天津科技大学 生物工程专业英语 部分电子版
![天津科技大学 生物工程专业英语 部分电子版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/04043f0bf78a6529647d53fa.png)
Chapter 1 Introduction1. 1 The nature of biotechnologyBiotechnology is an area of applied bioscience and technology which involves the practical application of biological organisms , or their subcellular components to manufacturing and service industries and to environmental management®. Biotechnology 5 utilizes bacteria , yeasts , fungi , algae , plant cells or cultured mammalian cells as constituents of industrial processes. Successful application of biotechnology will result only® from the integration of a multiplicity of scientific disciplines and technologies, including microbiology , biochemistry , genetics , molecular biology , chemistry and chemical and process engineering. toBiotechnological processes will normally involve the production of cells or biomass , and the achievement of desired chemical transformations. The latter may be further subdivided into :(a ) formation of a desired end product ( e. g. enzymes , , organic acids, steroids) ; . 15(b) decomposition of a given starting material (e. g. sewage disposal ,,destruction of industrial wastes or oil spillages).The reactions of biotechnological processes can be catabolic , in which complex compounds are broken down to simpler ones ( glucose to ethanol ) , or anabolic or biosynthetic ,whereby simple molecules are built up into more complex ones (antibiotic 20 synthesis ) . Catabolic reactions are usually exergonic whereas anabolic reactions are normally endergonic.Biotechnology includes fermentation processes ( ranging from beers and wines to bread , cheese , antibiotics and vaccines ) water and waste treatment , parts of food technology , and an increasing range of novel applications ranging from biomedical to 25 metal recovery from low grade ores. Because of its versatility ,biotechnology will exert a major impact in many industrial processes and in theory almost all organic materials could be produced by biotechnological methods. Predictions of future worldwide market potential for biotechnological products in the year 2000 have been estimated at nearly US $ G5bn (Table 1. 1 ). However , it must also be appreciated that many important new 30 bio-products will still be synthesized chemically from models derived from existing biological molecules , e. g. , new drugs based on the interferons®. Thus the interface between bioscience and chemistry and its relationship to biotechnology must be broadly interpreted.1. 6 Summary . . .Biotechnology can be considered to be the application of biological organisms and processes to manufacturing industries. Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of disciplines and subjects. Although present day activities are highly sophisticated and novel many of the processes have their roots in the dawn of history.The specific processes are catalysed by microorganisms , plant or animal cells , or 5 products derived from them such as enzymes. The organisms of biotechnology can be harvested for biomass , can be used to • perform chemical conversions and may be the source of biologically active molecules ,including enzymes and monoclonal antibodies.Gene manipulation techniques have brought a new dimension to applied genetics and have created the potential for completely novel industrial processes ,for example human 10 interferon produced by bacterial cells. Significant developments are also occurring in process and control engineering and fermentation technology which will further advance the development of biologically-based industrial activity.Biotechnology appears to be an area of expansion and opportunity involving many sectors of industry , including agriculture ,food and feedstuffs ,pharmaceutical ,energy and 15 water industries. It will play a majOr role in the production of new drugs , hormones, vaccines and antibiotics , cheaper and more reliable supplies of energy and ( in the longer term ) chemical feedstuffs , improved environmental control and waste management. Biotechnology will be largely based on renewable and recyclable materials thus being better fitted to the needs of a world where energy will become increasingly more 20 expensive and in short supply. IChapter 2 Biochemistry of Growth and Metabolism2. 1 IntroductionThe purpose of a microorganism is to make another microorganism1 In some cases the biotechno1ogist , who seeks to exploit the microorganism , may wish this to happen as frequently and as quickly as possible. In other cases , where the product is not the organism itself , the biotechnologist must manipulate it in such a way that the primary goal of the microbe is diverted. As the microorganism then strives to overcome these restraints on its reproductive capacity ,it produces the product which the biotechnologist desires. The growth of the organism and its various products are therefore intimatelylinked by virtue of its metabolism.Metabolism is a matrix of two closely interlinked but divergent activities. Anabolic processes are concerned with the building up of cell materials , not only the major cell constituents ( proteins , nucleic acids , lipids , carbohydrates. etc. ) but also their intermediate precursors—amino acids,purine and pyrimidines ,fatty acicls,various sugarsand sugar phosphates. Anabolic processes do not occur spontaneously : they must be driven by an energy flow that for most microorganisms is provided by a series of ‘energy-yielding’catabolic processes. The degradation of carbohydrates to CO2 and water is the most common of these catabolic processes ,but a far wider range of reduced carbon compounds can be utilized by microorganisms in this way. The coupling of catabolic andanabolic processes is the basis of all microbial biochemistry,and can be discussed either in terms of the overall balance or in terms of individual processes ,as here.In practice we can very usefully distinguish between organisms which carry out their metabolism aerobically,using oxygen from the air ,and those that are able to do this anaerobically,that is ,without oxygen. The overall reaction of reduced carbon compounds with oxygen ,to give water and CO2 ,is a highly exothermic process ;an aerobic organism can therefore balance a relatively smaller use of its substrates for catabolism to sustain a given level of anabolism , that is , of growth. Substrate transformations for anaerobic organisms are essentially disproportionations , with a relatively low ‘energy yield ‘ , so that a larger proportion of the substrate has to be used catabolically to sustain a givenlevel of anabolism.The difference is very clearly illustrated in an organism such as yeast , which is a facultative anaerobe that is , it can exist either aerobically or anaerobically. Transforming sugar at the same rate , aerobic yeast gives CO2 , water , and a relatively high yield of new yeast ,whereas yeast grown anaerobically has a relatively slow growthwhich is now coupled to a high conversion of sugar into ethanol and CO2.Chapter 3 Applied GeneticsThe initial step in developing a biotechnological process is generally a search for a suit- able organism. Such organisms will be expected to create a product or service that will generate a financial return to that industry. In practice ,the geneticist has to select an or- ganism that produces the desired product. Once a suitable organism is found ,convention- 5 al breeding and mutagenesis methods are used where possible to induce genetic changes that may produce even more of the desired product. Selection of improved . organisms is tedious and time demanding and most of the methods available to the geneticists up until recently have involved trial and error. However ,new genetic technologies ,i. e. protoplast fusion and the use of recombinant DNA techniques , are allowing new approaches by 10 which useful genetic traits can be inserted directly into the chosen organism. Thus ,totally new capabilities can be engineered and microorganisms in particular and plant and animal cells to a lesser extent may be made to produce substances beyond their naturally endowed genetic capabilities.Increased productivity is not the only goal of the applied geneticist when manipulat- 15 ing a potential industrial organism. , resistance to viral infection and increased genetic stability may be incorporated into organisms that lack them ,the formation of harm- ful by-products can be reduced or eliminated and objectionable odours ,colours or slime products can be removed.A successful industrial culture shàuld ultimately exhibit most or all of the following 20 characteristics : it should be a pure culture ; be genetically stable ; be easily propagated ; exhibit rapid growth characteristics ; have good rate of product formation ; be free of toxic byproducts ;and be amenable to genetic manipulation.Cultures that are used industrially generally have arisen in three stages (1) as a re-- search culture studied to seek a useful product ; ( 2 ) as a development culture a 25 research culture which has gained a measure of importance ;and (3) as a production culture a research culture that is now actually used for industrial production.The final culture may be the same as the original research culture but more often it will have been subjected to an array of treatments to maximize productivity. This final industrial organism will have been genetically programmed to perform a metabolic func— 30 tion far in excess of that of the wild type. This will only be achieved by maximum con- trol of the growth of the organism during production. The development of the industrial organism from a wild type will have required changes in its genetic information that eliminate undesirable properties or even introduce entirely new ones.Finding the desired organism . and improving its capabilities is now a fundamental 35 aspect of most biotechnological processes (Fig. 3. 1 )3. 1 Selection and screeningIn all aspects of biotechnology major efforts are directed to screening programmes to generate new organisms ,either from some natural source or from established cultures by way of mutation or by hybridization programmes , including genetic engineering. These organisms must be screened for useful products and grown up on a large enough scale to produce and extract the desired product and then to subject the product to critical evaluation. Screening can be defined as the use of highly selective procedures to allow the detection and isolation of only those microorganisms or metabolites of interest from a large population. The further advancement of an isolate will involve improvement. and preser20 vation of the culture. However major hindrance to the full exploitation of this capacityis the availability of suitable screening procedures which can identify the necessary prod- uct ,especially in the presence of culture medium constituents.The major group of organisms presently used in biotechnology are microorganisms. The screening methodologies to be described will concentrate largely on thisgroup.In the search for new microorganisms from the environment for biotechnological processes there are normally three types of option available ; these involve the choice of habitat for sampling , the physical separation procedures for separating out the desired microorganism and the choice of method to achieve selection which in most cases in-volved enrichment cultures (Table 3. 1)Although many new produqer microorganisms are wild-types and have been isolated from natural environmenrs , major efforts are also directed to generating new genomes from existing genomes by laboratory manipulation. Organisms can be modified by mutation , recombinadon transformation , transduction and gene cloning either by single pro-cesses or in combinations (Table 3. 