The begger’s chicken
Crab meat’s lion head
Salted duck
Zhenjiang Cured meat
High-ditch foot bundle
The recipe of Ground chicken pot 地锅鸡
原料: 鸡半只、 (正宗多是整鸡一只,人少饭量也少,半只都没
Represห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ntative dishes
Xuzhou’s Farewell to My Concubine,ground chicken pot;Wuxi beauties feast;great cook Gansi Yangzhou,three ducks;Jinling salted duck;Changshu Beggar Chicken;Suzhou braised lion head,squirrel mandarin fish;High-ditch foot bundle, crab meat lion’s head;Zhenjiang Cured meat,etc.
特点:选材严谨,制作精良,口味适中,四 季分明。在烹调技术上擅长烧、焖、烩、 窝、炒,又重视调汤,保持原汁原味,风 味清鲜,适宜面广,浓而不腻,酥烂脱骨, 滑嫩爽脆。
Types: Xuhai flavor, Wuxi flavor, Jinling flavor, Huaiyang flavor , Sourthern flavor.
Thank you for watching.
stingent election materials,production of fine,medium bodied,four distinct seasons.In the cooking technology at stewed,fried,fossa,burning,and pay attention to adjust the soup,keep the original flavor,refreshing,wide adaptability,strong but not greasy,thin rather thin,crisp sodden off the bone,tender and crisp.
Eight Cuisines
四川菜 鲁菜 江苏菜 浙江菜 安徽菜 福建菜 湖南菜 广东菜
The Map of Eight Cuisines
Shandong Cuisine
• 山东菜系,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。
因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东 菜系注重汤品。清汤清澈新鲜,而油汤外观厚重,味道浓
will be added to improve taste and sugar candy added to gain.(这里的翻译似乎有问题)
Sichuan Cuisine
麻婆豆腐 Bean Sauce Tofu
宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken
Cantonese food
广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。广东菜是 最丰富的中国菜系之一,使用很多来自世界其他地方 的蔬菜,不大使用辣椒,而是带出蔬菜和肉类自身的 风味。 • Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. Cantonese food is easily one of the most diverse and richest cuisines in China. Many vegetables originate from other parts of the world. It doesn't use much spice, bringing out the natural flavor of the vegetables and meats.
苏菜中英文简介第一篇:苏菜中英文简介苏菜中英文简介江苏菜系:桂花糖醋蒜 Sweet and Sour Garlic with Sweet Osmanthus 红烧鲥鱼 Braised Reeves Shad with Brown Sauce 砂锅鲥鱼 Stewed Reeves Shad in Marmite 苦瓜鲥鱼 Bitter Mellon and Reeves Shad 冰糖排马面Braised Pig Head with Rock Sugar 大煮干丝Boiled Shredded Dry Bean Curd 巴鱼肺汤Barb Liver Soup 葵花圆子Braised Streaky Pork in Shape of Sunflower 拆烩野鸭Braised Mallard Piece 鲍鱼鸡翼 Abalone Chicken Wing 腐皮肉卷 Soya Milk Film Muscle Roll 鸡茸干贝 Chicken Mash Scallop 青鱼甩水 Herring Tail 水晶肴肉Crystal Trotter 拆骨掌翅Stewed Chicken Claw and Wing 黄泥煨鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken 扬州煮干丝Boiled Yangzhou Dry Bean Curd Slices 扒方肉Braised Square Streaky Pork 酒蒸全鸡汤 Stewed Whole Chicken Soup with Wine 金钱肉Thin and Round Pork芝麻条Sesame Strip 清汤金钱鱿鱼Stewed Sleeve-Fish with Yun Ham Slices 清炖狼山鸡Braised Langshan Hen 虫草炖牛鞭Steamed Pizzle with Aweto 盐水虾 Salted River Prawns 美炸眉卷Fried Pork and Chicken Liver Roll 虾米炒黄瓜 Fried Cucumber with Shelled Shrimps 长寿菜 Longevity Dish 锅烧肉 Braised Steaky Pork 拔丝楂糕 Hawthorn Cake in Hot T offee 五丁鱼圆 Fish Ball with Five Special Ingredients 龙凤腿Braised Chicken Legs and Shelled Shrimps 醋熘鳜鱼 Briased Mandarin Fish Watered by Sweet and Sour Sauce 白酥鸡Crisp Chicken in White Sauce 清烩鲈鱼片Braised Weever 糖醋黄河鲤Braised Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce 荷叶粉蒸肉Steamed Streaky Pork with Lotus Leaves 霸王别姬 Braised Turtle with Hen 锅烧野鸭 Fried Mallard 葫芦虾蟹 Shelled Shrimp and Crab in Shape of Calabash 无锡肉骨头Wuxi Bone Meat 水晶虾饼 Crystal Shrimp Cake虎皮梳子肉 Tiger-Line Braised Pork in Shape of Comb 爆乌花Fried Cuttlefish Slices 煮糟青鱼 Boiled Herring with Savory Lees 风鸡斩肉Stewed Feng Chicken Diamonds 拆烩鲢鱼头Braised Chub Head 爆氽 Deep-fried Herring 网包鳜鱼 Stewed Mandarin in Lard 砂锅菜核 Braised Greengrocery Heart in Marmite 拌鸡冠肚皮Deep-fried Pig Tripe 跳竹蛏Fried Razor Shell 炖菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart 沛公狗肉Peigong Dog Meat 佛手海蜇皮Jellyfish Skin in Shape of Fingered Citron 底松银肺Stewed Pig Lung Mixed with Jellyfish 白炒刀鱼丝 Fried Saury Slices 彭城鱼丸Pengcheng Fish Balls 红松鳜鱼 Braised Mandarin Fish Like Korean Pine 蛙式黄鱼Braised Yellow-Fin Tuna in Shape of Frog 炝虎尾Quick-Fried Eel Tail 椒雪肉片 Potherb Mustard Pork Slices 刺猬圆子 Hedgepig Balls 金陵盐水鸭 Jinlin Salted Duck南林香鸭 Nanlin Savory Duck 滑炒虾仁 Fried Shelled Shrimps 如意笋 Braised Bamboo Shoot 美人肝 Duck Liver 鸡茸蛋 Chicken Mash Egg 三鲜脱骨鱼Fish without Bone 荷花集锦炖Braised Multiple Materials 松鼠鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish in Shap of Squirrel 龙肝凤脑Fish Liver and Chicken Brain 白汁鼋量Stewed Turtle with White Sauce 白汁芦筋 Braised Pig Hoof Tendon 鸡瓜菜Fried Chicken Breast with Sweet Pickled Melon 糖醋活鲤鱼 Active Carp with Sweet and Sour Sauce 常熟叫化鸡 Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken of Changshu 豆腐丝Wensi Bean Curd 五味干丝Five