Characterization of the Seed Oil and Meal from Monechma ciliatum and Prunus mahaleb SeedsJAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Aug 2009 by Mariod, Abdalbasit Adam, Aseel, Kawthar Mahmoud, Mustafa, Ali Abdalgadir, Abdel-Wahab, Siddig IbrahimAbstractThe oil and meal from Monechma ciliatum (black mahlab) and Prunus mahaleb (white mahlab) seeds were characterized for their physicochemical properties. The oil content was found to be 30.95 and 13.15% in white and black mahlab seeds, respectively. The refractive indices of white mahlab oil (WMO) and black mahlab oil (BMO) were 1.475 and 1.470, and specific gravities were 0.8511 and 0.8167 g/cm^sup 3^, respectively. Saponification values were 184.23 and 180.3 mg KOH/g, peroxide values were 2.54 and 4.43 meq/kg, and unsaponifiable matter was 0.92 and 0.66%, respectively. The major fatty acids were palmitic 4.5%, stearic 16.0%, oleic 47.3%, and linoleic 31.4% in BMO, while in WMO they were palmitic 5.7%, oleic 45.0%, and linoleic acid 47.0%. A moderate amount of tocopherols were found at 45.2 and 28.5 mg/100 g in BMO and WMO, respectively. Protein content was found to be 21% in black and 28% in white mahlab seeds. The total amount of amino acids in black and white mahlab seeds was found to be 783.3 and 1,223.2 mg/g N, respectively. The concentration (on ppm dry-weight basis) of major elements (Ca, K, and Mg) and of minor elements (Al, Pb Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, and Fe) was also determined in the meals.Keywords Amino acid * Fatty acid * ICP-MS * Mineral elements * Monechma ciliatum * Physicochemical properties * Prunus mahlabIntroductionRecently, researchers all over the world have been looking to discover new sources of oils. In Sudan many studies have been done looking at the utilization of wild plants as a source of unconventional oil and theirmaximum utilities as antioxidants [1-3]. One of these wild plants, considered among the plants of the future, is black mahlab (Monechma ciliatum), which is well known in Sudan and belongs to the family Acanthaceae. Black mahlab is an annual glabrous herb, 30-65 cm high [4], with simple leaves measuring about 4-7 × 1-2 cm [5]. Black mahlab (Monechma ciliatum) is a famous medicinal plant in western Sudan, especially in the Nuba Mountains and Gabel Mara area. The seeds are used as an effective laxative and contain a fixed oil that emits a sweet and pleasant odor. Its further used in traditional Sudanese fragrances, lotions, and other cosmetics used for wedding preparation and childbirth [6]. In Botswana, Monechma ciliatum was believed to play an important role as a medicine for the remedy of general body pain, liver, and bowel trouble (diarrhea), as well as sterility in women [7]. The plant is used to induce labor and menses in Nigeria. It is also reported that the dried leaves are powdered and burnt as an inhalation for colds [8]. In Sudan, the dried entire plant is used for diarrhea, vomiting, and as a scent preparation. The seed oil content is 11.6% with iodine value of 69 and saponification value of 175.16; the fatty acid composition is 20.2, 17.3, and 17.9% for oleic, linoleic, and arachidic acid, respectively [9, 10]. Previous study by Uguru and others [5] showed that the hot methanol extract of the leaves of M. ciliatum has potent oxytocic property in vivo and in vitro, thus justifying its use in traditional medicine.White mahlab (Prunus mahaleb) is a deciduous tree, 1-2 m high, with many spreading branches; the bark is smooth and mahogany red. The leaves, which are up to 6 cm long, are bright green, shiny, oval, and finely toothed [H]. The white mahlab tree is a member of Rosaceae family, subfamily Prunoideae. The kernels of white mahlab seem to contain only small amounts of cyanogenic glycosides, but coumarin derivatives have been found. From the seeds, a fixed oil can be extracted that contains unusual conjugated linolenic fatty acid [12]. In Sudan, white mahlab is used in wedding preparations by crushing the seeds to manufacture traditional fragrances and lotions such as Dilka, Khumrra, and Darira. Also eating soaked white mahlab seeds is a remedy used for diarrhea in children. White mahlab is collected in Turkey and exported on a large scale. It is used in Turkey as a tonic or an antidiabetic in folk medicine and as a flavoring agent in making pies and candies. The white mahlab kernels form an important source of protein (30.98%) and fatty oil (40.40%). Its oil is also valuable in the preparation of lacquers and varnishes [12].Monechma ciliatum still grows as a wild plant in different areas in western Sudan states. No research data on its commercial production and its oil composition are available.Amino acid composition and protein digestibility measurements are considered necessary to predict accurately the protein quality of foods for human diets [13]. The widespread availability of vegetable oils around the world has resulted in the development of other oil-bearing plant species being neglected [14]. This study investigates the physicochemical and compositional properties including amino acids, minerals, trace elements, and fatty acids of seeds of the two mahlab plants, and a sensory evaluation of the oils obtained from these seeds is performed.Materials and MethodsSamples, Solvents, and ReagentsAll solvents used were of analytical grade. n-Hexane, methanol, chloroform, and petroleum ether were obtained from Prime for Scientific Services, Khartoum, Sudan. HCl, NaOH, HNO^sub 3^, and H^sub 2^O^sub 2^ were Suprapur grade (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).Dried seeds of white and black mahlab were collected from a local market in Khartoum North, Sudan, then blended to obtain homogeneous samples, and pulverized before representative samples were taken for chemical analysis. For determination of the oven-dry weight, samples were dried at 105 °C for 24 h. Moisture and volatile matter in the samples were determined following a previously described method [15].Proximate Chemical AnalysisMoisture, lipid, ash, and crude-fiber contents were determined following the standard methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists [16]. The organic nitrogen content was quantified by the Kjeldahl method, and an estimate of the crude protein content was calculated by multiplication of the organic nitrogen content by a factor of 6.25 [17]. The two different samples were analyzed in triplicate. Total carbohydrate content was calculated from the difference, applying the formula:100% - (% protein % lipid %ash %fiber)Mineral AnalysisTwo replicate aliquote (500 mg) from each of the dried, powdered plant specimens were weighed, then wet-ashed by refluxing overnight with 15 mL of concentrated HNO^sub 3^ and 2.0 mL of 70% HClO^sub 4^ at 150 °C. The samples were dried at 120 °C, and the residues were dissolved in 10 mL of 4.0 N HNO^sub 3^-1% HClO^sub 4^ solution. The mineral content of each sample solution was determined by an Agilent Technologies 7500cinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) system (Agilent Technologies, Wilmington, DE). Wavelengths used for the tested minerals were aluminum (Al) 396.152, calcium (Ca) 393.366, cadmium (Cd) 226.502, chromium (Cr) 206.149, cobalt (Co) 238.892, copper (Cu) 224.700, iron (Fe) 239.562, lead (Pb) 220.353, magnesium (Mg) 279.553, manganese (Mn) 257.610, nickel (Ni) 221.647, potassium (K) 766.490, and zinc (Zn) 213.856. The mineral contents of the samples were quantified against standard solutions of known concentrations, which were analyzed concurrently.Oil Extraction and DeterminationThe seeds were milled gently in a blender (Braun Multimix System 200, with Multimix deluxe grinder, MXK4 Germany), and oil was extracted by Soxhlet apparatus using petroleum ether 40-60 °C and determined following a previously described method [15]. The oil content was determined as a percentage of the extracted oil to the sample weight (w/w). The samples were analyzed in triplicate, then mean and standard deviation were calculated. The extracted oil was stored in a cold room (4 °C) in a dark glass bottle under nitrogen blanket for further analysis.Oil Physicochemical AnalysisFree fatty acids (FFA), iodine value (IV), saponification number (SN), peroxide value (PV), unsaponifiable matter, color, and refractive index (RI) were measured following a previously described method [15]. Color was determined using Lovibond Tintometer, Lovibond model E (Bicasa), suppUed by Griffin and Georgy, England, and refractive index was determined using an Abbe bench refractometer (model 46-315, England) with the temperature maintained at 30 °C. The analysis was done for the freshly extracted oils. The samples were analyzed in triplicate, then mean and standard deviation were calculated.Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Liquid ChromatographyThe fatty acid compositions of the seed oils were determined by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The oils were converted to their corresponding methyl esters following a previously described method [15]. BF3/ methanol reagent (14% boron trifluoride) was used for methylation. GLC analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) was performed using aHewlett-Packard HP5890 Series II gas Chromatograph (GLC) coupled to a flame ionization detector (FID) equipped with an Ultra 2 capillary column (25 m × 0.32 mm × 0.5 µm, 5% biphenyl and 95% dimethyl polysiloxane; Hewlett-Packard, Waldron, Germany), a split injector (split ratio 88:1), and an FID. The column temperature pro gram was 5 min at 150 °C, 10 °C/min to 275 °C, and 10 min at 275 °C. The injector temperature was 250 °Cwith a split ratio of 88:1. The carrier gas was hydrogen at a flow rate of 1.6 mL/min. The detector temperature was 280 °C with air and hydrogen flow rates of 460 and 33 mL/min, respectively. The fatty acid peaks were identified by comparing the retention times with those of a mixture of standard FAMEs (Sigma Chemicals, Deisenhofen, Germany). Each FAME sample was analyzed in duplicate.TocopherolFor determination of tocopherols, a solution of 250 mg of Monechma ciliatum and Prunus mahaleb oils in 25 mL ?-heptane was directly used for the HPLC. The HPLC analysis was conducted using a Merck-Hitachi (Tokyo, Japan) low-pressure grathent system fitted with an L-6000 pump, a Merck-Hitachi F-1000 fluorescence spectrophotometer (detector wavelengths for excitation 295 nm, for emission 330 nm), and a D-2500 integration system. The samples (20 µL each) were injected by a Merck 655-A40 autosampler onto a Diol phas e HPLC column (25 cm × 4.6 mm i.d.) (Merck) using a flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. The mobile phase used wasn-heptane/methy tert-butyl ether (MTBE) (99:1, v/v) [18].Amino Acid Composition by Amino Acid AnalyzerPreparation of Hydrolysate SampleThe content of dry matter and total N were determined according to procedures described by [16]. The content of amino acids (except for tryptophan) in defatted mahlab seeds was determined using Amino Acid Analyzer (L-8900 Hitachi-hitech, Japan) under the experimental conditions recommended for protein hydrolysates. Samples containing 5.0 mg of protein were acid hydrolyzed with 1.0 mL of 6 N HCl in vacuum-sealed hydrolysis vials at 110 °C for 22 h. The ninhydrine was added to the HCl as an internal standard. Hydrolysates were suitable for analysis of all amino acids. The tubes were cooled after hydrolysis, opened, and placed in a desiccator containing NaOH pellets under vacuum until dry (5-6 days). The residue was then dissolved in a suitable volume of a sample dilution Na-S buffer, pH 2.2 (Beckman Instr.), filtered through a millipore membrane (0.22-µm pore size) and analyzed for amino acids by ion-exchange chromatography in a Beckman (model 7300) instrument, equipped with an automatic integrator. Nitrogen in amino acids was determined by multiplying the concentration of individual amino acids by corresponding factors calculated from the percentage N of each amino acid [19]. The ammonia content was included in the calculation of protein nitrogen retrieval, as it comes from the degradation of some amino acids during acid hydrolysis [20, 21]. The ammonia nitrogen content was calculated by multiplying the ammonia content by 0.824 (N = 82.4% NH^sub 3^).Expression of ResultsThe composition of amino acids was expressed as milligrams per gram of N to estimate the quality of the protein in mahlab defatted seeds using the amino acid score pattern where amino acid ratio = (mg of an essential amino acid in 1.0 g of test protein/mg of the same amino acid in 1.0 g of reference prote in × 100). Nine essential amino acids were calculated by using a previously described method [13], where egg protein was used as reference protein.Sensory EvaluationPanelists were chosen to taste the two mahlab oils for characterization of their organoleptic properties (color, flavor, and taste). Oil samples were presented to the panelists in clear glasses at room temperature and in duplicate. The sensory analysis used was described in detail by Min [22]. Sensory qualities of the two oils were evaluated using a hedonic scale of 1-10, where 1 indicated the poorest flavor, color, and taste quality and 10 the highest organoleptic quality. The numerical results were then subjected to statistical analysis.Statistical AnalysisThe analyses were performed wi tìi three replicates. The mean values and standard deviation (mean ± SD) were calculated and tested using the Student's i-test (PResults and DiscussionProximate Chemical AnalysisThe proximate composition of the two mahlab seeds is given in Table 1. T he two samples showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in all the analyzed constituents of the proximate composition except moisture content. The white mahlab seeds showed higher levels of lipid and protein content of 30.95 and 28.0 g/100 g, respectively, while black mahlab showed higher levels of fibers and carbohydrates content at 24.4 and 32.6 g/100 g, respectively. The results of oil content showed that white mahlab seed has a higher amount of oil (30.9 g/100 g) than the black mahlab seed (13.2 g/100 g). In 1981 Ayoub and Babiker [9] reported an oil content of 11.6% for black mahalb, which was higher than that reported in this study. Yücel [24] studied the seeds of Prunus mahaleb, and he found that die oil content ranged from 4.7 to 18.5 g/100 g, while Johansson et al. [25] mentioned that oil contents of Prunus mahaleb ranged from 12 to 16 g/100 g. The oilcontent of Prunus mahaleb in this study was higher than that found in these other studies.Oil Physicochemical PropertiesThe physicochemical properties of the two mahlab seed oils are shown in Table 2. Compared with Codex standards for crude vegetable oils [26], the white mahalab oil showed higher values for specific gravity, refractive index, acid value, peroxide value, saponification value, and unsaponifiable matter. Ayoub and Babiker [9] reported a lower saponification value (175.16) and a lower refractive index (1.4730) for black mahlab oil in comparison witìi me results in this study.From Table 2 it is instructive to note that the refractive indices for the white mahlab seed oil (1.475) and black mahlab seed oil (1.470) fall within the same range of 1.467-1.477 for grapeseed oil. The acid values for WMO and BMO of 7.8 and 7.3 mg KOHVg, respectively, were higher man the Codex standards for sunflower and ground nut oils, whilst the peroxide values for the WMO of 2.54 meq/Kg oil and for the BMO of 4.43 meq 02/Kg oil were less than that recorded for sunflower and ground nut oils in Codex standards. The percent unsaponifiable matter, shown in Table 2 for white mahlab (0.99%) and black mahlab (0.66%) seed oils, was less than that recorded for sunflower and ground nut oils in Codex standards [26].Sensory Evaluation of Black and White Mahlab OilTable 3 shows the results of the sensory evaluation for white and black mahlab oils. WMO oil scored more than 8 as overall score thus classifying the oil as better in color, odor, and taste. There was a significant difference (PFatty Acid CompositionThe fatty acid composition determined by GLC of the black and white mahlab oils is illustrated in Table 4. The major fatty acids in white mahlab seed oil were oleic (45.0%), linoleic (47.0%), and palmitic (5.7%). This result was higher than that reported by Yiicel [24], who reported 35.4, 28.5, and 4.6% for oleic, linoleic, and palmitic, respectively, in white mahlab seed oil. The major fatty acids in black mahlab seed oil were oleic (47.3%), linoleic (31.4%), stearic (16.0%), and palmitic (4.5%). This were higher than reported by Ayoub and Babiker [9] who reported 20.2, 17.3, and 12.5% for oleic, linoleic, and palmitic acids, respectively. They also reported 17.9% for arachidic acid, which was surprisingly not found in this study. The percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in white mahlab oil was 92.1%, while it was 79.9% in black mahlab oil. White mahlab oil was very richin both oleic and linoleic acid, while black mahlab oil was rich in oleic acid only.TocopherolThe tocopherol content of the oil from black and white mahlab seeds is given in Table 5. They had moderate amounts of tocopherols, 45.2 and 28.5 mg/100 g, respectively. The main tocopherol of the two samples wasγ-tocopherol, which represented 80.7 and 77.6% of the total, followed by a-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol, which represented 12.3 and 1.6 mg/100 g in BMO and 1.4 and 6.4 mg/100 g in WMO, respectively.Amino Acid ProfileThe amino acid profile of black and white mahlab seed, analyzed by amino acid hydrolysis, is presented in Table 6. The percentage ofsulphur-containing amino acids (methionine and cystine) in white mahlab seed was 3.9%, while in black mahlab it was 3.4% of the total amino acids, which was the lower than the other amino acids and was considered a reasonable amount for their important function in the cell processes in the oxidation and reduction system (cystine) and as a methyl donor (methionine) in metaboUsm. The total amount of the essential amino acids found in white and black mahlab seed was 623.8 and 454.8 mg/g N, respectively. The total aromatic amino acid levels (phenylalanine and tyrosine) found in white and black mahalab were 1 17.0 and 78.1 mg/g N, respectively. All the essential amino acids with the exception of tryptophan, which was not analyzed, were found to be present at low levels, and the total essential amino acids were found to be lower when compared to that of three different foods: broad bean (2740.0 mg/g N), wheat flour (1960.0 mg/g N), and soy flour (2,630.0 mg/g N) [27]. The total amount of the essential amino acids of white mahlab seed comprised about 50.9% of the total amino acids, which was less than that of black mahlab seed (58.0%).The chemical score suggested that the first limiting amino acid in black mahlab seed sample was methionine cystine followed by threonine, histidinen and isoleucine (Table 7). In the white mahlab seed sample, the chemical score suggested that the first limiting amino acids were threonine, methionine cystine, lysine, and isoleucine.Mineral CompositionMineral analyses are essential to guarantee the quality of any food product. ICP-MS aUowed us to determine the content of 13 minerals, many of which are required in human diets and others which are considered toxic.Table 8 summarizes the results of these analyses. Concentrations of major elements such as Ca, K, and Mg in white mahlab seeds (133.7, 204.2, and 102.2 ppm) were significantly (P <0.05)Table 8 also shows the content of potassium in black and white mahlab seeds was 204.2 and 80.53 ppm, respectively. Potassium plays an important role in human physiology, and sufficient amounts of it in the diet protect against heart disease, hypoglycemia, diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. The content of magnesium in the studied samples (Table 8) was 102.2 and 69.13 ppm for BMS and WMS, thus providing 28.9 and 19.6% of the recommended dietary allowances [28], respectively. The concentrations of minor elements Al, Pb Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, and Fe levels were found at low levels in the studied samples.ConclusionsThe results reported here show that the seeds of two different species of mahlab plant collected in Sudan were different in their oil content and the physicochemical properties of that oil. Fatty acid composition was determined by GLC, and the major fatty acids were found to be 4.5% palmitic, 16.0% stearic, 47.3% oleic, and 31.4% linoleic in black mahlab oil. In white mahlab, the major fatty acids of me oil were found to be 5.7% palmitic, 45% oleic, and 47% linoleic acid. The amino acid profile of the defatted seeds as analyzed by amino acid analyzer indicated that the total amount of amino acids of black mahalb was 783 mg/g N and that of white mahlab was 1,223 mg/g N. The percentage of essential amino acids was 58.0% in black mahalb and 50.9% in the white mahlab. The results from sensory evaluation analysis of the two mahlab oils revealed that there was a significant difference (PAcknowledgements We thank Dr. B. Matthäus of M ax RubnerInstitute, Germany, for the analysis of tocpherols and Dr. Colin D. Costin of Cargill Global Food Research, USA, for his valuable help during the preparation of the manuscript. The third author thanks Mr. Mayudin Othman of Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, for ICP-MS mineral analysis.美国油脂化学协会杂志J.JOTA-OCSAug.2009Characterization of the Seed Oil and Meal from Monechma ciliatum and Prunus mahaleb SeedsJAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Aug 2009 by Mariod, Abdalbasit Adam, Aseel, Kawthar Mahmoud, Mustafa, Ali Abdalgadir, Abdel-Wahab, Siddig Ibrahim.班级:学号:姓名:来自梅类缘毛和圆叶樱桃种子的植物油和粕的特性摘要来自梅类缘毛(黑樱桃)和圆叶樱桃(白樱桃)籽的植物油和粕因它们的理化性质而具有特性。
食品科学与工程专业英语 总结
一、1.必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid2。
水溶性维生素 water-soluble vitamin3.脂溶性维生素 fat-soluble vitamin4.食品添加剂 food additive5.甜味剂 sweetener6.真空包装 vacuum packaging (VP)7.货架期 shelf-life 8。
成膜的— film-forming9。
持水的— water-holding 10.降脂 reduced-fat11。
GMP(良好操作规范) Good Manufacturing Practice13.HACCP(危害分析管理制度)Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points14。
转基因作物 genetically modified organisms/crops15。
SSOP(卫生标准操作规程)Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure16.多不饱和脂肪酸 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)17。
碳水化合物 carbohydrate 18。
单糖 monosaccharide 19。
多糖 polysaccharide 20.果糖 fructose21.葡萄糖 glucose 22.微量矿物质 minor mineral 23。
发酵香肠 fermented sausage 24.淀粉酶 amylase25.着色剂 coloring agent 26.新陈代谢 metabolism27.强化奶 fortified milk 28.亚硝酸盐 nitrite二、句子翻译1。
Current dietary guidelines recommend that the fat intake in Western countries should be decreased from around 40% at present to not more than 30% of the energy intake。
14.saturated [´sætʃəreitid] . adj. (溶液)饱和的
rd [lɑ:d] .n. 猪油 16.palatability [‘pælətəbɪlɪtɪ] .n.嗜食性; 适口性;
17. cholesterol [kɔ`lestərɔl] .n.胆固醇
4. Polyhydroxy [pɔli`haidrɔksi] . adj. 多羟(基)的 5. Aldehyde [`aldɪhʌɪd] .n. (化)醛,乙醛 6. Ketone [`kiːtəʊn] .n. (化)酮 7. Aldose [`ældəus] .n. 醛醣
8. Ketose [`ki:təus] .n. 酮醣 9. Hemiacetal [˛hemi`æsitæl] .n.半缩醛
10. Glyceride [`ɡlisə˛raid] .n. 甘油酯,脂肪酸丙酯 11. lauric acid [`lɔ:rɪk, `lɔr-] .n. 月桂酸,十二(烷)酸 12.linoleic acid [˛lɪnə`li:ɪk] .n. (化)亚油酸 13.oleic acid [əʊ`liːɪk] .n. (化)油酸
32. Inositol [i`nəusitəul, -tɔ:l] (生化)肌醇
LESSON 1营养我们吃什么,以及我们如何确定我们吃营养状况的一个重要程度,并有外部和内部多种因素的影响。
酸acid 碱base 醇alcohol 醛aldehyde 酮ketone酯ester 醚ether 苯benzene 酚phenol碳氢化合物hydrocarbon 碳水化合物/糖类carbohydrate 糖saccharide一、酸acid无机酸inorganic acid:硝酸nitric acid 盐酸hydrochloric acid 硫酸sulfuric acid 磷酸phosphoric acid甲酸Methanoic acid = formic acid 乙酸Ethanoic acid = acetic acid 丙酸Propanoic 丁酸Butanoic acid 戊烷pentane 己烷Hexane 庚烷Heptane 辛烷Octane 壬烷Nonane 癸烷Decane甲胺Methanamine甲醇Methanol甲醛Methanal = formaldehyde乙醛Ethanal = acetaldehyde二、碱base(-OH:-hydroxide)无机碱inorganic base: NaOH sodium hydroxide, KOH potassium hydrox ide ,Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide有机碱organic base:甲胺methanamine 乙胺ethamine 丙胺Propanamine丁胺Butanamine 。
三、盐类salt (-ate)无机盐inorganic salt: 氯化钠sodium chloride 氯化钾potassium chloride 硫酸钠sodium sulfate 磷酸钠sodium phosphate海藻酸钠:guluronate有机盐organic salt: 醋酸钠sodium acetate 柠檬酸钾potassium citrate (柠檬酸citric acid)四、碳氢化合物hydrocarbon(-ane)Methane 甲烷,Ethane 乙烷, Propane 丙烷,Butane丁烷,pentane 戊烷。
食品专业英语化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing;外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;过滤设备- Filtration equipment;食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;离析器- Separators;饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment;检测设备- Testing equipment;废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment;气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.溶剂- Solvents;餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering;手套- Gloves;清洁剂- Cleanser;试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;咨询服务- Consulting services;食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services;食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services;专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology食品安全Food Safety食品防御安全Food SecurityEEC serial No.欧共体(食品添加剂)顺序号EFEMA(European Food Emulsifer Manufacturers Association) 欧洲食品乳化剂制造者协会encapsulating agent for food additives and vitamins 食品添加剂和维生素用包囊剂engineering food 工程食品enrich (食品)增补(营养素),强化;富集,浓缩;加料enriched food 强化(营养素)食品Expert Committee on Food Additive 食品添加剂专家委员会extruded food 挤压食品Fabricated food 合成食品,组合食品FAC(Food Advisory Committee) (英国)食品咨询委员会fad food 应时食品FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Alimentary Codex(CA-C) FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会FAP(Food Additive Petition)(U.S.) 食品添加剂申请书FAS(Food Additives Seriser)食品添加剂丛书FASS(Food Additives and Comtaminants Committee) (英国)食品添加剂及污染物委员会FCC(Food Chemicals Codex) 食品用化学品法规,食品用化学品法典FD&C (Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act) 食品、药物及化妆品条例(法)FDA 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDAFDA(U.S.Food and Drug Adinistration) 美国食品与药物管理局FDD(Food and Drug Directorate) 食品和药物理事会fecala [由葛根、木薯等植物淀粉制成的食品]Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国)Federal food standards (美国)联邦食品标准Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(FFDCA) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)fermentating food 发酵食品,酿造食品fermented goods 发酵制品,发酵食品FFDCA(Federal Food , Drug ,and Cosmetic Act) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)FG(food grade) 食品级FIA(Food Ingredients Asia) 亚洲食品配料展览会FIC(Food Ingredients China) 中国食品配料展览会FIE(Food Ingredients Europe) 欧洲食品配料展览会finished food 制成的食品FISA(Food Ingradients of South American) 南美食品配料展览会flavology (食品)风味学flavor food 风味食品flavor industry 食品香料工业,调味料工业flavor-dependent food 依赖香精的食品;与香味有关的食品flavor-independent food 不依赖香精的食品;与香味无关的食品flavorings 食品香精[表示多数]flavour aditive 香味添加剂,食品香精添加剂flavour adjunct 食品香精辅助物flavouring foods 调味食品flavouring industry 食品香料香精工业flavouring matter 食品香料FMF(Food Manufacturer’s Federation(London)) (伦敦)食品制造商联合会FNP(Food and Nutrition Paper) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集FNS(Food and Nutrition Serise) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书fold flavor 浓缩过的食品香精(香料)food 食品,食物,粮食,养料food additive 食品添加剂Food Additive Petition (U.S.) (FAP) 食品添加剂申请书food additives 食品添加剂Food Additives Amendment 食品添加剂修正案Food Additives Series(FAS) 食品添加剂丛书food adjunct 食品助剂food adulteration 食品掺假Food Advisory Committee(FAC) 食品咨询委员会food allergy 食品过敏food analysis 食品分析Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of U.S. 