


OA CPI MPA speed bump a grand jury blue chip stock cloud computing British Petroleum ASEAN Secretariat chief operating officer constitutional monarchy (U. S.) District Attorney (U. S.) Political Action Committee (U. S.) Department of Homeland Security The Royal Swedish Academy of Science
Part I. Terminology and Phrase Translation (30%)
1. Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into Chinese (15 points).
2. Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into English (15 points).
微博 创业板 廉租房 保税区 节能减排 低碳经济 厚利多销 科学发展观 服务型政府 经济适用房 一审终审制 紧缩银根政策 南宁国际会展中心 广西国际博览事务局 中国东盟商务与投资峰会
Part II Passage Translation (120%)
1. Translate the following into Chinese (60 points).
A Meditation Upon a Broomstick Jonathan Swift







Part I. Terminology and Phrase Translation (30%)1.Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into Chinese (15 points).(1)electoral fraud(2)Tainted stars(3)extradition treaty(4)stealth fighter(5)car exhausts(6)overcapacity(7)bricks-and-mortar stores(8)poverty-alleviation funds(9)the Global Infrastructure Initiative(10)house-for-pension program(11)Grand Slam(12)anti-monopoly investigations(13)hard-berth(14)time-honored restaurants(15)genetically modified product2.Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into English (15 points).(1)领土争端(2)栖息地保护区(3)跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(4)天然气管道(5)法庭调查阶段(6)城镇化(7)农地流转(8)公车私用(9)规模化种植(10)医保体制(11)看客心态(12)依法治国(13)冰桶挑战(14)不患难,但患无备(15)众人拾柴火焰高Part II Passage Translation (120%)1.Translate the following into Chinese (60 points).On a flight from Frankfurt to Shanghai, a foreign engineer noticed row after row of Chinese passengers deep into their iPads, playing games or watching movies. None was doing any reading. The engineer posted his observation online and got a tidal wave of responses, most of which corroborated his view.Before we get to "Why Chinese do not read", I'll reveal the spoiler, which is the most frequent defense. "We read. We just do not read in the same way as the old generations do. We rely on modern gadgets for faster access." It is true that you cannot claim that only content on a printed page is knowledge. Anything that's printed can be displayed digitally. There are millions of books available in digital form. And true electronic books can incorporate sound and video, thus enhancing the reading experience.To those who believe they can get anything and everything from the Web, I'll hereby add my two cents' worth: Yes, you can, but you won't do it.My publishers (I work with several publishing houses in China) told me that most of the best-sellers in China are textbooks or supplement reading material, in other words, books that students are forced to read, or rather, forced to buy. So, let's compare China's best-seller list with that of the New York Times. While the latter has a mix of serious books, especially about history, and celebrity memoirs, the former is almost totally nothing.A walk through an airport bookstore will bring you more doom and gloom: mostly how-to-get-rich titles written by those who've done it or who claim to have the secret recipe. On top of that, there are buyers of books in China who decorate their rooms with wall-to-wall tomes but never bother to open the pages.Yes, people do read in China to enrich their bank accounts, but not to enrich themselves comprehensively.2.Translate the following into English (60 points).中国作为人口最多的发展中国家的基本国情和定位没有改变,发展仍然是我们的第一要务。



2021年广西民族大学英语翻译根底考研真题A卷Part I Terminology and Phrase Translation (30%)1.Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into Chinese (15 points).(1)job burnout(2)Cyber Manhunt(3)SMS News(4)hands-chopping people(5)traffic congestion(6)Paris terror attacks(7)extremist(8)NGO(9)family photo(10)online retailer(11)“double 11〞 carnival(12)empty nesters(13)blockbuster(14)paid leave(15)the Beatles2.Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into English (15 points).(1)“一带一路〞战略(2)月嫂(3)冰桶挑战(4)自拍杆(5)次生灾害(6)强龙难压地头蛇(7)上门效劳(8)卫星导航(9)机构臃肿(10)光盘行动(11)教育公平(12)清真食品(13)面子工程(14)彩虹家庭(15)技术转移Part II Passage Translation (120%)1.Translate the following into Chinese (60 points).It was New Year’s Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. Then he cast them on the earth, where few more hopeless people than him now moved towards their certain goal—the tomb. He had already passed sixty of the stages leading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts.The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roads—one leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devil and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled.He looked towards the sky and cried painfully, “O youth, return! O my father, place me once more at the entrance to life, and I’ll choose the better way!〞 But both his father and the days of his youth had passed away.He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness, and these were the days of his wasted life; he saw a star fall from the sky and disappear, and this was the symbol of himself. His remorse, which was like a sharp arrow, struck deeply into his heart. Then he remembered his friends in his childhood, who entered on life together withhim. But they had made their way to success and were now honoured and happy on this New Year’s Night.2.Translate the following into English (60 points).亚非两大洲都是人类文明的重要发源地,人口总量占世界的四分之三,国家数量超过联合国会员国的一半,亚非合作具有越来越重要的全球意义。



