最新牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit7 Reading课件

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3. Most blind people can’t be cured because they
haven’t enough money. T 4. Blindness can’t be prevented. F
5.Dr Ma dislikes his work because it is too tiring. F
Listen to the interview and tell if the statements are true or false. 1. ORBIS is a charity that helps old people in
the world. F
2. ORBIS doctors do operation in the local hospital.F
• most • 1. adj 最多的 • most • 2. adv 最… mostmimopreortant/interesmtinagny / much • 3. n 大部分 • 我花费大部分业余时间帮助盲人。 • I spend most of my spare time helping the blind.
hope to do sth 希望做某事 hope sb to do sth 希望某人做某事 我们希望每天都能看电影。 We hope to watch film everyday.
During my last visit, 150 patients were operated on . 在上次的访问期间,我为150位病人做了手术。 operate vt 做手术 operate on sb.表示“为人做手术” do operation on sb / perform operation on sb operate vt “操作;工作”。 你能教我操作这台机器吗?
• be invited to do sth 被邀请去做某事 • 我被邀请去参加那个聚会。 • I am invited to join that party.
• On board 在飞机上,在火车上,在船上
By training them, we hope to help more people . by prep 通过… by + v-ing 介词短语,放在句首表示强调,也可放 在句末。 我们通过读书了解了许多知识。 We learn a lot of knowledge by reading books.
go to hospital 去医院(看病) go to the hospital 去医院
go to school 去学校(上学) go to the school 去学校
• Also,local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations.
About 80 per cent of the cases can be prevented or cured.
3. Does these people receive medical treatment ?Why or Why not? Many of them do not receive medical treatment because they do not have enough money.
Answer the questions. (line 7—20)
1. Why do ORBIS doctors and nurses work on a plane?
Because many patients can’t afford to go to hospital, so ORBIS doctors have to go to them.
• can + be +动词过去分词 • 情态动词的被动语态 能够被….. • 今天可以看完这本书。
• This book can be read today.
medicine (n.) 医学,药 总称名词 一般无复数 中药 chinese medicine 吃药 take medicine
medical (adj ) 医学的,医疗的 medical treatment (n.)药物治疗
development n 发展 developing adj 发展中的 developed adj 发达的 developing country 发展中国家 developed country 发达国家
But more money is needed to carry on with our work.
Useful expressions
1. be grateful to... 2. be proud of 3. can’t afford to do… 4. used to do sth. / be used to (doing) sth. 5. cure / prevent the case 6. support…by… 7. have the money for… 8. medical treatment 9. perform operations 10. send donations to… 11. carry on
• useBaidu Nhomakorabeasth to do sth 用某物做某事
• patient n 病人 • patient adj 有耐心的 • be patient with sb / sth • 对……有耐心 • 作为一名医生,我们必须对病人有耐心。
• As a doctor, we should be patient with patients.
Unit 7
International charities
Warm-up: what do these logos stand for?
an flying eye hospital
An interview with an ORBIS doctor
Many of our patients can’t afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them.
afford vt 表示 “买得起”“担负得起” 常接在can, could, be able to之后, can afford sth 能负担的起某物 can afford to do sth 能负担的起去做某事 我们不能负担得起一栋新房子。 We can’t afford (to buy) a new house.
• flying adj 飞翔的 • fly + ing • 那只飞翔的小鸟十分可爱。 • The flying bird is very lovely.
• The plane is also used as a training center.
• be used as ……被用作……
• 英语在许多国家被用作第二语言。 • English is used as second language in many
Can you teach me how to operate the machine?
During my last visit, 150 patients were
operated on . 过去时态中的被动语态 Was / were + 动词的过去分词
I am proud to help people to see again and improve their lives. proud adj 自豪的,骄傲的
他会尽自己的最大努力去治疗这个女孩,但 是他不确定是否可以治好她。
He will try his best to treat this girl, but he isn’t sure if he can cure her or not.
• About 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.
More money is needed to help blind people .
2. What does Dr Ma hope ?
He hopes more people will support ORBIS.
Interviewee n 被采访者 Interviewer n 采访者 Interview vt interview sb 采访某人
3. How does Dr Ma feel about the job?
He is proud to help people see again and improve their lives.
Answer the questions. (line 21—26)
1. What is needed to help blind people ?
• cure vt 治愈 • cure sb 治好某人 • cure + some illness 治好某种疾病 • 医生治好了我的头疼。 • The doctor cured my headache.
• 强调治疗的结果,治好
• treat vt 治疗 • treat sb 治疗某人 • treat + some illness 治疗某种疾病 • treat + 身体部位名词 治疗某个地方 • 这个医生正在治疗我的牙齿。 • This doctor is treating my teeth.
中国人为杨利伟而自豪。 The chinese people are proud of Yang Liwei.
develop vi / vt 发展,加强 ,提高 当地政府计划发展城市东部。 The local government plans to develop eastern part of the city. 通过做练习,学生们提高了阅读技能。 The students develop reading skills by doing exercises.
carry on with sth 继续做某事
The boss tells me to carry on with this task. carry on doing sth = go on doing sth 继续做某事 我会继续努力工作。
I will carry on working hard.
6. Dr Ma hopes more people can support their
Answer the questions. (line 1—6)
1. How many people are blind or have other eye
problems around the world? Where are they mostly from? About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor 2. aHroewasm. any of these cases can be cured or prevented?
be proud to do sth 为做某事而感到自豪
妈妈为有我这样的孩子而感到自豪。 My mother is proud to have a child like me. 作为你的朋友我感到自豪。 I am proud to be your friend.
be proud of sb /sth 为….而感到自豪
2. Is the plane only a place to do operations? No. Local doctors and nurses are invented on board to learn about eye operations and new operations and skills too.
blind adj 盲的
blindness n.失明
blind + ness
kind + ness =kindness
sad + ness = sadness
happy + ness = happiness
• mostly adv 大部分地,主要地 • 位置:be + mostly ;跟其他词连用位置灵活 • 周六时我大部分时候在家。 • I am mostly at home on Saturday .