

江苏省启东中学2014-2015学年高二上学期期终考试历史试题 Word版含答案

江苏省启东中学2014-2015学年高二上学期期终考试历史试题 Word版含答案










这表明A.私有财产不可侵犯 B.债务人与债权人关系紧张C.高利贷已成为严重的社会问题 D.运用法律调节借贷关系6.英王查理一世在受议会审判时说:“你们企图审判国王,这是多么大的罪恶啊,我的权力是上帝所托付的。


江苏省启东中学2014-2015学年高二上学期期终考试生物试题 Word版含答案

江苏省启东中学2014-2015学年高二上学期期终考试生物试题 Word版含答案

1、下图为DNA分子的某一片段,其中①②③分别表示某种酶的作用部位,则相应的酶依次是( )A.DNA连接酶、限制酶、解旋酶B.限制酶、解旋酶、DNA连接酶C.解旋酶、限制酶、DNA连接酶D.限制酶、DNA连接酶、解旋酶2、据下图分析,下列有关基因工程的说法不正确的是( )A.为防止目的基因与质粒任意结合而影响基因的表达,应用限制酶Ⅰ、Ⅱ同时切割二者B.限制酶、DNA连接酶的作用部位都是磷酸二酯键C.与启动子结合的应该是RNA聚合酶D.能够检测到标记基因表达产物的受体细胞中,也一定会有目的基因的表达产物3、下图为DNA分子在不同酶的作用下所发生的变化,图中依次表示限制酶、DNA聚合酶、DNA 连接酶、解旋酶作用过程的正确顺序是( )A.①②③④B.①②④③C.①④②③D.①④③②4、抗逆转基因作物的培育与推广所带来的巨大效益是( )①在一定程度上,使作物摆脱土壤和气候条件的限制②减少化学农药对环境的污染和人畜的危害③减少化肥的制造和使用量,有利于环境保护④能使作物在不良环境下更好地生长,提高产量A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④5、下列有关植物组织培养的叙述错误的是( )A.植物组织培养过程中要注意细胞分裂素和生长素的适宜比例B.用纤维素酶和果胶酶处理获得的植物细胞原生质体失去了全能性C.同种植物的不同基因型个体的细胞全能性表达程度会大不相同D.同一株绿色开花植物不同部位的细胞经培养获得的愈伤组织基因可能不同6、下图为将胡萝卜的离体组织在一定条件下培育形成试管苗的过程示意图,有关叙述正确的是( )A.利用此过程获得的试管苗可能为杂合子B.①②过程中都会发生细胞的增殖和分化C.多倍体植株的培育需经过上图所示过程D.此过程依据的生物学原理是细胞膜具有流动性7、下图为植物组织培养的基本过程,则制作人工种子,及生产治疗烫伤、割伤的药物——紫草素,应分别选用的编号是( )①②③④A.④②B.③②C.③④D.④③8、已知细胞合成DNA有D和S两条途径,其中D途径能被氨基嘌呤阻断。



