



《高级英语英语写作》试卷bine the following sentences in each set below into a single sentence, using either dependent clauses or phrases. (5×2 points)1a. The doctor was taking the patient’s temperature.b. Suddenly a rock came crashing through the window.Answer:_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2a. The fraternity members all over campus carried banners.b. They matched back and forth tirelessly.c. Their signs called for an end for building nuclear reactors.Answer:______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________3 a. The scientific establishment believes that the earth was formed 10—15 billionyears agob. It was formed after an explosion.c. This explosion set the universe in motion.Answer:_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________4 a Quite a few years ago a stranger came in and bought our small valley.b. This is where the redwood grew.c. At that time I was living in a little town.d. The little town was on the west coastAnswer:_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________5 a. Most people believed that the earth was roughly 6000 years old.b. This idea was based on the information on the Bible.c. It was accepted until the beginning of the 19th century.d. At that time geologists and naturalists began to suspect something.e. What they suspected was that the earth must have existed for a longer period oftime.Answer:_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ II Fill in the blanks with the necessary particles. (10×1 point)1.Go to bed at once. You look done __ __ and worn __ __.2.Nobody really expected him to get __ __that illness.3.It took a long time, but at last the enemy was beaten__ __.4.She was almost frozen when she came back. She sat still, sipping a cup of coffee,letting the blessed warmth of it reach __ __her body.5.If I stay in this place much longer I’ll go __ __ my head.6.I hadn’t seen him for five years and then I ran __ __ him yesterday at the barbers.7.We’ve finished __ __ this book, so you can keep it if you like.8.He let __ __ his breath as soon as he saw that the aircraft was safely down on theearth.9.The manager says that we can’t take__ __any new orders till we’ve deal __ __the ones we have in hand.10. Mr. Smith hasn’t got a phone on his desk but if you’ll hold __ __a moment I’ll bring him to this one.III Reading the following passages and answer the questions set on them. (10 points)⑴I deny not, but that it is of greatest concernment for the Common wealth and church, to have vigilant eyes how books demean themselves as well as men; and thereafter to confine, imprison, and do sharpest justice on them as male- factors. For books are not absolutely dead things but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are: nay, they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them. I know they are as lively, and as vigorously productive, as those fabulous dragons’ teeth, and beingsown up and down, may chance to spring up armed men. And yet, on the other hand, unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image, but he who destroy a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were, in the eye.Questions: What is the central idea of this passage?How does the author develop this idea?Answer______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________⑵It is not the mere addition to our knowledge that is the illumination; but the locomotion, the movement onwards, of that mental centre, to which both what we know, and what we are learning, the accumulating mass of our acquirements, gravitates. And therefore a truly great intellect, and recognized to be such by the common opinion of mankind, such as the intellect of Aristotle, or of St. Thomas, or of Newton, or of Goethe is one which takes a connected view of old and new, past and present, far and near, and which has an insight into the influence of all these one on another; without which there is no whole, and no centre. It possesses the knowledge, not only of things, but also of their mutual and true relations; knowledge, not merely considered as acquirement, but as philosophy. Accordingly, when this analytical, distributive, harmonizing process is away, the mind experiences no enlargement, and is not reckoned as enlightened or comprehensive, whatever it may add to its knowledge. For instance, a great memory, as I have already said, does not make a philosopher, any more than a dictionary can be called a grammar. There are men who embrace in their minds a vast multitude of ideas, but with little sensibility about their real relations towards each other. These may be antiquarians, annalists, naturalists; they may be learned in the law; they may be versed in statistics; they are most useful in their own place; I should shrink from speaking disrespectfully of them;still, there is nothing in such attainments to guarantee the absence of narrowness of mind. If they are nothing more than well-read men, or men of information, they have not what specially deserves the name of culture of mind, or fulfils the type of Liberal Education.Questions: What is the central idea of this passage?How does the author develop this idea?Answer______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ IV. The following expository Chinese passage uses analogy to persuade the readers to show gumption before adversity, equanimity after misfortune. Translate it into English, using proper English hypotactic syntactic devices—subordination of clauses and phrases. (20 points)人类在历史上的生活正好像旅行一样,旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》2028-2029期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359)Part 1 Vocabulary and StriKture | 10 points.Question% i—5 art based on the following Uuk.Dircctlanvi lhe appropriate words or cxprcssfonn from the tx>x to complete the followinK plinixruph. Ilirrr arc IliRKE evtni choirn that you don * t nrcd t Write your uiuwcr on the Answer SheetMy pArrnu played nn imporinnt ([) in my cducationnl development by hrlping mr in boih mAtcriol and、pirhud wny、to become fhr person th/it 1 Am today» They rnixrd my older brothrrsi and sitters (hey would g ■ Rood rxumple for me tind the other youngrhildrcn. Thry boughi vnnauB bookN (hAt helped tnr bci-ome A h/irdworking Rtuclrnl and a good rr/idcn They nUo 《3) me to experirneeM Muchvwrations and museum trip* that cnlnrHrd my pt-r^|>ectivr on life. _(4)_ ・ ihry looked CMrcfully nt my nXMaiination rrnultit in uchfxjl in order to motivate mr alwnyM to do my br«i. (5) • I owe all of my positivequahtirn io the efforts of my pnrenuA action Bt RAmr C roleA. resulting in 11 because (\ in such A way ihntA> exptwd K enabled C- providedA. Next H. In addition C Except thatA. In short K I MI G ToullyPart 2 PnruKneph (>n:flniznHon and hrwlupment [ 10 poinu ) Q U ZS IH 6 一8 urr ha^cd on the foIhminK tusk.(15 points)Rcntl the Introductory pnrxgrnph of un Choose the bwt uiiswcr to each(|ucsli(m t Write your nnswer A. B or C on the Answer ShccteWithout thr Internet« you would not be reading thm< There would be no woy to inAiantly (ind ihr nomc of rhe movie your hvoritr nctor was in five years ago or how much it CIJ M A to (ly tu Puerto Ruo^ ShoppinK retjuired going out in bad weather and terrible crowds You pnul your bilh by nendinK " leitcr through lhe posrol service lodayt with A couple a( clicks> you enn go Anywhere in thr world withnut lenving your computer. So you uhould not be surprmed th«t the Internet (m we know it) headlined the top 25 innovntions of the post quarter century • according TO a pnnei of technology leadeni.6. What type* a( introduction in thin?A. Defimtion/Explanatian.B. Prablcm Solution.C Setting the Scene.7 Which can Mrrvr AS thcuig Btaternent fur the zmy?A. -Shopping required Moing out in bod weather and terrible crowds.-B "Todfly, wuh■ col,P|c“f MckL you cun go anywhere in the world with outIrAving your computer. “"So you jihould not br thnt ibr Internet《邸wr know it) henrtlmnl ihr top 25innovnHw al I hr |)aMt quArtcr century • ncnirding ro n |Mncl of tcchTiah^y Inidmk "& Why doe. the writer u?te the rxnfnplc^ of chopping« findinK the tinrnc of nn Acfor. nnd poynig your bill”A. r()nhow how the Inirrnci ha» mndr some rhiriKM rosy.K To advcrhKr the COM of the Internet.C. Fo »how drnwbackn of the IntcrneLQm^tion 9 ( omplcfe the second pnniKruph by addinK supporllnic detnils. (25 poinK)•Hcod lhe lillr und lhe following panigrnphM first before you ctxnplrlr the ta»k.•Mulct %ure yatir tone :md the vncMbulary you use arc In unity with the rtkvunl pamKri*ph«L•Write about 60 KO worth. Write your answer on lhe Answer SheetMy Opinion on Campus DisciplineIn rermt years. univrrMtirn In < hinn have fried to admit more »tudrntR< While meeting pnhhc cknmnd (or higher cdiiCAiion> lheg iintvcrMticB are usually troubled with various problrmatte bt hnvior^ i)n the Mtudrnts f parit such nn 止中pin- rbuie nnd rntinR breakfnMi in thr rlsBnroomi 1 o dm I with t hc^r problcmn> many universitien earned out more strict di»ciplmca> Though many studentu arc nHninjit ihem. I believe thru these(JiAciphnt9 arc neceMjiary nnd hclpfu).