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Drug Administration(U.S.)(FDA) 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Nutrition Board(FNB) 食品与营养委员会Food and Nutrition Paper(FNP) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集Food and Nutrition Series(FNS) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书food antiseptics 食品防腐剂food chemicals 食品用化学品Food Chemicals Codex Committee 食品用化学品法典(规)委员会Food Chemicals Codex(FCC) 售用化学品法典;食品用化学品法规food chemistry 食品化学food color 食品(用)色素food constituent 食品成分food contamination 食品污染food control 食品质量控制,食品质量检查food distribution center (美)食品分销中心,批发站food dye 食品(用)色素food engineer 食品工程师food engineering 食品工程(学)food enricher 食品强化剂food factory 食品厂food fermentation 食品发酵food flavour 食品香味;食品香精,食品香料;食品调味料food flavouring 食用调味料,调味品,食品香精food fortification 食品强化food fortifier 食品强化剂food grade mineral oil 食品级矿物油food grade(FG) 食品级food green S 食品绿Sfood handling 食品加工food hygiene 食品卫生学food hygiene law 食品卫生法food hygienic quality detection 食品卫生质量鉴定food industry 食品工业food infection 食品(带菌)传染food ingredient 食品成分,食品配料Food Ingredients Asia(FIA) 亚洲食品配料展览会Food Ingredients China(FIC) 中国食品配料展览会Food Ingredients Europe(FIE) 欧洲食品配料展览会Food Ingredients of South American(FISA) 南美食品配料展览会food inspection 食品检验food inspection rules 食品卫生检验规则food irrdiation 食物照射,食品辐照food labelling 食品标志food laws 食品法规food legislation 食品立法food microbiology 食品微生物学food nutrition 食品营养food of animal origin 动物性食品food of plant orgin 植物性食品food packaged 食品包装food packing 食品包装food preservation 食品保藏food preservative 食品保存剂,食品防腐剂food processing 食品加工;食品热杀菌food processing aide 食品加工助剂food processing industry 食品加工工业food processing plant 食品加工厂food product 食物产品,食品food products regulations 食品法规food regulation 食品法规food requirements 对食品的需要food safety 食品安全性Food Safety and Quality Service(FSQS) 食品安全与质量管理处Food Safety Council of U.S. 美国食品安全性协会Food Safey and Inspeciton Service (FSIS) 食品安全检验处food sanitation law 食品卫生法规food science 食品科学food spoilage 食物腐败,食品败坏food stability 食品稳定性,食品耐贮性food stamp 食品券food standard 食品标准food standard committee 食品标准委员会food starch, modified 食品用改性淀粉food starch, unmodified 食品用未改性淀粉food sterilization equipment 食品杀菌设备food storage 食品贮存food substance 食品food supervisions 食品卫生监督food supplement 食品增补剂food supplementation 食品增补food surveillance 食品监督gelled foodstuff 凝胶食品generally recognized as safe(GRAS) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全genetically modified food,GMF 转基因食品geriatric food 老年食品GM food (genetically modified food) 转基因食品gourmet food 鲜美食品,珍贵食品grading food quality 食品质量分级GRAS(generally recognized as safe) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全green food 绿色食品grocery 食品杂货;食品杂货店;小酒馆Health food 健康食品,保健食品Health Ingredients Europe(HIE) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会health-care food 保健食品heat-and-eat food pack 加热即食的包装食品,快速食品heat-and-eat frozen food 加热即食的冷冻食品,速冻快速食品HIE(Health Ingredients Europe) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会hyposite 低热量食品ICMSF 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSFIFAC(International Food Additives Council) 国际食品添加剂委员会IFIS(Iternational Food Information Service) 国际食品咨询服务处IFMA(International Food Manufacture Association) 国际食品制造者协会IFST(Institute of Food Science and Technology) 食品科学与工艺学学会IFT(Institute of Food Technologists) 食品工艺学家学会[美]indicator of food hygiene quality 食品卫生质量指标indirect food additive 间接食品添加剂infant food 婴儿食品infant formula 婴儿配制食品INFD(International Network of Food Data) 国际食品数据网inflight meal 航空食品,飞机内用的便餐,机内客饭INS(International Numbering System) 国际编码系统[联合国食品法典委员会] inspector of food hygiene 食品卫生监督员instant food 即食品instantizer 速溶剂;速溶机;速溶食品生产设备Institute of Food Technologists(IFT) 食品工艺学家学会[美]intentional food additive 有意食品添加剂,故意(加入的)食品添加剂intermediate-moisture foods 中等水分食品International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods of IAMS 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSFInternational Food Additives Council (IFAC) 国际食品添加剂委员会International Food Information Service(IFIS) 国际食品咨询服务处International Food Manufacture Association(IFMA) 国际食品制造者协会International Network of Food Data (INFD) 国际食品数据网International Uion of Food Science and Technology(IUFOST) 国际食品科学技术协会International Union of Food Science andTechnology 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOST International Union of Food Workers (IUF)International Union of 国际食品工作者联合会invalid food 疗效食品,病人食品irradiated food 照射食品,辐照食品irradiated product 照射(杀菌)食品irradiation 辐射,照射;食品照射保藏法isolate flavor 单离食品香料IUF(International Union of Food Workers ) 国际食品工作者联合会IUFOST 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOSTIUFOST(International Uion of Food Workers) 国际食品科学技术协会Japan Food Additives Associatiion(JFAA) 日本食品添加剂协会Japanese Standard of Food Additives(JSFA) 日本食品添加剂标准JECFA FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFAJECFA(Jonint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) FAO/WHO 食品添加剂联合专家委员会jecorize (食品的)鱼肝油(增补)化,外加鱼肝油JFAA(Japan Food Additives Associtatioin) 日本食品添加剂协会JFCMP(Jonit FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFAJoint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives(JECFA) FWO/WHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme(JFCMP) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划JSFA(Japanese Standard of Food Additives) 日本食品添加剂标准junior food 幼儿食品junket 凝乳食品Junket dessert 乳酪食品kasher 犹太食品lacquers 漆;(食品容器的)涂料;罐头涂料lasting food 防腐食品,耐入存的食品leavened food 发酵食品,膨发食品low acid foods 低酸性食品[pH在4.6以上的食品]low calorie food 低热量(能量)食品low-fat food 低脂(肪)食品low-fat spread 低脂(肪)涂抹食品lubricating oil for food machine 食品工业用机械润滑油management of food hygiene 食品卫生管理marine food 海产食品,海味marine food 海产食品,海味microwaveable food 微波食品milk substitute 代乳食品minimally processed foods 最少加工食品modified food starch 改性食品用淀粉National Canners Association (NCA) (美国)罐头食品协会National Nutritonal Foods Association(NNFA) (美国)全国营养食品协会NCA(national Canners Association) (美国)罐头食品协会negative list (食品添加剂)禁止使用的一览表;否决单neutraceutical [具有预防疾病性质的一类食品添加剂,如β-胡萝卜素] niacytin 结合烟酸,烟酸与糖的络合物[由烟酸与食品中的某些成分结合而成] NNFA(National Nutritional Foods Association) (美国)全国营养食品协会novel food 新颖食品nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的objectionable constituent (食品中)有害成分olderly food 老年人食品pabulum 食粮,食品,饲料packing 充填物;食品加工业;填充;填料parkelp 褐藻类(制)食品pastry 焙烤(面制)食品,发面点心,面制糕点perishable 易腐的,易坏的;易腐食品;易腐货载perishable food 易腐食品pet food 宠物食品,玩赏动物食品phenylalanine-free food 无苯丙氨酸食品physical hazards, food-related 与食品有关的物理危害pickle 腌菜,泡菜;腌制食品pickled food 腌渍食品picnic 野餐,各人自带食品的聚餐;猪前腿(肉)PL(positive list) (食品添加剂的)准许使用名单positive list(PL) (食品添加剂的)准话使用名单pouch food (小)袋装食品prepared food 预制食品,速煮食品,方便食品,预加工食品preserved food 罐头食品processed cheese food 加工干酪食品;加工干酪制品processed food 加工食品protection food 合格食品,符合质量要求的食品protective food 保健食品puffed food 膨化食品quick-cooking good 速煮食品quick-frozen food 速冻食品quick-serve meal 快餐食品radiated food 辐射食品radicidation 辐射杀菌,辐射灭菌,针对性的杀菌;食品的低剂量射线处理ready-to-eat 方便食品,即食食品,速煮食品ready-to-eat product 方便食品ready-to-eat-meal 快餐食品,方便食品,现成食品ready-to-serve food 速煮食品recombined food 调制食品,重组食品recommended program of food safety evaluation 食品安全性评价程序建议reconstitution 复原,还原,冲调,复水;浓缩食品稀释至初始浓度Red book 红皮书[指美国FDA1982年出版的食品添加剂安全评价的毒物学原则一书] reformed food 改制食品regulatory status 食品法规管理restructured food 重组食品retorted foods 杀菌(袋装)食品,(高压)蒸煮袋食品SAA(The Soyfoods Association of America) 美国大豆食品协会satchel 纸袋,袋装食品[主要指糖果]SCF(European Scientific Committee on Food) (欧洲)食品员会Scientific Committee for Food (欧洲)食品科学委员会semimoist foods 半(湿)食品set milk 凝乳食品sitology 食品学,营养学smoke foods 烟熏食品snack food 小吃食品;休闲食品;零食;快餐食品snack foods 小食品sorption curve 吸收曲线[食品中水分和活性水分之相关曲线]soyfoods 大豆食品space dood 航天食品special used food 特殊用途食品special-purpose food 专用食品specific foods 特种食品standard of food hygiene 食品卫生标准standardized foods 标准化食品sterilized food 灭菌食品synergist and solubilizer for antioxidants and flavours 抗氧化剂和食品香味料的增效剂和增溶剂tannins(food grade) 食品级单宁technical rule of food hygiene 食品卫生技术规范textureizing agent (食品)增稠剂;质地形成剂texturometer (食品)稠度测定仪The Soyfoods Association of America(SAA) 美国大豆食品协会therapeutical food 疗效(性)食品ticbit 珍品,美味食品traditional food 传统食品U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 美国食品和药品管理局U.S.RDA(U.S.Recommended Daily Allowances) (美国食品和药品管理局)推荐的每日营养素供给量(标准)U.S.Recommended Daily Allowances(U.S.RDA) (美国食品和药品管理局)推荐的每日营养素供给量(标准)unintentional food additive 无意食品添加剂,非故意(加入的)食品添加剂,意外的食品添加剂United States Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDA untraceuticals 保健食品victual 食品,食物,粮食,饮食vitvers 食品,食物weaning food 断奶食品,离乳食品WFC(World Food Council) 世界食品署WFC(World Food Council) 世界食品署WFP(World Food Programme) 世界食品规划white oil for food-machinery 食品机械用白油wholesome 卫生的,有益健康的(食品)World Food Programme (WFP) 世界食品规划Oysters 牡蜊Mussels 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜Crab 螃蟹Prawn 虾clams 蛤蚌scallops扇贝(小)Crab stick 蟹肉条Peeled Prawns 虾仁King Prawns 大虾Tiger Prawns 虎虾Whelks Tops 小螺肉Shrimps 基围虾Cockles 小贝肉Lobster 龙虾花椒粉Paprika powder孜然粉Cumin powder姜粉Ginger powder麻椒粉Spicy hot powder去皮姜块Peeled Ginger Pieces月桂粉Cassia powder香味粉Bay Leaves powder胡萝卜粉Carrot granules丁香粉Ground Cloves powder葱片Shallot flakes蒜粉Garlic powder甜椒粉Sweet chilli powder黑胡椒粉Black Pepper Powder甜青椒sweet green chilli powder白胡椒粉White pepper powder香葱粉Shallot powder洋葱粉Onion Powder菠菜粉Spinach powder辣椒粉Chilli powder芹菜粉Celery powder五香粉Five Spices Powder芥茉粉Mustard powder咖喱粉Curry powder百里香粉Herbs powder八角粉(大料) Star Aniseed powder当归Angelic香菇粉Fungus powder芹菜粒Celery granules桂皮粉Cinnamon Powder牛肉粒Beef granules茴香粉Fennel powder南瓜粒Squash powder甘草粉Licorice powder人参粉Panax powder砂仁粉Amomum Powder黑胡椒碎Black pepper broken三奈粉Couidium officinale复合芥茉粉Mixed mustard power沙姜粉Sand ginger powder肉寇(玉果粉) Cardemon姜黄粉Turmeric powder白豆蔻粉White nutmeg powde红豆蔻粉Red nutmeg powder草莓粉Strawberry powder肉不同部位的英文翻译一、腰腹部分(质嫩):适合炒肉片,火锅——Tenderloin (Short loin) 里脊............. (脊骨内侧(腹侧)条肉) Porterhouse(Short loin) 里脊,外脊........ (臀腰部脊骨背侧肉) T Bone ... (Short loin) 里脊,外脊........ (胸腰部脊骨背侧肉) Strip loin (Short loin) 嫩腰(诈称里脊) ... (二侧腰肉)Rib eye ......... (Rib) 上脑,外脊(诈称里脊)(胸部背脊肉,略肥) Top Sirloin . (Sirloin) 米龙(诈称里脊) ... (盆骨后肌,近腰臀肉) Tir-tip ..... (Sirloin) 三岔肉 ........... (盆骨前肌,近腹腿肉) Hanger ........ (Flank) 牛腩............. (胸腹隔肌)Flank, Skirt .. (Flank) 牛腩,腰窝........ (下腹肌)二、后腿部分(较老,瘦):适合:烤,酱,卤——Rump ......... (Round) 后腿,仔盖,臀尖... (近腿臀肉)Sirloin tip .. (Round) 后腿,粗和尚头.... (大腿前伸肌)Eye round .... (Round) 后腿,榔头肉...... (大腿肚内芯)Top Round .... (Round) 后腿,底板肉...... (大腿肚)Bottom Round . (Round) 后腿,黄瓜肉,腱子肉(大腿肚近膝) 三、肩胸(前腿) 部分(质老,略肥):适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤——Blade .... (Chuck eye) 上脑,前烧. (近頸脊背肉,质较嫩)7 Bone ....... (Chuck) 前烧,牛肩肉(肩背肉)Shouder ...... (Chuck) 前烧,牛肩肉(肩臂肉)四、肘子, 胸口(质极老) :适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤——Shank ... 肘子,蹄胖,牛腱子. (前后小腿,瘦)Plate ... 弓扣,牛筋肉,牛腩 . (上腹肌,瘦)Brisket . 胸口,奶脯,牛筋肉. (胸脯肉,肥)品质、生产名称类词汇QC quality control||品质管理人员FQC final quality control||终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control||制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control||最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control||进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control||全面质量管理POC passage quality control||段检人员QA quality assurance||质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance||出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering||品质工程人员品质保证类:FAI first article inspection||新品首件检查FAA first article assurance||首件确认TVR tool verification report||模具确认报告3B 3B||模具正式投产前确认CP capability index||能力指数CPK capability index of process||模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality||合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit||开箱检查QFD quality function deployment||品质机能展开FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis||失效模式分析8 disciplines 8||项回复内容FA final audit||最后一次稽核CAR corrective action request||改正行动要求corrective action report||改正行动报告常用仪器的英语YAMATO科学仪器-Scientific-Instruments恒温·干燥器/恒温恒湿器Drying Ovens/Humidity Chambers送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Ovens 惰性气体恒温器Inert Gas Ovens洁净烘箱(洁净干燥箱)Clean Ovens送风定温干燥器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Drying Ovens 空气幕送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Ovens With Air Curtain定温干燥箱Constant Temperature Drying Ovens角形真空定温干燥器Vacuum Drying Ovens恒温恒湿器Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation干燥架drying rack恒温培养器Constant Temperature Incubators可程式低温培养器Low Temperature Program Type Incubators低温培养器Low Temperature Incubators低温稳定性培养器Low Temperature Stability Incubators培养器IncubatorsCO2培养器CO2 Incubators振荡培养器Shaking Incubators冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers---冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers离心形冻结干燥器Centrifugal Freeze Dryers灭菌器Sterilizers---干热灭菌器Drying Sterilizers高压灭菌器Autoclaves Sterilizers低温等离子灭菌器Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizers环形燃烧管灭菌器Loop Cinerator纯水制造装置Water Purifiers---纯水制造装置Water Stills超纯水制造装置Ultra-pure Water Purifiers简易纯水制造装置Water Purifiers超纯水制造装置系统Ultra-pure Water Purifier System大容量纯水制造装置Water Purifiers System洗净器Washers---实验室玻璃器皿清洗机Laboratory Glassware Washers超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners大型超声波清洗机Aqueous Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems超声波试管清洗机Ultrasonic Pipet Washers超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners恒温液槽Constant Temperature Baths---投入式恒温装置Constant Temperature Devices油槽Oil Baths振荡式低温水槽Low Constant Temperature Shaking Baths深槽形恒温水槽Constant Temperature Water Baths粘度测定槽Kinematic Viscosity Baths液压式恒温水槽Constant Temperature Water Baths精密低温恒温水槽Precision Low Constant Temperature Water Baths试验管加热板Heating Blocks冷却液体循环器Cooling Liquid Circulators冷却水循环器Cooling Water Circulators便携式冷却器Immersion Cooler寒流捕获器Cooling Trap冷却水外部循环器Cooling Water Circulators试验槽Thoughs高温炉High Temperature Furnaces Heating