Flavor Diced Bean Curd 涟水鸡糕 Lianshui Chicken Cake 荷叶局鸡Roasted Fried Chicken with Lotus Leaf 八宝鼋鱼Braised Turtle with Eight-Treasure 百花酒焖肉 Stewed Pork with Baihua Wine 酱方 Yipin Meat 五柳青鱼 Wuliu Herring叉烤酥方Grilled Pord with Fork 灌蟹鱼圆Crab Powder Fish Ball 金陵圆子 Jinlin Ball 蝴蝶烩鳝Braised Eel with Pig’ButterflyBone 甫里鸭羹Puli Duck Soup 香菜梗炒肚丝Fried Dic ed Pig’s Stomach with Caraway Straw 野鸭菜饭Mallard Rice 烧鸭干丝Shredded Dried Bean Curd with Braised Duck Fried 夜来香氽鸡片Deep-Fried Chicken Slices with Evening Primrose 鸡粥菜心 Fried Greengrocery Heart with Chicken Porridge 椒盐塘鱼片Diced Snakehead Mullet covered by Bunge Prickly Ash and Salt Powder 菊叶玉板 Fried Chrysanthemum with Bamboo Shoot and Ham 桂花糖大栗 Boiled Chestnut with Sweet-scented Osmanthus 鏊锅油鸡 Stewed Chicken in Marmite 八宝酿香瓜 Steamed Muskmelon with Eight-Treasures 白汁回鱼 Hui Fish with White Sauce 酱油嫩鸡Braised Chicken Poured Soy Sauce 油焐脆皮鸭Crisp Duck Warmed-up with Oil 莼菜氽塘鱼片 Fried Snakehead Mullet with Water Shield 腐乳汁肉 Braised Pork and Fat Duck 三丝炒鸽松 Fried Pigeon with Three Shreds炖武鸭 Braised Wu Duck 松子鸡Braised Hen with Pine Nut Kernel 炖家野Braised Chicken and Pheasant 芙蓉鸡片Diced Chicken with Egg White 芦姜炒鸡片Fried Chicken Slices wiht Ginger 醉蟹清炖鸡Braised Hen with Drinked Crab 蜜饯捶藕Steamed Llotus Root with Sweetmeat 淡菜皱纹肉Braised Pork with Mussel 樱桃肉 Braised Pork on Pig Rib 银丝长鱼 Braised Eel 生麸肉圆 Bran Pig Ham Ball 冬瓜四灵 Stewed White Gourd with Four Materials 杏仁葛粉包 Almond Kudzuvine Root Starch Ball 宿迁猪头肉Suqian Hog Face 鸡火鱼鲞 Braised Chicken with Dried Yellow-Fin Tuna 白扒猴头Braised Houtou Mushroom 三套鸭Three-nested Duck 荷花白嫩鸡 Water Lily Tender Chicken 京葱牛方 Braised Beef with Jing Shallot 八宝鹌鹑 Eight-treasure Quail 炒铁雀头脯 Fried Sparrows 松子肉 Braised Pork with Pine Nut 火腿酥腰Ham and Pig Kidnet 荷叶粉蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with lotus Leaf Powder 蛋梅鸡 Braised Chicken 蜜汁火方 Braised Ham with Honey 将军过桥Braised Snakehead 母油船鸭BraisedDuck(on Boat)雪花豆腐Snow Flower Bean Curd 米花鸡丁Diced Chicken with Rice 清炖鸡孚Braised Chicken Leg 春笋白拌鸡Braised Chicken Mixed with Bamboo Shoots 梁溪脆鳝Liangxi Crisp Eel 香芋烧竹鸡 Braised Common Partridge with Dasheen 清汤火方Clear Huofang Soup 锅煎鳜鱼Fried Mandarin Fish with Lard 荷花铁雀 Lotus Sparrow 大烧马鞍桥 Braised Eel and Pork 料烧鸭 Braised Fat Roasted Duck 富春鸡 Fuchun Chicken 酒凝金腿Steamed Ham with Wine 清蒸刀鱼 Steamed Saury 羊方藏鱼 Fish Wrapped in Mutton 清炖兔子 Braised Rabbit白汁乳狗Braised Litle Dog 银芽黄鱼素翅Mungbean Sprout and Croaker 饼子野鸭 Braised Mallard Pord Cake 镜箱豆腐 Mirror Box Bean Curd 还丝汤 Eel Soup 香炸银鱼 Deep-fried Silvery Curp 冬菇笋炖老豆腐Braised Bean Curd with Winner Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot 糟扣肉 Steamed Pork with Fragrant Grains 太湖银鱼 Taihu Silver Fish 枣方肉 Steamed Pork with Red Date 豆苗山鸡片 Diced Pheasant with Bean Sprouts 虾仁拉丝蛋 Shrimp and Eggs 麻花野鸡 Pretzel Pheasant 藕粉圆子 Lotus Root Powder Ball 人参珠鸡 Steamed Guinea Bird with Gensing 烤炖鸭子 Stewed Braised Duck 掌上明珠 Pearl in Hand 香炸云雾 Fried Shrimp with Yunwu Tea 五子蒸鸡 Streamed Chicken with Five-Seed 生煎皈鱼 Fried Ban Fish 红烧沙光鱼 Braised Shaguang Fish in Brown Sauce 豆茸酿枇杷 Streamed Loquat with Sweetened Bean Paste 扁大枯酥 Big Crisp 东坡狗肉 Dongpuo Dog Meat平桥豆腐 Pingqiao Bean Curd 酥桔元 Crisp Orange Pig Fat Meat Ball 黄焖着甲风蹄Steamed Trotter 清炖硕鸭Stewed Big Duck 叉烧野鸡Barbecued Pheasant 山鸡塌 Saute Pheasant 网油卷 Lard Roll 贡淡炖鸭Stewed Duck 松子熏肉Smoked Pork with Pine Nut 酱汁肉Pork with Sauce 酱汁排骨 Sparerib with Sauce 炒虾蟹 Fried Shrimp and Crab 天下第一菜No.1 Dish 贵妃鸡Guifei Chicken 桃仁鸭方Duck with Peach Kernels 金腿脊梅炖腰酥 Stewed Pig Kidnet withPork Fillet 仙鹤望金桥 Crane Watching Gold Bridge第二篇:本帮菜简介上海菜简介:上海菜简称沪菜,習惯叫“本邦菜”:以上海地区传统菜肴为主,是從家常便菜發展而來,口味較重,善濃油赤醬,颇有家常風味。
Zhenjiang cured
High-ditch foot bundle
great cook Gansi
squirrel mandarin fish
three ducks
The begger’s chicken 叫花鸡
Introduction History Features Types Representative dishes
Stringent election materials,production of fine,moderate taste,four distinctive seasons .In the cooking technology ,it is good at stewed,braised,fossa,fried.And it pay attention to adjust the soup,keep the original flavor,refreshing,wide adaptability,strong but not greasy,crisp sodden off the bone,tender and crisp.
by:史上最无敌最聪明人均智商最高的第四组 此ppt为第四组同学纯手工打造,盗版必究
Introduction History Features Types Representative dishes
Jiangsu cuisine is one of China's eight big cuisines, Mainly in jinling cuisine, huaiyang cuisine, Wuxi cuisine and Xuhai cuisine. As early as two thousand years ago, Wu are good at broiled fish, steamed fish and fish fillet. More than one thousand years ago, the duck become famous jinling food. The southern song dynasty, jiangsu and zhejiang cuisine become two big pillar of "south food".
