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1. Aircraft (飞机): A vehicle that is designed to fly and is used for transportation of passengers and goods. There are various types of aircraft, including airplanes, helicopters, and drones.

2. Airline (航空公司): A company that provides air transportation services for passengers and cargo. Examples of popular airlines include American Airlines, British Airways, and Emirates.

3. Airport (机场): A location where aircraft take off, land, and are maintained. Airports typically have runways, terminals, and other facilities to support air travel.

4. Pilot (飞行员): A person who operates and controls an aircraft. Pilots are responsible for flying the aircraft safely and following air traffic control instructions.

5. Co-pilot (副驾驶员): An additional pilot who assists the

main pilot during flight. The co-pilot helps with tasks such as navigation, communication, and monitoring the aircraft systems.

6. Cabin crew (机组人员): Also known as flight attendants or air hostesses/host, the cabin crew is responsible for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers during a flight. They also provide in-flight services, such as serving meals and beverages.

7. Takeoff (起飞): The moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and starts its ascent into the air. Takeoff is a critical phase of flight that requires precise calculations and procedures.

8. Landing (着陆): The process of bringing an aircraft back to the ground safely. Landing involves reducing the speed of the aircraft and making a smooth touchdown on the runway.

9. Altitude (海拔/高度): The vertical distance of an aircraft above sea level or ground level. Altitude is measured in feet or meters.

10. Speed (速度): The rate at which an aircraft is moving. Speed is typically measured in knots or miles per hour. There are different speeds in aviation, such as groundspeed (speed over the ground) and airspeed (speed through the air).

11. Turbulence (颠簸): Sudden and irregular movements of the air that can cause an aircraft to shake or experience changes in altitude. Turbulence can be caused by weather conditions or atmospheric disturbances.

12. Cockpit (驾驶舱): The area of an aircraft where the pilot and co-pilot sit and control the aircraft. The cockpit contains various instruments and controls for navigation, communication, and monitoring the aircraft systems.

13. Air traffic control (空中交通管制): The system and personnel responsible for maintaining the safe and efficient flow of air traffic. Air traffic controllers communicate with pilots and provide instructions for takeoff, landing, and routing during a flight.

14. Runway (跑道): The long, narrow surface on an airport where
