



高一无机化学试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列物质中,属于纯净物的是()A. 空气B. 蒸馏水C. 石油D. 碳酸钠答案:B2. 金属钠与水反应生成氢气和氢氧化钠,该反应的化学方程式为()A. 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2↑B. Na + H2O → NaOH + H2↑C. 2Na + H2O → 2NaOH + H2D. Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2答案:A3. 根据元素周期表,下列元素中属于金属元素的是()A. 碳(C)B. 氧(O)C. 钠(Na)D. 氯(Cl)答案:C4. 氧化还原反应中,氧化剂和还原剂的得失电子数必须相等。

下列反应中,氧化剂和还原剂得失电子数相等的是()A. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2OB. 2H2S + 3O2 → 2SO2 + 2H2OC. 2KMnO4 + 16HCl → 2KCl + 2MnCl2 + 5Cl2↑ + 8H2OD. 2KClO3 → 2KCl + 3O2↑5. 根据摩尔质量的定义,下列物质中摩尔质量为44g/mol的是()A. 氧气(O2)B. 二氧化碳(CO2)C. 氮气(N2)D. 氦气(He)答案:B6. 在一定条件下,下列物质中能与稀盐酸反应生成盐和水的是()A. 铜(Cu)B. 氧化镁(MgO)C. 氢氧化钠(NaOH)D. 碳酸钙(CaCO3)7. 根据化学反应的平衡常数,下列反应中平衡常数Kc最大的是()A. N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)B. 2NO2(g) ⇌ N2O4(g)C. H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g)D. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)答案:A8. 根据酸碱中和反应的原理,下列物质中能与盐酸反应生成盐和水的是()A. 氢氧化钠(NaOH)B. 硫酸(H2SO4)C. 碳酸钠(Na2CO3)D. 氯化钠(NaCl)9. 根据电离理论,下列物质中属于强电解质的是()A. 醋酸(CH3COOH)B. 硫酸钠(Na2SO4)C. 氨水(NH3·H2O)D. 蔗糖(C12H22O11)答案:B10. 根据氧化还原反应的原理,下列物质中具有氧化性的是()A. 氯气(Cl2)B. 铁(Fe)C. 氢气(H2)D. 铜离子(Cu2+)答案:A二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)11. 根据元素周期表,元素的原子序数为11的元素是____。






1. 题目:在化学方程式中,如何表示化学反应速率?答案:化学反应速率可以通过化学方程式中物质的消失和生成来表示。

例如,对于一般的化学反应aA + bB → cC + dD,反应速率可以表示为:速率 = -Δ[A]/aΔt = -Δ[B]/bΔt = Δ[C]/cΔt = Δ[D]/dΔt。


2. 题目:什么是化学键?答案:化学键是原子之间的相互作用力,用于维持化合物的结构稳定。





3. 题目:什么是化学反应的平衡?答案:化学反应的平衡是指反应物和生成物浓度之间达到稳定状态的情况。




4. 题目:如何判断化合物的酸碱性?答案:化合物的酸碱性可以通过其在水溶液中的离解程度来判断。




5. 题目:什么是配位化合物?答案:配位化合物是由一个中心金属离子或原子与周围的配位体形成的化合物。


















()5. 两种等渗溶液以任意比例混合所得溶液在临床上必定是等渗溶液()6.临床上,渗透浓度高于320 mmol⋅L-1的溶液称高渗液()7.在相同温度下,0.3 mol⋅L-1的葡萄糖溶液与0.3 mol⋅L-1的蔗糖溶液的渗透压力是相等的()8. 物质的量浓度均为0.2mol·L-1的NaCl液和葡萄糖液渗透浓度相等()9. 对于强电解质溶液,其依数性要用校正因子i来校正。

()二、选择题1.使红细胞发生溶血的溶液是()A.0.2mol·L-1 NaCl B.0.1mol·L-1葡萄糖C.0.3mol·L-1葡萄糖D.0.4mol·L-1 NaCl2.物质的量浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的下列溶液,其渗透压最大的是()A.葡萄糖B.NaCl C.CaCl2D.无法比较3.使红细胞发生皱缩的溶液是()A.0.1mol·L-1 NaCl B.0.1mol·L-1葡萄糖C.0.3mol·L-1葡萄糖D.0.2mol·L-1 NaCl4.在相同温度下,物质的量浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的下列溶液,其渗透压最小的是()A.葡萄糖B.NaCl C.CaCl2D.无法比较5.物质的量浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的下列溶液,在临床上属于等渗溶液的是()A.葡萄糖B.NaCl C.CaCl2D.蔗糖6. 试排出在相同温度下下列溶液渗透压由大到小的顺序( )a. c(C6H12O6)= 0.2 mol·L-1b. c[(1/2)Na2CO3]= 0.2 mol·L-1c. c[(1/3)Na3PO4]= 0.2 mol·L-1d. c(NaCl)= 0.2 mol·L-1A. d>b>c>aB. a>b>c>dC. d>c>b>aD. b>c>d>a7. 医学上的等渗溶液,其渗透浓度为()A. 大于280 mmol·L-1B. 小于280 mmol·L-1C. 大于320 mmol·L-1D. 280-320 mmol·L-18.欲使同温度的A、B两种稀溶液间不发生渗透,应使两溶液(A、B中的基本单元均以溶质的“分子”式表示)( ) A 质量摩尔浓度相同 B 物质的量浓度相同C 质量浓度相同D 渗透浓度相同9. 质量浓度为11.1g·L-1CaCl2 (M=111.0 g·mol-1)溶液的渗透浓度是( )A.100mmol ·L-1B.200mmol ·L-1C.300mmol ·L-1D.400mmol ·L-1三、填充题:1.10.0 g·L-1NaHCO3(Mr=84)溶液的渗透浓度为__________mol·L-1。





