























介绍汉密尔顿的英语作文Introduction to HamiltonHamilton is a musical phenomenon that has captivated audiences worldwide. Created by Lin-Manuel Miranda, ittells the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Through a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and traditional Broadway melodies, the musical brings to life the compelling narrative of Hamilton's rise from a bastard orphan to one of the most influential figures in American history.The show's unique style, combining modern music genres with historical themes, has been a revolutionary approachin musical theater. Miranda brilliantly weaves together complex rhymes and beats, creating a soundscape that is both contemporary and timeless. The lyrics are not only catchy but also deeply insightful, painting a vivid picture of Hamilton's ambitions, struggles, and triumphs.Furthermore, the cast of Hamilton is remarkably diverse, reflecting the melting pot of cultures that is America. This diversity adds richness and depth to the story, makingit relatable to a wide range of audiences. The choreography is equally impressive, seamlessly blending traditionaldance styles with modern hip-hop moves.Hamilton has received numerous accolades, including multiple Tony Awards, Grammy Awards, and even a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Its impact on popular culture and the theater world cannot be understated. It has inspired countless fans to delve deeper into American history and appreciate the complexities of the country's founding fathers.In summary, Hamilton is not just a musical; it's an experience. It's a celebration of America's diverse history, told through an innovative and engaging blend of music, dance, and drama. Hamilton reminds us of the power of storytelling and the importance of remembering our past to shape a brighter future.介绍《汉密尔顿》《汉密尔顿》是一部风靡全球的音乐剧作品。




林-曼努尔·米兰达(Lin-Manuel Miranda)以其独特的音乐风格和才华横溢的歌词,将汉密尔顿的生平故事展现得淋漓尽致。


例如,在《Alexander Hamilton》中,汉密尔顿通过讲述自己的成长经历和奋斗历程,表达了对自由、平等和正义的追求;在《My Shot》中,他则表达了对自己的信心和对未来的憧憬。









例如,在《Burn》中,安杰丽卡(Angelica)通过深情的演唱,表达了对汉密尔顿的爱和支持;在《The Room Where It Happens》中,亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)通过与乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的对话,表达了对政治权力的渴望和对未来的信心。





17上海戏剧SHANGHAI THEATRE 沙龙谁是亚历山大·汉密尔顿?众议音乐剧《汉密尔顿》Discussion on Musical Hamilton取决于我们正在用什么样的距离与坐标系来看待它,拿它与中国的音乐剧比较,似乎不太公平。



把《汉密尔顿》留给剧场吴丹妮 | 剧评人律动的节奏、绚烂的灯光、张扬的肢体等这些剧场里精彩的体验,在观看戏剧影像的时候,居然转化成了躁动、躁动,还是躁动。

在整个观影过程中,焦躁的情绪不认同感的建立与启蒙意义李旻原 | 戏剧导演、教师戏剧自古以来就强调着娱乐与教育两大作用并行, 《汉密尔顿》以娱乐流行的黑人嘻哈音乐,说唱国家历史的白人传奇轶事,将不同的种族文化、艺术商业、教育娱乐完美地结合在一起,成为了2015年的文化盛事。





《汉密尔顿》的“小浪潮”徐 阳 | 教师、戏剧工作者2020年,我们不断见证历史,也见证了《汉密尔顿》在中国掀起的小浪潮。


嘻哈音乐剧(Hip-Pop Musical ) 在这个重估美国价值的时代里,以一种极其恰当又振奋的方式将历史性的激昂与幽默唱了出来,而最为显著的是它背后清晰的价值观和对自我身份的界定。



8月13日,著名波普艺术之父理查德·汉密尔顿(Richard Hamilton)在英国去世,享年89岁。


“这是非常令人伤心的一天,”高古轩的老板Larry Gagosian说。

汉密尔顿出生于1922年的伦敦,正是他在1956年英国的展览“这就是明天”(This Is Tomorrow)中的拼贴海报作品“到底什么使今天的家庭如此不同,引人入胜?” (Just What Is It That Makes T oday's Homes So Different, So Appealing?)里出现的pop一词,引领了“波普艺术”的先河,极大推动了这种新的消费美学其后的发展。





