



15.The Leaning Tower of Pisa(意大利比萨斜塔) 16.Parthenon Temple(希腊巴特农神庙) 17.Windmill (荷兰风车) 18.Prague Square (捷克布拉格广场) Tower(加拿大 CN塔) 20.Mayan ruins(洪都拉斯科潘玛雅遗址) 21.Cologne Cathedral( 阿根廷科隆大剧院) 22.Castle(卢森堡古堡) 23.St. Peter\'s (梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂) 24.Discoverer Monument(葡萄牙发现者纪念碑) 25.Sungnyemun(韩国崇礼门)
2、Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院)
• 悉尼歌剧院位於澳洲悉尼,是20世纪最 具特色的建筑之一,也是世界著名的表 演艺术中心,悉尼市的标志性建筑。
• 该歌剧院1973年正式落成,2007年6月 28日被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化 遗产,该剧院设计者为丹麦设计师约恩 .乌松。
3、Taj Mahal (印度泰姬陵)
• The symbol of democracy(民 主)and freedom
6、The Eiffel Tower
• was built for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 (巴黎国际展览 会)
• Designed by Alexandre Eiffel and also named after him
该塑像高8米,重40吨,狮子口中喷出一股清水,是由 雕刻家林南先生和他的两个孩子共同雕塑的,于1972 年5月完成。 1972年9月15日,当时担任新加坡总理的李光耀资政 为鱼尾狮塑像主持开幕。



佛罗里达州圣彼得斯 伯格即将建成的萨尔 瓦多•达利博物馆 (Salvador Dalí Museum)的创建者们 清楚,达利那融化的 钟表和燃烧的长颈鹿 并不是他们建这座耗 资3600万美元的建筑 唯一要应付的难题— —还有不那么超现实 的难题:每年侵袭沿 岸区域的飓风。 The founders of St.Peters-burg Dalí Museum • Salvador (Salvador Dalí Museum) to be built in Florida knew, Dali melted clock and burning giraffes are not the only challenge - and not so surreal problem of the building of $ 36,000,000 cost : each year the hurricane hit coastal areas.
In general,the interior of the museum is the visitors most interested in, but at the present, the iects are competing to design the world's most spectacular museums. Foreign media inventoried the world's most stunning museum building, the building itself is a gorgeous sight, and even the number of tourists attracted to itself is more than that of watching its internal art of work.



世界著名建筑Famous architecture in the world.1、巴黎四大建筑:(巴黎凯旋门Triumphal Arch ,埃菲尔铁塔Eiffel Tower ,卢浮宫Louvre 巴黎圣母院Notre-Dame Cathedral)①巴黎凯旋门Triumphal Arch凯旋门是欧洲纪念战争胜利的一种建筑。

The Triumphal Arch is the European memorialvictory in the war of a building.始建于古罗马时期,当时统治者以此炫耀自己的功绩。

Founded in ancient Rome period, then rulers toshow off his own merits.后为欧洲其他国家所效仿。

For other European countries after follow suit.常建在城市主要街道中或广场上。

The main streets in the city of chang or square.用石块砌筑,形似门楼,有一个或三个拱券门洞,上刻宣扬统治者战绩的浮雕。

With rocks laying shaped like one or two, three GongQuan openings, engraved exaggerates the anaglyph ruler record.面对香榭丽舍大街,法国皇帝拿破仑·波拿巴(1769---1821)为纪念奥斯特利茨战争的胜利而建立,1806年8月15日奠基,1836年7月29日落成。

Facing the champs elysees, the French emperor napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - to commemorate the AoSiTe 1821) established the victory of the war and Bates, 15 August 1806, 1836 held on July 29 was completed.它是欧洲100多座凯旋门中最大的一座。



用英语介绍一下中国十大名胜古迹1.Constructs in ancient and moderns in China and abroad all humanities, most famous should be China's Great Wall. Great Wall testimony ancient times area south of Yellow River agriculture civilization and north beeen nomads at daggers drawn intense resistance 古今中外所有的人类建筑中,最著名的一座应该就是中国的万里长城。

长城见证了古代中原农业文明和北方游牧民族间剑拔弩张的激烈对抗the great wall2.桂林位于广西壮族自治区东北部,地处亚热带,气候温和,独特的喀斯特地貌与景象万千的漓江及其周围美丽迷人的田园风光融为一体,形成了独具一格、驰名中外的“山青、水秀、洞奇、石美”的“桂林山水”,并有了“桂林山水甲天下”的美誉。

Guilin located at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region northeast, is situated at the subtropics, the climate is temperate, the unique karst landform and the picture myriad Lijiang River and periphery the beautiful enchanting rural scenery merged into one anic whole, forms has been in a class by itself, “Shan Qing, Shui Xiu, the hole to be wonderful renowned at home and abroad, stone US” “Guilin scenery”, and had “Guilin scenery armor world” fine reputation. (Guilin scenery )3.Hangzhou Xihu 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方公里。