卜irsl. these (h^ciphnt?^ urc nect^^nry io establish A proper environment lor rcjvrhiDg and leArning« (Add supporting dctnlla hm ) _____________________________ _____________ __________________Second• rhexe disciplines nrc ncccMsnry to prep/irc student» for thnr future enrrern- I Irarfird from n (nend that a mdum from A key univcrRHy wns (ired brcwiiRr hr hm! nut lollnwrd thr compnny9^ diftdpltne of nuf coming to oilier Intei and he udmittrd that he had been lutr (or chnn (rrqurntly when he wm at univer^hy. Il ran br ftccn thnf J fliudrnlfi do not ruliivnte * sennr ol dt ndpiinc nt “hod. they might hnvr various fuilurcA in their lulurr workPart 3 Writinx un E«Miy [50 point*]Quotlon 1() Write nn essay on Ihr folhming topicSome pri j *b I “ h c di.tanct?【BEing is an idyl w” of |fearrun|(. T。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语听说(2)》2021-2022期末试题及答案(试卷号:1356) Section One (20 points, 2 pointe each)Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill In the blanks with the word,you hear Write the words on the Answer Sheet.Jeffi Come in!Mari t Am 1 interrupting?Jtf/1 lt f s OK. I w»!i just catching up on my blog.Mari > Oh yeah? What's it (1) _____________ ?Jef f: Mostly it's about hip-hop. Like here f s a comment from a guy rumed Hasan talking about• let see… hip-hop in IstanbulMari j In Turkey? Turkish hip-hop?Jef f: Surc< And he re* s one from my friend Hiroshi• rhe drummer in Tokyo>Mari t Hmm. Maybe (2) ____________ should start a blog about learning English^Jr//: Welk a great way io meet (3) __________________ people• for sure- And all you needis nn Internet connectionMari: WclL (4) ____________ of the Internet• 1 wan ted to ask your advice about something.Jeff t OK. WhmZ up?Mari i Well, ! just got my cell phone bill for last month# and it was $ 160!Jefft Ouch.Mari t Yeah. I can't (5) _____________ it> Cell phone calls are 50 expensive hereJef f i Are they cheaper in Japan?Mari: Much cheaper. And we use our cell phones for cmniL too> A lot of people don f t even(6) ______ a computerJeff i It S amazing what you can do with cell phones thruc days. Talk, take pictures> send email . . •Mari:Ycah< But anyway Jeff. 1 need to find a cheaper way to stay tn (7) __________________ with my parents and my friends in Japan. And I heard there's a way you can call overseas (or free using yourcomputer Do you know anything about that?Jeff : Of course> it's B technology called Voice over Internet. ! use it all the (8) _________________ ..Mari: How does it work?Jf i Well, you need a computer with a sound card* if you9vc gor that«Mari: Yeaht I do…And you aho need a microphone and a headsetsMari t Hmm. I don't have those«No sweat i you can buy them at any electronics store.Mari i OK. What rUc?Jr//1 Well, then you'll need io download the soitware« which is (9) ___________________ • and then if the person you1 re calling insialls the same software t there F B no cost for callinR. Mari i But what if theydon't? Can 1 cull from my computer to nomeone r A phone? J^ff i Yo rhcrcS n charge for that t but it f # A lot cheaper ihnn using your cell phone> believe meMari i Could you show me how it works on ()0) _______________ c omputer?Je//i Right now?Mari i No. it、nighttime in Japan now. Can we do it in about three hours?Jeff iNo problem. I'll be here.Mari (Great. See you later.Section Two (20 points t2 points each)Part OneDirections: You arc going Io listen to five short converBatlons/pasMiKcs. After each conversatlon/ptusuiKe t there h one question. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answers on the Answer Sheet,Number One:a conversationIL WhatS the cuntomer"a account number?A. 391335. & 381335.C 381339.dumber T H-O:a short convgrxation12. How much docii it cost?A. Five thousand dollam< K Five hundred dollorseC Five dollars * »Number Thrrr : a mofiologu^13. In _________ ・ the divorce rate was 2. 2 per 1.000 people*A. 1906B. 1916C. 1960Number Fowr: a ghort convtrsaUon14. The second Rpcuker me^ns " M by Aaying "Uh oh”・A. I forgot. R I made a mi・t・ke.G I finally undcratiind.Number Hvr: a short talk成What can we conclude about the tine of tolar energy《太用能)?A< It began in ancient Rome.B. It will decrease in the future.C・ h f s a very old practice^Part TwoDirections: You ・re going to listen to one convcnulion. After the conversation, there are five questions. Choose the best answer <o each question and write your answers on the Answer Sheets16. What in the main topic of the conversation?A. telephonesB. telephone messagesC automated phone systemn17. What doenn * t Jenny like?A> phoning B> waitingC・ leaving messages18. Why docs Stan disagree with Jenny about the job?A. He thinks a boring job.B. He prefers to speak to a real person.C. He thinks it saves lime.19・ Which >8 true at the end of the conver<iAtion?A. Jenny contradict!* Stan.B. Stan contradicts Jenny.C. Jenny and Stan agree.20. Whnt does nhn menn?A. A Whnt does that mciin?B. 1 unde函and.G Pm not sure. Let me think.Section Three (30 points, 3 points each)Directions:You arc xoinu Io lixtcn to a con versa! ion e After the convmution there arc ten MlutcnwnU. Decide whether the following stMtcnKnU arc true or false. Write your answen ( I or F) on the Answer Sheet.2L This la n (Mce-to^face conversation.22. Mari wants to rent a room.23・ M/iri I M now working m a college24. Man ha» been hving in a houiie with some other people^25. Mari doesn't like quiet places.26. Nancy is an English teacher.27. Muri is from Koren.28. Nancyhouse in not vrry fnr from achooL29. Muri in goin^ to NancyS house nround nix o'clock*30. Nancy lives nt 3475 Hayworth Avenue.Section Four (30 points e 3 points each)Dlrectloni: Listen to the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the noirs. Write your nnswerson the Answer Sheet.The third area the speaker wants to look at is (31 ] custom, i. e< some of the behaviors that arc (32) __________ with eating:A> Utensilsother people's (40) __________试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Section One (20 points t2 points ench)L about 2・ I 3. new6. own7. touch8. time Section Two (20 point*• 2 points each)11. B 12. A 13. C16.C 17. B 18. A 4. BpcAkniK 5. believe 9> free 10. your】4・A 15. C 19. C 20. BSection Three (30 points t 3 points each)21. F 22. T 23. F 24. T 25. F26. T 27. F 28. T 29. F 30. T Section Four (30 points t 3 points eoch)3L eating 32. connected 33. spoons 34. fingers 35. lenve36. South ArntTKJi 37. gift 38. flowcra 39. yellow 40. customs。










Iriformation for the examinees:● This examination consists of 3 parts.They are:Partl:Vocabulary and Structure [10points]Part2:Paragraph Organization and Development[40 points]Part3:Writing an Essay[50 points]● The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Timeallowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the AnswerSheet;therefore,you should write ALL your answers on theAnswer Sheet as you do each taskPart 1 Vocabulary and Structure [ 10 points, 2 points each]Questions l-5 are based on the following task.Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph.There are THREE extra choices that you don’t need.Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.A.producesB.HoweverC.justasD.careE.consequencesF.AlthoughG.convenientH.responsibleTechnology surrounds us and is a part of our daily lives.We can find technological innovations at home,our workplace,our schools,and our playgrounds.(1)_ technology has improved our lives in some ways,it has also brought many negative(2) .Modern technology has made life very(3) .We have everything we need and our inventions take care of so many unpleasant details in our day-to-day lives.Foods from all over the world are available at local supermarkets.International travel is now fast and easy.We can talk to friends on cell phones any time,anywhere,and we can catch a TV show from many countries faraway.(4)__ ,these conveniences have a price.We consume too much energy and too many resources,and we create too much waste.The world is overflowing with pollution and waste.We cannot continue like this forever.We should be more(5) about protecting our world while still enjoying conveniences.If our natural world is destroyed,the convemences will be useless.Part 2 Paragraph Organization and Development [40 points]Questions 6-8 are based on the following task.(15 points, 5 points each)Read the following paragraphs.Choose the best answer to each question.Write your answer A,B or C on the Answer Sheet.(6) In the first place,it is more nutritious than store-bought or restaurant food.It is also less expensive.In addition,preparing and eating home-cooked food helps strengthen family bond.Home-cooked food has higher nutritious value than prepared food.A lot of prepared food is high in sugar and fat.It is also not very fresh,so it has lost nutritious value while sitting on the shelf waiting to be bought.