2021年高三物理后半期月考试卷在足球场上罚任意球时,运动员踢出的“香蕉球”,在行进中绕过“人墙”转弯进入了球门,守门员“望球莫及”,其轨迹如图所示.关于足球在这一飞行过程中的受力方向和速度方向,下列说法正确的是()A.合外力的方向与速度方向在一条直线上B.合外力的方向沿轨迹切线方向,速度方向指向轨迹内侧C.合外力方向指向轨迹内侧,速度方向沿轨迹切线方向D.合外力方向指向轨迹外侧,速度方向沿轨迹切线方向【答案】C【解析】足球做曲线运动,则其速度方向为轨迹的切线方向;根据物体做曲线运动的条件可知,合外力的方向一定指向轨迹的内侧.A.合外力的方向与速度方向在一条直线上,与结论不相符,选项A 错误;B.合外力的方向沿轨迹切线方向,速度方向指向轨迹内侧,与结论不相符,选项B错误;C.合外力方向指向轨迹内侧,速度方向沿轨迹切线方向,与结论相符,选项C正确;D.合外力方向指向轨迹外侧,速度方向沿轨迹切线方向,与结论不相符,选项D错误;2021年高三物理后半期月考试卷在儿童蹦极游戏中,拴在腰间左右两侧的是弹性极好的橡皮绳,质量为m的小明如图所示静止悬挂时,两橡皮绳的拉力大小均恰为mg。
2021年高三物理后半期月考试卷钱塘江大潮如期而至,冲浪顶尖高手驾着竞技摩托艇在江面运动,在某段时间内其两个分运动的规律为x=-2t2-6t,y=1.5t2+4t,xOy为直角坐标系,则下列说法正确的是()A.摩托艇在x轴方向的分运动是匀减速直线运动B.摩托艇的运动是匀变速直线运动C.摩托艇的运动是匀变速曲线运动D.摩托艇的运动开始为直线而后变为曲线【答案】C【解析】由题意可知,在x轴方向的加速度与速度均为负值,该分运动为匀加速直线运动,A项错误;由表达式可得,x轴方向:ax=-4 m/s2;v0x =-6 m/s,y轴方向:ay=3 m/s2;v0y=4 m/s,分析可知,摩托艇的加速度与速度不共线,且加速度恒定,故摩托艇的运动是匀变速曲线运动,C项正确,B、D两项错误;故选C.2021年高三物理后半期月考试卷如图所示,轻质不可伸长的细绳绕过光滑定滑轮O与物体P连接,P放在光滑斜面上,绳的另一端和套在固定竖直杆上的物体Q连接。
叶集皖西当代中学高三年级10月月考数学本试卷共4页.全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟.注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效.3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合{}220A x x x =Î-++³N ∣,则满足AB A =U 的集合B 的个数为()A. 4B. 8C. 16D. 32【答案】B 【解析】【分析】先求出集合A ,结合A B A =U 可得B A Í,进而结合子集的定义求解即可.【详解】因为{}{}{}220120,1,2A x x x x x =Î-++³=Î-££=NN ∣∣,若A B A =U ,则B A Í,所以满足A B A =U 的集合B 的个数为328=.故选:B.2. 已知函数()()()1ln 1f x f x x ¢=+-,则()1f ¢的值为( )A. 1 B. 1- C. 2D. 2-【答案】D 【解析】【分析】借助导数公式计算即可得.【详解】()()111f f x x ¢¢=-+,则()()1112f f ¢¢=-,解得()12f ¢=-.故选:D.3. 已知ABC V 的内角A B C ,,的对边分别是a b c ,,,则“2220a b c +-<”是“ABC V 是钝角三角形”的( )A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A 【解析】【分析】由2220a b c +-<结合余弦定理求出cos 0C <,求出C 为钝角,充分性得证,再举出反例推出必要性不成立.【详解】2220a b c +-<,由余弦定理得:222cos 02a b c C ab+-=<,即C 为钝角,故充分性成立,若钝角三角形中B 为钝角,则C 为锐角,cos 0C >,即有2220a b c +->,故必要性不成立.故选:A.4. 函数21ln 12y x x =-+的图象大致为( )A. B.C. D.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】判断函数在0x >时单调性以及最值情况,结合函数奇偶性,即可额判断出答案.【详解】当0x >时,21ln 12y x x =-+,则211x y x x x-¢=-=,当01x <<时,0¢>y ,则21ln 12y x x =-+在(01),上单调递增;当1x >时,0¢<y ,则21ln 12y x x =-+在(1,)+¥上单调递减,故当1x =时,函数21ln 12y x x =-+取得极大值也是最大值12;又21ln 12y x x =-+定义域为()(),00,-¥+¥U ,满足()2211ln 1ln 122x x x x ---+=-+,故函数为偶函数,结合选项可知,只有A 中图象符合题意,故选:A5. 如图,为了测量河对岸两点,C D 间的距离,现在沿岸相距2km 的两点,A B 处分别测得105,60,45,60BAC BAD ABC ABD Ð=Ð=Ð=Ð=o o o o ,则,C D 间的距离为( )A.B.C. 2kmD. 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】在ABC V 和ABD △中应用正弦定理求得BC 与BD ,然后在BCD △中应用余弦定理求得CD .【详解】在ABC V 中,由正弦定理得sin sin BC ABBAC ACB=ÐÐ,即()2sin105sin 18010545BC °°°°=--,得4sin1054sin 75BC °°==,在ABD △中,60ABD BAD °Ð=Ð=,ABD △是等边三角形,2BD AB ==,在BCD △中,15DBC °Ð=,由余弦定理,22222cos 16sin 75424sin 752cos15CD BC BD BC BD DBC °°°=+-×Ð=+-´´´216sin 75424sin 752sin 754°°°=+-´´´=,所以2CD =.故选:C.6. 设124log 2,e ,cos2a b c -===,则( )A. a b c <<B. b a c <<C. c a b <<D. c b a<<【答案】C 【解析】【分析】令()e xf x x =-,0x <,利用导数证明e 1xx >+,可得121e2->,再根据三角函数定义可得0c <,得解.【详解】41log 22=Q ,12e 0->,令()e xf x x =-,0x <,则()e 10xf x =¢-<,所以函数()f x 在(),0¥-上单调递减,∴f (x )>f (0),即e 1x x ->,则e 1x x >+,1211e122-\>-+=,0b a \>>,又π2,π2æöÎç÷èø,cos 20\<,即0c <,c a b \<<.故选:C.7. 已知函数()()lg 1,011,02x x x f x x ì-+<ï=íæö+³ïç÷èøî,则函数()()232y f x f x =-+的零点个数是( )A. 6B. 5C. 4D. 3【答案】C 【解析】【分析】将函数()()232y fx f x =-+的零点个数转化为方程()1f x =和()2f x =根的个数,然后再转化为函数()f x 与1y =,2y =图象交点个数,最后结合图象判断即可.【详解】函数()()()()23212y fx f x f x f x éùéù=-+=--ëûëû的零点,即方程()1f x =和()2f x =的根,函数()()lg 1,011,02x x x f x x ì-+<ï=íæö+³ïç÷èøî的图象,如下图所示:由图可得方程()1f x =和()2f x =的根,共有4个根,即函数()()2231y f x f x =-+有4个零点.故选:C .8. 记n S 为等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若425S S =,621S =,则8S =( )A. 120- B. 85- C. 85 D. 120【答案】C 【解析】【分析】根据题意,设等比数列{}n a 的公比为q ,分2种情况讨论1q =、1q ¹,结合等比数列前 n 项和公式分析可得24q =,1113a q =--,计算即可得答案.【详解】根据题意,设等比数列{}n a 的公比为q ,若425S S =,则1q ¹,则有()()421115111a q a q qq--=-- ,变形可得24q =,则()23664q q ==,又由()61161632111a q aS qq-==-=--,则有1113a q =--,所以()()()()12481811125585113a q a q S qq--===-´-=--.故选:C.二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9. 已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为36,6,15n S S S =-=,则( )A. 数列{}n a 是递增数列B. 数列n S n ìüíýîþ是递增数列C. 数列{}n S 中的最小项为3S D. 232,,,n n n n n S S S S S --L 成等差数列,且公差为23n 【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】根据题意可求得153a d =-ìí=î,可判断A 正确,再由3132n S n n -=可知B 正确,利用前n 项和n S 的表达式以及二次函数性质可得C 错误,再由前n 项和性质可得D 正确.【详解】设等差数列{}n a 的首项为1a ,公差为d ;由366,15S S =-=可得1133661515a d a d +=-ìí+=î,解得153a d =-ìí=î,由等差数列性质可得当30d =>时,数列{}n a 是递增数列,即A 正确;依题意可得()21131322n n n n nS na d --=+=,所以3132n S n n -=,因此可得()13113313301222n n n S Sn n n ++---=-=>+,即B 正确;由2221313169333133612222n n n n n n S æöæö---ç÷ç÷-èøèø===,由二次函数性质以及*N n Î可得,当2n =时,27S =-,所以C 错误;易知12n n S a a a =++×××+,则212122n n n n n S a a a a a a ++=++×××++++×××+,因此221221212n n n n n n n S S a a a a nd a nd a nd a a a n d ++-=++×××+=++++×××++=++×××++,即可得22n n n S S S n d -=+,也即()2223n n n S S S n d n --==,同理可得232212231222n n n n n n n n n n S S a a a a nd a nd a nd S S n d ++++-=++×××+=++++×××++=-+,即()()223223n n n n S S S S n d n ---==,因此232,,,n n n n n S S S S S --L 成等差数列,且公差为23n ,即D 正确.故选:ABD10. 已知函数()()sin 2(0π)f x x j j =+<<,曲线()y f x =关于点7π,012æö-ç÷èø中心对称,则( )A. 将该函数向左平移π6个单位得到一个奇函数B. ()f x 在3π7π,46æöç÷èø上单调递增C. ()f x 在π7π,1212æö-ç÷èø上只有一个极值点D 曲线()y f x ¢=关于直线π6x =对称【答案】BC 【解析】【分析】因为函数()f x 关于点7π,012æö-ç÷èø中心对称可得j ,从而得到()πsin 26f x x æö=+ç÷èø,根据三角函数的图象平移规律可判断A ;根据x 的范围得到π26x +,再由正弦函数的单调性可判断B ;求出()f x 的单调区间可判断C ,求出()y f x ¢=代入π6x =可判断D.【详解】因为函数()()sin 2(0π)f x x j j =+<<关于点7π,012æö-ç÷èø中心对称, 所以()7π7πsin 2sin 0126j j æöæö=-´+=-+=ç÷ç÷èøèøf x ,()7ππ6k k j -+=ÎZ ,所以()7π+π6k k j =ÎZ ,而0πj <<,所以π6j =,()πsin 26f x x æö=+ç÷èø,对于A ,将该函数向左平移π6个单位得到()πππsin 2sin 2cos 2662éùæöæö=++=+=ç÷ç÷êúèøèøëûg x x x x ,因为x ÎR ,()()cos 2-==g x x g x ,所以()g x 为偶函数,故A 错误;对于B , 因为3π7π,46æöÎç÷èøx ,所以π5π5πππ2,2π,2π63232æöæö+Î=-+ç÷ç÷èøèøx ,.因为sin y t =在ππ2π,2π32æö-+ç÷èø在上单调递增,所以()f x 在3π7π,46æöÎç÷èøx 上单调递增,故B 正确;对于C , 由()πππ2π22π+262k x k k -£+£ÎZ 得()f x 的单调递增区间为()ππππ+36k x k k éù-££ÎêúëûZ ,由()ππ3π2π22π+262k x k k +£+£ÎZ 得()f x 的单调递减区间为()π2ππ,π+63k k k éù+ÎêúëûZ ,所以()f x 在ππ126æö-ç÷èø,上单调递增,在π7π,612æöç÷èø上单调递减,所以在π6x =处有一个极值点,故C 正确;对于D , 曲线()πππ2cos 22cos 266=6¢æöæöæö++=+ç÷ç÷ç÷è¢=èøèøøy f x x x x ,π6x =时ππ2cos 20266æö´+=¹±ç÷èø,故D 错误故选:BC .11. 已知函数e x y =和ln y x =的图象与直线2y x =-交点的横坐标分别为,a b ,则( )A. a b < B. 2a b +=C. 1ab > D. 222a b +>【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】利用函数e x y =和ln y x =互为反函数,确定,a b 关系,可判断AB ,结合二次函数性质判断CD .【详解】函数e x y =和ln y x =互为反函数,它们的图象关于直线y x =对称,作出它们的图象及直线2y x =-,由直线2y x =-与直线y x =垂直,且交点为(1,1)知2a b +=,01a b <<<,因此01a <<,所以有:222222(2)2442(1)22a b a a a a a +=+-=-+=-+>,.22(2)2(1)11ab a a a a a =-=-+=--+<,正确的ABD ,错误的是C ,故选:ABD .三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12. 过原点作曲线x y e =的切线,则切线的方程为___________.【答案】y ex =【解析】【分析】求导得到e x y ¢=设切点为()0,x x e ,根据切线过原点,由()00000x x e f x e x -¢==-求解.【详解】因为xy e =所以e x y ¢=设切点为()00,x x e,因为切线过原点,所以()00000x x e f x e x -¢==-,解得01x =,所以()0k f x e ¢==,所以切线方程是y ex =,故答案为:y ex=【点睛】本题在考查导数的几何意义,属于基础题.13. 已知a是第二象限角,πsin 4a æö+=ç÷èø,则cos2a =__________.【答案】35-##0.6-【解析】【分析】由已知条件求出πcos 4a æö+ç÷èø,再利用ππ2242a a æö=+-ç÷èø结合诱导公式和倍角公式即可求解.【详解】由a 是第二象限角,πsin 4a æö+=ç÷π4a +也在第二象限,因此可得πcos 4a æö+==ç÷èø又ππ2242a a æö=+-ç÷èø,则ππcos 2cos 242a a éùæö=+-ç÷êúèøûπππsin 22sin cos 444a a a æöæöæö=+=++ç÷ç÷ç÷èøèøèø325æ==-ççè.故答案为:35-.14. 已知函数()()2log 41xf x x =+-,数列{}n a 是公差为2的等差数列,若()()()()112233440a f a a f a a f a a f a +++=,则n a =__________.【答案】25n -【解析】【分析】设()()g x xf x =,则有()()()()12340g a g a g a g a +++=,由()f x 的奇偶性和单调性分析可得()g x 的奇偶性和单调性,结合{a n }是公差为2的等差数列,可求出1a ,进而可求n a .【详解】由()()()()22241log 41log log 414x xxxf x x x x f x -æö+-=++=+=+-=ç÷èø,知()f x 为偶函数,当0x >时,()41041x x f x ¢-=>+知()f x 在()0,¥+单调递增且()()00f x f ³>,设()()g x xf x =,则()g x 为奇函数且在[)0,¥+单调递增,结合奇函数的对称性可得()g x 在(),¥¥-+单调递增,由题得()()()()12340g a g a g a g a +++=,又{a n }是等差数列,可得1423a a a a +=+,当140a a +>时,14a a >-,()()()144g a g a g a >-=-,()()140g a g a +>,同理()()230g a g a +>,即()()()()12340g a g a g a g a +++>,不合题意,当140a a +<时,同理可得()()()()12340g a g a g a g a +++<,也不合题意,所以140a a +=,又{a n }公差为2,可得13a =-,所以()32125n a n n =-+-=-.故答案为:25n -.【点睛】方法点睛:掌握有公共定义域的奇偶函数通过简单的加减乘除以后形成新函数的奇偶性;掌握有公共定义域的单调函数通过简单的加减乘除以后形成新函数的单调性;掌握奇函数单调性比较大小的特点,若奇函数是增函数,则有()()00a b f a f b +>Û+>.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. 已知公比小于1的等比数列{}n a 满足1325,12a a a +==.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设2log n n b a =,求数列21211n n b b -+ìüíýîþ的前n 项和n T .【答案】(1)22nn a -=(2)21n nT n =--【解析】【分析】(1)根据等比数列通项公式基本量运算求解;(2)求出通项n b ,利用裂项相消法求和得解.【小问1详解】设数列{a n }的公比为q ,则由已知得152q q +=,解得12q =或2q =,又1q <,12q \=,22212.2n n n a a --æö\=×=ç÷èø【小问2详解】2log 2n n b a n ==-,212132,12n n b n b n -+\=-=-,()()()()21211111113212232122321n n b b n n n n n n -+æö\===-ç÷------èø,11111111111121121323522321n T n n æöæöæöæö\=-+-+-++-ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷---èøèøèøèøL 11122121n n n æö=--=-ç÷--èø.16. 已知函数16()1x f x a a+=-+(0a >且1a ¹)是定义在R 上的奇函数.(1)求实数a 的值及函数()f x 的值域;(2)若()2(1)20f a f a-+³,求a 的取值范围.【答案】(1)3;()1,1-;(2)1,1(1,)2éöÈ+¥÷êëø.【解析】【分析】(1)先根据函数是奇函数建立方程1610a a-=+,解得3a =,再逐步判断求函数()f x 的值域;(2)先根据函数()f x 是奇函数,得到()2(1)2f a f a-³-,再根据函数()f x 是增函数,得到212a a -³-,最后结合0a >且1a ¹求实数a 的取值范围.【详解】解:(1)因为函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,所以(0)0f =,即1610a a-=+,解得3a =,所以函数的解析式:2()131xf x =-+,(x R Î),则30x >Þ311x +>Þ20231x<<+Þ22031x -<-<+Þ211131x -<-<+,故函数()f x 的值域是()1,1-.(2)因为函数的解析式2()131xf x =-+,(x R Î),所以'()0f x >所以函数()f x 是定义在R 上的增函数.因为()2(1)20f a f a-+³,所以()2(1)2f a f a -³-,因为函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,所以()2(1)2f a f a -³-,因为函数()f x 是定义在R 上的增函数,所以212a a -³-,解得1a £-或12a ³,又因0a >且1a ¹所以实数a 的取值范围是1,1(1,)2éöÈ+¥÷êëø.【点睛】本题考查根据函数是奇函数求参数的值、求函数的值域、根据函数的单调性与奇偶性求参数的取值范围,是中档题.17. 在①()22sin sin sin sin sin B C A B C -=-;②sinsin 2B C b a B +=;③πsin cos 6a B b A æö=-ç÷èø这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问题中并作答.问题:△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,cb c =+,___,求A 和B .注:若选择多个条件作答,按第一个解答计分.【答案】选择见解析;π3A =,π12B =或7π12【解析】【分析】若选择条件①,先由正弦定理和余弦定理求出角A ;若选择条件②,利用正弦定理和二倍角公式解出sin2A的值,进而得出角A ;若选择条件③,由正弦定理结合两角和与差的正弦公式可求出tan A ,进而得出角A .2b c +=,把()πC A B =-+代入,化简求值即可;【详解】解析:选择条件①,由22(sin sin )sin sin sin B C A B C -=-及正值定理知()22b c a bc -=-,整理得222b c a bc +-=,由余弦定理可得2221cos 222b c a bc A bc bc +-===,∵()0,πA Î,∴π3A =;b c =+sin sin sin sin()A B C B A B =+=++,ππsin sin 33B B æö=++ç÷èø,整理得πsin 6B æö+=ç÷èø,∵2π0,3B æöÎç÷èø,∴ππ5π,666B æö+Îç÷èø,∴ππ64B +=或34p ,解得π12B =或7π12.选择条件②,因为πA B C ++=,所以π222B C A+=-;由sinsin 2B C b a B +=得,cos sin 2Ab a B=为由正弦定理知,sin cos sin sin 2sin cos sin 222A A AB A B B ==;又sin 0B >,cos02A >,可得1sin 22A =;又因为()0,πA Î,所以,A2=π6,故π3A =;b c =+sin sin sin sin()A B C B A B =+=++,ππsin sin 33B B æö=++ç÷èø,整理得πsin 6B æö+=ç÷èø,∵2π0,3B æöÎç÷èø,∴ππ5π,666B æö+Îç÷èø,∴ππ64B +=或34p ,解得π12B =或7π12.选择条件③,由πsin cos 6a B b A æö=-ç÷èø及正弦定理得sin sin sin cos 6A B B A p æö=-ç÷èø∵sin 0B >,∴π1sin cos sin 62A A A A æö=-=+ç÷èø,解得tan A =,∵(),πA q Î,∴π3A =;b c =+sin sin sin sin()A B C B A B =+=++,ππsin sin 33B B æö=++ç÷èø,整理得πsin 6B æö+=ç÷èø,∵2π0,3B æöÎç÷èø,∴ππ5π,666B æö+Îç÷èø,∴ππ64B +=或3π4,解得π12B =或7π12.18. 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且21n n S a =-.(1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)求数列21n n a ìü+íýîþ的前n 项和n T ;(3)若n N +"Î,1101n n T a l æö³--ç÷èø,求l 的最小值.【答案】(1)12()n n a n N -+=Î(2)()1110252n n T n -æö=-+×ç÷èø(3)38【解析】【分析】(1)当2n ³时,可得1121n n S a --=-,两式相减求得12n n a a -=,得到数列{}n a 为等比数列,进而求得数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)由12n n a -=,得到()1211212n n n n a -+æö=+×ç÷èø,结合乘公比错位相减法,即可得数列21n n a ìü+íýîþ的前n项和.(3)由1101n n T a l æö³--ç÷èø,得到1252n n l --³,令1252n n n b --=,结合n b 的单调性,求得n b 的最大值,即可求解.小问1详解】解:由题意,数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且21n n S a =-当2n ³时,可得1121n n S a --=-,两式相减得1122n n n n n S S a a a ---==-,即12n n a a -=,所以12(2,)nn a n n N a +-=³Î,令1n =,可得11121S a a ==-,解得11a =,所以数列{}n a 是首项为1,公比为2的等比数列,所以数列{}n a 的通项公式为12()n n a n N -+=Î.【小问2详解】解:由12n n a -=,可得()1211212n n n n a -+æö=+×ç÷èø,则()01211111357212222n n T n -æöæöæöæö=×+×+×+++×ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷èøèøèøèøK ,可得()123111113572122222nn T n æöæöæöæö=×+×+×+++×ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷èøèøèøèøK ,两式相减得123211111131(21)222222n nn T n -æöæöæöæöæö=+++++¼+-+×ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷ç÷èøèøèøèøèø【()1111123215(25)12212n nn n n --æöæö=+-+×=-+×ç÷ç÷èøèø-,所以()1110252n n T n -æö=-+×ç÷èø.即数列21n n a ìü+íýîþ的前n 项和()1110252n n T n -æö=-+×ç÷èø.【小问3详解】解:由1101n n T a l æö³--ç÷èø,即1111025251010222n n n n n l ---+-³--+=,令1252n n n b --=,则11232572222n nn n nn n nb b +-----=-=,当13n ££时,4321b b b b >>>,当4n ³时,10n n b b +-<,即1n n b b +<,即有456b b b >>>¼,所以当4n =时,n b 取得最大值,最大值为438b =,所以38l ³,故l 的最小值为38.19. 已知函数()()2ln f x x a x x =+--在0x =处取得极值.(1)求实数a 的值;(2)若关于x 方程()52f x x b =-+在区间[]0,2上恰有两个不同的实数根,求实数b 的取值范围;(3)证明:对任意的正整数n ,不等式()23412ln 149n n n +++++>+L 都成立.【答案】(1)1a =;(2)1ln 31ln 22b -£<+;(3)见解析【解析】【分析】(1)函数2()()f x ln x a x x =+--,对其进行求导,在0x =处取得极值,可得(0)0f ¢=,求得a 值;(2)关于x 的方程5()2f x x b =-+在区间[0,2]上恰有两个不同的实数根,将问题转化为()0x j =,在区间[0,2]上恰有两个不同的实数根,对()j x 对进行求导,从而求出b 的范围;(3)2()(1)f x ln x x x =+--的定义域为{|1}x x >-,利用导数研究其单调性,可以推出的2(1)0ln x x x +--£,令1x n=,可以得到2111(1)ln n n n +<+ 利用此不等式进行放缩证明;【详解】解:(1)函数2()()f x ln x a x x =+--1()21f x x x a\¢=--+当0x =时,()f x 取得极值,(0)0f \¢=故120100a-´-=+解得1a =,经检验1a =符合题意. (2)由1a =知2()(1)f x ln x x x =+--由5()2f x x b =-+,得23(1)02ln x x x b +-+-=令23()(1)2x ln x x x b j =+-+-,则5()2f x x b =-+在区间[0,2]上恰有两个不同的实数根等价于()0x j =在区间[0,2]上恰有两个不同的实数根.13(45)(1)()2122(1)x x x x x x j -+-¢=-+=++, 当[0x Î,1]时,()0x j ¢>,于是()j x 在{0,1)上单调递增;当(1x Î,2]时,()0x j ¢<,于是()j x 在(1,2]上单调递减,依题意有(0)0b j =-£,(1)j 3(11)102ln b =+-+->,(2)j (12)430ln b =+-+-£解得,13122ln b ln -<+…; (3)2()(1)f x ln x x x =+--的定义域为{|1}x x >-,由(1)知(23)()1x x f x x -+=+,令()0f x ¢=得,0x =或32x =-(舍去),\当10x -<<时,()0f x ¢>,()f x 单调递增;当0x >时,()0f x ¢<,()f x 单调递减.(0)f \为()f x 在(1,)-+¥上的最大值.()(0)f x f \£,故2(1)0ln x x x +--£(当且仅当0x =时,等号成立)对任意正整数n ,取10x n =>得,2111(1)ln n n n+<+211(n n ln n n++\<故234134122(1)4923n n ln ln ln ln ln n n n+++++¼+>+++¼+=+.【点睛】本题考查利用导数研究函数的极值及单调性,解题过程中用到了分类讨论的思想,分类讨论的思想也是高考的一个重要思想,要注意体会其在解题中的运用,第三问难度比较大,利用了前两问的结论进行证明,此题是一道中档题.。
