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¥231,800.00 ¥251,550.00 ¥280,000.00 $34,479.00 ¥314,680.00 ¥245,560.00 ¥266,680.00 ¥226,233.00 ¥445,000.00 ¥639,350.00 $73,302.80 ¥684,300.00 $79,448.06 ¥640,698.50 ¥869,680.00 ¥820,092.00 ¥700,000.00 ¥847,500.00 $97,076.87 ¥759,498.50 $27,384.78 ¥161,670.00 $23,766.00 $28,943.85 ¥555,180.00
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 A:火焰原子吸收光谱仪 67 68 69 D:中阶梯光栅-交叉色散全 谱直读ICP发射光谱仪 第十包 电感耦合 等离子体发射光 谱仪(ICP) B:中阶梯光栅-交叉色散全 谱直读ICP发射光谱仪 B:全自动定氮仪 A:顺序扫描型ICP发射光谱 仪 第九包 蛋白质测 定仪 A:全自动定氮仪 第八包 凝胶色谱 仪 A:凝胶色谱仪 第8包-B:凝胶色谱仪
AUTRONICA探头BJH-20B AUTRONICA感烟探测器BHH-31A(phone询:1 5 8 0 5 0 6 1 2 1 3)AUTRONICA感烟探测器BHH-31A/EXAUTRONICA感烟探测器BHH-31A/SAUTRONICA感烟探测器BHH-31A/S/ExAUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BX-10MAUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BX-20AUTRONICA火灾报警监控BJH-20B/EXAUTRONICA感烟探头BHH-25AUTRONICA探头BHH-26AUTRONICA探测器BJH-33AUTRONICA探测器BJH-33/EXAUTRONICA按钮BHH-300AUTRONICA烟感探测器BHH-500/EXAUTRONICA烟感探测器BHH-500/N AUTRONICA烟感探测器BHH-500/S AUTRONICA烟气探头BHH-500/S/EX AUTRONICA温度探头BDH-20 AUTRONICA温度探头BE-23 AUTRONICA传感器BD-25 AUTRONICA探测器BD-26 AUTRONICA探测器BD-26/EX AUTRONICA探测器BD-27 AUTRONICA探测器BD-27/EX AUTRONICA探测器BEH-30 AUTRONICA探测器BDH-200 AUTRONICA探测器BDH-300 AUTRONICA探测器BDH-500 AUTRONICA探测器BDH-500/EX AUTRONICA探测器BDH-500/EXE AUTRONICA探测器BDH-500/N AUTRONICA探测器BD-501 AUTRONICA探测器BD-501/N AUTRONICA探测器BD-502/N AUTRONICA火焰探测器20-20L AUTRONICA火焰探测器20-20R AUTRONICA火焰探测器20-20U AUTRONICA火焰探测器MS-302 AUTRONICA火焰探测器NS-DUV AUTRONICA火焰探测器X-22 AUTRONICA火焰探测器X-33AF AUTRONICA火焰探测器X-52 AUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板X-98BX-40 AUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BV-1 AUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BS-100 AUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BS-200M AUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BS-310M AUTRONICA火灾报警控制面板BS-320M AUTRONICA控制盘BS-330M AUTRONICA探头BJH-20B AUTRONICA感烟探头bjh-20bautronica压力传感器spt10-25 AUTRONICA烟雾探测器wbj-5/04 autronica防爆热探测器bdh-500/ex AUTRONICA烟感探测器bhh-500n AUTRONICA火焰探测器bhh-200 AUTRONICA热探测器头bdh-200 autronicabhh-31a/exSPM 2A109543SPM 4P100237SPM P101382HPSPM 3P100233SPM P108231VSPM 4P100235SPM 3P100232SPM P100230SPM 4P100238SPM P100245HPSPM 1000LM02SPM P23977SPM 2A109539PPSPM 4P100239SPM P100059SPM 1000LM06SPM 1000LM01Stahl 220V 32A 50/60Hz\STAHL\8571/12-409\Stahl 380V 16A 50/60Hz\STAHL\8570/12-406\Stahl \220V 32A 50/60Hz\STAHL\8571/11-409\Stahl 380V 16A 50/60Hz 4P\STAHL\8570/11-406\EMERGENCYGENERATOR/3508B SPM 1000LM09泥浆振动筛配件SWACO-振动筛防爆开关总成-75-84-903日本金子电磁阀 MOOU-8-AE12PU阀板密封圈/EPDM/DN25/GEFA阀板密封圈/EPDM/DN40/GEFAKUMERA润滑油滤芯 N100909Main hoist wire rope for #1 crane on FPSO, TEUFELBERGER, EVOLUTION TK16, Superfill, Non rotatiing , Grade=1960, RHLL,Galv. D=24mm, L=240+length of sample , DNV certificate阀板密封圈/EPDM/DN50/GEFA阀板密封圈/EPDM/DN65/GEFA阀板密封圈/EPDM/DN80/GEFA阀板密封圈/EPDM/DN100/GEFA阀门密封圈/DN125/碳钢蝶阀/GEFAWOMA喷枪280.1647WOMA喷枪280.0016 O型圈海林柯HYLINCO三螺杆泵GR70SMT16B800L-RF2WANDERFLUH SD6332D22-AAORGA灯L85EX-G-ACL85EX-R-AC-50Vestil 快开式开桶器 D-HEAD-1ORGA灯L85EX-R-AC-50威奇托的刹车C40089-600海普手动泵PM45S00SVIBRA维博尔激振电机DV-D4/160威奇托的刹车155-40089-600TOPWORX限位开关角行程DXP-L2CGNES0000NAW-USB-14-W美卓阀门定位器NE724/S1美卓阀门定位器NE726/S1SAILOR天线SP3520三阳刹车片DB-0400-K01A伊顿52VC1200伊顿145461AA伊顿146500CVSTONEL限位开关QG2VC02SRA美卓定位器 709S/BS1 NO.PH05130214美卓定位器NE729S/RS1Upper seal plate,Vessel model:66EFCT3-4FC150,SN:04608hubell-killark直升机加班泡沫系统XAL-53hubell-killark直升机加班泡沫系统MPEXDavid Clark H10-13.4Killark XAL-53Crosb科索比A-378 1028024手柄STONEL限位开关QN44D02SXASTONEL限位开关QG2VC02SXA-9PHG4STONEL限位开关QN44D02SXA-9PHG1DET-TRONICS H2S REPLACEMENT CYLINDER,50PPM,P/N:227117-001 华高Varco顶驱配件NO QUOTEMARATHON泵电机KD 365TTGS17034AN WOKONITE电缆546-31-3007丹尼斯科压力传感器TTPT484-35Mpa-6\1G-B379丹尼斯科压力传感器TPT4634-35Mpa-12\18-s147-A丹尼斯科压力传感器PT4624-35Mpa-6\18-A丹尼斯科压力传感器PT4624-35Mpa-12\18-A美国杜博林旋转接头902-120-188克拉克KP 1/14 M20A KXF 4NL1/271 + KP 1/14 020A X0A 4NL1/290 GEORG FISHER + GF DIASTAR PP-H / EPDM CODE :199025263 OKONITE电缆564-15-3401力士乐比例阀3DREPE 6 C-20=25E G24N9K31/F1V=0081084050021诺蒂菲尔气体灭火装置控制盘rp1002plus电压测量变压器;订货号:CIR TM005S00;参数:.;品牌:R.A.E寿力空压机空气滤芯 250039-599寿力空压机空气滤芯 250039-598retsco 泄压阀CH 33000-03寿力空压机油分滤250028-244AUTRONICA探头BD-501 PN:0002200832401838德国 Honigmann RFS 150E-100-10-15-0-20美卓定位器NE724/S隔离栅 EM-DR1-IS-5-RTB-28V/V(924-60004-003)编码器 HS35F-100-R2-SS-1024-ABZC-5V/V-SM18-EX(01075-111)寿力空气滤芯02250051-238COMBUSTIBLE GAS CALIBRATION KIT,P/N:225130寿力空气滤芯02550051-2398108405001781125030085HEADHUNTER泵TW-HMX-2205HBS平衡阀A07036102OMRON欧姆龙行程开关D4V-8104SZ-N蒙那多频闪仪Nova-Strobe DBX 115/230PIR9400A3A1AW派克阀D41F-HB31NE0048Autronica探测器BDH-200Vestil快开式开桶器D-HEAD-1ASM位移传感器WS10-1000-420A-L10-SB0-D8英国斯派莎克spirax Sarco波纹管密封截止阀BSA1T DN25 PN16英国斯派莎克spirax Sarco波纹管密封截止阀BSA1T DN40 PN16瑞典SPM冲击脉冲监测模块BDM40A瑞典SPM轴承监测模块BDM40A瑞典SPM冲击脉冲传感器40000瑞典SPM测量电缆45011-4m英国斯派莎克spirax Sarco波纹管密封截止阀BSA1T PN16 DN150英国斯派莎克spirax Sarco波纹管密封法兰截止阀BSA1T DN100 PN1.6MPa 英国斯派莎克spirax Sarco截止阀BSA1T DN150 PN16英国斯派莎克spirax Sarco波纹管密封截止阀BAS1 PN16 DN20英国斯派莎克疏水阀FT14-10DN25HBS平衡阀A0703610200美国KTI泵E1-11C2200-3L200福鸟MKU11-KW2-K005 200V美国KTI泵E1-11C2200-3R200华高Varco顶驱配件30123289KEPNER 单向阀406F-1Solo气体4243200MD-28-D6-E-04-40-0S-003200MD-28-D6-E04-40-0G-00KARLKAPFER 防爆蜂鸣器MS75M-82美国Oilgear负载敏感液压泵PVWJ-076-A1UV-RDFS-P-1NN/KNN-NN奔驰 A0004771302 油水分离系统KARLKAPFER 防爆蜂鸣器753GRACO调节阀915587trafag压差传感器type 82049A-100002077NOV砂泵MISSION 10*8*14 640201125IIA0DERRICK MOUNT ASSAY 1129-00Nova-Strobe DBX 115/230康明斯风扇座 CU4023038华高Varco顶驱配件30123290-PK华高Varco顶驱配件30173216-1Observator传感器OMC-938Observator传感器0MC-183Observator传感器OMC-118Observator传感器OMC-3494Observator传感器OMC-506华高Varco顶驱配件30111013-KIT华高Varco顶驱配件NO QUOTENOHMI FDS551BNOHMI FDL551BVIATRAN PESSUR SENSOR\VIATRAN\5093BMST85 电子压力传感器\5093BMST85\ 华高Varco顶驱配件30183959-200-25-4-B华高Varco顶驱配件30122104GuardianWRT-10电话机和外壳MOTORPAL柴油喷油泵4M 3733 DR 0038MOTORPAL柴油喷油泵4M 3733 NU 0038ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-A13ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-OB16ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-OW16ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-IB16ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-IM16ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-NR4ALLEN-BRADLEY 1746-NI04IALLEN-BRADLEY 2711P-B10C6B2斯德克STALKER 手持式雷达测速仪SPORT2 