(7)__ A restaurant meal,even at a fast-food restaurant,is more expensive than a meal at home.Additionally,you have to tip the server and pay for transportation to and from the restaurant.Buying a pre-packed meal at a grocery store is not any better.It costs a lot more than buying ingredients and preparing the meal yourself.Family ties grow stronger when family members cook and eat meals together.When family members prepare a meal together,they spend time together.They have the chance to share ideas and discuss problems.(8) They have fun as a family.Their relationships are stronger.Home-cooked food is good for our health,our wallets,and our family relationships.There is no reason to eat prepared food from grocery stores or restaurants on a regularbasis.6.Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.A.Home-cooked food is better for us than prepared food in several ways.B.Home-cooked food takes time to prepare,but it tastes very good.C.Home-cooked food requires following several steps.7.Choose the best topicsentence for this paragraph.A.Eating at a restaurant is not as simple as it looks.B.Many people enjoy eating at restaurants.C.It costs a lot of money to buy prepared food.8.Choose the missing supporting detail.A.They prepare healthy meals.B.They learn to communicate with each other.C.They may have a large or small family.Question 9 Complete the following paragraph by adding details.(25 points)●Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the relevant paragraph.●Write about 60-80 words.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Xiao(孝)-LoveforParentsExpressedbyActionXiao is a fundamental concept in Chinese culture.What is Xiao?I think Xiao is love for parents and being good to parents.There are many examples of being Xiao towards parents by a son or a daughter.Xiao is respecting your parents.Xiao is notonly supporting your parents materially when they need it;it is also frequently updating parents on our situation,so that they wouldn't worry about us and so thatthey can help and advise us if they see that we need it.Xiao is not forgetting about your parents'health.(Add supporting details here)Part 3 Writing an Essay[ 50 points]Question 10: Write an essay on the following topic.Write can essay about a place(a cty or a country) that you have visited.● You can write about your first impressions.● Think about sights,language,food,people and transportation.● Write about 150-180 words.试卷代号:1359国家开放大学2 0 2 1年春季学期期末统一考试高级英语写作试题答案及评分标准(供参考)2021年7月Part l Vocabulary and Structure (10 points,2 points each)1.F.2.E 3.G 4.B 5.HPart 2 Paragraph Organization and Development (40 points)Questions 6-8 (15points,5 points each)6.A 7.C 8.BQuestion 9.(25 points)Marking Guidelines(供参考)21-25内容切题;连贯性好;语法正确,语言通顺恰当;基本无语法错误;篇幅适当。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语》2024期末试题及答案关建字摘要:切题,基本,语法,内容,语言,评分标准,条理,文章,错误,结构竭诚为您提供优质文档,本文为收集整理修正,共7页,请先行预览,如有帮助感谢下载支持国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语(1)》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:1351) Information for the examinees:•This examination consists of 4 parts. They are:Part J : Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part 11 : Reading comprehension (30 points)Part HI : Cloze (10 points)Part IV : Writing (30 points)•The total marks for this examination are 100 points . Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.•There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet;therefore^ you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.I . Vocabulary and Grammar(2 points each,30 points in total)Choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1.People often a club to make new friends.A. are joiningC・ join2.Colin the bass guitarist since Brian left.A. has beenC.has been being B. isD. wasB. joinsD. aren'tjoining3.When he crashed the car, he six bottles of beer.A. drank C. drinksB.was drinking D.had drunk4.When the judge returned to the courtroomteveryone immediately up.A・ stood C. stands B.was standing D.had stood5.Unfortunately. I see the manager so I wrote to her instead.A. couldn' tC・ didn't have to6.Hey girls,you make us some sandwiches?A. shouldC. canD.may B. must B. mustn' t D. can't7. I think computers become more intelligent than humans. I'm sure of it.B. might D. will definitely of Native American tents.B. is made D. has been madeA. are going to C. probably won't 8. The Wigwam Motel,ArizonaA. is making C ・ were made 9. He A. can't C ・ ought to10.be hungry-he^s just had lunch.B. must D ・ mightpeople prefer reality to the virtual world.A. Not any C. MuchB.A little【).Most11. The best game to buy is A. none C. any 12. You A. enjoy Alien Control 3 or Virtual History.B. either D. somemake a cake for his birthday.B. look forward to D ・ needtyour phone won't work.C- should 13. If the battery is too A. low C. down 14. We A. are C. come15. We've had this car since A. a long time C. more than 6 monthsIl e Reading comprehension(30 points)Passage A(4 points each f 20 points in total)B. soft D. slowalways on time for school on Monday.B. arrive D ・ getB. at least 3 years D. my aunt diedRead the article and then judge whether the statements followed arc true(T)or false (F) ? Write "T"or"F"at the corresponding place on the answer sheet.It's a typical Saturday afternoon on Cathedral Square in Peterborough^ in the east of England. Two noisy gangs of young people are sitting in the centre of the square. One group are wearing tracksuits and baseball caps and brand-new white trainers. A lot of them are wearing jewellery like gold chains andearrings. They're the'Chavs'. Opposite them are the 'Goths'. They're wearing black Doctor Marten boots,long black coats and black T-shirts with the names of their favorite bands on them. Some of them are wearing lipstick and eyeliner and a few of them have piercings. Nervous shoppers hurry past them t trying not to make eye contact. It seems to be quiet but you feel that at any moment a fight could start. The police say these young people are probably harmless-perhaps they just hang around the square because there's nothing better to do. But older people say they are tired of putting up with the noise and litter.These kinds of problems certainly aren't unique to Peterborough.But after trying several different methods, Peterborough City Council has a radical plan to change things.The council's controversial plan to bring peace to the city starts on a Tuesday morning during the half-term holiday.A group of fourteen Chavs and Goths of both sexes are travelling by bus to a secret location in the countryside, ten miles out of town. There are more Chavs than Goths-maybe it's hard for some Goths to get up in the mornings!When they finally arrive,supervisors ask them to put on camouflage clothing. And then the two gangs spend the rest of the morning pretending to shoot at each other.Don't worry-the guns are not reaKthey fire plastic balls filled with paint)and it's all for fun. But isn't it dangerous to fight aggression with aggression? Is a game of paintball really the best way to bring young people together? Steve Mayes, the organizer of the event, feels that it is. He thinks these controversial games give the two groups something to do and can start them talking, 'It gets rid of a lot of energy too-it's much better than playing games on Playstations and XBoxes>J he says. Meanwhile, the Chavs and Goths are fooling around : there's a lot of shouting and laughter and everyone appears to be having fun.At the end of the day Steve Mayes believes the event was a success-the two groups are already talking to each other.'It's like football,'says Denise,another organizer.You choose which team you belong to. But at the end of the day,Chavs and Goths are the same sort of people.'16.The scenes that are described in the first paragraph don't happen very often.17.The shoppers in Peterborough are afraid to look at the young people in the square.18.The police don't think the young people are dangerous.19.Peterborough isn't the only place where you can find such problems.20.Only boys are taking part in the council's events.Passage B(2points each,10points in total)Complete the email with one word chosen from the following five choices marked as A t B t C 9D 9and E and write your answer on the answer sheet.A. better C. were E.hadB. take D. idea31/1/2007Hi Steve,Interesting to hear that you're going to Egypt. If you 21 told me earlier, I would have found my old guide books and sent them to you. Never mind. I had a great time in Cairo,I'm sure you will too. You'd 22 take some warm clothes though,becausethe nights get quite cool at this time of year and you'll want an evening felucca ride on the river.You asked what to do.It's a good23to do the main tourist sights with a reputable tour company"—avoid the unlicensed pirates at the pyramids. Try to look round the old city and get away from the tourist trail. If you've got enough money, you could24 a trip on a cruise ship down the Nile.The most important thing, though, is to make the most of your time in Cairo. If I25you,】'd definitely eat the local food; kushary is the best food in the countryand you'll never have stomach problems-well,I didn't.Have a great time but don't bother to bring me a papyrus!Jim111. ClozeChoose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (2 points each MO points in total)WHAT ARE WE DOING TO OUR PLANET?You might not know this but, 26 the end of the century, scientists estimate that over 10,000 species of animal,plant and insect27 be dead. You may think thatthis is a long time in the future but,if I 28 you,I would start to worry now. In thetwenty animals that are alive now will be extinct. You will never see29 five yearstthem30 something is done quickly. This isn91 a wild guess, this is really going to1happenDon't wait until it's too late. We need your help as soon as possible.Telephone now to find out what you can do:0122 343 55626. A. by27. A. used to28. A. be29. A. previous30. A. however IV. Writing(30 points)B. onB. shouldB. wereB. thisB. otherwiseC. toC. willC. amC. nextC. uselessD. inD. mustD. will beD nowD. unless31. Write an opinion essay on the topic:u Eating animals is wrong. Do you agreed"Rememberto:(1 )Start with a topic sentence which summarises the main points of the essay.