传染性单核细胞增多症护理研究进展李虹发布时间:2023-06-15T01:37:33.374Z 来源:《中国医学人文》(学术版)2023年6月6期作者:李虹[导读] 传染性单核细胞增多症是临床较常见的综合征之一,多发生于儿童,临床多表现为发热、咽峡炎、淋巴结肿大等,不仅影响患儿及家属身心健康,而且还威胁患儿生命安全。
四川大学华西第二医院小儿心血管科四川成都 610041摘要:传染性单核细胞增多症是临床较常见的综合征之一,多发生于儿童,临床多表现为发热、咽峡炎、淋巴结肿大等,不仅影响患儿及家属身心健康,而且还威胁患儿生命安全。
关键词:传染性单核细胞增多症;护理;进展传染性单核细胞增多症(infectious mononucleosis,IM)是由EB病毒感染所引起的单核-巨噬细胞系统急性增生性传染病,由于其发病群体多为小儿,加上临床表现的多样性,多数患儿有较好的预后,但不排除引发其他严重并发症。
另有文献《Safety and Adverse Events Profiles of Intravenous Gammaglobulin Products Used for Immunomodulation :A Single-Center Experience》com from the American Society of Nephrology 1: 844–852, 2006报道丙球的不良反应跟其所含氯化钠、糖分、PH、渗透压不同而不同,可出现急性心肌梗死、急性肾功能衰竭等,研究表明含氯化钠的丙球可能导致急性心肌梗死。
根据药品说明书推荐建议前15min 不超过20d/分,之后可逐渐加快滴速,但不宜超过60d/分。
结果观察组出院时、出院15、30d生活质量高于对照组,出院15、30d C反应蛋白、血小板计数、白细胞计数各项指标数据均优于对照组,未出现不良事件,与对照组相比差异较大(P<0.05)。
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the two nursing methods of children with Kawasaki disease treated by gamma globulin challenge and its clinical significance. Methods 22 cases of children with Kawasaki disease cured in our hospital from January 2015 to January 2017 were selected as the object of study. They were divided into two groups,and all of them were treated with gamma globulin shock treatment. Patients in control group were treated with routine nursing mode,and patients in observation group were treated with comprehensive nursing and extended nursing intervention. The quality of life,the laboratory examination index and the occurrence of adverse events were observed. Results At the time of discharge,15 days and 30 days later,the quality of life of the observation group was higher than that of the control group. After 15 days and 30 days of discharge,the data of C-reactive protein,platelet count and white blood cell count of the observation group were better than those of the control group. There were no adverse events in the observation group,which were different from the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion In combination with gamma globulin in the treatment of Kawasaki disease,comprehensive care and extended care interventions can play a role in different periods[Key words] Kawasaki disease;Gamma globulin;Impact therapy;Two kinds of care;Application effect川崎病属于结缔组织病,其病理改变以全身小血管变态反应为主,患儿通常会出现皮肤肿胀、皮疹、发热等症状,对动静脉、毛细血管等多个系统均会累及,冠状动脉损伤是最为严重的危害因素[1-2],可导致动脉瘤及动脉扩张,是儿童发生后天性心脏病原因中较为主要的一种,临床证实[3],予以丙种球蛋白治疗可获得较佳治疗效果,能够有效改善冠状动脉受累情况,其作用机制尚无统一定论,可能与抑制免疫复合物反应,从而避免冠状动脉受损,起到降温效果有关,同时予以有效的护理干预对于预后效果具有改善作用,可保证患儿生活质量,常规护理干预无法取得理想效果。
另有文献《Safety and Adverse Events Profiles ofIntravenousGammaglobulin Products Used forImmunomodulation :A Single-Center Experience》com from the American Society of Nephrology 1: 844–852, 2006报道丙球的不良反应跟其所含氯化钠、糖分、PH、渗透压不同而不同,可出现急性心肌梗死、急性肾功能衰竭等,研究表明含氯化钠的丙球可能导致急性心肌梗死。
根据药品说明书推荐建议前15min 不超过20d/分,之后可逐渐加快滴速,但不宜超过60d/分。
药学部临床药学室2013.10.111 / 1。
磁共振增强后推注生理盐水冲洗注射部位的方法初探田彬;任莲花;左灵芝【摘要】@@ 近年来,磁共振成像(MRI)技术发展迅速,在临床各系统疾病的应用范围也日益广泛,其增强检查范围也不断扩大.增强MRI可提高正常组织与病变组织的对比度,其高空间分辨率提高了MRI诊断敏感性和特异性[1].但在临床应用过程中,由于各种原因会发生注射部位不同程度的不良反应.有文献报道,推注生理盐水可提高注射部位耐受性,减少不良反应[2].但与增强剂剂量、推注速度与冲管剂量、冲管方法有无相关性未做深入探讨.我科对2 200例使用增强造影剂的病人在冲管剂量和冲管方法方面进行观察.现报告如下.【期刊名称】《护理研究》【年(卷),期】2011(025)023【总页数】2页(P2115-2116)【作者】田彬;任莲花;左灵芝【作者单位】830001,新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院;830001,新疆维吾尔自治区第一济困医院;830001,新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R472近年来,磁共振成像(MRI)技术发展迅速,在临床各系统疾病的应用范围也日益广泛,其增强检查范围也不断扩大。
我科对2 200例使用增强造影剂的病人在冲管剂量和冲管方法方面进行观察。
1 资料和方法1.1 临床资料选择2010年4月—2011年1月在我科行MRI增强扫描的病人2 200例,分为A组、B组。
A组均为颅外原单磁共振血管成像(M RA)病人共1 600例,其中男960例,女640例;年龄36岁~83岁,平均 45.3岁;采用 8 NV头颈联合线圈行T ricks多期动态扫描,时间20 s~35 s。
关于静脉滴注丙种球蛋白治疗新生儿ABO溶血疗效评价及护理金云(宿迁市妇产医院,江苏 宿迁 223800)【摘要】目的:探讨静脉滴注丙种球蛋白在新生儿ABO溶血病中的治疗效果及护理。
【关键词】护理干预;新生儿ABO溶血病;静脉滴注;丙种球蛋白;治疗效果【中图分类号】R473.72 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2096-5249(2023)01-00103-04新生儿ABO溶血病是由于母子ABO血型不合引起的新生儿溶血,多见于母亲血型为O型,婴儿为A型或B型。
丙种球蛋白静脉滴注治疗重症肺炎的效果分析[摘要] 目的探讨丙种球蛋白静脉滴注治疗重症肺炎的效果。
1.2 治疗方法对照组:给予常规基础治疗,选择头孢曲松钠(丽珠集团丽珠制药厂,国药准字H10910004)1.0 g加入生理盐水100 ml,静脉滴注,1次/d;给予负荷量米力农(安徽万邦医药科技有限公司,国药准字H10970052)50 μg/kg,5 min 缓慢静脉滴注以后0.5 μg/(kg・min)维持2 h,1次/d。
治疗组:在对照组治疗的基础上给予静脉滴注丙种球蛋白(武汉生物制品研究所,国药准字S2*******),1 g/kg,给药浓度为2.5%,滴速为(5~6) ml/(kg・min),8~10 h 内滴完,1次/d。
1.3 观察指标显效:治疗后临床症状消失、实验室指标完全改善;有效:治疗后临床症状基本消失、实验室指标明显改善;无效:治疗后无达到上述标准。
