(16) D(DF、DY、MD)155-30 [150D(DF、DY、MD)30](17) D(DF、DY、MD)155-67(18) D(DF、DY、MD)280-43 [200D(DF、DY、MD)43](19) D(DF、DY、MD)280-65 [200D(DF、DY、MD)65](20) D(DF、DY、MD)360-40(21) D(DF、DY、MD)450-60(22) D(DF、DY、MD)500-57(23) D(DF、DY、MD)580-60(24) D(DF、DY、MD)600-60(25) D(DF、DY、MD)720-60。














【PW型卧式污水泵】结构图:1泵盖10油标2泵体11轴承箱3叶轮12轴承盖4轴封体13平键5轴封盒14弹性圈6垫圈15轴7轴套(4PW无)16螺母8油封17垫圈9轴套18密封环【PW型卧式污水泵】性能曲线:序号型号流量扬程m转速r/min功率(kW)m3/h L/s轴功率功率150PW-6550PWF-6514.54161440 2.474250PW-6550PWF-6525 6.94322900 3.354380PW-10080PWF-1005615.513.51440 4.1 5.5480PW-10080PWF-10090252629007115100PW-125100PWF-12510027.812.51440 5.77.5621/2PW6016.69.51440 2.54 721/2PW90252629201115 821/2PW9025294017224394PW10027.811960 4.77.5104PW16044.425.514601830 116PW30083.3149801730 126PW350972714504255 138PW500139137302945 148PW5501532598059.575 1510PW80022213.573040.275 1610PW10002782598092132【PW型卧式污水泵】安装尺寸图:泵型号底座型号电机号外型及安装尺寸L1L2L B1B H1H2h H1H2H B1a f X L4L5N-d L62½pw 2½PW-y112M-4y112M-412553477938544535180470265270423190160411174-Φ24350 2½PW-y160M-4y160M-41555758854304903854952554-Φ242½PW-y180M-4y180M-4122700942420480404904302905402854-Φ244PW 4PW-y160M-6y160M-614559089043049040180586385280505255214444.5164-Φ24400 4PW-y200l1-4y200l1-414567010255365966004753005753104-Φ24【PW型卧式污水泵】安装:1) 清除底座油戚及污垢,把底座放在地基上。








各项指标居国内领先,达到国际先进水平二、ZW型卧式无堵塞自吸泵工作原理:ZW型自吸式无堵塞排污泵,主要由泵体, 叶轮、后盖、机械密封、泵轴、轴承座、进口阀、气液分离管、加水阀门、进、排接管等组成。






D型原D A型卧式多级离心泵性能参数Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021D型(原D A1型)卧式多级离心泵(性能参数)如D(DF、DY、MD)600-60×6D---- 表示多级清水离心泵DF ---- 表示耐腐多级离心泵DY ---- 表示多级离心油泵MD ---- 表示耐磨多级离心泵600 ---- 表示设计点流量为600m3/h 60 ---- 表示设计点单级扬程为60m 6 ---- 表示级数为6级如150D30×7150---- 表示泵吸入口直径为150mmD---- 表示多级离心清水泵30 ---- 表示泵设计点单级扬程为30m 7 ----表示级数为7级(1) D(DF、DY、MD)6-25(2) D(DF、DY、MD)6-50(3) D(DF、DY、MD)12-25(4) D(DF、DY、MD)12-50(5) D(DF、DY、MD)25-30(6) D(DF、DY、MD)25-50(7) 80D(DF、DY、MD)12(8) D(DF、DY、MD)80-30(9) D(DF、DY、MD)46-30(10) D(DF、DY、MD)46-50(11) 100D(DF、DY、MD)16(12) D(DF、DY、MD)85-45 [100 D(DF、DY、MD)45]13) D(DF、DY、MD)85-67(14) D(DF、DY、MD)120-50(15) 125D(DF、DY、MD)25(16) D(DF、DY、MD)155-30 [150D(DF、DY、MD)30](17) D(DF、DY、MD)155-67(18) D(DF、DY、MD)280-43 [200D(DF、DY、MD)43](19) D(DF、DY、MD)280-65 [200D(DF、DY、MD)65](20) D(DF、DY、MD)360-40(21) D(DF、DY、MD)450-60(22) D(DF、DY、MD)500-57(23) D(DF、DY、MD)580-60(24) D(DF、DY、MD)600-60(25) D(DF、DY、MD)720-60。

