



矿业工程科技文献翻译部分1) It is a fine summer’s day.那是一个晴朗的夏日。

2) The American family is dying because of the soaring divorce rate.由于离婚率直线上升,美国的家庭正在消亡。

3) Studies serve for delight, for ornament, for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。


4) What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times.在一个时期的一定条件下起作用的东西,在另一些场合的相同条件下也必须起作用。

5) Influenza [influ’enz?] is spread in the same manner as a common cold.流感的传播方式和普通感冒相同。

6) A dry cell is dry only in the sense that there is no liquid in it.干电池之所谓干,只是就其中没有液体而言的。

7) There seems to be no limit to how hot things can get.物体能热到什么程度(或:物体能变得多热),似乎没有限度。




















在1920年代早期,McKinley Entry Driver,一个出生很早地使用连续开采方法的矿工,加入的很多条目在Illinois.然而煤炭生产靠它,和几乎如今的所有连续开采矿工,这对于全国上下的取暖需求不是很畅销,所以它产生了低回报。




02 采矿02.02 矿山地质即在当前开采技术和经济条件下,对有开采价值的单层矿体的最小厚度要求。





02.05 凿岩爆破02.303 02.304 02.305 02.306 02.307 02.308 02.309 02.310 02.311 02.312 02.313 02.314 02.315 02.316 02.317 02.318 02.319 02.320 02.321 02.322 02.323 02.324 02.325 02.326 02.327 02.328 02.329 02.330 02.331 02.332 02.333 导火索底盘抵抗线底眼电爆网络电雷管电雷管脚线电雷管点火元件电雷管桥丝电雷管电阻定向爆破顶眼硐室爆破二次爆破发射药非电导爆管辅助孔覆岩,覆土高威力炸药根底沟槽效应光面爆破含水炸药毫秒爆破毫秒延期电雷管黑火药后冲(糊炮)药包缓冲爆破环形炮孔活动钻头火雷管safety fusetoe burdenbottom holes, lifterselectric initiation circuitelectric cap, electric detonatorleg wire of electric detonatorfiring element of electric detonatorbridge wire of electric detonatorresistance of electric detonatordirectional blastingtop hole, back holechamber blastingsecondary blasting,boulder blastingpropellant explosivenonel tubesatellite hole, relieveroverburdenhigh strength explosivetoe, tight bottomchannel effectsmooth blastingwater-bearing explosivemillisecond blastingmillisecond electric delay detonatorblack powderback breakadobe charge,mud capped chargecushion blastingring holesdetachable bitcap, blasting cap02.06 井巷工程02.462 巷道roadway 指地下采矿时,为采矿提升、运输、通风、排水、动力供应等而掘进的通道。

采矿工程 毕业设计_外文翻译 英译汉 中英文

采矿工程 毕业设计_外文翻译 英译汉 中英文

ROOM-AND-PILLAR METHOD OF OPEN-STOPE MINING空场采矿法中的房柱采矿法Chapter 1.A Classification of the Room-and-Pillar Method of Open-Stope Mining第一部分,空场采矿的房柱法的分类OPEN STOPING空场采矿法An open stope is an underground cavity from which the initial ore has been mined. Caving of the opening is prevented (at least temporarily) by support from the unmined ore or waste left in the stope,in the form of pillars,and the stope walls (also called ribs or abutments). In addition to this primary may also be required using rockbolts , reinforcing rods, split pipes ,or shotcrete to stabilize the rock surface immediately adjacent to the opening. The secondary reinforcement procedure does not preclude the method classified as open stoping.露天采场台阶是开采了地下矿石后形成的地下洞室。





关于采煤煤炭方面的外文翻译、中英文翻译、外文文献翻译附录AProfile : Coal is China's main energy in the country's total primary energy accounted for 76% and above. Most coal strata formed and restore the environment, coal mining in the oxidizing environment, Flow iron ore mine with water and exposed to the air, after a series of oxidation and hydrolysis, so that water acidic. formation of acidic mine water. On groundwater and other environmental facilities, and so on have a certain impact on the environment and destruction. In this paper, the acidic mine water hazards, and the formation of acid mine water in the prevention and treatment of simple exposition. Keywords : mining activities acidic mine water prevention and correction of the environmental impact of coal a foreword is China's main energy, China accounted for one-time energy above 76%, will conduct extensive mining. Mining process undermined the seam office environment, the reduction of its original environment into oxidizing environment. Coal generally contain about 0.3% ~ 5% of sulfur, mainly in the form of pyrite, sulfur coal accounts for about 2 / 3. Coal mining in the oxidizing environment, flow and iron ore mine water and exposed to the air, after a series of oxidation, hydrolysis reaction to produce sulfuric acid and iron hydroxide, acidic water showed that the production of acid mine water. PH value lower than the six said acidic mine water mine water. Acid mine water in parts of the country in the South in particular coal mine were more widely. South China coal mine water in general pH 2.5 ~ 5.8, sometimes 2.0. Low pH causes and coal of high sulfur closely related. Acid mine water to the formation of ground water have caused serious pollution, whilealso corrosion pipes, pumps, Underground rail, and other equipment and the concrete wall, but also serious pollution of surface water and soil, river shrimp pictures, soil compaction, crops wither and affect human health. An acidic mine water hazards mine water pH is below 6 is acidic, metal equipment for a certain corrosive; pH is less than 4 has strong corrosive influence on the safety in production and the ecological environment in mining areas serious harm. Specifically, there are the following : a "corrosive underground rail, rope and other coal transport equipment. If rail, rope by the pH value "4 acidic mine water erosion, 10 days to Jishitian its intensity will be greatly reduced, Transport can cause accidents; 2 "prospecting low pH goaf water, Quality Control iron pipes and the gate under the flow erosion corrosion soon.3 "acidic mine water SO42-content high, and cement production of certain components interact water sulfate crystallization. These salts are generated when the expansion. After determination of when SO42-generation CaSO4 ? 2H2O, the volume increased by 100%; Formation MgSO4.7H2O, v olume increased 430%; Volume increases, the structure of concrete structures.4 "acidic mine water or environmental pollution. Acid mine water is discharged into rivers, the quality of pH less than 4:00, would fish died; Acidic mine water into the soil, damage granular soil structure, soil compaction, arid crop yields fall, affecting workers and peasants; Acid mine water humans can not drink that long-term exposure, people will limbs broken, eyes suffering, enter the body through the food chain. affect human health. 2 acidic mine water and the reasons are mostly coal strata formed in the reduction environment, containing pyrite (FeS2) formed inthe seam-reduction environment. Coal generally contain about 0.3% ~ 5% of sulfur, mainly in the form of pyrite, sulfur coal accounts for about 2 / 3. Coal mining in the oxidizing environment, flow and iron ore mine water and exposed to the air, after a series of oxidation, hydrolysis reaction to produce sulfuric acid and iron hydroxide, acidic water showed that the production of acid mine water. Acidic mine water that is the main reason for forming the main chemical reaction as follows : a "pyrite oxidation and free sulfate ferrous sulfate : 2FeS2 O2 +7 +2 +2 H2O 2H2SO4 FeSO4 2 "ferrous sulfate in the role of oxygen free Under into sulfate : 4FeSO4 +2 Cp'2Fe2 H2SO4 + O2 (SO4) 3 +2 H2O 3 "in the mine water The oxidation of ferrous sulfate, sometimes not necessarily need to sulfate : 12FeS2 O2 +6 +3 H2O 4Fe2 (SO4) 3 +4 Fe (OH) 3 4 "mine water Sulfate is further dissolved sulfide minerals in various roles : Fe2 (SO4) 3 + MS + H2O + / 2 + O2 M SO4 H2SO FeSO4 +5 " ferric sulfate in the water occurred weak acid hydrolysis sulfate produced free : Fe2 (SO4) 3 +6 H2O two Fe (OH) 3 +3 H2SO4 6 "deep in the mine containing H2S high, the reduction of conditions, the ferrous sulfate-rich mine water can produce sulfuric acid free : 2FeSO4 +5 FeS2 H2S 2 +3 +4 S + H2O H2SO4 acidic mine water in addition to the nature and sulfur coal on the other, with the mine water discharge, confined state, ventilation conditions, seam inclination, mining depth and size, water flow channels and other geological conditions and mining methods. Mine Inflow stability, stability of acidic water; Confined poor, good air circulation, the more acidic the water, Fe3 + ion content more; Instead, the acid is weak, the more Fe2 + ion; more deep mining of coal with a sulfur content higher; The larger the area of mining, water flowsthrough the channel longer, oxidation, hydrolysis reactions from the more full, the water more acidic strong, If not weak. 3 acidic mine water prevention and control ? a three acidic mine water under the Prevention of acidic mine water formation conditions and causes from source reduction, reductions, reduced when three aspects to prevent or mitigate damage. 1 "by the source : the seizure election made use of mineral acid, being the case. The main coal-bed mineral create acid when in a mixture of coal pyrite nodules and coal with a sulfur content itself. Coal mining rate is low and residual coal pillars or floating coal lost, abandoned pyrite nodules underground goaf, in which long-term water immersion, Acidic water produced is a major source. Face to reduce the loss of float coal, theuse of positive seized election pyrite nodules, can reduce the production of acidic water substances. Intercept surface water, reduce infiltration. For example, the filling of waste, control of roof to prevent collapse fissures along the surface water immersion goaf. In Underground, particularly old or abandoned wells closed shaft, the mine water discharge appropriate antibacterial agent, kill or inhibit microbial activity, or reduce the microbial mine water quantity. By reducing microbial sulfide on the effective role and to control the generation of acid mine drainage purposes. 2 "reduced discharge : the establishment of specialized drainage system, centralized emission acidic water, and storing up on the surface, it evaporated, condensed, then to be addressed to remove pollution. 3 "to reduce emissions of acid water in time : to reduce the underground mine water in the length of stay, in a certain extent, to reduce the microbial coal oxidation of sulphides, thus helping to reduce acid mine water. Containing pyrite, sulfur, surface water leakage conditions for agood shallow seam, or have formed strong acidic water stagnant water in the old cellar, the pioneering layout to weigh the pros and arrangements, not early in the mine prospecting or mining, leaving the end of mine water treatment avoid long-term emissions acidic water. ? 2 3 acidic mine water treatment in certain geological conditions, Acidic water with calcium sulfate rock or other basic mineral occurrence and the reaction decreases acidity. Neutralizer with caustic soda used for less, less sludge is generated, but the total water hardness is often high, while reducing the acidity of the water. However, an increase in the hardness, and the high cost is no longer. Currently, treatment for a neutralizer to the milk of lime, limestone for the neutralizer and limestone -- lime, microbiological method and wetlands treatment. Neutralizer milk of lime treatment method applicable to the handling of a strong acid, Inflow smaller mine water; Limestone -- lime applied to various acidic mine water. especially when acidic mine water Fe2 + ions more applicable, but also can reduce the amount of lime; microbiological method applied when the basic tenets of iron oxide bacterial oxidation than iron, bacteria from the aquatic environment intake of iron, then to form ferric hydroxide precipitation-iron in their mucus secretions, Acidic water at the low iron into high-iron precipitates out and then reuse limestone and free sulfuric acid, can reduce investment, reduce sediment. Wetlands Act also known as shallow marshes, this method is low cost and easy operation, high efficiency, specific methods not go into details here. Conclusions Most coal strata formed and restore the environment, coal mining in the oxidizing environment, Flow iron ore mine with water and exposed to the air, after a series of oxidation and hydrolysis, so that water acidic. formation of acidicmine water. On groundwater and other environmental facilities, and so on have a certain impact on the environment and destruction, Meanwhile harmful to human health caused some influence. Based on the acidic mine water cause analysis, and to take certain preventive and treatment measures, reduce acid mine water pollution in the groundwater, environmental and other facilities and the damage caused to human health effects. References : [1] Wang Chun compiled, "hydrogeology basis," Geological Press, Beijing. [2] Yuan Ming-shun, the environment and groundwater hydraulics research papers on the topic, the Yangtze River Academy of Sciences reported that 1994,3.[3], Lin Feng, Li Changhui, Tian Chunsheng, "environmental hydrogeology," Beijing, geological Press, 1990,21.附录B简介:煤炭是我国的主要能源,在我国一次性能源中占76%以上。