1.4 统计学方法采用SPSS 13.00统计软件对数据进行分析和处理,计量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验,计数资料用百分率(%)表示,采用χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果2.1 两组患者综合疗效的比较治疗组总有效率为94.7%,对照组为86.7%,治疗组的总有效率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)(表1)。
2.2 两组患者住院时间、体温恢复正常时间、咳嗽消失时间的比较治疗组的住院时间、体温恢复正常时间与咳嗽消失时间均明显短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)(表2)。
及稳定期护理要 点, 并有针对性地进行护理 干预 。结果 : 本组 患儿心功 能不全 纠正 , 黄疸 消退 , 体温 下降至正 常 , 神食 精 欲好转 , 大小便 正常 , 色素逐 渐上 升 , 血 症状 明显 好转 出院。结论 : 针对 不同病程有预 见性及 时正确地采 取护理 措施 , 是
神食欲好转 , 大小便 正 常 , 色素 逐渐 上升 , 状 明显好 转 出 血 症
院。 2 护 理
2 1 急危期病情观察与护理 .
2 1 1 迅 速纠正心 功 能不全及 脑 缺氧 ..
入 院时患 儿 由 于重
未 出现局部外渗 及静 脉炎 , 出现 腹泻 症状 时及 时做 好肛 周皮 肤护理 , 用温水清洗 屁股 , 干净 软纱 布蘸 干 水分 , 润烧 伤 膏 湿 涂抹肛周皮肤 , 防止皮肤破溃 , 减轻患儿痛苦 。
慢滴速或暂停输注 。应用 氨曲南 及 阿奇 霉素静 脉滴注 联合抗 感染治疗 。用药期 间监测 有 无不 良反 应发 生 , 恶心 、 如 呕吐 、 食欲低下 、 腹痛 、 泻等 变化 , 腹 应用 甲氧氯普 胺 注射 液静 脉滴 注 防治 胃肠道反应 。选择粗 直的外周静 脉作 为留置针 穿刺部 位 , 液过程中加强 巡视 , 输 随时 观察 液体 有无 外渗 。经 护理 ,
2 14 家 长心 理 疏 导 .. 患儿人院 时病情危 重 , 家 长下病危 给
度贫血 出现心功 能不 全 征象 , 率 10 ̄/ n 伴烦 躁 不安 , 心 8 mi,
1 临 床 资 料
输液速度 , 采用 微泵输 液 , 2 lh速度 均匀 泵入 。详 细 准 以 0m/ 确记录输液量 、 药量 、 进食量 、 大小便 等 出入 量 , 达到 出入量平
丙种球蛋白合理使用及注意事项1、FDA 批准的丙球在疾病中应用(1)原发性体液免疫缺陷:X 连锁无丙种球蛋白血症。
IVIG治疗开始较晚,感染所致器质性损害将是不可逆,剂量为400-600mg/kg,每 3-4周1次,血清IgG维持5g/L以上,感染明显减少。
(2)多灶型运动神经病:初始可给予 0.4 g/kg/d,共 5 d,观察肢体无力变化,根据具体情况个体化间断使用不同剂量IVIG维持治疗,免疫球蛋白皮下注射(13-51g/w)治疗更方便,疗效与静脉用药相似。
(3)B细胞慢性淋巴细胞白血病:反复感染且IgG<5g/L患者需静脉注射丙种球蛋白IVIG至IgG>5 g/L以提高机体非特异性免疫。
(5)川崎病:明确川崎病应尽早开始治疗,大剂量IVIG,2g/kg,静脉输注时间控制在10-12h,大体重患儿可采用每天1 g/kg剂量,连用2d。
适应症:母婴血型不合溶血病新生儿,加强光疗后血清或血浆胆红素仍然继续上升或在换血疗法阈值 2-3 mg/dL(34-51 umol/L)之内则给予IVIG。
天 疾病 ; 无药 物 过敏 史 。 临床 表 现 为手 足 红斑 疱 疹 , 口腔 黏膜 溃 疡 , 以 及不 同程 度 的精 神差 、 嗜睡 、 寒战、 高热 、 惊厥 、 呕吐 、 肢体抖动、 呼 吸 急促 、 血 压 不稳 等 重 症 表 现 ; 另 有 4例脊 髓 膜 炎 患 儿 , 表 现为 一 侧 肢体 肌 力下 降不 能站 立 , 不能 竖 颈 。 入 院后为 1 0例患 儿 采集 了咽 拭 子送 湖 州市 疾病 控制 中心检 测 , 结果 与 一般 情况 比较 见表 1 。
近 几年 来 我 国有 数个 城市 和 地 区 出现 手足 口病 疫情 的蔓 延 I ,
其主要病原为 C o x A 1 6和 E V 7 1 。 相 比之 下 , E V 7 1 感 染 的患 者 病 情
相对 较 重 , 会 引发 较 严 重 的 中枢 神 经 症状 如脑 膜 炎 、 脑炎 、 脑 干 脑
儿 3 6例 , 疗 效 良好 。 现报道如下。
1 资 料 与 方 法
根 据 医 嘱监 测 血压 、 呼吸 、 心率 、 心律等生命体征 , 若 患 儿 出现 烦 躁、 呕吐 、 肢体抽搐 、 血氧饱和度下降等情况 时, 及 时 向值 班 医 生
报告 , 根 据 医 嘱 及 时 进 行相 应 处 置 。
表 l 患 儿 临床 资 料 的 详 细 情 况
3 6例患 儿 全部 治 愈 出院 , 未 出现 输 液反 应 或过 敏 反应 ; 也 未 见
院内感 染或 交叉 感染 发 生 ; 治 愈H l , l '  ̄ q 最短 6 d , 最长 1 5 d , 平均 9 d 。
3 讨 论
炎、 急性 、 迟 缓 性 瘫 痪 等 。 少数病 情严重患儿进展迅 速 , 可 在 短 时间内出现呼吸衰竭 、 肺 水 肿 及 肺 出血 , 死亡率可高达 7 % , 台 湾1 9 9 8至 2 0 0 0 年 爆 发两 次 手 足 口病 流行 , 死亡 7 8例 I 。
1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 59例极低出生体重儿随机分成二组。
1.2 治疗方法对照组采用常规治疗方法(监护生命体征、暖箱保暖、营养、支持治疗,必要时吸氧及应用肺成熟药物或使用抗生素)进行治疗,观察组在常规治疗基础上,均于出生后24小时静脉滴注静脉丙种球蛋白,按400-500mg/(kg*d),用5%葡萄糖注射液稀释2-3倍,控制滴速,输注前后用生理盐水冲管,一天一次静脉滴注,疗程3-5天。
1.3 疗效判定标准显效:住院期间无感染发生,增奶顺利,平均住院日2-3周达出院标准;有效:住院期间无感染发生,但增奶缓慢,伴有呼吸暂停发生,经对症处理好转,平均住院3-4周达出院标准;无效:住院期间发生感染,放弃治疗出院。
血糖居高不下与患儿的预后不良相关[4],定期监测血糖,将血糖控制在8mmol/L 以内。
目前临床上使用抗生素进行重症肺炎治疗的同时还加用了丙种球蛋白佐治重症肺炎,取得了十分明显的效果,对临床经验进行总结后,现将具体结果报告如下:1、临床资料及方法1.1一般资料选取2013年8月~12月早我院儿科接受治疗的50例患有重症肺炎的婴幼儿,将所有患儿进行随机分组分为对照组和观察组,每组均25例,其中,对照组的30例患儿,男性有20 例,女性有10 例,年龄最小为6个月,年龄最大为6岁,平均年龄为(3±0.5)岁;观察组的30例患儿当中,男性有22例,女性有8例,年龄最小的有8个月,年龄最大的为7岁,平均年龄为(4±0.6)岁。
其中,入选的患儿中有先天性心脏病的有1例,所有患儿的患病时间均未超过 4 天,且在入院之前没有疫苗接种史。
Safety and Adverse Events Profiles of Intravenous Gammaglobulin Products Used for Immunomodulation:A Single-Center ExperienceAshley A.Vo,*Vinh Cam,*Mieko Toyoda,†Dechu P.Puliyanda,*Marina Lukovsky,*Suphamai Bunnapradist,*Alice Peng,*Kai Yang,‡and Stanley C.Jordan*†*Comprehensive Transplant Center,†Transplant Immunology Laboratory,and‡Department of Medical Genetics, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles,Los Angeles, CaliforniaIntravenous Ig(IVIg)products are used in various medical conditions.Differences in excipients account for most adverse events(AE).Reports of complications including acute myocardial infarction(AMI)and acute renal failure(ARF)have emerged.Herein is described one institution’s experience with IVIg-related complications.This study is a retrospective analysis of infusion-related AE that are associated with various IVIg products.Infusion-related AE were monitored during and after the administration of three IVIg products:Gamimune-N10%(n؍76),Polygam(n؍105),and Carimune(n؍98).AE segregated to specific IVIg products.No patients who received Gamimune-N experienced AMI or ARF.Five(4.7%)patients (P<0.01)in the Polygam group experienced AMI.Eight(8.2%)patients(P<0.0001)in the Carimune group developed ARF. IVIg was safe to give on hemodialysis.IVIg products differ in osmolality,pH,and sugar and sodium content;this results in specific AE.Polygam resulted in no ARF but an increase in AMI.Carimune products at9%concentration resulted in an increase in ARF.Gamimune-N10%and other IVIg products were frequently associated with headaches.Administration of IVIg to patients who are on hemodialysis seems to be safe and effective.