英语专业考研英美文学作家作品笔记 01

British Writers and WorksThe Anglo-Saxon PeriodThe Venerable Bede 比得673~735Ecclesiastical History of the English People 英吉利人教会史 Alfred the Great 阿尔弗雷得大帝849~899The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 盎格鲁—萨克逊编年史The Late Medieval AgesWilliam Langland 威廉•兰格伦1332~1400Piers the Plowman 农夫比埃斯的梦Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400The Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集The House of Fame声誉之宫Sir Thomas Malory托马斯•马洛里爵士1405~1471Le Morte D’Arthur亚瑟王之死The RenaissanceSir Philip Sydney菲利普•锡德尼爵士1554~1586The School of Abuse诲淫的学校Defense of Poesy诗辩Edmund Spenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞1552~1599The Shepherd s Calendar牧人日历Amoretti爱情小唱Epithalamion婚后曲Colin Clouts Come Home Againe柯林•克劳特回来了Foure Hymnes四首赞美歌The Faerie Queene仙后Thomas More托马斯•莫尔1478~1535Utopia乌托邦Francis Bacon弗兰西斯•培根1561~1626Advan cement of Learning学术的推进Novum Organum新工具Essays随笔Christopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗•马洛1564~1595Tamburlaine帖木耳大帝The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧William Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱利叶Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人Henry IV亨利四世Julius Caesar尤利乌斯•凯撒As You Like It皆大欢喜Hamlet哈姆莱特Othello奥赛罗King Lear李尔王Macbeth麦克白Antony and Cleopatra安东尼与克里奥佩特拉Tempest暴风雨poetry: Venus and Adonis; The Rape of Lucrece (Venus and Lucrece); The Passionate Pilgrim, the SonnetsThe 17th CenturyJohn Milton约翰•弥尔顿1608~1674L’Allegre 欢乐的人IL Pens eroso 沉思的人Comus柯玛斯Lycid as利西达斯Of Education论教育Areopagitica论出版自由The Defence of the English People为英国人民声辩The Second Defence of the English People再为英国人民声辩Paradise Lost失乐园Paradise Regained复乐园Samson Agonistes力士参孙John Bunya n约翰•班扬1628~1688Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners功德无量The Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程The Life and Death of Mr Badman败德先生传The Holy War圣战John Dryden约翰•德莱顿1631~1700All for Love一切为了爱情Absalom and Achitophel押沙龙与阿齐托菲尔The Hind and Panther牝鹿与豹Annus Mirabilis神奇的年代Alexander’s Feast亚历山大的宴会An Essay of Dramatic Poesy 论戏剧诗The 18th CenturyAlexander Pope亚历山大•蒲柏1688~1744Essay on Criticism批评论Moral Essays道德论An Ess ay on Man人论The Rape of the Rock卷发遇劫记The Dunciad愚人记Samuel Johnson塞缪尔•约翰逊1709~1784The Dictionary of English Language英语辞典The Vanity of Human Wishes人类欲望之虚幻London伦敦The Lives of Great Poets诗人传Jonath an Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745The Battle of Books书战A Tale of a Tub木桶的故事The Drapper’s Letters一个麻布商的书信A Modest Proposal一个小小的建议Gulliver’s Travels格列佛游记Daniel Defoe丹尼尔•笛福1660~1731The Review (periodical founded b y Defoe)评论报Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记Henry Fielding亨利•菲尔丁1707~1754The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews约瑟夫•安德鲁 The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild, the Great大诗人江奈生•威尔德 Amelia爱米利亚The History of Tom Jones, a Found ling汤姆•琼斯The Historical Register for 1736一七三六年历史记事Don Quixote in England堂吉柯德在英国Samuel Richardson塞缪尔•理查逊1689~1761Pamela (Virtue Rewarded)帕米拉Oliver Goldsmith奥利弗•格尔德斯密斯1730~1774The Traveller旅游人The Desert e d Village荒村The Vicar of Wakefield威克菲尔德牧师传The Good Natured Man好心人She Stoops to Conquer屈身求爱The Citizens of the World世界公民Thomas Gray托马斯•格雷1716~1771An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽诗Ode on the D eath of a Favourite Cat爱猫之死The Bard游吟诗人Richard Brinsley Sheridan理查德•布林斯利•施莱登1751~1816 The Rivals情敌The School for Scandal造谣学校St. Patrick’s Day (The Scheming Lieutenant)圣•派特立克节The Duenna伴娘The Critic批评家The Romantic AgeRobert Burns罗伯特•彭斯1759~1796Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗 John Anderson, My Jo约翰•安德生,我的爱人A Red, Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰Auld Long Syne往昔时光A Man’s a Man for A’That不管那一套My H eart’s in the Highlands我的心在那高原上William Blake威廉•布莱克1757~1827Songs of Innocence天真之歌Songs of Experience经验之歌America亚美利加Europe欧罗巴Milton弥尔顿Jerusalem耶路撒冷The Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770~1850We Are Seven我们是七个The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女Imitations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood不朽颂 The Prelude序曲Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集Samuel Taylor Coleridge塞缪尔•泰勒•科尔律治1772~1834The Rime of the Ancient Mariner古舟子颂Christabel柯里斯塔贝尔Kubla Khan忽必烈汗Frost at Night半夜冰霜Dejection, an Ode忧郁颂Biographia Literaria文学传记George Gordon Byron乔治•戈登•拜伦1788~1824Childe Harold’s Pilgrima ge恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记Manfred曼弗雷德Cain该隐Don Juan唐•璜When We Two Parted当初我们俩分别Persy Bysshe Shelley波西•比希•雪莱1792~1822Queen Mab麦步女王Revolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛The Cenci钦契一家The Masque of Anarchy, Hellas专制者的假面游行Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯Ode to the West Wind西风颂To a Skylark致云雀John Keats约翰•济慈1795~1821On a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂Ode to Autumn秋颂To Psyche普塞克颂On First Looking in C hapman’s Homer初读查普曼翻译的荷马史诗有感 Sir Walter Scott沃尔特•斯科特爵士1771~1832The Lady of the Lake湖上夫人Waverley威弗利Guy Mannering盖曼纳令Rob Roy罗伯•罗伊Ivanhoe艾凡赫Kenilworth肯纳尔沃斯堡Quentin Durward昆廷•达沃德St. Ronan’s Wells圣罗南之泉Jane Austen简•奥斯丁1775~1817Sense and Sensibility理智与情感Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德庄园Emma爱玛Northanger Abbey诺桑觉寺Persuasion劝导Charles Lamb查尔斯•兰姆1775~1834Tales from S hakespeare莎士比亚戏剧故事集John Woodvil约翰•伍德维尔The Victorian AgeCharles Dickens查尔斯•狄更斯1812~1870Sketches by Boz波兹特写The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club匹克威克外传 Oliver Twist奥利弗•特维斯特(雾都孤儿)The Old Curiosity Shop老古玩店Barnaby Rudge巴纳比•拉奇American Notes美国杂记Martin Chuzzlewit马丁•朱淑尔维特A Christmas Carol圣诞颂歌The Chimes教堂钟声The Cricket on the Hearth灶上蟋蟀Dombey and Son董贝父子David Copperfield大卫•科波菲尔Bleak House荒凉山庄Hard Times艰难时世Little Dorrit小杜丽A Tale of Two Cities双城记Great Expectations远大前程Our Mutual Friend我们共同的朋友Edwin Drood艾德温•朱特William Makepeace Thackeray威廉•麦克匹斯•萨克雷1811~1863 Vanity Fair名利场Pendennis潘登尼斯The Newcomers纽克姆一家The History of Henry Esmond亨利•埃斯蒙德Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂•勃朗特1816~1855Professor教师Jane Eyre简•爱Shirley雪莉Villette维莱特Emily Bronte艾米莉•勃朗特1818~1854Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄George Eliot乔治•艾略特1819~1880Adam Bede亚当•比德The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊Silas Marner织工马南Romola罗慕拉Felix Holt菲利克斯•霍尔特Middlemarch米德尔马契Daniel Deronda丹尼尔•德龙拉Thomas Hardy托马斯•哈代1840~1928A Pair of Blue Eyes一双蓝眼睛The Trumpet Major号兵长Desperate Remedies非常手段The Hand of Ethelberta艾塞尔伯塔的婚姻Under the Greenwood Tree绿荫下Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长Tess of the D’Urbervil l es德伯家的苔丝Jude the Obscure无名的裘德Alfred Tennyson阿尔弗莱德•丁尼生1809~1892In Memoriam悼念Break, Break, Break冲击、冲击、冲击Idylls of the King国王叙事诗Robert Browning罗伯特•白朗宁1812~1889Dramatic Lyrics戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romanc es and Lyrics戏剧故事及抒情诗Men and Women男男女女Dramatic Personae登场人物The Ring and the Book环与书Elizabeth Barrett Browning伊丽莎白•芭蕾特•白朗宁1806~1861 Sonnets from the Portuguese葡萄牙十四行诗The Cry of the Children孩子们的哭声John Ru skin约翰•罗斯金1819~1900Modern Painters现代画家The Seven Lamps of Architecture建筑的七盏明灯The Stone of Venice威尼斯石头Oscar Wilde奥斯卡•王尔德1856~1900The Happy Prince and Other Tales快乐王子故事集The Picture of Dorian Gray多利安•格雷的画像Lady Windermere’s Fan温德米尔夫人的扇子A Woman of No Importance一个无足轻重的女人An Ideal Husband理想的丈夫The Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要1900~1950William Butler Yeats威廉•勃特勒•叶茨1865~1939The Responsibilities责任The Wild Swa ns at Coole库尔的野天鹅The Tower钟楼The Winding Stair弯弯的楼梯John Galsworthy约翰•高尔斯华绥1867~1933Forsyte Saga福尔塞世家The Man of Property有产业的人In Chancery进退维谷To Let招租出让The End of the Chapter一章的结束James Joy ce詹姆斯•乔伊斯1882~1941A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man一个青年艺术家的肖像Ulysses尤利西斯Finnegans Wake芬尼根的苏醒Dubliners都柏林人Virginia Woolf弗吉尼娅•沃尔芙1882~1941Mrs Dalloway达洛维夫人To the Lighthouse到灯塔去The Waves浪D avid Herbert Lawrence戴维•赫伯特•劳伦斯1885~1930Sons and Lovers儿子与情人The Rainbow虹Women in Love恋爱中的女人Lady Chatterley’s Lover查特莱夫人的情人George Bernard Shaw乔治•伯纳•萧1856~1950Mrs Warren’s Profession华伦夫人的职业Man and Super man人与超人Major Barbara巴巴拉少校Pygmalion匹格玛利翁Heartbreak House伤心之家The Apple Cart苹果车Saint Joan圣女贞德American Writers and WorksColonial PeriodJonathan Edwards乔纳森•爱德华兹1703~1758The Freedom of the Will意志的自由The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended原罪说辩Benjamin Franklin本杰明•富兰克林1706~1790Poor Richard’s Almanac格言历书Autobiography自传Romantic PeriodWashington Irving华盛顿•欧文A History of New York from the Beginni n g of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty纽约外史The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.见闻札记A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada征服格拉纳达The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉Rip Van Winkle瑞普•凡•温克尔James Fennimore Cooper詹姆斯•菲尼莫•库柏1789~1851The Spy间谍Leatherstocking Tales皮袜子五部曲The Deerslayer杀鹿者The Last of the Mohicans最后的莫西干人The Pathfinder探路者The Pioneer开拓者The Prairie草原Ralph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫•瓦尔多•爱莫生1803~1882Nature论自然Henry David Thoreau亨利•大卫•梭罗1817~1862A Week on the Concord and Merrimack River康克德和美利马科河上的一周Walden华尔腾A Plea for John Brown为约翰•布朗请命Nathaniel Hawthorne纳萨尼尔•霍桑1804~1864Twice-told Tales故事重述Mosses from and Old M anse古宅青苔The Scarlet Letter红字The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁楼的房子The Marble Faun大理石雕像Herman Melville赫尔曼•梅尔维尔1819~1891Typee泰比Omio欧穆Mardi玛地Redburn莱德伯恩White Jacket白外套Moby Dick白鲸(莫比•迪克)Pierre皮埃尔Billy Budd比利•巴德Walt Whitman沃尔特•惠特曼1819~1892Leaves of Grass草叶集Emily Dickenson艾米莉•迪金森1830~1886Because I Can’t Stop for Death因为我不能等待死神I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I died我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声M ine – by the Right of the White Election我的丈夫——选择如意情人的权利Wild Nights –Wild Nights暴风雨夜Edgar Allen Poe埃德加•艾伦•坡1809~1849Ms Found in a Bottle在瓶子里发现的手稿The Murders in the Rue Morgue莫格路上的暗杀案The Purloined Letter被盗的信The Fall o f the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌Ligeia丽姬娅The Masque of the Red Death红色死亡的化妆舞会The Philosophy of Composition创作哲学The Poetic Principle诗歌原理Review of Hawthorne’s Twice-told Tales评霍桑的《故事重述》The Age of RealismWillia m Dean Howells威廉•迪恩•豪威尔斯1837~1920The Rise of Silas Lapham塞拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹A Modern Instance现代婚姻Henry James亨利•詹姆斯1843~1916The American美国人Daisy Miller戴希•米勒The Portrait of a Lady一个青年女人的画像The Turn of the Screw拧螺丝The Ambassadors使节The Wings of the Dove鸽翼The Golden Bowl金碗Mark Twain马克•吐温1835~1910The Gilded Age镀金时代The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆•索亚历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝里•芬历险记Life on the M ississippi在密西西比河上A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州的美国佬The Man That Corrupted Hardleybug败坏了哈德莱堡的人American NaturalismTheodore Dreiser西奥多•德莱塞1871~1945Sister Carrie嘉丽妹妹Financier金融家The Titan巨头The Stoic斯多噶Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘American Tragedy美国的悲剧The Genius天才Stephen Crane斯蒂芬•克兰1871~1900Maggie, a Girl of the Street街头女郎麦琪The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章The Black Riders and Other L ines黑衣骑士及其他War Is Kind战争是仁慈的The Modern PeriodEzra Pound埃兹拉•庞德1885~1972Cantos诗章Thomas Sterns Eliot托马斯•斯特恩斯•艾略特1888~1965The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock杰•阿尔弗雷德•普鲁夫洛克的情歌 The Waste Land荒原Hollow Ma n空心人Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三Four Quarters四个四重奏Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案The Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会The Confidential Clerk机要秘书The Sacred Wood圣林Essays on Style and Order风格与秩序论文集After Strange Gods拜异教神Robert Frost罗伯特•弗洛斯特1874~1963A Boy’s Will一个男孩的意愿Mountain Interval间歇泉New Hampshire新罕布什尔F. Scott Fitzgerald弗•斯科特•费兹杰拉德1896~1940This Side of Paradise人间天堂Flappers and Philosophers轻佻女郎与哲学家The Beautifu l and the Damned美丽的和该死的(漂亮冤家)The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨币(灯绿梦渺)Tender is the Night夜色温柔All the Sad Young Man一代悲哀的年轻人The Last Tycoon最后的巨头Ernest Hemingway厄内斯特•海明威1899~1961In Our Time在我们的时代里Winner Take Nothing胜者无所得The Torrents of Spring春潮The Sun Also Rises太阳照常升起A Farewell to Arms永别了,武器Death in the Afternoon午后之死To Have and Have Not富有与贫穷Green Hills of Africa非洲青山The Fifth Column第五纵队For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣The Old Man and the Sea老人与海Sinclair Lewis辛克莱•刘易斯1885~1951Main Street大街Babbitt巴比特Arrowsmith埃罗史密斯Dodsworth陶兹华斯Elmer Gantry埃尔莫•甘德里Willa Cather薇拉•凯瑟1873~1947Alexander’s Bridge亚历山大的桥O Pioneers啊,拓荒者!The Song of the Lark莺之歌My Antonia我的安东尼娅William Faulkner威廉•福克纳1897~1962The Marble Faun玉石雕像Soldier’s Pay兵饷Mosquitoes蚊群Sartoris家族小说The Sound and the Fury喧嚣与骚动As I Lay Dying在我弥留之际Light in August八月之光Absalom, Absalom押沙龙,押沙龙Go Down, Moses去吧,莫西John Steinbeck约翰•斯坦贝克1902~1968Cup of Gold金杯Tortilla Flat煎饼坪In Dubious Battle胜负未决的战斗Of Mice and Men人与鼠The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄The Post-War PeriodJerome David Salinger杰罗姆•大卫•赛林格1919~ Catcher in the Rye麦田里的守望者Joseph Heller约瑟夫•海勒1923~1999Catch-22第二十二条军规Saul Bellow索尔•贝罗1915~Dangling Man晃来晃去的人The Adventures of A ugie March奥吉•玛其历险记 Henderson the Rain King雨王汉德森Herzog赫索格Mr. Sammler’s Planet塞姆勒先生的行星Humboldt’s Gift洪堡的礼物The Dean’s December院长的十二月American DramaEugene O’Neil尤金•奥尼尔1888~1953Beyond the Horizon天边外The Emperor Jones琼斯皇帝The Hairy Ape毛猿Desire under the Elms榆树下的欲望The Iceman Cometh卖冰的人来了Long Day’s Journey into Night长夜漫漫路迢迢Tennessee Williams田纳西•威廉姆斯1911~1983The Glass Menagerie玻璃动物园A Streetcar N amed Desire欲望号街车Summer and Smoke夏与烟Cat on a Hot Tin Roof热铁皮屋顶上的猫Arthur Milller亚瑟•米勒1915~The Man Who Had All the Luck交好运的人All My Sons都是我的儿子Death of a Salesman推销员之死The Crucible萨勒姆的女巫A View for the Brid ge桥头眺望Edward Albee爱德华•阿尔比1928~Zoo Story动物园故事Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?谁害怕弗吉尼娅•沃尔芙?Black American LiteratureRichard Wright理查德•赖特1908~1960Uncle Tom’s Children汤姆叔叔的孩子们Native Son土生子Black Boy黑孩子Ralph Ellison拉尔芙•爱丽森1914~1994Invisible Man看不见的人James Baldwin詹姆斯•鲍德温1924~1987Go Tell It on the Mountain向苍天呼吁Notes of a Native Son土生子的札记Nobody Knows My Name没有人知道我的名字The Fire Next Time下一次将是烈火Toni Morrison托妮•莫瑞森1931~The Bluest Eye最蓝的眼睛Song of Solomon所罗门之歌Tar Baby柏油孩子Beloved宠儿英国作家文学作品Chapter I 文艺复兴时期I. Edmund SpenserEpithalamion 贺新婚曲The Faerie Queene 仙后选文为The Faerie QueeneII.Christopher MarloweTamburlaine 铁木耳转Dr. Faustus 浮士德悲剧The Jew of Malta 马乐他岛的犹太人Edward II 爱德华二世Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德尔选文为Dr. Faustus ;The Passionate Shepherd to His LoveIII. William ShakespeareRape of Lucrece 鲁克斯受辱记Venus and Adonis 维纳斯与安东尼斯Titus Andronicus 泰托斯安东尼The Comedy of Errors 错误的喜剧The Two Gentlemen of Veroma 维洛那二绅士The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记Love’s Labour’s Lost 爱的徒劳Richard II 理查二世King John 约翰王Henry IV, Parts I and II, Henry VSix Comedies:A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人Twelfth Night 第十二夜As You Like It 皆大欢喜(The Great Comedies)Much Ado About Nothing 无事无非The Merry Wise of Windsor 温莎的风流娘儿们Two Tragedies:Romeo and Juliet 罗米欧与朱丽叶Julius Caesar 凯撒The Great tragedies:HamletOthelloKing LearMacbethAntony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克里佩特拉Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus 特洛伊勒斯与克利西达All’Well That Ends Well (comedy) 终成成眷属Measure for Measure (comedy) 一报还一报Pericles 伯里克利Cymbeline 辛白林The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨Henry VIIIThe Two Noble Kinsmen两位贵族亲戚选文为Sonnet 18; The Merchant of Venice; HamletIV. Francis BaconThe Advancement of Learning 论科学的价值与发展Novum Organum 新工具Apophthagmes New and Old 新旧格言录The History of the Reign of Henry VIIThe New Atlantis 新大西岛Maxims of Law 法律原理The Learning Reading upon the Statute of Uses法令使用读书选文Of StudiesV. John DonneThe Elegies and Satires 挽歌与十四行诗The Songs and Sonnets 歌谣与十四行诗Holy Sonnets 圣十四行诗A Hymns to God the Father 给圣父的赞美诗选文The Rising Sun; Death Be Not ProudVI. John MiltonParadise Lost 失乐园Paradise Regain 复乐园Samson Agonistes力士参孙Lycidas 利西达斯Areopagitica 论出版自由Chapter II 新古典主义时期I.John BunyanThe Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners 罪人头目的赫免The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 拜德门先生生死录The Holy War 圣战选文The Vanity Fair (from the The Pilgrim’s Progress)II.Alexander PopeThe Dunciad 群愚史诗An Essay on Criticism 论批评The Rape of the Lock 夺发记选文An Essay on CriticismIII. Daniel DefoeRobinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记Captain Singleton 辛立顿船长Moll Flanders 莫尔弗兰德斯Colonel Jack 杰克上校A Journal of the Plague Year 灾疫之年的日记Roxana 罗克萨那选文Robinson CrusoeIV. Jonathan SwiftA Tale of Tub 木桶传The Battle of the Books 书籍的战斗Gulliver’s Travels 格列弗游记A Modest Proposal 一个小小的建议The Drapier’s Letters 布商的书信选文Gulliver’s TravelsV. Henry FieldingThe Coffee House Politician 咖啡屋的政治家The Tragedy of the Tragedies 悲剧中的悲剧The Historical Register for the Year 1736 1736历史年鉴The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams, Written in Imitation of the Manner of CervantesThe History of Jonathan Wild the Great 大伟人江奈生翻乐德传The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 汤姆琼斯The History of Amelia 阿米亚选文为Tom JonesVI. Samuel JohnsonPoems:LondonThe Vanity of Human Wishes 人生希望多空幻The History of Rasselas, Price of Abyssinia (a romance)阿比西尼亚王子的故事Irene (a tragedy) 艾琳The Ramble and The Idler 漫游者和闲散者Lives of PoetsA Dictionary of the English Language选文To the Right Honorable the Earl of ChesterfieldVII. Richard Brinsley SheridanThe Rival 情敌The School for Scandal 造谣学校St. Patrick’s Day 圣特帕里克节日Scheming Lieutenant 诡计多端的中尉The Duenna 少女的监护人The Critic 批评家Pizarro 比扎罗选文The School for ScandalVIII.Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的挽歌Ode on a Spring 春之颂Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 伊顿远眺Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 爱猫之死颂Hymn to Adversity 逆境颂选文Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardChapter III 浪温主义时期I.William BlakePoetic Sketches 诗歌扎记The Songs of Innocence 天真之歌The Songs of Experience 经验之歌Marriage of Heaven and Hell 天堂与地狱联姻The Book of Urizen 尤里曾的书The Book of Los 洛斯的书The Four Zoas 四个成熟的个体Milton 弥尔顿选文The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Innocence); The TygerII. William WordsworthLyrical Ballads (抒情歌谣集)The PreludeThe ExcursionWorshipper of Nature (The Sparr,w’s Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo, To a Butterfly,I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, An Evening Walking, My Heartn Leaps up, Tintern Abbey) 选文:I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Composed upon Westminster Bridge,She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways, The Solitary ReaperIII. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLyrical BalladsThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner (古舟子咏)Kubla Khan (忽必烈汗)This Lime Free Bower My Prison (酸橙树亭------我的监牢)Frost at Midnight 午夜霜The Nightingale 夜莺Biographia Literaria 文学传记选文Kubla KhanIV.George Grodon ByronHours of Idleness 闲散的时光Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 恰尔德哈罗德游记Oriented Tales 东方化的传奇The Prisoner of Chillon 锡庸的囚徒Manfred 曼弗雷德Don Juan 唐璜Cain 该隐The Island 岛屿The Vision of Judgment 审判的想象选文Song for the Luddites ; The Isles of Greece (from Don Juan)V. Percy Bysshe ShelleyThe Necessity of Atheism 无神论的必要性Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem 仙后麦布Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude 复仇者或隐居者的精神Julian and Maddalo 朱利安与麦达格The Revolt of Islam 伊斯兰的反叛The Cenci 钦契一家The Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯Adomais 阿多尼斯Hellas 海娜斯A Defense of Poetry 诗之辩护选文A Song: Men of England; Ode to the West WindVI. John KeatsOn First Looking into Chapman’s HomerEndymionLamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agens, and Other Poems (Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Psyche)Lyric masterpiece (To Autumn, Hyperion)选文Ode on a Grecian UrnVII. Jane AustenSense and Sensibility 理智与情感Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Northanger Abbey 诺桑觉寺Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德花园Emma 埃玛Persuasion 劝导The Watsons 屈陈氏一爱Fragment of a Novel 小说的片断Plan of a Novel 小说的计划选文Pride and PrejudiceChapter IV. 维多利亚时期I.Charles DickensSketches by Boz 博兹特写集The Posthumous of the Pickwick Club 皮克威克外传Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby 尼古拉斯尼克尔贝The Pickwick Paper 皮克威克外传David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔Martin Chuzzlewit 马丁朱尔述维特Dombey and Son 董贝父子A Tale of Two Cities 双城记Bleak House 荒凉山庄Little Dorrit 小杜丽Hard Times 艰难时世Great Expectations 远大前程Our Mutual Friends 我们共同的朋友The Old Curiosity Shop 老古玩店选文为Oliver TwistII. The Bronte SistersPoem by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell (Charlotte, Emily, Anne) The Professor (Charlotte) 教师Jane Eyre (Charlotte) 简爱Wuthering Heights (Emily) 呼啸山庄Agnes Grey (Anne) 格雷The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Anne)野岗庄园房客选文Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Wuthering Heights by Emily BronteIII. Alfred TennysonPoems by Two Brothers 两兄弟诗集Poems, Chiefly Lyrical 诗集,主要是抒情诗Poems 诗集The Princess 公主In Memoriam 悼念Idylls of the King 国王叙事集选文Break,Break,Break, Crossing the Bar, UlyssesIV. Robert BrowningPauline 波琳Sordello 索尔戴洛Dramatic Lyrics 戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romances and Lyrics 戏剧罗曼史和抒情诗Bells and Pomegranates 铃铛与石榴Men and Women 男人与女人Dramatic Personae 剧中人The Ring and the Book 指环与书Dramatic Idylls 戏剧田园诗选文My Last Duchess, Meeting at Night, Parting at MorningV. George EliotScenes of Clerical Life 教区生活场景Adam Bede 亚当比德The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊Romola 罗慕拉Felix holt, the Radical 激进分子菲尼克斯霍尔特Middlemarch 米德尔马契Daniel Deronda 但尼尔狄隆达选文MiddlemarchVI. Thomas HardyTess of the D’Urbervilles 苔丝Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德The Dynasts 列后The Return of the Native 还乡The Trumpet Major 号兵长The Mayor of Casterbridge 卡斯特桥市长The Woodlanders 林地居民Under the Greenwood 林间居民Far from the Madding Crowd 远离尘嚣选文Tess of the D’UrbervillesChapter V 现代主义时期I. George Bernard ShawCashel Byron’s Profession 卡歇尔拜伦的职业Our Theaters in the Nineties 90年代的英国戏剧Widower’s Houses 鳏夫的房产Candida 堪迪达Mrs. Warren’s Profession 沃伦夫人的职业Caesar and Cleoptra 凯撕与克利奥佩特拉St. Joan 圣女贞德Back to Methuselah 回归玛士撒拉Man and Superman人与超人John Bull’s Other Island 约翰布尔的另外岛屿Pygmalion 茶花女Getting Married 结婚Misalliance 不合适的媳妇Fanny’s First Play 范尼的第一部戏剧The Doctor’s Dilemma医生的困境Too True to be Good 难以置信选文Mrs. Warren’s ProfessionII. John GalsworthyFrom the Four Winds 来自四位吹奏者The Man of Property 财主The Silver Box 银盒The Forsyte Saga弗尔赛特三部曲( The Man of Property, In Chancery 骑虎难下, To Let 出租)A Modern Comedy 现代喜剧End of the Chapter 篇章未尾选文The Man of PropertyIII. William Butler YeatsThe Lake of Innisfree 伊尼斯岛Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭The Countess Cathleen 女伯爵凯瑟琳Cathleen ni Houlihan 故里痕的凯瑟琳The Land of Heart’s Desire 心里渴望的地方The Shadowy Waters 浅水区Purgatory 炼狱选文The Lake of InnisfreeIV. T. S. EliotThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 布鲁富劳克的情歌The Waste Land 荒园Murder in the Cathedral 教堂里的谋杀The Family Reunion 家人团聚The Confidential Clerk 机要秘书The Statesmen 政治家The Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会选文The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockV. D. H. LawrenceSons and Lovers 儿子与情人The White Peacock白孔雀The Trespasser 过客The Rainbow彩虹Women in Love 恋爱中的女人Aaron’s Rod亚伦神仗Kangaroo 袋鼠The Plumed Serpent带羽毛的蛇Lady Chatterley’s Lover St. Mawr 圣摩尔The Daughter of the Vicar 主教的女儿The Horse Dealer’s Daughter贩马人的女儿The Captain’s Doll 般长的娃娃The Prussian Officer 普鲁士军官The Virgin and the Gypsy贞女和吉普塞人Trilogy(A Collier’s Friday Night, 矿工周五的夜晚The Daughter-in-law,儿媳The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed 守寡的霍尔伊德夫人选文Sons and LoversVI. James JoyceDubliner 都柏林人A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man青年艺术家的自画像Ulysses 尤利西斯Finnegans Wake 为芬尼根守灵选文Dubliner美国文学Chapter I 浪漫主义时期I.Washington IrvingA History of New York form the Beginning of the World to the End of Dutch Dynasty自古至荷兰占领为止的纽约史The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent 见闻扎记Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇庄园Tales of a Travel 旅行者的故事The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说选文Rip Van WinkleII. Ralph Waldo EmersonNature 论自然Essay 散文集The American Scholar 论美国学者Self-Reliance 论自信The Over-Soul 论超灵选文NatureIII. Nathaniel HawthorneMosses from an Old Manse古宅青苔The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales 雪像和其他故事新编The Scarlet Letter 红字The House of Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子The Blithedale Romance 福谷传说The Marble Faun 大理石雕像选文Young Goodman BrownIV. Walt WhitmanLeaves of Grass选文There Was a Child Went Forth, Cavalry Crossing a Ford, Song of MyselfV. Herman MelvilleTypee 泰比Omoo 奥穆Mardi 玛迪Redburn 雷德本White Jacket 白外衣Pierre 皮埃尔Confidence-Man 信心人Moby-Dick 白鲸Billy Budd 比利伯德选文Moby-DickChapter II 现实主义时期I. Mark TwainAdventures of Huckleberry FinnLife on Mississippi The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Innocent Abroad 傻瓜出国记Roughing It 含莘如苦The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Gilded Age 镀金时代A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 亚瑟王宫庭中的美国佬The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson 傻瓜威尔逊The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 败坏哈德莱堡的人The Mysterious Stranger 神秘的陌生人选文Adventures of Huckleberry FinnII. Henry JamesThe American 美国人Daisy Miller 黛西米勒The European 欧洲人The Protrait of A Lady 贵妇人的画像The Bostonians 波士顿人Princess Casamassima 卡撒玛西公主The Private Life 私生活The Middle Years 中年The Turn of the Screw 螺丝的拧紧The Beast in the Jungle 丛林猛兽What Maisie Knows 梅西所知道的The Wings of the Dove 鸽翼The Ambassadors 大使The Golden Bowl 金碗The Death of a Lion 狮之死选文Daisy MillerIII. Emily DickinsonIf you were coming in the fallThere came a day Summer’s fullI cannot live with You I’m ceded-I’ve stopped being theirs选文This is my letter to the World, I heard a Fly buzz-when I diedI like to see it lap the MilesBecause I could not stop for deathIV.Theodore DreisererSister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹Nigger Jeff 黑人杰夫Old Rogaum and His Theresa 老罗格姆和他的特里萨Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘Trilogy of Desire The Financier 金融家The Genius 天才An American Tragedy 美国悲剧Dreiser at Russia 德莱塞对俄罗斯的观感选文Sister CarrieChapter III 现代主义时期I. Ezra PoundThe Cantos 诗章Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound 庞德的诗章Personae 人物Cantos Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 休塞尔温莫伯利Make It New 要革新Literary Essays 文学散文The ABC of Reading 阅读入门Polite Essays 优雅的随笔The Translations of Ezra Pound 庞德译文集Confucius 孔子Shih-Ching 诗集选文In a Station of the Metro, The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter, A PactII. Robert Lee FrostA Boy’s Will 一个男孩儿的愿望North of Boston 波士顿以北Mountain IntervalNew Hampshire 新罕布什尔Snowy Evening 雪夜停马在林边West-Running Brook 向西流去的小溪Collected Poems 诗选 A Winter Tree选文After Apple-Picking, The Road Not Taken, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening以III. Eugene O’NeillBound East for Cardiff 驶向东方的卡笛夫Beyond the Horizon 天外边Straw Anna Christie The Emperor Jones 琼斯皇帝The Hairy Ape 毛猿All God’s Chillun Got Wings 所有上帝的烟斗都有翅膀The Great God Brown 伟大之神布朗Long Day’s Journal Into Night 直到夜晚的漫长的一天Desire Under the Elms 榆树下的欲望选文The Hairy ApeIV. F. Scott FitzgeraldThis Side of Paradise 天堂的这一边Beautiful and Damned 美丽而遭骂的人The Great Gatsby Tender is the Night 夜色温柔The Last Tycoon 最后一个巨头Flappers and Philosophers 吹捧者与哲学家Tales of the Jazz Age 爵士时代All the Sad Young Men 所有悲惨的小伙子Taps at Reveille 拍打在起床鼓上Babylon Revisited重返巴比伦选文The Great GatsbyV. Earnest HemingwayIn Our Time 在我们的时代A Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器For Whom the Bell Tolls 丧钟为谁敲响The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海Men Without Women 没有女人的男人Death in the Afternoon 午后之死The Snows of Kilimanjaro 开利曼扎罗之雪The Green Hills of Africa 非洲的青山选文Indian Camp (from In Our Time)。

