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Lesson7 :


1.their high calls rising like the swallows‟ crossing flights over the music

and the singing--simile(Para 1, line 11)

2.The crowds along the racecourse are like a fields of grass and flowers

in the winds.---simile(Para 6,line112)

3.Children dodged in and out, their high calls risi ng like the swsllows' crossing flights over the mus ic and the singing.


1.The air of morning was so clear that the snow still crowning the Eighteen Peaks burned with white-gold fire across the miles of sunlit air, under the dark blue of the sky.—metaphor(Para 1, line 22)

2.The air of morning was…under the dark blue of the sky.

In the silence of the broad green meadows one coul d…broke out into the great joypus clanging of th e bells.


1.To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for

that single, small improvement; to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of the happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed.(paragraph 10)

2.I thought at first there were no drugs, but that is


3.Their tears at the bitter injustice dry when they

begin to perceive the terrible justice of reality, and to accept it.(para12)


1.They flared their nostrils and pranced and boasted to one another, they were vastly excited, the horse being the only animal who has adopted our ceremonies as his own.(paragraph 1)

Transferred aepithet:

The others never come close, but peer in at it with frightened, disgusted eyes. (P8.)

The faces of small children are amiably sticky; in the benign gray beard of a man a couple of crumbs of rich pastry are entangled.(P4.)

Their tears at the bitter injustice dry when they begin to perceive the terrible justice of reality, and to accept it.

(Lesson 7; Pa12 )

Alliteration: It has been afraid too long ever to be free of fear.

(Lesson 7; Pa12 )


These young spectators are always shocked and sickened at the sight.

To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that




1.Englishness, ailing and impoverished, in no position to receive vast subsidies of dollars.

2.a faint pencil sketch beside a poster in full colour.

3. Some cancer in their character has eaten away theie Englishness.

4. This is because there are fewer fanatical believers among the English, and at the same time, below the noisy arguments, the abuse and the quarrels, there is a reservoir of instinctive fellow -feeling ……

5. But it is safe to say that while English may reluctantly accept bigness, its monsters are never heartily welcomed.

6. A futher necessary demand, to feed the monster with higher and higher figures and larger and larger profits, is for enormous advertising campaigns and brigades of razor-keen salesmen.

7.Bewildered,they grope and mess around because they have

fallen between two stools,the old harsh discipline havingvanished and the essential new self-discipline either not understood or thought to be out of reach.(Para.11)

8.But it needs reinforcement, extra nourishment, especially now when our public life seems ready to starve it.(Para.14)

9..Recognized political parties are repertory companies staging ghostly