1).With natural selection and , more particularly , with genetic manipulation , all indus— trially important microorganisms will have been subjected to some form of screen- ing. The design of the screening programme is of major importance to achieve maximum recognition of new genotypes. Screens can be divided into two basic forms:( 1 ) non-selective random screens with all the isolates being tested individually for the desired qualities ;and .(2) rational screens in which there is some aspect of preselection. 253. 2 Culture maintenance .Having generated a novel microorganism either by natural selection or by genetic manipulation,the new organism must be stored or preserved with minimum degeneration of its genetic capabilities. Maintenance , preparation and propagation of the organism must achieve specific standards of reproducibility. The maintenance process of an industrial microorganism is an intergral feature of the infrastructure of biotechnology There are nomethods common to all industries. Specific maintenance techniques for industrial microorganisms are usually well kept industrial secrets. In practice most industrial microorganisms will be preserved by any one of the following procedures:(1 ) on agar medium with regular subeulturing;(2 ) by reduced metabolism-mineral oil coverage , refrigeration , or storage in a deepfreeze; .(3) drying-dry sand,silica gel,soil or filter paper;(4) freeze drying-widely practised because of convenience and gives greater stability than previous methods;(5) cryopreservation at ultra low temperatures ( 70 to 196 ‘C more costlymethod but suitable for a wide range of organisms and one that gives high survival rates)Culture collections throughout the world are playing an increasingly important role in biotechnology in providing a comprehensive range of pure , verified organisms that are of past , present or potential interest. Important operating strains must be retained in aviable and productive condition. In particular , many new genetically manipulated organ- isms exhibit some degree of instability and preservation must aim at achieving minimal straindrift.The remaining part of this chapter will examine in some detail the various tech- niques that are now available to the applied geneticist for modifying the genome of in- dustrially important organisms.3. 6 Recombinant DNA technologyThe analysis and manipulation of genetic material has been revolutionized by the development of in vitro gene c1oning techniques which have allowed the isolation , purification and selective amplification in suitable biological systems of almost any discrete segment of DNA from almost any organism. Due to deletion . of DNA not containing relevant genes , gene cloning enables the methods employed for analysis and manipulation to betargeted primarily on the gene region of interest ,thus vastly increasing the efficiency of the method used and simplifying the identification and characterization of the new modified derivatives In contrast to protoplast fusion where large parts or entire genomes are mixed and the characteristics of interest are controlled generally by a large number ofgenes(for example , antibiotics ) , recombinant DNA technology is primarily concernedwith small numbers of individual genes controlling known gene products (for example, proteins ,peptides ,etc. ).基因操作:the formation of new combinations of heritable material by the isolation of nucleic acid molecules,produced by whatever means outside the cell, into any virus, bacterial plasmid,or other vector system so as to allow their incorporation into a host organism in which they do not naturally occur but in which they are capable of continued propagation.The basic requirements for in vitro transfer and expression of foreign DNA in a hostbacterial cell are outlined in Figs 3. 6 and 3. 7 and can be summarized as follows:( I ) The isolation of circular plasmid DNA molecules which must contain one site where the integration of foreign DNA will not destroy essential functions.( 2) The generation of DNA fragments that are suitable for cloning by way of restriction endonucleases. The insert may be a chromosomal fragment from an-other microorganism (prokaryote or eukaryote ) , from an animal or plant , or from a chemically-synthesized DNA sequence.(3) A method of splicing the foreign DNA into the vector.(4) Incorporation of the hybrid DNA recombinants into the host cell .(5) Expression of the transformants which have the recombinant plasmids.3. 8 SummaryApplied genetics is concerned with deriving new and improved strains of organisms that can be utilized for the benefit of mankind. In biotechnology this will involve the selection of organisms from natural sources , from culture collections and other organizations ,or by further exploitation of ‘in house’ strains. A wide variety of techniques is available to modify , delete or add to the genetic complement of organisms. Selection and screening activities occupy a major part of biotechnological programmes. Screening is the use of procedures to allowthe detection and isolation of only those organisms or metabolites of interest among a large population. Screens may be non-selective random screens in whichall the isolates are treated as individuals for the requisite qualities or they may be ratio- nal screens involving some aspect of preselection. .Producer organisms must be preserved with minimum degeneration of genetic capabilities . Preservation can be on agar medium , by reduced metabolism , drying , freeze dry- ing or by ultra-low temperature.Organism genomes can be modified by mutagenesis or by various forms of by- bridization. Mutational programmes are primarily aimed at strain improvement and mu- tagens available include UV and ionizing radiation ,thynñne starvation and a wide selection of chemical mutagens. The mutation rate in an organism is genetically controlled and can be altered by mutator or anti-rnutator genes.Hybridization is essentially a method that facilitates the recombination of genetic material between organisms and can be expressed by sexual or parasexual mechanisms. Sexual hybridization occurs between haploid nuclei and will involve karyogamy, nuclear *fi and finally meiosis. Recombination of the genetic characteristics will arise because df rearrangement and reorganization of the chromosomes.Parasexual processes use various cellular mechanisms to bring together genetic ma- terial from different genetic sources. The main methods practised industrially involve conjugation , transduction , transformation and mitotic recombination.Protoplast fusion techniques are widely practised with many microbial cells as well as with plant and animal cells. Fusion rates have been greatly increased by means of the fusogen polyethylglycol.Recombinant DNA technologies allow the isolation ,purification and selective amplification in specific host cells of discrete DNA fragments or genes from almost any organ- ismb The basic requirements of this technology are restriction endonuclease enzymes which can cleave double-stranded DNA at specific sites generating DNA fragments of defined sizes. These fragments can then be inserted into carrier vehicles such as plasmids or phage and be covalently bonded by DNA ligase enzymes. Transformation is the main method used for the insertion of these chimeric DNA molecules into host cells. The types of host cell are typically but not exclusively specific mutant cells of E. coil ,B. subtilis orS. cerevisiae. Transformed cells are identified by several means including complementa-Hon and resistance markers hybridization , immunological methods and restriction en- donuclease analysis.Chapter 4 Fermentation Technology4. 1 The nature of fermentationThe origins of fermentation technology were largely with the use of microorganisms for the production of foods and beverages such as cheeses , yoghurts , alcoholic beverages, vinegar , sauerkraut , fermented pickles and sausages , soya sauce and the products ofmany other Oriental fermentations (Table4. 1 ) The present-day large scale production processes of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts. Paralleling this development of product formation was the recognition of the role microorganisms could playin removing unpleasant wastes and this has resulted in mas— sive world-wide service industries involved in water purification , effluent treatment andwaste management. New dimensions in fermentation technology have made use of the ability of microorganisms (1) to overproduce specific essential primary metabolites such as glycerol , acetic acid , lactic acid , acetone , butyl alcohol , butane diol , organic acids, amino acids , vitamins , polysaccharides and xanthans ; ( 2 ) to produce useful secondary metabolites (groups of metabolites that do not seem to pLay an immediate recognizablerole in the life of the microorganism producing them ) such as penicillin , streptomycin, oxytetracycline cephalosporin , giberellins , alkaloids , actinomycin ; and ( 3 ) to produce enzymes as the desired industrial product such as the exocellular enzymes amylases ,proteases , pectinases or intracellular enzymes such as invertase , asparaginase , uric oxidase, restriction endonucleases and DNA ligase More recently , fermentation technology hasbegun to use cells derived from higher plants and animals under conditions known as cell or tissue culture. Plant cell culture is mainly directed towards secondary product formation such as alkaloids , perfumes and flavours while animal cell culture has initially been mainly concerned with the formation of protein molecules such as interferons , mono- clonal antibodies and many others.There are three main operating types of bioreactors for biotechnological processestogether with two forms of biocataysts. Bioreactors can be operated on a batch , semi- continuous (fed-batch)or continuous basis. Reactions can occur in static or agitated cultures , in the presence or absence of oxygen , and in aqueous or low moisture conditions (solid substrate fermentations ) . The biological catalysts can be free or can be attached to surfaces by immobilization or by natural adherence. The biocatalysts can be cells in agrowing or non-growing state or isolated enzymes used as soluble or immobilized catalysts. In general , the reactions occurring in a bioreactor are conducted under moderate conditions of pH(near neutrality) and temperature (20 to 65t ). In most bioreactors the processes occur in an aqueous phase and product streams will be relatively dilute.4. 