他是伦敦当代艺术学会(Institute of Contemporary Arts,简称ICA) 内部的"独立团体"(The Independent Group,IG)成员之一,那个传统艺术当道的年代,在艺术范围内的关于流行文化的讨论才刚刚要展开。

1978年,伦敦国家美术馆邀请他策划继雕塑家安东尼·卡洛(Anthony Caro,1924- )之后的第二次“艺术家之眼”(The Artist's Eye)的展览。

展出的包括"我的玛莉莲"(My Marilyn,1965)在内的作品有意制造了传统艺术和现代意象的矛盾对立。


在波普文化大行其道的60年代,1964年,汉密尔顿制作了一个名为”Epiphany“(《圣显节》)的巨型衣扣,上面用醒目的黄底蓝字写着"slip it to me"(脱了它)。



亚历山大·汉密尔顿——美国开国元勋之一亚历山大·汉密尔顿介绍中文名:亚历山大·汉密尔顿外文名:Alexander Hamilton国籍:美国出生地:英属西印度群岛的尼维斯岛印度群岛出生日期:1755年1月11日/1757年1月11日逝世日期:1804年7月12日职业:财经专家,政治家,军人毕业院校:哥伦比亚大学(当时称国王学院)主要成就:创建合众国第一银行代表作品:美国宪法,联邦党人文集政党:联邦党性别:男逝世地点:纽约亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton,1755年1月11日/1757年1月11日- 1804年7月12日),美国开国元勋之一,美国宪法的起草人之一,财经专家,美国的第一任财政部长,美国政党制度的创建者,在美国金融、财政和工业发展史上,占有重要地位。















首先咱们说说剧中的开场歌《Alexander Hamilton》,这是整部剧的灵魂之一。





这一首歌就像是在告诉你:“嘿,别小看这个家伙,他可不简单!”然后是《My Shot》,这首歌是哈密尔顿宣告自己雄心壮志的标志。





他不等机会来找他,他直接去争取!《The Story of Tonight》这首歌就带有点感伤和不舍的气息。







• 亚历山大.汉密尔顿由于和华盛顿关系密切,思想深受其 影响,颇为相似。分权制衡理论是汉密尔顿思想中最耀眼 的奇葩,在汉密尔顿的政治实践中一直把分权制衡作为设 计政府的基本原则。汉密尔顿主张国家立法、行政和司法 三个权力部门分立,并明确三个部门的权限范围,三个部 门应独立地行使自己的权力,各个权力部门之间不得相互 侵犯。为了保证各部门的独立性和权力划分,汉密尔顿提 出了如下措施:一是各部门应该有自己的愿望,各部门的 成员对其他部门成员的任命尽可能少起作用。二是各部门 的成员在他们的公职报酬方面应该尽可能少地以来其他部 门的成员。三是给予各部门的主管人抵制其他部门侵犯的 必要法定手段和个人的主动。他认为,这是保障权力分立 最可靠的办法。
• 首先,在横向方面。麦迪逊认为没有分权就没有自由,他在 首先,在横向方面。麦迪逊认为没有分权就没有自由, 联邦党人文集》中指出: 立法、 《联邦党人文集》中指出:“立法、行政和司法权置于同一 人手中,不论是一个人、少数人或许多人,不论是世袭的、 人手中,不论是一个人、少数人或许多人,不论是世袭的、 自己任命的或选举的,均可公正地断定是虐政。”因此麦迪 自己任命的或选举的,均可公正地断定是虐政。 逊将联邦政府的权力划分为立法权、行政权和司法权, 逊将联邦政府的权力划分为立法权、行政权和司法权,并且 对这三种权力的权限进行了具体的划分, 对这三种权力的权限进行了具体的划分,这在由他起草的美 国宪法中可以找到痕迹。同时麦迪逊也意识到, 国宪法中可以找到痕迹。同时麦迪逊也意识到,分权只是对 权力的消极控制,制衡才是对权力积极的控制, 权力的消极控制,制衡才是对权力积极的控制,在《联邦党 人文集》中他也说到: 人文集》中他也说到:“防止把权力逐渐集中于同一部门的 最可靠办法, 最可靠办法,就是给予各部门的主管人抵制其他部门侵犯的 必要法定手段和个人的主动。 关于权力间的制衡, 必要法定手段和个人的主动。”关于权力间的制衡,麦迪逊 提出了自己想法: 提出了自己想法:各部门有对其他部门行使潜在的在法定范 围内的有限否决权的权力; 围内的有限否决权的权力;各部门成员对其他部门的成员的 任命尽可能少起作用,特别是在组织司法部门时; 任命尽可能少起作用,特别是在组织司法部门时;各部门的 成员在他们的公职报酬方面应该尽可能少地依赖其他部门的 成员。以上这些分权与制衡的关系都在美国宪法中得到体现, 成员。以上这些分权与制衡的关系都在美国宪法中得到体现, 分权制衡理论虽不完全是麦迪逊独创, 分权制衡理论虽不完全是麦迪逊独创,但是在宪法的框架内 将其明确化却是史无前例的。 将其明确化却是史无前例的。