Apparatus---马弗炉Muffle Furnaces超高温电气炉Ultra-High Temperature Electric Furnaces高温电气炉High Temperature Electric Furnaces真空气体置换炉Gas Replacement Vacuum Furnaces造粒干燥装置Granulating and Drying Apparatus for Wet Powder Body and Liquid--- 喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer有机溶剂喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer生产线喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer for Product Line浓缩器Evaporators---旋转蒸发仪Rotary Evaporators溶媒回收装置Solvent Recovery Unit乳化·搅拌·振荡器Homogenizers, Stirrers, Shakers---磁力搅拌器Magnetic Stirrers加热板Hot Plates漩涡振荡器Shakers分液漏斗振荡器送液·减压·加压装置Aspirators, Pumps, Compressors搅拌器Stirrers实验室自动乳钵Laboratory Mill/Universal Ball Mill粉碎器Cutting MillsYAMATO电子厂关连仪器Electronics Facilities Related Devices等离子装置Low Temperature Ashers, Cleaners, Etchers---气体等离子蚀刻机Gas Plasma Etcher “Plasma Reactor”气体等离子清洗机Gas Plasma Dry Cleaner气体等离子灰化机Gas Plasma Asher半导体基板自动机器Automatic Machine电子半导体/材料关连仪器Electronics Facilities Related Devices---桌上小型探测显微镜Desk-Top Small Probe Microscope “Nanopics”半导体制造用检查装置Yield Management for Semiconductor Ptoducts非破坏评价解析装置Nondestructive Testing System紫外线洗净·改质装置Ultra-Violet Curing System尘埃计数器Particle Counters风速计Anemometers去静电风机、风幕及静电测定计Auto Balanced Over Head Ion Blower环境试验设备Temperature,Humidity Testing Chamber防湿保管库Moisture-proof StorageNanotechnology半导体用设备ANELV A日本电子制品Jeol振动试验装置Vibration Test Systems冲击试验装置Shock Testing SystemsLCD高压脱泡机YAMATO生命科学关连仪器Life-Science Related Instruments生物技术关连仪器·食品分析仪器Bio-Technology Related Instruments, Food Analysises Instruments—形态观察分析系统Mapping Analyzer生物分子间相互作用分析系统Biomioleculer Interaction Analysis System高速液相色谱仪LC-CE/CEC System血管壁细胞混合培养系统Dynamic Coculture System动植物破碎机基因检查仪器Genopattern AnalyzerATP测定器ATP Measuring Instrument分光光度计Microplate Spectrophotometer细胞培养·发酵用自动分析系统Automated Chemistry Analyzer for Monitoring Cell Culture and Fermentation Processes细胞生死判别系统Cell Vital Analyzer细胞计数分析装置Cell Scaler/Analyzer2元电泳仪荧光Spot Cutter高速冷却离心机High Speed Refrigerated,Centrifuges微量高速离心机High Speed micro-Centrifuges液体中微生物简单测试仪Simple Germ Test Kit “simple Tester”试料混合器Blender防爆冷藏柜Explosion proof Freezer and Refrigerator杀菌水生成系统Sterilization Water Production Device膜式脱气装置Filter-type Air Extractor抗酸化机能水制造装置Acid-Resistant Water Purifier高性能净水器反渗透式高性能净水器分析仪器Analytical Instruments---分光光度计Spectrophotometer元素分析装置Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometerICP发光分光分析ICP Atomic Emission SpectrophotometerX线光分析计X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis气体分析计Gas Analyzers回折/散乱式粒度分布测定装置Analyzer,Particle Size Distribution Laser Diffraction Device低真空走查电子显微镜Scanning Probe Micro Scope高速液相色谱仪Liquid Chromatograph滴定装置Automatic Titration大塚电子制品电位计膜厚计散乱光光度计LCD测定·评价装置热量计天平Balances物性试验·测定器Physical Properties Measuring Apparatus, Testing, and Measuring Apparatus---近红外分析装置Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer融点测定仪Melting Point Measuring Instrument热分析系统Thermo System自动反应装置Automatic Reactor水分计Moisture Analyzer引张压缩试验机Tester,Tension and Compression数字粘度计Digital Viscometer振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems重金属排液处理装置Heavy Metal Eliminator简易水质检查试验纸Water Quality Tester StripsPH计Phmeter导电率计Conductivity Meters湿度计Hygrothermometers过滤器FilterYAMATO试验研究设施Laboratory Design and Engineering---通风柜Fume Hoods排风机Blowers实验台Laboratory Furniture保管柜Storage Cabinets实验台用附属器具Carts and Laboratory Table Attachments环境制御设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment control Devices---生物安全柜Biohazard Safety Equipment废水处理系统Waste Water Treatment试验动物饲养室Bio Clean Room for Animal experiment环境实验设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment Experiment Facilities---电磁波室隔音室恒温室/恒温恒湿室Constant Temperature and Humidity Facilities低温室Constant Low Temperature Facilities人工气候室Artificial Atmospheric Phenomena Simulator动物研究用高压蒸汽灭菌装置Sterilization Systems, for Animal Research化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing;外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology;超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;过滤设备- Filtration equipment;食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;离析器- Separators;饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment;检测设备- Testing equipment;废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment; 气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.溶剂- Solvents;餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering;手套- Gloves;清洁剂- Cleanser;试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;咨询服务- Consulting services;食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services;食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services; 专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology.营养与食品卫生学英汉互译词汇Aacceptable daily intake (ADI)每日允许摄入量acclimatization 气候适应accumulate 蓄积acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒acceptable risk level 可接受的危险水平acid-forming food 成酸性食品acid value 酸价Achromobacterium 无色菌属Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法activator 激活剂,活化剂activity coefficient,AC 活性系数actomyosin 肌凝蛋白acute toxicity test 急性毒性试验additive action 相加作用adipose tissue 脂肪组织administrative rule 行政规范adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adsorption 吸附,吸附作用aerobic repiration 有氧呼吸aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素after-ripeness 后熟Agaricus 伞草属Agrostemma githago L. 麦仙翁Adequate intake,AI 适宜摄入量alamine 丙氨酸albumin 白蛋白albuminuria 蛋白尿alcohol 酒精alimentary codex 食品法规Alkaligenes 产碱杆菌属allowance 供给量alpha-BHC a-六六六alpha hemolytic streptococcus甲型溶血性链球菌Alternaria 交链孢霉aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝Alzheimer's dementia早老性痴呆(阿耳茨海默痴呆) Amanita muscaria 毒蝇伞Amanita pantherina 豹斑毒伞Amanita phalloides 毒伞Amanita verna 白毒伞Amanita virosa 鳞柄白毒伞amaranth 苋莱红amatoxins 毒伞八肽类Ames test Ames 试验,艾姆斯试验amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式ammonia 氨Amoeba 阿米巴属,阿米巴原虫,变形虫属amphetamin chloride 冰毒amygdalin 苦杏仁甙amyl nitrite 亚硝基异戊酯amylose 直链淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉anabolism 合成代谢anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Andersen`s disease 安德森病angular stomatitis 口角炎anion exchange resins 阴离子交换树脂anisatin 毒八角亭antagonistic action 拮抗作用anthraquinone 蒽醌anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药物antiketogenesis 抗生酮作用antioxidant 抗氧化剂antitrypsin 抗胰蛋白酶anthropometry 人体测量学apatite 磷灰石apparent digestibility 表现消化率appetite 食欲apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白applied nutrition 应用营养aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic product 水产品arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸arcus senilis 老年环arginine 精氨酸arsenic 砷Arthrinium 节菱孢属Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫Ascaris vermicularis 蛲虫Ascomycetes 子囊菌纲ascorbate 抗坏血酸盐scorbic acid 抗坏血酸Aspergillus 曲霉属Aspergillus albicans 白曲霉Aspergillus candidus 亮白曲霉Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉Aspergillus glaucus 灰绿曲霉Aspergillus nidulans 构巢曲霉Aspergillus niger 黑曲霉Aspergillus niveus 霉白曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus 赭曲霉Aspergillus parasiticus 寄生曲霉Aspergillus restrictus 局限曲霉Aspergillus terreus 土曲霉Aspergillus ustus 焦曲霉Aspergillus versicolor 采色曲霉Aspergillus wentti 温特曲霉atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化autophagy 自吞噬availability 可利用率avidin 抗生物素蛋白azide 重氮化合物BBacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌Bacillus cereous 蜡样芽胞杆菌Bacillus erysipelatos-suis 猪丹毒杆菌Bacillus subtilis 枯草杆菌Bacillus tuberculosis bovis 牛型结核杆菌bacon 咸猪肉bacterial mutation test 细菌诱变试验bacteriocidal substance 杀菌物质bacteriophage 噬菌体balanced diet 平衡膳食balance test 平衡实验Balantidium coli 结肠小袋绦虫B.alcaligenes metalcaligenes 粪产碱杆菌barley 大麦basal metabolic rate,BMR 基础代谢率basal metabolism,BM 基础代谢basic energy exenditure,BEE 基础能量消耗base-forming food 成碱性食品Basidiomycetes 担子菌纲bean curd 豆腐bean curd blade 百叶bean sprout 豆芽beet 甜菜beetle 甲虫类benefit-risk analysis 利害分析benzimidazole 苯骈咪唑benz(a)anthracene (BA) 苯并(a)蒽benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) 苯并(a)芘benzylamine oxidase 苄胺氧化酶beriberi 脚气病beta-BHC β-六六六β-carotene β-胡萝卜素beta hemolytic streptococcus乙型溶血性链球菌betanin 甜菜苷BHC;1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane六六六bilirubin 胆红素biliverdin 胆绿素bilobol 白果(二)酚bioconcentration 生物富集,生物浓集biodeterioration 生物危害bioenergetics 生物能量学biofeedback 生物反馈biohazard 生物危害biological concentration生物富集,生物浓集biological expansion 生物性膨胀(罐头) biological half-time 生物半减期biological prevention 生物防治biological value 生物价(生理价值) biosynthesis 生物合成biotin 生物素biotransformation 生物转化biotransport 生物转运bis(P-chlorophenyl)acetic acid pp'-滴滴埃1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2--dichloroethane pp′-滴滴滴1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethylene pp′-滴滴伊。
食品专业英语词汇English: In the field of food industry, there are various specialized terms and vocabulary used to describe different aspects of food production, processing, quality control, and regulations. Some common food industry terms include "food safety", "HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)", "GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)", "foodborne illness", "food labeling", "food additives", "food processing equipment", "food packaging", "food preservation", "food standards", "food regulations", "food inspection", "food testing", "food supply chain", "food contamination", "food storage", "food waste management", and "food sustainability". Understanding and using these food industry terms correctly is essential for professionals working in the food industry to ensure the safety, quality, and compliance of food products.中文翻译: 在食品行业领域,有各种专业术语和词汇用于描述食品生产、加工、质量控制和法规等方面的不同内容。
1.nutrition ;biotin ;banana;vital;chronic2.mineral;orange;nutrition;apple;fat3.lipoprotein; staple;absorption;glass;sucrose4.toxic;soda water ;calcium;collagen;berry5.tomato;erosion;egg;protein;water6.distillation;fruit ;iron ;zinc; acid;smoking;beef;honey;foodborne8.oats;barley;eggplant;water activity;quick-freezing9.sausage;mincing;composite;pea;melon10.onion;strawberry;amylase;tartness;;catalase;soy;vegetable;tentatively12.sauce;galactose;ice-cream;magnet;amino acid13.refreshment;potato;extraction;solid content;mineral matter14.enzyme;food;browning;cultivation;formula15.calories;meat product;food industry;sea food;watermelon16.nutrition;flavor;carbohydrate;fat;fructose17.protein;food;salting;fiber;oxidation18.meat;barley;chlorophyll;whey;respiration19.potato;flour;syrup;yogurt;homogenizationk;tofu;mineral;metabolism;glucose21.vitamin;fruit;vegetables;iron;foodborne22.eggs;cereal;distill;nourishment;chronic23.bread;tomato;food safety;lipid;biotin24.sausage;cheese;preservation;food additives;protein25.noodles;honey;amino acid;fermentation;antibiotic26.beef;soy;baking;gelatinization;enzyme;calorie27.tea;carrot;dairy product;filtration;reducing sugar28.pear;pea;nutrient;evaporation;heavy metal29.grape;cherry;quality;bechtop; fermenter30.sugar;sour;iron support;oven;pressing答案:1.营养;生物素;香蕉;生命的;长期的2.矿物质;橘子;营养的;苹果;脂肪3脂蛋白; 主要成分;吸收;玻璃;蔗糖4. 有毒的;苏打水;钙;胶原;浆果5. 番茄;腐蚀;蛋;蛋白质;水6. 蒸馏;水果;铁;锌;铜7. 总酸;熏制;牛肉;蜂蜜;食源性的8.燕麦片;大麦;茄子;水分活度;速冻9.香肠;切碎;合成的;豌豆;瓜10洋葱;草莓;淀粉酶;酸;蛋黄素11.芒果;过氧化氢酶;大豆;蔬菜;试验性的12.调味料;半乳糖;雪糕;磁铁;氨基酸13.保鲜;土豆;浸取;固形物;矿物质14.酶;食品;褐变;培菌;配方15.热量;肉制品;食品工业;水产品;西瓜16.营养;风味;碳水化合物;脂肪;果糖17.蛋白质;食品;盐渍;膳食纤维;氧化作用18.肉;大麦;叶绿素;乳清;呼吸作用19.马铃薯;面粉;糖浆;酸乳;均质20.乳;豆腐;矿物质;新陈代谢;葡萄糖21.维生素;水果;蔬菜;铁;食源性的22.鸡蛋;谷物;蒸馏;滋养品;慢性的23.面包;番茄;食品安全;脂类;生物素24.香肠;奶酪;保藏;食品添加剂;蛋白质25.面条;蜂蜜;氨基酸;发酵;抗生素26.牛肉;大豆;烘焙;糊化;酶;热量27.茶;胡萝卜;乳制品;过滤;还原糖28.梨;豌豆;营养素;蒸发;重金属29.葡萄;樱桃;质量;超净工作台;发酵罐30.白糖;酸;铁架台;烘箱;压榨句子翻译:1. Eat soy in moderation. Soybeans , tofu , and other soy-based foods are an excellent alternative to red meat. But don’t go overboard. Two to four servings a week is a good target.2. It is a common belief that the more fat you eat, the more body fat you put on,and the more weight you gain. This belief has been bolstered by much of the nutrition advice given to people over the past decade , which has focused on lowering total fat intake while increasing carbohydrate intake.3. Easily digested carbohydrates from white bread , white rice , pastries ,sugared sodas , and other highly processed foods may , indeed , contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss.4.A new system , called the glycemic index, aims to classify carbohydrates based on how quickly and how high they boost blood sugar compared to pure glucose. Foods with a high glycemic index , like white bread, cause rapid rise blood sugar.5. Dividing carbohydrates into simple and complex makes sense on a chemical level. But it doesn ’ t do much to explain what hap pens to different kinds of carbohydrates inside the body.6. This is a tall order for knowledge. Because processing affects both nutritional and esthetic values of food, knowledge of the changes that carbohydrates undergo during milling, cooking, dehydration, freezing, and storage is especially important.7. The “balance” of certain minerals with others is very important to health as well. For example, the balance of calcium to magnesium is important as these two forms the electrical battery that keeps the heart beating.8. Assessing mineral status is equal to determining how much of a mineral in our diet is too little, too much or just the right amount. Picture yourself as a medical doctorwho must render a decision for a person suspected of having a mineral deficiency. 9. Most balance studies are short-term and therefore have important limitations.To detect how the body adapts to different calcium intakes over a long period of time, and to get the big picture of overall bone strength, requires studies of longer duration.10. Many people may think, however fiber probably has little effect on colon cancer risk. But just because fiber plays little role in preventing colon cancer doesn’t mean you should abandon a high-fiber diet.11. The fiber in wheat bran and oat bran seems to be more effective than similar amounts of fiber from fruit and vegetables. Experts recommend increasing fiber intake gradually rather than suddenly.12. This keeps blood sugar and insulin levels from rising, then falling, too quickly. Better control of blood sugar and insulin can keep hunger and may prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.13. Dairy products have traditionally been Americans’ main source of calcium. But there are other healthy ways to get calcium than from milk and cheese , which can contain a lot of saturated fat.14. People with diabete, though, should probably limit themselves to no more than two or three eggs a week, as study found that for such individual, an egg a day might increase the risk for heart disease.15. In areas most of the straw is worked back into the soil. The grain harvested from cereals provides about three-quarters of our food energy. About half of our cereals are used as miscellaneous grains so we consume them indirectly as meat , eggs and milk.16. Malt is used in brewing and distillation, in which maltose is fermented by yeast to produce alcohol. Low protein barley is used to make beer and high protein barley is used to feed pigs and cattle.17. By modern electronics technology , grain condition monitoring system can real time detect grain condition during grain storage , analyze and forecast the data , put forward treatment suggestion and control measures on exceptional grain condition. 18.The ratio of the length and the width is used internationally to describe the shape and class of the variety. The other important aspect of length and width is uniformityall the grains in one ample must look the same.19. Innovating soy and cereal dishes is an important skill for vegetarians, who need to make sure they have a balanced source of protein in their diet because of the lack of meat.20. During the cooking process, the starch granules in the grain expand and amylose leaches from them. As the cooked rice cools, the leached amylose chains line up, lock together and form a gel参考答案:1.适度吃大豆。