整理[英语学习]世界著名景点中英文名称编号中文名English Name世界广场The world Square1 法轩罗浮宫玻璃金字塔The Glass Pyramid of Louvre,France2 亚州文化浮雕墙 A Wall Relief of Asian Civilization3 世界地图喷泉The world Map Fountain4 世界广场大舞台The Stage of the World Square5 中华门China Gate亚州区The Area of Asia6 泰国泰王宫The Grand Palace of Thailand7 韩国景福宫Kyongbokgong,South Korea8 日本鸟居Itsukushina Shrine,Japen9 日本姬路城天守阁Shirasagi Castie in Himeji,Japan10 印度摩多哈拉圣井Modhere Sacred Well,India11 印度孟买巴哈加支提窟Bhaja Chaitya Hall,India12 印度尼西亚婆罗浮图Borobudur,Indonesia13 柬埔寨吴哥窟The Angkor Wat,Cambodia14 印度泰姬玛哈尔陵Taj Mahal,India15 缅甸仰光大金塔Shwe Dagon Pagoda,Myanmar(Burme)16 科威特水塔The Tower of Kuwait17 新加坡狮身人面像The Merlion,Singapore18 伊斯兰亚拉伯广场及咖啡壶Arabian Square of Islamic Mosque& Coffee Pot大洋洲区The Area of Oceania19 百米喷泉The 100-Metre High Fountain20 澳大利亚愁尼歌剧院The Sydney Opera House,Australia美洲区The Area of America21 美国夏威夷火山The Hawaii Volcanoes,U.S.A22 尼亚加拉大瀑布The Niagara Falls23 美国总统山Mount Rushmoore National Memorial,U.S.A24 美国白宫The White House,U.S.A25 美国曼哈顿高层建筑群Skyscrapers in Manhatten Distract,U.S.A26 巴西基督山Mount Corcovado,Brazil27 美国自由女神像The Statue of Liberty,U.S.A28 巴西利亚议会大厦The Houses of Parliament of Brasilia,Brazil29 美洲印第安图腾The T otem-Pole of North American Indian30 墨西哥凝神武士群The Statues of Warriors ,Mexico31 美国国会大厦The Caption,U.S.A32 美国杰斐逊纪念堂Jefferson Memorial,U.S.A33 美国林肯纪念堂Lincon Memorial Hall,U.S.A34 墨西哥巨石头像The Globose,Mexico35 智利复活节岛巨人像The Statues of Easter Island,Chile36 秘鲁那斯卡线画Linear Drawings at Nasca,Peru欧洲区The Area of Europe37 法国埃菲尔铁塔Eiffel Tower,France38 英国白金汉宫Buckingham Palace,Britain39 英国伦敦国会大厦Houses of Parliament,Britan40 英国斯顿亨治“环状列石”Stonehenge,Britain41 西班牙阿尔罕布拉宫狮子院Court of Lions in Alhambra Palace,Spain42 西班牙阿卡沙堡Alcazar Castle,Spain43 意大利比萨斜塔The Leaning T ower of Pisa and Church,Italy44 法国巴黎圣母院Notre Dame De Paris,France45 法国圣米歇尔修道院Saint Michel Abbey,France46 英国迷津The Mazes,Britain47 意大利罗马大斗兽场The Colosseum,Italy48 意大利西班牙大台阶The Great Steps of Spain,Italy49 法国凡尔赛宫Versailles Palace,France50 德国科萨大教堂Cologne Cathedral,Germany51 法国巴黎凯旋门L'Arc de Triomphe,France52 意大利威尼斯水城、圣马可广场Venice and St.Mark's Square,Italy53 荷兰风车、郁金香田园风光The Idyllic Sights of Windmills and Tulips,Holland54 意大利佛罗伦萨市政广场The Piazza Della Signoria,Italy55 希腊雅典卫城The Acropolis of Athens,Greece56 俄罗斯克里姆林宫墙及钟楼The Wall and Clock T owers of Kremlin,Russia57 英国伦敦塔桥London Tower Bridge,Britain58 法国四大洲喷泉The Fountain of the Observatory非洲区The Area of Africa59 埃及基萨金字塔群Pyramids of Giza,Egypt60 埃及阿布辛伯勒神庙The Great Temple of Abu Simbel,Egypt雕塑园The Scuplputure Park61 大气广场The Square of Atmosphere62 约翰斯特劳斯音乐广场Johan Streuss music Square国际街The International Street63 亚洲风街Asia-Style Street64 伊斯兰风街Islamic Street65 欧风街教堂Church of Europe-Style Street。



著名建筑英文介绍带翻译1. Empire State BuildingThe Empire State Building is an iconic skyscraper located in New York City, United States. Completed in 1931, it stood as the world’s tallest building for nearly 40 years. With its distinctive Art Deco style and towering height of 1,454 feet (443.2 meters), the Empire State Building has become a symbol of the city and a popular tourist attraction.帝国大厦帝国大厦位于美国纽约市,是一个标志性的摩天大楼。



2. Sydney Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera House is a world-renowned performing arts venue located in Sydney, Australia. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building is characterized by its unique sail-like design and is considered one of the 20th century’s most distinctive buildings. The Sydney Ope ra House hosts a variety of performances, including opera, ballet, and theater, and is an iconic symbol of both Sydney and Australia.悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院是位于澳大利亚悉尼的世界知名的表演艺术场所。