外文原文:Adopt the crest of the coal work noodles plank managementproblem studyCrest the plank management is the point that adopts a safe management of the coal work noodles.Statistics according to the data, crest the plank trouble has 60% of the coal mine trouble about, adopting the trouble of the coal work noodles and having a crest 70% of the plank trouble above.Therefore, we have to strengthen a plank management, reducing to adopt the coal work noodles crest the occurrence of the plank trouble.1,the definition of the crest,scaleboard and it categorizeEndow with the existence coal seam on of the close by rock strata be called a plank, endow with the existence coal seam under of the close by rock strata be called scaleboard.Crest the rock,strength of the scaleboard and absorb water sex and digging to work the management of the noodles contain direct relation, they is certain crest the plank protect a way and choose to adopt the empty area processing method of main basis.1.1 planks categorizeAccording to rock,thickness and return to adopt process to fall in the 垮of difficult easy degree, crest the plank is divided into the false crest,direct crest and old crest.According to direct crest sport to adopt a field to the influence for press, the direct crest is divided into broken up,unsteady,medium etc. stability,stability,strong and tough crest plank etc. is five.According to old crest the sport Be work mineral inside the noodles press to present degree and to work safe threat of noodles of size, the old crest is is divided in to press very and severely, press mightiness, press to compare obviously, don't obviously press etc. is four.1.2 scaleboards categorizeAccording to the opposite position relation of the rock strata and the coal seam, the scaleboard is divided into direct bottom with the old bottom.Locate coal seam directly under of the rock strata be called direct bottom;locate the direct bottom or coal seam under of the rock strata be called old bottom.The coal seam crest the scaleboard type expects the influence of the geology structure sport after be subjected to the deposition environment and, its growth in different region degree dissimilarity, the coal seam possibility for have isn't whole.2,crest that need to be control plank classification and adopt the processing way of the empty areaAccording to different crest the plank type and property, choose to pay to protect a way and adopt the empty area processing method differently, is a plank management of basic principle.2.1 crest needed to pull to make plank classificationPress a knothole rock strata strength, the crest plank that needs to be control can is divided into: general crest the plank,slowness descend to sink a plank and is whole fall the crest of the cave in the danger plank etc..2.2 work noodles adopt the processing method of the empty areaThe processing method that adopts empty area mainly has: all 垮s fall a method,partial full to fill a method,the coal pillar to prop up a method to alleviate to descend to sink a method slowly etc..3,crest the plank pressure present a characteristic3.1 top the cover rock strata of the sport regulation and the work in front pay to accept pressure to distribute behindDuring the period of mine, adopt empty area above of the rock strata will take place ambulation, according to crest the plank change mind condition, taking the cranny rock strata in up the cover rock strata follow the work noodles to push forward the direction demarcation as three areas: the coal wall prop up the influence area,leave layer area and re- press solid area.The noodles opens to slice an eye to go to push forward forward in the process from the work, break original should the equilibrium of the dint field, cause should the dint re- distribute.Be adopting the coal work noodles to become to pay to accept pressure in front and back, it concretely distributes shape to have something to do with adopting the empty area processing method.3.2 first times to press to press a main manifestation with the periodFirst time to press a main manifestation:BE a plank"by oneself the vield song" range enlargement;the coal wall transform and fall to fall(the slice help);pay to protect to drill bottom etc..First time to press to want to keep on more and suddenly and generally for 2-3 days.Period to press a main manifestation:Main manifestation BE:crest the plank descend to sink nasty play increment of speed, crest the plank descend to sink quantity to become big;pay what pillar be subjected to load widespread increment;adopt empty area to hang a crest;pay pillar to make a noise;cause the coal wall slice to help,pay pillar to damage,crest plank occurrence the step descend to sink etc..If pay the pillar parameter choice to be unsuited to a proper or single body to pay the pillar stability worse, may cause the partial crest or crest plank follow the work noodles to slice to fall etc..4,crest the plank choice for protectThe work noodles the function for protect decelerate a plank to descend to sink, supporting to control a crest to be apart from the knothole integrity inside the crest, assurance work space safety.4.1 choices that protect material and formPay to protect material to mainly there are the metals support and the wood support.Pay to protect a form to mainly have a little the pillar to protect,the cote type protect to press a support with liquid.4.2s protect a specification choiceWhile choosing to pay to protect specification, mainly control the following 2:00:1.Control the work noodles adopt high and its variety.Generally can according to drill a holethe pillar form or have already dug the tunnel data of to make sure to adopt high.From last the movable regulation of the cover rock strata, can the initial assurance crest plank at biggest control a crest to be apart from place of average biggest descend to sink quantity, select to pay a pillar model number suitablely2 control the crest plank of the normal appearance to descend to sink the quantity and support can the draw back pute the biggest and high Hmax and minimum and high Hmin that pays pillar, select specification of pay the prehensive the pillar model number and specification, check related anticipate, assurance the model number of the pillar.5,the work noodles manages everyday of pointEveryday crest the point of plank management is the with accuracy certain protects density and control a method, right arrangement and organize to adopt coal and control a crest to relate to in fixed time, strengthen to pay to protect the quality management before press, the assistance that chooses to use a good necessity protect etc., attain to expel to emit a trouble, assurance the purpose of[with] efficiency.1 choice that protects density and controls a methodAccording to the work noodles crest plank rock,adopt a periodic to press obvious degree, press strength and to press in front and back a crest knothole variety a circumstance etc., the certain protect density and control a method.It adopt coal in 2 production lines with control of the crest to relate to in fixed timePeriod to don't obviously press to adopt a field, emphasize to pay to protect,adopt coal, control a parallel homework, possibly contract to adopt coal,return to pillar to put distance between an operations with speed the work noodles propulsion degree;period to press more and obviously adopt a field, at to press in front and back adopt different of,control the relation organization project, before press should not adopt coal,put a crest in the meantime homework, press after should adopt to adopt coal,put a crest to keep minimum wrong be apart from parallel homework.Field to strengthen to pay to protect the quality management assurance to pay pillar to have to prop up dint,prevent°from paying pillar to drill bottom enough before press,right adoption the assistance protect.Adopt the coal work noodles crest, the plank manages everyday of the key lie in raising the spot management,the operation level, paying to protect and adapt to adopt a field to press and crest the scaleboard variety circumstance, adopt right of the assistance protect measure, well exertivecontrol a result.译文:采煤工作面的顶板管理问题探讨顶板管理是采煤工作面安全管理的重点。



采矿工程外文文献以下是一篇关于采矿工程的外文文献:Title: Mining Engineering: An Overview of the FieldAuthor: J. W. HirschiPublication: Mining Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 4-7, 1998Abstract:Mining engineering is a broad field that encompasses many specialized areas in mining and mineral processing. It includes exploration, development, extraction, production, and reclamation of mineral resources. Mining engineers play a key role in finding solutions to complex geological, technical, and environmental challenges related to mineral exploration and production. This paper provides an overview of the field of mining engineering, including its history, current practices, and future directions.Introduction:Mining engineering is a diverse field that covers many aspects of the mining and mineral processing industry. Mining engineers are involved in all stages of the mining process, from exploration and discovery of mineral resources to extraction, production, and reclamation. They work closely with geologists,metallurgists, environmental scientists, and other professionals to develop safe and efficient mining operations that maximize the recovery of valuable minerals while minimizing the impact on the environment.History:Mining has been an important part of human civilization for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all used mining techniques to extract metals and minerals for use in tools, weapons, and buildings. In the Middle Ages, mining became more sophisticated with the introduction ofwater-powered mills for crushing ore and the use of gunpowder for blasting rocks. The Industrial Revolution brought significant advances in mining technology, including steam engines, electric power, and new methods for drilling and blasting.Current Practices:Today, mining engineering is a highly specialized field that requires extensive knowledge of geology, mineralogy, mining methods, and environmental management. The modern mining industry uses a wide range of technologies to extract minerals from the earth, including open-pit and underground mining, heap leaching, and in-situ recovery. Mine developmenttypically involves a series of stages, including exploration, feasibility studies, permitting, construction, and production. During production, mining engineers are responsible for optimizing the extraction process to maximize recovery while minimizing costs and environmental impacts.Future Directions:The future of mining engineering will be shaped by many factors, including new technologies, changing market conditions, and evolving environmental regulations. The adoption of digital technologies is transforming the mining industry, with advances in automation, data analytics, and artificial intelligence enabling more efficient and sustainable mining operations. Sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important consideration for mining companies, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water resources, and minimizing the impact of mining on local communities.Conclusion:Mining engineering is a challenging and rewarding field that plays a critical role in meeting the world"s growing demand for mineral resources. As the mining industry continues to evolve, mining engineers will need to adapt to new technologiesand changing market conditions while maintaining a focus on safety, efficiency, and sustainability.。



02 采矿矿山地质体时,区分能利用(表内)储量和暂不能利用(表外)储量的标准之一。

of 指在储量计算时,允许夹在矿体中间非工业矿石(夹石)的最大厚度。



凿岩爆破导火索底盘抵抗线底眼电爆网络电雷管电雷管脚线电雷管点火元件电雷管桥丝电雷管电阻定向爆破顶眼硐室爆破二次爆破发射药非电导爆管辅助孔覆岩,覆土高威力炸药根底沟槽效应光面爆破含水炸药safety fusetoe burdenbottom holes, lifterselectric initiation circuitelectric cap, electric detonatorleg wire of electric detonatorfiring element of electric detonator bridge wire of electric detonator resistance of electric detonator directional blastingtop hole, back holechamber blastingsecondary blasting,boulder blasting propellant explosivenonel tubesatellite hole, relieveroverburdenhigh strength explosivetoe, tight bottomchannel effectsmooth blastingwater-bearing explosive毫秒爆破毫秒延期电雷管黑火药后冲(糊炮)药包缓冲爆破环形炮孔活动钻头火雷管millisecond blastingmillisecond electric delay detonator black powderback breakadobe charge,mud capped charge cushion blastingring holesdetachable bitcap, blasting cap平行孔掏槽parallel hole cut平行炮孔parallel holes起爆fire, firing, initiation起爆感度sensitivity起爆顺序initiation sequence起爆药(正起爆药)primary explosive起爆药包primer起爆器blasting machine起爆能力power for initiation气体间隔器gas deck钎杆stem钎尾drill shank欠挖under-break撬毛scaling球状药包爆破spherical charge blasting全断面爆破full face blasting人工装药manual charging乳化炸药emulsion explosive三角形布孔dtaggered drill pattern扇形炮孔fan-pattern holes生产爆破primary blast十字钎头cruciform bit, cross bit瞬发电雷管instantaneous electric detonator 束状炮孔bunch holes水封爆破water infusion blasting水封填塞water stemming装药charging, loading装药车装药truck charging装药系数charging factor装药密度charging density装药不耦合系数decoupling ratio自由空间爆破free space blasting自由面free face, free surface钻头bit最大安全电流maximum safety current最小准爆电流minimum firing current最小抵抗线minimum burden井巷工程巷道roadway指地下采矿时,为采矿提升、运输、通风、排水、动力供应等而掘进的通道。