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol1:844–852,2006.doi:10.2215/CJN.01701105I ntravenous Ig(IVIg)products initially were developed fortreatment of immune deficiency disorders.The immuno-modulatory effects of IVIg rapidly led to a broader usage of IVIg in autoimmune and inflammatory disorders,usually at much higher doses(1).More recently,IVIg has been used in kidney transplantation for decreasing panel reactive antibodies in highly sensitized patients(2)and for the treatment of anti-body-mediated rejection(AMR)(3–5).Although many consider that all IVIg products are similar,it now is clear that they differ greatly in regard to excipient compounds and related adverse effects(6).Proper product selection for each patient is critical because the adverse effect profiles of each formulation differ on the basis of the excipient.Certain patients,such as those with diabetes or those who are at risk for renal failure and/or heart disease,may not tolerate particular IVIg formulations.Product features that affect tolerability include volume load,infusion rates,osmolality,pH,and sodium or sugar content.Specific adverse effects seem to correlate with product excipient(su-crose/sodium)and osmolality.Therefore,there is a need to define better the relationship among various IVIg preparations, patient risk factors,and specific adverse effects.Twenty-nine cases of thrombotic complications with the use of IVIg have been reported and include acute myocardial in-farction(AMI),cerebral infarction,pulmonary embolism(PE), deep venous thrombosis(DVT),hepatic veno-occlusive disease, and spinal cord ischemia(7–12).No correlation yet has been made between particular IVIg products and thrombotic com-plications.Many papers suggest that the thrombosis was in-cited specifically from the gammaglobulin incipient,contami-nants such as activated factor XI,or a high rate of drug infusion (13,14).There have been attempts to delineate the mechanism of IVIg-induced thrombosis(7,15–18),but no clear cause has been established.Another known complication of IVIg is acute renal failure (ARF)(19).Previous reports seem to suggest that sucrose-based products are commonly associated with ARF(19–22). Here,we report on the adverse effect profiles of three prod-ucts that were used at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center between 1997and2004.This study represents a nonrandomized,retro-spective study of patients who received those IVIg products during that period.Specific product use was based on phar-macy purchasing practices.Furthermore,no protocols for pre-medication before IVIg infusion to reduce adverse effects have been established.Here,we discuss procedures that were devel-oped at our center to attempt to decrease adverse events(AE) that are related to IVIg infusion.Received November10,2005.Accepted March12,2006.Published online ahead of print.Publication date available at .Address correspondence to:Dr.Ashley A.Vo,Center for Kidney Diseases&Transplantation,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,8635W.3rd Street,Suite590W,Los Angeles,CA90048.Phone:310-423-2967;Fax:310-423-6369;E-mail:ashley.vo@Copyright©2006by the American Society of Nephrology ISSN:1555-9041/104-0844Materials and MethodsPatients and AEAfter approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board, 279patients who received IVIg at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center between 1997and2004were identified for retrospective analysis.Seventy-six patients received Gamimune-N10%(Bayer Biologicals,West Haven, CT;October1997to June2000);105patients received Polygam(Baxter Inc.,Los Angeles,CA;April2000to February2002),and98patients received Carimune(ZLB Biologicals,Berne,Switzerland;March2002to September2004).A retrospective analysis of significant AE that were associated with various IVIg products was performed.Premedication protocols and product selection paradigms were developed from the data and applied to minimize serious AE.Postimplementation moni-toring of AE then was recorded.Any documentation of AMI,ARF,hypotension,or death within72h of administration was considered related to IVIg infusion.In addition, reports of other common adverse effects of headaches,flushing,pruri-tus,or rash were noted.To determine whether there was causality,we calculated an Adverse Drug Reaction score on the basis of10questions that were developed by Naranjo et al.