1. 罗马斗兽场(意大利罗马):又称为“斯帕尔塔克斯竞技场”,是古罗马时期最重要的建筑之一,也是至今仍屹立的最大古代圆形露天剧场。

2. 温莎城堡(英国温莎):建于11世纪,是英国最古老、最


3. 法国巴黎圣母院(法国巴黎):是哥特式建筑的杰作,建于12世纪,以其宏伟的建筑风格和浮雕艺术闻名。

4. 埃及金字塔(埃及吉萨):是古代埃及法老的陵墓,其中最著名的三座金字塔为胡夫金字塔、卡夫拉金字塔和门卡瑞诺斯金字塔。

5. 中国万里长城(中国):世界最长的人造建筑,全长约

6. 古巴哈瓦那大剧院(古巴哈瓦那):位于哈瓦那的著名剧院,建于1914年,是欧洲歌剧风格和古罗马建筑风格的结合体。

7. 巴西里约热内卢基督山耶稣像(巴西里约热内卢):是世界上最著名的基督像之一,坐落于科尔科瓦多山巨石上,高达

8. 美国纳斯卡线条(秘鲁纳斯卡):是在秘鲁沙漠上留下的大型地面绘画,共有数千个神秘的图案和线条。

9. 印度泰姬陵(印度阿格拉):是一座古代陵墓,建于17世纪,是印度著名的象征之一,也是世界上最美丽的陵墓之一。

10. 意大利比萨斜塔(意大利比萨):建于12世纪,是意大利比萨市的标志性建筑,以其倾斜的外观而闻名于世。



The great wall (Mainland,China)中国长城:公元前221年,秦始皇统一六国后,为防北边匈奴,调动军民上百万人,命大将蒙恬督筑长城,西起洮河沿黄河向东,再按原秦、赵、燕长城走向一直到辽东,绵亘万余里,成为我国最早的万里长城。

Ruins Of St. Paul (Macau,China)澳门大三巴牌坊:天主之母教堂(即圣保禄教堂)的前壁遗址。



Bank of China (BOC) Tower (Hongkong,China)香港中银大厦:由贝聿铭建筑师事务所设计,1990年完工。




Taipei 101 (Taiwan,China)台北101大厦:世界第一高楼,前名台北国际金融中心(Taipei Financial Center),设计师李祖原。


Mount Fuji (Japan)日本富士山:日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为“圣岳”,也是许多日本人的精神支柱。



