

人教版高中英语Book 5 Unit 5 Reading 教学课件 (共23张PPT)

人教版高中英语Book 5 Unit 5 Reading 教学课件 (共23张PPT)
treatment for burns?
You have_t_h_r_e_e___ layers of skin that protect
yourself from diseases, poisons and the harmful
_r_a_y_s_ from the sun. First aid is a very important step in thet_r_e_a_tm__e_n_t(treat).People can get b_u_r_n_e_d___ by many things, like hot liquids, steam,
Scanning for detailed information
1. What can skin do for our body ? 2.How can we get burned? 3.How many types of burns are there?
Do you know their own characteristics? 4.Do you know the steps of first aid
fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. Tof burns. They are called first
degree, second degree or third degree burns,
depending on _w_h_i_c_h___ layers are burned.
1. Think about the four situations given on Pages 35 and 36 .If necessary,you can surf the related information on the following websites.

高中英语 Unit5 Reading课件 新人教版必修1

高中英语 Unit5 Reading课件 新人教版必修1

He needed to get a Elias’ problem because he wanted to passbook
continue doing his work.
The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandelal in the form
in the middle of 1900s
South Africa
Characters Elias & Mandela
How Mandela helped Elias and black people in South Africa.
1) They couldn’t vote or choose their leaders 2) They couldn’t get the jobs they wanted. 3) They lived in the poorest parts of South
The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.
1.How did Mandela help
HEeliatosl?d Elias how to get the correct papers, so Elias could stay in Johannesburg.
2.What unfair situation did black people face in South Africa?
A timeline of Elias’ life

人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit5 Reading (共29张PPT).ppt

人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit5 Reading (共29张PPT).ppt

4 Read the first aid treatments for these burns. If the treatment is right, write R in the brackets. If it is wrong, write W in the brackets and explain why. Then give the correct treatment.
Make a dialogue
First degree Second degree Third degreeburnburnburn
First aid treatment for burns
• Take off clothing and jewellery near the burn
• Cool burns immediately with cool water. • Place cool ,clean, wet cloth on the first,
4. After an hour in the sun, Lily noticed her arms were red and hurt a bit. She went home and put them under cool running water. R
1. Learn the text by heart and try to find out some important or difficult words and expressions.
2. Causes of burns
You can get burnt by : _h_o_t _li_q_u_i_d_s_ _st_e_a_m______ _fi_r_e_______ _ra_d__ia_t_io_n___ _th_e__su__n____ _el_e_c_tr_i_c_it_y__ _ch__em__i_c_a_ls__

人教版高中英语Book 5 Unit 5 Reading教学课件 (共27张PPT) (1)

人教版高中英语Book 5 Unit 5 Reading教学课件 (共27张PPT) (1)

second degree burns
dry, red and B mildly swollen…
third degree burns
black and white C and charred…
Part 5 First aid treatment
1. _T_a_k_e_o_f_f_ clothing and jewelry near the burns.
can’t carry disease.
5. What should we do if we find a person whose leg is bleeding?
A. Tie a piece of cloth round the leg above the bleeding point.
B. Press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handkerchief.
serious. 4. Burns are divided into three
degrees according to the degree of pain.
5. Put cold water on any burns to cool them.
6. Don’t rub the burns. 7. It’s better that you put some butter
Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such situations?
How much do you know about First Aid ?
True or False


Unit 5 First Aid
Unit 5 First aid
Words review
aid n. & vt. 帮助;援助
temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的
injury n. 损害;伤害 bleed vi. & vt. 流血 ankle n. 踝 (关节) choke vi. & vt. (使) 噎住;
I. skimming
In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.
__3___ the three types of burns __5___ what to do if someone gets burned __1___ the purpose of skin __4___ the symptoms of burns __2___ how we get burns
(使) 窒息
skin n. 皮;皮肤 organ n. 器官 barrier n. 屏障;障碍物
poison n. 毒药;毒害 vt.毒害;使中毒
ray n. 光线;射线 complex adj. 复杂的
variety n. 变化;多样化
liquid n. 液体
radiation n. 辐射;射线 mild adj. 轻微的;温和的
What has happened to them? What can you do to help?
a snake bite
1. Lay the person down and keep him still. 2. Do not wash the venom (毒液) off the skin. (it will help identify the type of snake) 3. Apply pressure to the bitten part with your


