



Test 1READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 minutesPART ONEQuestions 1—5·Look at questions 1—5.·In each question, which sentence is correct?·For each question,mark one letter (A,B or C) on your Answer Sheet。

123 4 5PART TWOQuestions 6-10·Look at the advertisement below。

It shows a list of workshops offered by a training company。

·For questions 6-10, decide which workshop (A—H)each person on the opposite page should attend。

·For each question,mark one letter (A—H)on your Answer Sheet.·Do not use any letter more than once。

6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate the amount she can charge customers for her marketing consultancy services.7 Roger Walker's company wants to give him responsibility forhis firm's annual profit—and—loss account and balance sheet.8 Paolo Longo needs to be able to assess the effect on sales following his company’s recent product promotions。



Test 1READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 minutesPART ONEQuestions 1-5· Look at questions 1-5.· In each question, which sentence is correct?· For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.123 4 5PART TWOQuestions 6-10· Look at the advertisement below. It shows a list ofworkshops offered by a training company.· For questions 6-10, decide which workshop (A-H) eachperson on the opposite page should attend.· For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate theamount she can charge customers for her marketing consultancy services.7 Roger Walker's company wants to give him responsibility for his firm's annual profit-and-loss account and balance sheet.8 Paolo Longo needs to be able to assess the effect onsales following his company's recent product promotions.9 Zhon Mei Feng's company wants her to learn to dividethe market into groups, which it can target with different brands.10 Valerija Georgievska needs a course on working outhow much money her firm can expect to have available each month.PART THREEQuestions 11-15· Look at the chart below. It shows a company's turnover, operating profit and market share over a period of tenmonths.· Which month does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?· For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.11 Although operating profit dropped and market share experienced a decline,there was an upturn in the level of turnover.12 Both turnover and market share showed an increase this month, while operatingprofit suffered a decline.13 Despite the fact that market share fell and there wasa decline in turnover,operating profit was equal to that of the previousmonth.14 While turnover experienced a downturn, both operating profit and market shareshowed signs of recovery.15 Although market share showed an improvement and turnover also increased,this had no effect on the month's operating profit.PART FOURQuestions 16-22· Read the job advertisement below.· Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'.· For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C)on your Answer Sheet.16 Scene Video is planning to open more stores.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say17 Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other storemanagers...A RightB WrongC Doesn't say18 Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similarpositions in other retailbusinesses.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say19 It is essential for applicants to have experience as store managers.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say20 Most successful applicants will have to spend time working in differentcountries.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say21 The Introductory Evenings are targeted at successful candidates.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say22 Application forms should be completed online.A RightB WrongC Doesn't sayPART FIVEQuestions 23-28· Read the article below about a successful business partnership.· For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.23 Phil stopped selling photocopiers because heA was unable to meet the sales targets.B recognised an opportunity in another field.C became aware of their limited market potential.24 Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?A He liked the way Sean did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of common interests.C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.25 Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of theventure.B He was unsure about giving up an establishedcareer.C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship.26 In what way does Sean believe that business is likegolf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.27 Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good friends.B their company has been so successful.C more people do not set up their own businesses.28 What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidlyexpandingC having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplacePART SIXQuestions 29-40· Read the introduction to a company report below.· Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B orC on the opposite page,· For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C)on your Answer Sheet.29A asB althoughC so30A joinB catchC meet31A grownB risenC increased32 A doB doingC done33A hasB getsC takes34A evenB justC only35A theB aC this36A onB forC in37A thereB itC what38A atB withC of39A untilB exceptC without40A whetherB whyC wherePART SEVENQuestions 41-45· Read the email and memo below.· Complete the form on the opposite page.· Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL L ETTERS) o r a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.WRITINGPART ONEQuestion 46· Your department currently has a lot of work, and your secretary must take several weeks off work, starting tomorrow.· Write an email to the Human Resources Manager in your company:· explaining why your department is so busy· saying why your secretary will be away from work· asking for a temporary secretary.· Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet,PART TWOQuestion 47· Read part of a letter below from a company which runs training courses for staff.· Write an email to Miss Foster:· expressing an interest in her company's services · describing your company's training needs· explaining why your company's premises would be themost suitable place· inviting her to a meeting next week.· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.· Do not include any postal addresses.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes' transfer time)PART ONEQuestions 1-8· For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. · For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for thecorrect answer,· After you have listened once, replay each recording.1 What is the quotation for 1,000 brochures with colour photos?2 When will the new Personnel Officer start work?A JulyB SeptemberC October3 Which pie chart is correct?4 Why is Jane unhappy about Michael's report?A He has left mistakes in it.B He has finished it very late.C He has circulated it too soon.5 What is the woman's current job with BGT?A Project ManagerB General ManagerC Account Manager6 What does the speaker think the company should do?A increase online bookingsB cut ticket pricesC reduce spending on food7 What does the woman need to get?8 Which graph shows the company figures?PART TWOQuestions 9-15· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing.· You will hear a man discussing an order from an officesupply company.·For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered spaceusing a word, number or letters.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART THREEQuestions 16-22· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing,· You will hear a man g iving a presentation about Arlington Park, a training centrefor managers.·For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered spaceusing one or two words,· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART FOURQuestions 23-30· You will hear an interview with John Winterman, theManaging Director of asports-equipment manufacturing company called Turners. · For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C)for the correct answer.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 The managers at Turners wanted to buy the companybecause itA was in a good state financially.B made first-class products.C had a strong brand image.24 What particular problem did the previous owners leave behind at Turners?A an unsuitable production systemB too wide a range of productsC a poor style of management25 One problem with Turners' distribution process was theA unreliable transportation system.B product-numbering system.C old-fashioned computer system.26 What complaint did the sports outlets make?A Deliveries were usually late.B Goods were sometimes damaged.C Orders were not complete.27 Turners now intends to concentrate on promoting itsproductsA at big competitions.B in schools.C with sports clubs.28 Which area of the company was re-organised first?A manufacturingB marketingC finance29 The majority of Turners' manufacturing will soon belocated inA Indonesia.B the Philippines.C Germany.30 What is the company's main aim in product development?A introducing new designsB giving goods international appealC improving existing linesSPEAKING 12 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each ofthe candidates in turn.You have to give information about yourself and expresspersonal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a shorttalk on a business topic.You have to choose one of the topics from the two belowand then talk for aboutone minute, You have one minute to prepare your ideas.PART THREEIn this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenarioand gives you someprompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look atthe task prompt, an example of which is below, and thenabout two minutes todiscuss the scenario with your partner. After that, theexaminer will ask you morequestions related to the topic.For two or three candidatest.。



BEC初级考试真题Instructions to Candidates(a) The time allowed for this examination is 2 hours.(b) Answer all 4 questions.(c) Use the spaces provided in the combined question and answer book let to complete the answers.If more space is needed for answers or rough notes, use the supplementary s heets provided and secure them inside your booklet with your name and candi date number clearly written on each sheet. Rough notes should be clearly cros sed through.(d) Credit will be given for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.(e) Adequate and appropriate communication is required rather than a p articular number of words.(f) When you finish, check your work carefully.(g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programm able calculators is permitted.Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionar y.ENTER DETAILS BELOWCANDIDATE’S NAME IN FULLAs it is to appear on the certificateIDENTITY CARD NUMBER.....................Subject Code Number (104)1…………………Candidate’s Number…………………………………….Centre Code……………………………Full Private Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Postcode………………….Centre Name and Address……………………………………………………………………………STATE HERE THE NUMBER OF ADITIONAL SHEETS HANDED IN μQUESTION 1Situation: Watson’s Plastics, where you work in the Accounts Department, has a fleet of company cars. You have noticed that the bills for minor bodyw ork repairs and damaged types have increased steadily in the last year. Driver reports seem to indicate many examples of careless parking and accidents ha ppening when the cars are privately used after working hours.Task: Write a memo to the Finance Manager, James Shah, informing hi m of the situation and asking for his advice about your concerns over rising c osts, cars not in use etc.Lay out your answer as a memo, in the space below, making up any nece ssary details.MEMORANDUMTO DATE FROM REF SUBJECTQUESTION 1 CONTINUEDYou may continue writing your memo here:QUESTION 2Situation: Your company, Peak Security, is applying for the security contr act at a number of major sporting events. You have been asked to check the information below about the Burlington Fields Tennis Festival.Task: Read the article on Burlington Field opposite, then say whether t he following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Then quote ONLY the word or phr ase from the text that supports your answer. The inclusion of irrelevant inform ation will be penalised.Write your answers on the lines marked A.1 The Burlington Field festival is usually held in June.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________2 The festival can be reached only by car or railway.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________3 The Champions' Court is open to everyone.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________4 There are fewer than 50 places to buy food or drink.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________5 Any of the 230 drivers will take visitors to their hotel.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________6 Burlington Fields brings together the very best players.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________7 Dishonest people can be found at the festival.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________8 Bars and restaurants at Burlington Fields are open 24 hours a day.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________9 Apart from security guards, the festival does nothing to alert people to the presence of thievesA ___________________________________________________________ ________________10 The Tie Break Bar caters for older visitors.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________(30 marks)QUESTION 2 CONTINUEDBURLINGTON FIELDS –THE HOME OF FIRST CLASS TENNISSince 1979 Burlington Field has been one of the most important sporting e vents in the western world, attracting world class players and receiving media coverage from 120 countries around the globe. The festival runs over a fortnig ht, always the last 2 weeks in July, and draws huge crowds of visitors, hoping to enjoy the thrills of the tournament and the lively excitement of the crowde d bars and eating places. There is always the chance, especially if you keep y our wits about you, of rubbing shoulders, or even sharing a table, with a star of the tennis world!The enormous complex covers over a square kilometre. There are 8 entran ce points from the spacious car parks and 2 from the rail station. A further en trance point is available to people arriving on the riverboats or by helicopter. The helicopter landing point has been very frequently used in the last 5 years.Fifteen courts provide enough top class tennis for the appetites of the mos t demanding fans. With the exception of Champions' Court, which admits book ed-in-advance badgeholders only, visitors can move freely from one court to a nother and have access to all but the Members’ Restaurant. Such names as W inners' Gallery, the Ball and Racquet, the Seafood Bar and The Tie Break Bar (this last being really popular with younger enthusiasts) draw in the customers from the time the gates open at 1000 hours until the last match has been pl ayed around 2100.All this movement of so many people inevitably brings its problems. An ar my of officials, waiters, security men etc is needed to ensure the smooth runn ing of the festival, and, as always there are occasions when matters go wrong. Recent festivals have seen significant increases in the number of counterfeit-t icket sellers, and pickpockets have created their share of misery, as bags and wallets have gone missing. There are signs warning people, but it seems ever yone can lose concentration for a few seconds –and that is all a thief needs!The facts and figures below bear out what an immense and complex affair the festival has BECome:In 1997 there were:1,400 caterers representing 200 firms providing food and drink in over 80 outlets330 guards and security men, controlling entrances and exits, patrolling cr owds and dealing with problems like lost children, people taken ill, and other difficulties300 court officials, including 45 umpires who cover 2 matches a day, and teams of line judges230 drivers, there for the exclusive use of players and officials coming to and from the festival. Drivers need a clean licence and, above all, a good knowledge of the area's streets and hotels.Many other workers, from cleaners to programme sellers, make up this we ll-drilled army.QUESTION 3Situation: You have been asked to check the details of a number of office-cleaning agencies.Task: Read the information opposite and answer the questions below in the space provided using no more than 3 words.Complete sentences are NOT required.ANSWERS1 Which firm has been established the longest?2 Which firm has no listed contracts?3 What is the charge per sq metre with Acme Cleaners?4 How many firms employ more men than women?5 How many firms have more than 20% staff turnover?6 How many banks are mentioned in the ’listed contracts’?7 Does Spick & Span offer full window cleaning services?8 Is Davies Hygiene fastest in dealing with complaints?9 Which company based outside London was most recently started?10 Which London-based company has the lowest staff turnover?11 How many companies carry more than £1 million insurance cover?12 Is the shortest contract available 3 months?13 Has Office Clean more listed contracts than ABC Clean?14 Can you telephone complaints to Dusters?15 Will Spot On clean your windows outside?16 Has Spick & Span more female employees than Dusters?17 Which firm is slowest to deal with complaints?18 Which firm has the highest cost per sq metre?19 How many firms clean exterior windows?20 Which London-based firm offers the cheapest daily cleaning service?(20 marks)QUESTION 3 CONTINUED(图片略)QUESTION 4Situation: Read the following conversation beween 2 employees of the neilson CarpetFactory in Phuket.Task: Complete the Accident Report form using the information in the conversationbelow.Anna Leow We had a nasty accident this morning. A young woman broke her ankle.Acham Scott Yes, I heard. Friday the 13th, an unlucky day indeed. Was she an employee here?Anna Leow No, she was a bisitor. I was just taking her to see the canteen and have a drink. She slipped on the stairs.Acham Scott That stair carpet has been loose for a while now. It ought to ve replaced. What was the lady’s name?Anna Leow Jan Li. I’ve got her details. She lives with her husband on Yaowarat Road, number 43, here in Phuket.Acham Scott When did you say it happened? This morning?Anna Leow Yes. It was precisely 1020.Acham Scott And you sent her to hospital in an ambulance?Anna Leow No, we sent her by car to save time.Acham Scott It sounds like it’s the company’s fault, then. I’ve told the manager about that carpet before. Have you filled in a report form?Anna Leow No, I’m going to do it now. More paperwork.Acham Scott (Laughing) Well, you are the Assistant Manager, aren’t you!(20 marks)QUESTION 4 CONTINUEDNEILSON CARPET FACTORYACCIDENT REPORT FORMTHIS FORM MUST VE COMPLETED IN CAPITALS BY THE PERSON REPORTING THE ACCIDENT ON THE DAY OF THE ACCIDENTFULL NAME OF INJUREDPERSON ___________________________________________ TITLE(MR/MRS/MISS/MS) ________________________________________ ___HOMEADDRESS ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________STATUS OF INJUREDPERSON __________________________________________ DATE OFACCIDENT __________________________________________ TIME OFACCIDENT __________________________________________ LOCATION OFACCIENT _________________________________________ DETAILS OFINJURY __________________________________________ CAUSE OFACCIDENT _________________________________________ (HOW DID ITHAPPEN?) __________________________________________ TAKEN TO HOSPITAL YES [] BY AMBULANCE [] BY CAR [] (Please tick) NO []DO YOU CONSIDER THE COMPANY IS AT FAULT? YES/NO(delete which does not apply)I F 'YES’ GIVEREASON _________________________________________ __________________________________________ACCIDENT REPORTEDBY __________________________________________COMPANY STATUS __________________________________________ DATE SIGNATURE。