The Statue of Liberty (U.S.A)自由女神像:耸立在纽约港口的自由岛上,象征着美国人民争取自由的崇高理想。




世界文化遗产名录中英文对照亚洲及太平洋地区(中国) CHINA■长城The Great Wall 1987■明清皇宫(北京故宫、沈阳故宫)Imperial Palace 1987■泰山Mount Taishan 1987■莫高窟Mogao Caves 1987■秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor1987■周口店北京人遗址1Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 1987■黄山 Mount Huangshan 1990■承德避暑山庄及周围庙宇 Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde 1994■曲阜孔庙孔林孔府 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu 1994 ■武当山古建筑群 Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains 1994■拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa 1994■庐山国家公园 Lushan National Park 1996■峨嵋山风景名胜区(包括乐山大佛) Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area 1996■平遥古城 Ancient City of Ping Yao 1997■苏州古典园林 Classical Gardens of Suzhou 1997■丽江古城 Old Town of Lijiang 1997■颐和园 Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing 1998■北京天坛 Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing 1998■武夷山 Mount Wuyi 1999■大足石刻 Dazu Rock Carvings 1999■青城山—都江堰 Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System 2000■皖南古城:西递和宏村 Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun 2000■龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes 2000■明清皇家陵寝 Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 2000■云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes 2001■云南保护区的「三江并流」Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas 2003■古代高句丽王国的王城及王陵 Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom 2004■澳门历史城区 The Historic Centre of Macao 2005■中国安阳殷墟 2006■开平碉楼与村落Kaiping Diaolou and Villages 2007■华南卡斯特地质South China Karst 2007■福建土楼Fujian Tulou 2008■三清山自然公园Mount Sanqingshan National Park 2008(柬埔寨) CAMBODIA■吴哥窟区 Angkor1992(孟加拉) BANGLADESH■巴凯尔哈特清真寺历史名城 Historic Mosque City of Bagerhat 1985■帕哈尔普尔的佛教毗诃罗遗址 Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur 1985(老挝) LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC■琅勃拉邦的古城 Town of Luang Prabang 1995■占巴塞文化风景区 Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape 2001(越南)■顺化历史建筑群Complex of Hue Monuments 1993■圣子修道院My Son Sanctuary 1999■会安古镇Hoi An Ancient Town 1999(阿富汗) AFGHANISTAN■查姆回教寺院尖塔和考古遗址Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam 2002■巴米扬谷文化景观和考古遗址Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley 2003 (澳大利亚) AUSTRALIA■皇家展览馆和卡尔顿园林Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 2004(日本)JAPAN■法隆寺地区的佛教古迹Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area 1993■姬路城Himeji-jo 1993■古京都历史古迹(京都、宇治和大津城)Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) 1994■白川乡和五屹山历史村座Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama 1995■广岛和平纪念公园(原爆遗址)Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) 1996■严岛神殿Itsukushima Shinto Shrine 1996■古奈良的历史遗迹Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara 1998■日光的神殿与庙宇Shrines and Temples of Nikko 1999■琉球王国时期的遗迹Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu 2000■纪伊山脉胜地和朝圣路线以及周围的文化景观 2004(朝鲜)■高句丽古墓群 2004(伊朗) IRAN, Islamic Republic of■恰高·占比尔(神塔和建筑群)Tchogha Zanbil 1979■波斯波利斯Persepolis 1979■伊斯法罕王侯广场Meidan Emam, Esfahan 1979■塔赫特苏莱曼Takht-e Soleyman 2003■帕萨尔加德Pasargadae 2004■巴姆城堡 Bam Cultural Landscape 2004(印度) INDIA■阿旃陀石窟群Ajanta Caves 1983■埃洛拉(埃卢鲁)石窟群Ellora Caves 1983■亚格拉古堡Agra Fort 1983■泰姬·玛哈尔Taj Mahal 1983■科纳拉克太阳神庙Sun Temple, Konarak 1984■默哈伯利布勒姆古迹群Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram 1984■果阿教堂和修道院Churches and Convents of Goa 1986■卡杰拉霍建筑群Khajuraho Group of Monuments 1986■汉皮古迹群Group of Monuments at Hampi 1986■法塔赫布尔西格里Fatehpur Sikri 1986■帕塔达卡尔建筑群Group of Monuments at Pattadakal 1987■埃勒凡塔石窟Elephanta Caves 1987■坦贾武尔的布里哈迪斯瓦拉神庙Brihadisvara Temple, Thanjavur 1987■桑吉佛教古迹Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi 1989■德里的胡马雍陵Humayun's Tomb, Delhi 1993■德里的顾特卜塔及其古建筑Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi 1993■大吉岭喜马拉雅铁路Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 1999■菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya 2002■温迪亚山脉的比莫贝卡特石窟Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka 2003■贾特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉终点站Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) 2004■印度尚庞-巴瓦加德考古公园 Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park 2004(尼泊尔) NEPAL■加德满都谷地Kathmandu Valley 1979■佛祖诞生地兰毗尼Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha 1997(巴基斯坦) PAKISTAN■摩亨佐达罗考古遗迹Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro 1980■塔克希拉 Taxila 1980■塔克特依巴依寺庙和萨尔依巴赫洛古遗址Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and Neighbouring City Remains at Sahr-i-Bahlol 1980■塔塔城的历史建筑Historical Monuments of Thatta 1981■拉合尔古堡和夏利玛尔公园Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore 1981■罗赫达斯要塞Rohtas Fort 1997(土库曼斯坦) TURKMENISTAN■古梅尔夫国家历史文化公园State Historical and Cultural Park 'Ancient Merv' 1999(哈萨克斯坦) KAZAKHSTAN■霍贾·艾哈迈德·亚萨维陵墓The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi 2003■泰姆格里考古景观岩刻 2004(菲律宾) PHILIPPINES■菲律宾巴洛克教堂Baroque Churches of the Philippines 1993■菲律宾科迪勒拉水稻梯田Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras 1995■维甘历史古城Historic Town of Vigan 1999(韩国) REPUBLIC OF KOREA■石窟庵和佛国寺Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple 1995■海印寺及八万大藏经藏经处Haeinsa Temple, Janggyeong Pangeon, the Depositories for theTripitaka Koreana Woodblocks 1995■宗庙Jongmyo Shrine 1995■昌德宫建筑群Changdeokgung Palace Complex 1997■华松古堡Hwaseong Fortress 1997■庆州历史区Gyeongju Historic Areas 2000■高昌、华森和江华的史前墓遗址Gochang, Hwasun, and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites 2000(斯里兰卡) SRI LANKA■阿努拉德普勒圣城Sacred City of Anuradhapura 1982■波隆纳鲁沃古城Ancient City of Polonnaruwa 1982■锡吉里那古城Ancient City of Sigiriya 1982■康提圣城Sacred City of Kandy 1988■加勒老城及其城堡Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications 1988■丹布勒金殿Golden Temple of Dambulla 1991(泰国) THAILAND■素可泰历史城镇及相关历史城镇Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns 1991 ■阿育他亚(大城)历史城及相关城镇Historic City of Ayutthaya and Associated Historic Towns 1991 ■班清阿考古遗址Ban Chiang Archaeological Site 1992(乌兹别克斯坦) UZBEKISTAN■伊特察思·卡拉Itchan Kala 1990■布哈拉历史中心Historic Centre of Bukhara 1993■沙赫利苏伯兹历史中心Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz 2000■处在文化十字路口的撒马尔罕城Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures 2001(蒙古) MONGOLIA■鄂尔浑峡谷文化景观 2004(印度尼西亚) INDONESIA■婆罗浮屠寺庙群Borobudur Temple Compounds 1991■普兰巴南寺庙群Prambanan Temple Compounds 1991■桑义兰早期人类遗址Sangiran Early Man Site 1996美洲(阿根廷) ARGENTINA■库埃瓦—德尔阿斯—马诺斯Cueva de las Manos, Rio Pinturas1999■科尔多巴耶稣会牧场和街区Jesuit Block and Estancias of Cordoba2000(Cordoba的第一个O上有一撇)■塔夫拉达德乌玛瓦卡Quebrada de Humahuaca2003(阿根廷和巴西) ARGENTINA and BRAZIL■瓜拉尼人聚居地的耶稣会传教区:阿根廷的圣伊格纳西奥米尼、圣安娜、罗雷托和圣母玛利亚艾尔马约尔村遗迹以及巴西的圣米格尔杜斯米索纳斯遗迹Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Senora de Loreto and Santa Maria la Mayor (Argentina); Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil) 1983-1984(玻利维亚) BOLIVIA■波托西城City of Potosi1987■奇基托斯基督教传教区Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos1990■苏克雷城Historic City of Sucre1991■萨迈帕塔考古遗址Fuerte de Samaipata1998■蒂瓦纳科文化的精神和政治中心Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture2000 (智利)CHILE■拉帕努伊国家公园Rapa Nui National Park1995■奇洛埃教堂Churches of Chiloe 