型号:PRO 规格:速度范围1 – 1400KPHEnsival离心泵PREK25-20Ensival离心泵PREK50-20GE可控硅PRX USA 104X125DA153 0708 126029#021Ensival离心泵50VLYR40-20-1CASAPPA凯斯帕PLP 10.5 D0-81E1-LCASAPPA凯斯帕PLP 10.4 D0-81密希尔产品1/8不锈钢软管CASAPPA凯斯帕PLP 20 25 D0-821XP8001-1/1024 西门子编码器威伯科WABCO 4411000630KARLKAPFER 防爆蜂鸣器MS75M-82KARLKAPFER 防爆蜂鸣器MS753-82德国Vacuubrand隔膜泵MZ 2C NTMTU工程机械喷油器总成 EX52407500021康士廉手操按钮 LTK-3SETTIMA螺杆泵GR60SMT16B500L雷达波液位计用PC板 magnetrol型号Z31-2835-001 Terminalboard:030-9151-001SETTIMA螺杆泵GR55SMT16B380LSETTIMA螺杆泵GR55SMT16B250LCaliper Turbo Vap LV CALI-17503Caliper Turbo Vap LV CALI-2022511264301 米森 6*5*14英国斯派莎克疏水阀FT14-10DN25消防水带:型号:SUPER POLY FIRE V,F8002 ,接头2-1/2”NH ,B/W,长度100FT 英国斯派莎克疏水阀FT14-10DN25卡特CAT 6I-2510卡特CAT 6I0273梅索尼兰定位器 SVI2-21113111卡特CAT 6I-0274SETTIMA泵GR45SMT/16B210LGRF2+Y2-100L2-4-B35SIMTRONICS S.A.S. PIE2130 (REPORT ALARME CARD)泵GR55-SMT16B-250L-S1 RF2,SETTIMA MECCGR60-SMT16B-500L-S1 RF2GR55-SMT16B-250L-S1 RF2霍尼韦尔SPRFDADX C0827036SMC电磁阀VQZ2220BR-5Y01-C6-X507KNORR手动制动阀I69434A康士廉手操按钮 BTK-LKNIGGTA电位器SFSCB30A-8953 2K-OHMNIGGTA电位器TS2750N51E243VERSA阀P/N:VSP-3301-31,J/L:0119005-01康士廉手操按钮LTK-1 5200010-01A康士廉手操按钮BTA-LK 5200014-01AFMC振动器FT0-CCembre HT131LN-CCembre HT-TC0851德国其胜KINSSON液压马达JXA-013H-VR175-N福禄克毫安级过程钳型表Fluke773CHNDET-TRONICS迪创PIRECLA1D1A1 \PN号为010195-001DET-TRONICS迪创PIRECLA1A1W101-3380-01CR油封13865MOOG油泵HP-R18A1-RKP032KC21F2Z00CONTROLLI执行器MVB56PROCOM A/S NTA 3E-SHT意大利UDOR泵VX-A161/130ORGA导航障碍灯HSL18EX-K-24-ABGF流量计p51530-p020325615EAPOLLO阿波罗烟探头 ORB-OP-42001-MARAPOLLO阿波罗热探头 ORB-HT-41001-MAR卡特CAT滤芯6I-2509卡特CAT滤芯6I-2506HAWE哈威防破安全阀LB3F40卡特CAT滤芯6I-2507卡特CAT滤芯6I-2508阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-870林肯中心润滑系统的电路板236-13891-1林肯中心润滑系统的电路板V10-V13德国Vacuubrand隔膜泵MZ 2C NTEMG电动执行机构PYF 281.1-L2BAN/04FHF电话机11264301美固半导体冷热箱F15 AC/DCCONTROLLI执行器MVB56林肯中心润滑系统的电路板236-10697-1阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪镉灯300-2070STAIGER电磁阀601 001 292 ;PA262-001E DN3.5 G3/4A/AD16 0...7BAR AC230VABB TSU通讯板订货号3ADT309900R1/SDCS-AMC-DC-CLAS2-COATORGA导航障碍灯HSL18EXK24AB马兰士HX370天线woodhead通讯模块SST-PB3-CLX卡特滤芯4P-0710卡特滤芯4P-0711R+W微动开关188-A12 FF WS.618 6740 644 DC24Vtecsis品牌压力指针表40Mpa,表盘直径63mm,压力400bar,接口轴向G1/4 tecsis品牌压力指针表P1453威伯科WABCO 4411000640奥地利点火器 ZRM-20ES 400米顿罗GM0090SP1MNN的泵,流量85L/H,压力7公斤,材质SS316,功率0.25KW,电压380VSTAHL 8578/12-406,4P,32A,:EEx de IIC T6,IP66,STAHLSTAHL 8571/12-406SWACO除砂器卡子〃50-15-029力士乐叶片泵PVV2-1X/060RA15DMBBECKER VT4.10,转速1420/1700 0.37/0.45KW 真空泵SWACO除砂器旋流筒卡箍6“(订货号:5015029)SWACO除砂器旋流筒卡箍4”(订货号:5015026)SWACO弯管 elbow 96-22-582熊猫发电机PVMV-8000NE熊猫发电机PVMV-18NE威格士PVB5-RSY-21-C11Sked Sk-200-OR's00-560VAC罗斯蒙特3051GP3A2B21AB4M5Q4HR5压力变送器威伯科WABCO 9347050100LEISTRITE螺杆泵L3MF-70/140FOKS-WLEISTRITE螺杆泵L3MF-070/140-IFOKSO-WF032841XPECOSolartron Probe探测器 AX/1/S 922499Nordstrom注脂泵Hypregun-Plus 5Q有图片AMO平台的状态灯配件50060100611DYNAPAR编码器H2200101002C3斯德克STALKER 手持式雷达测速仪SPORT2 PROBI-TORQ阀B1200h42S德国gemu气动阀门K41032D714CY50SAILOR 天线 SP3941 (for SP3110)德国EPK麦考特MINI TEST 600 B FN 涂层测厚仪德国EPK麦考特MIKROTEST6S10 覆层测厚仪SAILOR天线SP3110天线派克接头H8SAILOR天线SP3520BGEFA止回阀DN50 PN40 2666050GEFA止回阀DN25 PN40 2666025C美国TFT螺纹接口喷枪 BGH-HT150-PD派克323-9110-260 257953A1 N1203-10101阿密龙3528阿密龙3531STEADY GREEN LED\MEDC\PX99901464阿密龙4460阿密龙4461CANRIG LAMP\DC24V\CANRIG\E09-1002-01AINPUT,RTD,8PT,FLEX I\O\N10007\CANRIG\TDTERMINAL BASE 52\N21-1001-010\CANRIG\TDTERMINAL BASE FLEX\N21-1002-010\CANWASHPIPE\722-10-0\CANRIG\TD\6027AC-9339WASHPIPE\AY10031\4017AC-122HYD VLV DIR\H03-1051-010\CANRIG\TDHYD VLV DIR\H03-1052-010\CANRIG\TDHYD VLV DIR\H03-1053-010\CANRIG\TDIsmet伊斯梅特200-560VAC,二级:115/230V,160VA,订单号:700196,MFRIsmet伊斯梅特主要:200-560VAC,二级:115/230V,160VA,订单号:700196,MFRHYD VLV DIR\H03-1054-010\CANRIG\TDPARKER 快速接头SSH8-62Y+SSH8-63Y 密封材质氟橡胶(Fluorocarboncembre HT131LN-C HT131—UC林德泵HPR105D-02R-E1LP的配油盘压块顶杆CONTROLLI执行器MVL56 24V 50/60HZ 12VA 1500N 1.3S/mm-15T50 IP55 B205 BüHLER电磁阀3002999Nova-Strobe DBX 115/230AMETEK 干燥器型号3050-OLV干燥器部件号305400901S\3050-OLVNord电机SK 9072.1AZD-132S/4 TF NO.200668353-200 14005269SAILOR 电池 SP3901电池哈威R8.3哈威R8.4蒙那多频闪仪Nova-Strobe DBX 115/2306204-012 6204-013SAILOR天线SP3941MOTORPAL柴油喷油泵4M 3733 DR 0038MOTORPAL柴油喷油泵4M 3733 NU 0038SAILOR天线SP3110充电电池Dynisco传感器2242SA00M16CEFFCCAZZB106德国VDO 机油压力表-12V 350 030 017bender高压绝缘监测仪表IRDH375B-435Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机V2007VV40N/2Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/0.4-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/1-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/2-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/3.1-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/5.5-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/6.5-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/8.1-08Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/11.1-08Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/14-08Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/16.1-08Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/21-08Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV 6P/26.1-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV6P/30-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV6P/38.1-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV6P/47-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV6P/51.5-02Venanzetti Vibrazioni振动电机MEV6P/52-02。
Inspecting transport boxes for completenessPerformance shows up on conveyor belts. Multiple ultrasonic sen-sors simultaneously monitor transport containers for completeness. Reflective, transparent or different-colored surfaces are reliably detected. In multiplex operation, mutual interference of the sensorsis prevented.TouchControlWith TouchControl, all settings are made on the sensors. The three-digit LED indicator continuously displays the current distance value and automatically switches between mm and cm display. Two but-tons are used to call up the configuration and navigate through the self-explanatory menu structure.Features■Display with direct, measured value output for immediately visible results■Numeric setting of the sensor via the display for completely presetting the sensor■Automatic synchronization and multiplex operation for simultaneous operation of up to ten sensors■5 sensing distances with a measuring range from 30 mm to 8 m■1 or 2 switching outputs in PNP or NPN design ■4...20 mA and 