(23)by two independent review-ers.A score of9of13or higher was considered highly probable, whereas5to8was moderate and1to4was unlikely.Once an AE was identified and found to be specific to a particular IVIg formulation with probable causality,product selection paradigms and premedication protocols were developed and applied to minimize AE.After these changes were made in2002,postimplementation mon-itoring for AE was reported.Three primary areas of risk for IVIg infusions were identified.These were cardiovascular disease,renal disease,and propensity for hyper-coagulation.Risk factors for AMI were based on National Cholesterol Education Program(NCEP)III guidelines(24)and included age(Ͼ50 for men,Ͼ60for women),history of AMI,hypertension,hypercholes-terolemia,diabetes,obesity,or previous evidence of peripheral vascu-lar disease(e.g.,stroke,atherosclerotic aortoiliac disease).Risk factors for ARF included(1)a history of diabetes,(2)history of cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure,(3)history of elevated serum creatinine(Ͼ2.0mg/dl),and(4)advanced age(Ͼ70yr).Statistical AnalysesStatistical analysis was performed using the2test.AE in each IVIg group were analyzed and compared.Differences were considered sig-nificant at the0.05level.ResultsProduct Composition and Relations to AEGamimune-N10%,Carimune,and Polygam were the three IVIg products that were used at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center during the study period.Product selection was based on phar-macy purchasing practices.Table1identifies the most common IVIg products that were commercially available in the United States during the study period and their constituent makeup. Gamimune-N-10%excipient(Glycine)had the least amount of sodium chloride,had no sucrose,and is isosmolar(274 mOsm/L at10%).Carimune is a lyophilized powder that can be reconstituted in sterile water or normal saline.It contains 1.67g sucrose/g IVIg and at12%in saline has an osmolality of 1074mOsm/L and when reconstituted in sterile water has an osmolality of768mOsm/L.Polygam10%also is lyophilized and can be reconstituted in sterile water or normal saline.If reconstituted in NS,Polygam10%has an osmolality of1250 mOsm/L.In fact,at10%,the osmolality is identical to a2% saline infusion.The indications for use of IVIg in the279patients were hypogammaglobulinemia,idiopathic thrombocytic purpura, treatment of acute AMR,polyneuropathy,hematologic malig-nancy,and desensitization of highly HLA-sensitized patients who were awaiting solid-organ transplantation.Ages of recip-ients were4mo to92yr,and there was equal gender distribu-tion among groups.Approximately half of the patients in each group had risk factors for heart disease.Dosages received were between0.5and2g/kg(Table2).All IVIg products were infused at rates recommended by the manufacturer.For Gamimune-N10%the start infusion rate was0.01to0.02ml/kgTable1.Product characteristicsPreparation/ Concentrations Available Manufacturer Osmolality Sucrose Content(g/g protein)Sodium Content(mEq/L at5%concentration)Gamimune-N10% N/5%,10%Bayer309mOsm/kg solvent(water)for5%solution;274mOsm/kgsolvent(water)for10%solution0TraceGammagard/5%,10%Hyland Division ofBaxter Healthcare 636mOsm/kg solvent(water)for5%solution;1250mOsm/kgsolvent(water)for10%solution0147Polygam/5%,10%Hyland Division ofBaxter Healthcare 590mOsm/kg solvent(water)for5%solution;1179mOsm/kgsolvent(water)for10%solution0147Carimune3%,6%, 9%,12%ZLB CentralLaboratory3%,192mOsm/kg;6%,384mOsm/kg;9%,576mOsm/kg;12%,768mOsm/kg solvent(water)1.67 1.3Clin J Am Soc Nephrol1:844–852,2006Safety and Adverse Events of IVIg for Immunomodulation845per min for30min.If no adverse reactions occurred,then the rate was increased gradually to a maximum of0.08ml/kg per min.For Carimune,the start infusion rate was30ml/h for30 min,then60ml/h for30min,and was increased as tolerated by 30ml/h every15min to a maximum rate of120ml/h.For Polygam,the start infusion rate was0.5ml/kg per h and was increased slowly to a maximum rate of4ml/kg per h if well tolerated in patients