10 SummaryGrowth is the increase of cell material expressed in terms of mass or cell number. The doubling time of an organism population is the time required for the doubling in biomass while generation time relates to the period necessary for the doubling of cell numbers. Mathematical equations have been developed describing the essential features of .microbial growth in bioreactors. In batch cultivation , there is a continuously changing nutrient environment which is reflected in the physiological state of the culture. In con- trast , in continuous culture , with controlled addition and removal of medium , a steady state of population characteristics can be achieved.In fermentation technology , large numbers of cells are grown under defined con-trolled conditions far biomass or product formation. In general the processes are carried out in a containment system or bioreactor ,the main function of which is to minimize the cost of producing a product or service. Processes can be considered as conversion cost-in- tensive or recovery cost-intensive. Bioreactors can operate on a batch , fçd-batch or con- tinuous basis. The biocatalysts (microorganisms ,plant or animal cells or enzymes) canfunction in a free form or be immobilized. Optimization of a bioreactor process will in- volveminimizing raw materials and energy use and maximizing product formation.Bioreactor design will depend on the nature of thçprocess. The continuous stirred tank system WSTR) is the most widely used bioreactor and can be operated for aerobic processes as well as for anaerobic processes . Mixing in a CSTR bioreactor is achieved bya mechanically operated central shaft equipped with blades or impellers. In contrast,tow- er bioreactors do not have mechanical agitation and mixing of contents is achieved by the rising air bubbles.Medium is formulated to meet the nutritional demands of the producer organisms, the objectives of the process and the scale of the operation Cost of medium is a critiàal factor in determining the economics of a fermentation process , and for most industrial processes relatively • complex mixtures of cheap natural products are used.Instrumentation of bioreactors involves measuring specific parameters recording them . and then using this information to improve and optimize the pro- cess. Measurements can be made on—line or off-line. There is a lack of efficient on-linesensors for bioreactor processes. Off-line determinations are slow and unsuitable for computer systems. There is an increasing involvement of computer control of fermentation processes.Mass and energy transfer processes are a major part of all fermentation process- es. Mixing mechanisms aim to optimize both axial and radial dispersion to ensure corn-plete dispersion of medium components throughout the bioreactor , thus encouraging good mass transfer rates and high biological productivity.Solid substrate fermentations are concerned with the growth or microorganisms on solid materials in the . absence or near absence of free watert These fermentations can use indigenous microorganisms ,pure single cultures and pure mixed cultures. lnter-particle mass transfer and intra-particle diffusion are the two main conditions limiting solid substrate fermentations.Chapter 5 Enzyme and Immobilized Cell Technology5. 5 ImmobIlized enzymesThe most important drawbacks in the use of isolated enzymes are that they are not sufficiently stable under operational conditions and as water-soluble free molecules ,they are difficult to separate from substrate and products and to reuse repeatedly.5.6 Properties of immobilized enzymesImmobilization of an enzyme can result in significant changes in its properties.These a1-terations can be attributed to (1 ) chemical and/or conformational changes in the enzyme structure, (2) the heterogeneous nature of catalysis by immobilized enzymes ,and (3) the physical and chemical nature of the carrier used.5. 8 SummaryEnzymes are highly specific biocatalysts ,functioning at high conversion rates under mild physiological conditions in aqueous solutions. They occur naturally inside all living or— ganisms but can also occur in nature as extracellular enzymes secreted by organisms into the environment. Over 2000 enzymes have been isolated but only about 20 have gained significant commercialimportance and most of these are hydrolases , for example amy-lases ,proteases ,pectinases and cellulases. Other enzymes of importance are glucose iso- merase and glucose oxidase.Most important commercial enzymes are produced from a limited number of microorganisms which have a long history of acceptability as food and beverage producers. Safety regulations impose severe limitations to novel enzyme products.Extracellular and intracellular microbial enzymes are produced industrially by sub- , deep tank , and solid substrate fermentation techniques Most liquid media aremixtures of several complex undefined materials , sucht as molasses , starch hydrolysates, corn steep liquor , yeast extract. Batch cultivation is the most utilized method of production. Enzyme production can be controlled by environmental and genetic manipulation.Enzymes may be used in the free water-soluble state or in an immobilized form. Immobilization prevents diffusion of the enzyme in the reaction mixtures and allows easy recovery from the product stream ; immobilized enzymes can be used best in continuously operated bioreactors. Enzyme immobilization can occur . by covalent coupling , entrapment in gels , encapsulation , adsorption on solid surfaces and crosslinkingwith multifunctional agents. Immobilized enzymes have so far found limited industrial use but further applications . should come in medical and analytical use.Whole cell immobilization techniques have now been widely developed using the principles derived from enzyme studies. These techniques allow simple and multi-enzyme systems to be utilized and avoid the hazards of long enzyme purification procedures. In practice the immobilized cells may be dead ,in a resting state ,or actively grow- ing and can be treated to allow easy entry and exit of specific molecules through the plasma membranes. Such ‘permeabilization’ involves the formation of small pores in the cell membrane but retaining the enzymes inside the cell. Cofactor regeneration by immoS bilized living cells is an important commercial advantage. Multi-enzyme reactions aremore advantageously carried out in whole cells as opposed to isolated and/or immobilized ensymes.The most commonly used bioreactor systems for immobilized enzymes and cells are packed bed bioreactors and fluidized bed bioreactors.Cells may also be immobilized by attachment to surfaces by natural mechanisms of adhesion and subsequent film growth. Examples of these techniques include percolating or trickling filters , rotating surface bioreactors or biological contactors , or film growths on support particles in stirred tanks or fluidized bed bioreactors.Chapter 6 Downstream Processing in Biotechnology6. 1 Introduction‘Downstream processing’ is a useful collective term for all the steps which are required in order actually to recover useful products from any kind of industrial process. It is par- ticularly important in biotechnology where the desired final forms of the products are usually quite far removed from the state in which they are first obtained in the bioreactor. For examp’e , a typical fermentation process gives a mixture of a dispersed solid(the eell mass , perhaps with some components from the nutrient medium , etc. ) and a dilute water solution ;the desired product may be within the cells ,as one constituent of a very。
152《名家名作》·翻译一、 引言目的论理论是弗米尔于1978年在其《普通翻译理论基础》一书中首先提出,是功能翻译理论最核心的理论。
此系身前身后事,倩谁记去作奇传?Found unfit to repair the azure sky,Long years a foolish and mortal man was I.My life in both worlds on this stone is writ,Pray who will copy out and publish it?此为小说开篇第一首诗。
外文资料翻译FOREIGN LITERATURE TRANSLATION专业:国际经济与贸易姓名:潘博洋指导教师:外商直接投资对清洁能源的使用,碳排放和经济增长的贡献*Jung Wan Lee本文研究了外商直接投资(FDI)净流入对清洁能源的使用,碳排放和经济增长的贡献。
Batten和V o (2009)提出外商直接投资通过技术转让、溢出效应、生产力提高以及新的流程和管理技术的引进来刺激经济增长。
关键词:语料库;《三体》;翻译共性;简化中图分类号:H315.9A Corpus-based Study of Simplification in the English Translation of SantiCHEN Jiansheng, WANG Qi(Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300222, China) Abstract(This corpus linguistics based paper aims to verify one of the translation universals, simplification, with the English version of Three-Body Problem as the research subject, which won the 2015 Hugo Award for the Best Novel, and by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods from the aspects of lexicon and syntax. The results suggest that the English version of this masterpiece gives vey little evidence of simplification from either lexicon or syntax.Key words: corpus; Three-Body Problem; translation universals; simplification_、引言 兴起,语料库翻译学油然而生,这种新式的研究范语料库技术运用于语言学的研究最早可以追 式是基于两种转变而形成的。
天津科技大学本科生毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:材料科学与化学工程学院系(专业):化学工程与工艺—姓名:杜波________________学号:—06033403 __________以MeCL 为载体的TiCl4催化剂的发现及进 展NORIO KASHIWAR & D Center, Mitsui Chemicals, Incorporation, 580-32 Nagaura, Sodegaura,Chiba 299-0265, JapanReceived 20 August 2003; accepted 22 August 2003摘要:聚乙烯(PE )和聚丙烯(PP )作为聚烯烃的代表物,是我们日常生活必不可少的原料。
TiCl 3催化剂是由Ziegler 和Natta 在20世纪50年代确定的,由此诞生 出了聚烯烃工业。
然而,由于催化剂的活性和立体选择性很低,导致在PE 和PP 工业生产中需要清除催化剂残渣和无规产物。
我们发现以MgCl 2为载体的TiCl 4 催化剂,活性提高了 100多倍,并且具有更高的立体选择性,这样我们不需要清 除残渣,是一次工艺革新。
此外,缩小了 PE 和PP 的分子量分布,可精确控制聚合物结构,生产低密度聚乙烯,在低温下生产热封膜。
产品革新的一个典型例 子就是现在可以用这种高立体定向性、窄分子量分布的高性能抗冲聚合物代替金 属做汽车保险杠。
最新的以MgCl 2 为载体的TiCl 4催化剂能很完美的控制PP 等规度,而且有望做进一步的改进和 完善。
关键词:MgCl 2作载体TiCl 4催化剂;聚烯烃;立体定向性聚合物;共聚物;聚乙烯 NorioKashiwa 博士是三井化学公司的高 级研究人员,是公司专门为他安排的职位。
1964年毕业于日本Osaka 大学,于1966年获得该校工程硕士学位。
同年,他进入了Mitsui 石油化学公司。
电力系统短期负荷预测POWER SYSTEM SHORT-TERM LOAD FORECASTING专业:电气工程及其自动化姓名:指导教师姓名:申请学位级别:学士论文提交日期:二零一六年十二月学位授予单位:天津科技大学摘要电力系统负荷预测是电力生产部门的重要工作之一.准确的负荷预测,可以合理安排机组启停,减少备用容量,合理安排检修计划及降低发电成本等.准确的预测,特别是短期负荷预测对提高电力经营主体的运行效益有直接的作用,对电力系统控制、运行和计划都有重要意义.因此,针对不同场合需要寻求有效的负荷预测方法来提高预测精度。
关键词:短期负荷预测标准BP神经网络最小二乘法附加动量法ABSTRACTPower system load forecasting is one of the most important work of the electricity production sector。
The accurate load forecasting can arrange unit start-stop, reduce the spare capacity, reasonable arrangement of the maintenance plan and reduce power cost,etc。
关键词:工业消泡剂,聚二甲基硅氧烷油1 引言泡沫问题出现在各种工业生产中,例如:精馏、过滤以及发酵。
现代电力电子学与交流传动3.42 余弦交点控制一个通用的可获得线性传输特性的控制方式是余弦交点方式。
将正弦输入电压V ab 相位前移π/2生成余弦波;在每个下半周期将其取反,构造如图b 所示的“余弦波”。
每半个周期的控制电压Vc 和余弦波形的焦点极为触发延迟角a ,则 COSa=Vp Vc(3-74)式中,Vp 是余弦的峰值,将式(3-74)代入V d =V do *COSa ,则V d =Vp VdoV c =KV c (3-75)表明输入输出之间是增益为K 的线性关系。
注意,即使余弦波德幅值随输入电压变化,K 不变。
需注意,式(3-75) 只适用于连续导电模式。
对于非线性,就像前面说的一样,K 是非线性的,取决于a 角和负载参数。
图中只给出了晶闸管q 触发逻辑信号的生成,但该原理同样适用于其他晶闸管。
输入线电压V ac 为参考波,其相角从0~π对应于晶闸管Q1的触发延迟角的范围。
相电压-V b 比V ac 超前π/2,构成晶闸管Q1的余弦基准波。
如图3-41所示,通过变压器将相电压和线电压降压后练到比较器,将控制电压Vc 与相电压-V b 相比较,在触发延迟角a 时输出进行逻辑与后,用其前沿触发双稳态触发器9,然后依次与脉冲列(未画出)相耦合送至Q1 的门极。
通过相应的增大或减小Vc 的值,可使Q1的触发延迟角前移或后移。
3.43 相振荡器原理上节讨论的余弦交点片式是直接从输^电压中得到余弦基准波形。