面类日常英语谷类食品(Cereals):1.米类:Long rice 长米,较硬 Pudding rice or short rice 软短米Brown rice 糙米THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米 Glutinous rice 糯米 Sago 西贾米oat燕麦, 麦片粥2.面类:Strong flour 高筋面粉 Plain flour 中筋面粉 macaroni 意大利空心面spaghetti意大利式细面条Self- raising flour 低筋面粉 Whole meal flour 小麦面粉Instant noodle方便面Noodles 面条 Rice-noodle 米粉Vermicelli(rice stick)细面条, 粉条面粉/中筋面粉 Plain flour /all-purpose flour低筋面粉/低根粉 cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour高筋面粉/筋面/根面/高根粉 gluten flour / strong flour / bread flour / baker’s flour / high protein flour小麦面粉 Whole meal flour全麦面粉 whole wheat flour澄面粉/澄粉/澄面 non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch自发面粉 self- raising flour粗玉米豆粉 polenta / yellow cornmeal粟粉/粟米粉/玉米粉/玉米淀粉(太白粉?) corn flour / cornstarch生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour树薯粉/木薯粉/茨粉/菱粉/泰国生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 Tapioca starch / tapioca flour蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour臭粉/胺粉/阿摩尼亚粉/嗅粉 powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia bicarbonate / ammoniacarbonate / hartshorn发粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速发粉/蛋糕发粉 baking powder苏打粉/小苏打/梳打粉/小梳打/食粉/重曹 baking soda / bicarb ofsoda塔塔粉/他他粉 cream of tartar卡士达粉/蛋黄粉/吉士粉/吉时粉/ custard powder卡士达/克林姆/奶皇馅/蛋奶馅 custard / pastry cream蛋白粉 egg white powder粘米粉/黏米粉/在来米粉/在莱米粉/再来米粉 rice flour糕仔粉 cooked rice flour糯米粉 glutinous rice flour / sweet rice flour凤片粉/熟糯米粉/糕粉/加工糕粉 fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour 绿豆粉 mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee小麦胚芽/麦芽粉 wheat germ小麦蛋白/面筋粉 wheat gluten酵母/酒饼 yeast/ibu roti面包糠/面包屑 breadcrumbs杂粮预拌粉 multi-grain flour早餐~烧饼 Clay oven rolls油条 Fried bread stick韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings水饺 Boiled dumplings蒸饺 Steamed dumplings馒头 Steamed buns割包 Steamed sandwich饭团 Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼 Egg s皮蛋 100-year egg咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg豆浆 Soybean milk米浆 Rice & peanut milk饭类~稀饭 Rice porridge白饭 Plain white rice油饭 Glutinous oil rice糯米饭 Glutinous rice卤肉饭 Braised pork rice蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee面类~馄饨面 Wonton & noodles刀削面 Sliced noodles麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles鸭肉面 Duck with noodles鹅肉面 Goose with noodles鳝鱼面 Eel noodles乌龙面 Seafood noodles榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 蚵仔面线 Oyster thin noodles板条 Flat noodles米粉 Rice noodles炒米粉 Fried rice noodles冬粉 Green bean noodle汤类~鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup贡丸汤 Meat ball soup蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup蛤蜊汤 Clams soup蚵仔汤 Oyster soup紫菜汤 Seaweed soup酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup馄饨汤 Wonton soup猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup肉羹汤 Pork thick soup花枝汤 Squid soup花枝羹 Squid thick soup甜点~爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks长寿桃 Longevity Peaches芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls麻花 Hemp flowers双胞胎 Horse hooves冰类~绵绵冰 Mein mein ice麦角冰 Oatmeal ice地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice红豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰 Eight treasures ice豆花 Tofu pudding果汁~甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice酸梅汁 Plum juice杨桃汁 Star fruit juice青草茶 Herb juice点心~蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet棺材板 Coffin臭豆腐 Stinky tofu油豆腐 Oily bean curd麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd天妇罗 Tenpura虾片 Prawn cracker虾球 Shrimp balls春卷 Spring rolls鸡卷 Chicken rolls碗糕 Salty rice pudding筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding红豆糕 Red bean绿豆糕 Bean paste猪血糕 Pig''s blood糯米糕 Glutinous rice s萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty芋头糕 Taro肉圆 Taiwanese Meatballs水晶饺 Pyramid dumplings肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings豆干 Dried tofu其它:当归鸭 Angelica duck槟榔 Beatel nut中国小吃英文表达中国吃的文化是由来已久,但怎样把中国吃的文化介绍出去,怎样用英文来表达呢.虽然很多人喜欢以拼音来表达,但没吃过中国小吃的老外肯定是不能理解的。
Lesson 91. Lipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water in nonpolar solvents. These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extration using nonpolar organic solvents.依据在水中的不溶解性和在非极性溶剂中的溶解性,脂肪以家族形式组成而自然出现的。
2. Saturated fats have a uniform shape that allows them to pack together in a crystal lattice. Unsaturated fats have double bonds that introduce kinks into the hydrocarbon chain making crystal formation more difficult.饱和脂肪有一个均一一致的形状,这使得他它们能够在晶格中聚合起来。
3. 3. The The most most abundant abundant abundant lipid lipid lipid in in in olive olive olive oil oil oil is is glyceryl glyceryl trioleate, trioleate, a a trimester trimester trimester formed formed formed from from from glycerol glycerol glycerol and and oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond in the middle of the C 18 chain.橄榄油里最丰富的脂质是三油酸甘油酯,是甘油和油酸,与一个单不饱和脂肪酸加上一个顺式双键在C18链的中间形成的一种三聚体。
食品英语中英对照翻译Brown sugar 砂糖dark Brown Sugar 红糖Rock Sugar 冰糖Maltose 麦芽糖Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点)Icing Sugar 糖粉(可用在打鲜奶油及装饰蛋糕外层)Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽(light)及老抽两种Vinegar 醋Cornstarch 太白粉,玉米淀粉Sesame Seeds 芝麻Sesame oil 麻油cooking oil 菜油olive oil橄榄油(植物油)Creamed Coconut 椰油Oyster sauce 蚝油Canola oil 加拿大芥花油(菜油)broth 肉汤Pepper 胡椒Chinese red pepper 花椒monosodium glutamate味精Red chilli powder 辣椒粉sesame芝麻Sesame paste 芝麻酱Salt black bean 豆鼓peanut butter花生酱Bean curd sheet 腐皮Tofu 豆腐bean curd豆干,干子Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带Green bean 绿豆Red Bean 红豆Black bean 黑豆Red kidney bean 大红豆Dried mushroom 冬菇Silk noodles 粉丝hazelnut榛子almond杏仁Agar-agar 燕菜Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头Star anise 八角fennel茴香clove丁香Wantun skin 馄饨皮Dried chestnut 干粟子Tiger lily buds 金针Red date 红枣Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头Dried shrimps 虾米Cashew nuts 腰果walnut胡桃cream 奶油cheddar cheese 英国切达干酪butter 黄油margarine 植物奶油cream cheese干酪cottage cheese 白干酪mozzarella 意大利白干酪yogurt 酸奶juice 果汁marmalade橘子或柠檬酱jelly果冻Cake mix蛋糕粉syrup糖浆, 果汁salad dressing沙拉酱mashed potatoes土豆泥sundae圣代冰淇淋jam果酱marmalade橘子酱mustard 芥末ketchup调味番茄酱mayonnaise蛋黄酱spices 香料Skim milk脱脂牛奶Low-fat milk低脂牛奶Buttermilk 脱脂酸牛奶Soya drink 豆浆,婴幼儿食品infant or baby food 强化食品nutrient fortified food 天然食品natural food摸拟食品imitation food预包装食品prepackaged food食品制造food manufacturing食品加工food processing食品工业food industry食品资源food resource食品新资源new resource for food原料raw material配料ingredient主料major ingredient (major material)辅料minor ingredient食品添加剂food additive食品营养强化剂food enrichment加工助剂processing aid酶enzyme配料表list of ingredients配方formula食品包装材料packaging material for food食品包装容器food container软包装flexible package硬包装rigid package食品标签food labelling保质期date of minimum durability食品质量管理food quality control食品质量监督food quality supervision食品质量检验food quality inspection食品卫生food hygiene (food safety)食品营养food nutrition食品成分food composition食品分析food analysis食品工业标准化food industry standardization 食品标准food standard食品产品标准food product standard食品卫生标准food hygienic standard食品厂卫生娣丁?hygienic code of food factory食品分析方法标准food analysing standard methed良好加工规范good manufacturing practice (GMP)危害分析关键控制点hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) 食品生产许可证food production licence食品产品合格证food product qualification食品卫生许可证food hygiene licence食品卫生合格证food hygiene qualification食品工业副产品by-product of food industry粮食grain粮食制品cereal product肉制品meat product食用油脂edible oil and fat乳制品dairy product水产品sea food水果制品fruit product蔬菜制品vegetable product植物蛋白食品vegetable protein food淀粉制品starch-based product蛋制品egg product糕点pastry糖果candy调味品condiment (seasoning)食用盐edible salt (food grade salt)饮料酒alcoholic drink无酒精饮料non-alcoholic drink (soft drink )原料清理raw material handling (raw material cleaning)原料预处理pretreatment of raw material酸处理acid treatment硫处理sulphuring treatment碱处理alkali treatment粉碎grinding破碎cracking (crushing)打浆mashing搅拌mixing分离separation离心分离centrifugal separation 过滤filtration膜分离membrane separation筛分screening (sifting)沉降precipitation浓缩concentration蒸馏distillation精馏rectification (distilling)蒸发evaporation闪蒸flash evaporation离子交换ion exchange吸附adsorption吸收absorption解吸deabsorption干燥drying脱水dehydration复水rehydration浸取extraction压榨pressing乳化emusifying均质homogenizing发酵fermentation酿造brewing糊化gelatinization凝沉retrogradation液化liquifying (liquefaction)糖化saccharification (conversion) 氢化hydrogenation嫩化tenderization软化softening营养强化fortification (enrichment)膨化extrusion (puffing)精制refining烘焙baking熏制smoking保鲜refreshment (refreshing)冷藏cold storage , frozen storage速冻quick-freezing气调贮藏storage in controlled atmosphere干制保藏drying preservation (preserved by dehydration ; drying process) 腌制保藏curing preservation (preserved by curing process)盐渍salting酱渍saucing糖渍sugaring酸渍pickling糟渍cured or pickled with germented grains辐照保藏irradiation preservation化学保藏chemical preservation成熟ripening后熟maturation灭菌sterilization超高温瞬时灭菌ultra high temperature short time sterilization商业无菌commercial sterilization消毒disinfection巴氏消毒pasteurization接种inoculation培菌cultivation染菌microbiological contamination (contamination )食品包装food packaging (food packing ,food package )真空包装vacuum packing充气包装gas flush packaging (gas packing )无菌包装aseptic packaging (aseptic packing )营养素nutrient蛋白质protein粗蛋白质crude protein植物蛋白vegetable protein动物蛋白animal protein蛋白质营养学评价nutritional evaluation蛋白质变性protein denaturation蛋白质互补complementary action of protein氨基酸amino acid必需氨基酸essential amino acid脂肪fat (oil and fat)粗脂肪crude fat脂肪酸fatty acid饱和脂肪酸saturated fatty acid不饱和脂肪酸unsaturated fatty acid碳水化合物carbohydrate有效碳水化合物effective carbohydrate粗纤维crude fiber膳食纤维dietary fiber矿物质mineral matter微量元素trace element维生素vitamin脂溶性维生素liposoluble vitamin (fat soluble vitamin)水溶性维生素water soluble vitamin每日推荐的营养素供给量(RDA) recommended daily nutrient allowance 水分moisture content水分活度water activity热量calorie固形物solid content可溶性固形物soluble solid不溶性固形物insoluble solid食品污染food contamination生物性污染biologic contamination化学性污染chemical contamination放射性污染radioactive contamination重金属heavy metal微生物毒素microbial toxin农药残留residue of pesticide兽药残留residue of veterinary drug食物中毒food poisoning酸败rancidity腐败spoilage霉变mould褐变browning食物安全毒理学评价toxicological evaluation for food safety 人体每日允许摄入量(ADI) acceptable daily intake (ADI)食品感官检验sensory analysis ( sensory evaluation)感官特性organoleptic attribute食品理化检验food physical and chemical analysis总糖total reducing sugar还原糖reducing sugar酸度acidity总酸total acid碘价iodine value酸价acid value过氧化值peroxide value食品微生物学检验food microbiological analysis菌落总数total plate count大肠菌群coliform致病菌pathogenic bacterium抗生素antibiotic、公司产品系列涵盖:橡皮糖、手工艺棒糖、棉花糖、玩具糖果、节日糖果和各类休闲食品等,同时公司致力于中、高档休闲食品的进出口贸易和中国大陆的分销业务。
Raw Material:原料,指食品加工过程中使用的未经加工或初步加工的物质。
Food Processing:食品加工,涉及将原料转化为食品的一系列操作。
Primary Processing:初级加工,原料的初步处理,如清洗、切割等。
Secondary Processing:二次加工,进一步改变食品特性的处理,如混合、烘烤、冷冻等。
Finished Product:成品,经过加工处理后的最终食品。
Food Safety:食品安全,确保食品在生产、加工、储存和销售过程中不会对人体健康造成危害。
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP):危害分析和关键控制点,一种食品安全管理体系,用于识别和控制食品生产过程中的潜在危害。
Sell-by Date:保质期,食品在指定条件下保持其品质和安全性的最后日期。
Manufacturing Date:生产日期,食品被生产或加工的日
Foodborne Diseases:食源性疾病,由食物携带的病原体引起的疾病。
Microbial Contamination:微生物污染,食品中微生物的存在,可能导致食品变质或引发疾病。
L4WHO has been actively participating in the development of principles and recommendation for the safety assessment of GM foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO).世界卫生组织现已积极的参与到评价对转基因食品安全的原则和建议中。
The result developed in the course of various expert consultations from the basis for guidelines on national levels and are presently being incorporated into internationally recognized standards.不同专家基于本国的技术水平而商讨的结果目前已被作为公认的权威标准。
The next generation of genetically modified foods will be crops with improved nutritional value, thus crossing the borderline to “functional foods” and “nutraceuticals”.我方准备把高蛋白玉米作为下一代的转基因食品,并将打破功能食品与螺旋杆菌间定义上的灰色界限下一代转基因食品将是营养价值得到提高的作物,因此它跨越了功能食品和营养食品的界限。