淮扬菜的特点是选料严谨,注意刀 工和火工,强调本味,突出主料,色 调淡雅,造型新颖,咸甜适中,口味 平和,故适应面较广。在烹调技艺上, 多用炖、焖、煨、
焐之法。其中南京菜以烹制鸭菜 著称,镇、扬菜以烹鸡肴及江鲜 见长;其细点以发酵面点、烫面点 和油酥面点取胜
原名龙凤烩。项羽称霸王都彭 城(徐州)举行开国大典时,为 盛典备有"龙凤宴"。相传是虞 姬娘娘亲自设计的。"龙凤烩" 即"龙凤宴"中的主要大件。其 料用 " 乌龟 "( 龟属水族,龙系 水族之长)与雉(雉属羽族,凤 系羽族之长 ) ,故引申为龙凤 相会得名。现以鳖、鸡取代龟、 雉。这道菜经世代相传至今, 乃徐州名馔,成为喜庆宴会上 不可缺少的大菜。
苏菜由淮扬菜、苏锡菜、金陵菜、徐海菜组成。其味清鲜, 咸中稍甜,注重本味。
烹调技艺擅长炖、焖、煨、焐等。选料不拘一格,用料物 尽其用。 是宫廷第二大菜系。今天国宴仍以苏菜为主。 江苏菜系由原江浙菜系分出。原江浙菜系可分为淮扬风味、 南京风味、苏南风味、浙江风味和徽州风味。后来浙菜、 徽菜以其鲜明特色各为八大菜系之一。 原山东菜系的徐海风味和原江浙菜系的淮扬、南京和苏南 风味组成苏菜。以淮扬和苏南风味为代表。
江苏菜,中国汉族八大菜系之一,简称苏菜。起始于南北朝、 唐宋时,经济发展,推动饮食业的繁荣,苏菜成为"南食"两 大台柱之一。明清时期,苏菜南北沿运河、东西沿长江的发 展更为迅速。沿海的地理优势扩大了苏菜在海内外的影响 Jiangsu cuisine, one of China's han eight big cuisines, referred to as "jiangsu cuisine. Began in the northern and southern dynasties, tang and song dynasty, the economic development, promote the prosperity of the catering, jiangsu cuisine become one of the "south food" two big pillar. During the Ming and qing dynasties, Sue, north and south along the canal, along the Yangtze river development more quickly. Coastal geographical advantage to expand the influence of jiangsu cuisine at home and abroad
苏菜中英文简介苏菜中英文简介江苏菜系:桂花糖醋蒜Sweet and Sour Garlic with Sweet Osmanthus 红烧鲥鱼Braised Reeves Shad with Brown Sauce砂锅鲥鱼Stewed Reeves Shad in Marmite苦瓜鲥鱼Bitter Mellon and Reeves Shad冰糖排马面Braised Pig Head with Rock Sugar大煮干丝Boiled Shredded Dry Bean Curd巴鱼肺汤Barb Liver Soup葵花圆子Braised Streaky Pork in Shape of Sunflower拆烩野鸭Braised Mallard Piece鲍鱼鸡翼Abalone Chicken Wing腐皮肉卷Soya Milk Film Muscle Roll鸡茸干贝Chicken Mash Scallop青鱼甩水Herring Tail水晶肴肉Crystal Trotter拆骨掌翅Stewed Chicken Claw and Wing黄泥煨鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken扬州煮干丝Boiled Yangzhou Dry Bean Curd Slices扒方肉Braised Square Streaky Pork酒蒸全鸡汤Stewed Whole Chicken Soup with Wine金钱肉Thin and Round Pork芝麻条Sesame Strip清汤金钱鱿鱼Stewed Sleeve-Fish with Yun Ham Slices清炖狼山鸡Braised Langshan Hen虫草炖牛鞭Steamed Pizzle with Aweto盐水虾Salted River Prawns美炸眉卷Fried Pork and Chicken Liver Roll虾米炒黄瓜Fried Cucumber with Shelled Shrimps长寿菜Longevity Dish锅烧肉Braised Steaky Pork拔丝楂糕Hawthorn Cake in Hot Toffee五丁鱼圆Fish Ball with Five Special Ingredients龙凤腿Braised Chicken Legs and Shelled Shrimps醋熘鳜鱼Briased Mandarin Fish Watered by Sweet and Sour Sauce白酥鸡Crisp Chicken in White Sauce清烩鲈鱼片Braised Weever糖醋黄河鲤Braised Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce荷叶粉蒸肉Steamed Streaky Pork with Lotus Leaves霸王别姬Braised Turtle with Hen锅烧野鸭Fried Mallard葫芦虾蟹Shelled Shrimp and Crab in Shape of Calabash无锡肉骨头Wuxi Bone Meat水晶虾饼Crystal Shrimp Cake虎皮梳子肉Tiger-Line Braised Pork in Shape of Comb 爆乌花Fried Cuttlefish Slices煮糟青鱼Boiled Herring with Savory Lees风鸡斩肉Stewed Feng Chicken Diamonds拆烩鲢鱼头Braised Chub Head爆氽Deep-fried Herring网包鳜鱼Stewed Mandarin in Lard砂锅菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart in Marmite拌鸡冠肚皮Deep-fried Pig Tripe跳竹蛏Fried Razor Shell炖菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart沛公狗肉Peigong Dog Meat佛手海蜇皮Jellyfish Skin in Shape of Fingered Citron 底松银肺Stewed Pig Lung Mixed with Jellyfish白炒刀鱼丝Fried Saury Slices彭城鱼丸Pengcheng Fish Balls红松鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish Like Korean Pine蛙式黄鱼Braised Yellow-Fin Tuna in Shape of Frog 炝虎尾Quick-Fried Eel Tail椒雪肉片Potherb Mustard Pork Slices刺猬圆子Hedgepig Balls金陵盐水鸭Jinlin Salted Duck南林香鸭Nanlin Savory Duck滑炒虾仁Fried Shelled Shrimps如意笋Braised Bamboo Shoot美人肝Duck Liver鸡茸蛋Chicken Mash Egg三鲜脱骨鱼Fish without Bone荷花集锦炖Braised Multiple Materials松鼠鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish in Shap of Squirrel龙肝凤脑Fish Liver and Chicken Brain白汁鼋量Stewed Turtle with White Sauce白汁芦筋Braised Pig Hoof Tendon鸡瓜菜Fried Chicken Breast with Sweet Pickled Melon 糖醋活鲤鱼Active Carp with Sweet and Sour Sauce常熟叫化鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken of Changshu 豆腐丝Wensi Bean Curd五味干丝Five Flavor Diced Bean Curd涟水鸡糕Lianshui Chicken Cake荷叶局鸡Roasted Fried Chicken with Lotus Leaf八宝鼋鱼Braised Turtle with Eight-Treasure百花酒焖肉Stewed Pork with Baihua Wine酱方Yipin Meat五柳青鱼Wuliu Herring叉烤酥方Grilled Pord with Fork灌蟹鱼圆Crab Powder Fish Ball金陵圆子Jinlin Ball蝴蝶烩鳝Braised Eel with Pig’Butterfly Bone甫里鸭羹Puli Duck Soup香菜梗炒肚丝Fried Diced Pig’s Stomach with Caraway Straw 野鸭菜饭Mallard Rice烧鸭干丝Shredded Dried Bean Curd with Braised Duck Fried夜来香氽鸡片Deep-Fried Chicken Slices with Evening Primrose鸡粥菜心Fried Greengrocery Heart with Chicken Porridge 椒盐塘鱼片Diced Snakehead Mullet covered by Bunge Prickly Ash and Salt Powder菊叶玉板Fried Chrysanthemum with Bamboo Shoot and Ham桂花糖大栗Boiled Chestnut with Sweet-scented Osmanthus 鏊锅油鸡Stewed Chicken in Marmite八宝酿香瓜Steamed Muskmelon with Eight-Treasures白汁回鱼Hui Fish with White Sauce酱油嫩鸡Braised Chicken Poured Soy Sauce油焐脆皮鸭Crisp Duck Warmed-up with Oil莼菜氽塘鱼片Fried Snakehead Mullet with Water Shield 腐乳汁肉Braised Pork and Fat Duck三丝炒鸽松Fried Pigeon with Three Shreds炖武鸭Braised Wu Duck松子鸡Braised Hen with Pine Nut Kernel炖家野Braised Chicken and Pheasant芙蓉鸡片Diced Chicken with Egg White芦姜炒鸡片Fried