2020-2021学年绵阳南山中学实验学校高三英语月考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASome of the world’s most talented musicians have played concerts atLincolnCenter. On September 10, the center hosted a unique class of star musicians: kids and teens. The young players are part of the World Peace Orchestra, or WPO. The group held its first Music for Peace concert inNew York City, with 134 students from more than 60 countries taking part. Musicians were chosen from all over the world.The World Peace Orchestra began in 2013. The nonprofit group brings kids together using the common language of music. To be considered for the orchestra, students first had to be recommended by their teachers and then audition online for a group of judges. Once chosen, professional musicians and teachers then worked with the players to improve their skills.Some of the young musicians played classical instruments, such as violins and flutes. Others played instruments unique to their home country. For example, Amold Mugo, 16, fromKenya, played an instrument called the djembe. The drum is originally fromWest Africa. Mugo said he was shocked when he learned he was chosen for the orchestra. “I can’t express how I felt. I was rolling on the floor. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” he said.Adomas Hendrixson, 13, fromLithuania, played piano for the WPO. Before theNew York Cityperformance, Hendrixson talked about what he hoped to take away from the event. “Fun and joy-- people smiling and clapping,” he said.“This is one of the only times in your life this could happen and I'm very excited.”Mugo says his favorite part of the WPO is making new friends from around the world. “I hope when I go home, I just take a little bit of every friend that I made here-- Brazil, Portugal, Queens,” Mugo said, “I hope that I take part of their culture home with me so I understand them more.”1. Who is most likely to have played for the WPO according to this passage?A. Li Ming, 16, a student fromChina.B. Daniel, 44, a judge fromAmerica.C. Edward, 21, a clerk fromAustralia.D. Catherine, 32, a teacher fromEngland.2. We can learn from the last paragraph that Mugo ________.A.performed best for the WPO.B. has learned some foreign culture.C. was eager to be chosen for a second time.D. received a great award for his performance.3. What would be the best title for this passage?A. Kids were good at playing music.B. Mugo liked making foreign friends.C. Concerts were played atLincolncentre.D. Young musicians played for peace.BBecoming famous is the dream of many, and Tian is getting closer to that dream.Tian, 30, is a white-collar worker inBeijing. On short video application Douyin, Tian has more than 2,000 fans. So far, she has received more than 50,000 likes on the Dubsmash-like app. On her page on Douyin, Tian shares everything, from her son’s daily activities, to her pet dogs, to little skits (段子) made up by her and her husband. “Making funny videos, and combining them with music is really interesting,” Tian said. “Of course, I make the videos for fun because it is quite relaxing.”China’s short video market has seen great growth, according to areport. The report said thatChina’s short video market was valued at 5.73 billion yuan ($900 million) in 2017, an increase of 184 percent. The industry value is expected to go up to the 30 billion mark in 2020. Companies like Tencent, Sohu and Iqiyi have all started providing short video content.“Short videos are popular because they are an addition to traditional audio and video content on the internet,” said Sun Jiashan with the Chinese National Academy of Arts.Fans say that the short videos help them “chill out” from a stressed-out lifestyle. “My favorite videos are all about pets,” said Zhou Na, a nurse inHefei, capital of East China’sAnhuiprovince. “After a whole day’s work, watching the 15-second videos makes me laugh, which reduces my pressure.”4. Why does Tian make short videos in Douyin?A. To get fun.B. To become a well-known person.C. To attract fans.D. To record her family’s routine.5. What’s Sun Jiashan’s opinion about short videos?A. They have huge value.B. They greatly reduce people’s pressure.C. They make people’s star dreams come true.D. They enrich internet audio and video content.6. What does the underlined words “chill out” probably mean?A. Catch a cold.B. Feel cold.C. Calm down.D. Become concerned.7. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Every Chinese is using Douyin.B. China’s short video market is open.C. Douyin brings the Chinese great happiness.D.China’s short video market has developed rapidly.CAs a 51-year-old first-aid responder since 1984, Jeffrey never knows what type of situation he might walk into, or who he'll meet along the wayTen years into the job, Jeffrey received a call that reported that a man in his early 30s had fallen down in the Mall of America. When Jeffrey and his partner arrived at the scene, they found the young male face down on the ground. He had gone unconscious, making weak attempts to breathe. His wife stood beside him holding their small son in horror. They quickly rushed to calm the man to keep him under control and offer necessary first aid. After Jeffrey dropped the patient off at the neighboring hospital, he thought about the man and his family for a long time.Jeffrey thought he had experienced everything under the sun until one random visit to Office Max three years ago, where he met a man repeatedly walking back and forth while staring at him. As it turned out, the man was the patient he had saved 20 years earlier."You gave me 20 years more than I ever thought I'd have," the man said. He thanked Jeffrey repeatedly and told him he had someone he wanted him to meet. He stepped around the corner and reappeared with a 20-something-year-old man. Jeffrey instantly knew that it was the son he had seen standing by his mother all those years ago"That day changed my life," Jeffrey said. "Before that, everything was about work…When I talk to my beginner-training class, I tell them you never know the effect you can have on someone's life."8. What did Jeffrey do with the young man?A. He cured the man at the scene.B. He took care of the man's wife and son.C. He only sent the man to hospital.D. He did what was needed9. What did Jeffrey think of the encounter with the man at Office Max?A. It was a common routine.B. It was troublesomeC. It was unbelievableD. It was a dangerous situation.10. Why was the man thankful to Jeffrey?A. Jeffrey helped bring up his little sonB. Jeffrey donated to support his family.C. Jeffrey's help gave him the present happy life.D. Jeffrey's kindness taught his son to be a new doctor.11. How did the meeting change Jeffrey's life?A. He was rewarded with much moneyB. He changed his attitude to his job.C. He got a promotion to be a team leader.D. He took up teaching work to train newcomers.DJanet Fein, aged 84, received her bachelor's degree from the University last week, having waited a long time for her chance to reach that goal.Growing up in the Bronx area ofNew York City, Fein worked at a dress manufacturer after graduating early at the age of 16. After getting married, she spent 18 years staying home with her children. She held several jobs through her life, including 20 years as a secretary at a hospital until her retirement at age 77.Fein has had a full life. But even then, she was not ready to take it easy and rest during a well-earned retirement. She decided to major in sociology because she felt it was “substantial.”Fein took part in a state program that lets people who are 65 and older take free classes at public universities in Texasand kept going to class even as her health conditions worsened. During her studies, it became necessary for her to use a walker to get around and she required oxygen. She also developed knee problems. So, Fein took online classes to finish the last part of her degree requirements.Sheila Rollerson, Fein' scollege advisor, and Carol, the professor told the media that Fein never showed signs of giving up even with all of her difficulties. She would speak up a lot in class and it just made for a more interesting class.Fein has also inspired Renee Brown, one of Fein's caregivers. At 53, Renee plans to begin nursing school tofurther her career. “Renee, you can do it. If I can do it you can do it, and you will feel so good about it,” Brown remembers what Fein told her.12. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. Janet Fein's growthB. Janet Fein's aimC. Janet Fein's job experiencesD. Janet Fein's regrets13. What does the underlined phrase “substantial” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. InterestingB. ValuableC. EasyD. Affordable14. What can be learned about Fein according to the passage?A. Fein lived on little money after her retirement.B. Fein had a problem with her arms while at universities.C. The Internet played a role in Fein's university education.D. The good health helped Fein get her bachelor's degree.15. What is Janet Fein like according to the passage?A. Hardworking and humorous.B. Determined and generous.C. Positive and patient.D. Inspiring and perseverant.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020-2021学年江苏省扬州中学高三(上)月考数学试卷(10月份)试题数:22,总分:1501.(单选题,5分)已知集合A={1,2,3,4},B={x|x=n2,n∈A},则A∩B=()A.{1,4}B.{2,3}C.{9,16}D.{1,2}2.(单选题,5分)点P从(1,0)出发,沿单位圆逆时针方向运动2π3弧长到达Q点,则Q 点的坐标为()A. (−12,√32)B. (−√32,−12)C. (−12,−√32)D. (−√32,12)3.(单选题,5分)若幂函数f(x)的图象过点(√22,12),则函数g(x)=f(x)e x的递增区间为()A.(0,2)B.(-∞,0)∪(2,+∞)C.(-2,0)D.(-∞,-2)∪(0,+∞)4.(单选题,5分)已知函数f(x)的部分图象如图所示,则f(x)的解析式可能为()A. f(x)=sin|x|2+cosxB. f(x)=sinx•ln|x|2+cosxC. f(x)=cosx•ln|x|2+cosxD. f(x)=cosxx5.(单选题,5分)2019年1月3日嫦娥四号探测器成功实现人类历史上首次月球背面软着陆,我国航天事业取得又一重大成就.实现月球背面软着陆需要解决的一个关键技术问题是地面与探测器的通讯联系.为解决这个问题,发射了嫦娥四号中继星“鹊桥”,鹊桥沿着围绕地月拉格朗日L2点的轨道运行.L2点是平衡点,位于地月连线的延长线上.设地球质量为M1,月球质量为M2,地月距离为R,L2点到月球的距离为r,根据牛顿运动定律和万有引力定律,r满足方程:M1(R+r)2 + M2r2=(R+r)M1R3.设α=rR .由于α的值很小,因此在近似计算中3α3+3α4+α5(1+α)2≈3α3,则r的近似值为()A. √M2M1RB. √M22M1RC. √3M2M13 RD. √M23M13 R6.(单选题,5分)已知函数f(x)={x,0≤x≤1,ln(2x),1<x≤2,若存在实数x1,x2满足0≤x1<x2≤2,且f(x1)=f(x2),则x2-x1的最大值为()A. e2B. e2−1C.1-ln2D.2-ln47.(单选题,5分)若2x-2y<3-x-3-y,则()A.ln(y-x+1)>0B.ln(y-x+1)<0C.ln|x-y|>0D.ln|x-y|<08.(单选题,5分)设平行于x轴的直线l分别与函数y=2x和y=2x+1的图象相交于点A,B,若函数y=2x的图象上存在点C,使得△ABC为等边三角形,则这样的直线l()A.不存在B.有且只有一条C.至少有两条D.有无数条9.(多选题,5分)5G时代已经到来,5G的发展将直接带动包括运营、制造、服务在内的通信行业整体的快速发展,进而对GDP增长产生直接贡献,并通过产业间的关联效应,间接带动国民经济各行业的发展,创造出更多的经济增加值.如图,某单位结合近年数据,对今后几年的5G经济产出做出预测.由如图提供的信息可知()A.运营商的经济产出逐年增加B.设备制造商的经济产出前期增长较快,后期放缓C.设备制造商在各年的总经济产出中一直处于领先地位D.信息服务商与运营商的经济产出的差距有逐步拉大的趋势10.(多选题,5分)下列说法正确的是()A.“a>1”是“a2>1”的充分不必要条件<a<2”是“(a-1)-2<(2a-3)-2”的充要条件B.“ 43C.命题“∀x∈R,x2+1<0”的否定是“∃x∈R,使得 x2+1≥0”D.已知函数 y=f (x)的定义域为 R,则“f (0)=0”是“函数 y=f (x)为奇函数”的必要不充分条件11.(多选题,5分)已知函数y=f(x)是奇函数,且对定义域内的任意x都有f(1+x)=-f (1-x),当x∈(2,3)时,f(x)=log2(x-1),以下4个结论正确的有()A.函数 y=f (x)的图象关于点(1,0)成中心对称B.函数 y=f (x)是以2为周期的周期函数C.当x∈(-1,0)时,f (x)=-log2 (1-x)D.函数 y=f (|x|)在(-1,0)上单调递增12.(多选题,5分)关于函数f(x)=alnx+ 2x,下列判断正确的是()A.当a=1时,f (x)≥ln2+1B.当a=-1时,不等式 f (2x-1)-f (x)>0 的解集为(12,1)C.当a>e时,函数 f (x)有两个零点D.当f (x)的最小值为2时,a=213.(填空题,5分)已知f(x)为偶函数,当x<0时,f(x)=ln(-x)+3x,则曲线y=f (x)在点(1,-3)处的切线斜率是___ .14.(填空题,5分)函数y=cosx+cos2x的最小值是___ .15.(填空题,5分)设a=log49,b=2-1.2,c= (827)−13,则将a,b,c按从大到小排序:___ .16.(填空题,5分)若函数f(x)=x(x-1)(x-a),(a>1)的两个不同极值点x1,x2满足f(x1)+f(x2)≤0恒成立,则实数a的取值范围为___ .17.(问答题,10分)在① A⊆B;② ∁R B⊆∁R A;③ A∩B=A;这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问题中.若问题中的实数a存在,求a的取值范围;若不存在,说明理由.问题:已知集合A={x|log2(x-1)>1,x∈R},B={x|(x-a)(x-4+a)>0,x∈R},是否存在实数a,使得______?18.(问答题,12分)已知f(α)= sin(5π−α)cos(π+α)cos(3π2+α)cos(α+π2)tan(3π−α)sin(α−3π2).(1)化简f(α);(2)若α是第三象限角,且cos(3π2−α)=35,求f(α)的值.19.(问答题,12分)随着城市规模的扩大和人们生活水平的日益提高,某市近年机动车保有量逐年递增.根据机动车管理部门的统计数据,以5年为一个研究周期,得到机动车每5年纯增数据情况为:i i 对应的机动车纯增数量y (单位:万辆)具有线性相关关系.(1)求机动车纯增数量(单位:万辆)关于时间变量x 的回归方程,并预测2025~2030年间该市机动车纯增数量的值;附:回归直线方程 y ̂=b ̂x +a ̂ 中斜和截距的最小二乘估计公式分别为: b̂=∑x i y i −nxyn i=1∑x i 2n i=1−nx2=i −x )i −y n i=1)∑(x −x )2n â=y −b̂x . (2)该市交通管理部门为广解市民对“单双号限行”的赞同情况,随机采访了220名市民,将他们的见和是否拥有私家车情况进行了统计,得到如下的2×2列联表:附:K 2=n (ad−bc )2(a+b )(c+d )(a+c )(b+d ),n=a+b+c+d .20.(问答题,12分)如图,三棱柱ABC-A 1B 1C 1中,平面AA 1C 1C⊥平面AA 1B 1B ,∠BAA 1=45°,CA=CB ,点O 在棱AA 1上,CO⊥AA 1. (1)求证:AA 1⊥BC ;(2)若BB 1= √2 AB=2,直线BC 与平面ABB 1A 1所成角为45°,D 为CC 1的中点,求二面角B 1-A 1D-C 1的余弦值.21.(问答题,12分)已知函数f(x)=x|2a-x|+2x,a∈R.(1)若函数f(x)在R上是增函数,求实数a的取值范围;(2)若存在实数a∈[-2,2],使得关于x的方程f(x)-tf(2a)=0有3个不相等的实数根,求实数t的取值范围.22.(问答题,12分)若函数f(x)=e x-ae-x-mx(m∈R)为奇函数,且x=x0时f(x)有极小值f(x0).(1)求实数a的值;(2)求实数m的取值范围;恒成立,求实数m的取值范围.(3)若f(x0)≥- 2e2020-2021学年江苏省扬州中学高三(上)月考数学试卷(10月份)参考答案与试题解析试题数:22,总分:1501.(单选题,5分)已知集合A={1,2,3,4},B={x|x=n2,n∈A},则A∩B=()A.{1,4}B.{2,3}C.{9,16}D.{1,2}【正确答案】:A【解析】:由集合A中的元素分别平方求出x的值,确定出集合B,找出两集合的公共元素,即可求出交集.【解答】:解:根据题意得:x=1,4,9,16,即B={1,4,9,16},∵A={1,2,3,4},∴A∩B={1,4}.故选:A.【点评】:此题考查了交集及其运算,熟练掌握交集的定义是解本题的关键.2.(单选题,5分)点P从(1,0)出发,沿单位圆逆时针方向运动2π3弧长到达Q点,则Q点的坐标为()A. (−12,√32)B. (−√32,−12)C. (−12,−√32)D. (−√32,12)【正确答案】:A【解析】:由题意推出∠QOx角的大小,然后求出Q点的坐标.【解答】:解:点P从(0,1)出发,沿单位圆逆时针方向运动2π3弧长到达Q点,所以∠QOx= 2π3,所以Q(cos 2π3,sin 2π3),所以Q (−12,√32).故选:A.【点评】:本题通过角的终边的旋转,求出角的大小是解题的关键,考查计算能力,注意旋转方向.3.(单选题,5分)若幂函数f(x)的图象过点(√22,12),则函数g(x)=f(x)e x的递增区间为()A.(0,2)B.(-∞,0)∪(2,+∞)C.(-2,0)D.(-∞,-2)∪(0,+∞)【正确答案】:A【解析】:先求幂函数f(x),再利用导数判定函数g(x)的单调递增区间.【解答】:解:设幂函数f(x)=xα,它的图象过点(√22,12),∴(√22)α= 12,∴α=2;∴f(x)=x2;∴g(x)= x2e x ,g′(x)= x(2−x)e x,令g′(x)>0,即2-x>0,解得:0<x<2,故g(x)在(0,2)递增,故选:A.【点评】:本题考查了幂函数的定义以及利用导数判定函数的单调区间问题,是中档题.4.(单选题,5分)已知函数f(x)的部分图象如图所示,则f(x)的解析式可能为()A. f (x )=sin|x|2+cosx B. f (x )=sinx•ln|x|2+cosxC. f (x )=cosx•ln|x|2+cosx D. f (x )=cosx x【正确答案】:B【解析】:根据题意,依次分析选项中函数是否符合函数的图象,综合即可得答案.【解答】:解:根据题意,依次分析选项: 对于A , f (x )=sin|x|2+cosx,其定义域为R ,不符合题意;排除A ;对于C ,f (x )= cosx•ln|x|2+cosx,其定义域为{x|x≠0},有f (-x )=cos (−x )ln|−x|2+cos (−x ) = cosx•ln|x|2+cosx=f (x ), 即函数f (x )为偶函数,其图象关于y 轴对称,不符合题意;排除C , 对于D ,f (x )= cosxx,其定义域为{x|x≠0}, 有f (-x )=cos (−x )x =- cosx x=-f (x ), 即函数f (x )为奇函数,其图象关于原点对称, 当x→+∞时,f (x )→0,不符合题意;排除D ; 故选:B .【点评】:本题考查根据函数的图象选择解析式,注意结合函数的奇偶性、定义域等性质运用排除法进行分析,属于基础题.5.(单选题,5分)2019年1月3日嫦娥四号探测器成功实现人类历史上首次月球背面软着陆,我国航天事业取得又一重大成就.实现月球背面软着陆需要解决的一个关键技术问题是地面与探测器的通讯联系.为解决这个问题,发射了嫦娥四号中继星“鹊桥”,鹊桥沿着围绕地月拉格朗日L 2点的轨道运行.L 2点是平衡点,位于地月连线的延长线上.设地球质量为M 1,月球质量为M 2,地月距离为R ,L 2点到月球的距离为r ,根据牛顿运动定律和万有引力定律,r满足方程: M 1(R+r )2+ M 2r 2 =(R+r ) M1R 3 . 设α= rR .由于α的值很小,因此在近似计算中 3α3+3α4+α5(1+α)2≈3α3,则r 的近似值为( )A. √M2M1RB. √M22M 1RC. √3M2M 13RD. √M23M 13R【正确答案】:D【解析】:由α= rR.推导出 M 2M 1= 3α3+3α4+α5(1+α)2≈3α3,由此能求出r=αR= √M 23M 13R .【解答】:解:∵α= rR .∴r=αR ,r 满足方程: M 1(R+r )2 + M 2r 2 =(R+r ) M1R3 . ∴11+2•r R +r 2R2•M 1 + R 2r2•M 2 =(1+ r R)M 1,把 α=r R代入,得: 1(1−α)2•M 1+1α2•M 2 =(1+α)M 1, ∴ M 2α2 =[(1+α)- 1(1−α)2 ]M 1=(1+α)3−1(1+α)2•M 1 =α(α2+3α+3)(1+α)2M 1, ∴ M2M 1=3α3+3α4+α5(1+α)2≈3α3, ∴r=αR= √M23M 13R .故选:D .【点评】:本题考查点到月球的距离的求法,考查函数在我国航天事业中的灵活运用,考查化归与转化思想、函数与方程思想,考查运算求解能力,是中档题. 6.(单选题,5分)已知函数 f (x )={x ,0≤x ≤1,ln (2x ),1<x ≤2,若存在实数x 1,x 2满足0≤x 1<x 2≤2,且f (x 1)=f (x 2),则x 2-x 1的最大值为( ) A. e 2B. e 2−1C.1-ln2D.2-ln4【正确答案】:B【解析】:画出函数图象得到x2-x1=x2-ln(2x2),令g(x)=x-ln(2x),x∈(1,e2],根据函数的单调性求出其最大值即可.【解答】:解:画出函数f(x)的图象,如图示:结合f(x)的图象可知,因为x1=ln(2x2),所以x2∈(1,e2],则x2-x1=x2-ln(2x2),令g(x)=x-ln(2x),x∈(1,e2],则g′(x)=x−1x,所以g(x)在(1,e2]上单调递增,故g(x)max=g(e2)=e2−1,故选:B.【点评】:本题考查了函数的单调性,最值问题,考查导数的应用以及数形结合思想,转化思想,是一道常规题.7.(单选题,5分)若2x-2y<3-x-3-y,则()A.ln(y-x+1)>0B.ln(y-x+1)<0C.ln|x-y|>0D.ln|x-y|<0【正确答案】:A【解析】:方法一:由2x-2y<3-x-3-y,可得2x-3-x<2y-3-y,令f(x)=2x-3-x,则f(x)在R上单调递增,且f(x)<f(y),结合函数的单调性可得x,y的大小关系,结合选项即可判断.方法二:根据条件取x=-1,y=0,即可排除错误选项.【解答】:解:方法一:由2x-2y<3-x-3-y,可得2x-3-x<2y-3-y,令f(x)=2x-3-x,则f(x)在R上单调递增,且f(x)<f(y),所以x<y,即y-x>0,由于y-x+1>1,故ln(y-x+1)>ln1=0.方法二:取x=-1,y=0,满足2x-2y<3-x-3-y,此时ln(y-x+1)=ln2>0,ln|x-y|=ln1=0,可排除BCD.故选:A.【点评】:本题主要考查了函数的单调性在比较变量大小中的应用,属于基础试题.8.(单选题,5分)设平行于x轴的直线l分别与函数y=2x和y=2x+1的图象相交于点A,B,若函数y=2x的图象上存在点C,使得△ABC为等边三角形,则这样的直线l()A.不存在B.有且只有一条C.至少有两条D.有无数条【正确答案】:B【解析】:设AB方程为y=m,根据△ABC是等边三角形计算m的值,得出结论.【解答】:解:根据题意,设直线l的方程为y=m,则A(log2m,m),B(log2m-1,m),AB=1,设C(x,2x),∵△ABC是等边三角形,∴点C到直线AB的距离为√32,∴m-2x= √32,∴x=log2(m- √32),又x= 12(log2m+log2m-1)=log2m- 12,∴log 2(m- √32 )=log 2m- 12 =log 2 m √2∴m - √32 = m√2 ,解得m=2√3+√62, 故而符合条件的直线l 只有1条. 故选:B .【点评】:本题考查了指数函数图象与性质的应用问题,也考查了指数,对数的运算问题,属于中档题.9.(多选题,5分)5G 时代已经到来,5G 的发展将直接带动包括运营、制造、服务在内的通信行业整体的快速发展,进而对GDP 增长产生直接贡献,并通过产业间的关联效应,间接带动国民经济各行业的发展,创造出更多的经济增加值.如图,某单位结合近年数据,对今后几年的5G 经济产出做出预测.由如图提供的信息可知( ) A.运营商的经济产出逐年增加B.设备制造商的经济产出前期增长较快,后期放缓C.设备制造商在各年的总经济产出中一直处于领先地位D.信息服务商与运营商的经济产出的差距有逐步拉大的趋势 【正确答案】:ABD【解析】:根据统计图中的信息,逐个分析选项,即可判断出正误.【解答】:解:对于选项A:由图可知,运营商的经济产出逐年增加,所以选项A正确,对于选项B:由图可知,设备制造商的经济产出在2020~2023年间增长较快,后几年增长逐渐趋于平缓,所以选项B正确,对于选项C:由图可知,设备制造商在各年的总经济产出中在前期处于领先地位,而2029年、2030年信息服务商在总经济产出中处于领先地位,所以选项C错误,对于选项D:由图可知,在2020~2025年间信息服务商与运营商的经济产出的差距不大,后几年中信息服务商的经济产出增长速度明显高于运营商的经济产出增长速度,两种差距有逐步拉大的趋势,所以选项D正确,故选:ABD.【点评】:本题主要考查了简单的合情推理,考查了统计图的应用,考查了学生逻辑思维能力,是基础题.10.(多选题,5分)下列说法正确的是()A.“a>1”是“a2>1”的充分不必要条件<a<2”是“(a-1)-2<(2a-3)-2”的充要条件B.“ 43C.命题“∀x∈R,x2+1<0”的否定是“∃x∈R,使得 x2+1≥0”D.已知函数 y=f (x)的定义域为 R,则“f (0)=0”是“函数 y=f (x)为奇函数”的必要不充分条件【正确答案】:ACD【解析】:直接利用充分条件和必要条件判定A和B的结论,直接利用命题的否定的应用判定C的结论,直接利用奇函数的性质判定D的结论.【解答】:解:对于A:当“a>1”时,“a2>1”成立,但是当“a2>1”时,“a>1或a<-1”,故选项A正确.对于B:“(a-1)-2<(2a-3)-2”的充要条件是:a-1>2a-3,整理得a<2,故选项B错误.对于C:命题“∀x∈R,x2+1<0”的否定是“∃x∈R,使得 x2+1≥0”.