

Topic 1 Confucius 孔子

Topic 1  Confucius 孔子
In educational practice, he created flexible teaching methods, promoting the combination of learning and thinking, learning and reviewing as well as teaching and learning. He emphasized on individualized and heuristic [hjuˈrɪstɪ k]启发式的teaching . These ideas are still of great significance in practice today.
相传他有弟子三千,其中七十二贤人。孔子去世后,其弟子 及其再传弟子把孔子及其弟子的言行语录和思想记录下来, 整理编成儒家经典《论语》。
As one of the greatest thinker, educator, philosopher and the founder of the Confucian school and Confucianism in the history of China, Confucius’ legacy [ˈleɡəsi]遗产 lies in the following three aspects:
700多年前,马可·波罗开辟了中意交往的先河,此后的利玛窦、郎世宁进一步拉近了 中意两国人民的距离。
A Brief Introduction
A Brief Introduction
Confucius (551 B.C—479 B.C.) is one of the most famous Chinese people. As the founder of Confucianism, his thought has exerted a deep influence



When I am fifteen, I aspired to learn. At thirty, I can be independent. At forty, I am not deluded. At fifty, I knew my destiny. At sixty, I knew truth in all I heard. At seventy, I could follow my heart’s desire without overstepping the line. (吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,
Confucianism on Chinese impact
What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 If a man take no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. 人无远虑,必有近忧。 Keep what you say and carry out what you do.
Core ideology of Confucian
ren (仁): benevolence to others — the root
yi (义): righteousness by justice — the trunk
li (礼): moral ways of conduct— the branches zhi (智): wisdom — the flower xin (信): trustworthiness— the fruit


Ren meant to “love other men”.For the person who have Ren, if treat others with generous,others will reward you Ren; if tforbear others, others will forbear you. “仁”就是“爱人”。“夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人” (此句意指:仁爱之人,自己决定对人建立仁爱之心,别人才会对你仁爱,自 己决定对人宽容,别人才会对你宽容。
Legend says that Confucius has three thousand disciples, of which 72 are sages. After Confucius died, his disciples and the disciples' disciples recorded the saying and thought of Confucius and his disciples, sorting into the Confucian classic named 《the Analects of Confucius》.
Confucius and Confucianism 孔子及其思想
孔子简介 the brief of Confucius
孔子(公元前551年—公元前479年)是中国 最著名的人物。作为儒家创始人,他的思想一直 在中国有着深远的影响。但孔子不是他的原名, 而是一种尊称,是孔夫子的拉丁文。孔子姓孔名 丘,字仲尼,出生在鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜东 南)。
Thirdly, Confucius established private schools, creating a scientific educational system.Confucius also held the idea that everyone should be educated rห้องสมุดไป่ตู้gardless of his social status.


讨论题: 为什么说“自强不息”是中国文化特
为什么说“自强不息”是中国文化特有 的精神,而不是西方文化特有的精神?
要点: ① 思维方式:“天人合一”与“法自然”的原 则
《易传·系辞下》“古者包牺氏之王天下也,仰则观象 于天,俯则观法于地,观鸟兽之文,与地之宜,近取 诸身,远取诸物,于始作八卦,以通神明之德,以类 万物之情。”
❖从世界文化发展的角度看,中国古代的儒家文化曾 经极大地影响并规定了包括朝鲜、韩国、日本在内的 整个东方文化的思想内涵及其发展进程,使东方文化 成为世界文化史上的一颗璀璨的明珠。在历史上,以 儒家文化为主干的中国——东方文化,一度造就了领 先于世界文明的东方古代文明。
❖作为身处21世纪剧变洪流中的现代中国人,要在挑 战中去把握机遇,就更应当以处变不惊的冷静、理性 和客观,去重新审视包括儒家文化在内的中国传统文 化,发掘蕴藏其中的具有鲜活生命力的文化基因,加 以继承和创新,进而去开创国家和民族的未来。
第二章 儒家文化
❖儒家文化是一种礼乐文化。这种礼乐文化是中国古代 文明的重要标志,也是东方文明的象征。


Confucian culture and its values has become an important factor in the spirit of the Chinese nation, has long been popular on the man, doing things and the founding of the famous, and depicting a spread to every corner of the social life.
When I am fifteen, I aspired to learn. At thirty, I can be independent. At forty, I am not deluded. At fifty, I knew my destiny. At sixty, I knew truth in all I heard. At seventy, I could follow my heart’s desire without overstepping the line. (吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺, 七十而从心所欲,不逾矩)
Confucianism on Chinese impact
13公管1班 1301101131 孙冉阳 13能源3班 1300203329 刘国红
The Confucianist politics socialization's process, is the Confucianist politics ideal trend practice process, was also an ancient times Ideological and political education process. Dong Zhongshu is causes the Confucianist politics from the founder who moves toward the reality ideally, is also causes the Confucian thoughts political education to step onto road's of the practice earlier worker from the theory. He has constructed the Han Dynasty Confucian thoughts political education primary coverage and the goal, advanced the Confucian thoughts political education socialization movement.