Chicken Slices wiht Ginger醉蟹清炖鸡Braised Hen with Drinked Crab蜜饯捶藕Steamed Llotus Root with Sweetmeat淡菜皱纹肉Braised Pork with Mussel樱桃肉Braised Pork on Pig Rib银丝长鱼Braised Eel生麸肉圆Bran Pig Ham Ball冬瓜四灵Stewed White Gourd with Four Materials杏仁葛粉包Almond Kudzuvine Root Starch Ball宿迁猪头肉Suqian Hog Face鸡火鱼鲞Braised Chicken with Dried Yellow-Fin Tuna 白扒猴头Braised Houtou Mushroom三套鸭Three-nested Duck荷花白嫩鸡Water Lily Tender Chicken京葱牛方Braised Beef with Jing Shallot八宝鹌鹑Eight-treasure Quail炒铁雀头脯Fried Sparrows松子肉Braised Pork with Pine Nut火腿酥腰Ham and Pig Kidnet荷叶粉蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with lotus Leaf Powder蛋梅鸡Braised Chicken蜜汁火方Braised Ham with Honey将军过桥Braised Snakehead母油船鸭Braised Duck (on Boat)雪花豆腐Snow Flower Bean Curd米花鸡丁Diced Chicken with Rice清炖鸡孚Braised Chicken Leg春笋白拌鸡Braised Chicken Mixed with Bamboo Shoots 梁溪脆鳝Liangxi Crisp Eel香芋烧竹鸡Braised Common Partridge with Dasheen 清汤火方Clear Huofang Soup锅煎鳜鱼Fried Mandarin Fish with Lard荷花铁雀Lotus Sparrow大烧马鞍桥Braised Eel and Pork料烧鸭Braised Fat Roasted Duck富春鸡Fuchun Chicken酒凝金腿Steamed Ham with Wine清蒸刀鱼Steamed Saury羊方藏鱼Fish Wrapped in Mutton清炖兔子Braised Rabbit白汁乳狗Braised Litle Dog银芽黄鱼素翅Mungbean Sprout and Croaker饼子野鸭Braised Mallard Pord Cake镜箱豆腐Mirror Box Bean Curd还丝汤Eel Soup香炸银鱼Deep-fried Silvery Curp冬菇笋炖老豆腐Braised Bean Curd with Winner Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot糟扣肉Steamed Pork with Fragrant Grains太湖银鱼Taihu Silver Fish枣方肉Steamed Pork with Red Date豆苗山鸡片Diced Pheasant with Bean Sprouts虾仁拉丝蛋Shrimp and Eggs麻花野鸡Pretzel Pheasant藕粉圆子Lotus Root Powder Ball人参珠鸡Steamed Guinea Bird with Gensing烤炖鸭子Stewed Braised Duck掌上明珠Pearl in Hand香炸云雾Fried Shrimp with Yunwu Tea五子蒸鸡Streamed Chicken with Five-Seed生煎皈鱼Fried Ban Fish红烧沙光鱼Braised Shaguang Fish in Brown Sauce豆茸酿枇杷Streamed Loquat with Sweetened Bean Paste 扁大枯酥Big Crisp东坡狗肉Dongpuo Dog Meat平桥豆腐Pingqiao Bean Curd酥桔元Crisp Orange Pig Fat Meat Ball黄焖着甲风蹄Steamed Trotter清炖硕鸭Stewed Big Duck叉烧野鸡Barbecued Pheasant山鸡塌Saute Pheasant网油卷Lard Roll贡淡炖鸭Stewed Duck松子熏肉Smoked Pork with Pine Nut酱汁肉Pork with Sauce酱汁排骨Sparerib with Sauce炒虾蟹Fried Shrimp and Crab天下第一菜No.1 Dish贵妃鸡Guifei Chicken桃仁鸭方Duck with Peach Kernels金腿脊梅炖腰酥Stewed Pig Kidnet with Pork Fillet 仙鹤望金桥Crane Watching Gold Bridge。
Famous food
Ham stewed turtle 火腿炖甲鱼
Fermented bean curd chicken腐乳鸡
Mushrooms chestnut香菇板栗
• Baked chicken 叫花鸡
sweet soup balls 宁波汤圆
Steamed grass carp in
Braised bamboo shoots油焖春笋
vinegar gravy 西湖醋鱼
• consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau.
• Flavour:not-too-spicy,not-toobland mellow frabrance
Famous dishes
Salted duck金 陵盐水鸭
pork meat pat ties 狮子头
Sweet an d Sour M andarin Fi sh松鼠鳜 鱼
Farewell to my concubine. 霸王别姬
diced chicken with peanuts 宫爆鸡丁
Fish flavoured shredded pork 鱼香肉丝
Mapo beancurd 麻婆豆腐
江苏菜系:桂花糖醋蒜Sweet and Sour Garlic with Sweet Osmanthus红烧鲥鱼Braised Reeves Shad with Brown Sauce砂锅鲥鱼Stewed Reeves Shad in Marmite苦瓜鲥鱼Bitter Mellon and Reeves Shad冰糖排马面Braised Pig Head with Rock Sugar大煮干丝Boiled Shredded Dry Bean Curd巴鱼肺汤Barb Liver Soup葵花圆子Braised Streaky Pork in Shape of Sunflower拆烩野鸭Braised Mallard Piece鲍鱼鸡翼Abalone Chicken Wing腐皮肉卷Soya Milk Film Muscle Roll鸡茸干贝Chicken Mash Scallop青鱼甩水Herring Tail水晶肴肉Crystal Trotter拆骨掌翅Stewed Chicken Claw and Wing黄泥煨鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken扬州煮干丝Boiled Yangzhou Dry Bean Curd Slices扒方肉Braised Square Streaky Pork酒蒸全鸡汤Stewed Whole Chicken Soup with Wine金钱肉Thin and Round Pork芝麻条Sesame Strip清汤金钱鱿鱼Stewed Sleeve-Fish with Yun Ham Slices清炖狼山鸡Braised Langshan Hen虫草炖牛鞭Steamed Pizzle with Aweto盐水虾Salted River Prawns美炸眉卷Fried Pork and Chicken Liver Roll虾米炒黄瓜Fried Cucumber with Shelled Shrimps长寿菜Longevity Dish锅烧肉Braised Steaky Pork拔丝楂糕Hawthorn Cake in Hot Toffee五丁鱼圆Fish Ball with Five Special Ingredients龙凤腿Braised Chicken Legs and Shelled Shrimps醋熘鳜鱼Briased Mandarin Fish Watered by Sweet and Sour Sauce 白酥鸡Crisp Chicken in White Sauce清烩鲈鱼片Braised Weever糖醋黄河鲤Braised Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce荷叶粉蒸肉Steamed Streaky Pork with Lotus Leaves霸王别姬Braised Turtle with Hen锅烧野鸭Fried Mallard葫芦虾蟹Shelled Shrimp and Crab in Shape of Calabash无锡肉骨头Wuxi Bone Meat水晶虾饼Crystal Shrimp Cake虎皮梳子肉Tiger-Line Braised Pork in Shape of Comb爆乌花Fried Cuttlefish Slices煮糟青鱼Boiled Herring with Savory Lees风鸡斩肉Stewed Feng Chicken Diamonds拆烩鲢鱼头Braised Chub Head爆氽Deep-fried Herring网包鳜鱼Stewed Mandarin in Lard砂锅菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart in Marmite拌鸡冠肚皮Deep-fried Pig Tripe跳竹蛏Fried Razor Shell炖菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart沛公狗肉Peigong Dog Meat佛手海蜇皮Jellyfish Skin in Shape of Fingered Citron 底松银肺Stewed Pig Lung Mixed with Jellyfish白炒刀鱼丝Fried Saury Slices彭城鱼丸Pengcheng Fish Balls红松鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish Like Korean Pine蛙式黄鱼Braised Yellow-Fin Tuna in Shape of Frog炝虎尾Quick-Fried Eel Tail椒雪肉片Potherb Mustard Pork Slices刺猬圆子Hedgepig Balls金陵盐水鸭Jinlin Salted Duck南林香鸭Nanlin Savory Duck滑炒虾仁Fried