Alfa Laval MR-166S、-185S、-200S、-300 气体和空气应用下饲流泵说明书

Alfa Laval MR-166S、-185S、-200S、-300 气体和空气应用下饲流泵说明书

DATOS TÉCNICOSMotorMotor estándar de pie acoplado según la normativa métrica IEC,4 polos=1500/1800r.p.m.a50/60Hz.IP55(con orificios de drenaje con tapón de laberinto),aislamiento clase F.Tamaños de motores50Hz60Hz2.2kW(166S) 2.6kW(166S)5.5kW(MR-185S)6.3kW(MR-185S)7.5,11kW(MR-200S)8.6,12.5kW(MR-200S)15,18.5kW(MR-300)17,21,25kW(MR-300)DATOS DE FUNCIONAMIENTOPresiónPresión de entrada máx.:.........400kPa(4bar). TemperaturaEscala de temperatura:..........De-10°C a+140°C(EPDM).Flujo volumétrico MR-166S,-185S,-200S y-300MR-166S/-185S/-200SMR-300Q (m³/h)3020104050600Medidas específicas de la bomba Modelo de bomba MR-166S MR-185S/200SMR-300A 129154205B --190C 117140-D 233260350E150173-Medidas específicas del motor Motor IEC IEC100IEC132IEC160IEC180Motor (kW) 2.2 5.5/7.511/1518.5/22F (máx.)*302304332352G 185196262286H 323383282533I455533749674*Se puede reducir el tamaño F en un mínimo de 59mm para todos los modelos de bomba.En el caso de modelos más pequeños,se puede reducirel tamaño F aún más.Descripción general del motor Modelo de bomba MR-166S MR-185S/200S MR-300Rango de motor (IEC)IEC100IEC132-IEC160IEC160-IEC180Los datos de las medidas se basan en motores ABB de cuatro polos.ConexionesModelo de bomba MR-166SMR-185S/200SMR-300ISO 2037Abrazadera M1212121M22112-Unión ISO(IDF)M1212121M22121-Unión DIN/ISO M1222230M22232-Unión SMS M1202424M22024-Unión (BS)RJT M1222222M22222-J1*51/2"76,1/3"76,1/3"J2*51/2"76,1/3"76,1/3"*Existen otras medidas disponibles bajo demanda.ESE00233/12OpcionesA.Otro voltaje y frecuencia.B.Motores a prueba de llamas(EEXE y EEXD).C.Bomba sin protector ni patas.D.Bomba sin protector.E.Válvula de reducción de ruidos.F.Cierres de nitrilo(NBR)bañados por producto,o caucho fluorado(FPM).G.Junta de estanqueidad fija con superficie de sellado de carburo desilicio(solo MR-185S y MR-200S).H.Junta de estanqueidad rotativa de carburo de silicio(solo MR-185Sy MR-200S).PedidosLe rogamos indique los datos siguientes cuando realice su pedido:-Tipo de bomba.-Voltaje y frecuencia.-Conexiones.-Velocidad de flujo,presión y temperatura.-Densidad y viscosidad del producto.-Opciones.Nota:Para obtener más información,consulte también las instrucciones del ESE00675y ESE02051.ESE00233ES1512La información incluida en el presente documento es correcta en el momentode su publicación,no obstante puede estar sujeta a modificaciones sinprevio aviso.ALFA LAVAL es una marca registrada de Alfa Laval CorporateAB(Suecia).©Alfa LavalCómo ponerse en contacto con Alfa Laval Cómo ponerse en contacto con Alfa Laval nosotros en cada país,se actualiza constan-temente en nuestra página web.Visite para acceder a esta. información.。


泵送液体的密度 最大1000 kg/m3。 如需泵送更高密度液体,请联系格兰富。
安装深度 最深至液面以下25米。
运行模式 每小时最多30次启动。
位置 说明
1 提升架 2 铭牌 3 电机 4 冲洗阀连接 5 出口法兰 6 电缆入口 7 顶盖 8 环形底座 9 泵壳
中文 (CN)
4. 应用
* 例外 : 代码 075 = 0.75 kW。
DPK .10 .80 22 .S .5 0D
中文 (CN)
10. 安装
安装开始之前的检查工作: • 泵型是否与订单一致。 • 水泵是否适用于安装现场的供电电压和供电频率。 • 所有附件和其他装置是否在运输途中受到损坏。
警告 请遵守安装现场的所有安全规定。 采用鼓风机向水池提供新鲜空气。
6. 向水池中放入水泵之前先清除水池中的垃圾碎屑。
7. 在泵的出口上安装导爪。用链条拴在泵的提升架 上,将导爪卡到导轨内,然后将泵降到水池内。 当泵到达自动耦合装置的底座位置时会自动紧密连 接。
8. 在水池顶部将链条的末端挂在一个合适的挂钩上, 使得链条和泵壳不会发生接触。
9. 将电机电缆卷在一个线盘上,以此来调整电机电缆 的长度并确保该电缆在水泵工作时不会受损。 在水 池的顶部将该线盘固定好。 检查电缆没有折角或穿 通。
10. 连接电机电缆
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