金属材料及热处理期终试题(A)卷(06机械系大专班)一.填空题(每空1分,共40分)1.填出下列力学性能指标符号:屈服点σs ,抗拉强度σb ,洛氏硬度C标尺,伸长率,冲击韧度,布氏硬度.2.大多数合金元素溶于奥氏体后使C曲线的位置减少了钢的,提高钢的.3.常见的金属品格类型有,,三种,r-Fe晶格为a-Fe晶格为.4.金属结晶过程是由和两个基本过程组成.5.铁碳合金的基本相是,,,其中属于固溶体是和,属于金属化合物是.6.分析钢的等温转变中,在A1~650摄氏度温度范围内,转变产物为,在650~600摄氏度温度范围内起转变产物为,600~550摄氏度温度范围内转变产物为,在550~Ms温度范围内转变产物为和.在Ms温度以下转变产物为.7.根据工艺的不同,钢的热处理方法可分为,,,及五种.8.白口铸铁中的碳主要以形式存在,而灰口铸铁中的碳主要以形式存在.9.45钢中平均碳含量为;T8A中平均碳含量为;55Si2Mn弹簧钢中平均碳含量为,Si的含量约为,Mn的含量为.二.判断题(正确的打"√"错的打"×")(每小题1分,共10分)1.晶粒越细小,金属材料力学性能越好()2.理论结晶温度与实际结晶温度之差称为过冷度()3.在退火状态下25钢塑性韧性比45钢好,比T8更好()4.调质处理就是淬火+低温回火()5.合碳为2.4%的铁碳合金也会发生共晶反应()6.金属经热变形后也会存在硬工硬化现象()7.合金钢回火稳定性比碳素钢好()8.珠光体不仅强度硬度较高,而且还具有一定的塑性()9.莱氏体的平均含碳量为2.11%()10.马氏体与回火马氏体属同一组织()三.选择(每空1分,共25分)1.选取适当的牌号:优质碳素结构钢(45)碳素工具钢(T10)合金调质钢(40Gr)合金渗碳钢(20GrMnTi)普通碳素结构钢(Q235-A.F)灰铸铁(HT200)球墨铸铁()(20CrMnTi,40Cr,HT200,QT600-2,T10A,45Q235-A.F)2.为下列材料选材冷冲压件(10)重要的轴类(40Gr)车床床身(HT200)重要齿轮(20GrMnTi)车刀(W18Gr4V)(20CrMnTi,10,40Cr,HT200,W18Cr4V)3.选择下列零件的最终热处理刀具()重要轴类零件()弹性零件()(淬火+低温回火淬火+中温回火淬火+高温回火)4.为下列合金选择室温下的平衡组织Wc=1.2%的铁碳合金()共析钢()45钢()(PP+FeCⅡP+F)5.铁碳合金相图上的共析线()共晶线()共晶反应温度()共析反应温度为()(ECFACDGSPSK912℃727℃1230℃1148℃)6.灰铸铁中石墨呈()球墨铸铁中石墨呈()可锻铸铁中石墨呈()(片状球状团絮状)四.问答题(共25分)1.随着碳含量的增加,碳素钢的组织与性能如何变化?(13分)随碳的增加亚共析钢中的铁素体减少,珠光体增多,而过共析钢中珠光体减少,二次渗碳体增多.由于组织变化导致性能也发生相应的变化,即:随碳量的增加,钢的塑性,韧性降低,硬化逐渐增大,在Wc≤0.9%范围内强度也会提高.但当Wc>0.9%后随碳含量的增加,网状二次渗碳体增多,因而强度反而降低2.试述高速钢的成分特点及合金元素的主要作用?(12分)Ⅰ答案一.填空题1.σs σb HRCбαk HBS或HBW2.右移临界冷却速度(Uk)淬透性3.体心立方石心立方密排立方石心立方体心立方4.形核晶核长大5.铁素体(F)奥氏体(A)渗碳体(Fe3C)FAFe3C6.珠光体(P)索氏体(S)托氏体(T)上贝氏体(B上)下贝氏体(B下)马氏体(M)7.退火正火淬火回火表面热处理8.渗碳体(Fe3C)石墨(G)9.0.45%0.8%0.55%2%或1.5%~2.5%<1.5%二.判断答案:1√2√3√4×5√6×7√8√9×10×三.选择1.45T10A40Cr 20CrMnTi Q235-A.FHT200QT600-22.1040Cr HT20020CrMnTi W18CrV3.淬火+低温回火淬火+高温回火淬火+中温回火4.P+FeCⅡPP+F5.PSKECF1148℃727℃6.片状球状团絮状四1.答:随碳的增加亚共析钢中的铁素体减少,珠光体增多,而过共析钢中珠光体减少,二次渗碳体增多.由于组织变化导致性能也发生相应的变化,即:随碳量的增加,钢的塑性,韧性降低,硬化逐渐增大,在Wc≤0.9%范围内强度也会提高.但当Wc>0.9%后随碳含量的增加,网状二次渗碳体增多,因而强度反而降低.性能中,硬度,塑性,韧性错1处扣2分,强度项扣3分2.答:高速钢的成分特点有两点,其一:碳含量高,Wc=0.7%~1.65%,其二:是含有大量的合金元素:WCr Mo V等,这些合金元素在钢中的主要作用分别是:Cr:主要提高淬透性,WMo两元素主要提高钢的热硬度并细化晶粒,V:主要作用是提高钢的硬度和耐磨性,并能一定程度提高热硬性.09高数模1金属材料及热处理期末试卷A一.填空题(每空1分共20)1.塑性通常用和来表示2.金属结晶的必要条件是3.单晶体的塑性变形方式是和4.固溶体合金在结晶过程中,产生晶粒内部化学成分不均匀的现象为,由于这种偏析呈树枝状分布,故又称5.工业纯铁的室温平衡组织为6.淬火钢在250~350℃温度范围内回火时要发生回火脆性,称为7.滚动轴承钢主要用于制造滚动轴承的8.灰铸铁的热处理方法有、、9.变形铝合金按其性能特点可分为、、和锻铝10.青铜是指除、以外的铜合金11.金属材料、和统称三大固体工程材料二.选择题(每题2分共20分)1.灰铸铁的硬度测定方法是( )A.布氏硬度B.洛氏硬度C.维氏硬度2.下列物质属于晶体的是( )A.松香B.水晶C.石蜡3.冷塑性变形的金属晶粒重新结晶为均匀的等轴晶粒需进行的热处理是( )A.去应力退火B.完全退火C.再结晶退火4.下列情况属于相变过程的是( )A.液态金属的结晶B.晶粒长大C.冷变形金属的再结晶5.在铁碳合金的基本组成相中,属于金属化合物是( )A.铁素体B.渗碳体C.奥氏体6.调质是( )A.淬火+低温回火B.淬火+中温回火C.淬火+高温回火7.下列关于合金元素在钢中的作用论述错误的是( )A.合金元素的加入使铁素体产生固溶强化B.合金元素的加入使奥氏体相区的大小发生改变C.除钴外,合金元素的加入使C曲线左移8.阻止石墨化的元素有( )A.硅B.磷C.硫9.属于软基体上分布硬质点的轴承合金有( )A.锡基巴氏合金B.铝基轴承合金C.珠光体灰铸铁10.碳以片状石墨形式存在的铸铁是( )A.灰铸铁B.白口铸铁C.球墨铸铁三.判断题(对的打√,错的打×。

江苏省盐城市2013-2014学年高一下学期期终考试 语文 Word版含答案

江苏省盐城市2013-2014学年高一下学期期终考试 语文 Word版含答案

2013/2014学年度第二学期高一年级期终考试语文试题(满分160分时间150分钟)一、语言文字运用(15分)1.下列加点字的注音,全都正确的一项是(3分)A.遒.劲(qiú)粗糙.(cāo)屏.窒(bǐng)坍圮.(pǐ)B.静谧.(mì) 瓦砾.(lì)缜.密(zhěn)饿莩.(fú)C.倩.影(qiàn)熨.帖(yùn)恪.守(kè)泥淖.(nào)D.瞋.目(chēn)激湍.(tuān)箴.言(zhēn)栈.道(jiàn)2.在下面一段话空缺处依次填入成语,最恰当的一组是(3分)传统文化中的各个成分,在其发生的时候,是应运而生的,在历史上起过积极作用。