()5. 两种等渗溶液以任意比例混合所得溶液在临床上必定是等渗溶液()6.临床上,渗透浓度高于320 mmol⋅L-1的溶液称高渗液()7.在相同温度下,0.3 mol⋅L-1的葡萄糖溶液与0.3 mol⋅L-1的蔗糖溶液的渗透压力是相等的()8. 物质的量浓度均为0.2mol·L-1的NaCl液和葡萄糖液渗透浓度相等()9. 对于强电解质溶液,其依数性要用校正因子i来校正。

()二、选择题1.使红细胞发生溶血的溶液是()A.0.2mol·L-1 NaCl B.0.1mol·L-1葡萄糖C.0.3mol·L-1葡萄糖D.0.4mol·L-1 NaCl2.物质的量浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的下列溶液,其渗透压最大的是()A.葡萄糖B.NaCl C.CaCl2D.无法比较3.使红细胞发生皱缩的溶液是()A.0.1mol·L-1 NaCl B.0.1mol·L-1葡萄糖C.0.3mol·L-1葡萄糖D.0.2mol·L-1 NaCl4.在相同温度下,物质的量浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的下列溶液,其渗透压最小的是()A.葡萄糖B.NaCl C.CaCl2D.无法比较5.物质的量浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的下列溶液,在临床上属于等渗溶液的是()A.葡萄糖B.NaCl C.CaCl2D.蔗糖6. 试排出在相同温度下下列溶液渗透压由大到小的顺序( )a. c(C6H12O6)= 0.2 mol·L-1b. c[(1/2)Na2CO3]= 0.2 mol·L-1c. c[(1/3)Na3PO4]= 0.2 mol·L-1d. c(NaCl)= 0.2 mol·L-1A. d>b>c>aB. a>b>c>dC. d>c>b>aD. b>c>d>a7. 医学上的等渗溶液,其渗透浓度为()A. 大于280 mmol·L-1B. 小于280 mmol·L-1C. 大于320 mmol·L-1D. 280-320 mmol·L-18.欲使同温度的A、B两种稀溶液间不发生渗透,应使两溶液(A、B中的基本单元均以溶质的“分子”式表示)( ) A 质量摩尔浓度相同 B 物质的量浓度相同C 质量浓度相同D 渗透浓度相同9. 质量浓度为11.1g·L-1CaCl2 (M=111.0 g·mol-1)溶液的渗透浓度是( )A.100mmol ·L-1B.200mmol ·L-1C.300mmol ·L-1D.400mmol ·L-1三、填充题:1.10.0 g·L-1NaHCO3(Mr=84)溶液的渗透浓度为__________mol·L-1。



大一无机化学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列元素中,属于金属元素的是:A. 碳B. 氧C. 铁D. 硫答案:C2. 原子的化学符号为Hg,其原子序数是:A. 80B. 81C. 82D. 83答案:C3. 以下化合物中,属于共价化合物的是:A. NaClB. H2OC. NaOHD. MgO答案:B4. 元素周期表中,第IA族元素的价电子数为:A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:A5. 根据元素周期律,下列元素中,原子半径最大的是:A. NaB. MgC. AlD. Si答案:A6. 化合物Na2O2中,氧元素的化合价是:A. -1B. -2C. +1D. +2答案:C7. 以下化合物中,属于离子化合物的是:A. CO2B. H2OC. NaClD. N2答案:C8. 元素周期表中,第VIIA族元素的价电子数为:A. 7B. 6C. 5D. 4答案:A9. 下列化合物中,属于酸的是:A. H2SO4B. NaClC. NaOHD. H2O答案:A10. 根据元素周期律,下列元素中,电负性最大的是:A. FB. ClC. BrD. I答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 元素周期表中,第IIA族元素的价电子数为______。