附录外文翻译APPLICATION OF BLASTING IN DRIVING TUNNEL1 FRAGMENTATION Fragmentation is the breaking of coal oreor rock by blasting so that the bulk ofthe material is small enough to load handle and transport.Fragmentation would be atits best when the debris is not smaller than necessary for handling and not so large asto require hand breaking or secondary blasting . Energy must be supplied to rock by direct or indirect means to fragment that rockand the type of loadingsystem.Fragmentation energy is consumed by the mainmechanisms: 1 creation of new surface area fracture energy 2friction plasticityand 3elastic wave enegy dispersion. The loading method determines the relative proportions and the amount of energyconsumed in fragmenting a given rock type. Unonfined tensile failure consumes theleast energy with an increasing amount of energy required as the rock is more highlyconfined within a compressive stress field during fragmentation The way energy isapplied by tools to cause rock or mineral fragmentation is important in determiningfragmentation efficiency. To best design fragmentation tools and optimizefragmentation systems it would be desirable to know how rock properties influencebreakage. The strength of rock is influenced by the environmental conditions imposed on therock.Those of most importance in rock are 1confining pressure 2pore fluidpressure 3temperature and 4rate of loadapplication .Increase in confiningpressure as with increasing depth beneath th earths surface or under the action of afragmentation tool causes an increase in rockstrength .Apparent rock strengthdecreases as porc fluid pressure increases since it decreases the effect of confiningpressure. Although chemical effects of pore fluids influence rock strength theygenerally are small compared to the confining pressure effect except for a smallminority of rock types .Increase in rock temperature causes a decrease in rockstrength.This effect is very small because of the small ambient temperature changesfound during mining. An increase in rate of load application causes an apparentincrease in rock strength. Rock exhibits directional properties that in fluence the way it breaks. These areembodied in the concept of rock fabric which connotes thestructure or configurationof the aggregate components as well as the physical or mechanical propertymanifestations. Rock fabric ont only relates to the preferred orientation of mineralconstituents and their planes of weakness but also to the configuration ofdiscontinuities microcracks and pores.Joints and bedding planes have great influenceon fragmentation at field scale. Physical properties of rock densityindentationhardnessabrasivehardness andporosity are frequently used in conjunction with mechanical properties to developbetter empirical esti mations of rock fragmentation.2 BLASTHOLE CHARGING METHODS Drill hole charging can be carried out in different ways depending on whether theexplosive used is in cartridges or in the form of loose material. The oldest chargingmethod implies the use of a tamping rod and this system is still used to a very greatextent .During the last 20years compressed air chargers have been used and thesemachines provide both good capacity and also an improved level of chargeconcentration so that the drill holes are utilized to a higher degree. During the last fewyears semi-automatic chargers have been taken into use primarily in undergroundwork. Compressed air chargers for blasting powder in the form of loose material havealso come into use on a large scale. As far as slurry blasting is concerned specialpumping methods have been developed through which charging capacity in the caf large diameter drill holes is practically good. A tamping rod must be made of wood or plastic. It must not be too thick inrelation to the drill hole diameter since this can crush and damage fuse or electricdetonator cables during charging work. If a good degree of packing is to be obtainedduring charging with a tamping rod then only one cartridge at a time should becharged and tamped. The detonator must be correctly fed into the drill hole duringcharging work. Compressed air chargers have been in use is Sweden for about 20 years. The firsttype consisted of aluminum pipes connected together and the cartridges were blowninto the hole with an air pressure of 42 pounds per square inch .since that time thecharging tube has been replaced by anti-static treated plastic hose of a special design.A charger includes a foot-operated valve reduction vavlewith air hose breechconnecting tube and charging hose. The semi-automatic charger permits the continuous insertion of explosivecartridge at the same rate as they are charged in the hole by the hose .Instead of avalve being used the cartridges pass through an air lock between two flaps. The airpressure in the charging hose is retained while cartridges are pressure in the charginghose is retained while cartridges are beins inserted .The semi-automatic chargerpermits considerably higher charging capacity than the normal type of charger. Explosives in the form of the form of loose material usually ammonium nitrateexplosivesANFO require special chargers. Two types can be differentiated:pressrure vessel machines and ejector units. Pressure vessel machines are particularlysuitable for crystalline An explosives with good charging capacity. Ejector units areoperate by an ejector sucking up explosive from a container through a charging hose.The explosive is then blown through the charging hose into the drill hole .There arealso combined pressure ejector machines. The charging hose used for ANFO chargingoperations must conduct electricity and have a resistance of at least 1K/m andmax.30K/M. Nitro Nobel has developed a special pumping procedure which consists of atanker vehicle which is used to pump explosive directly the drill holes. The chargingcapacity is very high in the case of large diameter drill holes.3 CONTROLLED BLASTING TECHNIQUTES Controlled blasting is used to reduce overbreak and minimize fracturing of therock at the boundary of an excavation. The four basic controlled blasting techniquesare: line drilling presplitting cushion blasting and smooth blasting. Line drilling the earliest controlled blasting technique involves drilling a row ofclosely spaced holes along the final excavation line providing a plane of weakness towhich to break. Line drill holes 2or 4 diameters apart and contain no explosive. Theblastholes adjacent to the line drillholes normally are loaded lighter and are on closerspacing than the other blastholes. The maximum depth for line drilling is about30ft .Line drilling involves no blasting in the final row of holes and thus minimizesdamage to the final wall. Presplitting sometimes called preshearing involves asingle row ofboreholes usually 2 to 4 in .in diameter drilled along the final excavation at a spacingof 6 to 12 borehole diameters .Dynamite cartridges 1to 1.5 in . in size on 1 to2ft .centers usually are string-loadde on detonating cord although specialsmall-diameter cartridges with special couplers are available for total columnloading .In unconsolidated formations closer spacings with lighter powder loads arerequired .The bottom 2 to 3ft .of borehole usually is loaded somewhat heavier thanthe remainder .Stemming between and around the individual charges is optional .Thetop 2 to 3 ft . of borehole is not loaded but is stemmed. The depth that can bupresplit is limited by hole alignment with 50ft .being about maximum .The presplitholes are fired before before the adjacent primary holes to provide a fracture plane towhich the primary blast can break .In presplitting it is difficult to determine the resultsuntil the adjacent primary blast is shot .For this reason presplitting too far in advanceis not recommended .Presplitting seldom is done underground. Cushion blasting involves drilling a row of 2 – to 6-in .diameter boreholes alongthe final excavation line loading with a light well-distributed charge completelystemmed and firing after the main excavation is removed rather than before as inpresplitting. The burden on the holes is slightly larger than the spacing .Wedges maybe used to abut the charges to the excavation side of the borehole and minimizedamage to the final wall .Eeplosive loading is similar to that in presplitting .Cushionblasting has been done to depths near 100 ft .in a single lift with the larger-diameterboreholes because alignment is more easily retained .Cushion blasting seldom is doneunderground. Smooth blasting is the underground counterpart of cushion blasting .At theperimeter of the tunnel or drift closely spaced holes with a burden-to-spacing rationear 1.5:1 are loaded with light well-distributed charges .Smooth blasting differs fromcushion blasting in that 1 except at the collar the charges are not stemmed and 2the perimeter holes are fired on the last delay in the same round as the primaryblast .Total column loading is most common although spacers may be used .Theholes are stemmed to prevent the charges from being pulled out by the detonation ofthe previous delayed holes .Smoothblasting reduces overbreak in a drift and alsoprovides a more competent back requiring less support .It involves more perimeterholes than does normal blasting. Combinations of controlled blasting techniques are used .In unconsolidatedrockline drilling sometimes is desirable between presplit or cushion boreholes .Corners sometimes are presplit when cushion blasting is used.4 TUNNEL BLASTING The most common methed of driving a mining tunnel is a cyclic operation in threesequences: 1 Drilling shot holes charging them with explosives and blasting. 2 Removing the resulting muck pile. 3 Inserting the tunnel linings into the newly excaved area and advancing theralls. ventilation arrangements and power supplies ready for the next cycle ofoperations. The basic principle of tunnel blasting in its simplest term is to loosen a volumeof the virgin rock in such a way that when it is removed the line of the tunnel hasadvance in the correct direction with as nearly as possible the correct cross-section. The dilling pattern in which the holes to receive the explosives are drilled intothe working face is designed so that :the holes are easy to drill the minimurd totalquantity of explosive is required and the periphery of the space left after the blastconforms as nearly as possible to the required tunnel section. A blast round consists of cut relief breast and trim holes . The cut portion is themost important . The objective of the cut is to provide a free face to which theremainder of the round may break. The two general types of cuts are the angled cut and the burn .These can be usedin combinations to form various other cuts .Angled cuts are more advantageous thanburn in wide headings due to the fewer boles and less explosive required per foot .Adisadvangtage is the possibility of large pieces of rock being thrown from the “V”. The wedge or V-cut consists of two holes angled to meet or nearly meet at thebottom . The cut can consist of one or several Vs either verticao or horizontal .Fordeeper rounds or hard-breaking rock double Vs can be used .The smaller is called thebaby cut . It is useful in small rge-diameter burn holes provide excellentrelief in big headings .Burn cuts permit deeper rounds than angled cuts and due tothe increased advance per round may prove more economical .In burn cuts theholesmust be drilled parallel with proper spacing and 0.5 : 1 ft deeper than the remainderof the round .Usually one or more holes large-diameter are left unloaded to providerelief for the loaded holes . Various combinations of spacing alignment and holesloaded are possible. Innumerable typesofblastingrounds are used in underground headings .Even in thesame heading the round may have to be altered as different rock charateristicsdevelop.An important factor in any round is the firing sequence .In general the holesare fired so that each hole or series of holes is blasted to the free face provided by thepreceding holes .The depth of drift rounds depends on the complete drifting cycle anddrift size.A general rule is that a round will not break much deeper than the leastcross-sectional dimension of the drift . Rounds can be arranged that provide certainmuck-pile shapes and positions for more efficient loading and cycles . In driftsrequiring close support rounds can be arranged to prevent damage. 爆破在井巷掘进中的应用1 破岩理论破岩是用爆破的方式把煤、矿石或岩石破碎,使大部份物料的块度足够小,知足装载、处置和运输的条件。



名词矿井 mine立井开拓 vertical shaft development可采储量 recoverable reserves集中大巷 gathering main roadway煤层 coal seam综合机械化 full-mechanized工作面 working face服务年限 length of service采煤工艺 coal winning technology斜井开拓 inclined shaft development走向长壁采煤法 longwall coal mining method肥煤 fat coal气煤 gas coal底卸式矿车 drop-bottom mine car固定车箱式矿车solid mine car矿车 mine car倾斜长壁采煤法 inclined longwall coal mining method走向 strike倾向 dip开拓方式 development way of mine采区 district盘区 panel带区 strip district矿井设计 mine design开采水平 mining level井田 shaft area采煤工艺 mining technology井底车场 shaft bottom石门 cross-cut主石门 main cross-cut采区石门 district cross-cut名词矿井 mine立井开拓 vertical shaft development可采储量 recoverable reserves集中大巷 gathering main roadway煤层 coal seam综合机械化 full-mechanized工作面 working face服务年限 length of service采煤工艺 coal winning technology斜井开拓 inclined shaft development走向长壁采煤法 longwall coal mining method肥煤 fat coal气煤 gas coal底卸式矿车 drop-bottom mine car固定车箱式矿车solid mine car矿车 mine car倾斜长壁采煤法 inclined longwall coal mining method走向 strike倾向 dip开拓方式 development way of mine采区 district盘区 panel带区 strip district矿井设计 mine design开采水平 mining level井田 shaft area采煤工艺 mining technology名词矿井 mine立井开拓 vertical shaft development可采储量 recoverable reserves集中大巷 gathering main roadway煤层 coal seam综合机械化 full-mechanized工作面 working face服务年限 length of service采煤工艺 coal winning technology斜井开拓 inclined shaft development走向长壁采煤法 longwall coal mining method肥煤 fat coal气煤 gas coal底卸式矿车 drop-bottom mine car固定车箱式矿车solid mine car矿车 mine car倾斜长壁采煤法 inclined longwall coal mining method走向 strike倾向 dip开拓方式 development way of mine采区 district盘区 panel带区 strip district矿井设计 mine design开采水平 mining level井田 shaft area采煤工艺 mining technology名词矿井 mine立井开拓 vertical shaft development可采储量 recoverable reserves集中大巷 gathering main roadway煤层 coal seam综合机械化 full-mechanized工作面 working face服务年限 length of service采煤工艺 coal winning technology斜井开拓 inclined shaft development走向长壁采煤法 longwall coal mining method肥煤 fat coal气煤 gas coal底卸式矿车 drop-bottom mine car固定车箱式矿车solid mine car矿车 mine car倾斜长壁采煤法 inclined longwall coal mining method走向 strike倾向 dip开拓方式 development way of mine采区 district盘区 panel带区 strip district矿井设计 mine design开采水平 mining level井田 shaft area采煤工艺 mining technology。



西班牙Riosa–Olloniego煤矿瓦斯预防和治理María B. Díaz Aguado C. González NiciezaAbstractDepartment of Mining Exploitation, University of Oviedo, School of Mines, Independencia,13, 33004 Oviedo, Spain摘要矿井中有很多气体影响着煤矿工作环境,在这些气体中,甲烷是重要的,他伴随着煤的产生而存在。







这两个煤矿属于Riosa- Olloniego 煤田,在西班牙阿斯图里亚斯中央盆地。

仪器是通过subhorizontal 能级开采的,一个约1000 米的山Lusorio 根据实际深度覆盖的地区。




采矿工程 毕业外文翻译

采矿工程 毕业外文翻译
2. Planning and optimization of monitoring systems
Careful planning is the foundation for establishing an efficient monitoring program and has a profound impact on the system's long-term performance. There are three important issues to be resolved at this stage: engineering assessment of monitoring objective and monitoring condition; determination of the monitoring system size (number of channels); and optimization of the sensor array layout. Also, the harsh mining environment requires a rigorous maintenance program because monitoring systems degrade rapidly.
附件 D:原文
Efficient mine microseismic monitoring
Maochen Ge Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA Received 6 May 2004; revised 24 August 2004; accepted 7 March 2005. Available online 12 April 2005.