故选项C正确.对于D:函数y=f (x)的定义域为R,当“f(0)=0”时,函数f(x)不一定为奇函数,但是,当函数f(x)为奇函数,则f(0)=0,故选项D正确.故选:ACD.【点评】:本题考查的知识要点:充分条件和必要条件,奇函数的性质,命题的否定,主要考查学生的运算能力和转换能力及思维能力,属于基础题.11.(多选题,5分)已知函数y=f(x)是奇函数,且对定义域内的任意x都有f(1+x)=-f (1-x),当x∈(2,3)时,f(x)=log2(x-1),以下4个结论正确的有()A.函数 y=f (x)的图象关于点(1,0)成中心对称B.函数 y=f (x)是以2为周期的周期函数C.当x∈(-1,0)时,f (x)=-log2 (1-x)D.函数 y=f (|x|)在(-1,0)上单调递增【正确答案】:ABC【解析】:直接利用函数的周期确定B的结论,直接利用函数的对称性判定A的结论,直接利用函数的解析式的求法判定C的结论,直接利用函数的图象和偶函数的性质判定D的结论.【解答】:解:对于B:函数y=f(x)是奇函数,且对定义域内的任意x都有f(1+x)=-f(1-x),整理得f(x+2)=f(x),所以函数为周期为2的函数,故B正确.对于C:由于0<x<1,所以2<x+2<3,由于x∈(2,3)时,f(x)=log2(x-1),所以f(x)=f(x+2)=log2(x+1),设-1<x<0,则0<-x<1,由于f(x)=-f(-x)=-log2(-x+1),故C正确.对于A:根据函数的性质,函数的图象关于(1,0)对称,故A正确.对于选项D:函数 y=f (|x|)的图象是将函数y=f(x)的图象关于y轴对称,在(-1,0)上单调递减,故D错误.故选:ABC.【点评】:本题考查的知识要点:函数的性质,单调性,周期性,函数的解析式的求法,主要考查学生的运算能力和转换能力及思维能力,属于中档题.12.(多选题,5分)关于函数f(x)=alnx+ 2,下列判断正确的是()xA.当a=1时,f (x)≥ln2+1B.当a=-1时,不等式 f (2x-1)-f (x)>0 的解集为(1,1)2C.当a>e时,函数 f (x)有两个零点D.当f (x ) 的最小值为2时,a=2 【正确答案】:ABD【解析】:对于A ,代入a 的值,求出函数的导数,求出函数的单调区间,得到函数的最小值即可,对于B ,代入a 的值,求出函数的导数,得到函数的单调性,问题转化为关于x 的不等式组,解出即可,对于C ,求出函数的单调性,求出函数的最小值,根据a 的范围判断最小值的范围即可判断, 对于D ,由最小值是2,得到关于a 的方程,解出即可.【解答】:解:对于A :a=1时,f (x )=lnx+ 2x ,f′(x )= x−2x 2 , 令f′(x )>0,解得:x >2,令f′(x )<0,解得:0<x <2, 故f (x )在(0,2)递减,在(2,+∞)递增, 故f (x )≥f (2)=ln2+1, 故A 正确;对于B :a=-1时,f (x )=-lnx+ 2x,f′(x )= −x−2x 2 <0, f (x )在(0,+∞)递减,不等式f (2x-1)-f (x )>0,即f (2x-1)>f (x ),故 {2x −1>0x >02x −1<x ,解得: 12<x <1,故B 正确;对于C :f′(x )= a x- 2x2 =ax−2x 2, ∵a >e ,令ax-2>0,解得:x > 2a,令ax-2<0,解得:0<x < 2a, 故f (x )在(0, 2a )递减,在( 2a ,+∞)递增, 故f (x )min =f ( 2a )=aln 2a+ 22a=a (ln2-lna )+a=aln 2e a,∵0< 2e a <2,故1< 2e a <2时,ln 2ea >0,f (x )min >0,函数无零点, 故C 错误;对于D :结合C ,f (x )min =aln 2e a=2,解得:a=e , 故D 正确; 故选:ABD .【点评】:本题考查了函数的单调性,最值问题,考查导数的应用以及转化思想,是一道常规题.13.(填空题,5分)已知f(x)为偶函数,当x<0时,f(x)=ln(-x)+3x,则曲线y=f (x)在点(1,-3)处的切线斜率是___ .【正确答案】:[1]-2【解析】:由偶函数的定义可求得x>0时,f(x)的解析式,求得导数,由导数的几何意义,代入x=1,计算可得所求值.【解答】:解:f(x)为偶函数,当x<0时,f(x)=ln(-x)+3x,可得x>0时,-x<0,f(x)=f(-x)=lnx-3x,导数为f′(x)= 1x-3,则曲线y=f(x)在点(1,-3)处的切线斜率是k=1-3=-2.故答案为:-2.【点评】:本题考查函数的奇偶性和解析式的求法,以及导数的运用:求切线的斜率,考查转化思想和运算能力,属于中档题.14.(填空题,5分)函数y=cosx+cos2x的最小值是___ .【正确答案】:[1]- 54【解析】:利用二倍角公式整理函数解析式,值函数的解析式关于cosx的一元二次函数,设cosx=t,函数的顶点为最低点,此时函数值为最小值.【解答】:解:y=cosx+cos2x=cosx+2cos2x-1,设cosx=t,则-1≤t≤1,函数f(t)min=f(- 14)= 12- 14-1=- 54,故答案为:- 54.【点评】:本题主要考查了二次函数的性质.考查了学生的换元思想的运用.15.(填空题,5分)设a=log49,b=2-1.2,c= (827)−13,则将a,b,c按从大到小排序:___ .【正确答案】:[1]a>c>b【解析】:可以得出 log 49>32>1 , (827)−13=32,2-1.2<1,然后即可得出a ,b ,c 的大小关系.【解答】:解:∵ log 49>log 48=log 4432=32>1 , (827)−13=32 ,2-1.2<20=1,∴a >c >b .故答案为:a >c >b .【点评】:本题考查了对数的运算性质,分数指数幂的运算,对数函数和指数函数的单调性,考查了计算能力,属于基础题.16.(填空题,5分)若函数f (x )=x (x-1)(x-a ),(a >1)的两个不同极值点x 1,x 2满足f (x 1)+f (x 2)≤0恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围为___ . 【正确答案】:[1]a≥2【解析】:把x 1,x 2代入到f (x )中求出函数值代入不等式f (x 1)+f (x 2)≤0中,在利用根与系数的关系化简得到关于a 的不等式,求出解集即可.【解答】:解:因f (x 1)+f (x 2)≤0,故得不等式x 13+x 23-(1+a )(x 12+x 22)+a (x 1+x 2)≤0.即(x 1+x 2)[(x 1+x 2)2-3x 1x 2]-(1+a )[(x 1+x 2)2-2x 1x 2]+a (x 1+x 2)≤0. 由于f′(x )=3x 2-2(1+a )x+a .令f′(x )=0得方程3x 2-2(1+a )x+a=0. 因△=4(a 2-a+1)≥4a >0,故 {x 1+x 2=23(1+a )x 1x 2=a3 代入前面不等式, 两边除以(1+a ),并化简得 2a 2-5a+2≥0.解不等式得a≥2或a≤ 12 (舍去)因此,当a≥2时,不等式f (x 1)+f (x 2)≤0成立.【点评】:考查学生求导数及利用导数研究函数极值的能力,灵活运用一元二次方程根与系数的关系解决数学问题的能力.17.(问答题,10分)在① A⊆B;② ∁R B⊆∁R A;③ A∩B=A;这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问题中.若问题中的实数a存在,求a的取值范围;若不存在,说明理由.问题:已知集合A={x|log2(x-1)>1,x∈R},B={x|(x-a)(x-4+a)>0,x∈R},是否存在实数a,使得______?【正确答案】:【解析】:由集合知识可以解出集合A,对集合B进行分类求解,再利用集合的子集,交集,补集解出.【解答】:解:由log2(x-1)>1得x-1>2即x>3,故A=(3,+∞)选① :A⊆B当a>2时,B=(-∞,4-a)∪(a,+∞),∵A⊆B∴2<a≤3;当a<2时,B=(-∞,a)∪(4-a,+∞),∵A⊆B∴4-a≤3即1≤a<2;当a=2时,B=(-∞,2)∪(2,+∞),此时A⊆B综上:1≤a≤3选② ③ :答案同①故答案为:1≤a≤3.【点评】:本题属于结构不良试题,补充条件后,试题完整,利用集合的相关知识解决,属于基础题.18.(问答题,12分)已知f(α)= sin(5π−α)cos(π+α)cos(3π2+α)cos(α+π2)tan(3π−α)sin(α−3π2).(1)化简f(α);(2)若α是第三象限角,且cos(3π2−α)=35,求f(α)的值.【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)利用诱导公式,和同角三角函数的基本关系关系,可将f (α)的解析式化简为f (α)=-cosα;(2)由α是第三象限角,且 cos (3π2−α)=35 ,可得cosα=- 45 ,结合(1)中结论,可得答案.【解答】:解:(1)f (α)= sin (5π−α)cos (π+α)cos(3π2+α)cos(α+π2)tan (3π−α)sin(α−3π2)= sinα•(−cosα)•sinα(−sinα)•(−tanα)•cosα =-sinα•cosα•sinαsinα•sinα=-cosα (2)∵ cos (3π2−α) =-sinα= 35,∴sinα=- 35 ,又由α是第三象限角, ∴cosα=- 45 , 故f (α)=-cosα= 45【点评】:本题考查的知识点是三角函数的化简求值,熟练掌握和差角公式,诱导公式,同角三角函数的基本关系关系,是解答的关键.19.(问答题,12分)随着城市规模的扩大和人们生活水平的日益提高,某市近年机动车保有量逐年递增.根据机动车管理部门的统计数据,以5年为一个研究周期,得到机动车每5年纯增数据情况为:i i 对应的机动车纯增数量y (单位:万辆)具有线性相关关系.(1)求机动车纯增数量(单位:万辆)关于时间变量x 的回归方程,并预测2025~2030年间该市机动车纯增数量的值;附:回归直线方程 y ̂=b ̂x +a ̂ 中斜和截距的最小二乘估计公式分别为:b ̂=∑x i y i −nxyni=1∑xi 2n i=1−nx2=i −x )i −y ni=1)∑(x −x )2n a ̂=y −b ̂x . (2)该市交通管理部门为广解市民对“单双号限行”的赞同情况,随机采访了220名市民,将他们的见和是否拥有私家车情况进行了统计,得到如下的2×2列联表:附:K 2=n (ad−bc )2(a+b )(c+d )(a+c )(b+d ),n=a+b+c+d .【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)由已知求得 b ̂ 与 a ̂ 的值,可得线性回归方程,取x=7求得y 值得结论; (2)求出K 2的值,结合临界值表得结论.【解答】:解:(1) x =1+2+3+4+55=3 , y =3+6+9+15+275=12 ,∑x i 5i=1y i =1×3+2×6+3×9+4×15+5×27 =237.b ̂=i 5i=1i −5xy∑x 25−5(x )2= 237−5×3×1255−45=5.7 ,a ̂=y −b̂x =12−5.7×3=−5.1 , 则y 关于x 的线性回归方程为 y ̂=5.7x −5.1 . 取x=7,可得 y ̂=5.7×7−5.1=34.8 .故预测2025~2030年间该市机动车纯增数量的值约为34.8万辆; (2)根据2×2列联表,计算可得 K 2=220×(90×40−20×70)2110×110×160×60=556≈9.167>6.635, ∴有99%的把握认为“对限行的意见与是拥有私家车”有关.【点评】:本题考查线性回归方程的求法,考查独立性检验的应用,考查计算能力,是中档题. 20.(问答题,12分)如图,三棱柱ABC-A 1B 1C 1中,平面AA 1C 1C⊥平面AA 1B 1B ,∠BAA 1=45°,CA=CB ,点O 在棱AA 1上,CO⊥AA 1. (1)求证:AA 1⊥BC ;(2)若BB 1= √2 AB=2,直线BC 与平面ABB 1A 1所成角为45°,D 为CC 1的中点,求二面角B 1-A 1D-C 1的余弦值.【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)由平面AA 1C 1C⊥平面AA 1B 1B ,推出OC⊥平面AA 1B 1B ,故OC⊥OB ;易证Rt△AOC≌Rt△BOC ,故OA=OB ,从而得AA 1⊥OB ,再由线面垂直的判定定理得证;(2)以O 为原点,OA 、OB 、OC 所在的直线分别为x 、y 、z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,由(1)知,OC⊥平面AA 1B 1B ,故∠CBO 为直线BC 与平面ABB 1A 1所成角,可得OA=OB=OC=1,写出B 、A 1、B 1、D 的坐标,根据法向量的性质求得平面A 1B 1D 的法向量 m ⃗⃗ ,由OB⊥平面AA 1C 1C ,知平面A 1C 1D 的一个法向量 n ⃗ = OB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ,再由cos < m ⃗⃗ , n ⃗ >= m ⃗⃗⃗ •n ⃗ |m ⃗⃗⃗ |•|n ⃗ |即可得解.【解答】:(1)证明:∵平面AA 1C 1C⊥平面AA 1B 1B ,平面AA 1C 1C∩平面AA 1B 1B=AA 1,OC⊥AA 1,∴OC⊥平面AA 1B 1B , ∴OC⊥OB ,∵CA=CB ,OC=OC ,∠COA=∠COB=90°, ∴Rt△AOC≌Rt△BOC , ∴OA=OB , ∵∠BAA 1=45°,∴∠ABO=∠BAA 1=45°,∠AOB=90°,即AA 1⊥OB , 又OC⊥AA 1,OB∩OC=O ,OB 、OC⊂平面BOC , ∴AA 1⊥平面BOC , ∴AA 1⊥BC .(2)解:以O 为原点,OA 、OB 、OC 所在的直线分别为x 、y 、z 轴建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,由(1)知,OC⊥平面AA 1B 1B , ∵直线BC 与平面ABB 1A 1所成角为45°, ∴∠CBO=45°,∵AB= √2 ,∴OA=OB=OC=1,∴B (0,1,0),A 1(-1,0,0),B 1(-2,1,0),D (-1,0,1), ∴ A 1D ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(0,0,1), B 1D ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(1,-1,1), 设平面A 1B 1D 的法向量为 m ⃗⃗ =(x ,y ,z ),则 {m ⃗⃗ •A 1D ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0m ⃗⃗ •B 1D ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0 ,即 {z =0x −y +z =0 ,令x=1,则y=1,z=0,所以 m ⃗⃗ =(1,1,0),∵OB⊥平面AA 1C 1C ,∴平面A 1C 1D 的一个法向量 n ⃗ = OB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(0,1,0), ∴cos < m ⃗⃗ , n ⃗ >= m⃗⃗⃗ •n ⃗ |m ⃗⃗⃗ |•|n ⃗ |= √2×1= √22 , 由图可知,二面角B 1-A 1D-C 1为锐角, 故二面角B 1-A 1D-C 1的余弦值为 √22 .【点评】:本题考查空间中线与面的位置关系、二面角的求法,熟练掌握线面、面面垂直的判定定理与性质定理,以及利用空间向量处理二面角的方法是解题的关键,考查学生的空间立体感、逻辑推理能力和运算能力,属于中档题.21.(问答题,12分)已知函数f (x )=x|2a-x|+2x ,a∈R . (1)若函数f (x )在R 上是增函数,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若存在实数a∈[-2,2],使得关于x 的方程f (x )-tf (2a )=0有3个不相等的实数根,求实数t 的取值范围.【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)写出f (x )的分段函数,求出对称轴方程,由二次函数的单调性,可得a-1≤2a ,2a≤a+1,解不等式即可得到所求范围;(2)方程f (x )-tf (2a )=0的解即为方程f (x )=tf (2a )的解.讨论 ① 当-1≤a≤1时, ② 当a >1时, ③ 当a <-1时,判断f (x )的单调性,结合函数和方程的转化思想,即可得到所求范围.【解答】:解:(1)∵ f (x )={x 2+(2−2a )x ,x ≥2a−x 2+(2+2a )x ,x <2a 为增函数,由于x≥2a 时,f (x )的对称轴为x=a-1; x <2a 时,f (x )的对称轴为x=a+1, ∴ {a −1≤2a 2a ≤a +1解得-1≤a≤1; (2)方程f (x )-tf (2a )=0的解即为方程f (x )=tf (2a )的解. ① 当-1≤a≤1时,f (x )在R 上是增函数,关于x 的方程f (x )=tf (2a )不可能有3个不相等的实数根. ② 当1<a≤2时,2a >a+1>a-1,∴f (x )在(-∞,a+1)上单调递增,在(a+1,2a )上单调递减, 在(2a ,+∞)上单调递增,所以当f (2a )<tf (2a )<f (a+1)时,关于x 的方程f (x )=tf (2a )有3个不相等的实数根,即4a <t•4a <(a+1)2. ∵a >1,∴ 1<t <14(a +1a +2) .设 ℎ(a )=14(a +1a +2) ,因为存在a∈[-2,2],使得关于x 的方程f (x )=tf (2a )有3个不相等的实数根,∴1<t <h (a )max .又h (a )在(1,2]递增,所以 ℎ(a )max =98,∴ 1<t <98. ③ 当-2≤a <-1时,2a <a-1<a+1,所以f (x )在(-∞,2a )上单调递增, 在(2a ,a-1)上单调递减,在(a-1,+∞)上单调递增, 所以当f (a-1)<tf (2a )<f (2a )时,关于x 的方程f (x )=tf (2a )有3个不相等的实数根, 即-(a-1)2<t•4a <4a .∵a <-1,∴ 1<t <−14(a +1a−2) . 设 g (a )=−14(a +1a −2) ,因为存在a∈[-2,2],使得关于x 的方程f (x )=tf (2a )有3个不相等的实数根,所以1<t <g (a )max . 又可证 g (a )=−14(a +1a −2) 在[-2,-1)上单调递减, 所以 g (a )max =98 ,所以 1<t <98 ..综上,1<t<98【点评】:本题考查分段函数的单调性的判断和运用,注意运用二次函数的对称轴和区间的关系,考查存在性问题的解法,注意运用分类讨论的思想方法,以及函数方程的转化思想的运用,考查运算化简能力,属于中档题.22.(问答题,12分)若函数f(x)=e x-ae-x-mx(m∈R)为奇函数,且x=x0时f(x)有极小值f(x0).(1)求实数a的值;(2)求实数m的取值范围;恒成立,求实数m的取值范围.(3)若f(x0)≥- 2e【正确答案】:【解析】:(1)依题意,f(x)+f(-x)=0在定义域上恒成立,由此建立方程,解出即可;(2)求导后分m≤2及m>2讨论即可;(3)可知e x0+e−x0=m,进而得到f(x0),研究其单调性,结合已知可得x0≤1,由此可求得实数m的取值范围.【解答】:解:(1)由函数f(x)为奇函数,得f(x)+f(-x)=0在定义域上恒成立,∴e x-ae-x-mx+e-x-ae x+mx=0,化简可得(1-a)(e x+e-x)=0,故a=1;,(2)由(1)可得f(x)=e x-e-x-mx,则f′(x)=e x+e−x−m=e2x−me x+1e x① 当m≤2时,由于e2x-me x+1≥0恒成立,即f′(x)≥0恒成立,故不存在极小值;② 当m>2时,令e x=t,则方程t2-mt+1=0有两个不等的正根t1,t2(t1<t2),故可知函数f(x)=e x-e-x-mx在(-∞,lnt1),(lnt2,+∞)上单调递增,在(lnt1,lnt2)上单调递减,即在lnt2出取到极小值,所以,实数m的取值范围为(2,+∞);(3)由x0满足e x0+e−x0=m代入f(x)=e x-e-x-mx,消去m得f(x0)=(1−x0)e x0−(1+x0)e−x0,构造函数h(x)=(1-x)e x-(1+x)e-x,则h′(x)=x(e-x-e x),当x≥0时,e−x−e x=1−e2xe x≤0,故当x≥0时,h′(x)≤0恒成立,故函数h(x)在[0,+∞)上单调减函数,其中ℎ(1)=−2e ,则f(x0)≥−2e,可转化为h(x0)≥h(1),故x0≤1,由e x0+e−x0=m,设y=e x+e-x,可得当x≥0时,y′=e x-e-x≥0,∴y=e x+e-x在(0,1]上递增,故m≤e+1e,综上,实数m的取值范围为(2,e+1e].【点评】:本题考查利用导数研究函数的单调性,极值及最值,同时也涉及了奇函数的定义,考查转化思想及逻辑推理能力,属于中档题.。
2020-2021学年北师大二附中高三英语月考试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADuring ancient times, children didn’t have smartphones, iPad or computers to entertain themselves. Instead, they came up with interesting games to play.★Stone ballsDuring the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, and it was often played in the winter to protect kids from the cold. Stones were carved into small balls and kicked along with feet. In 1999, the sport was included in the 6th National Ethnic Group Traditional Sports Meeting held in Beijing.★Flying kitesKites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper. Nowadays, the four most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite , Weifang kite and Nantong kite, of which each has distinctive features. The kite which resembles a swallow is a well-known Beijing style.★Hide-and-seekHide-and-seek is a traditional game for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to play: covering a child’s eyes while other kids run around to tease(戏弄) him or, more commonly, participants hide and one child must try to find them.★Playing diabolosA diabolo is always made of wood or bamboo and has empty space in the center. By juggling(边抛边接) the diabolo on the rope, the high-speed spinning diabolos will make a sound like a whistle. Playing diabolos is an interesting folk game, especially popular in North China. Playing diabolos was also included in the first group of national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产).1.Why did ancient children often play stone balls in the winter?A.To practice their feet.B.To warm themselves.C.To train their skills.D.To relax themselves.2.Which kites are swallow-shaped?A.Weifang kites.B.Tianjin kites.C.Beijing kites.D.Nantong kites.3.Why does playing diabolos make a sound?A.Because the diabolo’s center is empty.B.Because the high-speed spinning diabolo is light.C.Because the diabolo is equipped with a whistle.D.Because ropes’ surface moves against the diabolo’s.BWhere do you find beauty? Fashion Magazines? Music Videos? One American photographer is finding beauty in unexpected places. And a new documentary about his work might help change the traditional standards of “who” is beautiful.Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a fashion photographer to turn his lens to people living with genetic, physical and behavioral differences. He says what changed his perception of beauty was a chance encounter with an albino (白化病)girl.“I was just tired of people telling me who was beautiful. Every season that face would change but I was always told who was beautiful. As an artist, I don't see beauty just on covers of magazines. I see it everywhere. So it was my initial intention that opened my eyes a little wider and wider.” Said Guidotti.Guidotti has created Positive Exposure, a not-for-profit organization that uses photography and video to transform public views and promote a world where differences are celebrated. Guidotti and Positive Exposure are featured in a new documentary called On Beauty.The cast and crew recently hosted a screening at Georgetown University in Washington. One of the women featured in the film is Jayne Waithera. “I never thought I was beautiful because nobody said that to me, but meeting him was my profound moment. I remember that particular day he took my picture and I felt so good like I felt there's somebody who, really loves me and sees me for who I am and who sees me more than my condition.” said Waithera.The documentary is the idea of producer Joanna Rudnick. After seeing Guidotti's photos, she decided to tell his story. Joanna and Guidotti are traveling from city to city to promote On Beauty. “As I travel from community to community, I'm taking photographs and I'm encouraging individuals with a positive sense of who they are. They're seeing beauty in their reflection but I'm also encouraging their families and they in turn are encouraging their communities as well. All is based on the philosophy of change how you see,see how you change.”4. What made Rick change his understanding of beauty?A. A girl diagnosed with albino.B. His job as a fashion photographer.C. The beauty on the covers of magazines.D. Influence from the people working with him.5. What can we infer about Jayne Waithera?A. She showed great interest in taking photos.B. She used to be disappointed at her work and life.C. She was greatly influenced by the experience with Rick.D. She believed Rick was the best photographer in the world.6. Which of the following words can best describe On Beauty?A. abstract and differentB. traditional and academicC. tolerant and encouragingD. creative and interesting7. What's the best title of the text?A. True Beauty In The Eye Of A PhotographerB. Beautiful Or Not Beautiful,That's A QuestionC. Be Who You Are Not Who You Want To BeD. A Different photographer, A Different MagazineCThe measurable threat to the environment has been worsened by the spread of COVID-19 that increases the need for plastic protective equipment. Most plastic is made from fossil fuels. Millions of tons of greenhouse gas are released from the development of these resources and plastic production and burning.The end life of plastic is just worrisome. Less than 10% of the plastic produced has been recycled. Even more of it has been burned. But the vast majority of plastic has been buried inland, and it is increasingly polluting the environment. We hear mostly about ocean plastic and the harm done to sea creatures that mistake plastic bags and bits for food. But microplastic is even more worrisome. Plastic doesn't break down biologically but instead breaks down into tiny particles(a very small piece of something), which have been found in every corner of the planet, on land and in the air, in drinking water and food sources.Yet the public has not given this global environmental disaster the attention it requires. Instead, they have viewed single-use plastic—which makes up about 40% of plastic used each year—as a litter issue that can be solved through better recycling and waste management. That attitude must change because the recent globalbreakdown of the market for recycling has made it clear that it has never been, nor ever will be, able to keep up with plastic trash use.California has been the forerunner of plastic waste reduction—it was the first state to ban single-use plastic bags and may be the first state to transform the way goods are packaged. The state also came close to passing an act which would have required that products sold in plastic packaging in the state have a proven recycling rate of 75% by 2032. California, though influential, can't solve this crisis alone. The US has long been producing a great amount of plastic trash and it should engage in reducing the use of plastic as well.8. Why does the author mention the release of greenhouse gas in paragraph 1?A. To show the harm of plasticB. To warn of the climate change.C. To call for the development of fossil fuels.D. To highlight the importance of plastic equipment.9. What's the author's attitude towards the public opinion on single-use plastic?A. Favorable.B. Tolerant.C. Curious.D. Opposed.10. What's California's role in reducing plastic waste?A. A pioneer.B. A failure.C. An objector.D. A predictor.