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Contractor单位: 中国核工业华兴建设有限公司 SUBJECT主题:Hazards Analysis of Lifting Work吊装作业危险分 Date日期:2014年4月24日 析 Prepared By编制:张聪 Check By审核: Approved By审批: RISK NUMBER风险编号: HSE Manager HSE经理:张聪 Rev0 Permit Potential Hazards潜在危险 有效的安全措施及安全注意事项Safety measurement and cautions required 许可证要 求 1、.prior to erection clarification must be carried out so to command unitedly .作业前 要进行交底,让所有作业人员了解设备安装过程存在的危险和应采取的安全措施。 2、Communicate first, make sure that crane, capacity are satisfied. 提前沟通,保证 进场吊车、汽车性能良好,符合安全要求。 crane entrance lift vehicle 吊车进场 吊装车辆transport equipment vehicle 运输车辆 vehicle entrance warning tools 设备运输车辆进 警示维护器械 场 1、if the capacity of vehicle can not 3.、Certificates and qualifications of the vehicls and personnel must be ready and be guaranteed, safety will be effective.作业车辆和操作人员证件、证书齐全有效。 effected. 车辆性能如果不能保证,就 会影响 4、vehicals' ridding as per the regulated speed and its backing guided by specific 到吊装的安全性。 persons.进场车辆设专人带车,倒车有人指挥,按场内限制速度行驶。
lifting work吊装 作业
lifting work吊装 作业
吊装车辆 transport vehicle 运输车辆 euqipment and tools used 使用设 备、工具
Y Permit Potential Hazards潜在危险 有效的安全措施及安全注意事项Safety measurement and cautions required 许可证要 collision between equipment and objects设备与物体碰撞 求 6、to use tow rope to prevent equipment from rocking要使用溜绳控制设备晃动 7、.平整吊车站位地基并压实,使用枕木和吊车路基板,车腿打平、打牢;审核吊装数 吊车倾覆turn over of crane 据要与吊装方案相符。Make the treatment of the foundation and compaction, use sleeper and roadbed plate and make the planish. the data shuld apply to the lifting plan statement. 1、Recheck weight of objects before lifting, holding some minutes after leave away from ground,inspect hoisting sling, crane capacity situation,and lift slowly under the circumstance of no any promblems.起吊前再次核对吊物重量,吊起后停留几分钟, 检查吊索具、吊车承载情况,无任何问题再慢慢起吊。 2、吊机进行抬吊,吊索、吊物与地面保持垂直,不得有扭、拉、拽现象。 crane cooperate to make the lift, the sling and the nature should be vertical to the ground, no unnecessary force should be found. 3.Keep a safe distance from the pipe gallery, the rotation radius of crane not less than 1 meter.吊车旋转半径与管廊保持安全距离,不低于1米。 Y
Assembly of crane and 2
harness and ladder 2.failure to wear safety harness and 2.to tie safety belts on reliable and firm objects and high then use it at lower place.登 not tie off may cause fall due to slip. 高作业系挂安全带,安全带一定要系挂在牢靠的物体上,并要高挂低用。 没有系挂安全带脚下滑动容易发生坠 落危险。 3、to set life line in good condition拉设好生命线 Y
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้euqipment and No. Activity/Element tools used 使用设 序号 作业步骤 备、工具
5、goods in vehicle must be secured and firm.车内的货物一定要固定牢靠。
6、to make sure that all slings and riggings should be inspected and certified and labeled or identified.保证所有的吊具检查合格,贴有检验标识。
No. Activity/Element 序号 作业步骤
to use cranes 使用吊机吊装
1、Improper operation cause may cranes and riggings vehicle turn over操作不当存在车辆 吊车、吊索具。 倾覆危险
1、clean up all tools, machines and sling etc., and clean the site. Wireropes, lifting belts, shackles and sleepers should be returned to the warehouse and stored properly. 清理现场各种工具、机具、索具等。打扫施工现场。钢丝绳、吊带、卡 环、道木等及时回收库房,应妥善保管好。 Y 2、take proper protection measures after equipment is installed in position .设备就位 后注意维护工作,保护成品
working at 安全带 height吊车组装 梯子 登高作业
1.、清理吊装区域人员,吊装区域要有警示围护、未经授权不得进入.Warning fences should be set upp in the lifting area;no entrance without approval. 吊装区域为危险区 lifting area is dangerous zone 2.、only the professional experienced the trained and get the operation permit can carry out the lifting .只有经过培训并取得操作许可证的专业人员进行吊装作业. 被坠落物砸伤。 struck by falling objects. lifting vehicle 吊装车辆 transport vehicle 运输车辆 砸伤、挤伤、撞伤 hurt by hiting ,crowding and pushing 吊带、钢丝绳断裂 sling,wire strands' broken 卸扣、卡环脱丝shakcle, clamp ring's slide out 3.、No one is allowed to stand or walk under the lifting boom and load.起重臂、重物 下严禁站立、行走.。 4、Don't put the hand and feet between two nature to prevent extrusion.手脚不要放 在两物体之间,防止设备就位积压手脚。 5.、ensure the machines in good condition and the wire strands and shackels should be intact so as to satisfy the requirements of lifting.要确保机械处于良好状态、钢丝 绳、卡具要完好无损满足吊装要求.
No. Activity/Element 序号 作业步骤
euqipment and tools used 使用设 备、工具
Permit Potential Hazards潜在危险 有效的安全措施及安全注意事项Safety measurement and cautions required 许可证要 1.No proper access climbing may 1、tuse ladder when working at height of 1.8m and some ones should hold the fall.无通道,上下攀爬存在高空坠落 ladder.超过1.8m登高卸车要使用梯子上下,使用梯子下面有人扶。 危险。 求
清理场地文明施 使用手推车 use 工site cleaning handcart
1、其他安全隐患other hidden dangers2. poor housekeeper.现场不 整洁。