0...10 V analog outputAutomatic switchover between current and voltage output ■Analog output plus switching outputFor distance-proportional measurement with an additional limit value■Teach-in via 2 buttonsfor simple, menu-guided commissioning Ultrasonic sensors are accurate all-rounders. They measure fill levels, heights and sag without making contact as well as count and moni-tor the presence of objects. And particularly suited for critical situa-tions. They function reliably even with dust, dirt and steam.Thanks to their display, the ultrasonic sensors of the BUS M30M se-ries with a metal housing are particularly easy to operate. A complete numeric presetting of the sensor is possible. You can choose to have all measured values displayed in mm/cm or % during operation. The sensor family includes five versions and, with a measuring range from 30 cm to 8 m, covers a wide range of applications.All versions are available with the option of one or two switching out-puts, a current and voltage analog output, or as a combination with switching output and analog output, so that nearly every application can be solved.The sensors can be used in multiplex operation as well as automati-cally synchronized to prevent them from interfering with one another.eration from 30 mm t gn ge output additional limit measure fill levelsto C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wUltrasonic Sensors Media,Industries, Ap-plication Areas, Sensor Selec-tion, Operating Modes,Sound Cones, Installation Notices, DefinitionsCylinder Designs Block DesignsC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w0V 43521U Com/Sync B+U Connection wiring diagram43521U0V Com/Sync B+U 0V43521U Com/Sync B+U 0V43521UCom/Sync B+U C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wUltrasonic Sensors Media,Industries, Ap-plication Areas, Sensor Selec-tion, Operating Modes,Sound Cones, Installation Notices, DefinitionsCylinder Designs Block DesignsYou can find additional electrical accessories in our catalog Industrial Networking and Connectivity .You can find additional mechanical accessories in our catalog Accessories .C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F ) 426-5480 ŀ w w。
EPOCH LT 手持数字探伤仪产品说明书
![EPOCH LT 手持数字探伤仪产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6a3deb6f77c66137ee06eff9aef8941ea66e4b7f.png)
920-020F-ZH超声探伤仪EPOCH LT特色■轻便的、符合人体工程学要求的设计(1.0公斤) ■ 大屏幕、高亮度、超清晰、全屏或分屏液晶显示(LCD ) ■自动探头校准功能■显示冻结功能,可保持波形和声程数据 ■声程数据以英寸、毫米或微秒为单位显示 ■峰值记忆功能 ■射频显示模式■报警模式:正阈值、负阈值、最小深度 ■标准DAC 和TVG软件选项EPOCH LT 的几个针对不同应用的软件选项增强了它的灵活适用性。
因此无需为激活软件选项而将仪器返回到原生产厂! ■高级DAC/TVG ■API 5UE■方波脉冲发生器 ■AWS D1.1和D1.5 ■机载DGS/AVG ■增容的内存 ■低脉冲重复频率 ■回波到回波厚度测量 ■扩展的范围■GageView Pro 接口程序EPOCH LT 探伤仪是一款厚度仅有38毫米、重量仅为1公斤的手持式数字探伤仪。
EPOCH LT 探伤仪具有最低60 Hz 的快速显示刷新率。
如果要在恶劣的现场条件或苛刻的生产环境中进行快速、基本的缺陷检测,EPOCH LT 将为您提供完美的解决方案。
结实且轻便EPOCH LT 体积虽小,但却有着许多通常只有更大的探伤仪才具有的功能。
EPOCH LT 探伤仪除了具有快速60 Hz 刷新速率,还具备以下功能:可保持波形数据的显示冻结模式,同时显示A 扫描动态波形及其峰值包络的波峰记忆功能,射频显示模式,可选的正阈值、负阈值或最小深度报警模式,以及校准探头零位偏移和材料声速的自动探头校准功能。
EPOCH LT 数据记录器兼容EPOCH 4系列中其它所有仪器的文件以及GageView Pro 接口程序。
Amprobe SM-20 声音测量器数据表说明书
![Amprobe SM-20 声音测量器数据表说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a2354b40a66e58fafab069dc5022aaea988f417a.png)
SM-20Sound MeterThe Amprobe SM-20 Sound Level Meter has been designedto meet the measurement requirements of safety Engineers, Health, Industrial safety offices and quality control in various environments. It offers two types of measurements: A weight-ing and C weight.The A weighting is for general noise sound level and the C weighting is for measuring sound level of acoustic material control in various environments (ie 94dB 1 kHz etc...). TheSM-20 conforms to the IEC651 Type 2,ANSI S1.4 Type 2, and JISC1502 requirements for Sound Level Meters. Which means the SM-20 uses two different weighting filters required by the IEC 651 and ANSI S1.4 Type 2: The A-Weighting and the C-Weighting audio filtering.©2008 Amprobe Test Tools. All rights reserved.7/2008 3358187 Rev ASM-20 Sound MeterSpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsDisplay 4 digits LCDMicrophone 1/2 inch Electret condenser microphoneLow Battery Indication Replace battery when LCD displays “�”Power Supply 9V NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22, JIS 006P batteryPower Life Approx. 50 hrs (alkaline Battery)Auto Power Off Approx. 5 minEnvironment Indoor operation, < 2000 mTemperature / HumidityOperation 5 °C to 40 °C (41°F to 104°F); < 80% RHStorage -10 °C to 60 °C (14°F to 140°F); < 70 %RHDimension 200 x 55 x 38 mm (7.8 x 2.2 x 1.5 in)Weight 233g. (0.5 lb.) Including batteryElectrical (Audio)Standard applied IEC 651 Type2, ANSI 1.4 Type 2Dynamic range 50 dBResolution 0.1 dB, Display Update: 0.5 sec.Time weighting FAST(125mS), SLOW(1 sec)Frequency range: 31.5 Hz to 8 kHzMeasuring level range (Auto Range)A Weighting: 30 to 130 dBC Weighting: 35 to 130 dBAccuracy ± 1.5 dBCalibration cycle 1 yearAccessories Carrying case, windscreen, User manual and 9V battery�-EMC EN61326-1 This product complies with requirements of the following European Community Directives:89/336/EEC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage) as amended by 93/68/EEC(CE Marking). However, electrical noise or intense electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the equip-ment may disturb the measurement circuit. Measuring instruments will also respond to unwanted sig-nals that may be present within the measurement circuit. Users should exercise care and take appropri-ate precautions to avoid misleading results when making measurements in the presence of electronicinterference.OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESSM-CAL1Sound Meter Calibrator with two output levels of 94dB and 114dB, outputfrequency of 1000Hz, fits ½" microphones。
产品特性1、采用DFA专利技术和严格遵守电外科业界的射频电流测量标准;2、使用0 欧到6400欧范围的内部高精度非感性测试负载,同时支持外接负载测试;3、大屏幕显示测试连接图;4、嵌入式实时的VGA彩色触摸屏显示操作系统;5、可选负载曲线,自动功率分布测量;6、RS232或USB打印机的打印检测报告;7、通过专用端口兼容外接键盘和鼠标;8、根据负载设置的多种功率自动设置。
图二:页面图图三:功能介绍技术参数1、功率范围:0—500W,分辨率0.1W, 精度为(±4%+1W)%;2、电流范围(RMS):2.0—700.0mA(低量程)、20—7000mA(高量程),分辨率0.1mA(低量程)、1mA(高量程);3、电压范围(RMS):0.20—70.00mV(低量程)、2.0—700.0mV(高量程),分辨率0.01mV(低量程)、0.1mV(高量程);4、精度:最高可达±1%;5、内置负载范围:0—6400Ω,步进1Ω,精度为±(1%+0.5Ω);6、带宽:10kHz—10MHz ;7、波峰因子:1.4—500。