Richard Hamilton 理查德汉密尔顿

Richard Hamilton 理查德汉密尔顿

Richard Hamilton 理查德汉密尔顿“波普之父”2011-04-28 | 所属分类[ 大师]4 条评论“通俗艺术作为不同于美术的一个部分,今天并不存在。


”(Richard Hamilton)是世界上最有影响力的当代艺术家之一,波普艺术的领军人物,杜尚的学生,英国最具有影响艺术家之一。
















/Hamilton聚风尚商城Hamilton-汉密尔顿“探险-猫王75周年”纪念表款“猫王”佩戴汉米尔顿早期的“探险系列”手表 “猫王”的影响力无远弗届,他的音乐,他的故事,他的传奇,他的一生都被人们所津津乐道。


同时,汉米尔顿将猫王曾佩戴过的汉米尔顿“探险”系列手表进行了复刻和重塑,推出了全新的怀旧型和未来型 “探险-猫王75周年”纪念款,再次用三角表盘向猫王致敬。










据悉, 3月,更多猫王迷将聚集在北京CJW爵士乐酒廊,举办更大型的纪念“猫王”摇滚聚会,一同回味“猫王”音乐时光。



哈密尔顿语录1. "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." - Alexander Hamilton2. "A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing." - Alexander Hamilton3. "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." - Alexander Hamilton4. "Experience is the oracle of truth; and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred." - Alexander Hamilton5. "A well-adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous." - Alexander Hamilton6. "Those who stand for nothing, fall for everything." - Alexander Hamilton7. "Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments." - Alexander Hamilton8. "Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike." - Alexander Hamilton9. "Power over a man's subsistence is power over his will." - Alexander Hamilton10. "A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton11. "The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and, however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact." - Alexander Hamilton12. "It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government." -Alexander Hamilton13. "A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country." - Alexander Hamilton 14. "In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword." - Alexander Hamilton15. "The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." - Alexander Hamilton16. "The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." - Alexander Hamilton17. "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." - Alexander Hamilton18. "In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will." - Alexander Hamilton19. "I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man." - Alexander Hamilton20. "Those who stand for nothing fall for everything." - Alexander Hamilton21. "A well-adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous." - Alexander Hamilton22. "The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the wholevolume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." - Alexander Hamilton23. "The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." - Alexander Hamilton24. "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." - Alexander Hamilton25. "In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will." - Alexander Hamilton26. "I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man." - Alexander Hamilton27. "A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing." - Alexander Hamilton28. "Power over a man's subsistence is power over his will." - Alexander Hamilton29. "A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton30. "In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword." - Alexander Hamilton这些语录均出自亚历山大·汉密尔顿的作品和日记中。