(2)Give your opinion at the end of the first paragraph to help your reader to prepare for thenext part.(3)Use linking words and phrases to show the structure of your argument.(4)Add reasons to support your opinion.(5)Start a new paragraph to show that you are moving to a new topic, in this case, the argumentsagainst.(6)Give more than one argument against your opinion.(7)Finish with a short summary of the arguments on both sides.(8)End with a strong reason for your opinion.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)1 .Vocabulary and Grammar)2points eachf30points in total)l.B 6. C 11. B 2. A7.D12. C3, D8.B13. A4. A9. A14. A5. A10. D15.DU Reading comprehension(30 points)Passage A(4 points eachf20 points in total)16. F17. T18. T19. T20. FPassage B(2 points each, 10 points in total)21.E22. A23. D24. B25. C[Il.Cloze(2points each,10points in total)26. AIV. Writing(30 points)31.写作题评分标准27. C28. B29. C30. D26—30分21—25分16—20分11— 15分6—10分内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式用词富有变化,有“闪光点”,基本无语言错误。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语(1)》2021期末试题及答案• This examination consists of 4 parts. They are :Part I : Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part H : Reading comprehension (30 points)Part [fl : Cloze (10 points)Part IV : Writing (30 points)• The total marks for this e xamination are 100 points . Time allowedfor completing this examination is 90 minutes.• There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet ;therefore , you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.1 . Vocabulary and Grammar(2 points each ,30 points in total)Choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. They ______ women in the Carshalton Club.A. aren't wantingC. doesn't want 2. This year, the number of club members ___________ very quickly.A. is growingC. are growing 3. Colin _______ the bass guitarist since Brian left.A. has beenC. has been being4. _ _____ the band ________ a lot?A. Is . . • rehearseC. Has . . • been rehearsing5. The police asked me where I ______A. was sleepingC. had slept 6. When the judge returned to the courtroom, everyone immediately ____________ B. was standingD. had stood7. I'll be on holiday in the mountains at Christmas so I ____________ meet you in town.A. won't be able toB. mustn't B. aren't want D. don't wantB. grows D. growingB. is D. wasB. Does . . • rehearsing D. Has . . • been rehearsed the night before. B. slept D. sleep up.A. stoodC. standsC.couldn'tD. ought to8.Let's not take the children to the science museum—I think they probably______________enjoy it.A. won'tB. willC. aren't going toD. can9.Scientists are certain that the sea level _________ rise in the next 200 years.A. is going toB. mayC. willD. should10.Today, the motel ________ by members of the same family.A. is managedB. was managedC. will be managedD. has been managed11.The wigwams ________ from cloth or animal skins.A. aren't being madeB. hadn't been madeC. isn't madeD. aren't made12.She told me that she _________ a car since 1990.A. hadn't drivenB. wasn't drivingC. didn't driveD. wouldn't drive13.He ________ b e hungry—he's just had lunch.A. can'tB. mustC. ought toD. might14. ______ Alien Control 3 and Drive Hard can be played with another player.A. AllB. MostC. BothD. Neither15.We _______ t o invite you for dinner next weekend.A. loveB. think aboutC. offer D・would like11. Reading comprehension (30 points)Passage A(4 points each,20 points in total)Read the article and then judge whether the statements followed arc true (T) or false (F)? Write “T” or "F" at the corresponding place on the answer sheet.It's a typical Saturday afternoon on Cathedral Square in Peterborough» in the east of England. Two noisy gangs of young people are sitting in the centre of the square. One group are wearing tracksuits and baseball caps and brand-new white trainers. A lot of them are4 F q cwearing jewellery like gold chains and earrings. They're the 'Chavs'. Opposite them are the 'Goths'.They're wearing black Doctor Marten boots, long black coats and black T-shirts with the names of their favorite bands on them. Some of them are wearing lipstick and eyeliner and a few of them have piercings. Nervous shoppers hurry past them, trying not to make eye contact. It seems to be quiet but you feel that at any moment a fight could start. The police say these young people are probably harmless—perhaps they just hang around the square because there's nothing better to do. But older people say they are tired of putting up with the noise and litter. These kinds of problems certainly aren't unique to Peterborough. But after trying several different methods, Peterborough City Council has a radical plan to change things.The council's controversial plan to bring peace to the city starts on a Tuesday morning during the half-term holiday. A group of fourteen Chavs and Goths of both sexes are travelling by bus to a secret location in the countryside, ten miles out of town. There are more Chavs than Goths—maybe it's hard for some Goths to get up in the mornings! When they finally arrive, supervisors ask them to put on camouflage clothing. And then the two gangs spend the rest of the morning pretending to shoot at each other.Don't worry—the guns are not real (they fire plastic balls filled with paint) and it's all for fun. But isn't it dangerous to fight aggression with aggression? Is a game of paintball really the best way to bring young people together? Steve Mayes, the organizer of the event, feels that it is. He thinks these controversial games give the two groups something to do and can start them talking. 'It gets rid of a lot of energy too—it's much better than playing games on Playstations and Xboxes,' he says. Meanwhile, the Chavs and Goths are fooling around:there's a lot of shouting and laughter and everyone appears to be having fun.At the end of the day Steve Mayes believes the event was a success—the two groups are already talking to each other. 'It's like football,' says Denise, another organizer. You choose which team you belong to. But at the encl of the day. Chavs and Goths are the same sort of people.'16.The scenes that are described in the first paragraph don't happen very often.17.The shoppers in Peterborough are afraid to look at the young people in the square.18.The police don't think the young people are dangerous.19.Peterborough isn't the only place where you can find such problems.20.Only boys are taking part in the council's events.Passage B(2 points each, 10 points in total)Read the article and match paragraph A—E with what the writer tries to tell the readers (21 —25) in each paragraph.囚Edinburgh is a beautiful historic city which is situated on the river Forth on the eastcoast of Scotland. Although it's the capital city, it isn't very big:it has only about half amillion inhabitants.回1 really love the old town which goes from the Castle to Holy rood Palace. There arelots of amazing old buildings there. But my favourite place is the Royal Park. It's a hugepark with an ancient volcano called Arthur's Seat. From the top there is an incredible viewof the river and the surrounding countryside.[c] The only thing I don't like is the weather. It's always windy here even when it'ssunny. There are some really nice beaches nearby but it's too cold to go swimming.[D]Y OU can't get bored in Edinburgh. There are lots of things to do especially inAugust. That ' s when the international arts festival takes place. There are some veryinteresting museums and galleries, and you can also go on some great historical tours aboutghosts and so on. Another thing I like about Edinburgh is it's great for shopping. It,s gotall the major chain stores and some interesting little shops.