
八年级英语短文改错练习题40题带答案解析1. There is a book and two pens on the desk.A book is on the desk and two pens are on the desk.There are a book and two pens on the desk.There are two pens and a book on the desk.答案解析:这句话是正确的,不需要修改。
解析:there be 句型遵循就近原则,be 动词的单复数由离它最近的名词决定。
这里离be 动词最近的是a book,是单数,所以用is。
2. The news are very interesting.The news is very interesting.The news were very interesting.The news have been very interesting.答案解析:这句话错误。
解析:news 是不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数,所以把are 改为is。
3. My family is very big.My family are very big.My families are very big.My families is very big.答案解析:这句话是正确的,不需要修改。
解析:family 作“家庭”讲时是单数,作“家人”讲时是复数。
4. These kind of books are very useful.This kind of books are very useful.These kinds of books are very useful.These kind of book is very useful.答案解析:这句话错误。
解析:“kind of + 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由kind 决定。

改错训练专项训练4One afternoon my father and me went fishing along a river. 1 ________ We found the water too dirty that we could not see the bottom. 2 ________ We also found rubbish and dead fish float on the water . That 3 ________ afternoon my father catches only some small fish。
4 ________ What did the fish in the river die for?That was because a lot of 5 ________ factories along the river always emptied its waste water and rubbish 6 ________ into the river, but the river got polluted. Thus,most of the fish in 7 ________ the river were killed 。
If all the rivers throughout the country are polluted like this, all 8 ________ living things in the water will killed. Clean water is very important 9 ________ to life. We expect that water in every river will be made more 10 ________ cleaner and cleaner before long。

练习一:I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. __________ I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3. __________home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. __________do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. __________I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9. -________about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________练习二:Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____ writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____ once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 9. _____We’re really luck. There are so many ways 10. ____we can keep in touch with each other.练习三:We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____ buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. _____sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____ one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. _____to change for it in a few years’time for a bigger 5. _____ one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. _____ a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. _____big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. _____be bad for our eyes. Anyway, we’d better to make 9. _____ quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____练习四:Thank you for your offer invite me to the free 1. __________ summer English course in your school. As for my 2. __________ choice of the two courses, I’d prefer the five-weeks 3. __________ course for 50 hours. This would allows me more 4. __________ time to see your beautiful country while learned 5. __________ language. I’d like to do some traveling and make 6. __________ a few new friends. In all the subjects I’m learning 7. __________ at school, I like English best. I hope me to take this 8. __________ chance to improve my spoken English level as much 9. __________ as possibly. I believe I will have a wonderful time 10. _________in England this summer.练习五:I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. __________He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. __________hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was 3. __________young, he is used to tell me the importance of study. 4. __________Father knows little about English and other subjects, 5. __________but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. __________ to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. __________ but also very strict in me. With his help, I’ve made 8. __________ great progress. I’ll never to forget what he taught 9. __________ me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _________练习六:Many parents let their children to watch TV only during certain 1_______hours. Televion shows likebooks or movies. A child 2______can learn bad things from one of them and good things from 3______others. Some shows help children to understand the news of 4_______Washington and other parts of the world. Some program show us 5_______ people and place from other countries or other times in history. 6______With television a child does not have to go to the zoo see animals. 7______They can enjoy a wonderful baseball game at home. 8______Some programes even teach children how to cook or how to use 9_____ tools. Television brings about many places and events to us. 10_____练习七:A boy who were cleaning shoes in the street said 1______to a man pass by, “let me clean your boots, sir!”2_____The man didn’t want to have it cleaned, so he went 3______ away. But the boy said, “You needn’t to pay for it 4______if you like.”The man agreed this. Soon one if his 5______ boots was cleaned. Then the man put out the another 6______ boot, but the boy said, “You’ll have pay for this one. 7______ I won’t clean it if you pay me first.”The man did 8______not want to pay, so he went along with one 9______clean boot and one dirty boot on.People laughed him, “Look! What a mad man!”10_____练习八:There are more than 3000 languages in world today, 1___________But only about 6 of them are major languages.More than 300 million peoples speak English as their 2___________ First or native ;anguage. Another 300million speak it asA second language. No one know how 3__________Many people speak it as foreign language. 4_________-Chinese is only language with more speakers than English. 5__________ This is because the huge population of Chinese. 6__________English is the world’s the most important language and 7_________ It is the most wide used language. It is the language 8__________Of international business,research and 9__________Science. More than three-fourths of theWorld’s mail is written by English. More than 10_________Three-fifths of the world’s radio station use English.练习九:As the young woman ran by,the old man sat on the park bench 1_____ asked, “What are you running for?”the woman smilles. 