雪莉桑德伯格 哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲
FacebookCOO桑德伯格毕业演讲:失去一生所爱,让我变得更加坚强以下为Facebook首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)2017年5月12日在弗吉尼亚理工学院毕业典礼上的演讲。
最重要的是,祝贺弗吉尼亚理工学院(Virginia Tech)2017届的毕业生们!我很荣幸来到这里,这个旧金山夏日让人备感亲切,一如任何名字中带有“Tech”的事物。
雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sand-berg)目前的身份是Facebook的COO,然而从性别角度看,她是一个女强人,在Facebook创业时加入,帮助这个世界上最大的社交网站进行商业化。
3月份,她的新书《Lean In》发布。
2001年,谷歌前任 CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)给了她一个很棒的职业建议,让她加入了后来发展迅速的Google:“别太书呆子气了。
Shirley Sandberg: The Worthy Queen of Silicon Valley ◎供稿:杨 琴雪莉·桑德伯格在2016年伯克利大学演讲道:“生活中总会碰到很多难处的事情,有时错失机会。
雪莉·桑德伯格:当之无愧的硅谷女王Track 7Life style/人物志Shirley Sandberg, now Facebook’s chief operating officer, is known by the media as “Facebook’s first lady”, and is the first female member of Facebook’s board. She is No.5 on the 2011 Forbes list of powerful women, one of the top 50 “most powerful” businesswomen elites on the Forbes list. In 2013, she appeared on the cover of Time magazine and was rated as one of the most influential people in the world by Time magazine.As a successful woman with countless great 1)halos and labels, what behind her is a journey of great 2)frustration and inspiration.Shirley Sandberg, was born in 1969 in a Jewish family in Washington, D.C., a typical middle-class family. Her father, Joel, is an 3)ophthalmologist, and her mother, Adele, teaches French at a college. Her parents are both senior 4)intellectuals. They 5)instilled their traditional educational ideas from childhood. They not only pay attention to her academic achievements, but also hope that she can fulfill her life-long task and be a good wife and good mother.In 1987, Shirley was admitted to Harvard University. In Harvard, where there are so many talented people, she still graduated from Harvard economics department as the first prize and top student. After graduation, she settled down in Washington, and soon met a suitable marriage partner, a Washington businessman. Like completing a historical mission, she got the 6)certificate without 7)hesitation.But because of her husband’s incomprehension of her career, they divorced after only one year together. After her marriage failed, she put all her heart into her work.One year after the divorce, Sherry was invited to serve as the chief of staff for her 8)mentor1)halo[̍he I ləʊ]n. 光环2)frustration[frʌ̍stre Iʃn]n. 挫折3)ophthalmologist[̩ɒfᶱæl̍mɒlədʒI st]n. 眼科医师4)intellectual[̩I ntə̍lektʃuəl]n. 知识分子5)instill[I n̍st I l]v. 灌输6)certificate[sə̍t I f I kət , sə̍t I f I ke I t]n. 证书,文凭 7)hesitation[̩hez I̍te Iʃn]n. 犹豫8)mentor[̍mentɔː(r)]n. 指导者,导师Summers, who became Vice Treasury Secretary of thethen US President Bill Clinton’s administration. At thistime, Shirley was only 29 years old and had alreadymade her mark in the political circle of Washington.1. In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.在未来,将没有女性领导人,只会有领导人。
感恩友善的名人故事感恩友善的名人故事一、感恩与分享的名人故事1. 雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)雪莉·桑德伯格是Facebook的首席运营官,她以对员工的关心和感恩而闻名。
2. 马克·贝尼奥夫(Mark Benioff)马克·贝尼奥夫是Salesforce的创始人兼首席执行官,他以慷慨的善举闻名。
3. 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)比尔·盖茨是微软的创始人,也是慈善家。
二、助人为乐的名人故事1. 艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson)艾玛·沃特森是一位英国演员,她以其在《哈利·波特》系列电影中饰演赫敏·格兰杰而闻名。
2. 利奥纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)利奥纳多·迪卡普里奥是一位美国演员和慈善家,他的表演才华和慷慨无私的善举使他深受人们的喜爱。
Facebook首席运营官桑德伯格首谈死亡与挫折要拥有扛过一切悲伤的能力雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg),Facebook的首席运营官,执掌上千亿美金市值的商业帝国。
2015年5月,正在事业蓬勃之际,丈夫Dave Goldberg遽然离世。
——《美国往事》| 要拥有扛过一切悲伤的能力 |雪莉.桑德伯格在今天这个特殊的时刻,我不会和你们交流我的人生经验,而是试着和你们分享我从死亡中学到的领悟——事实上,我从未在公众场合谈过这个话题。
一年多以前,我失去了我的丈夫, Dave。
平等之路,始于足下作者:来源:《高中生学习·高二文综版》2015年第08期雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)1969年8月26日出生于华盛顿。
同时,她还是福布斯上榜的前50名“最有力量” 的商业女精英之一,女权主义者。
Wikipedia IntroSheryl Kara Sandberg (born August 28, 1969) is an American technology executive,activist, and author. She is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. In June 2012, she was elected to the board of directors by the existing board members, becoming the first woman to serve on Facebook’s board. Before she joined Facebook as its COO, Sandberg was Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google and was involved in launching Google’s philanthropic arm . Before Google, Sandberg served as chief of staff for the United States Secretary of the Treasury. In 2012 she was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. As of January 2014, Sandberg is reported to be worth over US$1 billion, due to her stock holdings in Facebook and other companies.Gender inequality harms men along with women. Racism hurts Whites along with Minorities. And the lack of equal opportunity keeps all of us from failing our true potential.——Sheryl SandberySo often the truth is sacrificed to conflict avoidance, or by the time we speak the truth,we’ve used so many caveats and preambles that the message totally gets lost. So I ask you to ask each other for the truth and other people: Can you list it in simple and clear language? And when you speak your truth, can you use simple and clear language?We didn’t need feminism because we were already equals. We were wrong. I was wrong. The word was not equal then and it is not equal now. I think nowadays,we don’t just hide ourselvesfrom the hard truth and shut our eyes to the inequities, but we suffer from the tyranny of low expectations.In the last election cycle in the united states, women won 20% of the senate seats, and all the headlines started screaming out: women take over the Senate. I felt like screaming back, wait a minute everyone. 50% of the population getting 20% of the seats. That’s not a takeover. That’s an embarrassment.We need to see the truth and speak the truth. We tolerate discrimination and we pretend that opportunity is equal. Yes we elected an African-American president, but racism is pervasive still. Yes, there are women who run Fortune 500 companies, 5 percent to be precise, but our road there is still paved with words like pussy and bossy, while our male peers are leaders and results focused.African-American women have to prove that they’re not angry. Latinos risk being branded fiery hot head. A group of Asian-American women and men in Facebook wore pins one day that said I may or may not be good enough.You can challenge stereotypes that’s subtle and obvious. At Facebook, we have posters around the wall to inspire us.Done is better than perfect. Fortune favors the bold. What would you do if you weren’t afraid? My new favorite nothing at Fac ebook is someone else’s problem. I hope you feel that way about the problems you see in the world,because they are not someone else’s problem. Gender inequality harms men along with women. Racism hurts Whites along with Minorities. And the lack of equal opportunity keeps all of us from failing our true potential.通常,真相都成了避免冲突的牺牲品,我们在讲真相时,总喜欢使用很多修饰,很多委婉语,淹没了真正要传达的信息。