bec初级试卷一、听力部分(共30分)(一)听单词,选择正确的单词拼写(每题1分,共10分)1. A. _advertisement_ B. _advertisment_ C. _adverstisement_2. A. _productivity_ B. _prodactivity_ C. _productivety_3. A. _department_ B. _departement_ C. _departmant_4. A. _customer_ B. _costomer_ C. _costumer_5. A. _opportunity_ B. _oportunity_ C. _oppurtunity_6. A. _competition_ B. _compertition_ C. _compitition_7. A. _reception_ B. _receiption_ C. _recepition_8. A. _arrangement_ B. _arangement_ C. _arrangment_9. A. _personnel_ B. _personel_ C. _personeel_10. A. _procedure_ B. _procedur_ C. _procedue_(二)听简短对话,选择正确的答案(每题2分,共10分)1. What does the man want to do?A. Buy a new product.B. Return a product.C. Get some information about a product.2. How many people are going to the meeting?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.3. Where is the woman's office?A. On the second floor.B. On the third floor.C. On the fourth floor.4. What time does the train leave?A. 9:00.B. 9:15.C. 9:30.5. What is the woman's job?A. A secretary.B. A manager.C. A salesperson.(三)听长对话,回答问题(每题2分,共10分)Conversation 1.1. What is the main topic of the conversation?A. A new project.B. A company's performance.C. Staff training.2. Who will be in charge of the new task?A. Tom.B. Mary.C. John.3. When will the work start?A. Next week.B. Next month.C. In two months.Conversation 2.4. What problem does the man mention?A. Lack of funds.B. Technical difficulties.C. Staff shortage.5. What solution does the woman suggest?A. Hiring more people.B. Cutting some costs.C. Seeking external help.二、阅读部分(共40分)(一)词汇选择(每题1分,共10分)1. Our company is looking for ways to increase _ (productivity / production) _.2. The _ (marketing / market) _ department is responsible for promoting our products.3. We need to improve our _ (customer / custom) _ service.4. There is a lot of _ (competition / compete) _ in the market.5. The new _ (product / produce) _ has been very popular.6. We have to follow certain _ (procedures / process) _ in our work.7. The _ (personnel / people) _ in our company are very professional.8. She has a lot of _ (opportunities / oppurtunities) _ for career development.9. The _ (reception / receive) _ area needs to be redecorated.10. Our _ (arrangements / arangements) _ for the conference are almost complete.(二)阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)Passage 1.Business meetings are an important part of corporate life. They can be used to discuss new projects, review progress, or make important decisions. However, many meetings are not as effective as they could be. There are several reasons for this.One problem is that meetings are often not well - planned. People may not know the purpose of the meeting in advance, or there may be no clear agenda. This can lead to a lot of wasted time as people discuss irrelevanttopics. Another issue is that some people dominate the conversation, while others are too shy to speak up. This means that not all ideas are heard and considered.In addition, meetings can sometimes be too long. People may start to lose focus and become bored, especially if there are no breaks. This can also affect the quality of the decisions made.1. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Business meetings are very important.B. There are problems with business meetings.C. How to make business meetings more effective.2. According to the passage, why are some meetings not well - planned?A. People are too busy to plan.B. There is no one in charge of planning.C. People may not know the purpose or there is no clear agenda.3. What does the passage say about people in meetings?A. Everyone participates equally.B. Some people talk too much while others are too quiet.C. People are always focused.Passage 2.Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years. It offers many advantages over traditional shopping. For example, it is very convenient. You can shop from the comfort of your own home, at any time ofthe day or night. There is also a wider range of products available online than in most physical stores.However, there are also some disadvantages. One problem is that you cannot see or touch the products before you buy them. This can make it difficult to judge the quality. Another issue is that there may be security risks, such as the possibility of your personal information being stolen.Despite these problems, online shopping is likely to continue to grow. Many companies are working hard to improve the online shopping experience, for example by offering better product descriptions and more secure payment systems.1. What are the advantages of online shopping according to the passage?A. It is cheaper.B. It is convenient and has a wide range of products.C. You can get better service.2. What are the disadvantages of online shopping?A. You have to wait a long time for delivery.B. You can't see or touch the products and there may be security risks.C. There are fewer products available.3. What are companies doing to improve online shopping?A. Offering free delivery.B. Offering better product descriptions and more secure payment systems.C. Reducing prices.三、写作部分(共20分)(一)写一封电子邮件(10分)你是一家公司的员工,你的名字是John。


答案及解析 关于加薪的文章,教你怎么样实现加薪。这道题目不难,但是抛开题目,单说文章里谈
的加薪的方法,各位还是要辩证的看。要想人生第一份工作就找到自己满意的,是挺难,可 是以加薪为目的跳槽,也未必是什么明智的好办法。
31 题,太明显的定语从句,前面是 someone,那么当然填入表示人的关系代词 who。 32 题,in line with,和什么一致,固定搭配,在中级的选词版完型里常考到这个词组。 这句的意思是,找个一个愿意给你提供和你才能更加一致的薪水的人。 33 题,from me to me,时不时的。changing employers from me to me ,时不时的换 老板。 34 题,Irrespec ve of,同 regardless of 一样,后面接让步状语从句,不管我们对可能的 雇主研究的多么好,新的工作都是一个未知数。用 how well。 35 题,turn out to be,固定用法。 36 题,换工作,要么是个好的举措,要么将成为灾难。而我们大多数人这两种经历都 有。有这种经历,是过去完成时,用 have+done。 37 题,理解前后文意思。换老板不是件我们经常愿意做的事情,并且也不是一想要加 薪就要换老板。用 every me,表示每次要加薪就准备换老板。 38 题,这题有点难度,考验人的语法功底。首先这个句子是虚拟语气,We’d 是 we would 的缩写,而不是 we had。是表示对将来的假设,我们要承担更多的风险。所以用 would be。 39 题,比较明显的,view as,将什么视作什么。 40 题,和 circumstance 相关的词组,很容易想到 under/on some circumstance,在某种 情况下。
Component:one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc Por on:a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts 这里强调 tes ng 是一个组成部分,没有说明特殊的地方,选 component。 28 题,对每个人未来的可能表现没有一个真正的衡量。选 measure。 29 题,fill a posi on,填补空位,fill 在这里的意思是 to perform a par cular job, ac vity, or purpose in an organiza on, or to find someone or something to do this 。不能选 occupy,因为 occupy 更强调人的一种主动,而这里只是客观说某个需要填补的职位。 30 题,in the business of,也是一种固定的说法,在什么的过程中。很多场合都可以使 用。可以多看几个例句: We’re in the business of s mula ng the economy (By Obama) Energe cs is a specialist management consultancy in the business of climate change