2_____ “I’m not running, I’m jogging,”she said, she continued 3_____ her slowly run through the park.. Everyday, in all kinds of 4_____the weather, thousands of men and women jog. Why has 5____ jogging -running slowly for long distances become sopopular? Most joggers begin because they hear it is a very 6____good exercise. Jogging make the heart stronger and helps 7_____people loss weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves. 8_____Many joggers feel that if they can succeed in 9_____jogging, they can succeed in other thing,also. 10___练习十:Mr Grey was a biology professor, and he had a big collectionof rare bones which he was very proud. One year he managed 1________to get a new and better job at an university. As MrGrey was 2________very busy, his wife made the arrangements(安排)for all her 3________possessions to be taken in a moving van(货车)to their new home 4_________while he was away from work. The following week three men started 5________out take the things out of MrGrey’s house and loading(装运)6_________them into the van as one of them brought out a large wooden box. 7________He is just about to throw it into the van with all the other 8_______things when Mrs Grey ran out from her house and said, “Please 9________ treat that box very gentle! That one has all my husbans’s bones 10_______in it.”The man was so surprised that he nearly dropped the box on his feet.。

改错训练专项训练4One afternoon my father and me went fishing along a river. 1 ________ We found the water too dirty that we could not see the bottom. 2 ________ We also found rubbish and dead fish float on the water . That 3 ________ afternoon my father catches only some small fish. 4 ________ What did the fish in the river die for? That was because a lot of 5 ________ factories along the river always emptied its waste water and rubbish 6 ________ into the river, but the river got polluted. Thus, most of the fish in 7 ________ the river were killed .If all the rivers throughout the country are polluted like this, all 8 ________ living things in the water will killed. Clean water is very important 9 ________ to life. We expect that water in every river will be made more 10 ________ cleaner and cleaner before long.5I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1 ________ next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2 ________ with other people who likes to play. They are teaching 3 ________ me the most important rule and techniques of the game, 4 ________ and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5 ________ neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6 ________ One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7 ________ improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against 8 ________ one of the best teams in the city , and I think we can 9 ________ beat them if we won't make any mistakes . 10 ________ 6We were late as usual . My husband had insisted onwatering the flowers in the garden by himself. When we 1 ________ realized how he couldn't manage, he asked me for help. 2 ________ But now we had only an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, 3 ________ there were not many more cars or buses on the road and we 4 ________ were able to get here just in time. We checked in and went 5 ________ straight to the big hall to wait for our flight be called, 6 ________ but no announcement is made. A girl there told us the plane 7 ________ hadn't come yet. In the end , there came an announcement told 8 ________ us that the passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get the 9 ________ free meal and that the plane hadn't left London for some 10 ________ technical problems.7American people have a habit saying " Thank you" 1 ________ whenever something kind is done for them and something 2 ________ polite is said to them , no matter what easy or common the 3 ________ thing is. The habit is shared by people of other country. 4 ________You should say " Thank you" when someone pass you the 5 ________salt on the table , when someone steps aside to let you to 6 ________ pass in a narrow road, when someone walking ahead keeps 7 ________the door opening for you, when someone says your work 8 ________ was well done, or you have brought a nice thing, or you are 9 ________ pretty today morning, or your city is very beautiful. 10 ________8It would be difficult to imagine modern life with 1 ________the telephone. It has become an useful instrument of 2 ________ communication, save much time and travel by enabling 3 ________ people to talk to one another over great distances. 4 ________ Nowadays it is as easy to talk cross a continent, 5 ________or even overseas, it is to talk to one's next-door 6 ________ neighbor. Therefore, it is in emergencies 7 ________ which the telephone really proves its usefulness. When 8 ________ there is a fire , and when someone is suddenly ill , the 9 ________first thing one thinks of it is " Where is the nearest telephone?" 10 ________9Last summer I spent a two-weeks vacation at my aunt's. 1 ________ She lived in the small mountain village, with a river running 2 ________ nearby. Early one morning, I wanted to swim in the river, which 3 ________ some woman villagers were washing clothes, I found a good place 4 ________ for swimming. I was just about to jump into the river while there 5 ________ came a cry, " Help ! Help!" I looked at in the direction of the 6 ________ cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the 7 ________ river, I rushed over without delay, jumped into the 8 ________ water swam quickly towards the boy. Holding on to him over 9 ________ the water, he struggled to the bank. As last, the boy was saved. 10 ________10I received your letter dated April 16 the day before 1 ________ yesterday. Every of our family are greatly delighted to 2 ________ learn whether you are getting along very well with your 3 ________ lessons. Time passes quickly. In dozens of day, you'll 4 ________ finish middle school. What please us most is that you 5 ________do very good to make up your mind to enter for the college 6 ________ entrance examination this summer. What wonderful 7 ________it is! Dad, as well as Mom and I , are with you. We 8 ________ wish you to make better use your time . The fuller preparations 9 ________if you make, the surer of success you'll certainly be. 10 ________ (1)1.warm—warmth 2. 去掉being 3. knowing-known 4. world前加the5. them—it6. area—areas7.√8.去掉hardly9. suggested—suggest 10. much—many(2)1.countryside 前加the 2. 