汉密尔顿:音乐剧的魅力传奇In the world of musicals, there are few names that resonate as loudly as "Hamilton." Since its premiere on Broadway in 2015, this historical epic about America's founding father Alexander Hamilton has captivated audiences with its innovative storytelling, powerful music, and exceptional performances. The story of Hamilton is not just about the man himself but also a commentary on the complexities of American society and the challenges of building a nation.The brainchild of Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton is a fusion of hip-hop, jazz, and Broadway traditions, breaking new boundaries in musical theater. Miranda's lyrics are both rhyming and rap, delivering a rapid-fire narrativethat weaves together the threads of Hamilton's remarkable life. From his humble beginnings as an orphan in the Caribbean to his rise to power as the first Secretary of the Treasury, the musical tells the story of Hamilton's meteoric rise and tragic fall through the lens of his complex relationships with key figures in American history.The cast of Hamilton is nothing short of extraordinary. Led by Leslie Odom II as the titular character, the ensemble brings to life a range of historical figures with remarkable authenticity and emotional depth. Odom's performance as Hamilton is a standout, capturing the charisma and ambition that propelled the founding father to great heights. But it's not just the leads that shine; the ensemble, including Daveed Diggs as Marquis de Lafayette and Philip Hamilton, Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelic a Schuyler, and Christopher Jackson as George Washington, all deliver powerful performances that bring the story to life. The music of Hamilton is as captivating as the story itself. Miranda's compositions are a masterful blend of genres, seamlessly integrating hip-hop beats with Broadway ballads. Songs like "Alexander Hamilton," "My Shot," and "Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)" are instant earworms, with catchy melodies and lyrics that resonate deeply. The music not only complements the story but also elevates it, creating an emotional experience that is both thrilling and heartbreaking.But what truly sets Hamilton apart is its relevance to today's society. The musical doesn't just tell the story of America's past; it speaks to the issues and challenges that we face today. From the complexities of race and class to the importance of unity and collaboration, Hamilton is a timely reminder of the values that we need to uphold as a nation. It's a message that is as important today as it was when the musical first premiered.In conclusion, Hamilton is not just a musical; it's a cultural phenomenon that has captivated the world. Its innovative storytelling, powerful music, and exceptional performances have made it a must-see for any fan of musicals or history. Whether you're a fan of Broadway or not, Hamilton is an experience that you won't forget.**汉密尔顿:音乐剧的魅力传奇**在音乐剧的世界中,鲜有作品能像《汉密尔顿》那样引起如此广泛的共鸣。