[E| Edinburgh is my favourite city. There are lots of things to see and do and it y s not too big, so you can get to most places on foot.21.Good points22.Bad points23.Background information24.Things you can see and do25.ConclusionDI. ClozeChoose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (2 points each, 10 points in total)Influenza is a viral infection. The flu 26 which caused the 1918 27 was 25 timesmore deadly than normal and it caused more deaths than the First World War.The consequences of a massive 28 could be disastrous for 29 . For example, a cloud of ash could 30 the sun and the molten lava would destroy everything in its path.26. A.virus B. chemical c. epidemic D. wave27. A. impact B. disaster c. pandemic D. eruption28. A. forest fire B. tsunami c. greenhouse gas D. v olcanic eruption29. A. terrorists B. scientists c. humanity D. m ass migration30. A. block out B. head for C. put out D・wipe outIV . Writing(30 points)31.Write an essay giving arguments for and against the statement, 4There is too much testing inour schools9, and state your own opinion.Remember to•Start with a statement that most people will agree with.•Explain why the issue is controversial.•Present the arguments in favour (for) the statement.•Present the arguments against the statement•E nd with a conclusion that pulls together both sides of the argument. 试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)I • Vocabulary and Gramniar(2 points each,30 poi nts in total)1. D2. A3. A4. C5.C6. A7. A8. A9. C 10. A11. D 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. D II • Reading comprehension (30 points) Passage A(4 points each,20 points in total)16. F 17. T 18. T 19. T 20. F Passage B(2 points each, 10 points in total) 21. B 22. C23. A 24. D25. E DI. Cloze(2 points each, 10 points in total) 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. A IV. Writing©。



第一部分交际用语1.– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.(B)B. Neither have I2.– What subjects are you studying?(C )C. I'm studying philosophy3.– I wonder if you could help me.( D)D. Of course4.– Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.(A )A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes5. - David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.(C) C. I ’m sorry. I shouldn’ t have blown up like that6.– Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.(C)C. That's quite all right7.– Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble.(A)A. It's no trouble at all8.– I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?(C)C. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet9.– What would you like, tea or coffee?(B)10.– Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)D. Who's speaking11.– May I help you, madam?(D)12.– Nice weather, isn't it?(C)C. Yes, it is13.– Must I do the washing-up tonight?(B)B. Leave it if you're exhausted14.– Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(B)B. At the office15.– Do you like watching football matches?(D)D. Football? No. It's a waste of time16.—Hello, Sally. How’ s everything?(D)D. Just so-so17— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A)A. Certainly. Here you are18.— I don ’t like the spots programs on Sundays.(B)B. Neither do I19.— What ’ s the problem, Harry? (D)20— What kind of TV program do you like best?(C)C. It ’s hard to say, actually21.--What about going for a walk?(A)A. Why not? A good idea22.—I think the Internet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do I23.— Which language do you speak at home?(D)D. English, most of the time24.— Must we hand in our homework now? (C)25.—Let’ s take a walk. (A)A. Yes, let’ s26.— Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D)D. Who’ s speaking27.— Do you think the exam will be put off?(C)28.— In my opinion, you ’ d better take a couple of days off.(A) A.I ’ll take your advice29.— Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?(D)30. I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.(C)C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now31. Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A)A. Please get me to the airport32. Can I help you to get it down? (C)C. Thanks. It ’s so nice of you33.— I ’ m trying to call Marie, but there ’ s no answer.(D).D. Really? Maybe she ’ s out34.— Are you sure about that? (D)D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive35.— Would you like to see the menu?(A) .A. No, thanks. I already know what to order36.— What if my computer doesn ’ t work?(B)B. Ask Anne for help37.— How’ s the movie? Interesting?(C) .C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV38.— Is this the motel you mentioned?(B) .B. Yes, it ’ s as quiet as we expected第二部分词汇与构造( C) the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt.C. checking2.Ann is studying ( B) at university.B. politics( C ) the bid, major construction began in Beijing.C. winning4.Be sure to ( A ) your wife when you come here this evening.A. bring5.---Can I get you a couple of tea? ( A)A. That ’ s very nice of you6.Don ’t worry. There is(C)room for all your books here.C.enough7.( A ) fine weather it is!A.What8.( C ) for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance.C. Bidding(D)if Albert hadn’ t called the fire brigade.D. would have been destroyed10.Her parents died when she was very young, so she was(A)by her aunt.A. brought up11. ( B) he said is quite right.B. What12.He kept the light in his room(B)the whole night.B. burning13.He was(A)about his new job.A. over the moon14.He has been(B)in hospital for a month.B. in danger15.He spends a quarter of the day(B)B. sleeping16.It happened(D)a winter night.D. on17.If you(A)stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.A. won’ t’s not safe(C)in the street.C, playing19. ( D ) it with me and I’ ll see what I can do.D. Leave20.I don’ t suppose he will attend the meeting,(B)?B. will he21.I think all these are main points(B)much attention.B. worthy of22.I have given(C)eating meat.C. up23.I know it isn’ t important but I can’ t help(B)about it.B. thinkingexams.offered him her congratulations(D)his passing thecollege entranceD. on25.Mr. White has a wife and three children to(A)A. raise26.Mary forgot(B)a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.B. to write27.Not only I but also Jane and Mary(B)tired of having one examination after another.B. are28.Our plane A from London at 7:00 yesterday evening.A. took off29.On his first sea D, he was still quite young but showed great courage to facethe storm.D. voyage30.She ’ s unlucky, and she’s always suffering D luck one after another.D. ill31.She has lived here B three years.B. foris money!We should B our time.B the train until it disappeared in the distance.B. watched34.That ’ s all settled. It D talked about.D. needn’t be35.The bedroom needs AA. decorating36.--- What’s happened to Tom? ---D to hospital.D. He’s been taken37.---Which do you like better, real movies D cartoons?----I prefer cartoons ____ real movies.D. or, to38.What a fool I have been! Why B I think of that before?B. didn’t39.We must make a difference between A language and _____language.A. spoken, writtenA every day when we were children.A. used to swim41.You must explain C how they succeeded ________ the experiment.C. to us, in42.You look D. What ______ you ________?D. tired, have been doing43.Not until most of the people had left the airportC. did he seeare B students that they examinations.B. such diligent45.She paid the builder A the gate.A. to repair allCperformedhis sister was there.well in the nationwideA every day when we were children.A. used to swim47.The work A by the time you get there.A. will have been done48.It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good Aofthe basic structures and vocabulary of English.A. command49.More and more people in China now Ato work regularly.A. drive50.We D the bathroom and plan ____ the bedroom this year.D. have paintedto paint51.I regret B that I'm unable to help you.B. to say52.They all Bthe job.B. asked for53.We have our office C every day by a cleaner.C. cleaned54.Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she Ait on the radio.A. was listening to55.In the fifties last century, many new cities Cin the desert.C. grew upA in the laboratory the whole morning.A. has been working57.You like playing football, B you?B. didn't58.That's the Cgentleman I've been telling you about.C. very59.Dr. Hoffman proposed that we A the meeting until next week.A. put off60. China is A the east of Asia.A. in61. Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, B he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation.B. so62.He asked me where B from.B. I came63. B , we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. B.As a rule64.I thought that this would be a funny trick A Jim.A. to play on65.If the man B succeed, he must work as hard as he can.B. is to66.I prefer tea A coffee.A. tohave it again 67.The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious.I'd like toeven if it costs D.D. twice as much68.I have B finished the report.B. already69. – Where B the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.