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Microplastic Products Are HarmfulB. Waste Recycling Is an Urgent MatterC. Plastic Waste Pollution Is a Wake-up CallD. Global Environmental Disasters Are IncreasingDMy friend and I went traveling inTasmania,Australialast December. We settled in our Airbnb accommodation, a cozy apartment, not long after we arrived inHobart, the capital city.After briefing us on the kitchen's facilities and the whereabouts of the bedroom and bathroom, our hostess Geraldine resumed her ironing work, which seemed to have been interrupted by our arrival.She was ironing what looked like security guard uniforms, and we soon found out that she worked in a local prison. And when she detected the curiosity in our tones, she offered a tour at the prison in her SUV. My friendand I exchanged a “this is incredible” look and said “yes” immediately.As we drove, she told us about the buildings that we were passing, the local market and how to get to MONA,Tasmania's well-known contemporary art gallery.And of course we got to hear some background information about the prison. According to our hostess, it currently holds Martin Bryant, a notorious criminal who cheated 35 people out of their property. We could see the high level of security from the layers upon layers of wires surrounding the gray structure inside.Getting to know a city in such a local way is something I would never be able to do by talking to a hotel receptionist, and this is what I like best about the apartment-sharing experience, not to mention the fact that it's usually cheaper than hotel rooms.But I'm fully aware of the risks of Airbnb, which is why I did my homework before booking online—I checked the reviews of the accommodation to avoid possible safety problems.That said, it is the mutual trust between a host and a guest that fascinates me—the interesting feeling of building a bond with a total stranger.12. Why did the hostess drive us to the prison?A. She planned to send the uniform to the prison.B. She found our curiosity about the prison.C. She wanted to show off her SUV.D. She needed to offer a tour for us.13. Which of the following can best explain the word “notorious” in Paragraph 5?A. Unfamiliar to everyone.B. Particularly disappointing.C. Well known for being bad.D. Extremely generous to others.14. Compared with hotels, what is the writer's favorite of the Airbnb accommodation?A. It is cheaper in most cases.B. It supplies a better living condition.C. It offers a much safer accommodation.D. It provides a chance to know local culture.15. What does the author think of finding accommodation on Airbnb?A. Disapproving.B. Supportive.C. Neutral.D. Doubtful.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
德州一中2020-2021学年第一学期高三年级月考历史试题第Ⅰ卷(共50分)一、选择题(本大题共25个小题,每个2分,每个小题都有4个选项,只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项涂在答题卡的相应位置上)1. 西周晚期的一些青铜器的铭文中出现土地交换和土地买卖的记录,甚至还列出了在场作证的王室官员的名字,以作凭据。
这说明了西周晚期A. 土地出现私有化的趋向B. 宗法分封制严重破坏C. 青铜铸造工艺日渐成熟D. 井田制得到发展和完善【答案】A【解析】【详解】从题目材料“西周晚期”“出现土地交换和土地买卖的记录”可知,西周晚期出现土地私有化现象,故A项正确。
2. 春秋战国时期出现了富民思想,如儒家的“藏富于民”“恒产论”和“轻徭薄赋”,墨家的“节用利民”思想,道家的“精神足民”论,法家的“以政裕民”思想等。
富民思想的出现表明A. 民本思想成为社会主流思想B. 统治者注重对私产的保护C. 社会阶级矛盾得到有效缓和D. 生产关系领域发生了变革【答案】D【解析】【详解】据材料“春秋战国时期出现了富民思想”并结合所学可知,春秋战国时期生产力发展,土地私有制确立,生产关系领域发生了变革,奴隶社会向封建社会过渡,D符合题意;据材料“春秋战国时期出现了富民思想”并结合所学可知,春秋战国时期诸子百家、百家争鸣,并没有特定的社会意识形态主流,民本思想也不可能上升到社会主流思想这个高度,A错误;据材料儒家的“藏富于民”“恒产论”和“轻徭薄赋”,墨家的“节用利民”思想,道家的“精神足民”论,法家的“以政裕民”思想等属于各学派的主张,不代表统治者注重对私产的保护,B错误;春秋战国时期,战乱频繁,社会动荡,社会矛盾尖锐而不是缓和,C错误。
3. 下表是汉代有关农业生产的部分文献记载。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 O 16 Na 23 C1 35.5 K 39 P 31 Mn 55 Fe 56一、选择题:本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。
每小题只有一个选项符合题目要求1.化学与生产、生活密切相关,下列说法错误的是( )A.北宋沈括《梦溪笔谈》中记载:“信州铅山有苦泉,流以为涧。
”这里所用的“法”是指蒸馏2.实验室中下列做法错误的是( )A.氯水通常保存在棕色细口瓶中并置于阴凉处KMnO具有氧化性,其稀溶液可用于消毒B.4C.用酒精灯直接加热蒸发皿D.用泡沫灭火器扑灭金属钾的燃烧3.下列叙述不涉及氧化还原反应的是( )A.谷物发酵酿造食醋B.小苏打用作食品膨松剂C.含氯消毒剂用于环境消毒D.大气中NO2参与酸雨形成4.下列气体去除杂质的方法中,不能实现目的的是( )5. N A 是阿伏加德罗常数的值。
据此完成下面小题1. 影响四地年内正午太阳高度变化幅度的是()A. 地球自转速度B. 地球公转速度C. 日地距离D. 黄赤交角2. 9月份,③地的日出方位()A. 逐渐北移B. 逐渐南移C. 先北移后南移D. 先南移后北移3. 10月1日,四地正午太阳高度最大的是()A. ①地B. ②地C. ③地D. ④地【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A【解析】【分析】【1题详解】①地一年中太阳高度角在60°~90°之间,并出现两次相同度数的太阳高度角,可见此处位于赤道;②地一年中太阳高度角在45°~90°之间,且除直射外正午太阳方向均在北方,可见此处位于南回归线;③地一年中太阳高度角在45°~90°之间),且除直射外正午太阳方向均在南方,可见此处位于北回归线;④地一年中太阳高度角在0°~45°之间),有极昼现象(正午太阳高度角为0°),且除直射外正午太阳方向均在南方,可见此处位于北极圈。
大联考湖南师大附中2021届高三月考试卷(二)数学本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共8页.时量120分钟.满分150分.得分:______________第Ⅰ卷一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}2{2,},60A x x x Z B x x x =∈=--<,则A B ⋂=( )A .{2,1,0,1,2,3}--B .{2,1,0,1,2}--C .{1,0,1,2}-D .{2,1,0,1}--2.若(1)1z i i +=-,则z =( )A .1i -B .1i +C .i -D .i3.已知2sin 23α=,则2cos 4πα⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( ) A .16 B .13 C .12 D .234.刘徽(约公元225—295年),魏晋期间伟大的数学家,中国古典数学理论的奠基人之一.他在割圆术中提出的“割之弥细,所失弥少,割之又割,以至于不可割,则与圆周合体而无所失矣”,这可视为中国古代极限观念的佳作,割圆术的核心思想是将一个圆的内接正n 边形等分成n 个等腰三角形(如图所示),当n 变得很大时,这n 个等腰三角形的面积之和近似等于圆的面积,运用割圆术的思想,得到sin 2︒的近似值为( )A .90π B .180π C .270π D .360π 5.()522121x x ⎛⎫+- ⎪⎝⎭的展开式的常数项是( )A .3-B .2-C .2D .36.中国有个名句“运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外”,其中的“筹”原意是指《孙子算经》中记载的算筹.古代用算筹(一根根同样长短和粗细的小棍子)来进行运算.算筹的摆放有纵式、横式两种(如图所示).当表示一个多位数时,个位、百位、万位数用纵式表示,十位、千位、十万位数用横式表示,以此类推,遇零则置空.例如3266用算筹表示就是,则8771用算筹应表示为( )A .B .C .D .7.对任意实数a ,b ,c ,给出下列命题:①“a b =”是“ac bc =”充要条件;②“5a +是无理数”是“a 是无理数”的充要条件;③“a b >”是“22a b >”的充分条件;④“5a <”是“3a <”的必要条件其中真命题的个数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .48.四棱锥P ABCD -的底面ABCD 是矩形,侧面PAD ⊥平面ABCD ,120APD ︒∠=,AB PA ==2PD =,则该四棱锥P ABCD -外接球的体积为( )A .323πB .3C .D .36π二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,有选错的得0分,部分选对的得3分.9.甲、乙两所学校高三年级分别有1200人,1000人,为了了解两所学校全体高三年级学生在该地区六校联考的数学成绩情况,采用分层抽样方法从两所学校一共抽取了110名学生的数学成绩,考生成绩都分布在[70,150]内,并作出了如下频数分布统计表,规定考试成绩在[120,150]内为优秀,则下列说法正确的有( )A .计算得10,7x y ==B .估计甲校优秀率为25%,乙校优秀率为40%C .估计甲校和乙校众数均为120D .估计乙校的数学平均成绩比甲校高10.函数()sin()(0,0)f x A x A ωϕϕπ=+><<的部分图象如图中实线所示,图中圆C 与()f x 的图象交于M ,N 两点,且M 在y 轴上,则下列说法中正确的是( )A .函数()f x 在3,2ππ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭上单调递增 B .函数()f x 的图象关于点2,03π⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭成中心对称 C .函数()f x 的图象向右平移512π个单位后关于直线56x π=成轴对称 D .若圆半径为512π,则函数()f x 的解析式为()sin 263f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭ 11.正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E 是棱1DD 的中点,F 在侧面11CDD C 上运动,且满足1//B F 平面1A BE .以下命题正确的有( )A .侧面11CDD C 上存在点F ,使得11B F CD ⊥B .直线1B F 与直线BC 所成角可能为30︒C .平面1A BE 与平面11CDD C 所成锐二面角的正切值为D .设正方体棱长为1,则过点E ,F ,A 的平面截正方体所得的截面面积最大为212.如图,过点(2,0)P 作两条直线2x =和:2(0)l x my m =+>分别交抛物线22y x =于,A B 和,C D(其中,A C 位于x 轴上方),直线,AC BD 交于点Q .则下列说法正确的是( )A .,C D 两点的纵坐标之积为4-B .点Q 在定直线2x =-上C .点P 与抛物线上各点的连线中,PA 最短D .无论CD 旋转到什么位置,始终有CQP BQP ∠=∠第Ⅱ卷三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.如图所示,在平面直角坐标系中,(2,3)CD =-,则点D 的坐标为_________.14.已知函数2ln ()x f x ax x=-,若曲线()y f x =在(1,(1))f 处的切线与直线210x y -+=平行,则a =_____.15.过双曲线22221(0,0)y x a b a b-=>>的下焦点1F 作y 轴的垂线,交双曲线于,A B 两点,若以AB 为直径的圆恰好过其上焦点2F ,则双曲线的离心率为__________.16.已知函数(1),1,()ln , 1.x x e x f x x x x⎧-⎪=⎨>⎪⎩其中e 为自然对数的底数.若函数()()g x f x kx =-有3个不同的零点,则实数k 的取值范围是_________.四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证眀过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分10分)在①22()3a b c ab +=+,②sin cos a A a C =-,③(2)sin (2)sin 2sin a b A b a B c C -+-⋅=,这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下列问题中,并解答.已知ABC 的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c,c =_____.(1)求C ∠;(2)求ABC 周长的最大值.注:如果选择多个条件分别解答,按第一个解答计分.18.(本小题满分12分)如图1,在ABC中,34AB ABC π==∠=,D 为AC 的中点,将ABD 沿BD 折起,得到如图2所示的三棱锥P BCD -,二面角P BD C --为直二面角.(1)求证:平面PBC ⊥平面PBD ;(2)设E 为PC 的中点,3CF FB =,求二面角C DE F --的余弦值.19.(本小题满分12分)已知各项均为整数的数列{}n a 满足371,4a a =-=,前6项依次成等差数列,从第五项起依次成等比数列.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)求出所有的正整数m ,使得1212m m m m m m a a a a a a ++++++=.20.(本小题满分12分)设函数()cos xf x ae x =+,其中a R ∈.(1)若1a =,证明:当0x >时,()2f x >;(2)若()f x 在区间[0,]π内有两个不同的零点,求a 的取值范围.21.(本小题满分12分)现有4个人去参加某项娱乐活动,该活动有甲、乙两个游戏可供参加者选择.为增加趣味性,约定:每个人通过掷一枚质地均匀的骰子决定自己去参加哪个游戏,掷出点数为1或2的人去参加甲游戏,掷出点数大于2的人去参加乙游戏.(1)求这4个人中恰有2人去参加甲游戏的概率;(2)求这4个人中去参加甲游戏的人数大于去参加乙游戏的人数的概率;(3)用,X Y 分别表示这4个人中去参加甲、乙游戏的人数,记||X Y ξ=-,求随机变量ξ的分布列与数学期望E ξ.22.(本小题满分12分)已知点P 是圆22:(2)32Q x y ++=上任意一点,定点(2,0)R ,线段PR 的垂直平分线l 与半径PQ 相交于M 点,P 在圆周上运动时,设点M 的运动轨迹为Γ.(1)求点M 的轨迹Γ的方程;(2)若点N 在双曲线22142x y -=(顶点除外)上运动,过点N ,R 的直线与曲线Γ相交于,A B ,过点,N Q 的直线与曲线相Γ交于,C D ,试探究||||AB CD +是否为定值,若为定值请求出这个定值,若不为定值,请说明理由.炎德·英才大联考湖南师大附中2021届高三月考试卷(二)数学参考答案一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.C2.C 【解析】因为21(1)21(1)(1)2i i i z i i i i ---====-++-,所以选C . 4.A 【解析】将一个单位圆等分成180个扇形,则每个扇形的圆心角度数均为2︒,因为这180个扇形对应的等腰三角形的面积之和近似等于单位圆的面积,所以118011sin 290sin 22π︒︒⨯⨯⨯⨯=≈,所以sin 290π︒≈,所以选A .5.D 【解析】第一个因式取2x ,第二个因式取21x 得:1451(1)5C ⨯-=,第一个因式取2,第二个因式取5(1)-得:52(1)2⨯-=-,展开式的常数项是5(2)3+-=.6.C 【解析】由算筹的定义,得,所以8771用算筹应表示,故选C . 7.B 【解析】①“a b =”是“ac bc =”的充要条件;错误,当0c =时不成立;②“5a +是无理数”是“a 是无理数”的充要条件;成立;③“a b >”是“22a b >”的充分条件,错误,当2,3a b =-=-时,不成立;④“5a <”是“3a <”的必要条件,成立,选B .8.B 【解析】取AD 的中点E ,连接,PE PAD 中,120,2APD PA PD ︒∠===∴1PE =,AD =,设ABCD 的中心为O ',球心为O ,则122O B BD '==,设O 到平面ABCD 的距离为d ,则2222222(2)R d d =+=+-,∴1,d R ==P ABCD -的外接球的体积为343R π=.故选:B .二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,有选错的得0分,部分选对的得3分.9.ABD 【解析】对于A ,甲校抽取1200110602200⨯=人,乙校抽取1000110502200⨯=人,故10x =,7y =;故A 正确;对于B ,估计甲校优秀率为1525%60=,乙校优秀率为2040%50=.故B 正确;对于D ,甲校平均成绩109.5,乙校平均成绩114.6,故D 正确. 10.BD 【解析】由图易得点C 的横坐标为3π,所以()f x 的周期T π=,所以2ω=,又06f π⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,所以3πϕ=,因此()sin 23f x A x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭.函数()f x 的图象关于点2,03π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭成中心对称,若圆半径为512π,则2A =,∴6A =,函数()f x 的解折式为()sin 263f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭故选BD . 11.AC 【解析】取11C D 中点M ,1CC 中点N ,连接11,,B M B N MN ,则易证得11//B N A E ,1//MN A B ,从而平面1//B MN 面1A BE ,所以点F 的运动轨迹为线段MN .取F 为MN 的中点,因为1B MN 是等腰三角形,所以1B F MN ⊥,又因为1//MN CD ,所以11B F CD ⊥,故A 正确;设正方体的棱长为a ,当点F 与点M 或点N 重合时,直线1B F 与直线BC 所成角最大,此时11tan C B F ∠=1tan 302︒<=,所以B 错误;平面1//B MN 平面1A BE ,取F 为MN 的中点,则1MN C F ⊥,1MN B F ⊥,∴11B FC ∠即为平面1B MN 与平面11CDD C 所成的锐二面角,11111tan B C B FC C F ∠==C正确;截面面积可以为2D 错误.故选AC .12.AB 【解析】设点()()1122,,,C x y D x y ,将直线l 的方程2x my =+代入抛物线方程22y x =得:2240y my --=.则124y y =-.故A 正确;由题得(2,2),(2,2)A B -,直线AC 的方程为122(2)2y x y -=-+,直线BD 的方程为222(2)2y x y +=--,消去y 得()12121224y y y y x y y -+=-+,将124y y =-代入上式得2x =-,故点Q 在直线2x =-上,故B 正确;计算可得C 错误;因为PA PB =,但QA QB ≠,所以D 错误.故选AB .三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.(4,1) 【解析】设点D 的坐标为(,)x y ,则(2,4)(2,3)CD OD OC x y =-=--=-,即22,43,x y -=⎧⎨-=-⎩解得4,1x y ==. 14.12- 【解析】函数2ln ()x f x ax x =-的导数为21ln ()2x f x ax x '-=-,可得曲线()y f x =在(1,(1))f 处的切线的斜率为12k a =-,由切线与直线210x y -+=平行,可得122a -=,解得12a =-. 15.1+ 【解析】过双出线22221(0,0)y x a b a b-=>>的下焦点1F 作y 轴的垂线,交双曲线于,A B 两点,则22||b AB a=,以AB 为直径的圆恰好过其上焦点2F ,可得:22b c a =,∴2220c a ac --=,可得2210e e --=,解得11e e =+=-(舍去).故答案为:1+.16.10,2e ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭【解析】令()(1)(1)x g x x e x =-,则()x g x xe '=,所以当(,0)x ∈-∞时,()0g x '<;当(0,1)x ∈时,()0g x '>,于是函数()g x 在区间(,0)-∞上单调递减,在区间(0,1)上单调递增,当x →-∞时,()0,(0)1,(1)0g x g g →=-=.令ln ()(1)x h x x x =>,则21ln ()x h x x'-=,所以当(1,)x e ∈时,()0h x '>;当(,)x e ∈+∞时,()0h x '<,于是函数()h x 在区间(1,)e 上单调递增,在区间(,)e +∞上单调递减,(1)0h =,1()h e e=,当x →+∞时,()0h x →.函数()()g x f x kx =-有3个不同的零点,等价于方程()f x kx =有3个解,即函数()f x 的图象与直线y kx =有3个交点,作出函数()f x 与直线y kx =的大致图象,如下图所示.当直线y kx =与函数()h x 相切时,设切点坐标为000ln ,x x x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,根据导数的几何意义可得:00200ln 01ln 0x x k x x --==-,解得:01,2k x e==()f x 的图象与直线y kx =有3个交点,数形结合可知k 的取值范国为10,2e ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,故答案为10,2e ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭. 四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.【解析】(1)选①,把22()3a b c ab +=+整理得,222a b c ab +-=,由余弦定理有2221cos 222a b c ab C ab ab +-===,∴3C π= 5分选②,∵sin cos a A a C =-,由正弦定理得:sin sin sin cos A C A A C =-,∵sin 0A ≠cos 1C C -=, 即1sin 62C π⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭, 又0C π<<, ∴5666C πππ-<-<,故66C ππ-=,即3C π=; 5分 选③,∵(2)sin (2)sin 2sin a b A b a B c C -+-=, 由正弦定理得:2(2)(2)2a b a b a b c -+-=, 即222a b c ab +-=,∴2221cos 22a b c C ab +-==, ∵0C π<<,∴3C π=; 5分(2)由(1)可知,3C π=,在ABC 中,由余弦定理得222cos 3a b ab C +-=, 即223a b ab +-=,∴223()()334a b a b ab ++-=,∴23a b +,当且仅当a b =时取等号,∴33a b c ++,即ABC 周长的最大值为 10分18.【解析】(1)证明:在ABC 中,2222cos 20AC AB BC AB BC ABC =+-⋅⋅∠=,∴AC =,∵D 为AC中点,∴CD =又∵1()2BD BA BC =+,∴()2221214BD BA BA BC BC =+⋅+=,∴1BD =, ∴222,BD BC CD BC BD +=⊥. ∵二面角P BD C --为直二面角,∴平面BCD ⊥平面PBD ,∴BC ⊥平面PBD .又∵BC ⊂平面PBC ,∴平面PBC ⊥平面PBD . 5分(2)以B 为坐标原点,BC 所在直线为x 轴,BD 所在直线为y 轴,过点B 且垂直于平面BCD 的直线为z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系.可求得(0,0,0),(2,0,0)B C ,(0,1,0),(0,2,2)D P ,因为E 为PC 的中点,3CF FB =,所以(1,1,1)E ,1,0,02F ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭, ∴1(2,1,0),(1,0,1),,1,02CD DE DF ⎛⎫=-==- ⎪⎝⎭,设平面CDE 的法向量为()111,,m x y z =,平面FDE 的法向量为()222,,n x y z =,则0,0,CD m DE m ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩得(1,2,1)m =-, 0,0,DF n DE n ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩得11,,12n ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,∴cos,3m n〈〉==,所以二面角C DE F--的余弦值为3.12分19.【解析】(1)设前6项的公差为d,则5363212,313a a d d a a d d=+=-+=+=-+,∵567,,a a a成等比数列,∴22657(31)4(21)a a a d d=⋅⇒-=-,解得:51,9d d==(舍),∴6n时,3(3)4na a n d n=+-=-,∴561,2a a==,则2q=,∴6n>时,6562n nna a q--=⋅=,∴54,6,2, 6.n nn nan--⎧=⎨>⎩(或54,5,2, 5.n nn nan--⎧=⎨>⎩或54, 5.2, 5.n nn nan--<⎧=⎨⎩)6分(2)由(1)可得:{}:3,2,1,0,1,2,4,8,na---则当1m=时,1231236a a a a a a++=-=,当2m=时,2342342342343,0,a a a a a a a a a a a a++=-=++≠,当3m=时,345345a a a a a a++==,当4m=时,4564564564563,0,a a a a a a a a a a a a++==++≠,当5m时,假设存在m,使得1212m m m m m ma a a a a a++++++=,则有53122(124)2m m--++=即:53122772272m m m---⋅=⇒=,∵5m,∴273m -,∴2732287m-=>,从而2772m-=无解,∴5m时,不存在这样的m,使得1212m m m m m ma a a a a a++++++=,综上所述:1m=或3m=.12分20.【解析】(1)()sinxf x e x'=-,由0x>,得1,sin[1,1]xe x>∈-,则()sin 0xf x e x '=->,即()f x 在(0,)+∞上为增函数. 故()(0)2f x f >=,即()2f x >. 4分(2)由()cos 0xf x ae x =+=,得cos x xa e=-. 设函数cos (),[0,]xxh x x e π=-∈, 则sin cos ()xx xh x e'+=. 令()0h x '=,得34x π=. 则30,4x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦时,3()0,,4h x x ππ'⎛⎤>∈ ⎥⎝⎦时,()0h x '<, 所以()h x 在30,4π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上单调逼增,在3,4ππ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上单调减.又因为343(0)1,(),42h h e h e ππππ--⎛⎫=-==⎪⎝⎭,所以当34,2a e e ππ--⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭时,方程cos x xa e =-在区间[0,]π内有两个不同解,即所求实数a 的取值范围为34,2e e ππ--⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭. 12分 21.【解析】(1)依题意可得:参加甲游戏的概率为12163P ==, 参加乙游戏的概率为24263P ==, 设事件i A 为“有i 个人参加甲游戏”,∴()441233iii i P A C -⎛⎫⎛⎫= ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, ∴()222241283327P A C ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭. 4分(2)设事件B 为“甲游戏人数大于乙游戏人数”, ∴34B A A =⋃,∴()()()34343434441211()3339P B P A A P A P A C C ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋃=+=⋅+= ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭. 8分 (3)ξ可取的值为0,2,4,∴()22224128(0)3327P P A C ξ⎛⎫⎛⎫==== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, ()()33131344121240(2)333381P P A P A C C ξ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫==+=+= ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭, ()()440404442117(4)3381P P A P A C C ξ⎛⎫⎛⎫==+=+= ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,∴8401714802427818181E ξ=⨯+⨯+⨯=. 12分 22.【解析】(1)依题意:||||MP MR =, 1分且||||||||||4||MR MQ MQ MP PQ RQ +=+==>=, 2分由椭圆定义知点M 的轨迹为以R ,Q 为焦点,长轴长为,焦距为4的椭圆,即:2,2a c b ===, 3分故22:184x y Γ+=. 4分 (2)设()00,N x y ,则220001,242x y x -=≠±, ∴直线,NR NQ 的斜率都存在,分别设为12,k k ,则2020001222000021222442x y y y k k x x x x -=⋅===+---, 6分 将直线NR 的方程1(2)y k x =-代入22184x y +=得()2222111218880k x k x k +-+-=, 设()()1122,,,A x y B x y ,则221112122211888,2121k k x x x x k k -+==++, 8分∴21211||21k AB k +==+, 9分 同理可得22221||21k CD k +=+, 10分()222221121122221211211312111142||||12121212112k k k k k AB CD k k k k k ⎛⎫++⎪⎫+++⎪∴+=+=+==⎪++++⎪⎭+ ⎪⎝⎭. 12分。