答案:22. 化合物H2SO4中,硫元素的化合价为______。

答案:+63. 元素周期表中,第VIII族元素的价电子数为______。

答案:84. 化合物NaCl中,钠离子的符号为______。

答案:Na+5. 元素周期表中,第VIA族元素的价电子数为______。

答案:66. 化合物H2O中,氧元素的化合价为______。

答案:-27. 元素周期表中,第IIIB族元素的价电子数为______。

答案:38. 化合物Mg(OH)2中,镁离子的符号为______。

答案:Mg2+9. 元素周期表中,第IVA族元素的价电子数为______。

答案:410. 化合物NH4Cl中,铵根离子的符号为______。



一、 选择题1.下列叙述中正确的是(A) 反应活化能越小,反应速率越大; (B) 溶液中的反应一定比气相中的反应速率大; (C) 增大系统压力,反应速率一定增大;(D) 加入催化剂,使正反应活化能和逆反应活化能减少相同倍数; 2.pH=6的溶液的酸度是pH=3的溶液的多少倍 (A )3 (B )1/3 (C )300 (D )1/10003.等温等压过程在高温不自发进行而在低温时可自发进行的条件是(A )△H<0,△S<0(B )△H>0,△S<0(C )△H<0,△S>0(D )△H>0,△S>04.已知在室温下AgCl 的 sp K = 1.8×10-10,Ag 2CrO 4的 sp K = 1.1×10-12,Ag 2CO 3的 sp K = 8.5×10-12,Ag 3PO 4 的sp K =8.9×10-17,那么溶解度最大的是(不考虑水解)(A) AgCl (B) Ag 2CrO 4 (C) Ag 2CO 3 (D) Ag 3PO 4 5.用Nernst 方程式[][]还原剂氧化剂lg 0592.0z+= ϕϕ,计算+-24Mn /MnO 的电极电势,下列叙述不正确的是(A )温度应为298K (B )+2Mn浓度增大则 ϕ减小(C )+H 浓度的变化对ϕ无影响(D )-4MnO 浓度增大,则ϕ增大 6.已知E (Ti +/Ti) = - 0.34 V ,E (Ti 3+/Ti) = 0.72 V ,则E (Ti 3+/Ti +)为(A) (0.72 + 0.34) / 2 V (B) (0.72 - 0.34) / 2 V (C) (0.72 ⨯ 3 + 0.34) / 2 V (D) (0.72 ⨯ 3 + 0.34) V7.40℃和101.3kPa 下,在水面上收集某气体2.0dm 3,则该气体的物质的量为(已知40℃时的水蒸气压为7.4kPa ) (A )0.072mol (B )0.078mol (C )0.56mol (D )0.60mol 8.下列氧化还原电对中,ϕ值最大的是(A )Ag /Ag+(B )Ag /AgCl (C )Ag /AgBr (D )Ag /AgI (最小)9.下列哪种变化为熵减变化(A )一种溶质从溶液中结晶出来 (B )炸药爆炸 (C )将NaCl 晶体溶于水中 (D )冰融化成水 10.下列说法哪个正确(A )放热反应均为自发反应 (B )△S 为负值的反应均不能自发进行 (C )冰在室温下自动融化成水 (D )因为G ∆=—RTInK,所以温度升高,平衡常数减小11.在氨水中加入下列物质,O H NH 23⋅的解离度变小的是(A )加Cl NH 4 (B )加HCl (C )加热 (D )加水稀释 12.下列几组溶液具有缓冲作用的是(A )H 2O ——NaAc (B )HCl ——NaCl (C )NaOH ——Na 2SO 4 (D )NaHCO 3——Na 2CO 313.0.1mol ·L -1H 2S 溶液中,其各物种浓度大小次序正确的是________。



无机化学大一习题答案【篇一:大一无机化学期末复习题】而a的体积分数为40%,则b的分压为 60.792kpa。

其电池符号为(-)zn|zn2+(+)其正极反应为cu2++2e-=cu ;(1 ||cu2+(2|cu负极反应为 zn-2e-=zn2+ 。

3、配平下列化学方程式:1 cr2o72?+ 3so32-+ 8 h+=== 2cr3++ 3so42-+ 4h2o3 s +4 hno3==== 3so2 + 4 no + 2 h2o4、某元素的原子序数为35,则其原子的核外电子数为 35 ,有 1个未成对电子,原子中填有电子的能级组有四个。

5、非极性分子之间存在色散力;极性分子与非极性分子之间存在诱导力,色散力,极性分子之间存在诱导力,取向力,色散力(选填色散力、诱导力、取向力)7、对于配位数为4的配离子,当形成外轨型配离子时,杂化方式为3空间构型为正四面体;当形成内轨型配离子时,杂化方式为 dsp2 ,空间构型为平面正四方形。


( d )a 、n2(g) + 3h2(g) = 2 nh3(g)b、 cao(s) + co2(g) = caco3(s)c、 c(s,金刚石) + o2(g) = co2(g)d、1/2h2(g) + 1/2br2(g) = hbr(g)下列哪一条件有利于使nh3和o2取得较高转化率?( a )a、低温、高压b、高温、高压c、低温、低压d、高温、低压离子浓度间的关系正确的是:( c )a c(nh4+)c(cl-)c(oh-)c(h+)bc(nh4+)c(cl-) c(h+)c(oh-)c c(cl-)c(nh4+)c(h+)c(oh-)dc(nh4+)c(cl-) c(oh-)c(h+)4、利用标准电极电势表判断氧化还原反应进行的方向,正确的说法是( c )a 氧化性强的物质与氧化性弱的物质起反应;应; b 还原性强的物质与还原性弱的物质起反应。