02 采矿02.02 矿山地质即在当前开采技术和经济条件下,对有开采价值的单层矿体的最小厚度要求。


barren 指在储量计算时,允许夹在矿体中间非工业矿石(夹石)的最大厚度。




02.05 凿岩爆破02.303 02.304 02.305 02.306 02.307 02.308 02.309 02.310 02.311 02.312 02.313 02.314 02.315 02.316 02.317 02.318 02.319 02.320 02.321 02.322 02.323 02.324 02.325 02.326 02.327导火索底盘抵抗线底眼电爆网络电雷管电雷管脚线电雷管点火元件电雷管桥丝电雷管电阻定向爆破顶眼硐室爆破二次爆破发射药非电导爆管辅助孔覆岩,覆土高威力炸药根底沟槽效应光面爆破含水炸药毫秒爆破毫秒延期电雷管黑火药safety fusetoe burdenbottom holes, lifterselectric initiation circuitelectric cap, electric detonatorleg wire of electric detonatorfiring element of electric detonatorbridge wire of electric detonatorresistance of electric detonatordirectional blastingtop hole, back holechamber blastingsecondary blasting,boulder blastingpropellant explosivenonel tubesatellite hole, relieveroverburdenhigh strength explosivetoe, tight bottomchannel effectsmooth blastingwater-bearing explosivemillisecond blastingmillisecond electric delay detonatorblack powder02.328 02.329 02.330 02.331 02.332 02.333后冲(糊炮)药包缓冲爆破环形炮孔活动钻头火雷管back breakadobe charge,mud capped chargecushion blastingring holesdetachable bitcap, blasting cap02.06 井巷工程含工业价值的脉石的场所。



中英文资料外文翻译Optimization of soft rock engineering with particular reference to coalminingAbstractSoft rock engineering is a difficult topic which has received much attention in the field of rock mechanics and engineering. Research and practical work have been carried out, but much of the work has been limited to solving problems from the surface. For overcoming the difficulties of large deformations, long durationtime-dependent effects, and difficulties in stabilizing the soft rock, the problem should be tackled more radically, leading to a more effective method of achieving optimization of the engineering system in soft rock. A summary of the optimization procedure is made based on engineering practice.1. IntroductionThere are many soft rock engineering problems around the world, involving engineering for mines, highways, railways, bridges, tunnels, civil subways, buildings, etc. Engineering losses have occurred because of volumetric expansion, loss of stability of the soft rock, etc. This has been an important question to which much attention has been paid in engineering circles, and in the field of academic rock mechanics. Since the 1970s, considerable research and practical efforts have been made in the field of soft rock engineering in various countries, but the major efforts were concentrated on such aspects as the method of construction, the design and reinforcing of the supporting structures, measurement and analysis of the rock’s physical and mechanical properties, its constitutive relations and engineering measurement.It has been found that the soft rock engineering problem involves complex systematic engineering including such subsystems as classification of soft rocks, judgement concerning the properties of soft rock, project design and construction. Only by considering the integral optimization of the system can we obtain animproved solution to the problem. Hopefully, a radical approach can lead to engineering feasibility, lower costs and engineering stability in order to achieve the engineering objectives.1.1. Mechanical properties of soft rock and associated engineeringSoft rock is an uneven and discontinuous medium. Its strength is low, with a uniaxial compressive strength usually lower than 30 MPa. Some soft rocks expand when they are wet. Cracks in some soft rocks will propagate easily — which makes them exhibit volumetric expansion. Large deformation and creep can occur in soft rocks. Many soft rocks are compound ones which have composite properties formed from two or more sets of constituent properties. Soft rock can be graded into divisions according to its properties. After engineering has occurred, soft rock can deform rapidly and by time-dependent deformation, owing to its low strength and sensitivity to the stress field. With the effect of water, the expansive minerals in soft rocks volumetrically expand, which causes large convergent deformations, which leads to damage of the surrounding rock.The mechanical properties of soft rocks appear so various and different that it is difficult to express them with mathematical formula, which is the technological challenge for soft rock engineering.1.2. Engineering in soft rock and its optimizationBecause soft rock engineering can induce large deformations, the maintenance of the engineering can be difficult. Moreover, volumetric expansion and loss of stabilization of the surrounding rock often causes damage to supporting structures. If we use strong supports to control the deformation of the surrounding rock, the engineering cost will be high, and the construction time will be increased by repeated installation of support, sometimes the support itself has to be repaired. In order to obtain the benefits of easier construction and lower cost, the integral optimization of the system must be carried out and managed in a systematic and comprehensive way.Design and construction are the two important steps in soft rock engineering. These must begin by understanding the physical and mechanical properties of soft rock, in the context of the stress field, hydrogeology and engineering geology. The engineering design plan is conceived as a whole according to the theory of rock mechanics and combining practical data from adjacent or similar projects, including integrating the many factors. The establishment of the correct soft rock engineeringsystem should come from practice, basing on a full mastery of the factors. The scheme is shown in Fig. 1.Fig. 1. Engineering system for soft rock.Optimization of soft rock engineering is achieved by making the surrounding rock interface with the supporting structure such that the engineering will be stable. The key technological strategy is to avoid a high stress field and enhance the supporting ability of the surrounding rock. Feasible measures are as follows: reducing the external load; optimizing the engineering structure’s size and shape, improving planar and cubic layouts of engineering; choosing better strata, and structure orientation, etc., as shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2. The principle of the optimization process.According to these ideas, take the development of a coal mine in soft rock as an example. Integrated optimization of the development system of the mine should take the relevant factors into account: existing information; an overall arrangement foroptimal development and production; eliminate adverse factors; and deal with the problems of soft rock by a simple construction method. The content of the first part of the optimization includes: choosing the mine development method; deciding on the mining level; and determining layers in which the main roadways are to be located. Also important is arranging a reasonable layout of the pit bottom and chamber groups and seeking to reduce the deviator stress caused by mutual interference of the openings. Openings perpendicular to the direction of horizontal principal stress should be avoided when choosing the driving direction of roadways. Optimizing the layout of the mining roadways reduces the damage to support caused by moving loads introduced by mining. Further optimization is related to the geometry and size of the roadway sections, the supporting structure, and the method and technology of construction. Finally, by measuring and monitoring during construction, feedback information can be obtained to ensure that the engineering is running on the expected track and, if there is any deviation, corrective action can be implemented. The system is shown in Fig. 3.Fig. 3. Systematic optimization of coal mining in soft rock.2. Engineering examples2.1. Mine No. 5 in Youjiang coal mine, ChinaThe mine is situated to the east of Baise Coalfield, in the West of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It belongs to the new third Period. The mine area is located at the edge of the south synclinal basin. There are three coal layers; the average thickness of each seam is 1–2 m; above and below the coal layers are mudstone, whose colours are grey, greyish white, and green. There are minerals of mixed illite and montmorillonite in the rock, montmorillonite 5–8%, and illite 7–20%. The rock’suniaxial compressive strength is 4–5 MPa, the average being 4.8 MPa. There are irregular joints in the rock, but distributed irregularly, and the rock’s integral coefficient index is 0.55. Most of the cracks are discontinuous, without filling matter in them. The surrounding rock is a soft rock subject to swelling, with low strength, and is quite broken. The strike of the coalfield is NEE, the dip angle of the coal layers is 10–15°. The mine area is 6 km long along the strike, and 1 km long along its inclination, its area is 6 km2, the recoverable reserves are 4,430,000 tons. In the adjacent mine No. 4, the maximum principal stress is NNE–SSW, approximately along the seams’ inclined direction. A roadway perpendicular to this direction has convergence values of 70–100 mm, the damage of roadway supports is 51%. A roadway parallel to the direction of maximum principal stress has convergence values of 20–40 mm, the damage rate of supports is 12%, and the average damage rate of the mine is 40%.In the design of the mine, a pair of inclined shafts were included. The level of the shaft-top is +110 m, the elevation of the main mining level is located at −120 m. Strike longwall mining is planned, arranging with uphill and downhill stope areas, as shown in Fig. 4.Fig. 4. Development plans for Mine No. 5 in Youjiang.The first optimization measure is to weaken the strain effect of the surrounding rock in the mine roadway caused by the stress field. Roadways are arranged as far as possible to be parallel with the maximum principal stress (that is, approximately along the inclined direction) so as to reduce the angle between them. The strike longwall mining is changed into inclined longwall mining, the mine is mined upward by using the downhill stope area, the main mining level is elevated by 20 m, 1131 mof roadways are saved and the cost of the roadway construction and facilities is saved ¥2,760,000 ($336,600). The new system is shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 5. Development system plans after optimization for Mine No.5 in Youjiang.The second optimization measure is to change the layout of the pit bottom and openings to be parallel with the maximum principal stress as far as possible. The total length of roadways initially designed was 1481 m, and 30.11% of them were arranged to be perpendicular to the maximum principal stress. After amendment, the total length of roadways is 1191 m, which is a decrease of 290 m, and with only 24.69% of roadways that are perpendicular to the principal horizontal stress, roadways are easier to maintain. As shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.Fig. 6. Layout of the pit bottom and chamber initially designed forMine No. 5 in Youjiang.Fig. 7. Layout of the pit bottom and chamber after the optimizationfor Mine No. 5 in Youjiang.The third optimization measure is to excavate the section of the roadway in a circular arch shape to reduce the stress concentrations. In order to increase the supporting ability of the surrounding rock itself, after the roadway has been excavated, rockbolts are installed as the first support. Considering the expansivity of the surrounding rock, guniting is not suitable. The secondary support is the use of precast concrete blocks. Between the support and the surrounding rock, the gaps should be filled with a pliable layer of mixed lime-powder with sand. This produces the effect of distributing the stress and has a cushioning effect when the soft rock is deforming; also, it inhibits the soft rock from absorbing water and expanding. This scheme is shown in Fig. 8Fig. 8. Optimization design for the supporting structure of the mainroadway for Mine No. 5 in Youjiang.The fourth optimization measure is to simplify the chamber layout so as to reduce the number of roadways. For example, in order to decrease the stress concentrations by the roadway, the number of passageways in the pumproom and the sub-station can be reduced from three to one, and the roadway intersections connecting atright-angles can be reduced from 14 to nine.The fifth optimization measure is in accordance with the different stratigraphical lithologies which the roadways pass through, and for harder rock regions to change the roadway section into a structure with straight-sided semicircular top arch and arc bottom arch, and another structure with a straight-sided horse-shoe arch, so that the investment of supporting structure can be saved when there are better rock masses with comparatively few fractures.In construction, waterproofing and draining off the water should be implemented, and the catchment in the roadway bottom should be strictly prevented because it may cause the bottom rock to expand. When the opening groups are excavated, the construction sequence must be considered, enough rock pillar must be reserved, and the construction method of ‘short-digging and short-building’ must not be used, so that the interactions can be avoided.By the optimization described above, after the roadways have been constructed, the serviceable roadway is 95.5% of the total, 55.5% more than that of the adjacent mine No. 4. The length of the roadway was reduced, and ¥3,700,000 ($450,000) saved. In addition, ¥3,000,000 ($360,000) was saved in the maintenance costs of the roadways before the mine was put into production, so, the cost saving totals¥6,700,000 ($810,000) in all. After the mine has been turned over to production, the main designed capacity was reached in that year, and added to the saved money for the maintenance cost of roadways in production, there was ¥8,700,000 ($1,050,000) saved.2.2. The coal mine at Renziping, ChinaThe mine lies to the south of Qinzhou coalfield in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It belongs to the new third Period and synclinal coal basin tectonics. There are two coal layers in it, the main seam thickness is 12–15 m. The roof and floor of the coal layers are arenaceous–argillaceous rocks, whose colour is greyish white, and whose essential minerals are quartz and kaolinite. The uniaxial compressive strength of the rock is from 10 to 15 MPa. Rock masses are quite integral with fractures only in it occasionally. It belongs to the class of soft rock that has weak expansion, lower strength, and is quite broken. There are faults around the coalfield basin which are8 km long and 1.5 km or so wide. Slopes are inconsistent, the edge angles are 25–40°, and the bottom of the coalfield is gentle. Affected by tectonic stress in the NW–SE direction, there is an inverse fault in the south. After the mine had been developed and put into production, a main roadway at the 250 m level was excavated along the strike, and the mine was mined by the ‘uphill and downhill stope area’. Affected by the rock stress, many parts of the main roadway have ruptured, parts have been pressed out, and supports have been broken; the serviceable rate of roadway supports was less than 40%, which seriously affected the haulage and ventilation of the mine road. In the following 10 years of production, the rated production output was not achieved and losses occurred leading to economic disbenefit.Through on-the-spot observations, it is apparent that the coalfield is affected by the tectonic stress field, that the deformation in the soft rock is serious, and is larger than that caused only by the vertical stress component. The technological reformation measures for the mine are proposed as follows.The first measure is to extend the depth of the shaft and abandon the main roadway excavated along the strike, and transform it into a bottom panel stonedoor along the synclinal basin minor axis to make it parallel with the main principal horizontal stress. The mining face can be laid on top of it. The force endured by the stonedoor is quite small, and the stonedoor is easy to maintain, as shown in Fig. 9.Fig. 9. Contrasting layouts before and after optimization at the coalmine in Renziping.The second measure is to select an improved stratum to lay out the stonedoor. If it is placed in the grey arenaceous–argillaceous rock, its uniaxial compressive strength is 15 MPa and is easy to maintain, constructing in the normal excavation manner, and supported with a granite block building body.After the mine was constructed, the maintenance of the stonedoor was in a better state, the serviceability rate of the roadway was raised to 85%, which is 45% more than that before the optimization. The haulage and ventilation of the mine were also improved, to enhance the normal production. The coal production of the mine has surpassed the designed capacity, the loss has been reversed and the mine has been transformed to a profitable enterprise.3. ConclusionsSoft rock engineering for coal mining involves many complex factors. Unable to solve the problems completely by quantitative means, much of the engineering relies on feedback after observation on the spot. The technique described in the paper — of systematic decomposition of the system into the component elements, individual optimization and then synthesis into overall optimization — has achieved good results in practice, as illustrated by the three coal mine examples.In fact, the basis of the technique is the process of applying basic rock mechanics principles, such as orienting roadway tunnels to be parallel to the maximum horizontal principal stress and avoiding complex excavation shapes. This involves major changes to coal mine layouts and thus represents a strategy of taking radical measures to solve soft rock engineering problems. If such radical measures are taken together with holding stopgap measures, the soft rock engineering can be optimized.煤矿开采中的软岩优化工程摘要软岩工程是一个已引起广泛关注的岩石力学与工程领域中的困难课题。