2015年广西民族大学基础英语考研真题A卷I. Vocabulary (20 points,1 point each)Directions:There are 20 sentences in this part. Each sentence contains a word or phrase which is underlined. Below each sentence are four other expressions. Choose the one which would best keep the meaning of the original, and write down the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.1.Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion.A. relevantB. conformingC. satisfactoryD. direct2.He was deeply committed to political doctrines of social equality.A. issuesB. beliefsC. interestsD. basics3.His plots are always very ingenious.A. stupidB. smartC. absurdD. consistent4.In this example 'X' denotes the time taken and 'Y' the distance covered.A. representsB. points toC. equals toD. emphasizes5.He didn't give an adequate answer to the question.A. enoughB. wiseC. promptD. satisfactory6. A high proportion of crime in any country is perpetrated by young males intheir teens and twenties.A. committedB. witnessedC. perceivedD. restricted7.Baldwin enlightened her as to the nature of the experiment.A. showedB. explained toC. warnedD. frightened8.Most scientists believe it is legitimate to use animals in medical research.A. desirableB. reasonableC. legalD. effective9.He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons.A. explainB. provideC. stateD. tell10.Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an internationalstatesman.A. establishB. formC. consolidateD. threaten11.We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.A. essenceB. importanceC. contentD. consequences12.Sleep has often been thought of as being in some way analogous death.A. similarB. closeC. identicalD. related13.How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor.A. decisionB. secretsC. contemplationD. words14.The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that couldbe settled later.A. simpleB. unimportantC. uselessD. inferior15.Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previouslythought.A. explainB. agreeC. thinkD. argue16.It takes time to really understand all these facts.A. ruminateB. realizeC. assimilateD. acceptputers can be used to make language learning easier.A. facilitateB. accelerate B. relieve D. alleviate18.The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.A. seriousB. thoroughC. difficultD. demanding19.He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language.A. addedB. usedC. includedD. compiled20.Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.A. causeB. obtainC. produceD. call forthII. Reading Comprehension (80 points)Directions:The following two passages are followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You shoulddecide on the best choice and write down the letter on your answer sheet. Passage 1 (15 points, 3 points each)One of the great mysteries of the brain is that we still cannot pin down exactly what a memory is—that is, how neural circuitry stores a given recollection. Yet in the last decade we have learned a lot about memory’s limitations. Memories are not necessarily written into our brains like ink on paper. Think of them instead as inscribed in clay, suggests André Fenton, a neuroscientist at New York University’s Center for Neural Science. Every time you access a memory, the message can get smudged, just as a clay tablet might if you were to pick it up and run your fingers over its surface. Ongoing biochemical processes cause memories to shift over time.Further, our mind sets and emotions can influence what we pay attention to and thus remember. Scientists are tinkering with experimental chemicals that, when injected, can interfere with memory-forming proteins and erase certain types of maladaptive feelings, such as an addict’s desire for drugs. Researchers have even managed to trick mice into forming entirely false memories. Memory formation and recollection is an evolving, active and plastic process that involves many different working parts of the brain, and scientists are just beginning to piece together how they coalesce into such a complex machine.1.The first sentences of this passage suggests that ________.A. scientists have little idea about the mechanism of memoryB. recollections are stored in memoryC. memory is the last big problem to solve about our brainD. if we know how our brain stores the recollections we know the nature of memory2.Fenton suggests that ________.A. ink on paper is different from inscriptions in clayB. using memory is harmful for our brainC. messages in our memory always change a little when we use themD. none of the above3.According to the second paragraph, ________.A. chemicals that can influence memory-formation work on proteinsB. addiction to drugs is a faulty type of adaptationC. altering memory-formation is already successful on miceD. all of the above4.According to the second paragraph, which of the following is true about memoryformation and recollection?A. The process is not a rigid or static oneB. The process relies on every part of the brain working togetherC. Scientists are trying to combine what they know into a theory about memoryD. none of the above5.Which of the following is NOT true, according to this essay?A. Scientists are fascinated with the process of memory and recollectionB. We still don't know everything about our brainC. The research of scientists are focused on eliminating undesired memoriesD. “Ongoing biochemical processes” refer mainly to those intrinsic to our body,not to the experimental chemicals in the laboratory.Passage 2 (15 points, 3 points each)A new study suggests holding a position of power, with weighty responsibilities, increases symptoms of depression in women but diminishes them in men. "Women with job authority -- the ability to hire, fire and influence pay -- have significantly more symptoms of depression than women without this power." Pudrovska, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin, explained in a press release. "In contrast, men with job authority have fewer symptoms of depression than men without such power."Pudrovska and her research partner conducted their study using data on mental health and job authority collected from 1954 to 2004 as part of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. The study's authors claim that social and cultural norms allow for men to more seamlessly assume positions of power. According to them, a man in power is expected and accepted by his peers, colleagues and subordinates -- by those working alongside him as well as outsiders looking in. In contrast, previous studies have shown women in positions of authority regularly experience "interpersonal