第二章 英译汉的翻译过程及英汉语言、文化对比 1

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1.3 理解原文所涉及的事物
② For six months, I was living the Sex and the City life. 接下来的六个月,我就像电视剧《欲望 都市》里的四个女主角一样——在这充 满欲望和诱惑的都市里,寻找着自己的 归宿。
1.3 理解原文所涉及的事物
③ He met his Waterloo. • meet one's Waterloo是成语典故,由 拿 破仑在Waterloo遇到惨败而来 他吃了大败仗。 ④ He is not Hamlet. 他不是那种优柔寡断的人。
1.2 理解逻辑关系
a. 校方禁止学生抽烟。 b. 校方要求学生们不要在校园内抽烟。(可以 在校外抽烟) c. 学生们在校内抽烟,校方让他们停止这样做。 d. 有人在校内抽烟,校方请学生们去制止他们。 e. 有人在抽烟,学生们在校园里被号召去制止 他们。 f. 有人在抽烟,学生们被告知去制止他们在校 园内抽烟。(要抽可以去校外!)
2.1 直译(literal translation)
• Literal translation: A rendering which preserves surface aspects of the message both semantically and syntactically, adhering closely to source text mode of expression. • 直译就是在译文语言条件许可下,在译文中既 保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别 指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族特色。
③ …yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life, who is really deserving of the praises the stonecutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband; who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss; …(W. M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair)
e. 根据词形变化确定词义 • work工作,works工厂、著作。 • time时间,times时代。 • letter字母、信,letters文学。 • force力量,forces军队。 • paper纸,papers文件、证件。
• • • • •
air空气,airs做作的姿态。 manner方式, manners礼貌。 return归还,returns利润。 authority权力,authorities当局。 ground地、场地,grounds理由。
„„不过偶尔也有几个死人当得起石 匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是 虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的 儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫, 他们家里人也的确哀思绵绵地追悼 他们;„„ (如果译成“好教徒、 好父母、好儿女、好妻子、好丈 夫”,译文就显得平淡无味。)
d. 根据感情色彩确定词义 ① It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his African Corps. 当时是八月中旬,他们讨论的题目是隆美尔 及其非洲军团的下场。 ② They became less discouraged when they realized they themselves can make a better future. 当他们意识到他们可以创造更美好的前程时, 他们不再灰心丧气。
③ I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. 然而,我认为,对大多数人来说,只要 工作量不是太大,即使所做的事再单调 也总比无所事事好受。
c. 根据搭配习惯确定词义 ① He once again imparted to us great knowledge, experience and wisdom. 我们又一次领受了他的广博知识,丰富的 经验和无穷的智慧。 ② subtle • Her whole attitude had had a subtle change. • There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words.
B. 语法现象
① It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated. 当您意识到您的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的 尊敬和赞赏时,您就会力量倍增。 ② John is now with his parents in New York City; it is already three years since he was a bandmaster 约翰现与父母同住在纽约市;他不担任乐队指挥已 经三年了。 ③ With two young children and a husband…, I took a chance. 我只能先接受这份工作,以等待更好的机会。
2.1 直译(literal translation)
直译并不是字对字的死译,同一句话根 据需要也可以有多种表达。例如: • 他行进的速度快的令人惊讶。/他行进的 速度之快,令人惊讶。/他的快速行进使 我们感到惊讶。/我们对他的快速行进感 到惊讶。
• • • • • • • • • •
He moved astonishingly fast. He moved with astonishing rapidity. His movements were astonishingly rapid. His rapid movements astonished us. His movements astonished us by their rapidity. The rapidity of his movements was astonishing. The rapidity with which he moved astonished us. He astonished us by moving rapidly. He astonished us by his rapid movements. He astonished us by the rapidity of his movements.
第二章பைடு நூலகம்英译汉的翻译过程 及英汉语言、文化对比
Section 1 E-C Translation Process
1. 理解原文 2. 译文表达 3. 校核阶段
1. 理解原文
1.1 理解语言现象
A. 词汇现象 B. 语法现象
1.2 理解逻辑关系 1.3 理解原文所涉及的事物
A. 词汇现象
• I fall for that subtle plot every time! • An artist has subtler awareness of color values than an ordinary person. • The old craftsman has subtle fingers. 微妙的、细微的、狡猾的、敏锐的、灵 巧的
1.2 理解逻辑关系
• 为透彻理解原文,译者往往必须上下有 联系地理解原文的逻辑关系。有时一个 词,一个词组或一个句子可能有几种不 同的意思,要仔细推敲,分析来龙去脉, 根据逻辑推理来决定那种译法正确。逻 辑关系有时能帮助我们理解按原文语法 关系所不能理解的问题。例如:
1.2 理解逻辑关系
① • • ② It is good for him to do that. 这样做对他有好处 他这样做是件好事。 She didn’t marry him because she loved him. • 她没有与他结婚,因为她爱他。 • 她不是因为爱他才与他结婚的。
2.1 直译(literal translation)
① He is said to be a rough diamond. 人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。 ② Marriage, with peace, is this world’s paradise; with strife, this life’s purgatory. 和睦的婚姻,是这个世界的乐园;对抗 的婚姻,是这个人生的炼狱。
④ My handwriting was so bad that after taking dictation, I couldn’t translate it. 我字迹太潦草了,做完口授笔录后,自 己也辨识/辨认不清写的什么。
b. 根据词性确定词义 ① On his way home he bought some apples at a fruit stand. 他回家时,在路上的水果摊上买了些苹果。 ② The ship righted itself after the big wave had passed. 大浪过后,船又平稳了。(动词)
a. 根据上下文确定词义 ① Life is full of ups and downs. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。 He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries. 他经历了两国关系史上的分分合合。
2. 译文表达
• 表达是指译者把自己对原文内容的理解 用本族语/或另一种语言重新表达出来。 表达的好坏主要决定于对原文理解的深 度和对译文语言的修养程度和驾驭能力。 表达是理解的结果,但理解正确并不一 定意味着表达得正确。主要表达方法:
2. 译文表达
2.1 直译 literal translation 2.2 意译 liberal translation 2.3 直译和意译相结合
1.2 理解逻辑关系
③ The students were asked to stop smoking on campus. • 该句是英国近代语法学家Jocobs 和 Rosendbaum在他们的语法专著 English Transformational Grammar中 的一个有名的歧义句,至少是“一句六 解”:
② The wedding, which Heyward still remembered with pride ,was attended by a who's who of Boston Society. 赫华德仍然记得,参加婚礼的人中有波士顿的 一位社会名流,这使他感到十分得意。 ③ There was no lady about him. He was what the woman would call a manly man. That was why they like him. 他这人没有一点女人气。他是女人们称之为男 子汉的那种人。这正是他们喜欢他的原因所在。
1.3 理解原文所涉及的事物
①John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 注:to eat no fish 是一个典故,指英国伊丽莎 白女王时代,基督徒为表示对政府忠诚,拒绝 遵守反政府的罗马天主教在星期五只吃鱼的规 定。因此,to eat no fish(不吃鱼)是“忠诚” 的意思。To play the game与 to play fair同义, “规规距距地比赛”,由此转义为“为人正直, 光明正大”。故该句应译为: “约翰既忠诚又正直,可以信赖。”