美国100位历史名人榜(5):Alexander Hamilton

美国100位历史名人榜(5):Alexander Hamilton

Headoffice管理总部Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 –July 12, 1804) was the first United States Secretary of the Treasury, a Founding Father, economist, and political philosopher. Aide-de-camp to General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War, he was a leader of nationalist forces calling for a new Constitution; he was one of America's first Constitutional lawyers, and wrote most of the Federalist Papers, a primary source for Constitutional interpretation. He was the financial expert of Washington's administration; the Federalist Party formed to support his policies.Born and raised in the Caribbean, Hamilton attended King's College (now Columbia University) in New York. At the start of the American Revolutionary War, he organized an artillery company and was chosen as its captain. Hamilton became the senioraide-de-camp and confidant to General George Washington, the American commander-in-chief. After the war, Hamilton was elected to the Continental Congress from New York, but he resigned to practice law and found the Bank of New York. He served in the New York Legislature, and he was the only New Yorker who signed the U.S. Constitution. He wrote about half the Federalist Papers, which secured its ratification by New York; they are still the most important unofficial interpretation of the Constitution. In the new government under President Washington he became Secretary of the Treasury. An admirer of British political systems, Hamilton was a nationalist who emphasized strong central government and successfully argued that the implied powers of the Constitution could be used to fund the national debt, assume state debts, and create the government-owned Bank of the United States. These programs were funded primarily by a ariff on imports and a highly controversial whiskey tax.By 1792, the coalition led by Hamilton was opposed by a coalition led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Hamilton's Federalist Party now had to compete with Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party. The parties fought over Hamilton's fiscal goals and national bank, as well as his foreign policy of extensive trade and friendly relations with Britain, especially the Jay Treaty which was ratified, by a single vote, after a lengthy struggle between the two coalitions. Embarrassed by a blackmail affair that became public, Hamilton resigned as the Secretary of the Treasury in 1795 and returned to the practice of law in New York. In 1798, the Quasi-War with France led Hamilton to be awarded the rank of Senior Officer of the United States Army and to argue for, and attempt to raise and organize, an army to fight the French (by invading the colonies of Spain, then a French ally).Hamilton's opposition to his fellow Federalist John Adams hurt the party in the 1800 elections. When Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the electoral college, Hamilton helped defeat his bitter personal enemy Burr and elect Jefferson as president. With his party's defeat, Hamilton's nationalist and industrialization ideas lost their former national prominence. Hamilton's intense rivalry with Burr resulted in a duel, in which Hamilton was mortally wounded.Hamilton was always denounced by the Jeffersonians and later the Jacksonians, but his economic ideas, especially support for a protective tariff and a national bank, were promoted by the Whig Party and after the 1850s by the newly created Republican Party, which hailed him as the nation's greatest Secretary of the Treasury.Early military careerIn 1775, after the first engagement of American troops with the British in Boston, Hamilton joined a New York volunteer militia company called the Hearts of Oak, which included other King's College students. He drilled with the company before classes, in the graveyard of nearby St. Paul's Chapel. Hamilton studied military history and tactics on his own and achieved the rank of lieutenant. Under fire from HMS Asia, he led a successful raid for British cannon in the Battery, the capture of which resulted in the Hearts of Oak becoming an artillery company thereafter. Through his connections with influential New York patriots like Alexander McDougall and John Jay, he raised the New York Provincial Company of Artillery of sixty men in 1776, and was elected captain. It took part in the campaign of 1776 around New York City, particularly at the Battle of White Plains; at the Battle of Trenton, it was stationed at the high point of town, theHeadoffice管理总部meeting of the present Warren and Broad Streets, to keep the Hessians pinned in the Trenton Barracks.Washington's staffHamilton was invited to become an aide to Nathanael Greene and to Henry Knox; however, he declined these invitations in the hopes of obtaining a place on Washington's staff. Hamilton did receive such an invitation and joined as Washington's aide on March 1, 1777 