)I.Listening Comprehension(25’)Section ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.Go to catch the next train. B.Listen to the traffic report.C.Go to the city by other transportation.D.Check the weekend schedule.2.A.It doesn’t take a long time to get there. B.The lectures have been put off.C.There is no need to hurry.D.The lectures have already started.3.A.The woman should have gone to Paris earlier.B.He studied French in a different way in high school.C.Life in Paris helped improve the woman’s language skills.D.The woman must have had a good teacher in Paris.4.A.She thinks the post office is nearby. B.She is also looking for the post office.C.She thinks the man’s guess is right.D.She doesn’t know where the post office is.5.A.Her coat is similar to the man’s. B.The man needn’t have brought the coat.C.Her sweater is not warm enough.D.The man shouldn’t have worn a sweater.6.A.Make sure the registration office didn’t make a mistake.B.Decide whether to drop the course in the first week.C.Find out if a place opens up in the course later.D.Take the course of the creative writing next year.7.A.He recently spent a month in New York. B.He can recommend many things to do.C.He suggests the woman extend her trip.D.He bets the woman will have fun there.8.A.Disappointed. B.Excited. C.Proud. D.Embarrassed.9.A.He talks less than he used to. B.He hasn’t had time to play tennis recently.C.He shouldn’t have behaved so proudly.D.He has never talked to her after the game.10.A.The man should have had his car inspected earlier.B.There are always a lot of people at the auto inspection center.C.She waited longer than the man did to have her car inspected.D.The auto inspection center will close at the end of the month.Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear several longer conversation(s)and short passage(s),and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s)and the passage(s).The conversation(s)and passage(s)will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions11through13are based on the following passage.11.A.The truck’s over speeding. B.The truck’s heavy load.C.The terrible weather.D.The pedestrians’carelessness.12.A.The relocation of several factories. B.The company’s pay offer.C.The high rate of unemployment.D.The union’s demand.13.A.They will increase by a third this year.B.They have been rising in the last five years.C.The average price of a house in the UK is£255,900.D.They make it extremely difficult for those on the property ladder to buy a house. Questions14through16are based on the following passage.14.A.What causes fearfulness externally. B.Why mice are particularly fearful animals.C.Whether fearfulness is inherited or not.D.How animals react to frightening situations.15.A.They wandered around the box. B.They bred again and again.C.They couldn’t find a hiding place.D.They remained close to one wall.16.A.Some changes in the nervous system. B.The interference from human beings.C.The size of nerve cells in the brain.D.The existence of certain nerve cells. Questions17through20are based on the following conversation.17.A.In the woman’s hometown. B.In the man’s hometown.C.Outside their hometown.D.In a small town.18.A.Choose whichever friend can give the best toast.B.Choose whichever friend can plan the reception.C.Choose whichever friend knows all their in-laws.D.Choose whichever friend knows a lot about weddings.19.A.The bride’s family. B.A wedding planner.C.The groom’s family.D.The new couple.20.A.She doesn’t think it is a tradition.B.She thinks her mother-in-law can plan the wedding well.C.She thinks it will cost too much to have a wedding planner.D.She doesn’t want her wedding to be in the charge of someone unknown to her.II.Grammar and Vocabulary(20’)Section ADirections:After reading the passages below,fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.(A)What is nirvana(涅槃、超脱)for a potato?To be sliced and bathed in boiling oil before ____21____(emerge)as a French fry?To have its weight matched in butter and cream and be transformed into glorious mounds of mash?No.The answer is found in a plastic bag.For a potato,there is no nobler fate than to end up in a packet of Tayto cheese-and-onion crisps.Taytos are the perfect crisps.The company was established in Ireland in1954by Joe Murphy.He was not the inventor of crisps,but he has been credited____22____ transforming them.Until then there was no way to flavour the individual crisps____23____. Instead,each bag came with a small blue packet of salt____24____(shake)over the contents.Murphy started with artificial flavours of cheese and onion.The pairing is a classic,and the flavour combines well with potatoes.“Potatoes,”____25____(write)Seamus Heaney, one of Ireland’s greatest poets,“promise the taste of ground and root”.The ____26____(poetic)might describe them as a bit plain.Sprinkled with the salty umami(鲜味) of Murphy’s seasoning,however,they became a cut-price sensation.Taytos remain the classic Irish crisp,but now they are available elsewhere,____27____, of course,many other brands of flavoured crisps are.That is a mixed blessing.Once upon a time even industrially produced foods had a limited range.To travel was to discover not only the cooking in other places,but the snacks.Going to France was a chance to chug(一饮而尽)a bottle of Orangina,a fizzy drink.For me,Taytos were____28____once-a-year treat, to be eaten on a beach in south-west Ireland shivering after an icy swim or sweating at the top of a mountain.Thanks to a globalised food system and the appetites of homesick migrants,such items are now available far beyond their lands of origin.That shift results in the loss of a modest joy.At first glance a bag of Taytos is the opposite of a seasonal or local food.____29____(enclose)in their silvery plastic,they survive in all seasons and locales.And yet,for me at least,these potato snacks are entangled with their Irish roots.The ingenious seasoning should taste no different____30____I am in a London park or in Murphy’s homeland.But somehow it does.(B)Are you afraid of getting old?____31________31________31____we get past the age of25,many of us immediately feel the urge to stop the signs of ageing—especially the visible ones.Men and women are now using topical“anti-ageing”creams,spa treatments and medical procedures____32____(counter)many of them.____33____these methods can somewhat affect the way you look,ageing is an internal process.A new study has found exactly when during your lifetime this process peaks.A group of scientists based out of the Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered that____34________34____being a smooth,continuous process,ageing surges forward at three distinct stages of life:first,at the age of34,then at age60,and finally at78.The study,published in Nature Medicine,reveals that scientists can not only predict your age by studying the proteome(protein levels in the blood)but also determine which organs are ageing faster than____35________35____,and which age-related diseases your body is more likely to develop.The study measured plasma proteins(血浆蛋白) collected from4,263adults between the ages of18-95years and studied the changes in the proteome that occurred with age.Their ultimate goal was to understand how to identify the changes associated with cardiovascular issues and age-related diseases like Alzheimer's____36________36____ therapeutic treatments can be devised to counter their onset while there's still time.Dr Tony Wyss-Coray,one of the leading members of the study,told Stanford Medicine News Center,“We've known for a long time that____37____(measure)certain proteins can give you information about a person's health status—lipoproteins(脂蛋白)for cardiovascular(心血管的)health,for example.But it____38____(not appreciate)that so many different proteins'levels—roughly a third of all the ones we looked at—change markedly with advancing age.”This difference between the chronological(按时间计算的)and physiological(生理的) age,according to the scientists'“plasma-protein clock”,showed that a lot of people in the study seemed younger than they actually are.What's more,the study also confirmed that men and women,though equally____39____(represent)in the study,age differently.Does this mean medications and lifestyle methods,with further research,can also be devised to help____40____ages too rapidly and is at risk of contracting age-related diseases like hypertension and Alzheimer's?You never know.Section B:Directions:Complete the following passages by using the words in the box.Each word can only beIt launched an independent review of security after items including gold jewellery and gems of semiprecious stones and glass dating from the15th century BC to the19th century AD were found to be missing,stolen or damaged.Legal action against the____41____member of staff will be taken and the matter is also being investigated by the economic crime command of the Metropolitan police.George Osborne,the museum’s chair,said:“The trustees of the British Museum were extremely____42____when we learned earlier this year that items of the collection had been stolen.“The trustees have taken____43____action to deal with the situation,working with the team at the museum.We called in the police,imposed emergency measures to increase security,set up an independent review into what happened and lessons to learn,and used all the____44____powers available to us to deal with the individual we believe to be responsible.“Our priority is now threefold:first,to____45____the stolen items;second,to find out what,if anything,could have been done to stop this;and third,to do whatever it takes,with investment in security and collection records,to make sure this doesn’t happen again.“This incident only reinforces the____46____for the reimagination of the museum we have embarked upon.It’s a sad day for all who love our British Museum,but we’re determined to____47____the wrongs and use the experience to build a stronger museum.”Hartwig Fischer,the museum’s director,said:“This is a highly unusual incident.We take the safeguarding of all the items in our care____48____.The museum apologises for what has happened,but we have now brought an end to this–and we are determined to put things right.We have already tightened our security arrangements and we are working alongside outside experts to complete a definitive____49____of what is missing,damaged and stolen.This will allow us to____50____our efforts into our work to ensure the stolen items are returned to the museum.”III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I own a market research company,so I understand the importance of gathering data from your target audience and using that data in order to make product development.I also know that surveys can provide____51____information that's extremely valuable to our clients.But the quality of the data you get as an output from surveys is only as strong as how well you____52____the survey questions.One of the main pitfalls I see teams make is writing leading questions that might get the company results they want to hear,but those results are not always____53____.Below are common ways I've seen companies ask leading questions and how to avoid them:1.Don't make assumptions for your participants.“How well do you think we delivered on your project?”implies your team did a good job.To make it more objective,____54____to ask,“How did we deliver on your project?”It's a subtle change,but the second question takes out the implicit bias.2.Balance the options from which participants can choose.Let's say you want to know the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction customers have with your product or service.If you ask this in a multiple-choice format,you need to ensure the____55____is balanced for both positive and negative responses.The following options, for example,would not work:•Extremely satisfied•Very satisfied•Satisfied•Somewhat unsatisfied•UnsatisfiedAs a rule of thumb,if you have“extremely”on the positive end,you should have “extremely”on the negative side as well,and give a(n)____56____option in the middle of the scale.3.Don't'lead the witness'(or participant).Again,if you're seeking____57____(and you should have started with knowing why you're conducting the survey in the first place),you don't want to put statements in front of a question that will lead participants to____58____in a certain way.