MT-B Series Digital Microscope Operation Manual1. IntroductionMeiji Techno's MT-B Series Digital Microscopes have a modern compact design. Easy operation is achieved through ergonomic placement of controls makes them ideal for use in laboratories in every field.The MT-B Series is well suited for a wide variety of routine biological work and high resolution microscopy.The MT-B Series deliver crisp, distortion-free, high resolution images in multiple modes of operation. Brightfield and phase contrast, bright field and fluorescent, brightfield/phase contrast and fluorescent observation models are available.Meiji Techno supplies different excitation filters such as GFP/FITC, TRITC/Cy3, DAPI applications for fluorescent models.To Get StartedDownload Basler Software:The MT-B300 Pylon Software can be downloaded at the website below:https:///en/support/downloads/software-downloads/*Please note that you will need a PC / laptop with USB 3.0, to connect and download this properly.*For technical support, please email: ************************* Inform them you need assistance downloading the correct camera software for their microscopy camera model ACE 1.3MP 48.You may personally call Basler at, +1- 484-840-7232, for assistance.Once the software is downloaded into the USB 3.0 PC / laptop, plug the USB 3.0 cord to the Microscope socket, and the other into the USB 3.0 port on the PC/ laptop. Also, plug the DC5V power cord into the microscope and the other into a socket to power the microscope.Flip the power switch to turn on the microscope, click the Basler software icon on your laptop, and give the software a couple seconds to connect.If you have any questions or concerns about the use of this microscope please contact us at Meiji Techno America.Phone: 408-226-3454Email: ********************Installing Proper Objectives:1. Remove the attachable mechanical stage with the suppliedAllen key on the left side of the MT-B300.Note: there are two Allen screws to be removed as shownon the picture2. Lift up circular metal stage plate, unscrew and install proper objective of choice.3. Place the circular metal stage back, reattach the mechanicalstage, and you now may start utilizing the MT-B300 system.Compatible Objectives for MT-B300 Microscope:MA821 TC Plan LWD 10X objectiveMA822 TC Plan LWD 20X objectiveMA823 TC Plan LWD 40X objectiveMA826 TC Plan LWD Phase 10X objectiveMA827 TC Plan LWD Phase S20X objectiveMA828 TC Plan LWD Phase S40X objectiveMA850 TC Planachromat F10X objectiveMA851 TC Planachromat F20X objectiveMA852 TC Planachromat F40X objectiveModalities of Meiji Techno MT-B300:A. BrightfieldB. Phase ContrastC. FluorescenceA) B rightfield Mode:1. Install proper objectiveMA821 TC Planachromat 10X objectiveMA822 TC Planachromat 20X objectiveMA823 TC Planachromat 40X objective2. Make sure phase slider is not inserted on the top slot of the MT-B300 Microscope3. On the left side of the MT-B300, make sure the Fluorescence control Wheel (FL) is scrolleddown to its lowest position.4. Pull Silver Lever on the right side of the MT-B300, out, to the TL Position (Brightfield)Note: Focus objectives by moving focusing wheel in front of the MT-B300. To control light intensity to TL (Brightfield Mode) move the wheel from the right side of the MT-B300 up or down.B) P hase Contrast Mode:1. Install proper objectiveMA826 TC Planachromat Phase 10X objectiveMA827 TC Planachromat Phase 20X objectiveMA828 TC Planachromat Phase 40X objective2. Insert phase slider on top of the MT-B300Note: To adjust iris, move the top iris wheel (AS) to desired position3. Pull out silver lever on right side of MT-B300 to TL (Brightfield Position)4. On the left side of the MT-B300, make sure the Fluorescence control Wheel (FL) is scrolleddown to its lowest position.Note: Once steps 1-4 are done, adjust light intensity by moving TL wheel to desired position for Phase ModeC) F luorescence Mode:1. Install proper objectiveMA850 TC Planachromat F10X objectiveMA851 TC Planachromat F20X objectiveMA852 TC Planachromat F40X objective2. Push in the silver lever on the right side of the MT-B300 to FL (Fluorescence Position)3. On the right side of the MT-B300, make sure the TL Wheel (Brightfield) is scrolled down toits lowest position.4. Make sure phase slider is not inserted on the top slot of the MT-B300 MicroscopeNote: Once steps 1-4 are done, adjust light intensity by moving FL wheel on the left side of MT-B300 to desired position for Fluorescence ModeFeatures:Built-in cameraBasler camera model used on MT-B200/MT-B300 is ace 1.3MP 48 for USB 3.0.Auto sensing voltageMain AC 100 to 240V and DC5V 2.5A Switching adapterFilterCHROMA filter-AT-DAPI/Hoechst/AlexaFlour 350-3900 mounted in Meiji filter cube, Exciter(EX):AT375/28x, Dichroic (BS):AT415DC, Emitter (EM):AT460/50m (Factory Installed)You can select one excitation filter set among blue, green and UV filter when you order.Slide capacity : One slide (Option Petri Dish)Fixed objective : 10X, 20X, 40X (Replaceable)Focusing : ManualMechanical stage with specimen holder : Manual (Option)8.0 Accessories and Replacements PartsPart numbers and product descriptions for accessories and parts for MT-B Series Digital Microscopes can be found listed below. Accessories and replacement parts for all Meiji Techno products are available through our dealer network.5.0 TroubleshootingMeiji Techno products are manufactured exclusively in Japan under ISO9001Quality Management System. However, if you have any difficulty with any Meiji Techno products, feel free to contact us at:MEIJI TECHNO CO.,LTD. Phone: 049-259-0111322-1, Chikumazawa, Fax: 049-259-0113Miyoshi-machi,Iruma-gunE-mail:********************.jpSaitama 354-0043 Japan Web: www.meijitechno.co.jpMEIJI TECHNO AMERICA Phone: 1-800-832-00605859 Rue Ferrari, Fax: 408-226-0900SanJose,CA95138E-mail:********************U.S.A. Web: 6.0 Technical Specifications:Camera including measurement software :MT-B100 : CMOS 1/3”, 1.2MP, USB3.0MT-B200/MT-B300 : CMOS 1/1.8”, 1.3MP, USB3.0Light source : 3W LED with intensityInput : AC100V to 240V 50Hz/60HzOutput : DC 5V 2.5A (Switching adapter)Dimensions: 160 mm (W) x 270 mm (D) x 230 mm (H)Net weight : 6.6 kg。
在高温管线的易腐蚀管段, 永久地安装MsS高温探头, 通过 定期采集分析数据, 来长期监测该高温管段的腐蚀情况.