– I ______ it right here, but now it's gone.B. have you put; put70.You lookD. What ______ you ________ ?D. tired, have been doing71.We are B in the future of our motherland.B. confident72 Frank plays C Alex.C. a lot better than73. I broke my leg when I B skiing in America.B. was74. She was convicted C murder.C. of75.A new hotel D in the center of town at the moment. D. isbeing built76. It is very convenient A here.A. living77. I have lived here B 1997.B. since78. The bedroom needs A .A. decorating79. He is the man D dog bit me.D. whose80. I ’m tired. I B working very hard.B. have been81. Before she left on the trip, she D hard.D. had trained82.He keeps B at himself in the mirror. B.looking83. The sun heats the earth, C is very important to living things.C. which84. Ancient Greece is the A of western civilization.A. origin85. Please stop B . It cannot help the situation.B. shouting86. The big man has always been eating on the go, A he has got stomachache.A. so87.Let me B the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. B.look into88. He, as well as I, D a student.D. is89.She C her success to hard word and strong will. C.owes90.Mr. SmithC a most important part in the development of our city.C. played91. I’d rather stay at home than C a walk.C. take92.Hardly A home when it began to rain. A. hadI got93. I prefer classic music D pop music.D. to94. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game,A.A. however95. When we were having a meeting, the director B the bad news by telephone.B. was told96.Silk B by Chinese for thousands of years now. B. hasbeen used97.YouB to lock the door at night.B. ought98. Before I got to the cinema, the film A.A. had begunA. to shout99. The patient acted on the doctor’s B and finally recovered.B. advice100. A lecture hall is C where students attend lectures.C. one101. Don ’ t worry, your watch D and you can have it in no time.D. is being repaired102. The definition leaves B for disagreement.B. much room103.Not always B they want (to). B. canpeople do what104.Sadam B for 25 years.B. was married105. I don’t want you to make any trouble,C, I urge you to solve the problem.C. on the contrary106.Why B the old block of flats _________ demolished next month? B. isbeing107. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs A more to improve the relationship with the USA.A. to do1More and more people ..have have been asking due who - which estimated to have them installed yet to install2Traffic in India means..⑴ have been sold⑵ in⑶ vehicles⑷ with⑸ on⑹ pulled⑺ watch out⑻are recommended⑽ that文章 3:开头 Most workers spend eight.⑴ workdays ⑵ enjoy ⑶ extra ⑷ to ⑸ rather ⑹ under ⑺ As a result⑻ little⑼ end⑽health文章 4:开头 There are advantages and dis⑼ by⑴both ⑵ to ⑶ than ⑷ do⑸ prepares ⑹yet ⑺ on⑻ new⑼as⑽ have文章 5:开头 Jules Verne’ s most famous⑴ meaning ⑵ invented⑶ at⑷ story-teller⑸ to be ⑹ who⑺ easy ⑻ ways ⑼ as well as ⑽Sometimes文章 6:开头 Peter Blake is a successful⑴used⑵ was⑶ decided ⑷ been⑸ so⑹which ⑺own⑻ on⑼ - ⑽ but文章 7:开头 Although international⑴ exciting⑵ from in from ⑶ which ⑷ to ⑸leave ⑹before ⑺ effects⑻lessen⑼best⑽ for文章 8:开头 Frank knew he was very ill⑴ sometimes ⑵ in ⑶ mind⑷ listened⑸ be admitted⑹ remember⑺ nobody⑻ whenever⑼ only⑽like文章 9:开头 A study () .⑴ has shown ⑵ to ⑶ who⑷ even if⑸ more likely⑹ were⑺ exercising⑻ However⑼ to reduce ⑽ encourage文章 10:开头 A study has shown that fitness is the key⑴ to ⑵ or ⑶ those who do not⑷ the least⑸ whether or not⑹ to be fat⑺ being⑻ smoking ⑼on⑽to exercise文章 11:开头 A survey was carried out last year⑴ by⑵sharply ⑶Although ⑷ to exercise ⑸ walking ⑹walk ⑺ on⑻ to make ⑼ for ⑽ for文章 12:开头 Bill was on holiday and he was very⑴ about ⑵ who⑶had had ⑷about ⑸ surprised ⑹ for ⑺anything ⑻his ⑼ and⑽ with阅读理解:文章 1 :开头是:Bill cooper is portfolio manager of the 13billion value thust funds ..⑴ for nine years running ⑵ through his fathers explanation ⑶ one can make money through buying stocks ⑷ hard work ⑸ only indicated that one was ready to start hiscareer文章 2:开头是: my mother reised me as best as the could⑴ poor ⑵ badly ⑶ whichare not regular or fixed ⑷ the three years of military service⑸the anthor was surprised that he was accepted as a firefight文章 3:开头: robert was born in a small town in England⑴ his father is a rich farmer⑵ there were a lot of thiever in the city⑶ he was afraid to lose his wallet⑷ he hoped to make fun of the thieves make fun of Robert文章 4:开头 I have two jobs growing up and they all help share my life⑴ how to talk and behave properly⑵ working in different occupations⑸ the thief ⑶challenging⑷joining a baseball game⑸ never be faraid of taking risks文章 5:开头 Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century ad⑴ in china ⑵ in 1500 ⑶ one tre ⑷ faster ⑸ houses文章 6:开头 the entertainment profession ,or shou business⑴ geting the best tailor ⑵ yonger singes are catching up ⑶ they make him rich and famous ⑷ can be very annoying ⑸ keep smiling文章 7:开头 may you wish upon a thousand stars?⑴ husband and wife ⑵ her motorhome ⑶ they learn a lot more than ordinary schoolkids ⑷global positioning syatem ⑸ their life is rich and they stay closer to eachother文章 8:开头 dear folks :I ’ ve been here fou about three weeks⑴ looks very different form what she expected ⑵ it is the cheapest ⑶ to keep upin a different learning bnvironment ⑷ less confident in making ⑸ lanzhou文章 9:开头 a funny thing happened on the way to the communication..⑴ unhappy ⑵ both A and B ⑶ more disconnecet ⑷ all of the above ⑸ it actually creates a distand between文章 10:开头 Cynthia woolly is calld the Michael Jordan of women⑴ the best professional woman baskbetball well ⑵ the team leader of a basketballteam ⑶ at a disadvantage ⑷ she doesn ’t want the yonger ⑸ providing them eith a better文章 11 开头: I was 15 when I walked into ..⑴ he happended to walk into the shop and got in by chance ⑵ it helped him understand the world and himself ⑶proud of himself ⑷ perauding his boss to let him do the story on tv ⑸ it helps people make sense of the worle文章 12:开头 we are all in rush ..⑴ feel time is pressing ⑵ at the same time ⑶ about time ⑷ is doubtful about ⑸can we save timesaving文章 13 开头: PALO ALTO , California⑴ children will get father if they spend more time watching tv ⑵ is more than foursa day ⑶ three hours ⑷ childrend usually eat more while watching tv ⑸ both A and B 文章 14 开头: Lillian hanson , a college student .⑴ she hadn ’ t got enough money ⑵ to further her education at college ⑶ that she is73 years old ⑷ they were deeply moved by her spirit ⑸ cares for study very much文章 15 开头 the greatest recent social changers have been in the lives of woman ..⑴ at about tewenty-five ⑵ many children died before they were five ⑶ was unlikely to find a job evwen if the wanted one ⑷ marry before they are twenty-five ⑸ today more married women leave文章 16 开头: Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor.⑴ drinking bull ’ s milk ⑵ hated Gulbo very much ⑶ He was upset. ⑷ Because she wanted the king to notice her. ⑸ understood the girl ’s meaning文章 17 开头: People all over the world today are beginning to ..⑴ the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment ⑵ all sides concerned would make more efforts ⑶ both a litter problem and a waster of resources⑷ Eating ⑸ bits of waste things文章 18 开头: Thousands of years ago,⑴ how life began on a volcano-produced island ⑵ its own rock ⑶ bare ⑷soil, plants andanimals ⑸ Insects could not live on the island without plants.文章 19 开头: In the last 500 years, nothing about people⑴ Food⑵ some shops ⑶ the potato harvest was bad ⑷Ethiopia ⑸ coffee drinks were first made by Arabs文章 20 开头: Crime Prevention Initiatives AT HOME⑴ how to avoid the crimes both at home and in the street ⑵ never leave the keys to workmen since they can easily make copies ⑶ go to public places ⑷ Because it ’ s convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary. ⑸ we cannot part with the money when being attacked文章 21 开头: An Extraordinary Change of Direction Molly Wilson had been⑴ very unusual and surprising ⑵ dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do athome⑶part of the route of sail ⑷not smooth because of huge waves⑸ the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer文章 22 开头: There have been changes in all sorts of different areas⑴ The increasing divorce rate in the UK.⑵ the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK ⑶ soar ⑷ The highest divorce rate was around 1969. ⑸ the birth rate in theUK is decreasing rapidly now文章 23 开头: Some people think they have an answer to the troubles⑴ are the solution to some city problems ⑵some bike riders ⑶ special parts of the road for bicycle riders only ⑷ In New York City, many people use bikes as they have special lanes. ⑸ Solution to Traffic Problem in New York文章 24 开头: Benjamin Disraeli,⑴ a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity ⑵ many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds ⑶ 40%⑷young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures ⑸the cultural diversity in London文章 25 开头: When I was a little girl .