with thrombotic risk factors such as coro-nary artery disease,hypertension and cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes.Significant AE(AMI and ARF)were noted only in the Po-lygam(PϽ0.01)and Carimune(PϽ0.0001)groups,respec-tively.Headache was the only notable adverse effect of Gamimune-N10%infusion(52%)but also occurred in other products.In our experience,headaches were self-limited and did not require additional investigation(computed tomogra-phy or magnetic resonance imaging)and usually respond to acetaminophen.Patient demographics are shown in Table2. The distribution of AE and significant AE is shown in Table3. IVIg and AMIFive cases of AMI were noted in patients who received IVIg. The ages ranged from34to72yr(Table4).All five patients had risk factors for cardiac disease.The number of IVIg treatments that were received before the event ranged from one to eight. Each patient developed symptoms during or shortly(3to5h) after IVIg infusion,which included shortness of breath and chest pain.The diagnosis of AMI was confirmed by electrocar-diogram and/or troponin elevations.In four cases,AMI pro-longed hospitalization.In the fifth case,the diagnosis of AMI resulted in the hospitalization after the patient received IVIg as an outpatient infusion.All patients recovered without signifi-cant long-term effects.Because AMI occurred only with Po-lygam,these were reported to the manufacturer and the Food and Drug Administration MedWatch.This resulted in a“Dear Doctor Letter”regarding the risk for thrombotic events that were associated with Polygam(25).Polygam’s excipient is a sodium chloride solution with an approximate osmolality of1250mOsm/L at10%.Analysis using the Naranjo algorithm yielded a moderate probability of causality.The risk for development of thrombotic events with Polygam also was statistically significantly different when com-pared with the other IVIg products(PϽ0.01).We hypothesized that the salt-based high-viscosity vehicle of this product likely was responsible for initiation of the thrombotic event seenTable2.DemographicsCarimune (nϭ98)Gamimune-N(nϭ76)Polygam(nϭ105)Gender(%)male484151female525949Indications(%)desensitization776637autoimmune212655immune deficiency288Age range2to84yr15to75yr4mo to92yr Cardiovascular risk factors a(%)565040Dose(g/kg;averageϮSD) 1.1Ϯ0.47 2.0 1.25Ϯ0.63a Coronary heart disease and coronary heart disease risk equivalents as defined by National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP)III.Table3.AE and SAE aCarimune (nϭ98)Gamimune-N(nϭ76)Polygam(nϭ105)%AE or SAE nϭ8(SAE)N/A nϭ5(SAE) Gender3male/5female N/A2male/3female Age range(yr)39to7915to7534to77 Type of AE/SAEthrombotic005(4.7%);PϽ0.01 ARF8(8.2%);PϽ0.00100other(headache)49(50%)39(52%)52(50%)Doses2g/kgϭ7patients1g/kgϭ1patient 2g/kg2g/kgϭ4patients1g/kgϭ1patienta AE,adverse events;ARF,acute renal failure;SAE,significant adverse events.846Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol1:844–852,2006T a b l e 4.M y o c a r d i a l i n f a r c t i o n i n p a t i e n t s w h o r e c e i v e d P o l y g a m aP a t i e n t A g e /G e n d e rC o m o r b i d i t i e sI n d i c a t i o n f o r I V I g T o t a l N o .o f I V I g D o s e s D o s e o f I V I gR a t e o f I V I g I n f u s i o n b T i m e C o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n I V I g I n f u s i o n a n d O n s e t o f S y m p t o m s54/m a l e A I D S ,n o n -H o d g k i n ’sl y m p h o m a ,a o r t i c s t e n o s i sI T P2(i n p a t i e n t )D a y 1ϭ70g (1g /k g ;1400m l o f 5%)D a y 2ϭ70g (700m l o f10%)o v e r 12h ,1.7m l /k g p e r h o v e r 6h ,1.7m l /k g p e r h D a y 2:5h i n t o I V I g i n f u s i o nd e v e l o p e d S O B ,n o N /V ,C P .E C G c h a n g e s ,e l e v a t e dt r o p o n i n s ,t r a n s f e r r e d t oI C U .D i s c h a r g e h o m e 10dl a t e r49/f e m a l e P a u c i i m m u n eg l o m e r u l o n e p h r i t i s ,E S R D ,S /p k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t ,h y p e r c h o l e s t e r o l e m i aS /p k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t w i t hi n c r e a s i n g S C r 1(i n p a t i e n t )140g (2g /k g ;1400m l o f 10%)o v e r 5h ,3.9m l /k g p e r h A t t h e e n d o f i n f u s i o n ,p a t i e n t d e v e l o p e d C Pr a d i a t i n g t o l e f t a r m ,N /V ,S O B .S T e l e v a t i o n s ,e l e v a t e d t r o p o n i n .T r a n