Shelled Shrimps如意笋Braised Bamboo Shoot美人肝Duck Liver鸡茸蛋Chicken Mash Egg三鲜脱骨鱼Fish without Bone荷花集锦炖Braised Multiple Materials松鼠鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish in Shap of Squirrel龙肝凤脑Fish Liver and Chicken Brain白汁鼋量Stewed Turtle with White Sauce白汁芦筋Braised Pig Hoof Tendon鸡瓜菜Fried Chicken Breast with Sweet Pickled Melon 糖醋活鲤鱼Active Carp with Sweet and Sour Sauce常熟叫化鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken of Changshu 豆腐丝Wensi Bean Curd五味干丝Five Flavor Diced Bean Curd涟水鸡糕Lianshui Chicken Cake荷叶局鸡Roasted Fried Chicken with Lotus Leaf八宝鼋鱼Braised Turtle with Eight-Treasure百花酒焖肉Stewed Pork with Baihua Wine酱方Yipin Meat五柳青鱼Wuliu Herring叉烤酥方Grilled Pord with Fork灌蟹鱼圆Crab Powder Fish Ball金陵圆子Jinlin Ball蝴蝶烩鳝Braised Eel with Pig’Butterfly Bone甫里鸭羹Puli Duck Soup香菜梗炒肚丝Fried Diced Pig’s Stomach with Caraway Straw野鸭菜饭Mallard Rice烧鸭干丝Shredded Dried Bean Curd with Braised Duck Fried夜来香氽鸡片Deep-Fried Chicken Slices with Evening Primrose鸡粥菜心Fried Greengrocery Heart with Chicken Porridge椒盐塘鱼片Diced Snakehead Mullet covered by Bunge Prickly Ash and Salt Powder 菊叶玉板Fried Chrysanthemum with Bamboo Shoot and Ham桂花糖大栗Boiled Chestnut with Sweet-scented Osmanthus鏊锅油鸡Stewed Chicken in Marmite八宝酿香瓜Steamed Muskmelon with Eight-Treasures白汁回鱼Hui Fish with White Sauce酱油嫩鸡Braised Chicken Poured Soy Sauce油焐脆皮鸭Crisp Duck Warmed-up with Oil莼菜氽塘鱼片Fried Snakehead Mullet with Water Shield腐乳汁肉Braised Pork and Fat Duck三丝炒鸽松Fried Pigeon with Three Shreds炖武鸭Braised Wu Duck松子鸡Braised Hen with Pine Nut Kernel炖家野Braised Chicken and Pheasant芙蓉鸡片Diced Chicken with Egg White芦姜炒鸡片Fried Chicken Slices wiht Ginger醉蟹清炖鸡Braised Hen with Drinked Crab蜜饯捶藕Steamed Llotus Root with Sweetmeat淡菜皱纹肉Braised Pork with Mussel樱桃肉Braised Pork on Pig Rib银丝长鱼Braised Eel生麸肉圆Bran Pig Ham Ball冬瓜四灵Stewed White Gourd with Four Materials杏仁葛粉包Almond Kudzuvine Root Starch Ball宿迁猪头肉Suqian Hog Face鸡火鱼鲞Braised Chicken with Dried Yellow-Fin Tuna白扒猴头Braised Houtou Mushroom三套鸭Three-nested Duck荷花白嫩鸡Water Lily Tender Chicken京葱牛方Braised Beef with Jing Shallot八宝鹌鹑Eight-treasure Quail炒铁雀头脯Fried Sparrows松子肉Braised Pork with Pine Nut火腿酥腰Ham and Pig Kidnet荷叶粉蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with lotus Leaf Powder蛋梅鸡Braised Chicken蜜汁火方Braised Ham with Honey将军过桥Braised Snakehead母油船鸭Braised Duck (on Boat)雪花豆腐Snow Flower Bean Curd米花鸡丁Diced Chicken with Rice清炖鸡孚Braised Chicken Leg春笋白拌鸡Braised Chicken Mixed with Bamboo Shoots梁溪脆鳝Liangxi Crisp Eel香芋烧竹鸡Braised Common Partridge with Dasheen清汤火方Clear Huofang Soup锅煎鳜鱼Fried Mandarin Fish with Lard荷花铁雀Lotus Sparrow大烧马鞍桥Braised Eel and Pork料烧鸭Braised Fat Roasted Duck富春鸡Fuchun Chicken酒凝金腿Steamed Ham with Wine清蒸刀鱼Steamed Saury羊方藏鱼Fish Wrapped in Mutton清炖兔子Braised Rabbit白汁乳狗Braised Litle Dog银芽黄鱼素翅Mungbean Sprout and Croaker饼子野鸭Braised Mallard Pord Cake镜箱豆腐Mirror Box Bean Curd还丝汤Eel Soup香炸银鱼Deep-fried Silvery Curp冬菇笋炖老豆腐Braised Bean Curd with Winner Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot 糟扣肉Steamed Pork with Fragrant Grains太湖银鱼Taihu Silver Fish枣方肉Steamed Pork with Red Date豆苗山鸡片Diced Pheasant with Bean Sprouts虾仁拉丝蛋Shrimp and Eggs麻花野鸡Pretzel Pheasant藕粉圆子Lotus Root Powder Ball人参珠鸡Steamed Guinea Bird with Gensing烤炖鸭子Stewed Braised Duck掌上明珠Pearl in Hand香炸云雾Fried Shrimp with Yunwu Tea五子蒸鸡Streamed Chicken with Five-Seed生煎皈鱼Fried Ban Fish红烧沙光鱼Braised Shaguang Fish in Brown Sauce豆茸酿枇杷Streamed Loquat with Sweetened Bean Paste扁大枯酥Big Crisp东坡狗肉Dongpuo Dog Meat平桥豆腐Pingqiao Bean Curd酥桔元Crisp Orange Pig Fat Meat Ball黄焖着甲风蹄Steamed Trotter清炖硕鸭Stewed Big Duck叉烧野鸡Barbecued Pheasant山鸡塌Saute Pheasant网油卷Lard Roll贡淡炖鸭Stewed Duck松子熏肉Smoked Pork with Pine Nut酱汁肉Pork with Sauce酱汁排骨Sparerib with Sauce炒虾蟹Fried Shrimp and Crab天下第一菜No.1 Dish贵妃鸡Guifei Chicken桃仁鸭方Duck with Peach Kernels金腿脊梅炖腰酥Stewed Pig Kidnet with Pork Fillet 仙鹤望金桥Crane Watching Gold Bridge。
苏菜即江苏菜.它起始于南北朝、唐宋时,当时经济发展,推动饮食业的繁荣,苏菜成为“南食”两大台柱之一.明清时期,苏菜南北沿运河、东西沿长江的发展更为迅速.沿海的地理优势扩大了苏菜在海内外的影响.苏菜由扬州菜、南京菜、苏州菜、镇江菜组成.其味清鲜,咸中稍甜,注重本味.在国内外享有盛誉.江苏为鱼米之乡,物产丰饶,饮食资源十分丰富.著名的水产品有长江三鲜(鲟鱼、刀鱼、鲴鱼)、太湖银鱼、阳澄湖清水大闸蟹、南京龙池鲫鱼以及其它众多的海鲜品.优良佳蔬有太湖莼菜、淮安蒲菜、宝应藕、板栗、鸡头肉、茭白、冬笋、荸荠等.名特产品有南京湖熟鸭、南通狼山鸡、扬州鹅、高邮麻鸭、南京香肚、如皋火腿、靖江肉脯、无锡油面筋等.江苏菜的特点是:用料广泛,以江河湖海水鲜为主;刀工精细,烹调方法多样,擅长炖焖煨焐;追求本味,清鲜平和;菜品风格雅丽,形质均美.江苏菜以重视火候、讲究刀工而著称,尤擅长炖焖煨焐,著名的“镇扬三头”(扒烧整猪头、清炖蟹粉狮子头、拆烩鲢鱼头)、“苏州三鸡”(叫花鸡、西瓜童鸡、早红桔酪鸡)以及“金陵三叉”(叉烤鸭、叉烤桂鱼、叉烤乳猪)都是其代表之名品.江苏菜式的组合亦颇有特色.除日常饮食和各类筵席讲究菜式搭配外,还有“三筵”具有独到之处.其一为船宴,见于太湖、瘦西湖、秦淮河;其二为斋席,见于镇江金山、焦山斋堂、苏州灵岩斋堂、扬州大明寺斋堂等;其三为全席,如全鱼席、全鸭席、鳝鱼席、全蟹席等等.