⑴C⑵B⑶A⑷B⑸D文章 26 开头: "Listen, that's not right."..⑴D⑵D⑶B⑷C⑸A文章 27 开头: I had two jobs growing up and they all helped shape my life.⑴B⑵D⑶A⑷C⑸C文章 28 开头: Every day, the news of the world is relayed⑴D⑵D ⑶D⑷B ⑸B文章 29 开头: Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee.⑴B ⑵A⑶A ⑷A ⑸C文章 30 开头: People travel a lot with Heaven Air because⑴B⑵D ⑶C⑷C ⑸D文章 31 开头: John Preston lives in a flat in north London.⑴A ⑵C⑶B⑷C ⑸D文章 32 开头: We often use gestures to express文章 33 开头: Who will stage the games?(1.D2.B3.D4.D5.D)文章 34 开头: We walked in so quietly that the nurse(1.C2.D3.B4.D5.D)35Did you know there are some very special dogsall of the above people100000 the charity buy newspaper from the shop neighbour3610th August, 2004Dear Sirs,(1.D2.C3.B4.C5.A)37When companies need newLarger,well-known companiesA person looking for a job should only apply tocompanies that advertise in newspapers A resume and a cover letter The company might write back and tell you that there is no position available at that time False 38 A 15-year old boy,shops 22 boxes twice when the boy began swearing( ) the absence of the boys father39East London has traditionallyhss always been a home for immigrants jobs mainly in East london used to be a cheap place to live in it has good40Today in the west, probably1980s and 1990sall of the threeIt means “ almost ” young people have to havemore skills to get good jobs It tell you that computer41Children in the UKfive for 11 years all of abovefive yearsover 20% Both A and B42Everybody knowns that wordsways for communication Either with words or without words A cry for helpyoucan leave you car there H1 “ Get up, the water is coming. ” Yan Xinzhi, directorAs neighborhood committeeT The passage reveals that all .F The passage is writtenF The lack of water .T Xi ’an is another city NG2People who cannot tellA color-blind .F Many color-blind.T It ’ s especially .F A person who .NG Up to now,.F3 Lily is 70 years oldLily wakes beforeT Tillyis satisfied NG Joan sometimes .TLily"s brother .F Lily and her .F4 Benjamin Disraeli,London isF The city of T All AfricanF 39% of the .F Old people.NG5The ancient Olympic GamesThe ancientF The ancientF They did not T They first usedT Both theOlympic NG 6The author My grandfather was a very interesting man.’ s T His dog always F The author’s NG The author’s F Theauthor ’ s T7Speedway racing is a typeyou need T speedway races are F speedway races ware T Jack HillF⑸ The Ilford NG文章 8:开头 You asked me to tell you⑴ people in lranF⑵ People in England T⑶ In lran F⑷ The writer was T⑸ There are a lot of NG作文1、 (1) 平时活动(2)主要工作(职业活动)(3)交际生活SampleDear Bob:I ’ ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will findit interesting.I usually get up early and go to work at 8 o ’clock.. I have lunch in the office.And I come back home at six. As a secretary, I deal with phone calls, emails and faxes during work hours. I also do the paper work for the manager.After work, I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home. Sometimes, I also like to chat on the Internet.Best regards,Michelle2、 (1) 童年梦想(2)当前的状况(3)对将来的希望Sample1st August 2005Dear Jennifer:Thank you for telling me about yourself. I ’ d like to let you know more about me too. As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. But my dream never came true, I ’ m now a librarian, dealing with books every day. The work is nothing thrilling, but I likeit. Since there are more and more electronic materials, I hope that we will have ane-library built soon.Looking forward to hearing from you again.Best wishes,3、 (1) 事件发生的时间和地址( 2)人物( 3)事件的经过SampleOne day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house. As soon as she wasinside, two men opened the car door, started the engine and drove away in just oneminute. When the girl recovered from the shock, she called 110. Luckily, there wasa police patrol car nearby. So the girl got in the police car and they drove in thedirection where the thieves escaped. Twenty minutes later, they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green. Needless to say, the carthieves were caught red-handed.4、(1) 自主( autonomous)学习与远程教育(2)自主学习与合作( collaborative )学习( 3)你自己的学习状况SampleAutonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education. It is anessential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time. Theydo not meet their tutors or classmates very. However, distance learners can learna lot from each other. So autonomous learning and collaborative learning go hand inhand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks by myself. Meanwhilewe have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or shareexperiences. I have found both forms of learning very helpful.5、( 1)有一种看法以为:城市生活比农村生活好(2)你对这类看法的见解(3)你的结论SampleSome people believe that town life is better than country life. I don ’ t agree with this. Town life can be convenient to us in many aspects. For example, you canmove around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mail and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife. But there are also many disadvantages. It is mush nosierthan in the country. Air pollution is more serious. It is not easy to park your car.It costs more to live in town. To name but a few is enough. Therefore, I prefer country life.6、( 1)保持身体健康的重要性(2)保持身体健康的方法(3)重申保持身体健康的意义SampleNowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without ahealthy body, we can do nothing. For me, there are main ways to keep healthy.Fist, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.Is is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on. Lastbut not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.Whenwe make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.7、( 1)哪一种是你最喜爱的交通方式(2)论述你的原因(3)作出结论In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi, busand so on.. But my favorite means of transportation is by bike.Fist, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike tomy office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price ofgas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly,it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a “ green ” form of transportation.Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best.8、( 1)描绘你家的地点(2)各个房间的功能(3)表达你对你家居条件的态度My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms inaddition to the kitchen and bathroom. The fist room is the main room or living room.It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is thebusiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter ’ s bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, lessons and generally relax there. I think myhome is cozy and I like my home.9、( 1)你最喜爱的电视节目是什么(2)你喜爱它的原因(3)作出结论CCTV today offers a great variety of programmes to meet different needs and tastes.For example, the weather forecast, serials, films, sports and so on. My favorite TVprogramme, however, is the news.There are several points that are worth mentioning. For one thing, it covers newsabout important events both at home and abroad. Besides, the news it provides is timely and reliable. Finally, it broadcasts in the evening during the so-called “ golden time ”. It saves me much time reading through newspapers for current affairs.In short, watching the news on CCTV has become part of my daily life.10、( 1)你理想的工作是什么样(2)你的原因( 3)怎样实现你的理想Everybody has his dream his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher,a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal jobis in business. The idea came into being when I was a child.With the development of market economy, there are many prosperous opportunities inbusiness, I like reading stories about some successful businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day.Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for myfuture job.11、假定你市王华,想去北京21ST 报社应聘,感谢表格想一封应聘信,包含出诞辰期,个人简介等(形成性查核1)Dear Sirs,My name is Wuhua, born on July 6th, 1965 inChangchun, Jilin Province, China. I ama journalist and have already had eleven years of working experience. I can speakJapanese and Germany besides English and of course I ’ m good at operating computer.I graduated from Journalism Department of Beijing University in 1990 and then worked as a journalist in Shenzhen Daily till December, 1996. I studied in BBC from 1997to 1998 and since I came back in January, 1999, I have been head of the news section .I will be very lucky if I can work in your newspaper---- The 21st Century. And I think I have abilities to do the job well.Yours Sincerely,Wuhua12、通知:若是你是深圳广播电视大学学生会主席,要举办一次英语讲座,主讲人是深圳电大美籍教授,内容是美国印第安人与美国历史。



A. All over the world, people walk in their own characteristic ways.
B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.