2000■瓦尔帕莱索港口城市历史区Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaiso2003(巴西) BRAZIL■欧鲁普雷图历史名镇Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980■奥林达历史中心Historic Centre of Olinda1982■巴伊亚州的萨尔瓦多历史中心Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia1985■孔戈尼亚斯的仁慈耶稣圣殿Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas1985■巴西利亚Brasilia 1987■卡皮瓦拉山国家公园Serra da Capivara National Park1991■圣路易斯历史中心Historic Centre of Sao Luis1997■蒂阿曼蒂那城历史中心Historic Centre of the Town of Diamantina 1999■戈亚斯城历史中心 Historic Centre of the Town of Goias2001(加拿大) CANADA■拉安斯欧克斯梅多国家历史遗址L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site 1978■安东尼岛SGaang Gwaii (Anthony Island)1981■美洲野牛涧地带Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump1981■魁北克古城区Historic District of Quebec 1985(C iv, vi)■卢嫩堡旧城Old Town Lunenburg1995(智利) CHILE■拉帕努伊国家公园Rapa Nui National Park1995■奇洛埃教堂Churches of Chiloe 2000■瓦尔帕莱索港口城市历史区Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaiso2003(哥伦比亚) COLOMBIA■卡塔赫纳港口、要塞和古迹群Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena 1984■蒙波斯的圣克鲁斯历史中心Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox 1995■铁拉登特罗国家考古公园National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro 1995■圣奥古斯丁考古公园San Agustin Archaeological Park 1995(洪都拉斯) HONDURAS■科潘玛雅古迹损址Maya Site of Copan1980(古巴) CUBA■哈瓦那旧城及其工事体系Old Havana and its Fortifications1982■特立尼达和洛斯因赫尼奥斯山谷Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios1988■古巴圣地亚哥的圣佩德罗德拉罗卡堡San Pedro de la Roca Castle, Santiago de Cuba1997■比尼亚莱斯山谷Vinales Valley1999■古巴东南第一座咖啡种植园考古风景区Archaeological Landscape of the First Coffee Plantations in the South-East of Cuba 2000(多米尼加共和国) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC■圣多明各殖民城市 Colonial City of Santo Domingo(厄瓜多尔) ECUADOR■基多旧城City of Quito1978■昆卡的洛斯·里奥斯的圣安娜历史中心Historic Centre of Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca1999(萨尔瓦多) EL SALVADOR■霍亚-德赛伦考古遗址Joya de Ceren Archaeological Site 1993(危地马拉) GUATEMALA■安提瓜危地马拉Antigua Guatemala1979■基里瓜考古公园和玛雅文化遗址Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua 1981(海地) HAITI■国家历史公园:城堡、圣苏西宫、拉米尔斯堡垒National Historic Park Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers 1982 墨西哥MEXICO■帕伦克古城和国家公园Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque 1987■墨西哥城与赫霍奇米尔科历史中心Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco 1987■特奥蒂瓦坎Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan 1987■瓦哈卡历史中心与阿尔班山考古遗址Historic Centre of Oaxaca and Archaeological Site of Monte Alban1987 ■普埃布拉历史中心Historic Centre of Puebla 1987■瓜纳托历史名城及周围矿藏Historic Town of Guanajuato and Adjacent Mines1988■奇琴伊察古城Pre-Hispanic City of Chichen-Itza 1988■莫雷利亚城历史中心Historic Centre of Morelia 1991■埃尔塔津古城El Tajin, Pre-Hispanic City 1992■萨卡特卡斯历史中心Historic Centre of Zacatecas 1993■圣弗兰西斯科山脉岩画Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco 1993■波波卡特佩特火山坡上最早的16世纪修道院Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl 1994■乌斯马尔古镇Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal 1996■克雷塔罗历史遗迹区Historic Monuments Zone of Queretaro 1996■瓜达拉哈拉的卡瓦尼亚斯救济所Hospicio Cabanas, Guadalajara 1997■大卡萨斯的帕魁姆考古区Archaeological Zone of Paquime, Casas Grandes 1998■塔拉科塔潘历史遗迹区Historic Monuments Zone of Tlacotalpan1998■霍齐卡尔科的历史纪念区Archaeological Monuments Zone of Xochicalco1999■坎佩切历史要塞城Historic Fortified Town of Campeche 1999■坎佩切卡拉科姆鲁古老的玛雅城Ancient Maya City of Calakmul, Campeche 2002■克雷塔罗的谢拉戈达圣方济会修道院Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda of Queretaro 2003 ■路易斯·巴拉干故居和工作室 2004(尼加拉瓜) NICARAGUA■莱昂·别霍遗址Ruins of Leon Viejo2000(巴拿马) PANAMA■巴拿马加勒比海岸的防御工事:波托韦洛-圣洛伦索Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo San Lorenzo 1980■巴拿马城考古遗址及巴拿马历史名区Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and the Historic Districtof Panama1997, 2003(圣基特和尼维斯岛) SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS■硫磺石山要塞国家公园Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park1999(巴拉圭) PARAGUAY■塔瓦兰格的耶稣和巴拉那的桑蒂西莫-特立尼达耶稣会传教区Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue 1993(苏里南) SURINAME■帕拉马里博的古内城Historic Inner City of Paramaribo2002(美国) USA■梅萨维德印第安遗址Mesa Verde 1978■独立大厅Independence Hall1979■卡俄基亚土丘历史遗址Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site 1982■大烟雾山国家公园Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1983■波所黎各的古堡与圣胡安历史遗址La Fortaleza and San Juan Historic Site in Puerto Rico1983■自由女神像Statue of Liberty1984■查科文化国家历史公园Chaco Culture National Historical Park 1987■夏洛茨维尔的蒙蒂塞洛和弗吉尼亚大学Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville1987 ■陶斯印第安村Pueblo de Taos 1992(秘鲁) PERU■科斯科古城City of Cuzco 1983■夏文考古遗址Chavin (Archaeological Site)1985■昌昌城考古地区Chan Chan Archaeological Zone 1986■利马的历史中心Historic Centre of Lima1988-1991■纳斯卡和朱马纳草原的线条图Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana 1994■阿雷基帕城历史中心Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa 2000非洲及阿拉伯地区(阿尔及利亚) ALGERIA■贝尼·哈玛德的卡拉城Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad1980■杰米拉Djemila1982■蒂帕萨Tipasa1982■蒂姆加德Timgad1982■阿尔及尔城堡Kasbah of Algiers1992(埃及) EGYPT■孟菲斯及其墓地金字塔Memphis and its Necropolis the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur 1979 ■底比斯古城及其墓地Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis1979■阿布辛拜勒至菲莱的努比亚遗址Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae1979■伊斯兰开罗Islamic Cairo1979■阿布米那基督教遗址Abu Mena1979■圣卡特琳娜地区Saint Catherine Area2002(伊拉克) IRAQ■哈特拉Hatra1985■亚述古城Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat)2003(约旦) JORDAN■佩特拉Petra1985■库塞尔阿姆拉Quseir Amra1985■乌姆赖萨斯考古遗址2004(黎巴嫩) LEBANON■安杰尔Anjar 1984■巴勒贝克Baalbek1984■比布鲁斯Byblos1984■提尔城Tyre1984(利比亚) LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA■莱波蒂斯考古遗址Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna1982■萨布拉塔考古遗址Archaeological Site of Sabratha1982■昔兰尼考古遗址Archaeological Site of Cyrene1982■塔德拉尔特·阿卡库斯石窟Rock-Art Sites of Tadrart Acacus1982■加达梅斯古镇Old Town of Ghadames1986(C v) (Ghadames的E上面有一点)(也门) YEMEN■萨那古城Old City of Sana'a1986■城墙环绕的希巴姆古城Old Walled City of Shibam1982■乍比得历史古城Historic Town of Zabid1993(突尼斯) TUNISIA■突尼斯的阿拉伯人聚居区Medina of Tunis1979■迦太基遗址Site of Carthage1979■杰姆的圆形竞技场Amphitheatre of El Jem1979■科克瓦尼布尼城及其陵园Punic Town of Kerkuane and its Necropolis1985-1986■苏塞古城Medina of Sousse1988■凯鲁万Kairouan1988■沙格镇Dougga/Thugga1997JERUSALEM(proposed for inscription by Jordan)(耶路撒冷) (由约旦提请加入世界遗产名录■耶路撤冷旧城及其城墙①Old city of jerusalem and its Walls 1981)(毛里塔尼亚) MAURITANIA■瓦丹、欣盖提、提希特和瓦拉塔古镇Ancient Ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata1996 (摩洛哥) MOROCCO■非斯的阿拉伯人聚居区Medina of Fez1981■马拉柯什的阿拉伯人聚居区Medina of Marrakesh1985■阿伊特·本·哈杜筑垒村Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou 1987■历史名城梅克内斯Historic City of Meknes1996■瓦卢比利斯考古遗址Archaeological Site of Volubilis1997■缔头万城Medina of Tetouan (formerly known as Titawin)1997 (Tetouan的E上面有一点)■索维拉城(原摩加多尔) Medina of Essaouira (formerly Mogador)2001■马扎甘葡萄牙城 2004(阿曼) OMAN■巴赫莱要塞Bahla Fort1987■巴特·库特姆和艾因考古遗址Archaeological Sites of Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn1988■乳香之路The Frankincense Trail 2000(苏丹) SUDAN■博尔戈尔山及纳巴塔地区Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region2003(叙利亚) SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC■大马士革古城Ancient City of Damascus1979■布基拉古城Ancient City of Bosra 1980■帕尔米拉古城遗址Site of Palmyra1980■阿勒颇古城Ancient City of Aleppo 1986注①:“耶路撒冷旧城及其城墙”遗产其归属问题在国际上尚未确定。