去掉that 3. polluted 前加been 4.our—their5. terribly—terrible6. Look—Looking7. persuade—persuaded8. kept—keep9.√10. tree—trees(3)1.but—and 2 在not后面加been 3. √4.去掉the 5. with—of6.去掉to look 中的to 7. want—wanted 8. gardener—gardeners或a gardener9. very—much 或very much 10. it—they(4)1.me—I 2. too—to 3. float—floating 4. catches—caught 5. for—of 6. its—their 7. but—and 8.√ 9. will 后加 be 10. 去掉more(5)1.去掉in 2. more—much 3.likes—like 4. rule—rules 5 去掉the6. play—plays7. rest前加the8. improved—improve 9√10. won’t—don’t (6)1.we—he 2. how—that 3. But—And 4 .去掉more 5 here—there 6 be 前加to 7 is –was 8.told—telling 9 第二个the—a 10√(7)1. habit 后加of 2 and—or 3. what—how 4. country—countries 5. pass—passes6. 去掉let后的to 7√ 8. opening—open 9 was—is 10 today—this (8)1. with—without2. an –a3. save—saving4.√5. cross—across6. it前加 as7. Therefore—However8. which—that9. and—or10. 去掉it(9)1. two-weeks→two-week2. the →a3. which→ where4. woman→women5. while→when6. 去掉at7. 去掉been8. √9. swam前加 and 10. he→I (10)1.√2. Every→All 3. whether→that 4. day→days 5. please→pleases6. good→well7. What→How8. are→is9. use后加of 10.去掉if。

( 每空只写一词,并不得改变原句意思。
)1.Dear Ms. Smith,I appreciate your help very well. On the first day of 56._______Camp, you came up to myself while I was sitting alone. After 57._______That, you always gave me specially attention and inspired 58._______to me to join in activities. As a result, I gradually got to know 59._______The other campers. Because the help you gave me that summer, 60._______My life changed. I gained so much confidence that I go back 61._______To school as new person. My grades improved. I became 62._______V ery active but made new friends. Today, I got a letter that 63._______Said I had been admitting to a college. I am proud of it. I just 64._______Want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person. 65._______Yours,Bob2.Dear John.Last summer I take a part-time job in the International 76.________Camp for children. I have been told one more worker 77.________will be needed this year and I think you are fit it. How 78.________about join as? The camp is at the foot of a small hill 79.________close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear 80.________birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in 81.________tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five 82.________ hours a day, so we will have plenty of spare time visit the 83.________ area and have a fun, I am sure it will be an unforgettable 84.________ experience. If you have interests in it, reply to me soon. 85.________ Answers:3.When a young man starts to earn his own living, hecan no longer expect others to pay his food, his clothes, 76.or his room, but he has to work till he wants to live 77. comfortable. If he spends most of his time playing 78. about in the way that he used to as a child, they will go 79. hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society that he used 80.to break the laws of his parents, he may go to the prison. 81.If, therefore, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has 82. better health, he can have the great happiness of seeing 83. himself to make steady progress in his job and of 84. building up for himself his own position in society. 85.4.Growing Up is not easy. Sometimes all that is need 76.________ is someone to rely on. For many years, she was Mum 77.________ My mother was a career woman and had her own 78.________ problems to take care, but when I needed her, she 79.________ was always there. Her strength came frond anywhere 80.________ I don't quite know, somewhere very deep. Shewas so strong that she would never break down, even while I 81.________ went to her with all my little-boy problems and shout 82.________ at her. Her strength made me stronger and gave to me 83.________courage to try things other thought were impossible. A 84.________ helping hand is always stronger enough to lift you up. 85.________5.I am very excited to have accepted an e-mail from 76._________ you. I'm glad you have made such a great progress 77._________ that you can wcite your e-mail good Chinese. I read 78._________ your e-mail to my parents and show them the photo you 79._________ sent it to me. How rime flies! Our friendship has lasted 80._________ for several months. We have got to know but learned a 81._________ lot from each other. Yes, it is clearly that your life in 82._________ your country is quite different from me. Thanks again --------- 83._________ for writing to me. I'm looking forward to hear from 84._________ you soon. Best wishes to you and your family. 85._________ 6.Many students feel that a popular teacher must be kind 76.and easy going. He and she should make the class very 77.active for joking with the students. However, the popular 78.teacher is at same time the one who should be strict with 79 students. Last year, my English teacher proved to be the more 80popular in our school. She was usual patient with her students 81.and never made them disappointed. She always stays in full 82.control of the situations. She always made sure that our 83. homework was finished on time, but she marked strictly 84.on student’s actual performance. 85.7.Dear Ming,It was very nice to hear from you for such a long time. I’m 76.______g lad to learn that you’ve been settled down in Boston and are 77.______ getting used to the local ways of life. 78.______As you know, I’m still buried in books at school you are 79.______so familiar with. What may surprise you are that I’m going to 80.______ the US this July in a summ er camp! Surely I’m expecting lots 81.______of sightseeing tours, parties and another exciting things. We must 82.______d efinitely meet when I’m over. As is planning, I’m coming 83.______to Boston around the 15th, and I wonder if you’ll free then so 84.______ we could chat about the good older days. 85.______ Hope to see you soon.8.Dear Anish,Here are the information about Manchester University. 76.__________ It is about 200 miles far away from London, and it 77._________ has a very big schoolyard. You can live in the school 78._________ or near the school. They have all sorts of course. 79._________ I’m sure you will find one you like it. I know you 80._________ are particular interested in Human Rights. So I will 81._________ see that there is anything on their website(网址)。

初三英语短文改错试题答案及解析1.【1】Be quick ! Someone arewaiting for you at the school gate . ( )__________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为is。