英国文学与美国文学学习笔记摘抄I.Literature文学i)English Literature英国文学I .Old and Medieval English literature(450-1066)&(1066-15世纪后期)上古及中世纪英国文学Background:英伦三岛自古以来遭遇过3次外族入侵,分别为古罗马人、盎格鲁-萨克逊人&诺曼底人。
中世纪时期(约1066-15世纪后期)即从诺曼底征服起到文艺复兴前夕,为英国封建社会时期的文学,盛行文学形式为民间抒情诗(the folk ballad)和骑士抒情诗(the romance)。
I)The Anglo-Saxon Period(450-1066)盎格鲁撒克逊文明兴盛时期(上古时期)文学表现形式主要为诗歌散文。
i代表人物和主要作品:第一部民族史诗(the national epic)《贝奥武甫》Beowulf,体现盎格鲁撒克逊人对英雄君主的拥戴和赞美,歌颂了人类战胜以妖怪为代表的神秘自然力量的伟大功绩。
"Down off the moorlands' misting fells cameGrendel stalking;God's brand was on him.大踏步地走下沼泽地,上帝在每个人身上都打下了烙印。
"II)The Norman Period(1066-1350)诺曼时期In the early 11th century all England was conquered by the Danes for 23 years. Then the Danes were expelled, but in 1066 the Normans came from Normandy in northern France to attack England under the leadship of the Duck of Normandy who claimed the English throne. For the last Saxon king, Harold ,had promised that he would give his kingdom to William, Duck of Normandy, as an expression of his gratitude for protecting his kingdom during the invasion by the Danes. This is known as the Norman Conquest.诺曼征服Middle English中世纪英语III)The Age of chaucer(1350-1400)乔叟时期The Hundred Years' War英法百年战争Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里.乔叟-中世纪最伟大诗人、英国民族文学奠基者。