(4分)合作是▲▲合作是▲▲二、文言文阅读(19分)(一)课外文言文阅读 (14分)盛彦师者,宋州虞城人。





江苏省盐城市2013-2014学年高二下学期期终考试 英语(四星) Word版含答案

江苏省盐城市2013-2014学年高二下学期期终考试 英语(四星) Word版含答案







1. What is the man doing?A. Asking for permission.B. Asking for help.C. Asking the way.2. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Colleagues.C. Couple.3. How much did the man’s sister pay for the skirt last summer?A. $90.B. $60.C. $50.4. Where does the smell probably come from?A. The bedroom.B. The kitchen.C. The living room.5. What will the woman do alone for her mother on her mother’s birthday?A. Cook the meals.B. Buy a big cake.C. Buy some flowers.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。



上海市黄浦区2022届高三上学期期终调研测试(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案

上海市黄浦区2022届高三上学期期终调研测试(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案

黄浦区2021学年度第一学期高三班级期终调研测试英语试卷(完卷时间:120分钟满分:150分)2022年1月5日下午第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In the bank. B. In the library.C. In the restaurant.D. In the supermarket.2. A. Travel to Shanghai. B. Have a meeting.C. Dine with Mr. Kim.D. Discuss their program.3. A. Salesman and customer. B. Husband and wife.C. Manager and secretary.D. Father and daughter.4. A. H e didn’t want to come early. B. He carried a heavy bag.C. He was delayed by a heavy truck.D. He was held up in a traffic jam.5. A. The woman will go to the airport by taxi. B. The woman is asking the man for help.C. The woman’s car has broken down.D. The woman really likes taking buses.6. A. He also thinks Tina looks great. B. He thinks Tina should get a new dress.C. He doesn’t agree with the woman.D. He doesn’t like Tina’s silver dress.7. A. She moved to Washington when she was young.B. She can provide little useful information.C. She will show the man around Washington.D. She will ask someone else to help the man.8. A. He can speak German. B. He knows both English and German.C. He can read German books.D. He knows nothing about German.9. A. She couldn’t believe that the news about James was true.B. She felt sorry for James’ being caught cheating by teachers.C. She thought James shouldn’t have cheated in the final exam.D. She showed no interest in any news about exams at all.10. A. He acted in the play at the last minute.B. He decided to quit at the last minute.C. He wa sn’t supposed to take part in the play.D. He made up his mind to act in the play.Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. 9:00am-8:00pm B. 5:00am-9:00pm C. 9:30am-5:30pm D. 5:30am-9:30pm12. A. Candies. B. Cigarettes. C. Newspapers. D. Stamps.13. A. Small stores usually have a one-hour break during lunch time.rge food shops stay open for more hours on Thursday and Friday.C. Most shops are closed in the afternoon on Tuesday and Thursday.D. It is convenient for foreign visitors to shop on Sundays.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. 50 million dollars. B. 144 million dollars.C. 158 million dollars.D. 160 million dollars.15. A. It was shown for four days in many countries.B. It was made and produced in 1973.C. It was based on the story of wars among planets.D. It told a story which happened not long ago.16. A. “Revenge of the Sith” is the best in the series of six “Star Wars” movies.B. The action in the new film is exciting and the special effects are terrific.C. “Revenge of the Sith” is especially suitable for children to watch.D. It has more violent actions than all the other “Star Wars” films.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)ChicagoChicago is an incredible city and a key business center for the Midwest. That means that sooner or later most business travelers (25)_______(find) themselves there. This City Guide for Chicago provides business travelers with all the information they need (26)_______(plan) a successful trip to Chicago. Of course, it also help you find out how to enjoy (27)_______ while you’re there.Unless you’re just in Chicago for the day, there’s a good chance that you’ll have some time after work to explore the sleepless city and (28)_______ you’re ready to take a break from business meetings or simply want to throw in some sightseeing after a busy week at work. (29)_______ _______ _______ help business travelers plan their free time better, we’ve created this overview of things to do in Chicago. We’ll help you feel at home in one of America’s biggest cities.If you’re mainly going to be downtown, the buses and trains and taxis can pretty quickly move you around. To make it easy, we’ve pulled together a complete list of the transportation options for business travelers to Chicago. Of course, business travelers (30)_______ also want to compare prices on rental cars in Chicago, especially if they need transportation to the surrounding suburbs.Chicago has a huge range of dining options. You can always get some real comfort food there, but when it comes to business lunches or dinners, it’s nice to have something a little (31)_______(nice).Chicago is a wonderful city for business travelers. Hotel options range from ultra-fancy in town to cheap and convenient in the suburbs. While it’s relatively easy to move around Chicago, it’s still a good idea for business travelers to know (32)_______ they need to be during the day and to select a hotel nearby. Alternatively, you can select a hotel that’s in the heart of the downtown area.(B)Special Public BudgetGraffiti (涂鸦) Vandalism (有意破坏公物的行为)in Adelaide costs the public purse more than two million dollars a year, which (33)_______(reveal). Ratepayers and taxpayers foot the bill for continual cleanups of graffiti from metropolitan bus shelters, public buildings and reserves, TransAdelaide alone spends about one million dollars a year (34)_______(remove) graffiti from buses and trains. And Adelaide’s 27 metropolitan councils expect to spend at least one million dollars this financial year on graffiti clean-ups.However, costs would be hundreds of thousands of dollars higher (35)_______ councils did not rely on volunteers or criminals serving community service orders to do the work. Glenelg Council, for example, has a Correctional Services Department team which removes graffiti from the foreshore area at least once a week. Other councils, (36)_______ Elizabeth, Noarlunga and Payneham, have employed special anti-graffiti officers. Salisbury is among those councils (37)_______ call on a data bank of volunteers to immediately paint out graffiti “tags”.Despite the “tagging” of the War Memorial on North Terrace (38)_______ (follow) by the public outcry 18 months ago, several councils have reported a significant increase in graffiti attacks.