====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====BIRTH CERTIFICATE 出生证明“The Medical Certificate of Birth”is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (seal)Full name of baby: Mao Yimeng Sex:Female Date of birth:28th,Sep,2005Place of birthEnshi City, Hubei Province Gestation (week): 38 +5Health Condition: Well Weight: 2400g Height:Full name of mother Tan Nian Age: 29 Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Tujia ID Card No:Full name of father:Mao Nan Age: 30 Nationality: Chinese Nationality: HanID Card No:Type of place: General hospitalName of facility: Central Hospital of Enshi PrefectureBirth Certificate No.: E 420204172 Date of issue: 30th,Sep,2005Issuing Organization (seal):The Official Seal for Hubei Birth Certificate, Central Hospital of Enshi Prefecture源-于-网-络-收-集。
Birth Certificate
Full name of baby:XXXFemale Date of birth: XXX am May. XXX XXX
Issuing organization (seal)
Name of facility: XXXXX Hospital
Birth Certificate No.: XXXXX Date of Issue: XXXXXX
“The Medical Certificate of Birth”is formulated according to“The law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother of guardian, cannot be sold, lent or altered in private.And it is referred to upon civil registration.
National Emblem
The Chinese equivalent
中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二o一o年二月八日notarialcertificateofbirth***countynotarypublicofficezhejiangprovincethepeople’srepublicofchina***countynotarypublicofficezhejiangprovincethepeople’srepublicofchinah.x.z.w.z.no.44556notarypublic:specialsealformarriageregisterofhaidiandistrict,beijingcivi laffairsbureaumarriageregister:证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本certificateoftaxationregistrationmindishuishizhino.35220070 51925xxxnameoftaxationpayer:fujinaxxxxrealestateco.,ltd.leg alrepresenative:xxxxaddress:4/f,xxbuilding,xxjiaochengroad,dateofissuance: september6,2004underthesupervisionofstatetaxationadministrationth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本permitforopeningbankaccountrenyinhuguanzhengzic.z.w.z.no.77 applicant:出生人名字,male,bomon出生日期,withidentitycardnumberof身份证号,nowresidingat住址.notarizationmatters:birththisistocertifythat出生人名字wasbomin出生地on出生日期.thenameof名字’sfatheris父亲名c.z.w.z.no.77“notarialcertificate”areinconformitywiththeoriginalchinesenotarialcertificate.chifengcitynotarypublicofficeinn ermongoliaautonomousregionthepeople’srepublicofchinanotary:公证人january27,2015篇五:中英文委托公证书书样本doc委托书本人本人姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)和***countynotarypublicofficezhejiangprovincethepeople’srepublicofchina,杨燕子的母亲是王秀琴andhermotheriswangxiuqinxiancertificadozino.332certificopelaprese ntequeyangyanzi,dosexofeminino,nascidaaos24dejulhode1989,nomunicipiodeqian,nacidadedexianyang,provinciadeshaa nxi.seupaiéfengjunesuamaeéwangxiuqin.cartórionotarialpúblicodexianyangprovinciadeshaanxirepublicapopulardachinanotário:lixinfa17defevereiro,2012篇四:中英文委托公证书书样本doc委托书本人本人姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)和tel:(学校电话)add:(学校地址)注:划线部分根据申请人具体情况更改出生公证书中英文样板公证书兹证明xxx(名字),男(女性别),于xxxx年xx 月xx日在xx省xx市出生。
出生公证书翻译篇一:出生公证书翻译公证书( XX )浙**证外字第 ** 号申请人:**,女,一九七六年二月十二日出生,香港居民身份证号码: **,现住香港九龙顺致苑 e 座 206 室。
**的父亲是**(公民身份证号码: **),张霞的母亲是**(公民身份证号码: **)。
中华人民共和国浙江省**县公证处公证员二0 一一年十二月十五日notarial certificate(translation)(XX) zkzwz no. **applicant:**,female,born on february 12, 1976, identification card number of hongkong: ** currently resides at room 206, block e, shun chi court, kowloon, hk.notary matters: birth certificate.this is to certify that **, female, was born in ** county, zhejiang provinceon february 12, 1976. her father is **(identification card number is **) and hermother is fu wenlan (identification card number is **).notary: ** (signatory seal)**county notary public office zhejiang provincethe people’s republic of china(seal)december 15, XX篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
出生公证书翻译篇一:出生公证书翻译公证书( XX )浙**证外字第 ** 号申请人:**,女,一九七六年二月十二日出生,香港居民身份证号码: **,现住香港九龙顺致苑 e 座 206 室。
**的父亲是**(公民身份证号码: **),张霞的母亲是**(公民身份证号码: **)。
中华人民共和国浙江省**县公证处公证员二0 一一年十二月十五日notarial certificate(translation)(XX) zkzwz no. **applicant:**,female,born on february 12, 1976, identification card number of hongkong: ** currently resides at room 206, block e, shun chi court, kowloon, hk.notary matters: birth certificate.this is to certify that **, female, was born in ** county, zhejiang provinceon february 12, 1976. her father is ** (identification card number is **) and hermother is fu wenlan (identification card number is **).notary: ** (signatory seal)**county notary publicoffice zhejiang provincethe people’s republic of china(seal)december 15, XX篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
Nationality: China
Nationality: Han
Name of facility: General Hospital of Chengdu ×××××××Company
Birth No.: ××××××××××
Date of issue: May ××, 19××
father and mother or guardian. Cannot be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.