某石化高温管线, 管径是273mm,温度270 度:经过一年期监测, 发现有三处腐蚀,
0.01 mm
30万— 45万元
Rightrax 自动壁 350℃ 厚监测 技术 500℃
60万元 0.2 mm 90万元
MsS超声导波高温管道 在线腐蚀检测与长期监测技术
高温管道腐蚀检测的常规方法:超声测厚技术、超声C扫描成像技术、射 线检测技术、脉冲涡流检测技术及漏磁检测技术: 超声测厚技术:属于点对点局部管道剩余厚度测量技术,只能跳跃式 测量,测量速度极慢,需要扒开保温层; 超声C扫描成像技术:属于高精度局部扫查技术,要求扫查面必须很 光滑,扫查速度极慢,需要扒开保温层;
质在交变应力的作用下将产生应力波,频率在超声波范围 内的应力波即为超声波。于此相反,由于此效应呈现可逆 性,返回声压使质点的振动在磁场作用下也会使涡流线圈 两端的电压发生变化,因此可以通过接收装臵进行接收并 放大显示。我们把用这种方法激发和接收的超声波称为电 磁超声。
一定数量的厚度监测点,采用普通压电式高温测厚仪来定期测量这些 高温管道的残余厚度值,以此来评估高温管道的腐蚀情况,这种方法
ISS/IS型 IPS/IR型 声速测定系统探头 近场和聚焦信息
精确的厚度测量 双晶腐蚀测量
特殊探头和应用 相阵式探头 调查表
探头线/适配器/搜索管 耦合剂 试块
探头合格证 表格和公式 探头工具包
专利的BENCHMARK COMPOSITE(压电合成材料)晶片。 与传统探头相比,其在衰减材料中穿透性令人惊奇。 粗晶金属、光纤加固符合材料等等中的高信噪比。 短脉冲——分辨率一般高于Gamma系列。 增益通常比Gamma和Alpha系列高。 大的带宽——6 dB典型带宽从60%到120%的。 低的声阻抗提高了斜探头、延迟式探头和水浸式探头的 性能——与塑料和水可以极好地匹配。
260-043-CR 260-123-CS
241-043-CR 241-123-CS 251-043-CR 251-123-CS
261-043-CR 261-123-CS 261-050-CR 261-150-CS 242-043-CR 242-123-CS 242-050-CR 242-150-CS
252-043-CR 252-123-CS 252-050-CR 252-150-CS
探头线 6’ BNC
C-016 6’ LEMO
单单元的接触式探头是纵波探头,它们是设计用于一般目的的手动 超声检测,被测材料相对比较光滑和平坦。接触式探头有好的穿透 性和高的灵敏度,结构非常坚固,即使在严酷的测试条件下也可以 延长使用寿命。
EnsureWave TH5220D1003产品说明书
![EnsureWave TH5220D1003产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe2811168f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f006665ea.png)
Model↓ Wiring Terminals on Thermostat ↓ ①Location of Unit TerminalsW2(2-stage ONLY)GWCR ②HD/HDB, HDS/HDC,PTS/BTSW2G W1C R Ignition control in unit control compartment ↓ Wiring Terminals on Unit ↓ ①PTC n/aG ③T2F T1Terminal board on external junction box PDP/BDPGas valve high stage(HI, 3, or A) F ④T2GT1Terminal board on external junction box DFG, IFG, DFP , IFP Gas valve high stage(HI, 3, or A)Fan relay by others or to factory relay wire removedfrom T or H T G HTerminal board on external junction box (Digit 13=4 Only)DFG, IFG, DFP , IFP , DFS, IFS, HFG, OFG, HFP , OFP3Factory time delay relay wire removed from 4421Terminal strip in control compartment (Digit 13=0, 1, 2, or 3)Honeywell TH5220D1003 thermostat wiring for gasunit heaters HD/HDB, HDS/HDC, PTS/BTS, PTC, PDP/BDP , andduct furnaces “D”, “H”, “I”, & “O” seriesAugust, 2009Wiring Diagram Selection• For gas fired unit heaters and duct furnaces (non-factorysupplied blower) with model numbers shown above, refer to Figure 1.1 and Table 1.1 for correct unit to thermostat wiring.• For all other system units (factory supplied blower), refer tothe job specific unit wiring diagram provided with the unit.• For deviations to these wiring diagrams or the job specificwiring diagrams, consult the factory.Installation and WiringInstallation of wiring must conform with local building codes, or in the absence of local codes of the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70 - Latest Edition. Unit must be electricallygrounded in conformance to this code. In Canada, wiring must comply with CSA C22.1, Part 1, Electrical Code.Figure 1.1 - Terminals on Thermostat(See page 2 for Thermostat Function Programming Instructions)➀ N ot all terminal connections are used. Table only shows terminals that are used for required heating operation.➁ T he factory installed R to Rc terminal wire jumper is to remain in place.➂ Verify that the buss bar on the G terminal is removed.➃ Verify that the buss bar between the T2 and F terminal is removed.Table 1.1 - Thermostat to Unit WiringCommercial Products Group • Modine Manufacturing Company • 1500 DeKoven Avenue • Racine, Wisconsin 53403-2552 "D" & "H" Model Series and Gas Fired Unit Heaters - Phone: 1.800.828.4328 (HEAT) • Fax: 1.800.204.6011"I" & "O" Model Series - Phone: 1.866.823.1631 (Toll Free) • Fax: 1.800.204.6011© Modine Manufacturing Company 2009Litho in USA6-436.9Thermostat Function Program Selection• To enter thermostat setup mode, press and hold the s andFAN buttons until the display changes to setup mode. Use the s and t buttons to change settings, the NEXT button to advance to the next setting, and the DONE button to save the settings and exit from the setup mode.• For gas fired unit heaters and duct furnaces (non-factorysupplied blower) with model numbers shown on the opposite side, refer to Table 2.1 typical thermostat function settings.• For all other system units (factory supplied blower), refer tothe job specific unit wiring diagram provided with the unit.• For deviations to these wiring diagrams or the job specificwiring diagrams, consult the factory.• For additional information, refer to the vendor literaturesupplied with the thermostat.Table 2.1 - Typical Thermostat Function Program Settings ➀Figure 2.1 - Buttons to Press to Enter Function Programming ModeFunction NumberFeature Typical Setting Description1System type 3Single stage heat only with fan6 2 heat/2 cool conventional (cooling by others)7 2 heat/1 cool conventional (cooling by others)3Fan control 0Gas or oil furnace — equipment controls fan in heating 5Heat cycle rate (CPH)5For gas or oil furnaces of less than 90% efficiency3For furnaces of over 90% efficiency6Second stage heat cycle rate (CPH)5For gas or oil furnaces of less than 90% efficiency3For furnaces of over 90% efficiency9-12Cooling functions ①①14Temperature display0Fahrenheit 1Celcius 15-26Cooling and emergency heat functions①①27Heat temperature range stops 90Default value, can be set 40-90 in increments of 1°F 80For PTC models, this setting must be changed to 8028Cool temperature range stops50①➀ See Honeywell instructions that shipped with stat for more information and additional setting options.。
Simple Logger®AmpFlex® Current Probes AL24-2500 / AL36-2500 AL24-5000 / AL36-5000 USER MANUALTable of ContentsWarning (3)International Electrical Symbols (3)Receiving Your Shipment (4)Packaging (4)Specifications (4)Features (6)Indicators and Buttons (6)Inputs and Outputs (6)Range Selection (6)Battery Installation (7)Operation (7)Software (8)Minimum Computer Requirements (8)Installation (8)Using the Software (9)Cleaning (9)Repair and Calibration (10)Technical Assistance and Sales (10)Limited Warranty (10)Warranty Repairs (10)Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesInternational Electrical SymbolsThis symbol signifies that the loggers are protected by double orreinforced insulation. Use only specified replacement parts whenservicing the instrument.This symbol signifies CAUTION! and requests that the user referto the user manual before using the instrument.Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesReceiving Your ShipmentUpon receiving your shipment, make sure that the contents are consistent with the packing list. Notify your distributor of any missing items. If the equipment appears to be damaged, file a claim immediately with the carrier and notify your distributor at once, giving a detailed description of any damage.PackagingThe AmpFlex® Current Probes include the following:•User manual•One 9V battery• 6 ft RS-232 cableSpecificationsELECTRICALNumber of Channels: 1Current Ranges: 2Input: AL24/36-2500 - 250/2500 Arms (internally selectable)AL24/36-5000 - 500/5000 Arms (internally selectable)Input Connection: Permanent Flexible Sensor*Accuracy: <12.5% of Scale 1% of Reading + 2 x Resolution>12.5% of Scale 1% of Reading + ResolutionResolution:AL24/36-2500: 250 Arms AL24/36-2500: 2500 ArmsScale Range Maximum Input Resolution Scale Range Maximum Input Resolution 100% 250 Arms 1 Arms 100% 2500 Arms 10 Arms50% 125 Arms 0.5 Arms 50% 1250 Arms 5 ArmsArmsArms2.525% 62.5 Arms 0.25 Arms25%62512.5% 31.25 Arms 0.125 Arms 12.5% 312.5 Arms 1.25 ArmsAL24/36-5000: 500 Arms AL24/36-5000: 5000 ArmsScale Range Maximum Input Resolution Scale Range Maximum Input Resolution 100% 500 Arms 2 Arms 100% 5000 Arms 20 Arms50% 250 Arms 1 Arms 50% 2500 Arms 10 Arms25% 125 Arms 0.5 Arms 25% 1250 Arms 5 ArmsArms12.5% 62.5 Arms 0.25 Arms 12.5%625Arms 2.5Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesSample Rate: 4096/hr max.Data Storage: 8192 readingsData Storage Technique: (TXR™) Time Extension Recording™Power: 9V Alkaline NEDA 1604, 6JF22, 6LR61Battery Life Recording: 6 months continuous recording @ 25°C Output: RS-232 via 5-pin circular connector; 1200 BpsINDICATORSOperation Mode Indicator: One Red LED∙Single Blink: STANDBY mode∙Double Blink: RECORD mode∙No Blinks: OFF mode∙Continuously On: Overload conditionCONTROLSOperation Mode: Push Button, Internal Range: Slide SwitchENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature: -4 to +158°F (-20 to +70°C)Storage Temperature: -4 to +174°F (-20 to +80°C)Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMECHANICALSize: 2-1/2 x 1-9/16 x 4-1/2” (63.5 x 40.64 x 114.3mm)Maximum Conductor Size: 24" length: 8" Ø; 36" length: 12" ØCase: Weatherproof NEMA4X, IP65 ratedSAFETY Working Voltage: IEC 1010-1, 600V, CAT IIIORDERING INFORMATIONSimple Logger® AmpFlex® Model AL24-2500 .................... Cat. #2113.72 Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Model AL36-2500 .................... Cat. #2113.73 Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Model AL24-5000 .................... Cat. #2113.74 Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Model AL36-5000 .................... Cat. #2113.75 *Reference condition: 23︒C ± 3K, 20 to 75% RH, Frequency 45-3000Hz, No AC external magnetic field, DC magnetic field ≤ 40A/m, centered conductor, battery voltage 9V ± 10%.Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesFeatures(1)Start/Stop Button(2)Flexible Sensor Input(3)Operation Mode Indicator(4)RS-232InterfaceIndicators and ButtonsThe AmpFlex® Logger has only one button and one indicator. Both are located on the front panel.The button is used to start and stop recordings and to turn the logger on and off. The red LED indicates the status of the logger; OFF, STANDBY or RECORDING. When the LED is lit continuously, it indicates an overload condition.Inputs and OutputsThe top of the logger incorporates a Array permanent flexible sensor attachedby a 5 ft lead.The bottom has a 5-pin circularconnector used for serial datatransmission from the logger to yourcomputer.Range SelectionBefore operating, determine themaximum current to be logged.Remove the back cover and selectthe appropriate range as shown.Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesBattery InstallationUnder normal conditions, the battery will last up to 6 months of continuous recording unless the logger is restarted very frequently.In the OFF mode, the logger puts almost no load on the battery. Use the OFF mode when the logger is not in use. Replace the battery every six months in normal use.If the logger will be used at temperatures below 32°F (0°C) or is frequently turned on and off, replace the battery every three to four months.1.Make sure your logger is turned off (no light blinking) and allinputs are disconnected.2.Turn the logger upside down. Remove the four Phillips headscrews from the base plate, then take off the base plate.3.Locate the two-wire (red/black) battery connector and attach the9V battery to it. Make sure that you observe polarity by lining upthe battery posts to the proper terminals on the connector.4.Once the connector is plugged onto the battery, insert the batteryinto the holding clip on the circuit board.5.If the unit is not in record mode after installing the new battery,disconnect it and press the button twice then reinstall the battery.6.Reattach the base plate using the four screws removed in steptwo.Your logger is now recording (LED blinking). Press the test button for 5 seconds to stop the instrument.Note: For long-term storage, remove the battery to prevent discharge effects.OperationPosition the AmpFlex® sensor around the conductor to be measured. Be sure that the positioning of the logger sensor does not violate the minimum allowable bending radius of 0.75 inches (19mm).Next, press the start/stop button on the front of the unit to begin the recording session. The indicator light will double blink to indicate that the recording session has started. When the recording session has been completed, press the start/stop button to end the recording. The indicator light will single blink to indicate that the recording session has ended and the unit is in stand-by. Remove the logger from the conductor and transport it to the computer for data downloading. See the User Guide for downloading instructions.Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesSOFTWAREMINIMUM COMPUTER REQUIREMENTSProcessor: 486 or higherRAM Storage: 8MBHard Drive Space: 8MB for application, approx. 400K for each storedfile Environment: Windows®7, 8, 8.1, 10Port Access: (1) 9-pin serial port and (1) parallel port for printer support INSTALLATIONYour Simple Logger® software is supplied on a USB drive. To install the program, perform the following steps:Auto Run Disabled: If Auto Run is disabled, insert the Simple Logger®drive into the USB slot, then select Run from the Start Menu. In the dialog box that appears, type: D:\setup, then click the OK button. NOTE: In this example, your drive is assumed to be drive letter D.If this is not the case, substitute the appropriate drive letter.Auto Run Enabled: If Auto Run is enabled, insert the Simple Logger®drive into the USB slot and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup.•Select Simple Logger 6.xx•Select Acrobat Reader to install Adobe Reader•Select Explore Drive to view the User Guide, Simple Logger® Catalog or user specific manuals in PDF format.To view the documents included on the drive, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your machine. If you do not have it installed, you can install it from the Simple Logger® Software drive. Installing Acrobat Reader: Select Run from the Start Menu. In the dialog box that appears, type: D:\Acrobat\setup, then click OK.NOTE: In this example, your drive is assumed to be drive letter D.If this is not the case, substitute the appropriate drive letter.Simple Logger® AmpFlex® Current ProbesUSING THE SOFTWARELaunch the software and connect the RS-232 cable from your computer to the logger.Note: The first time the program is launched you will need to select a language.Select “Port” from the menu bar and select the Com port you will be using (see your computer manual). Once the software automatically detects the baud rate, the logger will communicate with the computer. (ID number of the logger and number of points recorded displayed). Depending on the selected range, “ALXX-2500” or “ALXX-250” will be displayed and automatically scale the graph accordingly.CleaningThe body of the logger should be cleaned with a cloth moistened with soapy water. Rinse with a cloth moistened with clean water. Do not use solvent.Simple Logger ® AmpFlex ® Current Probes10Repair and CalibrationTo ensure that your instrument meets factory specifications, we recommend that it be submitted to our factory Service Center at one-year intervals for recalibration, or as required by other standards or internal procedures.For instrument repair and calibration:Contact our Service Center for a Customer Service Authorization number (CSA#). This will ensure that when your instrument arrives, it will be tracked and processed promptly. Please write the CSA# on the outside of the shipping container. If the instrument is returned for calibration, we need to know if you want a standard calibration, or a calibration traceable to N.I.S.T. (includes calibration certificate plus recorded calibration data).Chauvin Arnoux ®, Inc. • d.b.a. AEMC ® Instruments15 Faraday Drive • Dover, NH 03820 USATel: (800) 945-2362 (Ext. 360) • (603) 749-6434 (Ext. 360)Fax: (603) 742-2346 or (603) 749-6309***************•(orcontactyourauthorizeddistributor)Costs for repair, standard calibration, and calibration traceable to N.I.S.T. are available. NOTE: All customers must obtain a CSA# before returning any instrument.Technical and Sales AssistanceIf you are experiencing any technical problems, or require any assistance with the proper operation or application of your instrument, please call or e-mail our support hotline: Phone:(800)343-1391•(508)698-2115•********************• NOTE: Do not ship instruments to our Foxborough, MA address.Limited WarrantyThe AmpFlex ® Current Probes are warranted to the owner for a period of two year s from the date of original purchase against defects in manufacture. This limited warranty is given by AEMC ® Instruments, not by the distributor from whom it was purchased. This warranty is void if the unit has been tampered with, abused or if the defect is related to service not performed by AEMC ® Instruments. For full and detailed warranty coverage, read the Warranty Coverage Information, available at .What AEMC ® Instruments will do: If a malfunction occurs within the warranty period, you may return the instrument to us for repair, provided we have your warranty registration information on file or a proof of purchase. AEMC ® Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace the faulty material.Warranty RepairsWhat you must do to return an Instrument for Warranty Repair:First, request a Customer Service Authorization Number (CSA#) from our Service Department, then return the instrument along with the signed CSA Form. Write the CSA# on the outside of the shipping container. Return the instrument to:Chauvin Arnoux ®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC ® InstrumentsService Department15 Faraday Drive • Dover, NH 03820 USATel: (800) 945-2362 (Ext. 360) • (603) 749-6434 (Ext. 360)Fax: (603) 742-2346 or (603) 749-6309***************Caution: To protect yourself against in-transit loss, insure your returned material.NOTE: All customers must obtain a CSA# before returning any instrument.Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a AEMC® Instruments15 Faraday Drive • Dover, NH 0382099-MAN 100208 v14 09/18。