“We have budgeted $53,200 for clean-ups this year, but we will go over that. Each year the budget goes up by 15 or 20 per cent,” an Elizabeth City Council spokesman said yesterday, “It really is (39)_______ enormous social problem.”A spokesman for Stirling Council said his council could easily spend $20,000 a year on graffiti, but could not afford $6,000 for the most offensive or obvious work. “It’s not a matter of how much graffiti you have, (40)_______ how much you can afford to clean up,” he said.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. NoteChinese traders were recorded as making voyages to the north coast of Australia from the 1750s, but were probably visiting Australia long before. Chinese men arrived in Australia in small numbers after the 1788 British settlement as free settlers and criminals. A small population grew rapidly after 1848 under a system of indentured(契约的)labour, after China had __41__ its ports to foreign trade in 1842. They worked in rural New South Wales as cooks, farm labourers and etc.Indentured Chinese __42__ worked in all colonies variously as station hands, plantation workers, miners, on public works, cabinet makers, personal servants and in laundries. Most came from the south-eastern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian.Due to labour __43__ in West Australia, the Colonial Government organized Chinese contract labour between 1847 and 1898, most working as labourers, cooks and gardeners. Many Chinese people came from rural backgrounds and brought with them __44__ and water management skills. By 1885, there were 54 Chinese market gardens in Sydney. By 1901, 67% of New South Wales market gardeners were Chinese.Gold rushes in Victoria in the 1850s and New South Wales in the 1860s significantly __45__ the population of Chinese immigrants in Australia; about 45,000 prospectors arrived in Victoria alone in 1854-58. Numbers continued to increase as gold and other __46__ were discovered in Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania.When mining became less __47__, many Chinese people worked successfully to provide goods and services such as furniture making, market gardening, fishing and, particularly, store-keeping including the import and export of goods from overseas. Chinese goods, especially tea, silk, vegetables, herbs and other spices were highly sought after items of trade by non-Chinese people. Tea rooms, importing and selling many varieties of tea, were very popular. Chinese silk was turned into __48__ evening wear and cloaks by Chinese tailors and seamstresses.Today there is a culturally diverse Chinese __49__ in Australia with links to south-eastern China as well as Vietnam and Hong Kong. The Chinese communities in Australia are brought together every year by __50__ of Lunar New Year.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.New Tech Network, a new education organization, strives to ensure all students have the skills, knowledge, and attributes they need to thrive in post-secondary education, career and civic life.New Tech Network cooperates with district leaders, administrators, and teachers who share a common purpose: to provide an education in which students acquire knowledge and develop skills vital to __51__ in the post-secondary path of their choosing. The New Tech design is simply a blueprint, __52__ a set of core beliefs, tools, and strategies to help each school fulfill its purpose. New Tech design principles provide for an __53__ approach centered onproject-based learning, a culture that enables students and teachers, and the use of technology in the classroom. Through extensive professional development, personalized coaching, and access to Echo, New Tech Network, a learning __54__ system, enables principals, teachers, and students to develop relevant and meaningful learning communities.TEACHING THAT ENGAGESA K-12 PathwayThrough project-based learning, internships(见习期), dual enrollment, and other experiences in New Tech schools, students are well __55__ post-secondary pursuits.__56__, New Tech Network has worked with public school districts to redesign high schools. More recently, however, New Tech Network is partnering with several school districts to __57__ New Tech middle schools and elementary schools. In some districts, this provides students with a K-12 pathway. In elementary and middle schools, the design principles are the same—teaching that engages, culture that empowers, and technology that enables. As the elementary and middle schools mature, New Network will measure success on student __58__.Learning __59__The years spent in a New Tech school allow students to gain the academic and deeper learning skills necessary for success in any post-secondary option. New Tech students learn disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct inquiry and solve real-world problems. Throughout a project, they cooperate with peers, facilitators, and experts in the field. Students __60__ their learning through effective oral and written communication for authentic audiences.Ownership of their learning experience and engagement in relevant and challenging tasks helps students develop a sense of agency, a skill essential to success in __61__, career, and civic duty.Project-Based LearningProject-based learning is at the heart of New Tech Network’s instructional approach. Students cooperate on projects, ranging in __62__ from two to eight weeks, which require critical thinking and communication. Projects often occur in integrated subject area courses, where Entry Events, the Need-to-Know (NTK) process, and skill building workshops support student-centred learning. During projects, students often engage with subject matter experts who provide feedback on real-world products. Through project-based learning, students not only master__63__ content, but also successfully apply content when solving authentic problems.