北鼎bec初级笔试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. BEC初级考试的全称是什么?A. Business English CertificateB. Business English CompetenceC. Business English CertificationD. Business English Course答案:A2. BEC初级考试主要考察哪方面的能力?A. 阅读和写作B. 听力和口语C. 阅读、写作、听力和口语D. 仅写作答案:C3. BEC初级考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 120分C. 150分D. 180分答案:B4. 以下哪个不是BEC初级考试的组成部分?A. 阅读测试B. 写作测试C. 听力测试D. 翻译测试5. BEC初级考试的阅读部分主要考察哪些技能?A. 快速阅读和理解B. 细节理解C. 推理判断D. 所有以上答案:D6. 在BEC初级考试中,写作部分通常要求考生完成的任务是什么?A. 写一封正式的电子邮件B. 写一篇议论文C. 写一篇报告D. 所有以上答案:D7. BEC初级考试的听力部分通常包含哪些类型的材料?A. 对话B. 讲座C. 新闻报道D. 所有以上答案:D8. 以下哪个不是BEC初级考试口语部分的评估标准?A. 语言准确性B. 语言流利性C. 语言复杂性D. 语言的创新性答案:D9. BEC初级考试的口语部分通常由几位考官进行评估?B. 2位C. 3位D. 4位答案:B10. 通过BEC初级考试后,考生将获得什么?A. 证书B. 成绩单C. 证书和成绩单D. 仅成绩单答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. BEC初级考试的阅读部分通常包括__个部分。

答案:52. 在BEC初级考试的写作部分,考生需要在__分钟内完成两篇写作任务。

答案:453. BEC初级考试的听力部分通常包括__个部分。

答案:34. 在BEC初级考试的口语部分,考生需要与__位考生一起进行小组讨论。



BEC商务英语初级考试历年真题1 The Scientific Approach to RecruitmentWhen it (0) to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision is made within the first five minutes of a meeting.??Yet employers like to (21) themselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes. In today’s competitive market place, the (22) of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the company’s success and, as a result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to (23) the best in the field.One method in particular that has (24) in popularity is testing , either psychometric testing, which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or ability£aptitude testing (25) an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidate’s suitability for a role. It (26) companies to add value by identifying key elements of a position and then testing candidates to ascertain their ability against those identified elements.The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one (27) of the recruitment process may have some merit, but in reality there is no real (28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential future performance of any individual. The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and strong definition of the elements of each position to be (29) as the whole recruitment process is based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on a CT and the first five minutes of a meeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employed in the (30) of recruitment.21.A suggest B convince C advise D believe22.A worth B credit C quality D distinction23.A secure B relies C attain D achieve24.A lifted B enlarged C expanded D risen25.A provides B offers C contributes D gives26.A lets B enables C agrees D admits27. A portion B member C share D component28. A extent B size C amount D measure29.A occupied B met C filled D appointed30 A business B topic C point D affair《The scientific approach to recruitment》,招人的科学方法。



BEC初级真题集1Test 1READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 minutesPART ONEQuestions 1-5· Look at questions 1-5.·In each question, which sentence is correct?· For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.123456 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate the amount she can chargecustomers for her marketing consultancy services.7 Roger Walker's company wants to give him responsibility for his firm's annual profit-and-loss account and balance sheet.8 Paolo Longo needs to be able to assess the effect on sales following hiscompany's recent product promotions.9 Zhon Mei Feng's company wants her to learn to divide the market into groups, which it can target with different brands.10 Valerija Georgievska needs a course on working out how much money her firmcan expect to have available each month.PART THREEQuestions 11-15·Look at the chart below. It shows a company's turnover, operating profit and market share over a period of ten months. · Which month does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?· For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.11 Although operating profit dropped and market share experienced a decline,there was an upturn in the level of turnover.12 Both turnover and market share showed an increase this month, while operatingprofit suffered a decline.13 Despite the fact that market share fell and there was a decline in turnover,operating profit was equal to that of the previous month.14 While turnover experienced a downturn,both operating profit and market shareshowed signs of recovery.15 Although market share showed an improvement and turnover also increased, this had no effect on the month's operating profit.PART FOURQuestions 16-22· Read the job advertisement below.· Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'.· For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.16 Scene Video is planning to open more stores.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say17 Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other store managers...A RightB WrongC Doesn't say18 Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similar positions in other retail businesses.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say19 It is essential for applicants to have experience as store managers.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say20 Most successful applicants will have to spend time working in different countries.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say21 The Introductory Evenings are targeted at successful candidates.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say22 Application forms should be completed online.A RightB WrongC Doesn't sayPART FIVEQuestions 23-28· Read the article below about a successful business partnership.· For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.23 Phil stopped selling photocopiers because heA was unable to meet the sales targets.B recognised an opportunity inanother field.C became aware of their limited market potential.24 Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?A He liked the way Sean did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of common interests.C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.25 Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of the venture.B He was unsure about giving up an established career.C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship. 26 In what way does Sean believe that business is like golf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.27 Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good friends.B their company has been so successful.C more people do not set up their own businesses.28 What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidly expandingC having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplace PART SIXQuestions 29-40· Read the introduction to a company reportbelow.· Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page,· For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.29A asB althoughC so30A joinC meet31A grownB risenC increased32 A doB doingC done33A hasB getsC takes34A evenB justC only35A theB aC this36B forC in37A thereB itC what38A atB withC of39A untilB exceptC without40A whetherB whyC wherePART SEVENQuestions 41-45· Read the email and memo below.· Complete the form on the opposite page. · Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.WRITINGPART ONEQuestion 46· Your department currently has a lot of work, and your secretary must take several weeks off work, starting tomorrow.· Write an email to the Human Resources Manager in your company:· explaining why your department is so busy· saying why your secretary will be away from work· asking for a temporary secretary. · Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet,PART TWOQuestion 47· Read part of a letter below from a company which runs training courses for staff.· Write an email to Miss Foster: · expressing an in terest in her company'sservices· describing your company's training needs· explaining why your company's premises would be the most suitable place· inviting her to a meeting next week.· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet. · Do not include any postal addresses.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes' transfer time) PART ONEQuestions 1-8· For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings.· For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer,· After you have listened once, replay each recording.1 What is the quotation for 1,000 brochures with colour photos?2 When will the new Personnel Officer start work?A JulyB SeptemberC October3 Which pie chart is correct?4 Why is Jane unhappy about Michael's report?A He has left mistakes in it.B He has finished it very late.C He has circulated it too soon.5 What is the woman's current job with BGT?A Project ManagerB General ManagerC Account Manager6 What does the speaker think the company should do?A increase online bookingsB cut ticket pricesC reduce spending on food7 What does the woman need to get?8 Which graph shows the company figures?PART TWOQuestions 9-15· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing.· You will hear a man discussing an order from an office supply company.· For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, number or letters.· After you have listened once, replay therecording.PART THREEQuestions 16-22· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing,· You will hear a man giving a presentation about Arlington Park, a training centrefor managers.· For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words,· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART FOURQuestions 23-30·You will hear an interview with John Winterman, the Managing Director of asports-equipment manufacturing company called Turners.· For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 The managers at Turners wanted to buy the company because itA was in a good state financially.B made first-class products.C had a strong brand image.24 What particular problem did the previous owners leave behind at Turners?A an unsuitable production systemB too wide a range of productsC a poor style of management25 One problem with Turners' distribution process was theA unreliable transportation system.B product-numbering system.C old-fashioned computer system.26 What complaint did the sports outletsmake?A Deliveries were usually late.B Goods were sometimes damaged.C Orders were not complete.27 Turners now intends to concentrate on promoting its productsA at big competitions.B in schools.C with sports clubs.28 Which area of the company was re-organised first?A manufacturingB marketingC finance29 The majority of Turners' manufacturing will soon be located inA Indonesia.B the Philippines.C Germany.30 What is the company's main aim in product development?A introducing new designsB giving goods international appealC improving existing linesSPEAKING 12 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the two below and then talk for aboutone minute, You have one minute to prepare your ideas.PART THREEIn this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you someprompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look atthe task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about two minutes todiscuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.For two or three candidatesKEYTest 1 ReadingPart 11C 2A 3B 4A 5APart 26C 7G 8F 9A 10EPart311 E 12 D 13 B 14 H 15 F Part 416 A 17 A 18 C 19 B 20 C 21 B 22 BPart 523 B 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 B 28 CPart 629 C 30 C 31 A 32 B 33 A34 C 35 B 36 C 37 B 38 A39 C 40 BPart 741 THORPE COLLEGE42 MAR(CH) THE 6(TH)/THE 6(TH) OFMAR(CH) / 6/3 / 3/643 1644 (MR / MS / MRS / MISS) JAN PARTRIDGE45 (THE) (MANAGEMENT) COURSESECRETARYTest 1 WritingPart 1Sample APart 2 Sample CSample DTest 1 ListeningPart 11B 2C 3C 4C 5A 6C 7C 8A Part 29 GILLMANN (INTERNATIONAL)10 DT1905511 131 (CM)12 ZY8832013 (£)16214 (£)2715 19(TH)Part S16 EXHIBITION ! (EXIBITION)17 (WORKSHOP(S)) COMMUNICATION18 (SIMPLY) LEADERSHIP19 ACCOMMODATION / (ACCOMODATION)20 FITNESS CENTRE / FITNESS CENTER21 MOVING FORWARD22 (ENQUIRY / INQUIRY) FORM(S)Part 423 B 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 CTapescriptListening Test 1This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary4, Listening Test I.Part One. Questions 1 to 8.For questions 1-8, you will hear eight shortrecordings. For each question, mark one letter(A, B or C) for the correct answer.Here is an example: Who is Emily going to write to?[pause]Man: Emily, that supplier we use has become very unreliable, and we've decided to look for another one.Woman: Seems a good idea.Man: We don't need to inform our clients, but could you send a note round to all our departments when we've decided who to replace the supplier with?Woman: Yes, of course.[pause]The answer is A.Now we are ready to start.After you bare listened once, replay each recording.[pause]One: What is the quotation for one thousandbrochures with colour photos?[pause]Man: How much can you quote for our brochure order?Woman: If you want the colour photos, it'll be more expensive. Er, for two thousand, it'll be two thousand five hundred pounds, or for a thousand, it'll be one thousand, five hundred pounds. Without colour photos, the price goes down a bit.Man: How much?Woman: Er, for a thousand, it would be one thousand two hundred.[pause]Two: When will the new Personnel Officer start work?[pause]Woman: Jane is leaving next week, isn't she? Man: Yes. We recruited the new Personnel Officer in July, but because she has to relocate from Newcastle, I don't think she'll be able to begin until October.Woman: Well, we'll need to arrange some temporary cover for September.Man: OK. I'll look into it.[pause]Three: Which pie chart is correct? [pause]Man: . . . and I'm pleased to report that here at WTM, our market share has increased by ten per cent, taking us ahead of our rivals PTA for the first time. Of course, AVC are still the market leaders with a fifty-five-per-cent share, so... [pause]Four: Why is Jane unhappy about Michael's report?[pause]Woman: Where's the report I asked for, Michael?Man: Sorry, Jane, it's here, just finished. It's a bit late, but...Woman: That doesn't matter. Has anyone else seen it?Man: I circulated copies internally. I thought you asked me to.Woman: Not before I'd checked it first. If you've made mistakes in it, it won't be very good for the department.[pause]Five: What is the woman's current job with BGT?[pause]Man: Can you tell me about your work with BGT?Woman: Well, I started in nineteen ninety-two as Account Manager. The General Manager was keen to promote young staff quickly, so shortly after that, I became Project Team Leader. My boss, the Project Manager, became General Manager last year. Man: And you were promoted?Woman: Yes, I took his place.[pause]Six: What does the speaker think the company should do?Man: So, what will you do to keep the business going through this difficult time? Woman: As a low-cost airline, we're happy with the numbers using the internet to reserve ticket and customers report that our prices are competitive. We now need to look at cutting back on in-flight catering, as sales of snacks ha really dropped recently. [pause]Seven: What does the woman need to get? [pause]Man: Is there a sound system in the seminar room?Woman: Well, we've got a microphone, and there's a video player there...Man: Mmm, I'm not sure the MD will use it.A flipchart is essential, though. Woman: Oh, I never thought of that, I'll fetch on now. Shall I remove the video? Man: No, leave it, I might use it in the afternoonEight: Which graph shows the company figures?[pause]Man: Figures published today by the Falmouth Group received a mixed reaction. Although production costs increased at a slower rate during the second half of the year, profits continued to fall.[pause]That is the end of Part One.[pause]Part Two. Questions 9 to 15.Look at the notes below.Some information is missing. You will hear a man discussing an order from an office supply company.For each question, 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word number or letters.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You have ten seconds to readthrough the notes.[pause]Now listen, and fill in the missing information.Woman: Hello, Wilson's Office Supplies. Man: Hello, this is Gillmann International. I'm afraid the desk you delivered last week is too large. Could I change it for a smaller one?Woman: Yes, certainly. What is the name again?Man: Gillmann International, spelt G-I-doubleL-M-A-double N.Woman: Right. What's the date of that order? Man: The invoice is dated the fifth of July... . Ican give you the order number: DT one, nine,oh, double five. ,Woman: Yes, here it is. Have you a copy of ourcatalogue there? You ordered the hundred andthirty-seven point five centimetre desk, didn'tyou?Man: Yes, that desk is too wide. It's the smallerone I need - one hundred and thirty-one centimetres wide.Woman: Yes, that's reference number ZY doubleeight-three-two-oh.Man: Yes, fine. And could you collect the otherone when you deliver the new desk? Woman: Yes. This desk is cheaper, it's a hundredand seventy-nine pounds ninety-nine.., so that'll be... a hundred and sixty-two poundswith your normal ten-per-cent discount. Man: Good. Could you credit our account?Woman: Yes, that'll be twenty-seven pounds. Wecould deliver the new desk next Thursday, thefourteenth, or the following week on the nineteenth.Man: Urn, the later date is best. You've got ouraddress.Woman: Yes. We'll put the credit through afterdelivery.Man: Good. Thanks for your help... [panse]Now listen to the recording again. [pause]That is the end of Part Two. You now have ten seconds to check your answers.[pause]Part Three. Questions 16 to 22.Look at the notes below.Some information is missing.You will bear a man giving a presentation about Arlington Park, a training centre for managers.For each question, 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words.After you bare listened once, replay the recording.You have ten seconds to look at the form. [pause]Now listen, and complete the form.Man: Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming to hear abont Arlington Park. Some of you know a lot about it already, but for people who don't, the first thing to say is that if you do want to see what sort of work we do, on every third Thursday in the month, there's an exhibition, so come along to that - you're very welcome.At Arlington Park, we aim to help you not only to get the most out of your staff, but also the most out of you yourself. Ournext two weekend workshops are covering two very important areas in this field: on the tenth of June, we have a workshop on communication.Nothing could be easier in our modern world and yet nothing is more difficult, too. On the seventeenth of July, we have a change in the programme; we previously advertised a course on using technology, but that day is now set aside for a course called simply 'Leadership', run by one of our best trainers, Richard Gordon.You probably know his management books. The one-day weekend workshops are just one of the types of courses we offer. We also offer three-day programmes, and these include accommodation. I'll leave a pile of leaflets about those with you, so that you can look at them at your leisure.Arlington Park is very well equipped, and managers always enjoy their stay. Our facilities are excellent, and we havespecial training suites, as well as a fitness centre.Every quarter, we publish a magazine - I've got a few copies here for those of you who haven't seen it before. We've just changed the name; it used to be Developing People, now it's called Moving Forward. The articles in it are written by the trainers and by the managers attending our courses. If anyone would like to go on our mailing list, would you please fill in one of these enquiry forms and leave it at reception? I'll pick up all the forms at the end of the morning. Now, onto more detail... [pause]Now listen to the recording again. [pause]That is the end of Part Three. You now bare twenty seconds to check your answers. [pause]Part Four. Questions 23 to 30.You will hear an interview with JohnWinterman,the Managing Director of a sports-equipment manufacturing company called Turners.For each question, 23-30, mark one letter (A, B orC) for the correct answer.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the questions.[pause]Now listen, and mark A, B or C.Woman: ... and this morning, we welcome John Winterman, Managing Director of Turners, the sports company which manufactures golf and tennis equipment.Man: Morning.Woman: So, John, you took charge of the company after a management buy-out. What made you and the other managers sure that it would be a successful move?Man: Well, when we bought the business in nineteen ninety-seven, we knew there were。