SherylSandberg桑德伯格在2012年哈佛毕业典礼上的演讲•雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg),1969年出生于华盛顿,2011年41岁,Facebook首席运营官,2011福布斯权势女性榜排名第5位。
她负责Facebook的销售、营销、收购、合作、人士、公共政策和联络事宜,使该网站CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)可以专注于Facebook的设计和新功能。
•雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg),1969年出生于华盛顿,2011年41岁,Facebook首席运营官,2011福布斯权势女性榜排名第5位。
她负责Facebook的销售、营销、收购、合作、人士、公共政策和联络事宜,使该网站CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)可以专注于Facebook的设计和新功能。
文本:Sheryl Sandberg’s inspiring commencement speech atHarvard 2012 Class脸谱网首席运营官雪莉桑德博格在哈佛商学院2012届毕业典礼上的演讲It’s an honor to be here today to address HBS’s distinguished faculty, proud parents, patient guests, and most importantly the class of 2012. Today was supposed to be a day of unbridled celebration, and I know that’s no longer true. I j oin all of you in grieving for your classmate. I know there no way make this better although sadness. Today still marks a distinct and impressive achievement for this class, so please join me in giving our warmest congratulations to the class of 2012.When Dean Nohria asked me to speak here today, I thought, come talk to a group of people way younger and cooler than I am? I can do that, I do that every day, I like being surrounded by young people except when they say to me, What was it like being in college without the internet, or worse, Sheryl, can you come here, we need to see what old people think of this feature.When I was a student here 17 years ago, I studied social marketing with professor Kash Rangan, and one of the many examples Kash used to explain the concept of social marketing was the lack of organ donors in this country, which kills 18 people every single day. Earlier this month, Facebook launched a tool to support organ donations, something that stems directly from Kash’s work. Kash is here, we are all grateful for your dedication.So, it wasn’t really that long ago when I was sitting where you are, but the world has changed an awful lot. My section,section B, tried to have HBS’s first online class. We had to use an AOL chat room and dial up service (your parents can explain to you later what dialogue is later). We had to pass out a list of screen names, because it was unthinkable to put your real name on the internet. And it never worked. It kept crashing…the world wasn’t set up for 90 people to communicate at once on line. But for a few brief moments though, we glimpsed the future, a future where technology would power who we are and connect us to our real colleagues, our real family, our real friends.It used to be that in order to reach more people than you could talk to in a day, you had to be rich and famous and powerful, be a celebrity, a politician, a CEO, but that’s not true today. Now ordinary people have voice, not just those of us lucky to go to HBS, but anyone with access to Facebook, to Twitter, a mobile phone. This is disrupting traditional power structures and leveling traditional hierarchy. Voice and power are shifting from institutions to individuals, from the historically powerful to the historically powerless, and all of this is happening so much faster than I could have imagined when I was sitting where you are today and Mark Zuckerberg was 11 years old.ONE WOMAN CEO LOOKED AT ME AND SAID ‘WE WOULDN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT HIRING SOMEONE LIKE YOU’As the world becomes more connected and less hierarchical, traditional career paths are shifting as well. In 2001, after working in the government, I moved out to Silicon Valley to try finding a job. My timing wasn’t really that good. The bubble had crashed, small companies were closing, big companies were laying people off. One woman CEO looked at me and said, we wouldn’t eventhink about hiring someone like you.After a while I had a few offers and I had to make a decision, so what did I do? I am MBA trained, so I made a spreadsheet. I listed my jobs in the columns and my criteria in the rows, and compared the companies and the missions and the roles. One of the jobs on that sheet was to become Google’s first business unit general manager, which sounds good now, but at the time no one thought consumer internet companies could ever make money. I was not sure there was actually a job there at all. Google had no business units, so what was there to generally manage. And the job was several levels lower than jobs I was being offered at other companies.EXCELLENT CAREER ADVICE: ‘GET ON A ROCKET SHIP’So I sat down with Eric Schmidt, who had just become the CEO, and I showed him the spread sheet and I said, this job meets none of my criteria. He put his hand on my spreadsheet and he looked at me and said, don’t be an idiot. Excellent career advice. And then he said, Get on a rocket ship. When companies are growing quickly and they are having a lot of impact, careers take care of themselves. And when companies aren’t growing quickly or their missions don’t matter as much, that’s when stagnation and politics come in. If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.About six and one-half years later, when I was leaving Google, I took that advice to heart. I was offered CEO jobs at a bunch of companies, but I went to Facebook as COO. At the time peoplesaid, why are you going to work for a 23-year-old? The traditional metaphor for careers is a ladder, but I no longer think that metaphor holds. It doesn’t make s ense in a less hierarchical world. When I was first at Facebook, a woman named Laurie Gohler, a 1997 graduate of HBS, was working in marketing at eBay and I knew her kind of socially. And she called me and said, ‘I want to talk with you about coming to wor k with you at Facebook. So I thought about calling you, she said, and telling you all the things I’m good at and all the things I like to do. But I figured that everyone is doing that. So instead I want to know what’s your biggest problem and how can I solve it.’My jaw hit the floor. I’d hired thousands