__64__ -Based InternshipsNew Tech students also engage in experiences designed to prepare them for success in the contemporary workplace. By cooperating with others on projects, students acquire a level of responsibility similar to a __65__ work environment. Students engage with field experts and community stakeholders(利益相关者) during projects, and final products are presented to authentic audiences. Additionally, two-thirds of New Tech high schools offer such practical activities, with nearly half of all seniors participating.51. A. success B. rescue C. survival D. reform52. A. owing to B. getting rid of C. depending on D. accompanied by53. A. intermediate B. intelligent C. instructional D. informative54. A. innovation B. requirement C. management D. negotiation55. A. related to B. prepared for C. classified by D. compared with56. A. Accidentally B. Accordingly C. Absolutely D. Historically57. A. evaluate B. observe C. connect D. create58. A. teaching B. learning C. engaging D. developing59. A. Problems B. Outcomes C. Strategies D. Discipline60. A. demonstrate B. promote C. highlight D. motivate61. A. elementary schools B. middle schoolsC. high schoolsD. college62. A. length B. courses C. topics D. targets63. A. advanced B. academic C. complex D. adequate64. A. Network B. Workshop C. Community D. College65. A. permanent B. professional C. popular D. familiarSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Rosalind Franklin always liked facts. She was logical and precise, and impatient with things that were otherwise. She decided to become a scientist when she was 15. She passed the examination for admission to Cambridge University in 1938, and it sparked a family crisis. Although her family was well-to-do and had a tradition of public service and charity, her father disapproved of university education for women. He refused to pay.An aunt stepped in and said Franklin should go to school, and she would pay for it. Franklin’smother also took her side until her father finally gave in.She was invited to King’s College in London to join a team of scientists. The leader of the team assigned her to work on DNA with a graduate student. Franklin’s assumption was that itwas her own project. The laboratory’s second-in-command, Maurice Wilkins, was on vacation atthe time, and when he returned, their relationship was puzzling. He assumed she was to assist hiswork; she assumed she’d be the only one working on DNA. They had powerful personalitydifferences as well: Franklin direct, quick, decisive, and Wilkins shy, hesitant, and passive.In 1953, Wilkins changed the course of DNA history by disclosing, without Franklin’s permission, her Photo 51 to competing scientist James Watson, who was working on his own DNA model with Francis Crick at Cambridge. Upon seeing the photograph, Watson said, “My jaw fell open and my pulse began to race,”according to author Brenda Maddox who wrote the book Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA.The two scientists did in fact use what they saw in Photo 51 as the basis for their famous model of DNA, which they published on March 7, 1953, and for which they received a Nobel Prize in 1962. Crick and Watson were also able to take most of the credit for the finding: they included a footnote acknowledging that they were “stimulated by a general knowledge” of Franklin’s and Wilkin’s unpublished contribution, when much of their work was rooted in Franklin’s photo and findings. Franklin didn’t know that these men based their article on her research, and she didn’t complain either, likely as a result of her upbringing. Franklin “didn’t do anything that would invite criticism… (that was) bred into her,” Maddox said.66. Wilkins’ relationship with Franklin was characterized by __________.A. unity and harmonyB. confusion and competitionC. cooperation and miscommunicationD. misunderstanding and conflict67. What does Watson mean by saying “My jaw fell open and my pulse began to race”?A. He was confused that Crick had not made this discovery.B. He was surprised that Wilkins had discovered this information.C. He was satisfied with the importance of Photo 51.D. He was anxious about the progress Wilkins and Franklin had made.68. What is Brenda Maddox’s main intention according to the quote in the last paragraph?A. To re-evaluate the importance of the DNA model.B. To criticize King’s College and Cambridge.C. To emphasize Franklin’s importance in science.D. To deny Watson’s and Crick’s contribution to science.69. Franklin’s career as a scientist demonstrates _________.A. that her work was pointing at the most difficult problemB. that she was the only female scientist during the periodC. the importance of DNA in modern scienceD. that perseverance leads to success and recognition of field scientists(B)ReviewsCultual Breaks by Brian AldissReviewed by Paul KincaidBrian Aldiss is an amazing and frustrating writer. When he is on song, hisstyle is forceful, disturbing and delectable. But he is a restless writer. Hecame into his own in the enthusiastic and experimental atmosphere of theNew Wave, and he has been driven to try the new and the different eversince. That he is still experimenting now, 50 years after his firstappearance, is a measure of a man who has never been prepared to settleback on his laurels. The Secrets of Jin-Shei by Alma AlexanderReviewed by Donna McMahonWith so many fantasy novels using European-derived settings and mythology, ancient China makes a refreshing change. The landscape is tempting and yet familiar enough to feel very real, and the author uses magic sparingly, in ways appropriate to her society. This and the complex detail put into the backdrop makes the novel feel very much like historical fiction.Straken by Terry BrooksReviews by Nathan BrazilThe third novel in the High Druid of Shannara series jumps straight backinto the story where it left off. It continues the quest of unlikely hero Penderrin Ohmsford. Now equipped with the means to break in –andback out- of the Forbidding, where his aunt, the overthrown Ard Phys of Druids, is stranded, Pen must first get back to Paranor. His rescue attemptcan only begin from within the chamber where Grianne Ohmsford disappeared. Unfortunately, this will deliver him straight into the hands of those responsible for his aunt’s disappearance.70. The reviewer admires Brian Aldiss’ ability to ___________.A. write so many novelsB. continue to be inventive in his writingC. write disturbing plotsD. have a writing career spanning over four decades71. Why does the setting of Jin-Shei appeal to the reviewer?A. It is a good science of fiction setting.B. It is mysterious.C. It is a less common choice of setting.D. It is very magical.72. Terry Brook’s novel continues a series on ___________.A. the