美国文学作家作品美国文学作家作品一、一、 the Colonial Period: 殖民地时期殖民地时期殖民地时期 1、Captain John Smith 约翰约翰史密斯船长斯船长 A Map of Virginia 《弗吉尼亚的地图《弗吉尼亚的地图 》 Description of New England 《新英格兰记》《新英格兰记》 2、Anne Anne Bradstreet Bradstreet 安妮.布拉兹特里特特里特 The Tenth Muse Lately sprung up in America Contemplation 《沉思》《沉思》Upon the Burning of our House 《火烧房子》《火烧房子》3、Edward Taylor 爱德华.泰勒泰勒 Huswifery 4、Roger Williams 罗杰.威廉威廉The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience 5、John Woolman 约翰.乌尔曼乌尔曼 Some considerations on the Keeping of Negroes A Plea for the Poor 6、Philip Freneau 菲利普.弗瑞诺弗瑞诺 The Rising Glory of America 《美洲光辉的升起》《美洲光辉的升起》The Wild Honey Suckle 《野金银花》《野金银花》二、二、 American Revolution :美国革命时期美国革命时期1、 Jonathan Edwards 爱德华兹爱德华兹 The Freedom of the Will 《自由意志》《自由意志》The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended 《大原罪的教义辩护》教义辩护》Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 《愤怒的上帝手中的罪人》的罪人》2、 Benjamin Franklin 本杰明.富兰克林富兰克林The Poor Richard ’s Almanac 《格言历书》《格言历书》 Autography 《自传》《自传》 The Way to Wealth 致富之道;致富之道; 3、Thomas Paine 托马斯•潘恩托马斯•潘恩 Common Sense 《常识》《常识》American Crisis 《美国危机》《美国危机》The age of reason 《理性时代》《理性时代》The rights of man 《人的权利》《人的权利》The Case of the Officers of Excise 税务员问题;税务员问题;Downfall of Despotism 专制体制的崩溃;专制体制的崩溃;三、三、 American Romanticism 浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学 1、 Washington Irving 华盛顿.欧文欧文 A history of New York 《纽约外史》《纽约外史》美国人写的第一部美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book 《见闻札记》《见闻札记》Rip V an Winkle 《瑞普.凡.温克尔》温克尔》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 《睡谷的传奇》使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇田庄;布雷斯布里奇田庄; Talks of Travellers 旅客谈;旅客谈;The Alhambra 阿尔罕伯拉阿尔罕伯拉2、 James James Fennimore Fennimore Fennimore Cooper Cooper 詹姆士.芬尼莫尔.库珀库珀The Spy 《间谍》《间谍》The Pilot 领航者; The Littlepage Manuscripts 利特佩奇的手稿利特佩奇的手稿;Leatherstocking Tales 《皮袜子系列》《皮袜子系列》包括包括 Deerslayer 《杀鹿者》《杀鹿者》Pathfinder 《探索者》《探索者》The Last of the Mohigan 《最后的马西坎》《最后的马西坎》Prairie 《大草原》《大草原》The Pioneers 《开拓者》《开拓者》3、 Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫•瓦尔多•爱默生夫•瓦尔多•爱默生 Essays 散文集:Nature 论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书; The American Scholar 论美国学者; Divinity;神学神学The Oversoul 论超灵; Self-reliance 论自立; The Transcendentalist 超验主义者; Representative Men 代表人物; English Traits 英国人的特征; School Address 神学院演说神学院演说Concord Hymn 康考德颂; The Rhodo 杜鹃花; The Humble Bee 野蜂; Days 日子-首开自由诗之先河首开自由诗之先河4、 Henry Henry David David David Thoreau Thoreau 亨利•大卫•梭罗大卫•梭罗A week on the Concord and Merrimack River 《康科德和梅里马克河上一周》《康科德和梅里马克河上一周》Civil Disobedience 《论公民的不服从》《论公民的不服从》Walden 《瓦尔登湖》《瓦尔登湖》 5、 Nathaniel Nathaniel Hawthorn Hawthorn 纳撒尼尔•霍桑尔•霍桑 Twice-Told Tales 《重讲一遍的故事a collection of short stories 》Mosses From an Old Manse 《古屋青苔》《古屋青苔》The Blithedale Romance 《福谷传奇》《福谷传奇》《福谷传奇》 Yong Goodman Brown 《年轻的小伙子布朗》《年轻的小伙子布朗》The Minister ’s Black V eil 《教长的黑面纱》《教长的黑面纱》Dr.Rappaccini ’s Daughter 《拉普奇尼博士的女儿》《拉普奇尼博士的女儿》House of Seven Gables 《七个尖角阁的房子》《七个尖角阁的房子》The Marble Faun 《玉石雕像》《玉石雕像》《玉石雕像》 6、 Herman Herman Melville Melville 赫尔曼•麦尔维尔尔维尔Typee 《泰比》《泰比》Omoo 《奥穆》《奥穆》Mardi 《玛地》《玛地》Redburn 《莱德伯恩》《莱德伯恩》White Jacket 《白外套》《白外套》The Confidence Man 《邪盗魅影》《邪盗魅影》《邪盗魅影》 Billy budd 《比利•巴德》《比利•巴德》Bartleby 《老板是空气》《老板是空气》Benito Cereno 《班尼托.西兰诺》西兰诺》Moby Dick 《大白鲸》《大白鲸》Pierre 皮尔埃; Piazza 广场故事; 7、Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加埃德加.爱伦.坡(A poet of first rank) (以诗为诗;永为世人共赏的伟大抒情诗人-----叶芝)叶芝) Sonnet —to science 《十四行诗—致科学》《十四行诗—致科学》 Israfel 《伊兹拉菲尔》《伊兹拉菲尔》To Helen 《献给海伦》《献给海伦》 The city in the sea The Raven 《乌鸦》《乌鸦》Fiction: The Fall of the House of Usher 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》《厄舍古屋的倒塌》Black Cat 《黑猫》《黑猫》The Masque of the Red Death 《红色死亡的化妆舞会》《红色死亡的化妆舞会》The Cask of Amontillado Foe 《一桶酒的故事》《一桶酒的故事》 Ligeie 《利盖娅》《利盖娅》The Purloined Letter 《被窃的信件》《被窃的信件》《被窃的信件》 The Gold Bud 《金甲虫》《金甲虫》《金甲虫》 The Murders in the Rue Morque 《莫格街凶杀案》《莫格街凶杀案》Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 《怪诞和阿拉伯风格的故事》《怪诞和阿拉伯风格的故事》8、 Harriet Harriet Beecher Beecher Beecher Stowe Stowe 哈里特.比彻.斯托夫人斯托夫人 Uncle Tom ’s Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 9、 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 朗费罗朗费罗 V oices of the Night 《夜之声》《夜之声》Hiawatha 《海华沙之歌》《海华沙之歌》Evangeline 《伊凡吉林姑娘》《伊凡吉林姑娘》The Courtship of Miles Standish 《斯坦迪什求婚记》《斯坦迪什求婚记》A Psalm of Life 《人生颂》《人生颂》10、 Walt Whitman 沃尔特惠特曼 Leaves of Grass 《草叶集》《草叶集》《草叶集》 Song of Myself 《自我之歌》《自我之歌》《自我之歌》 I hear America singing 《我听见美国在歌唱》《我听见美国在歌唱》Out of Cradle Endlessly Rocking 《从永不休止地摆动着的摇篮里》的摇篮里》When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d 《当紫丁香最近在庭园开放的时候》《当紫丁香最近在庭园开放的时候》11、 E mily Dickinson 艾米丽.狄金森狄金森At last to pray is left 《至少还可以做祈祷》《至少还可以做祈祷》Because I could not stop for death 《因为我没有静等死》《因为我没有静等死》I heard a fly buzz —when I dead 《我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声》声》Wild nights —wild nights 《暴风雨夜,暴风雨夜》暴风雨夜》I’ll tell you how sun riseThese are the days when birds come back Apparently with no surprise To fight aloud A triumph may be The beggar lad dies early 《讨饭的小伙子夭折了》《讨饭的小伙子夭折了》If I can stop one heart from breaking I died for beauty 《我为美丽而死》《我为美丽而死》 四、四、 the age of realism 现实主义时期现实主义时期1、 Mark Twain 马克吐温吐温The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》The Gilded Age 《镀金时代》《镀金时代》《镀金时代》 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆.索亚历险记》索亚历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克.费恩历险记》费恩历险记》Head Wilson 《傻瓜威尔逊》《傻瓜威尔逊》Life on the Mississippi 《在密西西比河上》《在密西西比河上》 The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》The Mysterious Stranger 《神秘的陌生人》《神秘的陌生人》《神秘的陌生人》 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 《在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美国人》The Prince and the Pauper 《主子与贫儿》《主子与贫儿》The Treaty With China 《与中国的条约》《与中国的条约》 To the Person sitting in Darkness 《给坐在黑暗中的人》《给坐在黑暗中的人》 2、 William William Dean Dean Dean Howells Howells 威廉.迪恩.豪威尔斯豪威尔斯 The Rise of Silas Laphum 《赛拉斯.拉帕姆的发迹》拉帕姆的发迹》 A Modern Instance 《现代婚姻》《现代婚姻》《现代婚姻》 3、 Henry James 亨利.詹姆斯詹姆斯 Daisy Miller 《黛西.米勒》米勒》The Portrait of a Lady 《一位女士的肖像》《一位女士的肖像》The American 《美国人》《美国人》 The Ambassadors 《专使》《专使》The Golden Bowl 《金碗》《金碗》《金碗》 The Wings of the Dove 《鸽翼》《鸽翼》五、五、 American Naturalism 美国自然主义文学美国自然主义文学1、 Stephen Stephen Crane Crane 斯蒂芬.克莱恩莱恩Maggie : A Girl of the Street 《街头女郎梅季》《街头女郎梅季》The Red Badge of Courage 《红色英勇勋章》《红色英勇勋章》Open Boat 《海上扁舟》《海上扁舟》Blue Hotel 《蓝色旅馆》《蓝色旅馆》The Experiment in Misery 2、 Frank Frank Norris Norris 弗兰克.莫里斯MC Teague 《麦克提格》《麦克提格》 The Octopus 《鲸鱼》《鲸鱼》 The pit 《深渊》《深渊》 3、 Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱赛德莱赛 Cowperwood trilogy 《欲望三部曲》《欲望三部曲》 1) The Financier 《金融家》《金融家》2) The Titan 《巨人》《巨人》3) The stoic 《斯多葛》《斯多葛》Autobiography : The Genius 《天才》《天才》An American Tragedy 《美国悲剧》《美国悲剧》《美国悲剧》 Masterpiece : Sister Carrie 《嘉丽妹妹》《嘉丽妹妹》Second novel : Jennie Gerhardt 《珍妮姑娘》《珍妮姑娘》4、 Jack London 杰克.伦敦伦敦 The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》《野性的呼唤》White Fang 《白牙》《白牙》The Sea Wolf 《海狼》《海狼》 Martin Eden 《马丁.伊登》伊登》5、 O Henry 欧.亨利亨利 The Gift of Magi 《麦琪的礼物》《麦琪的礼物》The Cop and the Anthem 《警察和赞美诗》《警察和赞美诗》6、 Uptown Sinclair 辛克莱辛克莱The Jungle 《丛林》《丛林》7、 Edwin Edwin Arlington Arlington Arlington Robinson Robinson 埃德温阿林顿罗宾逊罗宾逊 Man against the Sky 《天边人影》《天边人影》 六、六、 modernism in the early 20th century 现代主义时期现代主义时期1、 Ezra Ezra Pound Pound 埃兹拉.庞德庞德Hugh Selwyn Mauberly 《休《休.希尔文.毛伯莱》毛伯莱》 Cantos 《诗章》《诗章》 2、 Hilda Doolittle 希尔达.杜丽特尔杜丽特尔 Sea Garden Collected Poems (Dread ;Pear Tree ;Orchard) The Walls Do Not Fall 《战争诗三部曲》《战争诗三部曲》 Tribute to the Angels The Flowering of the Rod Tribute to Freud Ellen in Egypt 3、 Thomas Stearns Eliot 托马托马斯.斯蒂恩斯.艾略特艾略特 The Love song of J.Alfred Prufrock 《杰.阿尔福瑞德.普鲁弗洛克的情诗》普鲁弗洛克的情诗》The Waste Land 《荒原》《荒原》Poems: The Waste Land Hollow Man 《透明人》《透明人》Ash Wednesday 《圣灰星期三》《圣灰星期三》Four Quarters 《四个四重奏》《四个四重奏》Plays: Murder in the Cathedral 《大教堂谋杀案》《大教堂谋杀案》Sweeney Agonistes The Cocktail Party 《鸡尾酒会》《鸡尾酒会》《鸡尾酒会》 The Confident Clerk Critical essays 《评论集》《评论集》The Scared Wood Essays on Style and Order 《风格与秩序论文集》《风格与秩序论文集》Elizabethan Essays The Use of Poetry and The Use of Criticisms After Strange Gods 《拜异教神》《拜异教神》《拜异教神》 4、 Wallace Stevens 华莱士.斯蒂文斯斯蒂文斯 Anecdote of the Jar 《罐子的传说》《罐子的传说》Sunday Morning 《星期天的早晨》《星期天的早晨》The Emperor of Ice-Cream 《冰淇淋皇帝》《冰淇淋皇帝》5、 Williams Carlos Williams Paterson 《帕特生》《帕特生》卡洛斯.威廉斯威廉斯The Red Wheelbarrow 《红色手推车》《红色手推车》《红色手推车》 Spring and All 《春天和全部》《春天和全部》《春天和全部》 6、 Robert Robert Frost Frost 罗伯特弗罗斯特斯特 Stopping by Wood on a Snowy Evening 《雪夜林边驻脚》《雪夜林边驻脚》A Boy ’s Will 《少年意志》《少年意志》West —Running Brook 《西去的溪流》《西去的溪流》A Further Range 《又一片牧场》《又一片牧场》《又一片牧场》 After Apple —Picking 《摘苹果之后》《摘苹果之后》The Birches 《白桦树》《白桦树》Mending Wall 《修墙》《修墙》 Nothing Good Can Stay The Road Not Taken 《未选择的路》《未选择的路》Fire and Ice 《火与冰》《火与冰》《火与冰》 Once by the Pacific 7、 Carl Carl Sandburg Sandburg 卡尔.桑德堡 Cornhuskers 《剥玉米机》《剥玉米机》 Smoke and Steel 《烟与钢》《烟与钢》《烟与钢》 Good Morning, America 《早安,美国》《早安,美国》《早安,美国》 The People, yes Fog Lost 《失落》《失落》Chicago 《芝加哥》《芝加哥》8、 E.E.Cummings 肯明斯肯明斯 Tulips and Chimney 《郁金香和烟囱》《郁金香和烟囱》《郁金香和烟囱》 The Enormous Room 《大房间》《大房间》《大房间》 Chanson Innocenter O Sweet Spontaneous 9、 Hart Crane 哈特.克兰克兰 V oyage The Bridge 10、 F . Scott Fitzgerald 菲兹杰拉德菲兹杰拉德 This Side of Paradise 《人间天堂》《人间天堂》 Tender Is the Night 《夜色温柔》《夜色温柔》The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》《了不起的盖茨比》《了不起的盖茨比》 The Beautiful and Damned 《美丽的与遭诅咒的》《美丽的与遭诅咒的》All the Sad Young Men 《所有悲伤的年轻人》《所有悲伤的年轻人》Taps at Reveille The Last Tycoon 《最后的巨头》《最后的巨头》The Crack-up 11、 E rnest Hemingway 欧内斯特.海明威海明威 The Sun Also Rise 《太阳照常升起》《太阳照常升起》 Farewell to Arms 《永别了,武器》《永别了,武器》《永别了,武器》 For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》《丧钟为谁而鸣》 The Torrents of Spring 《春天的急流》《春天的急流》 The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》《老人与海》 In Our Time 《在我们的时代里》《在我们的时代里》《在我们的时代里》 Men Without Women 《没有女人的男人》《没有女人的男人》 Winner Take Nothing 《胜者无所得》《胜者无所得》 12、 Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 《小城畸人》《小城畸人》舍伍德.安德森安德森 The Triumph of the Eggs 《鸡蛋的胜利》《鸡蛋的胜利》Death in the Woods 《林中之死》《林中之死》I Want to Know Why 《我想要知道为什么》《我想要知道为什么》 Poor White 《穷白人》《穷白人》13、 Sinclair Lewis 辛克莱. 路易斯路易斯Main Street 《大街》《大街》Babbit 《巴比特》《巴比特》 14、Willa Cather 薇拉. 凯瑟凯瑟 My Antonia 《我的安东尼亚》《我的安东尼亚》 The Song of Lark 《自由鸟之歌》《自由鸟之歌》A Lost Lady 《迷途的女性》《迷途的女性》《迷途的女性》 The Professor ’s House 《教授的住宅》《教授的住宅》 O Pioneers! 《哦,拓荒者们》《哦,拓荒者们》15、 Katherine Anne Porter 凯瑟琳.安.波特波特 Ship of Fools 《愚人船》《愚人船》《愚人船》 Leaning Tower and Other Stories Flowering Judas 《开花的紫荆树》《开花的紫荆树》The Jilting of Granny Weatherall Pale Horse, Pale Rider The Never Ending Wrong 16、 William William Faulkner Faulkner 威廉.福克纳福克纳 The Sound and the Fury 《喧哗与骚动》《喧哗与骚动》 As I lay Dying 《在我弥留之际》《在我弥留之际》Light in August 《八月之光》《八月之光》《八月之光》 Absalom, Absalom 《押沙龙,押沙龙》《押沙龙,押沙龙》Go Down, Moses 《去吧,摩西》《去吧,摩西》The Marble Faun 《玉石雕像》《玉石雕像》Soldier’s Pay Mosquitoes 《蚊子》《蚊子》Barn Burning 《烧牲口棚》《烧牲口棚》17、 Thomas Wolf 托马斯.沃尔夫沃尔夫 Look Homeward, Angel 《天使望故乡》《天使望故乡》《天使望故乡》 Of Time and the River 《时间与河流》《时间与河流》The Web and the Rock 《网与石》《网与石》You Can’t Go Home Again18、 Margaret Mitchell 玛格丽特.米切尔米切尔Gone with the Wind 《飘》《飘》 七、七、 the 1930s Novels 1、 James James T. T. Farrell 法内尔法内尔 a naturalist writer Studs Lonigan Trilogy 斯塔兹朗尼根三部曲斯塔兹朗尼根三部曲斯塔兹朗尼根三部曲 1)Yong Lonigan 《少年朗尼根》《少年朗尼根》2)The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan 《斯塔兹朗尼根的青年时代》《斯塔兹朗尼根的青年时代》3)Judgment Day 《审判日》《审判日》2、 John O ’Hara 约翰.欧哈拉欧哈拉 Appointment in Samara 《约会沙马拉》《约会沙马拉》《约会沙马拉》3、 John Dos Passos 约翰约翰.多.帕索斯帕索斯 Two trilogies: 1) District of Columbia 《哥伦比亚特区》《哥伦比亚特区》《哥伦比亚特区》 2) Manhattan Transfer 《曼哈顿中转站》《曼哈顿中转站》3) U.S.A. 《美国》《美国》A. The 42nd Parallel 《北纬四十二度》《北纬四十二度》《北纬四十二度》B. 1919 《一九一九》《一九一九》C. The Big Money 《赚大钱》《赚大钱》《赚大钱》 4、 John John Steinbeck Steinbeck 约翰斯坦贝克贝克 Of Mice and Man 《人与鼠》《人与鼠》 The Grapes of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》《愤怒的葡萄》Cup of Gold 《金杯》《金杯》《金杯》 Tortilla Flat 《煎饼坪》《煎饼坪》In Dubious Battle 《胜负未决的战斗》《胜负未决的战斗》《胜负未决的战斗》 Travels with Charley 《》《》《》 The Red Pony, The Pearl 《》《》八、八、 Postwar American Literature 1、 Saul Bellow 索.贝娄贝娄 Dangling Man 《晃来晃去的人》《晃来晃去的人》The Adventures of Augie March 《奥吉•玛其历险记》《奥吉•玛其历险记》Henderson, the Rain King 《雨王汉德逊》《雨王汉德逊》Herzog 《赫索格》《赫索格》2、 Norman Mailer 诺曼.梅勒梅勒 The Naked and th Dead e 《裸者与死者》《裸者与死者》The Armies of the Night 《夜间军队》《夜间军队》3、 J. D. Salinger 塞琳杰塞琳杰塞琳杰 The Catcher in the Rye 《麦田里的守望者》《麦田里的守望者》4、 Bernard Bernard Malamud Malamud 博纳德.马拉穆德拉穆德 The Assistant 《店员》《店员》 The Fixer 《装配工》《装配工》The Magic Barrel 《神奇的磨桶》《神奇的磨桶》《神奇的磨桶》 The Tenant 《房客》《房客》5、 Joseph Heller 约瑟夫.海勒海勒 Catch —22 《第二十二条军规》《第二十二条军规》Something Happened 《烦恼无穷》《烦恼无穷》God Knows 《上帝知道》《上帝知道》 Good as Gold 《象黄金一样好》《象黄金一样好》《象黄金一样好》 Picture This 《描写这个吧》《描写这个吧》Closing Time 《最后时光》《最后时光》Portrait of an artist, as an Old Man 《老年艺术家的画像》像》6、 Kurt V onnegut 库特·冯尼格特冯尼格特 Slaughterhouse-Five 《第五屠宰场》《第五屠宰场》The Sirens of Titan 《泰坦星的海妖》《泰坦星的海妖》 Cat ’s Cradle 《猫的摇篮》《猫的摇篮》Breakfast of Champions 《冠军的早餐》《冠军的早餐》《冠军的早餐》 7、 Ken Kesey 肯•克西肯•克西 One Flew Over the Cuckoo ’s Nest 《飞越布谷鸟巢》《飞越布谷鸟巢》8、 John Barth 约翰.巴斯巴斯The Literature of Exhaustion 《枯竭的文学》《枯竭的文学》The Sot-Weed Factor 《烟草经纪人》《烟草经纪人》The Floating Opera 《漂浮的歌剧》《漂浮的歌剧》《漂浮的歌剧》 Giles Goat-Boy 《羊童子贾尔斯》《羊童子贾尔斯》 Lost in the Funhouse 《迷失在游乐场》《迷失在游乐场》9、 Donald Donald Barthelme Barthelme 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆塞尔姆 Snow White 《白雪公主》《白雪公主》At the End of the Mechanical Age 《机械时代结束时》The School 《学校》《学校》10、 Thomas Pynchon 托马斯.品钦品钦 V 《》《》The Crying of Lot 49 《叫卖第49组》组》Gravity ’s Rainbow 《万有引力之虹》《万有引力之虹》11、 V ladimir Nabokov 弗拉基米尔•纳博科夫基米尔•纳博科夫Lolita 《洛丽塔》《洛丽塔》 Pale Fire 《苍白的火》《苍白的火》 Transparent Things 《梦锁危情》《梦锁危情》 12、 William Burroughs 威廉.巴勒斯廉.巴勒斯The Naked Lunch 《裸体午餐》《裸体午餐》《裸体午餐》 13、Jack Jack Kerouac Kerouac 杰克.凯鲁亚克亚克On the Road 《在路上》《在路上》《在路上》 14、John Updike 约翰.厄普代克 Rabbit Pentalogy 兔子五部曲兔子五部曲 1) Rabbit Run 《兔子之跑》《兔子之跑》2) Rabbit Redux 《兔子归来》《兔子归来》3) Rabbit Is Rich 《兔子富了》《兔子富了》《兔子富了》 4) Rabbit at Rest 《兔子安眠》《兔子安眠》《兔子安眠》 5) Licks of Love 《爱的插曲》《爱的插曲》《爱的插曲》 15、 William William Styron Styron 威廉•斯泰隆泰隆 Lie Down in Darkness 《躺在黑暗中》《躺在黑暗中》The Confessions of Nat Turner 《纳克‧透纳的自白》透纳的自白》 Sophie ’s Choice 《苏菲的选择》《苏菲的选择》16、 Truman Capote 杜鲁门•卡波特卡波特 Breakfast at Tiffany ’s 《第凡内早餐》《第凡内早餐》 In Cold Blood 《冷血》《冷血》《冷血》 17、 Philip Roth 菲利普.罗斯罗斯 Goodbye , Columbus 《再见吧,哥伦布》《再见吧,哥伦布》Portnoy ’s Complaint 《波特诺伊的抱怨》《波特诺伊的抱怨》Zuckerman Unbound 《解放了的朱克曼》《解放了的朱克曼》The Anatomy Lesson 《解剖学课》《解剖学课》《解剖学课》 The Ghost Writer 《鬼作家》《鬼作家》《鬼作家》 18、 Joyce Carol Oates 乔伊斯乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨•卡罗尔•欧茨Them 《他们》《他们》 Wonderland 《人间乐园》《人间乐园》 Do With Me What You Will 19、Flannery Flannery O O ’Connor 奥.康纳康纳 A Good Man Is Hard to Find 《好人难寻》《好人难寻》 Wise Blood 《慧血/好血统》好血统》The Violent Bear It Away 《暴力夺取》《暴力夺取》Everything That Rises Must Converge 《上升的一切必将汇合》将汇合》20、 Elizabeth Elizabeth Bishop Bishop 伊丽莎白•毕肖普白•毕肖普 Filling Station 《汽车加油站》《汽车加油站》 Over 2000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance 《两千多幅图解》《两千多幅图解》21、 Richard Richard Wilbur Wilbur 理查德•威尔伯威尔伯 Things of This World 《这个世界上的事情》《这个世界上的事情》 New and Collected Poems 《新作与诗集》《新作与诗集》 22、John Berryman 约翰.贝里曼贝里曼 The Dream Songs 《梦之歌》《梦之歌》《梦之歌》 23、 Randall Jarrell 蓝道•杰瑞蓝道•杰瑞 The Lost World 《失落的世界》《失落的世界》 24、James Merrill 梅利尔梅利尔 The Changing Light at Sandover 《桑多弗变幻着的光》 25、Robert Lowell 罗伯特.洛威尔洛威尔 Lord Weary ’s Castle 《威尔利老爷的城堡》《威尔利老爷的城堡》 Life Studies 《人生写照》《人生写照》Skunk Hour 《臭鼬时刻》《臭鼬时刻》For the Union Dead 《为联邦而死难者》《为联邦而死难者》26、 Sylvia Sylvia Plath Plath 西尔维娅普拉斯拉斯Daddy 《爹地》《爹地》 Lady Lazarus 《拉扎勒斯女士》《拉扎勒斯女士》 27、Anne Anne Sexton Sexton 安妮.塞克斯顿斯顿Her Kind 《她那一类》《她那一类》 Housewife 《家庭主妇》《家庭主妇》 Y oung 28、Allen Ginsberg 艾伦.金斯堡Howl 《嚎叫》《嚎叫》29、Gary Snyder 盖端·史耐德史耐德 August on Sourdough 《八月在苏尔都山上》 A Visit from Dick Brewer 《迪克·布鲁尔来探访》《迪克·布鲁尔来探访》 30、 W.S. Merwin 欧文欧文 The Asians Dying 《临死的亚洲人》《临死的亚洲人》《临死的亚洲人》 For A Coming Extinction 《给将要到来的一次灭绝》《给将要到来的一次灭绝》 The Last One 《最后一个》《最后一个》《最后一个》 31、Robert Bly 罗伯特·布莱布莱 Silence in the Snow Fields 《沉默的雪领域》《沉默的雪领域》 The Night around the body 《黑夜围绕身体》《黑夜围绕身体》 32、 James Wright 詹姆斯·赖特 Minnesota 《明尼苏达州》《明尼苏达州》 Lying Lying in in in a a a Hammock Hammock Hammock at at at William William William Duffy’s Duffy’s Duffy’s Farm Farm Farm in in in Pine Pine Island 《在明尼苏达州的松树岛,躺在威廉·达菲农场的吊床上》场的吊床上》33、 Frank O ’Hara 弗兰克.奥哈拉哈拉 The Day Lady Died 《黛女士死的那天》《黛女士死的那天》 34、 John John Ashbery Ashbery 约翰.阿什贝里贝里 An Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror 《凸镜中的自画像》 Grand Gallop 35、 A .R. Ammons 埃蒙斯埃蒙斯埃蒙斯 Corsons Inlet 《卡尔逊海湾》《卡尔逊海湾》Mountain Talk 《山地语言》《山地语言》36、 Charles Charles Olson Olson 查尔斯.奥尔逊尔逊 Projective V erse 《投射诗》《投射诗》In Cold Hell, in Thicket 《在冰冷的地狱,在丛林》《在冰冷的地狱,在丛林》 The Distances 《我可以去的距离》《我可以去的距离》 The Maximus Poems 九、九、 American Drama 1、 Eugene O ’Neil 尤金奥尼尔 The Hairy Ape 《毛猿》《毛猿》《毛猿》 Long Day’s Journey into Night 《长夜路漫漫》《长夜路漫漫》The Iceman Cometh 《送冰的人来了》《送冰的人来了》《送冰的人来了》 Desire Under the Elm Tree 《榆树下的欲望》《榆树下的欲望》 Bound East for Cardiff 《驶向东方的卡笛夫》《驶向东方的卡笛夫》 Beyond the Horizon 《天边外》《天边外》《天边外》 The Emperor Jones 《穷死皇帝》《穷死皇帝》《穷死皇帝》 Anne Christie 《安妮.克里斯蒂》克里斯蒂》2、 Elmer Rice 埃尔默.赖斯赖斯 The Adding Machine 《加算器》《加算器》《加算器》 3、 Clifford Clifford Odets Odets 克里福德.奥德兹奥德兹 Waiting For Lefty 《等待老左》《等待老左》Till the Day Die 《直到死亡的那一天》《直到死亡的那一天》 Paradise Lost 《失乐园》《失乐园》Awake and Sing!《醒来歌唱》《醒来歌唱》《醒来歌唱》Golden Boy 《黄金男孩》《黄金男孩》The Big Knife 《大刀》《大刀》《大刀》 The Country Girl 《乡下姑娘》《乡下姑娘》 The Flowering Peach 《碧桃》《碧桃》《碧桃》 4、 Tennessee Williams 田纳西.威廉斯威廉斯 The Glass Menagerie 《玻璃动物园》《玻璃动物园》《玻璃动物园》 A Streetcar Named Desire 《欲望号街车》《欲望号街车》Battles of Angels 《天使之战》《天使之战》《天使之战》 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》Summer and Smoke 《夏日烟云》《夏日烟云》《夏日烟云》 Sweet Bird of Youth 《浓爱痴情》《浓爱痴情》 5、 Arthur Miller 阿瑟.米勒米勒 Death of a Salesman 《推销员之死》《推销员之死》The Man Who Had All Luck 《那个非常走运的人》《那个非常走运的人》All My Sons 《全是我儿子》《全是我儿子》《全是我儿子》 A View from the Bridge 《桥上一瞥》《桥上一瞥》A Memory of Two Mondays 《两个星期一的回忆》《两个星期一的回忆》The Archbishop’s Ceiling The American Clock 《美国时钟》《美国时钟》《美国时钟》 6、 Edward Edward Albee Albee 爱德华.阿尔比尔比 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?《灵欲春宵、谁害怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫》亚·沃尔夫》十、十、 Multiethnic Literature 1、 Frederick Frederick Douglass Douglass 弗雷德里克里克 道格拉斯道格拉斯 My Bondage and My Freedom 《我的奴役与我的自由》《我的奴役与我的自由》The life and Time of Frederick Douglass 2、 Booker T. Washington 布汤匙华盛顿匙华盛顿 Up from Slavery 自传《超越奴役》自传《超越奴役》3、 W. E. Dubois 杜波依斯杜波依斯The Souls of Black Folks: Essays and Sketches 《黑人们的灵魂:散文和素描》魂:散文和素描》 4、 Jean Toomer 吉恩·图玛吉恩·图玛 Cane 《手杖》《手杖》5、 Countee Cullen 康提.卡伦卡伦 Shroud of Color 《色罩》《色罩》《色罩》 The Ballad of the Brown Girl 《宗法女孩的歌谣》《宗法女孩的歌谣》Yet Do I Marvel 《但是我感到惊奇》《但是我感到惊奇》6、 Langston Langston Hughes Hughes 朗斯顿休斯休斯 The Weary Blues 《萎靡的布鲁斯》《萎靡的布鲁斯》 Jesse B. Simple 《笨蛋杰西》《笨蛋杰西》《笨蛋杰西》 Montage of a Dream Deferred 《缓梦蒙太奇》《缓梦蒙太奇》The Negro Speakers of Rivers 《黑人的河流》《黑人的河流》As I Grew Older 《随着我渐渐长大》《随着我渐渐长大》7、 Richard Wright 理查德·怀特 Uncle Tom’s Children 《汤姆叔叔的儿女》《汤姆叔叔的儿女》Significance Black Boy 《黑孩子》《黑孩子》 Native Son 《土生子》《土生子》The Outsider 《局外人》《局外人》Black Power 《黑人权利》《黑人权利》8、 Ralph Ellison 拉尔夫.艾利逊利逊 Invisible Man 《看不见的人》《看不见的人》Shadow and Act 《影子和动作》《影子和动作》《影子和动作》 9、 James James Baldwin Baldwin 詹姆斯.鲍Go Tell It on the Mountain 《》《》尔温尔温 Giovanni ’s Room 《桥内瓦的房间》《桥内瓦的房间》Another Country 《同窗之爱》《同窗之爱》Tell Me How Long the Train ’s Been Gone 《》《》《》 If Beale Street Could Talk 《假如比尔街会说话》《假如比尔街会说话》Just Above My Head 《》《》The Amen Corner 《阿门角》《阿门角》《阿门角》 Blues for Mister Charley 《》《》One Day When I was Lost 《当我迷失的那一天》《当我迷失的那一天》10、Toni Morrison 托尼.莫里森莫里森 Song of Solomon 《所罗门之歌》《所罗门之歌》《所罗门之歌》 The Bluest Eye 《最蓝的眼睛》《最蓝的眼睛》《最蓝的眼睛》 Beloved 《宠儿》《宠儿》Jazz 《爵士乐》《爵士乐》Paradise 《天堂》《天堂》Tar Baby 《柏油孩子》《柏油孩子》11、 A lice Walker 爱丽丝.沃克沃克 The Color Purple 《紫色姊妹花》《紫色姊妹花》《紫色姊妹花》 12、Maya Maya Angelou Angelou 玛雅.安格鲁安格鲁 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》唱》 Gather Together in My Name 《聚集在我的名字》《聚集在我的名字》Singin ’ and Swingin ’ and Getting ’ Merry Like Christmas 《》《》The Heart of a Woman 《女人心》《女人心》All God ’s Children Need Traveling Shoe 《所有上帝的孩子需要旅行擦鞋》子需要旅行擦鞋》13、 Gloria Gloria Naylor Naylor 葛罗利娅•奈勒娅•奈勒 The Women of Brewster Place 《酿酒场的女人》《酿酒场的女人》14、 Toni Cade Abmbara Blues Ain ’ T No Mockin Bird 《》《》15、 Rita Dove 16、 D ’Arcy McNikle The surrounded 《》《》17、 Scott Scott Momaday Momaday 斯科特•莫马迪特•莫马迪House Made of Dawn 《黎明之屋》《黎明之屋》 18、 James James Welch Welch 詹姆斯•韦尔奇韦尔奇Fools Crow 《》《》 19、 Leslie Marmon Marmon Silko Silko莱丝丽·M ·西尔·西尔Ceremony 《典礼》《典礼》 The Man Who Send the Rain Clouds 《》《》 20、 Louise Erdrich 路易斯•厄德里克•厄德里克Love Medicine 《爱之药》《爱之药》 21、 Maxine Hong Kingston 汤亭亭汤亭亭 The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Childhood among Ghosts 《女勇士:》China Men 《中国佬》《中国佬》Trimester Monkey 《孙行者》《孙行者》22、 Amy Tan 谭恩美谭恩美The Joy Luck Club 《喜福会》《喜福会》The Kitchen God ’s Wife 《灶神之妻》《灶神之妻》The Hundred Secret Senses 《灵感女孩》《灵感女孩》The Bonesetter ’s Daughter 《接骨师的女儿》《接骨师的女儿》。

