航次租船合同范本中英合同编号:_______甲方(承租人):_______乙方(出租人):_______根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方承租乙方船舶进行货物运输的事宜,达成如下协议:一、船舶信息1.1 船名:_______1.2 船籍:_______1.3 船舶类型:_______1.4 载重吨位:_______1.5 船舶所有人:_______1.6 船舶经营人:_______二、航次信息2.1 航次:_______2.2 起始港:_______2.3 目的港:_______2.4 装货时间:_______2.5 卸货时间:_______2.6 货物名称:_______2.7 货物数量:_______2.8 货物包装:_______三、运费及支付3.1 运费:_______3.2 支付方式:_______3.3 支付时间:_______四、船舶租赁期限4.1 起租时间:_______4.2 还船时间:_______五、船舶使用及维护5.1 甲方有权在租赁期内使用乙方船舶进行货物运输。
5.2 甲方应按照乙方提供的船舶操作规程进行操作,确保船舶及货物安全。
5.3 甲方负责租赁期内船舶的日常维护和保养,确保船舶处于良好状态。
六、保险6.1 甲方应按照乙方要求购买船舶保险,保险费用由甲方承担。
6.2 保险期间:_______七、违约责任7.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,导致合同无法履行,应承担违约责任。
7.2 违约方应向守约方支付违约金,违约金的计算方式为:_______八、争议解决8.1 本合同的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。
8.2 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,可以向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。
九、其他约定9.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
9.2 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
英文航次租船合同2篇篇1Ship Charter Party合同编号:[合同编号]Date: [签订日期]甲方(Charterer):[甲方名称]乙方(Shipowner):[乙方名称]鉴于甲方需要运输货物,乙方拥有并经营适航船只,双方经友好协商,达成如下航次租船合同:一、运输船舶1. 船名(Name of Ship):[船名]2. 船旗国(Flag Country):[船旗国名]3. 船舶所有人(Shipowner):[船舶所有人名称]4. 船舶国籍(Ship Nationality):[船舶国籍]5. 船型、船龄及船舶技术性能等船舶状况(Description of Ship):[船舶状况描述]二、货物运输1. 货物名称与数量(Description of Cargo):[货物名称与数量]2. 装船港与卸船港(Loading Port and Disporting Port):[港口名称]3. 货物装运时间(Loading Time):[装运时间]4. 货物到达时间(Arrival Time):预计[到达时间],允许前后浮动不超过XX天。
三、运输费用1. 总运费(Total Freight):[总运费金额]。
2. 其他费用(Other Charges):包括但不限于港口费用、海关费用等,由甲方承担。
四、船舶管理1. 乙方负责船舶的航行、操作和管理,确保船舶适航、适货。
2. 甲方不得干涉乙方的船舶正常运营与管理。
五、保险与赔偿1. 乙方应为船舶购买必要的保险,包括但不限于船舶保险、货物运输保险等。
[net or gross] m/t foist.[](C) per[net or gross] m/t on free in and liner out.[](D) per[net or gross] cbm foist:](B)每[净或毛]公吨,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。
8. Freight Payme nt: [In dicate Alter native (A) or (B) or (C) with V] [](A) Freight to be paid with inbanking daysafter completion of loading.[](B) Freight to be paid with inbanking daysafter completion of loading, but always before break ing bulk.Freight collected or to be 第八条运费的支付:[使用V标明选择(A) 或(B)或(C)]:](A)运费应于装货结束后个银行工作日内支付。
按照以上(A)或(B)已收取或航次租船合同确认书(中英文)标签:租船合同航次租船合同确认书(中英文)X航次租船合同确认书(中英文)Fixture Note of Voyage Charter (2000 Standard Form )Owner:出租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Teleph one:电话Charterer:承租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Teleph one:电话It is mutually agreed between A company as Owners and B company as Charterers that租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规范:M/V: 船名:Flag: 船旗国:Built: 建造时间:Classification: 船级:Registered Shipowners: 登记船东GT 总吨/ NT 净吨/ DWT 载重吨TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷LOA/BM: 米总长/型宽MSGrain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容/包装舱容:________ 立方米CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:Derr: 吊杆Tweendeck: 二层甲板[add other items when necessary] 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:[Indicate Alternative ( A) or (B) with V]使用V标明选择( 人)或(B)[ ](A) m/ts of in [bag or bulk], % more or less at option [Owners 'option or Charterers 'option].( A) ___ 公吨_____ [袋装或散装]货物_______ ,增加或减少_____ %,由___ [出租人或承租人]选择。
英文航次租船合同3篇篇1航次租船合同(Sample Ship Charter Contract)本合同(“租船合同”)由以下两方签订:甲方(Charterer):____________________(船东全称)乙方(Shipowner):___________________(租船方全称)鉴于乙方同意将其拥有的船舶出租给甲方用于特定航次运输,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、船舶描述(Description of Ship)船舶名称(Name of Ship):_____________________船舶类型(Type of Ship):_____________________船舶吨位(Gross Tonnage):_____________________船舶尺寸(Length,Beam and Depth):具体描述船只的长度、宽度和深度船舶状态(Condition of Ship):详细描述船只的整体状况,包括设备配置等。
二、租船条款和条件(Terms and Conditions of Charter)一)航次详情(Voyage Details)本合同涉及的具体航次详情,包括出发港、目的港和航行路线。
二)租金及支付方式(Rent and Payment)约定租金总额、支付方式和时间表等。
三)货物的装载与卸载(Loading and Unloading)双方应明确货物的装载和卸载责任,包括但不限于装卸时间、装卸费用等。
竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除租船合同中英文范文篇一:中英文租船合同FixturenoteITIsonThIsDATe(24ThJuLY,20XX)muTuALLYAgReeDbeTweenTheunDeRsIgneDpARTIesFoRTheFoL LowIngAnDconDITIons:即日起双方就租船事宜达成如下协议:1)peRFoRmIngVesseL:船舶mVApJsuRYAVIRoRsubbuILT1990,InDIAn-FLAg.cLAss-bV装率:10,000吨每晴天工作日,包括周日和节假日15,000pwwDshIncATDIschARgIng。
9)DemuRRAge:30,000usDpDpR/DhDwTsATbenDs.DespATch:us D10,000.00,pDpR/DhDwTsATbenDs.滞期费:30,000美金每天不足一天按一天计算。
9.1)IFAnYATLoADIngpoRTTobeseTTLeDTogeTheRwIThFReIghTbeF oRebReAKbuLKAnDDemuRRAgeATDIschARgIngpoRTTobeseTTLe Dw/IThRee(3)bAnKIngDAYsAFTeRcompLeTIonoFDIschARge.装货港产生的滞期费应与运费一起在卸货前付清。
11)noRTobeTenDeReDwhenVsLARRIVeATp/soFL/DpoRT,LAYTI meTobecommenceDAT1300LTIFnoRTenDeReDbeFoReAnDIncLuD e1200LT,AnDTobecommenceDAT0600LTnexTDAYIFnoRTenDeRe DAFTeR1200LT.unLesssooneRcommenceDIuATuTc当船舶到达装卸港引航站时将出具装船通知。
标签:租船合同航次租船合同确认书(中英文)X航次租船合同确认书(中英文)Fixture Note of Voyage Charter(2000 Standard Form)Owner: 出租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone:Charterer: 承租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone:It is mutually agreed between A pany as Owners and B pany as Charterers that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions:出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规:M/V: 船名:Flag: 船旗国:Built: 建造时间:Classification: 船级:Registered Shipowners: 登记船东GT总吨/ NT净吨/ DWT 载重吨TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷LOA/BM: 米总长/型宽MSGrain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容/包装舱容:____立方米CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:Derr: 吊杆Tweendeck: 二层甲板[add other items when necessary] 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with √] 使用√标明选择(A)或(B)[ ](A) m/ts of in [bag or bulk], % more or less at option [Owners’option or Charterers’option]. (A)____公吨____[袋装或散装]货物____,增加或减少____%,由____[出租人或承租人]选择。
合同范本如下:甲方:承租人 Party A: Charterer乙方:出租人 Party B: Owner鉴于两个行业主体符合合作需求,根据友好协商一致,达成以下协议:一、船舶租赁条款 I.Ship Leasing Terms1. 租船期限1. Lease Period本次租船期限为____ 次运输(填写具体运输次数),自____ 年____月____ 日起至____ 年____ 月____ 日止。
The lease period is _____ shipments (indicate specific number), starting from ____ day of ____ month, ____ year, andwill continue until ____ day of ____ month, ____ year.2. 租船费用2. Charter Fee(1)租船费用应于每次运输前支付。
费用金额为____ (填写货币类型)。
(1) The charter fee should be paid prior to each shipment. The amount is _____ (indicate currency).(2)租船费用可根据船舶类型、载货量、航程等因素进行调整。
(2) The charter fee may be adjusted according to factors such as vessel type, cargo capacity, and voyage. Both partiesshall agree upon the adjustment before signing the lease contract.3. 船舶维护3. Vessel Maintenance(1)租船期间,乙方应负责船舶的定期检修和保养。