adventures of an unsuspecting hero and his attempts to rescue his auntB. a quest about the High Druid of Shannara in a secret chamber in ParanorC. the disappearance of a druid which foils the plans of the enemiesD. liberating a stranded aunt who is key to the knowledge of the Forbidding (C)Aisling’s mother died at midsummer. She had fallen sick so suddenly that some of the villagers wondered if the fairies had come and taken her, for she was still young and beautiful. She was buried three days later beneath the hawthorn tree(山楂树) behind the house, just as twilight was darkening the sky.Maire Solanya, the village greenwitch, came that evening to perform the old rituals over the grave. She stood at the foot of the mound of black soil. Aisling and her father stood at the head of it, resting on the simple headstone, was the burning candle. Aisling’s father had lit it shortly after Elinor died, and it would burn all night. The gravestone was a plain piece of slate carved with her name: Elinor. Grass and tree roots would grow up around it as the years passed, until it would seem as if it had always been there.Maire Solanya said in her low, clear voice, “Life to life, from breath to breath, we remember Elinor.” She held a round loaf of bread in her hands. She tore off a small piece and ate it, chewing deliberately, before handing the loaf to Aisling’s father. He pulled off his own piece, then passed it to his daughter. It was still warm, and it smelled like her mother’s kitchen after baking. But it hadn’t come from her mother’s hands, and that realization made a lump rise in her throat. The bread was tasteless.Maire Solanya took the loaf from her, its crust(面包皮) gaping open, and placed it on the gravestone next to the candle. Aisling couldn’t shake the feeling that her mother had merely gone out on an errand and would come home at any moment and wonder what the three of them were doing. It didn’t seem possible that she was buried there, at the foot of the hawthorn tree, in the ground. It was easier to believe the village rumors than to sit with the ache inside herself.She remembered those rumors now, while she stood with her father and Maire Solanya in a tense silence. Everyone had always said that Elinor had some magic in her, and everyone knew that fairies – if they existed – were drawn to that. So Aisling’s father had ordered all the old rituals, even though he did not believe in them, just in case. She was not entirely sure what she herself believed, but she knew that her mother would want them to do these rituals for her, and that was enough.When the sun slipped below the horizon, the greenwitch said, “Sleep in peace, Elinor,”and scattered a gold powder over the grave to bind Elinor to the earth. On the freshly turned soil, the gold glittered like fairly dust.73. Aisling and her family are most likely __________.A. fairlies in disquiseB. simple village folkC. wealthy farmersD. experienced bakers74. Maire Solanya performed the rituals in order to __________.A. express thanks to the fairiesB. protect the hawthorn treeC. respect Elinor’s wishesD. capture Elinor’s spirit75. Which of the following does not describe Elinor?A. A believer in magic.B. Practical.C. Skilled at baking.D. Youthful.76. Which statement best describes Aisling’s belief in fairies?A. She is uncertain and finds the idea unsettling.B. She finds the idea comforting but is unsure.C. She is certain they exist and wishes they would bring back her mother.D. She believes strongly in the power of their rituals but not in their existence.77. Why did Aisling find the bread “tasteless”?A. It reminded her of her mother’s absence.B. It was a terribly rude thing to eat at her mother’s funeral.C. Solanya was really a poor baker in the village.D. There had not been sufficient ingredients to make the bread.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.How was it that an American ship came to be sunk by American mines in a port held by American forces?Built in1931, the luxury liner SS President Coolidge was a 10-year veteran(退伍军人) of the Pacific before she was pressed into service by the military and converted to carry troops.On October 26, 1942, towards the end of her first year of World War II service, the Coolidge hit an American mine in the east entrance of the Segond Channel on Espiritu Santo, one of the islands of the New Herbrides(now Vanuatu), and sank in 36 meters of water.Though all but two of the 5000 officers and men aboard were saved, the loss of the ship was a military scandal. She had escaped the Japanese during the worst part of the war in the Pacific, only to be lost because of a series of disastrous American mistakes.The master of the Coolidge, Henry Nelson, claimed he hadn’t been warned that the harbor was mined. Worse, in terms of wartime security, neither of the two US destroyers the Coolidge had encountered had challenged her. Nor had they relayed the vital information about the mines. “The first warning was from a signal station further in the harbor telling me to stop, that we were approaching danger,” he wrote.‘I, in turn, stopped the engines and backed the engines, but with the speed we were moving, we still went too far and we struck two mines. I immediately, with the speed we had left, headed the ship to the beach, and ordered “abandon ship ”, which was done and completed in 45 minutes.’‘No one mentioned to me, no one informed me, that there was a mine field in Espiritu Santo. Had there been some knowledge of mines, I never would have approached anywhere visible.’Captain Nelson was exonerated(免罪) by a court of inquiry but those responsible did not escape blame. The port director’s office at Noumea and the inefficiency of an experienced commanding officer of a navy patrol(巡逻队) and pilot boat were blamed.Today, the Coolidge is one of the world’s best wreck dives. Much of her original luxury decoration remains, including The Lady, perhaps the most photographed underwater icon in the world. Military equipment she wastransporting can also still be seen.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. The ship was “pressed into service by the military” suggests that it was ______________.79. What caused the sinking of the ship?80. Why did the ship still hit the mines after the captain stopped the engines?81. Why was the sinking of this ship a “scandal”?第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.成本问题在我们的打算中起着很大的作用。
