中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Mine safetyCoal mining historically has been a hazardous occupation but, in recent years, tremendous progress has been made in reducing accidental coal mine deaths and injuries.the main aspect is as following:⑴ Safety of mine ventilation•Purposes of Mine Ventilation•Properly engineered control of the mine atmosphere is required to: •provide fresh air (oxygen) for men to breathe•provide a source of oxygen for internal combustion engines in machinery •dilute atmospheric contaminants to acceptable levels•maintain temperature and humidity within acceptable limits•remove atmospheric contaminants from the mine.Mine ventilation is twofold in purpose: first, it maintains life, and secondly it carries off dangerous gases. The historic role of ventilation was to provide a flow of fresh air sufficient to replace the oxygen consumed by the miners working underground. Today's mine ventilation primarily deals with noxious gases (mainly generated by trackless equipment underground).Canaries are said to have been used to detect gas in coal mines in the early stages of coal mining. This sensitive bird would be taken into the workings and, if it perished, the colliers would immediately leave the mine.In the 1920s the hand-turned fans were replaced with air-powered small turbine fans. Large fans of the suction type were placed on the surface and gradually increased in size. Air from surface compressors was piped into the mine to power machinery and to assist in ventilation.Unless the air is properly distributed to the face, the mine ventilation system is not performing its primary function [1]. While it has always been recognized that this last part of ventilation is the most import, it is also the most difficult to achieve.The primary means of producing and controlling the airflow are also illustrated on Figure 1. Main fans, either singly or in combination, handle all of the air that passesthrough the entire system.These are usually, but notnecessarily, located onsurface, either exhaustingair through the system asshown on Figure 1 or, alternatively, connected to downcast shafts or main intakes and forcing air into and through the system. Because of the additional hazards of gases and dust that may both be explosive, legislation governing the ventilation of coal mines is stricter than for most other underground facilities. In many countries, the main ventilation fans for coal mines are required, by law, to be placed on surface and may also be subject to other restrictions such as being located out of line with the connected shaft or drift and equipped with "blow-out" panels to help protect the fan in case of a mine explosion.Stoppings and Seals:In developing a mine, connections are necessarily made between intakes and returns. When these are no longer required for access or ventilation, they should be blocked by stoppings in order to prevent short-circuiting of the airflow. Stoppings can be constructed from masonry, concrete blocks or fireproofed timber blocks. Prefabricated steel stoppings may also be employed. Stoppings should be well keyed into the roof, floor and sides, particularly if the strata are weak or in coal mines liable to spontaneous combustion. Leakage can be reduced by coating the high pressure face of the stopping with a sealant material and particular attention paid to the perimeter. Here again, in weak or chemically active strata, such coatings may be extended to the rock surfaces for a few metres back from the stopping. In cases where the airways are liable to convergence, precautions should be taken to protect stoppings against premature failure or cracking. These measures can vary from "crush pads" located at the top of the stopping to sliding or deformable panels on prefabricated stoppings. In all cases, components of stoppings should be fireproof and should not produce toxicfumes when heated.As a short term measure, fire-resistant brattice curtains may be tacked to roof, sides and floor to provide temporary stoppings where pressure differentials are low such as in locations close to the working areas.Where abandoned areas of a mine are to be isolated from the current ventilation infrastructure, seals should be constructed at the entrances of the connecting airways. If required to be explosion-proof, these consist of two or more stoppings, 5 to 10 metres apart, with the intervening space occupied by sand, stone dust, compacted non-flammable rock waste, cement-based fill or other manufactured material. Steel girders, laced between roof and floor add structural strength. Grouting the surrounding strata adds to the integrity of the seal in weak ground. In coal mines, mining law or prudent regard for safety may require seals to be explosion-proof.Doors and airlocks:Where access must remain available between an intake and a return airway, a stopping may be fitted with a ventilation door. In its simplest form, this is merely a wooden or steel door hinged such that it opens towards the higher air pressure. This self-closing feature is supplemented by angling the hinges so that the door lifts slightly when opened and closes under its own weight. It is also advisable to fit doors with latches to prevent their opening in cases of emergency when the direction of pressure differentials may be reversed. Contoured flexible strips attached along the bottom of the door assist in reducing leakage, particularly when the airway is fitted with rail track.Ventilation doors located between main intakes and returns are usually built as a set of two or more to form an airlock. This prevents short-circuitingwhen one door is opened for passage of vehicles or personnel. The distance between doors should be capable of accommodating the longest train of vehicles required to pass through the airlock. For higher pressure differentials, multiple doors also allow the pressure break to be shared between doors. Mechanized doors, opened by pneumatic or electrical means are particularly convenient for the passage of vehicular traffic or where the size of the door or air pressure would make manual operation difficult. Mechanically operated doors may, again, be side-hinged or take the form of rollup or concertina devices. They may be activated manually by a pull-rope or automatic sensing of an approaching vehicle or person. Large doors may be fitted with smaller hinged openings for access by personnel. Man-doors exposed to the higher pressure differentials may be difficult to open manually. In such cases, a sliding panel may be fitted in order to reduce that pressure differential temporarily while the door is opened. Interlock devices can also be employed on an airlock to prevent all doors from being opened simultaneously.Cfd applied to ventilation sys tems:Due to recent advances in computer processing power CFD has been used to solve a wide range of large and complex flow problems across many branches of engineering (Moloney et. al. 1997/98/99). The increase in processor speed has also enabled the development of improved post processing and graphical techniques with which to visualize the results produced by these models. Recent research work has employed CFD models, validated by scale and full-scale experiments, to represent the ventilation flows and pollutant dispersion patterns within underground mine networks. In particular, studies by Moloney (1997) demonstrated that validated CFD models were able tosuccessfully replicate the ventilation flows and gaseous pollutant dispersion patterns observed within auxiliary ventilated rapid development drivages. CFD has proven a capable method by which to identify detailed characteristics of the flow within critical areas such as the cutting face. The results produced by the CFD models were able to demonstrate the relative efficiency of the different auxiliary ventilation configurations in the dilution, dispersion and transport of the methane and dust from the development face. Further recent studies by Moloney et. al. (1999) have demonstrated that such validated CFD models may be used to simulate the airflow and pollutant dispersion data for a wide range of mining and ventilation configurations. Each simulation exercise produces large sets of velocity, pressure and pollutant concentration data.⑵ Fires Methods of ControlFires that occur in mine airways usually commence from a single point of ignition. The initial fire is often quite small and, indeed, most fires are extinguished rapidly by prompt local action. Speed is of the essence. An energetic ignition that remains undetected, even for only a few minutes, can develop into a conflagration that becomes difficult or impossible to deal with. Sealing off the district or mine may then become inevitable.The majority of fires can be extinguished quickly if prompt action is taken. This underlines the importance of fire detection systems, training, a well-designed firefighting system and the ready availability of fully operational firefighting equipment. Fire extinguishers of an appropriate type should be available on vehicles and on the upstream side of all zones of increased fire hazard. These include storage areas and fixed locations ofequipment such as electrical or compressor stations and conveyor gearheads. Neither water nor foam should be used where electricity is involved until it is certain that the power has been switched off. Fire extinguishers that employ carbon dioxide or dry powders are suitable for electrical fires or those involving flammable liquids.Deluge and sprinkler systems can be very effective in areas of fixed equipment, stores and over conveyors. These should be activated by thermal sensors rather than smoke or gas detectors in order to ensure that they are operated only when open combustion occurs in the near vicinity.Except where electricity or flammable liquids are involved, water is the most common medium of firefighting. When applied to a burning surface, water helps to remove two sides of the fire triangle. The latent heat of the water as it vapourises and the subsequent thermal capacity of the water vapour assist in removing heat from the burning material. Furthermore, the displacement of air by water vapour and the liquid coating on cooler surfaces help to isolate oxygen from the fire.⑶ Methods of Dust ControlThe three major control methods used to reduce airborne dust in tunnels and underground mines: ventilation, water, and dust collectors.Ventilation air reduces dust through both dilution and displacement. The dilution mechanism operates when workers are surrounded by a dust cloud and additional air serves to reduce the dust concentration by diluting the cloud. The displacement mechanism operates when workers are upwind of dust sources and the air velocity is high enough to reliably keep the dust downwind.① Dilution Ventilation. The basic principle behind dilution ventilation is to provide more air and dilute the dust. Most of the time the dust is reduced roughly in proportion to the increase in airflow, but not always. The cost of and technical barriers to increased airflow can be substantial, particularly where air already moves through ventilation ductwork or shafts at velocities of 3,000 ft/min or more.②Displacement Ventilation. The basic principle behind displacement ventilation is to use the airflow in a way that confines the dust source and keeps it away from workers by putting dust downwind of the workers. Every tunnel or mine passage with an airflow direction that puts dust downwind of workers uses displacement ventilation. In mines, continuous miner faces or tunnel boring machines on exhaust ventilation use displacement ventilation. Enclosure of a dust source, such as a conveyor belt transfer point, along with extraction of dusty air from the enclosure, is another example of displacement ventilation. Displacement ventilation can be hard to implement. However, if done well, it is the most effective dust control technique available, and it is worth considerable effort to get it right. The difficulty is that when workers are near a dust source, say, 10 to 20 ft from the source, keeping them upwind requires a substantial air velocity, typically between 60 and 150 ft/min. There is not always enough air available to achieve these velocities.③ Water sprays. The role of water sprays in mining is a dual one: wetting of the broken material being transported and,airborne capture. Of the two, wetting of the broken material is far more effective.Adequate wetting is extremely important for dust control. The vast majorityof dust particles created during breakage are not released into the air, but stay attached to the surface of the broken material. Wetting this broken material ensures that the dust particles stay attached. As a result, adding more water can usually (but not always) be counted on to reduce dust. For example, coal mine operators have been able to reduce the dust from higher longwall production levels by raising the shearer water flow rate to an average of 100gpm. Compared to the amount of coal mined, on a weight basis, this 100gpm is equivalent to 1.9% added moisture from the shearer alone. Unfortunately, excessive moisture levels can also result in a host of materials handling problems, operational headaches, and product quality issues, so an upper limit on water use is sometimes reached rather quickly. As a result, an alternative to simply adding more water is to ensure that the broken material is being wetted uniformly.⑷ Mine DrainageWater invades almost every mine in the form of :direct precipitation (rain and snow), surface runoff, underground percolation. Flows of water have an important effect on the cost and progress of many mining operations and present life and property hazards in some cases.Means of Mine-water Control(Mine Drainage):As shafts and other mine openings extend below the water table, water is likely to be encountered and to seep into the openings to an extent depending upon the area of rock surface exposed, the hydrostatic pressure, and other factors. In order to continue mining operations, it is therefore necessary to lower the ground water level in the vicinity of the mine by artificial means to keep the workings free of water as well as preventing the flow of surfacewater into the (surface or underground) mine. This operation is known as mine drainage.Means of mine drainage are limited by circumstances and objectives. The following types of mine-water control can be used singly or more effectively in combination:① Locate shafts or excavations in best ground and protect from direct water inflow from surfaces.② Divert or drain water at or near surface.③Reduce permeability of rock mass by grouting with special types of cement, bentonite and liquid chemical grouts (water sealing).④ Case or cement exploration drill holes.⑤Drill pilot holes in advance of work wherever there may be sudden influents at rates potentially inconvenient.⑥Dewater bedrock at depth by pumping through dewatering wells or from an accessible place in the mine.。