tension, negative social interactions, negative stereotypes, prejudice, social isolation, as well as resistance from subordinates, colleagues and superiors." The weight of these stressors and tensions results in an uptick of depressive symptoms, with women in power possessing depression symptoms more often than men not in positions of authority. As well, men in positions of power were even less likely to be depressed.The study's authors say their findings are proof that "we need to address gender discrimination, hostility and prejudice against women leaders to reduce the psychological costs and increase the psychological rewards of higher-status jobs for women."1.The first paragraph suggests that ________.A. women are depressed but men are notB. holding a position of power has different effects on women and menC. having more power is harmful for women but healthy for menD. none of the above2.The study was called a “longitudinal study” because ________.A. the study was based on collected dataB. the study was conducted on mental health and job authorityC. the study was done across 50 yearsD. none of the above3.In the study's authors' opinion, the differences between men and women inadapting to job authority________.A. lies primarily in social and cultural normsB. consists in the different expectations that society has on men and womenC. are manifested in their different patterns of depressionD. all of the above4.The study's authors believe that ________.A. society ought to pay women leaders more than men leadersB. social discrimination and hostility toward women leaders increase theirpsychological tensionC. women leaders had better be relieved of their higher-status jobsD. none of the above5.The author of this passage ________.A. reports on the study and the findings but gives no explicit commentB. apparently agrees with the study's authors on their conclusionC. shows sympathy to women in high positionsD. wants to draw public attention to the social discrimination addressed in thestudyPassage 3Read the following passages carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts.(25 points, 5 points each) Consider the times you’ve hopped on a subway, boarded a plane or entered a waiting room. [1]Chances are, you probably avoided engaging with any fellow commuters or patients. But contrary to what we might think, we’d be happier if we did strike up a conversation with a total stranger.In a study, commuters in Chicago were asked to either talk with a stranger on a train, or sit quietly alone, or just [2]do whatever they’d normally do on their commute. Then, they responded to a survey about how they felt.It turns out that those who engaged with strangers had the most pleasurable experience and [3]those who remained solitary had the least enjoyable experience. These answers were compared with another group that did not participate but instead had to predict how they might feel in each situation. This group thought talking with strangers would be the least enjoyable, by far.So [4]despite being social animals and enjoying social engagement, we avoid chatting with strangers. Why? Well, according to a follow up study it’s because we think, wrongly, that strangers don’t want to talk with us. [5]The one way to get over this is to practice reaching out – who knows, commuting could become more enjoyable.Passage 4Read the following passages carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. (25 points, 5 points each)[1]The intelligence of dolphins is well documented by science. Studies show that dolphins are able to understand sign language, solve puzzles, and use objects in their environment as tools. Scientists also believe that dolphins possess a sophisticated language: numerous instances have been recorded in which dolphinstransmitted information from one individual to another. A recent experiment proved that dolphins can even recognize themselves in a mirror—[2]something achieved by very few animals. This behavior demonstrates that dolphins are aware of their own individuality, at a level of intelligence that may be very near our own.Are dolphins usually intelligent? Dolphins have large brains, but we know that [3brain size alone does not determine either the nature or extent of intelligence. Some researchers have suggested that dolphins have big brains because they need them—for sonar and sound processing and for social interactions. Others have argued that regardless of brain size, dolphins have an intelligence level somewhere between that of a dog and a chimpanzee. The fact is, we don't know, and [4]comparisons may not be especially helpful. Just as human intelligence is appropriate for human needs, dolphin intelligence is right for the dolphin's way of life. [5]Until we know more, all we can say is that dolphin intelligence is different.III. General knowledge (20 points)A. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase, and write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points, 1 point each)1.The Theory of Conversation Implicatures was proposed by ________.2.American Behaviorist linguistics was represented by the linguist ________.The title of his best-known book was ________. TG Grammar was proposed by ________.3.The Oxford professor of philosophy ________ was famous for the Speech ActTheory, in which speech acts are described as consisting of three parts, i.e.________ act, ________ and ________ act.4.In terms of word formation, the words “edit”, “televise” etc. can becategorized as cases of ________.5.In their book ________, Lackoff and Johnson argued that metaphors are auniversal method of human cognition.B. Write out the authors of the following works: (4 points, 1 point each)1.The Great Gatsby ________2. A Tale of Two Cities ________3.Leaves of Grass ________4.Gulliver's Travels ________C. Translate the following into English or Chinese (2 points, 1 point each):1.请勿践踏草坪2.WTOD. Explain the following terms briefly: (4 points, 2 point each)1.euphemism2.sonnetIV. Translation (30 points)E-C (15 points)Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson River must remember the Catskill Mountains. They are a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family, and can be seen to the west swelling up to a noble height and lording it over the surrounding country. When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky, but sometimes when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, they will gather a hood of gray vapors about their summits which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up like a crown of glory.C-E (15 points)在无数广为流行的生命理论中,惟一永恒的主题就是爱。