江苏省无锡市2020-2021学年高一上学期期终教学质量抽测建议卷语文试题 Word版含答案

江苏省无锡市2020-2021学年高一上学期期终教学质量抽测建议卷语文试题 Word版含答案

Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2016 Aspose Pty Ltd.无锡市普通高中2020年秋学期高一期终教学质量抽测建议卷语文2021.01注意事项及说明:1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分,共150分,考试时间150分钟。










(3 分)(1)____(2)____(3)3.研究院一角挂着苏轼创作的一篇散文《书戴嵩画牛》,此文短小精悍,情趣盎然,蕴含着深刻的道理。












开放教育大专计算机应用基础Word2010综合测试操作步骤参考(请大家在安装光盘前务必把家里电脑装win7,word2010,excel2010)任务:打开当前试题考生文件夹C:\DDCBKS\CbtesExam\Word00?中的TEST1.docx文件,并完成下面操作:(1)在“…基于Windows 95/98”后添加“操作系统的”文字段;(2)将文档中的所有中文字体改为黑色四号,英文/数字字体为Arial加粗四号;(3)保存文档。

解题步骤:1、打开考生文件夹,双击打开TEST1.docx→光标移到“…基于Windows 95/98”后,输入“操作系统的”文字。



任务:打开当前试题考生文件夹C:\DDCBKS\CbtesExam\Word00?中的TEST2.docx文件,并完成下面操作:(1)在“…一张CD-ROM”后添加“不但可以”文字段;(2)将文档中的所有中文字体改为黑色四号,英文/数字字体为Courier New加粗四号;(3)保存文档。


2、选中所有中文,在开始选项卡的字体栏目中设置“黑体、四号”,选中所有英文/数字,在开始选项卡的字体栏目中设置“Courier New、加粗、四号”。




江苏省盐城市2013-2014学年高一下学期期终考试 生物(四星) Word版含答案

江苏省盐城市2013-2014学年高一下学期期终考试 生物(四星) Word版含答案

四星高中使用2013/2014学年度第二学期高一年级期终考试生 物 试 题一、单项选择题:本部分包括35题,每题2分,共计70分。


1.细胞中无机盐的存在形式主要是A .原子B .离子C .分子D .化合物 2.糖类是细胞生命活动的主要能源物质。

动、植物细胞中都含有的糖类是A .葡萄糖B .乳糖C .麦芽糖D .糖原3.构成细胞膜的主要化学元素是A .C 、H 、O 、NB .C 、H 、O C .C 、H 、O 、P 、SD .C 、H 、O 、N 、P 4.下列哪项不是构成蛋白质的氨基酸5.细胞代谢活动和遗传特性的控制中心是A .细胞膜B .细胞质C .细胞核D .内质网6.T 2噬菌体、蓝藻、果蝇都具有A .细胞结构B .核糖体C .染色体D .DNA7.观察同一材料的同一部位时,高倍镜与低倍镜相比A .物像小,视野亮,看到的细胞数目多B .物像小,视野暗,看到的细胞数目少C .物像大,视野暗,看到的细胞数目少D .物像大,视野亮,看到的细胞数目多 8.下图是细胞膜的亚显微结构模式图,有关说法错误..的是 A .③构成细胞膜的基本骨架 B .细胞识别与物质①有关C .细胞膜的选择透过性主要是由③决定的D .由②参加的物质运输不一定为主动运输9.下图为某细胞内的部分结构模式图。

下列相关叙述错误..的是A .含少量DNA 的是①和③B .4种结构都具有膜结构C .该细胞可能是低等植物细胞D .①和②与分泌蛋白的合成、分泌有关10.下图为A TP 与ADP 相互转化的关系式。

下列相关叙述错误..的是 A .ATP 中的A 代表腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸 B .①过程中远离A 的高能磷酸键断裂 C .②过程可发生在绝大部分生物体内 D .①过程能直接为细胞分裂提供能量A .NH 2—CH 2COOHB .NH 2—CH —CH 2—COOHNH 2C .NH 2—CH —(CH 2)4—NH 2COOHD .NH 2—CH —COOHCH 2-CH 2-S-CH 3时间B时间C时间D时间A11.在“探究不同pH 值对酶活性的影响”实验中,pH 值属于A .自变量B .无关变量C .因变量D .对照变量 12.下图中,能够表示洋葱表皮细胞在质壁分离及其复原过程中细胞液浓度变化的曲线是13.下列反应在细胞质基质和线粒体内均能完成的是A .ADP+Pi+能量→ATPB .丙酮酸→酒精+CO 2C .葡萄糖→丙酮酸D .H 2O→[H]+O 214.下列关于“叶绿体色素的提取和分离”实验的叙述中,错误..的是 A .应选用新鲜绿色的叶片 B .滤液细线不能触及层析液 C .加少量CaCO 3是为了研磨充分D .加无水乙醇是为了溶解色素15.细胞衰老是一种正常的生命现象。
























关于本次地震叙述正确的是A.震源处于板块生长边界B.震级5级不会造成经济损失C.地震烈度上海比盐城小D. 震源深度17千米属深源地震3.安徽歙砚是中国四大名砚之一,受到历代书法家的赞誉。