【2】I can’t see the words on the blackboard clear. ( )_________A B C D【答案】D错误,改为clearly.【解析】副词修饰动词,根据句意,我看不清黑板上的单词,故D错误,改为clearly.【3】 It took my three daysto finish the work. ( )_________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为me.【解析】动词和介词后加人称代词的宾格形式,故B错误,改为me.【4】 Playing computer games are bad for your eyes. ( )_________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为 is.【解析】动名词或动名词短语做主语看做单数,故B错误,改为 is.【5】It’s twenty minute’s walk from here to the park.( )________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为minutes’【解析】二十分钟是复数,所以在S后加撇。
故B错误,改为minutes’【6】 Can't you remembertell me that the other day? ( )________A B C D【答案】A错误,改为couldn’t【解析】过去的时间,所以用过去时态,故A错误,改为couldn’t【7】 Would you please speaksomethingabout your family?( )________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为say.【解析】请说一些关于你的家庭的事情好吗?speak,讲,不及物动词,say,说,及物动词,后加说的内容,故B错误,改为say.【8】The populationof Zhengzhou is fewer than that of Beijing. ( )________A B C D【答案】C错误,改为smaller.【解析】广东的人口比北京的人口少,说人口的多少用big,small.,故C错误,改为smaller.【9】Not hadstudied his lessons well, he failed in the exam. ( )________A B C D【答案】A错误,改为having.【解析】没有学好课程,所以他考试失败了。

练习一:I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. __________I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3. __________home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. __________do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. __________I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9. -________about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________练习二:Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____ writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____ once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 9. _____We’re really luck. There are so many ways 10. ____we can keep in touch with each other.练习三:We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____ buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. _____sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____ one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. _____to change for it in a few years’time for a bigger 5. _____ one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. _____ a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. _____big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. _____be bad for our eyes. Anyway, we’d better to make 9. _____ quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____练习四:Thank you for your offer invite me to the free 1. __________ summer English course in your school. As for my 2. __________ choice of the two courses, I’d prefer the five-weeks 3. __________ course for 50 hours. This would allows me more 4. __________ time to see your beautiful country while learned 5. __________ language. I’d like to do some traveling and make 6. __________ a few new friends. In all the subjects I’m learning 7. __________ at school, I like English best. I hope me to take this 8. __________ chance to improve my spoken English level as much 9. __________ as possibly. I believe I will have a wonderful time 10. _________in England this summer.练习五:I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. __________He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. __________hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was 3. __________young, he is used to tell me the importance of study. 4. __________Father knows little about English and other subjects, 5. __________but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. __________ to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. __________ but also very strict in me. With his help, I’ve made 8. __________ great progress. I’ll never to forget what he taught 9. __________ me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _________练习六:Many parents let their children to watch TV only during certain 1_______hours. Televion shows likebooks or movies. A child 2______can learn bad things from one of them and good things from 3______others. Some shows help children to understand the news of 4_______Washington and other parts of the world. Some program show us 5_______people and place from other countries or other times in history. 6______With television a child does not have to go to the zoo see animals. 7______They can enjoy a wonderful baseball game at home. 8______Some programes even teach children how to cook or how to use 9_____ tools. Television brings about many places and events to us. 10_____练习七:A boy who were cleaning shoes in the street said 1______to a man pass by, “let me clean your boots, sir!”2_____The man didn’t want to have it cleaned, so he went 3______ away. But the boy said, “You needn’t to pay for it 4______if you like.”The man agreed this. Soon one if his 5______ boots was cleaned. Then the man put out the another 6______ boot, but the boy said, “You’ll have pay for this one. 7______ I won’t clean it if you pay me first.”The man did 8______not want to pay, so he went along with one 9______clean boot and one dirty boot on.People laughed him, “Look! What a mad man!”10_____练习八:There are more than 3000 languages in world today, 1___________But only about 6 of them are major languages.More than 300 million peoples speak English as their 2___________ First or native ;anguage. Another 300million speak it asA second language. No one know how 3__________Many people speak it as foreign language. 4_________-Chinese is only language with more speakers than English. 5__________ This is because the huge population of Chinese. 6__________English is the world’s the most important language and 7_________ It is the most wide used language. It is the language 8__________Of international business,research and 9__________Science. More than three-fourths of theWorld’s mail is written by English. More than 10_________Three-fifths of the world’s radio station use English.练习九:As the young woman ran by,the old man sat on the park bench 1_____ asked, “What are you running for?”the woman smilles. 2_____“I’m not running, I’m jogging,”she said, she continued 3_____ her slowly run through the park.. Everyday, in all kinds of 4_____the weather, thousands of men and women jog. Why has 5____ jogging -running slowly for long distances become sopopular? Most joggers begin because they hear it is a very 6____good exercise. Jogging make the heart stronger and helps 7_____people loss weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves. 8_____Many joggers feel that if they can succeed in 9_____jogging, they can succeed in other thing,also. 10___练习十:Mr Grey was a biology professor, and he had a big collectionof rare bones which he was very proud. One year he managed 1________to get a new and better job at an university. As MrGrey was 2________very busy, his wife made the arrangements〔安排〕for all her 3________possessions to be taken in a moving van〔货车〕to their new home 4_________while he was away from work. The following week three men started 5________out take the things out of MrGrey’s house and loading〔装运〕6_________them into the van as one of them brought out a large wooden box. 7________He is just about to throw it into the van with all the other 8_______things when Mrs Grey ran out from her house and said, “Please 9________treat that box very gentle! That one has all my husbans’s bones 10_______in it.”The man was so surprised that he nearly dropped the box on his feet.。