叹为观止 世界最奇特的18座建筑(中英文)

叹为观止 世界最奇特的18座建筑(中英文)

叹为观止世界最奇特的18座建筑(中英文)1 森林螺旋城City: Darmstadt, Germany地点:德国,达姆施塔特Background: Friedensreich Hundertwasser, an Austrian architect and painter, designed this building, which contains 105 apartments and a restaurant.背景:奥地利着名建筑师和画家百水先生设计了这个建筑,里面有105间公寓和一个餐厅。

How It's Strange: Buildings are not usually this gaudy. "It's fantastical," says Toby Israel, a design psychologist and author of Some Place Like Home. Hundertwasser, known for his colorful, irregular-shaped buildings, chose windows of different shapes and sizes for this apartment. In addition, the building's colors are meant to represent layers of sediment rock.森林螺旋城奇特之处:建筑很少会如此华丽。




2 圣玛丽·艾克斯街30号City: London地点:英国,伦敦Background: This is the second tallest building in the City of London. Opened in 2004, it is commonly referred to as the Gherkin, after the cucumber-like fruit. Its suggestive shape also earned it the nickname "Towering Innuendo."背景:这是伦敦市区第二高的建筑。

大英博物馆 英文介绍

大英博物馆 英文介绍

Museum of Greece
and Rome
China, Japan, India, other Southeast Asian countries
Museum of medieval European (欧洲中世纪文物馆)
Oriental Art museum (东方艺术文物馆)
Chinese showroom
Shang and Zhou bronzes (商周的青铜器)
Porcelain (唐朝的瓷器)
Jin Yu products (明清的金玉制品)
the curator of British Museum
Neil Macgregor (尼尔•麦克格瑞格)
★2009 ★The Times(《泰晤士报》) ★ 2008 annual English title(年度英国人) ★He’s a devoted idealist( 理想主义者), for culture to open up a broad road to peace.
British Museum
General situation
The British Museum is a museum of human history and culture in London. Its collections, which number more than 7 million objects, are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world and originate from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present.