of people up to that point in my career, but no one had ever said anything like that. I had never said anything like that. Job searches are always about the job searcher, but not in Laurie’s case. I said, you’re hired. My biggest problem is recruiting and you can solve it. So Laurie changed fields into something she never thought she’d do, went down a level to start in a new field and has since been promoted and runs all of the people operations at Facebook and has done an extraordinary job.CAREERS ARE NOT A LADDER–THEY’RE A JUNGLE GYMCareers are not a ladder-they are a jungle gymLaurie has a great metaphor for careers. She says they’re not a ladder; they’re a jungle gym. As you start your post-HBS career, look for opportunities, look for growth, look for impact, look for mission. Move sideways, move down, move on, move off.Build your skills, not your resume. Evaluate what you can do, not the title they’re going to give you. Do real work. Take a sales quota, a line role, an ops job, don’t plan too much, and don’t expect a direct climb. If I had mapped out my career when I was sitting where you are, I would have missed my career.You are entering a different business world than I entered. Mine was just starting to get connected. Yours is hyper-connected. Mine was competitive. Yours is way more competitive. Mine moved quickly, yours moves even more quickly. As traditional structures are breaking down, leadership has to evolve as well. From hierarchy to shared responsibility, from command and control to listening and guiding. You’ve been trained by this great institution not just to be part of these trends but to lead. As you lead in this new world, you will not be able to rely on who you are or the degree you hold.You’ll have to rely on what you know. Your strength will not come from your place on some org chart, your strength will come from building trust and earning respect. You’re going to need talent, skill, and imagination and vision, but more than anything else, you’re going to need the ability to communicate authentically, to speak so that you inspire the people around you and to listen so that you continue to learn each and every day on the job.If you watch young children, you’ll immediately not ice how honest they are. My friend Betsy in my section a few years after business school was pregnant with her second child and her first child was about five and said, ‘Mommy, where is the baby?’And she said, ‘The baby is in my tummy.’ And he said, ‘Aren’t the baby’s arms in your arms? And she said, ‘No, the baby’s in my tummy.’ ‘Are the baby’s legs in your legs?’ ‘No, the whole baby is in my tummy. And he said, ‘Mommy, then what is growing in your butt?’As adults, we are never this honest, and that’s n ot a bad thing. I have borne two children, the last thing I needed were those comments. But it’s not always a good thing either. Because all of us, and especially leaders, need to speak and hear the truth. The workplace is an especially difficult place for anyone to tell the truth, because no matter how flat we want our organizations to be, all organizations have some form of hierarchy. What that means is that one person’s performance is assessed by someone else’s perception.HONESTY IS MISSING FROM THE WORKPLACEThis is not a setup for honesty. Think about how people speak in a typical workforce. Rather than say I disagree with our expansion strategy or better yet, this seems truly stupid. They say: I think there are many good reasons why we’re entering t his new line of business, and I’m certain the management team has done a thorough ROI analysis, but I’m not sure we fully considered the downstream effects of taking this step forward at this time. As we would say at Facebook on the internet, three letters: WTF.Truth is better used by using simple language. Last year Mark decided to learn Chinese and as part of studying, he would spendan hour or so each week with some of our employees who were native Chinese speakers. One day, one of them was trying to tell him something about her manager, so she said this long sentence and he said simpler please. And then she said it again and he said, no, I still don’t understand, simpler please…and so on and so on. Finally, in sheer exasperation, she burst out, my manager is bad.Simple and clear and very important for him to know. People rarely speak this clearly in the workforce or in life and as you get more senior, not only will people speak less clearly to you but they will overreact to the small things you say.When I joined Facebook, one of the things I had to do was build the business side of the company, put some systems into place, but I wanted to do it without destroying the culture that made Facebook great. So one of the things I tried to do was encourage people not to do formal PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me, and I would say things like, don’t do PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. Why don’t you come in with a list of what you want to discuss, but everyone ignored me, they kept doing their presentations meeting after meeting, month after month.‘NO MORE POWERPOINTS IN MY MEETINGS AND I MEAN IT’No more power points in my meetings and I mean itSo about two years in, I said, ‘OK, I hate rules but I have arule, no more PowerPoint in my meetings and I mean it.’ About a month later I was about to speak to our global sales team on a big stage and someone came up to me and said, Before you get on that stage, you really should know everyone’s pretty upset about the no PowerPoint with c lients thing…What? So I got on the stage and said, one, I meant no PowerPoint with me. But two, more importantly, next time you hear something that’s really stupid, don’t adhere to it, fight it or ignore it, even if it’s coming from me or Mark.A good lea der recognizes that most people won’t feel comfortable challenging authority, so it falls upon authority to encourage them to question. It’s easy to say that you’re going to encourage feedback but it’s hard to do, because unfortunately it doesn’t always co me in a format we want to hear.When I first started at Google, I had a team of four people and it was really important to me that I interview everyone, being part of my team meant I had to know you. When the team had gotten to 100 people, I realized it was taking longer to schedule my interviews so one day at my meeting of just my direct reports, I said maybe I should stop interviewing, fully expecting them to jump in and say no, your interviews are a critical part of the process. They applauded. Then they fell over themselves explaining that I was the bottleneck of all time.