高一无机化学试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列物质中,属于碱的是:A. 氢氧化钠B. 硫酸C. 氯化钠D. 碳酸钙2. 以下化合物中,属于氧化物的是:A. 硫酸B. 氯化钠C. 二氧化碳D. 氢气3. 在化学反应中,被氧化的物质是:A. 氧化剂B. 还原剂C. 催化剂D. 溶剂4. 根据元素周期表,下列元素中,原子序数最大的是:A. 氢B. 氧C. 钠D. 氯5. 以下选项中,属于单质的是:A. 氧气B. 氢气C. 碳酸钙D. 硝酸6. 根据化学平衡原理,下列说法正确的是:A. 反应物浓度增加,平衡向正反应方向移动B. 反应物浓度减少,平衡向逆反应方向移动C. 温度升高,平衡向吸热反应方向移动D. 压力增大,平衡向气体体积增大的方向移动7. 下列物质中,属于酸的是:A. 硫酸B. 氢氧化钠C. 氯化钠D. 碳酸钙8. 以下化合物中,属于酸式盐的是:A. 硫酸钠B. 碳酸氢钠C. 硝酸钾D. 氯化钙9. 根据化学键理论,下列物质中,属于离子化合物的是:A. 氢气B. 氧气C. 氯化钠D. 二氧化碳10. 在化学反应中,氧化还原反应的特征是:A. 元素化合价不变B. 有电子转移C. 没有新物质生成D. 反应速率很慢二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)11. 根据元素周期表,元素周期数等于其最外层电子数的元素是______。

12. 氧化还原反应中,氧化剂在反应中被______,还原剂在反应中被______。

13. 根据化学键理论,离子化合物与共价化合物的主要区别在于它们之间的化学键是______。

14. 根据化学平衡原理,当一个化学反应达到平衡状态时,正反应速率与逆反应速率相等,此时体系的______不变。

15. 根据化学反应速率理论,温度升高,反应速率会______。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 请简述氧化还原反应中氧化剂和还原剂的作用。

17. 请解释为什么在化学反应中,催化剂可以改变反应速率,但不影响化学平衡。

大一无机化学1章 习题答案(1)

大一无机化学1章 习题答案(1)

课后习题答案(第一章)1. 判断题(1)液体的沸点就是其蒸发和凝聚的速度相等时的温度。

(×) (2)渗透压是任何溶液都具有的特征。

(√) (3)质量相等的甲苯和二甲苯均匀混合时,溶液中甲苯和二甲苯的摩尔分数都为0.5。

(×) (4)电解质的聚沉值越大,其聚沉能力也越大。

(×) (5)使用亲水乳化剂形成水/油型乳浊液。

(×) (6)土壤中的水分能传递到植物体系中是因为土壤溶液的渗透压比植物细胞的渗透压大的缘故。

(×)2. 某化合物4.5 g 溶于250 g 水中,水的沸点上升了0.051℃。

已知该化合物的组成为含C40%,H6.60%,O53.33%,K b (水)=0.52 K ·kg ·mol -1。


解: [ ]b b bT K b K m M m ∆=⨯=⨯⋅(水)(未知物)(水)(未知物)/(未知物)(水) -1 -1[ ] 0.52 1 000 4.5/(0.051250) g m ol 183.5 g m olbb M K m T m =⨯∆⋅=⨯⨯⨯⋅=⋅(未知物)(水)(未知物)/(水)C : H : O = 183.540%/12.011 : 183.56.60%/1.008 : 183.553.33%/16.00= 6: 12 : 6⨯⨯⨯所以该物质的相对分子质量是183.5,分子式是C 6H 12O 6。

3. 将7.00 g 结晶草酸(H 2C 2O 4 ·2H 2O )溶于93.0 g 水,所得溶液的密度为1.025 g ·cm -3,求该溶液的:(1)质量分数;(2)质量浓度;(3)物质的量浓度;(4)质量摩尔浓度;(5)物质的量分数。

解:查表得-1-12242224(H C O 2H O)=126.07 g mol , (H C O )=99.04 g mol M M ⋅⋅⋅则 224(H C O )=7.0090.04/126.07 5.00 gm ⨯= (1) 2245.00(H C O )=0.05007.0093.0ω=+ (2) 224()7.0093.0(H C O )=97.6 m L1.025m V ρ+==溶液 -1224224(H C O )5.00(H C O )=0.0512 g m L 97.6m Vρ==⋅(3) 224224224(H C O )5.00(H C O )=0.055 5 m o l(H C O )90.04m n M == -12242243(H C O )0.055 5(H C O )=0.569 mol L 97.610n c V-==⋅⨯(4) -122422432(H C O )0.055 5(H C O )=0.584 mol kg (H O )(93.07.00 5.00)10n b m -==⋅+-⨯(5) 222(H O )93.02.00(H O )=5.28 m o l(H O )18.0m n M +== 2242242242(H C O )0.055 5(H C O )=0.010 4(H C O )(H O )0.055 55.28n x n n==++ 4. 将3.50 g 溶质A 溶于50.0 g 水所成的溶液的体积为52.5 mL ,凝固点为-0.86 ℃。