英文航次租船合同4篇篇1Voyage Charter Party AgreementThis Voyage Charter Party Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on this [Date], by and between the following parties:Owner: [Owner's Name]Address: [Owner's Address]Phone Number: [Owner's Phone Number]Email: [Owner's Email]Charterer: [Charterer's Name]Address: [Charterer's Address]Phone Number: [Charterer's Phone Number]Email: [Charterer's Email]1. Vessel InformationThe Owner agrees to charter the following vessel to the Charterer for a voyage:Vessel Name: [Vessel Name]Vessel Type: [Vessel Type]IMO Number: [IMO Number]Year Built: [Year Built]Gross Tonnage: [Gross Tonnage]Net Tonnage: [Net Tonnage]Deadweight: [Deadweight]2. Charter Party Terms2.1 The Vessel shall be delivered by the Owner to the Charterer at [Loading Port] on or before [Delivery Date].2.2 The Charterer shall have the Vessel at its disposal for the duration of the voyage, and shall have the right to decide on the ports of call, cargo to be carried, and the route to be taken.2.3 The Vessel shall be redelivered by the Charterer to the Owner at [Discharging Port] on or before [Redelivery Date].2.4 The Charterer shall pay the Owner a charter hire as agreed upon in the Annex attached hereto.2.5 The Charterer shall be responsible for the expenses incurred during the voyage, including but not limited to fuel, port charges, insurance, and crew.3. General Provisions3.1 The Charterer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses arising out of the Charterer's use of the Vessel.3.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Owner and the Charterer with respect to the chartering of the Vessel and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties.3.3 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction], and any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Organization].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Owner: ______________________Charterer: ______________________篇2Charter Party AgreementThis Charter Party Agreement is entered into on this _______ day of __________, 20___, between the Owner/Charterer and theCharterer/Owner, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties.1. Definitions1.1 "Charter Party" shall mean this agreement including all annexes, schedules, and attachments hereto.1.2 "Vessel" shall refer to the ship named ____________________, IMO number ____________.1.3 "Charter Period" shall refer to the period commencing from _______________ and ending on ______________.1.4 "Charter Hire" shall mean the payment to be made by the Charterer to the Owner in consideration for the use of the Vessel during the Charter Period.1.5 "Laytime" shall refer to the period during which the Vessel is made available for loading and unloading cargo.1.6 "Demurrage" shall mean the payment to be made by the Charterer to the Owner for any delays in loading or unloading beyond the agreed laytime.1.7 "Hire Payment" shall refer to the payment to be made by the Charterer to the Owner on a monthly basis.2. Charter Hire2.1 The Charterer shall pay to the Owner the sum of$__________ as Charter Hire for the Vessel for the Charter Period.2.2 The Charterer shall make the payment of Charter Hire in advance on a monthly basis, on the _______ day of each month.2.3 The Charterer shall make the payment of Charter Hire in US Dollars by bank transfer to the Owner's designated account.3. Laytime and Demurrage3.1 The Laytime for the Vessel shall be ___________ hours for loading and ____________ hours for unloading.3.2 The Charterer shall be responsible for any delays in loading or unloading beyond the agreed Laytime and shall pay Demurrage to the Owner at the rate of $________ per hour of delay.4. Insurance4.1 The Owner shall maintain insurance coverage for the Vessel for the duration of the Charter Period, including but not limited to hull insurance, protection and indemnity insurance, and crew insurance.4.2 The Charterer shall be responsible for any additional insurance coverage required for the cargo being carried on the Vessel during the Charter Period.5. General Provisions5.1 This Charter Party Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the charter of the Vessel and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.5.2 Any amendments to this Charter Party Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both Parties to be valid.5.3 This Charter Party Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ___________.In Witness Whereof, the Parties have executed this Charter Party Agreement as of the date first above written.Owner/Charterer Charterer/Owner____________________ ____________________(Signature) (Signature)篇3Voyage Charter Party AgreementThis Agreement is entered into between the Owner of the vessel, [Name of Owner], hereinafter referred to as the "Owner", and the Charterer, [Name of Charterer], hereinafter referred to as the "Charterer", for the purpose of chartering the vessel for a voyage.1. Vessel DetailsThe Owner agrees to charter the vessel, [Name of Vessel], IMO number [Vessel's IMO number], which is currently located at [Port of Location], to the Charterer for the purpose of a voyage from [Loading Port] to [Discharge Port]. The vessel's specifications are as follows:- Type: [Type of Vessel]- DWT: [Deadweight Tonnage]- LOA: [Length Overall]- Beam: [Beam]2. Charter PeriodThe Charterer shall charter the vessel for a period of [Number of Days/Months] from the date of delivery of the vessel at the loading port. The Charterer shall have the option to extend the charter period with the Owner's consent.3. Payment TermsThe Charterer agrees to pay the Owner a total charter hire of [Amount in Currency] for the charter period, payable in [Payment Terms, e.g. monthly installments]. Payment shall be made in [Currency] to the Owner's designated bank account.4. Laytime and DemurrageThe Charterer shall be responsible for the loading and discharge of the cargo within the agreed laytime. In the event that the laytime is exceeded, the Charterer shall pay demurrage to the Owner at a rate of [Demurrage Rate] per day.5. InsuranceThe Owner shall maintain insurance coverage for the vessel during the charter period, including hull and machinery insurance, protection and indemnity insurance, and war risk insurance. The Charterer shall be responsible for insuring the cargo.6. Compliance with RegulationsThe Charterer shall ensure that the vessel is in compliance with all international and local regulations, including but not limited to SOLAS, MARPOL, and ISM Code.7. DisputesAny disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [Arbitration Venue] in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Body].8. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law Jurisdiction].In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.Owner:[Owner's Signature]Charterer:[Charterer's Signature]Date:[Date of Agreement]篇4Voyage Charter Party ContractThis Voyage Charter Party Contract is entered into as of [date] between [Charterer Name] as the Charterer and [Ship Owner Name] as the Shipowner for the purpose of chartering the vessel named [Vessel Name] for a voyage from [Loading Port] to [Discharging Port].1. Vessel DescriptionThe vessel named [Vessel Name] shall be seaworthy, fully equipped, and manned with a competent crew for the intended voyage. The vessel shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and international maritime conventions.2. Loading and Discharging PortsThe loading and discharging ports for the voyage shall be [Loading Port] and [Discharging Port] respectively. The Charterer shall bear all expenses associated with loading and discharging cargo at the designated ports.3. Cargo Quantity and QualityThe Charterer shall provide accurate information regarding the quantity and quality of the cargo to be loaded onto the vessel. The Shipowner shall not be liable for any discrepancies in the cargo quantity and quality unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct.4. Freight Rate and Payment TermsThe agreed freight rate for the voyage shall be [Freight Rate]. Payment for the freight shall be made by the Charterer to the Shipowner within [Payment Term] days after the completion of the voyage.5. Laytime and DemurrageThe Charterer shall be responsible for ensuring prompt loading and discharging of the cargo within the agreed laytime. Any delays in excess of the laytime shall be subject to demurrage charges at the rate of [Demurrage Rate] per day.6. InsuranceThe Shipowner shall maintain insurance coverage for the vessel and crew during the voyage. The Charterer shall be responsible for insuring the cargo against all risks.7. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this contract due to force majeure events beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, wars, strikes, and government actions.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution]. The decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on both parties.9. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law Jurisdiction]. Any legal actions arising from this contract shall be brought in the courts of [Jurisdiction].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date first above written.[Signature of Charterer] [Signature of Shipowner][Charterer Name] [Shipowner Name]。
第一条船舶信息1.1 船舶名称:________________;1.2 船舶国籍:________________;1.3 船舶类型:________________;1.4 船舶载重吨:________________;1.5 船舶尺寸:________________。
第二条租船期限2.1 租船期限自本合同签订之日起至________________年________________月________________日止。
第三条货物信息3.1 货物名称:________________;3.2 货物数量:________________;3.3 货物包装:________________。
第四条起运港和目的港4.1 起运港:________________;4.2 目的港:________________。
第五条运费及支付方式5.1 运费总额为________________元(大写:________________);5.2 支付方式:甲方应于________________前支付运费总额的________________%作为定金,余款在货物装船后________________个工作日内支付。
第六条船舶使用和维护6.1 甲方应合理使用船舶,不得用于非法活动;6.2 乙方负责船舶的维护和保养,确保船舶处于适航状态。
第七条货物装卸7.1 甲方负责货物的装卸工作,乙方应提供必要的协助;7.2 货物装卸过程中,如因甲方原因造成船舶损坏,甲方应负责赔偿。
第八条责任与赔偿8.1 如因乙方原因导致货物运输延迟,乙方应承担相应责任;8.2 双方应各自承担因不可抗力因素导致的损失。
英文航次租船合同6篇篇1航次租船合同(Sample Ship Charter Contract)甲方(Charter Party):____________________乙方(Shipowner):_______________________鉴于甲方需要租用乙方的船舶完成特定航次运输任务,双方本着公平、公正、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、船舶基本情况乙方拥有并运营的船舶名称(Ship Name):____________船舶国籍(Flag Country):____________船舶类型(Type):____________船舶吨位(Deadweight Tonnage):____________船舶总载重吨(Gross Weight):____________船舶尺寸(Length, Width, Height):____________等详细信息。
本次航线的始发港(Port of Loading)为__________,目的港(Port of Destination)为__________,预计开航日期(Expected Departure Date)为__________。
航次租船合同确认书(中英文)Owner:出租人Address:地址Fax: 传真Telephone:电话Charterer: 承租人Address: 地址Fax:传真Telephone: 电话It is mutually agreed between A company as Owners and B company as Charterersthat this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions: 出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规范:M/V: 船名:Flag: 船旗国:Built: 建造时间:Classification: 船级:Registered Shipowners: 登记船东GT 总吨/ NT 净吨/ DWT 载重吨TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷LOA/BM: 米总长/型宽MS Grain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容/包装舱容:_______________ 立方米CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:Derr: 吊杆Tweendeck: 二层甲板[add other items when necessary] 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with V]使用标明选择(人)或(B) [ ](A)m/ts ofin[bag or bulk],%more or less atoption [Owners 'option or Charterers 'option].(A) ____ 公吨 _____ [袋装或散装]货物 _________ ,增加或减少 ______ %,由 ____ [出租人或承租人]选择。
航次租船合同确认书 中英文 对照版
航次租船合同确认书 (中英文)标签:租船合同航次租船合同确认书 (中英文)X航次租船合同确认书 (中英文)Fixture Note of Voyage Charter(2000 Standard Form)Owner: 出租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone: 电话Charterer: 承租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone: 电话It is mutually agreed between A company as Owners and B company as Charterers that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions:出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规范:M/V: 船名:Flag: 船旗国:Built: 建造时间:Classification: 船级:Registered Shipowners: 登记船东 GT总吨 / NT净吨 / DWT 载重吨TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷LOA/BM: 米总长/型宽MSGrain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容/包装舱容:____立方米CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:Derr: 吊杆Tweendeck: 二层甲板[add other items when necessary] 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with √] 使用√标明选择(A)或(B)[ ](A) m/ts of in [bag or bulk], % more or less at option [Owners’option or Charterers’opti on].(A)____公吨____[袋装或散装]货物____,增加或减少____%,由____[出租人或承租人]选择。
航次租船合同范本中英租船合同编号(Charter Party Number):[具体编号]签订日期(Date of Signing):[具体日期]签订地点(Place of Signing):[具体地点]出租人(Owner):[出租人的详细信息,包括名称、地址、联系方式等]承租人(Charterer):[承租人的详细信息,包括名称、地址、联系方式等]船舶规范(Vessel's Particulars):1. 船名(Vessel's Name):[船名]2. 船旗国(Flag):[船旗国]3. 建造年份(Year of Build):[建造年份]4. 船舶总吨(Gross Tonnage):[总吨数]5. 净吨(Net Tonnage):[净吨数]6. 载重吨(Deadweight):[载重吨数]7. 船舶长度(Length Overall):[长度]8. 船舶宽度(Breadth):[宽度]9. 吃水(Draft):[吃水深度]10. 主机型号及功率(Mn Engine Type and Power):[主机型号及功率] 货物(Cargo):1. 货物名称(Cargo Name):[货物名称]2. 货物数量(Quantity of Cargo):[货物数量]3. 货物包装(Cargo Packing):[货物包装方式]4. 货物积载因数(Stowage Factor):[积载因数]装货港和卸货港(Loading and Discharging Ports):1. 装货港(Loading Port):[装货港名称]2. 卸货港(Discharging Port):[卸货港名称]受载期和解约日(Laycan and Cancellation Date):1. 受载期(Laycan):从[开始日期]至[结束日期]。
2. 解约日(Cancellation Date):如果船舶未能在受载期内抵达装货港,承租人有权在[解约日具体日期]前解除本合同。