毕业论文外文翻译报告范文AbstractThis report presents a translation of an academic article titled "The Impact of Technology on Education." The article discusses the various ways in which technology has transformed the field of education, particularly in terms of teaching methods, student engagement, and access to educational resources. The translation aims to accurately convey the content and meaning of the original article, while ensuring clarity and coherence for the readers.IntroductionTechnology has revolutionized nearly every aspect of our lives, including the field of education. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of technology in classrooms and educational institutions worldwide. This article explores the impact of technology on education, highlighting its benefits and potential challenges.Teaching MethodsOne of the key effects of technology on education is the transformation of traditional teaching methods. With the introduction of interactive whiteboards, online learning platforms, and educational apps, teachers now have access to a wide range of tools and resources to enhance their teaching. These technologies enable teachers to create dynamic and engaging lessons, integrating multimedia content and interactive activities, which enhance student understanding and participation.Student EngagementTechnology has also had a profound impact on student engagement in the learning process. With the use of digital tools, students can now actively participate in their education and take ownership of their learning. Interactive quizzes, online discussions, and collaborative projects allow students to actively engage with the subject matter, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, technology enables personalized learning experiences, catering to individual student needs and preferences.Access to Educational ResourcesAnother significant benefit of technology in education is the increased access to educational resources. Online libraries, open educational resources, and digital textbooks provide students with a vast amount of information at their fingertips. This access to a wide range of resources goes beyond what traditional textbooks and classrooms can offer, empowering students to explore and learn at their own pace.Challenges and ConsiderationsWhile the impact of technology on education is largely positive, there are also some challenges and considerations that need to be addressed. One concern is the potential for technology to create a divide between students who have access to technology and those who do not. It is essential to ensure equitable access to technology and training for all students to prevent further disparities in education.Additionally, the integration of technology in the classroom requires teachers to adapt and acquire new technological skills. Adequate training and support must be provided to empower teachers to effectively incorporate technology into their teaching practices.ConclusionIn conclusion, technology has had a transformative impact on education. It has revolutionized teaching methods, enhanced student engagement, and provided increased access to educational resources. However, it is important to address the challenges and considerations that arise with the integration of technology in education. By doing so, we can ensure that technology continues to benefit and enhance the learning experience for all students.References:[Original Article Reference]。
毕业设计-外文翻译正确格式范例-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1天津科技大学本科生毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:材料科学与化学工程学院专业:高分子材料与工程姓名:阮孝顺学号:指导教师(签名):2014年 3月 15日基底机械附着防水体系ACC板适宜性的确认及其高风压下的强度Michal Bartko a, Hiroyuki Miyauchi a,*, Kyoji Tanaka ba忠南大学,305-764,大田,南韩b日本东京工业大学,226-8503,神奈川县,日本2012年9月7日收到,2013年5月9日收到修改稿,2013年5月19日接受,2013年6月19日发表【摘要】受到强风的影响,机械连接防水体系的蒸气压混凝土板(AAC)的可靠性需要验证。
翻译Study on Advanced Treatment Process for Drilling Wastewater by Fenton Oxidation
![翻译Study on Advanced Treatment Process for Drilling Wastewater by Fenton Oxidation](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3df8d06f011ca300a6c390d7.png)
英译汉Study on Advanced Treatment Process for Drilling Wastewater by Fenton OxidationQingbin YuanCollege of Marine Science and EngineeringTianjin University of Science&TechnologyTianjin, Chinacctv44996@Jinzhao Pang, Zongzheng YangCollege of Material Science and Chemical Engineering Tianjin University of Science&TechnologyTianjin, Chinajzpang@, yzz3520@ Abstract—Two factors including the dosage rate of H2O2 and the interference of Cl-concentration were analyzed to optimize the Fenton process. Results showed that when the dosage rate of H2O2 was at 1mL/min the COD removal efficiency increased by 7% more than that of added instantly; Cl- concentration had an inhibition effect on Fenton oxidation—when the Cl-concentration was below 2500mg/L the effect was negligible and the highest COD removal efficiency was up to 92%, which had reached thesecondary standards (DB12-356-2008) of Tianjin. It was indicated that the process was an effective method in the advanced treatment of drilling wastewater.Keywords-Fenton process; ·OH; COD removal efficiency; ClconcentrationI. INTRODUCTIONFenton oxidation is a common wastewater treatment process. Due to the advantages such as simple equipments,mild reaction conditions, easy operation and no secondary pollution and so on [1-3], Fenton oxidation process is widely used in pre-treatment of wastewater to improve its biodegradability [4] or in advanced treatment to improve its water quality [5], etc. Drilling wastewater was generated from the petroleum exploitation process on oil platform in Dagu bay of Tianjin. It contained complicated organic compounds, extremely high oil concentration and high salinity.Having been treated by “oil separation—flocculation pre-treatment—hydrolytic acidification—aerobic treatment”process, oil and COD load was significantly removed, but some water quality indexes of the effluent still couldn’t reach the discharge standards, so Fenton process was adopted inthe experiment as an advanced treatment. Some water quality indexes of the wastewater were enumerated in TABLE I.II. EXPERIMENTAL PARTA. materialsDrilling wastewater;Reagents: 10%FeSO4 solution; 30% H2O2 solution; 30% H2SO4 solution;B. methodsSome wastewater(300mL)was put in a 500mL beaker stirred by magnetic stirrer; then a given amount of FeSO4 was put in and regulated pH to acidity( its value was given in the following text); after that, some amount of H2O2 given in the text was injected into the solution; keep the mixture interchanging stir and regulated pH to neutral, finely some PAM was added in for getting the clean solution which was used to monitor COD and chromaticity.III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSA.Conditions optimization in traditional Fenton processFour factors include the ratio of H2O2/Fe2+, the dosage of H2O2, the initial pH and the oxidation time were investigated to obtain the optimum operating conditions. COD of the wastewater in all of these experiments were monitored and the results were shown in Fig.1.Fig.1 (a) showed that the process had the highest COD removal efficiency when the ratio of H2O2/Fe2+ was at 2:1. Beyond that, the removal efficiency was not high either the concentration of Fe2+ was too high or low,for Fe2+ was aessential catalyst for H2O2 generating ·OH. When the concentration of Fe2+ was too low, the reaction given in Eq. (1) responded slowly and less ·OH were produced,so Fenton process had a poor oxidation effect; on the other hand, high Fe2+ concentration caused swift decomposition of H2O2 and amount of ·OH became O2 before they oxidized organic compounds in the wastewater, which could be verified by the phenomenon that lots of bubbles emitted from the beaker. On the other hand, the chromaticity was greatly removed and almost had no relation with the ratio ofH2O2/Fe2+, so in the following optimum experiments COD removal was discussed only. And the ratio of H2O2/Fe2+ was kept at 2:1.Fig.1 (b) indicated that the COD removal efficiency increased gradually with the increasing dosage of H2O2; whilethe dosage was up to 8.2mL/L, the COD removal efficiencyreached 43%.It could be indicated from Fig.1 (c) that the optimum initial pH was 3 or 4 and took 4 considering the economic factors. In addition, the COD removal efficiency declined as pH increasedor decreased, for in acidic solution the oxidation ability of ·OH was so fortissimo that it could easily oxidize many difficultly decomposed organic substances which couldbe described as the following:·OH reacted rapidly with organic substances in the wastewater and the rate constant was about 108~1010mol·s-l, on the other hand, the stability of ·OH could be strengthened in fortissimo acidic environment and correspondingly its oxidation ability declined, as a result, the removal of COD declined too.Fig.1 (d) reflected the effect of the oxidation time on COD removal. It showed that Fenton process had a quick rate within 2h and the COD removal efficiency kept increasing as times elapsed. When the oxidation time was over 3h, the efficiency no longer changed.The COD removal efficiency under the optimum conditions was merely about 45%. So optimization experiments were carried out to optimize the Fenton process in two respects, the dosage rate of H2O2 and the interferences of Cl- in the solution respectively.B. Optimization of dosage rate of H2O2The dosage rate of H2O2 strongly influenced Fenton process efficiency. Experiments were carried out with different dosage rate of H2O2 and the COD were monitored which was showed in TABLE II and Figure 2.Results showed that the COD removal efficiency declined as the dosage rate of H2O2 increased at the beginning. WhenH2O2 was added quickly in, most ·OH could generate ·OH in the catalysis of Fe2+, however, overquick dosage rate of H2O2 caused maldistribution of H2O2, which reacted with ·OH [6]:The reactions consumed some H2O2 and ·OH, so the COD removal efficiency declined; when the dosage rate ofH2O2 was between 0.5 and 1mL/min, most H2O2 reacted with Fe2+ and the COD removal efficiency was raised about 52%. When the dosage rate of H2O2 was controlled at 1 mL/min the COD removal efficiency could be increased by 7% more than that of injected instantly and the effluent COD load was about 815mg/L, which still ha dn’t reached the discharging standard. The reason of the low efficiency might be repressed by the high Cl-concentration in the wastewater. The Cl- which could reacted easily with ·OH, would inhibit Fenton process [7]. The process could be described in (6) and (7).Cl- could contest for ·OH with organic compounds in the wastewater, as a result, some ·OH couldn’t oxidize organiccompounds and the effect of Fenton process was restrained. On the other hand, Cl- could react with Fe3+ and generate complex compounds:These complex compounds of Fe3+ could neither react with H2O2 nor be reduced to Fe2+, so they restrained the generation of ·OH and the effect of Fenton process [8].In order to reduce the inhibiting effect of Fenton, the drilling wastewater was diluted by domestic sewage to reduce the Cl-concentration.C. The influence of the Cl- concentrationThe wastewater was diluted multiple by the domestic sewage with other factors fixed as followed: H2O2/COD=2,H2O2/Fe2+=2:1, the initial pH=4, the oxidation time =3h, then COD and chromaticity of the effluent were monitored and shown in TABLE III and Figure3.Results in Fig.3 showed that when the wastewater was diluted by 1 times, the COD removal efficiency increased slowly, which indicated that the inhibition effect of Cl- (theconcentration was 5000mg/L) was still prominent; as the increasing of the dilution times, the inhibition effectof Cl- got weaken and the COD removal efficiency increased correspondingly; when the dilution times was larger than 3, the COD removal efficiency increased significantly, it raised over 92% and the COD of the effluent was below 60mg/L; but kept diluting, the COD removal efficiency was stable. Experiment results showed that the optimum dilution times of the effluent was 3; the Cl- concentration would be about2500mg/L.IV. CONCLUSIONS1) In the traditional Fenton process, the optimum reaction conditions were ascertained: the ratio of H2O2/ Fe2+was 2:1, the dosage of H2O2 was 8.2mL/L, the initial pH was 4, the oxidation was 3h and the COD removal efficiency was about 45% .2) The dosage rate of H2O2 affected the Fenton process to a certain extent. When the rate was 1mL/min, the COD removal efficiency was about 52%, 7% higher than that of the traditional process.3) The Cl- concentration in the drilling wastewater affected the Fenton process strongly: when the concentration was more than 2500mg/L, the inhibition effect was prominent; when the concentration was below 2500mg/L, the effect was negligible.Under this condition the COD removal efficiency was over 92% and COD of the effluent could be below 60mg/L, which had reached the secondary standards (DB12-356-2008) of Tianjin. The Fenton process was proved to be an effective advanced process to treat the drilling wastewater.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was financed by Tianjin education committee (Grant no. SW 2008 0001). The study on technology of pollutant treatment and its comprehensive utilization for high yield pulp cotton stalk and paper making.REFERENCES[1] Hu Xianguo, Erika Bekassy-Molnar, Gyula Vatai. Study ofultra filtration behavior of emulsified metalworking fluids [J].Desalination, 2002, 149: 191-197.[2] YOU Te,TANG Yun-ping. Progress of research withPhoto-Fenton technology in treatment of non-degradable organic wastewater. Journal of Tianjin PolytechnicUniversity, 2010,29(4):68-73.[3] LIU Zhi-ping, GUO Jin-song, Abdulhussai A Abbsa, etc.Removal Characteristics of DOM in Landfill Leachate byFenton-SBR Process. Journal of Chongqing JianzhuUniversity, 2010,32(4):96-100.[4] PENG Juanhua, MO Zhengping, LI Xudong. Improvementof Biodegradability of Drilling Wastewater Pretreated byFenton’s Reagent. Chin J Appl Environ Biol2008, 14(2):265-269.[5] CHEN Guohua, SHI Chunlian, QI Chunhui. EmulsifiedOil-contaminated Wastewater Treatment by FentonReagent. JOURNAL OF BASIC SCIENCE ANDENGINEERING, 2007, 15(2): 156-162.[6] Kuyukina, M.S., Ivshina, I.B. Ritchkova, M.I., et al.Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Soil UsingSlurry-Phase Biological Treatment and Land FarmingTechniques [J]. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2003,12(1): 85-99.[7] MeDonald, J.A., Portier, R.J. Feasibility studies on in-situbiological treatment of drilling muds at an abandoned site in Sicily [J]. Journal of Chemical Technology andBiotechnology, 2003, 78(6):709-716.[8] Veil. J. A., Innovative Technologies for Managing Oil FieldWaste [J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2003, 125(3):238-248.论利用芬顿氧化处理钻井废水的先进处理工艺元庆斌中国天津天津科技大学海洋科学与工程学院cctv44996@ 庞金朝,杨宗政中国天津天津科技大学材料科学与化学工程学院jzpang@,yzz3520@摘要——通过分析过氧化氢的剂量率和氯离子浓度的干扰这两个因素来优化芬顿工艺。