无机化学大一习题答案【篇一:大一无机化学期末复习题】而a的体积分数为40%,则b的分压为 60.792kpa。

其电池符号为(-)zn|zn2+(+)其正极反应为cu2++2e-=cu ;(1 ||cu2+(2|cu负极反应为 zn-2e-=zn2+ 。

3、配平下列化学方程式:1 cr2o72?+ 3so32-+ 8 h+=== 2cr3++ 3so42-+ 4h2o3 s +4 hno3==== 3so2 + 4 no + 2 h2o4、某元素的原子序数为35,则其原子的核外电子数为 35 ,有 1个未成对电子,原子中填有电子的能级组有四个。

5、非极性分子之间存在色散力;极性分子与非极性分子之间存在诱导力,色散力,极性分子之间存在诱导力,取向力,色散力(选填色散力、诱导力、取向力)7、对于配位数为4的配离子,当形成外轨型配离子时,杂化方式为3空间构型为正四面体;当形成内轨型配离子时,杂化方式为 dsp2 ,空间构型为平面正四方形。


( d )a 、n2(g) + 3h2(g) = 2 nh3(g)b、 cao(s) + co2(g) = caco3(s)c、 c(s,金刚石) + o2(g) = co2(g)d、1/2h2(g) + 1/2br2(g) = hbr(g)下列哪一条件有利于使nh3和o2取得较高转化率?( a )a、低温、高压b、高温、高压c、低温、低压d、高温、低压离子浓度间的关系正确的是:( c )a c(nh4+)c(cl-)c(oh-)c(h+)bc(nh4+)c(cl-) c(h+)c(oh-)c c(cl-)c(nh4+)c(h+)c(oh-)dc(nh4+)c(cl-) c(oh-)c(h+)4、利用标准电极电势表判断氧化还原反应进行的方向,正确的说法是( c )a 氧化性强的物质与氧化性弱的物质起反应;应; b 还原性强的物质与还原性弱的物质起反应。



大学无机化学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪种元素的原子序数为11?A. 钠B. 镁C. 铝D. 硅答案:A2. 氢氧化钠的化学式是:A. NaOHB. Na2OC. KOHD. NaCl答案:A3. 以下哪种化合物属于共价化合物?A. 氯化钠B. 氧化镁C. 二氧化碳D. 氢氧化钠答案:C4. 金属钠与水反应生成的气体是:A. 氧气C. 氢气D. 二氧化碳答案:C5. 以下哪种物质是强酸?A. 醋酸B. 碳酸C. 硫酸D. 氢氧化钠答案:C6. 以下哪种元素属于碱金属族?A. 锂B. 钠C. 钙D. 钾答案:B7. 以下哪种元素的原子结构具有2个电子层?A. 氢B. 氦C. 锂D. 钠答案:C8. 以下哪种化合物的化学式是H2O2?B. 水C. 过氧化氢D. 双氧水答案:C9. 以下哪种物质是强碱?A. 氨水B. 氢氧化钠C. 氢氧化镁D. 碳酸钠答案:B10. 以下哪种元素的原子序数为8?A. 氧B. 氟C. 氖D. 氩答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅢA族的元素是_______。

答案:硼2. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅤA族的元素是_______。

答案:氮3. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅦA族的元素是_______。

4. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅠA族的元素是_______。

答案:氢5. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅡA族的元素是_______。

答案:铍6. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅥA族的元素是_______。

答案:氧7. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅧA族的元素是_______。

答案:氦8. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅠB族的元素是_______。

答案:铜9. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅡB族的元素是_______。

答案:锌10. 元素周期表中,位于第ⅢB族的元素是_______。

答案:镧三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 描述什么是金属键,并举例说明。






































2.某气态单质的分子量为M,含气体的分子个数为x,某元素的原子量为A,在其单质中所含原子总数为y,N A为阿佛加德罗常数,则M/N A用克为单位表示的是这种气体的质量数值;用x/N A表示这种气态单质的摩尔数;y/N A是表示这种单质中A原子的摩尔数;A/N A 用克为单位表示这种元素的A原子的质量数值。
