英美文学史复习笔记5篇第一篇:英美文学史复习笔记英美文学复习时期划分——Early & Medieval literature 包括The Anglo-Saxon Period 和The Anglo-Norman Period ——Renaissance 文艺复兴——Revolution & Restoration 资产阶级革命与王权复辟——Enlightenment 启蒙运动——Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期——Critical Realism 批判现实主义——20th Modernism 现代主义传统诗歌主题:nature, life, death, belief, time, youth, beauty, love, feelings of different kinds, reason(wisdom), moral lesson, morality.修辞名称:meter格律, rhyme韵, sound assonance谐音, consonance和音, alliteration头韵, form of poetry诗歌形式, allusion典故, foot音步, iamb抑扬格, trochee扬抑格, anapest抑抑扬格, dactyl扬抑抑格, pentameter五音步文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧novel起源:Christianity 基督教Bible圣经myth神话The Romance of king Arthur and his knights亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)一、1、The Anglo-Saxon period(496-1066)这个时期的文学作品分类:(pagan异教徒)(Christian基督徒)2、代表作:The song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》(national epic)(民族史诗)采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved.To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period(1066-1350)Canto 诗章受到法国影响English literature is also a combination of French and Saxon elements.1、romance传奇文学 Arthurian romances亚瑟王传奇2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(高文爵士和绿衣骑士)是一首押头韵的长诗 knighthood 骑士精神三、Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400)杰弗里。

/viewnews-83743-php-1.html EChapter 1 Old and Medi PeriodⅠwriters and works01. Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟(1) The Canterbury Tales<坎特伯雷故事集>(2) Troilus and Criseyde<特罗勒斯和克莱西>(3) The Romaunt of the Rose<玫瑰罗曼史>(4) The House of Fame<声誉之堂>02. William Langland威廉姆.朗兰(1). Piers the plowman<耕者皮尔斯>Chapter 2 The Neoclassical PeriodⅠwriters and works01. Thomas More托马斯.莫尔(1) Utopia<乌托邦>02. Sir Philip Sidney菲利普.锡德尼(1) Astrophel and Stella<爱星者和星星>(2) Apology for Poetry<为诗辩护>(3) Aradia<阿卡狄亚>(4) Astrophel and stellal<阿斯特罗菲尔与斯特拉>03. Walter Raleigh华尔特.罗利(1) Discovery of Guiana<发现圭亚那>(2) History of the world<世界历史>04. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙.斯宾塞(1) The Faerie Queene<仙后>(2) Epithalamion<结婚曲>(3) The Shepherd’s Calendar<牧羊人日历>(4) Amoretti<爱情小唱>05. John Lyly约翰.黎里(1) Euphues<优浮绮斯>06. Francis Bacon弗朗西斯.培根(1) Advancement of learning<学问的演进>(2) New Instrument<新工具>(3) Essays<随笔>(4) Of studies<论读书>(5) the new atlantis<新大西岛>07. Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗.马洛(1) Tambulaine<帖木儿>(2) The Jew of Malta<马尔他的犹太人>(3) Doctor Faustus<浮士德博士>(4) EdwardⅡ(5) the Passionate Shepherd to His Love<激情的牧羊人致心爱的姑娘>08. William Shakespeare莎士比亚Historical plays(历史剧>(1) Henry VI (partI II III)<亨利六世第一.二.三部>(2) Richard III<理查德三世>(3) Richard II<理查德二世>(4) King John<约翰王>(5) Henry IV (partI II)<亨利四世第一.二部>(6) Henry V<亨利五世>(7) Henry VIII<亨利八世>Comedys(喜剧>(8) A Midsummer Night’s Dream<仲夏夜之梦>(9) The merchant of Venice<威尼斯商人>(10) As you like it<皆大欢喜>(11) Twelfth Night<第十二夜>(12) The Comedy of Errors<错中错>(13) The Taming of the shrew<驯悍记>(14) The Two Gentlemen of Verona<维洛的二绅士>(15) Love’s Labour’s lost<爱的徒劳>(16) The merry Wives of Windsor<温莎的风流娘们>(17) Much Ado about Nothing<无事生非>(18) Troilus and Cressida<特洛埃围城记>(19) All’s Well that Ends Well<终成眷属>(20) Measure for Measure<一报还一报>(21) Pericles<佩力克尔斯>(22) Cymbeline<辛白林>(23) The Winter’s Tale<冬天的故事>(24) The Tempest<暴风雨>Roman tragedys(罗马悲剧>(25) Julius Caesar<裘力斯.恺撒>(26) Antony and Cleopatra<安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉>(27) Coriolanus<科利奥兰纳斯>Tragedys(悲剧>(28) Hamlet<哈姆雷特>(29) Othello<奥赛罗>(30) King Lear<李尔王>(31) Macbeth<麦克白>(32) Timon of Athens<雅典的泰门>(33)Titus Andronicus<泰特斯.安特洛尼克斯> Romantic Tragedys(浪漫悲剧>(34) Romeo and juliet<罗密欧与朱丽叶>Narrative Poems(叙事诗>(35) Venus and Adonis<维纳斯与阿都尼斯>(36) The Rape of Lucrece<鲁克丽丝受辱记> 09. Ben Jonson本.琼森(1) Sejanus<席阶纳斯>(2) Catiline<克蒂琳>(3) To Celia<致西莉亚>(4) Every man in the humous<个性互异>(5) Volpone.or The Fox<狐狸>(6) The Alchemist<炼金术>(7) Bartholonew Fair<巴梭罗缪市集>(8) Timber<灌木>(9) Gather Ye rose—Buds while ye may<致妙龄少女—莫误青春>Chapter 3 The Period of The English Bourgeois RevolutionⅠwriters and works1. John Milton约翰.弥尔顿(1) Paradise Lost<失乐园>(2) Paradise Regained<复乐园>(3) Samson Agonistes<力士参孙>(4) Defence of English People<为英国人民辩护>(5) Aropatitica<论出版自由>(6) On His Desceased<梦亡妻>(7) Lycidas<莱西达斯>(8) L’AllEgro<快乐的人>(9) Penseroso<幽思的人>2. John Bunyan约翰.班扬(1) The Pilgrim’s Progress<天路历程>3. John Donne约翰.邓恩“the Founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry”(1) Songs and sonnets<歌与短歌>(2) Devotions upon energent Occasions<突变引起的诚念>(3) Holy Sonnets<圣诗>(4) The Sun Rising<升起的太阳>(5) Death, be Not Proud<死神莫骄妄>(6) The Flea<跳蚤之歌>(7) A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning<分别:莫忧伤>4. George Herbert乔治.赫伯特(1) The Altar<祭坛>(2) The Temple<圣堂>5. Andrew Marvell安德鲁.马维尔(1) To His coy Mistress<致他娇羞的女友>6. H.Vaughan亨利.活恩7. Robert Burton罗勃特.波顿(1) The Anatomy of Melancholy<忧郁的解剖>8. Thomas Browne托马斯.布朗(1) Hydriotaphia or Urn-Burial<瓮葬>(2) Religio Medici<医生的宗教>9. Jeremy Taylor杰瑞米.泰勒(1) Holy Living<神圣而生>(2) Holy Dying<神圣而死>10. Izaak Walton艾萨克.沃尔顿(1) The Compleate Angler<垂钓全书>11. John Draden约翰.德莱顿(1) All for love<一切为了爱>(2) An Essay of Dramatic Poetry<论戏剧诗>(3) Alexander’s Feast<亚历山大的宴会> Chapter 4 The 18th century (or the age of enlightenment)Ⅰwriters and works1. Addison “the Spectator”<旁观者>2. Steele “The Tatler”<闲谈者>3. Alexander Pope亚历山大蒲泊(1) Essay on criticism<批评论>(2) The Rape of the Lock<夺发记>(3) The Dunciad<群愚史诗>(4)Essay on Man<人论>4. Jonathan Swift乔纳森.斯威夫特(1) A tale of a tub<木桶的故事>(2).the battle of the books<书战>(3).the drapier’s letters<布商的书信>(4).gulliver’s travels<格列佛游记>(5).A modest proposal<一个温和的的建议>5. Daniel Defoe丹尼尔.笛福(1) Robinson crusoe<鲁滨逊漂流记>(2) captain singleton<辛格顿船长>(3) moll flanders<摩尔.弗兰德斯>(4) colonel jack<陆军上校杰克>(5) Roxana<罗克萨那>(6) A journal of the plague year<灾疫之年的日记>6. Richardson理查逊(1) Pamela<帕米拉>(2) Clarissa<克拉丽莎>7. Henry Fielding 菲尔丁(1) the history of jonathan wild the great<大伟人江奈生.魏尔德>(2) the history of tom Jones of foundling<汤姆.琼斯>(3) the history of Amelia<爱米莉亚>(4) the coffee-house politician<咖啡屋的政治家>(5) the tragedy of tragedies<悲剧中的悲剧>(6) pasquin<巴斯昆>(7) the historical register for the year 1736<1736年历史纪事>(8) Joseph Andrews<约瑟夫.安德鲁>8. Tobias Smollett斯摩莱特(1) Roderick Random<蓝登传>(2) Peregrine Pickle<皮克尔传>(3) Humphry Clinker<亨弗利.克林克>9. Sterne斯特恩(1) Tristram Shandy<项狄传>(2) A Sentimental Journey<伤感的旅行>10. Richard Brinsley Sheridan谢里丹(1) the school for scandal<造谣学校>(2) the rivals<情敌>(3) st.patrick’s day<圣帕特里克日>(4) the duenna<杜安纳>(5) the critic<批评家>(6) pizarro<皮报罗>11. Samuel Johnson约翰逊(1) to the right honorable the earl of chesterfield(2). A dictionary of the english language<英语辞典>(3).london<伦敦>(4).the vanity of human wishes<人类欲望之虚幻>(5)the history of rasselas<拉赛拉斯>(6) prince of abyssinia(131)(7) To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield<致切斯菲尔德伯爵的一封信(8) Irene<艾琳>12. Goldsmith哥尔德斯密斯(1) The Traveller<旅游人>(2) The Deserted Village<荒村>(3) The Vicar of wakefield<威克菲尔德牧师传>(4) The Good-natured man<好心人>(5) She Stoops to conquer<屈身求爱>13. Gibbon吉朋(1) The Decline and fall of the roman Empire<罗马帝国衰亡史>14. Thomas Gray托马斯.格雷(1) elegy written in a country chuchyard<墓地挽歌>(2) ode on the spring<春之颂>(3) ode on a distant prospect of eton college<伊顿公学展望>(4) ode on the death of a favourite<爱猫之死>(5) hymn to adversity<逆境的赞歌>15. Blake布莱克(1) Songs of experience<经验之歌>(2) songs of innocence<天真之歌>(3) marriage of heaven and hell<天堂与地狱的婚姻>(4) poetical sketches<诗歌素描>(5) The Tiger<老虎>16. Burns彭斯(1) Bruce at Bannockburn<布鲁士在班诺克本>(2) The Free of Liberty<自由树>(3) A Revolutionary Lyric<一首革命抒情诗>(4) The Slave’s Lament<奴隶怨>(5) The Toadeater<致谄媚者>(6) The Jolly Beggars<快乐的乞丐>(7) Auld Lang Syne<友谊天长地久>(8) My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose<一朵红红的玫瑰>(9) My Heart’s in the Hightland<我的心在高原> Chapter 5 the romantic periodⅠwriters and works1. WordsWorth华兹华斯(1) the prelude<序曲>(2) composed upon westminster bridge<写于威斯敏斯特桥上>(3) lyrical ballads<抒情歌谣集>(4) I wondered lonely as a cloud<我如行云独自游>(5) the solitary reaper<孤独的收割女>(6) poems in two volumes<双卷诗>(7) the excursion<远足>(8) the sparrow’s nest<麻雀巢>(9) to a sky lark<致云雀>(10) to the cuckoo<致杜鹃>(11) to a butterfly<致蝴蝶>(12) she dwelt among the untrodden ways(13) Lines Written in the early spring<早春遣句>(14) My heart leaps up<我心跳跃>(15) Intimations of Immoratality<永生颂>(16) Lines composed a few miles above tintern abbey<丁登寺杂咏>(17) Lucy<露西组诗>(18) To a Hightland Girl<高原女孩>(19) She Dwelt Among The Untrodden ways<她居住在人迹罕至的地方>2. Coleridge科勒律治(1) kubla khan<忽必烈汗>(2) the rime of the amcient mariner<古舟子咏>(3) frost at midnight<子夜寒霜>(4) the nightingale<夜莺>(5) remorse<忏悔>(6) biographia literaria<文学传记>(7) christabel<克里斯塔贝尔>(8) The fall of the bastille<巴士底狱的倒塌>3. Southey骚塞(1) the vision of judgement<审判的幻景>(2) Joan of Arc<圣女贞德>(3) Wat Taylor<瓦特.泰勒>(4) The inchcape rock<英彻普岩石>(5) The Battle of blenheim<布莱尼姆之战>(6) The Life of Nelson<尼尔森的生活>(7)Thalabathe destroyer<撒拉巴>(8) Madoc<麦道克>4. Byron拜伦(1) don juan<唐.璜>(2) childe harold’s pilgrimgae<恰尔德.哈罗德游记>(3) song for the luddites<卢德党之歌>(4) the prisoner of chillon<希隆的囚徒>(5) manfred<曼菲雷德>(6) cain<该隐>(7) the island<岛>(8) she walks in Beauty<她走在美的光影中>(9) The Isles of Greece<哀希腊>5. Shelley雪莱(1) to a skylard<致云雀>(2) ode to the west wind<西风颂>(3) prometheus unbound<解放了的普罗米修斯>(4) the necessity of atheism<无神论的必然性>(5) Queen mab<麦布女王>(6) the spirit of solitude<孤独之精神>(7) The Revolt of Islam<伊斯兰的起义>(8) Masque of Anarchy<专制者的假面游行>(9) Love’s Philosophy<爱的哲学>(10) One Word is too often profaned<有一个字常被人亵渎>(11) With a Guitar ,to Jane<用一把吉他,献给简>(12) The Indian Serenade<印度小夜曲>(13) A Song: Men of England<致英国人之歌>(14) A Defense of Poetry<诗辩>(15) Adonais<阿多尼斯>6.John keats济兹(1) ode to a nightingale<夜莺颂>(2) ode on a grecian urn<希腊古瓮颂>(3) on first looking into chapman’s homer<恰读普曼译荷马>(4) sleep and poetry<睡与诗>(5) endymionM<安狄弥翁>(6) ode on melancholy<忧郁颂>(7) ode to psyche<普赛克颂><心灵颂>(8) to autumn<秋日颂>(9) Hyperion<许佩里翁>(10) Isbella<伊莎贝拉>8. Lamb兰姆(1) The essays of Elia<伊利亚随笔>(2) Old china<古瓷>9. Hazlitt哈兹利特(1) My First Acquaintance with poets<我同诗人们的初次会面>(2) On Going a journey<<论旅行>(3) The feeling of morality in youth<论青年的不朽之感>(4) On Reading Old books<论读旧书>10. Leigh Hunt利.亨特(1) the story of rimini<里米尼的故事>(2) A Jar of Honey from mount Hybla<海布拉山的蜂蜜罐>11. De Quincey德.昆西(1) The confession of an english Opium-Eater<一个抽鸦片的英国人的自白>12.Walt.Scott司格特(1) The Lay of the last minstrel<最后一个吟游诗人的歌>(2) Marmion<玛米恩>(3) The Lady of the lake<湖上夫人>(4) Waverley<威弗利>(5) Rob Roy<罗伯.罗伊>(6) Ivanhoe<艾凡赫>(7) The Black Dwarf<黑侏儒>(8) Old Mortality<清教徒>Chapter 6 english Critical RealismⅠwriters and works1. Ernest Jones欧内斯特.琼斯(1) The song of the lower classes<下层人之歌>(2) The Song of the wage-slave<雇佣劳动者之歌>2. Dickens狄更斯(1) oliver twist<雾都孤儿>(2) the pickwick paper<匹克威克外传>(3) david copperfield<大卫.科波菲尔>(4) dombey and son<董贝父子>(5) a tale of two cities<双城记>(6) bleak house<荒凉山庄>(7) hard times<艰难时世>(8) great expectation<远大前程>(9) our mutual friend <我们共同的朋友>(10) Bicholas Nickleby<尼古拉斯.尼克尔贝>(11) The Old Curiosity Shop<古玩店>(12) Little Dorrit<小杜丽>(13) The Chimes<钟声>(14) Martin Chuzzlewit<马丁.瞿述伟>3. Thackeray萨克雷(1) Vanity fair<名利场>(2) the History of Henry Esmond<亨利.埃斯蒙德的历史>4. Jane Austen(1) pride and prejudice<傲慢与偏见>(2) sense and sensibility<理智与情感>(3) northanger abbey<诺桑觉寺>(4) mansfield park<曼斯菲尔德庄园>(5) emma<爱玛>(6) persuasion<劝导>5. The Bronte Sisters(1) wuthering heights<呼啸山庄>Emily(2) jane eyre<简爱>Charlotte(3) Shirley<谢利>(4) villetle<维莱特>(5) the professor<教授>(6) Agnes Grey<艾格尼斯.格雷>Anne(7) The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall<怀德费尔庄园的佃户>6. Mrs.Gaskell盖斯凯尔夫人(1) Mary Barton<玛丽.巴顿>(2) Wives and Daughters<妻子和女儿>7. George Eliot乔治..艾略特(1) Adam Bede<亚当.贝德>(2) The Mill on the floss<弗罗斯河上的磨坊>(2) middle march<米德尔马契>(3) daniel deronda<但尼尔.狄隆达>(4) Silas Marner<织工玛南>(5) felix holt ,the radical<激进分子菲利克斯.霍尔特>Chapter 7 Prose-writers and poets of the mid and late 19th century(The Victorian Age)Ⅰwriters and works1. Thomas Carlyle卡莱尔(1) Sartor Resartur<再造成的缝工>(2) The French Revolution<法国革命史>(3) Heroes and Hero-worship<英雄与英雄崇拜>(4) Past and Present<过去与现在>(5) Chartism<宪章运动>2. Ruskin莱斯金(1) Modern Painters<现代画家>(2) The seven Lamps of Architecture<建筑上的七盏灯>(3) The Stones of Venice<威尼斯的石建筑>3. Arnold阿诺德(1) On Translating Homer<论翻译罗马>(2) Culture and Anarchy<文化与无政府主义>(3) Essays in Criticism<评论文集>(4) Dover Beach<多佛海滩>4. Macaulay麦考利(1) History of England<英国历史>(2) Milton<弥尔顿>5. Tennyson丁尼生(1) ulysses<尤利西斯>戏剧独白(2) in memorian<悼念>(3) break,break, break<碎了, 碎了, 碎了>(4) crossin the bar<渡沙洲>(5) morte d'arthur<摩尔特.亚瑟>(6) dora<朵拉>(7) the gardenner's daughter<园丁的女儿>(8) the princess<公主>(9) The Idylls of the King<国王叙事诗>(10) Maud<默德>6. BrowningsRobert Browning(1) the ring and the book<指环与书>(2) my last duchess<我已故的公爵夫人>(3) pauline<波林>(4) sordello<<索尔戴洛>(5) dramatic lyrics<戏剧抒情诗>(6) bells and pemegranates<铃铛与石榴>(7) men and women<男人与女人>(8) Paracelsus<帕拉塞尔萨斯>(9) Strafford<斯特拉福>(10) Meeting at Night<月夜相会>(11) Parting at Morning<晨别>(12) Home Thoughts from Abroad<异国相思>Elizabeth Barrett巴雷特(布朗宁夫人)(1) The Cry of the Children<孩子们的哭泣>(2) Sonnets from the portuguese<葡萄牙十四行诗>(3) Casa Guidi Windows<圭迪公寓的窗子>7. Dante Gabriel Rossitti加布里埃尔.罗塞蒂(1) The Blessed Damozel<女神>(2) The House of Life<生命之屋>8. Christina Rossetti乔治娜.罗塞蒂(1) Goblin Market and Other Poems<妖怪市场和其他诗歌>9. Eward Fitzgerald爱德华.菲茨杰拉德(1) Rubaiyat<鲁拜集>10. Algernon Charles Swinburne斯温伯格(1) Atalanta in Calydon<阿塔兰忒在卡吕冬>11.William Morris威廉.莫里斯(1) A Dream of John Ball<梦见约翰.鲍尔>(2) News from Nowhere<乌有乡消息>(3) The Defence of Guenevere<格内维尔之辩护>(4) The Life and Death of Jason<贾林的生与死>(5) Chants for Socialist<社会主义歌集>12. George Gissing乔治.吉辛“The most significant figure in the period of transtion from the victorian to the modern novel”(1) New Crub Street<新格鲁勃街>(2) The Private papers of Henry Ryecroft<亨利.赖伊克罗夫特私信集>13. R.L.Stevenson史蒂文森he was a representative of neo-romanticism in english literature.(1) Treasure Island<宝岛>(2) Kidnapped<诱拐>(3) The Black Arrow<黑箭>(4) Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde<化身博士>14. Walter Pater沃尔特.佩特One of the most important representatives of aestheticists in english literature.(another is Oscar wilde)(1) Studies in the History of the renaissance<文艺复兴历史研究>(2) Marius the Epicurean<享乐主义者马里斯>(3) Imaginary Portraits<假想的肖像>15. Oscar Wilde奥斯卡.马尔德(1) The Happy Prince and other Tales<快乐王子>(2) A House of Pomegranates<石榴之屋>(3) The Ballad of reading Gaol<累丁狱之歌>(4) Salome<莎乐美>(5) Picture of Dorian Gray<道林.格雷的画像>(6) An Ideal Husband<一个理想的丈夫>(7) The Importance of being Earnest<认真的重要性>(8) A Woman of No Importance<一个无足轻重的女人>(9) Lady windernere’s Fan<温德米尔夫人的扇子>Chapter 8 20th century english literatureⅠwriters and works1. Kipling吉卜林The bard of imperialism(帝国主义诗人)(1) Kim<吉姆>(2) The Jungle Book<丛林故事>2. Bennett本涅特(1) The Old Wives’Tale<老妇谈>3. Conrad康拉德(1) Lord Jim<吉姆老爷>(2) Nostromo<诺斯特罗莫>(3) Heart of darkness<黑暗的心>(4) The Nigger of the Narcissus<水仙号上的黑家伙>4. Henry James(美国作家)5. Katharine Mansfield曼斯菲尔德(1) Prelude<序幕>(2) Life of Ma Parker<帕克老大娘的一生>(3) Garden Party<游园会>(4) Bliss<幸福>6. Thoms Hardy哈代(1) Tess of the d'urbervilles <德伯家的苔丝>(2) far from the madding crowd<远离尘嚣>(3) the return of the native<还乡>(4) the mayor of casterbridge<卡斯特桥市长>(5) under the greenwood tree<绿荫下>(6) Jude the Obscure<无名的裘德>7. Galsworthy高尔斯华绥(1) from the four winds<来自四位吹奏者>(2) the silver spoon<银甲子>(3) the forsyte sage I<福尔赛世家>(4) the man of properrty<有产业的人>(5) Modern Comedy<现代喜剧>(6) to let<出租>(7) in chancery<骑虎>(8) The Island of pharisees<岛国的法利赛人>8.J.M.SyngeJ.M辛格(1) The playboy of the western World<西方世界的花花公子>(2) Riders to the sea<骑马下海的人>9. O’Sasey奥凯西(1) The Shadows of a Gunman<枪手的影子>(2) Juno and paycock<朱诺和孔雀>(3) The Plough and the stars<犁和星>(4) The Silver Tassie<银杯>(5) Within the Gates<大门之内>(6) The Stars turn red<星儿变红了>(7) Red Roses for Me<给我红玫瑰>10. Bernard Shaw萧伯纳(1) Mrs Warren's profession<华伦夫人的职业>(2) widower's house<鳏夫的房产>(3) candida<康蒂坦>(4) caesar and cleopatra<恺撒与克莉奥佩特拉>(5) St.joan<圣女贞德>(6) man and superman<人与超人>(7) back to methuselanh<回归玛士撒拉>(8) the apple cart<苹果车>(9) john bull's other island<约翰.布尔的另外岛屿>(10) pygmalion<卖花女>(11) gettin married<结婚>(12) misalliance<不合适的婚姻>(13) Fanny's first play<法妮的第一场戏>(14) the doctor's dilemma<医生的进退两难>(15) Too True to be Good<真相毕露>(16) Major Barbara<巴巴拉上校>(17) Heartbreak House<伤心之家>(18) Androcles and the Lion<安德鲁与狮子>(19) The man of Destiny<风云人物>(20) The Devil’s Disciple<魔鬼的门徒>11. Rupert Brooke鲁珀特.布鲁克(1) The Soldier<士兵>12. John Masefield约翰.梅斯菲尔德(1) salt-Water Ballads<盐水谣>(2) The Widow in the bye Street<拜伊街的寡妇>(3) Dauber<画匠>(4) The Everlasting Mercy<永恒的宽恕>13. A.E.HouSman豪斯曼(1) A Shropshire lad<希罗普郡的小伙子>(2) With Rue My Heart is Laden<我的心充满悔恨>14.W.B.Yeats叶芝(1) the lake isle of innesfree<茵尼斯弗莉的湖中沙洲>(2) the man who dreamed of faeryland<梦见仙境的人>(3) no second troy<没有第二个特洛伊>(4) september 1913<1913年九月>(5) sailing to byzantium<驶向拜占庭>(6) leda and the swan<丽达与天鹅>(7) down by the salley gardens<来到柳园>(8) The Wanderings of Oisin<欧依森的流浪>(9) The Wind Among the Reeds<芦苇丛中风萧萧>(10) The Countess Cathleen<伯爵夫人凯瑟琳>(11) winding Stairs<盘旋的楼梯>(12) The Second Coming<第二次降临>(13) The Land of Heart’s Desire<心愿之乡>(14) The tower<古堡>15. T.S.Eliot<美国作家>16. wrence劳伦斯(1) son and lovers<儿子与情人>(2) the white peacock<白孔雀>(3) the trespasser<过客>(4) the rainbow<虹>(5) women in love<恋爱中的女人>(6) Aaron’s Rod<亚伦神杖>(7) kangaroo<袋鼠>(8) the plumed serpent<羽蛇>(9) lady chatterley’s lover<查泰莱夫人的情人>(10) St.mawr<圣摩尔>(11) the daughter of the vicar<主教的女儿>(12) the horse dealer’s daughter<贩马人的女儿>(13) the captain’sdoll<船长的娃娃>(14) the prussian officer<普鲁士军官>(15) the virgin and the gypsy<贞女和吉普塞人>(16) a collier’s Friday night<矿工的周五夜晚>(17) the daughter-in-law<儿媳>(18) the windowing of mrs.holroyed<守寡的霍尔罗伊德夫人>17. James Joyce乔伊斯(1) dubliners<都柏林人>(2) A portrait of the artist as a young man<青年艺术家的肖像>(3) ulysses <尤利西斯>(4) finnegans wake<芬尼根的觉醒>(5) Eveline<伊芙林>(6) Araby<阿拉伯集市>18. Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(1) The Voyage out<远航>(2) Night and day<夜与日>(3) To the Lighthouse<到灯塔去>(4) Orlando<奥兰多>(5) The Waves<海浪>(6) Mrs.dalloway<达罗卫夫人>(7) A Room of one’s own<一间自己的房间>19. Robert Tressell特雷塞尔(1) The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists<穿破裤子的慈善家>20. Ralph Fox福克斯(1) The Novel and The people<小说与人民>21. Christopher Caudwell考德威尔(1) Illusion and Reality<幻觉与现实>(2) Studies in a Dying Culture<垂死的文化论文集>American L iteratureChapter 1 colonial PeriodⅠwriters and works1. william bradford(1)Of plymouth plantation <普利茅斯种植园>2. John smith(1)A Description of New England<新英格兰叙事>3. Anne bradstreet“the first noteworthy american poet”(1) The tenth muce lately sprung in America<最近在美洲出现的第十位缪思>(2) contemplations<沉思录>(3) Upon the Burning of our House<家居之焚之后>(4) To my dear and loving husband<给我挚爱的丈夫>(5) In Reference to her children<写给她的孩子>(6) The flesh and the Spirit<灵魂和肉体>(7) as Weary pilgrim<疲倦的朝圣者>4. Edwards Taylor(1) Houswifery<家务>(2) Upon a spider catching a fly<蜘蛛捕捉苍蝇之遐想>(3) God’s Determinations<上帝的决定>(4) preparatory Mediations<内省录>5. Roger williams(1) The bloody Tenet of Persecution for the cause of conscience<血腥的迫害教义(2) the bloody tenet yet more bloody<血腥的教义迫害血腥味更浓>(3) Key into the language of America<美洲语言的秘诀>6. John woolman(1)Some considerations on the keeping of Negroes<蓄奴的思索>(2) A Plea for the poor<为穷人请愿>(3) journal<日记>7. thomas paine(1) common sense<常识>(2) American crisis<美国危机>(3) the Rights of Man<人权论>(4) The Age of Reason<理性时代>8.philip Freneau(1) the wild honey suckle<野地里的德忍冬>(2) The Indian burying ground<印第安人墓地>(3) the Rising Glory of America<美国荣誉的崛起>(4) the dying indian: tomo chequi<垂死的印第安人>9. Charles Brockden brown(1) Wieland<威兰德> the first american novel(2) Edgar Hunty<埃德加.享特利>(3) Ormond<奥蒙德>(4) Arthur Mervyn<阿瑟.梅尔文>10. Jonathan Edwards(1) Freedom of the will<论意志自由>(2) The Great christian doctrine of original sin<论原罪>(3) the nature of true virtue<论真实德行的本原>(4) sinners in the hands of an angry God<愤怒的上帝手中之罪人>(5) Images or shadows of Divine Things<圣灵的影像>11. Benjamin Franklin(1) Poor richard’s Almanac<穷理查德历书>(2) Autobiography<自传>12. John de Crevecoeur(1) Letters of an American farmer<美国农夫的来信>Chapter 2 Romantic PeriodⅠwriters and works1. washington Irving“first American writer” “ father of American literature”(1) The Sketch Book<见闻札记>(2) A history of new york from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch Dynasty<纽约外史>(3) Rip van winkle<瑞普.凡.温克>(4) the legend of sleepy hollow<睡谷传说>(5) The History of the life and voyages of christopher columbus<哥伦布生平及航海史>(6) A Chronicle of the conquest of Granada<格兰纳达征服史事>(7) the alhambra<阿尔罕伯拉>(8) life of goldsmith<奥立弗.歌德斯密传>(9) life of Wahsington<华盛顿传>2. James fenimore Cooper(1) Leather-stocking tales<皮袜子故事集>a series of five novels: the pioneers<拓荒者>the deerslyer<猎鹿者>the last of the mohicans<最后的莫西干人>the pathfinder<探路者>the prairie<大草原>(2) precaution<警觉>(3) the spy<间谍>3. Ralph waldo Emerson“the most eloquent spokesman of new england transcendentalism”(1) Nature<论自然>(2) the American scholar<论美国学者> America’s declaration of intellectual independence.(3) self-reliance<论自立>(4) the poet<论诗人>4. Henry David Thoreau(1) walden<瓦尔登湖>(2) Civil Disobedience<论公民之不服>(3) A week on the concord and merrimack rivers<在康科德和梅里马克河上的一周>5. Nathanial Hawthorne(1) the scralet letter<红字>(2) the house of the seven Gables<带七个尖角阁的房子>(3) Mosses from an old manse<古屋青苔>(4) The Marble Faun<玉石雕像>(5) Young Goodman Brown<年轻人古德曼布朗>(6) The Minister’s black Veil<牧师的黑面纱>(7) The Birthmark<胎记>(8) Rappaccini’s Daughter<拉波希尼的女儿>(9) Twice-told Tales<故事新编>(10) The blithedale Romance<福谷传奇>(11) The maypole of merry mount<快乐山上的五半月节花柱>(12) Howe’s Masquerade<豪的信伪装>(13) Dr.Heidegger’s Experiment<赫德格医生的实验>(14) The bosom serpent<胸中之蛇>(15) The Snow Image<雪人的意象>6. Herman Melville(1) Moby-Dick<白鲸> it is regarded as the first American prose epic(2) white jacket<白夹克>(3) The confidence man<自信的人>(4) Typee<泰比>(5) Omoo<奥穆>(6) Mardi<玛迪>(7) Billy budd<比利.巴德>(8) Bartleby the scrivener<书记员巴特勒比>(9) Clarel<克拉莱尔> his most famous poetic work(10) Redhurn<雷德伯恩>(11) Pierre<皮埃尔>(12) Benito cereno<贝尼托.塞莱诺>7. Walt whitman(1) Leaves of Grass<草叶集>(2) Song of myself<自我之歌>(3) Out of the cradle Endlessly Rocking<走也永无休止地摇动着的摇篮>(4) There was a child went Forth<有个小孩走过来>(5) when lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d<当紫丁香上次在庭院开放的时候>(6) I Sit and Look Out(7) passage to India<向印度行进>(8) I sing the body electric<我歌唱带电的肉体>(9) captain, my captain<船长,我的船长> homage to the assassinated president lincoln(10) Drum Taps<鼓点>(11) Cavalry Crossing a Ford<渡河的骑兵>8. Emily Dickinson(1) Because I Could Not Stop for Death<因为我不能等待死神>(2) The Soul Selects Her Own Society<灵魂选择自己的社交圈>(3) My Life closed twice before its close<我的生命结束过两次>(4) I heard a fly buzz when I died<我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声>(5) Wild Nights---Wild Nights<暴风雨夜>(6) Death is a dialogue<死亡是一次对话>(7) I Like to see it lap the miles<我喜欢看见它奔驰远去>(8) Letter to the world<给世界的一封信>(9) Because I see new-englandly<因为我用新英格兰眼光看>(10) as imperceptibly as Grief<<像悲哀那么微妙>(11) Mine—by the Right of the white Election<我的丈夫---选择如意情人的权利(12) I’ll tell you how the sun rose<我会告诉你太阳是如何升起的>(13) new feet within my garden go<我花园里的新脚步>(14) there are the days when birds come back<鸟儿回来的那些日子(15) A Route of evanescence<瞬间之路>(16) Arcturus<大角星>(17) to fight aloud<勇敢地战斗>(18) A Triumph may be<或许就是胜利>(19) the brain is wilder than the sky<心灵比天空更宽广>(20) I know that he exists<我知道他的存在>(21) the beggar lad dies early<乞丐少年的早逝>(22) if I can stop one heart from breaking<如果我能阻止一颗心的破碎>(23) when I was small, a woman died<我小的时候,一个女人死了>(24) I died for beauty---but was scarce<我渴望那罕见的美>(25) I Reckon when I count at all<我以为我都算上了>(26) A narrow fellow in the grass<草中的小家伙>9. Edgar Allan Poe(1) the Fall of the house of Usher<厄舍古屋的倒塌>(2) the narrative of Arthur Gorden Pym<亚瑟.戈登.皮姆的叙事>(3) Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque<怪诞奇异故事集>(4) Ligeia<丽吉娅>(5) The Raven<黑鸦>(6) To Helen<致海伦>(7) Ms. Found in a Bottle<瓶子里的弗德小姐>(8) The Purloined Letter<被盗的信>(9) william wilson<威廉.威尔逊>(10) the cask of amontillado<阿蒙蒂拉多的特色>(11) annabel lee<安娜贝尔.李>(12) sonnet----to science<十四行诗----致海伦>(13) Israfel<伊斯拉菲尔>(14) Murders in the rue morgue<莫格街上的暗杀案>(15) the sleeper<睡梦人>(16) dream within a dream<梦中梦>(17)the city in the sea<海中的城市>(18) the man of the crowd<随波逐流的人>(19) the tell-tale heart<泄密的心>(20) Dr.Jekyell and Mr.Hyde<泽基尔医生和海德先生>(21) Black cat<黑猫>(22) the imp of the perverse<邪恶的小魔鬼>(23) The Gold bug<金虫>(24) the Mystery of Marie Roget<玛丽.罗杰谜案> Chapter 3 Realistic PeriodⅠwriters and works1. William Dean Howells(1) The rise of silas lapham<塞拉斯.拉帕姆的发迹>(2) Criticism and Fiction<批评与小说> his most notable of his critical valumes(3) Italian Journey<意大利游记>(4) Editor’s study<编辑研究>(5) Easy chair<简易椅子>(6) Their wedding journey<蜜月旅行>(7) the lady of the aroostook<阿茹斯图克夫人号>(8) A Modern Instance<一个现代的例证>。
英语专八 英美文学 作品及作者简介

杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer ,1340-1400)是英国文学之父亲和前最杰出的作家。
他的代表作品是《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)不仅描绘了31位朝圣者的各个社会阶层,而且也反映了他们各自叙述故事的不同风格,读者广泛,对后世影响很大。
威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare ,1564-1616)是文艺复兴时期英国著名的剧作家和诗人。
主要作品有四大悲剧:《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《麦克白》(Macbeth),《李尔王》(King Lear);四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)、《无事生非》(Much Ado about Nothing)和《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It)等。
此外,历史剧《亨利六世》(Henry VI)三部曲,爱情悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)也都很受欢迎。

二、英美文学经典作品概览1. 英国文学经典作品1.1《莎士比亚全集》- 威廉·莎士比亚《莎士比亚全集》是英国文学史上最具影响力的文学作品之一,包含了莎士比亚所有的剧作和诗歌作品。
1.2《傲慢与偏见》- 简·奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》是19世纪英国文学的经典之作,通过描写女主人公伊丽莎白·班纳特与达西先生之间的爱情故事,反映了当时英国社会的阶级观念与女性地位的问题。
1.3《战争与和平》- 列夫·托尔斯泰《战争与和平》是俄国文学史上的巨著,被誉为现实主义小说的典范。
2. 美国文学经典作品2.1《老人与海》- 埃内斯特·海明威《老人与海》是美国作家海明威的代表作之一,通过描写一个老渔夫与大海的斗争,探讨了人生的胜败与意义。
2.2《傲慢与偏见》- 简·奥斯汀虽然《傲慢与偏见》是英国文学作品,但在美国文学中也被广泛阅读和研究,成为美国文学经典之一。
2.3《了不起的盖茨比》- F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》是20世纪美国文学的杰作,通过对卡里·盖茨比的描写,展现了美国梦的幻灭与现实社会的冷酷。

一、英国文学重要作品及作者1. 《哈姆雷特》- 威廉·莎士比亚该作品是莎士比亚的经典之作,被誉为英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧之一。
2. 《简·爱》- 夏洛蒂·勃朗特这部小说以女主角简·爱的成长为主线,描绘了英国维多利亚时代的社会风貌和女性地位的变迁。
3. 《傲慢与偏见》- 简·奥斯汀这是奥斯汀最著名的作品之一,通过对社会阶层、婚姻制度和爱情观念的揭示,展现了当时英国乡村上层社会的种种偏见和习俗。
4. 《战争与和平》- 列夫·托尔斯泰这部小说是托尔斯泰的代表作,被誉为世界文学的巅峰之作。
二、美国文学重要作品及作者1. 《雾都孤儿》- 查尔斯·狄更斯这部小说是狄更斯的代表作之一,讲述了孤儿奥利弗的成长经历和社会的黑暗面。
2. 《飘》- 玛格丽特·米切尔这部小说被誉为美国文学史上最伟大的爱情史诗之一,以南北战争为背景,讲述了斯嘉丽·奥哈拉的故事。
3. 《美国的悲剧》- 费·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德这是菲茨杰拉德最著名的作品之一,以20世纪初的美国社会为背景,描绘了主人公盖茨比的奢靡生活和对黛西的执着追求。
4. 《杀死一只知更鸟》- 哈珀·李这部小说获得了普利策奖,通过儿童的视角,探讨了美国南方种族歧视和社会不公的问题。