‘WHEN YOU’RE A LEADER, IT’S REALLY HARD TO GET GOOD AND HONEST FEEDBACK’I was embarrassed, then I was angry and I spent a few hours just quietly fuming. Why didn’t they tell me I was a bottleneck, why did they let me go on slowing them down? Then I realized that if they hadn’t told me, that was my fault. I hadn’t been open enough to tell them I wanted that feedback and I would have to change that going forward. When you’re the lead er, it is really hard to get good and honest feedback, no many how many times you ask for it. One trick I’ve discovered is that I try to speak really openly about the things I’m bad at, because that gives people permission to agree with me, which is a lot easier than pointing it out in the first place. To take one of many possible examples, when things are unresolved I can get a tad anxious.Really, when anything’s unresolved, I get a lot anxious. I’m quite certain no one has accused me of being too calm. So I speak about it openly and that gives people permission to tell me when it’s happening. But if I never said anything, would anyone who works at Facebook walk up to me and say, ‘Hey Sheryl, calm down. You’re driving us all nuts.’ I don’t think so.As you graduate today, ask yourself, how will you lead. Will you use simple and clear language? Will you seek out honesty? When you get honesty back, will you react with anger or with gratitude? As we strive to be more authentic in our communication, we should also strive to be more authentic in a broader sense. I talk a lot about bringing your whole self to work—something I believe in deeply.MOTIVATION COMES FROM WORKING ON THINGS WECARE ABOUTMotivation comes from working on things we care about but it also comes from working with people we care about, and in order to care about someone, you have to know them. You have to know what they love and hate, what they feel, not just what they think. If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to lead with your heart as well as your mind. I don’t believe we have a professional self from Mondays through Fridays and a real self for the rest of the time. That kind of division probably never worked, but in today’s world, with a real voice, an authentic voice, it makes even less sense.I’ve cried at work. I’ve told people I’ve cried at work. And it’s been reported in the press that Sheryl Sandberg cried on Mark Zuckerberg’s shoulder, which is not exactly what happened. I talk about my hopes and fears and ask people about theirs. I try to be myself. Honest about my strengths and weaknesses and I encourage others to do the same. It is all professional and it is all personal, all at the very same time.I recently started speaking up about the challenges women face in the workforce, something I only had the courage to do in the last few years. Before this, I did my career like everyone else does it. I never told anyone I was a girl. Don’t tell. I left the lights on when I went home to do something for my kids. I locked my office door and pumped milk for my babies while I was on a conference call. People would say, what’s that sound. I would say, ‘What sound? I hear a beep. It’s a fire truck.’GENDER REMAINS AN ISSUE AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF LEADERSHIPBut the progress we’ve made in the last decade has convinced me we need to start talking about this. I graduated from HBS in 1995 and I thought it was completely clear that by the time someone from my year was invited to speak at this podium, we would have achieved equality in the workforce. But women at the top C-level jobs are stuck at 15% or 16% and has not moved in a decade. Not even close to 50%. We need to acknowledge openly that gender remains an issue at the highest levels of leadership. The promise of equality is not equality. We need to start talking about this.We need to start talking about how women underestimate their abilities compared to men and for women, but not men. Success and likeability are negatively correlated. That means that as a woman is more successful in your workplaces, she will be less liked. This means that women need a different form of management and mentorship, a different form of sponsorship and encouragement, and some protection, in some ways more than men.There aren’t enough senior women out there to do it, so it falls upon the men who are graduating today just as much or more as the women, not just to talk about gender but to help these women succeed. When they hear a woman is really great at her job but not liked, take a deep breath and ask why. We need to start talking openly about the flexibility all of us need to have both a job and a life.A couple of weeks ago in an interview I said that I leave the office at 5 p.m. to have dinner with my children, and I was shocked at the press co verage. One of my friends said I couldn’t get more headlines if I had murdered someone with an ax! This showed me this is an unresolved issue for all of us, men and women. Otherwise, why did everyone write so much about it? And maybe, most importantly, we need to start talking about how fewer women than men, even from places like HBS, even in this class, aspire to the very top jobs.WOMEN WILL NOT CLOSE THE LEADERSHIP GAP UNTIL WE CLOSE THE PROFESSIONAL AMBITION GAPWe will not close the leadership gap until we close the professional ambition gap. We need more women not just to sit at the table, but as President Obama said a few weeks ago at Barnard, to take their rightful seats at the head of the table. One of the reasons I was so excited to be here today is that Dean Nohria told me that this is the 50th anniversary of letting women into this school…Your dean is so passionate about getting more women into leadership positions and he told me he wanted me to speak this year for that reason. I met a woman from that first class once. She told me that when they first came in, they took a men’s room and converted it to a woman’s room. But they left the urinals in. The urinals are long gone. Let’s make sure that no one ever misses them.As you and your classmates spread out across the globe and walk across this stage tomorrow, I wish for you four things:First, keep in touch via Facebook; this is critical to your future success! And since we’re public now, could you click on an ad or two.Two, that you make the effort to speak as well as seek the truth.Three, that you remain true to and open about your authentic self.And four, most deeply, that your generation accomplish what mine has failed to do. Give us a world where half our homes are run by men and hal f our institutions are run by women. I’m pretty sure that would be a better world.I join everyone here in offering my most sincere congratulations to the HBS Class of 2012. Give yourselves a huge round of applause.。
