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• 'The play may begin at any moment,' I said.
• may + do • 可能会/是… • at any moment = at any time • 随时 • at the moment = at the time • 此时此刻
• 'It may have begun already,' Susan answered.
'I hurried to the ticket-office. 'May I have two tickets please ?' I asked.
'I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.
'What a pity!' Susan exclaimed.
• Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office. 'Can I return these two tickets?' he asked. 'Certainly,' the girl said.
• e.g: Since your car broke down, you

might as well use mine.
• 'The play may begin at any moment,' I said.
'It may have begun already,' Susan answered.
• waiting room 候车(诊)室
• post office
• 3. pity (c.n.) ☺令人遗憾的事;
• What a pity !
• e. g: It is a pity that he cann’t come.

(u.n.) ☺同情

out of pity

• e. g: I gave the beggar some
• Could ☺can的过去式

• 'Certainly, ‘ the girl said, 'but they are for next Wednesday's performance.
• 'I might as well have them,' I said sadly.
• might as well 还是 … 好;不妨
office. • Just then = just at that time
• ‘Can I return these two tickets?’ he
asked. Can ☺ 能,会

• return sth.
• 'Certainly,' the girl said.
• 'Could I have those two tickets please ?' I asked.
• hurriedly (adv.)匆忙地
• e.g: He shaved hurriedly and cut his face badly.
• 2. ticket office 售票处
• e.g: Could you tell me where the

ticket office is?

money out of pity.
• 4. exclaim (v.) 大声说
• e. g: The children exclaimed with

• cry scream shout
• 5. return (v.) ☺返回
• return to sp.

☺ 退还
• Can I return these two tickets ?
You need return the book within 3 days.

(n.) 返程,往返

two return tickets to London
• 6. sad (adj.) 悲伤的 • a sad story / look / event • We have sad news to tell you • sadly (adv.) 悲哀地 • He looked at me sadly. • They cried sadly. • sadness (n.) 悲伤;伤心 • Sadness is bad to health.
• may have done • 对过去事情的猜测 • “可能已经…” • They may have fallen asleep.
• 'I hurried to the ticket office. • hurry to sp. • = go to sp. in a hurry • = go to sp. hurriedly 'May I have two tickets please ?' I
asked. • 'May I…? • 表请求,“我可以…吗?”
• 'I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.
• sell out wenku.baidu.com完;售光
• He has sold out all the newpapers.
• 'What a pity !' Susan exclaimed. • What a/an + adj.+ c.n.单! • Just then, a man hurried to the ticket
人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力, 明辨是非的能力。 所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读, 古人说“书中自有黄金屋。 ”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识, 培养逻辑思维能力; 通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平, 培养文学情趣; 通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。 有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操, 给我们巨大的精神力量, 鼓舞我们前进。
'Could I have those two tickets please ?' I asked.
'Certainly, 'the girl said, 'but they are for next Wednesday's performance.
'I might as well have them,' I said sadly.