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Hamilton served for four years, in effect, as Washington's Chief of Staff; he handled letters to Congress, state governors, and the most powerful generals in the Continental Army; he drafted many of Washington's orders and letters at the latter's direction; he eventually issued orders from Washington over Hamilton's own signature. Hamilton was involved in a wide variety of high-level duties, including intelligence, diplomacy, and negotiation with senior army officers as Washington's emissary. The important duties with which he was entrusted attest to Washington's deep confidence in his abilities and character, then and afterward. At the points in their relationship where there was little personal attachment, there was still always a reciprocal confidence and respect.During the war, Hamilton became close friends with several fellow officers. His letters to the Marquis de Lafayette and to John Laurens, employing the sentimental literary conventions of the late eighteenth century and alluding to Greek history and mythology, have been read as revealing a homosocial or perhaps homosexual relationship, but few historians agree.Constitution and Federalist PapersIn 1787, Hamilton served as assemblyman from New York County in the New York State Legislature and was the first delegate chosen to the Constitutional Convention. In spite of the fact that Hamilton had been a leader in calling for a new Constitutional Convention, his direct influence at the Convention itself was quite limited. Governor George Clinton's faction in the New York legislature had chosen New York's other two delegates, John Lansing and Robert Yates, and both of them opposed Hamilton's goal of a strong national government. Thus, while the other two members of the New York delegation were present, they decided New York's vote; and when they left the convention in protest, Hamilton remained with no vote (two representatives were required for any state to cast a vote).Early in the Convention he made a speech proposing a President-for-Life; it had no effect upon the deliberations of the convention. He proposed to have an elected President and elected Senators who would serve for life contingent upon "good behavior", and subject to removal for corruption or abuse; this idea contributed later to the hostile view of Hamilton as a monarchist sympathizer, held by James Madison. During the convention, Hamilton constructed a draft for the Constitution on the basis of the convention debates, but he never presented it. This draft had most of the features of the actual Constitution, including such details as the three-fifths clause. In this draft, the Senate was to be elected in proportion to the population, being two-fifths the size of the House, and the President and Senators were to be elected through complex multistage elections, in which chosen electors would elect smaller bodies of electors; they would hold office for life, but were removable for misconduct. The President would have an absolute veto. The Supreme Court was to have immediate jurisdiction over all law suits involving the United States, and State governors were to be appointed by the federal government.At the end of the Convention, Hamilton was still not content with the final form of the Constitution, but signed it anyway as a vast improvement over the Articles of Confederation, and urged his fellow delegates to do so also. Since the other two members of the New York delegation, Lansing and Yates, had already withdrawn, Hamilton was the only New York signer to the United States Constitution. He then took a highly active part in the successful campaign for the document's ratification in New York in 1788, which was a crucial step in its national ratification. Hamilton recruited John Jay and James Madison to write a defense of the proposed Constitution, now known as the Federalist Papers, and made the largest contribution to that effort, writing 51 of 85 essays published (Madison wrote 29, Jay only five). Hamilton's essays and arguments were influential in New York state, and elsewhere, during the debates over ratification. The Federalist Papers are more often cited than any other primary source by jurists, lawyers,Headoffice管理总部historians, and political scientists as the major contemporary interpretation of the Constitution.In 1788, Hamilton served yet another term in what proved to be the last time the Continental Congress met under the Articles of Confederation. When Phillip Schuyler's term ended in 1791, they began by electing, in his place, the attorney-general of New York, one Aaron Burr. Hamilton blamed Burr for this result, and ill characterizations of Burr appear in his correspondence thereafter, although they did work together from time to time on various projects, including Hamilton's army of 1798 and the Manhattan Water Company.亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton,1757年1月11日- 1804年7月12日)是美国的开国元勋之一,宪法的起草人之一,财经专家,是美国的第一任财政部长。