英文航次租船合同3篇篇1English Voyage Charter Party ContractThis Voyage Charter Party Contract is entered into between the Shipowner, represented by [Name of Shipowner], and the Charterer, represented by [Name of Charterer], on [Date of Contract].1. Vessel Details:- Name of Vessel: [Name of Vessel]- Flag: [Flag of Vessel]- Type: [Type of Vessel]- DWT: [Deadweight Tonnage]- LOA: [Length Overall]- Built: [Year Built]2. Charter Party Details:- Charter Period: [Start Date] to [End Date]- Loading Port: [Name of Loading Port]- Discharge Port: [Name of Discharge Port]- Cargo: [Description of Cargo]- Freight Rate: $[Rate per Metric Ton]- Laytime: [Number of Laydays]3. Payment Terms:- The Charterer shall pay the Shipowner the agreed freight rate per metric ton of cargo loaded on board the vessel.- Payment shall be made in [Currency] within [Number of Days] after completion of loading at the loading port.4. Responsibilities:- The Shipowner shall provide a seaworthy vessel with all necessary certifications and documents for the voyage.- The Charterer shall provide the necessary cargo for loading and unloading at the agreed ports.- Both parties shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations during the charter period.5. Laytime and Demurrage:- The Laytime for loading and unloading shall be [Number of Days] at each port.- Any time exceeding the Laytime shall be considered demurrage and shall be paid by the Charterer at a rate of $[Rate per Day].6. Liability:- Each party shall be liable for any damages or losses resulting from their actions during the charter period.- The Shipowner shall not be liable for delays or damages caused by force majeure events beyond their control.7. Termination:- Either party may terminate this contract in case of breach of terms, default in payment, or other material breach.- In case of termination, the party at fault shall compensate the other party for any losses incurred.8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:- This contract shall be governed by the laws of [Country].- Any disputes arising from this contract shall be settled in the courts of [Jurisdiction].In witness whereof, the parties have signed this Contract on the date first above written.[Signature of Shipowner] [Signature of Charterer][Name of Shipowner] [Name of Charterer]篇2Voyage Charter Party AgreementDate: [Insert Date]Parties:1. The Shipowner: [Insert Name and Address]2. The Charterer: [Insert Name and Address]Vessel: [Insert Vessel Name]1. IntroductionThis Voyage Charter Party Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between the Shipowner and the Charterer to outline the terms and conditions governing the chartering of the Vessel for a specific voyage or series of voyages.2. Charter PeriodThe Charter Period shall commence on [Insert Start Date] and shall terminate on [Insert End Date] unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.The Charterer shall pay the Shipowner a charter hire of [Insert Amount] per day for the Vessel for the duration of the Charter Period. Payment shall be made in [Insert Currency] to the bank account designated by the Shipowner.4. Loading and DischargeThe Charterer shall be responsible for the cost of loading and discharging the cargo on board the Vessel at the agreed ports. The Charterer shall also be responsible for any demurrage charges incurred as a result of delays in loading or discharging.5. LaytimeThe Charterer shall have [Insert Number] days of laytime at each port for loading and discharging the cargo. Demurrage shall be charged for any time exceeding the laytime at a rate of [Insert Rate] per day.6. Off-hireThe Vessel shall be considered off-hire in the event of any repairs or maintenance required due to the negligence of the Charterer. The Charterer shall be responsible for the cost of any repairs and maintenance during this period.The Vessel shall be insured by the Shipowner for the duration of the Charter Period. The Charterer shall be responsible for insuring the cargo on board the Vessel.8. General AverageIn the event of a general average, the parties shall contribute in accordance with the York-Antwerp Rules 1994.9. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to force majeure events beyond its control.10. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [Insert City] in accordance with the rules of [Insert Arbitration Institution].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Shipowner:______________________[Insert Name and Title]Charterer:______________________[Insert Name and Title]篇3Voyage Charter Party AgreementThis Voyage Charter Party Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Owner Name], with a registered address at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and [Charterer Name], with a registered address at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Charterer".1. Vessel DetailsThe Owner hereby agrees to provide the Charterer with the following vessel:- Name: [Vessel Name]- Type: [Vessel Type]- Flag: [Flag State]- Deadweight: [Deadweight]- Capacity: [Capacity]- Year Built: [Year Built]- Class: [Classification Society]2. Charter PeriodThe Charterer hereby agrees to charter the vessel for a voyage charter party for the following period:- Loading Port: [Loading Port]- Discharging Port: [Discharging Port]- Laydays: [Laydays]- Cancelling Days: [Cancelling Days]3. Freight and HireThe Charterer shall pay the Owner the following freight and hire:- Freight Rate: [Freight Rate]- Hire Rate: [Hire Rate]4. LaytimeThe laytime for loading and discharging of the cargo shall be as follows:- Loading: [Loading Laytime]- Discharging: [Discharging Laytime]5. DemurrageIn the event that the Charterer exceeds the laytime, the Charterer shall pay demurrage to the Owner at the rate of [Demurrage Rate] per day.6. BunkersThe Charterer shall provide and pay for all bunkers, lubricants, and consumables required for the voyage.7. NoticesAll notices and communications between the Owner and Charterer shall be in writing and delivered to the address specified in this Agreement.8. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Owner: [Owner Name]Charterer: [Charterer Name]Signature: ____________________Print Name: ___________________Date: _________________________。