1 SimMechanics一、关于SimMechanics软件SimMechanics软件拥有一系列的模块库,机械模型和仿真工具。
你可以通过传感器模块和执行器模块将SimMechanics 模块和Simulink模块连接起来。
1. 通过指定刚体的惯性,自由度(DoFs)和约束,以及附着在刚体上的坐标系(CSs)来测量运动和力。
2. 建立传感器记录运动和力,建立执行器和力的单元去初始化运动和施加力(包括连续的和不连续的摩擦力)。
3. 开始仿真,在维持所施加的约束的同时,让Simulink的解算器去发现系统的运动。
4. 应用SimMechanics的可视化窗口,在建立你的模型时你可以形象化你的机器,在运行你的模型时你可以让仿真动画化。
三、刚体(Bodies),坐标系(CSs),关节(Joint)和约束(Constraints) 你可以使用刚体模块建立你的刚体模型,指定模块的质量,惯量张量和刚体坐标系。
绿色 化学 与高校 实验 室污染 控制 … … …… 李 茜 衣守志 吴 燕 , (7 等 5)
语系的 基础上更名为外国语学院。学院 j 的办学宗旨 是: 注重学生创新思维及今 :
2年来. 0 先后招 收了 * 应用英 语 、 业外 贸 、 贸英 语 、 工 外 英语 和 * 日语等 专业 的学生 . 现有 在校生 6 7 3 人 *
建设 生物 工程特 色专业 的思 考 … …… … … 杨 华 肖冬光
设计创 新 型生物 化学 实验 培养学 生创新 能力
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
乔 长晟 , (4 等 5)
;津 技学 国学 天科大外语院
户业 丽 程 波 吕
* 天 津 科技 大 学 外 国 语 学 院成 立 于 * 18 9 7年 . 前身 为应 用 英语 系 . 更名 为 * 后 0 中, (6 经济外 贸系 。2 01年 7月根据学 科属性 等 5) 分为外语 系和经济 管理 系。20 年在外 03
: : 科研、 旅游等部门的外语翻译、 研究、 j 教
张 水 波 ( 4 8)
学和管 理等工作 。
牢 木 丰 丰 木 木 术 丰 丰 卑 半 丰 木 *
游戏教 学法 在零 起点 汉语 口语课 堂 的合 理运 用— —兼 论 对 于任 务型 对外 汉 语 出版单位 : 中国轻工教 育》 《 编辑部
*后可持续 发展潜 能的培养 .增强学 生的
化 工 原 理 教 学 方 法 探 讨 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 杨 宗政 ( 9 *社会竞争 力 。成 立 5)
深化 机电类 教学 与实践 改革 促进 高素 质创新 型人 才培 养
外文资料翻译学院:电子信息与自动化学院专业:自动化专业姓名:杨映熙学号:06021120指导老师:贺庆注意:封面没有页眉页脚基于激光射线源和压电传感器的钢筋残余应力的超声波特性的研究1 介绍注意:正文要有页眉、页脚行距、字体参考本模板,但各章节标号、图形标号等要按照英文原文。
材料的表面特性已经可以用瑞利波(Rayleigh waves)成功的表征了。
2 理论背景应力对于在物质中传播的超声波的最大影响是改变其传播速度。
外文文献及译文(总26页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--本科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Food Handling Using Computer文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):机电工程学院专业:机械工程及自动化班级:机械054姓名:刘翠芹学号:22指导教师:董明晓教授翻译日期:外文文献:Food Handling and Packaging using Computer vision and Robot AbstractEven though the use of robot vision system in manufacturing sectors is now a commonplace, however, the technology embodied in these devices is poorly matched to industrial needs of food processors. In particular, food processing imposes special demands upon machinery. For instance the vision sensor must be programmed to detect the position of single and isolated object as well as overlapping or occluding objects. Special grippers have to be designed for handling of food articles such that they have minimum contact with the food items and hence causing minimum damage to them. In this project, started overa year ago, a vision guidance system is being developed to meet this objective. The system integrates the modified version of the Hough transform algorithm as the main recognition engine. The methods and procedures were tested on commercially produced beef burgers.1. IntroductionFrom the incoming down to the packaging lines, locating, recognizing and handling food objects are very important in food processing industry. These tasks are performed routinely in food industry mainly for quality evaluationand product classification. Such tasks are very laboriously demanding andtend to rely heavily on role of the human operator [1]. Hands of workersusing raw materials of animal origin can heavily be contaminated with faecaland other micro-pathogenic organisms [2]. The study by Trickett [3] hasshown a strong link between food poisoning and the hygiene standards of food processors. Complete automation of food handling and packaging by means of robotic arm is the most effective means to eliminate influence of manual handling of microbiological quality of foods.Robots have successfully been applied in a wide range of food industries primarily dealing with well-defined processes and products not only because they are relatively clean and hygienic, also because of their flexibility, ruggedness and repeatability. This trend will continue to grow with the increasing scrutiny and regulatory enforcements such as and Hazard Analysisand Critical Control Points (HACCP) together with companies that are lookingfor ways to decrease or eliminate worker exposure to repetitive motion tasks and harsh environment. However there are problems and challenges associated with the use of robots in food industry [4].Firstly the food products, despite of the same type, differ in size, shape and other physical variables. This imposes special demands for machinery to handle them,requiring multiple sensory, manipulation and environmental capabilities beyond those available in robots designed to automate manufacturing tasks. Secondly the success of applying robots for food handlers, hinges upon the success of detecting, locating, recognizing and handling severely overlapping and occluding cases of similar food objects. Thirdly,food objects are often delicate and usually covered with either slippery or viscous substances, making high speed handling of such targets a very challenging task. The existing contact-based mechanisms such as the vacuum suctioning and the clamp gripping are not applicable because they can potentially cause injuries and bruising to food products. Hence further research is needed in order to solve these problems. This paper addresses some of the problems, focusing on the methods used to control the robot directlyfrom the vision sensor, attempting to simulate the way that humans use their eyes to naturally control the motion of their arms.2. Materials and MethodsSample PreparationThe chosen food for this study is a locally produced beef-burger. It possesses all the important characteristics which are unique to food products, such that they are very fragile and easily deformed. The average size of the beef-burgers is mm in thickness and mm radius and gm in weight. Surface images of test samples were acquired using 8-bit robot vision system with uniform white background. The white background provides excellent contrast between the burger and the background. The chosen exposure was adjusted sothat the image intensity histograms were approximately centered at mid-way of the full-scale range. The focal distance was selected to allow single as well as multiple samples to fit in the image frame.Robot visionThe robot vision systems used in this study is the Adept Cobra 600 4-DOF articulated scara robot, manufactured by Adept Tech., USA and equipped with Adept Vision Interface, MV-5 Adept controller and TM1001 CCD monochrome camera manufactured by Pulnix Inc., Canada. The camera was mounted onto link 2 of robot arm and illuminated using the warm white deluxe (WWX) fluorescent lighting. The camera is fitted with a C-mount adapter to permit the use of Tamron f/ 8-mm lens. The TM1001 camera is connected to the AVI card via a 12-pin Hirose type camera connector of Hirose Inc., Japan. The robot vision system was operated using Adept’s AIMS and programming libraries, running onGHz and 255 MB RAM Pentium IV PC. Figure 1 shows the set-up of robot vision system.Image ProcessingThe objective of image processing in robot vision applications is mainly to extract meaningful and accurate information from the images, endowing the robots with more sophisticated position control capabilities through the use of vision feedback. The use of a simple geometric method such as introducing specially designed cues into the image scene will not work in this application since the burger images are generally complex, difficult to model andpartially or extensively occluded depending on the viewing angle. Figure 2 shows the typical beef-burger image.In order to accurately translate burger positions to robot movements, the former geometric features must firstly be extracted and secondly matched to the robot's workspace. In this application one of the useful features which uniquely characterize the pose of a burger in arbitrary locations is its centroid. This geometric descriptor is applicable since the shape of a burger is approximately circular. Furthermore this feature preserves variance to translation, rotation and scaling. Before computing the centroid of the realburger images, several preprocessing operations need to be performed on each image.Edge detection operation is carried out to detect the contour of the connected and isolated components, thereby, effectively transforming the original data into a form suitable for further processing. The edge results of Figure 2 computed using well-known Sobel and Robert operators [5] are shown in Figures 3(a),(b),(c)&(d). From these figures it can be seen that the edges determined by these operators comprised of many false edges, discontinuities and spurious spots resulting from uneven and irregular surface of the burger, non-uniform light reflection and shadows. These drawbacks are not acceptable for application described in this paper.A more sophisticated method is needed in order to obtain acceptable results. The method used to solve these problems was based on Canny edge detection operator [6]. Interested readers are referred to this publicationfor detailed mathematical explanation of this relatively new edge detector. Here only the important principles are presented in order to facilitate discussion on robot vision applications on food handling. Canny method for edge detection is principally based on some general ideas.Firstly Canny was the first to demonstrate that convolving an image with a symmetric 2-D Gaussian filter and then, secondly, differentiating in the direction of the gradient form the edge magnitude image. The presence of edges in the original image gives rise to ridges in gradient magnitude image. The objective is to detect the true edge in the right place. This can be done using method known as non-maximal suppression technique. Essentially this method works by tracking along the top of the ridges, retaining only those points at the top of the ridge, whilst suppressing all others. The tracking process exhibits hysteresis controlled by two important parameters. They are the lower threshold value Tlow, and the upper threshold value Thigh. If the edge response is above Thigh, then this pixel definitely constitutes an edge and hence retained. Pixels less than Thigh but greater than greater Tlow are considered as weak edges. Finally tracking