Evaluations will increasingly have to consider the impact of a GM food on the overall nutritional status taking into account the different needs in developed and developing countries .评估机构必将倾向于考虑转基因食品对人体蛋白比率的影响以确保其符合发展中与发达国家的不同需求考虑到发展国家和发展中国家的不同需求,评估将越加考虑转基因食品在总营养状况方面的影响。
多用单词:Emulsifying乳化的 Biotin生物素 Choline胆碱 Phytochemicals 植物素 caramelization焦糖化反应 Preventing spoilage防止变质Monosaccharides单糖 Oligosaccharide 低聚糖Polysaccharides 多糖pyrolysis热解fudge软糖gelatinization凝胶化irreversible swelling不可逆溶胀hemi-cellulose半纤维素Xylan木聚糖,arabinogalactan, 阿拉伯半乳聚糖galactoglucomannan半乳葡甘露聚糖 pectin果胶agar琼脂 algin 藻胶 xanthan gum黄原胶 Glycogen糖原 trypsin 胰蛋白酶 pepsin 胃蛋白酶 ovalbumin卵清蛋白 ferritin铁蛋白hemoglobin血红蛋白 lipoproteins脂蛋白 actin and myosin肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白thrombin凝血酶 insulin胰岛素 collagen胶原keratin角蛋白elastin粘性蛋白Membranes细胞膜Thiamin硫胺素vb1 Riboflavin核黄素vb2 alpha tocopherol生育酚 Niacin烟酸Pantothenic acid泛酸 Folic acid.叶酸 coenzyme辅酶 osmosis 渗透作用 amylose直链淀粉 amylopectin支链 rancidity酸败bran麸皮 pyramid金字塔 glycerol甘油 preservatives防腐剂constipation便秘diverticular憩室的hemorrhoids痔疮Diabetes糖尿病Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Cardiovascular diseases心血管疾病 anthocyanidin花青素 polyphenol多元酚pigments色素 spectrophotometers分光光度计 astringency涩味Nitrogen氮purines嘌呤, pyrimidines嘧啶porphyrin卟啉adenosine triphosphate三磷酸腺苷linoleic acid亚油酸Thyroid function甲状腺功能citric柠檬酸 isocitric异柠檬酸 malic苹果酸 Oxalic草酸, tartaric酒石酸, succinic acids.琥珀酸esters酯类 alcohols醇类 ethers醚类, ketones.酮类 Heat denaturation热变性sterilization灭菌 sanitizing消毒membrane processing膜处理microfiltration微过滤sediment沉淀物ultrafiltration超滤 carotene胡萝卜素 hydrophobic疏水性hydrophilic亲水性 hydrogel水凝胶chiral手性的D-glycerose D-甘油醛 heteroglycan杂聚糖polyunsaturated 多不饱和键的catalyst 催化剂翻译句型:Although metals are crystalline solids, this is not immediately apparent when they are examined under a microscope.虽然金属是晶体,但是当在显微镜下观察时,并不是立刻就那么明显。
食品专业考研复试英语翻译及答案1.nutrition ;biotin ;banana;vital;chronic2.mineral;orange;nutrition;apple;fat3.lipoprotein; staple;absorption;glass;sucrose4.toxic;soda water ;calcium;collagen;berry5.tomato;erosion;egg;protein;water6.distillation;fruit ;iron ;zinc; acid;smoking;beef;honey;foodborne8.oats;barley;eggplant;water activity;quick-freezing9.sausage;mincing;composite;pea;melon10.onion;strawberry;amylase;tartness;;catalase;soy;vegetable;tentatively12.sauce;galactose;ice-cream;magnet;amino acid13.refreshment;potato;extraction;solid content;mineral matter14.enzyme;food;browning;cultivation;formula15.calories;meat product;food industry;sea food;watermelon16.nutrition;flavor;carbohydrate;fat;fructose17.protein;food;salting;fiber;oxidation18.meat;barley;chlorophyll;whey;respiration19.potato;flour;syrup;yogurt;homogenization/doc/7a14484988.html,k;tofu;mineral;metabolism;glucose21.vitamin;fruit;vegetables;iron;foodborne22.eggs;cereal;distill;nourishment;chronic23.bread;tomato;food safety;lipid;biotin24.sausage;cheese;preservation;food additives;protein25.noodles;honey;amino acid;fermentation;antibiotic26.beef;soy;baking;gelatinization;enzyme;calorie27.tea;carrot;dairy product;filtration;reducing sugar28.pear;pea;nutrient;evaporation;heavy metal29.grape;cherry;quality;bechtop; fermenter30.sugar;sour;iron support;oven;pressing答案:1.营养;生物素;香蕉;生命的;长期的2.矿物质;橘子;营养的;苹果;脂肪3脂蛋白; 主要成分;吸收;玻璃;蔗糖4. 有毒的;苏打水;钙;胶原;浆果5. 番茄;腐蚀;蛋;蛋白质;水6. 蒸馏;水果;铁;锌;铜7. 总酸;熏制;牛肉;蜂蜜;食源性的8.燕麦片;大麦;茄子;水分活度;速冻9.香肠;切碎;合成的;豌豆;瓜10洋葱;草莓;淀粉酶;酸;蛋黄素11.芒果;过氧化氢酶;大豆;蔬菜;试验性的12.调味料;半乳糖;雪糕;磁铁;氨基酸13.保鲜;土豆;浸取;固形物;矿物质14.酶;食品;褐变;培菌;配方15.热量;肉制品;食品工业;水产品;西瓜16.营养;风味;碳水化合物;脂肪;果糖17.蛋白质;食品;盐渍;膳食纤维;氧化作用18.肉;大麦;叶绿素;乳清;呼吸作用19.马铃薯;面粉;糖浆;酸乳;均质20.乳;豆腐;矿物质;新陈代谢;葡萄糖21.维生素;水果;蔬菜;铁;食源性的22.鸡蛋;谷物;蒸馏;滋养品;慢性的23.面包;番茄;食品安全;脂类;生物素24.香肠;奶酪;保藏;食品添加剂;蛋白质25.面条;蜂蜜;氨基酸;发酵;抗生素26.牛肉;大豆;烘焙;糊化;酶;热量27.茶;胡萝卜;乳制品;过滤;还原糖28.梨;豌豆;营养素;蒸发;重金属29.葡萄;樱桃;质量;超净工作台;发酵罐30.白糖;酸;铁架台;烘箱;压榨句子翻译:1. Eat soy in moderation. Soybeans , tofu , and other soy-based foods are an excellent alternative to red meat. But don’t go overboard. Two to four servings a week is a good target.2. It is a common belief that the more fat you eat, the more body fat you put on,and the more weight you gain. This belief has been bolstered by much of the nutrition advice given to people over the past decade , which has focused on lowering total fat intake while increasing carbohydrate intake.3. Easily digested carbohydrates from white bread , white rice , pastries ,sugared sodas , and other highly processed foods may , indeed , contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss.4.A new system , called the glycemic index, aims to classify carbohydrates based on how quickly and how high they boost blood sugar compared to pure glucose. Foods with a high glycemic index , like white bread, cause rapid rise blood sugar.5. Dividing carbohydrates into simple and complex makes sense on a chem ical level. But it doesn ’ t do much to explain what hap pens to different kinds of carbohydrates inside the body.6. This is a tall order for knowledge. Because processing affects both nutritional and esthetic values of food, knowledge of the changes that carbohydrates undergo during milling,cooking, dehydration, freezing, and storage is especially important.7. The “balance” of certain minerals with others is very important to health as well. For example, the balance of calcium to magnesium is important as these two forms the electrical battery that keeps the heart beating.8. Assessing mineral status is equal to determining how much of a mineral in our diet is too little, too much or just the right amount. Picture yourself as a medical doctorwho must render a decision for a person suspected of having a mineral deficiency. 9. Most balance studies are short-term and therefore have important limitations.To detect how the body adapts to different calcium intakes over a long period of time, and to get the big picture of overall bone strength, requires studies of longer duration.10. Many people may think, however fiber probably has little effect on colon cancer risk. But just because fiber plays little role in preventing colon cancer doesn’t mean you should abandona high-fiber diet.11. The fiber in wheat bran and oat bran seems to be more effective than similar amounts of fiber from fruit and vegetables. Experts recommend increasing fiber intake gradually rather than suddenly.12. This keeps blood sugar and insulin levels from rising, then falling, too quickly. Better control of blood sugar and insulin can keep hunger and may prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.13. Dairy products have traditionally been Americans’ main source of calcium. But there are other healthy ways to get calcium than from milk and cheese , which can contain a lot of saturatedfat.14. People with diabete, though, should probably limit themselves to no more than two or three eggs a week, as study found that for such individual, an egg a day might increase the risk for heart disease.15. In areas most of the straw is worked back into the soil. The grain harvested from cereals provides about three-quarters of our food energy. About half of our cereals are used as miscellaneous grains so we consume them indirectly as meat , eggs and milk.16. Malt is used in brewing and distillation, in which maltose is fermented by yeast to produce alcohol. Low protein barley is used to make beer and high protein barley is used to feed pigs and cattle.17. By modern electronics technology , grain condition monitoring system can real time detect grain condition during grain storage , analyze and forecast the data , put forward treatment suggestion and control measures on exceptional grain condition. 18.The ratio of the length and the width is used internationally to describe the shape and class of the variety. The other important aspect of length and width is uniformity all the grains in one ample must look the same.19. Innovating soy and cereal dishes is an important skill for vegetarians, who need to make sure they have a balanced source of protein in their diet because of the lack of meat.20. During the cooking process, the starch granules in the grain expand and amylose leaches from them. As the cooked rice cools, the leached amylose chains line up, lock together and form a gel参考答案:1.适度吃大豆。
P60第一段:Alcoholic beverages are produced from a range of raw materialsbut especially from cereals, fruits and sugar crops. They include non-distilled beverages such as beers, wines, ciders, and sake. Disitlled beverages such as whisky and rum are produced from fermented cerealsand molasses, respectively, while brandy is produced by distillation of wine. Other distilled beverages, such as vodka and gin, are produced from neutral spirits obtained by distillation of fermented molasses, grain, potato or whey. A variety of fortified wines are produced byaddition ofinclude sherries, port and Madeira wines. 酒精饮料可由很多原料来生产,但以谷物、水果和糖料作物为主。
各种各种的加强葡萄酒是在葡萄酒中增添蒸馏的白酒使酒精含量提升到15 -20 %制成。
abimentary toxicisis 食品中毒ablactational food 断奶食品,离乳食品accessary food 辅助食品;食品(中添加的)辅料,佐料;附件acelerated freeze drying(AFD) (食品的)加速冷冻干燥acetic acid preserves 酸渍(保藏)食品acid foods 酸性食品acid forming foods 成酸性食品acid-forming food 成酸性食品Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法adulterated food 掺杂(假)食品aerated food 充气食品aerospace food 肮空航天食品AFD(acelerated freeze drying) (食品的)加速冷冻干燥airsol food 气密包装食品alimentary codex 食品法规alimentary products 食品animal food 动物性食品,肉食,荤食,动物饲料artificial flavoring agent 人工食品香料,人造风味剂artificial food 人造食品baby food 婴儿食品baked food 焙烤食品baked goods 焙烤食品baked product 焙烤制品,焙烤食品bakery filling 焙烤食品馅bakery product 焙烤食品,面包房产品bakery spices 面包石用得辛料;焙烤食品用香辛料baking food 焙烤食品baking ingredient 焙烤食品配料baking product 焙烤食品bar 棒,杆;方条状食品;长条形面包;巴[压力单位]base former 成碱食品;产碱物base-forming food 成碱性食品basic food 主食;大宗食物;碱性食品,产碱食物,形成碱基的食物BFMIRA(British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association) 英国食品制造工业研究协会biofood 生物食品biological food 生物食品blind testing,for flavor evaluation (不指明产品名称、生产单位等的)食品香精评价法boilable bag 可煮(聚酯)塑料薄膜食品袋bottled foods瓶装食品breakfast cereal 早餐谷物食品British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association(BFMIRA) 英国食品制造工业研究协会bromatology 食品学,食物学,饮食学,膳食学bromatotoxismus 食物中毒,食品中毒butter flavoring 奶油(白脱)食品香精butter flavour 奶油(白脱)食品香精;奶油香味C.I. Food black 1 (briliant black PN) C.I. 食品黑1;亮黑PNC.I. Food blue 1(indigotin) C.I. 食品蓝1,靛蓝C.I. Food blue 2 (brilliant blue FCF) C.I. 食品蓝图;亮蓝C.I. Food blue 4(blue VRS) C.I.食品蓝4;蓝色VRSC.I. Food brown 1(brown FK) C.I. 食品棕1;棕色FKC.I. Food brown 3 (brown HT) C.I. 食品棕3;棕色HTC.I. Food green 1(guinea green B) C.I. 食品绿1;基尼绿C.I. Food green 2(light green SF yellowish)C.I. 食品绿2;微黄的浅绿SFC.I. Food green 3 (fast green FCF) C.I. 食品绿`3;坚牢绿C.I. Food green 4(green S) C.I. 食品绿4;绿色S C.I. Food orange 2(orange GGN) C.I. 食品橙2;橙色GGNC.I. Food orange 3 (sudan G) C.I. 食品橙3;苏丹G C.I. Food orange 4(orange G) C.I. 食品橙4;橙色G C.I. Food orange 5(beta-carotene,synthelic;carotenes,natural;carotens,vegetable) C.I. 食品橙5;合成β-胡萝卜素,天然胡萝卜素,植物胡萝卜素C.I. Food orange 6( beta-apo-8’-carotenal) C.I. 食品橙6;β-阿朴-8’-胡萝卜素醛C.I. Food orange 7(beta-apo-8’-carotenoic acid,methyl and ethyl esters) C.I. 食品橙7;β-阿朴-8’-胡萝卜素酸,甲酯及乙酯C.I. Food orange 8(canthaxanthin) C.I. 食品橙8;斑蝥黄质C.I. Food red 1(ponceau SX) C.I. 食品红1;丽春红SXC.I. Food red 10(red 2G) C.I. 食品红10;红色2G C.I. Food red 12(red 10B) C.I. 食品红12;红色10B C.I. Food red 14(erythrosine) C.I. 食品红14;赤藓红C.I. Food red 15(Rhodamine B) C.I. 食品红15;罗丹明BC.I. Food red 16(sudan red G) C.I. 食品红16;苏丹红GC.I. Food red 17(allura red AC) C.I.食品红17;诱惑红C.I. Food red 2 (scarlet GN) C.I. 食品红2;猩红GNC.I. Food red 3(azorubine ) C.I. 食品红;偶氮玉红C.I. Food red 4(fast red E) C.I. 食品红4;坚牢红EC.I. Food red 5(ponceau 2R) C.I. 食品红5;丽春红2RC.I. Food red 7(ponceau 4R) C.I. 食品红7;丽春红4R;胭脂红C.I. Food red 8(ponceau 6R) C.I. 食品红8;丽春红6RC.I. Food red 9(amaranth) C.I. 食品红9;苋菜红C.I. Food violet 1(violet 5 BN) C.I. 食品紫1;紫色5BNC.I. Food yellow 1(naphthol yellow S) C.I. 食品黄1;萘酚黄SC.I. Food yellow 13 (uqinoline yellow) C.I. 食品黄13;喹啉黄C.I. Food yellow 2(fast yellow AB) C.I. 食品黄2;坚牢黄ABI. Food yellow 4 (tartrazin) C.I. 食品黄4;柠檬黄C.I. Food yellow 5(yellow 2G) C.I. 食品黄金;黄色2GC.I. Food yellow 7(yellow 27175N) C.I. 食品黄7;黄色27175NCAC (联合国)食品法典委员会;CACCAC(Codex Alimentarius Commission) (联合国)食品法典(规)委员会can goods 罐头食品canned food 罐头食品canned goods 罐头食品;罐头货品cannery 罐头食品厂CCFA(Codex Committee on Food Additive) 食品添加剂法规委员会CCFAC(Codex Committee on Food Additive and Contaminant) 食品添加剂和污染物法规委员会CCFH(Codex Committee on Food Hygiene) 食品卫生法规委员会CCFL(Codex Committee on Food Labelling) 食品标签法规委员会CCRVDF 食品(中)兽药残留法典委员会;CCRVDFCCRVDF(Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food) 食品中兽药残留法规委员会CFAA(China Food Additive Production and Application Indastry Association) 中国食品添加剂生产应用工业协会CFN(Council on Food and Nutrition)(Americal Medical Association) 食品和营养委员会[美国医学协会]cheese food 干酪食品chelled food 冷藏食品chilled food 冷藏食品China Food Additive Production and Application Industry Association(CFAA) 中国食品添加剂生产应用工业协会China Technical Committee of Standardization on Food Additives(CTCSFA) 中国食品添加剂标准化技术委员会code of practice 食品广告法规codex alimentarius 食品法典,食品法规,食品规范Codex Alimentarius Commission (联合国)食品法典委员会;CACCodex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) (联合国)食品法典(规)委员会Codex Committee on Food Additive (CCFA) 食品添加剂法规委员会Codex Committee on Food Additive and Contaminant (CCFAC) 食品添加剂和污染物法规委员会Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) 食品卫生法规委员会Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) 食品标签法规委员会Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food 食品(中)兽药残留法典委员会;CCRVDF Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food (CCRVDF) 食品中兽药残留法规委员会codex of food chemicals 食品用化学品法规,食品添加剂法规color FD&C 食品、药品和化妆品着色剂contaminants in food 食品污染物control organ of food hygiene 食品卫生监督机构control system of food hygiene 食品卫生监督制convenience food 方便食品Council on Food and Nutrition(American MedicalAssociation) (CFN) 食品和营养委员会[美国医疗协会]CTCSFA(China Technical Committee of Standardization on Food Additives) 中国食品添加剂标准化技术委员会cure food 腌制食品curing 食品加工(腌、熏等);腌制;熏制;熟成curry 咖喱,咖喱粉,咖喱食品,咖喱米粉肉;上咖喱粉deep-frozen food 深冻食品defrostation 除霜,融霜,冲霜;(食品)解冻defrosting 除霜,融霜,冲霜;(食品)解冻dehydrated food 脱水食品,人工加热干制食品dehydrated food industry 脱水食品工业Dehyrated Foods Industry Council (DFIC) 脱水食品工业委员会delicacies of season 时鲜食品delicacy 美味食品,鲜美食物designer food 防癌(特制)食品DFIC (Dehyrated Foods Industry Council) 脱水食品工业委员会diabetic food糖尿病患者食品diabetic product 糖尿病人食品dietary food 疗效食品dietetic food 疗效食品direct food additive 直接食品添加剂eatable 可食用的;食物,食品edible 可食的;食品的EEC serial No. 