[判断题]各种储蓄存款计息,以本金元为起息点,元以下角分一律不计息。A.正确B.错误 [单选]用户登录了网络系统,越权使用网络信息资源,这属于()。A.身份窃取B.非授权访问C.数据窃取D.破坏网络的完整性 [问答题,简答题]简述企业选配培训教师的基本标准有哪些。(2012年5月二级真题) [单选]不属于仓库的主要作业的是货品的()A.入库作业B.在库管理C.包装作业D.出库作业 [单选]对一个四线组来说,()在红线的顺时针方向时,该端为A端。A.绿线B.兰线C.绿组D.兰组 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项不符合典型心绞痛的疼痛特点()A.发作性胸骨体上段或心前区疼痛B.劳累或情绪激动时发作C.性质为胸部紧缩感或烧灼感D.持续时间长、像针刺刀扎样痛E.可放射至左肩及左上肢 [单选]若C1j表示品种的储存成本,C2j表示j品种的订购成本,Aj表示j品种的需求量,则多品种条件下的经济批量模型Qj为:()。A.B.C.D. [问答题,简答题]使用维护过程中遇到难于解决的问题或出现异常情况如何和厂家取得联系? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗亚硝酸盐食物中毒的特效药物是()。A.美蓝B.二巯基丙醇C.亚硝酸异戊酯D.硫代硫酸钠E.亚硝酸钠 [单选]关于尿道恶性肿瘤的临床特点,正确的是()A.发病年龄50~60岁,男性发病率低于女性B.长期慢性炎症刺激是重要的诱因C.病理分为覃状型、环状狭窄型和溃疡型三型D.进行性排尿困难和尿道滴血是两大主要症状E.以上都是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]红细胞糖代谢比例何者是正确的()A.无氧酵解10%,己糖旁路90%B.无氧酵解90%,己糖旁路10%C.无氧酵解30%,己糖旁路70%D.无氧酵解70%,己糖旁路30%E.无氧酵解和己糖旁路各50% [填空题]测量计算的基准面是()。 [单选]下列哪项是感染性休克的早期



Detailed reading:
1. What can skin do for our body? • Protect us against diseases,
poisons and the sun’s harmful rays. •Keep us warm or cool. •Prevent us from losing water. •Give us sense of touch.
6. We should make sure the bandage T won’t stick to the skin when it is used.
7. If burns are on the face, we should make the victim lie down. F
Read the text and answer these questions.
4. If you are burned, you must remove clothing even if it is stuck to the burn. F
5. Sometimes, we can put oil or F ointments on burns to stop the infection.
She will have bad burns.
3. What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation? Cool the area of skin; wash it under
the cold running water. Cover the wound with
3. Types of burn First degree burns top a day or two mild touch Second degree burns both serious heal severe liquids

精选高中 Unit5Reading (共16张PPT)公开PPT课件

精选高中 Unit5Reading (共16张PPT)公开PPT课件

•摇撼奋进翰墨大跃进贺喜 国在在晨露国枯老糊涂脘赤裸显示 • 之前有个网友说自己现在紧张得不得了 ,获得 了一个 大公司 的面试 机会, 很不想 失去这 个机会 ,一天 只吃一 顿饭在 恶补基 础知识 。不禁 要问, 之前做 什么去 了?机 会当真 就那么 少?在 我看来 到处都 是机会 ,关键 看你是 否能抓 住。运 气并非 偶然, 运气都 是留给 那些时 刻准备 着的人 的。只 有不断 的积累 知识, 不断的 进步。 当机会 真的到 来的时 候,一 把抓住 。相信 学习真 的可以 改变一 个人的 运气。