原文:DEVELOPING OF TRANS-CENTURY MINING SUBJECT WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY AND NEW THEORY Abstract:Mining subject needs further development and towards which the development would being the problems concerned over all along and to be succeeded with the public good enough attention to discussions to reach an identify of views admittedly. The emergence in succession of new-and-high techs in the mid-and late twentieth century is perhaps the most fascinating and epoch-marking event that has given to all the subjects certain but different degrees of impacts to become more closely interrelative and interdepartmental each other and feature specifically from that of the past for their entirely new conceptions in the result of formulating many new theories,new technologies and new subjects that mining subject is inevitably and unexceptionally the one inclusive. The acuter gives in this paper his opinion regarding the problem of the development of mining subject proving with many convincible facts and most informative new idea,Key words: mining subject; mineral industry; mineral economics; new-and-high tech.1 The Importance of Mining Industry in the National EconomyToday, it has been paid unprecedented attention to the development of technology worldwide. The advance of space engineering, information engineering,biological engineering and marine engineering,the discovery and the research and development of the new energy and new materials increasingly change every aspect of human life both at present and in the future. The words "Science and Technology being the First Production Force" has fatherly and penetratingly pointed out the important role of new technology in the course of national economy construction.In the competition of several big countries in the world striving for the exploration of outer space,one should not forget the essential fact that there are more than five billion people living on the earth. To assure the survival of mankind on the earth,four essential requirements should be considerably fulfilled,namely,the nutrients,materials,fuels and the environment. The nutrients mainly are air,water,forests,grains and miscellaneous plants,all of which are acquired from the nature. The materials refer to iron,ferrous metals,rare metals,precious metals,chemical raw materials and buildingmaterials. The fuels cover coal,petroleum,natural gas ,oil shale,uranium,thorium and other radioactive elements. These also occur in nature. The last one is the ecological environment depending on which mankind lives. In the above three essential substances,the materials and fuels are through mining engineering extract from bining industry is a conventional industry, however,with the advance of the new technologies and the introduction of them into mining industry which will be reduced of itself final1y- a technology-intensive industry. The emergence of highly mechanized and automated mines and robot-operated manless working face marks the renewal and substitution of technologies of mining industry and proves the fact that mining industry. However,is conventional industry, but not sunset industry. As long as mankind live on the earth,mining industry will last forever and never decline and fall,instead,as man's living demands increases,the output of fuels and raw materials will be increased by a big marg and mineral industry will still gain a much greater development.2The Object of Study of the Mining Subject2. 1 The Tasks and the Special Features of 1liining SubjectHistorically and the Special Features of 1liining Subject the development of mining subject has its own course of change and development both at home and abroad. Since mining industry is closely related with geology, metallurgical and energy industry consequently in the subject relationships,they are interrelative and interdepartmental each other. As mining subject branch of science dealing with the extraction and utilization of minerals and the resources from inside the earth,on the sake of the complexity and multiplicity of the rock mass and mineral resources of great nature which makes the basic theories of mining subject being more complicated than that of any other engineering subject. Especially in the following aspects featured: the objects of mining subjects are the ore bodies occurred in nature that they differ each other in structure,quality,and property.3Five Urgent Requirements on the Tendency towards the Trans-century Development of Modern Mining Subjects3. 1 Renewing the Knowledge of Strata 11ZechanicsAbove all rock and or ore properties are the prerequisites of the subjects of the study of mining engineering regardless of whether it is excavation,comminuting or strata ,stability strata mechanics is required to make the study along two aspects:(1)From the micro-study to the macro-study(2) The study of the contradictionsbetween rock-breaking and rock stability in the course of mining and excavating. Therefore it is a very broad field of academic study Comparing with common solid materials,rocks are featured structurally for their non-homo.3.2 Anew Knowledge of Mining EngineeringSystem-the"hian-Nature-Rfachine" Systern ,System engineering had found in recent years very rapid development,and wide applications m mining engineering. Been modeled after the "man-machine’s Generally, mining systems engineering considerably studies had system model used in aerospace engineering and other departments of en Bering. In recent years,Prof. Fettwice of the Montan University of Austria and the author of this paper both had put forth the opinion that the objects of mining engineerm8 Machine are ore bodies and rock strata, the activities of mining engineering are those played with by the man in getting the knowledge of the environment underground.3.3 Reforming the Conventional Mining Technologies and Industries with ModernNew technologiesThe major policy of China of reforming the conventional industries with new-and-high techs of great importance and no doubt to its conventional industries. The essential features of new-and-high techs are highly technology-intensive.Just as discussed in the beginning of this paper,speaking with respect to the reforming of mining engineering and coal industry with new-and-high techs,it is essential to introduce merely those ones which enable to make these two industries swiftly commercialized. Since mine is concerned with the natural surround gas of ground,the new techs,however,as those used in aerospace engineering in the care for "going up to sky" when used for 0getting down into the earth in mining engineering practices evidently are needed to make completely different modalities. In 1080s,Berlin Poly }ethnic university had applied optic fiber telecommunication technology- in underground mining,giving rise to abundant interference problems of earth magnetism,electricity and light wave, and the insulation of strata to the conduction electronic waves. The BPM man had the problems s finally tailed,however,through a long time of research work. Therefore,to have the minerals industries well prepared technically for the 21st century,to paying great attention the following fields of study are required3. 3.4Making the study of market-economy mineral economics theoriesFor a long time that the mineral economics theory in China had been given distinct features of planning economy,while in the theory itself,mineral resources were notrecognized as commodities and had no prices. Consequently,even though the mineral products had prices but were distorted ones making all national mining enterprises non-profitable and to exist depending on governmental policy-subsidization. Now the country, however,has changed into socialist market economy, most mineral enterprises radically cannot accommodate themselves to this new situation,in particular,from the point of view of "Enriching the peasants" policy to put forward to the exploitation of mineral resources,the near-term policy of the so-called “wherever there’ water,flow it fast",which had made the mineral industry from the repeated view-point of and the enriching the Pleasants policy, has caused the price deficit due to lowselling-price of minerals into even worse situation of disorder,no-restraint and anarchy of scrambling for extracting the mineral resources putting the mineral industries in a tight spot unabling to feed themselves. Under this circumstance,the importance of undertaking the soft science research right now becomes more conspicuous to the mineral industries than ever before. One can predict that had the theoretical study of mineral economics theory been made ,portent break troughs,that it would radically change the face of our mineral industries.3.5 Relationship between Mineral Engineering and Natural EcologyMining engineering is the removal of rocks and minerals to the surface through excavations from underground deep in the earth or from the ground surface leaving the excavated space so formed. Every turn meters Surface every year subsidence in China. of the commodity flow of mining products reaches billion cubic Obviously it has caused many negative effects,for example:(1)uses of waste rock which results in the damages of farming lands and houses;(2) Large volrefuse and tailings occupy large area of land; and (3) Coal and oil burning products give off waste materials,such as exhaust gas,waste liquids,and solids and pollute the environment. In China,80 percent of 1. 1 billion tons of coal burned as fuel,from which,dust,sulpher and the of NO2and CO2 and the effective less heating effect seriously constitutes a menace to the ecological environment of China and the neighboring countries.4Suggestions opment of to the Science and Technology Circles of the Nation for the Develop-the Mining Subject4.1 An Unguent AppealNo doubt the "flying up into the sky" technology is the one most advanced,however,the getting down into the earth" technology in mining engineering is no less complex,and even more difficult to pin down. It is no wonder that people consider that mineralengineering being much simpler and pay less attention for lack of the knowledge of the resulting in the low rate of mineral recovery and low rate of mineral extracting. For this country, but to spend a great many of valuable hard currency to import those actually need not to import raw materials and else,naturally this is not favorable to the development of national economy. Hoping the science and technology circles,in particular their leading departments,renewing their recognitions to this awkward situation,and give necessary support to the urgently-needed topics of research studies of the mineral industries.4.2 National Resource PolicyNational resource policy concerns the future for many generations. Hoping the government population institutions relevant learn Iron the lesson of the past population policy,to take measures as early as possible to have the print up of mineral resources centralized.4.3 Mineral Investment PolicyThe investment policy and the set up of mineral industries should be dire; iron: tm common industries to assure in the long run the first energy supply 1vit} necessary and appropriate support.4.4 Make Ready the SuccessorsTo make ready the successors for the mineral industries and the development of the mining subjects,suggesting to give preferential treatment to the university. Admissions system and the recruitment of mineral workers and set mineral science. Foundation as an important subject independent from the foundations of those. Basic science in the natural science foundation.The aim of writing this paper is to hone that in the tonguing A of this century minim subject in China will have a new prosperous development with the of new technology to theory under the guidance of the national science policy.Taiyuan University of Technology Majianbing E201305932014-09-28译文:新技术和新理论的采矿业跨世纪发展摘要:煤炭产业需要更长远的发展,对工作中所讨论的热点在工业中出现新的理论和高科技成功使用在二十世纪末是最美好的,作为被关心的问题需要较快一步的发展,在20世纪中后期产生的新型、高速的新技术是最有吸引力和标志性的,即使在所有行业中不同的冲击变得起来越相关以及部门间彼此合作并明确地叙述许多新的理论,煤炭行业的新科技和新理论是不可避免的,并且包括一切的不可能性。