龙源期刊网 雪莉·桑德伯格,十亿级女富豪,被美国媒体誉为“硅谷最有影响力的女人”
世界级女强人是怎样炼成的 (24图)
世界级女强人是怎样炼成的(24图)她们是商场中的“杨门女将”,没有人会说她们不如男人,那么,她们究竟是如何华丽转身成为身价过亿的“世界级女强人”的?【1 】雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)年龄:44岁个人净资产:10亿美元【2 】雪莉·桑德伯格,1969年8月26日,生于华盛顿,出生于美国华盛顿特区一个商人家庭。
【3 】奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)年龄:60岁个人净资产:30亿美元【4 】奥普拉·温弗瑞,为当今世界上最具影响力的妇女之一,她的成就是多方面的:通过控股哈普娱乐集团的股份,掌握了超过10亿美元的个人财富;主持的电视谈话节目“奥普拉脱口秀”,平均每周吸引3300万名观众,并连续16年排在同类节目的首位。
【5 】梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)年龄:57岁个人净资产:20亿美元【6 】梅格·惠特曼,现任惠普总裁兼CEO,曾任美国亿贝(eBay)公司前首席执行官。
她曾在几家大公司任职:Procter & Gamble公司,迪斯尼公司(她负责营销的高级副总裁),Stride Rite公司,FTD公司,还有Hasbro公司。
【7 】吉娜·莱因哈特(Gina Rinehart)年龄:60岁个人净资产:170亿美元【8 】吉娜·莱因哈特,现年57岁的澳大利亚第一富婆,外表和一般中年女性没有分别,行事一向低调,也甚少在媒体上曝光。
【9 】劳伦娜·鲍威尔·乔布斯(Laurene Powell Jobs)年龄:50岁个人净资产:150亿美元【10 】劳伦娜·鲍威尔·乔布斯,1964年出生,苹果公司创办人史蒂夫·乔布斯的妻子。
让我欣喜的是,我大学时的室友,同时也是学院的教员,Caroline Weber,此时也在这儿。
我的上司,同时也是脸谱网的创立者,马克扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),不久前对我说:“雪莉,女性中年危机什么时候发生,是当你30岁时吗?”这是工作以来很倒霉(背运)的一天!但我明白生活中我们总会忘却一些时刻。
可问题是你下一步的打算是什么?努力求学到底为的是什么?究竟需要改变改变?如果要改,那要改变那一部分?去年,普利策奖获得者Sheryl wudunn和Nicholas kristof来到这里,并谈到了他们备受抨击的一本书,即《半边天》。
雪莉 桑德伯格
初到“脸谱”,雪莉·桑德伯格面临的最大难题在于如何使这个站不但受用户欢迎,而且赚钱,成为一项真 正的生意。
在2019福布斯全球亿万富豪榜,以16亿美元当选第1425位。 财富位列《2020胡润全球白手起家女富豪榜》第34位。
1969年8月28日,生于华盛顿,出生于美国华盛顿特区一个犹太人家庭 。获哈佛大学经济学学士学位。 1995年获得哈佛商学院MBA学位。2001年,桑德伯格进入当时还是家初创公司的谷歌,随后担任负责络销售的副 总裁。2008年3月,正当Facebook从一家受到广泛的创业公司向一家互联巨头迈进时,桑德伯格从谷歌跳槽至这 家社交站。
12月的一天,扎克伯格前往硅谷高管丹·罗森斯韦格家参加圣诞派对,在门口遇见雪莉·桑德伯格。他上前 介绍自己,与雪莉·桑德伯格相谈甚欢。“我们在门边交谈了可能有一个小时,”他回忆说。
交谈中,扎克伯格得知雪莉·桑德伯格有意跳槽,便在圣诞假期过后约她面谈。接下来的6个星期里,扎克伯 格每周拜访雪莉·桑德伯格家一两次,常常聊到深夜。按照雪莉·桑德伯格丈夫戴夫·戈德伯格的说法,两人的 接触“好像约会”,聊的都是些“非常哲学”的话题。
雪莉·桑德伯格入围美国《福布斯》杂志全球年度最具权势女性排行榜 2019年9月,谢丽尔·桑德伯格被评为全球科技业最鼓舞人心的领导者,排名第六。 2020年3月16日,雪莉·桑德伯格以150亿元财富位列《2020胡润全球白手起家女富豪榜》第34位。 2020年4月7日,雪莉·桑德伯格以15亿美元财富位列《2020福布斯全球亿万富豪榜》第1415位。 2021年4月,福布斯全球富豪榜发布,雪莉·桑德伯格以17亿美元财富位列《2021福布斯全球富豪榜》第 1833位。 2022年3月,以165亿财富位列《2022家大业大酒·胡润全球富豪榜》第1408名。 2022年,以16亿美元财富位列《2022年福布斯全球亿万富豪榜》第1818位。 2023年3月23日,胡润研究院发布《2023胡润全球富豪榜》,雪莉·桑德伯格以170亿元财富位列榜单第 1346位。
”以下是她在UCB的研究稿节选:I learned that in the face of the void—or in the face of any challenge—you can choose joy and meaning.我明白了,即便悲伤至空虚,或是面对巨大挑战,你仍然可以选择快乐和有意义的生活。
Thank you,Marie. And thank you esteemed members of the faculty,proud parents,devoted friends,squirming siblings.谢谢玛丽。
Congratulations to all of you…and especially to the magnificent Berkeley graduating class of 2016!祝贺所有人……尤其是伯克利2016级的毕业生们!It is a privilege to be here at Berkeley, which has produced so many Nobel Prize winners,Turing Award winners,astronauts, members of Congress,Olympic gold medalists….and that’s just the women!在伯克利求学是一件幸事,这里出过众多的诺贝尔奖得主、图灵奖获得者、宇航员、国会议员和奥运会金牌得主……而且都有女性!Today is a day of thanks. A day to thank those who helped you get here—nurtured you,taught you,cheered you on,and dried your tears. Or at least the ones who didn’t draw on you with a Sharpie when you fell asleep at a party.今天应该感谢。
雪莉·桑德伯格在哈佛大学的毕业典礼致辞:Congratulations everyone,you made it.祝贺所有人,你们做到了。
And I don’t mean to the end of college,Imean to class day,because if memory serves,some of your classmates had too manyscorpion bowls at the Kong last night and are with us today.我指的不是大学毕业,而是成功出席今天的毕业典礼。
Given the weather,the one thing Harvardhasn’t figured out how to control,some of your other classmates are atsomeplace warm with a hot cocoa,so you have many reasons to feel proud ofyourself as you sit here today.由于天气,这种哈佛还没有弄清楚如何控制的现象,还有同学正在温暖的地方喝热可可饮料,所以,你们有很多为今天出席毕业日活动感到自豪的理由。
Congratulations to your parents.You havespent a lot of money,soyour child can say she went to a “small school”nearBoston.And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to the part of yourcelebration.It means a great to me.And looking at the list of past speakerswas a little daunting.I can’t be as funny as Amy Poehler,but I’m gonna befunnier than Mother Teresa.祝贺你们的家长,你们花了很多钱,让子女能够说自己是从波士顿附近的这所“小学校“毕业的。
M C2015年7月6日,全球社交网络巨头Facebook首席执行官雪莉·桑德伯格再出狂言:未来,当你思考某事时,如果你愿意,你的朋友能立刻知悉你的想法,同你产生心灵感应。
1995年,萨默斯出任克林顿政府的财政副部长,桑德伯格硅谷珍稀者:宁要真相不要美好詳謼逢远44. All Rights Reserved.M C 看世界被邀请出任萨默斯的办公厅主任。
S克伯格甚至说:“没有了谢莉·桑德伯格的Facebook不是完整的 。” ‣ 《每日电讯报》的编辑阿曼达·安德鲁斯评价说:“她说得不多,但却
很好很流利而且非常有魅力。” 安德鲁斯甚至称她为“Facebook的第 一夫人”。 天赋,让她在某种程度上仍然 是个“华盛顿的政治动物”。
‣ 《华盛顿邮报》的记者凯瑟琳·格拉汉姆说,桑德伯格在社交上展现的 ‣ 桑德伯格的好友、哈佛肯尼迪学院的发展经济学教授兰特·普里切特:
“我有种直觉,她有一天会管理这个世界。我想她可以成为美国总统。 ”
雪莉·桑德伯格是第一位进入Facebook董事会的女性成员 ,是福布斯上榜的前50名“最有力量” 的商业女精英之一,并 被《时代》杂志评为全球最具影响力的人物之一。这一个个酷炫 的头衔我觉得远远不能展现桑德伯格的魅力。作为一位上司,她 以坦诚沟通打消员工疑虑;作为一个员工,她用尽全力为自己的 老板创造价值;作为一个家人,她经常协助妈妈照顾弟妹,为他 们系鞋带、洗澡;作为一个妻子,她对丈夫的尊重及体贴羡煞旁 人。她与我们一样是一个普通人,可是她用尽自己的绵薄之力为 家人、为一个企业甚至是所有女性争取利益。她的伟大是无法用 一两句话所概述的。
1969年8月26日,出生于美国华盛顿特区一个商人家庭。获哈 佛大学经济学学士学位。 1995年获得哈佛商学院MBA学位。 2001年,桑德伯格进入当时还是家初创公司的谷歌,随后担任 负责网络销售的副总裁。 2008年3月,正当Facebook从一家受到广泛关注的创业公司向 一家互联网巨头迈进时,桑德伯格从谷歌跳槽至这家社交网站。
让我欣喜的是,我大学时的室友,同时也是学院的教员,Caroline Weber,此时也在这儿。
我的上司,同时也是脸谱网的创立者,马克扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),不久前对我说:“雪莉,女性中年危机什么时候发生,是当你30岁时吗?”这是工作以来很倒霉(背运)的一天!但我明白生活中我们总会忘却一些时刻。
可问题是你下一步的打算是什么?努力求学到底为的是什么?究竟需要改变改变?如果要改,那要改变那一部分?去年,普利策奖获得者Sheryl wudunn和 Nicholas kristof来到这里,并谈到了他们备受抨击的一本书,即《半边天》。
桑德伯格演讲:平静的大海无法造就优秀的水手(演讲原文)Facebook 首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)于当地时间6月8日星期五,在麻省理工学院2018年毕业典礼上发表演讲,强调了利用技术造福人类的重要性。
在加入Facebook 之前,桑德伯格曾担任Google 全球在线销售和运营副总裁,美国前总统比尔·克林顿下属的美国财政部长,麦肯锡咨询公司的管理顾问,以及世界银行的经济学家。