1.burn the middle night oil2. black tea3. build a fire4. heavy schedule5. beyond description6.to pull up one’s socks7.tourist industry8. ASEAN9.foreignizing translation10.an emergency exitB.把下列词组翻译成英语。


1. This country was recovering its true self, drawing lessons both from its own mistakes and from its enemies.2. Will the Chinese cower before difficulties when they are not afraid even of death? The people fear not death,why threaten them with it?3. As relations between China and Australia develop, the continuing importance of expanding trade will bebalanced by the development of close contact over a broad of political issues.4. Above all, China challenges all of us to be true to ourselves--- to build our new societies, not on alien formsborrowed indiscriminately, but on our own unique historical experiences and cultural identities.5. The situation cannot be otherwise because our friendship and cooperation are based on our common sincereadherence to the five principles of peaceful co-existence.B.把下列句子翻译成英语。






一、汉译英题(共 1 小题,共 40 分)现在大学生的学习压力相当重。








二、英译汉题(每小题 30 分,共 2 小题,共 60)1 . A disciple of Confucius, the favourite Yen Hui, enquired what constituted a moral life. Confucius answered, “Renounce yourself and conform to the ideal of decency and good sense.”“If one could only,” Confucius went on to say, “live a moral life, renouncing himself and conforming to the ideal of decency and good sense for one single day,the world would become moral. To be moral, a man depends entirely upon himself and not upon others.”The disciple then asked for practical rules to be observed in living a moral life. Confucius answered, “Whatever things are contrary to the ideal of decency and good sense, do not look upon them. Whatever things are contrary to the ideal of decency and good sense, do not listen to them. Whatever things are contrary to the ideal of decency and good sense, do not utter them with your mouth. Lastly, let nothing in whatever things you do, act or move, be contrary to the ideal of decency and good sense.”Another disciple of Confucius on another occasion asked what constituted a moral life.Confucius answered, “When going out into the world, behave always as if you were at an audience before the Emperor; in dealing with the people, act as if you were at worship before God. Whatever things you do no not wish the others should do unto you, do not do unto them. In your public life in the States as well as in your private life in your family, give no one a just cause of complaining against you.”The disciple then said: “Unworthy and remiss though I am, I shall try to make what you have just said the rule of my life.”2.Excellency:Thank you for inviting the ASEAN delegations and myself to Beijing for this cultural exchange.Relations between ASEAN and China have been progressing very well and now cover many different sectors of cooperation. ASEAN and China will commemorate the 15th anniversary of their relationship later this year when we convene the ASEAN -China Commemorative Summit in Nanning in October 2006. Our respective leaders will be at the Summit.ASEAN and China have signed many cooperative agreements and MOUs. One of the those is the Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Cooperation signed in August 2005. We are now seeing the practical operation of this MOU with the gathering of all ASEAN member countries and China for this festival of arts and culture.Through arts and culture, ASEAN and China can promote substantial and substantive people-to-people contacts and linkages. We will have better understanding of our respective societies and ways of life. This will enable us to have a firm foundation for strengthening ASEAN-China ties in the economic, political, security and social fields.Therefore, what we all do here in this festival of arts and culture is not just to promote the national art forms and cultural heritage, but also to appreciate that cultural artists are also ambassadors of goodwill and friendship. I hope all of us will be enriched by this experience in Beijing and contribute to stronger relations between ASEAN and China.三、写作题(每小题 50 分,共 1 小题,共 50)You are required to write an essay of about 600 words in English based on the title below. Please write your essay on the Answer Sheet, using facts, evidences and your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your views. Respect for Teachers。







Part I.Terminology and Phrase Translation(30%)1.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms into Chinese(15points).(1)retail therapy(2)maternity leave(3)closet psycho(4)crowd funding(5)group interview(6)wardrobe hoarder(7)adverse drug reaction(8)livelihood issues(9)brand copycats(10)ride sharing(11)clean eating(12)selfie stick(13)tit-for-tat giving(14)IOU note(15)multi-level marketing 2.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms into English(15points).(1)节操(2)豆腐渣工程(3)中国式过马路(4)底线思维(5)裸官(6)土豪金(7)人口红利(8)广场舞(9)中国东盟博览会(10)幸福指数(11)退休双轨制(12)科学发展观(13)亚太经合组织(14)社会主义初级阶段(15)海上丝绸之路Part II Passage Translation(120%)1.Translate the following into Chinese(60points).One evening I look out the window of my secluded cabin,and there are soft flakes falling in the golden lamplight.They fall all night,while the voice of the river becomes more and more hushed and the noises of the forest die away.By dawn,the whole world of stream and wood and mountain has been kindled to a white flame of beauty.I go out in the morning and there is such silence that even breath is a profanation.The mountain to the north has a steel-blue light on it,and to the west the sky still holds something of the darkness of the night.To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading.I look up and see the morning star keeping white watch over a white world.After heavy snowfalls,it is the evergreens that are the loveliest,with their great white branches weighted down until they are almost parallel with the trunks.They seem like giant birds with their wings folded against the cold.The sky is clear blue now and the sun has flung diamonds down on meadow and bank and wood.Beauty,the virgin,walks here quietly,no sign upon the immaculate snow.The silence is dense and deep.Even the squirrels have stopped their ribald chattering.And fain snowbird第1页共2页。