时 现 镜 有


戴 。
是 东

以 的
•■ 电 你 是 否 有 这 样 经 历 , 当 你 在 做 某 一 项 工 作 和 学 习 的 时 候 , 脑 子 里 经 常 会 蹦 出 各 种 不 同 的 需 求 。 比 如 你 想 安 心 下 来 看 2 小 时 的 书 , 大 脑 会 蹦 出 口 渴 想 喝 水 , 然 后 喝 水 的 时 候 自 然 的 打 开 电 视 。 。 。 。 。 。 , 一 个 小 时 过 去 了 , 可 能 书 还 没 看 2 页 。 很 多 时 候 甚 至 你 自 己 都 没 有 意 思 到 , 你 的 大 脑 不 停 地 超 控 你 的 注 意 力 , 你 就 这 么 轻 易 的 被 你 的 大 脑 所 左 右 。 你 已 经 不 知 不 觉 地 变 成 了 大 脑 的 奴 隶 。 尽 管 你 在 用 它 思 考 , 但 是 你 要 明 白 你 不 应 该 隶 属 于 你 的 大 脑 , 而 应 该 是 你 拥 有 你 的 大 脑 , 并 且 应 该 是 你 可 以 控 制 你 的 大 脑 才 对 。 一 切 从 你 意 识 到 你 可 以 控 制 你 的 大 脑 的 时 候 , 会 改 变 你 的 很 多 东 西 。 比 如 控 制 你 的 情 绪 , 无 论 身 处 何 种 境 地 , 都 要 明 白 自 己 所

高三英语 unit5 Warming up and reading课件 人教版

高三英语 unit5 Warming up and reading课件 人教版
5.In what way do ads introduce new products? 6. Why are some well-known persons names as
spokesmen or spokeswomen? 7.What are “bait-and- switch” ads? 8.How can we be smart customers?
mouthpiece influence ……
What information do you think ads can give you?
( ) Price
( ) Feature
) Weight and size
( )Reasons why you should buy the computer
Listen to the tape and choose the best answer.
1) The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . A. managers through broadcast B. leaders by radios C. firms by printed notices D. people in various ways.
3.When was the first commercials on radio? In about 1920.
4.When was the first commercial on TV? After World War 2.
slogan designer
broadcast mislead promote brand

《Unit 5 Reading and Thinking》教学课件【高中英语人教版】

《Unit 5 Reading and Thinking》教学课件【高中英语人教版】
To be open.
4. Do you agree with “The secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about?”
Look at these jobs and then decide on which work personality type they most closely relate to. Add more jobs to each category.
Try to summarize the main idea in one sentence.
There are many career aptitude tests which play an important part in choosing our careers.
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
Would you like to take a career aptitude test? Why or why not?What could be some problems with this sort of test? What other things could you do to help you decide on possible future careers?
1. What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which career may be right for you?

高中英语 Unit5 Reading课件2 新人教版选修10

高中英语 Unit5 Reading课件2 新人教版选修10

4. How do they make effective ads?(
A. identify their target B. appeal to their target C. use a cheap medium D. use visual medium
) A.B
Divide the text into four parts.
7) Please attach this label _to_ your suitcase.
1.Underline some difficult points.
2.Preview the passage on page 48.
C. to educate the bad guys D. to fool people
3. Where do they advertise?( A.B.C).D.F
A. on buses
B. on the radio
C. on the Internet D. on billboards
E. on our textbook F. on our clothes
Answers: P45. Learning about language
1. Complete the summary of the reading passage using words from the text. educate; appeal; target; budget; media; expense.
C. Why do advertisers often use the “Buy one get one free” message? People love a bargain and like buying the product if they think they are getting something for free.
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