B E C初级考试真题(总7页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--BEC初级考试真题Instructions to Candidates(a) The time allowed for this examination is 2 hours.(b) Answer all 4 questions.(c) Use the spaces provided in the combined question and answer book let to co mplete the answers. If more space is needed for answers or rough notes, use the sup plementary sheets provided and secure them inside your booklet with your name and c andidate number clearly written on each sheet. Rough notes should be clearly crosse d through. (d) Credit will be given for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. (e) Adequate and appropriate communication is required rather than a particular number of words. (f) When you finish, check your work carefully. (g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programmable calculators is permitted. Candidates whose first languag e is not English may use a bilingual dictionary.ENTER DETAILS BELOWCANDIDATE’S NAME IN FULL As it is to appear on the certificate IDENTITY CA RD NUMBER.....................Subject Code Number (104)1…………………Candidate’s Number…………………………………….Centre Cod e……………………………Full Private Addres s………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Postcod e………………….Centre Name and Address…………………………………………………………………………… STATE HERE THE NU MBER OF ADITIONAL SHEETS HANDED IN μQUESTION 1 Situation: Watson’s Plastics, where you work in the Ac counts Department, has a fleet of company cars. You have noticed that the bills for minor bodywork repairs and damaged types have increased steadily in the last year. Driver reports seem to indicate many examples of careless parking and accidents ha ppening when the cars are privately used after working hours. Task: W rite a memo to the Finance Manager, James Shah, informing him of the situation and asking for his advice about your concerns over rising costs, cars not in use etc. Lay out your answer as a memo, in the space below, making up any necessary details. MEMORANDUM TO D ATE FROMREF SUBJECTQUESTION 1 CONTINUEDYou may continue writing your memo here:QUESTION 2 Situation: Your company, Peak Security, is applying for the security contract at a number of major sporting events. You have been asked to check the information below about the Burlington Fields Tennis Festival. Tas k: Read the article on Burlington Field opposite, then say whether the fo llowing statements are TRUE or FALSE. Then quote ONLY the word or phrase from the t ext that supports your answer. The inclusion of irrelevant information will be pena lised.Write your answers on the lines marked A. 1 The Burlington Field festival is usually held in June. A __________________________________ _________________________________________ 2 The festival can be reached only by car or railway. A __________________________________________ _________________________________ 3 The Champions' Court is ope n to everyone. A ____________________________________________________________ _______________ 4 There are fewer than 50 places to buy food or drink. A ___________________________________________________________________ ________ 5 Any of the 230 drivers will take visitors to their h otel. A _____________________________________________________________________ ______ 6 Burlington Fields brings together the very best player s. A ________________________________________________________________________ ___ 7 Dishonest people can be found at the festival. A __ _________________________________________________________________________8 Bars and restaurants at Burlington Fields are open 24 hours a day.A __________________________________________________________________________ _ 9 Apart from security guards, the festival does nothing to al ert people to the presence of thieves A _____________________________________ ______________________________________ 10 The Tie Break Bar caters for older visitors. A ___________________________________________________________ ________________ (30 marks) QUESTION 2 CONTINUED BURLINGTON FIELDS – T HE HOME OF FIRST CLASS TENNIS Since 1979 Burlington Field has been one of the m ost important sporting events in the western world, attracting world class players and receiving media coverage from 120 countries around the globe. The festival runs over a fortnight, always the last 2 weeks in July, and draws huge crowds of visito rs, hoping to enjoy the thrills of the tournament and the lively excitement of the crowded bars and eating places. There is always the chance, especially if you keepyour wits about you, of rubbing shoulders, or even sharing a table, with a star of the tennis world! The enormous complex covers over a square kilometre. There ar e 8 entrance points from the spacious car parks and 2 from the rail station. A furt her entrance point is available to people arriving on the riverboats or by helicopt er. The helicopter landing point has been very frequently used in the last 5 years.Fifteen courts provide enough top class tennis for the appetites of the most d emanding fans. With the exception of Champions' Court, which admits booked-in-advan ce badgeholders only, visitors can move freely from one court to another and have a ccess to all but the Members’ Restaurant. Such names as Winners' Gallery, the Ball and Racquet, the Seafood Bar and The Tie Break Bar (this last being really popular with younger enthusiasts) draw in the customers from the time the gates open at 10 00 hours until the last match has been played around 2100. All this movement of so many people inevitably brings its problems. An army of officials, waiters, secu rity men etc is needed to ensure the smooth running of the festival, and, as always there are occasions when matters go wrong. Recent festivals have seen significant increases in the number of counterfeit-ticket sellers, and pickpockets have created their share of misery, as bags and wallets have gone missing. There are signs warn ing people, but it seems everyone can lose concentration for a few seconds – and t hat is all a thief needs! The facts and figures below bear out what an immense and complex affair the festival has BECome: In 1997 there were: 1,400 cater ers representing 200 firms providing food and drink in over 80 outlets 330 guar ds and security men, controlling entrances and exits, patrolling crowds and dealing with problems like lost children, people taken ill, and other difficulties 300 court officials, including 45 umpires who cover 2 matches a day, and teams of line judges 230 drivers, there for the exclusive use of players and officials comin g to and from the festival. Drivers need a clean licence and, above all, a good knowledge of the area's streets and hotels. Many other workers, from cleaners to p rogramme sellers, make up this well-drilled army.QUESTION 3 Situation: You have been asked to check the details of a number of office-cleaningagencies. Task: Read the information opposite and answer the questions below in the space provided using no more than 3 words. Complete sentences are NOTrequired. ANSWERS 1 Which firm has been established the longest 2 Which firm has no listedcontracts 3 What is the charge per sq metre with Acme Cleaners 4 How many firms employ more men thanwomen 5 How many firms have more than 20% staffturnover 6 How many banks are mentioned in the ’listed contracts’7 Does Spick & Span offer full window cleaning services 8 Is Davies Hygiene fastest in dealing with complaints 9 Which company based outside London was most recently started 10 Which London-based company has the lowest staff turnover 11 How many companies carry more than £1 million insurance cover 12 Is the shortest contract available 3 months 13 Has Office Clean more listed contracts than ABC Clean 14 Can you telephone complaints toDusters 15 Will Spot On clean your windowsoutside 16 Has Spick & Span more female employees than Dusters 17 Which firm is slowest to deal withcomplaints 18 Which firm has the highest cost per sqmetre 19 How many firms clean exteriorwindows 20 Which London-based firm offers the cheapest daily cleaning service (20 marks) QUESTION 3 CONTINUED(图片略) QUESTION 4 Situation: Read the following conversation beween 2 employees of the neilson Carpet Factory in Phuket. Task: Complete the Accident Report formusing the information in the conversation below. Anna Leow We had a nasty accident this morning. A young woman broke her ankle. Acham Scott Yes, I heard. Friday the 13th, an unlucky day indeed. Was she an employee here Anna Leow No, she was a bisitor. I was just taking her to see the canteen and have a drink. She slipped on the stairs. Acham Scott That stair carpet has been loose for a while now. It ought to ve replaced. What was the lady’s name AnnaLeow Jan Li. I’ve got her details. Sh e lives with her husband on Yaowarat Road, number 43, here in Phuket. Acham Scott When did you say it happened This morning Anna Leow Yes. It was precisely 1020. AchamScott And you sent her to hospital in an ambulance Anna Leow No, we sent her by car to save time. AchamScott It sounds like it’s the company’s fault, then. I’ve told the manager about that carpet before. Have you filled in areport form Anna Leow No, I’m going to do it now. More paperwork. Acham Scott (Laughing) Well, you are the Assistant Manager, aren’t you!(20 marks)QUESTION 4 CONTINUED NEILSON CARPET FACTORY ACCIDENT REPORT FORM THIS FORM MUST VE COMPLETED IN CAPITALS BY THE PERSON REPORTING THE ACCIDENT ON THE DAY OF THE ACCIDENT FULL NAME OF INJURED PERSON ___________________________________________TITLE(MR/MRS/MISS/MS) __________________________________ _________ HOMEADDRESS _________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ STATUS OF INJURED PERSON __________________________________________DATE OFACCIDENT ______________________________ ____________ TIME OFACCIDENT ______________________________ ____________ LOCATION OFACCIENT _____________________________________ ____ DETAILS OFINJURY __________________________________ ________ CAUSE OFACCIDENT ______________________________ ___________ (HOW DID ITHAPPEN) __________________________________________ TAKEN TO HOSPITAL YES [] BY AMBULANCE [] BY CAR [] (Pleasetick)NO [] DO YOU CONSIDER THE COMPANY IS ATFAULT? YES/NO(delete which does not apply) IF 'YES’ GIVE REASON __________________________________ _______ __________________________________________ ACCIDENT REPORTED BY __________________________________________COMPANY STATUS __________________________________________ DATE SIGNATURE。