广 西 民 族 大 学 2018 年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题科目试题
试卷代号:A 卷 考生须知 科目代码:357 科目名称:英语翻译基础
1.答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题、草稿纸上无效。 2.答题时一律使用蓝或黑色钢笔、签字笔书写。 3.交卷时,请配合监考人员验收,并请监考人员在准考证相应位置签字(作为考生交 卷的凭证) 。否则,产生的一切后果由考生自负。
第 1 页 共 2 页
第 2 页,共 3 页
芝士传媒 × 题源库

knives, making guns for the Berbers in the mountains. They are dying wool in vast cauldrons, big cauldrons full of dye emerald green, violet, Orient blue. They are making sienna earth pottery, weaving rugs, shaving, shampooing and writing legal documents right there, under your eyes. One Arab is asleep over his bag of saffron. Another is praying with his beads while selling herbs. Further, a big tintamarre, the street of copperwork. Little boys are beating copper trays with small hammers, beating a design into them, beating copper lamps, Aladdin’s lamps. Little boys and old men do the work. They hold the tray between their legs. The younger men walk down the street in their burnouses, going I know not where, some so beautiful one thinks they are women. The women are veiled. They are going to the mosque, probably. At a certain hour all selling, all work ceases and they all go to the mosque. But first of all they wash their faces, their feet, their sore eyes, their leprous noses, their pock-marked skins at the fountain. 2. Translate the following passage into English (60 points). 今年恰逢 10+3 合作启动 20 周年。20 年前,在全球化、区域一体化和多极化深入发 展的时代潮流下,在共同抗击亚洲金融风暴中,东亚国家开启了 10+3 合作进程。20 年 来,10+3 合作历经两次大规模金融危机洗礼,开辟了 20 多个合作领域,建立起 60 多 个对话合作机制,被公认为东亚合作的主渠道,成为亚洲地区机制最完善、成果最显著 的合作机制之一,为推动各国对话合作、促进地区发展繁荣作出了重要贡献。地区合作 取得积极进展。在此过程中,地区国家逐渐形成了具有鲜明东亚特色的 10+3 合作文化, 可用三个关键词来归纳:一是共识;二是联通;三是全面。女士们,先生们,朋友们, 二十载, 10+3 砥砺奋进, 成就斐然。在毛泽东主席的故乡湖南,我想引用他的名句: “世 上无难事,只要肯登攀” 。这句诗磅礴大气,充满正能量,更坚定了我们加强 10+3 合作 的信心。站在新起点,我们宜登高望远,阔步前行,推动 10+3 合作迈上新台阶,开创 更加美好的东亚发展前景。







Part I Terminology and Phrase Translation(30%)1.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms into Chinese(15points).(1)Brexit(2)geek(3)fake news(4)counter-terrorism(5)fidget spinner(6)echo-chamber(7)bullet screen(8)APEC(9)IRC(10)CBD(11)crunch time(12)to burn one’s boat(13)to show one’s card(14)armed to the teeth(15)Achilles’heel2.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms into English(15points).(1)不忘初心(2)人工智能(3)共享经济(4)金融自由化(5)经济复苏(6)无人超市(7)子弹头列车(8)汉语文化圈(9)民心相通(10)社会公平(11)医疗制度改革(12)创新型国家(13)不平衡不充分的发展(14)不成则败(15)请勿疲劳驾驶!Part II Passage Translation(120%)1.Translate the following passage into Chinese(60points).A trip to Morocco.A short but vivid one.I fell in love with the city Fez.I have just left the balcony where I stood listening to the evening prayer rising over the white city.A religious emotion roused by the Arabs’lives,by the simplicity of it,the fundamental beauty.Stepping into the labyrinth of their streets,streets like intestines,two yards wide,into the abyss of their dark eyes,into peace.The rhythm affects one first of all.The slowness.Many people on the streets.You touch elbows.They breathe into your face,but with a silence,a gravity,a dreaminess.Only the children cry and laugh and run.The Arabs are silent.The little square room open on the street in which they sit on the ground,on the mud,with their merchandise around them.They are weaving,they are sewing,baking bread,chiseling jewels,repairingknives,making guns for the Berbers in the mountains.They are dying wool in vast cauldrons, big cauldrons full of dye emerald green,violet,Orient blue.They are making sienna earth pottery,weaving rugs,shaving,shampooing and writing legal documents right there,under your eyes.One Arab is asleep over his bag of saffron.Another is praying with his beads while selling herbs.Further,a big tintamarre,the street of copperwork.Little boys are beating copper trays with small hammers,beating a design into them,beating copper lamps,Aladdin’s lamps.Little boys and old men do the work.They hold the tray between their legs.The younger men walk down the street in their burnouses,going I know not where,some so beautiful one thinks they are women.The women are veiled.They are going to the mosque, probably.At a certain hour all selling,all work ceases and they all go to the mosque.But first of all they wash their faces,their feet,their sore eyes,their leprous noses,their pock-marked skins at the fountain.2.Translate the following passage into English(60points).今年恰逢10+3合作启动20周年。



广西民族大学2012年硕士研究生入学考试初试自命题科目试题(试卷代号: A卷)科目代码: 622科目名称:基础英语英语语言文学、适用学科专业:外国语言学与应用语言学研究方向:所有方向命题教师签名:考生须知1.答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。