was done to bridge all discontinued edges as well as to eliminate the false edges are retained only if they are connected to the strong edge. The result of these operations is an image with thin lines of edge points with improved edge-to-noise ratio. Even though this method reduces the effect of noise, however, the overall quality of edges depends largely on the optimal selection of the standard deviation ?. which defines the Gaussian mask for Canny’s edge detection. Experimentally the optimum value was set to 3. This corresponds to a 25 X 25 kernel. This valueis fixed for given set of background illumination and image gain. Change in any of these external factors such as illumination, image gain, background colour will also affect the optimum value of ?. Figures 4(a)&(b) show results for canny edge detection with ? set to 1 and 3.Comparing Figure 3 and Figure 4, it can be seen clearly that the edges determined by Canny's operator are less corrupted compared to edges detected either by Sobel or Robert operator. The burger edges are more complete in Figure 4 whereas in Figure 3 they are only partially visible and more obscured. Furthermore the retention of major detail by the Canny operator is very evident. The presence of overlapping and partially occluding burgers are visually recognizable. Canny operator therefore has the ability to detect major features of interest in the burger image, allowing the geometric feature of the pick-and-place species of a burger be accurately determined. The algorithm for determining the pick-and-place specie is given in the following section.Centroid Detection AlgorithmOnce the edges of the burgers have been detected, the next step in image analysis is to retrieve and extract the geometric feature which uniquely defines the shape of a burger. One important criterion of this type of shape analysis and retrieval problems is that the method must be invariant totranslation, scaling and translation of images or objects. The use of Hough transform seems to be adequate since this method achieves translation, scaling and rotation invariance by converting a global detection problem in an image space into a more easily solved local peak detection problem in the parameter space [7]. More importantly the Hough transform allows segmentation of overlapping or semi-occluded objects which is critical for processing of burger images.However the original Hough transform works well if analytic equations of object borderlines are known and invariant. In the present context these conditions are very difficult to be fulfilled because the shape of the burger is not a perfect circle. This imperfection is mainly due to non-rigid properties of the burgers, causing them to be easily deformed when pressed or come in contact with any rigid surface such as the conveyor belts. A straightforward application of Hough transform will yield a multiple set of accumulated votes in the parameter space, corresponding to different shapes and sizes of the objects [7]. This may result in many false alarms. Furthermore the ambiguity of indexing and insufficient description of point features may result in false solutions for the recognition of overlapping or semi-occluding objects. In this work we purpose a method to solve some of these problems by modifying the Hough transform employing the latest technique in object recognition based on centroid-contour distance (CCD) curve. The CCD method is given by Wang [8].Figure 5 CCD Curve of CircleThe basic idea of this technique can be explained using illustration in Figure 5. It shows a point Q lying on the contour of a circle which is characterized by a centroid C, and a radius R. The angle between the point Q and the centroid is given by ? Tracing a burger contour can be considered as circling around its centroid. The tracing path in clockwise or anticlockwise direction from fixed starting point represents a shape contour uniquely. In other words a contour point sequence corresponds to a shape uniquely if the starting point is fixed. Hence for a given C, R and ? a point Q on the contour will accurately satisfy the following criterion if the contour belongs to a perfect circle, . Q=(RCosθ,RSinθ) (1)Since in this case a perfect match is impossible to obtain for reasons stated previously, therefore, a point Q is treated as a point belonging to the edge of a burger if it is bounded by maximum and minimum R values.Mathematically(RminCosθ,RminSinθ )?Q?(RmaxCosθ,RmaxSinθ ) (2) where Rmin < R < Rmax is the range of the burger radius as shown in Figure 6. This method works by firstly treating all edge pixels in the binarized image resulting from Canny edge detection, as probable centroids of the objects. Foreach centroid location, secondly, the CCDcurves are traced using Eq. 2. For tracing ? is varied between 0o < θ? 360o, thereby searching for all pixelswhich are bounded between these two contours. If the increment value for θ in Eq. 2 is kept as 1 then the maximum possible pixels that would satisfyas the circumference point for a centroid are 360. Generally smaller ?values above certain limit improves the computation time of the algorithm. For every pixel in the binarised image being considered as the centroid, it is assumed as the center of a circle.Next the number of instances the circumference points of that circle are also edges in the binarised image are determined. If the number of pixels are greater than a threshold, it implies that the centroid pixel being considered is the centroid of the burger.Practically when the above algorithm is applied to burger images, thetotal number of matches would never be the maximum even for a correct centroid. This is because of inevitable noise, irregular light reflection and burger surface shadows. Thus the threshold value for the number of matches has to be fixed below the maximum value 36.To determine the correct value of the threshold the algorithm was applied to sequence of 19 burger images. The criteria for correctly identifying whichspecies of the burger is most likely to be lifted are that, that burger should be minimally overlapped or maximally exposed. As seen in Figure 2 the burger that lies on the top of the heap as well as on the side of the main pile could fulfill the above criterion, and hence, contributed also as the picked-and-place species. The algorithm is applied for the centroid locations from top-left to bottom-right pixels. Thus multiple burgers that satisfy the criteria to be lifted will be prioritized from top-left to bottom-right.By following this criterion the robot will be led to pick and place only those species, thereby reducing the likelihood of damaging the overlapped specie. Figure 7 shows the number of matches of each burger centroid in asequence of images using Eq. 2.3. Experimental Tests and ResultsThe methods and procedures described in the previous sections were experimented using sequence of burger images.The objective of this experiment is to sort the burger individually by pick-and-place operations. In so doing the robot must first examine the present of burgers in the heap, and second, detect which species of burgerthat was most likely to be lifted-up. Prior to experiment, the camera was calibrated for a given mounting position,enabling robot pose with respect to the position and orientation of the burger be accurately mapped.Figures 8(b)-(f) show the sequence of centroids of minimally overlapped burgers revealed using modified Hough transform, starting with detection of the 1st burger and ending with detection of the 7th burger respectively. Only the first seven centroid locations were shown here even though the locations of a total of 19 burgers were successfully located. Each centroid location was fed into a controller which kinematically positioned and orientated therobot's end-effecter in 3D space. In each detection round the pick-and-placespecies of burger was removed from the heap manually. Clearly from Figure 8 the location of a minimally overlapped or maximally exposed burger was accurately revealed in every picked and placed cycle. No partially overlapped or occluded burgers were detected.It can therefore be concluded that the proposed method works well for detecting minimally overlapping burgers which is important in ensuring a correct pick-and-place sequence of the robot. However, one drawback of this technique is that it is a very computationally intensive method, requiring approximately 3-4 seconds for every result. A time consuming yet accurate position detection algorithm may limit its applications in food industry. Hence, a special hardware for fast position detection is now being developed using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip.Moreover a specially designed end-effecter is needed in meeting the need for robotic handling of beef-burgers. Clearly the use of conventional grippers is not suitable since they do not address the task of handling non-rigid materials and they can increase contamination problems of beef-burgers. In order to solve these problems a novel non-contact end effecter employing pneumatic levitation technique [9] is now being investigated in our laboratory.4. ConclusionTechnological development in robotics has the potential to minimize the contamination risk in food handling and packaging. The successful application of this relatively new technology in food industry, however, requires compliant with several processing parameters, namely recognition ofoverlapping and touching objects. In this paper we have implemented arelatively simple but effective recognition of overlapping and touchingobjects for use in robot positioning and guidance. By using global image descriptor together with the advanced image processing, the typicalproblematic steps of extraction and matching of geometric features are eliminated, making it possible to accurately position the robot arm even under severely overlapping cases.The algorithm resulted form this study in modified Hough transform. This algorithm was tested for detection of beef-burgers, and it was discovered that, the system is particularly robust, converging to the desired pose corresponding to a minimally overlapped burger or maximally exposed burgerfrom initial pose over the entire work space. The algorithm has a very good accuracy in detecting the food objects with more than 10% overlapping or occlusion. Further extensions of this work include improvement of robot end-effecter and the kinematics of control scheme to provide continuous motion for applications requiring dynamic tracking.5. AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by Malaysia Intensified Research in Priority Areas grant IRPA 6012602.6. References[1] KHODABANDEHLOO, K., CLARKE, . 1993. Robotics in meat. Fish and Poultry Processing. Chapman and Hall, London.[2] DE-WIT, . 1995. The importance of hand hygiene in contamination of foods. Antonie Van Leeuwenhuek 51, 523-527.[3] TRICKETT, J. 1992. Food hygiene for food handlers. Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.[4] LEGG, B. 1993. Hi-tech agricultural engineering - a contradiction in terms of the way forward. Mechanical Incorporated Engineer, August, 86-90.[5] GONZALEZ, . and WOODS, . 2002. Digital image processing. Prentice Hall, USA.[6] CANNY, . 1986. A computational approach to edge detection. IEEE Transactions Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 8(6), 679-698. [7] ILLINGWORTH, J. and KITTLER, J. 1988. A survey of the Hough transform. Computer Vis., Graphics and Image Process., 44, 87-116.[8] WANG, Z., CHI, Z. and FENG, D. 2003. Shape based leaf retrieval. IEE Proceedings Vis. Image Signal Process., 150(1), 34-42.[9] ERZINCANLI, F. SHARP, J. and ERHAL, S. 1997. Design and Operational Considerations of a Non-contact Robotic Handling System for Non-rigid Materials. Int. J. Mech. Tools Manufact., 38, 353-361.中文译文:利用计算机视觉和机器人进行食品处理和包装1 摘要虽然在制造业使用机器人视觉系统已经相当普及,然而这一技术在机械设备的应用很难符合食品加工的工业需要.特别是,食品加工对机械有特殊要求. 例如视觉传感器必须程序化的检测单一孤立的对象以及重叠或遮挡物体的位置。