BEC初级试题及答案1. 阅读以下对话,并选择最恰当的完成句子的选项。

对话:A: 你好,我需要预订一张去伦敦的机票。

B: 没问题,请问您想要哪天出发?A: 我计划下周三出发。

B: 好的,您想要经济舱还是商务舱?A: 经济舱就可以了。

B: 经济舱的票价是500美元。

问题:A想要预订的机票类型是?A. 经济舱B. 商务舱C. 头等舱D. 无舱位答案:A2. 根据以下图表,回答以下问题。

图表柱状图显示了四个季度的销售额:第一季度:100万第二季度:150万第三季度:200万第四季度:250万问题:2019年哪个季度的销售额最高?A. 第一季度B. 第二季度C. 第三季度D. 第四季度答案:D3. 听以下录音,并回答以下问题。

录音内容:(此处假设录音内容为一段关于新产品发布的介绍)问题:新产品发布的时间是?A. 上个月B. 本月C. 下个月D. 两个月后答案:B4. 根据以下文本,选择最合适的填空选项。



问题:电子商务行业的增长可以归因于什么?A. 互联网的普及B. 传统零售的衰退C. 消费者信心的下降D. 经济的增长答案:A5. 根据以下图表,回答以下问题。

图表标题:员工满意度调查饼状图显示了员工满意度的分布:满意:40%一般:30%不满意:30%问题:有多少比例的员工对工作不满意?A. 10%B. 20%C. 30%D. 40%答案:C6. 阅读以下句子,并选择最合适的同义词替换划线部分。


问题:哪个词可以替换句子中的“推迟”?A. 取消B. 延迟C. 提前D. 继续答案:B7. 听以下录音,并回答以下问题。

录音内容:(此处假设录音内容为一段关于公司财务状况的讨论)问题:公司去年的净利润是多少?A. 500万美元B. 1000万美元C. 1500万美元D. 2000万美元答案:C8. 根据以下文本,选择最合适的填空选项。


6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate the
amount she can charge customers for her marketing
consultancy services.
Roger Walker's company wants to give ed signs of recovery. 15 Although market share showed an improvement and turnover also increased,
this had no effect on the month's operating profit. PART FOUR Questions 16-22 · Read the job advertisement below. · Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'. · For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
16 Scene Video is planning to open more stores. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 17 Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other store managers... A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 18 Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similar



BEC初级考试真题Instructions to Candidates(a) The time allowed for this examination is 2 hours.(b) Answer all 4 questions.(c) Use the spaces provided in the combined question and answer book let to complete the answers.If more space is needed for answers or rough notes, use the supplementary s heets provided and secure them inside your booklet with your name and candi date number clearly written on each sheet. Rough notes should be clearly cros sed through.(d) Credit will be given for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.(e) Adequate and appropriate communication is required rather than a p articular number of words.(f) When you finish, check your work carefully.(g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programm able calculators is permitted.Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionar y.ENTER DETAILS BELOWCANDIDATE’S NAME IN FULLAs it is to appear on the certificateIDENTITY CARD NUMBER.....................Subject Code Number (104)1…………………Candidate’s Number…………………………………….Centre Code……………………………Full Private Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Postcode………………….Centre Name and Address……………………………………………………………………………STATE HERE THE NUMBER OF ADITIONAL SHEETS HANDED IN μQUESTION 1Situation: Watson’s Plastics, where you work in the Accounts Department, has a fleet of company cars. You have noticed that the bills for minor bodyw ork repairs and damaged types have increased steadily in the last year. Driver reports seem to indicate many examples of careless parking and accidents ha ppening when the cars are privately used after working hours.Task: Write a memo to the Finance Manager, James Shah, informing hi m of the situation and asking for his advice about your concerns over rising c osts, cars not in use etc.Lay out your answer as a memo, in the space below, making up any nece ssary details.MEMORANDUMTO DATE FROM REF SUBJECTQUESTION 1 CONTINUEDYou may continue writing your memo here:QUESTION 2Situation: Your company, Peak Security, is applying for the security contr act at a number of major sporting events. You have been asked to check the information below about the Burlington Fields Tennis Festival.Task: Read the article on Burlington Field opposite, then say whether t he following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Then quote ONLY the word or phr ase from the text that supports your answer. The inclusion of irrelevant inform ation will be penalised.Write your answers on the lines marked A.1 The Burlington Field festival is usually held in June.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________2 The festival can be reached only by car or railway.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________3 The Champions' Court is open to everyone.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________4 There are fewer than 50 places to buy food or drink.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________5 Any of the 230 drivers will take visitors to their hotel.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________6 Burlington Fields brings together the very best players.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________7 Dishonest people can be found at the festival.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________8 Bars and restaurants at Burlington Fields are open 24 hours a day.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________9 Apart from security guards, the festival does nothing to alert people to the presence of thievesA ___________________________________________________________ ________________10 The Tie Break Bar caters for older visitors.A ___________________________________________________________ ________________(30 marks)QUESTION 2 CONTINUEDBURLINGTON FIELDS –THE HOME OF FIRST CLASS TENNISSince 1979 Burlington Field has been one of the most important sporting e vents in the western world, attracting world class players and receiving media coverage from 120 countries around the globe. The festival runs over a fortnig ht, always the last 2 weeks in July, and draws huge crowds of visitors, hoping to enjoy the thrills of the tournament and the lively excitement of the crowde d bars and eating places. There is always the chance, especially if you keep y our wits about you, of rubbing shoulders, or even sharing a table, with a star of the tennis world!The enormous complex covers over a square kilometre. There are 8 entran ce points from the spacious car parks and 2 from the rail station. A further en trance point is available to people arriving on the riverboats or by helicopter. The helicopter landing point has been very frequently used in the last 5 years.Fifteen courts provide enough top class tennis for the appetites of the mos t demanding fans. With the exception of Champions' Court, which admits book ed-in-advance badgeholders only, visitors can move freely from one court to a nother and have access to all but the Members’ Restaurant. Such names as W inners' Gallery, the Ball and Racquet, the Seafood Bar and The Tie Break Bar (this last being really popular with younger enthusiasts) draw in the customers from the time the gates open at 1000 hours until the last match has been pl ayed around 2100.All this movement of so many people inevitably brings its problems. An ar my of officials, waiters, security men etc is needed to ensure the smooth runn ing of the festival, and, as always there are occasions when matters go wrong. Recent festivals have seen significant increases in the number of counterfeit-t icket sellers, and pickpockets have created their share of misery, as bags and wallets have gone missing. There are signs warning people, but it seems ever yone can lose concentration for a few seconds –and that is all a thief needs!The facts and figures below bear out what an immense and complex affair the festival has BECome:In 1997 there were:1,400 caterers representing 200 firms providing food and drink in over 80 outlets330 guards and security men, controlling entrances and exits, patrolling cr owds and dealing with problems like lost children, people taken ill, and other difficulties300 court officials, including 45 umpires who cover 2 matches a day, and teams of line judges230 drivers, there for the exclusive use of players and officials coming to and from the festival. Drivers need a clean licence and, above all, a good knowledge of the area's streets and hotels.Many other workers, from cleaners to programme sellers, make up this we ll-drilled army.QUESTION 3Situation: You have been asked to check the details of a number of office-cleaning agencies.Task: Read the information opposite and answer the questions below in the space provided using no more than 3 words.Complete sentences are NOT required.ANSWERS1 Which firm has been established the longest?2 Which firm has no listed contracts?3 What is the charge per sq metre with Acme Cleaners?4 How many firms employ more men than women?5 How many firms have more than 20% staff turnover?6 How many banks are mentioned in the ’listed contracts’?7 Does Spick & Span offer full window cleaning services?8 Is Davies Hygiene fastest in dealing with complaints?9 Which company based outside London was most recently started?10 Which London-based company has the lowest staff turnover?11 How many companies carry more than £1 million insurance cover?12 Is the shortest contract available 3 months?13 Has Office Clean more listed contracts than ABC Clean?14 Can you telephone complaints to Dusters?15 Will Spot On clean your windows outside?16 Has Spick & Span more female employees than Dusters?17 Which firm is slowest to deal with complaints?18 Which firm has the highest cost per sq metre?19 How many firms clean exterior windows?20 Which London-based firm offers the cheapest daily cleaning service?(20 marks)QUESTION 3 CONTINUED(图片略)QUESTION 4Situation: Read the following conversation beween 2 employees of the neilson CarpetFactory in Phuket.Task: Complete the Accident Report form using the information in the conversationbelow.Anna Leow We had a nasty accident this morning. A young woman broke her ankle.Acham Scott Yes, I heard. Friday the 13th, an unlucky day indeed. Was she an employee here?Anna Leow No, she was a bisitor. I was just taking her to see the canteen and have a drink. She slipped on the stairs.Acham Scott That stair carpet has been loose for a while now. It ought to ve replaced. What was the lady’s name?Anna Leow Jan Li. I’ve got her details. She lives with her husband on Yaowarat Road, number 43, here in Phuket.Acham Scott When did you say it happened? This morning?Anna Leow Yes. It was precisely 1020.Acham Scott And you sent her to hospital in an ambulance?Anna Leow No, we sent her by car to save time.Acham Scott It sounds like it’s the company’s fault, then. I’ve told the manager about that carpet before. Have you filled in a report form?Anna Leow No, I’m going to do it now. More paperwork.Acham Scott (Laughing) Well, you are the Assistant Manager, aren’t you!(20 marks)QUESTION 4 CONTINUEDNEILSON CARPET FACTORYACCIDENT REPORT FORMTHIS FORM MUST VE COMPLETED IN CAPITALS BY THE PERSON REPORTING THE ACCIDENT ON THE DAY OF THE ACCIDENTFULL NAME OF INJUREDPERSON ___________________________________________ TITLE(MR/MRS/MISS/MS) ________________________________________ ___HOMEADDRESS ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________STATUS OF INJUREDPERSON __________________________________________ DATE OFACCIDENT __________________________________________ TIME OFACCIDENT __________________________________________ LOCATION OFACCIENT _________________________________________ DETAILS OFINJURY __________________________________________ CAUSE OFACCIDENT _________________________________________ (HOW DID ITHAPPEN?) __________________________________________ TAKEN TO HOSPITAL YES [] BY AMBULANCE [] BY CAR [] (Please tick) NO []DO YOU CONSIDER THE COMPANY IS AT FAULT? YES/NO(delete which does not apply)I F 'YES’ GIVEREASON ___________________________________________________________________________________ACCIDENT REPORTEDBY __________________________________________COMPANY STATUS __________________________________________ DATE SIGNATURE。