著名的菜肴有:清汤火方鸭包鱼翅水晶肴蹄松鼠桂鱼西瓜鸡盐水鸭清炖甲鱼鸡汁煮干丝鸡汁煮干丝[美食中国] 此菜干丝绵软,色彩美观、清鲜爽口,饶有风味,为扬州传统名菜.Huai-Yang Cuisine Huai-Yang Cuisine originated from the Pre-Qin Period (221-206BC),became famous during the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) Dynasties,and was recognized as a distinct regional style during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties.This cuisine includes dishes from Huai'an,Yangzhou,Suzhou,and Shanghai.Raw materials of Huai-Yang dishes include fresh and live aquatic products.The carving techniques are delicate,of which the melon carving technique is especially well-known.The flavor of Huai-Yang cuisine is light,fresh and sweet.If Shandong cuisine is characterized by stirring and frying over a hot fire,Huai-Yang cuisine is characterized by stewing,braising,and steaming over a low fire for a long time.Famous dishes cooked this way are chicken braised with chestnuts,pork steamed in lotus leaf,duck stewed with eight treasures,meatballs with crab meat in Yangzhou style,and butterfly sea cucumber (sea cucumber cut into butterfly shapes and cooked with flavorings).Other famous dishes include stewed crab with clear soup,long boiled dry shredded meat,crystal meat,squirrel with mandarin fish,Sauteed Eel Shreds and Liangxi crisp eel.The vegetarian banquet is a special feature of Huai-Yang cuisine,and the vegetarian dishes in Beijing cuisine are mostly variants of Huai-Yang cuisine.Huai-Yang snacks and refreshments are exquisite,such as boiled,shredded,dried bean curd; steamed dumplings with minced meat and gravy; steamed meat dumplings with dough gathered at the top.。
The 8 Cuisines of Chinese Dishes 八大菜系简介中英文
Red burned lion head?
Husband and wife’s slung slice?
Chicken without sexual life?
Stewed pork ball in brown sauce 红烧狮子头 Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour 驴打滚 Spring chicken 童子鸡 Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 夫妻肺片
Eight Culinary Traditions of China 八大菜系
Hui Cantonese Min Hunan Su Lu chuan Zhe
徽菜 粤菜 闽菜 湘菜 苏菜 鲁菜 川菜 浙菜
Ridiculous translation
Rolling donkey?
Feature of cooking
选材 ingredients 刀工 cutting technique 火候 heat control 调味 flavor
Eight Culinary Traditions of China 八大菜系
Chinese dishes may be categorized as one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China, also called the "Eight Regional Cuisines" and the "Eight Cuisines of China".
The Delicacies of Jiangsu Cuisine: A Taste of Historicaland Geographical RichnessNestled within the fertile regions of China's eastern coast, Jiangsu province boasts a cuisine that reflects its unique historical and geographical heritage.Known as "Su Cai," this cuisine has a history that spans thousands of years, evolving over time to incorporate various cooking techniques and ingredients, while preserving its original flavors and textures.Historical and Geographical BackgroundJiangsu, known for its prosperous waterways and fertile land, has been a cultural and economic hub for centuries. Its rich agricultural produce, including rice, wheat, fruits, and vegetables, provides a bounty of fresh ingredients for Su Cai chefs to experiment with. Additionally, the province's proximity to the sea has given Su Cai a distinct seafood flavor, with crab, shrimp, and fish being commonly used ingredients.Famous Dishes and Flavors1.Songshu Fish: This dish is a testament to Su Cai's mastery ofsweet and sour flavors. The fish is deep-fried to perfection, coated in a sweet and sour sauce, resulting in a crispy exterior and tender interior.2.Duck Blood Fan Soup: A traditional winter dish, it combinesduck blood with tender noodles in a rich and flavorful broth.The dish is both nourishing and comforting.3.Crab Shell Yellow Burnt Cake: This unique dessert is madefrom crab shells, filled with sweet red bean paste, and covered in a layer of crispy yellow crust. It's a delicious blend of sweet and savory.Cooking TechniquesSu Cai chefs are masters of several unique cooking techniques, such as sweet and sour, braising, and stewing. These techniques allow them to perfectly balance flavors, retain nutrients, and create dishes that are both visually appealing and tasty.ConclusionJiangsu cuisine, with its rich history, geographical uniqueness, and diverse array of dishes, offers a taste of China's cultural heritage. Its combination of sweet, sour, and savory flavors, along with its emphasis on freshness and nutrition, makes it a cuisine that is enjoyed by people from all over the world.。
口味flavor: 甜辣 sweet and spicy
制作时间the time of manufacture: 15至20 分钟 15 minutes to 20 minutes
原料 raw material : 鸡脯肉:400克,(400 gram chicken breast ) 炸花生米:50克,(50 grams fried peanuts ) 鸡蛋:1个,(One egg) 辅料Auxiliary ingredients: 大蒜 garlic,淀粉 starch,姜ginger 干辣椒10个 ten chillies 调料seasoning: 食用油500克 (500 grams edible oil) , 香油 sesame oil,酱油 soy, 料酒 cooking wine,香醋spiced vinegar, 精盐 refined salt ,白糖 white sugar
粤菜 C a ntone se cuisine Jia ngsu 苏菜 cuisine F ujia n 闽菜 cuisine 徽菜 Anhui cuisine
川菜 S ichua n cuisine
麻 婆 豆 腐
棒棒鸡bon bon chicken 水煮肉片pork with green vegetables
Something We Want to Say:
If you eat Sichuan cuisine and find it too bland, then you are probably not eating authentic Sichuan cuisine. Chili peppers and prickly ash are used in many dishes, giving it a distinctively spicy taste, called ma in Chinese. It often leaves a slight numb sensation in the mouth.
• Xuhai flavor, Wuxi flavor, Huaiyang flavor, Jinling flavor, Southern flavor.