第二,规定行政首脑一定的任期,以便实现行政部门的稳定 第三,授予总统足够的权力。这可视为加强行政权的最直接的办法。
司法权的根本保障是司法权的“完全独立” 一是授予司法机关司法审查权,即司法机关拥有解释法律及宣布置违反宪法的法律为无效的权力
1 人物介绍和生平事迹 2
《联邦党人文集》 汉密尔顿公共组织思想
(Alexander Hamilton 1757年- 1804年)
征税权 工商立国
民兵 海军
民族主义的扩张思想 选择孤立主义
特征:1.各州实质性联合(削弱州的主权,加强联邦的统制权) 2.双重的政府结构 (联邦获得权力组成中央政府和州政府,州政府从 本州人民获得权力,为人民服务) 3.联邦政府强而有力、活而有力(公共组织思想)
条款,制定了一部崭新的宪法,于是费城会议也变成了制宪会议。汉密尔顿 和麦迪逊、杰伊为新宪法作了有力的宣传。后来,汉密尔顿把这些文章汇
6.财政部长 重建被战争损坏的公共信用。决定发行联邦政府纸币,逐渐统一货币,









Alexander Hamilton歌词音乐剧hamilton汉密尔顿无翻译

Alexander Hamilton歌词音乐剧hamilton汉密尔顿无翻译

Alexander Hamilton (亚历山大·汉密尔顿) - Okieriete Onaodowan/Christopher Jackson/Phillipa Soo/Anthony RamosHow does a bastard orphan son of a whore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of a forgottenSpot in the Caribbean by providence impoverished in squalor Grow up to be a hero and a scholarThe ten-dollar founding father without a fatherGot a lot farther by workin' a lot harderBy bein' a lot smarterBy bein' a self-starterBy fourteen they placed him in charge of a trading charter And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted Away across the waves he struggled and kept his guard up Inside he was longing for something to be a part ofThe brother was ready to beg steal borrow or barterThen a hurricane came and devastation reignedOur man saw his future drip drippin' down the drainPut a pencil to his temple connected it to his brainAnd he wrote his first refrain a testament to his painWell the word got around they said this kid is insane man Took up a collection just to send him to the mainlandGet your education don't forget from whence you came and The world's gonna know your name what's your name man Alexander HamiltonMy name is Alexander HamiltonAnd there's a million things I haven't doneBut just you wait just you waitWhen he was ten his father split full of it debt-riddenTwo years later see Alex and his mother bed-riddenHalf-dead sittin' in their own sickThe scent thickAnd Alex got better but his mother went quickMoved in with a cousin the cousin committed suicideLeft him with nothin' but ruined pride somethin' new inside A voice sayingAlex you gotta fend for yourselfHe started retreatin' and readin' every treatise on the shelf There would've been nothin' left to doFor someone less astuteHe would've been dead and destituteWithout a cent of restitutionStarted workin' clerkin' for his late mother's landlord Tradin' sugar cane and rum and other things he can't affordScammin' for every book he can get his hands onPlannin' for the future see him now as he stands on ooohThe bow of a ship headed for a new landIn New York you can be a new manIn New York you can be a new man just you waitIn New York you can be a new man just you waitIn New York you can be a new manIn New YorkNew YorkJust you waitAlexander Hamilton Alexander HamiltonWe are waiting in the wings for you waiting in the wings for you You could never back downYou never learned to take your timeOh Alexander Hamilton Alexander HamiltonWhen America sings for youWill they know what you overcameWill they know you rewrote the gameThe world will never be the same ohThe ship is in the harbor now see if you can spot himJust you waitAnother immigrant comin' up from the bottomJust you waitHis enemies destroyed his rep America forgot him We fought with himMe I died for himMe I trusted himMe I loved himAnd me I'm the damn fool that shot himThere's a million things I haven't doneBut just you waitWhat's your name manAlexander Hamilton。


华盛顿 汉密尔顿
第六小组:谌华,阚大伟 曹晓蓉,章青,孔德明,霍文晓, 戴芸芸,缪佳云
• • • • • • • • • • 全名:乔治· 华盛顿(George Washington) 生卒:1732.2.22—1799.12.14 尊称:美国国父 任期:1789.4.30—1797.3.4 出身:种植园主 学历:小学 职业:军人,政治家 所属政党:联邦党 夫人:玛莎· 丹德里奇 子女:无
华盛顿和美利坚合众国的奠基者一起把天赋人权的 价值理想贯彻到宪政的实践和理论中, 把自然法转 化为宪法,实现了联邦制与共和制的完美结合。
这部宪法“严格说来既不是一部国家宪法,也不是一 部联邦宪法,而是两者的结合。 其基础是联邦性的不是国家性的; 在政府权力的来源方面,它部分是联邦性的, 部分是 国家性的; 在行使这些权力方面,它是国家性的,不是联邦性的; 在权力范围方面,它又是联邦性的,不是国家性的。 最后,在修改权的方式方面,它既不完全是联邦性的, 也不完全是国家性的。”

• • •
首任总统 不忘隐退
治国有妙方——深谋远虑 连任很犹豫——放眼未来 知音的力劝 华盛顿的存在是使国家业已溃烂的伤口不 再蔓延的迫切需要,他没有选择余地 被迫而连任——顾全大局 “生活中极度的不幸”

再任总统 波涛汹涌
• 欧洲战乱,冷静地保持中立——镇定 理智 • 面对误解,温和地与之一笑而过——宽容 大度 “我的行为既不为野心所驱使,也不为兴趣所左 右,恶意攻击之剑永远射不到我的薄弱部位” • 朋友辞职,华盛顿勇挑重担——担当 责任
一种建立在忠诚基础上的关系。联邦制是由两个或 两个以上的政治实体(共和国、州、邦)结合而成 的一种国家结构形式。 “联邦既象一个小国那样自由和幸福,又象一个大国 那样光荣和强大”(联邦实现了自由与力量的统 一)