bec商务英语初级试题及答案BEC商务英语初级试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。

(每题2分,共10分)A. 会议将在下午3点开始。

B. 会议将在下午4点开始。

C. 会议将在下午5点开始。

[答案] B2. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。

(每题2分,共10分)A. 客户对产品不满意。

B. 客户对价格不满意。

C. 客户对服务不满意。

[答案] A二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下商务信件,回答问题。

(每题3分,共15分)Dear Mr. Smith,We are pleased to inform you that your application for the position of Sales Manager has been successful.Sincerely,John DoeHuman Resources ManagerQuestion: What position has Mr. Smith been offered?A. Marketing ManagerB. Sales ManagerC. Customer Service Manager[答案] B2. 阅读以下商务信件,回答问题。

(每题3分,共15分)Dear Sir/Madam,We regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with your order due to a lack of stock.Best regards,Jane SmithCustomer Service TeamQuestion: What is the reason for not proceeding with the order?A. The order is too large.B. There is a lack of stock.C. The payment is not received.[答案] B三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 选择正确的词汇或语法结构完成句子。




(每小题1分,共计10分)1. 规避风险____________ [填空题] *空1答案:risk-averse2. 首期付款____________ [填空题] *空1答案:down payment3. 私家旧货出售____________ [填空题] *空1答案:Private secondhand sale4. 生产周期____________ [填空题] *空1答案:product time5. 产品销售员____________ [填空题] *空1答案:product merchandiser6. Malicious attack____________ [填空题] *空1答案:恶意攻击7. go to all lengths____________ [填空题] *空1答案:全力以赴8. People who can solve difficulties____________ [填空题] *空1答案:能解决困难的人9. Meeting package____________ [填空题] *空1答案:会议套餐10. Target market ____________ [填空题] *空1答案:目标市场二、选择正确的词的代码填入下列句子中。

(每题2分,共计20分)A. refrain fromB. reach out toC. identify withD. put out all the stopsE. rent outF. on trackG. Not only H. frustrateI. come across J. taking in1. ________did he complain about the food, but also refused to pay for it. [填空题] *空1答案:G2. What are some of the difficulties one is likely to ___________in this transformation process. [填空题] *空1答案:I3. They made preparation to_____________ the conspiracy. [填空题] *空1答案:H4. She _______________scolding her child until the visitors left. [填空题] *空1答案:A5. When you’re looking for a job, you could ___________your network. [填空题] *空1答案:B6. I believe that most readers will__________ the author. [填空题] *空1答案:C7. I am innocent. I’m going to ____________to prove it. [填空题] *空1答案:D8. He had to____________ his house in Seattle to make mortgage payment. [填空题] *空1答案:E9. We made a great effort to get our company back ___________. [填空题] *空1答案:F10. The scholar attaches importance to getting rid of the stale and_______ the fresh. [填空题] *空1答案:J三、从选项中选择句子中划线部分的词相对应的词。



BEC初级真题1Test 1READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 minutesPART ONEQuestions 1-5· Look at questions 1-5.· In each question, which sentence is correct?· For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.12345PART TWOQuestions 6-10· Look at the advertisement below. It shows a list of workshops offered by a training company.· For questions 6-10, decide which workshop (A-H) each person on the opposite page should attend.· For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate the amount she can charge customers for her marketing consultancy services.7 Roger Walker's company wants to give him responsibility for his firm's annual profit-and-loss account and balance sheet.8 Paolo Longo needs to be able to assess the effect on sales following his company's recent product promotions.9 Zhon Mei Feng's company wants her to learn to divide the market into groups, which it can target with different brands.10 Valerija Georgievska needs a course on working out how much money her firm can expect to have available each month.PART THREEQuestions 11-15· Look at the chart below. It shows a company's turnover, operating profit and market share over a period of ten months.· Which month does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?· For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.11 Although operating profit dropped and market share experienced a decline,there was an upturn in the level of turnover.12 Both turnover and market share showed an increase this month, while operatingprofit suffered a decline.13 Despite the fact that market share fell and there wasa decline in turnover,operating profit was equal to that of the previous month.14 While turnover experienced a downturn, both operating profit and market shareshowed signs of recovery.15 Although market share showed an improvement and turnover also increased,this had no effect on the month's operating profit. PART FOURQuestions 16-22· Read the job advertisement below.· Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'.· For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.16 Scene Video is planning to open more stores.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say17 Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other storemanagers...A RightB WrongC Doesn't say18 Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similarpositions in other retailbusinesses.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say19 It is essential for applicants to have experience as store managers.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say20 Most successful applicants will have to spend time working in differentcountries.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say21 The Introductory Evenings are targeted at successful candidates.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say22 Application forms should be completed online.A RightB WrongC Doesn't sayPART FIVEQuestions 23-28· Read the article below about a successful business partnership.· For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.23 Phil stopped selling photocopiers because heA was unable to meet the sales targets.B recognised an opportunity in another field.C became aware of their limited market potential.24 Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?A He liked the way Sean did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of common interests.C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.25 Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of the venture.B He was unsure about giving up an established career.C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship.26 In what way does Sean believe that business is like golf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.27 Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good friends.B their company has been so successful.C more people do not set up their own businesses.28 What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidly expandingC having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplacePART SIXQuestions 29-40· Read the introduction to a company report below. · Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page,· For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.29A asB althoughC so30A joinB catchC meet31A grownB risenC increased32 A doB doingC done33A hasB getsC takes34A evenB justC only35A theB aC this36A onB forC in37A thereB itC what38A atB withC of39A untilB exceptC without40A whetherB whyC wherePART SEVENQuestions 41-45· Read the email and memo below.· Complete the form on the opposite page.· Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.WRITINGPART ONEQuestion 46· Your department currently has a lot of work, and your secretary must take several weeks off work, starting tomorrow.· Write an email to the Human Resources Manager in your company:· explaining why your department is so busy· saying why your secretary will be away from work · asking for a temporary secretary.· Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet,PART TWOQuestion 47· Read part of a letter below from a company which runs training courses for staff.· Write an email to Miss Foster:· expressing an interest in her company's services · describing your company's training needs· explaining why your company's premises would be the most suitable place· inviting her to a meeting next week.· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.· Do not include any postal addresses.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes' transfer time)PART ONEQuestions 1-8· For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. · For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer,· After you have listened once, replay each recording.1 What is the quotation for 1,000 brochures with colour photos?2 When will the new Personnel Officer start work?A JulyB SeptemberC October3 Which pie chart is correct?4 Why is Jane unhappy about Michael's report?A He has left mistakes in it.B He has finished it very late.C He has circulated it too soon.5 What is the woman's current job with BGT?A Project ManagerB General ManagerC Account Manager6 What does the speaker think the company should do?A increase online bookingsB cut ticket pricesC reduce spending on food7 What does the woman need to get?8 Which graph shows the company figures?PART TWOQuestions 9-15· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing.· You will hear a man discussing an order from an office supply company.·For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered spaceusing a word, number or letters.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART THREEQuestions 16-22· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing,· You will hear a man giving a presentation about Arlington Park, a training centrefor managers.·For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered spaceusing one or two words,· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART FOURQuestions 23-30· You will hear an interview with John Winterman, the Managing Director of asports-equipment manufacturing company called Turners. · For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 The managers at Turners wanted to buy the company because itA was in a good state financially.B made first-class products.C had a strong brand image.24 What particular problem did the previous owners leave behind at Turners?A an unsuitable production systemB too wide a range of productsC a poor style of management25 One problem with Turners' distribution process was theA unreliable transportation system.B product-numbering system.C old-fashioned computer system.26 What complaint did the sports outlets make?A Deliveries were usually late.B Goods were sometimes damaged.C Orders were not complete.27 Turners now intends to concentrate on promoting its productsA at big competitions.B in schools.C with sports clubs.28 Which area of the company was re-organised first?A manufacturingB marketingC finance29 The majority of Turners' manufacturing will soon be located inA Indonesia.B the Philippines.C Germany.30 What is the company's main aim in product development?A introducing new designsB giving goods international appealC improving existing linesSPEAKING 12 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn.You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic.You have to choose one of the topics from the two below and then talk for aboutone minute, You have one minute to prepare your ideas.PART THREEIn this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenarioand gives you someprompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look atthe task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about two minutes todiscuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you morequestions related to the topic.For two or three candidatest.。