I. Vocabulary (20 points)Directions:There are 20 sentences in this part. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of he original sentence and write down the letter on your answer sheet.1.I didn’t stop at John’s house because he had visitors, and I didn’t want to butt in.A. incurB. intrudeC. inferD. intercept.2. The author dedicated the book to his son.A. inscribedB. submergedC. promotedD. reassured.3. When you are hungry, you will devour what is up before you.A. gulpB. enhanceC. defrayD. doze4. We’d better wait inside until the storm subsides.A. transmitsB. distortsC. migratesD. diminishes5. The union and the company have come to terms on a new contract.A. brought to an endB. called onC. reached an agreement onD. terminated.6. Several dissenting statements were made.A. lengthyB. novelC. unanticipatedD. opposing7. Speaking the truth, he is really stubborn.A. indignantB. obstinateC. ambitiousD. prodigal8. John is interested in and clever at many different things, so he is all-around.A. verticalB. versatileC. verdantD. vernal9. Because it was very contagious, everyone in the family came down with the disease.A. superfluousB. paternalC. sanitaryD. infectious10. If something can be easily seen, we say that it is conspicuous.A. picturesqueB. desolateC. vigorousD. eminent11. The judge’s decision was appealed.A. applaudedB. unexpectedC. appropriateD. challenged12. As an artist, Jim is certainly an amateur, for he has had no training.A. a seniorB. an alienC. a laymanD. a steward13. That is a very interesting hypothesis.A. assumptionB. announcementC. conclusionD. comment14. The agreement between them has been made.A. contentionB. concordC. conjunction D commune15. The warranty period is one year.A. initialB. trialC. guaranteeD. maximum16. During the weekends, they wander idly without purpose in the street.A. rambleB. rumbleC. fumbleD. clamp17. Many sick persons stayed in hospital waiting for the doctor.A. scavengersB. invalidsC. croniesD. deacons18. Mr. Harris has been in a coma for several days.A. very angry B unconscious C distracted D. very busy19. They finally agreed unwillingly.A. consortedB. consoledC. consignedD. conceded20. The returning of his illness surprised us.A. relayB. relapseC. refrainD. refundII. Reading Comprehension: (80 points)Directions:The following two passages are followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and write down the letter on your answer sheet. Passage 1. (10 points, 2 points each)The standardized educational or psychological tests, that are widely used to aid in selecting, classifying, assigning, or promoting students, employees, and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books, magazines, the daily press, and even in Congress. The target is wrong, for in attacking the tests, critics turn attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users. The tests themselves are merely tools, with characteristics that can be measured with reasonable precision under specified condition. Whether the results will be valuable, meaningless, or even misleading depends partly upon the tool itself but largely upon the user.All informed predictions of future performance are based upon some knowledge of relevant past performance. How well the predictions will be supported by later performance de-ends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted. Anyone who keeps careful score knows that the information available is always incomplete and that the predictions are always subject to error.Standardized tests should be considered in this context. They provide a quick, objective method of getting some kinds of information about what a person has learned, the skills he has developed, or the kind of person he is the information so obtained has, qualitatively, the same advantages and shortcomings as other kinds of information. Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence from experience, and upon such factors as cost and availability.1. What is the author's attitude towards standardized tests?a. Negativeb. Positivec. Slightly criticald. Both a and b2. Why is the target of attacks considered to be wrong?a. Because the standardized tests are criticized by too many magazinesb. Because the problems of the tests should not be referred to Congressc. Because one fails to notice test users' lack of knowledged. Because attacks shouldn't be made by incompetent users3. "All informed predictions" in Paragraph 2 means all predictions that ________.a. are based on sound knowledge of the testsb. are based on information from the mass mediac. are made by government agenciesd. are made by testes4. One's predictions are never 100% accurate because _______.a. the predictor may not be wise enoughb. the predictor may not nave sufficient experiencec. the predictor never receives complete informationd. the information received is subject to errors5. According to the author, what is the context in which standardized tests should be considered?a. They provide a quick objective methodb. They get information about a particular personc. They provide good quality informationd. They may be partly incorrectPassage 2 (10 points, 2 points for each)When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.” Broadcasting his ambition was “very much my decision,” McGee says. Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations. And McGee isn’t alone. In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached. Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:”I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005 with ambitions to be a CEO. He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. “The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are, but that’s been fundamentally inverted,” says one headhunter. “The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.”6. When McGee announced his departure, his manner can best be described as beingA. arrogant.B. frank.C. self-centered.D. impulsive.7. According to Paragraph 2, senior executives’ quitting may be spurred byA. their expectation of better financial status.B. their need to reflect on their private life.C. their strained relations with the boards.D. their pursuit of new career goals.8. The word “poached” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably meansA. approved of.B. attended to.C. hunted for.D. guarded against.9. It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatA. top performers used to cling to their posts.B. loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated.C. top performers care more about reputations.D. it’s safer to stick to the traditional rules.10. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.CEOs: Where to Go?B.CEOs: All the Way Up?C. Top Managers Jump without a NetD. The Only Way Out for Top PerformersPassage 3Read the following passages carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts.(30 points, 3 points for each)(1) Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says. The researchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control group of uninjured people.(2) Despite widespread belief in “road rage,” anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents. (3) Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries – those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents – also showed strong associations with anger.(4) The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.(5) Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,” said the study’s lead author. (6) It is useful to remember that history is to the nation as memory is to the individual. As persons deprived of memory become disoriented and lost, not knowing where they have been and where they are going, so a nation denied a conception of the past will be disabled in dealing with its present and its future.Passage 4Read the following passages carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts.(30 points, 3 points for each)History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience. (7) Self-knowledge is the indispensable prelude to self-control, for the nation as well as for the individual. History should forever remind us of the limits of our passing perspectives. It should strengthen us to resist the pressure to convert momentary impulses into moral absolutes. It should lead us to recognition of the fact, so often and so sadly displayed, that the future outwits all our certitudes and that the possibilities of the future are more various than the human intellect is designed to conceive.(8) A nation informed by a vivid understanding of the ironies of history is best equipped to manage the tragic temptations of military power. Let us not bully our way through life, but let a sensitivity to history temper and civilize our use of power. In the meantime, let a thousand historical flowers bloom. (9) History is never a closed book or a final verdict. It is forever in the interests of an ideology, a religion, a race, and a nation.The great strength of history is its capacity for self-correction. This is the endless excitement of historical writing: the search to reconstruct what went before. (10) A nation’s history must be both the guide and the domain not so much of its historians as its citizens.III. General knowledge (20 points,)A. Fill in each blank with a suitable word which should be written on the answer sheet. (10 points, 1 for each)1. The distinctive phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called suprasegmental features, which include ________, _______, and ________.2. In the predication analysis, the basic unit is called predication, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. It consists of _______ and _______.3. According to Austin’s new model, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: ________, _________and ________4. According to cognitive linguistics, conceptual ______ and conceptual metonymy are cognitive models.5. “Care” is the ______ of the word “carelessness”.B. Write out the authors of the following works: (4 points, 1 point each)1)The Voice of the City ________________2) Life on the Mississippi _______________3)Song of myself __________________4)Syntactic Structure __________________C. Translate the following into English or Chinese (2 points, 1 point each):1) APEC2) 金砖四国D. Explain the following terms: (4 points, 2 point each)1) ASEAN2) stream of consciousnessIV. Translation (30 points)E-C (15 points)The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009. For the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least. “Hooray! At last!” wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical-music critic.One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise, however, is that Gilbert is comparatively little known. Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilbert’s appointment in the Times, calls him “an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.” As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.C-E (15 points)一个可能的应对方式(解决办法)是古典音乐表演者发明有吸引力的从唱片上听不到的曲子。