23. Deleted24. BoycottIf the servants, agents or sub-contractors of the Charterers or the Owners or if any third parties refuse to load, unload, or otherwise provide services to the Vessel, or attempt to prevent or hinder the loading or unloading of the Vessel or provision of services aforesaid, because of the nationality, pay arrangements or contractual terms of employment of the Vessel’s Master and/or Officers and/or crew no hire is to be paid by the Charterers from the time of commencement of such refusal or hindrance until the ending of such refusal or hindrance for all time actually lost. 25. Hamburg RulesNeither the Charterers nor their agents shall permit the issue of any Bill of Lading, waybill or other documents evidencing a contract of carriage (whether or not signed on behalf of the Owners or on the Charterers behalf or on behalf of any sub-charterers) incorporating, where not compulsorily applicable the Hamburg Rules or any other legislation giving effect to the Hamburg Rules or any other legislation imposing liabilities in excess of Hague or Hague/Visby Rules.Charterers shall indemnify the owners against any liability, loss or damage which may result from any breach of the foregoing provisions of this clause.26. Sale of the Vessel(i)Owners shall have the liberty to change vessel's ownership and flag and/ orregistry after delivery on tendering 45 days prior notice to Charterers withname of Buyers or their nominee, who become new Owners during the termof this Charter Party, provided Buyers take over all obligations for the balanceof the charter contract period. Buyers or their nominee as well as any changein registry and/or flag to be approved by Charterers' within 4 working days ofnotification received from Owners which approval shall not be unreasonablywithheld. Failing Charterers' response within the aforementioned 4 workingdays Charterers' approval is deemed granted.(ii)Notwithstanding above, Owners always to have the liberty to change vessel's ownership and/or flag and/or registry without prior approval of Charterers.Any change in flag and/or registry always to be subject to Charterers' priorapproval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.27. Redelivery: Hold CleaningCharterers to have the option to redeliver the vessel with uncleaned holds againsta lumpsum payment of USD 3,500 to Owners in lieu thereof. Notwithstandingabove, any dunnage, loose lashings, cargo protective covers for uncontainerised cargo or similar residues are not included in the lumpsum payment and shall beremoved by Charterers at their account prior to redelivery of the vessel. This option shall not apply if holds are contaminated by oil, chemicals or any leakages from cargo containers, which case holds have to be cleaned by Charterers prior to redelivery of the vessel.28.Following protective Clauses form part of the Charter Party:Conwartime 2004 Clause(a)For the purpose of this Clause, the words:i)"Owners" shall include the Shipowners, bareboat Charterers, DisponentOwners, managers or other operators who are charged with themanagement of the Vessel, and the Master; andii)"War Risks" shall include any actual, threatened or reported:war; act of war; civil war; hostilities; revolution; rebellion; civil commotion;warlike operations; laying of mines; acts of piracy; acts of terrorists; acts ofhostility or malicious damage; blockades (whether imposed against all vesselsor imposed selectively against vessels of certain flags or ownership, or againstcertain cargoes or crews or otherwise howsoever); by any person, body,terrorist or political group, or the Government of any state whatsoever, which,in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, may bedangerous or are likely to be or to become dangerous to the Vessel, her cargo,crew or other persons on board the Vessel.(b)The Vessel, unless the written consent of the Owners be first obtained, shall notbe ordered to or required to continue to or through, any port, place, area or zone (whether of land or sea), or any waterway or canal, where it appears that the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks. Should the Vessel be within any such place as aforesaid, which only becomes dangerous, or is likely to be or to become dangerous, after her entry into it, she shall be at liberty to leave it.(c)The Vessel shall not be required to load contraband cargo, or to pass through anyblockade, whether such blockade be imposed on all vessels, or is imposed selectively in any way whatsoever against vessels of certain flags or ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews or otherwise howsoever, or to proceed to an area where she shall be subject, or is likely to be subject to a belligerents’ right of search and/or confiscation.(d)i)The Owners may effect war risks insurance in respect of the Hull andMachinery of the Vessel and their other interests (including, butnot limited to, loss of earnings and detention, the crew and their protectionand Indemnity Risks), and the premiums and/or calls therefore shall be fortheir account.ii)If the Underwriters of such insurance should require payment of premiums and/or calls because, pursuant to the Charterers' orders, the Vessel is within,or is due to enter and remain within, or pass through any area or areaswhich are specified by such Underwriters as being subject to additionalpremiums because of War Risks, then the actual premiums and/or callspaid shall be reimbursed by the Charterers to the Owners at the same timeas the next payment of hire is due, or upon redelivery, whichever occursfirst.(e)If the Owners become liable under the terms of employment to pay to the crewany bonus or additional wages in respect of sailing into an area which is dangerous in the manner defined by the said terms, then the actual bonus or additional wages paid shall be reimbursed to the Owners by the Charterers at the same time as the next payment of hire is due, or upon redelivery, whichever occurs first.(f)The Vessel shall have liberty:-i)to comply with all orders, directions, recommendations or advice as todeparture, arrival, routes, sailing in convoy, ports of call, stoppages,destinations, discharge of cargo, delivery, or in any other way whatsoever,which are given by the Government of the Nation under whose flag theVessel sails, or other Government to whose laws the Owners are subject, orany other Government, body or group whatsoever acting with the power tocompel compliance with their orders or directions;ii)to comply with the order, directions or recommendations of any war risks underwriters who have the authority to give the same under the terms ofthe war risks insurance;iii)t o comply with the terms of any resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, the effective orders of any other Supranational body whichhas the right to issue and give the same, and with national laws aimed atenforcing the same to which the Owners are subject, and to obey the ordersand directions of those who are charged with their enforcement;iv)t o discharge at any other port any cargo or part thereof which may render the Vessel liable to confiscation as a contraband carrier;v)to call at any other port to change the crew or any part thereof or other persons on board the Vessel when there is reason to believe that they maybe subject to internment, imprisonment or other sanctions.。