Chapter 1 Old and Medieval EnglishLiterature(450—1066-1340)1.Beowulf: a typical example of Old English poetry is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. It is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends.2.Romance:①It uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period.②It has developed the characteristic medieval motifs of the quest, the test, the meeting with the evil giant and the encounter with the beautiful beloved.③The hero is usually the knight, who sets out on a journey to accomplish some missions. There are often mysteries and fantasies in romance.④Romantic love is an important part of the plot in romance.Characterization is standardized, While the structure is loose and episodic, the language is simple and straightforward.⑤The importance of the romance itself can be seen as a means of showing medieval aristocratic men and women in relation to their idealized view of the world.2. Heroic couplet:Heroic couplet is a rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter. It is Chaucer who used it for the first time in English in his work The Legend of Good Woman.3. The theme of Beowulf:The poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader. The poem is an example of the mingling of the nature myths and heroic legends.5. Chaucer’s achievement:①He presented a comprehensive realistic picture of his age and created a whole gallery of vivid characters in his works, especially in The Canterbury Tales.②He anticipated a new ear, the Renaissance, to come under the influence of the Italian writers.③He developed his characterization to a higher level by presenting characters with both typical qualities and individual dispositions.④He greatly contributed to the maturing of English poetry. Today, Chaucer’s reputation has been securely established as one of the best English poets for his wisdom, humor and humanity.6. “The F ather of English poetry”:Originally, Old English poems are mainly alliterative verses with few variations.①Chaucer introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace it.②In The Romaunt of the Rose (玫瑰传奇), he first introduced to the English the octosyllabic couplet (八音节对偶句).③In The Legend of Good Women, he used for the first time in English heroic couplet.④And in his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, he employed heroic couplet with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature.⑤His art made him one of the greatest poets in English; John Dryden called him “the father of English poetry”.【例题】The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely ______________. (0704)A. William Langland’s Piers PlowmanB. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury TalesC. John Gower’s Confession AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight【答案】BChapter 2: The Renaissance Period(14th—mid-17th Century)1.The Renaissance:The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14th & 17th centuries. It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe. 2. Humanism:Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side. Through the new learning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, but the human values represented in the works. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.Ⅰ. William Shakespeare1. The bibliographyWilliam Shakespeare is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever known.3. The major contributions38 plays (historical plays, tragedies and comedies)2 narrative poems: Venus, The Rape of Lucrece154 sonnets4. His play-creationfive historical plays: Henry IV, part I, II, and III; Richard III; and Titus Andronicus(泰特斯, 提图斯).four Comedies, including: The Comedy of Errors; The Two Gentlemen of Verona(维罗纳); The Taming of the Shrew(泼妇的驯服), and Love’s Labor’s LostFive historical: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, part I, II, Henry V Six comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You like(皆大欢喜), Twelfth Night, and the Merry Wives of Windsor(温莎公爵的快乐情妇)Two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Julius CaesarSeven tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra(克利奥帕特拉), Troilus and Cressida(特洛伊罗斯和克雷西达), Coriolanus(科里奥兰纳斯)Two comedies: All’s Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measureromantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, and The TempestTwo final plays: Henry III, and The Two Noble Kinsmen7. Shakespeare’s writing characteristicsThe progressive significance of the theme--humanismThe successful character portrayal—women’s charactersThe masterhand in constructing the plotThe ingenuity of his poetryThe mastery of his languageⅡ. John MiltonLycidashis 3 major poetical works:Paradise Lost (1667), Paradise Regained (1671), & Samson Agonistes (1671).①Epics: Paradise Lost失乐园Paradisen Regained复乐园②Dramatic poem: <Samson Agonistes力士参孙③The Defence of the English People为英国人民声辩④On His Blindness我的失明Chapter 3: The Neoclassical Period(17th—18th Century, 1660~1798) 1. Duration:Neoclassical period is the one in English literature between the return of Stuarts to the English throne in 1660 and the full assertion of Romanticism which came with the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1978.It’s in fact a turbulent period.8. Gothic novels:Gothic novels are mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Class castles. They appeared from the middle part of the 18th century. Richard Brinsley Sheridan was the leading figure among a host of playwrights. And of the witty and satiric prose, those written by Jonathan Swift are worth studying.【例题】The British bourgeois or middle class believed in the following notions EXCEPT ______. (0904)A. self - esteemB. self - relianceC. self - restraintD. hard work【答案】AⅠ. Daniel Defoe1. Daniel Defoe’s major works:The Shortest Way with the Dissenters.The True-born EnglishmanThe ReviewRobinson Crusoe (most famous of his work, his masterpiece)Captain Singleton《辛格尔顿船长》Moll Flanders《摩根.佛兰德斯》Colonel Jack《杰克上校》Roxana《罗克珊娜》A Journal of the Plague Year. 《大疫年日记》Ⅱ. Jonathan Swift2. MasterpiecesA Tale of a Tub (satirist) 《木桶的故事》The Battle of the Books 《书籍之战》The Examiner 《主考》Gulliver’s Travels (his greatest satiric work) 《格列佛游记》A Modest Proposal (more powerful) 《一个温和的建议》The Drapier’s Letters《专培儿之信》Ⅲ. Henry Fielding2. Contributions:①Father of the English Novel—because of his contribution and establishment of the form of the modern novel②Of all the eighteenth-century novelists he was the first to set out, both in theory and practice:First: give the modern novel both its structure and its styleSecond: adopted the “third-person narration” in which the author became the all-knowing God3. Main works:The earlier essays:The True Patriot and the Liberty of Our Own TimesThe Jacobite’s JournalThe Convent-garden JournalPlays:The Coffee-House PoliticianThe Tragedy of TragediesPasquinThe Historical Register for the YearNovels:The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham AdamsThe History of Jonathan Wild the GreatThe History of Tom Jones, a Foundling –masterpiece on subject of human natureThe history of Amelia- a story of the unfortunate life of an idealized woman, a maudlin picture of the social lifeChapter 4: The Romantic Period1798—1832, the early 30 years in19th Century )1. Historical background:Internationally,①The French Revolutions:②RousseauThese paved the way for the development of Romanticism in theliterature internationallyNationally,①Industrial revolution (Industrialization, Further capitalization andUrbanization)②The survival of fittest (the sharper contradiction between capitalistsand the labors)These are the national basis of the production of Romanticism3. The definition, duration and characteristics of the Romanticism:①The definition:The Romantic Movement, which associated with vitality, powerful emotion and dreamlike ideas, is simply the expression of life as seen by the imagination rather than by prosaic common sense.【例题】Which of the following poems is a landmark in English poetry? (0704)A. Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”by William WordsworthC. “Remorse”by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman【答案】A6. Main representatives:①Main representatives—poets:Pre-Romanticism: (Blake and Burns)The first generation: (Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey)The younger generation: (Byron, Shelley and Keats)②Main representatives—novelistsJane Austen --- love and marriageWalter Scott --- main works (book) human nature③Gothic novelistsAnn Radcliffe and Mary ShelleyGothic novel:It is a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century & was one phase of the Romantic MovementWorks like The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) by Ann Radcliffe & Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley are typical Gothic romanceⅠ.William Blake1.Introduction:English poet, artist, & philosopher, made distinguished contributions to both Literature & art. He ranks with great poets in the English language & may be considered the earliest of the major English Romantic poets.4. Main works:Early works: Poetical Sketches《诗学札记》Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》The Marriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地狱的婚姻》The similarities and differences between two volumes: Generally:Hold the similar subject-matterThe childhood is the central to his concernThe tone, emphasis and conclusion differSpecifically:Infant Joy against Infant SorrowLamb against TygerChimney SweeperⅠagainst Chimney SweeperⅡThe Book of UrizenThe Book of LosThe Four ZoasMilton【例题】William Blake’s central concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experiences_______, which gives the two books a strong social and historical reference. (0804)A. youth hoodB. childhoodC. happinessD. SorrowⅡ. William Wordsworth1. Introduction:William Wordsworth, known as “the Lake Poets” together with Coleridge and Southey,is the leading figure of the English Romantic poetry, the focal poetic voice of the period2. Types of his poem according to his poetic outlook:According to t he subjects, Wordsworth’s short poems can be classified into two groups: poems about nature and poems about human life.①Poems about nature:I Wandered Lonely as a CloudAn Evening WalkMy Heart Leaps upThe Sailor’s MotherThe Affliction of MargaretThe Old Cumberland BeggarThe Idiot BoyThe Solitary ReaperTo a Highland GirlⅢ. Percy Bysshe Shelley1. Introduction:Shelley is one of the leading Romantic poets, an intense & original lyrical poet in the English language.3. His major works:Early works:Queen Mab:Alastor or The Spirit of SolitudeHymn to Intellectual BeautyMont BlancJulian and MaddaloThe Revolt of IslamThe CenciHellasThe CloudTo a Skylark:: AdonaisOde to the west Wind (Best of all the well-known lyric pieces )Ode to LibertyOde to NaplesSonnet: England in 1819Men of EnglandMajor prose essay: Defense of PoetryⅣ.Jane Austen1. Introduction:It was Jane Austen who brought the English novels, as an art of form, to its maturity and she had been regarded as one of the greatest of all novelists.Austen is universally regarded as the founder of the novel which deal with unimportant middle-class people.2.Major works:In her lifelong career, Jane Austen wrote altogether six complete novels, which can be divided into two distinct periods.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感Her first novelPride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见The most popular of her novels dealing with the five Bennet sisters & their search for suitable husbands Northanger Abbey 诺桑觉寺satirizes those popular Gothic romances of the late 18th centuryMansfield Park曼斯菲尔德庄园presents the antithesis of worldliness & unworldlinessEmma 爱玛gives the thought over self-deceptive vanityPersuasion 劝导contrasts the true love with the prudential calculations【例题】“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” The quoted part is taken from ______. (0804)A. Jane EyreB. Wuthering HeightsC. Pride and PrejudiceD. Sense and Sensibility【答案】CChapter 5: The Victorian PeriodⅠ. Charles Dickens2. His Major Works:Period of youthful optimistSketches by Boz (1836); The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837); Oliver Twist (1837-1838);Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839); The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841); Barnaby Rudge(1841)American Notes (1842); Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1845); A Christmas Carol (1843); Dombey & Son (1846-1848); David Copperfield (1849-1850)Bleak House (1852-1853); Hard Times (1854); Little Dorrit (1855-1857);A Tale of Two Cities (1859); Great Expectations (1860-1861); Our Mutual Friend (1864-1865); Edwin Drood (unfinished)(1870)【例题】Among the works by Charles Dickens _______ presents his criticism of the Utilitarian principle that rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds. (0804)A. Bleak HouseB. Pickwick PaperC. Great ExpectationsD. Hard Times【答案】DⅡ. Charlotte Bronte1. Charlotte's Literary Creation and her Writing Characteristics:Charlotte Bronte's works are all about the struggle of an individual towards self-realization,about some lonely & neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, & understanding & a full, happy life. Besides, she is a writer of realism combined with romanticism. Her works are famous for the depiction of the life of the middle-class workingwomen, particularly governesses.Jane Eyre:Ⅲ. Thomas Hardy2. His Major Works:Poetry: The DynastsHardy himself divided his novels into three groups:A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873); The Trumpet Major (1880)Desperate Remedies-;The Hand of EthelbertaUnder the Greenwood TreeThe Return of the NativeThe Mayor of CasterbridgeTess of the D'UrbervillesJude the Obscure【例题】Thomas Hardy's pessimistic view of life predominated most of his later works and earns him a reputation as a ______ writer. (0904)A. realisticB. naturalisticC. romanticD. stylistic【答案】BChapter 7: The Modern Period1. Modern period: from the second half of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century.6. The development Dramas in the 20th century:①Modernism:Oscar Wilde —the pioneer of modern dramaGeorge Bernard Shaw –best known since ShakespeareW.B. Yeats, Lady Georgory, J.M. Synge and Sean O’CaseyⅠ. George Bernard Shaw3. His major works:Five novels -- best one Cashel Byron's Profession (1886)Criticism -- Our Theaters in the Nineties (1931).Man and Superman (1904) and Back to Methuselah(1921).Caesar and Cleopatra (1898) and St. Joan (1923). Too True to Be Good (1932)Ⅱ. T. S. EliotHe won various awards, including the Nobel Prize and the Order of Merit in 1948.3. T. S. Eliot's major achievement in drama writing:He was one of the important verse dramatists in the first half of the 20th century. Besides some fragmentary pieces, Eliot had written in his lifetime five full-length plays:Murder in the Cathedral (1935)大教堂谋杀案The Family Reunion (1939)团员The Cocktail Party (1950)鸡尾酒会The Confidential Clerk (1954)机要秘书The Elder Statesman (1959) 资深政客Part Two: American LiteratureChapter 1: The Romantic Period。

英美文学考研复习笔记英美文学复习笔记整理英国部分The Renaissance Period1. Renaissance :between 14th and mid-17th century.2. Renaissance means rebirth or revival, is actually a movementstimulated by a series of historical events, such as the rediscoveryof ancient Roman and Greek culture, the new discoveries in geography and astrology, the religious reformation and the economic expansion.3. the Renaissance, therefore in essence is a historical period inwhich the European humanist thinkers and Scholars made attempt to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in Medieval Europe, tointroduce new ideas that expressed the purity of the risingbourgeoisie, and to recover the purity of the early church from thecorruption of the Roman Catholic church.4. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance(1) Capable of individual development in the direction ofperfection.(2) They inhabited was theirs not to despise by to question, exploreand enjoy.(3) By emphasizing the dignity of human being and the Importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not onlyhave the right to enjoy the beauty of this life(4) Tomas More, Christopher Marlow and William Shakespeare are the best representative of the English humanist.5 Metaphysical poetry: Metaphysical is characterized by passionate thought succession of concentrated image, exercise of elaborate ingenuity and “wit”, John Done was the famous of the Metaphysic al poet. The Metaphysical Poets were men of learning and to show their learning was their endeavour.Edmund SpencerMasterpiece: The Faerie Queene (allegory)Christopher MarloweUniversity witsImportant plays: Tambulaine, Dr.Faustus, The Jewof Meta Edmund II Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance of infinite powers and authority(1) Perfected the blank verse.(2) Creation of the Renaissance hero to English drama ,it embodiesMarlowe’s ideal of human dignity and capacity.Dr.Faustus: aspiring for knowledge, the play’s dominant moral ishuman rather than religious, it celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness , it also reveals man’s frustrationin realizing the high aspiration in a hostile moral order and theconfinement to time is the cru elest fact of man’s condition.William Shakespeare1. Works: 154 sonnets, 38 plays, 2 long poemsComedy :Merchant of Venice.2 4 great tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, MacbethEach portrays some noble hero, who face the injustice of human fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation, each herohas his weakness of nature. Hamlet, the melancholic scholar-prince, faces the dilemma be tween action and mind: Othello’s inner weakness is made use of by the outside evil force; the old King Lear who isunwilling to totally give up his power makes himself suffer, from treachery and infidelity; Macbeth’s lust for power stirs up hisambition and leads him to incessant crime.3 Merchant of VeniceIn this play, Shakespeare has created tension: ambiguity, a selfconscious and self-delighting artifice that is at onceintellectually existing and emotionally engaging . Thesophistication derives in part from the play between high,outstanding romance and dark faces of negating and hate thetraditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship betweenAntonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a heroine of greatbeauty , wit and loyalty, and to explore insuitable greed andbrutality of the Jew.4 Hamlet.The play has the qualities of a “blood-and-thunder” thriller and aphilosophical exploration of life of life and death, the timelessappeal of his mighty drama lies in its combination of injustice,emotional conflict and searching philosophic melancholy. Hamlet is obliged to inhabit a shadow world , to live suspended between factand fiction, language and action. His life is one of the constantrole-playing examining the nature of acting only to deny itspossibility. For such a figure, soliloquy is a natural medium, anecessary release of his anguish; and some of his questioningmonologue posses surpassing power and insight. By revealing thepower-seeking, the jostling for place , the hidden motives, thecourteous superficialities that veil lust and guilty, Shakespearecondemns the hypocrisy and treachery and general religiouscorrupting at the royal count.Francis Bacon1 Masterpiece: Essay; Novum Organum.2 Novum Organum: most impressive display of Beacon’s intellect. The argument is for the use of inductiveness of reason in scientificstudy.3 Beacon suggests the inductive reasoning, i.e, proceeding from theparticular to the general , in place of the Aristotelian method ,the deductive reasoning ,i.e. proceeding from the general to theparticular.4 Beacon’s essay are famous for their brevity, compactness andpowerfulness.John DoneMetaphysical poetryThe most striking feature of Done’s poetr y is precisely its tang ofreality, in the sense that it seems to reflect life in a real ratherthan a poetical world..Done frequently applies conceits.John MiltonThree major poetical works:Paradise lost , Paradise Regained, Samson AgonistsThe freedom of the will is the keytone of Milton.s creed.Paradise LostThe epic is the masterpiece of John MiltonThe story is drawn from the Old Testament of the Bible, which tells how Satan, after being defeated in his rebel against God, temps Adam and Eve to eat the apples for the Forbidden Tree, and causes theFall of Man.Satan, in the image of a rebel , still determines to fight backagainst God when he and his followers are cast into the Hell. Thefeatures of the character include his boldness, unbending ambitionand his unconquerable will. The poem, as in other writing, is fullof biblical and classical allusion, and is in a Latinized style withone sentence running perhaps across several lines. But, the majesty of expression suits well the sublimity o f the poet’s thought.【自考版重要资料汇总】【自考英语课程学习交流区入口】短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 2 2006-02-16 13:57The Neoclassic Period1 Between the return of the Stuarts to the English throne in 1660and the full assertion of Romanticism which came with thepublication of lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 17981. Enlightenment or the Age of reasonThe Enlightenment movement was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France and swept the whole western Europe at the timeIts propose was to enlighten the whole world with the light ofmodern philosophical and artistic ideas. The enlightenmenterscelebrated reason or rationally, equality and science. They called for a reference to order, reason and rule , yield place to “eternaltruth” “eternal justice” and “natural equality”They believed that human beings were limited , dualistic andimperfect literature at the time , heavily didactic and moralizing.They believed in self-restraint, self-reliance and hard work. Towork , to economize and to accumulate wealth constitute the wholemeaning of their life. This aspect of social life is best-formed inthe realistic novels of the 18th century.3 In the field of literature , they believed that the artisticshould be order,logic, restrained emotion and accuracy . seekproportion, unity, harmony and grace in literary expression, in an effort to delight, instruct and correct human beings..4 Neoclassicism. In English literature and, the stylistic trendbetween the Restoration and the advent of romanticism at thebeginning of the 19th century is referred to as Neoclassicism.5 Heroic: It is a pair of rhymed lines of iambic pentameter. The form was introduced into English by Chaucer and widely used subsequently.短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 3 2006-02-16 13:57John Bunyan1. Masterpiece: The pilgrim’s progress2. The “vanity fair” symbolizes human word, for all that comthis vanity Everything and anything in this world is vanity, having no value and no meaning. The vanity fair, a “market sellingnothingness” of all sorts, is a dirty place originally built up bydetails, but, this town “lay” in the way to the Celestial City,meaning pilgrims had to resist the temptations there when they made their way through. So, the depiction of the “Fair” in selling thingsworldly and in attracting people bad, r epresents John Bunyan’srejection of the worldly seekings and pious longing for the pure and charming “Celestial city”, his Christian ideal.Alexander PopePope, a very sensitive man, would strike back hard, and in theconstant verbal battles he developed a style of biting satire.He was one of the first to introduce rationalism to England, but was not entirely blind to the rapid moral, political and culturaldeterioration.For him the supreme values was order-cosmic order, political order , social order, aesthetic order, and this emphasis an order expression in all of his works. Pope made his name as a great poet with thepublication of an Essay on Criticism in 1711.Pope strongly advocated Neoclassicism, emphasizing that literaryworks should be judged by classical rule of order, reason, logic,restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.Daniel DefoeMasterpiece: Robinson CrusoeHis language is smooth , easy, colloquial and most vernacular. Defoe glorifies human labor and the puritan fortitude. It refers theenterprising sprit of the middle class.Jonathan Swift1. Chief works: A Tale of a Tub, The battle of the books, TheDrapier’s letters, Guilliver’s Travel and a Modest proposal.2.Swift is almost unsurpassed in the writing of simple, direct,precise prose. He defined a good style as “proper words in properplaces” clear, simple, concrete, diction, uncomplicated sentencestructure and economy and concise use of language mark all hiswriting-essay, poems and novels.3. As a whole , the book is one of the most effective anddevastating criticism and satires of all aspects in the then Englishand European life- socially, politically, religiously,philosophically, scientifically and morally.Henry Fielding1. Masterpiece : A History of Tom Jones, a Foundling2. Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the EnglishNovel” for his contribution to the establishment of the form of themodern novel.3. Fielding’s language is easy, unlaboured and familiar butetremly vivid and vigorous.4. Of all the 18th century novelist, he was the first to setout. Both in theory and practice. To write specially a “comic epicin poem” the first to give the modern novels its structure andstory; he use epistol ary form and “ the third-person narration”.5. In planning his stories, he tries to retain the grand,epical of the classical works but at the same time keeps fatithfulto his realistic presentation of common life as it is.Samuel Johnson1. Lexicographer: the author of the first English dictionary byan English man---A Dictionary of the English Language(1755)2. To the Right Honorable the Earl of----Chesterfield3. He was particularly fond of moralizing, and didacticism. His language in characteristically general, often Latinate andfrequently polysyllabic.Richard Brinsley Sheridan1 Masterpiece: The school for scandle.2 Sheridan has the only important English dramatist of the 18thcentury; important link between Shakespeare and Benard Shaw.3 In his play, morality is the constant theme.He is much concerned with the current moral issue and harshly at the social life of the day.Tomas Gray1. His masterpiece, “ Elegy in a Country Churchyard” waspublished in 1751, the poem once and for all established his fame as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day especially” theGraveyard School”2. In his poem, Gray reflects on death, the sorrow of life andthe mysteries of human life with a touch of his Personal Melancholy.3. His poem, as a whole are mostly devoted to a sentimentallamentation or mediation on life, past and present. His poems arecharacterized by an exquisite sense of form. His style issophisticated and allusive. His poem are often marked with the trait of a highly artificial diction and a distorted word order.短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 4 2006-02-16 13:58Romantic Period1. Major Romantic Points(1) a rebellion against neo-classicism(2) express on imagination(3) priorities been given to passion, emotion and feeling(4) being close to nature for its purity while the society iscorrupting(5) tremendous interest in something remote in term of space and time(6) favor of modernism(7) supremacy of freedom2 Romantic period began in 1798 with the publication of wordsworthand Coleridge’s lyrical Ballads and have ended in 1852 with SirWalter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in theParliament.3. It was in effect a revolt of the English imagination against theneoclassical reason which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson1. Jean-Roseau: exploration new idea about Nature, society,Education.Tomas P aine’s Declaration of Rights of Man.5 The Romantic Movement expressed a more or less negative attitude the existing social and political conditions that came withindustria lization and the growing importance of the bourgeoisie.Thus, we can say that Romanticism actually constitute a change ofdirection attention to the outerworld of social civilization to theinner world of the human spirit6 Nature: for the most influential 18th-century writers, was moresomething to be seen than something to be known. But for theRomantics, it is just the opposite. Nature to Wordsworth is a sourceof mental cleanliness and spiritual understanding.7 Poetry has been traditionally regarded as an art governed byrules; but for Romantics, Poetry should be free from all rules.8 Gothic novel: its principal elements are violence, horror andsupernat ural, which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion.9 How is Romanticism different from Neoclassicism? Provide briefevidence from the literary works you know best.a. Neoclassicists upheld that artistic ideals should be order,logic , restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature, shouldbe judged in terms of its service to humanity, and thus, literaryexpressions should be of proportion, unity, harmony and grace.Pope’s An Essay on Criticism advocates grace, wit ( usually thoughsatire/ humour ), and simplicity in language (and the poem itself isa demonstration of those ideals, too); Fielding’s Tom Jones helpedest ablished the form of novel; Gray’s Elegry Written in a country Churchyard” displays elegance in style, unified structure, serioustone and moral instructions.b. Romanticism tended to see the individual as the very centerof all experience, including art, and thus, literary work should be “spontaneous overflow of strong of feeling” and no matter howfragmentary those experience were ( Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” or “The Solitary Reaper,) 0r Coleridge’s “ KebleKhan”), the value of the work link lied in the accuracy ofpresenting those unique feelings and particular altitude.c. In a word, Neoclassicism emphasized rationality and formbut Romanticism attached great importance to the individual’s mind (emotion, imagination, temporary experience……….)短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 5 2006-02-16 13:58William Blake1 (1) The songs of Innocence is a lovely volume poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evil and sufferings.(2) The songs of Experience paints a different world, a world ofmisery, poverty, disease, war and repress with melancholy tone(1) The two books hold the similar subject-matter, but the tone,emphasis and conclusion differs.2 Blake’s Marriage of Heaven and Hell(1790) marks his entry intomaturity. The Poem was composed during the change of FrenchRevolution and it plays the double role both as a satire and arevolutionary Prophecy. In this Poem, Blake explain the relationship of the contraries.“wit hout contraries, there is no progression. The marriage to Blake means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.3 Blake writes his poem in plain and direct language ,his poem often carries the lyric beauty with immense compressing of meaning. Hedistrusts the abstractness and tend to embody his views with visualimages, symbolism in wide range is also a distinctive feature of hispoetry.William Wordsworth1 William Wordsworth, Samuel TAYLOR Coleridge and Robert Southey,the three man known as the “ Lake Poets”2 Wordsworth is regarded as a “worshiper of nature”3 Wordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literaryinterest.4 Wordsworth see the word freshly, sympathetically and naturally.5 The most important contributionWordsworth has made is that he hasnot only started the modern poetry of the growing inner self, butalso changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speechof the language and by advocating a reform to nature.Samuel Taylor Coleridge1 Coledrige’s portion(work) was to deal with supernature thing forhe wai more interested insomething remote strange on foreign.2 Two divers group: the demonic and the conversational(1) The demonic group: beyond the control of reason. The Rime ofthe Ancient Mariner “Christabel” “Kuble Khan”(2) The conversational group: “Frost at Midnight”3 Coledrige is one of the firstcritics to give close criticalaffection to language, maintainng that the true end of poetry is to give pleasure “ through the medium of beauty”4 He was recongnized as alyrical poet and literary critic ofthe first rank.His poetic themes range from the supernature to the domestic. Histreatises, lectures, and compelling conversational powers made himone of the most influential English literary critics andphilosophers of the 19th century.George Gordon Byron1 Masterpiece: Don Juan,Childe Herold’s Pilgrimate‘ I awake one morning and found myself famous2 Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage, generosityand franknessThe unifying principal in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme ofappearance and reality.3 Byron has enriched European poetry with an abundance of ideas,images, artistic forms and innovation.4Byronic heroThe creation of the Byronic hero is Byron’s chief contribution toEnglish Poetry, such a hero is a proud, mysterious rebel figure ofnoble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is to right all thewrongs in a corrupt society and he would fight single-handelyagainst all the misdoings, political, religious moral. Thus thisfigure is a rebellious individual social systems and customs.Because Byron’s poetry is one of texperience on the whoel, such a hero is more or less a surrogate of himself, He appears first in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage and then further develops in later works such as the “Oriented Tale” “Manfred” and “Don Juan”.Persy Bysshe Shelley1 In 1813 he published his first long serious work. Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem.2 Masterpiece “The Cenci” “Prometheus unbounded”lyrics: “The Cloud” “To a Skylark” “Adonais”3 He held a life-long aversion to cruelty, injustice, authority,institutional religion and the formal shames of respectable society, condemning war, tyranny and exploitation.4 Shelley expressed his love for freedom and his hatred towardtyranny in several of his lyrics such as : Ode to Liberty,” “Ode toNaples,” “ Sonnet: England in 1819” and so on.5Best of all the well known lyric pieces is his “Ode to the west wine” it is rhapsodic and declamatory.6Shelley’s style abounds in personification and metaphor and other figure of speech which describe vividly what we see and feel, orexpress what passionately moves us.短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 6 2006-02-16 13:58John Keats1. Work: Limia, Isabella, The Eve of St.Agne2. The Odes are generally regarded as Keats’s most importantand mature works.Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Psyche3. Keats’s poetry is always sensuous, colorful and rich inimagery, which expresses the actuelness of his senses , sights,sound, scent, taste and felling are all taken in to give an entireunderstanding of an experience of others either human or animal.4. His realization of the empathetic power of the imaginationis of the greatest consequence to his work and is a faculty which,as his thought and technique matured, leads him to his most profound insights. Keats’s poetry, characterized by exact and closely knitconstruction, sensual description, and by force of imagination,gives transcendental values to the physical beauty of the world.Jane AustenWorks : Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility. Northanger Abbey As a realistic writer, she considers it her duty to express in herworks a discriminated and serious criticism of life, and to expressthe follies and illusions of mankind. She shows contemptuousfeelings towards snobbery, stupidity, worldliness and vulgaritythrough subtle satire and irony. And in style, she is aneoclassicism advocator, upholding those traditional ideals oforder, reason, proportion and gracefulness in novel writing.TO BE CONTINUED短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 7 2006-02-16 13:58The Victorian Period1. The Victorian Period roughly coincides with the reign ofQueen Victorian from 1836 to 1901, the most glorious in the English history.2 Towards the mid-19th century,, England had reached its highlypoint of development as a world power.3 Darwin’s The origin of species and The Descent of Man shooktheoretical basic of traditional faith. Utilitarianism was widelyaccepted and practiced . In this period, the novel became the mostwidely read and the most vital and challenging experiences ofprogress thought4 Famous novelists like Charles Dickens , William MakepeaceThackery, Charlotte Bronte , Emily Bronte, Mrs. Gaskell and Anthony Trollope.5 Victorian literature has the high-spirted vitality, thedown-to-earth earnestness , the good-natured humor and unbounded imagination are all unprecedented短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 8 2006-02-16 13:58Charles Dickens1 Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of theVictorian Age2 In language, he is often compared with Shakespeare for hisadeptness with the vernacular and large vocabulary with which he brings out many a wonderful verbal picture of man and scene.3 His humor and wit seem inexhaustible, character- portrayal is the most distinguished feature of his work.4His best-depicted characters, are those innocent , virtuous ,persecuted helpless child characters.5Dickens work are also characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos. He seems to believe that life is itself a mixture of joy and grief.The Bronte sistersCharlotte Bronte1Masterpiece: Jane Eyre2Jane Eyre is one of the most popular and important novels of theVictorian Age. It is noted to its sharp criticism of the existingsociety, e.g the religious hypocrisy of charity institution such asLowood School, where poor girls are treated constant starvation andhumiliation, to be humble slave, the social discrimination . Jane experiences first as a dependant at her aunt’s house and later as agoverness at Thornfield and the false social convention asconcerning love and marriage. At the same time, it is an intensemoral fable, Jane, like Mr. Rochester, has to undergo a series ofphysical and moral tests to grow up and achieve her final happiness3The success of the novel is also due to its introduction to theEnglish novel the first governess heroine, Jane Eyre, and orphanchild with a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved, apoor, plain, little governess who dares to love his master, a mansuperior to her in many ways , and even is brave enough to declareto the man her love for him, cuts a completely new woman images. She represents those middle-class working woman who are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being.That vivid description of her intense feeling and her thought andinner conflicts brings her to the heart of the audience.Emily Bronte1 Masterpiece: Wuthering Heights2 The novel is a riddle of view, it is a story about a poor manabused, betrayed and distorted by his social betters, because he isa poor nobody. As a love story, this is one of the most misery: thepassion between Heathcliff and Cathrine proves the most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time, the most horrible passion areto be found in human being.短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴Nothing Can Be Everything会员等级: 超级版主发帖数量: 4,090精华数量: 2所持现金: 19271巴士币银行状态:正常用户积分: 16来自: 注册日期: 2006-02-06# 9 2006-02-16 13:59Alfred Tennyson1. His poetry voices the doubt and the faith, the grief and thejoy of English people in an age of fast social change.2. In 1850, Tennyson was appointed the poet laureate.3. Tennyson is a real artist. He has the natural power oflinking visual picture with musical expression, and these two with the feelings.4. His wonderful works manifest all the qualities of England’s great poets.The dreaminess of Spencer, the majesty of Milton, the naturalsimplicity of Wordsworth, the fantasy of Blake and Coleridge, the melody of Keats and Shelley, and the narrative vigor of Scott and Byron.Robert Browning1He is the most original poet of the time.Masterpiece: The ring and the Book2Dramatic MonologueA kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listens whose replies are not given in the poem. The occasion is usually a crucial one in the speaker’s life, and the dramaticmonologue reads the speaker’s personality as well as the incid ent that is the subject of the poem, an experience of a dramatic monologue is “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning.3“My Last Duchess” : this dramatic monologue is the duke’s speech addressed to the agent who comes to negociate the marriage. In this talk about “Last Duchess” the duck reveals himself as aself-conceited , cruel and tyrannical man. The poem is written isheroic couplet, but with no regular metrical system. In reding, itsounds like bland verse.George Eliot1 Three great popular novel, Adam Bede, The Millon the Floss and Silus Mane. Her mind is always active, instinctively analyzing and generalizing to discuss the fundamental truth about human life. In her works, she seeks to present the inner struggle of a soul and toreveal the motives, impulses and hereditary influences which govern human action.2 As a woman of exceptional, intelligence and life experience,George shows a particular and social aspiration. In her mind, thepathetic tragedy of women lies in their very birth. Their inferioreducation and limited social life determine that they must depend on men for sustenance and realization of their goals, and they haveonly to fulfill the domestic duties expected of them by the society. Tomas Hardy1 real success in literature came with “Under Greenwood”major works: Tess of the D’Urbevilles , Jude the Obscurelong epic grama: The Dynasts2 He is both a naturalistic and a critical realistic writer.3 Hardy’s heroes and heroines are all vividly and realisticallydepicted. They all seem to possess a kind of exquisitely sensuousbeauty. They are not only individual cases but also of universaltruth. Their plight is not just their own; it applies to any one,any age. And finally, all the works of Hardy are noted for therustic dialect and a poetic flavor which fits well into theirperfectly designed architectural structures. They are the product of a conscientious artist.短消息发送邮件报告帖子引用回复返回顶部自烤成柴。

