国际营销英文课件chapter 9 consumer behavior
• Belief: a descriptive thought that a person has about something.
• Attitude: describes a person’s relatively consistent evaluation, feelings, and tendencies about something.
9.3.2 Social Factors
• Social factors include reference groups, family, social role and social status
• Reference groups参照群体: consist of all the groups that have direct or indirect influence on a person’s attitudes or behavior.
All the above mentioned enter the buyer’s black box, where they are turned into a set of observable buyer response as:
◦ Product choice ◦ Brand choice ◦ Dealer choice ◦ Purchase timing /amount
Read the article in Box 9.1 Discuss the questions. Can you set other examples to illustrate
the concept? What are the similar passion points? How different are they reflected among
• Attitude: describes a person’s relatively consistent evaluation, feelings, and tendencies about something.
9.3.2 Social Factors
• Social factors include reference groups, family, social role and social status
• Reference groups参照群体: consist of all the groups that have direct or indirect influence on a person’s attitudes or behavior.
All the above mentioned enter the buyer’s black box, where they are turned into a set of observable buyer response as:
◦ Product choice ◦ Brand choice ◦ Dealer choice ◦ Purchase timing /amount
Read the article in Box 9.1 Discuss the questions. Can you set other examples to illustrate
the concept? What are the similar passion points? How different are they reflected among
D. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity E. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants
2.(1 )International Marketing(P10)
5) Developing a Global Awareness
To be globally aware is to have: tolerance of cultural differences knowledge of cultures, history, world
market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends
Part Three Research of the international marketing (Chapter 8)
Part Four STP (Chapter12 )
Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Part Five 4Ps
International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.
2.(1 )International Marketing(P10)
5) Developing a Global Awareness
To be globally aware is to have: tolerance of cultural differences knowledge of cultures, history, world
market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends
Part Three Research of the international marketing (Chapter 8)
Part Four STP (Chapter12 )
Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Part Five 4Ps
International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.
• Definition • Process: Strategic and Tactical Marketing
Fundamentals of International Business
• • • • Trade theories Country factors Regional integration Foreign exchange market
Global Awareness
Means • Tolerance of cultural differences and • Knowledge of cultures, history, world markets and global economic, social and political trends
IM Definition
• International Marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute company’s products to customers in more than one country for profit. (adapted from CGB)
– International trade theories – Balance of payments
• Protectionism and trade barriers • International institutions
Global Perspective
• Globalization of markets and production is developing • International cooperation is increasing • Economic growth is slowing • Developing economies are catching up • Competition is intensifying
Fundamentals of International Business
• • • • Trade theories Country factors Regional integration Foreign exchange market
Global Awareness
Means • Tolerance of cultural differences and • Knowledge of cultures, history, world markets and global economic, social and political trends
IM Definition
• International Marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute company’s products to customers in more than one country for profit. (adapted from CGB)
– International trade theories – Balance of payments
• Protectionism and trade barriers • International institutions
Global Perspective
• Globalization of markets and production is developing • International cooperation is increasing • Economic growth is slowing • Developing economies are catching up • Competition is intensifying
Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.
Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.
• More developed countries (MDCs); industrialized countries with high per capita incomes • Less developed countries (LDCs); industrially developing countries just entering world trade • Least developed countries (LLDCs); industrially underdeveloped, agrarian, subsistence societies with rural populations with extremely low per capita income levels, and little world trade involvement.
LO1 The importance of time zones for trade relationships and marketing operations LO2 The political and economic changes affecting global marketing LO3 The connection between the economic level of a country and the marketing task LO4 The variety of stages of economic development among American nations LO5 Growth factors and their role in economic development LO6 Marketing’s contribution to the growth and development of a country’s economy LO7 The foundational market metrics of American nations LO8 The growing importance of trading associations among American nations
LO1 The importance of time zones for trade relationships and marketing operations LO2 The political and economic changes affecting global marketing LO3 The connection between the economic level of a country and the marketing task LO4 The variety of stages of economic development among American nations LO5 Growth factors and their role in economic development LO6 Marketing’s contribution to the growth and development of a country’s economy LO7 The foundational market metrics of American nations LO8 The growing importance of trading associations among American nations
2. Countries entering into regional free-trade agreements do not need to extend the preferences negotiated in this context on an MFN basis.