儒家思想指的是儒家学派的思想,也称为儒 教或儒学。 《汉书· 艺文志》:“儒家者流,盖出于司徒 之官,助人君顺阴阳明教化者也。游文于六 经之中,留意于仁义之际,祖叙尧、舜,宪 章文、武,宗师仲尼,以重其言,于道为最 高。”在某种程度上可以说,儒家思想是一 种人类社会道德伦理规范的学说。


⑴、孔子开创的先秦原始儒学 ⑵、董仲舒为代表的汉代儒学(经学) ⑶、以程朱理学为标志的宋明新儒学(理学) ⑷、西学冲击下的现代新儒学

1、孔子、《论语》与儒学的起点 ①创立背景: A、东周时期,中国社会经历着划时代的变革,
奴隶社会开始向封建社会过渡,周王室衰微,诸 侯争霸,社会处于动荡之中。
B、鲁国在文化上保留着最多的周文化传统,为 他创立早期的儒学思想体系提供了条件。

②《论语》与孔子的思想 “仁”、“礼”是孔子的基本思想
“性善论” “内圣” 由人而天,尽心知性,天人合一
①、“深察名号” ----------为什么学习经书 天意----真理-----“名”、“号”------儒家经 典

②、“微言大义” ----------如何学习经书 “见其指者,不任其辞。不任其辞,然后可与 适道矣。” (《春秋繁露·竹林》) (即领会圣人没 有明说,却透露于字里行间的意思。)
③、“大一统论” --------论证一统专制的合理 性

含义:所谓大一统就是大统一的意思, 就是一切统一于天子朝廷的专制统治。



Human Good Nature
• every man is good by nature and all men have natural sympathies. The reason why some people do evil is that they have lost the consciousness and betrayed their own good nature. Consequently, Mencius put forward a theory of self-cultivation, that is, self-examination or selfreflection, or trying to find fault in oneself so as to seek the innate goodness and conscience in oneself. One of the famous sayings of Mencius is that “neither riches nor honors can corrupt him; neither poverty nor lowly position can make him swerve from principle; neither threats nor force can bend him”, which gives expression to the power of moral character. The theory of original goodness of human nature expounds and verifies, from the perspective of human nature, that benevolent government complies with human nature and is therefore justified.



The analects of Confucious
Elementary textbooks for Confucianism study “Four Books” The basis of education up to the early 20th centuryБайду номын сангаасThe basis for Imperial Examination in Ming and Qing dynasty
As a social and political thought, basic communitarian ideas appeared in the pre-chin confucianism.
儒家社群主义作为一种社会与政治思想,其 基本观念在先秦儒家那里就已具备。
Modern confucianism thought is one of the important social thoughts which has influenced ideological field of china since 1920s.
Born in the village of Zon in the country of Lu in 551BC Died in 479BC
子 义 以 为 上
言 必 信 , 行 必 果 。
Position:The fist educator of private school Main doctrines——Ren
Model Teacher for All Ages—
Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior.


Confucianism Confucian thinking Confucian ideology
3.Some of the phrases
The evolution of the Confucianism thought 儒家思想演变 Confucianism theory 儒家思想学说 Introduction to Confucian thoughts 儒家思想概论 Confucian speciality 儒家思想特质 The influence of confucianism ; confucianism affected 儒家思想影响 Inheritance of Confucianism 传承儒家思想
Confucian culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture.
The ideological contents of Confucian culture includes a lot, the core content is "benevolence", etc .
朱熹 1130—1200
Neo-Confucianism(理 学) marked new development peak of Confucianism
The Four Books 1. The Analects of Confucius 2. The Doctrine of Mean 3. The Great Learning 4. Mencius The Five Classics 1.The Book of Songs 2.The Book of History 3.The Book of Changes 4.The Bo演o示k 课of件Rites 5.The Spring and Autumn Annals
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Confucianism Confucian thinking Confucian ideology
3.Some of the phrases
The evolution of the Confucianism thought 儒家思想演变 Confucianism theory 儒家思想学说 Introduction to Confucian thoughts 儒家思想概论 Confucian speciality 儒家思想特质 The influence of confucianism ; confucianism affected 儒家思想影响 Inheritance of Confucianism 传承儒家思想
benevolence righteousness credit
(virtue) (sincerity)
Confucianism is very profound, it includes " benevolence, righteousness , courtesy , wisdom , credit , "etc.
In our country the Confucianism always has a insurmountable(不可 逾越的)position . It has a profound influence to our country .,and has important significance to build a civilized and moral society.
Confucian culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture.
The ideological contents of Confucian culture includes ance", etc .
Neo-Confucianism(理 学) marked new development peak of Confucianism
朱熹 1130—1200
The Four Books 1. The Analects of Confucius 2. The Doctrine of Mean 3. The Great Learning 4. Mencius The Five Classics 1.The Book of Songs 2.The Book of History 3.The Book of Changes 4.The Book of Rites 5.The Spring and Autumn Annals
Confucianism was founded by Confucius(孔子) In Pre-qin period (先秦时期)
551 B.C.―479 B.C.
In Han Dynasty Confucianism became the state ideology
董仲舒 179 B.C.―104 B.C.
How to say "Confucianism" in English?
1.The network definition
Confucianism Confucian thoughts Confucian ideas Confucianist thought
2.Professional interpretation
As a kind of traditional culture, Confucianism , in recent years, China strongly advocate inherit and develop traditional culture, so, how to carry forward the Confucianism?
• Pay attention to the whole consciousness, cultivate the patriotic feeling . 注重整体意识,培养爱国情. • Emphasis on social morality, pursuit interpersonal harmony . 强调社会公德,追求人际和谐. • Strengthen social propaganda, pay attention to practice of morality. 加强社会宣传力度,重视道德实践. • Read the classics, absorb the essence of culture . 阅读经典著作,汲取文化精髓