标题:英美文学精华笔记(第一章)一.文艺复兴时期:The Renaissance: marks a translation from t he medieval, means rebirth or revival ,is a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the rediscovery of ancient of Roman and Greek culture .本质上:in essence, is a historical period in whicha. the Europe thinker and scholars try to get rid of the old feud alist[封建主张] in medieval Europeb. to empress the interest of the bourgeoisiec. and to recover purity of the early church1.意大利兴起(14th----mid-17th)2.人文主义humanism:a. The essence of the Renaissanceb. From: It started with the effort of restoring a medieval revere nce for the antique authorc. T Frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissanced. The reason: Greek and Roman people believe that man is the measure of all thingse. Conception: emphasizing[强调] the dignity[高贵] of the huma n beings and importance of the present lifef. Beliefs: man didn’t have right to the beauty of this life but c ould perfect himself and perform wonders3.文艺复兴文学渊源4。

Advancement of Learning学术的进展;Novum Organum新工具;New Atlantic新大西岛;Essays论文集(Of Studies论学习;Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self)
4、John Milton约翰·弥尔顿1608-1674
1、Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛利·乔叟1340-1400
长诗:The House of Fame声誉之堂;Troilus and Criseyde特罗勒斯与克丽西德
小说:Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集----英国文学史上现实主义第一部杰作
14、William Blake布莱克1757-1827
Poetical Sketches素描诗集;Songs of Innocence天真之歌;Songs of Experience经验之歌The French Revolution法国革命;The Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻;America;Milton;Jerusalem
Tales from Shakespeare莎士比亚故事集;Alburn Verses诗集;Essay of Elia伊利亚散文集(Dream Children梦中儿女;A Dissertation unpon Roast Pig烤猪论;Old China古瓷;New Year’s Eve除夕;The Praise of Chimney Sweepers扫烟囱童工赞;The Superannuated Man领取养老金的人;A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behavior of Married People单身汉对结过婚的人的行为的抱怨)

英语专业考研英美文学作家作品顺口溜第一篇:英语专业考研英美文学作家作品顺口溜外语用复试参考资料5分钟内记住英美文学教材上的所有主要作家再重申一下: 下面的顺口溜只是用来方便记忆, 帮助你较容易记住提纲挈领的一些内容, 由骨及肉, 因此而记住更多的内容,(我之前曾看过一位网友介绍他通过英美文学的经验, 主题大致就是要记住树干, 到树枝, 再到树叶.他的话很有道理, 我基本上也是按他的原理做的.), 除此再无他用.因为是顺口溜, 顺口是第一位, 因此, 其中有些字看上去有些古怪, 有些牵强, 请不要太在意.能记住就可以了.上面五句为英国部分, 下面三句为美国部分.邓恩撕马赔沙弥蒲伯吹笛,约翰逊感谢一班来自非州的斯文格格布来克华华叫, 科学家济兹跟澳雪说拜拜.狄更斯爱喝不安宁的布丁.萧高叶踢死老乔华盛顿爱上惠霍的梅姑娘.骑马在德来塞大战狄金森罗伯特李只好以福克纳飞欧申奥.要使用好上面的顺口溜, 前提是你对他们应该有一个大致的了解, 否则你会很难知道who is who了.哈哈...下面我将顺口溜中的字对应的人名加上, 供大家参考.注意: 有些对应的是first name, 有些是last name, 有些则完全是为了顺口的需要而增加的, 无人名可对.邓恩John Donne撕Edmund Spenser 马Christopher Marlowe 赔Francis Bacon 沙William Shakespeare 弥John Milton蒲伯Alexander Pope 吹笛Daniel Defoe ,约翰逊Samuel Johnson 感谢Richard Binsley Sheridan 一班John Bunyan 来自非Henny Fielding 州的斯文Jonathan Swift 格格Thomas Gray 布来克William Blake 华华William Wordworth 叫, 科Samuel Tayler Coleridge 学家济兹John Keats 跟澳Jane Austen 雪Percy Bysshe Shelley 说拜拜George Gordon Byron.狄更斯Charles Dickens 爱George Eliot 喝Thomas Hardy 不安宁Robert Browning的布Bronte Sisters 丁Alfred Tennyson.萧George Bernard Shaw 高John Galsworthy 叶William Butler Yeats 踢T.S.Eliot 死老wrence 乔James Joyce.华盛顿Washington Irving 爱Ralph Waldo Emerson 上惠Walt Whitman 霍Nathaniel Hawthorne 的梅Herman Melville 姑娘.骑马Mark Twain 在德来塞Theodore Dreiser 大战Henry James 狄金森Emily Dickinson.罗伯特李Robert Lee Frost 只好以Ezra Pound 福克纳William Faulkner 飞F.Scott Fitzgerald 欧Ernest Hemingway 申奥Eugene O'Neill.理论上来说, 只需5分钟, 你就能记下教材上提及的所有附有作品分析的作家.然后, 每天有空时随口念念, 强化一下.就这么简单.第二篇:英语专业考研英美文学作家作品笔记英语专业考研英美文学作家作品笔记 01英语专业考研英美文学作家作品笔记British Writers and Works The Anglo-Saxon Period The Venerable Bede 比得673~735λEcclesiastical History of the English People 英吉利人教会史νAlfred the Great 阿尔弗雷得大帝849~899λThe Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 盎格鲁—萨克逊编年史ν The Late Medieval Ages William Langland 威廉•兰格伦1332~1400λ Piers the Plowman 农夫比埃斯的梦νGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400λThe Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人ν Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德ν The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集ν The House of Fame声誉之宫νSir Thomas Malory托马斯•马洛里爵士1405~1471λLe Morte D’Arthur亚瑟王之死νThe Renaissance Sir Philip Sydney菲利普•锡德尼爵士1554~1586λ The School of Abuse诲淫的学校νDefense of Poesy诗辩νEdmund Spenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞1552~1599λ The Shepherds Calendar牧人日历ν Amoretti爱情小唱ν Epithalamion婚后曲νColin Clouts Come Home Againe柯林•克劳特回来了νFoure Hymnes四首赞美歌ν The Faerie Queene仙后νThomas More托马斯•莫尔1478~1535λ Utopia乌托邦νFrancis Bacon弗兰西斯•培根1561~1626λAdvancement of Learning学术的推进ν Novum Organum新工具ν Essays随笔νChristopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗•马洛1564~1595λTamburlaine帖木耳大帝νThe Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人νThe Tragical History of Doctor Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧νWilliam Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616λRomeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱利叶νMerchant of Venice威尼斯商人νHenry IV 亨利四世νJulius Caesar尤利乌斯•凯撒ν As You Like It皆大欢喜ν Hamlet 哈姆莱特ν Othello奥赛罗ν King Lear李尔王ν Macbeth麦克白νAntony and Cleopatra安东尼与克里奥佩特拉ν Tempest暴风雨νpoetry: Venus and Adonis;The Rape of Lucrece(Venus and Lucrece);TheνPilgrim, the Sonnets The 17th Century John Milton 约翰•弥尔顿1608~1674λL’Allegre 欢乐的人ν IL Pens eroso 沉思的人ν Comus柯玛斯νLycidas利西达斯ν Of Education论教育ν Areopagitica论出版自由νThe Defence of the English People为英国人民声辩νThe Second Defence of the English People再为英国人民声辩νParadise Lost失乐园νParadise Regained复乐园νSamson Agonistes力士参孙ν John Bunyan约翰•班扬1628~1688λGrace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners功德无量νPassionate The Pilgr im’s Progress 天路历程νThe Life and Death of Mr Badman败德先生传ν The Holy War 圣战νJohn Dryden约翰•德莱顿1631~1700λ All for Love一切为了爱情νAbsalom and Achitophel押沙龙与阿齐托菲尔ν The Hind and Panther牝鹿与豹ν Annus Mirabilis神奇的年代νAlexander’s Feast亚历山大的宴会νAn Essay of Dramatic Poesy 论戏剧诗ν The 18th Century Alexander Pope亚历山大•蒲柏1688~1744λ Essay on Criticism批评论ν Moral Essays道德论ν An Essay on Man人论νThe Rape of the Rock卷发遇劫记ν The Dunciad愚人记νSamuel Johnson塞缪尔•约翰逊1709~1784λThe Dictionary of English Language英语辞典ν The Vanity of Human Wishes人类欲望之虚幻ν London伦敦νThe Lives of Great Poets诗人传νJonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745λThe Battle of Books书战ν A Tale of a Tub木桶的故事νThe Drapper’s Letters一个麻布商的书信ν A Modest Proposal 一个小小的建议νGulliver’s Travels格列佛游记ν Daniel Defoe丹尼尔•笛福1660~1731λThe Review(periodical founded by Defoe)评论报νRobinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记ν Henry Fielding亨利•菲尔丁1707~1754λThe History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews约瑟夫•安德鲁ν The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild, the Great大诗人江奈生•威尔德ν Amelia爱米利亚νThe History of T om Jones, a Foundling汤姆•琼斯νThe Historical Register for 1736一七三六年历史记事ν Don Quixote in England堂吉柯德在英国νSamuel Richardson塞缪尔•理查逊1689~1761λ Pamela(Virtue Rewarded)帕米拉νOliver Goldsmith奥利弗•格尔德斯密斯1730~1774λThe Traveller旅游人ν The Deserted Village荒村νThe Vicar of Wakefield威克菲尔德牧师传ν The Good Natured Man好心人ν She Stoops to Conquer屈身求爱ν The Citizens of theWorld世界公民ν Thomas Gray托马斯•格雷1716~1771λAn Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽诗ν Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat爱猫之死ν The Bard游吟诗人νRichard Brinsley Sheridan理查德•布林斯利•施莱登1751~1816λ The Rivals情敌νThe School for Scandal造谣学校νSt.Patrick’s Day(The Scheming Lieutenant)圣•派特立克节νThe Duenna伴娘νThe Critic批评家νThe Romantic Age Robert Burns罗伯特•彭斯1759~1796λPoems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗ν John Anderson, My Jo约翰•安德生,我的爱人ν A Red, Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰ν Auld Long Syne往昔时光νA Man’s a Man for A’That不管那一套νMy Heart’s in the Highlands我的心在那高原上νWilliam Blake威廉•布莱克1757~1827λSongs of Innocence天真之歌νSongs of Experience经验之歌ν America亚美利加ν Europe欧罗巴νMilton弥尔顿ν Jerusalem耶路撒冷νThe Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻ν William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770~1850λ We Are Seven我们是七个νThe Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女νImitations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood不朽颂ν The Prelude序曲νLyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集νSamuel Taylor Coleridge塞缪尔•泰勒•科尔律治1772~1834λThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner古舟子颂ν Christabel柯里斯塔贝尔ν Kubla Khan忽必烈汗ν Frost at Night半夜冰霜ν Dejection, an Ode忧郁颂ν Biographia Literaria文学传记νGeorge Gordon Byron乔治•戈登•拜伦1788~1824λChilde Harold’s Pilgrimage恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记ν Manfred曼弗雷德ν Cain该隐ν Don Juan唐•璜νWhen We Two Parted当初我们俩分别ν Persy Bysshe Shelley 波西•比希•雪莱1792~1822λ Queen Mab麦步女王νRevolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛ν The Cenci钦契一家νThe Masque of Anarchy, Hellas专制者的假面游行νPrometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯ν Ode to the West Wind 西风颂ν To a Skylark致云雀νJohn Keats约翰•济慈1795~1821λ On a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂ν Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂ν Ode to Autumn秋颂ν T o Psyche 普塞克颂νOn First Looking in Chapman’s Homer初读查普曼翻译的荷马史诗有感νSir Walter Scott沃尔特•斯科特爵士1771~1832λThe Lady of the Lake湖上夫人ν Waverley威弗利ν Guy Mannering盖曼纳令ν Rob Roy罗伯•罗伊ν Ivanhoe艾凡赫νKenilworth肯纳尔沃斯堡νQuentin Durward昆廷•达沃德νSt.Ronan’s Wells圣罗南之泉ν Jane Austen简•奥斯丁1775~1817λSense and Sensibility理智与情感ν Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见ν Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德庄园ν Emma爱玛νNorthanger Abbey诺桑觉寺ν Persuasion劝导νCharles Lamb查尔斯•兰姆1775~1834λTales from Shakespeare莎士比亚戏剧故事集νJohn Woodvil约翰•伍德维尔νThe Victorian Age Charles Dickens查尔斯•狄更斯1812~1870λSketches by Boz波兹特写νThe Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club匹克威克外传νOliver Twist奥利弗•特维斯特(雾都孤儿)ν The Old Curiosity Shop 老古玩店ν Barnaby Rudge巴纳比•拉奇ν American Notes美国杂记νMartin Chuzzlewit马丁•朱淑尔维特ν A Christmas Carol圣诞颂歌ν The Chimes教堂钟声νThe Cricket on the Hearth灶上蟋蟀ν Dombey and Son董贝父子ν David Copperfield大卫•科波菲尔ν Bleak House荒凉山庄ν Hard Times艰难时世ν Little Dorrit小杜丽ν A Tale of Two Cities双城记νGreat Expectations远大前程ν Our Mutual Friend我们共同的朋友νEdwin Drood艾德温•朱特νWilliam Makepeace Thackeray威廉•麦克匹斯•萨克雷1811~1863λVanity Fair名利场νPendennis潘登尼斯νThe Newcomers纽克姆一家νThe History of Henry Esmond亨利•埃斯蒙德νCharlotte Bronte夏洛蒂•勃朗特1816~1855λ Professor教师ν Jane Eyre简•爱ν Shirley雪莉ν Villette维莱特νEmily Bronte艾米莉•勃朗特1818~1854λWuthering Heights 呼啸山庄ν George Eliot乔治•艾略特1819~1880λ Adam Bede亚当•比德νThe Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊ν Silas Marner织工马南ν Romola罗慕拉νFelix Holt菲利克斯•霍尔特ν Middlemarch米德尔马契ν Daniel Deronda丹尼尔•德龙拉νThomas Hardy托马斯•哈代1840~1928λA Pair of Blue Eyes一双蓝眼睛νThe Trumpet Major号兵长νDesperate Remedies非常手段νThe Hand of Ethelberta艾塞尔伯塔的婚姻νUnder the Greenwood Tree绿荫下ν Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣νThe Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长νTess of the D’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝ν Jude the Obscure无名的裘德νAlfred Tennyson阿尔弗莱德•丁尼生1809~1892λIn Memoriam悼念νBreak, Break, Break冲击、冲击、冲击ν Idylls of the King国王叙事诗νRobert Browning罗伯特•白朗宁1812~1889λ Dramatic Lyrics 戏剧抒情诗νDramatic Romances and Lyrics戏剧故事及抒情诗νMen and Women男男女女ν Dramatic Personae登场人物ν The Ring and the Book环与书νElizabeth Barrett Browning伊丽莎白•芭蕾特•白朗宁1806~1861λ Sonnets from the Portuguese葡萄牙十四行诗ν The Cry of the Children孩子们的哭声νJohn Ruskin约翰•罗斯金1819~1900λ Modern Painters现代画家νThe Seven Lamps of Architecture建筑的七盏明灯ν The Stone of Venice威尼斯石头ν Oscar Wilde奥斯卡•王尔德1856~1900λThe Happy Prince and Other Tales快乐王子故事集νThe Picture of Dorian Gray多利安•格雷的画像νLady Windermere’s Fan温德米尔夫人的扇子νA Woman of No Importance一个无足轻重的女人νAn Ideal Husband理想的丈夫νThe Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要ν1900~1950 William Butler Yeats威廉•勃特勒•叶茨1865~1939λThe Responsibilities责任νThe Wild Swans at Coole库尔的野天鹅ν The T ower钟楼νThe Winding Stair弯弯的楼梯νJohn Galsworthy约翰•高尔斯华绥1867~1933λForsyte Saga 福尔塞世家ν The Man of Property有产业的人λ In Chancery进退维谷λ To Let招租出让λThe End of the Chapter一章的结束ν James Joyce詹姆斯•乔伊斯1882~1941λA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man一个青年艺术家的肖像ν Ulysses尤利西斯νFinnegans Wake芬尼根的苏醒ν Dubliners都柏林人νVirginia Woolf弗吉尼娅•沃尔芙1882~1941第三篇:英美文学作家及作品诺贝尔文学奖奥斯卡王尔德the important of being earnest 乔治艾略特SilasMarner 织工马南传乔治艾略特Middlemarch米德尔马契丹尼尔·笛福ROBINSON CRUSOE鲁滨逊漂流记查尔斯·狄更斯A Tale of Two Cities双城记华盛顿·欧文Rip van Winkle瑞普·凡·温克威廉·福克纳Light In August八月之光伊迪丝·华顿The Age of Innocence纯真年代萧伯纳Mrs Warren's Profession华伦夫人的职业西奥多德莱赛SISTER CARRIE 嘉莉妹妹1907 [英]吉卜林(1835-1907)获奖作品:《老虎!老虎!》。