3. A country can invoke temporary 'safeguard' protection of one of its industries suffering serious injury due to a surge of imports.
4. Temporary quantitative restrictions can be invoked by a country with serious balance-of-payment problems.
(The latter two cases are temporary exceptions and a public investigation has to be undertaken for limited relief from GATT obligations.)
Market Groups • V. Marketing in a Developing Country
I. GATT 1. GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs)
1947, Marrakech, Morocco Three basic elements: ▪Trade shall be conducted on a nondiscriminatory basis. ▪Protection shall be afforded to domestic industries through customs tariffs rather than quotas. ▪Consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems
3. A country can invoke temporary 'safeguard' protection of one of its industries suffering serious injury due to a surge of imports.
4. Temporary quantitative restrictions can be invoked by a country with serious balance-of-payment problems.
(The latter two cases are temporary exceptions and a public investigation has to be undertaken for limited relief from GATT obligations.)
Market Groups • V. Marketing in a Developing Country
I. GATT 1. GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs)
1947, Marrakech, Morocco Three basic elements: ▪Trade shall be conducted on a nondiscriminatory basis. ▪Protection shall be afforded to domestic industries through customs tariffs rather than quotas. ▪Consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems
国际营销英语chapter 9
Consumer behavior is extended to the study of individuals, groups, or organizations; the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, ideas to satisfy needs; the impacts of the processes on consumers and society.
We can illustrate the model as:
What is a typical urban Chinese teen?
What are the passion points marketers use to attract urban Chinese teenagers?
Passion Points 激情点
International Marketing
Lectured by Chen Xiaodong
Chapter objectives
Definition and nature of consumer behavior Model of consumer behavior Four major factors that influence consumer behavior Buyer decision making process
product 1. Personality 2. Buying decision dealer brand
Read the article in Box 9.1 Discuss the questions. Can you set other examples to illustrate the concept? What are the similar passion points? How different are they reflected among nations of the world?
International Promotion
advertisement& Communication
Learning Objectives
1. Local market characteristics that affect the advertising and promotion of products 2. The strengths and weaknesses of sales promotion and public relations in global marketing 3. When global advertising is most effective; When modified advertising is necessary
Perform marketing research Specify the goals of the communication Develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected Select effective media Compose and secure a budget Execute the campaign, and Evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified
• Once a market offering is developed to meet target market needs, intended customers must be informed of the offering
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) comprises: • advertising • sales promotions • personal selling • direct selling, and • public relations • All these mutually reinforcing elements of the promotional mix have as their common objective as the successful sale of a product or service
advertisement& Communication
Learning Objectives
1. Local market characteristics that affect the advertising and promotion of products 2. The strengths and weaknesses of sales promotion and public relations in global marketing 3. When global advertising is most effective; When modified advertising is necessary
Perform marketing research Specify the goals of the communication Develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected Select effective media Compose and secure a budget Execute the campaign, and Evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified
• Once a market offering is developed to meet target market needs, intended customers must be informed of the offering
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) comprises: • advertising • sales promotions • personal selling • direct selling, and • public relations • All these mutually reinforcing elements of the promotional mix have as their common objective as the successful sale of a product or service
从“海尔中国造”到“海尔世 界造”
海尔相信本土化制造是海尔国际化道路上关键的一步。1996年, 海尔在印尼设立了第一家海外工厂,到2002年海尔已在全球设立 了十余家工厂,这些工厂每年生产上百种产品,这些产品大部分 都在当时销售。 世界跨国公司大多选择劳力成本低的地区开设工厂。当1999年海 尔在美国设厂时,有一家业界权威杂志驻美国记者立即对海尔的 做法提出质疑:传诵国内劳动力成本低的优势,到人力成本昂贵, 市场饱和的欧美投资建厂,海尔是否明智? 试和你的小组成员就以下问题展开讨论:
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
Case analysis
2008年1月1日,中国运动品牌老大李宁将其触角伸向了美国耐克总部 所在地的波特兰,建立第一个海外鞋产品研发中心。但许多人不知道的 是,李宁的第一家海外直营店其实早于两年半前在荷兰开张了。
2007 年,李宁公司与一家荷兰经销商签署合同,在南部的马斯特里 赫特市开设了一家李宁旗舰店。这也是李宁的“海外第一店”。选择马 斯特里赫特,而非阿姆斯特丹,主要考虑到马城位于德国和比利时的边 境上,在那个区域又是最富裕的。李宁想通过马城特殊的地理位置来渗 入周边地区,以此作为跳板,间接深入欧洲的三大市场:英国、法国、 德国。李宁认为,荷兰市场与英、法、德市场有许多共通性,其规模又 小得恰到好处,正适合用来作为实验基地。
4. The important factors for each alternative market-entry strategy
• •
Increasingly firms are entering foreign markets Execution of international marketing requires planning, organization, and a willingness to try new approaches—collaborative relationships, new operation scope
Planning for Global Markets
Phase 1: Preliminary Analysis and Screening – Matching Company and Country Needs: 1. Analyze countries potential for international marketing, considering the constrains factors and market potentials.