Research status and development trend of CAE technology of hot stamping for ultra high strength steel sheetCAI Yu jun , WANG Yu guang , LI Guo he , SUN Qi han( 1. College of Mechanical Engineering , Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2. Tianjin Mo tor Dies Company Limited, Tianjin 300308, China;3. Key Laboratory o f High Speed Cutting and Precision Machining of Tianjin,Tianjin 300222, China)Abstract:With the gradually strengthening of people's environmental protection consciousness and requirements of automobile safety , low energy and low emission and security are considered first by motor corporations. The hot stamping technology of ultra high strength steel sheet is an important way to reduce the automobile weight, and improve the resistance of shock and collision. And it has become the hot technology in the current world automobile manufacturing .The development status of the CAE technology of hot stamping for ultra high strength steel sheet was summarized.And the disadvantages and development trends were pointed out, which had a certain significance for guiding the research and application of hot stamping technology in our country .Keywords:ultra high strength steel sheet; hot stamping ; CAE technologyWith the gradual strengthening of the people's awareness of environmental protection and increasing the performance requirements of automotive safety, the control of the countries in the world of automotive safety and environmental regulations become more stringent. Major car companies have adopted the automobile lightweight to reduce fuel consumption, reduce engine emissions (in various measures to reduce fuel consumption, reduce emissions, reduce vehicle weight effect is most obvious vehicle weight reduced by 10%, fuel savings of 3% ~ 8%). Is lightweight and still meet crash safety requirements, the major car companies in the optimization the automobile framework and structure at the same time, the focus turned to the application of new materials, the new art. In this context, ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping technology came into being. Ultra strength steel sheet hot-stamping is an advanced high-strength steel sheet is heated to the austenite temperature quickly after stamping, in the holding pressure phase through the die to achieve quenching and to achieve the desired cooling rate, organized as to therebyobtain a uniform martensite strength new forming technology for ultra-high-strength parts in about 1500MPa. Study and promote the use of advanced high-strength steel and ultra-high-strength steel, hot-stamping technique to improve the car's crash performance, automotive lightweight.Hot stamping of ultra high strength steel as an emerging technology, the less published the results of the field, the presence of blockade and monopoly. At home and abroad on the core technology of ultra high-strength sheet metal hot stamping mostly still in the exploratory trial stage, especially CAE analysis section. The ultra-high-strength steel material hot stamping CAE analysis technology, pointed out the existing problems and development direction.1 hot stamping CAE analysis of the status quoCAE analysis as the key technology of ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping field can be divided into the forming process analysis (forecast hot stamping parts manufacturing), Paul pressed the quenching process analysis (prediction of microstructure and mechanical properties of the parts) and rebound (forecast parts forming precision) 3, the following were to be addressed.1.1 CAE analysis of the forming processHot stamping process refers to the process of high temperature austenitic state sheet hot stamping die within a short time of rapid prototyping. CAE analysis sheet in ahigh-temperature austenitic state, high-strength steel hot stamping process, first to obtain the high temperature mechanical properties of high-strength steel plate. In a foreign country, the University of Padova, Italy Nakazima test carried out on the basis of the phase shift test with high temperature forming tests, hot forming of high strength steel plate forming limit diagram (Forming Limit Diagram FLD), finite element hot stamping the simulation provides accurate data.In the country, Harbin Institute of Technology School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering the material is heated to about950 ℃ its austenitizing austenite homogenization and incubated for a period of time,the isothermal and non-isothermal forming conditions, the V-shaped curved and grooved member forming the test to get the22MnB5 the high temperature mechanical performance.U SI-BOR1500 Tongji University selected Arcelor production of high strength steel, its temperature mechanical properties test. Secondly, the hot stamping stage CAE analysis also need to analyze based on the elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, a high-temperature state where the stress-strainrelationship and steel friction characteristics such as the the predicted hot stamping manufacturability.In a foreign country, Sweden, Lulea University of Technology in 2002 with a compression test and thermal expansion of the high temperature of the hot stamping steel 22MnB5 measurement Gleeble 1500 thermal simulation machine, mechanical and thermal properties of the material data to establish the material model The simulation analysis of the hot stamping process of forming force, the distribution of sheet thickness and hardness distribution. The results show that: the quenching process in forming sheet metal because of its internal organization of different mechanical performance changes; different strain rate on the flow stress under different temperatures. RWTH Aachen University, Germany, by the finite element simulation and experimental verification 22MnB5 steel hot stamping process parameter variations.Nuremberg University in support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) project of hardened steel plate hot stamping process related research, hot stamping basic research carried out in 2005. Through a lot of trials in the country in recent years, Shanghai Baosteel Group, made a series of breakthroughs in the steel plate hot stamping parts manufacturing, and to meet industrial requirements. Such as some models B pillar reinforcement plate of hot stamping manufacturability analysis (Figure 1), and the parts commissioning rushed and results than. Can be said the Baosteel hot stamping manufacturability analysis can more accurately forecast parts hot stamping defects, which have an important role in the optimization, improved parts nature and hot stamping puter Application Institute of China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chongqing University, School of Mechanical Engineering using Super Form Software, large thick-walled hemispherical head with a straight edge, hot-stamping process finite element simulation, billet and hot stamping deformation mold friction factors shaping Data provides reference data to the sheet metal hot stamping technology development. The application of three-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element model of Jilin University, Materials Science and Engineering and MSC Marc axle housing hot stamping process simulation analysis, analysis of forming processes under different temperature, punching speed, friction conditions found in hot stamping process of the axle housing, stress and temperature value with the change of the stamping process parameters temperature changes, but the same laws of their distribution. Determined on this basis, the best thermal stamping process parameter, wherein the press moldingtemperature should be higher than 700 °C, and the punching speed should be lessthan 20 mms. Tongji University, Mechanical and Material Engineering the productionmm specialized mold, mainly hot stamping process sheet metal heating s∙temperature, the internal organization structure mode and stamping speed stampingforming. Huazhong University of Science and Technology of Materials Science andEngineering, Jilin University, Materials Science and Engineering B-pillar hotstamping exam will Numisheet 2008, to establish the model of the B-pillar, hotstamping, coupled numerical analysis of the thickness distribution in the formingprocess. The results showed that: the the sectional thickness distribution within therange of ±5% of the test results, the thickness of the tail fillet thinning large amount;force parameters of hot stamping about cold stamping tenth.1.2 CAE analysis of the quenching processThe pressure quenching process is of the ultra high strength steel hot stampingPaul refers to the process sheet rapid forming, the state of maintaining the pressurewithin the mold from the austenitic state to a certain degree of cooling rate ofquenching and to obtain a uniform martensite Part. CAE analysis of the process ismainly based on the mold's cooling system the complex thermal coupling analysis topredict into Shaped parts of the microstructure and mechanical properties, the 2simulated forming surface hardness distribution. The technology is the urgent need toovercome the technical problems in the current global context, and so far there is nogood solution.Holding pressure quenching relates to the parts internal organizationtransformation from austenite to martensite and the resulting parts mechanicsperformance changes.To increase the holding pressure quenching the CAE analysisaccuracy, we must first predict accurately set tact, the cooling water to the settemperature, pressure, and flow into the mold cooling circuit can be generated at hightemperature steel cooling rate, and considering the mold cooling the systemdistributed manner and size of the entire parts quenching process, and then thecomplex coupled thermo analysis, so as to predict the microstructure and mechanicalproperties of the parts.RWTH Aachen University, Germany by finite element simulation andexperimental verification 22MnB5 steel hot stamping holding pressure quenchingprocess temperature and punch pressure changes. The German Daimler Chrysleranalysis of the difficulties that may arise in the simulation of hot stamping quenchingprocess, especially on the uneven distribution of the contact heat transfer andtemperature of the sheet hot stamping simulation. University of Padua, Italy, in 2006, obtained by thermal dilatometer continuous cooling transformation of 22MnB5 characteristic parameters to obtain the initial martensitic transformation temperature of 382 ° C, and a continuous cooling single Gleeble 3800 thermal simulation machine 22MnB5 material to the tensile test, the analysis of the flow stress under different initial temperature and strain rate conditions, found that temperature is the main factor to affect the flow stress and strain rate. And referring Nakazima test apparatus developed a new type of high-temperature molding performance testing apparatus. The Iran Arak University research hot deformation conditions on the martensitic transformation. By thermal expansion and thermal unidirectional compression tests, analysis of the deformation of the initial temperature, strain and strain rate on the martensite transformation temperature and martensite content.Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University and Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, using the basic theory of heat transfer analysis, heat transfer the hot stamping quenching process to establish the analytical model based on its heat transfer characteristics and verified by experiments concluded, hot stamping process in steel plate temperature exponential change. Tongji University Mechanical of Materials Science and Engineering, Arcelor production the U SIBOR1500 high strength steel for the material, the thermal simulation and specialized mold, internal changes in the organizational structure of the holding pressure quenching process sheet, dwell time, cooling the critical speed (quenching speed), stamping mold temperature change on the quenching effect. Huazhong University of Science and Technology of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Materials Science and Engineering, hot stamping exam Numisheet 2008 B-pillar, the establishment of the model of the B-pillar, hot stamping, through the numerical simulation of the coupled thermo holding pressure quenching process has been hot stamping process sheet temperature and thickness distribution law. The results show that: the board the material Blankholder area temperature decreased rapidly, but its temperature is higher than 600 ° C until the termination of forming, does not result in the department of material forming difficulties; parts tail rounded at the temperature is too high, the local temperature is too high sheet generate local flow, resulting in thinning too large; after the end of the molding, the sheet clamping region lower temperature, while the the tail rounded corners and the beam surface temperature is high, the overall difference in temperature of the sheet is about400 ℃. Thus, the sheet in the quenching process of the pressure keeping the uniformity of the temperature change is the key to the design of the mold cooling system.1.3 Rebound CAE analysis processRebound CAE analysis process The hot stamping of sheet springback occurs in the completion of the pressure holding quenching and withdrawing pressure, elastic recovery from deformation resulting in the shape and dimensions of the parts of the changes which are inconsistent with the mold, a phenomenon called spring back. Because it is molded in the high temperature and quenching conditions, so much smaller compared with the cold stamping springback.CAE analysis of this process is the use of computer simulation technology to predict the forming precision parts. But so far, the rebound analysis or the entire stamping sector are not properly solve the global problem. Stage of each of the the international NUMISHEET meeting (sheet metal stamping simulation conference) have about there bound the standard exam and rebound CAE analysis, the locality research results released. As before hot stamping process analysis and the holding pressure quenching process analysis complexity, precise springback lead to the final stage of analysis becomes very difficult. Currently, the industry is basically like mold by making trial rushed to test the mechanical properties and dimensional accuracy of the parts,but the extension of the mold design cycle, increased manufacturing costs of the steel plate hot stamping parts. Studied abroad in high-strength steel plate hot stamping rebound scholars at the University of Tokyo, Japan, they carried out theoretical studies of high-strength steel plate hot stamping springback and forming temperature, verify that the plastic deformation zone and passed the test compared the bending deformation of the zone temperature is higher than 750K, and the springback of the molded parts significantly reduced. Oriental University in Naples, Italy] using the Auto Form software of two materials DP600 and TRIP800 of stamping rebound analog.Domestic Harbin Institute of Technology School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering ABAQU S software 22MnB5high-strength steel in high temperature trench-shaped pieces of stamping a numerical simulation study. Thermoformed material model based on the coupled thermo elastic-plastic finite element model and hot forming, numerical simulation of hot forming of the groove-shaped pieces, the effects of the process parameters of the BHF, die gap and die radius when the temperature distribution and the rebound of thethe hot forming spring back generation mechanism, determine the appropriate process parameters through hot forming test to verify the reliability of the numerical results, Figure BHF simulated back the impact of the bomb. And to study the factors that affect the 22MnB5ultra high strength steel hot stamping springback. Such as temperature and non-isothermal experiments investigated the deformation temperature, thermal forming the end of the temperature and the BHF thermoformed rebound. Concluded: the thermal effect is caused by the rebound the main factors, reduce the amount of springback after hot forming creep strain, creep strain and thermal effects are the main factors that affect the rebound in the hot forming. Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory rebound angle as there bound value, based ISO2CD24213 / 2006 method, the use the Dynaform of high-strength steel plate stamping and rebound numerical simulation of sheet thickness, the sheet width BHF draw bead and material properties and other factors on the rebound value. The study found: a decreasing trend with the the BHF increase resilience value within a certain range. This study provides a reference to the ultra-high-strength sheet metal hot stamping springback.2 existing problems and future trendsThe ultra-high-strength steel hot stamping technology is the thermal processing of the sheet and the quenching process is a combination of a new complex forming technology. It makes ultra-high strength steel with small deformation resistance, good plasticity, high forming limit, and the accuracy and strength of the formed parts. The development of CAE analysis technology, there are still many shortcomings and inadequacies, mainly reflected in:(1)as an emerging technology, published the results of the field of ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping CAE analysis less, there is a technology blockade and monopoly the manufacturers in this area were also the form of enterprise technology secrets, strict protection and blockade been reported are the results of the analysis, rather than the process;(2)the accuracy of the material mechanical properties data is a high-strength steel plate heat the stamping CAE analysis to obtain the correct results, the high-strength steel in high temperature conditions the study of the mechanical properties of small change and its impact on the mechanical properties of the organization in the quenching process is not very clear;(3)In determining the thermal conductivity and coefficient of friction, there arealso a lot of uncertainties, so that the simulation results with the actual situation there is a larger deviation;(4)on the less hot stamping mold cooling channels in the rational design and optimize the mold cooling channels has yet to be further in-depth study;(5)on the part of the rebound after forming less sheet rebound to adapt theoretical criteria analysis did not find the rebound analysis still stamping sector finite element simulation and optimization software properly solve the global problem;(6)the lack of a dedicated high-strength steel hot stamping process;(7)high-strength steel plate hot stamping process CAE analysis, both involved in sheet metal forming and springback process macroscale simulation involving micro-scale simulation of the process of transformation of austenite to martensite, and yet no more on the process of high-strength steel hot stamping scale simulation reported in the literature.To do this in the future in the following areas to increase the intensity of ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping CAE technology: (1) as the research object forming stage of the hot stamping process, test equipment measuring material hardness in the austenitic state, microstructure, flow curves, material thermophysical parameters, parameters of the mechanical properties and forming limit, set up by the strain, strain rate and temperature, said austenitic state macroscopic flow stress model, provide reliable data for the numerical simulation studies; (2)uniform martensite, you need to study the the hot stamping cooling stage phase change mechanism calculated material flow stress and organizational changes related case, set up to consider the material forming temperature, cooling rate and phase transition behavior constitutive model, strengthening to control theory study of martensitic transformation to martensite conversion percentage and grain size and uniformity of the quench process CAE analysis to lay the foundation; (3) the heat of the hot stamping process forming process viscoplastic theory and modeling of the finite element method; (4) research hot stamping process cooling stage thermal elastic-plastic finite element theory and modeling methods; (5) to draw plastic mold and extrusion mold cooling channels CAE analysis and optimization of the design successful experience to carry out the cooling channels of high-strength steel hot stamping die CAE analysis and optimization techniques; (6) and ultra-high strength steel plate hot stamping parts rebound vigorously in the and accurate forming process and quenching process CAEanalysis CAE analysis basis, to improve the accuracy of springback prediction; (7) taking into account the sheet metal forming, the springback process the macroscopic deformation and cooling process austenite Markov transition microscopic processes, to carry out the process of hot stamping stamping process, will become an important direction for analysis of ultra-high strength steel plate hot stamping CA E; (8) on the basis of theoretical studies developed finite element simulation and optimization software dedicated to hot stamping process, so that the engineering and technical personnel can take advantage of simulation and optimization the software of the corresponding parts of the hot stamping process numerical analysis and process optimization, and a reasonable hot stamping process plan is formulated according to the results of simulation and optimization.3 ConclusionUltra high strength steel plate hot stamping technology is the future development trend of the world auto industry, and CAE analysis technology is the core technology of high-strength steel plate hot stamping. The the foreign hot stamping CAE technology is more mature, has been widely used in the actual production of the mold. But due to the technology blockade reasons, the analysis of ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping CAE also not deep enough and the system, which greatly hampered the ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping technology applications in the automotive industry in China. Vigorously carry out the study of ultra high strength steel plate hot stamping CAE analysis techniques, in order to break the monopoly of foreign technology in the field of high-strength steel plate hot stamping, to promote the rapid development of the automotive industry as one of the pillar industries of China's national economy, reduce manufacturing costs, improve enterprise competitiveness force, as soon as possible so that our country into the world's automobile manufacturing powerhouse from the world's automotive manufacturing country.。
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从.NET微软网络框架软件工具开发包(SDK)文件中和Microsoft Visual Studio .文件中更多的难懂的复杂的实例被发现第二步将要检验教学环境,一个教学服务器在校园内部网上被建立。