English LiteratureChapter OneEnglish Literature in the Middle Age (5th -15th )Main points:I. Background information of the Anglo-Saxon period.II. Literary characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon period.III. Background information of the Anglo-Norman period.IV. Literary characteristics of the Anglo-Norman period.V. Important literary works and men of letters of the Anglo-Norman period.VI. Geoffrey ChaucerI . Background information of the Anglo-Saxon periodThe period can be roughly divided into two stages: the Anglo-Saxon period and the Anglo-Norman period.1.The making of the nation.1.1 The inhabitants of the nationThe native Celts凯尔特人(they inhabit in what is now Ireland, Wales and Scotland )------- the Roman Conquest ( this conquest was led by Julius Caesar in 55B.C., which lasted 4 centuries, but it made little influence on the nation’s literature )------- the Anglo-Saxon Conquest in about 449 by three Teutonic tribes 条顿部落--- the Anglos, the Saxons, the Jutes.The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the 7th century, which influenced the literature intwo aspects: one is the great number of Christian poetry which forms an important part of English literature of this period; the other is Christian color in pagan works, for the monks recorded the oral literature with their Christian ideas. (The ideas usually do not go with the content of the whole being.)1.2 The languageIn the 7th, the three tribes mixed into a whole people called English and the language spoken by them is generally called Anglo-Saxon, that is the Old English.II. Literary characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon period.The main literary form of the period is poetry and there are two groups: pagan poetry and religious poetry, and often Christian one.The most important works left is Beowulf《贝奥武甫》or《贝尔武夫》The introduction to BeowulfIt is the earliest complete epic in English literature and it is regarded as the national epic of the English people.----- Definition of epic or national epic 史诗: it is a poetic account of the deeds of oneor more great heroes, or of a nation’s past history. ----- 3182 lines, two parts with an interpolation between the two.----- The theme of the poem: Beowulf is one of the nation’s heroes of the English people.With the descriptions of his heroic deeds, the song reflects events taking place on the Scandinavian peninsula at the beginning of the 7th century.----- The significance of the poem: The story represents 1) the fight of the ancient people against beasts and natural forces ( e.g. flood, volcano ); 2) it reflects thefeatures of tribal society of ancient time; 3)Beowulf’s deeds presents the ideal virtues of ancient Anglo-Saxons.( courage, prowess, devotion to his people )----- Characteristics of the poem: an alliterative verse头韵体诗歌; pagan in spirit andmatter, yet with visible Christian marks.III. Background information of the Anglo-Norman period.3.1 The Norman ConquestThe beginning of the Anglo-Norman period is marked by the Norman Conquest in 1066. The influences of the conquest on the English society are: 1) the nation turned from the tribal society to the feudal society; 2) the conquest brought for the nation French civilization and the French language.3.2 The languageAt first, French was the language of the upper class or the oppressor and Old English was the language of the oppressed. Then Old English was combined with French to form a new language ---- Middle EnglishIV. Literary characteristics of the Anglo-Norman periodThe main literary forms of the period are poetry and prose.( romance in the form ofprose )Literary characteristics------ 中古英诗呈现法国诗风与英格兰本土传统交融的情景。
英国文学名篇选注 部分笔记

【英美文学】英国文学名篇选注部分笔记I. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH POPULAR BALLADS1. LORD RANDALI'O where hae ye been, Lord Randal, my son?O where hae ye been, my handsome young man?'—'I hae been to the wild wood; mother, make my bed soon,For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down.'IIWhere gat ye your dinner, Lord Randal, my son?Where gat ye your dinner, my handsome young man?'—'I dined wi' my true-love; mother, make my bed soon,For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down.'III'What gat ye to your dinner, Lord Randal, my son?What gat ye your dinner, my handsome young man?'—'I gat eels boil'd in broo'; mother, make my bed soon,For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down.'IV'What became of your bloodhounds, Lord Randal, my son?What became of your bloodhounds, my handsome young man?'—'O they swell'd and they died; mother, make my bed soon,For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down.'V'O I fear ye are poison'd, Lord Randal, my son?O I fear ye are poison'd, my handsome young man?'—'O yes! I am poison'd; mother, make my bed soon,For I'm sick at the heart, and I fain wald lie down.'hae ye been: have you beenfain wald: gladly wouldgat ye: did you geteels: snakesin broo': in broth伦得尔显然是一个年轻的贵族。

1 Part 1: English Literature An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature 1、the early inhabitants:Celts. 2、三次外族的入侵及其影响:①the Romans 对英国没什么影响。
——远古时期②Anglo-Saxsons brought the Germanic language(现代英语的基础)and culture (特别的诗歌传统)。
——上古时期③The Normans brought the fresh wave of Mediterranean civilization (希腊文化、罗马法律和基督教)。
——中古时期Ⅰ. Old English Literature(Anglo Saxson 文明时期奴隶社会)1、英国文学史上的上古时期始于公元450 年,止于1066 年,即诺曼底征服英国的那一年。
2、这一时期是Anglo-Saxson 文明兴盛的时期。
3、The poetic tradition was both bold and strong(粗犷豪勇), mournful and elegiac(悲情哀婉) in spirit. 有两大类:①The religious group:mainly on biblical(圣经的) themes.如:a)《创世纪甲本》(Genesis A)、《创世纪乙本》、《出埃及记》(Exodus)来自the Old Testament。
b) the Dream of the Rood (十字架)来自the New Testment。
②The secular(世俗的)group:Beowulf 和众多短篇抒情诗。
lyrical poems 唤起了撒克逊人对环境的严酷及人类的不幸命运的感知。

基础英语考研(英美文学简史)考研复习考点归纳一、《英国文学简史》考点笔记1.1 复习笔记早期英国文学Early English LiteratureⅠ.Background Knowledge—The Making of England(背景知识——英国的形成)1.The Roman Conquest (55B.C.-410A.D.) 罗马征服(公元前55年—公元410年)A. Brief Introduction(简介)Before the Roman Conquest, the early inhabitants in the island we call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts.In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror. Britain was not completely subjugated to the Roman Empire until 78 A.D. But at the beginning of the fifth century, the Roman Empire was in the process of declining. In 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned.罗马征服之前,在英格兰岛上居住的早期居民被称为不列颠人(Britons),不列颠人是凯尔特(Celt)部落的一支。
公元前55年,该岛被罗马的朱利尤斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)侵略。
B. Influence(影响)①The Roman mode of life was brought into Britain while the native Britons were treated as slaves.②The Romans brought Christianity to the island and this religion was spread widely. (This is a profound religious effect up to today).③Roman road was built for military purposes.④Along the Roman roads, many towns grew up, London was one of them, and it became an important trading center.①罗马人的生活方式被带到了英国,而当地的不列颠人却沦为奴隶。

英美文学笔记(英国文学1)Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴1. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。
2. The Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。
3. Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual dev elopment in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs n ot to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。
4. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best repres entatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。
5. Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。

外语用复试参考资料5分钟内记住英美文学教材上的所有主要作家再重申一下: 下面的顺口溜只是用来方便记忆, 帮助你较容易记住提纲挈领的一些内容, 由骨及肉, 因此而记住更多的内容, (我之前曾看过一位网友介绍他通过英美文学的经验, 主题大致就是要记住树干, 到树枝, 再到树叶. 他的话很有道理, 我基本上也是按他的原理做的. ), 除此再无他用.因为是顺口溜, 顺口是第一位, 因此, 其中有些字看上去有些古怪, 有些牵强, 请不要太在意. 能记住就可以了. 上面五句为英国部分, 下面三句为美国部分.邓恩撕马赔沙弥蒲伯吹笛,约翰逊感谢一班来自非州的斯文格格布来克华华叫, 科学家济兹跟澳雪说拜拜.狄更斯爱喝不安宁的布丁.萧高叶踢死老乔华盛顿爱上惠霍的梅姑娘.骑马在德来塞大战狄金森罗伯特李只好以福克纳飞欧申奥.要使用好上面的顺口溜, 前提是你对他们应该有一个大致的了解, 否则你会很难知道who is who了. 哈哈... 下面我将顺口溜中的字对应的人名加上, 供大家参考. 注意: 有些对应的是first name, 有些是last name, 有些则完全是为了顺口的需要而增加的, 无人名可对.邓恩John Donne撕Edmund Spenser 马Christopher Marlowe 赔Francis Bacon 沙William Shakespeare 弥John Milton蒲伯Alexander Pope 吹笛Daniel Defoe ,约翰逊Samuel Johnson 感谢Richard Binsley Sheridan 一班John Bunyan 来自非Henny Fielding 州的斯文Jonathan Swift 格格Thomas Gray布来克William Blake 华华William Wordworth 叫, 科Samuel T ayler Coleridge 学家济兹John Keats 跟澳Jane Austen 雪Percy Bysshe Shelley 说拜拜George Gordon Byron.狄更斯Charles Dickens 爱George Eliot 喝Thomas Hardy 不安宁Robert Browning 的布Bronte Sisters 丁Alfred Tennyson.萧George Bernard Shaw 高John Galsworthy 叶William Butler Yeats 踢T.S. Eliot 死老D.H. Lawrence 乔James Joyce.华盛顿Washington Irving 爱Ralph Waldo Emerson 上惠Walt Whitman 霍Nathaniel Hawthorne 的梅Herman Melville 姑娘.骑马Mark Twain 在德来塞Theodore Dreiser 大战Henry James 狄金森Emily Dickinson.罗伯特李Robert Lee Frost 只好以Ezra Pound 福克纳William Faulkner 飞F. Scott Fitzgerald 欧Ernest Hemingway 申奥Eugene O'Neill.理论上来说, 只需5分钟, 你就能记下教材上提及的所有附有作品分析的作家. 然后, 每天有空时随口念念, 强化一下. 就这么简单.。
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英语专业考研英美文学作家作品笔记01英语专业考研英美文学作家作品笔记________________________________________British Writers and WorksThe Anglo-Saxon PeriodThe Venerable Bede 比得673~735Ecclesiastical History of the English People 英吉利人教会史 Alfred the Great 阿尔弗雷得大帝849~899The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 盎格鲁—萨克逊编年史 The Late Medieval AgesWilliam Langland 威廉•兰格伦1332~1400Piers the Plowman 农夫比埃斯的梦Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400The Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集The House of Fame声誉之宫Sir Thomas Malory托马斯•马洛里爵士1405~1471Le Morte D’Arthur亚瑟王之死The RenaissanceSir Philip Sydney菲利普•锡德尼爵士1554~1586The School of Abuse诲淫的学校Defense of Poesy诗辩Edmund Spenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞1552~1599The Shepherds Calendar牧人日历Amoretti爱情小唱Epithalamion婚后曲Colin Clouts Come Home Againe柯林•克劳特回来了 Foure Hymnes四首赞美歌The Faerie Queene仙后Thomas More托马斯•莫尔1478~1535Utopia乌托邦Francis Bacon弗兰西斯•培根1561~1626Advancement of Learning学术的推进Novum Organum新工具Essays随笔Christopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗•马洛1564~1595 Tamburlaine帖木耳大帝The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧 William Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱利叶Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人Henry IV亨利四世Julius Caesar尤利乌斯•凯撒As You Like It皆大欢喜Hamlet哈姆莱特Othello奥赛罗King Lear李尔王Macbeth麦克白Antony and Cleopatra安东尼与克里奥佩特拉Tempest暴风雨poetry: Venus and Adonis; The Rape of Lucrece (Venus and Lucrece); The Passionate Pilgrim, the SonnetsThe 17th CenturyJohn Milton约翰•弥尔顿1608~1674L’Allegre 欢乐的人IL Pens eroso 沉思的人Comus柯玛斯Lycidas利西达斯Of Education论教育Areopagitica论出版自由The Defence of the English People为英国人民声辩The Second Defence of the English People再为英国人民声辩Paradise Lost失乐园Paradise Regained复乐园Samson Agonistes力士参孙John Bunyan约翰•班扬1628~1688Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners功德无量The Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程The Life and Death of Mr Badman败德先生传The Holy War圣战John Dryden约翰•德莱顿1631~1700All for Love一切为了爱情Absalom and Achitophel押沙龙与阿齐托菲尔The Hind and Panther牝鹿与豹Annus Mirabilis神奇的年代Alexander’s Feas t亚历山大的宴会An Essay of Dramatic Poesy 论戏剧诗The 18th CenturyAlexander Pope亚历山大•蒲柏1688~1744Essay on Criticism批评论Moral Essays道德论An Essay on Man人论The Rape of the Rock卷发遇劫记The Dunciad愚人记Samuel Johnson塞缪尔•约翰逊1709~1784The Dictionary of English Language英语辞典The Vanity of Human Wishes人类欲望之虚幻London伦敦The Lives of Great Poets诗人传Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745The Battle of Books书战A Tale of a Tub木桶的故事The Drapper’s Letters一个麻布商的书信A Modest Proposal一个小小的建议Gulliver’s Travels格列佛游记Daniel Defoe丹尼尔•笛福1660~1731The Review (periodical founded by Defoe)评论报Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记Henry Fielding亨利•菲尔丁1707~1754The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews约瑟夫•安德鲁 The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild, the Great大诗人江奈生•威尔德 Amelia爱米利亚The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling汤姆•琼斯The Historical Register for 1736一七三六年历史记事Don Quixote in England堂吉柯德在英国Samuel Richardson塞缪尔•理查逊1689~1761Pamela (Virtue Rewarded)帕米拉Oliver Goldsmith奥利弗•格尔德斯密斯1730~1774The Traveller旅游人The Deserted Village荒村The Vicar of Wakefield威克菲尔德牧师传The Good Natured Man好心人She Stoops to Conquer屈身求爱The Citizens of the World世界公民Thomas Gray托马斯•格雷1716~1771An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽诗Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat爱猫之死The Bard游吟诗人Richard Brinsley Sheridan理查德•布林斯利•施莱登1751~1816 The Rivals情敌The School for Scandal造谣学校St. Patrick’s Day (The Scheming Lieutenant)圣•派特立克节The Duenna伴娘The Critic批评家The Romantic AgeRobert Burns罗伯特•彭斯1759~1796Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗 John Anderson, My Jo约翰•安德生,我的爱人A Red, Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰Auld Long Syne往昔时光A Man’s a Man for A’That不管那一套My Heart’s in the Highlands我的心在那高原上William Blake威廉•布莱克1757~1827Songs of Innocence天真之歌Songs of Experience经验之歌America亚美利加Europe欧罗巴Milton弥尔顿Jerusalem耶路撒冷The Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770~1850We Are Seven我们是七个The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女Imitations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood不朽颂 The Prelude序曲Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集Samuel Taylor Coleridge塞缪尔•泰勒•科尔律治1772~1834The Rime of the Ancient Mariner古舟子颂Christabel柯里斯塔贝尔Kubla Khan忽必烈汗Frost at Night半夜冰霜Dejection, an Ode忧郁颂Biographia Literaria文学传记George Gordon Byron乔治•戈登•拜伦1788~1824Childe Harold’s Pilgri mage恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记Manfred曼弗雷德Cain该隐Don Juan唐•璜When We Two Parted当初我们俩分别Persy Bysshe Shelley波西•比希•雪莱1792~1822Queen Mab麦步女王Revolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛The Cenci钦契一家The Masque of Anarchy, Hellas专制者的假面游行Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯Ode to the West Wind西风颂To a Skylark致云雀John Keats约翰•济慈1795~1821On a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂Ode to Autumn秋颂To Psyche普塞克颂O n First Looking in Chapman’s Homer初读查普曼翻译的荷马史诗有感Sir Walter Scott沃尔特•斯科特爵士1771~1832The Lady of the Lake湖上夫人Waverley威弗利Guy Mannering盖曼纳令Rob Roy罗伯•罗伊Ivanhoe艾凡赫Kenilworth肯纳尔沃斯堡Quentin Durward昆廷•达沃德St. Ronan’s Wells圣罗南之泉Jane Austen简•奥斯丁1775~1817Sense and Sensibility理智与情感Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德庄园Emma爱玛Northanger Abbey诺桑觉寺Persuasion劝导Charles Lamb查尔斯•兰姆1775~1834Tales from Shakespeare莎士比亚戏剧故事集John Woodvil约翰•伍德维尔The Victorian AgeCharles Dickens查尔斯•狄更斯1812~1870Sketches by Boz波兹特写The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club匹克威克外传 Oliver Twist奥利弗•特维斯特(雾都孤儿)The Old Curiosity Shop老古玩店Barnaby Rudge巴纳比•拉奇American Notes美国杂记Martin Chuzzlewit马丁•朱淑尔维特A Christmas Carol圣诞颂歌The Chimes教堂钟声The Cricket on the Hearth灶上蟋蟀Dombey and Son董贝父子David Copperfield大卫•科波菲尔Bleak House荒凉山庄Hard Times艰难时世Little Dorrit小杜丽A Tale of Two Cities双城记Great Expectations远大前程Our Mutual Friend我们共同的朋友Edwin Drood艾德温•朱特William Makepeace Thackeray威廉•麦克匹斯•萨克雷1811~1863 Vanity Fair名利场Pendennis潘登尼斯The Newcomers纽克姆一家The History of Henry Esmond亨利•埃斯蒙德Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂•勃朗特1816~1855Professor教师Jane Eyre简•爱Shirley雪莉Villette维莱特Emily Bronte艾米莉•勃朗特1818~1854Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄George Eliot乔治•艾略特1819~1880Adam Bede亚当•比德The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊Silas Marner织工马南Romola罗慕拉Felix Holt菲利克斯•霍尔特Middlemarch米德尔马契Daniel Deronda丹尼尔•德龙拉Thomas Hardy托马斯•哈代1840~1928A Pair of Blue Eyes一双蓝眼睛The Trumpet Major号兵长Desperate Remedies非常手段The Hand of Ethelberta艾塞尔伯塔的婚姻Under the Greenwood Tree绿荫下Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长Tess of the D’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝Jude the Obscure无名的裘德Alfred Tennyson阿尔弗莱德•丁尼生1809~1892In Memoriam悼念Break, Break, Break冲击、冲击、冲击Idylls of the King国王叙事诗Robert Browning罗伯特•白朗宁1812~1889Dramatic Lyrics戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romances and Lyrics戏剧故事及抒情诗Men and Women男男女女Dramatic Personae登场人物The Ring and the Book环与书Elizabeth Barrett Browning伊丽莎白•芭蕾特•白朗宁1806~1861 Sonnets from the Portuguese葡萄牙十四行诗The Cry of the Children孩子们的哭声John Ruskin约翰•罗斯金1819~1900Modern Painters现代画家The Seven Lamps of Architecture建筑的七盏明灯The Stone of Venice威尼斯石头Oscar Wilde奥斯卡•王尔德1856~1900The Happy Prince and Other Tales快乐王子故事集The Picture of Dorian Gray多利安•格雷的画像Lady Windermere’s Fan温德米尔夫人的扇子A Woman of No Importance一个无足轻重的女人An Ideal Husband理想的丈夫The Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要1900~1950William Butler Yeats威廉•勃特勒•叶茨1865~1939The Responsibilities责任The Wild Swans at Coole库尔的野天鹅The Tower钟楼The Winding Stair弯弯的楼梯John Galsworthy约翰•高尔斯华绥1867~1933Forsyte Saga福尔塞世家The Man of Property有产业的人In Chancery进退维谷To Let招租出让The End of the Chapter一章的结束James Joyce詹姆斯•乔伊斯1882~1941A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man一个青年艺术家的肖像 Ulysses尤利西斯Finnegans Wake芬尼根的苏醒Dubliners都柏林人Virginia Woolf弗吉尼娅•沃尔芙1882~1941。