超声多普勒胎儿监护系统 产品技术要求libang
![超声多普勒胎儿监护系统 产品技术要求libang](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/eca255b66394dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb399e.png)
2性能指标2.1安全a)仪器的安全应符合 GB 9706.1-2007《医用电气设备第 1 部分: 安全通用要求》、GB 9706.9-2008《医用电气设备第 2-37 部分超声诊断及监护设备安全专用要求》、GB9706.15-2008《医用电气设备第 1-1 部分安全通用要求并列标准: 医用电气系统安全要求》的要求;b)声输出参数应符合GB9706.9-2008《医用电气设备第2-37 部分超声诊断及监护设备安全专用要求》、GB/T 16846-2008《医用超声诊断设备声输出公布要求》的要求;2.2仪器的电磁兼容要求应符合 YY 0505-2012《医用电器设备第 1-2 部分: 安全通用要求并列标准: 电磁兼容要求和试验》、GB9706.9-2008《医用电气设备第 2-37 部分超声诊断及监护设备安全专用要求》第 36 章节的要求;2.3基本性能指标2.2.1超声工作频率与标称频率 1MHz 的偏差应不大于±10%。
超声工作频率 fW2.2.2胎心率测量和显示范围胎心率的测量和显示范围应为 50 次/min~240 次/min。
2.2.3胎心率测量误差胎心率测量误差应不大于±2 次/min 范围。
2.2.4胎心率分辨率胎心率分辨率应为 1 次/min。
2.2.5报警功能2.2.6仪器应装有发光或发声的报警装置, 在测量胎心率超过预置值时, 应产生报警信号,并可消除警报。
从胎心率越限至开始报警的时间应不大于 30s。
2.2.7宫缩压力测量范围2.2.8宫缩压力的测量范围应覆盖 0~100 单位, 其非线性误差应不大于±10%。
2.2.9电源电压适应能力2.2.10采用交流电源供电的仪器, 在交流 90V~264V 的范围内, 仪器应能正常应能正常工作;2.2.11采用电池供电的仪器, 在电压下降至额定值的 85%时, 仪器应能正常工作。
2.2.12正常连续工作时间对使用交流供电仪器, 在正常交流电压情况下, 仪器连续工作时间应大于 24h;2.2.13对使用电池的无线探头, 在正常直流电压时, 探头连续工作时间大于 8h。
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用接口电缆 UC-30GM-R2 通讯的说明 通过 UC-30GM-R2 接口电缆使用 ULTRA 3000 应用软件可实现与超声波接近开关的通讯。 电缆连接了 PC 232 串口和接近开关 的温度 / 设定插头。当建立与接近开关的连接时,请确认插头排列正确,否则通讯不能建立。圆形插头的突出部分必须被插入 到接近开关侧插座的凹槽处而不是箭头标志处。 用应用软件 ULTRA 3000 设定参数 - 开关点 A1 和 A2 - 上升 / 下降 / 零线模式 - 工作模式 - 声速 - 温度漂移 (对固有的接近开关温升可考虑在温度补偿内) - 盲区扩展 (用于抑制盲区回声) - 检测范围的缩小 (用于远程回声的抑制) - 测量周期的时间 - 声功率 (脉冲串周期的干扰) - 灵敏度 - 回波丢失时接近开关的动作 - 出错时接近开关的动作 - 允许测量周期数的平均值 - 参数设定选择, RS232 或人工设定
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ӈ֣ ࿒܈/Պ֭ײཀྵ (ᆯথ੨ۉમ UC-30GM-R2 থPC) 1: TXD 2: RXD 3: փᆩ 4: ں
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盲区 最大量程 上升模式
入口产品--美国UE UP9000超声波开关柜局放测试仪美国UE UP9000超声波开关柜局放测试仪由爱仪器仪表网为您提供,北京熙缜隆博环保科技有限公司为美国UE超声波开关柜局放测试仪类产品的优质代理商,咱们主要经销入口仪器仪表,有着连年的销售经验,欢迎您前来选购!ULTRAPROBE系列超声波探测仪在电气设备局放检测中应用一、电力方面应用:任何形式的局放检测定位,电弧、电痕和电晕检测;电气设备变压器、开关柜、绝缘子、断路器、母线套管、CT/PT、电抗器、电缆接头、GIS/GCB、电源柜、通信柜等局放检测;SF6泄漏检测;气动系统泄漏检测;机械故障检测等二、原理:电弧、电痕和电晕都会形成某种形式的电离而干扰其周围的空气分子,ULTRAPROBE系列超声波探测仪通过检测这种现象产生的高频噪音,利用“外差法”将其编译成人耳可听的声音信号。
三、产品型号:1.UP550.UP2000(模拟型)2.UP3000.UP9000(数字型)3.UP10000(数字型+录音+频谱分析)4.选用组件:UWC2000/UWC9000/LRM2/ LRM9长距探头ULTRAPROBE系列超声波探测仪是一种超声波接收分析处置仪器,原理类似于收音机,不同在于检测仪接收的是设备运行中所产生的超声波信号,然后通过压电原理将超声波信号转化成为电流信号,通过内部的处置器转化成音频信号。
2.电晕:对电气导体的电压,如天线或高压输电线路,当超过阈值时,周围的空气开始电离,形成一个蓝色或紫色光辉.3.电痕:通常被称作’小电弧’ ,通过受损的绝缘线路逸出.虽然理论上超声波检测可用于低,中,高电压系统,但大部份的应用往往是在中和高电压系统,当电力在高压线路逸出或当它跨越电力连接的隙位时,它扰乱了周围的空气分子而产生超声波。
(来自斜探头探测距表面40mmΦ1.6的波形图)主要技术指标:功能单位技术数据探测范围mm0~6000 (钢纵波),连续可调,最小显示范围5mm 脉冲移位mm-10~1000 (钢纵波)探头零点μs0~199.9材料声速m/s1000~9999阻尼高/低脉冲重复频率分10档可调,探测范围1500mm以内时,约20Hz~500Hz ;探测范围大于1500mm时,约20Hz~200Hz工作频率范围MHz0.5~10,分1~4 / 0.5~10两档可选增益调节dB0~110,分0.5 / 2 / 6 / 12步进调节检波方式正向、负向、双向抑制%0~80线性抑制垂直线性误差%≤3探伤灵敏度余量dB≥62DAC曲线最多能记录10个回波参考点并逐段显示;可改变DAC 3线间dB距离;可以插入DAC回波参考点、修正DAC回波参考点。
台湾制造DUAL INPUT RTD 四位数数字温度计说明书
![台湾制造DUAL INPUT RTD 四位数数字温度计说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7e983519178884868762caaedd3383c4bb4cb4b0.png)
MADE IN TAIWANOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSHH804UDUAL INPUT RTD THERMOMETERINTRODUCTION This instrument is a 4_digit,compact-sized portable digital thermometer designed to use external 100_Platinum RTD as temperature sensor.Tem-perature indication follows Reference Temperature/Resistance Tables (Pt385for European Curve,Alpha=.00385.Pt3926for American Curve,Al pha=.003926. Pt3916 for Japan Curve, Alpha=.003916.)SAFETY INFORMATIONIt is recommended that you read the safety and operation instructions before using the thermometer.WARNINGTo avoid electrical shock, do not use this instrument when working voltagesat the measurement surface over 24V AC or DC.WARNINGTo avoid damage or burns, do not take temperature measurements in micro-wave ovens.ENVIRONMENTALAmbient Operating Ranges:0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F) <70% R.H.Storage Temperature:-20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F) <80% R.H.GENERALDisplay:4_ digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with maximum reading of 19999Overload:“----.-“ or “OL” is display.Battery:1.5V x 4 PCS (SIZE AAA) R03P.Battery Life:200 hours typical with carbon zinc battery Auto power off: 30 minutes Dimensions:160mm(H) x83mm(W) x 38mm(D)Weight:Approx. 255g including batteries.SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICALTemperature Scale: Celsius or Fahrenheit user-selectable Measurement Range:Pt385(100_) -200°C to 800°C, (-328°F to 1472°F)Pt3916/Pt3926(100_) -200°C to 630°C, (-328°F to 1166°F)Resolution:0.1°C or 0.2°F Accuracy:Accuracy is specified for operating temperatures over the range of 18°C to 28°C (64°F to 82°F), for 1 year, not including RTD probe error.±(0.05% rdg + 0.2°C) on °C scale ±(0.05% rdg + 0.4°F) on °F scale Temperature Coefficient:0.1 times the applicable accuracy specification per °C from 0°C to 18°C and 28°C to 50°C (32°F to 64°F and 82°F to 122°F).Input Protection:24V dc or 24V ac rms maximum input voltage on any combination of input pins.Maximum Differential Common Mode Voltage (Maximum Voltage be-tween T1 and T2 during measurement): 1volt.Reading Rate: 1sample/second.Input Connector:Accepts 4 pin mini-DIN connectors.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1.Power ButtonThebutton turns the thermometer on or off. In the SET mode the unit cannot be powered off. Exit the SET mode to power off.APO function modePress “”power button for more than 6seconds to disable auto power function. The display will show “APO OFF”.2.°C/°F Selecting the Temperature Scale (Main display)Readings are displayed in either degrees Celsius(°C) or degrees Fahren-heit(°F). When the thermometer is turned on, it is set to the temperature scale that was in use when the thermometer was last turned off. To change the temperature scale, press the °C/°F key.3. “ ” Display Back-LightPress the “ ” key to turn on or turn off the back light.4. T1 T2/T1-T2 Main display Input SelectionThe input selection button determines which input is shown on the display;T1,T2or the difference between the two probes (T1-T2).When thermometer is turned on, it is set to T1.5. TYPE(Pt385/Pt3926/Pt3916) Input RTD Probe Select (Main display)The TYPE button selects the RTD curve to use for the input currently shown.When the thermometer is turned on,it is set to the curve that selected when the thermometer was last turned off.6. MIN MAX with Time record Mode (only Main display)Press MIN MAX key to enter the MIN MAX Recording mode,(displays Maximum reading with time,Minimum reading with time and Average reading stored in recording mode).In the this mode the automatic power-off feature is disabledand key,°C/°F key,REL key,SET key,Hi/Lo Li key and main display T1T2T1-T2key,TYPE key are disabled.beeper emits a tone when a new minimum or maximum value is recorded.Push MIN MAX key to cycle through the MAX, MIN and AVG readings.If an overload is recorded,the averaging function is Stopped.In the mode,press HOLD key to stop the recording of readings,all values are zen,press again to restart recording.To prevent accidental loss of MAX and AVG data,in this mode can only be cancelled by pressing hold down the MIN MAX key for 2seconds to exit and erased recorded readings.7. REL Relative mode (only Main display)Press REL key to enter the Relative mode,zero the display,and store displayed Reading as a reference value and annunciator REL is displayed.Press REL key again to exit the relative mode.The relative value can be entered by the user.