3000000 works 17 curatorial departments
Private Non-profit
The Metropolitan源自Museum of ArtThe Winter Palace
British Museum
The Louvre
In order to encourage and develop application in
The Palace is now part of a complex of buildings known as the State Hermitage Museum which holds one of the world's greatest collections of art.
As part of the museum, many of the Winter Palace‘s 1,057 halls and rooms are open to the public.
years,and become an important milestone in the study of ancient Egyptian history today.
Elgin Marbles(爱尔金大理石雕像)
Elgin Marbles is part of the ancient Greek Parthenon carvings and architectural pieces, so far more than 2,500 years of history.
Benois Madonna | Leonardo da Vinci | 1478-1480 Madonna Litta | Leonardo da Vinci | 1490 The Return of the Prodigal Son | Rembrandt | 16681669








萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆佛罗里达州圣彼得斯伯格即将建成的萨尔瓦多•达利博物馆(Salvador Dalí Museum)的创建者们清楚,达利那融化的钟表和燃烧的长颈鹿并不是他们建这座耗资3600万美元的建筑唯一要应付的难题——还有不那么超现实的难题:每年侵袭沿岸区域的飓风。

萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆为了保护这座建筑,建筑师雅恩•苇茅斯(Yann Weymouth)将其设计为一座混凝土建筑,被一团起伏的卵状防风玻璃保护带环绕。









最著名的皇家建筑英语作文Buckingham Palace stands tall and proud in the heart of London, a symbol of British royalty and grandeur. Its magnificent façade, adorned with intricate details and elegant statues, mesmerizes visitors from around the world. As the official residence of the British monarch, it exudes an air of majesty and tradition, welcoming guests with open arms.The Tower of London, steeped in centuries of history and intrigue, looms over the River Thames like a silent sentinel. Its imposing walls and formidable towers tell tales of power struggles, royal drama, and political machinations. Within its confines lie the Crown Jewels, glittering symbols of royal wealth and prestige, guarded by the famous Yeomen Warders known as Beefeaters.Windsor Castle, nestled amidst lush greenery androlling hills, is the oldest and largest inhabited castlein the world. With its stunning architecture and sprawlinggrounds, it has served as a royal residence and fortressfor over 900 years. From the imposing Round Tower to the serene St. George's Chapel, every corner of Windsor Castle echoes with whispers of history and legend.St. Paul's Cathedral, with its iconic dome and soaring spires, is a masterpiece of English Baroque architecture. Standing as a beacon of hope and resilience amidst the devastation of war and fire, it has witnessed royal weddings, state funerals, and historic events that shaped the course of British history. Its awe-inspiring interior, adorned with intricate mosaics and majestic altars,inspires reverence and wonder in all who enter.Hampton Court Palace, a sprawling Tudor masterpiece nestled on the banks of the River Thames, is a treasure trove of art, history, and intrigue. From the opulent State Apartments to the lush gardens landscaped by Capability Brown, every corner of Hampton Court exudes the splendor and extravagance of Tudor and Baroque eras. With its famous hedge maze and resident ghosts, it offers visitors a glimpse into the rich tapestry of royal life through theages.Westminster Abbey, with its Gothic spires and majestic façade, is a living testament to the power of faith and tradition. As the coronation church of British monarchs for over a thousand years, it has witnessed the crowning of kings and queens, the solemnization of marriages, and the celebration of life's triumphs and tragedies. Its hallowed halls, adorned with exquisite stained glass windows and ornate tombs, resonate with the echoes of centuries past.。








萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆佛罗里达州圣彼得斯伯格即将建成的萨尔瓦多•达利博物馆(Salvador Dalí Museum)的创建者们清楚,达利那融化的钟表和燃烧的长颈鹿并不是他们建这座耗资3600万美元的建筑唯一要应付的难题——还有不那么超现实的难题:每年侵袭沿岸区域的飓风。

萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆为了保护这座建筑,建筑师雅恩•苇茅斯(Yann Weymouth)将其设计为一座混凝土建筑,被一团起伏的卵状防风玻璃保护带环绕。









美爆了!2020世界十大博物馆建筑公布随我们一起看一下,2020年世界上那些优秀的博物馆和文化场所建筑吧!01泰国 | 大象博物馆曼谷项目工作室“大象博物馆”是由曼谷项目工作室设计的,旨在教育游客关于大象与泰国东北部人民的紧密联系。

由Boonserm Premthada领导的设计团队说,当地的奎人与大象之间的关系是完全独特的,可以追溯到三个多世纪之前。




02中国 | 景德镇御窑博物馆朱锫建筑事务所今年早些时候,朱培工作室在历史悠久的景德镇地区建成了这座御窑博物馆。




03瑞士 | 瑞士爱彼制表博物馆Bjarke Ingels集团6月,瑞士奢侈手表品牌Audemars Piguet宣布由Bjarke Ingels 集团设计的新“生活”博物馆开幕。


早在1875年朱尔斯·路易斯·爱德华(Jules Louis Audemars)和爱德华·奥古斯特·皮格(Adward Auguste Piguet)在那里建立了他们的工作室,玻璃结构的凉亭是对最古老的建筑的补充。