Note: This Medical Certificate of Birth is formulated according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care. It is a legal certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the newly born baby’s
Health status: well
Weight: ×××g
Full name oห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ mother: ×××
Age: ×× Nationality: China
Identity card No.: 510102680629288
Height: ××cm Nationality: Han
Full name of mother: ××× Age: ×× Identity card No.: ××××××××××××××× Type of place: General hospital
中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二O一O年二月八日NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH(Translation)(XX) ZKZWZ No. ***This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***..Notary: *** Signatory seal)*** County Notary Public OfficeZhejiang ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China(Seal)February 8, XX篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日Notarial Certificate(XX) (English Translation)This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July 12,1977 inShangHai. Herfather is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong. Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public OfficeThe People’s Republic of China (Sealed)Notary Public:(Sealed)Dated: April 1,XX证件翻译大全--结婚证英文翻译样本THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (English Translation)XXX and XXX applied for marriage registration.After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republicof China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue thismarriage certificate. Ministry of Civil Affair of the People’s Repepublic of China (seal)Special Seal for Marriage Register of Haidian District, Beijing Civil Affairs BureauMarriage Register: (signature) XXXCertificate Holder: XXX Registration Date: x/x/xxx Marriage Certificate No. xxxxxxxx Name:Sex:Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth:ID Card:Name:Sex:Nationality: ChineseDate of Birth: ID Card:证件翻译大全--银行存款证明英文翻译样本CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA(English Translation) No. of Client:Date:XX/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No. Currency Kind Balance Status11 RMB Current Accountingxxxxx ActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001 RMB Fixed Time anXX0808 xxxxx Activityd Current AccountingBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal) 证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本Certificate of Taxation Registration Min Di Shui Shi Zhi No. 352XX051925xxxName of Taxation Payer: Fujina XXXX Real Estate Co., Ltd. Legal Represenative: XX XXAddress: 4/F, XX Building, XX Jiaocheng Road, (S.) Ningde CityType of Registry: Other Limited Company Form of Business: RetailBusiness Scope:Main Business: real estate development, selling, leasehold and theadministration of its relative building affairs.Other Business:Terms of Business: From December 23rd, 1999 to December 20th, XX Valid Term of Certificate: permanent Authority of Issuing Taxation Certificate: Branch directly under NingdeMunicipal Administration for the local taxation (Sealed) Date of Issuance: September 6, XXUnder the supervision of State Taxation Administrationth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本Permit for Opening Bank AccountRen Yin Hu Guan Zheng Zi () No. 0000109Name of depositor: Fujian Pingtan XXXX FactoryBank Account: 01810264Nature of proprietorship: 00109Business scope:Legal representative: XX XXReference No. of Business License: -4Identification Code: -4Through examination, the depositor complies with the requirementsfor opening an account; please let it be allowed to open an basic accountin our bank.篇三:出生公证书翻译英语证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
出生公证英文版Notarial CertificateChifeng City Notary Public Office of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regionof The People’s Republic of ChinaNotarial Certificate(____) C.Z.W.Z.No.77Applicant: 出生人名字, male, bom on 出生日期, with Identity Card numberof 身份证号, now residing at 住址. Notarization matters: BirthThis is to certify that出生人名字was bom in 出生地 on 出生日期. The nameof 名字’s father is 父亲名 (with Identity Card number of 身份证号码) andthe name of 名字’s mother is 母亲名 (with Identity Card number of 身份证号码).Chifeng City Notary Public Office Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ThePeople’s Republic of China Notary: 公证人 January 27, ____ Notarial Certificate(____) C.Z.W.Z.No.78Applicant: 出生人名字, male, bom on 出生日期, with Identity Card numberof 身份证号, now residing at 住址.Notarization matters: Conformity of translation with the original te_tThis is to certify that the contents of the English translation of thepreceding (____) C.Z.W.Z.No.77 “NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE” are in conformitywith the original Chinese notarial certificate.Chifeng City Notary Public Office Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ThePeople’s Republic of China Notary: 公证人 January 27, ____。
Type of place: General Hospital√
Name of facility: XXXXXXXXXX
Birth certificate No.: XXXXXXXX
Date of Issue: XXXX
Special Seal of XXX Province Birth Certificate
出生医学证明-英文翻译模 板
本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March
Full name of baby: XXXXXX Sex:
Date of birth:
Place of birth: XXX Province XX City County(District) Township Gestation(week):40+
Issuing organization(seal)
“The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian,Can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (sealed)
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(2011)浙**证外字第** 号申请人:**,女,一九七六年二月十二日出生,香港居民身份证号码:**,现住香港九龙顺致苑E座206室。
(2011) ZKZWZ No.**
Applicant:**,female,born on February 12, 1976, identification card number of Hongkong: ** currently resides at Room 206, Block E, Shun Chi Court, Kowloon, HK.
Notary matters: Birth certificate.
This is to certify that **, female, was born in ** County, Zhejiang Province on February 12, 1976. Her father is **(identification card number is **) and her mother is Fu Wenlan (identification card number is **).
Notary: ** (Signatory seal)
**County Notary Public Office
Zhejiang Province
The People’s Republic of China
December 15, 2011。