演讲全文Esteemed faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, squirming siblings but especially Class of 2018: Congratulations, you made it!It wasn't always easy. You plowed through four years of problem sets. You conquered the snow of 2015. You survived way too many Weekly Wednesdays at the Muddy Charles and learned this important life lesson: There's no such thing as a free chicken wing.Today, you are graduates of the most revered technical institution in the world. The Harvard people tried to get me to say 'most revered institution within a 2-mile radius.' I said no, but you'll soon find out how persistent alumni associations can be. Just ask the class of '68: They've been to more fundraisers than you've eaten chicken wings.One thing I remember from graduation is that feeling of turning one corner and not being able to see clearly around the next.For someone like me who, yes, very annoyingly started studying for finals the first day of the semester, that was unsettling. Graduation was the first time in my life that the next steps were not clearly laid out. I remember the feeling ofexcitement and possibility, mixed in with just a teeny bit of crushing uncertainty.If you know exactly what you're going to do for your career, raise your hand. There are always some. That is impressive.I did not. I didn't know where I would fit in best or contribute most. These days, when I need advice, I turn to Mark Zuckerberg, but back then, he was in elementary school.I was sure of only one thing: I didn't want to go into business, and it never even occurred to me to go into technology.I guess that's a warning for those of you who put your hands up: Certainty is one of the great privileges of youth. Things won't always end up as you think, but you will gain valuable lessons along life's uncertain path.The lesson I want to share with you today is one I learned in my very first job out of college: working on a leprosy treatment program in India. Since biblical times, leprosy patients were ostracized from communities to prevent the disease from spreading.By the time I graduated from college, the technical challenges had been solved. Doctors could easily diagnose leprosy that showed up in skin patches on your chest and medicine could easily treat the disease. But the stigma remained, so patients hid their disease instead of seeking care.I will never forget meeting patients for the first time, extending my arm and watching them recoil because they were not used to even being touched.The real breakthrough didn't come from technicians or doctors but from local community leaders. They knew that they had to erase the stigma before they could erase the disease, so they wrote plays and songs in local languages and went aroundthe local community, encouraging people to come forward without fear.They understood that the most difficult problems and the greatest opportunities we have are not technical. They are human.In other words, it's not just about technology. It's about people.This is a lesson you've learned here at MIT, and not just those of you graduating with technical degrees, but those who studied management or urban planning, or Course 11 or Course 15, in MIT speak. You know it's people who build technology, and people who use it to make their lives better, to get educated, to get health care, to share an infinite number of cat videos that are all unique and totally adorable — unless you're a dog person.Today, anyone with an internet connection can inspire millions with a single sentence or a single image. This gives extraordinary power to those who use it to do good — to march for equality; to reignite the movement against sexual harassment; to rally around the things they care about and the people they want to be there for be there for.But it also empowers those who seek to do harm.When everyone has a voice, some raise them in hatred. When everyone can share, some share lies. When everyone can organize, some organize against the things we value the most.Journalist Anne O'Hare McCormick wrote about the impact of new technology. She said we had created the ultimate democracy, where anything said by anyone could be heard by everyone, but she worried about whether it provoked partisanship or tolerance, whether it was time wasted or time well spent. She wondered if it explained 'all the furious fence-building, the fanned-up nationalisms, and the angers and neuroses of ourShe wrote this in 1932, about the radio — and by the way, she was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for journalism.The fact that the challenges we face today are not new does not make them less pressing. Like the generations before us, we have to solve the problems that our technology brings.I believe there are three ways we can deal with these challenges: We can retreat in fear,we can barrel ahead with a single-minded belief in our technology or we can fight like hell to do all the good we can do with the understanding that what we build will be used by people and people are capable of great beauty and great cruelty.I encourage you to choose the third option: To be clear-eyed optimists; to see that building technology that supports equality, democracy, truth and kindness means looking around corners -- and throwing up every possible roadblock against hate, violence and deception.You might be thinking, given some of the issues Facebook has had, isn't what I'm saying hitting pretty close to home?Yes. It is.I am proud of what Facebook has done around the world —proud of the connections people have created. Proud of how people use Facebook to organize for democracy, the Women's March, Black Lives Matter. Proud of how people use Facebook to start and grow businesses and create jobs all around the world.But at Facebook, we didn't see all the risks coming, and we didn't do enough to stop them.It's painful when you miss something, when you make the mistake of believing so much in the good you are seeing that you don't see the bad. It's hard when you know that you let peopleIn the middle of one of my toughest moments, Michael Miller, former Superintendent of the Naval Academy, kindly reached out to remind me that smooth seas never make good sailors.He's right. The times in my life that I have learned the most have definitely been the hardest. That is when you will learn the most about yourself. You can almost feel yourself growing; you can feel the growing pains. When you own your mistakes, you can work harder to correct them and even harder to prevent the next ones.That's my job now. It won't be easy and it's not going to be fast. But we will see it through.Yet the larger challenge is one all of us here must face. The role of technology in our lives is growing and that means our relationship with technology is changing.We have to change too. We have to recognize the full weight of our responsibilities. It's not enough to be technologists, we have to make sure that technology serves people. It's not enough or even possible to be neutral. Tools are shaped by the minds that make them as well as the hands that use them.It's not enough to have a good idea, we have to know when to stop a bad