计算机操作基础试题2008/2009学年度第一学期期终考查一、选择题(每题1分,共59分)1、启动Windows后,出现在屏幕上的整个区域称为A 工作区域B桌面C图标D任务栏2 、在Windows中,关于"回收站"叙述正确的是()A"回收站"是用于临时存放被删除文件和文件夹的空间B"回收站"中的文件不可以恢复C清空"回收站"后,原放在"回收站"的文件仍然可以被恢复D"回收站"存放的是被永远删除文件,文件夹3、在Windows中,若鼠标指针已定位在某对象上,这时要弹出该对象的快捷菜单,只需要用鼠标进行()操作A单击B右击C双击D拖动4、在Windows中,如果菜单项名称的右边有"..."时表示单击该项会弹出()A子菜单B上级菜单C对话框D应用程序窗口5、Windows中的窗口和对话框作比较,窗口可以移动和改变大小,而对话框()A既不能移动,也不能改变大小B仅可以移动,不能改变大小C不能移动,仅可以改变大小D既能移动,也能改变大小6、以下选项中所占磁盘空间最大()A 2KB B 2MBC 3BD 2GB7、还原按钮可以使窗口()A还原为最大化之前的窗口大小B实现最小化C还原为标准窗口D回到刚刚开机的状态8、在Windows中,若某一菜单项呈灰色显示,此选项为()A当前不可选的命令B当前可选的命令C当前要执行的命令D没有意义9、当最小化一个应用程序窗口时()A此应用程序被关闭B此应用程序在后台运行C此应用程序到后台且停止运行D以上都不是10、有4个操作:①单击第一文件或文件夹②按主Shift键③按主Ctrl键④单击最后一个文件或文件夹;那么选中多个相邻文件或文件夹的操作步骤为()A ①④B ④①C ①③④D ①②④11、在Windows中,截取当前屏幕上的活动窗口画面,应该使用()A Print Screen键B组合键Alt + Print ScreenC组合键Ctrl + Print Screen D组合键Ctrl + P12、因特网最常用的通信协议是()A BBSB ISDNC TCP/IPD PPP13 、/doc/9616538323.html,是,xiaoming@/doc/9616538323.html,是()A 网址B浏览器 C IP地址 D E-mail地址14、关于Excel中的图表,下面表述正确的是()A要改动图表中的数据,必须重新建立图表B图表生成后不能改变图表类型C图表中数据是不能改动的D图表中数据是可以改动的15、剪贴板是()A放置剪贴画的区域B内存临时存储区C硬盘中一块区域D软盘中的一块区域16、Word不属于()A文字处理软件B应用软件COffice办公软件中的一种D系统软件17、浏览因特网上的浏览信息,可以使用()A Wps 2000B Word 97C Internet ExplorerD KV30018、.在“我的文档”窗口中,若要按字母的顺序排列文件和文件夹的图标,应选择“查看”→“排列图标”→()菜单命令。



2007学年初二年级第二学期期终考试班级________ 姓名__________ 学号______ 成绩__________一选择题1.下列紧急情况的救护中,需要进行心肺复苏术的是……………………()A. 中风B. 骨折C. 溺水导致的心跳骤停D. 大面积烧伤2.病原体是指…………………………………………………………………()A.能够传播疾病的苍蝇、蚊子等B.能够传播病原体的人或动物C. 能够传播疾病的细菌、病毒和寄生虫 D .垃圾、废水和污水3.下列属于特异性免疫的是…………………………………………………()A. 巨噬细胞的吞噬作用B. 皮肤的保护作用C. 抗体的杀菌作用D. 黏膜的屏障4.人体的第二道防线是……………………………………………………()A. 免疫细胞B. 皮肤和黏膜C.引起炎症反应的化学物质5.下列植物类群中,没有真正根、茎、叶的分化的是……………………()A. 蕨类植物B. 裸子植物 C 藻类植物. D. 被子植物6.下列植物类群中,最高等、最繁茂的类群是……………………………()A. 蕨类植物B. 裸子植物 C 藻类植物. D. 被子植物7.下列哪项是导致生态系统失去平衡的自然因素?………………………()A.引进物种B. 工业废水排放C.火山爆发D.原油泄漏8.具有净化水体的功能、被誉为“地球之肾”的是………………………()A.草原生态系统B.森林生态系统C.湿地生态系统D.荒漠生态系统9.“绿色食品”是指………………………………………………………()A.保健食品B.绿颜色的食品C.用绿色植物制作的食品D.无污染、安全、优质的食品10.污染的环境中一般找不到的植物是……………………………………() A.蕨类植物、种子植物 B.藻类植物和蕨类植物C.苔藓植物 D.绿色开花植物11.当你在家中自行用药时,为了安全,必须考虑什么?………………()①该药生产企业与日期、有效期、批准文号②该药是不是广告推荐的药品③该药的功能用量、不良反应、禁忌症等④该药是处方药还是非处方药A. ①②③B.①②④C. ②③④D. ①③④12.下列措施中,不属于预防接种的是……………………………………()A.为婴幼儿注射白百破B.为肝炎患者注射增强体质的胎盘球蛋白C.为青少年注射乙肝疫苗D.给幼儿口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗13.科学家们发现,流行感冒的病原体是一种病毒,称为流感病毒。

河南省南阳市淅川县2021-2022学年八年级(上)期终质量检测物理试题(word版 含答案)

河南省南阳市淅川县2021-2022学年八年级(上)期终质量检测物理试题(word版 含答案)














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