中考英语短文改错练习题40题含答案解析1. There is a book and two pens on the desk.A. is → areB. book → booksC. pens → penD. on → in答案解析:A 项错误,错误类型为主谓一致错误。
there be 句型遵循就近原则,后面紧跟的是a book,为单数,所以be 动词应该用is,不能改为are。
2. My parents and I am going to the park.A. am → areB. parents → parentC. going → goD. park → parks答案解析:A 项错误,错误类型为主谓一致错误。
主语是“My parents and I”,为复数,be 动词应该用are,不能用am。
3. The news are very important.A. are → isB. news → newsesC. very → soD. important → importance答案解析:A 项错误,错误类型为名词单复数错误与主谓一致错4. Two glass of water are on the table.A. glass → glassesB. of → forC. water → watersD. are → is答案解析:A 项错误,错误类型为名词单复数错误。
“两杯”应该是two glasses,glass 要用复数形式。
5. The teacher with his students have a picnic.A. have → hasB. with → andC. students → studentD. picnic → picnics答案解析:A 项错误,错误类型为主谓一致错误。
with 连接的主语,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致,the teacher 是单数,谓语动词用has,不能用have。

中考英语短文改错练习题40题带答案解析1. I have two book.答案:books。
前面有two,book 应该用复数形式books。
2. He go to school by bike every day.答案:goes。
句子描述的是习惯性的动作,应该用一般现在时,主语he 是第三人称单数,动词要用goes。
3. There are a lot of peoples in the park.答案:people。
people 本身就是复数概念,表示“人、人们”,不能加s。
涉及语法规则是people 的特殊用法。
4. She play basketball after school.答案:plays。
句子描述的是习惯性的动作,应该用一般现在时,主语she 是第三人称单数,动词要用plays。
5. My parent is a teacher.答案:parents。
parent 表示“父亲或母亲”,这里应该用parents 表示父母双方。
6. I have a good friend. She name is Lily.答案:Her。
修饰名词name 应该用形容词性物主代词her。
7. There is some book on the table.答案:books。
some 后面跟可数名词复数或不可数名词,这里book 应该用复数books。
涉及语法规则是some 的用法及可数名词单复数。
中考英语 短文改错专项练习(含答案)

( 每空只写一词,并不得改变原句意思。
)1.Dear Ms. Smith,I appreciate your help very well. On the first day of 56._______Camp, you came up to myself while I was sitting alone. After 57._______That, you always gave me specially attention and inspired58._______to me to join in activities. As a result, I gradually got to know59._______The other campers. Because the help you gave me that summer,60._______My life changed. I gained so much confidence that I go back61._______To school as new person. My grades improved. I became62._______Very active but made new friends. Today, I got a letter that 63._______Said I had been admitting to a college. I am proud of it. I just64._______Want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person.65._______Yours,Bob2.Dear John.Last summer I take a part-time job in the International 76.________Camp for children. I have been told one more worker 77.________will be needed this year and I think you are fit it. How 78.________about join as? The camp is at the foot of a small hill 79.________close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear 80.________birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in 81.________tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five 82.________hours a day, so we will have plenty of spare time visit the 83.________area and have a fun, I am sure it will be an unforgettable 84.________experience. If you have interests in it, reply to me soon. 85.________3.When a young man starts to earn his own living, hecan no longer expect others to pay his food, his clothes, 76.or his room, but he has to work till he wants to live 77. comfortable. If he spends most of his time playing 78. about in the way that he used to as a child, they will go 79. hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society that he used 80.to break the laws of his parents, he may go to the prison. 81.If, therefore, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has 82. better health, he can have the great happiness of seeing 83. himself to make steady progress in his job and of 84. building up for himself his own position in society. 85.4.Growing Up is not easy. Sometimes all that is need 76.________ is someone to rely on. For many years, she was Mum 77.________ My mother was a career woman and had her own 78.________ problems to take care, but when I needed her, she 79.________ was always there. Her strength came frond anywhere 80.________ I don't quite know, somewhere very deep. Shewas so strong that she would never break down, even while I 81.________ went to her with all my little-boy problems and shout 82.________ at her. Her strength made me stronger and gave to me 83.________ courage to try things other thought were impossible. A 84.________ helping hand is always stronger enough to lift you up. 85.________5.I am very excited to have accepted an e-mail from 76._________you. I'm glad you have made such a great progress 77._________ that you can write your e-mail good Chinese. I read 78._________ your e-mail to my parents and show them the photo you 79._________ sent it to me. How rime flies! Our friendship has lasted 80._________ for several months. We have got to know but learned a 81._________ lot from each other. Yes, it is clearly that your life in 82._________ your country is quite different from me. Thanks again 83._________ for writing to me. I'm looking forward to hear from 84._________ you soon. Best wishes to you and your family. 85._________6.Many students feel that a popular teacher must be kind 76.and easy going. He and she should make the class very77.active for joking with the students. However, the popular78.teacher is at same time the one who should be strict with79 students. Last year, my English teacher proved to be the more80popular in our school. She was usual patient with her students81.and never made them disappointed. She always stays in full82.control of the situations. She always made sure that our83. homework was finished on time, but she marked strictly84.on student’s actual performance.85.7.Dear Ming,It was very nice to hear from you for such a long time. I’m 76.______glad to learn that you’ve been settled down in Boston and are 77.