Famous dishes:
Xuzhou‘s Farewell to My Concubine, ground chicken pot; Wuxi beauties feast; great cook Gansi Yangzhou, three ducks; Jinling salted duck; Changshu Beggar Chicken; Suzhou braised lion head, squirrel mandarin fish; ,High-ditch foot bundle crab meat lion’s head; Zhenjiang Cured meat, etc. 徐州的霸王别姬,地锅鸡;无锡西施宴;扬州的大 煮干丝,三套鸭;金陵盐水鸭;常熟叫化鸡;苏州红烧 狮子头,松鼠鳜鱼;,高沟捆蹄;蟹粉狮子头;镇江肴 肉等。
——苏菜 (Su Cuisine)
Su Cuisine
• History: • Features: • Types: • Famous dishes:
• Jiangsu, China four dishes of vegetables,
referred to as. As a result of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine is similar, and therefore referred to as river developed system developed. Mainly in Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Huaian, Xuzhou, Haizhou six local cuisine. More than 2000 years ago, Wu Ren is good broiled fish, steamed fish and fish. One thousand years ago, the duck is Jinling food. When the Southern Song Dynasty, and developed with the " South Jiangsu feed" the big two
简单介绍江苏菜英文作文英文:Jiangsu cuisine, also known as Su cuisine, is one of the eight traditional Chinese cuisines and is known for its delicate and light flavors. It originated from the Jiangsu province in Eastern China and has a long history dating back to ancient times. Jiangsu cuisine is characterized by its emphasis on the freshness of ingredients, meticulous cooking techniques, and elegant presentation.One of the most famous dishes in Jiangsu cuisine is "Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish" (松鼠鳜鱼), which is a deep-fried fish with a sweet and sour sauce. The fish is skillfully cut into a pattern that resembles a squirrel's tail, hence the name. Another popular dish is "Beggar's Chicken" (叫花鸡), which is a whole chicken stuffed with herbs and wrapped in lotus leaves before being baked to perfection.In addition to these iconic dishes, Jiangsu cuisine also includes a wide variety of soups, seafood, and snacks. For example, "Lion's Head" (狮子头) is a meatball dish made from pork, and "Yangzhou Fried Rice" (扬州炒饭) is a flavorful fried rice dish with shrimp, ham, and eggs.Jiangsu cuisine is often associated with the phrase "su zhe cai xin" (苏浙菜心), which means "the heart of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine." This reflects the close culinary connection between the two neighboring provinces. The cuisine is also known for its use of freshwater ingredients such as fish, shrimp, and crab, as well as its emphasis on the harmony of colors, aromas, and tastes in each dish.Overall, Jiangsu cuisine is a true reflection of the region's refined and elegant culture. Its emphasis on quality ingredients and precise cooking techniques has made it a favorite among food enthusiasts both in China and around the world.中文:江苏菜,又称苏菜,是中国八大菜系之一,以其精致淡雅的口味而闻名。
not greasy, wins its reputation for
freshness, tenderness, softness,
smoothness of its dishes with mellow
fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the
most famous one among the three.
Sichuan Cuisine
麻婆豆腐 Bean Sauce Tofu
宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken
Cantonese food
• 的Ca风nt味on。ese food originates from
and savory. The most distinct
features are their "pickled taste".
Jiangsu Cuisine
• 江苏菜,以水产作为主要原料,注重原料的鲜味。其雕刻技术十分珍贵, 其中瓜雕尤其著名。烹饪技术包括炖,烤,焙,煨等。江苏菜的特色是淡, 鲜,甜,雅。江苏菜系以其精选的原料,精细的准备,不辣不温的口感而 出名。因为江苏气候变化很大,江苏菜在一年之中也有变化。味道强而不
Jiangsu Cuisine
Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce 红烧狮子头
Lotus Crucian Carp 芙蓉鲫鱼
Zhejiang Cuisine
• Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou,
一、鲁菜(Shandong Cuisine)鲁菜,又称山东菜,是中国最著名的菜系之一,以山东地区为代表。
二、川菜(Sichuan Cuisine)川菜,又称川菜,是中国四大菜系之一,以四川地区为代表。
三、粤菜(Cantonese Cuisine)粤菜,又称广东菜,以广东地区为代表。
四、苏菜(Jiangsu Cuisine)苏菜,又称淮扬菜,以江苏地区为代表。
五、闽菜(Fujian Cuisine)闽菜以福建地区为代表,是中国特色的一种菜系。
六、浙菜(Zhejiang Cuisine)浙菜,又称川菜,以浙江地区为代表。
七、湘菜(Hunan Cuisine)湘菜,又称湖南菜,以湖南地区为代表。
Cantonese Cuisine (Yuè Cài 粤菜)
Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck and duck tongues, snakes, and snails.
Also emphasize on soup gravy Traditional luxury royal banquette
Shandong Cuisine: A combination of Jinan and Jiaodong, Shandong is characterized by an emphasis on freshness, aroma[ə'rəumə], and crispness.
Jiangsu Cuisine: Also called Huaiyang, Jiangsu uses seafood as its main ingredient [in'ɡri:diənt] and is known for carving ['kɑ:viŋ] techniques and a light, fresh and sweet flavor.
鲁菜:由济南和胶东两部分地方风味组成,注重鲜香和清脆 爽口
Sichuan Cuisine (Chuān Cài)
2000 years of history but gained popularity all over China after 1980’s