(See “SET mode”later in this manual.)When the sired Relative value has been entered,press REL key to enter the Relative mode,press SET key use set Relative value as a reference value.Press key again to exit the relative mode.In the Relative mode,the value (can >±1999.9counts)shown on the LCD is always the difference between stored reference and the present reading.8.HOLD Mode (only Main display)Press the HOLD key to enter the Data Hold mode,the “HOLD”annunciator is displayed.When HOLD mode is selected,the thermometer held the sent readings and stops all further measurements.Press the HOLD again to cancel HOLD mode causing thermometer to resume taking ureents.In the MIN/MAX recording mode,press HOLD key to stop the cording.Press HOLD key again to resume recording.(Previously recorded read are not erased).9. SET mode (Relative value set, Time set and Hi/Lo Limits value set)Press SET key to enter Relative values SET mode (Press ENTER key escape relative values set mode),REL set mode.====.=is displayed main display.Relative value is entered via overlay numbers,thenHH804UOMEGAnet ®On-Line ServiceInternet e-mail **************Czech Republic:Frystatska 184, 733 01 Karvina ´, Czech Republic Tel: +420 (0)59 6311899FAX: +420 (0)59 6311114Toll Free: 0800-1-66342e-mail:*****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, Germany Tel: +49 (0)7056 9398-0 FAX: +49 (0)7056 9398-29TollFreeinGermany************e-mail:*************Servicing Europe:U.S.A. and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342/1-800-TC-OMEGA Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378/1-800-622-BEST Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436/1-800-USA-WHEN U.S.A.: ISO 9001 Certified One Omega Drive, Box 4047Stamford, CT 06907-0047Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Servicing North America:For immediate technical or application assistance:Mexico:En Espan~ol: (001) 203-359-7803FAX: (001) 203-359-7807e-mail:*******************************.mxUnited Kingdom ISO 9002 Certified One Omega DriveRiver Bend Technology Centre Northbank, Irlam Manchester M44 5BD United KingdomTel: +44 (0)161 777 6611 FAX: +44 (0)161 777 6622Toll Free in United Kingdom: 0800-488-488e-mail:**************.ukCanada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1, Canada Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:*************Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at M4501/0607TEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & ThermistorProbes, Connectors, Panels &Assemblies ⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD &Thermistor ⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point References ⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & ProcessMonitors ⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain GagesⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure Gages ⅪߜDisplacement Transducers ⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters &Flow Computers ⅪߜAir Velocity Indicators ⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel Systems ⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories ⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory Meters ⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators &Pumps ⅪߜIndustrial pH & ConductivityEquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & EngineeringSoftware ⅪߜCommunications-Based AcquisitionSystems ⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM &Compatibles ⅪߜDatalogging Systems ⅪߜRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip Heaters ⅪߜImmersion & Band Heaters ⅪߜFlexible Heaters ⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometers ⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water Monitors ⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater Treatment ⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved OxygenInstrumentsRETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department.BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERV ICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AV OID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling,improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products.However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written.OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER W ARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential,incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1)as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.he policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI ations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to thepean New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device certification.nformation contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no ty for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.NING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human cations.OMEGAʼs policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2007 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.overlay ENTER key, stored the relative value, enter Time set mode.Time set mode,(Press ENTER key can escape Time set mode)=.===:==is displayed in second and third display.Time (hours,minutes,seconds)value is entered via overlay numbers,then press overlay ENTER key.Time start from set time value, enter Hi/Lo Limits value set mode.Hi Limit value set mode,(Press ENTER key can escape Hi Limit value set mode),====.=is displayed in main display,Hi Limit value is entered via overlay numbers,then press overlay ENTER key,stored the Hi Limit value,enter Lo Limit value set mode (Press ENTER key can escape Lo Limit value set mode).====.=is displayed in main display,Lo Limit value is entered via overlay numbers,then press overlay ENTER key,stored the Lo Limit value and exit SET mode.When the thermometer is turned on.The Relative set value and Hi/Lo Limits set value that was in use when thermometer was last turned off set values.T1/T2 T1-T2 second display Input Selectionhe input selection button determines which input is shown on the second splay;T1,T2or the difference between the two probes (T1-T2).When the ermometer is turned on, it is set to T2.TYPE(Pt385/Pt3926/Pt3916) Input RTD Probe select (second display)he TYPE button selects the RTD curve to use for the input currently own.When the thermometer is turned on,it is set to the curve that was lected when the thermometer was last turned off.Hi/Lo Limits mode (only Main display)ess the Hi/Lo Limits button to enter the Hi/Lo Limits comparative mode,hen the input temperature exceeds the Hi or Lo Limits value,the beeper mits a continuous pulse tone.Press the Hi/Lo Limits button again to exit e Hi/Lo Limits mode.TD PROBE CONNECTIONMPERATURE VS RESISTANCE TABLE(ITS90)°C Pt385Pt3926Pt3916-200°C 18.521_16.996_17.057_-100°C 60.256_59.479_59.565_0°C 100.000_100.000_100.000_100°C 138.505_139.272_139.171_200°C 175.856_177.362_177.155_300°C 212.052_214.275_213.957_400°C 247.092_250.018_249.584_500°C 280.977_284.591_284.036_600°C 313.708_317.994_317.313_700°C 345.280_--800°C 375.700_--OPERATOR MAINTENANCEWARNINGTo avoid possible electrical shock, disconnect the thermocouple connectorsfrom the thermometer before removing the cover.Battery Replacement1. Power is supplied by 4pcs 1.5V (SIZE AAA) R03P.2. The “” appears on the LCD display when replacement is needed. Toreplace battery remove screw from back of meter and lift off the battery cover.3. Remove the battery from battery contacts and replace.4. When not in use for long periods the batteries should be removed.5. Do not store in locations with high temperatures, or high humidity.CleaningPeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and detergent, do not use abra sives or solvents.V1. 040307。
优利德 UT-P4100B低频交直流电流探头 说明书
![优利德 UT-P4100B低频交直流电流探头 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6fe9a37f974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f295a.png)
低频交直流电流探头 UT-P4100A (100A/600kHz) UT-P4100B (100A/2MHz)前言首先,感谢您购买该产品。
● 为避免短路及人身事故,被测电路要求600VAC 以下。
● 不得测量裸导体。
● 测量时不要接触被测导体和传感器头。
● 当示波器连接其它测试终端时,此时必须注意以下几点:✧ 连接本机器的测试终端和其他测试终端间,请使用带有符合过电压范畴及污染度的基础绝缘设备✧ 若测试终端的基本绝缘无法满足的话,请不要输入超出安全电压。
✧ 请参照连接电器的触电等安全性相关的注意事项,进行使用。
● 机器潮湿或用湿手测定的话,可能发生触电事故。
警告● 传感器头由磁芯、霍尔原件构成的精密器件组装加工而成的零件。
● 本机器没有防水、防尘构造,请不要在灰尘多和易染水的环境中使用。
● 传感器头上下接触面是经过精密的研磨工艺制成的。
● 电流探头内置一个方形9V 的电池,本仪器属于高耗电设备,请使用耐久的碱性电池。
● 当电流探头的电池电压供电不足时,可能会产生较大的测量误差。
测试背景:《GB9706.9-2008 医用超声电气安全》第三章对电击危险的防护19.连续漏电流和患者辅助电流增加:19.4g)5)针对换能器组件试验,应采用盐溶液,将应用部分浸入其中。
增加:19.4g)9)针对换能器组件试验,应采用盐溶液,将应用部分浸入其.产品特性:1.0.5 to 500 uA 的量程符合超声波厂商的规格2.基于超声波传感器生产商不同类型的可编程测试3.操作简便,通过按压单个按钮来实现整个系统测试4. 可定量、定性测量超声传感器漏电流5.可选合格/不合格或数字测试结果从而打印测试结果深圳市一测医疗测试技术有限公司是一家专注于医疗器械测试产品和技术的研发、销售与服务为一体的“国家高新技术企业”,我们拥有自主研发的国家发明专利技术并且代理了众多国外先进专业测试产品,如称重法输液系统分析仪、心电电外科(ESU)测试装置、CR/DR综合测试体模、液压式有创压测试系统等。
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《GB9706.9-2008 医用超声电气安全》
1.0.5 to 500 uA 的量程符合超声波厂商的规格
4. 可定量、定性测量超声传感器漏电流