12. (U. S.) District Attorney 【答案】地方检察官
13. (U. S.) Political Action Committee
14. (U. S.) Department of Homeland Security 【答案】国土安全部
15. The Royal Swedish Academy of Science 【答案】瑞典皇家科学院
株。他赶紧求助于人工,戴上了头套,以一束扑满香粉但非他头上所长 的假发为荣。要是我们这把扫帚也这样登场,由于把一些别的树条收集 到身上而得意洋洋,其实这些条上尽是尘土,即使是最高贵的夫人房里 的尘土,我们一定会笑它如何虚荣吧!我们就是这样偏心的审判官,偏 于自己的优点,别人的毛病!
2. Translate the following into English (60 points).
目 录
2011年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2012年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2013年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2014年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2015年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2016年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2017年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2018年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解
This single stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a flourishing state in a forest. It was full of sap, full of leaves, and full of boughs, but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature, by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk. It is now, at best, but the reverse of what it was: a tree turned upside down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air. It is now handled by every dirty wench, condemned to do her drudgery, and by a capricious kind of fate destined to make other things clean and be nasty itself. At length, worn to the stumps in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out of doors or condemned to its last use—of kindling a fire. When I beheld



扬州大学2024年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A卷)科目代码357科目名称英语翻译基础满分150分注意:①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;③本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!I.Translate the following terms into Chinese.(15points,1point each)1.Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation2.a community of shared developmentrge language model4.show leniency to people who make mistakes5.Global AI Governance Initiative6.movie box office revenue during Spring Festival holiday7.artificial intelligence ecosystem8.World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit9.International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative10.at-home care services for the elderly11.International Monetary Fund12.World Youth Development Forum13.Hangzhou Asian Para Games14.regulations to protect minors in cyberspace15.the tiered and classified social assistance systemII.Translate the following terms into English.(15points,1point each)1.世界科幻大会2.普惠金融高质量发展3.全球可持续交通高峰论坛4.火炬传递5.粮食安全保障体系6.“金砖”扩员7.模块化小型核反应堆8.恢复和扩大消费9.防汛救灾工作10.可再生能源装机容量11.文物保护利用12.民营经济13.高标准农田14.数字化转型15.中国-中亚峰会III.Translate the following passages into Chinese.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(60points,20points each)Passage OneWhen we consider the situation of the human mind in nature,its limited plasticity and few channels of communication with the outer world,we need not wonder that we grope for light,or that we find incoherence and instability in human systems of ideas.The wonder rather is that we have done so well,that in the chaos of sensations and passions that fills the mind we have found any leisure for self-concentration and reflection,and have succeeded in gathering even a light harvest of experience from our distracted labours.Our occasional madness is less wonderful than our occasional sanity.Relapses into dreams are to be expected in a being whose brief existence is so like a dream;but who could have been sure of this sturdy and indomitable perseverance in the work of reason in spite of all checks and discouragements?Passage TwoIt is simple enough to say that since books have classes—fiction,biography,poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds,asking of fiction that it shall be true,of poetry that it shall be false,of biography that it shall be flattering,of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read,that would be an admirable beginning.Do not dictate to your author;try to become him.Be his fellow-worker and accomplice.If you hang back,and reserve and criticize at first,you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.But if you open your mind as widely as possible,then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness,from the twist and turn of the first sentences,will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other.Steep yourself in this,acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you,or attempting to give you,something far more definite.Passage ThreeVery ready we are to say of a book,“How good this is—that’s exactly what I think!”But the right feeling is,“How strange that is!I never thought of that before,and yet I see it is true;or if Ido not now,I hope I shall,some day.”But whether thus submissively or not,at least be sure that you go to the author to get at his meaning,not to find yours.Judge it afterwards,if you think yourself qualified to do so;but ascertain it first.And be sure also,if the author is worth anything, that you will not get at his meaning all at once;—nay,that at his whole meaning you will not for a long time arrive in any wise.Not that he does not say what he means,and in strong words too; but he cannot say it all;and what is stranger,will not,but in a hidden way and parables,in order that he may be sure you want it.I cannot quite see the reason of this,nor analyze that cruel reticence in the breasts of wise men which makes them always hide their deeper thought.They do not give it to you by way of help,but of reward,and will make themselves sure that you deserve it before they allow you to reach it.IV.Translate the following passages into English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(60points,20points each)Passage One我开始写小说,是在进了女师的第二年,那时刚满十五岁。


Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun, but the full implications of Darwin's revolution have yet to be widely realized. Zoology is still a minority subject in universities, and even those who choose to study it often make their decision without appreciating its profound philosophical significance. Philosophy and the subjects known as “humanities” are still taught almost as if Darwin had never lived. No doubt this will change in time. In any case, this book is not intended as a general advocacy of Darwinism. Instead, it will explore the consequences of the evolution theory for a particular issue. My purpose is to examine the biology of selfishness and altruism.
from Chinese to English, within 60 minutes.
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广西民族大学 2015 年硕士研究生入学考试初试自命题科目试题
(试卷代号:A 卷)

适用学科专业: 翻译硕士(MTI)
研究方向: 英语笔译、英语口译
1.答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。 2.答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔作答,用其它笔答题不给分。 3.交卷时,请配合监考人员验收,并请监考人员在准考证相应位置签字(作为考生交
2. Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into English (15 points).
(1) 领土争端 (2) 栖息地保护区 (3) 跨太平洋伙伴关系协议 (4) 天然气管道 (5) 法庭调查阶段 (6) 城镇化 (7) 农地流转 (8) 公车私用 (9) 规模化种植 (10) 医保体制 (11) 看客心态
A walk through an airport bookstore will bring you more doom and gloom: mostly how-to-get-rich titles written by those who've done it or who claim to have the secret recipe. On top of that, there are buyers of books in China who decorate their rooms with wall-to-wall tomes but never bother to open the pages.
Before we get to "Why Chinese do not read", I'll reveal the spoiler, which is the most frequent defense. "We read. We just do not read in the same way as the old generations do. We rely on modern gadgets for faster access." It is true that you cannot claim that only content on a printed page is knowledge. Anything that's printed can be displayed digitally. There are millions of books available in digital form. And true electronic books can incorporate sound and video, thus enhancing the reading experience.
(12) 依法治国 (13) 冰桶挑战 (14) 不患难,但患无备 (15) 众人拾柴火焰高
Part II Passage Translation (120%) 1. Translate the following into Chinese (60 points).
On a flight from Frankfurt to Shanghai, a foreign engineer noticed row after row of Chinese passengers deep into their iPads, playing games or watching movies. None was doing any reading. The engineer posted his observation online and got a tidal wave of responses, most of which corroborated his view.
To those who believe they can get anything and everything from the Web, I'll hereby add my two cents' worth: Yes, you can, but you won't do it.
My publishers (I work with several publishing houses in China) told me that most of the best-sellers in China are textbooks or supplement reading material, in other words, books that students are forced to read, or rather, forced to buy. So, let's compare China's best-seller list with that of the New York Times. While the latter has a mix of serious books, especially about history, and celebrity memoirs, the former is almost totally nothing.
Part I. Terminology and Phrase Translation (30%) 1. Translate the following terms, phrases or acronyms into Chinese (15 points).
(1) electoral fraud (2) Tainted stars (3) extradition treaty (4) stealth fighter (5) car exhausts (6) overcapacity (7) bricks-and-mortar stores (8) poverty-alleviation funds (9) the Global Infrastructure Initiative (10) house-for-pension program (11) Grand Slam (12) anti-monopoly investigations (13) hard-berth (14) time-honored restaurants (15) genetically modified product