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She is Liu Hui, a middle school student in Guizhou, one of the “ stay-at-home

children ” in her town. Liu Hui is 12 years old and live w___1___ her sister.

Her parents left hometo makemoneyin big cities when she was o ________ 2 _____ four. Liu Hui has to take c___3___ of her younger sister. They have to stay at home alone b 4 they have to go to school.

“I used to ( 过去 ) feel s __ 5 ____ without my parents at home, ” she said, “ but now I know w___6 __ they do so. They have to go away to make money for u___7___ so that we can live a better life. ”

Every day, Liu Hui gets up at 6:30 am and cooks b __ 8 ___ . Then the two

girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 pm. Then Liu Hui does housework and h ______ 9___ her sister with her homework. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 pm.

Though busy, Liu Hui is still the b___10___ student in her class. She said, “ My life is OK. But I still hope my parents will come back and live with us. ”

Do you really love your parents? When we h __ 1___ this question, most of

us may give a quick answer “ Of course, I do. ” But m__2___ you don 't.

All parents can remember their c__3 ____ birthday. However, few children

know their parents '. Most parents know what their children like best. However, some students don ' t know their parents ' f___4 ___ .

Sometimes we hear parents complain ( 抱怨) their children don

't talk with them as o___5___ as before. Children are g__6 ___ and the generation gap (

代 沟 ) is widening ( 拓宽 ). If you love your parents well, let them f__7___ your love. Give them a birthday

g___8___ on their special day, help them do some h___9___ as often as possible, remember what they like or dislike. Don 't always say things against your parents. Talk with them more often and u _____________________ 10___ them more.

Yesterday I saw a report in the n___1 ___ . It is said that many students

to school. I was very sad after r___3___ it. I about people in poor areas.

The people in poor areas don 't have h___4___ enough money. They wear old clothes and b__5___

clothes and most of them even don 't have their o___6___ clothes.

They also have many brothers and s___7___, but their parents don 't have enough money to let all of them go to school. Some of them have no way to learn k___8___ in school. They have to teach t___9 ___________ . So most of them can not go

to university.

The people in other cities often raise ( 筹集 ) moneyto i___10___ their lives.

in poor areas don ' t have enough stationary ( 文具) and some e___2___

c an 't go m going to tell you something lives because they don ' t have