大一无机化学课本答案Chapter one problem solvingSolution: because the pressure of the gas is not too high and the temperature is not too low, it can be regarded as an ideal gas.Because, PM = rho-r-t, the same gas, mass M doesn,t change.2.Solution:So the molecular mass is 163.Solution: (1)2.So the relative mass is 30The molecular formula is C2H6.4.Solution:5.Solution: in 35 °C, and reason: So, in the same condition, you compress it to 250mLThe answer is: In 313 k. So,;So there,s air in composition, T, n, so V is equal to P1V1 / P empty = 7. 79 L, V is equal to 7. 79 LBecause in the process of air flow, each bubble is alwayssaturated with CHC13 steam, so it's always 49. 3 kPa. Its volumeis 7. 79 L. So the ideal gas equation for CHC13 is:.7.theThe quality score of the impurity is zeroIt is.Solution: suppose that a mixture of IL H20 and 560L NH3 is soluble in water..Its mass is 1, 000 grams of water, so the volume of this ammonia solution is,It is.9. Solution:In this case, the simplest form is:.(2),So,・This is the molecular formula11. Answer: because CaC12 and NaCl electrolyte, CH3C00H for weak electrolytes, C6H1206 as the electrolyte, the solution of the concentration of the solute (particle) size in the order: CaC12 > NaCl > CH3COOH > C6H1206, so high and low order to freezing point C6H12O6 > CH3COOH > NaCl > CaC12.Answer: so,Let's say I take this solution, 1,000 grams, and I have oneAnswer: 14.In the sum of the formula,No, because it's too small to be accurateA: because of the Ag + overdose, the preparation of the Agl aerosol tape is positive, so it is the anion that makes up the glue. So the ability to get together is the order of magnitude K3 [Fe (CN).B: because of the I - excess, the prepared Agl sol tape is negatively charged. Therefore, it is the cation that makes the coagulation of the glue. So the ability to get together is in the order of A1C13 > MgS04.Chapter ii problem solvingAnswer: (1)2.2. Answer:(1), so there is.(2)the initial pressure is,The volume of the intermediate state is zero(3)answer: because, therefore,(constant pressure is)Answer: because the reaction is available⑷(1)-215-296.8 + (-1) (-100)二-411.8Material - 412.-219-296.8 + (-1) (-100)二-416.8Material - 417.(2)(3) (4)... So you can look it up in the same wayAnswer: the reaction equation is:It is.8.Answer:Answer: 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6Answer: (because of the reduced gas component)(because of the increase in the gas component)(because the gas component increases)(because of the reduced gas component)(because the gas component increases)11. Answer:(1)because the melting is an isothermal constant pressure reversible process, so there is,(2)because gasification is a reversible process such as isothermal pressure, so there isIt is.Solution: because melting and boiling are both isothermal and isostatic equilibrium processes, so there areAnswer: because boiling is an isothermal constant pressurereversible process, so there is,The equilibrium state of freedom is equal to zeroIt is possible to make a mistake by mistake, mistake, mistake, mistake.Answer: the high temperature spontaneously.The lower temperature is spontaneous.At any temperature, it's spontaneous.18. Answer:So, the reaction is never going to happen spontaneously.Answer: reaction20.Answer:So it's higher than 111221.Answer: (1),so, not spontaneous at 25 °C reaction.(2), so, in 360 °C can occur spontaneously.3.Chapter iii problem solving(2)(3)⑷2.Solution:A fG - 394.4-16.5-228.6-228. 6A rG = 1 x (394. 4) + (2) x (16. 5), (228. 6) and (197. 15) = 1.65 KJ, mol, 1A rG = - RTln3,Equilibrium time n over moles 0.021 0.004 0. 0040. 025 * 0. 16 二0. 164HBr (g) + 02 (g)= 2H20 (g) + 2 Br2 (g)(1)the rate equation for the reaction is zeroFrom the experimental data analysis:So the rate equation for this reaction is zero(1)the rate equation for the experimental data is: (3)Because the reaction is slow (v is small) and the time is short,it can be assumed that the reaction is approximately constant within the interval, so 12 is produced7.According toIn the case of milk, the rate at which the acid reacts is directly proportional to the rate constant of different temperatures, namelyReaction 2 so2 (g) + 02 (g) = 2 S03 (g) heat effectAccording to theThere areThe watch can calculate the reactionSo, balance moves to the left.Or:18.(1)decrease; (2); (3) increase; (4) : (5) : (6):(7); (8); (9); (10); (12) remains the same.(1)PC15 (g)二PC13 (g) + C12 (g)The initial mole number is 2, 0, 0Balance the number of moles 0. 5, 1. 5, 1. 5The concentration of each component in equilibrium is: (2)when set to balance, the decomposition PC15 is x moles. PC15 (g)二PC13 (g) + C12 (g)The initial number of moles is 2, 0, 1. 0Balance the number of moles 2. 0 minus x, x, x, and x22.The initial Mohr is 0. 2 0. 2 0The initial Mohr is 0. 2 minus x 0. 2 minus x 2x12 pyrolysis rate for25. Solution:Chapter 5. Problem setsA. 2A. 3A. 4A. 5A. 6A. 7"EightA. 1 3.A. 2A. 3A. 4The change in the number of 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4(1)battery reaction:(2)battery reaction: AgCl (S) + e = + Cl -(3)electrode response:(4)negative poles:The positive:Electromotive force:Original battery reaction:8. 