Test 1READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 minutesPART ONEQuestions 1-5· Look at questions 1-5.· In each question, which sentence is correct?· For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.12345PART TWOQuestions 6-10· Look at the advertisement below. It shows a list of workshops offered by a training company.· For questions 6-10, decide which workshop (A-H) each person on the opposite page should attend.· For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate the amount she can charge customers for her marketing consultancy services.7 Roger Walker's company wants to give him responsibility for his firm's annual profit-and-loss account and balance sheet.8 Paolo Longo needs to be able to assess the effect on sales following his company's recent product promotions.9 Zhon Mei Feng's company wants her to learn to divide the market into groups, which it can target with different brands.10 Valerija Georgievska needs a course on working out how much money her firm can expect to have available each month.PART THREEQuestions 11-15· Look at the chart below. It shows a company's turnover, operating profit and market share over a period of ten months.· Which month does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?· For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.11 Although operating profit dropped and market share experienced a decline,there was an upturn in the level of turnover.12 Both turnover and market share showed an increase this month, while operatingprofit suffered a decline.13 Despite the fact that market share fell and there wasa decline in turnover,operating profit was equal to that of the previous month.14 While turnover experienced a downturn, both operating profit and market shareshowed signs of recovery.15 Although market share showed an improvement and turnover also increased,this had no effect on the month's operating profit. PART FOURQuestions 16-22· Read the job advertisement below.· Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't say'.· For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.16 Scene Video is planning to open more stores.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say17 Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job than other storemanagers...A RightB WrongC Doesn't say18 Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similarpositions in other retailbusinesses.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say19 It is essential for applicants to have experience as store managers.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say20 Most successful applicants will have to spend time working in differentcountries.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say21 The Introductory Evenings are targeted at successful candidates.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say22 Application forms should be completed online.A RightB WrongC Doesn't sayPART FIVEQuestions 23-28· Read the article below about a successful business partnership.· For each question (23-28) on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.23 Phil stopped selling photocopiers because heA was unable to meet the sales targets.B recognised an opportunity in another field.C became aware of their limited market potential.24 Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?A He liked the way Sean did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of common interests.C He needed someone to provide IT finance for his clients.25 Why did Sean not join Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of the venture.B He was unsure about giving up an established career.C He was afraid that working together would damage their friendship.26 In what way does Sean believe that business is like golf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you need a combination of ability and ambition.C If you do something enough times, you'll eventually be successful.27 Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good friends.B their company has been so successful.C more people do not set up their own businesses.28 What makes Phil confident about their company's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidly expandingC having few serious challengers for their position in the marketplacePART SIXQuestions 29-40· Read the introduction to a company report below. · Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page,· For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.29A asB althoughC so30A joinB catchC meet31A grownB risenC increased32 A doB doingC done33A hasB getsC takes34A evenB justC only35A theB aC this36A onB forC in37A thereB itC what38A atB withC of39A untilB exceptC without40A whetherB whyC wherePART SEVENQuestions 41-45· Read the email and memo below.· Complete the form on the opposite page.· Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.WRITINGPART ONEQuestion 46· Your department currently has a lot of work, and your secretary must take several weeks off work, starting tomorrow.· Write an email to the Human Resources Manager in your company:· explaining why your department is so busy· saying why your secretary will be away from work · asking for a temporary secretary.· Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet,PART TWOQuestion 47· Read part of a letter below from a company which runs training courses for staff.· Write an email to Miss Foster:· expressing an interest in her company's services · describing your company's training needs· explaining why your company's premises would be the most suitable place· inviting her to a meeting next week.· Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet.· Do not include any postal addresses.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes' transfer time)PART ONEQuestions 1-8· For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. · For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer,· After you have listened once, replay each recording.1 What is the quotation for 1,000 brochures with colour photos?2 When will the new Personnel Officer start work?A JulyB SeptemberC October3 Which pie chart is correct?4 Why is Jane unhappy about Michael's report?A He has left mistakes in it.B He has finished it very late.C He has circulated it too soon.5 What is the woman's current job with BGT?A Project ManagerB General ManagerC Account Manager6 What does the speaker think the company should do?A increase online bookingsB cut ticket pricesC reduce spending on food7 What does the woman need to get?8 Which graph shows the company figures?PART TWOQuestions 9-15· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing.· You will hear a man discussing an order from an office supply company.·For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered spaceusing a word, number or letters.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART THREEQuestions 16-22· Look at the notes below.· Some information is missing,· You will hear a man giving a presentation about Arlington Park, a training centrefor managers.·For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered spaceusing one or two words,· After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART FOURQuestions 23-30· You will hear an interview with John Winterman, the Managing Director of asports-equipment manufacturing company called Turners. · For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.· After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 The managers at Turners wanted to buy the company because itA was in a good state financially.B made first-class products.C had a strong brand image.24 What particular problem did the previous owners leave behind at Turners?A an unsuitable production systemB too wide a range of productsC a poor style of management25 One problem with Turners' distribution process was theA unreliable transportation system.B product-numbering system.C old-fashioned computer system.26 What complaint did the sports outlets make?A Deliveries were usually late.B Goods were sometimes damaged.C Orders were not complete.27 Turners now intends to concentrate on promoting its productsA at big competitions.B in schools.C with sports clubs.28 Which area of the company was re-organised first?A manufacturingB marketingC finance29 The majority of Turners' manufacturing will soon be located inA Indonesia.B the Philippines.C Germany.30 What is the company's main aim in product development?A introducing new designsB giving goods international appealC improving existing linesSPEAKING 12 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn.You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic.You have to choose one of the topics from the two below and then talk for aboutone minute, You have one minute to prepare your ideas.PART THREEIn this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenarioand gives you someprompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look atthe task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about two minutes todiscuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you morequestions related to the topic.For two or three candidatest.。