____59____,my company works a lot with educational technology companies.We would never write a question such as this:“Most of the people who use this educational technology product say that the adaptive and personalized nature of the product is better than others on the market.What do you think?”This is because,now,the participant knows exactly what we want them to think.4.Avoid double-barrel questions.Be mindful about including two questions in one and____60____how a participant can respond.Say you ran an event for customers;you wouldn't want to ask,“What do you think about the location and the quality of the speakers?”and then have multiple choice options where they are really only able to respond to one question.They might have loved the venue but hated your presenters.The____61____of the data you gather is compromised when you put questions together.5.Don't write coercive questions.These questions don't sit well.In my experience,they tend to come up more in customer ____62____surveys and employee surveys when you really want to be able to highlight the positives.Examples of coercive questions include:"You'll leave us a positive Google Review,won't you?""You'll tell your friends to visit our restaurant,right?"Naturally,these are full of bias,so they should be avoided____63____.Know what the goals of your survey are.If you want to get data that____64____biases, yes,leading questions can help you get those data points.But the integrity of the data cannot be trusted when you're not writing questions in a(n)____65____way for your participants to answer.51. A.quantitative B.controversial C.mysterious D.proper52. A.craft B.pave C.tempt D.anchor53. A.delightful B.dominant C.accurate D.independent54. A.repeat B.rephrase C.restore D.refresh55. A.portion B.category C.thread D.scale56. A.random rmative C.sacred D.neutral57. A.instinct B.gratitude C.truth D.harmony58. A.reverse B.respond C.deny pete59. A.In addition B.For instance C.After all D.Above all60. A.limiting B.spilling C.inserting D.distracting61. A.integrity B.endurance C.exploitation D.highlight62. A.discrimination B.satisfaction C.transition D.perseverance63. A.on good terms B.by no means C.at all costs D.to some extent64. A.conserves B.entitles C.seals D.includes65. A.isolated B.objective C.selected D.reflectiveSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In winter,Hammerfest is a thirty-hour ride by bus from Oslo,though why anyone would wantto go there in winter is a question worth considering.It is on the edge of the world,the northernmost town in Europe,a place of dark and fierce winters,where the sun sinks into the Arctic Ocean in November and does not rise again for ten weeks.I wanted to see the Northern Lights...but now as l picked my way through Oslo in late December.I was beginning to have my doubts.Things had not started well.I had overslept at the hotel,missing breakfast,and had to leap into my clothes.I couldn't find a taxi and had to drag my over-weighted bag eight blocks to the central bus station.I had had huge difficulty persuading the staff at the Kreditkassen Bank on Karl Johans Gate to cash sufficient traveller's cheques to pay the1,200-kroner bus fare------they simply could not be made to grasp that the William McGuire Bryson on my passport and the Bill Bryson on my traveller's cheques were both me-and now here l was arriving at the station two minutes before departure...and the girl at the ticket counter was telling me that she had no record of my reservation.'This isn't happening,'I said.'I'm still at home in England enjoying Christmas...'Actually,I said, 'There must be some mistake.Please look again.'The girl studied the passenger list.'No,Mr Bryson,your name is not here.'But I could see it,even upside-down.'There it is,second from the bottom.''No,'the girl decided,'that says Bernt Bjornson.That's a Norwegian name.''It doesn't say Bernt Bjorson.It says Bill Bryson.Look at the y,the two ls.Miss,please,’But she wouldn't have it.'If I miss this bus,when does the next one go?''Next week at the same time.'Oh,splendid.'Miss,believe me,it says Bill Bryson.''No,it doesn't.''Miss,look,I've come from England.I'm carrying some medicine that could save a child's life.' She didn't buy this.'l want to see the manager.''He's in Stavanger.''Listen,I made a reservation by telephone.If I don't get on this bus,I'm going to write a letter to your manager that will cast a shadow over your career prospects for the rest of this century.'This clearly did not alarm her.Then it struck me.'If this Bemt Bjorson doesn't show up,can l have this seat?''Sure.'Why don't I think of these things in the first place...?'Thank you,'I said...66.What can be learned from the passage about Hammerfest?A.It is located in the South of the city of Oslo.B.It is where the Northern Lights can be seen.C.It remains a town without sufficient power supply.D.It remains in the darkness from November till next March.67.The writer got to the station just two minutes before the train's departure because he spent much time_____.A.cashing his traveller's chequesB.finding a place to have breakfastC.waiting for a taxi to send him thereD.choosing suitable clothes to wear68.By“Oh,splendid”,the writer meant that he actually felt_____.A.puzzledB.amazedC.worriedD.relieved69.Why did the writer say he was carrying some medicine and he would write to the manager?A.To tell the girl what he really wanted to do.B.To show the girl how angry he was with her.C.To warn the girl of the potential consequences.D.To persuade the girl to give him a seat on the bus.(B)Care for a zoom-in observation of animals with no bars between you and the observed as opposed to ordinary zoos?Where to have close-up encounters with some of the world’s most rare animals?We are revealing for you:1.Right whales,Bay of Fundy,CanadaNorthern right whales are on the brink of extinction,but survivors arrive in the Bay of Fundy each summer(May through October)to feed east of Grand Manan Island.They are recognized by a broad back and no dorsal fin,which distinguish them from other whales entering the bay.Planning:Whale-watching tours operate out of Digby Neck peninsula on Nova Scotia and nearby islands,such as Brier Island.St.Andrews.Grand Manan Island.and Deer Island.2.Grizzly bears,AlaskaGrizzlies like salmon.In mid-July and again in mid-August,grizzlies make for Alaskan rivers to hook out the fish with their formidable claws.The bears gather in large numbers at rapids and pools,sometimes fighting for the best sites.Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park,and Fish Creek, near Hyder,have viewing platforms.Planning:Most fishing sites are reached by chartered light aircraft and a hike.Hyder is off the Swart-Cassiar Highway.3.Monarch butterflies,Sierra Chincua,MexicoEach fall,millions of North American monarch butterflies migrate thousands of miles to the oyalmel fir forests of the Transvolcanic Mountain Range,in the state of Mchoacdn.They flock intimately(closely)on tree trunks,bushes,and on the ground,fully showing their gregarious natureand occupy Sierra Chincua and four neighbouring hills that make up the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.Planning:Chineua is one of two hills in the reserve open to the public from November through March.4.Komodo dragons,Komodo Island,IndonesiaLanding on Komodo,you would feel like stepping back to a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth,as park maps reported,“Here be dragons!”This mountainous volcanic island is home to the world's largest living lizard---the Komodo dragon.Weighing79to91kg.the Komodo dragon has a tail as long as its body.You can hike to a viewpoint at Banugulung and watch as park rangers feed food to the lizards,some of which are more than10ft(3m)long.Planning:Komodo is reached solely by boat from Bima(on eastern Sumbawa)or Labuan Bajo (on western Flores).5.Wildebeest migration,Serengeti,TanzaniaUndoubtedly the world's most spectacular wildlife sight is the annual wildebeest migration, when1.4million wildebeest and200,000zebras and gazelles are on the move across the Serengeti plains.The animals are trekking to chase the clean water and fresh grass.Along the way,lions and hyenas stalk them,and crocodiles lie in wait.Planning:The herds migrate across Tanzania from December through July,and then pass through the Masai Mara in Kenya in August and September.70.The underlined word gregarious is closest in meaning to________________.A.being able to climbB.preferring group livingC.migrating in small numbersD.moderate in temper71.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.Right whales are distinguished from other whales by unique appearance features.B.Viewing spots for grizzly bears are accessible by air and on foot.C.Komodo Island is located east of Flores and West of SumbawaD.Wildebeest herds travel to pursue favourable food conditions.72.Li Hua is an adventurous visitor longing for closer look at animals.He is taking a gap year and doing voluntary work now in Indonesia.He will go back to China and further his study next fall. Which of the following will be the most reasonable wildlife-watching route after he finishes his voluntary work this winter?A.Alaska→Bay of Fundy→Sierra Chincua→SerengetiB.Serengeti→Alaska→Bay of Fundy→Sierra ChincuaC.Bay of Fundy→Sierra Chincua→Serengeti→AlaskaD.Sierra Chincua→Serengeti→Alaska→Bay of Fundy(C)Many Americans harbor a false and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food. Fergus Clydesdale,head of the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst,points out that if the dangers from bacterially polluted chicken were as great as some people believe,“the streets would be littered with people lying here and there.”Though the public increasingly demands no-risk food,there is no such thing.Bruce Ames, chairman of the biochemistry department at the University of California,Berkeley,points out that up to10%of a plant’s weight is made up of natural pesticides.Says he:“Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to protect themselves,they employ chemical warfare.”And many naturally produced chemicals,though occurring in tiny amounts,prove in laboratory tests to be strong carcinogens-a substance which can cause cancer.Mushrooms might be banned if they were judged by the same standards that apply to food additives.Declares Christina Stark,a nutritionist at Cornell University:“We’ve got far worse natural chemicals in the food supply than anything man-made.”Yet the issues are not that simple.While Americans have no reason to be terrified to sit down at the dinner table,they have every reason to demand significant improvements in food and water safety.They unconsciously and unwillingly take in too much of too many dangerous chemicals.If food already contains natural carcinogens,it does not make much sense to add dozens of new man-made ones.Though most people are subject to the small amounts of pollutants generally found in food and water,at least a few individuals will probably get cancer one day because of what they eat and drink.To make good food and water supplies even better,the Government needs to tighten its regulatory standards,enhance its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies.The food industry should modify some long-accepted practices or turn to less risky alternatives.Perhaps most important,consumers will have to do a better job of learning how to handle and cook food properly.The problems that need to be tackled exist all along the food-supply chain,from fields to processing plants to kitchens.73.What does the author think of the Americans’view of their food?A.They overstate the government’s interference with the food industry.B.They are overoptimistic about the safety of their food.C.They overestimate the risk of the food they eat.D.They overlook the potential danger caused by the food.74.The author considers it impossible to obtain no-risk food because________.A.no food is free from pollution in the environmentB.pesticides are widely used in agricultureC.many vegetables contain dangerous natural chemicalsD.almost all foods have hazardous additives75.By saying“they employ chemical warfare”(Para.2),Bruce Ames means“________”.A.plants produce certain chemicals to resist pests and diseasesB.plants absorb useful chemicals to promote their growthC.farmers use man-made chemicals to dissolve the natural chemicals in plantsD.farmers use chemicals to protect plants against pests and diseases76.What is the message the author wants to convey in the passage?A.Eating and drinking have become more dangerous than before due to additives.B.Sweeping measures must be taken immediately to ensure safety in food industry.C.Healthy food is a distant dream in the modern society,remaining to be realized.D.There is reason for caution but no cause for alarm with regard to food consumption.Section CDirections:Read the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.They differ in how they space the syllables in a sentence.B.Unlike other languages,English is unusually rich in consonant(辅音)clusters.C.French-speakers are familiar with a U.S.city called yoos-TON,not the English HYOO-ston.D.In“civilisation”the primary and secondary stress is on the4th and1st syllable respectively.E.There is much more to learning a foreign accent than the sounds that the letters on the page represent.F.As with chemistry,the important thing is not just how the elements behave in isolation,but how they cometogether.Why you have an accent in a foreign languageOpen a textbook for a foreign language,the first thing you see is an alphabet,listing the lettersand the sounds they represent.This is obviously crucial for unfamiliar systems,say those of Greek or Russian.But even for languages that rely on the Latin alphabet,the guide will explain how accentmarks change a letter’s pronunciation,and strange features such as the-gl-in Italian.And with that,it’s off to master greetings,vocabulary and so on,with little further thought for pronunciation.This is a shame.____87____To begin with,the rough equivalents given in Englishare often quite rough indeed.In French,the p in Paris sounds rather different from the p in English,a contrast often neglected in textbooks:the French version lacks the strong puff of air of the Englishone.Even when textbooks or instructors mention this sort of difference,the next step is often missing.____88____Each language has rules for these combinations,which native speakers generally grasp but don’t or can’t explain.。
One Mother to AnotherOn Wednesday evening, our daughter, who was at a boarding school over 200 kilometers away, told us that she had lost her phone when she took part in an activity off campus. We realized that we had little chance of finding it.The next morning, my phone beeped (哔哔响) loudly. A kind voice announced that she had something that belonged to my daughter. I 1 that I lived a three-hour drive away, and told her I would ask a friend to fetch the phone. My daughter had written my number on the inside of her phone’s case—good thinking!After contacting the people I know who lived near the school, I was out of 2 —no one could go and 3 the phone, not surprisingly as it was the working day and everyone was busy. I decided to ask the lady to post the phone to my daughter. But when I sent her a text to ask if this would be OK, she replied, “We will 4 it and we’re going to drive down to the boarding school tonight.” To my 5 , this wonderful couple, who had already spent a busy day at work, was making a round trip on the night, 6 for returning a phone to a complete stranger. How touching it was!I gave them directions and they 7 the phone into the hands of my daughter at her boarding house. The only word of an explanation was, “I’ve got children of my own, and I know how a mother 8 .”We had thought that the chance of getting back the phone was 9 , but we got it back in such a short time. It was a wonderful reminder of the good in the world and how the actions of one person can 10 the world to another.1. A. suggested B. reported C. explained D. argued2. A. date B. luck C. work D. control3. A. pick up B. carry out C. hand in D. give away4. A. find B. show C. miss D. take5. A. regret B. surprise C. amusement D. disappointment6. A. especially B. certainly C. definitely D. probably7. A. conducted B. arranged C. delivered D. identified8. A. doubts B. interests C. predicts D. worries9. A. free B. slim C. hard D. fair10. A. tell B. face C. mean D. join第一节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10. C北京市海淀区2021届高三英语第一学期期中练习第一节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