one. This is hard because technology changes faster than society. When I was in college, no one had a cell phone. Today there are more cell phones than people on earth.We are in one of the most remarkable moments in human history and you will not just live through it, you will shape it.Many of you will work on technologies that will change the world. You will connect the rest of the world, create new jobs and disrupt old ones, give machines new powers to think and give us the means to communicate in ways we haven't even thought of.We are not passive observers of these changes. We can't be. Trends do not just happen, they are the result of choices people make.We are not indifferent creators, we have a duty of care and when even with the best of intentions you go astray, as many of us have, you have the responsibility to course correct.We are accountable to the people who use what we build, to our colleagues, to ourselves and to our values.So if you are thinking about joining a team, an NGO, a startup or a company, ask if they are doing good for the world.Research at that other school down the river shows that we become more creative when we ask 'Could we?' And we become more ethical when we ask 'Should we?'So ask both.Know that you have an obligation to never shy away from doing the right thing, because the fight to ensure tech is used for good is never over; to make sure that technology reflects and upholds the right values, we have to build with awareness, and the best way to be more aware is to have more people in the room with different voices and different views.There are still skeptics out there when it comes to the value of diversity. They dismiss it as something we do to feel better, not to be better.They are wrong. We cannot build technology for equality and democracy unless we have and we harness diversity in its creation.More people with more diverse backgrounds are working in technology than ever before and are graduating in your class today than ever before.But our industry is still lagging at MIT. Even the newest technology can contain the oldest prejudices and our lack ofdiversity is at the root of some of the things we fail to see and prevent.It is up to all of us to fix that, people like me, and people like you; everyone graduating today and all the graduates to come.So continue the example you have lived at MIT. Continue to engage with people outside your discipline, your gender, your race. Talk with people who grew up in different places, who believe different things, who live and worship differently than you do. Talk with them, listen to them, get their perspectives as you have done here and encourage them to work in and with technology too.To all the current and future educators here today, let's reform our educational system so we give everyone the opportunity to learn to code. This is a basic language now that needs to be taught in all of our schools so that more people have a choice. When some kids learn it and some don't, that creates an unequal playing field long before people go into the workforce.And to all the future leaders in tech, that's you. Know that you have a chance to right wrongs, not reinforce them.Tech institutions can be some of the strongest voices for progress in the workplace, but we can always do better. Encourage your employers and policymakers to ensure that everyone, including contractors, earns a living wage. Fight for paid family leave with equal time for all genders because equality in the workplace will not happen until we have equality in the home and because no one should be forced to choose between the job they need and the family they love. Give people bereavement leave because when tragedy strikes, we need to be there for each other.And build workplaces where everyone, everyone, is treated with respect.We need to stop harassment and hold both perpetrators and enablers accountable and we need to make a personal commitment to stop racism and sexism, including the expressions of bias that become commonplace and accepted instead of rejected and fought.I want you to know that you can impact the workplace from the very day you enter it.A few months ago, surveyed people to understand how the #MeT oo movement was influencing work. After so many brave women spoke out, we found evidence of an unintended backlash: Almost half of male managers in the U.S. are now uncomfortable having a work meeting alone with a woman and even more uncomfortable having a work dinner alone with a female colleague.These are the informal moments where men have long gotten more mentoring than women -- and now it looks like it could get worse. For the men here: Someone may pull you aside in your first week at work and say, 'never being alone with a woman.'You know they're wrong. You know how to work with all people. So give them advice instead.Tell them they have the responsibility to make access equal for women and that if they don't feel comfortable having dinner with women, they shouldn't have dinner with men. Group lunches for everyone.In one of my early jobs, I had a boss who treated me quite differently from the two men on my team and not in a good way. He spoke to them with kindness and respect but belittled mepublicly. I tried to talk to him, but that made it worse. My two male teammates right out of school themselves stepped up and it stopped.Even if you're the most junior person in the room, you have power. Use it, and use it well.Class of 2018, it's not the technology you build that will define you. It's the teams you build and what people do with your technology. We have to get this right because we need technology to solve our greatest challenges.When I sat where you are sitting today, I never thought I would work in technology, but somewhere along that uncertain path, I learned new lessons and became a technologist. And technologists have always been optimists.We're optimists because we have to be. If you want to do something that has never been done before, so many people will tell you it cannot be done.Graduates of this amazing university have helped sequence the human genome, paved the way for the treatment of AIDS and made an MIT balloon appear in the middle of the Harvard-Yale football game.We're optimists because we run the numbers.Our world can feel polarized and dangerous, but in many critical ways, we are so much better off. A century ago, global life expectancy was 35 for 2 billion people.Today it is 70, for 7 billion.When