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Test 1READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 min utesPART ONEQuesti ons 1-5Look at questi ons 1-5.In each questi on, which sentence is correct?For each questi on, mark one letter (A, B or C) on yourAn swer Sheet.□白udia La 闊 caught 9.30 flight - due 11.30 ncw d not 1230”7he correct answer is B F so mark your Answer Sheet likethis: r A B C iCZ! ■仁 xamp (•: o When does Claudia Lang expect to arrive?Staff nxust boot armual leave six vjeeks A Staffallowed six WBB 址s' holiday a year. B Staff must book holidays before the end of the yean0 Staff must have their holiday requests approved,Telephone message 9.3011.3012.30Information for customer$All goods transported by Fera Carriers are msured r but our policy excludes damsge due to poorpackaging.A Customers will not necessarily qualify for corn pens ati ar if goods are damaged,B Custonners should arrange insurance against damage before sending goods.C Customers are abl? to claim a refund if packaging is damaged.A Wei Yu should re«apply for his training course at a later date.B There may not be enough money to pay for Wei Yu's course ・C Human Resources cannot confirm wtiich training course Wei Yu should take.A The 11 am meeting is postponed because PeteKs train was cancelled ・ 8 Peter will arrive at the 11 am meeting late because hi 合 t 怕in Is delayed.C The 11 am meeting is rescheduled because P&Wr was late and missed his tramnaJaneReterphoned from the station - &e *■ vices to London aren P t running this morningMeeting put off to 3 pm this afternoon.The safety team k carrying out checks in this area.i Access without a permit is denied until further notice* †------------------------ ■I. J_ ■ ■_” - - —―晋A A permit is currently requ ired for entry to this area.B Special care should be taken when entering this area・C Permiss ion to enter this area can be obtained from safety staff. PART TWOQuestio ns 6-10•Look at the advertiseme nt below. It shows a list of workshops offered by a training compa ny.†For questi ons 6-10, decide which workshop (A-H) eachpers on on the opposite page should atte nd.•For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your AnswerSheet.•Do not use any letter more tha n on ce.6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate theamount she can charge customers for her market ingcon sulta ncy services.Roger Walker's compa ny wants to give him resp on sibility for his firm's annual profit-a nd-lossacco unt and bala nee sheet.8Paolo Longo n eeds to be able to assess the effect on sales following his company's recent product promotions.9Zhon Mei Fen g's compa ny wan ts her to learn to dividethe market into groups, which it can target with different brands.10Valerija Georgievska n eeds a course on work ing outhow much money her firm can expect to have available each mon th.PART THREEQuesti ons 11-15•Look at the chart below. It shows a compa ny's tur no ver, operating profit and market share over a period of tenmon ths.•Which month does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?•For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.•Do not use any letter more tha n on ce.11 Although operating profit dropped and market share experien ced a decli ne,there was an upturin in the level of tur no ver.12 Both turno ver and market share showed an in crease this mon th, while operati ngprofit suffered a decli ne.13 Despite the fact that market share fell and there wasa decli ne in turno ver,operating profit was equal to that of the previousmon th.14 While turnover experieneed a downturn, both operating profit and marketsharelh〔E j站showed sig ns of recovery.15Although market share showed an improvement and turno ver also in creased,this had no effect on the month's operating profit.PART FOURQuesti ons 16-22•Read the job advertiseme nt below.•Are senten ces 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or'Wron g'? If there is not eno ugh in formati on to an swer 'Right' or 'Wr on g', choose 'Does n't say'.•For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C)on your An swer Sheet.Vacancies for Store ManagersScene Video has been quietly successful in recent years, and we now have 23 stores worldwide - including 】5 in Canada - with a further ten on the way, We are now oflfering excitingmanagement opportunities.As store manager, you'll have unusual independence - which will make most retail managementposts seem easy compared with ours! You will be in charge of a store with over 40 staff, and you'll have a salary to match. Whether yOLL f vc worked in retail management or in another field involving customer rdatiors, we want to hear from you. You’ll be a strong leader* full ofideas and ambition, and commerciany aware, preferably with knowledge of the retail industry tn one of the countries where we have stores. If you are willing to relocate, you could be ontrack for fast promotion.To find out what part you can play in our continuing success, you are invited to an informal Introductory Evening at any of our stores (details below). Or visit our website for moreinformation and to download an application form. Please post this, together with a handwritten letter explaining why you arc suited to the job.16Scene Video is pla nning to ope n more stores.A RightB WrongC Does n't say17Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job tha n otherstoreman agers...A RightB WrongC Does n't say18Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similar positi ons in other retailbus in esses.A RightB WrongC Does n't say19It is essential for applicants to have experienee as store man agers.A RightB WrongC Does n't say20Most successful appliea nts will have to spe nd timeworki ng in differe nteoun tries.A RightB WrongC Does n't say21The In troductory Eve nings are targeted at successful can didates.A RightB WrongC Does n't say22Applicati on forms should be completed on li ne.A RightB WrongC Does n't sayPART FIVEQuesti ons 23-28•Read the article below about a successful bus in esspart nership.•For each question (23-28) on the opposite page,choose the correct an swer.•Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your An swer Sheet.23 Phil stopped selli ng photocopiers because heA was un able to meet the sales targets.B recog ni sed an opport un ity in ano ther field.C became aware of their limited market pote ntial. 24Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?Tm an extrovert, so selling fits my character/ explains Phil Brook. 1 started selling photocopiers, and it didn't take me long to achieve the agreed sales targets. Then, tn 1994, I realised the IT industry was about tc expfode. and I decided to try and self IT. I met a guy who waa setting up as a computer re-sellec and I worked for him for three years, expanding his company to a turnover of £3- £4m T We were among onl¥ 爭 few people selling computer systems on lease, so we were attractive to reps offering finance. Ttiere was this guy from CTL Bank called Sean Williams who rang us dozens of times, trying to sell me IT finance. I was afready getting finance from somebody else r but he kept on calling. That impressed rne - I thought, if any good, maybe I'll recruit him/Se^n Williams adds, When we finally met we went out to lunch and became firm friends. 1 thought Phil wa$ fun, and we had similar interests. The next day, w& did a deal together, and I provided him with all th& Huai KC heThen heroalisecL and I soon agreed, that there was a big opportunity to do independently what I was already doing for the bank. So he left his job arid established Syscap. It took me a while to decide to join him, because I was among the top saFespeople nationally at my bank, and my future was planned, 6ut I knew when I dlid that IT was the right decieion, I knew we had the same id^as about work. When you work hard f you get therej whether you7e goad or not. It's like golf. The more you practise, the luckier you get. With us, the more times we picked up the pho ngrth 合 more deals wemade. The business soon took off enormously, rve always had big ambitions, but I didn't expect rt to become ?s big as this/Phil thinks that the next few years look promising. The competition in this trade is wtak/ he says, 'so I bellieve w© can turnthis into a C1bn company. People in our in dustry find it amazing that Sean and I still get on so well after 台It this time, But rm glad we do. H r s our partn 召『£hip that mdkes the job fun/Phil Broo* and S MA Williams are friends who set up A company in 1S97providing finance to companies making IT purchases. Their firn, Sysc3p r now turns over £120m a year.A He liked the way Sea n did not give up trying.B He thought they would have a lot of com monin terests.C He n eeded some one to provide IT finance for his clie nts.25Why did Sean no t jo in Phil immediately at Syscap?A He had doubts about the profitability of theven ture.B He was un sure about giv ing up an establishedcareer.C He was afraid that working together would damage their frien dship. 26In what way does Sean believe that bus in ess is likegolf?.A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.B To do well, you n eed a comb in ati on of ability and ambiti on.C If you do someth ing eno ugh times, you'lleve ntually be successful.27Sean says he is surprised thatA he and Phil are still good frie nds.B their compa ny has bee n so successful.C more people do not set up their own bus in esses.28What makes Phil con fide nt about their compa ny's future growth?A the strength of the friendship they haveB being in a commercial field which is rapidlyexpa ndingC hav ing few serious challe ngers for their positi on in the marketplacePART SIXQuesti ons 29-40•Read the in troducti on to a compa ny report below. •Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page,•For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your An swer Sheet.GLOBAL CHALLENGES, LOCAL ACTIONSEvery day around the world, I SO million people choose our products. They buy diem (29) that they can feed their famifies and keeptheir homes clean. By making and selling brands that 00)...................peoples everyday needs, we have (31)............... into one af the world'slargest 匚onsumer goods busjnesses.We believe that the very business of '(32)............. . business1 in aresponsible way (33) ...... ....... positive social effects. We not (34) ............create wealth, we also share it As (35)........ ....... global company* we play...... addressing global social and environmentalovr part (3&)......concerns such as heakh and hygiene* and water quality.However, we do not believe (37)................ k practical to respond ro theseconcerns purely (38)............... an international level Nor do we believethat our eompany can make a difference (39).................. working in anumber of partnerships. That is (40)............... we work together withlocal sgencifis a^d 邸丹皂rnments.29A asB althoughC so 30A joinB catchC meet31A grow nB risenC in creased32 A doB doingC do ne33A hasB getsC takes34A eve nB justC on ly35A theB aC this36A onB forC in37A thereB itC what38A atB withC of39A un tilB exceptC without40A whetherB whyC wherePART SEVENQuesti ons 41-45•Read the email and memo below.•Complete the form on the opposite page.•Write a word or phrase (in CAPITALLETTERS)or a number on lines 41-45 on your An swer Sheet.MEMORANDUMThorpe CollegeJan Partndoe Leo Norris November 18th Factory visitJan - Could you book the earliest possible visit, please? WeVe got 15 on the management course next term, and of course either you or i wilf have to go too, Remernber that we r ve got a guest speaker on Feb 20th , so that's out As I Tn on ho/iday soon, they F d better send rnformatiori td you. The invoice should come to the Course Secretary before it gogs to AGWntsTo: From: Dste: Subject:Leo Norris^ ThorpeiThank you for your enquiry about arranging a factory vi$i< for your management students. Our lours in the period vou mentioned «re as follows;Factorv visitMu*”— ” (1)DateCompany1 护DewhurstTaolsFeb 20thStark Components Feb 27th Stark Components March GMF Metals March 1 眇 D 您 whu 賭 17bol$Paul JohnsonHeJrns^ey Educadonaf ToursAvailabilkv fulfy booked places availably full/ booked places available places&曲湘创EWRITINGPART ONEQuestion 46•Your departme nt curre ntly has a lot of work, and your secretary must take several weeks off work, starting tomorrow.•Write an email to the Human Resources Manager in your compa ny: •expla ining why your departme nt is so busy•say ing why your secretary will be away from work•ask ing for a temporary secretary.•Write 30-40 words on your An swer Sheet,PART TWOQuestion 47• Read part of a letter below from a compa ny which runs training coursesfor staff.We are an established company providing a wide range of training services for all kinds of bu&ire^a We have cur own purpose-built centra where we hold courses, ortraining can be offered th£ client^ own premises ifpreferred. We offer excellent value for money and afull 100% 影匸谄乜比ion guaranize.For further inforrnMion, or to arrange an appointment to discuss your requirement^ plea&e contact Mies Jane Foster- Write an email to Miss Foster:•express ing an in terest in her compa ny's services•describ ing your compa ny's training n eeds•expla ining why your compa ny's premises would be the most suitable place•in vit ing her to a meet ing n ext week.•Write 60-80 words on your An swer Sheet.•Do not in clude any postal addresses.Dear Miss Foster,LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minu tes' tran sfer time)PART ONEQuestio ns 1-8•For questi ons 1-8, you will hear eight short record in gs.•For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct an swer, Example:Who ts Emily going to write to?A the staffB the supplierC the clientsThe answer is A,- After you have listened once, replay each recording.1 What is the quotati on for 1,000 brochures with colour photos?2 When will the new Pers onnel Officer start work?A JulyB SeptemberC October3Which pie chart is correct?Market shareA B Q 4Why is Jane un happy about Michael's report?A He has left mistakes in it.B He has fini shed it very late.C He has circulated it too soon.5What is the woman's current job with BGT?A Project Man agerB Gen eral Man agerC Acco unt Man ager6What does the speaker think the compa ny should do?A in crease on li ne book ingsB cut ticket pricesC reduce spe nding on food7What does the woma n n eed to get?8 Which graph shows the compa ny figures?PART TWO Questio ns 9-15Look at the no tes below. Some information is missing.• You will hear a man discuss ing an order from an office supply compa ny.For each questi on(9-15), fill in the miss ingin formati on in the nu mbered space using a word, nu mber or letters.• After you have liste ned on ce, replay the record ing.Ae cA—-production ajsts ---- p rofitsDec Jan DecBCCustomer name:Invoke date:Item to be returned :New order:Reference number:PART THREE Questi ons 16-22-Look at the notes below.-Some information is missing,Order number ;(10)Iti L1.4.L l.f.4 曲|! -- ・■・_Width required:(IDPrice including discount :H3)£,Credit due:■14)Delivery date:门5>Customer Return-You will hear a man giv ing a prese ntati on about Arlington Park, a trai ning centrefor man agers.For each question (16-22), fill in the missing in formati on in the nu mbered spaceusing one or two words,- After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART FOURQuesti ons 23-30•You will hear an in terview with Joh n Win terma n, theManaging Director of asports-equipme nt manu facturi ng compa ny called Tur ners. •For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct an swer.• After you have liste ned on ce, replay the record ing.23The man agers at Turners wan ted to buy the compa ny because itA was in a good state finan cially.B made first-class products.C had a strong brand image.24What particular problem did the previous owners leave beh ind at Turn ers?A an un suitable producti on systemB too wide a range of productsC a poor style of man ageme nt25One problem with Turners' distribution process was theA un reliable tran sportati on system.B product-nu mberi ng system.C old-fashi oned computer system.26What compla int did the sports outlets make?A Deliveries were usually late.B Goods were sometimes damaged.C Orders were not complete.27Turners now intends to concentrate on promoting itsproductsA at big competiti ons.B in schools.C with sports clubs.28Which area of the compa ny was re-orga ni sed first?A manu facturi ngB marketi ngC finance29The majority of Turn ers' manu facturi ng will soon belocated inA Indon esia.B the Philipp in es.C Germa ny.30What is the company's main aim in product development?A in troduc ing new desig nsB giv ing goods intern atio nal appealC improv ing existi ng linesSPEAKING 12 min utesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the in terlocutor asks questi ons to each ofthe can didates in tur n.You have to give in formatio n about yourself and express pers onal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a bus in ess topic.You have to choose one of the topics from the two below and the n talk for aboutone minu te, You have one minute to prepare your ideas.PART THREEIn this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenarioand gives you someprompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have30 sec onds to look atthe task prompt, an example of which is below, and the nabout two minu tes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the exam iner will ask you more questions related to the topic.For two or three can didatesScenarioFm going to describe a situation*Here are some ideas to help ywi.A large company going to receive a two-day visit from a group of businesspeople fromabroad. Talk together fnr about two minutes* about some of the things the visitors could do during their visit and decide how they will ^pend the first day.* tlirre minuloi for of thm c«ndid«lesPrompt materialt.。