原文Control and prevention of gas outbursts in coal mines,Riosa–Olloniego coalfield, SpainMaría B. Díaz Aguado C. González Nicieza AbstractUnderground coal mines have always had to control the presence of different gases in the mining environment. Among these gases, methane is the most important one, since it is inherent to coal. Despite of the technical developments in recent decades, methane hazards have not yet been fully avoided. This is partly due to the increasing depths of modern mines, where methane emissions are higher, and also to other mining-related circumstances, such as the increase in production rates and its consequences: difficulties in controlling the increasing methane levels, increasing mechanization, the use of explosives and not paying close attention to methane control systems.The main purposes of this paper are to establish site measurements using some critical parameters that are not part of the standard mining-control methods for risk assessment and to analyze the gas behavior of subvertical coal seams in deep mines in order to prevent gas incidents from occurring. The ultimate goal is the improvement in mining conditions and therefore in safety conditions.For this purpose, two different mines were instrumented for mine control and monitoring. Both mines belong to the Riosa–Olloniego coalfield, in the Asturias Central Basin, Spain and the areas instrumented are mined via subhorizontal sublevels at an actual depth of around 1000 m under the overburden of Mount Lusorio.During this research, a property favoring gas outbursts was site measured for the first time in an outburst-prone coal (8th Coalbed), gas pressure and its variations, which contributed to complete the data available from previous characterizations and to set some guidelines for assessing the potential outburst-prone areas. A gas-measurement-tube set has been designed for measuring gas pressure as well as its variation over time as a result of nearby workings and to calculate permeability.The paper establishes the effect of overlapping of works, but it also shows the efficacy of two preventive measures to be applied: high pressure water infusion and the exploitation of a protective coal seam (7th Coalbed), that must be mined preferably two complete sublevels before commencing the advance in the outburst-prone coalbed. Both measures constitute an improvement in the mining sequence and therefore in safety, and should be completed with a systematic measurement to control the risk: gas pressure in the 8th Coalbed in the area of influence of other workings, to establish the most suitable moment to renew the advance. Further researches could focus on ascertaining thepermeability, not only in mined areas but also in areas of the mine that are still not affected by mining work and on tuning more finely the ranges of influence of overstress time and overlap distance of the workings of the 7th Coalbed in the 8th Coalbed.1. IntroductionCoalbed and coal mine methane research is thriving due to the fact that power generation from coal mine methane will continue to be a growing industry over the coming years in certaincountries. For instance, China, where 790 Mm3 of CH4 were drained off in 1999 (Huang, 2000), has 30 Tm3 of estimated CBM potential in the developed mining areas (Zhu, 2000). The estimate by Tyler et al. (1992) of the in-place gas in the United States is about 19 Tm3, while Germany's total estimated coalbed methane resources are 3 Tm3, very similar to Polish or English resources (World Coal Institute, 1998).This increase in the CBM commerce has opened up new lines of research and has allowed the scientific community to increase its knowledge of some of the propertiesof coal and of methane gas, above all with respect to the properties that determine gas flow, which until now had not been sufficiently analyzed. Some of these parameters are the same ones that affect the occurrence of coal mining hazards, as methane has the potential to become a source of different fatal or non-fatal disastrous events.2. Description of the Asturian Central basin and of the 8th CoalbedThe 8th Coalbed of the Riosa–Olloniego unit, located in the Southwest of the Asturian Central Coal Basin (the largest coal basin in the Cantabrian Mountains, IGME, 1985), has CBM potential of about 4.81 Gm3. This is around 19.8% of the estimated resources of the Asturian Central Basin and 12.8 % of the total assessed CBM resources in Spain (Zapatero et al., 2004). 3.84 Gm3 of the CBM potential of the 8th Coalbed belongs to San Nicolás and Montsacro: 1.08 Gm3 to San Nicolás area and 2.76Gm3 to Riosa, down to the −800m level (IGME, 2002).The minable coalbeds of this unit are concentrated in Westphalian continental sediments (Suárez-Ruiz and Jiménez, 2004). The Riosa–Olloniego geological unit consists of three seams series: Esperanza, with a total thickness of 350 m, contains 3–6 coalbeds with a cumulative coal thickness of 3.5 to 6.5 m; Pudingas, which is 700 m thick, has 3–5 coalbeds with a thickness of 5–7m; whereas the Canales series, the most important one, I 800 m thick, with 8–12 coalbeds that sum up to 12–15 m thick. This series, which contains the 8th Coalbed, the coalbed of interest in this study, has a total thickness of 10.26mat SanNicolás and 15.13matMontsacro (Pendás et al., 2004). Fig. 1 shows the geological map of the two coal mines, whereas Fig. 2represents a front view of both mines and the location of the instrumented areas. In this particular study, the 8th Coalbed is situated at a depth of between 993 and 1017 m, in an area of low seismi intensity.Instantaneous outbursts pose a hazard to safe, productive extraction of coal in both mines. The mechanisms of gas outbursts are still unresolved but include the effect of stress, gas content and properties of the coal. Other factors such as geological features, mining methods, bord and pillarworkings or increase in rate of advance may combine to exacerbate the problem (Beamish and Crosdale, 1998). Some of the main properties of the 8th Coalbed favoring gas outbursts (Creedy and Garner, 2001; Díaz Aguado, 2004) had been previously studied by the mining company, in their internal reportsM.B. Díaz Aguado, C. González Nicieza / International Journal of Coal Geology 69 (2007) 253–266255Fig. 1. Geological map.as well as in the different research studies cited in Section1: the geological structure of the basin, the stress state of the coalbed and its surrounding wall rock and some properties of both coal-bearing strata and the coalbed itself. The next paragraphs summarize the state of the research when this project started.Many researchers have studied relationships between coal outbursts and geological factors. Cao et al. (2001), found that, in the four mining districts analyzed, outbursts occurred within tectonically altered zones surrounding reverse faults; this could help to delimit outburst-prone zones. In the 8th Coalbed, some minor outbursts in the past could be related to faults or changes in coal seam thickness. Hence, general geological inspections are carried out systematically, as well as daily monitoring of any possible anomalies. But, in any case, some other outbursts could be related neither to local nor general faults.Fig. 2. General location of the study area.M.B. Díaz Aguado, C. González Nicieza / International Journal of Coal Geology 69 (2007) 253–266 For some years now, the technical experts in charge of the mine have been studying the stress state of the coalbed by means of theoretical calculations of face end or residual rock mass projections that indicated potential risk areas, based on Russian standards (Safety Regulations for Coal and Oil Shale Miners, 1973).Assuming that there was an initial approach to the stress state, this parameter was therefore not included in the research study presented in this paper. In the Central Asturian Coal Basin, both the porosity and permeability of the coal-bearing strata are very low,the cleat structure is poorly developed and cleats are usually water-filled or even mineralized. Consequently, of 5.10 m3/t. In some countries, such as Australia (Beamish and Crosdale, 1998) or Germany, a gas outburst risk value has been established when methane concentration exceeds 9 m3/t (although close to areas of over-pressure, this risk value descends to 5.5 m3/t). As the average gas contents in the coalbed are comparable with those of the Ruhr Basin (which according to Freudenberg et al., 1996, vary from 0 to 15 m3/t), the values in the 8th Coalbed would be close to the risk values.Desorption rate was considered the most important parameter by Williams and Weissmann (1995), in conjunction with the gas pressure gradient ahead of the face. Gas desorption rate (V1) has been defined as the volume of methane, expressed in cm3, that is desorbed from a 10 g coal sample, with a grain size between 0.5 and 0.8 mm, during a period of time of 35 s (fromsecond 35 to 70 of the test). Desorption rates have been calculated from samples taken at 2 m, 3 m and 7 m, following the proceedings of the Technical Specification 0307-2-92 of the Spanish Ministry of Industry. The average values obtained during the research are: 0.3 cm3 / (10 g·35 s) at 2 m depth, 0.5 cm3 / (10 g·35 s) at 3 m and 1.6 cm3 / (10 g·35 s) at the only paths for methane flow are open fractures. Coal gas content is one of the main parameters that had been previously analyzed. The methane concentration in the Central Asturian Basin varies between 4 and 14 m3/t of coal (Suárez Fernández,1998). Particularly, in the Riosa–Olloniego unit, the gas content varies from 3.79 to 9.89 m3/t of coal (Pendás et al., 2004). During the research, the measured values in the area of study have varied between 4.95 and 8.10 m3/t, with an average value7m.Maximumvalues were of 1.7 cm3 / (10 g·35 s) at 2m depth, 3.3 at 3 m and up to 4.3 cm3 / (10 g·35 s) at 7 m.The initial critical safety value to avoid gas outbursts in the 8th Coalbed was 2 cm3 / (10 g·35 s). Due to incidents detected during this research study, the limit value was reduced to 1.5 cm3 / (10 g·35 s).But other properties, such as coal gas pressure, the structure of the coal itself and permeability, had beeninsufficiently characterized in the Riosa Olloniego unit before this research study.Two methods had been previously employed to determine the gas pressure in the mine: the Russian theoretical calculations for the analysis of the stress state and the indirect measurements of the gas pressure obtained by applying criteria developed for the coalbeds of the Ruhr Basin (Germany), Poland and the former Soviet Union. These indirect measurements were the Jahns or borehole fines test (Braüner, 1994), which establishes a potential hazard when the fines exceed a limiting value. Although there are tabulated values for the coalbeds of the Ruhr Basin, it is not the case for the coals of the Riosa–Olloniego unit. Therefore, in this paper an improvement to the gas pressure measurement technique is proposed by developing a method and a device capable of directly measuring in situ pressures.The 8th Coalbed is a friable bituminous coal, high in vitrinite content, locally transformed into foliated fabrics which, when subjected to abutment pressure, block methane migration intoworking faces (Alpern, 1970). With low-volatile content, it was formed during the later stages of coalification and, as stated by Flores (1998) this corresponds to a large amount of methane generated. Moreover, the coal is subject to sudden variations in thickness (that result in unpredictable mining conditions) and to bed-parallel shearing within the coalbed, that has been considered an influence on gas outbursts (Li, 2001). Its permeability had never been quantified before in this mining area. Thus, during research in the 8th Coalbed it was decided to perform in situ tests to measure pressure transients, to obtain site values that will allow future calculations of site permeability, in order to verify if it is less than 5 mD, limit value which, after Lama and Bodziony (1998), makes a coalbed liable to outbursts.Therefore, in this study we attempted to characterize gas pressure and pressure transients, for their importance in the occurrence of gas outbursts or events in which a violent coal outburst occurs due to the sudden release of energy, accompanied by the release of significant amount of gas (González Nicieza et al.,2001), either in breaking or in development of the coalbed (Hardgraves, 1983).3. ConclusionsCoalbed is still a major hazard affecting safety andproductivity in some underground coal mines. This paper highlights the propensity of the 8th Coalbed to give rise to gas outbursts, due to fulfilling a series of risk factors, that have been quantified for 8th Coalbed for the first time and that are very related to mining hazards: gas pressure and its variation, with high valuesmeasured in the coalbed,obtaining lower registers at Montsacro than at San Nicolás (where 480 kPa were reached in the gas pressure measurements at the greatest depth). These parameters, together with the systematic measurement of concentration and desorption rate that were already being carried out by the mine staff, require monitoring and control. A gas-measurement-tube set was designed, for measuring gas pressure and its variations as well as the influence of nearby workings to determine outburstprone areas. The efficacy of injection as a preventative measure was shown by means of these measurement tubes. Injection decreases the gas pressure in the coalbed, althoughthe test must be conducted maximizing all the precautionary measures, because gas outbursts may occur during the process itself.The instrumentation results indicated the convenienceof mining the 7th Coalbed at least one sublevel ahead of the 8th Coalbed. This means having completed longwall caving of the corresponding sublevel both eastward and westward, and having allowed the necessary time to elapse for distention to take effect. This distention time was estimated between two and three months.The constructed instrumentation likewise allowed the effect of overlapping of workings to be measured: as the longwall caving of the coalbed situated to the roof of the instrumented coalbed approaches the area of advance of the 8th Coalbed, an increase in the pressure of the gas is produced in the 8th Coalbed. This may even triplicate the pressure of the gas and is more pronounced as the longwall caving approaches the position of the measuring equipment. A spatial range of the influence of longwall caving of some 55–60 m was estimated and a time duration of 2–3 months. The main contribution of this article resides in theproposal of measures of control and risk of gas outbursts that complement the systematic measurements in the mine itself, with the aim of improving safety in mining work. This proposal, apart from certain practical improvements in mining work, above all regarding the exploitation sequence, would involve the installation of gas measurement tubes before initiating the advance or at the overlap of workings. It would consist intemporarily detaining the advance in the 8th Coalbed when an overlap of workings may occur or prior to the commencement of an advance in the 8th Coalbed, installing measurement tubes in the face. The values and the trend of the measured gas pressures, together with the values obtained from gas concentration tests, would enable control of the conditions of the coalbed and the establishing of what moment would be appropriate to renew the advance. The gas measurement tubes would hence be a reliable, economic control and evaluation measure of the risk of gas outbursts. Furthermore, this equipment would enable the openingof other lines of research, both for calibrating the time and range of influence of mining work in each advance, as well as for calculating the permeability of the coal. By means of the designed test (gas flow between two gasmeasurement-tube sets), permeability could be estimated by numerical models calibrated with site data, both in areas of the mine that have still to be affected by mining work and in those already subject to mining works. These calibrations would also allow the variation in permeability with the depth of the coalbed itself to be analyzed.References[1] Alexeev, A.D., Revva, V.N., Alyshev, N.A., Zhitlyonok, D.M., 2004.[2] True triaxial loading apparatus and its application to coal outburst prediction. Int. J. Coal Geol. 58, 245–250.[3] Alpern, B., 1970. Tectonics and gas deposit in coalfields: a bibliographical study and examples of application. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 7, 67–76.[4] Beamish, B.B., Crosdale, J.P., 1998. Instantaneous outbursts in underground coal mines: an overview and association with coal type. Int. J. Coal Geol. 35, 27–55.[5] Braüner, G., 1994. Rockbursts in Coal Mines and Their Prevention. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 137 pp.[6] Cao, Y., He, D., Glick, D.C., 2001. Coal and gas outbursts in footwalls of reverse faults. Int. J. Coal Geol. 48, 47–63.[7] Creedy, D., Garner, K., 2001. UK-China Coalbed Technology Transfer. Report N° Coal R207 DTI/Pub URN 01/584, 24 pp.[8] Díaz Aguado, M.B., 2004. Análisis, Control y Evaluación de Riesgo de Fenómenos Gaseodinámicos en Minas de Carbón, PhD Thesis, University of Oviedo (Spain) Publishing Service,I.S.B.N.: 84-8317-434-0, 301 pp. (in Spanish, with English Abstract).[9] Durucan, S., Edwards, J.S., 1986. The effects of stress and fracturing on permeability of coal Min. Sci. Technol. 3, 205–216.[10] Flores, R.M., 1998. Coalbed methane: from hazard to resource. Int. J.Coal Geol. 35, 3–26西班牙Riosa–Olloniego煤矿瓦斯预防和治理María B. Díaz Aguado C. González NiciezaAbstract Department of Mining Exploitation, University of Oviedo, School of Mines,Independencia, 13, 33004 Oviedo, Spain摘要在煤矿井下开采环境中必须控制着不同气体的存在。