航次租船合同确认书(中英文)Owner: 出租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone: 电话Charterer: 承租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone: 电话It is mutually agreed between A company as Owners and B company as Charterers that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions:出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规范:M/V: 船名:Flag: 船旗国:Built: 建造时间:Classification: 船级:Registered Shipowners: 登记船东GT总吨/ NT净吨/ DWT 载重吨TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷LOA/BM: 米总长/型宽MS Grain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容/包装舱容:____立方米CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:Derr: 吊杆Tweendeck: 二层甲板[add other items when necessary] 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:[Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with √] 使用√标明选择(A)或(B)[ ](A) m/ts of in [bag or bulk], % more or less at option [Owners’option or Charterers’option].(A)____公吨____[袋装或散装]货物____,增加或减少____%,由____[出租人或承租人]选择。
航次租船合同英文版VOYAGE CHARTER PARTY.THIS VESSEL CHARTER PARTY (the "Charter Party") is made and entered into this [Date], by and between:[Name of Charterer] ("Charterers"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of [State of Incorporation] with its principal place of business at [Address of Charterers]; and.[Name of Owner] ("Owners"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of [State of Incorporation] withits principal place of business at [Address of Owners].WITNESSETH:WHEREAS, Charterers desire to charter the vessel [Name of Vessel] ("Vessel") for the voyage described herein; and.WHEREAS, Owners are willing to charter the Vessel to Charterers on the terms and conditions set forth herein;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:ARTICLE 1 VESSEL AND VOYAGE.1.1 Vessel: The Vessel is a [Type of Vessel] of [Tonnage] deadweight, built in [Year] by [Builder] and classed [Class].1.2 Voyage: The Vessel shall proceed to the port of [Loading Port] (the "Loading Port") and there load a cargo of [Type of Cargo] ("Cargo") for carriage to the port of [Discharge Port] (the "Discharge Port").1.3 Loading and Discharging Ports: The specific loading and discharging ports shall be designated by Charterers and communicated to Owners in writing not less than [Number] days prior to the expected arrival of the Vessel at theLoading Port.ARTICLE 2 LAYTIME.2.1 Notice of Readiness: Owners shall give Charterers notice of readiness to load not less than [Number] hours prior to the Vessel's estimated time of arrival at the Loading Port.2.2 Laytime for Loading: Laytime for loading shall commence [Number] hours after the Vessel has given notice of readiness to load and is ready in all respects to receive Cargo. Laytime shall expire [Number] days after the commencement of laytime.2.3 Laytime for Discharging: Laytime for discharging shall commence [Number] hours after the Vessel has arrived at the Discharge Port and is ready in all respects to discharge Cargo. Laytime shall expire [Number] days after the commencement of laytime.2.4 Demurrage: If the Vessel is detained beyond theallowed laytime for loading or discharging, Charterersshall pay demurrage to Owners at the rate of [Demurrage Rate] per day or pro rata for any part of a day.ARTICLE 3 CARGO.3.1 Quantity and Quality: Charterers shall provide a cargo of [Type of Cargo] in good order and condition, andin accordance with the specifications set forth in the Charter Party.3.2 Loading and Discharging: Loading and discharging of the Cargo shall be the responsibility of Charterers, and at their expense.3.3 Freight: Freight for the carriage of the Cargoshall be paid by Charterers to Owners at the rate of [Freight Rate] per [Unit of Measurement].3.4 Liens: Charterers shall be responsible for allliens or claims against the Cargo, including but notlimited to freight, demurrage, and salvage charges.ARTICLE 4 PAYMENT.4.1 Freight Payment: Freight shall be paid by Charterers to Owners within [Number] days of the Vessel's completion of loading.4.2 Demurrage Payment: Demurrage shall be paid by Charterers to Owners within [Number] days of its accrual.4.3 Method of Payment: All payments under this Charter Party shall be made by bank transfer to the account designated by Owners.ARTICLE 5 OWNERS' OBLIGATIONS.5.1 Seaworthiness: Owners shall maintain the Vessel ina seaworthy condition throughout the voyage.5.2 Master and Crew: Owners shall provide a competent master and crew for the Vessel.5.3 Route: Owners shall determine the route to be taken by the Vessel during the voyage, having due regard to the safety of the Vessel, the Cargo, and the environment.ARTICLE 6 CHARTERERS' OBLIGATIONS.6.1 Compliance with Regulations: Charterers shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and port rules relating to the loading, carriage, and discharge of the Cargo.6.2 Cargo Documents: Charterers shall provide Owners with all necessary cargo documents, including but not limited to bills of lading, manifest, and cargo declarations.6.3 Indemnification: Charterers shall indemnify and hold harmless Owners from and against any claims, liabilities, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with the loading, carriage, or discharge of the Cargo.ARTICLE 7 EXCEPTIONS.The following events shall be considered exceptions to the obligations of the parties under this Charter Party:Acts of God.War, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, or revolution.Strikes, lockouts, or other labor disputes.Quarantine restrictions.Accidents or breakdowns of the Vessel or its machinery.Any other event beyond the reasonable control of the party affected.ARTICLE 8 GENERAL PROVISIONS.8.1 Entire Agreement: This Charter Party constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes allprior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.8.2 Amendment: No amendment to this Charter Party shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.8.3 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Charter Party shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State of Law].。