欧共体(食品添加剂)顺序号EFEMA(European Food Emulsifer Manufacturers Association) 欧洲食品乳化剂制造者协会encapsulating agent for food additives and vitamins 食品添加剂和维生素用包囊剂engineering food 工程食品enrich (食品)增补(营养素),强化;富集,浓缩;加料enriched food 强化(营养素)食品Expert Committee on Food Additive 食品添加剂专家委员会extruded food 挤压食品Fabricated food 合成食品,组合食品FAC(Food Advisory Committee) (英国)食品咨询委员会fad food 应时食品FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Alimentary Codex(CA-C) FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会FAP(Food Additive Petition)(U.S.) 食品添加剂申请书FAS(Food Additives Seriser)食品添加剂丛书FASS(Food Additives and Comtaminants Committee) (英国)食品添加剂及污染物委员会FCC(Food Chemicals Codex) 食品用化学品法规,食品用化学品法典FD&C (Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act) 食品、药物及化妆品条例(法)FDA 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDAFDA(U.S.Food and Drug Adinistration) 美国食品与药物管理局FDD(Food and Drug Directorate) 食品和药物理事会fecala [由葛根、木薯等植物淀粉制成的食品] Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国)Federal food standards (美国)联邦食品标准Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(FFDCA) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)fermentating food 发酵食品,酿造食品fermented goods 发酵制品,发酵食品FFDCA(Federal Food , Drug ,and Cosmetic Act)联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)FG(food grade) 食品级FIA(Food Ingredients Asia) 亚洲食品配料展览会FIC(Food Ingredients China) 中国食品配料展览会FIE(Food Ingredients Europe) 欧洲食品配料展览会finished food 制成的食品FISA(Food Ingradients of South American) 南美食品配料展览会flavology (食品)风味学flavor food 风味食品flavor industry 食品香料工业,调味料工业flavor-dependent food 依赖香精的食品;与香味有关的食品flavor-independent food 不依赖香精的食品;与香味无关的食品flavorings 食品香精[表示多数]flavour aditive 香味添加剂,食品香精添加剂flavour adjunct 食品香精辅助物flavouring foods 调味食品flavouring industry 食品香料香精工业flavouring matter 食品香料FMF(Food Manufacturer’s Federation(London)) (伦敦)食品制造商联合会FNP(Food and Nutrition Paper) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集FNS(Food and Nutrition Serise) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书fold flavor 浓缩过的食品香精(香料)food 食品,食物,粮食,养料food additive 食品添加剂Food Additive Petition (U.S.) (FAP) 食品添加剂申请书food additives 食品添加剂Food Additives Amendment 食品添加剂修正案Food Additives Series(FAS) 食品添加剂丛书food adjunct 食品助剂food adulteration 食品掺假Food Advisory Committee(FAC) 食品咨询委员会food allergy 食品过敏food analysis 食品分析Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of U.S. 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Drug Administration(U.S.)(FDA) 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Nutrition Board(FNB) 食品与营养委员会Food and Nutrition Paper(FNP) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集Food and Nutrition Series(FNS) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书food antiseptics 食品防腐剂food chemicals 食品用化学品Food Chemicals Codex Committee 食品用化学品法典(规)委员会Food Chemicals Codex(FCC) 售用化学品法典;食品用化学品法规food chemistry 食品化学food color 食品(用)色素food constituent 食品成分food contamination 食品污染food control 食品质量控制,食品质量检查food distribution center (美)食品分销中心,批发站food dye 食品(用)色素food engineer 食品工程师food engineering 食品工程(学)food enricher 食品强化剂food factory 食品厂food fermentation 食品发酵food flavour 食品香味;食品香精,食品香料;食品调味料food flavouring 食用调味料,调味品,食品香精food fortification 食品强化food fortifier 食品强化剂food grade mineral oil 食品级矿物油food grade(FG) 食品级food green S 食品绿Sfood handling 食品加工food hygiene食品卫生学food hygiene law 食品卫生法food hygienic quality detection 食品卫生质量鉴定food industry 食品工业food infection 食品(带菌)传染food ingredient 食品成分,食品配料Food Ingredients Asia(FIA) 亚洲食品配料展览会Food Ingredients China(FIC) 中国食品配料展览会Food Ingredients Europe(FIE) 欧洲食品配料展览会Food Ingredients of South American(FISA) 南美食品配料展览会food inspection 食品检验food inspection rules 食品卫生检验规则food irrdiation 食物照射,食品辐照food labelling 食品标志food laws 食品法规food legislation 食品立法food microbiology 食品微生物学food nutrition 食品营养food of animal origin 动物性食品food of plant orgin 植物性食品food packaged 食品包装food packing 食品包装food preservation 食品保藏food preservative 食品保存剂,食品防腐剂food processing 食品加工;食品热杀菌food processing aide 食品加工助剂food processing industry 食品加工工业food processing plant 食品加工厂food product 食物产品,食品food products regulations 食品法规food regulation 食品法规food requirements 对食品的需要food safety 食品安全性Food Safety and Quality Service(FSQS) 食品安全与质量管理处Food Safety Council of U.S. 美国食品安全性协会Food Safey and Inspeciton Service (FSIS) 食品安全检验处food sanitation law 食品卫生法规food science 食品科学food spoilage 食物腐败,食品败坏food stability 食品稳定性,食品耐贮性food stamp 食品券food standard 食品标准food standard committee 食品标准委员会food starch, modified 食品用改性淀粉food starch, unmodified 食品用未改性淀粉food sterilization equipment 食品杀菌设备food storage 食品贮存food substance 食品food supervisions 食品卫生监督food supplement 食品增补剂food supplementation 食品增补food surveillance 食品监督food tainer 食品包装(纸板)箱food technologist 食品工艺师,食品工艺学家food technology 食品工艺学food texture 食品组织Food toxicology 食品毒理学Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 食品,药物与化妆品法food-grade gelatin 食品级明胶foodpack 食品包装food-packaging 食品包装food-related 与食品相关的fortification of foods 食品强化fortified food 强化食品freezed food 冷冻食品frozen food 冷冻食品frozen storage (食品的)冷冻贮存frozen storage hold 冷冻食品的贮存FSIS(Food Safety and Inspection Service) 食品安全检验处FSQS(Food Safety and Quality Service) 食品安全与质量管理处functional foods 功能性食品gelled food 凝胶食品gelled foodstuff 凝胶食品generally recognized as safe(GRAS) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全genetically modified food,GMF 转基因食品geriatric food 老年食品GM food (genetically modified food) 转基因食品gourmet food 鲜美食品,珍贵食品grading food quality 食品质量分级GRAS(generally recognized as safe) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全green food 绿色食品grocery 食品杂货;食品杂货店;小酒馆Health food 健康食品,保健食品Health Ingredients Europe(HIE) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会health-care food 保健食品heat-and-eat food pack 加热即食的包装食品,快速食品heat-and-eat frozen food 加热即食的冷冻食品,速冻快速食品HIE(Health Ingredients Europe) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会hyposite 低热量食品ICMSF 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSF IFAC(International Food Additives Council) 国际食品添加剂委员会IFIS(Iternational Food Information Service) 国际食品咨询服务处IFMA(International Food Manufacture Association) 国际食品制造者协会IFST(Institute of Food Science and Technology) 食品科学与工艺学学会IFT(Institute of Food Technologists) 食品工艺学家学会[美]indicator of food hygiene quality 食品卫生质量指标indirect food additive 间接食品添加剂infant food 婴儿食品infant formula 婴儿配制食品INFD(International Network of Food Data) 国际食品数据网inflight meal 航空食品,飞机内用的便餐,机内客饭INS(International Numbering System) 国际编码系统[联合国食品法典委员会]inspector of food hygiene 食品卫生监督员instant food 即食品instantizer 速溶剂;速溶机;速溶食品生产设备Institute of Food Technologists(IFT) 食品工艺学家学会[美]intentional food additive 有意食品添加剂,故意(加入的)食品添加剂intermediate-moisture foods 中等水分食品International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods of IAMS 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSFInternational Food Additives Council (IFAC) 国际食品添加剂委员会International Food Information Service(IFIS) 国际食品咨询服务处International Food Manufacture Association(IFMA) 国际食品制造者协会International Network of Food Data (INFD) 国际食品数据网International Uion of Food Science and Technology(IUFOST) 国际食品科学技术协会International Union of Food Science andTechnology 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOSTInternational Union of Food Workers (IUF)International Union of 国际食品工作者联合会invalid food 疗效食品,病人食品irradiated food 照射食品,辐照食品irradiated product 照射(杀菌)食品irradiation 辐射,照射;食品照射保藏法isolate flavor 单离食品香料IUF(International Union of Food Workers ) 国际食品工作者联合会IUFOST 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOST IUFOST(International Uion of Food Workers) 国际食品科学技术协会Japan Food Additives Associatiion(JFAA) 日本食品添加剂协会Japanese Standard of Food Additives(JSFA) 日本食品添加剂标准JECFA FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFAJECFA(Jonint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) FAO/WHO 食品添加剂联合专家委员会jecorize (食品的)鱼肝油(增补)化,外加鱼肝油JFAA(Japan Food Additives Associtatioin) 日本食品添加剂协会JFCMP(Jonit FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFAJoint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives(JECFA) FWO/WHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme(JFCMP) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划JSFA(Japanese Standard of Food Additives) 日本食品添加剂标准junior food 幼儿食品junket 凝乳食品Junket dessert 乳酪食品kasher 犹太食品lacquers 漆;(食品容器的)涂料;罐头涂料lasting food 防腐食品,耐入存的食品leavened food 发酵食品,膨发食品low acid foods 低酸性食品[pH在4.6以上的食品] low calorie food 低热量(能量)食品low-fat food 低脂(肪)食品low-fat spread 低脂(肪)涂抹食品lubricating oil for food machine 食品工业用机械润滑油management of food hygiene 食品卫生管理marine food 海产食品,海味marine food 海产食品,海味microwaveable food 微波食品milk substitute 代乳食品minimally processed foods 最少加工食品modified food starch 改性食品用淀粉National Canners Association (NCA) (美国)罐头食品协会National Nutritonal Foods Association(NNFA) (美国)全国营养食品协会NCA(national Canners Association) (美国)罐头食品协会negative list (食品添加剂)禁止使用的一览表;否决单neutraceutical [具有预防疾病性质的一类食品添加剂,如β-胡萝卜素]niacytin 结合烟酸,烟酸与糖的络合物[由烟酸与食品中的某些成分结合而成]NNFA(National Nutritional Foods Association) (美国)全国营养食品协会novel food 新颖食品nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的objectionable constituent (食品中)有害成分olderly food 老年人食品pabulum 食粮,食品,饲料packing 充填物;食品加工业;填充;填料parkelp 褐藻类(制)食品pastry 焙烤(面制)食品,发面点心,面制糕点perishable 易腐的,易坏的;易腐食品;易腐货载perishable food 易腐食品pet food 宠物食品,玩赏动物食品品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticideresidue testing;外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology;超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;过滤设备- Filtration equipment;食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;离析器- Separators;饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment; 检测设备- Testing equipment;废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment;气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.溶剂- Solvents;餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering; 手套- Gloves;清洁剂- Cleanser;试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;咨询服务- Consulting services;食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services; 食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services;专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology. acceptable daily intake (ADI)每日允许摄入量acclimatization 气候适应accumulate 蓄积acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒acceptable risk level 可接受的危险水平acid-forming food 成酸性食品acid value 酸价Achromobacterium 无色菌属Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法activator 激活剂,活化剂activity coefficient,AC 活性系数actomyosin 肌凝蛋白acute toxicity test 急性毒性试验additive action 相加作用adipose tissue 脂肪组织administrative rule 行政规范adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adsorption 吸附,吸附作用aerobic repiration 有氧呼吸aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素after-ripeness 后熟Agaricus 伞草属Agrostemma githago L. 麦仙翁Adequate intake,AI 适宜摄入量alamine 丙氨酸albumin 白蛋白albuminuria 蛋白尿alcohol 酒精alimentary codex 食品法规Alkaligenes 产碱杆菌属allowance 供给量alpha-BHC a-六六六alpha hemolytic streptococcus甲型溶血性链球菌Alternaria 交链孢霉aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝Alzheimer's dementia早老性痴呆(阿耳茨海默痴呆)Amanita muscaria 毒蝇伞Amanita pantherina 豹斑毒伞Amanita phalloides 毒伞Amanita verna 白毒伞Amanita virosa 鳞柄白毒伞amaranth 苋莱红amatoxins 毒伞八肽类Ames test Ames 试验,艾姆斯试验amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式ammonia 氨Amoeba 阿米巴属,阿米巴原虫,变形虫属amphetamin chloride 冰毒amygdalin 苦杏仁甙amyl nitrite 亚硝基异戊酯amylose 直链淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉anabolism 合成代谢anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Andersen`s disease 安德森病angular stomatitis 口角炎anion exchange resins 阴离子交换树脂anisatin 毒八角亭antagonistic action 拮抗作用anthraquinone 蒽醌anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药物antiketogenesis 抗生酮作用antioxidant 抗氧化剂antitrypsin 抗胰蛋白酶anthropometry 人体测量学apatite 磷灰石apparent digestibility 表现消化率appetite 食欲apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白applied nutrition 应用营养aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic product 水产品arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸arcus senilis 老年环arginine 精氨酸arsenic 砷Arthrinium 节菱孢属Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫Ascaris vermicularis 蛲虫Ascomycetes 子囊菌纲ascorbate 抗坏血酸盐ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸Aspergillus 曲霉属Aspergillus albicans 白曲霉Aspergillus candidus 亮白曲霉Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉Aspergillus glaucus 灰绿曲霉Aspergillus nidulans 构巢曲霉Aspergillus niger 黑曲霉Aspergillus niveus 霉白曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus 赭曲霉Aspergillus parasiticus 寄生曲霉Aspergillus restrictus 局限曲霉Aspergillus terreus 土曲霉Aspergillus ustus 焦曲霉Aspergillus versicolor 采色曲霉Aspergillus wentti 温特曲霉atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化autophagy 自吞噬availability 可利用率avidin 抗生物素蛋白azide 重氮化合物BBacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌Bacillus cereous 蜡样芽胞杆菌Bacillus erysipelatos-suis 猪丹毒杆菌Bacillus subtilis 枯草杆菌Bacillus tuberculosis bovis 牛型结核杆菌bacon 咸猪肉bacterial mutation test 细菌诱变试验bacteriocidal substance 杀菌物质bacteriophage 噬菌体balanced diet 平衡膳食balance test 平衡实验Balantidium coli 结肠小袋绦虫B.alcaligenes metalcaligenes 粪产碱杆菌barley 大麦basal metabolic rate,BMR 基础代谢率basal metabolism,BM 基础代谢basic energy exenditure,BEE 基础能量消耗base-forming food 成碱性食品Basidiomycetes 担子菌纲bean curd 豆腐bean curd blade 百叶bean sprout 豆芽beet 甜菜beetle 甲虫类benefit-risk analysis 利害分析benzimidazole 