2020-2021学年上海市闵⾏区交⼤附中闵⾏分校⾼三英语第⼀学期10⽉⽉考卷-含答案2020-2021学年上海市闵⾏区交⼤附中闵⾏分校⾼三上学期英语10⽉⽉考试卷I. Listening Comprehension(略)II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20分)Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Why is the SAT falling out of favor?The University of California’s decision this past week to stop requiring the SAT and ACT tests for admissions(21)________(renew) a debate: Are the tests that were first deployed to diversify the Ivy League (22)________ rich prep schoolers a worthwhile yardstick, or are they, (23)________ one U.S. official put it, “a cloak for privilege”?Those who argue for keeping the tests say colleges need some sort of broad yardstick (24)________ (compare) students across different school districts and states. The tests provide important information beyond assessing achievement.Critics of the tests cite decades of data (25)________(indicate)that they are inherently biased in favor of rich, white and Asian American students. They also say the tests (26)________ (game)too easily by students who can pay thousands of dollars for private coaching and test prep.Advocates/Proponents of (27)________ change say it is fairer to judge students by other measures, such as teacher recommendations. Some studies have suggested that high school grades better measure a student’s likelihood of graduation and cumulative performance in college.John A. Pérez, chairman of the California system’s board of regents, said that college officials in other states had told him privately that they would likely follow suit (28)________California moved to eliminate the test from its admissions requirements. The end of the SAT and ACT in California’s (29)________(famous) public universities will not necessarily mean the end of admissions testing there. University officials said they were studying the feasibility of developing(30)________ own replacement test — with less baggage.falling out of favor;渐渐失宠renewed a debate;重新引起争论regent;摄政者统治者董事校务委员be first deployed to;被使⽤regent put it;正如..所说,正如董事所说admissions;承认准⼊录取录⽤assessing achievement.; 学术成就Section B (10分)Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.chance of either running away from the threat or defending yourself against it. When the danger is eliminated, your bodyreturns to its pre-stress state.Psychological stress can also be triggered in response to an external factor, as with a fear of heights or public speaking. However, since it (31) ________ inside our own minds and is strongly tied to our past experiences, psychological stress can also be caused simply by our thoughts about certain events. Just think about a(n)(32) _____-___event is enough to make some people anxious, even when the event is days away.Experience plays a large role in determining what you consider as stressful. Many reactions to stress are subconscious or (33) ________ and therefore, difficult to prevent. However, while the body’s intial reaction is hard to regulate, the choices you make can play a large role in helping keep psychological stress from going out of control.So, what are some major types of stress?The first type of stress is survival stress. When in fear for your safety, your body prepares to(34) ________ the problem either by facing it or fleeing from it. Your body reacts to this type of stress by sharpening your (35) _____-___of sight and hearing and increasing your breathing and heart rate.Another type is environmental stress, which is caused by unpleasant things you (36) ________ daily life. Workplace stress, which is often caused by overwork or (37) ________with coworkers, is one common environmental stressor.The third type of stress is internal stress. This type of stress is caused by thinking about stressful situations that occurred in the past or will take place in the future Being stressed is an appropriate reaction to a(n)(38) _____-___threat, but the same reactions that are helpful in the short term can prove harmful over time. Long-term-stress, known as chronic stress, can cause both mental and physical health problems. For example, many people find preparing for a job interview or to give a speech to be a stressful activity become overwhelming and can (39)______with daily life if they last for days or weeks. With chronic stress, severe health consequences can be caused, including heart disease, depression, excessive weight gain, sleeplessness, and digestive problems. Long-term stress tends to weaken your immune system, making you more likely to (40) _______flu or other illnesses. Furthermore, it slows down your recovery from these illnessesIII. Reading Comprehension (45 分)Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word of phrase that best fits the context.The Commerce Department plans to restrict (41) _______to TikTok and We Chat on Sunday as the Trump administrations executive orders against the two apps are set to take effect.The Department said Friday that as of Sunday, any moves to (42) _______or maintain We Chat or TikTok on an app store will be prohibited. apple and google didn't immediately (43) _______to requests for comment. While users who have downloaded the apps may be able to continue using the software, the restrictions mean updated (44) _______of the apps cannot be downloaded. “The only real change as of Sunday night will be Tik Tok users won't have improved apps, updated apps, upgraded apps or (45) _______,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Friday morning on FoX Business.The restrictions targeting We Chat are more (46) _______. Beginning Sunday, it will be illegal to host or transfer internet traffic associated with We Chat, the Department said in a(n ) (47) _______. The same will be true for TikTok as of Nov. 12, it said. (The Trump administration is currently (48) _______a proposal involving Byte Dance, TikTok's Chinese parent, and Oracle, designed to resolve the administration's national security concerns related to TikTok the deadline for a deal is Nov. 12.)Tik Tok said in a statement that it was disappointed by the administration’s announcement. “Our community of 100 million US users love Tik Tok because it's a home for entertainment, self-expression and (49) _______, ” the company said, “and we're (50) _______to protecting their privacy and safety as we continue working to bring joy tofamilies and meaningful careers to those who create on our platform. ”Tencent, We Chat's owner, said it is reviewing the restrictions outlined by the Commerce Department “Following the (51)_______executive order on August 6 we have engaged in many discussions with the US government, and have put forward a(n) (52) _______proposal to address its concerns, Tencent said in a statement." The restrictions announced today are unfortunate, but (53) _______our desire to provide ongoing services to our users in the US- for whom We Chat is an important communication tool---- we will continue to discuss with the government and other stakeholders in the US ways to achieve a long-term solution.”In earlier court filings, the US government suggested that the restrictions on TikTok and WeChat would be limited in scope and not aimed at harming consumers or TikTok's US employees. TikTok employees will still be able to receive salaries and (54) _______and to do their day jobs without running against.In a separate filing on Sept. 15, the US government warned that communication over We Chat might be "impaired" as a result of forthcoming policies, but that "users will not be targeted or (55) _______to penalties.”41. A.entry B.approval C.access D.barrier42. A.distribute B.publicize C.defend D.appreciate43. A.confess B.refer C.adapt D.respond44. A.copies B.visions C.collections D.versions45. A.item B.offering C.maintenance D.quality46. A.dramatic B.extensive C.intense D.prospective47. A.release B.publication C.acknowledge D.issue48. A.adjusting B.weighing C.investigating D.banning49. A.declaration B.approach C.confidence D.connection50. A.opposed /doc/ddd3806ad838376baf1ffc4ffe4733687f21fc0b.html mitted C.attempted D.determined51. A.initial B.advanced C.practical D.critical52. /doc/ddd3806ad838376baf1ffc4ffe4733687f21fc0b.html pulsory B.idealistic/doc/ddd3806ad838376baf1ffc4ffe4733687f21fc0b.html prehensive D.fundamental53. A.considered B.regarding C.given D.thinking54. A.claims B.benefits C.pensions D.insurance55. A.sacrificed B.punished C.entitled D.subjectedSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)It is hardly necessary for me to cite all the evidence of the depressing state of literacy. These figures from the Department of Education are sufficient: 27 million Americans cannot read at all. and a further 35million read at a level that is less than sufficient to survive in our society.But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of elemental literacy than it is of the slightly more luxurious problem of the decline in the skill even of the middle-class reader, of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of silence, those luxuries of domesticity and time and concentration, that surround the image of the classic act of reading. It has been suggested that almost 80 percent of America's literate, educated teenagers can no longer read without an accompanying noise (music) in the background or a television screen shinning at the corner of their field of perception. We know very little about the brain and how it deals with simultaneous conflicting input, but every common-sense intuition suggests we should be profoundly alarmed. This violation of concentration, silence, solitude (独处的状态) goes to the very heart of our notion of literacy; this new form of part-reading, of part-perception against background distraction makers impossible certain essential acts of comprehension and concentration, let alone that most important tribute any human being can pay to a poem or a piece of prose he or she really loves, which is to learn it by heart. Not by brain. by heart; the expression is vital.Under these circumstances, the question of what future there is for the arts of reading is a real one. Ahead of us lie technical, psychic(⼼理的), and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing. The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time; its effects are still being debated. The information revolution will touch every fact of composition, publication, distribution, and reading. No one in the book industry can say with any confidence what will happen to the book as we've known it.56. The picture of the reading ability of the American people, drawn by the author, is__________.A. rather bleakB. fairly brightC. very impressiveD. quite encouraging57. The author's biggest concern is____________________.A. elementary school children’s disinterest in reading classicsB. the surprisingly low rate of literacy in the U.S.C. the musical setting American readers require for readingD. the reading ability and reading behavior of the middle class58. A major problem with most adolescents who can read is________________.A. their fondness of music and TV programsB. their ignorance of various forms of art and literatureC. their lack of attentiveness and basic understandingD. their inability to focus on conflicting input59. The author claims that the best way a reader can show admiration for a piece of poetry or prose is___________________.A. to be able to appreciate it and memorize itB. to analyze its essential featuresC. to think it over conscientiouslyD. to make a fair appraisal of its artistic value(B)NEWS FROM PENN GSE1. The Educator's Playbook: To Build Community This Fall, Think of Your Class as a TeamMany educators are concerned about building community within their classes this fall. And rightfully so. We know that in-person experiences create opportunities for students to form deep relationships, make personal connections, and build a sense of community. Zachary Herrmann, executive director of Penn GSE's Center for Professional Learning, suggests ways to help- students flourish in a remote or hybrid contextRead more2. Penn GSE Faculty and Students Share Expertise on PodcastsAs podcasts increasingly address current events from racial justice to the pandemics effect on education, Penn GSE faculty, students, and alumni are weighing inRead more3. Michael Gottfried, the Newest Faculty Member of Penn GSE's Education Policy Division, Discusses Returning to PennWhen Michael Gottfried moved from California to Philadelphia this summer, it was a homecoming of sorts. An applied economist, Gottfried was first inspired by the powers of data-driven education policy to improve children's lives when he was a graduate student at Penn in the early 2000s. Fast forward more than a decade, and Penn GSE welcomes Gottfried back to campus as an associate professor.Read More4. Finalists and $iook in Prize Funding Announced for 2020 Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan CompetitionThis year's finalists will present their ideas on October 6 in a virtual pitch competition open to the public. The finalists include CloudLabs, Everydae, FulphiL, Literal, Project Invent, SILAS, Third Room, and Weird Enough Productions. The largest competition of its kind, the EBPC features multiple cash prizes totaling over $100,000 each year.Read more5. Homecoming at HomeMark your calendar for November 9-14, 2020 to experience a week of online programming, social media contests, and virtual campus tours. Hear from Penn faculty, alumni, and students on topics ranging from social justice, healthcare, arts and culture, and Penn Athletics. Stay tuned for more details about Penn GSEs programming Learn More6. Stay in Touch with Our Community on Penn GSE ConnectsProfessional networking is more important than ever if you're navigating the job market during the pander mic. With Penn GSE Connects, Penn GSE students and alumni have an exclusive new platform to build professional relationships.Get ConnectedThis email was sent by Penn GSE’s Office of Development and Alumni RelationsCopyright ?2020 University of Pennsylvania, All rights reserved.Penn GSE Alumni NewsletterOur mailing address is:University of Pennsylvania3700 Walnut StPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6216Add us to your address book60. If one student are really interested in landing a job, the________news might engage his/her interest a lot.A. 1stB. 3rdC. 4thD. 6th61. What can we learn from the news?A. GSE members are taking a share of capital gains brought by podcast in the marketB. Educators are worried that classmates may not enjoy strong relationship as beforeC. Michael Gottfried returned to his teaching position he was in more than a decade agoD. The first prize winner of Penn GSE EBPC can earn over one hundred thousand dollars62. Where can you probably find the information?A. In Penn GSE official websiteB. In the GSE admission brochureC. In the subscribed email sent by GSE.D. In the school newspaper issued by GSE.