航次租船合同范本英文Voyage Charter Party Agreement.ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS.In this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:"Charter" means this Voyage Charter Party Agreement, including all its attachments and exhibits."Charter Date" means the date on which this Charter is executed by the parties."Charter Party" means the party chartering the Vessel."Charterer's Agent" means the agent designated by the Charterer to act on its behalf in all matters relating to this Charter."Commission Agent" means the broker or other intermediary who introduced the parties to each other and assisted in the negotiation of this Charter."Freight" means the amount payable by the Charterer to the Owner for the carriage of the Cargo under this Charter."Laytime" means the period of time allowed by this Charter for loading and discharging the Cargo."Owner" means the owner of the Vessel, or its authorized agent."Safe Port" means a port that is safe for the Vessel to enter, lie at, and depart from, taking into account the prevailing weather conditions, the vessel's size and draft, and any other relevant factors."Vessel" means the vessel named in this Charter.ARTICLE 2 CHARTERING OF VESSEL.2.1 The Owner hereby charters the Vessel to the Charterer for the transportation of the Cargo from the Loading Port to the Discharging Port.2.2 The Vessel shall be ready to receive the Cargo at the Loading Port on the Layday and shall sail from the Loading Port as soon as the Cargo is on board and the Vessel is in all respects ready for sea.2.3 The Charterer shall be responsible for loading and discharging the Cargo.2.4 The Charterer shall pay Freight to the Owner in accordance with the terms of this Charter.ARTICLE 3 CARGO.3.1 The Cargo to be carried under this Charter shall be as specified in the Cargo Specification attached to this Charter.3.2 The Charterer represents and warrants that theCargo is safe for carriage and that all necessary permits and licenses have been obtained for its shipment.3.3 The Owner shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the Cargo caused by the Charterer's failure to comply with its obligations under this Article.ARTICLE 4 LAYTIME.4.1 Laytime for loading shall commence upon the Vessel's arrival at the Loading Port and tender of notice of readiness to load.4.2 Laytime for discharging shall commence upon the Vessel's arrival at the Discharging Port and tender of notice of readiness to discharge.4.3 Laytime shall be computed in accordance with the rules and customs of the port in which the loading or discharging takes place.4.4 Any delay in loading or discharging caused by theCharterer shall be for the Charterer's account.4.5 Any delay in loading or discharging caused by the Owner shall be for the Owner's account.ARTICLE 5 DEMURRAGE.5.1 If the Vessel is detained at the Loading Port or the Discharging Port beyond the Laytime, the Charterer shall pay demurrage to the Owner at the rate specified in the Attached Demurrage Schedule.5.2 Demurrage shall be calculated for each day or part of a day that the Vessel is detained beyond the Laytime.ARTICLE 6 DISPATCH.6.1 If the Vessel completes loading or discharging before the expiration of the Laytime, the Charterer shall be entitled to a dispatch bonus in the amount specified in the Attached Dispatch Schedule.6.2 Dispatch shall be calculated for each day or part of a day that the Vessel completes loading or discharging before the expiration of the Laytime.ARTICLE 7 FREIGHT.7.1 The Freight shall be in the amount specified in the Attached Freight Schedule.7.2 Freight shall be payable in the currency specified in the Attached Freight Schedule.7.3 Freight shall be payable to the Owner in accordance with the terms of the Attached Payment Schedule.ARTICLE 8 INSURANCE.8.1 The Owner shall be responsible for obtaining marine insurance for the Vessel.8.2 The Charterer shall be responsible for obtaining cargo insurance for the Cargo.8.3 The Charterer shall provide the Owner with evidence of cargo insurance before the Vessel sails from the Loading Port.ARTICLE 9 GENERAL AVERAGE.9.1 In the event of a general average declared for any reason whatsoever, the same shall be adjusted in accordance with the York-Antwerp Rules, 2016.9.2 The Charterer shall be solely liable for its share of any general average contribution assessed against the Cargo.ARTICLE 10 SALVAGE.10.1 In the event of salvage services rendered to the Vessel or the Cargo, the salvage remuneration shall be apportioned between the Owner and the Charterer in accordance with the principles of general maritime law.ARTICLE 11 CANCELLATION.11.1 Either party may cancel this Charter for any reason by giving written notice to the other party at least 30 days before the Layday.11.2 In the event of cancellation, the canceling party shall be liable to the other party for any damages incurred as a result of the cancellation.ARTICLE 12 MISCELLANEOUS.12.1 This Charter shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, United States of America.12.2 Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Charter shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.12.3 This Charter may be modified or amended only by a written agreement signed by both parties.。
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29.VESSEL DESCRIPTION See Appendix I30. SUPERFICIAL INSPECTIONCharterers to have the option of holding a superficial inspection prior to delivery and also at any time of this Charter. Owners and Master giving every facility and assistance to carry this out.31.DELETED32.DELIVERY DATES/ DELIVERY NOTICES33.BUNKER PRICE, QUANTITY AND QUALITYThe vessel shall be delivered with bunkers as on board, and shall be redelivered with about the same quantities, provided that the quantity of fuels on board at delivery/redelivery is at least sufficient to allow the vessel to safely reach the nearest main bunker port.Bunker prices on delivery and redelivery to be as per Platt's Oilgram valid for the place of delivery / redelivery on the day of delivery/ redelivery or the nearest bunker port thereto which is quoted in Platt's Oilgram, where fuels of the required quality are available. if vsl delivery / redelivery takes place over a weekend then Platts prices to be taken on the last day of Platts trading prior to delivery/redelivery taking place.Provided that it can be accomplished at ports of call, without hindrance to the working or operation of or delay to the vessel, and subject to prior consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, the owners shall allow the charterers to bunker for their account prior to delivery and the charterers shall allow the owners to bunker for their account prior to redelivery, if consent is given, the party ordering the bunkering shall indemnify the other party for any delays, losses, costs and expenses arising therefrom.34.CREWIn case the crew is to be changed in circumstances where they fail in some way to perform