04中国 | 顺德·和美术馆安藤忠雄由日本建筑师安藤忠雄设计的“和美术馆”于10月向公众开放。

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MAXXI博物馆建筑面积为29000平方 米,展览面积为10000平方米,礼堂, 图书馆,多媒体图书馆,咖啡厅,餐 馆的面积为6000平方米。
它由加州建筑设计师弗兰克•盖 里(Frank Gehry)设计,仅仅历 时四年就顺利完工。盖里因擅 长运用新兴材料和革新的建筑 形式,以及对城市环境的敏感 性而出名,他把石灰石、玻璃 巧妙地融入建筑里,设计的宽 敞展厅适合用来展示那些大多 会挑战传统博物展厅容量的大 型的20世纪后半期艺术 It is designd by the California architect Frank Gehry • (Frank Gehry) ,achieving a successful completion of four years. Gehry is well-known because of being good at using new materials and innovative architectural forms, as well as the sensitivity of the urban environment, he integrated limestone, glass cleverly into the building, the design of the spacious exhibition hall is suitable for those who would be most likely challenge the traditional museum Capacity of the large hall the latter half of 20th century art
In order to protect the building, the architect Jahn • reed Plymouth (Yann Weymouth) design it as a concrete building,which was surrounded by a mass of undulating glass wind protection zone around the egg
丹尼尔•李博斯金还是加拿大多伦多皇家安大略博物馆扩建计划的负责人, 这座博物馆是加拿大最大同时也是拥有最多收藏品的博物馆。五个联锁的 自我支撑建筑与博物馆原来的主体建筑相连,外部是25%的玻璃混合75% 的铝带。
六、加拿大超现代皇家安大略博物馆水晶宫 The new building is added to the city of Toronto unique architectural style: the intersection of old and new, the blend of tradition and ultra modernization, with a sense of history and the future outlook. Michael Lee-Chin Crystal in the day shows its low-key elegant simplicity. However, when the city is brightly studded, it is full of vigor and vitality in a posture in front of people. 这个新兴的建筑为多伦多增添这个城市特有的建筑风貌:新老交汇,传统与超现 代相融,历史风貌与未来感同在。Michael Lee-Chin Crystal在白天展现着它低调 质朴的优雅。然而,华灯缀满城市时,它又以一种充满生机与活力的姿态出现在 人们面前。
它是一座用钢铁和玻璃搭建的现代建筑,收藏意大利当代艺术作品。 从项目模型可以看到,它很像是一座曲折繁杂的铁路调车厂,这里曾 经是意大利军队的兵营。
二、罗马MAXXI博物馆 MAXXI museum is a building of ​29,000 square meters, 10,000 square meters of exhibition area, auditorium, library, multimedia libraries, coffee shops, restaurants, an area of ​6,000 square meters.
整座大厦看上去犹如一座被五颜六色的管道和钢 筋缠绕起来的庞大的化学工厂厂房,在那一条条 巨形透明的圆筒管道中,自动电梯忙碌地将参观 者迎来送往
六、加拿大超现代皇家安大略博物馆水晶宫 Daniel • Libo Si King is also the head of the expansion plan of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada, which is Canada's largest museum, possessing the largest collection of museums. Five interlocking self-supporting construction is attached to the original main building, the exterior is a mixture of 25% glass and 75% aluminium ribbon.
丹佛艺术博物馆委托丹尼尔•李博斯金设计其扩建建筑,不禁令人想起落基山 脉和丹佛附近发现的几何状水晶。 Denver Art Museum entrusted DanielLibeskind to design the extension of architecture, which reminds us of geometrical crystal in the Rocky Mountains and Denver‟s nearby areas.
为了保护这座建筑,建筑师雅恩•苇茅 斯(Yann Weymouth)将其设计为一座混 凝土建筑,被一团起伏的卵状防风玻璃 保护带环绕
Architect Zaha Hadid in Iraq designed Rome‟s "The latest contemporary art venue“, with special light filtering through the roof into the internal system, tourists will go through the entire building according to an unexpected route .
“蓬皮杜文化中心” 建筑的主体为6层的 钢结构,长166米, 宽60米。六角形的 木质结构与中国式 的六角帽很像
The main building of "Pompidou cultural center " is a 6th- storey building made of steel, 166 meters long and 60 meters wide. Hexagonal wooden structure is much like the Chinese hexagonal cap
佛罗里达州圣彼得斯 伯格即将建成的萨尔 瓦多•达利博物馆 (Salvador Dalí Museum)的创建者们 清楚,达利那融化的 钟表和燃烧的长颈鹿 并不是他们建这座耗 资3600万美元的建筑 唯一要应付的难题— —还有不那么超现实 的难题:每年侵袭沿 岸区域的飓风。 The founders of St.Peters-burg Dalí Museum • Salvador (Salvador Dalí Museum) to be built in Florida knew, Dali melted clock and burning giraffes are not the only challenge - and not so surreal problem of the building of $ 36,000,000 cost : each year the hurricane hit coastal areas.
In general,the interior of the museum is the visitors most interested in, but at the present, the internationally renowned architects are competing to design the world's most spectacular museums. Foreign media inventoried the world's most stunning museum building, the building itself is a gorgeous sight, and even the number of tourists attracted to itself is more than that of watching its internal art of work.
由伊拉克建筑师扎哈•哈 迪德设计的罗马“最新当代 艺术场馆”,光线可以通过 屋顶特制的过滤系统进入内 部,游客将以意想不到的路 线通过整座建筑。