s f e r r e d t o I C U .D i s c h a r g e d h o m e 6d l a t e r34/f e m a l e S L E ,E S R D S /p k i d n e yt r a n s p l a n tT o r e d u c e P R A8(e v e r y m o n t h i n t h e o u t p a t i e n t p r o c e d u r e c e n t e r )100g (2g /k g ;1000m l o f 10%)o v e r 6h ,3.4m l /k g p e r h 5h a f t e r s t a r t o f i n f u s i o n ,d e v e l o p e d C P ,r a d i a t i n g t ot h e j a w ,S O B .E l e v a t e dt r o p o n i n s .D i s c h a r g e dh o m e 4d l a t e r77/f e m a l e C A D ,C H F ,M V R ,p a c e m a k e rp l a c e m e n t 1m o a g o ,d i a be t e s ,h y p e r t e n s i o nI T P 2.5(i n p a t i e n t )D a y 1ϭ66g (1g /k g ;660m l o f 10%)D a y 2ϭ63g (1g /k g ;630m l o f 10%)D a y 3ϭ31g (0.5g /k g ;310m l o f 10%)o v e r 6h ,1.7m l /k g p e r ho v e r 6h ,0.8m l /k g p e r hD a y 2:3h a f t e r s t a r t o fi n f u s i o n d e v e l o p e ds u b s t e r n a l c h e s t p a i n ,d i a p h o re s i s ,n o S O B ,N /V .E C G c h a n g e s ,e l e v a t e dt r o p o n i n s .D a y 3:N oc o m p l i c a t i o n s .U nde r w e n ts c h e d u l e d M V R n e x t d a y69/m a l e B r o n c h i e c t a s i s ,r e c u r r e n tr e s p i r a t o r y i n f e c t i o n s ,H /od e c r e a s e d I g G l e v e l s w i t hn o r m a l a n t i g e n r e s p o n s eT o m a i n t a i n a n t i b a c t e r i a l /v i r a l a n t i b o d y t i t e r s t op r e v e n t r e c u r r e n ti n f e c t i o n s1(i n p a t i e n t )70g (1g /k g ;700m l o f 10%)o v e r 6h ,1.7m l /k g p e r h E l e v a t e d t r o p o n i n ,u n d e r w e n t e m e r g e n ts t e n t i n gaC AD ,c o r o n a r y a r t e r y d i s e a s e ;C H F ,c o n g e s t i v e h e a r t f a i l u r e ;C P ,c h e s t p a i n ;E C G ,e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m ;H /o ,h i s t o r y o f ;I C U ,i n t e n s i v e c a r e u n i t ;I T P ,i d i o p a t h i c t h r o m b o c y t o p e n i c p u r p u r a ;I V I g ,i n t r a v e n o u s I g ;M V R ,m i t r a l v a l v e r e p a i r ;N /V ,n a u s e a a n d v o m i t i n g ;P R A ,p a n e l r e a c t i v e a n t i b o d i e s ;S C r ,s e r u m c r e a t i n i n e ;S L E ,s y s t e m i c l u p u s e r y t h e m a t o s u s ;S O B ,s h o r t n e s s o f b r e a t h .b P o l y g a m S /D 5%s o l u t i o n s h o u l d b e i n f u s e d a t a n i n i t i a l r a t e o f 0.5m l /k g p e r h .I f t h i s r a t e c a u s e s t h e p a t i e n t n o d i s t r e s s ,t h e n t h e r a t e m a y b e i n c r e a s e d g r a d u a l l y u p t o 4m l /k g p e r h .T h e 10%s o l u t i o n c a n b e s t a r t e d a t 0.5m l /k g p e r h u p t o a m a x i m u m o f 8m l /k g p e r h .Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1:844–852,2006Safety and Adverse Events of IVIg for Immunomodulation847(AMI).Therefore,steps were taken to change the standard default IVIg formulation to one of a non–sodium-based lower osmolality solution(530mOsm/L;Carimune9%)or309 mOsm/L(Gamimune-N10%).In addition,premedication with aspirin as well as an option to hydrate patients was suggested. Because these changes were implemented and after approxi-mately250IVIg doses,no further cases of AMI have been reported.IVIg and ARFAfter the change from routine use of Polygam to that of either Carimune or Gamimune-N10%,eight cases of ARF were seen. ARF occurred only in patients who received the sucrose-con-taining IVIg(Carimune;PϽ0.0001;see Tables2and3).A Naranjo algorithm analysis also yielded a moderate probability of causality(score6).All eight patients had identifiable risk factors for ARF.Five of the eight patients had a history of chronic kidney disease or had received a kidney transplant,and the other three had diabetes,congestive heart failure,or recent IV contrast dye administration.Six of eight patients had signif-icant renal dysfunction with doubling of serum creatinine after IVIg administration,with six requiring hemodialysis.However, recovery of renal function occurred in all patients within2mo.A renal allograft biopsy was done in one patient who had marked delayed graft function and received IVIg before kidney transplantation for a positive cross-match.Results were notable for acute tubular necrosis and marked vacuolization of proxi-mal tubular cells that were attributed to IVIg/sucrose.Table5 shows the characteristics of patients who developed ARF after sucrose-containing IVIg infusions.Figure1shows an electron