C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.
for young males when with one another is to sit on the base of the spind and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military
many resources, and we create too much waste. The world is overflowing with pollution and
waste. We cannot continue like this forever. We should be more (5)
with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and, in
some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.
Leg behavior indicates sex, status, and personality. It also indicates whether or not one


试卷代号: 1365
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学) 2018 年秋季学期“开放本科”期未考试
高级商务英语写作 试题
2019 年 1 月
一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。
Part 2 Translahon (20 points)
Questions 11--15 are based on the following task. Directions, Translate the following sentences into Chinese (English). 11. I have work experience in personnel affairs in a foreign-invested enterprise and educational background specializing in personnel management. 12. We hope you will take the opportunity to try this product, an excellent combination of highest quality and reasonable price. 13. 您在信息搜集上的努力程度以及将信息传递给我方的速度给我方留下了深刻印象。 14. We regret that we are unable to accept your counter-offer or give you any discount. 15. 我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.




1. -Hello, this is Steven Smith. Nice to hear your voice again-Hi,Mr. Smith.A.Do you know the coverage of your freight forwarding business?B.Please tell me the coverage of your freight forwarding bus iness.C.I would like to know more about the coverage of your freight forwarding bus iness.2.--Yes,I will try my best.A. Do you know about business tax?B. What do you think about business tax?C. Can you give me a brief introduction about it?3. - Don' t hesitate to click on our website when you need us._Thank you.A. I canB. I willC. I know一Yes, certainly. We area medium firm with about two thousand people in two different plants.A. Do you have nine departments in your company?B. Could you tell me how your company is actually organized?C. Can you tell me a little more about the four branch offices?5.一I' m afraid we put less emphasis on the overall design of the whole project.A. This is obviously too heavy. People won' t be able to carry it.B. We' d better use light ones, They make the audience feel comfortable.C.0ur main goal is to establish our brand name among our target audience.二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读(2)》2019-2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:1354)Section I NewWords[Al Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right (3 pointseach)L _________ aMhmatic2. _______ chronic3. _______ indoor pollutants4. _______ inhaler5. _______ injection6. _______ long-haired pets7. _______ outdoor pollutsnts8. _______ respiratory illness9. _______ triggers10> ________ vehicles A. asthmaB. buses and trucksC. cats and dogsD. causes a reactionEL chemicals, dust, and nmogF. cigarette smoke> dirt, insectsG・ conuins medicine for BsthmnticsH. having difficulty brenthingI. medicine given under skin with needle J・ over a long period of timeBj Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)called founded region traditional cultureroutes under experts project technologyToday, there is new intercs! in the history and 11 of the Silk Rond* which the famous Chinese-American musician Yo-Yo Ma has 12 "the Internet of nntiquity11. New13 is helping us to learn more about this ancient "Irnenwt”. Special radar on the space shuttle JI II QWNarchAeologints to: sice ^objects and ruined cities 1-2 meters 14 the dry dcMert sumdt for cxnmplc. Tourists now come from all over rhe world to follow the old trade15 > And 16 want to make *ure that the cuntomK in the vast 17 do not die out as the world modernircs^To this end t Yo-Yo Ma has 18 the Silk Road 19 which encourages the living arts of these 2。



《高级英语英语写作》试卷bine the following sentences in each set below into a single sentence, using either dependent clauses or phrases. (5×2 points)1a. The doctor was taking the patient’s temperature.b. Suddenly a rock came crashing through the window.Answer:____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2a. The fraternity members all over campus carried banners.b. They matched back and forth tirelessly.c. Their signs called for an end for building nuclear reactors.Answer:____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3 a. The scientific establishment believes that the earth was formed 10—15 billion years agob. It was formed after an explosion.c. This explosion set the universe in motion.Answer:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4 a Quite a few years ago a stranger came in and bought our small valley.b. This is where the redwood grew.c. At that time I was living in a little town.d. The little town was on the west coastAnswer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________5 a. Most people believed that the earth was roughly 6000 years old.b. This idea was based on the information on the Bible.c. It was accepted until the beginning of the 19th century.d. At that time geologists and naturalists began to suspect something.e. What they suspected was that the earth must have existed for a longer period of time. Answer:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________II Fill in the blanks with the necessary particles. (10×1 point)1.Go to bed at once. You look done __ __ and worn __ __.2.Nobody really expected him to get __ __that illness.3.It took a long time, but at last the enemy was beaten__ __.4.She was almost frozen when she came back. She sat still, sipping a cup of coffee, lettingthe blessed warmth of it reach __ __her body.5.If I stay in this place much longer I’ll go __ __ my head.6.I hadn’t seen him for five years and then I ran __ __ him yesterday at the barbers.7.We’ve finished __ __ this book, so you can keep it if you like.8.He let __ __ his breath as soon as he saw that the aircraft was safely down on the earth.9.The manager says that we can’t take__ __any new orders till we’ve deal __ __ the oneswe have in hand.10. Mr. Smith hasn’t got a phone on his desk but if you’ll hold __ __a moment I’ll bring him to this one.III Reading the following passages and answer the questions set on them. (10 points)⑴I deny not, but that it is of greatest concernment for the Common wealth and church, to have vigilant eyes how books demean themselves as well as men; and thereafter to confine, imprison, and do sharpest justice on them as male- factors. For books are not absolutely dead things but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are: nay, they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them. I know they are as lively, and as vigorously productive, as those fabulous dragons’ teeth, and being sown up an d down, may chance to spring up armed men. And yet, on the other hand, unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image, but he who destroy a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were, in the eye.Questions: What is the central idea of this passage?How does the author develop this idea?Answer____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________⑵It is not the mere addition to our knowledge that is the illumination; but the locomotion,the movement onwards, of that mental centre, to which both what we know, and what we are learning, the accumulating mass of our acquirements, gravitates. And therefore a truly great intellect, and recognized to be such by the common opinion of mankind, such as the intellect of Aristotle, or of St. Thomas, or of Newton, or of Goethe is one which takes a connected view of old and new, past and present, far and near, and which has an insight into the influence of all these one on another; without which there is no whole, and no centre. It possesses the knowledge, not only of things, but also of their mutual and true relations; knowledge, not merely considered as acquirement, but as philosophy. Accordingly, when this analytical, distributive, harmonizing process is away, the mind experiences no enlargement, and is not reckoned as enlightened or comprehensive, whatever it may add to its knowledge. For instance, a great memory, as I have already said, does not make a philosopher, any more than a dictionary can be called a grammar. There are men who embrace in their minds a vast multitude of ideas, but with little sensibility about their real relations towards each other. These may be antiquarians, annalists, naturalists; they may be learned in the law; they may be versed in statistics; they are most useful in their own place; I should shrink from speaking disrespectfully of them; still, there is nothing in such attainments to guarantee the absence of narrowness of mind. If they are nothing more than well-read men, or men of information, they have not what specially deserves the name of culture of mind, or fulfils the type of Liberal Education.Questions: What is the central idea of this passage?How does the author develop this idea?Answer____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________IV. The following expository Chinese passage uses analogy to persuade the readers to show gumption before adversity, equanimity after misfortune. Translate it into English, using proper English hypotactic syntactic devices—subordination of clauses and phrases. (20 points)人类在历史上的生活正好像旅行一样,旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。

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