• •
Planning for Global Markets
Planning is a systematized way of relating to the future
• Plan deals with external, uncontrollable factors + firm’s strengths, weaknesses + objectives and goals • Planning may be viewed as (1)Corporate plan --- goal (2) strategic plan , (3)tactical plan
本章主要内容: 国际市场销售渠道设计 国际中间商的种类 国际营销渠道管理 国际市场销售渠道的实体分配
International Marketing
• 产品从制造商那里生产出来,到流入国外目标市场上的最终消费者或用户手中,经 过多次业务性转手,包括产品实体的位移。
International Marketing
第一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
美 国 市 场 营 销 学 者 威 廉 姆 ·斯 但 顿 (Willan J.Stanton):
• 一种产品的分销渠道就是指这种产品从 生产者向最终消费者或工业用户移动时 所有权转换的路线。
International Marketing
International Marketing
第一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
案例:企业必须估计分销渠道方案的成本: 在国外设立销售公司成本很高,但随着销售 量增加,成本会逐渐下降,超过盈亏平衡点以 后,销售收入中的大部分将直接转化为利润。 利用外国代理商最初的成本比较低,但是随 着销量的增长,费用增长也很快,因为代理商 佣金比分公司推销员的工资高。
• 1. 经济目标
2. 控制目标
3. 适应目标
4. 声誉目标
International Marketing
第一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
• 1. 经济目标
• 每个渠道方案都代表某种水平的销售量 和成本。
• 企业必须在销售一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
本章主要内容: 国际市场销售渠道设计 国际中间商的种类 国际营销渠道管理 国际市场销售渠道的实体分配
International Marketing
• 产品从制造商那里生产出来,到流入国外目标市场上的最终消费者或用户手中,经 过多次业务性转手,包括产品实体的位移。
International Marketing
第一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
美 国 市 场 营 销 学 者 威 廉 姆 ·斯 但 顿 (Willan J.Stanton):
• 一种产品的分销渠道就是指这种产品从 生产者向最终消费者或工业用户移动时 所有权转换的路线。
International Marketing
International Marketing
第一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
案例:企业必须估计分销渠道方案的成本: 在国外设立销售公司成本很高,但随着销售 量增加,成本会逐渐下降,超过盈亏平衡点以 后,销售收入中的大部分将直接转化为利润。 利用外国代理商最初的成本比较低,但是随 着销量的增长,费用增长也很快,因为代理商 佣金比分公司推销员的工资高。
• 1. 经济目标
2. 控制目标
3. 适应目标
4. 声誉目标
International Marketing
第一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
• 1. 经济目标
• 每个渠道方案都代表某种水平的销售量 和成本。
• 企业必须在销售一节 国际市场销售渠道设计
促销是指企业与消费者进行的沟通,是企业在现 在消费者和潜在消费者中进行的旨在影响消费者购买 行为的所有活动。企业将产品或服务的有关信息进行 传播,帮助消费者认识商品或服务所能带来的利益, 诱发消费者的需求,激发他们的欲望,促使他们采取的含义和促销组合 策略
(三)国际广告决策International advertising decisions
1、国际广告的标准化和差异化策略 根据国际广告的标准化和地域化程度的差别,国际
广告可分全球广告、区域广告和细分广告三种类型。 2、国际广告内容International advertising content 以强调情感为主还是以强调理性为主 以对比为主还是以陈述为主 以正面叙述为主还是以全面叙述为主 广告主题长期不变还是经常改变
国际广告(international advertising)是广告主以付 费的方式,通过大众媒体向国际受众传递有关商品、 劳务和其他信息,借以影响受众的态度,进而诱发或 说服其采取购买行动的一种大众传播活动。国际广告 通常可以经济而有效地接触散布于广大地区的购买者 。简单地说,广告有如下特点:
1、公开性 2、渗透性 3、表现力
Personal selling 人员推销
Advertising 广告
Sales promotion Public relations Direct marketing
(一)国际市场人员促销的特点与类型Features and types of international market promotion staff
(三)国际广告决策International advertising decisions
1、国际广告的标准化和差异化策略 根据国际广告的标准化和地域化程度的差别,国际
广告可分全球广告、区域广告和细分广告三种类型。 2、国际广告内容International advertising content 以强调情感为主还是以强调理性为主 以对比为主还是以陈述为主 以正面叙述为主还是以全面叙述为主 广告主题长期不变还是经常改变
国际广告(international advertising)是广告主以付 费的方式,通过大众媒体向国际受众传递有关商品、 劳务和其他信息,借以影响受众的态度,进而诱发或 说服其采取购买行动的一种大众传播活动。国际广告 通常可以经济而有效地接触散布于广大地区的购买者 。简单地说,广告有如下特点:
1、公开性 2、渗透性 3、表现力
Personal selling 人员推销
Advertising 广告
Sales promotion Public relations Direct marketing
(一)国际市场人员促销的特点与类型Features and types of international market promotion staff
最新版国际市场营销精品课件Chapter 9
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2008
Issues Related to International Distribution
• An important distribution decision for the company is whether to use established channels or to build its own channels.
Using Established Channels
Could charge high prices. Could be blocked by competition. Channel partnership is a long-term decision: company may be bound indefinitely to the channel choice. Necessary if there are no channels at all and if the existing channels do not conform to company needs. Expensive. Time-consuming.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2008
Home-Country Middlemen (contd.)
• Home-Country Brokers and Agents
Middlemen who bring international buyers and sellers together in the company's home country. Do not carry title to the product. Manufacturer’s export agent: represents a manufacturer. Buying offices: buyers located in the firm’s home country, representing different international firms.
国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)
Marketing Mix
Product customer wants and needs
customer cost
Promotion customer communication
customer convenience
----Political ----Public relation 10PS ----Probing ---Partition ---Prioritizing ---position
- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around
the world….. More and more companies engage in International
marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies….
Examples of Market Entry & Expansion by Joint Venture
Examples of Equity Stake
Global Strategic Partnerships
• Possible terms:
– Collaborative agreements
• Mission: Successful GSPs create win-win situations, where participants pursue objectives on the basis of mutual need or advantage.
• Strategy: A company may establish separate GSPs with different partners; strategy must be thought out up front to avoid conflicts.
• Provides method of circumventing tariffs, quotas, and other export barriers
• Attractive ROI
• Low costs to implement
• License agreements should have crosstechnology agreements to share developments and create competitive advantage for each party
• Merger with an existing enterprise • Acquisition of an existing enterprise • Examples: Volkswagen, 70% stake in Skoda
Examples of Market Entry & Expansion by Joint Venture
Examples of Equity Stake
Global Strategic Partnerships
• Possible terms:
– Collaborative agreements
• Mission: Successful GSPs create win-win situations, where participants pursue objectives on the basis of mutual need or advantage.
• Strategy: A company may establish separate GSPs with different partners; strategy must be thought out up front to avoid conflicts.