1 negative:The positive:Electromotive forceCell response:2 negative:The positive:Electromotive force:Battery reaction: Ce4 + Fe2 + + + Ce3 +Negative 3:2H + + 2e 二H2The positive pole: Cr2072 - + + 6e = 2Cr3 + + 7H20 Electromotive force VThe battery reaction is: Cr2072 - + + + + 3112Question 15: (1)(2)positive pole: negative pole:(3)battery reaction:⑷(5)in a solution, it decreases, causing the electromotive force to rise. If you add ammonia to the solution, it's going to go down,It's causing the electric force to go down.Problem 22: positive and negativeCell response:So there areBecause it can be thought of as the anode and composition of the battery:Chapter 6 answers the atomic structure2. (1)By calculation, the volatility of the macro object is so small that it can be ignored.6. (1) reasonable(2)unreasonable. Because L can,t be equal to n, L < n and > 二o integer.(3).⑷.(5)unreasonable. Because L = 0(6)it's not reasonable because L can,t be greater than nThe seven electrons of the atom are arranged in ones22s22pxl2pyxl2pyxl2pzlTherefore, its quantum combination is 1S2 (1, 0, 0, 1/2) (1, 0, 0, -1/2).2S2 (2, 0, 0, 1/2) (2, 0, 0, -1/2)2P3 (2, 0, 1/2) (2, 1, 1, 1/2) (2, 1, 1, 1/2) (1, 1, 1, 1/2) (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,Or 2, 1, 0, minus 1/2, 2, 1, minus 1/2, 2, 1, minus 1, minus 1/2. 9.Na: 1 s22s22p63slThe IS electron valid nuclear charge = 11 -= 11-0. 30 1 = 10. 702S electrons = 11 - = 11 -= 11-2 0. 85-7 0. 35 二6. 85 (2S2P is thesame group)3 3S electrons 二11 - 二11 -二11-8 0. 85-2 1 二2. 2 (2S2P is the same group)For multi-electron atoms, when the main quantum number n = 4, there are four energy levels, namely 4S, 4P, 4D and 4f. They correspond to the number of orbitals, 1, 3, 5, 7. The maximum number of electrons you can hold is 2n2 二242 - 32 - 2 (1 + 3 + 5 + 7)For hydrogen, the E4s, >, E3d because it's a single electron system, energy levels are only related to the number of quantum Numbers.In the case of K, because of the drilling effect and shielding effect, there is an energy level crossing, its E3d > E4s2S [Ar] 3d54S2[Xe] 4fl45dlO6Sl, 4f145dl06S26P613. (1) errors Because of the Angle of the atomic orbital part of the graphical representation is the electron distribution outside the nucleus different spatial orientation of risk, not represent the actual movement of the electrons.(2)the error in the N shell (principle quantum number 二4) thereare 4 s, 4 p, 4 d, 4 f, a total of four energy level, the corresponding 1 hc-positie atomic orbital is a total of 16, of the principal quantum number N = 1, only Ils, can accommodate two opposite spin electronics.(3)correct because the hydrogen atom is a single electronic system, there is no interleaving phenomenon.(4)error because hydrogen is a single electronic system withoutthe shielding of electrons.Cu2 + [Ar] 3dl + [Ar] 3d5Pb2 + [Xe] 4fl45dlO6S2 - [Ne] 3S23P6(1) 24 (2) [Ar] 3d54sl (3) 3d54sl(4)the fourth period; VI. B; Cr03When n > 4, it's the Ens < E (n - 1) dSo when you complete the ns and np orbitals, the rest of the electrons are going to have to fill in the E (n + 1) s orbital.So you can,t fill the outer layer with d electrons, so you can only have up to eight electrons in the outer layer of the atomic orbital. Similarly, due to the Ens < E f (n - 2), while the electrons tofill after the (n - 1) d orbitals, will give priority to fill inthe E (n + 1) s not enter E (n + 1) f orbit, so the time could notfill f electrons in the outer, therefore, the atomic orbital can more than 18 times on the outer electrons.(1) A B C is A metalIt is possible to infer their valence structure from the set up conditions:A: 4S1, Z = 19 potassium; B: 4S2. Z = 20C: 3dl04s2, Z = 30 zinc; D: 4S24P5, Z = 35 bromo(2) D A +, Br - and K +(3)AOH is the strongest(4)BD2 is the ionic compound of CaBr221.The eighth cycle element is the most available number of electrons in the eighth level group, which is8S25gl86f147dl08p6, 50 electrons, so there are 50 elements in the eighth cycle.The electronic structure of the element is [118] 8S25gl (the atomic number of the seventh cycle of a rare gas), so the atomic number of the element is 121. (note: E5g > E8s cannot be determined by n + 0.7 L)The atomic electron layer of element 100 is [Rn] 7S25f 146dl07p2So this element is the fourth period of the seventh cycleSc > Ca: The Sr < Ba; K > AgFe2 + > Fe3 +; Pb > Pb2 +; S < S2 -0 < N. Al < Ag; The Sr > RbCu < Zn: Cs < Au; Br < KrBecause the valence electron configuration of a rare gas is ns2np6, which is an 8 electron stable structure, it is very difficult to lose electrons, so it has very high ionization energy.Because the valence electron configuration of P is 3S23P3, and S is 3S23P4, the former 3P orbital is semi-filled and stable, so it is not easy to lose electrons, so the ionization energy is high.Because of the electronegativity of 0, the repulsive force of the electron is so large that it is not easy to gain electrons, so it emits energy, so the electron affinity can be S > 0Because N is more electronegative than C, and the valence electron configuration of N is 2S22P3 electrons in half full structure, not easily gaining electrons, so the affinity energy is N < C.The largest element of the atomic radius is Fr, and the smallestis ILThe largest of the ionization energy is He; The minimum is FrThe biggest negative is F; The smallest is FrThe maximum of the electron affinity is ClChapter 7 problem solving the molecular structure3.(the octahedron)3.P150In the BF3 molecule, the valence electron of B is 2S22P1 2S22P12Pyl to form the triangle SP2 hybridized orbital (plane triangle) BF3 plane triangular molecule.NF3: the valence electron of N is 2S22P3. 