(C)Three hundred million children live in areas with extreme air pollution, new research by the United Nation Childrens Fund (UNICEF)reveals. The air they breathe is more than six times as polluted as what is considered safe. The new study was the first to make a global estimate of pollution exposure. It shows that almost 90 percent of the world's children---2 billion--- live in places where outdoor air pollution levels are dangerously high.UNICEF warmed that these levels of global air pollution have contributed to 600, 000 child deaths a year. Children are far more likely to be harmed by air pollution than adults are, UNICEF said. So, UNICEF urged nations to cut fossil fuel burning rapidly. Fossil fuels, such as coal and gas, are the main source of air pollution. "The danger caused by air pollution is enormous, "said Anthony Lake, UNICEF's executive director. " No society can afford to ignore air pollution. We protect our children when we protect the quality of our air, both of which are central to our future.’’Air pollution is the world's single biggest environmental health risk, according to the World Health Organization(WHO), and is getting worse, with levels of poisonous air rising 8% in the last five years. More than 3 million people a year die as a result of outdoor air pollution -six every minute on average and this is set to double by 2050 as fast growing cities expand. Indoor air pollution, mainly from wood stoves. causes another 3 million deaths a year.Meanwhile, children are especially at risk, the UNICEF report says, because they breathe more rapidly than adults and their lungs take in more pollutant particles. the he tiny particles can also cross the blood-brain barrier, which is less resistant in children. Once they do they can permanently harm brain development. Even the unborn are affected, as the particles taken in by a pregnant woman can injure a child in the womb Children in poor countries are doubly at risk, scientist Jos said. Their bodies are often already weakened by not getting enough to eat, and available health care is often inadequate. Of the 300 million children exposed to levels of pollution six times above what is considered safe, 220 million live in South Asia India in particular hosts many of the worlds most polluted cities. Moreover, figures reveal a striking disparity in five-year cancer survival rates for children in air polluted areas compared with those from developed countries.UNICEF urged all countries to cut air pollution by reducing fossil fuel burning in power plants and vehicles. It also recommended that schools and playgrounds not be located near sources of pollution, such as busy roads and factories. In addition, it called for the use of less-polluting cooking stoves.63. Which one of the following statements is WRONG according to the text?A. Pollution in the air can pose a threat to children’s brain growthB. Heavy air pollution can even hurt the babies that are still not born.C. A majority of children all across the world cannot breathe clean airD. Through countries' efforts, the situation of air pollution is improving64. What does disparity in paragraph 5 most probably mean?A. distinctionB. disturbanceC. discomfortD. disengagement65. In order to have clean air, UNICEF suggestedA. government should aim for a reduction in power plants and trafficB. careful decisions on the locations and structures of schools are neededC. fossil fuel is an extra feature that is likely to bring along some benefitsD. cooking stoves that contribute little to air pollution should be used66. What can be the title of the passage?A. Air Pollution, a Factor Fatal to LifeB. Efforts to Pull Countries out of PollutionC. Children, More Affected by Air PollutionD. Warmings from UNICEF Against Air PollutionSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Paleontology is the study of the history of life on Earth. It focuses on fossils, which are the remains of plants, animals and other living things that have been replaced by rock material or whose impressions have been preserved in rock.(67)____________________________________.Individual fossils may contain information about an organism's life and environment. For example, each ring on the surface of an oyster shell shows one year of its life. Studying oyster fossils can help paleontologists discover how long the oyster lived, and in what conditions. If the climate was favorable for the oyster, the oyster probably grew more quickly and the rings would be thicker. If the oyster struggled for survival, the rings would be thinner.(68)____________________________________. Amber(琥珀),for instance, is hardened,fossilized tree resin 树脂). As the sticky resin dripped down a tree trunk, it trapped small insects and some organisms as large as frogs and lizards. Paleontologists study amber to observe these complete specimens. Amber can preserve tissue as delicate as dragonfly wings. The behavior of organisms can also be inferred from fossil evidence. For instance, paleontologists suggest that duck-billed dinosaurs called hadrosaurs lived in large numbers. They reached this conclusion after observing a single site with approximately 10,000 hadrosaur skeletons.(69)____________________________________.For instance paleontologists have concluded that whales evolved from land-dwelling animals. Fossils of extinct animals closely related to whales have front limbs similar to front legs. They even have tiny back limbs. Although the front limbs of these fossil animals are in some ways similar to legs, in other ways they also show strong similarities to the fins of modem whales.Modern paleontologists have a variety of tools that help them discover, examine and describe fossils Electron microscopes allow paleontologists to study the tiniest details of the smallest fossils(70)________________________________________.Advanced computer programs can analyze fossil data and reconstruct skeletons. They can be used to visualize the bodies and movements of extinct organisms Paleontologistsstill make important discoveries with simple tools. Around the world, many are digging away, hoping to shed new light on the evolution of life on Earth.IV. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The Smell of MoneyFor many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by pumping the smell of freshly-baked bread into their stores. Now Dale Air, a leading firm of aroma(芳⾹) consultants, has been approached by Barclays Bank to develop suitable artificial smells for their banks. Researchers have suggested that surrounding customers with the smell of money will encourage them to feel relaxed and optimistic and give them added confidence in the bank’s security and professionalism. But before a smell can be manufactured and introduced into banks' air conditioning systems it must be identified and chemically analysed, and this has proved to be difficult. The problem is that banknotes and coins tend to pick up the smell of their surroundings. So cash that has been sitting in a cash register at a fishmongers will smell of fish, and banknotes used topay for meals in restaurants will tend to smell of food.It may be a challenge, but aroma experts have little doubt that the use of artificial smells can be an effective form of subconscious advertising. Lunn Poly, a British travel company, introduced the smell of coconuts into its travel agencies and saw a big increase in spending by holiday makers. Many cafes now have electric dispensers that release the smell of freshly roasted coffee near their entrances, encouraging customers to come in and have a drink or snack. Even car maker Rolls-royce has been spraying the inside f its cars to enhance the smell of the leather seats.‘The sense of smell is probably the most basic of all human senses, explains researcher Jim certain smells stirring memories and feelings in a way that few other stimulants can match. O’Riordan. "There is a direct pathway from the nose to the brain. It is certainly true that most people find phenomenon marketing consultants have long recognized, but until recently have been unable to use.“We’ve made great progress but the technology of aroma production is till in its infancy,’’ says Oriordan. “Who knows where it will take us.”V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72.匆匆赶到餐厅,我才发现已经没有位⼦了。
5•可能用到的相对原子质:⅛: Hl Li7 Bll C12 016 Na23 Mg24 A127 S32 Fe56 Cu64 Pb207一、选择题:本题共14小题,每小题3分,共42分。
1 •古籍中记载的下列事实或现彖的形成,未涉及氧化还原反应的是A.《梦溪笔谈》:“石穴中水,所滴者皆为钟乳”B.《神农本草经》:“空青(蓝铜矿类)…能化铜铁訟(铅)锡作金”C.《本草纲目》:“野外之鬼磷,英火色青,其状如炬,俗称鬼火…”D.《本草经疏》:“丹砂(HgS),味甘微寒而无毒…若经伏火…,则毒等砒硕,服之必毙”2.下列有关实验装置正确的是B.收集H23・下列物质性质与应用的对应关系正确的是A.A1呈银白色,可用于制防锈漆B.SO?具有还原性,可用于纸浆脫色C.NH3具有碱性和还原性,可用于Cl2管道检漏D.FeCl3溶液呈黄色,可用于脱除天然气中的HK4.下列选项所示的物质间转化均能一步实现的是A.N2-*NO2-*NOB.NaOH-→Na2O2-O2C.Siθ2-H2SiO3-* Na2SiO3D.FeCh-* Fe(OH)2-Fe(OH)35.氧矶(IV)碱式碳酸钱的化学组成可表示为(NH4)a[(VO)b(Cθ3)t(OH)d]・eH2O,加热氧矶(IV)碱式碳酸彼可得到光、电、磁性能优异的热敏相变材料VO2。
福建省龙岩市某校2021学年高三上学期10月月考生物试题一、单选题1. 2020年9月8日,全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会在京举行,隆重表彰了在抗击新冠肺炎疫情斗争中作出杰出贡献的功勋模范人物,授予钟南山“共和国勋章”,授予张伯礼、张定宇、陈薇“人民英雄”国家荣誉称号。
下列相关叙述错误的是()A.唾液中含有新冠肺炎病毒,可传播新冠肺炎,所以我们提倡使用公筷B.病毒能够在餐具上增殖,清洗餐具时一定要彻底,可以阻止病毒增殖C.高温可破坏病原体蛋白质的空间结构,煮沸处理餐具可杀死病原体D.新冠肺炎病毒没有细胞结构,但其各项生命活动的正常进行离不开细胞2. 在水稻根尖成熟区表皮细胞中能正常完成的生理活动有( )①核DNA→核DNA②合成RNA聚合酶③mRNA→蛋白质④K +自由扩散进入细胞⑤染色质→染色体⑥[H]+O2→H2O⑦H2O→[H]+O2⑧渗透作用A.①③⑤⑦B.②③⑥⑧C.①③⑥⑧D.②④⑥⑧3. 美国细胞生物学家帕拉德等选用豚鼠胰腺作为实验材料,研究了水解酶的合成、加工及分泌途径。
下列相关叙述,错误的是()A.亮氨酸是水解酶的基本单位之一B.首先观察到3H标记的细胞器是甲C.水解酶分泌前需依次经丁、丙加工D.甲、丙、丁所需全部能量都来自乙4. 淀粉酶是人体消化液中重要的消化酶,在代谢中起到重要作用。
下列选项不正确的是()A.甲为空白对照,目的是为了测定胰淀粉酶在适宜条件下的活性B.实验结果说明茶花粉提取物对胰淀粉酶的活性具有抑制作用C.胰淀粉酶能将淀粉水解成果糖,进而再代谢水解为葡萄糖被人体吸收D.推测维生素C对茶花粉提取物降低血糖的作用没有影响5. 研究发现,线粒体中存在一种促进细胞凋亡的关键蛋白(Smac)。
2020-2021学年上海市闵行区七宝中学高三英语上学期10月月考试卷I. Listening Comprehension(略)II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20分)Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp ____1____ you age, a study published Wednesday in the journal Neurology suggests.Researchers from the University of Leipzig in Germany gathered more than 1, 000 retired workers who were over age 75 and had the volu nteers’ memory and thinking skills____2____(assess)through a battery of tests. Then, for eight years, the scientists asked the same group to come back to the lab every 18 months _____3_____(take) the same sorts of tests.Those who _____4_____(hold) mentally stimulating, demanding jobs before retirement tended to do the best on the tests. And they tended to lose cognitive(认知) function _____5_____ a much slower rate than those with the least mentally challenging jobs. The results held true even after the scientists accounted for the participants’ overall health status.“This works just like physical exercise,” says Francisca Then, who led the study. “After a long run, you may feel like you’re in pain, you may feel tired. But it makes you fit. After a long day at work — sure, you will feel tired, _____6_____it can help your brain stay healthy. ” It’s not just corporate jobs, or even paid work___7___can help keep your brain fit, Then points out. A waiter’ s job, for example, _____8_____( require) multitasking, teamwork and decision-making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work. And “running a family household requires high-level planning and coordinating(协调),” she says. “You _____9_____ organize the activities of the children and ta ke care of the bills and groceries.”Of course, our brains can decline as we grow older for lots of reasons — including other environmental influences or genetic factors. Still, continuing to challenge______10______mentally and keeping your mind busy can only help.【答案】1. as 2. assessed3. to take4. had held5. at6. but7. that 8. requiring9. have to 10. yourself【解析】这是一篇说明文。
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1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a zoo.B. In a library.C. In a drugstore.2. What will the man do next?A. Change some money.B.Take the food home.C. Sit and eat his meal.3. What does the woman suggest?A. Buying a computer.B. Hiring an assistant.C. Starting a business.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. The weather.B. The scenery.C. The traffic.5. When did the man see the film?A. On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Saturday.笫二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独内。
听每段对话或独内前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;第一部分听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1~5B CBAB6~10B CB C A11~15A BA CA16~20C A B A C第二部分阅读(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分)21-25 ACBCD 26-30 BDBAC 31-35 DACDA36—40 DFAEG第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)41—45BBDCD 46—50 AACBD 51—55 BADBC第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. in 57. cities 58. who 59 .to read 60. was destroyed61. the 62. has been 63. better 64. it 65. suffering第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)One possible version:An exciting event “Innovations on Campus” is around the corner. Here comes your opportunity to show your creativity!Before handing in your innovation, there are several things that you should bear in mind. First, you work should be closely related to campus life. Second, you need to include a report explaining where you get the idea from and how your innovation works.The exhibition of all the innovations will take place from June 16 to June 18 in the school gym and the prize-giving ceremony will be held in the same place f rom 15:00 to 17:00 on June 18.It’s such a golden chance to show your creativity that you could not let听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。
6. Who is the newcomer?A. David Cook.B. Joey Sanders.C. Liam Neeson.7. What is the newcomer’s position in the company?A. He is a film director.B. He is a program manager.C. He is a department head.听第7段材料,回答笫8至10题。
8. What does the woman do?A. She’s a secretary.B. She’s a hotel maid.C. She’s a salesperson.9. What is the man going to do?A. Change the sheets.B. Have breakfast.C. Meet his friends.10. What does the man ask the woman to do at the end of the conversation?A. Take the plate away.B. Bring some towels.C. Turn on the light.听第8段材料,回答笫11至13题。
11. Why does Jessica make the call?A. To look for her passport.B. To apply for a credit card.C. To ask for the manager.12. Where will Jessica go right after the phone call?A. The bank.B. Her home.C. The supermarket.13. How does the man sound?A. Helpful.B. Nervous.C. Surprised.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。
14. What is the man doing?第一部分听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1~5B CBAB6~10B CB C A11~15A BA CA16~20C A B A C第二部分阅读(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分)21-25 ACBCD 26-30 BDBAC 31-35 DACDA36—40 DFAEG第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)41—45BBDCD 46—50 AACBD 51—55 BADBC第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. in 57. cities 58. who 59 .to read 60. was destroyed61. the 62. has been 63. better 64. it 65. suffering第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)One possible version:An exciting event “Innovations on Campus” is around the corner. Here comes your opportunity to show your creativity!Before handing in your innovation, there are several things that you should bear in mind. First, you work should be closely related to campus life. Second, you need to include a report explaining where you get the idea from and how your innovation works.The exhibition of all the innovations will take place from June 16 to June 18 in the school gym and the prize-giving ceremony will be held in the same place f rom 15:00 to 17:00 on June 18.It’s such a golden chance to show your creativity that you could not letA. Placing an order.B. Selling insurance.C. Conducting an interview.15. What did Leaney study for a degree?A. Finance.B. Education.C. Public Relations.16. What is an advantage of a smaller business according to Leaney?A. Greater contributions to the neighborhood.B. Closer employer-employee relationship.C. More flexibility in providing services.17. What is Leaney’s plan for the next two weeks?A.To visit her parents.B. To call her relatives.C. To finish her work.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
18. What is the purpose of the talk?A.To present a prize.B. To introduce a lecturer.C. To recommend a book.19. Where is Russel working now?A. In Oxford.B. In Chicago.C. In Virginia.20. What does Russel think of sleep?A. It’s seldom studied.B. It’s just a waste of time.C. It’s of great importance.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。