介绍汉密尔顿的英语作文Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States, was a remarkable figure whose life story embodies the essence of the American Dream. Born out of wedlock in the mid-18th century in the West Indies, Hamilton's early life was marked by hardship and tragedy. Despite these challenges, his intellect and ambition propelled him to the American colonies, where he would leave an indelible mark on the nation's history.Hamilton's journey to America was a turning point in his life. He arrived in New York to pursue his education, thanks to the financial support of benefactors who recognized his potential. At King's College (now Columbia University), he excelled in his studies, but the onset of the American Revolutionary War soon steered him towards a different path.During the war, Hamilton quickly rose through the ranks to become an aide-de-camp to General George Washington. His strategic mind and leadership skills were invaluable to the American cause. After the war, Hamilton's contributions continued as he played a pivotal role in the drafting of the United States Constitution. He was a strong advocate for a centralized federal government, which was contrary to the popular belief in states' rights at the time.As the first Secretary of the Treasury under President Washington, Hamilton implemented a financial system that laid the foundation for the American economy. His policies included the establishment of a national bank, the assumption of state debts by the federal government, and the promotion of manufacturing over agriculture. These initiatives were not without controversy, but they demonstrated Hamilton's forward-thinking vision for a strong, prosperous nation.Hamilton's legacy extends beyond his economic policies. He was a prolific writer, penning the majority of the Federalist Papers, which argued for the ratification of the Constitution. His eloquent and persuasive essays helped shape the political ideology of the new nation.Tragically, Hamilton's life was cut short in a duel with Aaron Burr, a political rival. This dramatic end to his life has only added to the mystique surrounding his legacy. Today, Hamilton is remembered not only for his political and financial acumen but also for his unwavering commitment to the principles of liberty and justice.In recent years, Hamilton's story has experienced a resurgence in popularity, thanks in part to the hit Broadway musical "Hamilton," which introduced his tale to a new generation. The show's success is a testament to the enduring relevance of Hamilton's life and work.In conclusion, Alexander Hamilton's story is one of resilience, brilliance, and profound impact. His contributions to the formation of the United States are still felt today, and his life serves as an inspiration to those who seek to make a difference in their world. Hamilton's journey from obscurity to greatness is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with determination and a vision for a better future.。



介绍刘易斯汉密尔顿英语作文Lewis Hamilton, the epitome of speed and precision, has carved a legacy in the world of Formula 1 racing that transcends the sport itself. With his unyielding dedication and unparalleled skill, he has not only dominated the tracks but also emerged as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring racers and fans alike. His journey from a young prodigy to a seven-time world champion is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence and his unwavering commitment to the sport he loves.Born on January 7, 1985, in Stevenage, England,Hamilton's affinity for speed was evident from his early years. He began his racing career in karting at the age of eight and quickly rose through the ranks, showcasing anatural talent that caught the attention of the motorsport world. His transition to single-seater racing was seamless, and by 2007, he made his Formula 1 debut with McLaren,setting the stage for a career that would redefine the limits of the sport.Hamilton's list of achievements is nothing short of remarkable. He holds the record for the most wins atdifferent circuits, the most consecutive points finishes, and the most pole positions. His ability to navigate the complex world of Formula 1 politics and the high-pressure environment of the paddock has been as impressive as his on-track performance. Off the track, Hamilton is an advocate fordiversity and inclusion, using his platform to raise awareness and promote change.The essence of Hamilton's appeal lies not just in his success on the track but also in his authenticity off it. He is a philanthropist, a fashion icon, and a global ambassador for the sport. His collaborations with high-end brands and his ventures into music and entertainment reflect his multifaceted personality and his impact beyond the racing community.As Hamilton continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in Formula 1, his story serves as a powerful narrative of perseverance, talent, and the pursuit of greatness. His impact on the sport will be felt for generations to come, and his name will undoubtedly be etched in the annals of sporting history as one of the all-time greats.。






























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…… 传奇仍在继续。


2.1966 年,第一次为电影《2001 太空漫游》度身定制的ODC腕表。





7. 1900年创立之初,被誉为最精准的铁路计时器。