______ getting used to the local ways of life. 78.______As you know, I’m still buried in books at school you are 79.______so familiar with. What may surprise you are that I’m going to 80.______the US this July in a summer camp! Surely I’m expecting lots 81.______of sightseeing tours, parties and another exciting things. We must 82.______ definitely meet when I’m over. As is planning, I’m coming 83.______to Boston around the 15th, and I wonder if you’ll free then so 84.______ we could chat about the good older days. 85.______ Hope to see you soon.8.Dear Anish,Here are the information about Manchester University. 76.__________ It is about 200 miles far away from London, and it 77._________ has a very big schoolyard. You can live in the school 78._________ or near the school. They have all sorts of course. 79._________ I’m sure you will find one you like it. I know you 80._________ are particular interested in Human Rights. So I will 81._________ see that there is anything on their website(网址)。

改错训练专项训练4One afternoon my father and me went fishing along a river. 1 We found the water too dirty that we could not see the bottom. 2 Wc also found rubbish and dead fish float on the water . That 3 afternoon my father catches only some small fish. 4 What did the fish in the river die for? That was because a lot of 5 factories along the river always emptied its waste water and rubbish 6 into the river, but the river got polluted. Thus, most of the fish in 7 the river were killed .If all the rivers throughout the country are polluted like this, all 8 living things in the water will killed. Clean water is very important 9 to life. We expect that water in every river will be made more 10 cleaner and cleaner before long.5I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1 next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2 with other people who likes to play. They are teaching 3 me the most important rule and techniques of the game, 4 and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5 neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6 One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7 improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against 8 one of the best teams in the city , and I think we can 9 beat them if wc won't make any mistakes . 106We were late as usual . My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself. When we 1 realized how he couldn't manage, he asked me for help. 2 But now we had only an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, 3 there were not many more cars or buses on the road and we 4 were able to get here just in time. We checked in and went 5 straight to the big hall to wait for our flight be called, 6 but no announcement is made. A girl there told us the plane 7 hadn't come yet. In the end , there came an announcement told 8 us that the passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get the 9 free meal and that the plane hadn't left London for some 10 technical problems.7American people have a habit saying H Thank you” 1 whenever something kind is done for them and something 2 polite is said to them , no matter what easy or common the 3thing is. The habit is shared by people of other country. 4You should say ” Thank you” when someone pass you the 5salt on the table , when someone steps aside to let you to 6pass in a narrow road, when someone walking ahead keeps 7the door opening for you, when someone says your work 8was well done, or you have brought a nice thing, or you are 9 pretty today morning, or your city is very beautiful. 108It would be difficult to imagine modern life with 1the telephone. It has become an useful instrument of 2communication, save much time and travel by enabling 3people to talk to one another over great distances. 4Nowadays it is as easy to talk cross a continent, 5or even overseas, it is to talk to one's next-door 6neighbor. Therefore, it is in emergencies 7which the telephone really proves its usefulness. When 8there is a fire , and when someone is suddenly ill, the 9first thing one thinks of it is H Where is the nearest telephone?11109Last summer I spent a two-weeks vacation at my aunfs. 1 She lived in the small mountain village, with a river running 2nearby. Early one morning, I wanted to swim in the river, which 3some woman villagers were washing clothes, 1 found a good place 4 for swimming. I was just about to jump into the river while there 5 came a cry, ” Help ! Help!” I looked at in the direction of the 6cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the 7river, I rushed over without delay Jumped into the 8water swam quickly towards the boy. Holding on to him over 9 the water, he struggled to the bank. As last, the boy was saved. 10101 received your letter dated April 16 the day before 1yesterday. Every of our family are greatly delighted to 2Icam whether you arc getting along very well with your 3lessons. Time passes quickly. In dozens of day, you'll 4finish middle school. What please us most is that you 5do very good to make up your mind to enter for the college 6 entrance examination this summer. What wonderful 7it is! Dad, as well as Mom and I, arc with you. Wc 8wish you to make better use your time . The fuller preparations 9if you make, the surer of success you'll certainly be. 10(1)1 - warm —warmth 2. 去掉 being 5. them 一it 6. area —areas 7.寸10. much 一many(2) 1. countryside 前加 the 2,去掉 that 5. terribly —terrible 6. Look —Looking9. V 10. tree —trees 3. knowing-known 4. world 前加 the去掉 hardly 9. suggested —suggest 3. polluted 前加 beenpersuade ——persuaded 4.our —their8.kept —keep (7)1. habit 后加 of 2 and —or6.去掉let 后的to 7 J(3)1. but —and 2 在 not 后面加 been 3. J 4.去掉 the 5. with —of6. 去掉 to look 中的 to7. want —wanted8. gardener —gardeners 或 a gardener9. very —much 或 very much 10. it —they (4)1. me ——I2. too —to3. float ——floating4. catches ——caught5. for —of6. its ——their7. but —and 8. J 9. will 后加 be 10.去掉 more(5)1. 去掉 in2. more 一much3.likes 一like4. rule 一rules 5 去掉 the6. play 一plays 7・ rest 前加 the 8. improved 一improve 9 J 10. won't —don't(6)1. wc —he2. how —that3. But —And 4 .去掉 more 5 here 一there6 be 前加 to7 is -was 8.told 一telling 9 第二个 the —a 10 V3. what —how4. country 一countries5. pass —passes 8. opening ——open 9 was ——is 10 today —this(8)1. with —without2. an -a3. save ——saving4. V5. cross —across6. it 前加 as7. Therefore 一However8. which 一that9. and —or10. 去掉it(9)1. two-weeks —two-week2. the —a3. which — where4. womanwomen5. while —when6.去掉 at7.去掉 been8. V9. swam 前加 and 10. he 一I(10)1. V2. Every —All3. whether —that4. day —days5. please —pleases6. good —well7. What —How8. are-*is9. use 后加 of 10.去掉 if。