their duties, the expenses thereof are to be for Owners’ account.35.ON/OFF HIRE SURVEYJoint on/off hire survey to asc ertain the vessel’s condition and quantity of bunkers r.o.b. and lashing materials count shall be carried out on delivery and redelivery. Joint on-hire survey to be carried out on delivery in Owners’ time and joint off-hire survey or redelivery in Charter ers’ time but expenses to be equally shared between Owners and Charterers. Charterers to appoint after consulting with Owners on/off-hire surveyors representing both Owners and Charterers.36.STEVEDORE DAMAGESIn the case of stevedore damage, for which Charterers may be liable under the terms of this Charter Party, all such damages must be reported by the Master to the Charterers or their agents, in writing, within 24 hours of the occurrence or as soon as possible, but latest when the loss or damage could have been discovered by the exercise of due diligence. The Mastershall endeavour to obtain written acknowledgement by the party causing such loss/damage, unless it is made good in the meantime.All damages for which Charterers are liable not being wear and tear and not affecting vessel`s seaworthiness or working capacity shall be repaired by Charterers before redelivery at the Charterers` option or repaired by crew before or after redelivery, in this case Charterers will pay actual cost against reasonable invoice, related working list and documents from owners. The Charterers have the option to redelivery the vessel paying a lump sum amount to be agreed for outstanding stevedore damages. If the Owners and Charterers cannot agree to the lump sum amount an independent surveyor will be appointed for joint account to establish the lump sum amount.37.EQUIPMENTVessel’s equipment including container lashing materials to comply with the regulations and/or requirements in effect at ports of call and canals and vessel is at all times in possession of valid up-to-date certificate on board necessary to comply with such regulations and/or requirements. A particular reference is made to the United States Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations set forth in part III Code of the Federal Regulations. Although other provisions of this time charter make it the responsibility of Owners, it is agreed that, should vessel not meet the regulations and/or requirements, Owners to make immediate corrective measurers and tha t time thereby lost, any Stevedores’ standby time and expense involved to be for Owners’ account.38.CHARTER PERIOD39.BOYCOTTShould the vessel by boycotted, picketed, blacklisted or similar incident at any port or place by the shore labour and/or the tug boats and/or pilots or by the Government and/or any authority, by reason of vessel’s flag or the terms and condit ions under which members of the officers/crew were/are employed, or by reason of trading of pervious Charter of this vessel or trading or other vessel under the same Ownership, or by reason of vessel’s construction and/or her fittings and/or her other equipment, any direct extra expenses incurred therefrom to be for Owners’ account and Charterers are entitled to put the vessel “off-hire” for any t ime lost by such reason.40.HAMBURG RULESNeither the Charterers nor their agents shall permit the issue of any Bills of Lading, Waybill or other documentation evidencing a contract of carriage (whether or not signed on behalf of any Sub-Charterers) incorporating, unless compulsorily applicable the Hamburg Rules or any legislation, giving effect to the Hamburg Rules or any legislation imposing liabilities in excess of Hague-Visby rules. Charterers shall indemnify the Owners against all liability, loss or damage which may result from any breach of the foregoing provision of this Clause.41.ELIGIBILITY FOR BUNKERINGOwners warrant the vessel is eligible for bunkers in the United States of America, its territories and possessions in accordance with governing Export Control Regulations. Also Owenrs warrant that vessel is eligible for bunkers in any other countries, if required.42.REPLENISHMENT OF BUNKERSReplenishment of bunkers is arranged and paid by Charterers, but always under the supervision and responsibility of Master. However, Master not to be responsible for any consequences due to lack of due diligence and/or actions and/or negligence and/or default of bunkering barge or bunker suppliers or Charterers.Master to pay due diligence for replenishment of bunkers so as not to cause oil spillage while bunkering.43.OIL POLLUTION – FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY1.Owners warrant that throughout the currency of this Charter they will provide the vessel with the following certificates as far as applicable and obtainable from U.S. authorities:a)Certificates issued pursuant to section 311(p) of the U.S. Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (Title 33 U.S. Code, Section 1321 (p)).b)Certificates issued pursuant to Section 1016(a) of the Oil Pollution Act 1990 and Section 180(a) of the comprehensive Environmental Response.Compensation and Liability Act 1980, as amended in accordance with Part 138 of Coast Guard Regulation 33 CFR.2.Save as required for compliance with Paragraph 1 hereof Owners will be required to maintain a valid P&I Certificate covering pollution liability during the currency of this Charter.44.SUEZ CANAL TRANSITVessel is fully fitted for Suez Canal transit and in possession of necessary certificates on board in conformity with current canal regulations/requirements.45.DELELTED46.DERATTING CERTIFICATEVessel to be delivered with valid deratting exemption certificate on board and if this does not cover the whole period of this Charter and renewal of certificate of fumigation is necessary, cost of same and dela y of vessel and any expenses incurred therefrom to be for Owners’ account.47.QUARANTINENormal quarantine time and expenses to enter the port to be for Charterers’ account, but any time of detention and expenses for quarantine due to pestilence, illness, etc. of Master, officers and crew to be for Owners’ account.The vessel, unless the consent of the Owners to be obtained beforehand, shall not be ordered and is not bound to enter any port and/or place and/or area and/or country where epidemics or infectious diseases or fever are prevailing, and has been declared an official risk area in respect to foreign shipping by the World Health Organization.48.VACCINATIONOwners to arrange at their expense that Master, officers and crew of vessel hold valid vaccination certificates against yellow fever, cholera or other necessary health certificates during the Charter.。