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苏菜中英文简介江苏菜系:桂花糖醋蒜Sweet and Sour Garlic with Sweet Osmanthus 红烧鲥鱼Braised Reeves Shad with Brown Sauce砂锅鲥鱼Stewed Reeves Shad in Marmite苦瓜鲥鱼Bitter Mellon and Reeves Shad冰糖排马面Braised Pig Head with Rock Sugar大煮干丝Boiled Shredded Dry Bean Curd巴鱼肺汤Barb Liver Soup葵花圆子Braised Streaky Pork in Shape of Sunflower拆烩野鸭Braised Mallard Piece鲍鱼鸡翼Abalone Chicken Wing腐皮肉卷Soya Milk Film Muscle Roll鸡茸干贝Chicken Mash Scallop青鱼甩水Herring Tail水晶肴肉Crystal Trotter拆骨掌翅Stewed Chicken Claw and Wing黄泥煨鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken扬州煮干丝Boiled Yangzhou Dry Bean Curd Slices扒方肉Braised Square Streaky Pork酒蒸全鸡汤Stewed Whole Chicken Soup with Wine金钱肉Thin and Round Pork芝麻条Sesame Strip清汤金钱鱿鱼Stewed Sleeve-Fish with Yun Ham Slices清炖狼山鸡Braised Langshan Hen虫草炖牛鞭Steamed Pizzle with Aweto盐水虾Salted River Prawns美炸眉卷Fried Pork and Chicken Liver Roll虾米炒黄瓜Fried Cucumber with Shelled Shrimps长寿菜Longevity Dish锅烧肉Braised Steaky Pork拔丝楂糕Hawthorn Cake in Hot Toffee五丁鱼圆Fish Ball with Five Special Ingredients龙凤腿Braised Chicken Legs and Shelled Shrimps醋熘鳜鱼Briased Mandarin Fish Watered by Sweet and Sour Sauce白酥鸡Crisp Chicken in White Sauce清烩鲈鱼片Braised Weever糖醋黄河鲤Braised Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce 荷叶粉蒸肉Steamed Streaky Pork with Lotus Leaves霸王别姬Braised Turtle with Hen锅烧野鸭Fried Mallard葫芦虾蟹Shelled Shrimp and Crab in Shape of Calabash无锡肉骨头Wuxi Bone Meat水晶虾饼Crystal Shrimp Cake虎皮梳子肉Tiger-Line Braised Pork in Shape of Comb 爆乌花Fried Cuttlefish Slices煮糟青鱼Boiled Herring with Savory Lees风鸡斩肉Stewed Feng Chicken Diamonds拆烩鲢鱼头Braised Chub Head爆氽Deep-fried Herring网包鳜鱼Stewed Mandarin in Lard砂锅菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart in Marmite拌鸡冠肚皮Deep-fried Pig Tripe跳竹蛏Fried Razor Shell炖菜核Braised Greengrocery Heart沛公狗肉Peigong Dog Meat佛手海蜇皮Jellyfish Skin in Shape of Fingered Citron 底松银肺Stewed Pig Lung Mixed with Jellyfish白炒刀鱼丝Fried Saury Slices彭城鱼丸Pengcheng Fish Balls红松鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish Like Korean Pine蛙式黄鱼Braised Yellow-Fin Tuna in Shape of Frog 炝虎尾Quick-Fried Eel Tail椒雪肉片Potherb Mustard Pork Slices刺猬圆子Hedgepig Balls金陵盐水鸭Jinlin Salted Duck南林香鸭Nanlin Savory Duck滑炒虾仁Fried Shelled Shrimps如意笋Braised Bamboo Shoot美人肝Duck Liver鸡茸蛋Chicken Mash Egg三鲜脱骨鱼Fish without Bone荷花集锦炖Braised Multiple Materials松鼠鳜鱼Braised Mandarin Fish in Shap of Squirrel龙肝凤脑Fish Liver and Chicken Brain白汁鼋量Stewed Turtle with White Sauce白汁芦筋Braised Pig Hoof Tendon鸡瓜菜Fried Chicken Breast with Sweet Pickled Melon 糖醋活鲤鱼Active Carp with Sweet and Sour Sauce常熟叫化鸡Yellow Mud Roasted Chicken of Changshu 豆腐丝Wensi Bean Curd五味干丝Five Flavor Diced Bean Curd涟水鸡糕Lianshui Chicken Cake荷叶局鸡Roasted Fried Chicken with Lotus Leaf八宝鼋鱼Braised Turtle with Eight-Treasure百花酒焖肉Stewed Pork with Baihua Wine酱方Yipin Meat五柳青鱼Wuliu Herring叉烤酥方Grilled Pord with Fork灌蟹鱼圆Crab Powder Fish Ball金陵圆子Jinlin Ball蝴蝶烩鳝Braised Eel with Pig’Butterfly Bone甫里鸭羹Puli Duck Soup香菜梗炒肚丝Fried Diced Pig’s Stomach with Caraway Straw 野鸭菜饭Mallard Rice烧鸭干丝Shredded Dried Bean Curd with Braised Duck Fried 夜来香氽鸡片Deep-Fried Chicken Slices with Evening Primrose 鸡粥菜心Fried Greengrocery Heart with Chicken Porridge椒盐塘鱼片Diced Snakehead Mullet covered by Bunge Prickly Ash and Salt Powder菊叶玉板Fried Chrysanthemum with Bamboo Shoot and Ham 桂花糖大栗Boiled Chestnut with Sweet-scented Osmanthus 鏊锅油鸡Stewed Chicken in Marmite八宝酿香瓜Steamed Muskmelon with Eight-Treasures白汁回鱼Hui Fish with White Sauce酱油嫩鸡Braised Chicken Poured Soy Sauce油焐脆皮鸭Crisp Duck Warmed-up with Oil莼菜氽塘鱼片Fried Snakehead Mullet with Water Shield腐乳汁肉Braised Pork and Fat Duck三丝炒鸽松Fried Pigeon with Three Shreds炖武鸭Braised Wu Duck松子鸡Braised Hen with Pine Nut Kernel炖家野Braised Chicken and Pheasant芙蓉鸡片Diced Chicken with Egg White芦姜炒鸡片Fried Chicken Slices wiht Ginger醉蟹清炖鸡Braised Hen with Drinked Crab蜜饯捶藕Steamed Llotus Root with Sweetmeat淡菜皱纹肉Braised Pork with Mussel樱桃肉Braised Pork on Pig Rib银丝长鱼Braised Eel生麸肉圆Bran Pig Ham Ball冬瓜四灵Stewed White Gourd with Four Materials 杏仁葛粉包Almond Kudzuvine Root Starch Ball宿迁猪头肉Suqian Hog Face鸡火鱼鲞Braised Chicken with Dried Yellow-Fin Tuna 白扒猴头Braised Houtou Mushroom三套鸭Three-nested Duck荷花白嫩鸡Water Lily Tender Chicken京葱牛方Braised Beef with Jing Shallot八宝鹌鹑Eight-treasure Quail炒铁雀头脯Fried Sparrows松子肉Braised Pork with Pine Nut火腿酥腰Ham and Pig Kidnet荷叶粉蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with lotus Leaf Powder蛋梅鸡Braised Chicken蜜汁火方Braised Ham with Honey将军过桥Braised Snakehead母油船鸭Braised Duck (on Boat)雪花豆腐Snow Flower Bean Curd米花鸡丁Diced Chicken with Rice清炖鸡孚Braised Chicken Leg春笋白拌鸡Braised Chicken Mixed with Bamboo Shoots 梁溪脆鳝Liangxi Crisp Eel香芋烧竹鸡Braised Common Partridge with Dasheen 清汤火方Clear Huofang Soup锅煎鳜鱼Fried Mandarin Fish with Lard荷花铁雀Lotus Sparrow大烧马鞍桥Braised Eel and Pork料烧鸭Braised Fat Roasted Duck富春鸡Fuchun Chicken酒凝金腿Steamed Ham with Wine清蒸刀鱼Steamed Saury羊方藏鱼Fish Wrapped in Mutton清炖兔子Braised Rabbit白汁乳狗Braised Litle Dog银芽黄鱼素翅Mungbean Sprout and Croaker饼子野鸭Braised Mallard Pord Cake镜箱豆腐Mirror Box Bean Curd还丝汤Eel Soup香炸银鱼Deep-fried Silvery Curp冬菇笋炖老豆腐Braised Bean Curd with Winner Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot糟扣肉Steamed Pork with Fragrant Grains太湖银鱼T aihu Silver Fish枣方肉Steamed Pork with Red Date豆苗山鸡片Diced Pheasant with Bean Sprouts虾仁拉丝蛋Shrimp and Eggs麻花野鸡Pretzel Pheasant藕粉圆子Lotus Root Powder Ball人参珠鸡Steamed Guinea Bird with Gensing烤炖鸭子Stewed Braised Duck掌上明珠Pearl in Hand香炸云雾Fried Shrimp with Yunwu T ea五子蒸鸡Streamed Chicken with Five-Seed生煎皈鱼Fried Ban Fish红烧沙光鱼Braised Shaguang Fish in Brown Sauce豆茸酿枇杷Streamed Loquat with Sweetened Bean Paste 扁大枯酥Big Crisp东坡狗肉Dongpuo Dog Meat平桥豆腐Pingqiao Bean Curd酥桔元Crisp Orange Pig Fat Meat Ball黄焖着甲风蹄Steamed Trotter清炖硕鸭Stewed Big Duck叉烧野鸡Barbecued Pheasant山鸡塌Saute Pheasant网油卷Lard Roll贡淡炖鸭Stewed Duck松子熏肉Smoked Pork with Pine Nut酱汁肉Pork with Sauce酱汁排骨Sparerib with Sauce炒虾蟹Fried Shrimp and Crab天下第一菜No.1 Dish贵妃鸡Guifei Chicken桃仁鸭方Duck with Peach Kernels金腿脊梅炖腰酥Stewed Pig Kidnet with Pork Fillet仙鹤望金桥Crane Watching Gold Bridge。