I graduated, 1 in 3 people lived in extreme poverty. Today it is 1 in 10. It is still way too high but we have made more progress in our lifetimes than in all of human history.Our challenge now is to be clear-eyed optimists, or to paraphrase President Kennedy, optimists without illusions: Tobuild technology that improves lives and gives voice to those who often have none while preventing misuse, to build teams that better reflect the world around us with all its complexity and diversity.If we succeed —and we'll succeed —we will build technology that better serves not just some of us, but all of us.MIT graduate and former faculty member David Baltimore won a Nobel Prize for his work on the interaction between viruses and the genetic material of the cell. But before that, he helped bring biologists, lawyers and physicians together to debate new gene editing technology. They were worried that it had the potential to cause more harm than good, but they concluded that the opportunities for progress were too great, so they created voluntary ethical guidelines and continued the research.That decision led to some of the greatest advances in genetic science and medicine.It also set a standard that we as technologists can follow: Seek advice from people with different perspectives, look deeply at the risks as well as the benefits of new technology and if those risks can be managed, keep going even in the face of uncertainty.Class of 2018, you are now graduates of one of the most forward-thinking places on earth.You will have tremendous opportunities and you will be highly sought after. You will use what you learned here to work on some of the most critical questions we face.I hope you will use your influence to make sure technology is a force for good in the world. Technology needs a human heartbeat; the things that bring us joy and the things that bring us together are the things that matter most.The future is in your hands. Congratulations!。
对雪莉·桑德伯格的折服和敬意一、对雪莉·桑德伯格的折服当提到电影界最具天赋和影响力的女演员时,雪莉·桑德伯格(Shirley Temple)无疑是一个不可忽视的名字。
FacebookCOO雪莉桑德伯格悼念亡夫文我爱你 Dave雪莉·桑德伯格和她的丈夫5月3日,FacebookCOO雪莉·桑德伯格的丈夫意外过世。
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雪莉·桑德伯格  哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲" title="雪莉·桑德伯格哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲">这是我费了九牛二虎之力整理的,网上没有的,在这里和大家一起分享。
Congratulations everyone, youmade it.祝贺所有人,你们做到了。
And Idon’t mean to the end of college, I mean to class day, because ifmemory serves,some ofyour classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last nightand are with us today.我指的不是大学毕业,而是成功出席今天的毕业典礼。
Given theweather, the one thing Harvard hasn’t figured out how to control,some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hotcocoa, so you have many reasons to feel proud of yourself as yousit here today.由于天气,这种哈佛还没有弄清楚如何控制的现象,还有同学正在温暖的地方喝热可可饮料,所以,你们有很多为今天出席毕业日活动感到自豪的理由。
Congratulations to your parents.You have spent a lot of money, so your child can say she went to a “small school” nearBoston. And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to thepart of your celebration. It means a great to me. And looking atthe list of past speakers was a little daunting.I can’t be asfunnyas Amy Poehler, but I’m gonna be funnier than Mother Teresa.祝贺你们的家长,你们花了很多钱,让子女能够说自己是从波士顿附近的这所“小学校“毕业的。
25 yearsago, a man named Dave I did not know at the time but who would oneday become my husband was sitting where you are sitting today.23years ago, I was sitting where you are sitting today. Dave and Iare back this weekend with our amazing son and daughter tocelebrate his reunion, and we both share the same sentiment,Harvard has a good basketball team.25年前,一个我当时还不认识,但以后会成为我丈夫的男人戴夫,坐在你们现在坐的地方。
我们都怀有相同的感触:哈佛的篮球队太棒了!Standinghere in the yard brings memories flooding back for me.I arrivedhere from Miami in the fall of 1987, with big hopes and even biggerhear. I was assigned to live in one of Harvard’s historic monumentsto great architecture, canady. My go-to outfit, and I’m not makingthis up, was a jean skirt, white leg warmers and sneakers and aFlorida sweater, because my parents who were here with me then asthey’re here with me now, told me everyone would think it wasawesome that I was from Florida. At least we didn’t haveInstagram.站在校园中,回忆泉涌。
For me,Harvard was a series of firsts.My first winner coat, we needn’tneed those in Miami.My first10page paper, they didn’t assign those in my high school.My firstC, after which my proctor told me that she was on the admissionscommittee, and I got admitted to Harvard for my personality not myacademic potential.The first person I ever met fromboardingschool. I thought that was our really troubled kids.The first person I ever met who shares the name with a whole building, or soI met when the first classmate I met was Sarah Widdlesworth, whobore no relation at all to the dorm, which would have been nice toknow with that very intimidating moment. But then I went on to meetothers, Francis Strauss, James wells, Jessica science center B. Myfirst love, my first heartbreak, the first time I realized that I love to learn, and the first and very last time I saw anyone readanything in Latin.对我而言,哈佛给了我很多第一次,包括我的第一件冬装,在迈阿密没人需要冬装。
When I satin your seat all those years ago, I knew exactly where I was headed, I had it all planned out, I was going to the world bank towork on global poverty. The I would go to law school. And I wouldspend my life working in a nonprofit or in a government. At Harvard’s commencement tomorrow as your dean described, each schoolis gonna stand up and graduate together, the college, the lawschool, the med school and so on. At my graduation, my classcheered for the PHD students and then booed the business school.Business school seemed like such a sellout.18 monthslater, I applied to business school.我毕业那年,我想好了自己以后有什么计划,我要进世界银行,对抗全球贫穷,然后我要去法学院,然后我将在非营利机构或政府工作,你们院长也讲了,在明天的哈佛毕业典礼上,每个学院都要起立并一同毕业,本科部吗、法学院、医学院等等。
It wasn’twrong about what I would do decades after graduating.I had it wronga year and a half later. And even if I could have predicted I wouldone day work in the private sector, I never could have predictedFacebook, because there was no internet, and MarkZuckerberg was atelementary school, already wearing his hoody. Not locking into apath too early, give me an opportunity to go into a new and lifechanging field. And for those of you who think I owe everything togood luck, after Canaday I got Quaded.我对自己毕业后的数十年规划其实并没错,计划只错在了一年后,就算我算到了自己会在私营企业工作,我肯定算不到自己会在脸谱,那时候没有互联网。