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关键字:采矿工程,矿业产业, 矿业经济学,新技术和高科技1.采矿在国民经济中的重要性今天,科技世界的发展已经引起了对采矿空前的不容忽视,空间工程,信息工程,生物工程和海洋工程的发展,新能源的发现和研究与发展以及新原料在目前和将来逐渐地改变着人类生活的每个方面。





















2. 采矿学的研究对象2. 1 采矿的特征和任务在历史上国内外关于采矿主题的发展有它自己的变化发展方向。

因为采矿业接近地理与地质学,和能源业他们是相互关联的学科. 如采矿主题就是一个科学的部门如何对地球上的矿物和资源的进行开发和利用,对大量的岩石和复杂的矿物等自然资源作为研究的对象的复杂的基本理论。


3.对于跨世纪的冲击在发展方向的五个的需求3. 1 更新煤层开采技术的了解;最重要的是,采矿所研究的附属的先决条件不管它是否是挖掘,粉碎煤层,采矿学的技巧要沿着二个方面作研究:(1)从微观研究到宏观研究(2) 矛盾的研究在采矿和开凿期间在巷道冒落的岩石之间如何保持稳定。



3. 2 矿物工程新理论;采矿学系统近几年来已经发展的非常迅速,并且广泛应用于煤炭工程。


在最近的数年,美国的一些大学的教授和这篇文章的作者两者都提出意见,采矿所面对的是机械和岩石层, 采矿学的主动性是那些藉着人类在地下环境的知识方面。

3. 3 应用现代的新科技去改造传统采矿科技;中国的主要政策是用新技术去改革传统的产业和高科技,它对传统产业的好处和重要性没有人会怀疑。




在80年代,柏林河已经应用光学的纤维电视,高科技在地下的采矿中对采矿干扰问题的上升到地球磁性,电和光波动, 和传导层绝缘层波动。


3. 4 市场经济和矿业经济的研究在很长一段时间,在中国煤炭经济理论已经得到应用,然而受计划经济的影响,当时矿物资源没被辨认出当作日用品而且没有价格的时候,即使矿物产品有了价格但是被扭曲了,结果使所有的国家采矿企业没有利润而存在,当在政治的政策上的补助。

现在中国已经改变进入社会主义市场经济, 大多数的矿物企业根本地不能够适应他们自己需要,从富足农民政策的观点到特别的新情形,提出矿物资源的探索要超过资产实质的资本估偿,快速的流动已经重复利用做成矿物产业的观点和共同富裕的政策, 由于低点已经引起价格赤字,销售矿物的价格进入无序,甚至比较坏情形之内以不约束和无政府的状态下出现。


3. 5 矿物工程和生态学之间的关系采矿学经过开采煤层是对表面的岩石和来自地球的地下深处的矿物的移动,从土地的表面离开这么隔开形成。



4.结论国家的科技开放对采矿的冲击4.1 紧急呼吁毋庸质疑科技是最先进的生产力,然而采矿工程的科学技术不是简单的,资讯科技不足为奇,考虑煤炭工程学比较简单并且很少注意以低比率矿物回收率和取出的矿物低比率造成的最终缺乏的前景。



4.2 国家资源政策国家的资源政策担心很多未来的状况。


4.3 支持研究者为了支持煤炭工业的研究者和矿物产业的发展,给予大学教授以经济和系统支持,并给予煤矿工人以指导。



原文:DEVELOPING OF TRANS-CENTURY MINING SUBJECT WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY AND NEW THEORY Abstract:Mining subject needs further development and towards which the development would being the problems concerned over all along and to be succeededwith the public good enough attention to discussions to reach an identify of views admittedly. The emergence in succession of new-and-high techs in the mid-and late twentieth century is perhaps the most fascinating and epoch-marking event that has given to all the subjects certain but different degrees of impacts to become more closely interrelative and interdepartmental each other and feature specifically from that of the past for their entirely new conceptions in the result of formulating many new theories,new technologies and new subjects that mining subject is inevitably and unexceptionally the one inclusive. The acuter gives in this paper his opinion regarding the problem of the development of mining subject proving with many convincible facts and most informative new idea,Key words: mining subject; mineral industry; mineral economics; new-and-high tech.1 The Importance of Mining Industry in the National EconomyToday, it has been paid unprecedented attention to the development of technology worldwide. The advance of space engineering, information engineering,biological engineering and marine engineering,the discovery and the research and development of the new energy and new materials increasingly change every aspect of human life both at present and in the future. The words "Science and Technology being the First Production Force" has fatherly and penetratingly pointed out the important role of new technology in the course of national economy construction.In the competition of several big countries in the world striving for the exploration of outer space,one should not forget the essential fact that there are more than five billion people living on the earth. To assure the survival of mankind on the earth,four essential requirements should be considerably fulfilled,namely,the nutrients,materials,fuels and the environment. The nutrients mainly are air,water,forests,grains and miscellaneous plants,all of which are acquired from the nature. The materials refer to iron,ferrous metals,rare metals,precious metals,chemical raw materials and building materials. The fuels cover coal,petroleum,natural gas ,oil shale,uranium,thorium and other radioactive elements. These also occur in nature. The last one is the ecological environment depending on which mankind lives. In the above three essential substances,the materials and fuels are through mining engineering extract from bining industry is a conventional industry, however,with the advance of the new technologies and the introduction of them into mining industry which will be reduced of itself final1y- a technology-intensive industry. The emergence of highly mechanized and automated mines and robot-operated manless working face marks the renewal and substitution of technologies of mining industry and proves the fact that mining industry. However,is conventional industry, but not sunset industry. As long as mankind live on the earth,mining industry will last forever and never decline and fall,instead,as man's living demands increases,the output of fuels and raw materials will be increased by a big marg and mineral industry will still gain a much greater development.2The Object of Study of the Mining Subject2. 1 The Tasks and the Special Features of 1liining SubjectHistorically and the Special Features of 1liining Subject the development of mining subject has its own course of change and development both at home and abroad. Since mining industry is closely related with geology, metallurgical and energy industry consequently in the subject relationships,they are interrelative and interdepartmental each other. As mining subject branch of science dealing with the extraction andutilization of minerals and the resources from inside the earth,on the sake of the complexity and multiplicity of the rock mass and mineral resources of great nature which makes the basic theories of mining subject being more complicated than that of any other engineering subject. Especially in the following aspects featured: the objects of mining subjects are the ore bodies occurred in nature that they differ each other in structure,quality,and property.3Five Urgent Requirements on the Tendency towards the Trans-century Development of Modern Mining Subjects3. 1 Renewing the Knowledge of Strata 11ZechanicsAbove all rock and or ore properties are the prerequisites of the subjects of the study of mining engineering regardless of whether it is excavation,comminuting or strata ,stability strata mechanics is required to make the study along two aspects:(1)From the micro-study to the macro-study(2) The study of the contradictions between rock-breaking and rock stability in the course of mining and excavating. Therefore it is a very broad field of academic study Comparing with common solid materials,rocks are featured structurally for their non-homo.3.2 Anew Knowledge of Mining EngineeringSystem-the"hian-Nature-Rfachine" Systern ,System engineering had found in recent years very rapid development,and wide applications m mining engineering. Been modeled after the "man-machine’s Generally, mining systems engineering cons iderably studies had system model used in aerospace engineering and other departments of en Bering. In recent years,Prof. Fettwice of the Montan University of Austria and theauthor of this paper both had put forth the opinion that the objects of mining engineerm8 Machine are ore bodies and rock strata, the activities of mining engineering are those played with by the man in getting the knowledge of the environment underground.3.3 Reforming the Conventional Mining Technologies and Industries with ModernNew technologiesThe major policy of China of reforming the conventional industries with new-and-high techs of great importance and no doubt to its conventional industries. The essential features of new-and-high techs are highly technology-intensive.Just as discussed in the beginning of this paper,speaking with respect to the reforming of mining engineering and coal industry with new-and-high techs,it is essential to introduce merely those ones which enable to make these two industries swiftly commercialized. Since mine is concerned with the natural surround gas of ground,the new techs,however,as those used in aerospace engineering in the care for "going up to sky" when used for 0getting down into the earth in mining engineering practices evidently are needed to make completely different modalities. In 1080s,Berlin Poly }ethnic university had applied optic fiber telecommunication technology- in underground mining,giving rise to abundant interference problems of earth magnetism,electricity and light wave, and the insulation of strata to the conduction electronic waves. The BPM man had the problems s finally tailed,however,through a long time of research work. Therefore,to have the minerals industries well prepared technically for the 21st century,to paying great attention the following fields of study are required3.3.4Making the study of market-economy mineral economics theoriesFor a long time that the mineral economics theory in China had been given distinct features of planning economy,while in the theory itself,mineral resources were not recognized as commodities and had no prices. Consequently,even though the mineral products had prices but were distorted ones making all national mining enterprises non-profitable and to exist depending on governmental policy-subsidization. Now the country, however,has changed into socialist market economy, most mineral enterprises radically cannot accommodate themselves to this new situation,in particular,from the point of view of "Enriching the peasants" policy to put forward to the exploitation of mineral resources,the near-term policy of the so-called “wherever there’ water,flow it fast",which had made the mineral industry from the repeated view-point of and the enriching the Pleasants policy, has caused the price deficit due to lowselling-price of minerals into even worse situation of disorder,no-restraint and anarchy of scrambling for extracting the mineral resources putting the mineral industries in a tight spot unabling to feed themselves. Under this circumstance,the importance of undertaking the soft science research right now becomes more conspicuous to the mineral industries than ever before. One can predict that had the theoretical study of mineral economics theory been made ,portent break troughs,that it would radically change the face of our mineral industries.3.5 Relationship between Mineral Engineering and Natural EcologyMining engineering is the removal of rocks and minerals to the surface through excavations from underground deep in the earth or from the ground surface leaving the excavated space so formed. Every turn meters Surface every year subsidence in China. of the commodity flow of mining products reaches billion cubic Obviously it has caused many negative effects,for example:(1)uses of waste rock which results in the damagesof farming lands and houses;(2) Large volrefuse and tailings occupy large area of land; and (3) Coal and oil burning products give off waste materials,such as exhaust gas,waste liquids,and solids and pollute the environment. In China,80 percent of 1. 1 billion tons of coal burned as fuel,from which,dust,sulpher and the of NO2and CO2 and the effective less heating effect seriously constitutes a menace to the ecological environment of China and the neighboring countries.4Suggestions opment of to the Science and Technology Circles of the Nation for the Develop-the Mining Subject4.1 An Unguent AppealNo doubt the "flying up into the sky" technology is the one most advanced,however,the getting down into the earth" technology in mining engineering is no less complex,and even more difficult to pin down. It is no wonder that people consider that mineral engineering being much simpler and pay less attention for lack of the knowledge of the resulting in the low rate of mineral recovery and low rate of mineral extracting. For this country, but to spend a great many of valuable hard currency to import those actually need not to import raw materials and else,naturally this is not favorable to the development of national economy. Hoping the science and technology circles,in particular their leading departments,renewing their recognitions to this awkward situation,and give necessary support to the urgently-needed topics of research studies of the mineral industries.4.2 National Resource PolicyNational resource policy concerns the future for many generations. Hoping the government population institutions relevant learn Iron the lesson of the pastpopulation policy,to take measures as early as possible to have the print up of mineral resources centralized.4.3 Mineral Investment PolicyThe investment policy and the set up of mineral industries should be dire; iron: tm common industries to assure in the long run the first energy supply 1vit} necessary and appropriate support.4.4 Make Ready the SuccessorsTo make ready the successors for the mineral industries and the development of the mining subjects,suggesting to give preferential treatment to the university. Admissions system and the recruitment of mineral workers and set mineral science. Foundation as an important subject independent from the foundations of those. Basic science in the natural science foundation.The aim of writing this paper is to hone that in the tonguing A of this century minim subject in China will have a new prosperous development with the of new technology to theory under the guidance of the national science policy.谢谢下载,祝您生活愉快!。