初三英语短文改错试题答案及解析1.【1】Be quick ! Someone arewaiting for you at the school gate . ( )__________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为is。
【2】I can’t see the words on the blackboard clear. ( )_________A B C D【答案】D错误,改为clearly.【解析】副词修饰动词,根据句意,我看不清黑板上的单词,故D错误,改为clearly.【3】 It took my three daysto finish the work. ( )_________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为me.【解析】动词和介词后加人称代词的宾格形式,故B错误,改为me.【4】 Playing computer games are bad for your eyes. ( )_________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为 is.【解析】动名词或动名词短语做主语看做单数,故B错误,改为 is.【5】It’s twenty minute’s walk from here to the park.( )________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为minutes’【解析】二十分钟是复数,所以在S后加撇。
故B错误,改为minutes’【6】 Can't you remembertell me that the other day? ( )________A B C D【答案】A错误,改为couldn’t【解析】过去的时间,所以用过去时态,故A错误,改为couldn’t【7】 Would you please speaksomethingabout your family?( )________A B C D【答案】B错误,改为say.【解析】请说一些关于你的家庭的事情好吗?speak,讲,不及物动词,say,说,及物动词,后加说的内容,故B错误,改为say.【8】The populationof Zhengzhou is fewer than that of Beijing. ( )________A B C D【答案】C错误,改为smaller.【解析】广东的人口比北京的人口少,说人口的多少用big,small.,故C错误,改为smaller.【9】Not hadstudied his lessons well, he failed in the exam. ( )________A B C D【答案】A错误,改为having.【解析】没有学好课程,所以他考试失败了。

初中英语短文改错练习一:I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1.England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2.I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3.home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4.do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5.I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6.living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7.and travel around the country. My work is very 8.interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9.about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10.【答案解析】1.将 come 改为 been。
come 是终止性动词,不与时间段连用。
2.将 ask 改为 asking。
3.在 when 前加 and。
when 引导的从句与 how long 引导的从句是两个并列的宾语从句(作 asking 的宾语)。
4.将 of 改为 to。
在 answer, key, way, entrance 等名词后,习惯上用介词 to。
5.在 return 前加 will。
注意:不要误以为 when 引导的是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时。
事实上,when 引导的是宾语从句。
6.去掉 back 或将 return 改为 go。

八年级英语短文改错练习题40题(答案解析)1. I have two book.A. two books答案解析:名词单复数错误。
book 应改为books,因为前面有two 表示两本书。
2. He go to school by bike every day.A. goes to school答案解析:动词时态错误。
go 应改为goes,因为主语he 是第三人称单数,且句子表示每天的习惯性动作,要用一般现在时。
3. There are five apple on the table.A. five apples答案解析:名词单复数错误。
apple 应改为apples,因为前面有five 表示五个苹果。
4. She like apples very much.A. likes apples答案解析:动词时态错误。
like 应改为likes,因为主语she 是第三人称单数,且句子表示一般性的喜好,要用一般现在时。
5. I have a good friend. He have many hobbies.A. He has many hobbies.答案解析:动词时态错误。
have 应改为has,因为主语he 是第三人称单数,要用一般现在时。
6. There is some book on the shelf.A. There are some books on the shelf.答案解析:名词单复数错误。
book 应改为books,因为前面有some 表示一些书,要用复数形式。
7. My sister go shopping yesterday.A. My sister went shopping yesterday.答案解析:动词时态错误。
go 应改为went,因为句子中有yesterday,表示过去的时间,要用一般过去时。
8. I have three pencil.A. I have three pencils.答案解析:名词单复数错误。

改错训练专项训练4One afternoon my father and me went fishing along a river. 1 ________ We found the water too dirty that we could not see the bottom. 2 ________ We also found rubbish and dead fish float on the water . That 3 ________ afternoon my father catches only some small fish. 4 ________ What did the fish in the river die for? That was because a lot of 5 ________ factories along the river always emptied its waste water and rubbish 6 ________ into the river, but the river got polluted. Thus, most of the fish in 7 ________ the river were killed .If all the rivers throughout the country are polluted like this, all 8 ________ living things in the water will killed. Clean water is very important 9 ________ to life. We expect that water in every river will be made more 10 ________ cleaner and cleaner before long.5I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1 ________ next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2 ________ with other people who likes to play. They are teaching 3 ________ me the most important rule and techniques of the game, 4 ________ and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5 ________ neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6 ________ One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7 ________ improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against 8 ________ one of the best teams in the city , and I think we can 9 ________ beat them if we won't make any mistakes . 10 ________ 6We were late as usual . My husband had insisted onwatering the flowers in the garden by himself. When we 1 ________ realized how he couldn't manage, he asked me for help. 2 ________ But now we had only an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, 3 ________ there were not many more cars or buses on the road and we 4 ________ were able to get here just in time. We checked in and went 5 ________ straight to the big hall to wait for our flight be called, 6 ________ but no announcement is made. A girl there told us the plane 7 ________ hadn't come yet. In the end , there came an announcement told 8 ________ us that the passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get the 9 ________ free meal and that the plane hadn't left London for some 10 ________ technical problems.7American people have a habit saying " Thank you" 1 ________ whenever something kind is done for them and something 2 ________ polite is said to them , no matter what easy or common the 3 ________thing is. The habit is shared by people of other country. 4 ________ You should say " Thank you" when someone pass you the 5 ________ salt on the table , when someone steps aside to let you to 6 ________ pass in a narrow road, when someone walking ahead keeps 7 ________ the door opening for you, when someone says your work 8 ________ was well done, or you have brought a nice thing, or you are 9 ________ pretty today morning, or your city is very beautiful. 10 ________8It would be difficult to imagine modern life with 1 ________ the telephone. It has become an useful instrument of 2 ________ communication, save much time and travel by enabling 3 ________ people to talk to one another over great distances. 