中石油通用英语选读课文40fundamental techniques in handling pe

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40 Fundamental<基本的> Techniques in Handling<处理> People


1. On the morning of April 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln lay dying<奄奄一息地躺在>in a hall bedroom of a cheap lodging<寄住的,暂住的>house directly across the street from Ford's Theater, where John Wilkes Booth had shot him. Lincoln's long body lay stretched<伸展> diagonallyacross a sagging<下陷的,下垂> bed that was too short for him. A cheap reproduction<复制品,仿制品> of Rosa Bonheur's famous painting The Horse Fair hung above the bed, and a dismalgas jet<煤气喷嘴,煤气火焰>flickered<发出> yellow light.


2. As Lincoln lay dying, Secretary of War Stanton said, "There lie s the most perfect ruler<元首,统治者> of men that the world has ever seen."


3. What was the secret of Lincoln's success in dealing with people? I studied the life of Abraham Lincoln for ten years and devoted<投入>all of three years to writing and rewriting<润色>a book entitled<书名叫做>Lincoln the Unknown.

I believe I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of Lincoln's personality<个性,人格,人品> and home life as it is possible for any being to make. I made a special study of Lincoln's method of dealing with people. Did he indulge in<热衷于,沉湎于>criticism? Oh, yes. As a young man in the Pigeon Creek Valley of Indiana, he not only criticize d but he wrote letters and poems<诗> ridiculingpeople and dropped these letters on the country roads where they were sure to be found. One of these letters aroused<引起> resentmentsthat burned for a lifetime.

3.林肯待人方面成功的秘诀是什么?我花了十年的时间研究亚伯拉罕·林肯的一生,并投入(devote to + n. / doing sth)了整整三年的时间写作和润色一本叫做《林肯

不为人知的一面》的书。我相信我已经尽了人类一切的可能,对林肯的个性和他的家庭生活,做了详尽和透彻的研究。关于林肯待人的方法我还做了特别的研究。(make a study of v.仔细研究)林肯热衷于批评吗?是的,年轻时,他住在印第安纳州的鸽溪谷;他不但批评他人,还写信做诗揶揄别人,他把写好的信扔到乡间街道上故意让人看到,其中有一封信所引起的怨恨,延续了一辈子。

4. Even after Lincoln had become a practicing<开业的,在工作的> lawyer in Springfield, Illinois, he attacked<攻击> his opponents<对手> openly<公开地>

in letters published in the newspapers. But he did this just once too often.


5. In the autumn of 1842 he ridiculed<讥笑> a vain<自负的>, pugnacious politician<政客>by the name of James Shields. Lincoln damnedhim through an anonymous<匿名的>letter published in Springfield Journal. The town roared with laughter<捧腹大笑,哄堂大笑>. Shields, sensitive<敏感的> and proud, boiled<怒火中烧,沸腾> with indignation. He found out who wrote the letter, leaped<跳> on his horse, started after Lincoln, and challenged him to fight a duel. Lincoln didn't want to fight. He was opposed to dueling,but he couldn't get out of<退出> it and save his honor. He was given the choice of weapons<武器>. Since he had very long arms, he chose cavalrybroadswords and took lessons in sword fighting<刀术>from a West Point graduate; and, on the appointed day, he and Shields met on a sandbar in the Mississippi River, prepared to fight to the death; but, at the last minute, their seconds<助阵者,助手> interrupted and stopped the duel.

5.1842年秋季,林肯讥笑一个自大好斗的政客,这人叫詹姆斯·西尔滋。林肯在春田的报上,刊登出一封匿名信讽刺他,令镇上的人都捧腹大笑起来。西尔滋是个敏感和骄傲的人,怒火中烧。他查出写这封信的人是谁,跳上了马,去找林肯(start after sb. ),要和他作一次决斗。林肯不想打架,反对决斗,可是为了自己的面子又不能退出。对方给他选择武器的自由。林肯手臂特别长,就选了骑兵用的大砍刀,他向一位西点军校毕业生学习刀术。到了指定的日期,他和西尔滋在密西西比河的河滩上碰头,准备决一死战,就在最后一刻,他们双方的助阵者介入并阻止了决斗。

6. That was the most lurid personal incident<事件,小插曲> in Lincoln's life. It taught him an invaluable<无价的> lesson in the art of dealing with people. Never again did he write an insulting<侮辱的,无礼的> letter. Never again did he ridicule<取笑> anyone.