• Provides method of circumventing tariffs, quotas, and other export barriers
• Attractive ROI
• Low costs to implement
• License agreements should have crosstechnology agreements to share developments and create competitive advantage for each party
• Merger with an existing enterprise • Acquisition of an existing enterprise • Examples: Volkswagen, 70% stake in Skoda
很好 好
可销 售性
企业的国际产品销售能力 对现有国际产品销售的影响 与现有产品系列的关系 与现有销售渠道的关系
生产 能力
生产技术专长 必须的生产知识和人员 原料来源
国际市 场
获利 能力
市场容量 市场占有率 今后5年的市场增长率 竞争者的威胁 进入国际市场的难易程度 预计可获得的最终用户
同时,根据产品销售的区域而言,可以将产品划 分为当地产品、国家产品、国际产品以及全球产 品,国际营销中主要对国际产品和全球产品进行 研究。
国家产品是指某一特定公司只在单一的国内市场销售的 产品,既可以是国内的公司在本国范围内销售的产品, 也可以是跨国公司为了满足某一个国家特定的市场需求 所提供的产品。
分析竞争者开发新产品的情况,事实上,很多公司的新产品都是对竞 争者产品的模仿
新工艺分析 积极搜寻,尤其要搜寻其他领域的新产品和新工艺,注意把它们结合 到公司自己的产品中来
产品大类分析 通常要仔细研究不断变化的社会趋势和科技发展趋势(往往通过各种 媒体和行业协会),以保证产品在市场上有吸引力
品牌扩展是尽量利用已经成功的品牌来推出改进型产品 或者企业新产品。
多品牌决策是指一个企业同一种产品使用两个或多个互 相竞争的品牌。
采取多品牌决策的主要原因是:多一个品牌,生产厂家 可以占用更多的零售货架位置;推出多个不同的品牌以 吸引品牌转换者的兴趣,扩大销售多品牌能给企业内部 各产品部门、品牌经理之间带来竞争和效率;多品牌可 使企业拥有不同的细分市场,各自吸引不同 的消费者,
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Countries once hostile to foreign trade
• Now see it as necessary to economic growth
Trade through 21st century changing
• Transition from socialist to market-driven economies • Liberalization of trade, investment policies in developing
Americas, Europe, and Asia
• Industrialized, industrializing, underdeveloped countries in each bloc
Exhibit 9.1 Three Regional Trading Areas Roughly Defined by Time Zones
9-7 The foundational market metrics of American nations
9-8 The growing importance of trading associations among American nations
International Time Zones
Learning Objectives 2 of 2
9-5 Growth factors and their role in economic development
9-6 Marketing’s contribution to the growth and development of a country’s economy
• Incentives to force a high domestic rate of savings and direct capital to update infrastructure
• Large, accessible markets with low tariffs
• Outward orientation
• Usually good relationships among contiguous countries
• Associated pattern of economic growth and global trade • Three market regions or trading blocs based on time zone: the
industrialized and developing countries
Marketing and Economic Development 7 of 9
• Assortment of capital goods
• Serve activities of many industries • Support production and marketing
Marketing and Economic Development 3 of 9
Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)
• UN classification system has been criticized
• No longer seems relevant in rapidly industrializing world
Important in Business
• International marketers deal with three kinds of distance
• Miles, time zones, cultural tance • Time zones have greatest impact on success abroad
• Strong infrastructure necessary for exporting goods • Must support country’s expanding population and economy
Business Development
In Jamaica, Pepsi partners with a local fast-food company, co-branding and supporting local development efforts.