micrograph demonstrating vacuolization in renal tubules in a patient with osmotic nephropathy after sucrose-containing IVIg infusion.After noting the relationship between ARF and previous kidney dysfunction in patients who received Carimune,all patients who receive IVIg now are required to have a preinfu-sion baseline serum creatinine and screening for risk factors for renal disease.Subsequently,avoidance of sucrose-based prod-ucts in patients who are at risk by specifically selecting non–sucrose-containing isosmolar products has resulted in no addi-tional cases of ARF.IVIg Infusions in ESRD Patients on Hemodialysis Administering IVIg is challenging in patients who are unable to tolerate high volumes or solute loads,such as those with congestive heart failure and ESRD.This is particularly impor-tant for prekidney transplant recipients,who usually are dial-ysis dependent and prone to volume overload.Like any other blood product,we infused IVIg(Gamimune-N10%)during hemodialysis and compared this with placebo(albumin0.1%) as part of the NIH IG02study(26).More than300infusions of IVIg were given to50patients and compared with an equiva-lent number of placebo infusions to52patients.Analysis showed that IVIg was well tolerated with a low incidence of volume overload,pruritus,and rash.The number of minor (7.7%in IVIg versus7.5%in albumin)and significant(0.3%IVIg versus2.8%albumin)AE were comparable to or less than that of placebo.DiscussionThe use of IVIg products for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders has increased dramatically in the past decade.In addition,recent data suggest that IVIg products are useful in the treatment of highly HLA-sensitized patients who are awaiting transplantation and for the management of viral infections and AMR(26–28).The use of higher doses, concentrations,and rapid rates of infusion of IVIg products has resulted in higher rates of infusion-related complications that, at first,were not anticipated and were poorly understood.It now is very clear that IVIg products vary considerably in their composition and that these differences have clinical im-plications(29).All contain IgG molecules(90to99%)but differ considerably in excipient.IVIg products differ in osmolality, pH,and sugar and sodium content,and this is postulated to result in product-specific adverse effects(6).The use of Po-lygam,which contains high concentrations of sodium at10%, was associated with five cases of AMI.MI is a known compli-cation of IVIg infusion(10,14).Our findings suggest that this may be due to the excipient(sodium chloride)and not incipient as evidenced by the lack of events with sucrose-based and isosmolar products.In addition,these events did not occur when Polygam was administered to patients who were on hemodialysis,suggesting that reductions in sodium content and/or heparinization was protective.Furthermore,it seems that viscosity of the diluent may be a factor that increases the risk for thrombosis as Polygam10%had a much higher osmo-lality than Carimune9%or Gamimune-N10%.Previous re-ports have shown that IVIg increases blood viscosity(30),and it is possible that it contributes to the thrombogenic nature of sodium-based IVIg formulations.Other possible explanations for the prothrombotic effects of IVIg suggest that there might be an effect on platelet aggregation.However,Vassilev et al.(31) showed that IVIg actually contains antibodies that are inhibi-tory to inducers of platelet aggregation.Data from Abe et al.(32)also support an antithrombotic effect of IVIg in Kawasaki disease.The antiplatelet agent aspirin may decrease the risk for myo-cardial events during IVIg infusion.Whether Ig causes in-creased platelet aggregation in vivo is unknown but seems unlikely on the basis of published data.This is consistent with previous experiments in which IVIg did not cause an increase in platelet ADP release and actually can reduce aggregation that is seen with other agents(7,11).However,unless there is a contraindication,we would recommend that patients who are at higher risk for thrombosis or MI receive aspirin and hydra-tion(250ml of0.9normal saline over30min)before IVIg infusion.There are no data to support any particular premed-ication regimen.However,our experience supports the pre-IVIg infusion use of Benadryl25to50mg orally or intrave-nously,Tylenol650mg orally,or aspirin325mg orally and