苯骈咪唑benz(a)anthracene (BA) 苯并(a)蒽benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) 苯并(a)芘benzylamine oxidase 苄胺氧化酶beriberi 脚气病beta-BHC β-六六六β-carotene β-胡萝卜素beta hemolytic streptococcus乙型溶血性链球菌betanin 甜菜苷BHC;1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane六六六bilirubin胆红素biliverdin 胆绿素bilobol 白果(二)酚bioconcentration 生物富集,生物浓集biodeterioration 生物危害bioenergetics 生物能量学biofeedback 生物反馈biohazard 生物危害biological concentration生物富集,生物浓集biological expansion 生物性膨胀(罐头) biological half-time 生物半减期biological prevention 生物防治biological value 生物价(生理价值) biosynthesis 生物合成biotin 生物素biotransformation 生物转化biotransport 生物转运bis(P-chlorophenyl)acetic acid pp'-滴滴埃1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2--dichloroethane pp′-滴滴滴1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethylenepp′-滴滴伊1,1'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2trichloroethane pp′—滴滴涕Bitot`s spots(patches) 结膜干燥,比托斑点bitter almond kernel 苦杏仁bittern 盐卤Biuron 敌草隆bleach 漂荡,预煮bleaching agent 漂白剂blindness 盲,视觉缺失blood clam 蚶body mass index,BMI 体重指数botulin(botulismotoxin) 肉毒菌毒素botulism 肉毒中毒Bouin's solution 鲍音液Bovine Sponglform Encephalopathy,BSE疯牛病bran 糠branched chain amino acid 支链氨基酸breakdown 分解breast milk 母乳broad bean 蚕豆bromethane 溴甲烷bromomethane;methyl bromide 溴甲烷brown rice 糙米Brucella 布氏杆菌属Brucelliasis 布氏杆菌病B.subtilis test 桔草杆菌试验B.thermophilie flat sour 嗜热性平酸苗butenolide 丁烯酸内酯butylated hydroxyanisole 丁基羟基茴香醚butylated hydroxytoluene 二丁基羟基甲苯B.welchii(B.perfringens)韦氏杆菌(产气荚膜杆菌)Ccachexia 恶病质cadaverine 尸胺cadmium 镉cadmium carbonate 碳酸镉cadmium chlorate 氯酸镉cadmium hydroxide 氢氧化镉cadmium nitrate 硝酸镉cadmium sulfide 硫化镉caffeine 咖啡碱calciferol 钙化醇calcitonin,CT 降钙素calcium 钙caloric quotient 热能系数calorie 卡(路里)calorifacient 生热的,产热的calorimeter 测热计,热量计calorimetry 测热法Camplobacter fetus subsp.jejuni胎儿弯曲菌空肠亚种Camplobacterjejuni 空肠弯曲菌Candida 假丝酵母,念珠菌属cannabidiol 大麻二酚cannabinol 大麻酚cannabis seed oil poisining 大麻子油中毒canned food 罐头食品capsanthin 辣椒红caramel 酱色,焦糖carbamate 氨基甲酸酯carbohydrate 碳水化物carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶carcinogen 致癌物carcinogenicity test 致癌试验carithamine 红花黄色素carnitine 肉毒碱casein 酪蛋白cassava 木薯catabolism 分解代谢cation exchange resins 阳离子交换树脂cell transformation test 细胞转化试验cellulose 纤维素ceramics 陶瓷ceruloplasmin 血浆铜蓝蛋白cesium 铯chemical expansion 化学性膨胀(罐头) chemical engineering ,chemical industry,chemical technolog 化工chemical pollution 化学污染chemical prevention 化学防治Chlorella 小球藻属chlorinated hydrocarbon,organochlorine氯化烃,有机氯chlorogenic acid 绿原酸cholesterol 胆固醇cholecal ciferol 维生素D3,胆钙化醇choline esterase 胆碱酯酶chromium 铬chromosome 染色体chromosome abberation 染色体畸变chromosome aberration assay test染色体畸变分析试齄chronic mercury poisoning 慢性汞中毒chronic toxicity test 慢性毒性试验chylomicron 乳糜微粒cigarette 香烟Citreoviridin 黄绿青霉素citrinin 桔青霉素Cladosporium 枝孢属clam 蛤Clavus secalinus 麦角Claviceps purpurea Tulasne 麦角菌cleaner 洗涤剂cleaning 净化cleavage of phosphide ester linkage磷酯键裂解cleft palate 腭裂Clitocybe 杯伞属Clostridium 芽胞杆菌属Clostridium botulinum 内毒杆菌Clostridium butylicum 丁酸杆菌Clostridium perfringens 产气荚膜杆菌coagulant 凝固剂coagulase 凝固酶cobalt 钴cobalt chloride 氯化钻coffee 咖啡colchicine 秋水仙碱cold frozen 冷冻cold press 冷榨cold sterilization 冷灭菌cold storage 冷藏coliform group 大肠菌群colitap 大肠菌快速检验纸片coli test 大肠杆菌试验colliod 胶体colloid system 胶体系统colonization factor antigen,CFA定居因子抗原complementary action 互补作用concentrated milk 浓缩奶concentration factor 浓集系数condensed milk 炼乳congenital mercury poisoning先天性汞中毒conglycinin 伴大豆球蛋白conjunctival dryness 结膜干燥contaminants in food 食品污染物contaminants of biological origin生物性污染物contaminants of chemical origin化学性污染物contaminants of radioactive origin放射性污染物contamination 污染control organ of food hygiene食品卫生监督机构control system of food hygiene食品卫生监督制copper 铜corn cockle seed 麦仙翁籽corn soybean milk (CSM) 玉米大豆乳coronary heart disease 冠心病cowmilk 牛乳Coxsackie virus 柯沙奇病毒crayfish 蝲蛄critical control point,CCP 关键控制点critical porion 敏感期cumulative coefficient 蓄积系数cumulative toxicity index 蓄积毒性系数cumulative toxicity test 蓄积毒性试验Curcuma longa 姜黄curcumin 姜黄素β-cyanoalanine β-氰丙氨酸cyanogenetic glycoside plant poisoning含氰甙植物中毒cyanogenetic glycoside 含氰甙cyanomethemoglobin 氰化正铁血红蛋白cycasin 苏铁素cyclamate 环己氨基磺酸盐cyclic N-nitroso compound环状N-亚硝基化台钧cyclochlorotine 环氯素cysteine 半胱氨酸cystine 胱氨酸cytochrome 细胞色素cytochrome P450s,CYP 细胞色素P450酶系cytochrome oxidase 细胞色素氧化酶Ddaily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量Datura stramonium L. 蔓陀萝day blindness 昼盲(症)daylily 黄花莱,金针莱21-day survival index 21天哺育成活率2,4-D;2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-D; 2,4-二氯苯氧醋酸DDVP;dichlorvos;dichlorphos 敌敌畏dealkylation 脱烷基化作用deamination 脱氨基作用Debaryomyces 德巴利氏酵母属decimal reduction time (DRT)90%递减时间diarrhea 腹泻difference between individuals 个体差异delayed neurotoxicity 迟发性神经毒作用delayed neurotoxicity test迟发神经毒性试验delta-BHC δ-六六六Demeton,systox 内吸磷Density of energy 热能密度Density of nutrient 营养素密度dental plaque 斑牙deoxyadenosylcobalamin 腺苷钴胺酸Deoxynivalenol (DON) 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌醇descendant 子系体,后代Deuteromycetes (Imperfect fungi)半知茵纲(不完全菌纲)dhurrin 蜀黍氰甙diabetes mellitus,DM 糖尿病diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒diacetoxyscirpenol 二醋酸熏草镰刀菌烯醇dialycerides 甘油二脂Diazinon 二嗪农dibenz(a,h)anthracene,DBA 二苯并(a,h)蒽dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane;1,1,1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(P-chlorophenyl)ethan滴滴涕(DDT)dientamoeba fragilis 脆双核阿米巴diet 膳食,饮食dietary 食谱,饮食的dietary history 饮食习惯dietary fiber 膳食纤维dietary guidelines 膳食指南dietary recall 膳食回顾dietary reference intakes,DRIs膳食营养素参考摄入量dietary reference values,DRVs 膳食参考量difference between species 种间差异digestibility 消化率digestion 消化dihydrochalcone 二氢查耳酮dihydronivalenone 二氢雪腐烯酮dihydrosafrole 二氢黄樟素1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-二羟维生素D3 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene;7,12-DMBA7,12-二甲基苯并(a)蒽dioxin 二噁英direct calorimetry 直接测热法discrimination factor 差异系数diterpene 双萜dithion 畜虫磷diverticulosis 憩室病DNA repair synthesis test DNA修复合成试验domestic animal 家畜dominant lethal test 显性致死试验dopamine-β-hydroxylase 多巴胺-β-羟化酶11dose-effect(dose-response) relationship 剂量效应(反应)关系drogs 废渣dried bean curd 豆腐干Drosophila melanogaster recessive lethal test 果蝇隐性致死试验Drosophila recessive lethal assay 果蝇隐性致死试验duodenum 十二指肠dwarfism 矮小,侏儒症dystrophic hyperkeratosis 营养不良性角化过度Eeating out 出外用膳eating patterns 饮食习惯Echinococcus granulosus 细粒棘球绦虫ECHO virus 埃柯病毒ecosystemic equipoise 生态平衡edema 水肿Edible microorganismus 食用微生物elastin 弹性蛋白elderly 老年人elementary school 小学Embadomonas intestinalis 肠内滴虫emulsion 乳胶,乳浊剂,乳剂emulsoid 乳胶体energy 热能energy coefficient 能量系数endemic arsenic poisoning 地方性砷中毒endemic cretinism 地方性克汀病endemic disease 地方病endemic fluorine poisoning 地方性氟中毒endopeptidase 肽链内切酶endosperm 胚乳energy requirment 热能需要量Engel's index 恩格尔指数enrichment 强化(食品)enterogastrone 肠抑胃素enterogenous cyanosis 肠原性青紫enteroinvasive E.Coli 肠侵袭性大肠杆菌enteropathogenic E.Coli 肠致病性大肠杆菌enterotoxigenic E.Coli 肠产毒性大肠杆菌enterotoxin 肠毒素epinephrine 肾上腺素epiphysis 松果体,骨骺epithollium 上皮epoxide 环氧化物12,13-epoxytrichothecenes 12,13-环氧单端孢霉烯族化合物ergocalciferol 麦角骨化醇,维生素D2ergometrine 麦角新碱ergometrinine 麦角异新碱ergot 麦角ergotamine 麦角胺ergotism 麦角中毒ergotoxine 麦角毒Erwinia 欧文菌属erythocytes 红细胞erythroskyrin 红天精Escherichia 埃希菌属Esherichia coli 大肠杆菌essential amino acid 必需氨基酸essential fatty acid 必需脂肪酸esterification 酯化(作用)estimated safe and adequate intake安全适当的建议摄入量estrogen 雌激素ethion 乙硫磷ethnic 人种的,人种学的Eumycetes 真菌纲evaporated milk 脱脂牛奶FFacioletta ilocana 伊族棘口吸虫fallout 沉降灰FAO/WHO Joint Committee of AlimentaryCodex(CA-C) FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会farina 面粉,淀粉Fasciola hepatica 肝片吸虫Fasciolopsis 姜片虫属Fasciols heterophyes 异形吸虫fast-food 快餐fat 脂肪Fat-soluble vitamins 脂溶性维生素fatty acid 脂酸fecundation index 受孕率Federal Radiation Council,FRC 美国联邦辐射委员会feeding test for 90 days 90天喂养试验feeding test for 7 days 7天喂养试验Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国)Fenthion 倍疏磷(百治屠)fermented tea 发酵茶Fermentive corn flour 酵(臭)米面Fermentive corn flour intoxication 酵(臭)米面食物中毒12。
Lesson 1 Nutrition1.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed. 食物可定义为食后起滋养作用的任何可食用的物质。
2.We need them for energy, for building and maintaining body tissue; and for regulating body processes the three essential functions of foods in the body.我们需要这些营养素来提供能量,构成和修补机体组织,调节机体生理过程。
3.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need.营养可定义为人们赖以获得的必须营养素,并利用这些营养素来制造人体所需的其他物质的过程。
4.The term good nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health. A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be" eating the right foods in the right amounts.”由此可见,唯有营养素才是真正必需的,而正常提供营养素的则是食物。
食品安全相关英语词汇及用语(共5篇)第一篇:食品安全相关英语词汇及用语食品安全相关英语词汇及用语(指禽流感病菌)对身体无害 poses no health risk(食油)较快变质turn rancid more quickly(食品)过期was past its sell-by date 「此日期前食用」日期“sell by” date 「此日期前最佳」日期“best before” date一种禁用的代糖a banned sweetener 一种猪只用的哮喘药clenbuterol二十五件过期食品 25 outdated items of food 二恶荚 dioxin二恶荚含量合乎安全标准/没有超标 showed no excessive levels of dioxin 人造香料 artificial flavourings/artificial flavours 下令回收两款瘦身产品ordered the recall of two slimming products 大头娃娃“big-headed” babies 化学色素 chemical dyes 天然香料natural flavourings/natural flavours 孔雀石绿malachite green 水杨酸 salicylic acid加强管制声称为健康食品的产品tighten regulations on products marketed as “health food” 尼古丁 nicotine 未能证明其食品安全failed to guarantee the safety of its product 未煮熟的肉类 undercooked meat含过量水银,对健康有害 contained dangerously high levels of mercury 含过量防腐剂或食品添加剂 contained excessive amounts of preservatives or additives抗氧化物antioxidants没有需要禁止入口 There was no need to ban imports.防腐剂preservative 咖啡因 caffeine长期食用有损肝肾 Long-time exposure can lead to kidney and liver damage.政府在过去三年,巡查了超级市场一万六千五百次,却只能成功检控了六十五宗售卖过期食品个案,平均罚款五千元。
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Lesson 91. Lipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water in nonpolar solvents. These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extration using nonpolar organic solvents.依据在水中的不溶解性和在非极性溶剂中的溶解性,脂肪以家族形式组成而自然出现的。
2. Saturated fats have a uniform shape that allows them to pack together in a crystal lattice. Unsaturated fats have double bonds that introduce kinks into the hydrocarbon chain making crystal formation more difficult.饱和脂肪有一个均一一致的形状,这使得他它们能够在晶格中聚合起来。
3. The most abundant lipid in olive oil is glyceryl trioleate, a trimester formed from glycerol and oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond in the middle of the C18 chain.橄榄油里最丰富的脂质是三油酸甘油酯,是甘油和油酸,与一个单不饱和脂肪酸加上一个顺式双键在C18链的中间形成的一种三聚体。
4. Waxes are mixtures of esters of long chain carboxylic acids and long chain alcohols. The carboxylic acids usually have an even number of carbon atoms, ranging from 16 to 36, and the long chain alcohols also have an even number of carbon atoms, ranging from 24 to 36.蜡是一种由长链羧酸和长链醇通过脂键组成的酯的混合物。
Lesson105. This means that any catalyst that catalyze a reaction in one (e.g.,esterification) also catalyze the reverse(e.g., ester hydrolysis) reaction. To say these things another way, catalysts do not change the energy balance between reactants and products; catalysts do lower the energy barrier between reactants and products.这意味着任何一个催化剂既可以催化一个反应朝一个方向进行,也可以使其朝逆方向进行。
6.Sulfuric acid as a source of H+ will catalyze the formation of any ester from the appropriate alcohol and carboxylic acid, but many enzymes are so specialized that they will catalyze a reaction of one molecule, but will leave untouched a very similar molecule.硫酸作为一个H+离子来源,能催化任何由合适的羧酸和醇构成酯的反应,而许多酶的特性很高,它们可以催化一种分子反应,但不会触及另一类很相似的分子的反应。
7. This broader specificity is useful in the case of an enzyme like papain which is important in protein digestion. It can catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide (amide) bonds in a variety of proteins, which means that the body does not need to maintain a stock of more specific enzymes to tackle specific proteins.这个广泛的特异性在酶中很有用,例如木瓜蛋白酶,它在蛋白质消化中具有重要意义。
8. Thus we can describe them in terms of their primary, secondary, tertiary, and in many cases, quaternary structure. They are long chains of amino acid units held together by peptide bonds, looped and folded into secondary and tertiary (and often quaternary) structures by disulfide bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and salt bridges.这样我们能从蛋白质一级,二级,三级和四级结构方面来描述酶:它们是由氨基酸通过肽键结合的单位所组成,以缠绕折叠的方式,由二硫键,疏水键,盐桥而构成二级和三级结构的许多长链。
9. In such instances, the enzyme without the cofactor is called an apoenzyme, and the apoenzyme-cofactor complex is called a holoenzyme. We will see that the protein chain of an apoenzyme can have functional groups on its side chains (R groups) which are important to its catalytic function, but other important functional groups are introduced by way of cofactors.有些时候,不含辅基的酶叫脱辅基蛋白酶,辅基和脱辅基蛋白酶的复合物叫全酶。
10. The fit can come about either because the molecule fits easily into the enzyme's active site (lock-and-key model) or because the enzyme's structure adjusts to the substrate's entry (induced fit model).匹配进入酶的活性部位,要么因为这个分子容易进入酶的活性部位,要么因为酶的结构进行调整。
Lesson 1111. These provide the energy and building materials for the countless substances that are essential to the growth and survival of living things. The manner in which nutrients become integral parts of the body and contribute to its function is dependent on the physiologic biochemical processes that govern their actions.这些营养素为无数的生物生长和生存所必需的物质提供了能量和构建物质。
12. As constituents of food we eat they not only provide energy but also provide a basis for tastes, color, texture, keeping qualities, and overall acceptability of that food, not nutrients, and therefore should consider the total role of nutritional compounds in food.作为我们所吃食物的组分,它们不仅提供了能量,而且提供了该食物的味觉、颜色、质地、质量保持和总的接受程度。
13. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them .We need them for energy for building and maintaining body tissue, and for regulating body process—the three essential functions of food in the body.因为我们的生存离不开它们,所以被认为是必须的营养素。