Region The Americas Europe and Africa Asia Pacific
Population 1.01 billion 2.00 billion 4.55 billion
GDP $25.2 trillion $21.2 trillion $28.7 trillion
Marketing and Economic Development 1 of 9
• United Nation’s stages of economic development
• More-developed countries (MDCs) • Less-developed countries (LDCs) • Least-developed countries (LLDCs)
• Effectively utilizing production resulting from economic growth
Marketing and Economic Development 9 of 9
Marketing’s Contributions continued
• Five weaknesses that indicate need for adjustment in emerging markets (Sheth)
• Investment in information technology (IT) important
• Key to economic growth • Innovation can lead to sustainable future for developed and
developing nations • Internet cuts transaction costs; increases global reach • Speeds up the diffusion of new technologies • Mobile phones and wireless technologies reduce expense of costly
telecom infrastructure
Marketing and Economic Development 6 of 9
Objectives of Developing Countries
• Industrialization fundamental objective for most
• Allows for achievement of both economic and social goals
• Foreign investors now seen as vital partners to process
• Sometimes feared as having goals that conflict with host country • But many countries welcome foreign investment • Trend toward privatization a major economic phenomenon in
countries • Transfer of public-sector enterprises to private sector • Rapid development of regional marketing alliances
Marketing and Economic Development 2 of 9
© John Graham
Marketing and Economic Development 8 of 9
Marketing’s Contributions
• Marketing vital for nation’s growth
• Efficiency of distribution a key component
Chapter 9
Economic Development and the Americas
Learning Objectives 1 of 2
9-1 The importance of time zones for trade relationships and marketing operations
9-2 The political and economic changes affecting global marketing
9-3 The connection between the economic level of a country and the marketing task
9-4 The variety of stages of economic development among American nations
• Impacts business efficiency of enterprises
• Crucial component of uncontrollable elements facing marketers
• Directly impacts country’s economic growth potential
Economic Level
• The stage of economic development in a country
• Affects consumer behavior
• Now see it as necessary to economic growth
Trade through 21st century changing
• Transition from socialist to market-driven economies • Liberalization of trade, investment policies in developing
Americas, Europe, and Asia
• Industrialized, industrializing, underdeveloped countries in each bloc
Exhibit 9.1 Three Regional Trading Areas Roughly Defined by Time Zones
9-7 The foundational market metrics of American nations
9-8 The growing importance of trading associations among American nations
International Time Zones
Learning Objectives 2 of 2
9-5 Growth factors and their role in economic development
9-6 Marketing’s contribution to the growth and development of a country’s economy
• Incentives to force a high domestic rate of savings and direct capital to update infrastructure
• Large, accessible markets with low tariffs
• Outward orientation
• Usually good relationships among contiguous countries
• Associated pattern of economic growth and global trade • Three market regions or trading blocs based on time zone: the
industrialized and developing countries
Marketing and Economic Development 7 of 9
• Assortment of capital goods
• Serve activities of many industries • Support production and marketing
Marketing and Economic Development 3 of 9
Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)
• UN classification system has been criticized
• No longer seems relevant in rapidly industrializing world
Important in Business
• International marketers deal with three kinds of distance
• Miles, time zones, cultural tance • Time zones have greatest impact on success abroad
• Strong infrastructure necessary for exporting goods • Must support country’s expanding population and economy
Business Development
In Jamaica, Pepsi partners with a local fast-food company, co-branding and supporting local development efforts.
Region The Americas Europe and Africa Asia Pacific
Population 1.01 billion 2.00 billion 4.55 billion
GDP $25.2 trillion $21.2 trillion $28.7 trillion
Marketing and Economic Development 1 of 9
• United Nation’s stages of economic development
• More-developed countries (MDCs) • Less-developed countries (LDCs) • Least-developed countries (LLDCs)
• Effectively utilizing production resulting from economic growth
Marketing and Economic Development 9 of 9
Marketing’s Contributions continued
• Five weaknesses that indicate need for adjustment in emerging markets (Sheth)
• Investment in information technology (IT) important
• Key to economic growth • Innovation can lead to sustainable future for developed and
developing nations • Internet cuts transaction costs; increases global reach • Speeds up the diffusion of new technologies • Mobile phones and wireless technologies reduce expense of costly
telecom infrastructure
Marketing and Economic Development 6 of 9
Objectives of Developing Countries
• Industrialization fundamental objective for most
• Allows for achievement of both economic and social goals
• Foreign investors now seen as vital partners to process
• Sometimes feared as having goals that conflict with host country • But many countries welcome foreign investment • Trend toward privatization a major economic phenomenon in
countries • Transfer of public-sector enterprises to private sector • Rapid development of regional marketing alliances
Marketing and Economic Development 2 of 9
© John Graham
Marketing and Economic Development 8 of 9
Marketing’s Contributions
• Marketing vital for nation’s growth
• Efficiency of distribution a key component
Chapter 9
Economic Development and the Americas
Learning Objectives 1 of 2
9-1 The importance of time zones for trade relationships and marketing operations
9-2 The political and economic changes affecting global marketing
9-3 The connection between the economic level of a country and the marketing task
9-4 The variety of stages of economic development among American nations
• Impacts business efficiency of enterprises
• Crucial component of uncontrollable elements facing marketers
• Directly impacts country’s economic growth potential
Economic Level
• The stage of economic development in a country
• Affects consumer behavior