3 NF3 molecules of the SP3 hybridized cone.5.BBr3 central atom B: SP2 isotropism; The molecular configuration is a plane triangle.SiH4 center atom Si: SP3 hybridized orbital, tetrahedronPH3 center atom P: SP3 hybridized orbital, triconeSeF6 center atom Se: d2sp3 hybridization, positive octahedron.The nucleus of CS2. Valence electron configuration: linearThe geometry of the molecule is linear.Central atom N: electron log;Valence electron configuration: the geometric configuration of a plane triangle ion is the Angle.The central atom Cl, the valence electron log;Valence electron configuration: regular tetrahedron; The configuration is linear.Central ions; The valence electrons;Valence electron configuration: trig double cone; The geometric configuration is linear.Central atom N; The valence electrons;Valence electron pair configurations: flat triangles; The geometric configuration is a plane triangleCenter atom Br; The valence electrons:Valence electron configuration: trig double cone: The geometric configuration of the molecule is 〃T〃.Center atom P; The valence electrons;Valence electron configuration: regular tetrahedron; Ion geometry: the tetrahedronCenter atom Br; The valence electrons;Valence shell electron pair configuration: positive octahedron; The geometry of the ions is the plane squareCenter atom P; Valence shell electron log;Valence shell electron pair configuration: delta double cone; Geometry of the molecules: trig and double conesCentral atom Br; The valence electrons;Valence shell electron pair configuration: positive octahedron; Molecular geometry: quadrilateral conesCentral atom: The valence electrons;Valence shell electron pair configuration: positive octahedron;The geometric configuration of ions: the octahedronNonpolar molecules; Although the c~h bond is polar, the polarity of the bond is just offset by the fact that the space is tetrahedral.Polar molecules. Because the c~h and c-cl are different, though the molecules are symmetric and tetrahedral, the polarity of the bond cannot cancel out.Non-polar molecules; The molecule is a flat triangle, symmetric structure, and the polarity of the b-cl bond cancels out.Polar molecules. The molecules are triangular and asymmetrical, and the polarity of the n-cl bond cannot be offset.Polar molecules. The molecules are 〃V〃, asymmetrical, and the polarity of the h-s bond cannot be canceled out.Non-polar molecules; The molecules are linear, symmetric, and thepolar offset of c-s bonds.01 (for non-polar molecules, u = 0, for polar molecules)Both of them are non-polar molecules, u 二0.(both of these are polar molecules, but because of the electronegativity of N, the positive and negative charge on the n~h in the numerator is more open.)BF3 is a non-polar molecule, u 二0, and NF3 is a polar molecule.(both of these are polar molecules, but because of the electronegativity of 0, the electrons on the h-o in the moleculeare larger, and the center of the negative charge is more open.)13. NaF > NaCl > NaBr > Nal. SiI4 > SiBr4 > SiC14 > SiF414. A. because Ge4 + 1 charge is very big, has strong ability of polarization and combined with its large volume, strong deformation, thus has a strong covalent compounds from the molecular, and K + polarization force is very good, so for the ionic crystals; The melting point is higher for the covalent molecular crystal.A. 2Since the Zn2 + has a 18e configuration, it is better than the 8e configurational Ca2 + polarization, which makes the covalent bond in the crystal more numerous, so the melting point is lower than that.Because Fe3 + is more polarizing than Fe2 +, it makes the crystal communist party more valuable, so the melting point is lower.A. 1 error 15. For polyatomic molecule, the key of the polarity and molecular polarity is not consistent, although bonds have polarity, but molecules for the symmetric structure, the polarity can be offset each other, the possibility of non-polar molecules, such as, etc.A. 2 error Because of Mn (VII) polarization is far greater than Mn (II), which makes for covalent compound, and MnO for ionic compounds, so the melting point is lower than MnO.A. 3 error Because the dispersion force is caused is the instantaneous dipole, it exists between all molecules, and the most molecules of the main molecular inter-atomic forces.A. 4 error Because one of the three electronic key electronic is single, so the key is smaller than 2 electronic key bond energy, (note only for and comparison, if it's big keys will not necessarily)Benzene and both are non-polar molecules, so they only have a dispersion force between them.Methanol and water: there is dispersion force, orientation force, induction force and hydrogen bonding.The dispersion force and the inductive force are present.Because both are polar molecules, there is a force of orientation,inducement, and dispersion.You can form hydrogen bonds on your own.18. Melting point is greater than, because the former, and intermolecular hydrogen bond between form associated molecules, leading to higher melting point, while the latter is only formed intramolecular hydrogen bonding (according to the hydrogen bonding of saturated, after forming intramolecular hydrogen bond, no longer form intermolecular hydrogen bond), won,t form associated molecules, the boiling point will not rise significantly. So the melting point of the former is greater than the latter.There is a hydrogen bond between the three NH3 and the > PH3 The molecular weight of PH3 < SbH3 is smaller than SbH3 and small in dispersionAlthough the molecular weight is similar, the dispersive force is similar, but because it is a polar molecule, there is theorientation force and the inductive force.Both of them are ionic crystals, but because of the high charge,the ionic bond is strong.Because it's an atomic crystal, it's a molecular crystal.Because of the polarization force, only the covalent bonds are large.。

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