4 ________ Nowadays it is as easy to talk cross a continent, 5 ________ or even overseas, it is to talk to one's next-door 6 ________ neighbor. Therefore, it is in emergencies 7 ________ which the telephone really proves its usefulness. When 8 ________ there is a fire , and when someone is suddenly ill , the 9 ________ first thing one thinks of it is " Where is the nearest telephone?" 10 ________9Last summer I spent a two-weeks vacation at my aunt's. 1 ________ She lived in the small mountain village, with a river running 2 ________ nearby. Early one morning, I wanted to swim in the river, which 3 ________ some woman villagers were washing clothes, I found a good place 4 ________ for swimming. I was just about to jump into the river while there 5 ________ came a cry, " Help ! Help!" I looked at in the direction of the 6 ________ cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the 7 ________ river, I rushed over without delay, jumped into the 8 ________ water swam quickly towards the boy. Holding on to him over 9 ________ the water, he struggled to the bank. As last, the boy was saved. 10 ________10I received your letter dated April 16 the day before 1 ________ yesterday. Every of our family are greatly delighted to 2 ________ learn whether you are getting along very well with your 3 ________ lessons. Time passes quickly. In dozens of day, you'll 4 ________ finish middle school. What please us most is that you 5 ________ do very good to make up your mind to enter for the college 6 ________ entrance examination this summer. What wonderful 7 ________ it is! Dad, as well as Mom and I , are with you. We 8 ________ wish you to make better use your time . The fuller preparations 9 ________ if you make, the surer of success you'll certainly be. 10 ________(1)1.warm—warmth 2. 去掉being 3. knowing-known 4. world前加the5. them—it6. area—areas7.√8.去掉hardly9. suggested—suggest10. much—many(2)1.countryside 前加the 2. 去掉that 3. polluted 前加been 4.our—their5. terribly—terrible6. Look—Looking7. persuade—persuaded8. kept—keep9.√10. tree—trees(3)1.but—and 2 在not后面加been 3. √4.去掉the 5. with—of6.去掉to look 中的to 7. want—wanted 8. gardener—gardeners或a gardener9. very—much 或very much 10. it—they(4)1.me—I 2. too—to 3. float—floating 4. catches—caught 5. for—of 6. its—their 7. but—and 8.√ 9. will 后加 be 10. 去掉more(5)1.去掉in 2. more—much 3.likes—like 4. rule—rules 5 去掉the6. play—plays7. rest前加the8. improved—improve 9√10. won’t—don’t(6)1.we—he 2. how—that 3. But—And 4 .去掉more 5 here—there 6 be 前加to 7 is –was 8.told—telling 9 第二个the—a 10√(7)1. habit 后加of 2 and—or 3. what—how 4. country—countries 5. pass—passes6. 去掉let后的to 7√ 8. opening—open 9 was—is 10 today—this(8)1. with—without2. an –a3. save—saving4.√5. cross—across6. it前加 as7. Therefore—However8. which—that9. and—or10. 去掉it(9)1. two-weeks→two-week2. the →a3. which→ where4. woman→women5. while→when6. 去掉at7. 去掉been8. √9. swam前加 and 10. he→I (10)1.√2. Every→All 3. whether→that 4. day→days 5. please→pleases6. good→well7. What→How8. are→is9. use后加of 10.去掉if。
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练习一:I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. __________I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3. __________home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. __________do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. __________I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9. __________ about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________ 【答案解析】1. 将come改为been。
2. 将ask改为asking。
3. 在when前加and。
when引导的从句与how long引导的从句是两个并列的宾语从句(作asking的宾语)。
4. 将of改为to。
在answer, key, way, entrance等名词后,习惯上用介词to。
5. 在return前加will。
6. 去掉back或将return改为go。
因为return=go back。
7. 此行正确。
8. 将travel改为traveling。
因为traveling与meeting并列,作enjoy 的宾语。
9. 将interested改为interesting。
表示某事物“令人……的”用-ing 形容词;-ed形容词则表示某人“感到……的”。
10. 将it改为them。
因为此处是指many things。
练习二:Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____car phone, or we send to each other. 9. _____We’re really luck. Ther e are so many ways 10. ____we can keep in touch with each other.【答案解析】1. all改为both。
2. when改为and或while。
3. look改为see。
4. 去掉keep或把we’re改为we。
所以去掉keep或去掉are,5. telling改为tell。
6. happened改为happening。
7. phone前加the。
因为on the phone是习语,意为“用(交谈)”。
8. Sometime改为Sometimes。
9. 此行正确。
10. luck改为lucky。
练习三:We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. _____sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. _____to change for it in a few years’ tim e for a bigger 5. _____one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. _____a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. _____big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. _____be bad for our eyes. Anyway, we’d better to ma ke 9. _____quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____【答案解析】1. in改为into。
2. and改为but。
3. a改为the。
4. 此行正确。
5. 去掉第一个for。
“把A物换成B物”的英语表达是change A for B。
6. no改为not。
7. said改为says。
8. they改为it。
这里指的是the big television。
9. 去掉to。
had better后接动词原形。
10. quick前加a。
make a decision意为“作出决定”。
练习四:Thank you for your offer invite me to the free 1. __________ summer English course in your school. As for my 2. __________choice of the two courses, I’d prefer the five-weeks 3. __________ course for 50 hours. This would allows me more 4. __________time to see your beautiful country while learned 5. __________language. I’d like to do some traveling and make 6. __________a few new friends. In all the subjects I’m learning 7. __________at school, I like English best. I hope me to take this 8. __________ chance to improve my spoken English level as much 9. __________ as possibly. I believe I will have a wonderful time 10. _________ in England this summer.【答案解析】1. 把invite改为inviting。
2. 此行正确。
3. 把five-weeks改为five-week。
4. 把allows改为allow。
在助动词will, would及情态动词can, may, must 等后面,永远要用动词原形。
5. 把learned改为learning。
while learning=while I’m learning。
6. 在language前加the。
7. 把In改为Of。
8. 去掉me。
主语希望自己做某事,直接用hope to do sth,事实上,也不能用hope sb to do sth这一句型。
9. 去掉level。
10. 把possibly改为possible。
as…as possible(尽……)是习语。
练习五:I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. __________He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. __________ hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was 3. __________young, he is used to tell me the importance of study. 4. __________ Father knows little about English and other subjects, 5. __________ but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. __________to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. __________ but also very strict in me. With his help, I’ve mad e 8. __________ great progress. I’ll never to forget what he taught 9. __________me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _________ 【答案解析】1.was 改为 is。