Solu-Medrol40mg intravenously30min before the infusion to reduce infusion-related adverse effects.Selection of products with lower osmolality or reduction in osmolality of sodium-848Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol1:844–852,2006T a b l e 5.I V I g a n d r e n a l f a i l u r e aP a t i e n t A g e /G e n d e rC o m o r b i d i t i e sI n d i c a t i o n f o r I V I gT o t a l N o .o f I V I g D o s e s D o s e o f I V I g R a t e o f I V I g I n f u s i o n T i m e C o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n I V I g I n f u s i o n a n d O n s e t o f S y m p t o m s40/f e m a l e S /p l i v i n g -u n r e l a t e d k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n tw i t h r e n a l i n s u f f i c i e n c y (b a s e l i n ec r e a t i n i n e 1.9)S /p k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t ϫ1m o w i t hp o s i t i v e c r o s s -m a t c h 2140g o v e r 8h ,2.5m l /k g p e r h D a y 2:F o l l o w -u p a t r e n a l t r a n s p l a n tc l i n i c r e v e a l ed t h a t c re a t i n i n e w a se l e v a t e df r o m b a s e l i n e o f 1.9t o 2.3.P a t i e n t u n d e r w e n t b i o p s y ,w h i c hs h o w e d e a r l y c a l c i n e u r i n t o x i c i t y .R e n a l f u n c t i o n r e c o v e r e d a f t e r 4d .72/m a l e S /p c a d a v e r i c k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t w i t hr e n a l d y s f u n c t i o n (b a s e l i n e c r e a t i n i n e3.4).P e r i p h e r a l v a s c u l a r d i s e a s eI T P 170g o v e r 6h ,1.2m l /k g p e r h D a y 2:C r e a t i n i n e i n c r e a s e d f r o mb a s e l i n e o f 3.4t o 7.2.P a t i e n t r e q u i r e dh e m o d i a l y s i s .R e n a l f u n c t i o n s l o w l yr e c o v e r e d t o b e t t e r t h a n b a s e l i n e a f t e r5w k ,a n d p a t i e n t w a s t a k e n o f fd i a l y s i s .54/f e m a l e C o n g e s t i v e h e a r t f a i l u r e w i t h r e n a li n s u f f i c i e n c y ,r e c e n t c o n t r a s t d y ea d m i n i s t r a t i o n ,g o u tP o s i t i v e Q u i c k S c r e e n P R A a n d c r o s s -m a t c h b e f o r e h e a r t t r a n s p l a n t 270g o v e r 8h ,1.2m l /k g p e r h D a y 2:C r e a t i n i n e i n c r e a s e d a f t e r s e c o n dd o se of I V Ig f r o m 1.3t o 1.9w i t ha n u r i a .P a t i e n t r e q u i r e d h e m o d i a l y s i sa n d h i g h -d o s e d i u r e t i c .P a t i e n tr e q u i r e d d i a l y s i s f o r 1w k b u tr e c o v e r e d c o m p l e t e l y .79/m a l e D i a b e t e s w i t h C K D ,b a s e l i n e c r e a t i n i n e1.5t o2.2.H e a r t f a i l u r e ,g o u t ,a n dn e p h r o l i t h i a s i s .A t r i a l f i b r i l l a t i o nI T P 170g 1.2m l /k g p e r h D a y 2:C r e a t i n i n e i n c r e a s e d f r o m 1.3t o7.0.P a t i e n t b e c a m e o v e r t l y u r e m i c a n dr e q u i r e d d i a l y s i s f o r 7d .R e n a lf u n c t i o n r e c o v e r e d a n d c r e a t i n i n e w a sb ac k t o b a s e l i n e b y 10d a f te r I V I gi n f u s i o n .70/f e m a l e S /p c a d a v e r i c k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n tP o s i t i v e c r o s s -m a t c h b e f o r e k i d n e yt r a n s p l a n t .G i v e n r i g h t b e f o r et r a n s p l a n t170g o v e r 4h ,2.5m l /k g p e r h D a y 1:D e l a y e d g r a f t f u n c t i o ni m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t .P a t i e n t r e q u i r e d h e m o d i a l y s i s f o r 1w k b u t r e c o v e r e d c o m p l e t e l y .B i o p s ys h o w e d p r o x i m a l t u b u l a r c e l lv a c u o l i z a t i o n s u g g e s t i v e o f I V I g -i n d u c e d A T N .39/f e m a l e C K D s e c o n d a r y t o c a r d i o m y o p a t h y w i t hb a s e l i n ec r e a t i n i n e 1.6.R e c e n t h i s t o r yo f p r e r e n a l a z o t e m i a f r o m d i u r e t i c u s ef o r m a n ag e m e n t o f C H FP o s i t i v e Q u i c k S c r e e n P R A 175g 1.2m l /k g p e r h D a y 2:C r e a t i n i n e i n c r e a s e d f r o m 1.6t o2.2b y d a y3.P a t i e n t b e c a m e o v e r t l yu r e m i c a n d r e q u i r e d d i a l y s i s f o r 7d .R e n a l f u n c t i o n r e c o v e r e d a n dc r e a t i n i n e w a s b a c k t o b a s e l i n e b y 10d a f te r I V I g i nf u s i o n .Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1:844–852,2006Safety and Adverse Events of IVIg for Immunomodulation849。