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Welcome to Summer Fun 4 Kids-the UK directory of Summer Camps and Courses. The long summer holidays are in creas in gly recog ni zed as a great opport unity for young people to take part in organi zed activities, play schemes (儿童游戏活动计戈U ) or day camps either with in their local area on a daily basis or living away from home at an American-style residential Summer Camp. This directory aims to provide a summary of available opportunities throughout the UK as well as backgro und in formati on and useful li nks.

Day Camps

Day Camps usually run from Mon days to Fridays offer a varied programme of sports, adve nture or creative activities throughout each day. Arrival and departure times vary but usually involve a starting time between 9:00~10:00 a.m. and a collection time between 4:00~5:00 p.m. Day Camps are provided for young people livi ng with in the immediate catchme nt area of the event(会场服务区),but some offer a supervised transport service from a wider catchment area. Age groups from 3 years and above.

Holiday Play Arran geme nts

Play arrangements are usually run by voluntary organizations or local authorities. Play arran geme nts may be restricted to specific activities (Sports or Arts & Crafts) or in volve a range of different activities. Some playschemes may involve off-site trips. Play arrangements are provided mostly for young people liv ing with in the immediate service area of the event. Age groups from 3 years and above.

Sports/Activity Courses

Specialist courses in sin gle activities or sports. These courses usually take 2 or 3 hours per day, lasting anything from a single day to a progressive course over 4 or 5 continuous(连续的) days. Sports courses are usually led by qualified instructors or coaches and national governing body awards may be achieved, subject to the len gth of course. Sports courses are ofte n orga ni zed by local authority sports cen tres or specialist cen ters(Ridi ng Schools. Watersports Cen ters, etc). Age groups from 7 years and above.


Programmes or courses in volvi ng a comb in ati on of activities rather tha n a specialist course. Typically multi-activity programmes involve between 4~6 activity sessions per day, with each activity session lasting between 1~1.5 hours. This type of course usually focuses on “ taster or” introductory sessions in a range of activities such as sports, adventure, creative and performing

arts activities. Age groups from 3 years and above.

21. The aim of Summer Fun 4 Kids is _____.

A. to orga nize playschemes or camps for kids

B. to gather in formati on and useful li nks
